-til iki ir I' J J l!-U'. . I . j . -: ... !- ;-tr , -. -i il&ii'HU-fti StMvfoMl-. -'-H - f tfHi f i ... I'. It "- I ! - i - j: r is -i - i .- t ! t i t i 1 J. laM i rftnatltii tional means' 3 procure ?a: urlfcer rluctioii" tlie TarUr, so as- to render;,! t equal limits bcarhM and we i fcclievr ;mitiay. yfed tl Uinrtd cQiirsepnrscwl byUje gvn whilst iidanlyoiF-an41 '7 bo doniby feeaBfttotherJ -.' nimity of tiAmc?icaa Confess, jpj Zj 1 St ;i Mr .tinm thpo Snike S3 follows, S 1 bad jnpt Pone inr'thi thectuig approve oi mosr s pia ' : HsUilft pHncip!es set forth iri the? J Re'iips J I-, efrred by .MtJ Fisher; Hon-i wish to -nict : -; -with pHfeiple avowed ittthcm,Ionly f jsb ij , 1 ;tvfeirt in Improper inference fcm J2 rPt, r it this pcciiJwr and dangeroui Junctuny fcnd-ji u tJiit'.-tn a m-JAtitnte t outs since f l: J cannot cet Hj, so as to make mine coroe m wi in hi, in 1 consistent trrden I do porstie M Wlf M: ' atca Irft thf nd move in itesoianws wM !r?1 :tift his, hate tid, that IidoaoidisapprbveM s ; " out peuttonfesfi and , remonsrraupg agat rf high duties imposed by the Tariff; ijn thwmf Itrary, I wilfpi as far anyone present, by rlcacea i.uvn4 ttTtniinsTinMn tn remove the iJCff t-Stiii'tfwt- iii4km"nhpfthaI1ir teiJhe;".Southrt. Ilttt;! i irrtM'tdfl atempt.i artfnlly madfJi y .tft ! fintl?inan Vho iasl ht 'ad Jressed yoii to ui ft jflirho-yait fmsusigagainst ous hrethrvn j If th jpk jjpcn'tlii'b as enemies:; thfy do not tesctj t wiafehabiiseto tliem-we are more tnaDi?a u?m HIdaH therS4i omis contine mmkWMi 'from the. British T-tk 2.i J.uJXisllSxmVA t,:lt their blood tree! Vila ! ; iUtf rtffW.add wir are ! worse than jfgral h !m iW i. wnp nher th is Cesiilcs nwtatef i r, wiay IfiMhe wnifi iFfiicdi thirSsulK wniioti 1 liTrifrifW ktut Miuvr citiieiis. attribute them td ctne lanKcec vs u;cy are cmhuuijjh.uuj Mv-p 21 i A liir kheU? rief nle a bfit f ripcnrr ence f to thet " ( hUtory ( this measure, will satisfy h3 tht So?H j tthlni rl.tns amongst whom tWe grpftt lt$ )'J thei of NtjiiUi'ritton 31r. Caihoun)1ia copicU- ; OU8, wers the reai aothors cf ' the Principle iM ii Jc!6iil tlThe principle was aviwedi fin thf iilistitufiln of fpor present nn of tfovcribnierit. ittbii ttme declared Hrf the principle! SuCi pftH tcactt'jn RHfi a? Secretary of StateJ alted- Jrt ( hfiMtport that ,kreign restric tions shoalda etjniel hy; Ajncricin rectionrand Foma hiph jifu iiartineanilush diitics Gen. Ifafuiliubi. :;weof, the wls-men - thart this conotrf sever p-odaced, is Secretary cf the TrctsuryH iiretl the &jnevnni:ipic cd rrtieciton. 'I Ml I KBdt Hrirtvi iniivl- instance- werej wanUwrlld '.fthow bow Wrfecily inconsistent menvi ill some j itirocaoecome-'riiis auorooq in uie itiiiuwm pri? l'?:!tob1 to arutfon , of the Legislatare 'ofiSudrh . Cargliriaj in )503-f!llVbexess the esiald'iment vznd:viewfds;metiP of ;drtic ' manufctufs; , Is cr.diclve"to the interests tf a Staieby adUihl; lleMljHMi8!f,J-3 beingthe inetj of dispoeingltd aantage of the surplus ;rrod44 jpreser.t unexampled state of the world, thfcir lltaHishwnt Hjthis country is not only expdieni I bd rj6Utie; u 'rendering us ilependent'of reigi I fKiit ;Jhs;s fc$!ffi Mrl Calhoun m 18 1 6, becamM rith dtirighcdJChampion: bfthe meaRUTeiri irecKlnat i&then madr,tie S3 welf eovcled thjl l3wo gnan i, tnt? scarcelja.-newjarganlent; Itany f&efc Wen adranced by the !u test adyicote 3 ottha hig!)stduties; He went far in f&vot$: f tlie Protceiwr System, that his dwi Colltagd !Jthellroeri&d3lr,wndes refused jto fijte . fb)r. ttt? b!li; H'iEste''the;:'(act:- that itiwroiill render us. independent in timej of war rrid)culed 4 Jlejurn-ed the advantages of ai double! maflfef ior : ?r aericuiturar prhductions rL he emulovment tLaver loss rx litical satrar.itvi "Affinl tri ?nrv Himttyiand inHustry aiS ,0ly witt .hiHEil to give a preference ,to this frtft yM ppyary; Speaking of Ithe depend Wdhee hai tlie mtem would , produce of the ..workmen thniplbyers lie saysj ij M tJiiiitJ eertaMiivM evil and'to -:- -nvlott I uout n :jdii iiiiit tmnK,U a decisive tolyectlon m Ii etem;;cisfc:a!IyAvhen it ha iiicitfeiiiM vuMi:;.iwni0rvvc-'. tu- ii cnxiucea TEIlESTj STltlCTtY AMERICAN. M h; so.as agricultare ; in which! it hacf t h inert eta mddij spread republic 1 S wfi rnerealo tot:, mut ual dependence a id M j lUTse;ihdwtas aecelssry ccn?eqnfne$ Xiiei an inereised atlentionto intefrlal imnfhM: a? t ' riected with JtJie aTtnnatB attammphti t f -r--?-r,An MigtliaTijlSte tfection of our political fistl 1 .hft!Tvrrte f!liinwa ltni.n .li,1 :i ii crmia; noa?dtiv)stCTwcilul cerdenf;faFit f:er4ripoluical i iijections tht;migt!be lut tmEarr : ard. the vkios of -rins cptiy-fRt.