! THE IEEDELL EXPRESS, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, K. ft. DRAKE. BT W. P. DRAKE. EUfiENE B. DRAKE & SDN, ," Editors and Proprietors. One Dollar a sfrtutre Cut tfre Unt week, and "2 ; j Twenty-five Cents for ewyTlr thereafter Sixteen lines er 1 css will make a square. Deductions made in favor of standing mat ter as follows: 6i ;6mos. IrtAK One, square, . . . . $5.50 . . $8.&0 Two equates,. . . 7.00 . . 10.00 . . 14.00 Tliree squares, . tO.00 .". 15.00 . .20.00 When directions are not given how often to insert an Advertisement, it will be publish ed until ordered out. -.'. .A. Family Newspaper Devoted to Politics, Agriculture, Manufactures, Commerce, and .Miscellaneous Reading-,. TERMS OF THE PAPER, $2 a Year, in Advance. VoL III. Statesville, N. G., Friday, November 16, 1860. No. I R 1 rv-a' fa K A ! fv "A KZZTx IV A KA KA K A Zk PsN I--Tx FTiS ' "' ' ' ' 7i ' 1 1 TA 1 s4 I I y I i P M iliii MB ' ! IS B iHJ H B . IB IB SS IBB IH W WB" I IBL I IB V V I V. j a jus- -iiij(iijyjEruuyi& - -utrfiu ajzjuj . " T " ' ) . . ii. BUSINESS CARDS. - IIA.S taken Rrtrxim in the Simonton House I and jibes. I have promised him to go for the side of the well being from that j j to her to prepare her for this sadll P" completely covered with ice, he j : event. Miriam, how shall I counsel must cut, with his knite, grasping pla-1 c eos ior ins nngers, siowiy anu eareiutiy j all the way up. i. ---- " it was all that he could do. And here We were sitting by the fireside from her brow, and turned her regal th& liul(J fcero, lifted up his heart to Leonard and I, he leaning back in the ce upon mo. It was lighted up with an(j prayed ferveutly for help, ' wide arm chair, and I at his feet. j noble and womanly love; a deep, dewy (fearing lie could ncver get out alpue. . f 'How can I hope to win her now tenderness. Doubtless, the Lord heard his. voice MIRIAM'S LOVE. her to act ? how deal with that super nal, overwhelming pride ? ery hand nay worse, that it .is 1ft our and the wrath of. ins very nearis invit it -nas iaetei its urca&s in rum m tn BV Eey. C. Millen. eir iifl-.i nnere ne win oe pieaseu to wait on an who h murmnre1 looj. down at his 'Tell her to" go to him and pour out- calling from the deps, andji tied him. desire his ServiLC. . mrUi-lott . . ' ... . , T .i.jj. n ....j .i i ir., ,.-.-." ,.i.t nn H.oJEoAi hlttor i (.fiont ni fl'l HI' II il Ul'lilll Ul UUMJl U1J w cn t -js : i . maifnett arm witn a Lr. Jl. rrbLL i : glance, 'she with her glorious beauty, Oflfeta hirf proakMud rvks to the public. j.her rcffn .prjde, s0 far, so far aboCe Uiljee on LoyeCB Avenue, oupoUe ttw i ?eu i ' i i MetliudU Cliuivh.'rftatvilk-, X C. :me! fb-ry love has so Compassed mc ahottj Avith its strong arms, nas DR. T. J. WiTHERSPOON. H AA'IN'fjt V h-;U-' mvft'll' i ihfc Town of 1 ti lor.- v ill -. 1 tWiV rmy i'l oftustoitaf brr vires to tfie .-:iiiTOimIiiitr 11 J Jauiwry 'Si, - i: WITIIKRSI'OOX, M. D. oJ 8: 1 y I1AYNK DAVIS, . ATTjJ;Xi;Y-AT-LAr, .T.TKsviu.i:, n. r., Wijl proni'ptly am) diligently attend to all liisiiK-str etitrtlAtfd to lii eajre. Mliee ...ppo.-itehe Jail. ct. 52, '3?. WM. O. LOUD, a 1 1 o t n r i) at 4L a to . Salisbury, N. C Wild. TiiU'tice jiml make prompt rul'oe ins in Uowan. Stanly, resell anii Cataw ba ( 'oiintics, Oilicc in the corner, oJ' Cow an's BtiiliUnliir ojipos'itedhe Book Store. which lies so rich in the heart of wo man. To hold out her haitds to him. and raise him up to stand beside her on that high pinnacle of weaJtli iind estate. Tell her that in all the great heart of life, love is tke dearest throb witton it. Itls a beautiful creation, and oh ! not -lightly to be pushed aside !' I hursf into tears ; I pointed to the door, and cried ' -'Miriam : there is a despairing and sunset, and when he grasped in Ins j neart-uroten man sitting oy yuur nre- vigorous haiols such noble pictures- of side. It is Leonard. shel:crddrne under its shielded roof, that I jtd like an outcast homeless, and o$t forwTer.' I looked up at him as he spoke, and thought of the time vhen he had pledged his love to Miriam by tlyit same shining lire light, when his man- ly Dcauty itdi auout nun nice a ripe but breathed Lis to his heart a j-et lar ger measure of call tun ete and courage, strengthening him totwork out his own deliverance. It is in tliis way that (iodoftunest answers our prayers, when we call upon linn in time of trouble, f After this, the 'irtle herp. cut way tijiwaud inch by inch His wet j stoekiuirs ii'iize to the ice and kept his teet i rtm 'i'i' hut his shirt was ijuite worn froui his shoulders, ere he iv acnei tb to; .Hfh! 22, 'OU, W , H . W . A T T , ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Drugs, AJedicines, Jaln.s. Oils, Dye SUiBh, BuiHliem Window laniN, jrarsiiku, (iC.i s.t. Salisbury, X. C. Jan. I, 185041-1 y JAS. W. DEAKE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ko. h! St. Locis Sn;KKT, JSin.21, l.ST.0. 