iillpifm vv'-: Mx-x- : 'Af'xMi ;'mui--h--.:.: .i 4'! j4'- 4v44T4'4 ' -44v- la fl i i a;" w k I H4, PH03PS0TUS POIl W ft KDtTEMSc PUBLISIlfSD '1 a 1 Tf hwt to tmtrutt and to please; J e v;U iUrWure; with zcaj and dilijTencp set him . ' :: t .si. j t ii l.ir..nnlf ki r&uiitfrc and'dornmcrce may be pronKJted by hS la'k.ra, (iood;nv)ral3 and refinement it j shall Ite himW to uphiad, and a?ainstj the enp inic9tuetheropen;or hidden fie WiH ure the uuaost of his-strength. Cnticism wit, a!tclyi'3 and? thtr other pungente that i give, abet linthi iPniiEWi 3 Bellevjn in the patriotisni ! and hisintefitibnloCtha President,1 and aware ' that iirtdectVed tiaii can but hindelr the propey -lti'ditrnHlcTit? will ieeJ ithis dutjfio I resist lhe tida of rfdoquy. which has oeen so ireeyr rorifcrtKtgaiasithedmini aiwthUBeritsiaUfi V ',wni I! fr hinvntet to Basiain me cunwiiuaue yh tAiited Sta&tfllant,, with suclrc ykiiimsis itperience may have iecks and shown in Th! Editor deenas .tlie excise of the powir jiiif .ftiaWifetTMll hitprovements by the general lie believes tlrti the distribution of largeetjini of in6ney bV Congress and the President, will pn ttfMUfiahd 'diectiid'wl huseiiuBnioaf toJonf-tdi ay nothing of the ipUiiineniy8iwU lfgi6latioo-. Againit a tarilf vv hich las vfor it? object, the fostering of the uiierWts ofone section i of Our . country it the penselDf anitlieit, the best energies of this paper jwflifepo9eir5f.f!-::; ''. i';-. ' flPtTWt1 doctrine of jNullifici' tionjia jciiIt necessary to say, that In all its phases i And hiUtktions.it is contrary to ouf most settled i fViewsoi Civil uuui.Viauu as tutu ui uu wuuajt. i ca pe-ip traicnnianz iTitt! LCittdrlkxA. iVVATCitMAw, Is pupli&hed 1 aver wreki at -ThrtiJhltirt. r yearih advance (WlWr(?,lie SUOSCTlUCrf live- iu.wimf untie vuu.il y3riiniles;dilant jfroat Salisbury, and I ih ill r where lho accouot isovcrwie year stan!-insrthe-pnee will be:S4. ": - l j U Na lu!)serip.tion5vill Be taken for less than 'onf WtAriAehisirt2 will be done at "the visual rates.- 10 lulwcriptioit wU wi wunorawn; unm ; lines ar iidvunl(3 the Editor ehocscs. L arreara- i ; ;j in ad- t Si Y Hiifiwrihcrs: navinr the whole sum -vancd can Have the IVatthnan at $0 lor one year, aid if advanced regularly, will he continu ed &t; the same rates afterwards. 4 '' !' p All letters to the Editor must be Pol pauf or they wi) not be attended to. . f if Persona. addressing the Editor on thej business If JJhl PnjUiU aadress Liiri aV Editor of the aimHwehT)8o. that writer-on' othf kt businiisscan direct to II C. Joiies. ! . - tINilPElAn-fti'-iuliicnprioiw tiken before, the I bered, booon d4 an; the publication .of Lh first I "OTI IJtLf Icontinue 'for the- present' to! cractlce 4tf T itawin the Counties of Rowan apd Surry, Un'ooth 1&unt8uperior Courts.! lie will visit thncxt Superior Courts of Stokes and Di vidstm in order to settle his business in these courts!. Ifft'pfliepis 4iherthe office of .the 'Carotina 'atchmin a few doors below the Alansion Hotel I in the 1 louse lately ..occupied by Sam'LTJuaes Esq". ! I 11 " "I: T NOTICE. ' fi;Aliwt.ln'g''.VriUv'-,be held 4 in of the .Tbwni xf i Salisbtity, on Thursday .'f ; - i -t ft I - : . 4 . . .. : luwi utf ;wiw knurrs ;ana aii loose in fareoori ofUhe TarifT7t and or posed to NUU4FICATJON and DISUN JUji,arc res y requested to attend. .:fr; i R1CHM0ND.M. PEARSON I iJAMESUUlE: J 5Vf) F KELLV, . i II. C. JONES, i - IVMi D . aJRAWFORD ; jlSAAC BtJHNSr 4 Mabel graham, IW, CALPWELL, 14 ViSAML. REEVES. 4 - ' p ;4fff ARBROUGII, ! x ms'.siixmAN,:!j!'- JNO A. MERXDNEY , GEORGE W' BROWN, 1TH0S. MULL, JrJ THOMAS MULL, Sr. f if GEO. F HALEY,, of Salisbury 4h THOMAS McrsEEliY, ALEX. BU1S, .n : R.M. CLAYLAND, . iGEORGIfpOSTER, iNATHACHAFFIN, 'JOHN BEARD, jr. miO.L. COWAN, '!:! 1 II M1C1LVEL BROWN, ' t WeL tlio Grand rJury of Rowan . JI at. Awgvst; Term, of Ihe i ourt 4" iQuaeressipp County ' lint T oi neas Ouarter Sessions, approve the above, nq- icc4itnd jecomraend it to th'6 attention of our FellqwCitizens4"vt-4. x : :,' -! ; I ' IVYaCHUNN. 'Foreman SAMUEL CULBERTSONi pBRAHAM SACHLERE, iPETER ALBRIGHT, I fJACOBlLE, . - 4 : JOSEPH IRYIN, siintiv r inn ,t-v u .! '! S FREDEHlCRf HOLSHOUSElt i V ILLLiM COWAN, jr. ;i WTLLIAMHOWARD, I DAWUDAWALT ohnhall; 4 r t i JOHN 1L PATTERSON, xtcvHQm2.