,4- X v - '" f J, - v T -V. ' 4. -. -V -r-''U-' .1 v - ." ; " . $r-Z' -f -"- i y' --'-. " -'- V ' -'- - I J' - ,'J ' '' - ' -f--:"f ;''v '. ' -"'"-4 ' - ' i '' ' -' -V V---'J" -.-X.. ! i&i .'i .. ,r. ---t.. .t - -v:-i-:' ... 5 -'j.Vr- --..,. ....,.-,.' T;., ,. :' ' ' " IK :,,,-!. . . ..: ' . - 1 : . c, V i . i J'i . i aa A. JX: A 1 '1'. Ant...r : ?rt?V' -jji j Tin i ! cm i i. . rt , ThuytgHT," February Oth,:; IS.C5 The Peace ;ComxnisioiierV 0n last "inesday, Vige-President Ste v jiliens, Judge jt'athpbell and Hori. K. M. '.T, Hu'ntet, the cominwionors appoint -ed by Presidoui'DavU to .-visit' 'Wash in'gtonVandcohft?r '.with Lincoln on the terms of peace,p'assed thro.ugh our lines in front of Petof.sburgkon theiy vv.-iy io that city. A-general cetssatinof hj tifities va proclaimed along the lints pf the Wo artnies, the breastworks and fortifications on either side being crow ,' del with men who, as long as the com mistjionertf'and their; escort were -in wght cheered then wh voice which gave- butUhe expression' of their hearts. Surely, it must have been ihrillnig to witUffis that t-pectaele frorti- men who had, but a few hours before beeh thirst "iugfor tlie lite-blood of each other, wow Uniting in wishing x (iod speed to the humane effort that is iu be made to set 4.1er4l ditticulties and bto the sacrifice of lives. . , Those three gentlemen chosen, cm -brato in the trio, statesmanhjup ani c abhitjes of the firet order. . Jf iK)8sib!e, vth hohor to the South! weliei ussur ;ed,that these men wihiiccomplisli what theyvvere bent for; but let us not relax our energies, to a final land' triumphant rroKecutiotl ot. the warlon our part,, ! oKr.niil ilu.w . f..;i ' 1 . . i - 1' V ! 14 , Branchy ille and Augusta. Ti ere appears to bo no Aloubt that Shwnian is ahning for1 Brnchviljo and ..uiuta. VVtfll;--leL him come; our prj .. .- ' .--"tf'". -ti . . -i dictuin is, that ho will ifiot QZily lail Ki! ' .: -i ' get cither.placei but thftkbo c;tfh the wrhjwshiiig that any Yankee arniyjiM ye received at the hundu hi thoConfedcnrtca Shorman, wiiljiot .e Able to march up the country, and . this hoAvill find true. His raiding par itei, iH air probability, will cut the rail road between. Branchville ati'l Augus ta not Whig more. ' . ., ! Soldiers' Boxes. t We are reqested to give riotice that Mr C. D. M urdook, .of Co. A, 4th N. C Hegiment, will return to his rogiu-er.t abut the 1 4'lh Fe.bruiirr. and will t;iki- xesfyr hiy nienibe in Coa. A,C, and yi n This p!i((?e. Boxes, should not bd too la: go and wellifstVkp'ped a:n! marked. ' 8:'T1 KiriBUTn corresioent of tlie Stat Journal uf 'fms that -apr, t'.t p..,'. Simlair, late editor of" the "Wihuir jtcn Ccn- lUian, and. V d. ,Vef tL tub editor of fhvj Rileid Pojre$, have r-m "th-bloel.adeV. 25vvkerri and goiie to lh Ysnkeen. Tlu ' public will no; be sisr'nrised at ri.iH.,. In.'e.i vt Mpect that a larger emigrMion wiil mn-n depart from Kalviii for the land cf Cl etie mv, headed bv Ilollcln lUfsctllan'eous Items, -The bill to authorize the tranrfmiM- sion of newspapers free of postage to oldrers has.; become a, law. Wjj arc' glad of this, forhe so frequent -change . , ijn tho poRt-ofiice of tho various cow rnhnds enutiJed too much expense- pr bujr poorly ptthl soldiers U'e will puh 1 lish this law us socn as we can proeurt a copy of it. ' : -'-The Wilmington Journal i infortn- d, that if it becomes necessary, to evac-1 , uaterth.-tt town, il the intetif,h-n-of the Commanding general to exercise the authoi;ity vv'at edf in him by act of Con Zi fCSS and dof'tioy thc-cottori remaining there, instructions have been given already tjo fatnifo tho removal of that , in pri-vara v.aps i-Ti6ane8 tlwtj ni). Gen. Go'rdorT h bserr placed-webmmaii'd of tho 2d-corpn, lately rnmtitt4-by X.ieut. Geri. Jur He issued an addrecs to tho troops upon taking command. '--Tfie LynchVur. tyfublics nndzr 8tan.(hitlt Mr ' J. A, Spcrry; edit of thjj Register, w ho was captured by the ; enemy ."in,-heir lato raKi into Sautb wcfu tefn Viririnia. h.is Un'tiirrwl tt. vr by . th military to tlu civil authority ;,t ' KtinxvilUv-to bo tHcd fW triasotu In .what his treason c-onsists wr Ikivo uM been advised, this w doubtlesa some .of the arch devil Hrownlow's work Th$ number of vlwlhtL i rlWw M;Wapt. W. A. ChamU imre, M , post ltppl-al a numcer Miell tlrro-a.n jntoj and 1 mounted a .inaU lank to tJcj.,t 'htottttili larlestffn frm the mmmvftcomcnt i.f ipeep at t VuU'Im feallr ATii'tiTt't. fatter aaTatKkt kiLTKbirtnaia'-wril -rji Chai - uorau.trcr;t to.lhe 1st of J:inaa. ','17. 