';4V kt I p. . V- i ., ,( - . ..3 .-5 Ml s .: -f A- Hi ' till ' MM t .ssr i Mr -f" Wii i f ! m - --I i :t : . . 5 eft 1 i" -. - i -r e T i I ' Irr I -,- S 4 I 4 am HIS 0-1 l' i If M -t'i-'i i : jlMJV it r ri !2 J f 4 ?! I! r rfi-r it mi .j; : m . ;?: I! J - r I - ; MM- Ml MA ' . J i r. ; 1 'X, - i -' r 1 "t i . i. 1 .. ' f f ,: . - .- i . .. ii .: j t. it s i - . 1 T Mr: It is ascertained that the kin? said to the 615- ;j scrs that were presented at Liege HYe hare j been patient)! vety patien V gentffmen,'; but; the :ef:ciee8MonsHb past; and ,1 rely bo 'God H and , my baitaUoM; whii ara, strong; and.-tra--fcrmerois to defend treatise of Belgium land its '. J r:Oa another occasion, jaxseording to the- Xaegel 13 i P?ts this day, the King said,' in th. presence- jr ; irf several rrs(ro;thatJieTenedt a Iiope thaf f.l-J'affahj of Belgium "Jmighi ternuiaie shortly 51 ly &na to a .racic-manner, otimjc aaueay- ine ' jj u period f concession is past,; Belgiamhas fxbaus-: ted.evetjr sacrifice ; iff new. etuis jaref required,? .'sir H" appeal to God 'and; our army f ;f j ill 3 7tWbl&r ;iifcreWar breaks but: and that? the Bel- .1 giluaLtri!i be the ajgTcssor?, ifiwtTaflioii te . Hh not iriten them Shortly by te-ccli'tene.): ,p f ? ''"ll 'ere are jraoiis who;tiiinlc jthatjlh.iiaiH titierriiif th Kintr Will I arralti be deliTcd. 1 What v.i jwHicatioi ojTthd tans bf marriage 1hieh accor-f ;- to the code of Napoleon, mnst nrcoedfe ten. iaitji at Irast the iaolemnization of the miptiaK has cot ret teen maxJcl at the Maiiie of Bras-' ;la."-! -I." The Dutch 5rm-Tlie cstauishment I of thbAimy f the Kig VtfJ!ollsndi ibchidm'ju4 tilkryjd inlantry, amounte upwar of 100?CkX" lighting men :- - . - ' 'ti ' f fThz Uclpon .2rmy The whoksttength i of hc!Armyf Belgium,! inclbdingjSOOOiCirl Guards amounts to 80,000 men" fit fyr Wr- Ally w.j !v-v- -x f j j ami ly, oier nainV agjln intoi'tiictioa and .power. " We know of no deecradaht of-eiiher of 'the brMJrfrs tf Napoleon, Who apprs o possess the cehms or talents necessary to makd a figure -. : r m. ; ! r: i ' i If throcscohqwer natiotwjand assume an ijri-. Wrialor bren kingly sccptrei .THeshbrt lived, hut briluant and, ast(Jniahing career d' the iaroily, ril! boiewed in the tistery orthieJtimes as jsi ti1radi'l and dazalincr meteor j Which excited the nstonbhroent and the ffars iof tlie cmliicd worlds t during' its moraentarr passage, and then vanish- d into darkness. 1 here is nothin? W the char- "acter of the bthorbnmehes Mhe family, whwil caleuiated to excite the tsorphso; alarm th3 lears bf nations. Had tot Kapolern le4 tliem pn Vj fame and poweTitn all prohabUify thy Iwotild javb passed their liyes! in $sctiritt? It Cbrsic4l .-' pursuinir the ordinary i occupationsliol -peacefiI 1 J life; ami entirely undisturbed j by tne-'dreams!6ii ! -power, uiO .csuiu ui uo-uuiis, ut uie uitcuuuuis m s ,T royalty-, f - - M liifr'. "If : 1 ;Lt ?T . ltnnaTYfirIA III finn il.'fllll lHTnlfiJf - tL TTIfWl im. s ; is 5 DTefstre ana vaiuaoie lessw 10 men wnusc mines " . L " : - r . X ' T 1 j helhadVcoiwucTfed almost eyehrStaipf kittgdomi! ailQ empire iu tiirvpf ,ucinruuuu -evvcreiii ajicr ajycreign jdestroyjed the li vestof otnbj roilon bf huitian beings, vasted some of the finest regional Ee'rb; became thitr dicta tor of Europeand c,cniu-l jk:in a distabt ocean, Ahrei-lv haM heveailv! I ss itcf remembrance, exct-pt its a beapn to lvarn btber military! adrentures, ttih folly of tnlillibn which