-- ;X:i:x x: mimMmEc:x 1 u llAVEiconstintry on hand at my ;ti; a t MWfAHi&lackedNvhich I sell aff 25. peats per jritioprand .Wm,l7IT;4fcese geUeineQ'lthiriK rntm "pnPciplebethejsameaii 1 the Bright of .; I ltthell for Slacked and 50 (b? unslacked and suyseatimcns as these are niuecommin ft pK resistance which is recognised ' by the principle henhe qiantitTfof one hmidred bushels is fal iui& '"-LiLJ .u.L 1ii t tkA ! of trevdom as a "right j rararnount to all iaWU f nSinaAtA, 6nnlWivrHV;-- rTv f tntione and is but a annliitTnn U ti,UVkUi . ftnett 4 wMlsctfede We trust neverto hecome so l voM bvof Uie slrirK I" the i '"l-'- 11 -"lL-V7WM!i. -- r" lfVM-VM ATTTf Sm..- :44JITWI"i l3iB0 a sense of what js uue to a 1 vailsia every case between the Deoole and the I m j vwrcw20W, ia32.: ";i i j -; i J Gentlemaa, I, . !;';'.: ' . - -r m r i w - a -. . . m a -m mm js-m ewi al a m w m . w a: i;. 1 -fe 1 HaCabury :.iaturtUy, September, 29 183- i. rftfa titling CUtiMa4M eWifirnft hy lltlhg i 'Agents Wtlie WiTCHliiiijn ihe ser cral (Joanties, where they1 Inside, aiul receipts njide byticm would be as valid Jaa ifj made by S 55 Francis K, Armstrong, , SI Capi. JohnVrighy MI : Col.T. B. Wright,; J -j ) Peter Clingmam. i 1 J STORES COUNTlTJ "John F. Poindexter, Esq;i J J Isaai Gibson, Esq. j. ! . V yrix xrve. nnfTKHTV Golj Saml'. F, Patterson, "j y Messrs. Finley: &rBofachell. ii BURKE COlf NT Y; Robfrt Pearson, Esq.? i Sidney S. Erwin,' ; -. John P, Hardin, Esq. ; ROCKINGHAM: Robert Galloway, jr. Esq j A. M. Scales, Esq. I I , LINCOLN l C. C, Henderson, Esq, A..M. Burton, Esq. I. i MECKLENBURG. DrjfJ, b. Boyd; -1 t. F.l t. Smith, Esq. ; Milaa B. Abernathy. I X. " ft ' i I . CABARRUS David Storke , Esq. j j; i I D. 'M. Barringcr. Esq. ! if . GUILFORD.; iPr; J.A.Mebane, j . ASHE l Coly AMitchell, j !" 4 i ; : i IREUEliW , ' Whfteld Kerr. Joseph P. Caldwell, Esq. , ' k DAVIDSON.- W -! i i John P. Mahrv. ! S 14. ! i ' . Reaspnablekooiniission will be allowed1 on mo- nsv collected.! h. a JONES. 'Salisbury, JulySS, 1832. ETUT BRUTE. e notice wim something! of surprise, an ar- tlcle in the; Yidkin and Catawba Journal, con- iolninflr b ran; fillnaKm tii imi; SrVAK"- I a .flJt "- i uiiill I n 1 iunnanM n.w.. t I ! 'mmT rnftrltlS: one-anotherwlthjgrppcrjsy ; neither of taera will support-Jackson any, longer i than necessity compels. Iti must be ? borne in mind that thislis the opinion of many.'! - rjow thOj plain English of this i in less civil pnrae that Nthe opinion of j these 0 gentlemen, we ate bothl political Hrjpocrxtts, and that neces rity has made is such. For eurself we confess thatheihand necessity has, borne hard upon 03. 1 iWltli ihe facetious Falstaff, we must say without khe'. applicatioii of tire pun," we would i i s ihatj'our waste were lc33, and our means great J tT.y' Ttiit iJiat Tiovcrtr will ncYcrr Tnake csdeser XUit that noTortv wfll nnrcr make n df4Prt ,, i . t i J.l J i T " Tr J i - iT : f,Ti " r V p. . I ? eF hpw heavily in may beai upon us, is or oarxer awaj -.oux .lnicgniy, t H we trusnb one who knows. , us, wiil be- heve Rut strppose it btrue that ''necessity compels1 j us tb .do hingsincinsistti'with' the "TKiblc standard by which the Journal proposes to take jthe dimensions of our political, merit: Wejthmk common charity1 oifght to have, protected! uiairainst the tauriti j iPeihane it mav quiet! the! fears of the Journal, to let them un- with -ouri ncccfsiie. We think the ruthless Wltn-OUr JieeCpSUK'. VVC ininK tne ruthless . J r ' . . - . . : . ' . - manner in which they have seen : proper to drag them before the public, has shown that such an nnlifefiiri. wnnM K frnitlfissanitliAr h any -nuenon -slewing jumr siorys' let u oe evex eo prontable , sq they may rest contented ou tha score. Vhat is thd proof however by 'which those gentlemen are prepared to make good this! charge of hypocrisy jahd intended desertion. Have we not always belonged to tne JacKson rctty inin. fratetn- Have h rwe ever sijrnified a wtsh to convict us.