7-tf Mrs. J. A. Vannoy, FAS FII'OjN AB LE DRESS (MA KB SI, Mates vine", N. Ih fi'ives monthly the Frcneh, English and AmVrican Faliich. 33: lid:ly the futnre. Now, without even that future to call his own, poor, maimed, and useless, be had came back to the tvvstmg place. Drokcn in heart, in hope, in fortune, and oh, more to be deplored than all, ;nut even rich in lov. 'Leonard,' I said, rising and lean ing my hand on-his chair, 'I am go-, ing now going to Miriam.' Me started, and a nuh of anguish came over ha still beautiful brow. He grasped iny hand convulsively. 'One moment;' he -whispered, 'one .moment and I shall be myself again. 1 nnot meet her thus.' He bowed his face, and light brown c'urls fell in a cloud around it, conceal ing the outward struggle! Then he raised his head and spoke calmly She started and fell back against a chair. . The gush.of imperial .beauty (lowed awav from her face and left it 'Then, with a firm step He did reach it, at last ; crawled 'ont into tbonoVfttiul lay down for a mo moid to rest, panting out his breath, in little white cloudy, on the clear, fros ty air. lie bad been two hours in the well '. - deadly grasp upon our very vitalg'ari4 J sooner or later, mu$t that unless we bo wrenched aAy, it ; all, weyier old or I will crtfth us and palsy us t'Tvalfc un-d their eYeS asainlt 1 iea we siriKe uuu tuuggie iio.y tiiose anu waiK in tne wnvsoi ineirprn wpo leel uiemselves hound in a ath-; vizmg, My Friends receive lt4ffTffik, cdREESPNDE,CB. ! grapple, we must be overcome be best counsel, iny most earnest and Mr. S. C. MitLBN.' - i ' forever ruined ! . solemn warning. Bewafe that this, hi 4tev. mj Dear .-Believing that a The command of the text W ery ; not the fate of some of you. Sermon preadSa By you atlhe last Qbartr- j eomprenenslte it is universal il jem-1 We canntft then beeneak attenfion i juccimijj ui 1144s ireuirji.vuuiii v iiiiijiain.c DI'3CCS CVCry (.uin"" Willi Society, at Confcord Church, might adAimee j p0j the catlse 01 itinperanee. Kehtrion, and good morals, n, t.ie community, we most respect- to a vlt jU(lgipent pn "all'tbiri'gs," a very interesting tonic If a theme aMf.Bnlwit a copy ol tle.uiiiw: putiiica-: we. WM be most iustlv held ciilnaWe. ! involving life, health, renntation. ha: , r ' w- 1 . 3 7 7 r at the last, if we have dot received the ! pihess, social order, domestic tranquil- u uiu ui uie love inereoi;, not Ttvinff in such wai the grace of Gol enablin; when called upo'q, give up ouf accbtinlS wiiu joy auu not wuu griei. . . W e know of no subject on which the tic Yrs'uuiy, s . . - - J. sj. RiCKKP.r,'. Wi'. OFWHSON- E. B. Sriiiio.v Oct. 1S60. CoM oaD Female College. Gentlemen ; The Sermon, a copy of vtiicfi una ;i weare ny, anaiviuuai succeTW, national nroa- fi that. thtS&Uffh i neritv and tyreafrtess. in(Tenenrfenne-- o . v T ' : - ; us, we raav, in a word, every thin": that is dear to froth ia 11 n 1 l-ArsH - BiTd dinl nrii!fnil vou solicit ior nuhheation, was prepared, as 1 t-t g .1 . - - . . . . you are aware, on shtrt notice ; and aanulot all the novelty pml tmharviussnjent of inau guration Into tisje duties of a new and resyon- md a half sibTe situation-. still if vou think that it is colourless. and graceful majesty, si hand and led tne out into hull, down the' great 'staircase, and ! to the factory where his good father calculated to "advance the' cause of Temjier- . j I 1 .T I . . . . ... t lies isOQU iroze x-o ins oour ; anee, Ifehion and pood morals in the corn- she took my but he.UO longer Sllft'ej-ed with the cold m,Uiitv," as it was for that purpose it was do the broad as, full of joy and than kfi illness, be ran 1 ,)re,,ami 1 cannot withhold it. Very Trulv Yours, across to the floor of the room where was waiting and wondering. .''