..f J 1 -4 f w I t I 1 t r ..it i .Si EE0SPB0T1SS POE 4'.' ' - , i;:'!Li tv N. J. J J u a . 1 , ' - ' T s i -r- am rj- i. :'; ; t 'his labors, GVncrals aa refinrmcut it .smll mitic Ji'ctchman noiired ftsrU ' . .svr' ircq hfjwcrrt. t? sustain tthe cxitinnanftc " IcfCih Uif States BanVv IfitU chbeks aid 3jU8vjdtt!ats& experience may hare shown o Xecrir,S;-.- ! " KHflBd'lTr; iaenwthe excise of n the poifr tt!aiakiiw.'iiflrl.Tinnr th ffrth.erll 1 -j s .... .. t . I iA Li. . 1' T -i v.-. ; . 1 . e M 4Xiie7fsjna i ine oisujiuitoa 01 iaigc sums iacncW(fey and the Prcsiciit; will pt-:duc0wiuKe9d!rust-aid .saffection. and ilius Wf 'akenour iulw)-to iy nothing of the corfti"n tin4P:cy of each legtettiijn . Againt r tatilPwhieh fiy.tlwt , ii3'"ohjoct, tjia.festeringf ' thiintercts cfonp section of our country at tle ' ripense of another. th best energies of tiiis paplr ;wili !io onixik'd.! '" ' h a Ofih pcvl)r ropegated dociVme. of vn!l!fic$j nnq muiaitonf, b is contrary kj out m;Ki BfTiitp rviqwsof mHltity,ahdassucTivill be combai? cd by the frdcuJidn.. Is i:X-f i-M-n'-. il If - ' if .??a Watch?; v rYrf cc IhlUrrs rei !- Vi r" ! . r-s wbiijjp tlic iylikribzn Ifva in voiiniie inorcAlxaS iIone hundred iraWdlntlVom Salisbury, ahdiu t'erson"? aIdTfssyier th Eaitcr on the busnnes.i" irtOCiBWJl ftUdrebhim is Editor of, thai 1 Qitntmt lalciiknmiVhime that' write onothei 'dfic4(Vreetjtb Il4C.;J6nesI ? ; ; -jftp.Ajl the ;tibscTiptio!TS tafen - bete thf rnarflcaccmbiit of tHis Paper, it -wilf lv? remcm4 beired, becoaxedue oh thapiiblicatiju; of -the" first p ?V-'!irr; Sali.ihuryf;...:...rSatnrta3-V Auist H 1 832. j llblloihgtiemen will pgc me by 'J&kfc aiiAffeatkIfcrth!eAVvTciiM hi t3ir 3i.- ;tb iresijsnd receipts rnhyeb wkld.be as vaM jif hy sen, viz i J T . ' Hj;-. rpR SL71RV COUKTV, C-ol-.r'l--JiAVi-!ri;t;":. treifrjLungssaiu. , V STlKfc; COUNTY i f .ildekter,E8f2,- : WILKES1 COUNTY i 1: Cel. $amls F j Parr.n, -! Bench IIH fdincbcri;PrrfjEflj! . 1 I-ROCKINOIUM i - .. ! T RrtiClaloisy,jr. Ksac ; ;i huncomr?:. 1. Tim. UCaldwcil.Ksc I LINCOLN tt r f iECSLKNCl:R?, fDJi"DKl3cyd;v- ; ' SvVMfU G UILIfORD: :- ihr. j.vAi ijobrine okAililitchel; Whitlield'Kerr; :Jo3;nP.Mabrv:' KeaWaHe'cuuacn will be allowed on mo ov lectcd. i H. C. JGN&SI . te tpia a fletter frem Geo. Iredell, the , weut of tjia nXf:inetingat.ildeigh MiBrff tohis MA) a-id her flatters himself that W ' rrcat-inlrTesk tf Literatar?, Science; Polities; ! ri s aa just .intentions qi tUcrrcsKentr ana wfe .! 1 'llat'cflrfb'yamft -can lot fitndf r tfie pror ilt-wKioa of -dotlrnmcnt, W iril? feel'tt his kJTfQ. i-4 ttjuicd Bilr asrainsi the Aaimaiitratiidianv-- ail fasea wncrf? tree aecan is over one year swra;v , v .din? , the p rtco will be 5 f ; . I J," ro subBptloii will hs taken fbriloss tRan oai' TTtf; rAdTt will fccone at thdneual ratcs r'VFj: ' ".T1 V' ; T k ifopkcrlpiioa wUl i withdrawn until antral faepu. fury of thc.RQV?lution;prcscribed and ..'gegijto I4u.tlH5P'. cfe)4?' : I fdrivrxi tojthe roountaina of iSwtzcriaoV fbriw i N feixBuHbcr$ in4hcwhol$ .muTiiih adf ; crjmcV bujt merely liclansl hewsslof thahbodj; -Tean-ana niaavaneci rnuaxiVi wui na:coiHau?i ti t ... . - iL LiLL ftf ' iJ -5 I ci-iicw'jyi tupnmaejisr--wsTnunea:ate wants ot edal the same fate$ afterwards. -f ' I ,J -..rrJSr'r7iiiT i u. . ir mi mm to tho Editbr mast be Pcitpcidd if V lf?ll&Wf iflWvto 1:ave 4 ! J PSON, :iq :v; m .1 iri. r.k r- -m mm . l.. - i - . i an iiir i -r r - - arm run-, vr' & . a r -.t. .rTru?vnn.x.nim amoaest i other nr 4 Tn t 'jr"' iMw"?i:! oT.i-iTetetn2 1 f Meufreuce fcf a NFeaif thi 1 SuU lea aud thk u;; i " :2 'r:.:iin t.; i I and ccnVvy taTE Pt Bar-l16 gbb;rhtoa, cn :iaie prejeuttsj thathe TO.IWIttea? lrOT! UC-l r. J - I 1 It tided aeastT:th tK t1.K ! 