V .- . r. '1- - r , ".V 4? r I J: -ft f J- ft 0 7 -- , v.jii' r-- ... I ' i C -7 -V-ei : v. -s ";. ; ' 1 X''.--'"' TTT TOTTTV .-Wf-rfTrT V Yr . .w. r-iaAKx. EUGEIIE, DRAKE SON, r . . ;EditQt And Proprietors; WESTEHN N: C. JL ROAD: lnio fipnafta Wednesday, Ncr. 10, 1864. UAH. TWAIN WEST." . i I., i i -1 1- MAIL. TRAIN EAST. JSTATIOSfS. 8 3 X... . ileadofRo!,,. 1 840 (card', ..! .2 9.30 Hickory T"rer.!l0.20 10.25 Newton, -...alJ20 11.25 3atawbStatioar.12.25 12.45 taitt8rnris, .;...r...t"l.45i 2.15 Third Creeks ! S.15! 3.20 tio.o6;io.n Hickory TTru,. 2.46; 2.5 4.2". .. IleMt of Road,. Salisbury, ....... ..i 4.5,. 4tt . V; Chief EDClnr A Superintendent. aaft. wheM B wftt b kkwd ta Km fboM who da Ire ' AUCTION NOTICE. LL person i for whom Mr. J. 8. F total ng d tftywlT XV ke cUd M ucttoBW rs duiini ; the yenr JMJ. ana vho hat Mot ld tb commiealop II corns tutknurd tad aettl maaeditct with Mr?. 9. Fl nin. I 3:tf, W. T. WATTS., JOST,' Certtfiot 1" faror of AUx'r Bily, So. 1285, for J $100, Anted 28th Mntch, 18. iaiuedatStatrill, N.C. AUo wrtificaU in hvor of J. W. CuUy, No. 1260, for $100, wmt date lx note on i. Vf. Cxly, for $370, note en Thoc Owena, for $10, the date sot recollected. (All per- oiu-ar Xorawaroed trading for the a'jv. t" I '-. : ALEXR BAILY, SiLk-i-iU: 1 - BeU'$ BriMt, Iredell Col, Jf. C. I Prbvisioiis for tho Army. B If recent nrder from the Com m Unary Oeneral, purchas tng Airents for the Eubsintence Pepnrtnient are to pay pclcos ftxed 6j lecal amwi9ers, and. as the prices reeeutiy . arranged by tliem for tills Ounnty, is equal to market rates, " r appeal to prodocer to bring forward theirj supplies at tne; after 1st Ktbrnnry, 18Ci. prices flfad b;r the Suit CcmtnUVoners will 8?y be given. J. S. MIIKR, . fur. AMutSvb. Dop'l.atSUtMVille. N.C I XL. a ECCLES. , : : at Cool Springs, N. C. Of Iredell, Alexander, CJatawba, Cald . well and Birlse Counties. rnHB Tarmers nf the-foregoing count'.;, are hereby -A 'fonnod, that in conscqocnce. of the prwaing necessity aisting In our Armk for long and short Coragc Oern, Oats, Uay And fuddei, I here inbtructed my Ageata to ax- , art all their erwrgie in securing at cnc. theentire urpiu. . ef these supplies ; and. wjjils1 1 sincerely trust that the fcrnwrs of (hcee counties will spare my Agents anctthem eyec the anpfeaaaV oectselty of impressment, try selling UMor then at the Schvlule prices flxml by tha Com- , : aahuioaars of ArpraieeoieBt for Nrth daruiinayat, if parties refu to sett a theser prices, thereby tnaking In .. BreeanMBt Beoesury. it la a daty, which, lit all ibcd cases fey igebts sriU pryce la tufutt jwowje; 1 vx&tiddi ' crimination. . , ; -'. r " Ttf fMlovfariMnKma ana iwtrH9rtorf a as at s. tta-- its S ::.--'bhen Watts, i l 'YV . CWk,, '(J, - Aiejrj-drcuIity. - J.W. sleKlraiH,,. Earbe 69Bt. . ' - .iu uuwiitoinw'.T. 1 A tea. Mr. K. K. VuiVlaiMt, Boaded Acsntfor th wkaW - - ; s Cd4aM ana! A. 0. AC a,-46-i CARD NOTICE. 3 R1XIIUB la posr another lot of Cotton and Wool CarJa L (ready.for wse) for 4itribnlian to Soldiers families, at 10 per pair. Agents will pica call for them. : . - U. A. DOWD, General-Orders, No. 2. ; XOCQOO 3uy Skins. TXI nadendfcBfwl having commenced the man uctn ring r SATS I t) SltJYllIo, N.C, would like t bus the amount c f ,FVR3, for whiclrro will pay the higLe.t Brices, or exchi ngefor Ilats. , W1ISTED, ALSO : f - f MM fts.'-WTOOii Wo -the aaiiia terms. . I jyL, -tc-i Wittsowsk;y Jb CO. f COTTON YARN In' -Exolin nge for 'lurs. W'l wtU exchange 'TARN for FCKS, at our Hat Mnu factory lsi Spates villn, N. G " "-" ' -vf.'--: .-!- W1TTKOWSKY 4 CO." .-' JaaTch jS,-WL7;tf . - V -. ; ' T . 8. HILUR, 8uteTill.anil U.C. Kccles.Gool Springs, y are my autborjxyl Arents for the purchase ol suDsist; i stores foe thf ConlMiftae Army, in tnuountyor IredelU A. MYERS. 4ttf Cnpt. tA.C.S. ' Yi1t-'AlIES R'MWO. late Surgeon in the 0. 8. A BV - XJ tg been compelled, lu consequence of 111 health,to re "V siga JtU position o the Army, reeripctfnily tenders his fro" J fMional service to the citizens of Statesville and vicinity-.