-M"faaTEtT ThitM r hedtructi6icf the latter would mist certinl H jsTilvj -triailncrso its rcaihtainanc4 would with I jtjrtt1 ccrtaurfyr prcseKe it. jHe ;ffi not speak! IfliWy, ,Hd hadiften' and loW rqvolved iafcis; i s Biw.iiB.iiau; cnucauy examineti mto the M thit:diniayed the, liberly of our statM f i ? - " f ww PP1 10 i"3 or apply with : f f4fQ to ilarm. r Tho basis of our republic is secnntv afraihat . Ibeii oryratioh. but let it be deeply impressed oa J ihe iheart cf this Honso and Countrvt and Whilei l - : 1. 7 cwtprdtiical dangers,' xnd against ? tf tesi roe itiriirUALLY GUARDED i- 4 p.tsecounscas prevailed, and the policy wss adopted much to the diagrine . o( tlie Nortrrn States who ktrc briacipallr ; commercial -thev fE 1L1 ::hL -?-S ' . .- .. - i'f I ieyailed;byh$to ir oournivotesl Ht wafgrievoui to I the rShtl f wam ue most gaiurg ourthens ot pne T T-S had been impoverished by fthS late m mhavicg their commerce annihiIahii-4 Sjdepresswijhf re come .ths, system bfimpifetl y fuc-oi ua tuey supposed still ; Further frit they indit as became. P&triots-ithey did rio ol attcmpt to h-illify this Tariff, to theni as od&l as sUii&tthSquthatfthis,, 'they vd Uiw'pursuitsl:they i?ave tm ihrir K!r4 tnir andctaitoerce.aiid ail the' wild- t1b. .andadtcntuK-s if a sea-faring life,, 'so i peculiar . to tlmdesetiidaatsof tho Pilgrims land cacd theiEhcsl in factories and rjecmeliciled tl I Ui dullness and insipidity of this haw! wooea a, sacruiccr the ardestgot all Others in the world to be made, it Was theM crificc of lohcstabliferd habits and feeling, fmf they raadejt and bv comnolsW h-rk u 5itiohIadufacfcrs.1 TheyadJievery r1a !?!':tfatttis was thesetUed ari bhJ e policy ct the Uoveramcntj thathis Am I S and rs .irrpreised w ith th e fennciu.n; if lb cneil fl-i.v!t' "Jefferson whomttheyj ierideU 'J Tsr to raaUe thepod-fcthcr of Nullificatibn, riCe3 pital aadrthe T-beneficiaTtendeney $J i tbi !rlc4s?binpr systefifj of IUnrntM Tnlfi sffeV&mtis He .told Conjrres3hatt woijtl i r.;t.ica-whU Ithe Repeal fa, tbe- Edict I fof Ws$;Enfend;"f! Let us? feays Be, not oaea aaraaage :oi commerce ; or I navigsvpftp The lountt 'illrov this derive mnch alva tl&Kly y-ji Euacgtca;aain5i tne ciqtney exposal Bi! toJ alnew itid: terrible dangtirDISUNIpMt wuiM he continued. an-L thcwftolS lo ' . . . .. .if:i it; OuutU ifsldtion of icountry has gone tj confirssi jtficm. in thisj bcUtf they made a rncfil of ndcety and jiave en barked their all in this fofcoJ department' , of in dustry, flhey have : towps ana -ciues, whose wealth and pajsrJeritjl naywhose; very exist ence depends on jLhiss. business ot "rnanufactnnng. 1 ho value x ineir nouses, uuur iaou anu ,au that they own, now pretty much depends on the prosperity cf rnaaufacturtni: tin the single artk do of , wool, ft has been Vlasceytaind! that there are 107 millions of dollars invested, and it gives employ aient to IbQJMO people; Now I as yoa toy CouatyMfen, as "men wHoto tkriow to love hon estraofiair. deaKnrif Tub' itdiink' it would be JUSfc iUU iViVO tt Ut pMr-vuiliuaV i OX J r llt l...r Knnif nn onrseives to spread one universal ruin ..and , dcsolar lion over Ithat (airland I-L;i"; H.n ATho'lie)lutions thatl have presentei tor rour cctisiderauii. nv. FiloW Citizens,! declare wthciZKl express tennsithattiie present high TariinWunjusi, unequal iahUj oppressive. in, its cperatBnj.iK in1jr uvuep ypuj in sumo dcWee produce hardships .to the Southern country, ?and while the leait injustice is produced by a lawof CogTcsSi it becomes bsi tot raise a firm, maaly and united ycace against t. f . -i Kut 1 4ih verv far from, hciicvinjr : that it is fraught with the direful riscqaehces that have been attributed b it by Mr, Fisher, and; othera, who h4ve lahpre s, hard ;toi jnakej you deseoa-' tented witii vour present coiidition, his a max im as oldi asthe. hills, and as true pa scripture, that man! w stpi to be dlscin tented with j his lot in life-and i: Is not dilfibiilt to make .some pec tile of wirbidlyt stusative nunds believe that they are 6uSenagl efila when in tct they are entire I vfree froin them- some "men in perfect health have been ueraaaded i thai I thev were in the last agonies of jdreadfuihdisal? was the raatyi w th the n.' ci al t have no doubt heard th$ est of tne Hy riocyhdriac, 'Who pu on h&Tsons Xvaistcoat in steaHl of 'his own, ! and ben Ciiuso it would not1 button on him,tmmagtned that he was'slelled fit to bori iahy can be per suaded t$at theji arc comiag to starvation, when they arertrflnr"in wealtit. It is to this trail tv of onrl inature that - all fjtisre tirades' against the Tarillare addressed, and it is this that ena ble s designing