. fcC C. Xillex. he sat. Her brow was pale and calm, Tiic jioor wan had to'go withont his Messrs. T. A. Bl-U, J S. liickert,Wm. her hand did not tremble within mine', j dinner tiiatav ; but you jnay bo sure Mora, E. B.iStiuifioa, -SfUl ;,. !,.. u.dn cn,t wUr, T Ih.,1 Miat, no eartu mue awu mat, vi.no k-li : 1!' I lit I' iMV. kJvl. "I U V i Kj . Jl. ..ii ; left him . the firelight shining vividly around him, sat Leonard. He arose hold fast that which is when be saw us, and took a step for ward into the middle of the room. , I could have fallen down and worship ped him as he stood there with noble, yet attenuated form, and his great adorning soul ttanding on the thres hold ofliis eves, lie looked ill and 'i am ready now, 1 will releasee her j sorrowful, but a conscious dignity of from that vow which cannot be other- manhood hung about him like a cloak. wise timn-.irksorae to her proud spirit, j Miriam leaned heavily upon me, She shall never know the agony it cost and now she trembled like an aspen. her up. I will meet her tie took anotaer step torwa.ru and spoke to her : that lie eared ottl listenimr. with tears in bis eves to the ( "Trove all thin thrilling story bis son hud to relate to j good." 1 TUesi. o: 2L him. J'- j" However it may be with others, 3-ou lie must UaVc been very irond of: will doubtless agree with me, Chris tbe boy .hat day, as be Wrapped him tian Friends and Brethren, when I say, up in his own warm overcoat, and took tuilt j must he a strong believer in a him hom'i to "mother. Divine and over-ruling Providence, And bow that mother niust have j , , -g effectualy determined e 1 n iiiiu ri'i u.tt 'M 1 1 itt i ' ; . 1 1 j ' 1 ivn?vj e 1 him. and thanked (iod for him ! i 1 have not beard of the "little hero" I for two or three, years but I trust that j he is growing up to be a brave, hero 1 ic man ; and 1 bone be will never for me to give J. SHELL Y, MANlTACTURr.R OF liSoilliiSi THOM VSV1I.LE. N. C. N;hieh he sells M Wholesale Ohlelca for Shoes hy the Quantity promptly atteiH'd to. htrlfi'fiO: 1.5:1 y 1 " 1 y braveiw like a man. a' . i . . i At ti 1 . r So 1 went out-and left him sitting j ' Jfliirnim, 1 nave come to say iarc there, his love1 lying shattered at his well. 1 nave come, to release you fce j from the ties that hind you to this I found Miriam before her mirror, j wretched and maimed being the sh-.d-arraro-in her hair. Flic turned her ow of myself. I am here to give yon trlonrnirirr i'-.ton tnr:ll-f1s mo J1S 1 Plltfl-- Ufl tOfeVCr. the times before appointed, and the bounds of our habitation," as "the number of our months." I have been fully taught, that "the way of man is not in himself: that it is not in man get the Heavenly Friend who did ;ot that walketh-to direct his steps. 1 forget him in the hour of bis great need. ! have been fully taught that while "a There is an old saying that "truth i man's heart deviseth his way, the Lo$d. Res at the bottom ft fa well" ! directeth his steps." I might show I trust that this little boy found and , V(Sn im f i, t has been verified in . .. I o CHARLOTTE, N. AVIXDOW (1LASS, AT WilOLESAl.lv . - - ed, and it was overflowing with love, wrtjj hope, and expectancy. 'Is it all cheerful and bright below stairs':' she asked, fjuickly. 'Quite "beaming,' 1 replied. 'I am so glad,' she continued, in a jovous'tone. 'What a long journey he will have this freezing 'day. Oh, 1 am "so nrojid thafr I am mistress of AV1 1.,-ti th it T pm oRYm- loin a ve-t-i him ing plac His voice died away in an agony of anguish. He essayed to retain his courageous and manly bearing, but his luve, omnipotent, supreme, loosened all the functions of his heart, and he went. - With side arms, she made a circle ofdove about with one burst of tears she rum my own history. But without enter ing upon any detail, at present, on that topic, permit me, my Christian Friends, to express my happiness, and to congratulate myself on being allow- c. &.0V, See advertisement in hnbther place. August 10, IvSiiu. ' "J HENDSRS1JI & Mm "Wholesale aiicT detail Dealers in O U LI G 8 And Ciiemitlsi, Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Brushes, Win dow Glass, Putty, Dy Stuh's, ..'