-'9 Ueisay bafoand at the Iwusie formerly occupied hy Mr - Saiarae, nearly opposite the residence of Dr. Kelly. -? October-ltt6Ca.45:tf . ETtOM amft alter thi4 da to 1 wiJJ practice Medicine at old prices and recsjTn: finWpnxlsce at old ratrtr If ye J . -v -v-i J, F. LONG. ' aeebar,ll-Ti-tf ' ' ; BRlNQr IX IN. ' f Government Stores,'. Bacon, Beef, flour, .Potatoes, 4a- far which I. wul pay tb maraet prtec J. S. MILLER, Pur. Jtgt Sub. Vtpt. , COTTON YARN FOR WOOL, To.Clbtho. C. Troops. mni sabacriber rontinosf tha exchange, for the Q. M : J. Drparttnent at RaMgh, at tbe rate of .1 buiirh of Yarn . far 9 lbs. wasbea a() a ioswasnea n 001. f!rr., E. B. STI1IS0N, i BtBtaswtiia, itcsrsscu WantedProvisions. Ivisraa to. purchase commissart stokes for . the Army, as Bet, Flour, Betf, TaIlom. Tinegar and for which the market rtncei win be paia. - ' ;H. C ECCLES. Aa'L, Boc3 for Soldiers. ' A TLt 1VoaB for61diers or Prleorteta of "War from North i - owCkarioaaf jar eqrwara eipwim, tp a um ; "DewUKaWghj -aoBBph A "ft"th, raywttcrille; EMnr- . m M WV " ' . m. m B.T II. r-'ewy up, rjuai region ; but m i avna (ntnniN, ir ' J A.k.wCOohraia : Mr Fb-Kebetta, Marfraeebortf. - Tha hoxaa shhuld be wall hooped, properly Marked, and AaUverad la ts for my fipecW Messenger, who leaves : malatgltaft the Ant day or every m f" '-rL ; r...-: ;- EDWARD WAfcREUV XI. CaraUBtV oeiirerea v tn loitowna; oanieu persona A will ba'promptrr fonrajded free oft charjre : Or D Srbk V ,'taif , AiktTUh ; Hr W A Oollett, Atorguton; lr J A Al- - lr.n atatewvilie! Br J . Naaglaflreensboro': Mr A Ila- ? - ..p..5v-: , - IWyc Csrat AT. If 1 TV AQm poet, walking "alien t and thoughtful by tile aolcmn ehoiw of the vast ocean we niuat all w oob,' pealuttMuir v ..;' . ' " : I'Tlie.Ship of Death." ' By J ahotw ofTlmerBow lying r Ott the inky flood beneath, Patriot I v. tboa (out uodTlae! Wait, for tboe tbo Ship of Death I He who on that Teasel eUrteth, 8ailiBS from the son. of men, " ' Tr the friend, from rhom he (Mtrtetb,: Never mort returns again 1 Pom her mast no flag ii flying, To denote from whence she came ; . ha4 known onto the ylDg j ' .. Asrael la her captuia'f muue. : Sot a word traa rver Spoken . On that dark, iinfitthomed sea; ' , , Sileuite there is so unbroken, - She herself seems not to be i " Silent thus, In darkness lonely, Dotn the soul put forth alone ; Whil the wings of Angels only Waf) her to a land unki own. - Azrael, thi Death Anget. A " Mari6ii' Eejoinder to "Davidson" on the Secession of 1789, and v tae Bight Secession.' J 1 VoitimtcdA The ecferal "States in their joint compac witu eauu oiur ugrceu, lor uuyiuvs rensuua and for the sake of consistency, to restrict themselves each from exercising its right to have its own separate army aC,navy, ,from the, right to impose its own separate, system of export and import duties, fromHftiakin'g eeparatetrtattea and commercial regulations with, foreign powers, &c., and, in short, from holding separate diplonatic intercourse with those powers. Hence he States tbus ajrgre- f;ated andeut off, by their own act. political y and diplomatically, in their individual ca pacity, from those powers, became, as to those powers, one State, one Nation ; and their gen eral government is in that aspect a National Government ; and the admission, or rather the statement of the fact (for .it is qoconces- j b:on) does not'tti'the slightest degree detract j from the ict that the States are confederated and not merged arid consolidated. They are a Nation of Nations, not a Nation of people. In their relations towards each other thev are Sovereigns underla compact with each other, which compact is realized and-brougtit into action in tha shape of the Govern merit j of the United States and its operations.- 1 Simply because in its operations it acts fh certain "specified and limited instances, di rectly on the citizens Qf the several State, by permission of those States, and thereby po$- , eectisea some National features, it by no means thence 'results that it is a Nat-iohal Govern ment in the eense thtt the old federal partyy and their few diiviipTa at the South of the present day, contended for, and now contend for. Ilad the supposed one American peo-. pie, in the exercise of an original, undemed suvereigty created the general government . and devolved on-it the exerpi?e'of that sove relgoty, and for convenience had parcelled Uietr territory JntojareaB called States, and esTirnent would have actually Veen riAtionaVGOWflmenV' to yery aodi alt in-, tenta -and purposes, and,Sovercigrt by-its own right, that is, the right Of its' own one people. But as. thehoe happened to-be on the other J foot, the' case' is' Very materjally altered. I I have -thus, Mr. Editor, endeavored to answer I)avidijn',qtieation, "Will Marion ' rl - . t ... 1 or any pody else nueriaKe to answer iub above reasoning of Mr. Madison", and now leave the reader to judge with what effcct.J rThis lapse of Mr. Madison as .to consieterr cy, is, Mr. Editor,, unfortunately paralleled by sevornl similar instances among men of i?reat atl commanding intellect and high position.' I will citr one instance. I quote from GarTand's Life of John Randolph, p. p. 74 and 73, Appletcn & Co's. edition, 1851 On tha question of re-chartering the. Bank of the -Uii'itt! States, whose charter wouTd ex pite ixljljSll, Henry Clay, a Senator from Kentucky,- argued the question at great length ord in opposition to re-cha'tering.