15. -tv1?.:;.:; .v. . , , - ... Accwjri.-einrVRariUi vfiV5 "wT-imj.&.&Tmatfm,:toi--- . ' -; leation or prtz capture.! by their sea rovers., of Joe CanW Vf ifnnti. V iVu i llr3emti.f irate litott wi-W. FT thoisiavfc,yr. iirj.ver bars isvfTh Cijntederates paid, or are to pay, eight .- ?JrixlLr IrlK.jtnilliorof dollar, in cotton -for the Island. .-liritoab ia atontrr r TT OiwlJiAlchJiprf w s fiB4.lub($r on the eastern sid. orf - . 1 , - .- . -r.i mtjg- f j ....',.-- -i. ... - ;.. .t . - i- 1 , . . '.--'-,, , - - I . . . . , . , - . . JV t - -.. - ..... . v " ,-- '.." - '- . ', '.-..- , . " .: : ' ' - ' .1 ' - .; ? ''.'"-.''-". !' . "" ' f-" ' :- ' .i-'"" -' r ' ' ' ' '.,---'-.-' .'.-;. -:' .'S' ' V' ' ' ! ' :-'.-'.-' I ' I ; I always bad a very great, cunosrty tot the trencle .at PtetVur.I haJ heard so mucn BHnj wncerning inni-aqn?exiravaf,'"r" " ' - ganpe, almost impoMW TCn'amr in-lT1"80?' hoarattsJoa BredvJ, rniilerVt that" I wac determined to ee C?Py no. Crawford, C3ayiarpe, IK r- w.. -.ri:i. trT.r'iAf-i- .V5Mside.;EtfBaUeT(feDt;Cniu(rran3rf)ei niii n4mlincrlv. n tut set outtukWihat object in view. . .fter cross ing Poeajhoiitaa JJri4?ge on the' Northern Huhurts t&the city, I turned djrectly to the . -,-w . -O-.- T - lefton tfee Cttv Point ra11roaT. down which Ij walKea auau-tiiree qnarters ot a jmne, ana after CTojsiing a fine iron hrfeigr," ttructr the '' coverel way " as it is called h'erey.wldch means eiinvply a" Jitch puftcrently deep In pro tect erjsn from the enemy's shots. Froi the western ternunus .of this ditch to the trenclie proper the distance is ! something near thrte fourths of a mile, it is ffohi three to eight feet wide, and, the batik induced, from Feven to nine feet deep. there is. n " coverit'sj' at all. TUiia conptimtep tlie chief thoroughfare through which the men lieioivg "ing.to Ransom's brigade go to hd frons" tle city. On hearing the lines j discovered rati nysimiliir ditchea interpeoniig tie main one and theucj; running in everv cohceivalde-df- rection It 13 no wonder 1 got lopt;-a man might as well attempt to explore the Mam moth .cave alone and wulimt light, -hut by;; the niospndefatigal.le exertio and by mak iog all MbI? inquirtesjjf every one 1 met. I at laet fcmnd'ihe head quarters of the 49th N. C. Reg't. and thence, ia Company with a competent guide Lt." Jaa. Shrnll,) t coii- ti nned my ohpervatjons and exploratiorls with a greater degree of Saticfaction , lhe- men j I found hM burrowed in the earth likesomanv rrou!id mis. -from four toi.v. iri a hole, whleh ! is calhfd ai" bo:r b-proof';4 fTe-anpe, in the first place, 4t is ftuiKen several feet beneath he sur'Ciae; and in the second place iuacov. evvtl witil ty and.earthvarvibg fror six to ten leet in tiwcKnesa. Oiiil; these " uoint pr.ofs" are not altogether a safe retreat; -it is no verv an'camjnoy'thiiig for heavlnortar lieHH to jienetrate to the interior. an acpi dent wdtkrh never faik to cau.e a general get ti tg on-1,' yoii may well iinszifiek The f;ct Jc, the m5-.hHte discovered recetitlv that thev - , , , ' , . , , Are HHfe ill turn trnfhs tlin in thir hn c i are Hafe ul the trencrls than' -in 'their hofe d iritig afbelling spree, -which Occurs perhaps1 ini-ein iwent y-four hourn, Rjr.ietiines jn dav. light, Monur-tinies at night, and lasts one or two'lictirs Ht a time.' There ulwaysa look out kept, and wanting givin when there jic ny ,dnge-r : and the men have become as ex ploit at Jodgittit in the trenciies ai d aruufid the "traverses" t Mat "it. it seldom any one; is hurt. In dyjight i !ie hl' may be seen diKtinrtiy from the tisne tfy lesve Uie ene hit s mortars unm tney ciiIh1i insue our, workH, mail st night their-fiery tails, comet like, indicate their course. The range is en t; rely itth short uvadsftit of; the ;tite of arti-1-lery. con.-rtqnently nothing-hat; mortars are Jieii aii.i,- HKe everytnunc. ei6t, intv are so i far benea th surKcf. in kiiHifp,4 0 ji'Mrfht.