1. f V"' .m Ppot that because the SiH-rtrcat Mitf, tTirJ T"" W fu'i Vv" ?ie awe 50 raJJy a J; suaccni miMJj ii- 5lS ;UatiT rskfif fj rfnna tlTWW ClyvI KFS3WX I Wca Characterises hi bLM'Li u-i.Ay '?rivii;rkPearecf atoncein snca anrvstfirfoui Tmaimcrftti r r Jt::ri TT i ?rr ; r r-iv" "?vjir crtatt anil eveiy bodyM. teki(epar"&l JSVel speak loarselvcl neit NoT,rr IfiareJlfcbn iaaaaediintc) aGtfe far Miaajii kit 'dar we think shew-Ul;ack W jufthat gasnej are in iro uniting vrithihe mq riveierate ehsaii3ff Id a rnah "rio;has ru tilbUUT of charicio. i . .1 . , " U is ' " ' " own, an3 of course .can not arpeet be returned one qf the-hifiestia ijfil eyeiit of ;there hSiing rlo eleciLn bythe eop'eii fShe ifteeii n' this, an atteniptta fhalce North. CjjaSjHna vote blank, and we candidly believeshejinlinotj be' ;s v gullable atj ccqiuesccrin theman(Euvrei Her, vote will bl ffivfeii so as. to telL Al lcasoaf her. own ira udrtance! requires this of bdr State, and should Jjlr; Vaa Burea be relied Cjft.aa tlXe Administra tan Candidr-, tte Nulhcs ; and noa-contents rhay do'ihelruttencost bqihey wijl se vhit aji Avalftnche will be hur4l down i)pjTft.tliem.- WeAViil hare a tiet maue out .in due time liaugrcthe predictions t -iiliejcontrary, and such alone asi they Httle dream' of you il see J ' :- ' ! Goizvmeiin Jo?ri& and the . Tholvllawin instance hi benificence frora a j - tu..tDj, tfte.sciusiiness anxli CvW j insensibility ot ity faslibnable world. Iii3 ! subject of tliis kaidnces; will be rernertibcred; was at 'this, time aipncf wanacrer. Jiistiatner, ino celebrated, Ealltp had Lepn "dune death" under the ojnj ap anulAjuis J'fliBije. Jiunted by -the 1 ,it4 oni h a rxmn ty '-of i0ia jgeiie ror.s friqn d While fyf jpi!aflelja $ier$ GongK&i .. was siting, Iktifbrmed an jaculiptance witji Qover ?jor AlriKjidcf lartn, orjefof th 4 Senators of North Carolina, and from tk Goveinor1 kndwl- edgo t they kobrtn a aud magijoa-vaity of tho hill:. i JKns: ! wa? evinced fliVitlin ftnt. thct"sinot tiarf. tfisnfr v- 1a thin': Tt;it ofhi?wnU bn theJUbcd;tfoi. gHorfis alonc hq siubrca his jsyle oFdrosujid hvmg,to come cvc short ( f gciititiij. At ;lengtli! however. he- consented to accept tiomthaHtcjary r-ntic-mfn with vvifea he fbrmp -1 ftUciacifii, som" fatcji of ijj delicate . ktni It iis'iimown that Govtradr: Martin on c$e ocwioh I prevailed upo liijajto accept as a prcspnt aSyuit of clothes and 'ptfeSara of lib Triend3 mide him .similar dcnptK.nsi Knp Lcniikis 'said to lfc f.ft)cft literary: oVjtignsn urope'ajullt fa nodubt iliiscir-ciim-stanc that in his decayed f rtunc3 . rcom mended him to 4hc frirnd3U?b of Mr ' M orris anH 'other distinguished nu n in America: " lie found Injtho ArMac .of ciJkit' jaadj letters that! relief widkl'the shalfow pated Atiatoqracy of jfccaltk and Blood had 'deaiejl ; to him J ' j i . 'fli, : i j ifVom irtc' (f Gacnem- Morris. 1 Jparly iti the Rorclmon,, lMorris has bUn miimutcly hcpinted with the farnilyof Orleans, ) hp were t fo rwards invohrd in ' pfverty and sjetrct. jle was io HamStirg. wllcn the In : iflligcnce ofi the destitute fitiiation of the Dulie, W( present King- of the Frerhwas! communi cated t hirti by a mutual iriend. S He immcdi atlly sent him tnohey iWdefray ttjc cyrercrs onVis jnrtrjr: U tliat,placc; and fiaduig.him de Iftfus of viiting the United Staics, ui'ered hisi Nery assissarice his resonrseiwbnld allnW, J iDuke, hptveyer altered his Intention! and wan- qe-roa lor spme time in urop?, until his funds wire completely , exhausted JVirt JWorris then relieved him j by placing to Mi eredit khe'f sum of jfiftpen hundred, pounds in London;" and,, on leam- fctye bim ah bnluhiled crcditln ! his bankers, du- Tng thq whle periil cf hB residence . here. I 51 i T'"- '"f mioic niun i ge, r me iiveiy con-1 ni wujuii yoaare eo Kina as lo make in my ! latb; and I pray fou to receive ' mV aKsiiranc I 1 Me ry iiiidectV and sinc(H j a&ction " with! uicn jiu inspire me." f js. .mam.-. t- JThevcri beauKfai No7elugeni Aram by Bui wrr vi UtrcRtr tlie Ibnowing ! extract from grnollcts HLstoryof England interesting to all wlw have read me novel. Itj jwillbe Iplrceived hat Bulwer ismuch more faithful td Histonr in be loadicg iheidents .cf hist work than most of thosewhoptiiid cu feet 11 -II MT cbse this reiristsr cf hinod tUK tA fejfouiit cf aiuuruer remarkable in all its circuit ftmets. ftrMluch a-person, called &igtne Aram; fif4MjJfr m cciilsc if this year. m an ? iwho exereed thprb(esK;oa ef m 4- Bcopimaser at jiarestorcuguadi as fcr bacjf 7i ivUupoaW otpnveu htm 4nve sur5 iriJdea ana uvir. iwuj u utivjcraiauu. j w n.uiu w.icr . w . . t til s l l i that m Carolina 'wipt 'to becant like akfly ;if "t jvere by sons fW" r-nmr;?: "TrVV?4 skeletoaofiClark, -)6tateirtri32 but liMle ahoo)-u maiter ruignt beentinteWd at a sefs too piaiiiiT iua tut . ivuiujiv; vuai; tjrepersed tnrouzh our .extensive "territory y -: i ii .1 i n 'in l itimn ii in'i Pf'n '.ifp fsn i n.