..., iJr.ip, Miicnu.erii OH, Kerosene 0J it'iid ptirninj Ffcixk J-"'1P3. of 'every diserhtlk.m J'e. r'.itien and 'fitilet A ', tte, GARUEN SEED?, TWV l : U A N D Oil A s s F ED5, TtTltE WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medininal PtirjK3ea, EINi: SfXi .UtS, TOBACCO, ile,, &e., KY, C. Her deep, sleeping pride, out in her dark, oriental flooded it with glory. Alas, that pride whic-h was to cruMjjsuct) a great noble love such a wealth of happiness. I stood beside her where I could see her beauty; in the mirror. as-I have seen the snnshinc lying afarpSf on the hill, lied, se.djmful lips, dark, pride ful e yi -;- rid, glowing cheeks, and waves of raveltair, braided with gem?: 'Miriam,' said l - earnestly, 'I should like to. tell you a little story, while we are alone. Something that preys upon mv heart about a friend of mine.' She tinned and looked at me with a ; gn0 i . . ii v :.i ,.i..,r..i i ' ''" curious rrianee, tiieu uo Niiu.cyccuui; , serine brought up this truth : God helps those who help Themselves.! Talleyrand and Arnold. There was a day when Talleyrand arrived in Havre on foot from Fans. ft was the darkest diour of the Revo- j ed, in the good providence of our kind j lution.- Pursued by the blood-hounds j and gracious Heavenly Parent, once of this reign of terror, Talleyrand se- more to meet you in this place-, and on cured a passage to America in a ship : this occasion. nhnut to sail. Tie was a be war and ! Mv first' recollections of this house one oounti sue reacneu u.s u wanderer to a strange land, to earn ; of worship, and of Concord Congrega- witli one wde embracing ot tier iia ,i -iv )VM. ,v dailv labor. tinn are indissoluhlv associated with "Is there any American staying at I the cause ot Temperance the cause your house ?" lie asked tire landlord j we have to-day assembled to advocate, of the hotel. "I am hound to cross j it was on Christmas Day Ufethe year the water, and would like a letter to a j of our Lord, One Thousand Eight person of influence in thedNew World." j Hundred and Forty-Six ; that, stand- Tiie landlotid hesitated a moment j ing on the platform before me, I first and then replied : 'There is a gentleman up stairs ei ther from America or Britain ; but ed a heaven of light and hope and de- blazed ' votion in his crushed soul. Through face and : the veil or her jeweled tityr i saw Her; face lifted up in divine gratitude, and lips moved as if in prayer ; the broad white brow were a halo about it, like j a golden band. . I departed silently,, and throughout that happy day I repeated truly and earnestlv, -of all the great heart of I addressed you on the subject, which has now called von together. For some seven years, immediately suc- whether 'from' America or England I receding, it was my privilege to be as .... j- , -. i i . f .i . cannot ten. . soctated witn you, as a memoer oi tne ,.i .v j J nva... i:T i ii ni. . Q:4 poiiiteu tne way Ifc and T alley- rledell County Temperance Society, ity of the injunction, and for the Uni versality of the application of the tests of truth. t " But the field is too vast, ta' cren glance at it, in a single discourse, We niust, therefore, from among the oil yiinrfs of our text, make a selection ; and ttils happily!the occasion half done for us : so that ft is Tempera na'j nA even this, not in all things ; butt tm--peratice in its relation to the us& ffiin loxicdting drinks, that we are. to e-pn-tider. First, let me define the term, vjjy Temperance I mean moderation inthe use of things necessary -and useful : total abstinence from all things unnec essary and hurtful: and our position being, .that all kinds of intoxicating drinks are not only negatively useless, but positively injurious, it follows -that total abstinence is" the true ground and practice. . ' But what shall we say on theeub jeet now before ? What can be-said ? Bather, what has not been said On it? If, of any subject it may with truth be affirmed, that it has been ably and fully discussed, nay, entirety. exhaust ed, that Bubject n Temperance --'So often has the field been entered and so thoroughly has it been explored, that not even so much 36 a nook -or corner is to be "found, inwkich may not be seen the footsteps of those win) have gone before us. V ere it propos ed to whom shall be awarded,, inhe highest degree, the triumph of origin ality ? At once would we reply. let it be immediately given to him, "who can present a new idea on the subject of temperance,-or who can presVoj an old idea, on the subject, in a new. fjtn. The nature, causes, symptomspc casions, evils, and remedy, of intem perance have all been depicted ifthc most glowing colors. Its deadly effects on the physical, man, the manner in which it acts on the brain, thV stom ach, the heart, the lungs, the liver, -the blood vessels, and all the other func tions of the animal economy : its in tellectual evils, how it degrades the life, love is the dearest throb within '. r;sm w.0;n his bu- was bishop, prince ; and to lend it my feeble aid. And understanding, fetters theimagiaton, it.. ' A Little Hero. Grace Greenwood writes the follow-in"- little storv and a true one it is i 'in. n; I , 1 I 1 . e jattie j'liirnui, a ee.ii'i paiivi and minister,, a.