-i-no or. e corn Id It now w "berfe tyf r w err lt-not -tqr.the -cloud. b ;U Ot hich while sMiv'iVe prod need by discharge, wl always btryt tijtir eaet locnlity. Before jlesvirig that part of the s'ai ject.i however, jl idiouhl iia?e that the .hole in duch the men live Hre N-all,i.io low that a, y ten yearc .!tfoii!d, &rrcry stand fret'l they are dark in 1 4,!J rM "nv instances 'smoked . iit.rowgtily iiiaii by'(bt litueiannful of stone c;sl !;! oi 4' field pine, their only hope of fit el It is really surprising thtt pitch Universal ,-ood henlth .revHilt;; I did notice a pini'f -ii'k man; not wn-iietatid.irfg their exceedingly iisiitreeshle mod tH'life. Oniof the greatl- est inconvenience tp'jwhioh they are njibjecjl i , - ' .- ! itf t:-e Jiorritie mmj wnen it rams, or iiiringl .i ... . t'-r i . - - i . ,' - -i . i ! j-iUr; fi! aUb to ijie min trenoh. the lot v i ( . j 'tivu'i - v I r ikt-M vt V WVtJUJLl I l? to;;; of !iich.ttn wet W6atlier. is filled wi;h iiu l inches dt-epT-t-yet t'O man .'dure at tmjt t'..shi;n it. by going over a bank; si mire I- he ritk8 it he is shot at. in thjs way inmiy htve been killed by unnecessarily ex- posing themselves. Iitsllv tii lines of the t,wo armies are not more than two hundred yardn tp-irt tt farthest. aq4 in some placew the diftaire ie Uoi halXso great. The piok-j ets. of course. re much nearer, scarcely fii'tv' yard eiaratc them. vet. there 'thev have lain; tor the 1 M c t three or--four months, and how much lrgfrthey may remam wj cannot "tell .1 ! TheiYtf.tees li-e like our met.' beneath the surface rif the earth it is rate that one howt hi Wad tlove the breast vork. You might stand on a. moiiiid in the1 centre of that wreck f frtk tfcr(snch it i?ln :rcality) and V16 & .3 judge 1 thieve them to W impregnable. The V.ien Inniid cheerful and lively, more so than I could. U nnler the cireu instances, unless. like themi I had served a xix .m-nthii' appren- th-et-hip. and then. bci.le-, had the .iiiHmitvl qi-.HnlitieS of gov! things from home in which tliey te lixuriat.jg. i confcs to a feelin' ' '''t'n;ifhr.is jr.nre or twice w hen a pon derous auw-tarVhell woull lightnear enongh l? give cn'.e the Read .ache; an.1. once I was ei b nt.ilv - M- . . - - I s w . -' 1 . - . - r i ; . - rw whri ifiihT7. r Vfvnl?V' W,rWa4ttt:; Jro-riBi bBtffi.. 1 his usual wav. to h-ld the State at mi. mtn.em truth he very earth Uatrfa Treawry.' Snh fi-e concliis'iof.U unl-rt.n .... th d. d.r.w r- .h.i r- i - -. - ; ... ... r. . ' .i.. r n..w" ' an? im ianr?s, wcti never i&r.eiv., - were u -.vr ..lies rftl crush Sherman. , At the close of titers nainbtried. bif- handreds-aiul ,t;ho.uarMtf V. 5r the price of blool we-have pii it wonjLi j'ie dispatch the strange phenomena of an s I mH.t skv a e-eat deal with re ferpn bcTst-Rrrheap to fijt thakeefH idea seemed to strike him abd he asked : tmi nt Pays g eat cfeaj with reierenet to torSIrroi with (henr? ' ; What is your available force for this pur- the defr,ae. hut it rmhi be impradent I I- . win oniy aii.niist so tar as j am abje to i , icSttu CZ paoiuei T. J&ZUtS. & J -To ff ,'0rjbre,--Ht7roay ;ki- . i.r,- u.i.:'.4? Courts of Adwn rahr for th ta and aiudi. WeQ. U is hardlXi ctceoaary for . toe to tat Kttsr of prudence? second Umi. " ?!SCI-W Pr06!V nr othe.R" all -of whqiirfixe doionaniadai'V i -. well when'the1taatio-i's considered. Fp tunateiy, on: tne aay rem;m cipip -Where 1 leaded safely atfO P. lt.,thaBUr' fulthar the time usriot yet coMe.wheTi it nic te necessary for me to; makb heraeTin r the ground. - NAT f . uv . . , ... fiQrMr. CD. Murdock, wil accejt of thanks for a copy pi the New Yor k Herald of the 18th Janaary, whiGh $. have perused-with much interes, alf p the Kichmond Enquirer, of Feb. 2dk ' ' . -'',' V " Projected R&id. " ihfe grotand -was frozen fend towards evaostf rif -k wVf?y-r . -.i. t tLlV !., i -i4jT3r,, Associated rPress at Bicaaj oiif.,T w,.ww.. t s4 8etnT to ireficate. lbs - " Bird," a; correspondent ofthe Rieic-'hat-come what mayv we will.f by the i jrTrr-J - . L it'JjwT hlp of Godiandour own strong arm, con- mond Whig, in a recent letter to to a pi Expre' i paper ticm jsristel, -Lenn. saj's : ; t "'It is thought by many-that-lfce enemj'l enivrer lurce ci cavairy ani mutfvy win ; vance so soon, As tl weather becomes goo. TLt l ' ."T r J , .P In the event of Gen. Hood falling. bac&b"e 'e do net; pretna to know at the Alabama, iffewore than probable that .sOffJ f :p ' '" Ui " i . amove will be made. Intelligent ritizel1 were the influences wrch iniuated the r. . v irl..:ur . fi.'-. 