- ljhevery arucle;in Vieournal, o hichwecDnplain,may-Stdpubtt i.i . ..'4 it ?. I. ! toccateUiisbenefinmany." Tlert then ithe to reiterate alii the fulsome - ,1 , 1 . zan tditsoTS have bestowed Isit because wc have dared to thiniC'. tor ourselt J1 -r s i ij.j M j -W ' r to relatba to the recharteringof the United State's 3arik? pr isitcaos3"we hate not joined in the ioii?! If W Ih. gioe'lie 5 to biiow our ; confidence in the manly generosity ..j . mjii 3 t rvzz&fzr I .j.;i-,jiitrLL f -?h .4-'. vrB-.r".r. 'Tirii. : r I:' e ; frank j- Mn1 f .5T J5sr 1 --I v I . ' ' . : ; ikl ! ,i I ration, anddenlnwxn JcnnM. rl Tv . r - - V1 1 S5 F-ir- rri' jetf j jj -I 1 tU. t..!:!! 'Mnfmn I . . 'i I r " lit vicvuo .lire i UIih ,w i- ' t . ' -f s 3fT ye-: ciRoiMr aTOissamoN sssth sissrat! i I e wunmer a,ujoP:o- ff. m deprecate NuUifeitionas fburfded on prin- ion of many- Is tha the proof? f object to fyaA SubverSiy! of thConkUution, we its sufficiency, seven if it were the opmion of ; ma pa: PP53101 i Pctn peace, and -, . -n- t i n , . ..J ;?Ffl V X-H iiS- t i wouU only impair our national defence put our wOild willingly and cordially unite wth qui ny,yhich5e .deny. ehink.thisyery mdependeWuV .darker anf iS uf '4s9 I feUbw Citizens of the FreeTraderarid State shows that the '0Dinion of many" plight not. to orev tofom'mi inrtuwi5. with iia; T?;-Po );!QtY,trk j,nv ammiA : , i. . wi - M J . f. avm UOUU1 AlJIlV I AllVilUl A ttltl AillLUkJ kUfcVl ub &,.VMB -L' i t Jt i.li' !. i : 1 1 V! i " i"'7 both mrties iindr th rx.ii. testiW hich is to come back by iway of here- audensnare the citizen i bet weSmcoistenduI xence. V?f the saytatnaio3 gpodtheaccusaupn.i m ties adding to the disasters jof war the erueltv of olina, Georr :hd pW? Is it because we haTe not seen proper P0 ilt may be said by the advocates of Mississippi, I of bur' patrons aad our total disrerd of such U- implicit .obedience tci.theiqanstittttioii of sacli measures nreiation to opi gnevances 1 'M I Mi-LUi much Ui4tes. Can wiyithiiiglels lhan'ihnmuia. as the wdConyention shall recommend. 4 iwiit At f!!r r tt inn 'nrtVvmont i f100 defeat 1 expectedfjoni such -a! tissue of I 44 ResoreiThat a commttea of m - i im ! :ir Lrrfi ith inteacies? n i mi Amm v &n with ; i ! M ? ih.- uhr v-.U. i - .u- :L 4 11 LLl i.ii:-I u nuuincaura ne, ccnsidered not as onri-1 low ciuzens oijtne saia aiaies.1 inu Lunelrila f iUWl r- T- T "f rw' - Tv I sUtntional At this ncriod when the cobtrdvewy by wiiich thfl Stati. hh for rears been dbtraciedi is draw- mg vj an,, issue ui -caiit y. . "of thaUcioa Jfarty asserybled ktj j Columbia In. yite youf solemn,attentQn toH tiie' Icoisideration of the bet mode of providing for the Public-safe- effort to sustain the prosberity in4 if possfcle the peace of the! country.. Tnere Is ffiitjff party in South Carolina : we agree on etery side that iiiej. taxUTshould be resisted by alcunstifeitional means. iSolfar: tiiere''is 'dlrenpiof. j opinion but we are divided as to the'eharieter ,of ihe means that should be employed: and Tetdstance by biJlirlcatioh is the fatal source jof bitterness and dljcord4-Even those: who are in favpr of N unification differ widely as ; toj its character. It is Tecomroended as Cbnstitutiorial j and peace ful, but when! explamedivenjby its: 6vn advo cates it assumes many different aspects, and fur- nishesan-eril.omeri of interminable trife. ji :Re (rarded s a J peaceful remedy ' nullification; re solves itself into a mere) lawsuit i and may be shortly dismissed as a feeble inefficient measure, i-'dr'it lias ibpen wis 'lyi provided j that M the coistitutionl and ttie acta of iCongrcss piade ih pursuance thereof shall! bo the toprteaie;law of the land i-and in a curt sittiisr under the' au- thority of the 1; Constitution the merits jof the question uyuiu icucivru'am nuui liimiiJi Boun ding terms of ah act of hllUicati(Wi Regarded as a forcible interpositiori of the' Sovereign pow er of the State the objections to it Iiearj deeper. It is hot1 a mere infraction of thiconisttion which, like an external iijuryleacf ii? genet al utility unimpaired, buf a radic4l ipdlatal er rorj.r' The theory renders the ccnstitutionia pead letterand tiie practical enforcement bt uiq doc trine is the beginning of fltevolutidn.i f A gjrrern- turei of things . maintain i its , existence., i The greit end aul :am of th ionstimti ; is , o We- iervi th3 Union of the States and by that means the hannuny and prosperity