-eopded the stairs. A i after a separation of nearly seven years mLerahle supplicant stood before the j more, (which separation we had fully 1 1 chills the affections, blunts the memo ry, sears the conscience, ehaifis the stranger s door, knocked and entered. ! concluded to he final, as to tne present ; w in, auu iiran.es a emm m uuu.iM4im- In the far corner of the dimly-light- i life,) we now find ourselves again ing, nay, an idiot, ot the once giant 1 room sat a man of some lift v years. brouffht together to advocate the same intellect ntsmorataeatn, now it utuik the facte Troth an incident tie- j his ai ms folded and his head bowed great, and good enterprise. I in The Hartford Daily Times, j upon hi- s urease. From, a window di- : May wc be united seven years more H1 ly and quickly : 'Ob, 1 understand, you are going to fult-s meadows. ldn.r -rolotlvp tA laicia. i In the city o that friend of whom you used to speak.' I bowed 'fny head in cence. Then 1 commit ....Inn ll l l'Hl IT 1 I f 1 1 tllO ,lMV-1 L'"V "6 ----- , tlve town. Jiai'DOiied several vears a was then a bright, e years ago, as having happened hid recti v opposite, a flood of light poured in urging together the claims of God i upon Ins iorehea.d. His eyes looked j and ot lctiiperar.ee fray, twice iter en f Hartford, Conuecti-i froin beneath the downcast brows, and'- nay more, until our work performed used to speak.' lent, lives the hero ot toe true story 1 i ,ip(m Talleyrapd's face with a peculiar and race well run, the Master shall silent acqutes-1 m 'lljulit to relate but no longer -lit-1 an(1 .irciiig expression. His face1 call us each one to a place at His rigid need in a low- :)s. ll,i(r eril5'uS dvoiuure, wbieo' was ojp. ;n oupme; fhe mouth and ' haml," where perfect purity and peace he, coral with I Td h,m i,r H tlm. , f:un"ur .!M td.in indicative of an iron will. ' flis.and joy shall know no end-where stu was going to adorn her love- up the love of (iod, reverence feu his Sabbath and Sanctuary, affections tor His people and worship, how it enters the domestic circle, destroying1 the peace and liapjaness of all its ,ue"ffl bers; converting the once fond ms band into a demon incarnate, the nce indulgent parent into a raving road man, the once reasonable master it-toa lv M ioii .-5uw ii .1.3 iiwmjj " tJur hero linens: vontli "of fourteen the son ,-ot a nie- "This friend of mine is very beauti- cjffie. In the severe winter of IS . the father worked in a fitetory, aboat a loiie and a had' from bis ho;uie, and every day the boy carried bus dinner across a wide pieee ul meadow land. One keen, tro.-ty day he found the -now on this meadow neatly two feet deep, and no traces of the little foot- nati) remaining. ' - . I i . , " , ,1.1. 1 ' f even with the snows of : there shall be no intemperance to j merciless tyrant, uprootmgme wyaj i v. :- ; Had m a dark but ! wound ourmorai serisiouiiie&r-uoining ; uom aim i inwc, 4.wv . ffo and very proud. Three years ago she pledged her troth to a brave, wan ly lover, lie, also, was 'my friend. They both joined hands and stepped together into life and the world. He, with a glorious future1 stretching wide before him, a hopeful heart, and a soul full of noble aspirations tot m, vigorou fifty wintei s. rir-h and disf: T:,lb.vri.d advaoeed sta tod te.a t he I he "rmhtfious and Deacc and joy in ! light, and sending domestic happiness fii.r;:;,.,. mi..1 w.th the mtirn- i t.b Ho v (x host to tne win. is a if uiese, aim inr ufuic iguisiied costume. to mar our perfect bliss ; but all shall and good render, home a scene o3de- Yet bo ran, its fast - . . : t ; i : i i i t - i j ; i i i i - i i - - i j 1 4 1 v IT Kl. . l.i ' Vl,,.i.nYl t 1 1 r - -now 11KC iiyni, nm.mu.cu j coepin himself wui'm by vigorous cx- pride flaming again into her eyes. ncteise. ahd brave, 'cheerful though :. 