5. ;o Jt4e0nationtvliica are now coingon, we feI reiKjrt mored ia prjvate circles in the city, that t&v other formidable raid is being prepared f-r into Nortli Carolina, Salisbury it. thedesrv nation. 'Th'is is more tha'n probable. Tlte departmental coniinanderd alotig the Ncrh Carolina tKrder should be on the alrt . Te eneniv are bod and defiautsince their rece Huccepo and flatter themselves tltat they ci a!comp!ith anytiiirrg thaujthey may esiiB. 1 lie strictest vinance should be'given toti tlefence of the North Carolina frontier and tlr safety of the Salisbury prisoners-1 "A maiority ofthe press of North Caroljita j i clammoring 'for a Convention. Augtx onicle & Sentinel. , 4 . , t . 1 he foregoing is simply false. 4 'p iifiitw of North Uarollha CQasists of socie tjfrrty newspipers; and of th'airunibpT but txoo "clafnor for a StateConvei- I uJi t bin lr. fjiv-ittl-.B-viln -lip.mo. ' Some of them (the Virginia newspa'reffO have commenced talking of peace mat tens quite -phriiily and advocate a State Conv4 tiof to settle difiiuities honorably if jo& hi." TiicL ' ' X fhere is" no truth iK tho latter para graph. . No yirginii paper that. MX h'xy& seen favors tlje calling of a Staie (jobvention. f . -We have lqngi befcn struck with tbc indecency of the editor of fho Ckronklt de pfeniinel, towards the Southern Oof tederacy. We understand theeditor i$ bera raw Connecticut Yankee; and his .eo'siree now savors tomeihfag ' rankcjF tba.n 'indecency. , No Southern man & thvt North ddre manifest such atate of feeiinif towards the jLificoln 6overi-, j lltVIkb AC? Willi? 4 C 4 (V 4 IIHIJV the Govern merit and cause of the So at The timoT we trust is not'distant when khe Chronicle dr Sentinel will see cause to mierate its tonj. State Journal. The Scheme cf Finance'. -The scheme of finance now determined u X on .and liktiy to be carried into efFee.tvSays t Richmond ' paper, mav ; be comprehensively stated -thus: Tlie cotton and tobacco ofllie country , having been inda the property of the Government, the Secretary of the Treasurr J ...Ml -J 3 .! -i- . I win proceed, ui.utTiue autponiy 01 ongreisf, to borrow specie, givingoUon and tobacco as security. Ttiis specie will be speedily applied to the redemption of a large portion of tbp Con i'ederate-notes now afloat at a moderatir discount. No niqre notes to be issued byth i ilinirlTnAnt - tc tnnminff nnrrinTf In li " ' , ' se.l fori rir Government expenditures or ca'nee I The cottoa and tobacco seized will tT led. puid for in Confederate money at the market rates (iZi)A beir.j; the basis,) at the rateofdii? count fixed by th-e Seeretary of the'Treasnrf in the rVdemption of the currency.. An efFoit. will be made to reduce tlie volume Of tl currency to ascertain amount, and, if possl ble, to prevent iticincrease. - i (. -. .. ' . . . A corresriondent of the Rebel states, on tlie authority of Mr- .jTrenholm, tliat the aggre Hte iebt of the Confedexalje jjovernmenttn. chiding its bond and notes is.Tn rojind nurri brs, nne billion and a half ; of at the ratip of twenty for one. $73;OlKL,000 ,hvgold.:. The bond- are interest bearing proDerrr. and art afe investments so Ions athe Gdvernrnenl can p the interest on them. Seventy-fivf niillion4f dollars in jjohl, therefore, has bee the entire exiendhire of tlie 'Government siiCe its inanguratiou- But few of the peo pie are aware of the 'fact, .that Jn Jou$ yeawii ol iiHietieiidenr-e and exnetiaive rr. i h : .o'Jtiiern otHies . nave exeniei oniy anomj Atf:..' r. -.;'.. e j l iimmi iiRirc iin iriHimry Kenngn oi pjnn fiii sfrrow, we announce the death of II ti JjmeB once our partner n business, aadHH trt.tiv vetrs an Intimate .soeiat as onel1 !;; employees ia this ic. lie died M TlwK'f.Bia", at hf ret-'klencesnear tarn, y i ,e,,,.v d"1 2 clock, after an illness At J tlro. Aged 40 years in December laat.4! fiatiiery Suchmtu 3d. . ij made five. I shall consider Sherman a hard " LTr" -' -' -llcase if I cwi'tcrush' hirtvwith five procla- Jtietterfrom Nashville r taat' Nastl'mationa and one brigade." VUe will no 'neer be uaed as a military ami protiKm post, thst Florence, 'laWataa,-frW' .' . - . ' . . ..- . r wrM in South mail XcmH ITrrvLw. an4 SV n,i,... ;n it-o. u.Aut-.'.;'ii The Fs ace .Uorement. 