-jT-He said, Thiti. vagrant power to erect a bank, after having wandered through the whole constitution, in qnci-t of some conge nial spot whereontto fasten, has been at length located by the gentleman from Geor- on provision hich authorises Con 'i'ess1o;Tay and collect taxes. In 1791 the power is" referred to one part ot the lnstru tnenr - -H-lSll'to another. Sometimes it i a lloitsf:-!, id lk.deducible from the power to rfrfprt-' w'irce. llard pressed ji "? w a again snewB iibcii uuuery, j ,. -j.w-' p-rant to coin c 77 .1 . . " - , 1 ' money, Aiier . prot-ecum this etraih through eeveral sentences, lie ex claims, ",What is the hatnre of this.Govern- men t n It is emphaiicalfy ederat, vested wnn an aggregate of specified powers for general purposes, COUCCqeU vy trisnny oyiclicpuieJ, who have themselves retained, what is not so conceded. It is said that there are cases in which u must act on imwiea powers. 1 ais iot atjrovertfed $ riiielSpliea'i m fi,&t I oe necessjvrj, ana ovviovsiy now iwn uns :iu-. meratea fowers wnn wmeu u i(s uuieu. x oe power to charter cornpacjetr. is not specified in the gwint, and I contVnd is .of a nature not transferc-Me byMmplication. It is One cf tfe most exdUed attributes of Sbvcreijf.." Induced by such forcible reasoning, the party then known as the republican party " refused to re-charter the bank, or to incorpo rate another similar institution. "They stood by the Constitution." Bat what do we be hold in 1816? This man, thereat Henry Clay, voting to charter the Bank of $be Uni ted' States 1 Of course he at'tempted to justi fy himselfj-and the chief ground of ;h is tie fence, "oh, most lame arid impotent con clusion I ") was "a change in the circum stances' 1 of the Government at the two be ' ridds. That is, the aid of a bank to Govern ment was not deemed necessary in 1811. but it was thought to be necessary in 1816. Upon this change of mere circumstances he weaves, a web of sophistical afgumentatiori, in his vain attempt to ctrr U his incon&istenty ; but even the vast and versatile powerns" of bjs, great genius, in the exercise of all its inge noiity, aiHiot obscure the transparenc of bis argurisiflt. If "the chartering of a babk was unconstitutional in 1811, it was. unconwtiiu- tional in 1816 and at all times, and urkder iU circumstanceA. If it was constitutional m 1816, it was so in 1811 ; and, to be consist ent, hiA opposition then nbould bare been . pwtnrr. 01 jaoi.. aioereni .ot ; U Ration of the War; so to. aalUleir i c - ft- -,7 Jroi i . . wmvb wau uiHw iax pajers, tij marfce va y . ;., vs v ' " 'ia-i,. . - - . - .- - :-7 rin rin" hhtii t t rr-Mii.'Mirr.i'ii.implfc-i -Mt.WP--.. i-,.Sr-l--WHaSB I menouU rt dispute thit the General Gov- i ;n riie mod- rwrrilied Lt UwJ v 1 J J - , ; . " ' ? . rr T . ..." mi u ii 0 in piantea on-ine inexpediency Ja. ik lae uun besirie tliis of Cllv ; but I Nffin, AH-ft - St?Ue: , . , -- . : I will next turnjfny attenti'totbe 6ec6tHJrjp,,ff rfsolytHm. inwff metrHfK divifioft of Dayids&nV reply, UJiidt b dirf j-oiftja ipy of-puby f.ituaf. liunHtii atut ciis.-it tlie right of ceeion Cnlie Feder&i'SpniVtJ$'e ih t imjikj;rtu)fr t Altiiijiltil 4 Currency . Bill. . Bill to provide more effectually for the rednt, Hon ana redemption of4h& currency.' '5 . "'TT ... . a America do enact Ait hevefkrr. .ndjKitil Ulf full redemption of tlje Confederate States tret eury ?otes now o u t ta tiding,1. a nl f eub Union. j ; - , i'te,3liOHiHiitriiTJ5mJty.itll tmteK, ittMiujorte tbeid notes., ewepttbose bed prior tot"d tfj:l,uli5r ?, : 15th day of February, 18ti4, aball fre ftJf.1 ,s ..! t be c saidnotes eo a9 i affect their cirWatiorWf! par or dimiriiab the promiae cootamed tbeir face, but tbe holders of aa-id ioies ma-C be subject to taxAtiotj on accoaat.Okereof ttf; whenever, in his jiidgmeht, Ue eiisendes of theoyernmeJit will permi.t, t'o cAncel froifl tim to time such an anumlut of Treagury notes as taay be received-iiito tjie Tteaaiiry, until the jimount outstandiog shall hav been r ducsd to two" hundred millifiSts of dollars, i ; Ssc. 3. Upon a. declaration of peace b4 tween the Confederate States and the Unites States of America, the tithe received by the'. goIernmentoi.iueanmiaicropa or.proaaceQ u- i C , . 