'lie went abroad,' I continued, I when in the midd of the meadows 'misfortune ctiine upon him, and that fnlly half a mile 'from any .bouse, he fine, luscious future in his grasp. Still he struggled on, 1 ,1 , I !ni ion; through drifts - mU?TlTflT.m ATJOD k HP 1 1 TIk- Sub si Tiber bavin" been appointed Agnl luUTURL hNSURftNGE CCnlPAY Of Charlotte, Will receiver, and jfcijrwanl Ap)ilieatkns fon . Damage by Fire, on the principles! was sion that' the gbntleman before' him was an American, he solicited his kind feeling ; and ouices.' Tf. lioni-o 1 fiir'th Ids histr.i-v in elo- i oJm to instifiv. let us BT rtucnt French and broken English. I subject. Prove all things ; hold fast cottage and from the .palace,. iji ;the 'I am a wan derea and an exile. T j that which is good. Important truth . am forced to' iiy to the New World j Noble injunction 1 Would that we . c,.'. .nA Urnn n .1 vo tm 1 rtuld t-iiii- r,nnfT.fri;it.r it. and nraCttce WllilUUl 1 1 o lit 01 iiuuu . J-uu .in .1.1 1 luuiu 1 i . 1 " i in; I American. Give me, then, I heseeeh lit! To prove is to make trial ot, or 1 nm-top tne voice na ncuncoiigm thcy ,1Ccd not like others 1 .. .i 1 j .1 1 . , 1 w. i ,ht line rtrinn nnrno r.t:vi m 1 1 r.. - . .a. . ... inf to the test, as tne gomsuuwiuis mc ;uao w.t -'rr" .4 beta ice 1 . ... . : . ; . i - But not to spend more time by way than all these, have, tune ana again, of introduction, which our meeting to- from the pulpit and the for urn, from aether on the present occasion would the medical chair ana protession, nom "oceed to our fine oeneu hiiu hohi inw uair num cottage and from the palace, lift the nursery and in the crowded assemhly, rock- to rrroiiiitain, and from valley to mau jvs an individual or social being, as a mortal orinnibr.rlth'be not inters esiing and important, then must" Icon- Jess my inability to say wiufct could be But let us proceed to prove our.pb- sition. We bring it to the test of Experience. Does not experience say that totql. abstinence, from intoxicating drinks is a rrood thing ? Two classes ofDersona The 'first once used itoxi"cating drinlrB as aheverag, but have 'since abandoned" their use.--What doe their experience' sy in r lation to the use of ardent spirits "r Ask them, and to.a man, they will re ply we never derived any benefit from their beverage use ; Dut Ave can nfltiv see mucn narm we sustainea. aged friend once told me that he h almost constant head-ache and heA: burn while he used snirits ;that 6 - .1 . Ai' 1 " : . never tnougnt 01 ascnomg nis super-" ings to their use, until he abandoned them altogether, and found himseliW lleved. lie further told me how much he saved in dollars anrj cents each year Ijy" the change. And how mfiy thousands could from their own exper ience deliver to ue like testimony ! How often do not tipplers wonder" why they should be visited with such ft complication .of diseases, drtyle jt), betake themselves to tie physician and try every remetly but the simple and only one that can prove effectual viz : total abstinerice'! Ah, who cEn sum .up' what Is containeain these threjyittle words j'J love it." Here iMtipplers only ' urguafept . Talfe that" away, and you have gained the day. Retnove that and nodonger wHl hejtplk tf you- about a little just be cause it is so warm, or because it is so cold ; because it is so wet, or because it is so dry ; bepause lie is so sick, ojr because he is so well ; because hi la just going to eat, or because he has just eaten ; becadsehe is just going to bed, or because he has just got up; hecause he is just going to take a walk, ot because he has just taken a wslk ; because he has just met an old friend, or because has old Friend i just about to leajve, &c, kc. But my Brethren, I may as 'well stop, tie myention of the man who loves a dram, will, as to occasions, on which he should.tike a little, put my weak efforts at specifi cation entirciv to the blush, You ob serve that I have said nothing of its absolute necessity when he is just starting to church or when he. has just got home. No. But I will give ft up, and let him complete the list of occa sions for himself. Such is his inven tion and his power, in bringing out fit seasons ov just a little, that the times, when you would say, of all others he should abstain, are converted into oc casions to drink. But our second class. Those Wn? 1 never usea araent spirits at au. Ana what have they suffered .? Uavethey not as good health ? Yes Can they not perform as mucVlgboj? Yea., Can they, riot endure more &tigue? Yes. Can they, not