1 .,Wfoald ,Advfs tlwpablvi jt tdb too bwiisi.there? IsS'011 'jthat ant event fraught wUitjfo ranch of good to m'akind generally, is as near at hand as maal seem disposed to :iok:. At a late boar tyepi ing, and after .the article under oar eu Ijonal hfad had been pot m typc weTheard tlSttheJ distinguiah eentlemen wboss aaB?' are kjwj i jrAiiu 3 J 1 J i . y' are anxious and . to! redv,tt meet any' Overtures on thejaTiof itie united mates Uovernment. waicti will bring about .n honorable adjuetmentjOf our diculiiea, but so far' from their bein Peace frrn.mi&siimerg' in tlie full sense Ot the teVm, it lis 6t the time of this writing, not ijodtivelv. Known tnav taey wnrgpe paesea inreugti tne JTederal lines. We thrpk, flierefore, tfat the public should not entertain very sanguine iTapes, whicli raay at any moment &e con- 4 rerted into -disappoi-titnieut. The moetnent ier re ferwd to niay result m bringiQa poace lti a-distracted count-y, but if it shoid no iftt all he prepared for such' a. result,, ind r t, re' peace. PAerslvrg Expr. , . : , ri , . ' Frvm tht Ra'figh Gnft&i?aU. We have been, repeatedly asked.! " what -; :u -t: . . ' . on uo Hesitancy in giving it as our opinion, mat; lie Yankees are extremely anxious ju bring al-out a cessation of hostilities between these tw$ Governments, and, that their abxiety is the restHt of some- outside pressure. Prom the best information before the country, it is helUtyed that affairs., between the -United Stasis and two of the European powers, are becoming daily more, and more complicated, while the reasons, wakh have hitherto pre- yentet1. those powers from recognizing -the in dependence, of the Confederate biates, are gradually being dissipated by each j transpir ing event. , ' It can no locger.be denied, that the United States is treasurtng" tip a mountain of wrath a?.ainst both England and France : nor will it be questioned, that itie the purpose of the Lincoln Government, so soon as the present warfehall have closed, to re announce, and, with force of arms, infciotain the Monroe doctriue unon this continent. These things are evident to us, and of course, they are as ' readily seen and as fully appreciated in bi- rope. While we have "never ocen sanguine fir the opinion, that foreign powers would make1 haae to interfere in this struggle ; still, we have neer doubted, hat, when the pro per, hour, ialbeir estimation, arrived', there would b interference, on the par-pf England and France, tip prevent a reconstruction Of the old Unlont Whether that time has ar rived or aoL we shall not Dretehd to say ; but. pr repeat, what we said In" the otset,' that UK present anxiety 01 tue i anKees 10 prmg about a oessatian of host i lit res, .i eviaentiy the rej-lt of some outside pressure, and we are inclined to the belie ft that that pressure comes from Europe, i the shape of recogni tion, at no very diatat day. . la the mean-" rfme,.we cautlsrf our patriotic people against tJrht cowftfdlv suhsiission which wfouid yield hp all for which our armies .hav'tbe fight- n g, iist at .tuf inomenyii qgr,. utua w i The Valley Campaign. From one of our Surgeons who remained in Winchester,- in charge of our wounded, dur ing the campaign, from fife 19th" of Septem ber, the Lynchburg Virginian has BOme inter esting facts relative to our losses. This gen tlerqen states that vfe lelt in the .hahdof thf ' enemy, in the fight of the 13th of September, p.hout 400 wounded, and that there were in Winchester previous to the fight 260 sick and wounded. Oar informant further states that the entire number ofick and wounded capr tared' by the eaemy", was 804. This includes all the fights is the Valley, from the lOth of September to the close of the camptign.--These losses are certainly very, far undr the estimate we had heretofore had. but that they are correct we have every confidence,!8 mir' informant had every facility for obtaining acculrafre informatio'ni ' 'e gentleman tells us that the eqemv QiairtieiJ to: havt 40.UUU Inlantry and T,UlU cavalry, j Tbe Yankee Burgeons at Winchester told our informant that they buried, after the fight at WincheSterpn the 19th, six of their own men to one of ours, and that the hospitals in fthe town contained 6,000 of their wounded, from that fight alone. - The exhibit of the losses of the twoarmie6 evidences the .skill and gallantry witn-jwhich Our officers a.nd men fought, and though they were ui fortunate in not securing the I'faitso' their repeated victories, yet none will deny tha tfiey deserve well of their country when they yernein berth e overpowering odds tgainst which they had to contend. . Material for the Defence of Georgia. The Augusta ' Chronicle and tSentinql 6ays that while General Brairi? was in thaticitv. a little incideivt occurred which shows that ! (zn Ti ! tl t. .l. -.1.1 o:i, t i. - ti)e crefit of being. aii Gen. Bra 22 promptly replied : " Five.