men "to excite and 1 mislead some of the hutut citizens of iW country almost to the brink' llcbelliun. I think I can - apj)eal to your gpJ$ sehae and correct bservati.n against a deJusiurof th sort--aiiidll thiinit it j. but too evident, that UiisN same delusitki is attempted to be Dlaved 1 oft on vou. AUhobffh'.' the 'larift is bad it is pot so very bad si' kfoittgilaiord-. in this cuitry are endeavoring i to make At Out; and aiinougni many oi you mayj dc poor, y ei you are not reUuciv to the miserable pass, that they have told you yf. ; And again, however unforuuate you may be i this espectj thpreart other very tlif ferent causes that have an agency' in producing Jthis evil, - j '; . ! j ?!, . ' - I jWithjypur leave my couptrymep, I will ex amine l ese positious.a Julev more in detail. IVuctat the 'onset, let me as; yop, ray rricoos, if it doe3 not Sitrike you as sumqwhat strange that you Should bej taied to the enormous atuoQnt -of owe Hundred r thousand f duilars la Rowau - County, as you have been told by kUr. ; and-yet that you should not have been able to discover, it with out his itHendly assistance? ! Can yoa be so tool sh as tojbelieve thq.t aiy Scheme j wdnld be de vised so ingenious as to Idnrive L.you of that, immense; sum of money, and you not know 'of t?i; Wirenyouare,told byVlt.F.nj;;yu kno tbat if in your county ot- state tax, tire cents is idded to ;te pblf,.and:the aggregate swelled uiiy by a to whundrrd dollars, your fpockets immedi, ately &nro you Uie alarm.,; 1 cciusto mo ori i the frst blush ought to l iconVince you, that a kodd deal of what you have heard cannot be fact. t .Wnot hosSible fur the ingenuity of man to do fise a scheme so.cunning as I to take all this mio- hvy away from' the peoples and! they J nut lind it Outexcopt through a metaphysical j pnjcess ul reasoning I Fellow Citizens of Rowan County, I have been Ijn known to you--I have been honored and trusted by you whenever ! Tasked your conh-i dence, and I think you jvill ; believe me When-1 Solemnly assure' you that y do: not suj&er by the Tariff to the extent that iSiri ! Fi would have you jelievejjl cannot undertake to follow huh through out his discursive argumehiti! tut if I show: you hat inseveral instances hes guilty of an at om pt Us mblead jou, it ysil be for you to say how much respect you will payS tolthe rest of his 8peech.r An iusiauee of this sort occurs where he talks to you about the ycrd'of fjcloth" that cosjts 41 in Liverpool,- on which; there U a. tax of ,l as he says, so Uiat when in gets to New Vork, u Cists uie importer two dollars Now: .for the likewisaibe -Merchajits vrefii h JXew "I or,and 9e: JUcrcfumts pnrfil in niurrandi brings 11. up 10 mo vast amount ot 3 443 ptryard, whu iis siidiu Saiislary. 'Isowi i Gentbuienw would hbt these charges W iinpt j-tklJoni arid Al erchan ts profits iiave to Bepaid ou tiardjuf cili! if there do .charge a profit on the whole' cost, but as - to ireis:htistorare. itc-tha 'XSiriM Ai . Hot tWi Ibeui inf the leair : TheyvouId( just he the same f. ..... vi mo giAJus ueiey were one dol lar or o"ne hundred dollars, & rarnsurDrisedithat Mr. F ,sliou!d endeavor to make you swallDw euth uarefaced absurdity. ' jf Hi -TVi -1 . I uut tbis is not the only unfairness ih Uiis dc-v !eptivetstatcmcnu By'the-tarCffuf lS28ahe duty on swvxjjencloth did rangeLlfrom 75 16 100 per cent, and a yard of cloth might; have cost 1 dol lar in Liverpool and be; taxd 1 fdoliar-but tluit act is rcpealtdjLnd by the newTarih low priced Woollens; that used to pay; thjit thigh duty i now pay omy o per ceat, and ike i iothef woollens SO per cent on tha value, sol that ayard bicioth costing one,4lollarin LiYerpoblf ?cannt now be aflected by a tax cf one dolkjr hbi nothing like it, atd the rscr woollens; such as we niako neTo Ciuthcsoutof.'lho tax on whicbl was at Mrst fhp great burthen of their cdaiplaint ini South iCaro- iiua. IS now DTOlKrht doun liFLiUiwhnt ornn lf McUuffie proposed, as a revesuejstandard-down to -p percent on the value. IlfYyfiy then this ex- ageratcif statement of youfhavlng topiiy $3 ets. on doths that cost only one dollar in Liver- pooi ri vny iseven.thecostf of !brinriiHT the goons to this countiy laid ta thfeTariflV f Why nlUC. . li : - - Ml'! . .V .-v.- .tii.l ;.F.- :5-E i oeny my uicnds, almoctt everv statemrn made in detail by Air. F.,and if iime wiuld per niiy could inakeitequaUyiclearhatthey are on ly. trucfin inart. 