iiaahrokenLi fcpl "Wnrrdfioces, tajs, 'iWc nndfrstshd that the; rucce of the lelols cpntinuee, and that, kJ-Utf tJaj since, a fiocy cf ' troops escortibgi treasure! tb the amotmt of 20,000 taels was.ebrroimded afid cuitipnd!th! cWmapdff;- a Wansirin bearing; htm button , fell into thb liandsthe )nsur gents, Who mirrjediately pnt !um "to- death In tmmeraUe ceports' fire in cireulationj3?ut none :in vhicli ;feueii-jeooridew1'ean': be :plae4.LTJi. Will ebon pet appibd to the reiielilonij hyjiroWj in thV leadbrTiab tho haniis bf.tliefJlsnaiil itrs i As this Tfbcllicn Jas assumed al fepect jbf I ihoTetbah usual importance, We subjoib sonie e- iraCTS Jruin jwjtra ' j)cuus uuaf ituujiig uj rtlie-eharactCT and purposes oifjthe tnsur S Thei. Canton Register 5 bfl "April 7th: sy8 :. ! '.; V! j i i ' A native map has been pTcpaTed,ifhaiij'g, fur "thft InformatWif the Geveraor, thelrelatiye sii fciC'of the mewtain cities from whilMheise rebels hay-':Miued forth': aid: thp ixition .of the troops sent from KWangse'.i Hbi nan and: Canton against them 'The lloo-pati General is saidlto have been killed by a poisoned v anxw in an action with! the rebcls.ll They have tateifUie city of -K pro yincc : and Jf'ave in several skirmished ;t been sbb-v cciful against the Imperial troops small party cf nn -went oyer to their :sMen Hra?lajestyis t - tfiiters taken IXyj thenrhave beenjliait to thb SWOrO. i J V UlHHU-tVUl5 VUVll 'IO l.JW 3Ct 'titxbf these MatcmenW,but-We give Uni las The miiD.-Which' confirms Uc Greater I pan !f what is rumured,wb be1icveto bb ofli V : . : ' -f- i: i 'V -. ! : i -f- ';U- I ;-;! - ; f-emt.?-', -'. i ' ;- ii. ' I " Is tliat the hill-men areinot urged on by faorine, 1 but that the?rMjfff the result of a di litersteanil :'l ' riiieertod plau-7is a proof of lliii they are fcaiato have .availeS t!cmlvcs f theinn f ioWprice of alt during the last twbyears,to lay i-m laTge j&tock j Xor. tliis fcecessaryof life they : z xtlji jgvGT 4 'n1 ie PJtncial gpy i ;imcnts which r thus Itavei a grtchck'i Ihem.: Thfy kresaid to hHwcllilrQed, strong, I dlyraiid the t natlvtishc hills in all jthjcj adjoinitproif mcc "i: they may , perhaps, be connected With some 'bf i ? lh;:ecret societies. Tbo jiors 5 bnt ' aednst lUrthLkir the Canton auUibririesmerelrwearc t :--toi4taW;vfriatt'and Tear, and tfCCd tQ.rsQf f f ren;thebUice3 in ;thPutto death & j ', o!d blood ; tli nfay perhaps explain j thblepbrt if the roiai? iaver to the rebels bfeomd of ik$ :i iL'Lll' . mw , 'I'll r!tintin rtcviFk cj-it tVittt .ike marclt ' cf kle cw Kit vriil ? bel directed hNorthtowards Peking, andfthat m;fiu(thcinTa. runUthisiur?.ia i tohejapprthended. ! iiiTySrehelahaTe comnnmication with the bwOn- laineers in their rieichborhbodf and the hHl to- Jple ef 2umtgwge ; and ttiephmcse say 'that'yery : .judicious rivafeurcs laydteen adopted by tlie Jfc f .hchi for carryke on i the campaitro, tliey being ' well i fuxnklicd With :. provisions ; and ' warlike Stores. ? Many cf the . officers cotnleandirtg : the , forces cent aptinst thorn have hrn taken and !dftyed,and after a " serks 'vft,in Which bia troops Vcare entirely rwitcl. ,-vv I co-ytim pT Jit5.'?" .'I'aoier. 