3 - i- . .. . -J a bushel, and being deliverable by tfce euv . eminent at one or more shipping tjprtin eaolJ Ot Mievonfedernte Stjites, to be peleoteii b1 inoerretarv ot the 1 reasurv : I'rovMyjp, now ever. That the tithes aforesaid, or 'y paii thereof, may, by consent of tho partfcs enti tied to receive the same, be delivexVd ela-i- where than at a shipping rxrt:;Provfded fur ther, That the cotton to be delivered.underiMf autuority of this act, shall be equ?.l tOcoU-oi classed and held as "middling cotton," in tiro .ports where such cotton-nvay be'dt4'vereb ; acc. I. Tat all acts and parts of acts no inibrce, providing for the assessment and col lection of the tcx m kiud of cotton, corn and wheat, b$ and the same are hereby re-enaejied,. and shall continue in torce ontil all the cer tificates herein authorized lobe issued sbaU have been redeemed in full; and the? person j (jTiug iHieu in tuna unaer in u act, iroo and after a ratification of a treaty of peact. enail recave compeniwition by eredit, or oth leg to receive the tithes aforesaid, lit payniejt thereof, shall convert the same intq treas&rv certificates, bearing an interest of six per cnf pot annum, which shall be issued by the Sr, retary lof the Treasury in exchange for sa! notes, and shall express oq their face the oiV j'ect for which they are intended; the holdsj. ol' which said certificates shall be "entitled c receive payment therefor in tbe-ti(he& aforV'r saw, hc tiie rate oi one-nniti.ja'i. me aiiiou,v annually"; Provided Jjowevr.That more thin one fifth of the amount of litlie due-upon aiv such certificate, or the wiJe of such amonii may be paid in any year, at the election ti th t-Secretary of the TreasnryVvjr . Sec. G. 511 planters or farmers-liable to f tax in kind shall, after the war, -be jerniitt l to satisfy the Fame, by payment of such c k tificated as aforesaid. 8ks. 7. Certicates is.ued underih.e thority of this act shall be in tlie KJ1vik proportions, lo.wit: fur nimlis in a peftjr!ii,e ceruricato, paya'-Ie iplcoKOu, tour tirnths pi): able in corn, audoae ninth payable in wht a; but no sum less-Uian fortyffie dollars, or '. multiple, shall be concerted into Treas: ;v certificates, when the sum s under .tune Wi v droid .ollara; but.theampunt toil inie pt -able.op the f..: of eaebe?r.iificaie. when I 8 iftv-convitted into .Treasury certificates ft nioT6r-r.- " Te hundreil dollarShaJl be.ji pf as'the Secreniry of the Treusur1bl J11' be most suitable and miiffBisri Trir tfi ' --7. .. . .. . .: T purposes oi thiSuACt, which said .ertiticjit7S w.j a.,i he assignable in writing in sU:h loWf ixa wiin sucn aiunenticaiion as uwecret ry of Treasury may prescribe. , Sec. 8. The public faith is berebj pleolv! , . i ..... w to the immutable observance of the itfovisiiis i ..-.- .iJ-.i i ? . nweiu auuve coiuineivfls 10 injp OHiieciajn of the tax on wheat, corn and cotton nrttiflt, and the applicatiqn thereof as aforesiiiwii tha redemption. the certificates herelrv ki. tWckoi v Jbg.. -;ud ; ProivbLwI. That IM- grtsa may, at tfe discretion, from time toAfnww rrtake such modification as to the mode out aessmenl and agency tor the oollectioo of eaid tax as experience may suggest. i Szc. 9. Thw act shall be in force from toe passage thereof. Forrest at his Old.-Tsieks. 'Forrest's cavalry, 6n tlie iJT'th ult., eats a pfivate let.er in the Mobile R-iker, xUtfA into the Yankee cav'atry, north -of lbtifeTDcj oessee, whipping them badly, capturing . artillery,, several stands f colojra and me prisoners, (between 1200 and ,170tf,) "d driving them back tb- within 17 wile of Nashville.' -' (The letter, dated the 28th, said ForaVs, cavalry and a divisionxjf infantry were nrtb of the Miss-issippi. I . . . . - -. s ' Brandy by the Plug. IV i During thscobienap-pf tKe la"t two or t&ref dAya.we leajn that pome of our retaibmr TOTe been selling ''new dip-" bv the pln.-ofir-- I VAAfiaM.UlVVAl.Oatb UU til Vllt BsUAS lirLUsU JXj M . 1 - - , . i I 1 - '. . . . . r C 1 . btt rr. a : vsi 1 m .afr'QT i wv r b.t 11 b 1 pdq anrr - . . . rr w sbbs -i 1 1 - ibti ti t w iia in'ril ; k Ik v . ''i - i Y tfor Cause into II ifi owiv ih'M awd men irulrv , 8 , 'i,- .!.,.',. .V(. fakP f.Tr bend he m hereby directed ad reauired, . r...., i:., o.t i.n.,i.u ?Ue- t,1rtf,orp' ;ve lake 1.1 At, AH Il -i f ) I, a MMn:-.AAl . FX orn anr wheat lAlivora.t in (tia tmr a " firm i , a.r. A Tli 1)1 nrt.,i. r.rvf'.e.tir- is fiam to sen nigner in tm jmjiiu cprppKioii been nut on to comnenaat. for broken Iiotns the loss of staves, &c. Moreover, pnrhasr ire said to prefer it in chunks, as they cai Jien nibble at it ajs suits them, instead of be mg compelled to gulp if.ali.dowp atvoacev J-Yoprets. . ' ij ., - Uianit did in a liquid state an extra bamg.ljay. ,Tbe Pgr.has grniii.l toall the faith j. .. j i i i i . . i i , . . WT- r:r Hay 01 xAStinsr ana Jrrayer.S- - I iiW cieWyva.lr.lIWHl lHHHIHfSm.m-!..ll 7, before IIi St tas.