of'the JcWntrv Ihe old com end! because pcuucu uu wui 4u PitMsuie vi uiu several j j a- w ...m oiaies. AneconvenHoniwnicniormea tne con- stituUon owed its existence tofthe necessitTof trinr tn' thnmllnfirnm th execute its own laws; If the several States 0...r& TTT-r- ' I can nullify an act of Congress like the Tariff, thatpuvv be'exerased, and the Federal Governident must follow the faWof the ConTed- A-rntLin ft in irli'tn tinrtin irmincf fnMa : rik y a . vu uwf . M . lilt. I .traroers of tne ;poustitution did not iiryest'Uhe General Government With full- power? er union can exist. i ' - The restriction of the State veto in , its terms to laws declared by the Stato to be; unconstitu tional is merely nomihall In i practiea itcan make no difference, for Whether the law be con stitutional or not,:tue effect of nullification musr bo the same. f one State .has thei jurisdiction to declare a law unconstitutional every j- other state most have the same; and ; the i constitution can have no settled meaning. It ts vain to say iihat .the power would not be lightly jexefdsed. If it Wfiffi a IMWfir Wlllfh tho Statu' nccoco if the right was acknowledged thWjB jiypould be do more difficulty or reserve in the exercisq of it now, than under the CniederatiolK A veriera- uan lor tne cjnsursttoa may prev.t lftfracu but can have nja application! tchtM 'Ixerb on?, eterbiie of r:gnt when it is oace aduatted to be constituiional Acrufding to ; the theory of nullification, iany number of States more than onefbnrp of? the whole, may .change ' the. constititidn. i For in case a State should nullify an act i whicli that very otate in commorf with all - the others is had e. i LLi !.. r j.sJA ? 11 i lit : formerly recoiized.-is 1'giUma oi biT-ilaw that U really constitutiorial. unless1 three fcufrths w."cu- 1U l.r - . Ia 8iituiion win, to an intents and purposes be cnan- rwd t s nH thi4 rinwtrhf. n mirwint'tr tn alt I fla constitution is deduced 1 1 " - J w - M 1 H1IV1. till vnstitntinn UWcAxtA t I l.tf.kvio sions that if shall not be altered by :ess than a majority of three fourths. By the sarii rnlk nf unanimny naa oeen requirea unanimity had been reauired in all amnarlmpnt. the constitution might have been changed by any one otate. soch lallaCv reduires no est- sure. A construction which. destrovB the text, and gives to words au etlect directly; opposite to their sense and thlrtencO!inH 'mnnmnr' d livm (tn 13 too frrcss for ar?o- ment. - ? 1 : s Sock arc the objections to nulliBcatipH in' 'ithe-' ory 'X- It is not ruerelv an infraction of 41m CnhRti- - 4 i? tution, but a .total abrogation of its ' iiithority, tut jn practice a dissolution of the Union i U o q and ; freqiient wus. m j praencetnust,! produce a I. direct cnhssirih hptwrpn fihi i,tl.:4i ! 4i . fw auritjes loathe ...v wuiuuA, . . s a,.; vv I ii 1 1 f ni3irA i would tTjlaCf! Uri i J..2z I ntVipr thiirrtw.r wua... XLiJL :H s .r . tz I i ii i,miouu iopijiug to examine the correctness of this doctrinL" 4 Prpe ofargmh alle- adjoJatUMi that parri- e,?f mW " W ' recommend on Gen. Jackson? -1" cinzens and ;tliati the in it, r Brtthat. tA .ottnMj pledge us to resist the constituiedJ authbritiesi ii w power; but as Vhigh prerogative! and Government. Bat as !ttn rnti-4 m Kv im t "W t - IMP - W bvwmmm: . ' , m fc1 H ibose nsui . there I would be; no dtspute among uifimJ whentba rital and, ten' sential interests of the S.tate ao i jeopardy1; we sboaldUhinkno tk too grea for their, preser vation in the iasife8ort. ifiiit; it wouldiiti compojt with patriotism or prudeice to incur all the calamities attendant on .the IdestructuB ' of J;order,.ifany)ilan canU sagested fut'a removal of the burthens of the Tariff (already considerably diminished) by paferl and more; eli-' gale rteai8W4;lieTe call loudly for thf Jduj5tf bfBucriakan; an,d Ithat no inperaoobtions stand Oat tUe:, ay I if Sf0"1! coeratioa of .jail parties: . Lett he ;wr...wU ta uu-ei m isnvcntion ana .aeiiDer atas wen tmihe infraction oYthef hWai loa the mode arid measure ' cf, redress, Tfae SCates ?f ytrmnta,;rtiiCaioUna, Gwrita.Ten1 see.A&biaaaaadll Mississ.ppi; arequally. con cerned y with m irjall the conseqienccs . of the . " W irpeoom ana prosperity jot ono are I - . w " ue, mose oi &u ine oiners j are equally concerneoi V ; . 