-Mn r r -hati unJUxiii ted credit i witiS 4lr. Myii& tiankczs; Fitis 4aid If hlni; that he was veryt sparine of his jb Frr-'acn larigaags Item litsrirs stiH couaicalloh.HTb spirit Wasthe chief coninrer; aiid aweri in the mard baved faiy habitatiatf to tntfbzt MtftiT&ihi try.in tc sammetot- taa i IJffftlSi 5?Wf gtareVby;tk toad d torefed fthej sfeleton ..fojbef the lxeidf Daniel aarkriThUppn- scpernatnjil ii4puba Jwhiph Gcciarca inaru? was n ftne insomnch that his body had place called St. Ilobert'tf cave. f where they wouIdjSnd it, witri thetfhead tufnied to a (5ertainitner. r He tras jumediately appte hendedA examiped, admitted as evidence fyrVjthe rown, andisooTcted ,thV pattictuab bftfie iiir-. 4:hQ'skeleloaijO&Clark'Beiiy tmd exactly in theractaad majiherfae iihaflescribed, fcu ggne Aramwho nuw acted las usher to a gram mar zzhzH. in;the comrty of Norfolk was secured and bht a trial tit the YorH assizes. There, his owo wife porobof atiMr the tesUnaon v f Hcdse- .rnan'Mie was found guilrriiMi recseird 'seat3)Bei uueain , noiwwnsianmogga fTfrjr j artrul and learned defence, in which hejpfuyed from argu racnt and example, ; the danger of convicting a man upon circumstantbl evidence, j FindmgSll hs remonstrances ineffectual he recommended himself in pathetic terms to hie Ring's mercy; and if everlnurder was Entitled to indulgence, perhaps it might ,have been i eitertdad not im properly to this man, whose? genius, in ! itsilf prodigious, might have exerted itself in works of generous Artility.tHe had in suite of all the disad vantages attending low birth! and straitened circumstances, by tne dint of his oyn capacity and inclination made considerable progress in mathematipaand philosophy, acqnired all the languages ancient and moderhand eiecuted part of a Celtic dictionary, which had he lived to have finished it, might have thrown somje essential li;;ht uph the origin andobscdrities H the ,Ku r p an history. Convinced, aUast. that he had htng; to hope from the clerriency of the gqt ernment, he wrote a short poem . m i defence cf opened the veins of .his left arid viih,khafx, which he had concealed for that purooso. fTho, ' I 1 Sf"- . : i i-.-l; m ii p,if$ until !.e was carried to iths! gibber, and un mr . f lit the ehtenc cUeia.iHls body was Cjnvey?djto Knaieborough-firest, arid huitsr -fn chja:ns, near theplat-f wheithe mwderriwas bef petratcd; These are s-jmebf lhe most rrriiark- abr that appeared amongst many 'other irisi& oi otuicw'L U a-uue uJ!rpfts1S a ' decree whose passiens. iiaturAlh' imtteiuiiiiii are ill tl. strainud by law, and the regaIatio.is of civil ituciittuaa uu uui tear, ; ana uic wicKeanope to etade.;. .j t It wifl be perceived that thfe pew act goe4 into" rffjeton the 3d of March uexti and that provjsioK made, that any original packages of merchant dfeo impotted bctore theidrof March, anliTediiihn ifig under thai, custom Housd contrsj on fhat day, 8jall piy oi:ly the reduced custom duties, and sliall4 be .title'd to the repayment of all susns xcceng ahe hew3raes, whichl iaay have beett prericusly paid on tf efn. ! : jl i i t f f otwithsundiag the caro of I ie .Senate ifi (rectingvthagrairunatical eofj$trcti0iii! of th IJlil aa-itcam'iroxa Ihe I!ousicf Reprcsantai .. . o, v iriiidiuvu l.lUWi tKilEB PTfRS TIIlin tul exist. -Thisiith chdsd fef Ithbrfenenl section por.tinues to direct the (Tuiiis to be stored instead of the wicrctiitiidm; which the difaughtsli man probably intended. i "if. I J'J. : 1 By. the presented) Tariff, itVHi paypaspef ciilc lty cf fur ceats per pound, (n a'dditioil to ad trd valorem daty vlj$Xyperipcn(. I ; By the new Ta'riif; tccoL citing uidcr eight cents a pound is free cf duty ;ver cent4 it is to pny acific duty jot tour cent aatd foui-pp-cent tid-valprcm. i . ' ' I On'woollens the present'minirattmlsystcm is abolished. Under the new law, " plains costing 35 cents, parytre per .cent, ct less thahUto cents a yard ; under the old duty they 1 came; under the 50 cent, minimum and paid 4i por cent, cr 22 i cents a yard: Pliios undelfliSk rav bv"1ths rprpscnt (old) tariff 14 cents pejfyara ; !unger th new, ii -t-ct w.u, uu .vaiorein, or. noi exceeding H crnts. Under tsc ; prei r nt fcld Tanff, wooii len areraied iiaiter a co animated f svstenu of Iminimums. which makes it ' tediods . torfhrm 'a vwtn mt wmjiai-isuu. louowing table WlIJ shoy the alteraiion"madeion all goods ! Resting .bettrcch .oiie doilarr, and two dollprs:and ifty''ient3 .tlie yaril. The first column contains the cost! the sfcondi tlie rite of ddty under1 the new actj and the third the a.aount ct, alteration. Under the present (old) system, all this , f arfctfief under the $2,50 niinimunf, and i pays Sliri ;ard: ' . ' ' r ;.tr Cents Rate tf ncie didu vervd. Tierr nr,Tt. .53 cent3. i t r .00 cts. J 10. 1.15. 1.20. 1J25. 140. 1.45. 1.50.- 151 1.P0, ' l.j55l .55, , .57. .60. , 70. 72i. 75- 77J. 80. 8il. J 55 .50 421 I ,4o2 : 1 35 m to - 25 ' .70 1.75 . 1,80- 1,85- l,90-r. 2,00 1 2,05i, . 90-, - .-ii- -22i -4. 92 1-95- 20 4 - -1 15 ii02 10 2.10- 1,05- -'i 7( - 5 ! 1, 2.30- 2,35 2,40- ' " i. . 2 - J 2 - r M7 - - 1,20 Hi .ft H , 2,45- -.2,50- - V It will ."be seen that the hew dutyJri decreases from the rost ; 2.25 per yardli w hen it is feiual xu.der both - Tariffs, down tn thm oine ilj!0j per yardln whkh thd duty is more; than y per cent less: iyodU trie cost of $20; i S coite per yard lees than thd bid one, at tho TBarrfrioQie- ii(p was muea weaKeoea oy tneencian jn blooa' bqCre this' attempt was.. discoveiredir jre'.is the iiijstAimeaVitad missed the artetyiiheldid not ei- I r : . --.t - latter; : , . !jFkunek!and Baistare reiucfranvJ 1-2 fa cents ihe square yardr h H ; ; 'rtM Brussels ijid WU.ton Carpeting feom 70 io 63 her Aiuare Tard. i il !i V enetian dofrom 40 to 35 ce . .'T-' - I - At" 1 per square yard, '!; jl n S- . Gotten goods under the old fTarjf pay 25 per cent, upon 'aj: mmimom of 3S cerit3 . thejrard. Under the new; plain cottons Jpay! 25 pef cent, dri a mioimum of 30 cenU, and colored Sec. the tsaraeas befori?1 'I: ' ...A' Cotton baggingls reduced from 5 cents to 3 1-2 per-jafdY ' ' 1 : ; r r Silk goods jfrom '30 to 10 per cen . Irish Linens from 65 to 15 pet cent. ; Sugar (bron) from d cents to 21 1-2 cents per pound. White from 4'to 3 1-2 cents, Tea from .India and ' Chinars from places otiier. than beyond the dape of goi Hope, ten cents per pound.. Cofiee free. v w Salt is to pay ten cents jber bnshel bf 57 pounds. v Hemp is reduced from f0 per tfik to 4Q. - . JJar and bolt Iroo rwt rolled , pi" now 1 cent perppuad, Under the new Tariff 4-5th of a cent.,:;. . I : '"The same, rolled, now pay 37 per ton. New Pig Iron is reduced from 62 1-2 cerUs to 50 cents per ewt) 4 Sheet and hoop dou from 3 1-2 crt3 to 3 cents per io. - . . s Frenchjrines in casks, (red ) frora per gallon. , j ; . ' , - l0 to 6 cents Do. Do. Do, (white, from 15 to 10. lobe reduced ot e halfafter 3d March 1 83 1 i-Phe alteration in the fluty on kvindow glass eensists in thd abolishing ofthe highest miuim- nm S3.fi. I.A T " . ' ' vir f- ice i .j ..pTATE Legislature. In a fetr Counties, the Election fair members ;of four Lesrisiatare takes place in janticipatipnof the regular day the seoond, Thursday in Jhis-mduUi.p In Edo-e- cpmh county it wa3 held on Thursday last, and resulted at tne - choice ol IjOuis I);. VViIsyn for the iy 3enate without 'cpposltioa-ifl' the Com- monsiJt. John ,VY. totts and , Gray Little' Reddih - Pitirnan 628f Kardy Flowers 208; aub voiestoou. wins: : roit? ouif.? Liittie ua. Spencer .X. I Hart was elected Sherilf. . .JFey'er iCdac,, Augusta tshTTTSouth imieVii 1832V MwiJAir&i Saton : h ' V ,-ttenuerest aflerdpd by a short Ttsit this even- tag to this celebrated Cave induces me to draw your.attention to it. It has long apb'ared ' fa me mat tnis KiyeTivould present toi the Baltimore and Ohio Road a desirable route to tho Ohio, arid- 8ecureto thej Atlantic avcUingstymny ofcjsctg interest now uhin joyed. 