-PfaJa'matlons and one Brigade." Oar informant did not see the point, and askedi ffwi. Iragg to explain. - Wny," said he, "Gov Brown issued a nrocWimatio,nr..tbat was 'one; Gen. A. Vfi Wright1 made two', the President's made three; senator B. II. II ill s made four, and that from tlie eight members of Congress r t The Philadelphia .Inquirer of the 21st, itzns uiarao vices irom ruassao, si.r.. state tCat tbe -Confederates t here ha purchased Andros Islsnd, about 60 miles west of New .rrreTnitnw, nu mrv aiwui.tg esutunsn mere I ..II" l . I m ar?nai and narsi cenot . i v kk - lit rtrni! . t t. . a-vj&av mrrj-i a- s r i -1 ..Ctmgfressioaal. sIHirox-Peb'I The Senate passed-the Senate biU t-abol is h the, offices or Quarter masters a unimisaryn duty at posts and departmsotsVand to. provide for the appoiat meot of bonded agents 5n their places. , The' Act also repealing ali ?ithority Mf detail peTr sos betweejithe aes of 18 arid , Jit aaid department and Ihei vent into secret sessioa. iIo Uie GooWKr. Gliolson Robrnitted the foHowinetTk. -people, of the- Confederate States have ever been and af e-aow.. ready ; ti, iumc wiuier w snouia maniifsi itie wiumgaeiw - . U "l - 4. 1 S- f V .-3 1 : L treat for-pesfce, we should not omit to yig- orouelv preoare for war. . .That in the judgment of the House the pre paration can beet Jbe made by uging every if fort t place at once in the army every nao liable under oar laws to render military ser vice, and by causing the Quartermaster, Com missary and other departments to be admin istered with renewed energy, and since Gen. Lee has been made' General in-Chief, to aa sign to him our best and most acceptable Generals to command our separate armies, and by ceasing to agitate the policy of,em pioywig negro troops a measure which nas already divided public sentimeat , 4nd has produced much deepondenoy.. ' MrsOJioison spoke at considerable length m suppor ofUns resolution. He incidenlally 77 lo "ie, eroiency which he thought has accomplished more ' ! J J .1. ' nr . r- t ticiency of. the ITessi iiV am ot our- struggle wiao a a undrea folds -a h u: us numper ot emp oyees could tave xlone it ' Richmond. Feb. 2 The Hou9rt passed th Senate bills increasing the compensatiott andj tho coloriao rT nffiflra anrl pmfilflVPPfl ff tliA ftftvprnmpnt in Richmond. Also adocted resolminns exnrensinsr the BTfttf fication of Congress of additional evidence of the riotist of the various commands which have declared their purpose to (maintain 'the war for independence. ' The Senate was chiefly occupied to' day in the discussion of the House .amendments to the bill to provide for the employment ot tree negroes and slaves to worn, on lortinca tion9. . Pending which the Senate resolved into secret session. ' Warthern News.' RicnvoND, Feb. 2. The New YorkVcr rtWof the 30th received. Not a word about the appointment of peace iomaiissioners by . i ' t i . nu;-'r - Lincoln ' but over a column about Blair's Lgecond visit to Richmond, in the shape of a Washington correspondent, who asserts that Blair s mission, is not a failure, and predicts that the commissioners from Richmond will soon te ri route to . asuingion oreai sen- l.v r.rtQ r,f th. fal' of Charleston and ar- ty reports or tlie tal. ot narieston, ana ar rangemeuta between .Lincoln and lavi6 tor the imme.liate attainment of pacc. ti tt u ' c. T . :, 1 The Ilerakl saV9 a .t. J)U1S COrrespOlUi- ent gravejy annonnces Kirby Smith as nego- tiating with Maximilian for the tra-nsporti lion of his forces to Mexic. The blockade nnntr Blendheim frow Nas eau,-.was recentl captured on the Cape-Fear; I Butler baa -a grand reception at Loirell on Saturday. In his speech he said it tras idle I to talk of tieacs until tire reil aymy of FNorthera Yirrimawas defedted ftraptnred. Seward. 