4 But lot us coma to his crnpral suions. ;evsa-s the whole tax is paid by ns the consumers: ana max levied hnaJIy oH of us in the uiu.p ui mis is certauuyj not true, to the whole extca:., I assert that , the jburthen of the Wiff is divided b- twien ;thc) j cbfamei and the ioaottiaetBreVi Suppose a yard of cloth 1 id Eng land ccsiV ,25 j belbre;the ITariff waspassed: lithe raririwere removed, it woold sell at that again but in; consequence of that duty being posed the importing merchant says : toUhe mai to;oTthe lth--.I have a togh 4uty; to; pay on thisr cloth when J ?et homeJ aibi fvoa ninKt nana down in Toarpncc, else,yodanda canitot traded the inaktri tterefore takes t.t PnvMffrriv? recoranendcu . br. ti purj)cse of aggravating thishangO of oppression he adsto the article, the csra tfxttiywlatv,n viz: freight iiisu::.nce andl-excharis?e--ho adds v' i vncso. statements taken trout tjie Tariff which havc been IHpealcdlSir; it is th, delodelyou aad stir youbp i ko mutiny aud a ;pnd dollar for his dy:it-doesa3ti the"Brit&lt-suIjeef1: the'a fay j 25 "j percentof tlieTsriffatto(K?3t lib the same thing to the owner of the vessel Toil niust come aown, ioxx can i pay nigh, because thy, pro-. nis are, smaii, xuet consumer-who ultimately pays the tax as Mr.; admitssays the same to theinerchant, yooi most tiktion tent with small, profits, the price is ahigh oneanii if yau. da not come auwn i.mcsx co wunout your cloth ana so by this and a few other such circumstances, the consumers who; iire ypa and I my lneslare reW lieved bf a goudjdeal Wth4lrfultax ; Ini or der to male this plains I will Mkfiiyoai Maipld question ; suppose the iarwere redoccdta 124 per cent, is mere any oouut out inat ,tne umisa manfufacturer seeing i that i thej consumers can bear heavy tax. and still take the article will raise toe pnee oi nisgooas r ; remaps tne jum? ish'Goverument, who we all know; wants money uio worst oi any pe?pi3 in tne ; ?wono, caiig such' a fair chance to levy a few millions off of us. tnr. consumers mignt taxe it into , taeir , neacs t vo put the tax on "ithere! and 'instead 'of out ! paying our fehareof the Tariff to otir ewa -goverament for the benefit of our own Hti2ens we would have it to paytto Kinc WiUiarH Vlthl fx the benefit of British 8uljects. Indeed. I fear my friends, that snch is the madness and rajrti bf 1 Jparty! . in - this ccuntrv. that some would rather! ! pat I Pope of Rome'dr the Czar of Knssia the ;Bloody Nicholas, t han f pay it to our own ' Government; But whether thts should be the7 case or not," ;we should certainly have to payaome portion of what we now pay; by way ot ) lann : duties to x nus y subjects by way of increased priceSi - i ii" i '. I i- , . Again,, it is most cleai that in sd fat as-tho Bri tish Manuiatu-rer pas the Tariff; the Norther JManufacturcr is prevented frdvh adding it to hiat good3, and of course the whole of this talk about our havins to pay the tariff xd the KortU amount? Union Cbwomtiomtw Coluni- ' We hare beprt fiirnishp by . jtriendth, jtK proceedings of tliis Cnhenti6iK and j;we!i wduld jour next, laisoxiy the most distinguished Patriots the Venerable Thomas Taylor j in- ihis 00th yeari presided, 'l he most material part of then eir pro-i Hceedings, is, the recomraendaViori of ; a Southern' Convention, tosdclibcrate onlmcasurfjt oppo sing the Tariff. To this -plan w-e can see or jtvioiia. uui as one great oojecf, ris no uouct, tocjpek the tide' of .Nullification; we are dis posed hisay noihingogainsjf if. The Lynch burg Virginian' remarks ! hel :4inks: it useless on the score Of expences, Waste" bf tune, ahki the increase of unnecessary- excitement. We see nothing in lithe Ii measure j itself,' authorising the belief that it will increase! public excitement. But in the present combustible State of the t politic caj elements of the South! thefe may be danger in the Sjiast hannless action luf a Ipnblicj tdy mat tne Into auspi ces, however, ofsuch men za the venerable Coil Taylor, H. .Niiddleton, U. E.HugtT, J. R. Poiri- sett, William bmith J. 111. ltichardson, James tiiair, ana reuigru, we opgnv pot w .d: cnefaint with,fcr p rations are for; their country's goodtnd God for 'V WTUtlUU HI ,UC VU3C Ut ? Alii IUC1J XJ- bid that we sh;.plddo ot saj? any thing N obstrapt them in their labours ilr lace-And though our judgment docs not leac us to, urge' : this sch" we will do nothinor toitlr-ii It iley are frorre immediately threatened with the horrors of XSullmcationji andought to be fetter Judges than we ot the oest mode of repeltinsr them. han we ot tne oest mode ut reciting theih. Ve find that the distiiiguished , cit zen.?, i Daql. 5, Huge'r aud J,t Rj ;PinseU are delegated to VVe attend the sittings of our L.egislaturo and that of ? uiiuua,. i ; h; i . Foa tub WxTCHMxir : I ; :: . i FUBLIC MEETING. j rj j ;H At a meeting of Delegates from fifteen! coni- panies, from