1 ' 4 j Whtever advaiitoges may be expected, ironi f1"11011 WpQtuti'Mial ehek they can on ly; be ;realised by i lhciirrence of the Stated that are. interested anf; sudi a co-opration appears to bo clearly inUrii by the Viijinia -1 Rssolu-! tlOttS aS tiiB . Drooerl crinodinor in cnch'.MCM i 3 w. . ' 7 f . T; www. ;A0a 11 JNulItflCatiaritbe rprarHp,l in anil' fA jthe principle of rei3itanw, iiwoiiid heinadriess itll ftYTvi eimL ILlf..... .LJ 1 . 1 . . "i -- r""""? ij"iuu. we support ana, coun- tenance of those States. If the States, which are inj.iriously:arled by the; Paltective System concur in regardit the prdinarjl constitutiorial checks as, A'Sufficientto -i restrain5 the General 9TFentwjthiiuprjr;sphre,-icb inter- P? uui, as iney-raay advise, wUl be most effec tMUziid productiyeof the! smallest injury i TtrtZ utS PM? tft 8,la11 W? fefW thl nH ..suppt and. Currence of jtbose SSf 1 Hy interested ? Many a - V " . T ' wrr.awK.l iT . ' - x--.-, ZllT ,tdoCS nfi! from. PJJ or accidental causes. anditlmt the en- sis -ias arr vv f. tKo ihw,i!.v t...L ordinary remedy! T It is due to the!veneratim in ,whjch the Constitution ought to hi beld, to tie fpuasuMniy wnicit we are unueribr preserving ii mvtiaie, mat ?o . measure, involving in its of joyernment, f as , Nulliiicaticm cohfosse should . be udertaicen, ; except bjr the cj ncepfuca. ttumber7if;thelState3 as i I ' 1 . I 1 con- rrence are ;in the case of amendments. . ' , - power Such are the advantages of a Southern Con vention. The objections to it mav be estsilv disposed of.. It it not unconstitutional. The states are pnuiiDiipa ironi entering mto treaties or i confederacies among themsolvesl Bdt Southern Convention Will form f no ! treatv or compact of any kfrjd . Thcir object will be to deliberate, to enliffhten and trive I effect t(i Dub- Kc opinion. Nor lyill their, deliberations be in jurious tj the Unwai. If the States who are acroTieved by the Tariff laws act in con rti thir claims will in all probability he Conceded hut if the very worst that can be itriamned should happen ;a;id theit 1 demands be capriciously re jected it will be forijthe several States- -and not Cjt tU'c Ccnvciiwoa to act on the i:6ubiect. The advice of tho Convention will ub duubt have great weight, bu It will be a salutary influence not a legal controiu In the spirit of amity wc make this appeal to : i . T .'If, our ieiiow citizens, ine glorious inheritance of freedom is at stake. 'Ihe same blow which destroys the Union, levels to the ground the de fences of liberty. .1 under the federal constitu tion; wo have enjoyed all, which the patriots cif I cnitntrv has inofraRftd in riches, in knowledge I J : . ' ' and in Uoncr. And thnse Who iiflfTPf! tin :xt lives ui uie cause pi America, would nave clo- I sed their eyes in peace if they- coitld have been blessed With a vision of that future which we have enjoyed. The happinesi of our citizens hastorroed tne admiration oi tne wise and srood; and now when the scene lsohanjred, and discort- tents created oy ine acts oi government, nave brought the Constitution itself into danger, t depends on tne moderation ana wisuom or thf sons of liberty, to repay in some degree the debt of gratitude, by . transmitting the. same inheri tance to their posterity. . M i it which promises aredrcssi of our grievances, without in vol vim a violation of Uie Consti- 1 : . ? u. 1 fof the United States. a Kesnlrcu. !l hat in case ot the concur- i j ; i a. rinatincase ot tpe Statesof Virginia! Nonh Car- aa, " ; J enncssee, Alabama ana this! Convention do earnestly to tlie citizens of this State to Airftr'n1 riistririii arid, elect del- I egates to attend U General meeting of the j citizens jof the said States in Convention, jto into Consideration the grieyances under which we labor and the means and mea- om-selyes to adopt, abide, by, and pursue nine theii1 fel- in case of their concunrence in tho proposed Con vemion, io giyenouce oi we njjie ajuu )ntcv ofholding the same, and hx ai dar for tlie election of Delegates fiom thoi seyeral dis? of this State, and that a maiontyof actins members of the Committee Authnri7Ml tnsnrinlv anv VaMttiries in their nnmW a tliA citno vnav rttitlr: I ' MB 1 IIMlMAfV MAW frill 1 11 f IAIH W WWrmr ne i. itiereiorrentwivea inat wlnle we STAYLOIV- JVwienl MIDDLETON, ! . S i ' 4 - PORTRAITSJ- Richard IL Vilde. Fsdi a raemhef Qon Itrew.