'made a speech before the Ghristion mwldch Ki"Caifc we wait only at tlie hands of the ret-is lor sntmiissionr wincn (laiayed hoever. aecessarily folloSys military defeat and overthrow. ' " Several destructive fires in different States are recorded in the Herald. Gold advanced to 220 on Saturday, and closed at 221"- - ; From, Sherman's 4 rat y. TTIhabi rYnv Pf-K O- A "'iliannli-'h frnm ' Braxton's brigade 7 o'clock, last night, says ! iiie cueing nuvuncvu iu-urt aciusa ;n '"f'pv Swain.p, .driving in our cavalry .on our left six miles, from this place, supposed to be in; heavy force. There is a column of cavalry; on the Augusta road moving rapidly fox some unknown point. . 1 . . '.. ... - . . A later dispatcu dated 0, p. m., vesterrtav, says the enemy had posse?sion of McBride'a; and landing is threatened. The Army of the West. Late . and reliable infowiifttibri from Ten nessee is to the effect that a large portion of the men who straggled from Hood's army, during hi3 late retreatrare making their way out of Tennessee in large numlfs. An offi cer of high rank, who came but of Tennes see since Hood's army crossed the river, as snresus that on all sides of his line of march, he could hear of stragglers who were prepar-ing-lothing. shoes,' etc , for the winter cam paign, and that but few, if any of them, who had ever belonged to the army, had any idea of -rem'aininz in the -Yankee liseS. Fiftv ro, Tir'wniUi rr ui nutimcB wuu nric alout tomov towards the army. The French and the Yankees. It will be seen that the Yankee Seriate has directly ignored the Empire of Mexico and the Efupero Maximilian, by sending Consul to the Republic of Mexico. This will tell Na poleon very plainly what h msy expect as soon as the Yankees are released from their present war tKat they will at once attem pt to enforce the Monroe doctrine by driving Maximilian out of Mexico. Besides this, cer tain Yankee sea captains have taken letters of marque from Juarez, the ex-Governor of Mexico, to ht out privateers to prey upon French-commerce. These signs.indicate a Frenbh and Yankee war; And the Canadian situation as strongly indicates an English and Yankee war. FayeUevUU Observer, - Secretary of War. The Richmond Sentinel says, that Major General John C. Breckinridge has been ap pelated Secretary of War. It is understood that he will retain .his commission of Major- General. The distinguished service and great abihtv of Gen. Breckinridge will render bis appointment satisfactory to the people and to uie army. ' c - r We understand tbe vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Campbell, will not be filled until tbe new secretary enters epon tbe discharge of th duties of his offios. ailDVU tin La LilHrCCU III me Ut-ILl- I at the expiration of which the Currency Bill mimp phew TStink was referred to the Committee 01 Conference. h Hfee ie vjl-bry Wru Wrffcn i he House resolved into secret session. n a minuich y . !- bratge and skirmisfHng was going on at that m"(u, point with Braxton's brigade. TWe enemy mrs', ThnrsdayHrpbroary 2nd; Eftoty inn' ytiiUy, "r " 't is Certsinlv moving on' Branchville. STvKW!?l1b;J!r Tu-nt, yli i . A dispatch from darns' Run, says tt&'f& enemy came up on two barges to. Young's 2iti- e 82i'm Bl PK 1 wtll Collect tb vtth - Island vestenlay aboufnoon and drove in Ipt&l wn, our pickets, lhey fired several buildings and I will gire jcm credit on liiracc6bntsfirtliaatn- and plantations, .and retired. This morning f," w'l v no "r'PO m ome prepared to pa ll,.J c.om'.ra nfT VI,Tl W Pninl lW .?"lW,iJtCrWrtittall -I Tleeai3tl5roakerUidiDe(nilfltorft:t told seller iutys tb Appeal. Who ek; the epreciatiap nre.rrttUv jheir itt dastrr ia e&ealatrng depressiwg rr? ; !"3,JH i 0, Jnfty je(j Scaled by their seal ia' &aasetoV' , iBff-them, F maoviastancea ftout a whnl - hmoth TUeye thsgwasviftstwe have, to balf don tlie epi?it-tt7 people thak i all the1 yictmes thi pabHciieraj ixoa time to Uihe seore. i . - r-- - : The peoje, hweer,jihba1d Jby-fMa'time " bfe aware ofcthe-true eLaraeCera'niT'ptirposes of those re furred to, and pASs tbenr by-ua-beided. f any attention; is paid them, let it bf to ;demunc'e as Sboa'as detectedj Ko. -good citized8hould be deterred by them from the perforpipaiice of duty, or seek'to ; fiad, an ex&Q9e for personal inaction. - PeoplS'to es tablish andg preserve. freedom, must show thetaselves r)rm under all circurastancesi wor thy of free4im,.add ao rely upon" either the success-of tMis or that isolated' army.' . , -A lhrtcK-..;veiw s . Belonging to.jhe 5tli Alabartiaff1 ws a Dutch mfjrrWjoicing the beautiful name of Jacob Schwartz. Schwartz Was particularly fond of "heJ fruit'and oever lailed to layin . a BUpply wfeen an ODicntun5tv: offered. Ou one occasion be had secreted a dozen beneath th fl(X)r of4li8 tflnt E-.f . ,te mftfnin(r u - u - ' - iii - i.:- ..