boar more exposure ? Yes. Can they not enjoy life as well? Tes : afid far better too for they are more uniformly cheerful. .Have they n love for homeland for the endear ing associations that cluster around been echoed and re-echoed, until from v. . . x - .1 0A;ii naaaaa . in ii " L ICS IUH- iiii-y i uv-tian y uuooroa -the ioys of home are especially you, a letter of yours, so that I may 1 brin of the Coinpanv. The Company is doiujr a jirosjierous business No can has ever yet oeefi made for an in ' htalment on a premium noto. , E. B. DRAKE, U-tf Agent. the principles ! mr tr.essc's and when be had conqujerjDd destiny, and built for himself another and fair er castle, he lost his righ arm, and became a crippled, miserable being.' The hand tha braided those shin- trembled Vividly, ihe 1 1 . . -1,. . 1 ' !1 1 I I ... . . . t i - , ( I --r . I i. . . I ! rt -.ii 1 Il 1C HIIII IU turned to asues Htiddcirlvtelt hn.nselt going dowmuown, . lie able.to earn my ureau. t m wn-i meiai, 01 itro u-..viivi .w r... ling to toil in any manner a life o labor would be a paradise to a career on our part CARRIAGE J. W. WOODWARD IS still at his Old Stand, on 1'road etreet. a few doors East ot the Public Square, w here he js prepared To Do All Kinds of Work formerly done at the Establishment. All Repairing done go short 'notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Interest-charged on Accounts after 1st .January. Feb. 27. lodf face in the mirror assumed a Softened expression, the eyes grew darkly ten der, j 'Broken-hearted, toil-worn, and j grown old with care, he returned to j his old home. He came to me, for he 1 dare not meet that cold, withering I pride that scornful triumph of sta- down 1 He had fallen into a Well . 11 sank down into the dark, icy vatcr, but rose immediately to the sur face. There lie grasped bold of a plank which! bad fa len .into the well as he went down'. One end of this rested .. 1 I" . !. 1 1.. nil, ... Oil tllC not torn oi Uie wen, iou uiuei tne igni nas necn oorue, ffljW" J betake themselves to drinking compan any have n ,t been convntced ttthe j ;onR fin3j( 1- 1 idil.' IV UU'4 1 ' 1 Our tests implies, a final account, f darkness not ot ignorance which en-f d,)C3 t, rf ii- lmrilipq .tiiat. "cvflrv : closes tnein rounu, uui -oaiMivaa vi expcriroce prove - now greatly they are, tn every respeot, me a letter to one 0 " 1 - . . : , . . 1 1 .. of luxury in France: You will give I one of us shall give account ot htmseit , anoincr Ktnu,-uioi vep, 'wo h- Aainers. who have never used intoxi your friends. i to toi Otherwise It would, bevont . more 1 a ies.-, u.-ao ""P.i.vw . ev . - . , - . . . , 1 -ii - v-l.T j.U - 1 .r This .stranccirentleman arose. With i the present life, be unimportant what . pewHaering st a look that Talleyrand nevei fogot, j we prove, or to what we hoid he retreated towards the door of the 1 Everything entering into -i-f nlionilini- hi ovf lonkincr Still i tn nrovtft lin. Olir final aCC iie.u vjiiiiui.ji-i., i.i v.. .......v. j., - , . il ! fi-nm hoiionrh his darkened brnw. Ilplnnr neeoMt to God wc. on a former , to their lrierxls,to the world, to toem rose about fottV feet above the surface of the wider. Thn n InA shouted for helo until be was "hoarse and almost speechless, sp&kc as he retreated backward his occasion but all in vain, as it was impossible for j voice w as full of meaning, "summed him to make himself heard troin stitdLj am the only man ot the INew thou a dentb. and at such a distance from j World who can raise his hand to God then any house So, at last, he concluded j aBj j kavenot a friend not one in ! those of them standing the test that if be was to be saved at all, he ,..; v ' we are to hold fast. . . r , . nn . I Uainiri r. mini : -- . 1 . . 1 .1 ... .:.. ii ; v,n f,,n nf , i mnsi save iniwtrn, v -..v. , , 'r..u0rftr,ti novpr t.oroh the over-' tlnr text nroeeeus uoon tne ri h.i,i Crt Wnral,;nP,1. so ndnrpd witb 1 :IS he &"mS extreme! cold in sadness of the look which of a right and wrong in human xiews, , tcrnatural darkne.-i, mv ov' v....Kr y r'- nu .oim. K. w-pnt tn work'. i a.. . . ' T .. c . . I . . 11.1- -T.l LUC 1 lUV I I ' iie Cr- '. r eating drinks, at all, as a beverage ill the darkness j of 1-& t ' lA. . . . o,.r going! h light, they have rejected. or i jf Otoirvalifn. Does' tlnseonirathet .1 B .1 flw Jintm:bMn ! Experience i If so, its testiuijony we ('COUni. 