1 Somojnotice has been taken of the invaluable mjneral wate3 that arc to bo fojiad'ih th8oi.rth we$tf counties if Virginia, especially thosaof Bath, dr'eerV River, !VIohroo,andBofet3urt, sains of Uieli certainly unri vailed 4n this country, if enaaloBl in Europe; and some traveltrrsrhave noticed the Natural cu- nwtucs, uiai are m jre, aoounaiug in - liiis quarter than in any other.that I haye visited j Amongst, these, the Cave!wbicfi I tiavo jiist witnessed is in bold rpIiefTfhete arc frokr25 fcf 30 cham bers, filled: with f innumerable objeeti of beauty, variety and splehdor. The stalactite and Jbr- raations are extremely potfectaad tUte imifaiions vtmA iftAkUil" aakV iUw.AVOUl I nas oeen mrnisned arm'lt js moTeio oe . won dered t that so little pains have befn taken to bring into notice Uiis Cave. It M ndv kept by an obliging, attentive. and intelligent beraoh, who gives great satisfaction, as wellasefooa chVrtain- ' 'I'M- i i p . ui. uraii, us u, ioibi90 . uic rudu ia iU4i; pj.t.e from Newmarket say 30 miiesj tlie: Llistaoce to Staunton is aboutllt.8 inilesnd said to be good. It is an object wen worth the vLiit, I and sure to compensaui the observant iravellerX, such, if you have a spare Corner, I should be gmd it would be stuck in; and; I may add a notice iF the other points ofinterest as I proceed hi my excursion, 4r '( iT; ' . ii i Jnt' CURE OR SCRATCHES lK!iORES. MR. EDJTOR: HMn Court House, (Va ilprU 17fn, 1832, ! In the April 5fd. just receievd of yonr Turf Register p3ge 306,is a reruest that srnccf your readers wiilsuggrst some euro fur;ani Inveterate caso tf the scratches of lonsiaudingisor perhaps foot evil. " t! If . . - ' rlBelowjyouuwiUjfind.a rec'po that X pave seen tried frequently; iad never in one instance did it fail of curihj the scratclves. Tlie! almost in credible short tdicthatl fen it eaes a cure, justifies .rae in WBomrnendtns it in fixit evil. AI.C.M. t?akefBotaunMii name no: khown) wild rat's bane-, as much asi ivou ch::'ti6Td bet ;jfy ween your fbrefirigQi and thubib, Pt it in about ahint of lard and stew for abbut:Halfan hour, rub the place that is affected three times aday for two day f Vulgar names -wild rat's bone, so, or longer, irl face, Stc. &c. found in woods interspersed with pines, icn northern erpoeute3, height abouf rh ree inches, leaves greeaj gtripd with narrow 'Wjdtp t stripes. r from me Jbotiaon Lr!,ooe SIR JAipS3IAClNT0SlL v On Wedesday last, Sir James Macintosh died at his residence in! La:iu-haui nlace. ml his GOth yearjafter a long jahd severe lllpess, -iwhich he- bore with pious tiiiitude. His kjes wilbe deeply TPgTetted, aswell by those whotrere acquainted ith his private cliaracter, as by! all wio remem ber the important, rents in which he dtinguish hd himself, either 4s! the renowned champion let public liberty, or a$ the advocate of liberal views Ind enlishtencd policy. As the f antagonist of Bnrke, little need,- to be cow said. 'His warm admiration of Bcrke slalents had some eliare -with the consciousness of bis own powers Id drawin? him from his literary seclusion intojth arena of wiiuvoaa wu :n:ucu vaao viae 00 11uuu bold enomn to meet sopowcrtal a Jue. 1 ne reputation table as the subject matter wil be invjJuable to the fhtuTehistoriad of that partod. Te recon ciliatKin .which sufeeuently took , pUco! between these distmguished politicians was ini part oc casioned by their admiration ofjeach other's talents,- independence and pubhfspirlt-senti-raents not unlike tliose to which Fox . ttaced his opposition I to Pitt.HCum quq glorislu3lerat con tendere ouam ommnh adversariumhon rlabere. 4 j Sir James Macintcchts mental resources, innate and, acquired, were immense; the! profound knowledge, comprehensive views and pkiloso- 5 6 aiailar.llial.lte stand lohiect h , : wrm t.i uuuuuvajnrp proved, to i the, world how ual hispoweTswere to the undertaking but, nhior tjnatcly,be was ambittoos !lo excel In all the branches of learning,' ancient and modern that ara3y3tematically referred to the memory, uad5f-standing,--.and iaimagiaation. His mind hid been devoted to the study of meJtaphyUcal.ethical ariid politieaipliBosapy; Gerihan French, I Ital ian, and Orieutal literature anil antiquities; he naitcd to these a vast fund Qftneral knowledge, oh all which he displayed an etiual kaowieiv and a ready memory, ? With his. characteristic; uKiu&siy, nowercr, ne: ostensibly laid claim only to a kaowiedge of Eagiislf history tUre wus scarcely a-valuable book or manW-fipi tht'tniU be: mentioned upon tht subject j from which lit had not drawn a" varied and pleasing bfonnaciud. His History of England, though iuieudedt a popular compendium will amain a valuable speciLupn of wh-;t -he would