the county: of Wilkes, being, the whole uumber with the exception of two in said county, rheld at Wilksboro' ;joiih thp lOthj ds(y . C-i L tar-r-k' lv lirHir:. TT-1..' called to the chair, and HiighFMi Stokes Esij. appointed Secretary: when the jl'tollbwuig pr' cecdings were had-rTo-wit: pn motion -t pf Col. James Willbornia cprhmittetf t jcre persons wsi arointed by the chair, to drSjhfisltor s tha-gejf vernmcnt of . tms fnifHJtingi 1 fjireiori, j06J; J.. Wellborn CoI. John Martin ;and Alexander Church, were appointed, who reported the jfUiovrf ing rules, whicli were unahimdusly adopted. ' 1 1 i. icryciuzcn or tne county, may express his opinion upon the sunjects1 that may come be tore this meetin, with privilege , to explain,! but not to address themeedng .aurelljthan once, iei- 2. The Delev:es tsazj "address! the meeting twice,; with liberty, to explain. 1 r;i;. ij i 3. In Svlectiriir Deleerates for the sreneral Dis4 tnct mating cn to-morrow, ; anf ; the i; passage !bf Reolut-8ns, the Delegates frorai the companies alone, shall yoln'aptiddi, te ehibers elct of the ? ensuingl Lemsiaturijwre1adhii las naenlers if the rMctlnieetglf-pj i jpf theSecretry, the following resolutions v?ere iai dopted. ; - " : j ; ; ' ; ;f 1 j1: ;tj-1 In 1 . Resolved that the principles jru pgjicy - of eyery free government arej and of; right ; should be, discussed and settled in this primary , assero- X !f Hi i ill - !!! ; i e f blies of the -! - .' . Im ." .1 V.i- if m '': ' ' i!. ttespived, that quali lj Uepresehtatipn is, and should be Uhe coreeTStqne lican institutions: To torther-whirilt nnnrinlewe that may i be adopted by f :. the Ii Iemslaturo of North Carolina, or by" the icitizdns thereof, jia their primary conventions, to alter and amend the present cxmsttutiosi bf the State of I Carolina. i. ...ff ' ! V' , , . . AesoiTca, uiai our memocrs, elect Ot f the ensuing Legislature beunstructed; to vote against the rechartering if thej present jbinks: icf ,loithj Carolina, and csethebest endeayorstoliesijib lish a Bank based orxa the funds ihd cxtt of the State, fcf the benefit the peplet byj aS e T " . i 1'. : i-ilii ' . -; m: . appropriating the profits thereof to Lthe ; payment" of the uuiuicas oi f goverpraeni, thereby retie- vmg the people from' direct ' taxatio bling tlie Statetocarryon a regular i;; . At !',. ! system atic plan of internal improvement. trilof. 4 Resolved, that they - itWlinstiTJctedi to express our contmunl approbatiori of, and :coa .fidence in, the intelligence an patriotLsm iuf. the present djiief ;Magistrate of lheiUiliSye-4 His firmness and fores; in : rrj3cting the uBill Stales Bank, an d h4 to recharter the United (feheral measures administration---' : : 1 : - 5. Resolye4, jthat XL iVf SSbOTT. ljolI wun great pleasure, give tn aauxess in tnis i-'o. if we had rocm as it iJ we Ma$ pnblish ittj'm was c stuatcu cf i soma u ooaiseas:u is me political atmosphere, very toars ofpatriotisinjhriy !be cunvicted vitnoi to- &um ana blister.' n under thai ThdiiiS yVartin,; Col. Wm. HortoQ Maj i Vtm s Delegates Iront the (CVjantyofjTfltc talaeot' the t ijelegates Vtiin the" Coua ties cf AsheV Sar .ryranaIredetl! paTny1ii"l V tftlaaW x Ukesboro. to select a suiiaUe Elector Ibr this Electoral Disiiict. and that thev-' fe instmrtMl toypte for soph person, as. will sdppnt the re- election- of Andrew Jackson 0r President pf he TJ. States, who is known to fe' friendly to the pre sent a(kunislration tS jthi; general : government, w nose cnances ot success arc most certain. . 0, Resolved' that these proceedinss be pub lished in the-; Carolina Vatcliman, and 'siich other papcrsi as are friendly thd present admin- r T. 7 ""J 09 wiumg to - puclxsa the same; i.-u'vt" i ,i-K- '7. Resolved; that the thanks of this meeting be; tendered to the Chairman and: Secretary-1 for wo pauent ana tpartiaL .maimer, with which they dischargtjd their repectiv-!dutiesw-- i 1 H.;M. STORES, & 1 f ' T . : ' , JTMrawaipfJudgt oridttr. We always believed; that the naineibf Philip Pt Barbour was brcuJht ! before the neTe . mmTulAt- . ihe Vce Presidency, wifhdt ! any agency, eon- j l ucsup uu iua pan- oenevmg as ne doubtless did, tliat his prospects f of Success under present circumstances, was by no. means flatter ' wg,-wnu.w permit his name to be j! held up, would divide and distract the party to which he was attached ; Instead oflbromoting its interest. ..v uuuusianuaiym -jvawh gooa aumoaty, ftnat J udgo Barbour Ihas lately written a letter to a gentleman of $iford, ihi.his State, ih which, he in suhstanc4 expressld the! wish that his friends would ,rtot oontinue! his name as a candd- aws ior iae iceresideticX It this information be true, as we believe it is! some of the pretend ed mends ot the administration who 'have been advocating his! election jfand denouncing Mr. Van Buren, will be placeJn rather an awkward situation.