&om Georgia hat longv been: known -tot Hterarj public as a poet;; of uo orduiary pret. the preten sions, as well as an orator of 'commanding po w- ersof eIoqnence In one of his speechepjj during the last session of Cor)gres3, , he exhibited jb.ign facilities as an, intellectual anatoraisit aifd limner, by sketching briefly,! Hetl coroprehetisiveJT and graphically, the prouiinut characteristics ofi some of our4eading Siatesmpn ; i . 4- j j; , I . had ""the honor 6iV he) to bo a-member of the 14th Congress.!! It was vaii hiiior4Wien what-it is now, t shall not say. n It ,is jvhatthe 52nd Consrress have been nleased ta make it.-, I have neither time 'not "strenorih. 'i yt ihiliit v ta pef the legislators; of: that dayi-aslhiy de serye noTiasthbthe; Jt occasion jVet the pAd istJ''or rilnVA''careilss naturtif cannot-irecn to J j cri V assoltiou3j kindle tntoinigfi an htiit - holy; eaiistas3iff .4 j : MrWiIde tljen proceeds to "peak of several "eminent parliamenUry. charactei T m the ,Bub joined 5 eloquent and t sinking, passages'. ; 'And einp mora prouaty tban: iium- r'UT-P f - puuqman ironi South Caiolina now n? more t the' nurest;! itnepalmesif, thrmesi piopW Jf oiir-' tie fot. gentleness of , rnanntrs and I kindness of heart;ai;lbf trt pSsion leeU whi(A rendcre4j4 deserving k)f the praise tfevmarie8ervjed ;iVfor,.iberly''6tatiding by arid Iett!mg'4ieas6nsrjie! 'fol.liiiri.-.TheitrQe patriot incapable of lat? selfisli Taction,! who shnqned ofiHceaud distinction, t yet i served I his country faithfully . becitisc he loved her4 sHe; I mea who consecrated, by his example, the: no- Me preeepriM'tireljf his own, that, the ffirst statmhercpiblic wu4peithet to be sought afternor declined 1 sentunent so justs and so happily expressed that it conUnuestd be repeated because it cannot oe improved.H 1 , ! 411 " There ivas alaoH iknUcian.trom jilarTlasdl I whose ashes how slumber in l yourcemetry. li I men and cotemporariesi asa jurist and statesman. first is an orator, he was, if not Truly eleot me prince oi rneioncians ior owl uie sou no- i ness oi n is logic suner any- thiner dv a comrar- kr l: .i' :..ir.'J-. . . tJ-'. ! ' 1 i ' 4tvif li. .iaWmAa! n..yl f.1fiAirtn1 Vh..M.int J.ftlMl language in which he popiously poured forth those if his mighty spirit still haunted the .scenes of his I mumpasjaad w neu ir 4areaiowrong uicm m diznantlv rebuked rnef -l ! -It tMm iTicSe rraTnearnadvi hlsjaLPereJ were! others, whom it! ii more. dmcuU tb'speaiM because,- yet within the , reach of praise pt eavy. r or -one wpo was or aspired to be,appliuciau It would be prudent J perhaps wiseto avoid all mention of these men Their acts, their"words, their thoughts, their very , looks, have become subjects of party controversy. But he , whose ambi tion is of a, higher or of such reserve. Talents OlWAalT "Win IO lllOt John RandiJph, of Roancke "Amoi g thein, but' not of them, in the! fearful and solitary sublimity of genius, stood a"1 gentle man from Yirginiaiwhom it were superfluous to designate, Whosbspeecbes were hnivf really read? Whose satire was universally feared? Upon whose accents did this namtuaiiy uisuess and unhstenmg honse hang, so frequently with with thatborly for so; Ion? a period? .VWhb was wrauv aiLciikiuiir , ouwe wiuo . tii iujnMt a more - dexterous debater?; A riper scholar? Better versed in the politics of , our own country? Or deeper read in the history of . others? Above all. who was more thbrouerhly imbued with I the : j w IUiUXiipi uie ' eiigitsit idiigujt;, muic v"ffv 1 master of its strensrth, and beauty, and delicacy? or -more capable of breathing thoughts of flame J la words of maffic and tones of silver?" JfJin C. Ca0ioyn,,of South Carolina, , ' 'There was also 4 son of South Carolina, still inthe republic then undoubtedly, an influential member of this ,. house-. With a gepiui meta physical, he applied to politics, his habits Of anal ysis, abstraction and Condensation, and thus gave to the problems of Government something of that grandeur, which the higher mathamatics have Jxr rowed from ; astronomy! . ; I