4 nt' ; The temper of ihe Chinese peoj le, generally, s , mrd to Ihe present imperial trovenuuent; is ftallront loal, and ereisjliitluestLnat ''haijeonuncnt; :iro.ueouja greate? oegree (ct misery-flian marked the fobtsteps of TameHabel TimourV oj: Auila,and grasping an!imperial dla-l I km ; 5 ' amu-uonfan ne oanger aienpoDto jiisiip air Ivyin . : i je Excise universal dominion 4 KM f h ' - liy ilie sliip Ijmaflr aptMvebflriw4 have Reived Can ton papers to t hd -2 1 gtjrtf Vpritt llhb tMinte Ccurier of that date, epeakiner 4 hi th bMH the new self ncrninat'ed Ei toi oi va- ; ca carry his successes msch fkrther, thonsands, Who, want brat a favorable opportunity to proceed to open rebellion will join his standard. ' j ?. : . F.HOM. SMYRNA. . v' -l Bf' the ? bri fTcnedos; Capt. Allen, we have received the Journal de Smyma to the 1st July, from Which Ve have .made -j the following extracts- -. r. . .s.- i j , -'v' .- ;'"iA new paper ihas been commenced in Napbli, called ; the Greek limr- Jt. is-published in Greek and French J The first ncmber was is sued on the 26th 'of Afcy.last.'if-!; -':. ' r '-viS rf iT.fpJa; SiixiurVf- Jane 50. The Ottoman fleet ! consistioff of 57 vessels of war and about - the same nnmoer of . transports, trasrscen; in theearly part of! the; Week part at l-relin and part at id. "If is : to proeeed, it is said, directly, to the Island of Candia.' ' L S lAIaltcse yessei fwhich i arriyed here m the I3th inst.fmm Napoli, witl jtlirce English pas sengers and a servant, was attacked off Cape dV Ohxy by a piratical boai with 'twenty five men . They ToUted the- passengers' of their 4 money,' vauches, jewels,clothsand " indeed of all their enect.r-The Capt. havingat first refused to tell them where a sum bf money 1 was concealed , on hoard was severely beaten andfirced to deliver it tip to the pirates, ho also; carried oflTall his clothing as well athat of the crew. The passengers thought they rf ecognixed a mosgthe roUeis several individuals whom they had seen at Napoli previckift to their departure. The, fact h9 this boat had followed them, .haying leiSapoli the same day they did. It is even sapposed to be the guard or at least one in the employ of the government, for the men on board of her said ihat not being paid by t be gov ernment, they werc'obliged to commit piracy for a subsistence.-i'Jljl' ?! s '-; , : f ' ;;. - The Austrian corvette Adria, Capt. Cchjlina; has (eturned hers this fweek,1 having minqtely examined every corner of the Archipelago, (re . qacrtied by pirateslii Captain S. , captured i near Cape Colonrie,"a Greek boat,-on brard of which were only two men. but there was found a con siderable quantity if arms and ammanlliui. The j men said they haa been 'compelled 1 by the crw of a' bimtical vessel to transport them fifteen in numoer, wi in ar.ns, ammunition, ana provisions; to anothej vessel of j the samo . description, and thatfthosc fifteen tnenl escaped to the mountsins as, soon as tley saw tithe landing from thjs eor-i vette- in ipursuitof ftRem'These md1vdua wersent hack trtho commander of the division to detenniae what tofoK with therocv l '. yy ! GbijrstAWTtKOPLE, Jane 25. i The palacejof the Stavrcs, which, was com menced at the time of the dissolution of the body of Janissaries has just been completed after six' )zxis ui uniaieirupiea laDOT-joieaiobi uismt guisfied artists cftho (Capital, and a' great num bcr of; . Europeans,1 were employed in ' the con struction of this I mansion, the magtiificerice of which could i?ltard be described; Some idea may be formed of it from the fact that the mint furnbhed 20,000 Dutch ducatis for the purpose of gilding the doors, which are bronze, and the ara in rcnci wiui : wnicn iney are surmoumea. In this superb - place hai been produced fortnb first; time a hapiry combination of Oriental and European tastcs'iwhere, at He 6ametime may bo seen the exquisite iarts of 4he . West and the riches of the ; East ; The first 'manufactories in Paris or London .liivb --tarnished the fdrnitnrc, glasses, chrystals, kci The gardens particular-ly-are of rare beauty and in no- respect inferior to the most celebrated I His Highness has not yet rumoveo io mis magnmcenv resroence i ne nas just paid his' first visit.to it with all, the persons ofdistinctton, and ministers among others. V1 This citcumstance has given life and a new aspect to this part of the Bospuorus. -'- , '"' :tv -1 .'t'l Boston Gazette. ' I - ILlMA, Despateliea froni the charge d'Affairs e I at Lima, liave been received tv tb r iTofjStaUuw'Vrtne law prohibiting me inTroQucuon oi iiiour nas oeen snspenaea, dui its importation isburtbened by a duty of nine dol lars per barrel, and six in specie!; and the residue in! Government paper. I ; " '. t iJleached cotton goods are; also admitted on paying a duty of 00 pet cent one half on Gov ernment paper ; and tobacco-is also admitted at a duty of sixty pesos per quintal. . ; CThe same c8patcttTepresents the demand for Amencan flour to be very small, in consequence of the introduction or wlieat trom CIim,TU a com- paratively low rate of duty. 1 Extract of a Letter from a Friend of ours in - ' . j, JbYjuiee. : - . W 1 Upated July 16th, l$32.;i "Havre is a fortified town, -surrounded by two; and . having in some places three ditches j these ditches areiull 1 bf eels, land for the privi- lee-esW fishinff m which, some ot the poor pay about a year: about five weeks siripeVthe Jisli in the head spring of ihe creek, (or as they term it, river,; began to die, ana iney nad been dying gradually until j the time I arrived, when we DQisonea waiet - ttamcv jktic, wu si uit time theditcheswere coveredwith floating fish, in a putrid state. The fisherman are rumed. The water is as UacK as eoony. v Bergen County Courier. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. ' The Marquis of lamella arrived in town last nitrht ' J i I1 fi ' L The iting cf England had sent to the King of Prussia alrauUrar moueJ of a ship ot war, tor the amusement of the royal family on1 the Lake ofPotsdam. I l l - "" , j Leopold, it appears, acquires a fortune of f 50 000 with his new bride r just the income, besides lie CfaTemont estate. which he omaaied with4 the hand'of oiir lnostiipable .Princess, fehould Ids second bride jpossees the same aoeinpIih mont3 of mind and person as the first hb Belgian Jajesty will have becaone cfthe most fortunate The Germans in London Ire printing papers in their native language, and sending throngh russia, roland, icv , -; sTlie orbitrarv measures adopted against the prcsi in Germany Tender the transmission '-jof the lew liberal Journals 'which continue to be pub lished extremely difficult, and the .others eontain yery partial representations oi tne state otrpopu-1 lar icciujg. . r .-:, :u-:f r ' , r It is said, tlat delegates from -au the ConsU tatiunai States met about a week ago in the Ba den territory, and hbjdiscy eral secret : delibcra- tions on me means nt, rescuing uennany worn a tyranny of Austria and PrussaThe estates of Klcctoral llesse, m rwhicn a strong spimoi in . dependence lijtxjbntly been manifested, .were Suddenly dissolved on the ; 2tb4 by! the Prince tjKMtcgcut; in mm. siumg oiine reay oeiore, tHeTe was a warm -discussion on the law of the press, Which has long -cen claimed by iho xp lar party.