-JliiZfwrt bpcetatorl ' I! , it is with vcfyfircat sattaction-that we ex tract the atovefrhin the fiiltofl Spectator.' We could seel no use1 in Judirel Barbours- permitting his nams to be used as a coyer for 1 the Nnllifiers, withoht the remotest chance of j his getting a single other state' In the union and especially while h was professing himself the friend of Gen. fJaelaonl AdminisWation and .actually, holdings high and honorable office- under the President; whch from it4 sabred character ought to remove him frKn the strife'- and turmoil of party 1 1 This consideration surely ought to pre vent hin'from lending hihiselfas an instrument to defeat the hopes of thatfeause with which he had been hitherto identified, i We rpioice to learn that Judge Barbjciur has not forgot the dignity of ins siataui, ana is i aetermmea to vino icaie ins ownirtepectabHlity. by separating himseif from this political eoiip de tnaut. : Should the adver saries of Mr. Van Bursn still insist on running the name of Judge Barbour against his wishes, it will make thefr motives and aim too barefaced for day-light. It; will shoW that it is 'Mr. Van Buren's defeat. and not ? JSIK Barbour's elevation hhatthey (aimSt;--We wish the good people of j itn-nnw nr Ttix men - -ASTCCDO rp OF THE man (CMMtrNICTED) JJLOOD It! Ql; I rib lul3tl. Jt is well known the ; Jrish ' JMation as well as most j other of the Enropeau Kingdoms, prrae themselves very highly on i"rr'V!n." , V " their Ancestry,! whethei: ; they are much or little.f It happferied that worth one of the high Bloods being reduced, having lost i tit ftrftatfr rwrf ot msrnrt una hv mssmarinn in order to regain it, mad e suit to a Noble man's Daughter and when he asked the old Gentleman's consent ibr her, he asked him if he was able to support his Daughter b - ' r r? f " J i with as much as he wast able to give her, he answered he did not think he was altogeth- er, bit said, there is myi Blood, can make I .irw lio lofiifT.v IJiaavd 4tirt -nA TVTaT. n that is all, your dependence d- -n youF Blood, :my. Dalighter wuld live better on "V6S yuuivuu. If some pecpiy that weiiiow 'of, had,' only, a littleVilother Gumpshion, they might extract a valualilildhtfrtliefo There is a "proverbyerry old, ; S Look ye now look h now, Jcrry goodas I've been told . i Look ye-Wow. 1 i ' ;(t : V'' III, ' .This proverb is of Golden Rule, ! Ferry god jto cautionbol, J' ' Never meddle with edge (oc, , H Look ye now. IP S I; A snake once licked ape so Tough. IJ Look ye now ! lockrie royv ' -Jlur found ktar brealfist ferry tough, "ilUkyeiwV'fjf-- ;f" .., if I , - J$ y r : & tore httr tongue above, beneath, r ij Htrf wished W hak!iiot left the n, But kept Aurtongao between hur teeth ;: Look yenotr. ; f J I . '1 . - P Coll Robert Love ot JIaywood ', coraty has I been nominated by a District Convention, .as. the I elector on Jackski and Van Burea? Ticket for I si ,,117. Mortalitu of ' free blacks .-4The Baltimore Patriot sava that of 178 deatlis vjich occurred in that city in one week, 78lwere of colored per sons j 74 of whom5 were free ..The i extraordinary FIRST NIGHT OBI LAMORAH. i .The splendid production f Mrs. IIentz, Lamo- raU,orMe ireslzm n ua, was oroogni. Maru on Thhrsday nisrat. anderi the i most happy an- sntK! 1. A lani-and ifashionalde 4 audience thf ho-rSIand the rishtsr of the curtain was met with a most enthusiastic thunder of ap- plasseiCSttt. Rrp.' :! it fv ' T- . t.- U Ii ThJ itV elecon mCharlestoawS. C. has terniinited in the scccess 1 of the nrjlDfitration candidates by alrhaioTity of one hundred and sixty totes.1 The tcifon f-.i'bear'theUidefeat like men. Tbelrirofiiss a deterntir-atioa to coh- u a the October; K .". 1 1 of xyaAr DiaciUPTioir, r EXECUTED -dTTJUS C. Iimctanl tl.i H.SiIcs jln.'he 'iOTotatidi mortalitv among this class people, attnoutea to their "dissoluteness and icirirudent use of nn wbulesome fruit. i.- "''( "'t ft i ' ' ::- ' 1 MOFFJCE uuods cril bi cJcoCTtent VVir? -"!if I ; - "k tfwert,-loie tcefcrv corrected, 'd X. ?y eorreeteA : Bacon pr lb' 8 a r (Litton Wlb fei 81; voiiee pr to lar a 15 j r'louj pr hbl i 4 .78; iorn pr bush 60 62 1 1 Irda nt lb 41 "a. 5 r Mo- lasses prgai ay a 32,; NaiBs' cut 71 a. 8 Salt .. 1. ll. -ri . n MxaatfiD, In Saltro N. C. on the 23th insr. by the Kev. G. P. Re chel 3itJhsr, to Aliss Catharbe Frost jt daughter of Ezekief frost. ; 1 1 ,V Mn In Davidson; county Miller Esq. Mr. Isaac (Wagner,; to Mtaal EL2- iu nuwiu wumy uu tuo iiu ton. y nunrj. ahethJCatniK.ft.