--rur.- hehastened4o his treasuretbutiostead of eggs found T-tinsebnselIi rxSLA wwmWft v in h'tsi', o - ,. Vm t.tfltrinWit , -From thH Paris Pcm ihe-tfoiWing item A Unitcfl States dispatch boat has been desirous to;iput into the port of Bahia, where ' ' i4 '' . . . V. . ' j ... ' - pat-Inhere yas jj mercantile -vessel, bearing the Confederatj flag, flying. The President of the proving refused his assent; declaring that' he di' iot .wish to see a recurrence of an incidentfisimilarto that of the Florida. .. The UniteJ States vessel, After remaining u ve iioum i ine entrance oj .ah oaints xay, put to sea again." The aflair had rid serious consequents, and it'r-eninms to be seen wha"t the ccnimidcr of the' United States - vessel will do." 4; . ' ' ' In Treall cortnty, on- tb 2d oftvliruary, at tb- triif'- nncle. by R.ev.1. M.Smitli. Sprgft Sam. T. Aiekatht, Co, liy Jeff, pariy 4nion, to Hiss. Saluc V. Lvvis. lwjAdverterents, r?S"DlST f rrTyKT i I7'TED' Thsin bush.ii. of coax for yy the us oi, faioiiiesof intHgwuoldiwboara j gonj imm Irediai -county tu ihe flefeuc of their oountrv. i I''L balr T "rn tMiT-.d. to uw tb i Stautfc.lK itt.yoM prefer di-hTrinjf tho com to the famjiie8 of HoiaSrs in xsmt Unn(v,le peiiborhood, yon jean do o hv ftyjtraoting with u ctpt.-Bay ord v.-li-a vreflteffib'y NrtidntitIeil to drw cvn. .1 G. tl. WHITE. G:Gt" 'J. ' Cx27ty Ommiiriontr. N- B T willt!Dd it OHn Saturday tue 11th Vlrary next for'the ptipdse of dc-livring coi-d to tU niniilics ot aoldiMtf. All Sjrth'of -th RiTr are rqneUd to attend on thjit day aiirrcwv tho ahionnt duo them. Thy ara reqooeted to iMVjn deliry: W. U. VTlllTE, Com. --4)-- ! ; r- Cottoil'ari aria Sheetiitfi- to ,V ' la " Excliangre. i titty -ajrrai a vx-iinni lur -Corn, Whaat, rivur, SacwT fcx-a Butter, TalKiviijd Eeix. 1 ""i cUIS, ' L F WAY' St;rtvme, 6j 1.S65. 5:8t-pd ' ' Hr : . FOR SALE. 1 A 000b SECNp HAND jr0ta HORSK WAGON j. I lor late, 'tj Apply to t v f; e. A. CARLTON. Jan. 23, ,85.-:t-pd Hous( Servant to Hire. A :W$Z$S 0 n iiF. SIM0NT0N, Jan. 27, lgS5 .2w Guariian. T1X NOTICE. TKLIXQUKXtTax-iaj.ra for tmt yr 18C4, will nt .'. w TT. ir ,r i ZZ" ro W xa uue by them, ad 4 If Lliev nnrliv-t r.riu. t " " "jiivwiiig uBifs nun places, to pay allTa add w per oeuti4n an 8uculajt- a. ti i .-S-i.- 01,iu' iU?J,w3r nd Thuradayy Ja,uuary 26th, aiiih; .i. i - b. . . was dn on tbe Qtt of Jaaimry, and uue of the Aiieunre will attend aud taell rrtBrnrtna; All dralen in Ilquora, iroods, wares, BrcfMMidiw mill!- butcher, binnera. physicmns, -iMrn, hotel kei. AeAc. will atten and pay their eoifflc taxia lor 1805, and tax on. aalea for the qrou-ter eBdirSl(rt 0L-cemb-r. tS64. It will be to Jhe interest of all Concerned to attend promptly aa tliwill Le the last ronndl will take for tae Uxe ot 1SS4, -wtftoat ailditional cost n -r ' !.;- - O.'G. FOARI?, Ouk, Jannar rjth, 1868. Tax ColUcter J' -. - - Additional Tax -Notice. TUwJ!?lrlLT'Uiur h9 oft4 tollow X thtwe who fefsM to deliver tlipir tifhes of 1SS3. to de liver th? same otHof the croM of f (tea. l.,n tiTtJ. .. lector, decider Him the failnre to deliver, wag by mwon of a necesea aniBavoidble terlklt Tl.oee, therefore, who did uot dhr In 1863, will f,d It to tpei adranrage - . tlrir failure. I'e 1ou eonccrnl ';t "H)jyi , aa only m&m are.alln- - ,Viii j." earne to fe.pt. Jvg. Mamh at State!). Thoae who bt deliver I D9t" J MM Jannary i8t : QLIN HIGH SCHOOL, '4 t)sELt CO., N. C. TltE Dni fieaaQii' wil l begin on Monday tbe 23ed of Jan uary ISOS. a contiima twenty weelw. TniUon ArahmeticfW, Hpr Hiher J!nli.l,. Latli and t nrLV iT f he abort to bpald fn produce at the fcUowinc rlteV : ornll TerbnSbelJ Wheat $U; Bocoo or I r3 18 eta. o. ivitvVUii BOSTi. fc4f uiiil.llslliJLV.lJ - ay. h.bel.n,, iS MrVjFohn Moot. trfKnoiviSe! T.m S S2 fRh boo M5 ponmia He waTappre: ' Vw5? wilS't'M eoroe to ward, tot prorertT and payhi5lT tty-111 1 lde.lttbetnrSa! iVA It McLATJGHLIN.. gtateaMllJt'6fcai6t. t ; jjtfl.. BMk;ftAlr PrintiE , ' tiMJWWrj mttiBwW mi i?k. ' ".;,'-. '"-; " - ' ' - - . . T . ' r- ' ' ."'"; ' l'T.i ADB3t917UI7tim i It " ( -'.W J1 5 "H 'V 1 ' 1 : sV . y- ?- -Hi V "