have "done in thra way had he Jived and wUl now be the: more valuable from having been,; as the writer can perr soiially attest, entrrelv hi"own nn1iMtinW l Thi J inaence of Sir. James mental and "moral $habt audes was strongly marked upon his countenance those who were closely acquainted with Sir Jame? will not regard the writer own imprest sion ofjiis (Sir Jame's) cliaracter as exaggerated when conveyed in the following words cf Reid j "Jllusririous human characters, as they pass id review; clothed with their moral qualities, touch the hearts still more j deeply. They ot;! old awakentlie sense ofbeauty. but excite the iscnt;-: meiitofapur(iljcitioh,aiid kindle the fflow of viri tue. While he. views what is trulv sreit audi glorious in human conductf his soul catcho2 the! di Vina flame, and jurns with desire to 'emulate: what it admires." . y His loss will be the. more ielt by. those who were iq the-hahit of enjoying his society, coaibi ningashcdid the; utmost reach of thought and the deepest research upon every subjecf which he, brought to his consideration, with a-disposi-tiDh no less amiable thaa benevolent. His man ners, at the same time that theywere dlgnliieJ rendered bim also accessible. His con venation vo9 uuvcxiiu -oui, guajaui. I "Taught by-his convers3j happily ymd Bteerii r ioui gjve io gay, rrom iwrei Sit JaMes.ldatoim'leiral kaowledcre has been rearjJedrbythe profesviion as rather thsoreu ieaftffan pracUcal.j Hisjspeecit j as coaasej tor PeUctiejv,ai 1803,!will ahi a general estimate' oi me correcines3 at ttus suHemeiit : ior; uowe-i verTi5hedaud salid fire tke materiaiS- of which ii was'composed, ies' sponger the 'rays fbai concentrated his own repvtfttion. j.The fcel ing jproduced was rather that of iuxed admira tion! and astonishhSent at the advocate's talents I and; dexterity, thahfofcaarictioa of his cheat's proof icf his abilities'aad uf that love of puulic iibehy'of wIuQh iiOrhas sp loagbOea the ardent admlrlefand strenuous supporter; I Spaaiungon "that occasion uf pubhc libertyl waich ho delines as ' thetwhole b-jdy of those aiieutioha-, which unite men's hearts to the commoii wealth,'! he remarks ; thai it i3 always and everywhere the defensive principle of a state. It is perfectly dis- ly.no jfiuiiohuatk;n,iever perished from ah la- priority of couragiandj undoubtedly n coiasid eraoi3 nauon was ever suodued m which the pub- lie ariection3 were sound and ! vigorous. ; It is public iBpirit which buids'tusether the f dispersed courage uf individnals, and fastens it to the com- weaktiiicu without ij-arilueut dancer that the Jna- tionat spirit .nay languish, and mat. the people may act with ies zeal, and a(fection ULt their coujirdh the hour Of dkager." !' iSo mdividual, perhaps, so jnuch orcrlopkcd or disregisriioa 'the foraidiand seroiaomes 'uba&rv- I ant in, auuve iifo, wh j c-ald at tne Simo tixufi bo wen combine uoscr ration with exporwuce ui ; m3 adVic to others. How readily will the following consola'ary remark iaade by him come home to the !fcusi ntsaad oosoius"1 of most individuals : " Uis t'iiot given ua to preserve an exact toedium no- tuing is so uwicoit as to deciuV how idal uiod eis ought to be combined wth experience how much jof the future ought to be let into the pre sent, in the prjgrebs of the huioan mind, to en noble and purify us, without raising us aboVe tlie sphere uf our usefulness to gratify us jibr what we ought U, seek, without unhttmg jus far that tu which we muse submit.0 Lelierwm Sir J. Macintosfi 4t!ie Rev. Robert Huti, Bombay, Scjjt. ll, 1S0S. ' i Him candor and uabiassed regard to truth, have always been; prominent among the many excellenttrait3 in his character. Indeed, his whole life has been in strict accordance, with the sentiments he entertained of the Christian religion, ltsintfaenctflm his own conduct he thus acknowle dges irra letter to Dr. Parr; "The philosophy -which 1 have learned aggravates my calamity instead of relieving me under it ;; my wounded heart seeks another consciation, governed by 'thuse ibelings which are to he found in . .every age and region of the world ; and 1 seek relief and od it hi the soothhig hope and .consolatory opinion that a bcuevdent wisdom inflicts the chastise mant 33 well as bestows the enjoyments