-f.'-s---4' ;fc-. - : Died at the Virgiuiu Springs . last treek conv modore ThianpsohT of the United States Navy. He was a gallant . Seamin, a sensible man, and milch beloved by his associates. -J 4 j I j At llali&x Gourt-llouse, Va on the 13th Inst. after a severe and lingering! illness, PMr. l John Murphy, jr. of this towtjaged 18; years. He was an excellent young inan; . j In Riloinrli rm tYta '-tl I Tnct mfif m rvminftA P- Wheaton. " ' ! .. " I At Chapel Hill, on the. morning of! the! 10th J Inst. Mr. James N. Neil, son of Mr. James Neaf of Chatham County, a f member of the Seinor Class in the University f North-Carolina. GRSszrszbnonH patiizo? Is printed and published eviry Wednesday mor- ning,byj. . , j . .rj v At Two Dollars per annum; payable' within three months from tlie date of the first number, or Three Dollars will bei tfivariably exacted im mediately after the expiration, of that period. xaca Buuacnoor win on at noerty vo aiscoa- tinue at any time witliin the first three months from the time of subsenbinir. 6y paving for the numbers received according to the above terms ; but no paper will be discontinued until all arrear ages are paid. - j ; i -J " t A. failure to order a discontinuance vnthin the year, will subject the subscriber to payment for tlie volwle of the succeeding, year, at the rates above mentioned. I M i A year's subscription will be ascertained be the numbers of the paper and not by calandcr months, Fifty-two numberi will make a, year's subscription; and in the; same proportion for a shorter time. j. : i!', ? 1 . . " Those who may beepme responsible for ten copies shall receive the j 1th gratis.--An allow4 ance of ten per cent will alswibe made to author-; ized agents lor procuring subscribers and warrant ing their solvency or remitting the cash., Not exceeding 12 lines, will be neatly, inser-i ted three times &r one 'dollar and twenty-five cents tor eacn succeeding puoucation tnose u greater length in the same proportion. I . M . jvu letters ana commumcations to tne rx:iior,oa business relative to the oaoer. mast be post paid, cr they will not bo attended to j i POST COAOHBSy Rwvamfrom SaletLJ idlfythe C. House in Virgmui, three ttmes a teeek i -: ;: .- ::-antfi facti,:. ' I i nnHIS tine starts from Salem every Monday, i Jk. 1ICUUC3U4I OUU w ---- fud arrives at XV y Uie ourr oun-iipuse at , p o'clock P.! M. thc next day At the same Jiocr that the Stages leave S&leroi they also Jaave Wy'-e Crtirt-Konse aad arrive at aleal4 at $ o'clock Pi M: on r TutsdayiThursdays 1 and Satnrdavs. I This lane! is so arranged as tooor respond in its arrivals af Wythe Court-Hoose, with the arrivals of the Great Ubes leading through the valley of, VTrsriniaAt "Salem . it corresponds with the arrivals! of Smith's. Pied mont Line, and the Raleigh Line-both of which run three times a weeld! Thawhol4 oi this trip is performed in the day time. The Route passes within a mile of, ifceHk4 ..fMouBtaia through Itetnanb - Bethbara hy Muunt Airy, crosses the Blue Rhlge at the Goud ! Spar Gap, goes by Poplar Camp : Furnace aud f the Lead Mines of Wy the, and a$brds iane interesting scenes to those that admire the sublimity of na ture. The accrramodatfans of diet, lalging are oxcclleht and cheapj Thej iwihscriber-- hesi tates not to recommend ibis " teams and driyea asnt rale. f ilisrescnt are good, and h win in T wck receive front Troy, New vri- rMhatit first Into wurkzoanahip land oMvemence-Fare.S cerits a a inite--. t I i I l tm ntnvst care .and attention will bd to mM n lmrre and other thincs entHstcd his care, bottbe Subscriber will notibe liable! lot accidents.; - Beeswax pr, lb 1GJ a'UB,I3randv.! Archie nr 4 4-a ; Crttoo yams, frpn No. 6 tot Nd.9; i iVm ri , ; . , j-1 Ss.: f 37-J --a : 1 ' 50 ; ' prM bal4, frorn sNo j 9 to No? 14" itHJai SiHHJ'" Off , ' $1 50 a I 73 -Feathers pr lh 525 a SO ; Flour Ii " &J&I2 OH fiW: ii 1 1 prbt 31 ;a. 31 ; Wheat ;haali'i 61lVl721 ; fkrA- 'jTWi,' HI til kyeprl)ash;ftspf&l, liMxir; f SwSLOSESS,' ! H pr bush-SCl a45IRde&-reeaprlb5i64: In .FVvJiii atJ pr IbWll ;Leither j4&I, 271, skirtingf QWBJ'SI - lb 03. upper pr side $ir a 2 50 ; Molaes pr tl. V1 MCTCo VCCtliltZZCCi I lf gal 46 a;57I ; Nai s prE ?' lOf.Pro visions v nnhaEifirf pisses through the kasaat VV2 Nt Beefprfo2l a SVBlpr tolS WlO; Butte? lit gesof Wibcesbarongh d JeeWiaAlhW 1 priryicgs-lard 8N 10;-Poik (none)-; Irwttt I2re atlead of : tprbttsh$lij2i A I rSteel)Prnericaii HU;-JUvef,yrIle the'GalTyS?'