--et;ifMUUHgjiM -jtTHCiew T:ota,-' nil- j Pu,rS '' Vhh. .ouum rn- Tib has 6iH-bsatirirtM bs; -' : J.et tbe Hearts w people turn oourtev let ns rec.ttftjzeur . corrvction .t 3 ' ; We tHnll.At hy itf met. ' ' ; V .rr r "7 T - " iv. uin.Vt..c ..m.uufT." peace aRndepcTOlefH- ; . i An.Hetus not fcret to render unto ITis ; hply name thgiihrinkn. and praise wliuth. are so jiwily due for bitf-reat goodnecn, aii l for the many mercies which he has extended to us iinVi the trials and f u8Vrhi 41 protracted and bloody .war. , Now, therefore, I. JerTewnu I) tv in. Presi dent of the Confederate States of America, do ft th , Inv tirot,if imti0. amibrntini- Fri I mi and perve the saineiu a spirit of reverence, peni G'nen under my hand and the seal f the Cbultdr ite States, ai. Ki b niuuu. tins joili fay-ol .fimimrv, m tut -year ff our Lord one thort-ait eitrht hwitilrvsl and sixty five-. JEFFEH-jON DAVIS. Bf the President : ' r J. P. Benjam i.v, Secretary cf State. . . - . .... , , The Task Before TJs. We have now really" rearhed.the critical periotl of tlie w-ar. nayti tlie South Carolinian. The .oinl to Vie det-ided i romplx tliH : can the Yankees conquer'ii! with tiie f"(- whi-h tlie' iiave at present in jlie (i'eld, wtdled'nnl y by the .addition officii negrou- u iie hu.is itereafier steal trm tlie Noniti btj ait draft at the N'rtti r witl their G irerntneHt be Cuiupelled to rin -to an in hjuTiuiinate concripiun ot ibe -opttta.hti ( jire NoiTh ? Thl,l thMJiealioi in ii "fit fiitb I i he re- velaliouM of Hr, Fvlb'j'' put donbl that it e r We force I.i iv beyoiid all coin to adoid that obiwj i";1 trtms, m t wtc-hn d meu to the field 4tbMtl rejcf rtieir w.fben or 1. I ..IT ... V..!. rrd 't-i'feB.ifi; a!,d l.roJb"V'lill " V T"" . 1" - ----- - . , better tu afUukuibs cohfeat titan prosecute it at such a cost, t b clear, tlreKre, fhar the work before 4is by 1.0 means o bard as wjeuve been -lately inclined to An pMe '; -aiif tbyHt in order to -put an end to phe war, it i sot necessary to expel tbe Yankee ar m iey 'from' our soil. noreen to.be.iii them thoroughly in the field, but only to ruake the subjugation of the South so ditl1 !i s to tbjinonstrale to the i)o !e of the Norih, thai without the measure in question, they might as well relinquish the enterprise 'To do ibis is, beyond peradvemure. within our power. A ldtle febdtirain -e and te-oim on. nd the thing is a.chied. If within the lext six months the enemy see no sij:n of failing spii t and relaxing energies ntn one prfri he il iiiOf't asstiredlv c-.aue to ihe ,-oiU-iu.-ion ulm h it is so. desirable hey-honlil re-i h. Could any other development of this strife haie re sidled in placing before us nil easier tafk ? Vt shall iiubjed deserve, to be slachorever, if W fo not Jictnimpllsii it before tW iras-ivf.aborher-iiHiuiei- sliall deck, tbe thousand iuuile grounds ol the hind. . ' .. The Boot of the Evil. $1 bs etatef that there' are one hnudred thonsautlabseiilees Iroin the armies oi the CoiifeiJeiJil t e .S Kites ilii tills depart uiem .-ve aree;obly H.fnnedv eay tlie L'naiK -ton 'Mercury. ,Q ere is Jrtfi jile ci r j itwebt-.-e t-eu thousatiJ on the iroiu. which docs 1101 .turn out-;?i'TfHiousrtud etlective uieu. ilee J'acis support i.5Bbiatemeui of rnsi-leiil .Davis. maie in his Aiao-ii rpeecb, iq t n his return f.oiiehis r'cijr V'-JQ&l su'heii A:iu ot tne usi. alter irte oi ncu .joim sion, the' tdooily rMU's oh Hi. fall ot Atlanta."' Vny Nfit . that od. and the that tiie men art not in tlie ranksaird at the front t Will any One say that the people ol ihe Conledr rale Srates are pprpatiioiicy History tells us ot nq btrugglv for independence in which more geeeral aud heroic devoin, vas ever display fd.- Our peple have tirade- great exertions in behalf of a great cans, li is Hie people ot tbe Stales wbtch wver' ataf over have iifi eiltfof ihe perils fiiBuii.g from the 'incniu peielifiialadiimiiena! 