he wings , oi j h mind Jv jri r apidbut capricious, and there were times when the light , which1 flashed ironi them 13 they passed, glanced like the miror in the son, only to dazzle UebhoJder.j Engrossed with his subject careless of his words-hi vlotUest nights ofeloqueucewcre someUmes followed by coilo- quial or provincial parbarisms. But, though of- ten incorrect, he was always lacmaungi ' guage with him, was merely the scaffolding, ot thought employed to raise a dome, which hke Angela's, he suspended in the heavens. ; Jltnry Cky,cf-Kentueky. i . "It b equally impossible to forget or to omit, a gentlemani from Kentucky, whom I party has since made the fruitful topic of unmeasured pan- egyricand. detraction. Of sanguine; tempera ineVi and .tmpetuius character,? hiS dcelama tions 'Impassionatel his retorts "r acrimonies . Deficient in rt nncnint, i rather that j strength, his style waa less efegant aid correct than ant- maTand impressipBui it sweptwyW feelings with U likj a mountain torrent, an the rbrce oCthe steam lefiyou liule leisure, to remark upon its Iclearnesi His estimate of, lhaman naTure-wasTpXh?,nA' very high, tit maybe SbtSoonshad alt it, I Uiur4lyjtjisVpp8Ciif IMF have been lowered han raised by his subsetroent erienee.'-.iiret tf'':;ieTeee4eicept when thatrimprudeticejsoj-natunil ta ptusi prevailed over his better judgemeht; Leihad,jgfcn- erally. the good sense; or good tasted fo tdopt a hAr lone ":f sentiaicnt.l whetherthe ( -spokaof measure OTefmeniViends or adyer minv nfvtaiAn f f-at xi-a nnhifi and. C3 One I ean'neyer fbrietl It washe finepatst4 Vbrmar 1 nasslover in ieUence a representa. bel, - ,, r. V,,-. Hamnshire. iwrho has obliterated I. II mamnnriif wvm Mstinctioo. by 'therpertor 1 Apm h fi!M jittajne as a Senator frota Juascar I MA MW Mr w -v . no 4jng since i suxki Dy his lomo, ana recalled viui nis vannon." him,.as he .waitheniiidicthe jjower and pride - -But the point of of hi$ genius. Amongst the firet of hgurative Ujustrations c;of bwajwament which, enforfeed whUe they adorned; itjlJut let f others pronounce his eulogy! I must not;! .1 fot! -aes chasett Though then but in iKo bod iff hb--V political h& and hardly:4'CQOao;'peTWp ntscrwn extra jrJihaty jKwers he gava frflcauitjv dC the greatness which his genius achieved, t TE 4:' samf vigor, or tnougat i uie sae force of expre. safl j the snort scntances i the calm, cold, coil?c-t ' ted rnanhe.r j theair of sjlemn dignity ; and deep ' developed only, not changed, eren c the 'fnts&sai j hiticlppess of hU frigid, irony. The rreuij isjdC'? nessof his sarcasms was indeed peculiar to him; :.' theysceci to be enucatiocs from! the spirit pi the t icy ocean. Notliinz could be. at once m nor A and ; apoWerful--it was frozen "mercury bcco nung wcausuc as read not irun." t f 'Sjareifof tht Coait. In exetm rftWtA pasae J at thelast session, for csrrying ; into; effect1 the act of the HHh Februarj; I SOT, j proyidtng'j iot ine rimjf or coiu; o we cnUed &aiett the President, has directed ,the fSccnt izry o jlVehmrjjr, under whose Department tliat impur tant- national work was' placed at the ftrzner po riod take the proper measure for resuming aqdcontiauing.it. .. '-4?:! fWith the President ipprobaUthe Secre-.1 taryhas appointed Mr, Hazier, t()8 qTalifci twni fur thia enyice are well knownTto uWe th cliaran4 direction of the wwkpIHr, Ij has bcei lscie weeks engfod in4preparing the osceksary instrumentsram the collectionfor tnerly madpTor that' purpose, and will hercaij i iaJa stiori timoi to recommence the . aorvey G?W. , ;5Jorimie?ti CmittonAcwkjapim some persons.in'the . western pari jofTthis tovfni mad a large tent, for use at camp meeting,! tc. 5 w contamea aoout iuu yards of Uotton cloth ' rilled with; oil Sec. to make it broof arainst irain. .' ' ' Belure it: wa enlixolj dry; it was .rofied upSoiio! . .vj. !w. - "FiW: tnL2X In 't, ,VV" HrHn -1. timIni andft, ?nd oodVcrtmpon 6) , -" ' " -: " f-i llf- hvi-: , irinTiV. w "'J ' : ?44 ' ?l J?R A.VDRE.-U , certainly a TOTfliw gtUat.acttmataiice, that Andre should m myj saticjrial, poem havo4 foretold Ma owtri 4i fate.f It was called the uCow Chase,''.' arid : 4 waslpubiished by Rivingtoh, at New Ypk.4 4 injconseotience of the failure of an eiHeVi44 Xiim7nnAw;v" K i .i. -iS'J XX X nSJhf 117 2Y 3 n vi lT? P011"? cattle.TGrgt . liberty P10! P the ocQastori. with- ;i. It f "Hatrjr Lee: and his Dragoons, And" Proctor hrs irony ecemedLpr-' IV iliTAn ..t l ' uJ.iLX'r L ' . i - -.'