1. C, urci liiuoi. mi upwm w ,u....T - . 1-1 ' . i 1 1 V Ji to dmi,. f, ;,rds n tho world to tkfim- : eaftnot receive as vahd ; foyn nfithing than , only , they will find them ; or rather, they rjr v i , thtU kiH d what, to them at least, will iinous effecto r Have ' 4seem reasons satisfactory. And. this ved total abstinence de rounoTis what will bring upon them that pre-, reason ; make them say you prive men oi and do things love exceeding all things in its width ,'olV tu lUWtiitcu , - - ' ii 5 (..., tii.inT its u-oriis :iri(i aet'ons. nicy must hwmj -"'. ""J ., . irtiiu.i, """"f- '- - , . -,v j e tufa v. iif in i Lwi- u v i . , - i . t .; itaf ao?ld ; Manger- that their friends are deeply or B- Wiliel . k0 HO MrlH lo 'i n-- -ii J if.t la i tmiv himsp t un tne nmnK r - ,r . . : .., T . ,. , . "trinttho nnot Whoareyou? he cried, as Mie .Were these all wnat mej.-snpnift ue, pT p--- Wdy , or nlace ' them in a situation m it ui .ue! ..I... -v.. r i t . .i i i . e -..4. m..,1.1 -K, i mi tn virtue : nun v o in .-uru as- i . tne injunction ot mc iai i u p " . -v - . ryu wu;cb thev can no more take care or medning-it would, indeed, in that V have rejected the lights , of- tra hifor .J thn a chUtl v 0h no, I f, themselves ; songs ot syren n m . . . . i a. - , ml, tt (- A r v Mrti Was her pride, n, , mighlv ? ; it ilm, thc uf tlie vu)l, wl.ic-h was itrngt man retreated to tlie ueXt the .ojunctipn ot textlun- XSfJ5SKi I. - - .- . . , twint r l , 1 I ' . 1 1 T W 1 OOll 111 - I Ui I, a i . fc v' -am. " r w- . ' 'My ntme ' he rctdied with a smile vent, he simnW absurd; Were every ! to their eyes false lights will .sliow j her woman's nature so much less V i uf brick and quite smooth. Then pulled rroom 'your name said Miriam, in a voice made husk v ' off his coat, -and' taking out his pdeket - - ' with indignation and tears. 'Could 1 knife, cut off his boots, that he might- that had more mockery than joy in its thing alike good why prove any th'.mr. : themselves ; so; 5fvj ! she, dared she fliag him from her, who work to greater apvantege. Then wfth , convulsive expressions4,- 'my name is or why reject any thing ? .No ; my . from encnanteu d 'ore- i bad onee-divelt pre-eminent in her his feet against the side of tho well, Benedict Arnold.' I Brethren, our text but too clearly as-; ears ; a strange i TO THE PttllJLie I takotliiM.i J. oil bf in Totm rfleall rcquiriiiL' Literary a that 1 will bt4 Mcased to revise MSS. and pre-1 are it (ot pnhlication, ami will write Essays, heart ? lie, heart-broken, and alone, laieB, Mteteiiea, xii.es io Aiuonis Witaa-. tne we, pitiless world?' and'bis shonlders against the other, be worked his way up, with the most tear ltd exertion, about half the distance to The utmost eeerei-v maiiiuiiitJ. Address She is a woman,'. I replied, 'her tje tou Here he was obliged to pause, I le was fjone. Talleyrand sank in sume the chair, gasping the words 'Arnold, the traitor . themselves 1 t ..An iimvi r ,i,.-f. l-v.d ilhntl. i -ikisn.,!.. Know mat ." "v ' -- - halls wHl charrShcir fe Pruce efcU . c.......:-,'.,4ii wiLve0 . On the oh or hand, wnat nave you tPt Imt too c ear v as- ears a stiaiiei.uaiuauui3i poac-- . JK in tke , sumes, as admitted, tne lamenwuie , t , '"tVr VZ " Wn fipen to nrodure evifa mor truth, which our experience and obser- cases, their conhdenceaiinl presunip- . Jjjl yation are daily eonrTrming, viz : that, turn wi 1 increase astktr periled -iffSS ll'll I IV 11' 0)P A 1 . ! . x :'.-.; I. . x 1 : J 1 . .r . . . . l - . J.. -.1 uiim ".urn,, s , neart is true ami iovinz, out tier pruie fike breath anl fattier up ins energies i 7' . . ' , r ' , i- almnrv AofcM.1860.mte Brooklyn. N.Y!,.. u ul - iir J I , ."7. ?1 JJ uar. another Cain, with the wanderer's evil is in our world that we live m and slipperv - . IllltS UL'f I LU llt;i il BtNUUU 3CI1. Ilir T1IR VVI1IK Vlit UC1U1C U1UI. xwi uui", r T I PLANKS FOR SALE UEHK. She fears the Ay0rld with its sneers j der was it thaniall he had gone through ; mark upon his hrow. tO tfU.ll li.A i T" Or . . . - 1 r Wm-m - .i. .fil. .l.nrtAH-.tn in a va limn ihheredo the earth, A. moral evil, a J W evil is in our world that we live m aim suppeiy, u.r -u-.v,.-T , denomination of ffiant wickedness ! its midst-that it surrounds us on cv- i the tempest-braised hy their owrtfolly the denomination g ant - - i - " " TS ri - ft! --i - ' !1 j . , - . ' A

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