of hu man life j that a superintending goodness wfli oiieday eaiightea the darkhess that surrounds our nature and hahg3jatejrur proHpects; tnat this dreary and wotched; .lifts is hot the . r hole cf men ; that an suiiai so sagacious and provident, and capable of such proScieucy in science and vir- rtue, is not like the beasts that perish ,1 that there is a dwelling place prepared fur the sp:nt ol the juit 5 and tnat the ways bf God will yet be yindi catcd toman. , Ani 1 sincerely declare ' that Christianity, in its genuine purity and spirit, ap-' pears to me the moht amiable and. most veneralAe ot all the lorms ia which the homage uf man has ever been offered to the Author of this being." I It may not, perhaps, be generally .known that Sir James iacinUh was early dibtojuished fat his poetical talents. The epuhet of tae f Young Poet"! wast apphed to hint while at college. f Ills tliernes weru tu, geuer of a poetical kind. His oLitaiat attendance at the lioose of . Cunmohs duriug' the.dacussion on the Ileorm Bill, ia which he took ouBSiderable inten:, i ainutthe causes assigned for Ids sudden illness. He has left a sou who U intendejd for the bar, and two daughters,4 who are both married and are as ami able as they art accomplished. f ; J ! . ifilrl Calhoun's Speech on the The debate heretofore on th.is subject, has been on the degres of PROTECTION which ought to be afforded Ui our cotton ana tcoou&i menu- ' - 1 j a m ti f -i ': ocfurcr.- ail professing to be friendly to thoss UitrodhcTil. .'i jeaTc our cotton cstahIis!K v meats exposed U the compcUtichl of the cottcii goods of toe East Indies, which U is aetmnMkM. . ei on all sides, they are not capable of tdeebT with success, without thi m; . i stneken cut by the moUoanoV tu&nxs the lwscm of our jamilies. But on . a subSctoT siiin vital :mnnrftiiw - 1 rnty and permanent proertry oWeourWr he ha;)e.J that the House wooli indulge Min in a few ptrrations. He regretted mnch his want preparationhe meant not a reAnTBrr for he; had ever despised .sucji, but thatfduq and manure meditation. Ind arrangement of thought, which the bouse is entitled to on' the part of th(ev who pecupy any portion -of t their time. "Bat whatever his arguments . injgbt wantjm that ocV. r count in weh(, lie hbpedinfehf be made np'm -the disinterestedness of his situation. lie fwas no nnnufactuTer ; he yeas net,.from 4hat portkm of our country supaaed to tepeculiariy interested. ! Commg,as he did, from the Soathj having ia 1 common with his irnraediate constitnents, nj ir-C terest;bntin thfteuhivatic of the soU.inselimgl its products high, and "buying cheap the want I f and cohveniencics cf Iife,'nj motive could b at. . ;.tted tp him, but such as were dtsintexev ted' i ' - -, T 1 :-: - 4 le fca tsserted, that the subject neRwft ttAm ".. motajiuea a new a.5nt U im 1 ui ine uecate assumed thif , W: h hn . ,S determined to he sUenpsUi.; I largely dtd, tathat general anxiety-whkh UMt: M t after so ljng and lahonoua a tJ. irf was connected with the security of the countrV.1 ' I It would doubless, by some U' considered Jfash fl assertion ; but he conceived it to be susceptjibld i 01 4he charest proof, and he hoped, with duel at- '; I teatiph,to establish it the satisfaction of tho.! S .Houso-j j ' j: I . i The security of a country mainly depenction! its spirit and its means; and the litter ' princi- T 4 pally aporv its moaied resources. 'UodJtt oA ' Ua industry f our country ileaaibihed , with our peculiar sircaUaad want of a naVal ! - 1 ascendency ; wheBwe have the, :.nwjfortSa' . te? 3th a nation domun pathfcean,md it is almost only with siich i '4 v' ; we canat present be, tho monied resources of tho i '"' 1 V. conntry to a great extent must fi!. , He tok it i . . ' ' tor gTauted that it was tho duty of Uiia body; to h adopV,those msores of prudent forcsrglit, lr - which the event of war - ravfe necessary. ,VV I panaoLhs-nresuaied, be indiflorent to . danrs r,: ' tram a hrmd. Unlooa inaA .. i 'f; .; ? rod to; ndulge in tho phantom of ctornal Deaco.l v il which eems to possess the drearrhif some ofjts r . r; vuli a 9iaM3 exist, no tpresiitiit,, . orfortitude would bo noceasary to conduct tho ' aSairs of the republia: but as it is the ntebW s;on,oCtlie imaiasrination t as vprrr tnl-i t!f 1 ever lias or. ever will eisst, nresobjected 1 toiha viipsitude of peace and "warit must ever be clia- war on. them?. Cvnrrtt4 arwl iTnitnlfnra till ' .t r cjasuiuw.. taorjirmcipai .Tratrces ofour jwedth, . MJ 3a long i as-.thcse.temalittenritedi thetoofe'i vr !f r try prosbefl j but wari; asv We are now clrcurrb M. ' I f stanCedtjisT; equally destmcrtvo fo bath " 4 f both deppnd 6a f ireiga markets; and our counfry ' i; ft & r gards theniarfajslteationfetrict f lyiusular; a wide, ocean rolEs bltweea:, & Oaf .U vVp cpmrnerco neither tsor-,ca!t be pratectedpy the?l !"