'iuo'i f'ihe nfi;,i:w of ihe ctiiti8rvt It is tfie H.t'iirrigihle tnlei meddling. lii well ievous dictaiii-u maliguai.t prejudices, and petty partizaiisiiip. whic-h make s"ai rdi e ap4retitly eml less and useless. . It. is. these things which weigh like a pall oh Hie heart 'of ihe country, it is these things which infuse inefficiency every where, mid inspire' seifis'h ness Hiid flillinVrcnce It fs tlie-i t iiiis which are dstrUy injus, and winch inust i-e erali cated by the Action of Congrec-6. L'otumbm Caiofyuari. t . . . - Forty Hours' Devotion Ut Peace. Btsbop Bay ley, of New .le'rsey. liHing ob aineii authorit from Rome, lias issued iu- unctions tor T coriv lltmrs lent,Hn . in ,11 the churches under liis control, wnd con -.iiuim; iii tbevnriou cbim-bes Htittl .rmie ext. Sertb-ewill bell in each church or fatty hours.Mhe acia:nent Wing expose-i , roiii moriiiirir-dii evening oi tl'fee -jictessit ul ot the liiorese Jill lue imlulgen ies am -rivifegeA SltacWd tu lbe fri e i Rome his e(Hrir Wd-fiwittlitd in r'S4 ifT iiie.i .rvrfflhe ftrt.v I otirs ifnr.iis; wbfc'l. il e Ih1 'Jmr .- . . . . ol iTUd reiKxxt ir. the Mfpulcnre. ;nii lias l.niW btierv -celrs.td whb gjeat eolktnn ity oirr ral; tbal tn Uwi tn U-.wyin W eau ultimalv t,v tli Alrh . e n i in iriinti iua tin n ifavrit. iiir. I uow Mas iivitvi miiv t v a tit t.ii,.i..i . . . . ,4 Vat A IJrtcn Pcnwcrat. Confederate Mon'epr. t, ; It"i I'Sifitui ijrui JiitHliaulty to f ft tl.o notice tbe pvat ireprerHiion'of xntr dii'rrcTb8iinelu xerv liWiiralTVJtii.-f w!iy in tbia k? If tlie?re ay ij.er grautiJs 1 Jur iu low valuer . In it :oSving to a want of confoVnr in lb flinii 'fiiccfiss of our glorious awl jst eaune ? We thiuk uot. W may be ove(-nm but'eaq nut le jiwUhieti. Tlc t-eofle f ib'e CunltM. ,frHte Sta' are ppw, ; ami. ever bave lei..' a.Ta,1.t nnnf. bv A .tivin- ffl;1t that Aiir jcau - is ju.-t an.i nrnst prevail, . This fentf-. mMlt p-ertHeatcM all c lasses of aoiei, from hijrbe.-t tbe lowest.' Gretftmav leopr tlt-riiKfs. but tlu sitii'it of hiii-htl ltfiit.l will fjuoi vield. and tb veuireant e Af Heavei: will ,trf sU.tvrtaker oar eiMfUieB and uaralize jj.eir inlnal vtfJrts. othe mlM f the "peOs-le o: the CotifetV repudiate it debt?. We thfnk .ihey r well , re - tbt rtr: Con- r-',r .uir a,.d t 1 wopre at :Wrje, are vtuK.-ed to acviliiuri oi tiie kiud. granted i&ijul vvsr- n in in i ii fi v Juiii'i'rM i in i' n i ; t k our independenl e. and. tititr the debt will not u rei.udiati.d. it is imri-snnjibl and ui.inat to uineives j bold our currency at so low an estimate. " ' The enem v , are nrovinz t us everv dav that it is as good, if not better tkati any other impeded of property. By the laws of the Uni ;tel Statvs it we are sul juirated our projerty' A." .....i. " "i '''' ,A. is an worililes-s to tar a we are concerned. are from the clemencv of a rutbless foev The whole .history of tins war indicates. tfc at no species, of proeity is of HHy value in bur-territory, whiL-t in the hands of the enemy. They burn our bonces and iheir jconte'nts. f teal our liegroeti, horses', cattle and hogs, destroy our provtstuiij", and if we have ynijver ami gold thev will have it or our lues.ll Pniert.v otien temptrt jer6ons to remain ai home, hoping to be able to save something, until it is too Lite, ' mid after all they utterly fait in iheir pur we. B'H if this properly Is Confedcraie nionev the owner can make ht escape with his family., take if with bim to anoth.itr part ol the Confederacy not o erruil, where it will pass lor its a!ne. . It is, I here fore, deinou-. M rated thxt it is as goid' as any oilier ftecies Vt property ev en as'il ver sn l jrold., f-r the .oressiOii ot ibese. as we lonesiiowii vm. oheii ieads isnlo dealh. It is Hot often tliat the pofefsioh of C n federate, iioney leads .n into a!M ilillii-uitv, eeti wht-ii captured by the i-iieiin. fr tliex .i4cct to UjoU ujioh it arf worthless, but ili iify if-troy ft, tor thereby tlie know that 'hev a.e aidi-i our Go ertt-' inent. ir-tlie' reconin-ieiMiations of .Secretary 'freii holui should be f; it ti fV; H y wr'.r I out. and we tdiQtild bf moileratei v successbii at arms, Vi look r r:rtt rss value xf Con- I ietivntte ni'iity -'tw-'tire the cbe Vf xhe ear. , 1 1 . ..I... V " iwrm-ir. W nT-r iiit a blotter proper appreciation lv arreK -Us lownara tendency. ... ; ;. - .. .,. k : "X. Whoii XeT ' j We presume every Ik!v. warts to know who is Frujtcis P.'Bluir, t!:e,miii who has l'ten visiting Richmond w :t?i propos'uioi s from Washington in .'rejrtrd .to ace. He is a Punter and tor a ' iitt:ii.ter of years dPlis "il;w MJUliorized pllblisl-e'r the 'debaiet and pro-C-eilinu;s ol the' oid U S. Co.iWTiess. Mo.t oeople in thi-ciMiniry hate beard of the titan o Blair & Rive-.' Conre-s omtl ie bru is an 1 ini inters. Francis P. li air wa. the lea l- ing hiembr of.the firm, and (uce'' made the' remark that he i was w ho Vne'pnntrr in '.y-kf trei't hir- Olftce ha.l done n i ire to .than all tin af loat the.pniaers eUe eomh: ned ' ' meatuii;; and imt1 in .'ad -let proper -nape t he spee; lies ot ! Members o! Con rress; ana iiftir-x lie tinders I'eistuo.i 1 hat th inatvrfal oih ol which to make ; great men" was H'niieiimes v er.v rant, fort' if t he speeches t inany public nn-u wi re primed just as tbey ire delnered or written, liie speaker's, repii tatirm as a " smart v man " would be blasted torever. r. B'air is now an old man. his vigor--us d:tv hav ini; been ppent contempo raneoii.