! :-! bkster pr Ib lOjjEngllsri.dorpr IbvilOiCastlir nd presents one fjbs mteiesSjrdg Pf I fo27i a 33i ?SugarprIbi8U10r5 ;tRito; fftafaft4 I Jamxca jxr gal $2 ; yaalcee'do $1 tlWoolclean ffibrdTThe Staes?!eave 5a!emorthe West! pr i 25 a 30 Tallow; pr Ob 8: a 10 iHT)baceo icaniedtately alVr the arrival of those frnra tori -: ; V pr to 8a 50 ; Townen hr yd 16 a 20- N..:Cw. arid Washington .City aarriv2i W ines-Tcheriffe,' pr gal Jil'i 250- Madeira, Sbojrn'a H Rsads m time x is IChixvilW tf '-t (none) ;;Portprgal lf 5Q a 175J; (Clirei pr .ffry- At AVUkborougfa, this linenncJS -'f gall 37 a 175 tMala4iitw Ml 'Vh!d- by a Stage ruanltw twice a. w ffU."l ,H Ii Ew. to Miss Ann ScbntU of Bethlehem Paj I t ath-V estor West, or from East to West.U .1 thisj towhdti Thu4daytevenlnglast by wOl find the Route by Wflkesborough, tbe n&v4 ji the Revr Mr, Tabler, Mr. Thomas Atwell, to ijeasanti cheap and .exijeditiousrhe Sabscriwl f t Miss Ann Voudsoii.. - fV I . : i f 4tter tbemsdves that theirJ I accoiriiaoda.! f t i Ih this town, on Thursday last, by I the Rey. HJ03. exceeded by one in this cojntry ! 1 f Mr. Tabler, Mr. Charlesj peeler, to Miss Eliza- jB,eir Coashes are Nprtliera made;and t4ms r f bclKMaier. t- j r; v i - J Wfirf?,aBdtuHr dnfersaeco r ci.lnrtJ- -J .It.-V vJt J tt tive, subervounff men: Fam nn i i 1 :4 fi.!H::-i'.'.; -iSept.S2 M9 Vi WALKER, IT o appoint Mas.: Mxkr ''Allkv Ai U.- .raeyurhg by absence Iron the Toi4 r HtTCTT XT.nnv t v W ,f!l so arranged astomvo the travelleti the benefit of Uieintersecting Lines without dehirii'?". Ii 5 " v 1 Persons wishin' SS?Jr 5i.Fm-eeiit a mile J wtil becharged sixandi r- 4 4' It. SAMUEL & DAVIDt NEWLAND. Ij'" ; - '1 PaoratcToas. w vf uiat 4 ' . x - i; i .i 1 4.. Geotlemens fashionable 1- Of every description, which he will sell brt the W obi reasonaoie terms, at , nis ihtore ci : Rlatnt street, the first door below the .Mansion! IhAcX, and between that and the Office jjtf theHVatchf -li! rhan. He will keen constantly oh hand k 4 lai4U . fti i , wippljr of Narthern and home made iarthern and home made I Si :. l-:U:M v .li - .mi "aw . ..; - t 1 (.1 ""I ' a ui every desenpuon, tor sale at the lowest pa- ! 1 1 . ces. ALSO all the materials used by Snoe.!Ot ?! kers, such as vannh, biadinj ' skins, thread. 'U: ufisues, etc. etc; iiavuiif maoo a pertnaient arrangement at the North; tor suhplyi himself J frequently, he will constantly keep up this as- sbrtinent. r- --f'r'' : ' H"--r"''--'K-: '-i I i ! THOMAS MULL, Jr. I 5CJ The business of Manufacturing' Shoes; ljoots,&c is constantly carried on by the Subir scriber, at his- shop, near said store. All i orders I Will be promptly executed by workmen of 6upet -rairskUlandfiithrulness.- . N I - '-j THOMAS MULL, Jr. JSep l i tf3 ; ;. ; , : ; g f jl VIE Subscriber is rectTing and opsnUg !' JL his St-jre in Concord, also at his raslden?' Ten miles East of Concord, a Urrra and ereiieral assortment ot t alt, and Yf5Tca i -G00BS Direct from. Philadelphia, and .sclectM w?h ntneh care from the latest imrjotatiMia : Tii- JUU wi tt-ai fcw aaav swssmv . a w a ; 4ap assortment very large and.complete. J I i ! Among tthichf are British, ' French, - India and Damest IcDry I t Goods, suital le tx the present and approaci I Superfine Blue. Black and Brown Cloths, I Mulberry, Ureen and uivve i -j Mitt, Drab and Petersliam, ':. j Sattinetts, Flannels and Baizes,! ' Rose, Duffle and Point Blaakets, : Black and colored Merinos jt d j Circassians and Bornbazetts, 1 3 i I Gent's. Camblet and Plaid Cloaks Ladies' Plaid and Circassian . Do. Do Cotton Yarn, Stc.' Sec. . a- I Boots. Shoes &i Hats, 1 f Leghorn Dunstable & Navafind Bonnets, !BooksiSaddlos.-8tcf I a ;CARPiTERS TOtJLs,! i . ;:. I Dyes, Medicines Paints &c . MM-A-"i f -jf Cloride of tfner.r ' V - i;.-- : Xo'rether wjth a general assortment 01 riaitut WARE. CUTLERY. Cluna, Glass & Queens Ware,- " ; JCotton Ragingi fc Balo Rope f 1 1 j -I f SUGARTCOF-FEEi TEASSALT, ! K ' IRON. liiM;-V IA11 of which he will sell on the xh:t reasirfiil ble terms for Cash orf Country Produce, or on' a credit to punctual dealers only. He invites tbo public to call ahd examine the G joJs her pri- Z ltd He'soBciti those indebted :p him by ic4 ccnot tt notes, to make some- exertions .to pay tbis season... The highest price will bciveal for Gold in payatent of debts, in goods ,! or iiif-iCashJ - ir T - -i v i i P. BARR1NGER. N .: Sept. I S1832--4w4 'M iyi. 1; , ' U ILL be" ffivea ' for Feathers, esougb to make three bedssEnquire at thaLStwro f of It M; C!rHnd. lK'tt t Fept. I tf?;- - ,1 -..je.i it -i' Of an imprpyed form, for sale at the ; dffice of tho Watchman. W Li! i! - 1. m tf 4 i r r : .4 1- i , .i - Ill- Am- I k i -. - t-1 V: - , - VPS. i.u i . r- - iii! l.SI f 1. -"i 'II it

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