! ; I1 1 present means efthe cohatm . What. tfA4U 1 1 I I fcti eflects-of a war wfth a'vimfitfmA ir,i:U4,.,---t:l- i :, powerWith Ealaad? t Oitr cDmmcreeanaili:. Iat3dy.tfdiTidna nitaery, and pVoJueing hatrrla poverty cur agriculture cut off from its acciis tomed market the surplus prodnctf the farmef p3rishcs on his hands ; and he ceasSf' ibfrndnfc' because be cannot 'sell, His resources aro dripd u. , ioiiisrAprjrraaregTeatiy mCTeasedi all mlnuiactmred article. th nAviA . .Iif sure on the growers, of .cotton anjl tobacco; kil 'v I f othar greatstaples of the country; and t the sanf "1 1. - ; state of thmgs will recur in tlie ventfwVi4.:' v'C" -I."' unless prevented by the foresight of this h")dyJ If the mere statement ot facts did not canj' cr4w Viction to any rndj ashe conceived it is cak-jljj, ted to do, additional aronmenta miorhthA Hr-J fram ' tho general nature of woaitbrf Nthrj agriculture, manufactures, or comaierce. '.taka separately, is the cause of wealth, ; it for jcs from 'Vie thre&jcomvined: and cannot eziit nhJumt each. "The wealth of any single nitaor in, individual, it i3 traemay not immtdiat efy df end on the thfbeVbut such wealth . always prl H , supxjse3 tneir existence. lie viewed the worcs i iu ui? uiosi e.uarea ssnsc. w itaani eimmerc ndustry; would have no stimulus wit hovt ma irfactures it teould be ttithout the means ofprb auction iand without agriculture, neither Hf the others' can subsist. When 'jspparated I In- 'fe this country produces, to a great extent, that efr j feet; and hence the grat emharrassmeut WrrMt V1' fJlnwait in train TTi' (iiliwo f ttiiM.tA and resources of the nation necesrily; involved'! V 1 1 i the ruin ofits finances and its currency. It 4 4 c4 u j admitted by the most strenuous advodtes.'ofc i lif 1 the other side, that no country ouTht' to ba ucpuneeniyn'anqvner iur lis mtans .qi ueience; I the shock of war? Behold the effecf of the : lateC - -war on them. Wheaour manufactures f -;art i grown, ta a certaiii perfection, as they soonwill under the fbstering.card ofgovernni3at, we will - ' no longer s experience these evila. The farmer111 will find already market for his surplus prodocei ! ; kand whatis almost of equal consequence a cerf; 1'- tain ana cheap shppiyotau his rantx, , tim r prosperity wui ainuseiisei to every ciass min cammuAitv'!: and instead of that ianirucrtf in4 that, at least, our musket and bayonet, our can- I M 4 non and bail, ought to be of domestic maaafac4ujp.'L '- j'.' But what, he asked, b more necessary fcfthe de- f f i . leace'of a country than its currmcy and finance? '' ' dnstry and individual distress now incident to ! ;i state of war and suspended commerce, the a wealth and vigor of the coniniunity will mitbe matoriallyjmpaired. i-The andr of government '-t will be nerved, and taxes in the hour of danger ; essential to the indepeadence of the nation, may be greatly ihcreaced ; loans so imoertain and ha ardous, maybe less relied on ; thus siiuatcd, thcf';: ! storm may. heat without; but iwithin rtll will bq l. quiel and safe To eire perfection to 4his slaW( j; of things, it ufiUbe'nteessan to add. as soon am j ; posstlU.d system cf irieraalinrpneesienu prevent. the cutting fir dhr, ccjatingtade. Tbm advantage osacn is minning, as jum. uj remio iuustratioo, especially after th experience of ail the receot war. It is thus die resoorcet of tho government and popple would be placed beyond ButTt nay&s said tat the deranemcat . '7 -.;' j i ... ' 1 . . - . i: ? - "is-, f 1 ' J'' 1 1 i'A4-vUt' :- i ' -jf-. ij h n- ' lis '. ! '. .1 ! I Ti: - i ! i ! HI'.-' .1 ' l: 'II i - - - i . 11J- ' i i i I ' ' I. m ..I-

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