.' t, btts,, ken, amUining? uIIis Congress dollars aud his prog, - - t -f .t . ins jmiiuary speechesr J - :' :i'f 4 -: . j; X llts cjofnstkwiskey for his grbg, -' j i r. Black siockin. ano; bliia brceclies.1 ;Aidconclitdes byorrying Uiatatiis jJ 4; nessaj.toxheekltnecAiiTC O 41! -i .iriiesi tne same, warrior-Kiroyer wayne,1, 4 ..-r;,Hu.iU fatca-ruia .nans tne Xoc :a ' if -fia. uie was actually taken i by a Dart?: from army immcdiatelv under: 35 LiMi, Despatches from the- charge ; d'Aftair at Lima have ben leceivedTbr thefcdepactmeni of Sate, giving notice that theilaw'prcliihitin- in Government paper . .1 bllU AKA lAIUVHOU Uft liJUl JUL3 AJC7UU aU.MJt'lKllll . -IMIT V. lower order, has need iu 1 isbertheiied bya.dutyk nmedtd-41 is . of no party eicla- lare barrel, and six in spe4ie. and, the.rcsldu . . f.. i '' i .0 i .f ' , Bfeaphcd cotton goods are also admitted en I payilg a duty of 00 per ati 6neha!fpri fiovi-i ; ernutent paper ; and tobacco is also admitted mrj ' aduryof sixty pcfosper qnintal. , j 4K4 The same despatch represents the demand f4ii 4 i American flour to be very small, in MisfVniiK r ''' Vr of th introu0ctioa 0f wheat frora Chili at ' , paravely low rate of duty. 1 - -' I ' ' IRELAND. -V ..(, 1 Aceounts from Dublin of August 1st, carrtaia r particiilaTs of additional breaches of the pcafciTl There was a great scarcity of hands, in cuti.-o quence of the combination not to work fbr the J J"p i uwo ,a iijs lit i. ledto! mhch nghtinff and sofne bloodshed. A lei. tero4" the state of the connties of Kilkenny and Conriaoght. contains these remarks : ' The character of the peasantry of Irolini has been greatly changed within these finv years j Sane say .for better, ot hers for worse ; bet 4 1 ; shallf give yoa the focts.' Since January la?i,t . the Lord Lieutenant has been offeringf 43t0 n wardl for any approver who may ecxne forward : iromamon? me suu,uju peopie present at tiie massacre, and no one has accepted it. Nay more, the Irish executive cannot get one individual lout of the 200,000 who were present at the Bally -bale anti-tythe nKeting, to prove that CoU Bbifc-r look the chair there' - .: FRANCE. lis tn;tne private correspondence of Ue Htm 3 dated Paris, August lsr,ft is -stated that the tftre6 aay9 ditI ujt pass off wholly without intrf- ' ruptibn of.the peace ; some i young men bavins bca cVpA on the Pont dArcoleV Ibrshigini 4 the JviarselkiKe hymn rby the Sergcns devil 51, were said to have been killed ; hut It Ws 4 supposed no judiciary investigation would take I V place. 1 . H " 4t."r 4 1 . ff'.-r !apeorTroy, the young jpamter, who wasicon- v demacd to death by one of the mihurj' coum rnaiw s till nj Juqe, rnd, who made m -acj ppe I -to. the CourTde Cassation, wa Uicl the f ist Augurt in tho regular way at the ass f-? IR' tf f , Td. the court synced him-to apard - v ef tt 1 Z wd darcd that thej ;had LreL the verdict n4the fullpre that a nohucal flk.ce way as highway rrbfT-'--' x,Si&x - 'X-.W-': . ) Alcbrrcspoudent cf the same! paper, ondr r ecite V-' - JQW;3 1st, states that 'the death of Uie young Duke Reichsradt h..noi'flb immportaht -aii W I Tnt ba it ndght seem; oorof France t as it riadi 1 disappointed ai party composed .not only of Na-4 nolean's old adherents, borof a neVceaefaOoni?, .nal monarchy, who ee tio . improvement ttaie ciinings under anotJuT- - w J 1.' A.- k . - - I3ourvoo , auu uu luueu ui ausuu iot aid in I f 4 HOLLAND; AND 'BELGIUM. Leopold in;thatfcitix the evehmgiih HSf,' with his brother and jaephews.T u hey were rt- , eeived as they liad been at l 1-iege and rtamur,. with every demflcauation ef oy. i44 .4 -i f : K' 4M . f 4 . HI -It! ill i- mi 1 s ) ? '- T. 5 f? r- if 4- 1 i" 4 fx I Vi if .1 7 44' If 5r 1 I?- 1 1" II fjii itt Mi i -11 "if- V! U I? ii : ; - ' I- :', 1 f.l l ri4l4! 4!!. .4- .i,i4-4' v''' 4 -4 . : H., '! ; 4-T .ill U l 1 ;4 i 1 ' ' lil iJ " " ' ' i!-,- ..!' -:v - !!;' i. i-l . . i 5'. i , lii-.' 'S . .-I'l f k! -1" '4 u til iaei ,i

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