-ly w ii h . Jackson Clav. Wvb-ler. Ca-i-huiiii McDuitie and G.iles ".C "Sea loll His public career wha about en. tir.-t biran to acquire so.ne Hlg ikiu wnen we wledce of t'i!iia- arriii.-i. Although Blair never nndsny pretentions to -tiiiesma l5.p tr uifcnre 1 an "lion. or 'His E.vcellencv. Vnw always extrcised a hiw rtul iiitluenc.ea't VVashinglton. especially wrih be.Bdts-'' I JjiAdiitiaistraiions in olden tinies. ell of present tuoveiiieiits should f "'--be has ha-l influence e nough with ,t , -coin Adi:iinistratioii to induce it to make fair and hi horable terms lor peace with the Confederate authorities. but nam'e should be handed down to ltosierit v as a public benefactor. The- Primers, at least, should unite and erect a monument t bis memorv. JharioUe &rnioarat Yankee Feelins toward England. The biiier hate ol the Yankees toward- Kugland is well illustrated b m. ijiCidi-ur thrtt occurred at Savannah a fi-w dav ago. a re ared by the'Cbarlesioii co repoudeiit of the Richmond D- a'rh. lie say- that 'Mr. An- thonv Bin lay. tbrmerlv BiU.-h Coiisii1hi New York, and now a resident i-n Sa-ann.ab. was rudelv repulsed by Gen. Sherman, with he remark, that as. soon us the rebels weie. disposed of (which be seciiiedto ihink would be done in 4 few months) the United States would turn their guns against .Great Britain. He said the ocean would soon swarm with five hundred Federal cni'ser,- .which wonld ,sweej me liruisn nag trom me sea : aim mat ifier EuglaiitMiad leen sunv iently reluced ind exiiansietl. be would land upon her shot 3 and pitch his tent in Hide Park." Charles Talcott. E-o Sdierintendefit "of the Danxillerailroajl. Va.. wftsofferel bv Sen a orGvvynn, now Dtike of Sofrortf, fifty thous and dollars a year in gold iAhe wonld place bin engineering pk'll at tb disposal qf the. r'mperor of Mexico A pjtsSrt and the funds f r pavimr tlie jiassage of.hrn-Hlf and family, a'.'Coiiipanie I iliis ipii itV4.ifrer to Mr Tab on. He detl ncil, on the groulid that he was unwilling to desert ti country in this . tisne of tri aL f - LJ-J ZJ ,Tnftns op:the paper. -: v - . . f 20 a-Year, to Advance, ' Fi eriptioHfeedved under 6 natki; '.f. i ?. ES lynat paid U advance $ SO.OO. &a. ' : v -'.V.-rr i - - t Job Vorh iecuted promptly i wUh neatnezs and dsiifch a tkZa'OMc?.'" ' .v "She Gallant Lonisifcrfana Aio4W States, wUW f otim bave'titibdQt . JiVM'w'Sl''-''ntelerte burners into biMtiv a Mitijfiiitte'cvittJir'L,' lar-etwayTrt'iii ibetr liHJve iU nixie stafefs out to daV more cons'pioy)uly upon ibis (flrture of the car ntval tileitth.'' than bliislin LoiiWana. ,v Tlie vufjir of her aons b lot-eii do more ifl8-iruie-il iiihe ranks of iIk Army " Northern yirgij4g tlutn their.- hiramV has jraintd Ap adtMrafim arid-love of their !elIa-ol- iierj it: ajhe ill .'rrrVd Arnty of the-Went. Pre eminently ainong tlie to.t turbru of.ur soldier.ejhe L-jnisimm tfjiifseura tred 'zou aves atii riiieme have inet the ftfetitv jtithe -nt-rhAU, UfKn every fvihte held, while the WafbitgPtoii Artillerv has noWjt ttti;tf t m -by eversf luittalion in tlie wric. Ut l ().' Ibiive U'Iy.iiiti loth command of Gi-n Lt. im lilv.ttlS) ritid to teii tb ckiJ-v tf lbejr Iwlleti: This jiHe MHttiurm U more , toucliiit1 ibaiuanv tbeoii.-,nld po-il,l, h. These i(l40 fompri-eK-ti raiment. Inj.Ied in- Gen. Zejtiian Yirk, ajiHtirr who ba(iiglH his wityj'roHi Unptaih upn ,ud wlo bsw v 3ti pnipiiguiiied. lield.s. was trwi- jsfelv hliliselt "to - . "i-sA -.. -w t . . j r . . a gall.rtt MHte. We nte;j, 1 tr ht-aA ih.it ti ' i thw otlper ha-- rw-ei ejs)feiu1f,lMriiy to recr-.il his civilian I. and that heiias tnemo-t tl il terrtigi jospects ot incrr-.-i!jng his briir'nle to fve ijijiiu Hid l fo e Ale r ng campaign -OJ)CJisr rVTe l tint t-r,-ry t.-:ii -i jumti w lb rmlv to tf jal dis-,i imshed J.t i-i,ii, i-n I r'g .1. (Si neiHyi r on a -JnHt "fticjal i-it n Cohinlf-a We m.-'li fb wehwtie and a " M-.jor-eneral s commi6i n bouth Caroli nian .jgj -..'" '. Whys it that some "I't be Press are full of predictions ofl.disastrr to the ContV-lerate cau.-e?. Why are they. continually marking out ajtianpain fir sherfnan I hat will result glorioii)y to the Yankee arms and most dis astroiUfy to -iis These birds 6 evil omen are becniiivr a nuisance. TheirdismUl boritr iugd tirjptif i often beHrd.'am, they bode no good $our canfe.' . Cetee mtli.ing to justify the prophetic annoniiceHient that Slierman wib ta- liraiich ville; 'ibrit-he Mll marh un opposecitfiriij:b Smub,Jarolina : that be will orciipvjhe ,ity id-Ralegh ; arid that we will soon bfiat the mercy of'ftie Yankee hordes',-. Smflijdpredicilions ;)s these, and at such a time .A&fien we are engaged -in a ileatb-sirug-gle fo'reedom. are not calculated to, benefit usir iae, an. I we regret extreiiiely that they shouljdffe indulged in byvaur portion of tlie 'Pre-sj the -t'onfe-ieraliy. - It w a .grHiifyi1 g fact. Igvvever. that biu'lew of them are rn gatredSi this ell'rii lo diMMoragi our eoile. As a-iAi-eral iniiig. tlie jonroal- of the. conn- -try afefiuoy ani.an J hiqieful 'I'liey cbee'rlbe aruies;4iud the people' with the hope that we will 3f$ti eu'erge from. ihe da.rk sea ofiroubr les-rtiaj uow lashes in j irv against us. They beg iif&ifot to give up tbe conjest.. after four years j? carnage and ;sufl'ering Xvitlinut tbe pricelefi lioou uf mdepen.dnre. i They beg us hot loirrendef our hmi.-r ur lands rour a!! rt,a inrr4A foe. .yh2 wtxit rnle us 'm wti-t-jtf.a4ji f .'roni yn.fjj-l ryal a . uier pV3'da.iifo: witbtKit r rbjTi Fs ; w 1 1 lioii t" pvivilesj wrttiout any of Uie immuHuies of Vreemeh. ' -;' We 3)ink our people ought to know tlie YnkO daracter by this time. Thev have wagedyar against us with afe.iiior.eles euer xgv tlfiftfjhas no equal. 'l'h have plundered )ur hies ; sijden onr slaves , desolaK-d the larTsiii'?)itions of our land; 'Outraged our WomfiH; tradc orphjin ol'onr cbjldren : and ibiie:a to oppr'esus that. their develi-h in-j.-nui'tvysctiuld devise Shall we then go back to ihe3i and ack uowledge th il we were w-rohgi tuat we Jiave hcen vxarrins against tin ir .jfyripup old rl.ig and their liepubliar Const iiittoii without a cause? A re we "pre- " l-aredisav t.hat the lens of thotis.iuds of noUe t'li. whose idiwol has crimsoned the sod ofjpieir native land, have fallen, in an unhi! vSi-riisade against the " best government the w(gftl vver saw..' . - - It Nfafe n ffvtww fo'f Ihisf why eh Couraf llje belief in tbe Ndrth-n mtiid ihajt Weartj-eli uih cornju'ereil ? Why.'ai a time whetift Inighfv abf ic of Yankee existence i.-i itsfloMvriiig And almost ready to fall Ik? neat Ijilie-heroic valor and- patient endurance of oaryjeople --.v.hy., we say. at such -d time as thieris not every man foiiwd re idy and will iiiiT toT5jo!eratid encourage i iie well grounded belief L'at" the entj is a pj'roachirtg ; that we ca!ijii'y('e subdued, jind that our brave armies are veM'vinciHie-.-ami are eiiiilleil to that eii'-ouClgtMhenlHItat. in our brighter davs, was gneu jeuV by- every new.-paper la the Con ledera. Alas '. that, at this critical junc tiire.:fiiy-shoulil he found unequal to the C" Ran Aeainst a Spag. TheMYankees. in-evvorting Hpaiillown the fjijiev, M5casionH!tv run against. a nag Tfy .aiigbi a Tartar last Siiinlar n 00b Jj morning 50 of iheui. led by th -pus 'Jjisie scont," lieity'. a deserter f inoruii'g. ie lu'iori- - from til- mer Is nfedtaliou. came jii nnjngu .as ivivn- -fbtirg, pShen'an Itxth. r) inking ihe .rinuipalt I l.iwiisffej ween VViifj-hesier atf-b Edeiib'irg. fhev ieurnn-ed oiir i-icktt si JiiH below .lvliilrg. about daylighL capturmg 14 of them y 0ir reserve. 45et.ti.1g iheir l.iood'up iiiiiiie;flitfely rn 1 ed a.l purs-ue.t them to Wpoyf':c.k, where we re'aPiuriVur 'pickets and tcjik 6 Yankee-, (amobg them Hi ley,! ihe ?.f3-ie s4ro-it,'f ) wi.u their. arms, Jfcc....0 -horsesf -and ran tjie balance of the Yn kees t.Strasburg " One ot our -pickets, -who1, had h&t Atptureil." afier his release by iJur. meir, piiisell captured two Yankees. Capt. Graudliarl'aird Lt. Mohler. who comma mi fed -our pickets near Ebnhurg, acquilted them selves tub great credit on the occasion. Moh- . Jer talvig them in front and Gramlstaff aa BailingShem in the rear. Ilarrisonbvrg Reg isttvr. 2r1 '''.' .Thetimber of exempt tbia side of ihs MissisiHPt.i river, (acctirding to the statement of MKTHile.) un le.r.the dititreni clauses of the pr-iit law, arfris tollowt.: Arliysical disaU Jv-. 6JL: l7 : Stsrt ntficers exempted by G vers, 18 783"; ii'aA!rs, 3.0-qi; m-ane asyluiSl managers ai4 VtH'es, editors and etffployees of neapaperA, 66 : apothe caries,y9; )'bviciaiis3 l8 . itachersand protewJrs. I &7 UUiit fifteen tKTO . clause, 3.6-l5 ; Quaker, Dunrdw, m ;1 extractors, railroad eutpioyees. J 1 (. - -. " - J r A -'" -, H ; 1 .' J It.sv t' i f I i "A ... ' -. -X3 . ... . ' ' - ) Ii '' 'i-i;:fiv HZ ii :--cL. .