-- 'Bf HJAfe;V:-r: - ;J The'ycapathy felt throoghcatt Germany for tno Poles.' is toostruflff to admit of the comnletc suppression C eery thinf unfayonble to. Uusr sla, and in spite tl caoHhip,,'cescriptions cf tie rerolting- croetties inflicted that -gallant ah4. unfortunate people occasionally appear in the German : journals. J Of this,' the : follQwiug'.cx tract, in Which the barbarous practice of removing: :i ! . ii."rwrrj ; t i - j r me roiisn mmo ciuiuicn vt iwssa u uccroea, il aninstahce ;Sif 1! .-I--;H . ' " News: rinds by very slowly Netertheless. t 40.000 Itcssiahs has been recently ; formedlclose to the German frontiers. ; Every , thin clearly proves, that Rnssfa having completely giyf n up the idea of rahamExin Polind l5y ,4EOod irryenH rnent and improved irtttutu4na, has finally -re-- Mint ia.utupacue uio: wuuujt " im coiooizmg u irnn a new; , race u .. moaijimui. A principal part of iis pjan; M the' tinsportaljon 'hi childrehl i" This; Tpracticel has ,htUirtci ecn carried on hi the alieadyf. incWporalod ftovincc of Lithuasiai Vdhynia Foduiia lu lljoaine, Without any particular i regulation, oni.ihe ground of a general nkaseand isxtended tobotlt j rexes. But in Poland it is f against the tnalo. sex of jthe poor classes that the measured directed, 1 which in fact extenffs it to about 901bs of the male bhlldrcn jof the j country Their lujtaseni4he subject b'dated 1ffi;3Sfa&:&bnkt and prince Paskewiteh eddfes&ud hUoWa instructions foun ded upon tto thejcnsellvr of state Kahiam : The boys are sen Off ih; dirisibns of ,100 each' to the Government of Minsk. A peculiai: dress is given tb cm before ihey' set j"ont, butone half die on thQ route. Most of tlie villages aie slript of their youth,1 and 'tSereby ofal) prospect i of aid for fnture laborThe deIAioiis of the j miseries bf these pocf dying children ire heart i rending. In the ywgUatfdjsche" ;Blatt,'a very interesting weekly journal, of jJuly ,18, there are !r very full details fof . removal of chlldrebr y liich seom to deserve farther prbV, and ikideed, as piston rea dily exaggerates,1 correction,4 if; that can pe done with truth. Invesligati Ja!ohts be ; desired, even bjr thef Itusslan .fiyerhjmcni,.' Tlii com plete Suppression (if the IJnif ersitys at VVilna.is but too true land no less certain, w the nws of several thousand bf fugitive ; liavicg taken re fuge in the Wiiuls laxidi cuirasses bf Lithuania, from which Yastnesses ii has not yet been found possible tb expel ihtm.3 '':'!- ! ; ! 1 - j ; f Vf 'k'V. " ' iL -:. - .; . , t From tlie Unitedi States GazctteJ J. The Speiker)6j tneriJciuse ofco.aiiLon 5. a opeaxer is regwaiiy, eiecroa on tne commencement icepjnt; jot every; j new ParliamecV the kiertnsa: orfrelign-tibn of the or on under, not kibon the table. Sir Thomas lriigerfbrd in 137 6, (Sjstlof Edward jilf,) ajfars tof have been the ySrsi .Whbf o'tkaiied j ! this' ironoijbld dis tinction.! t :. y irfr !.- ;. - v i- The I empluinents JbrmerIy - did I bot amount to X3 030 per annum, and I in coiise- 4uence oi luisome ut?i u oiiipes aune same time under llie crowrt.: , But so sensible was the llouse i -of thei inadequacy of sucb a salary, and so ibstly liealous of permiltinrr any thing like dependence on the -executive" uranui oi me government j, io exist on the part of their-l cliatrrnarii ftbat a few t Vears since" the sunik Was dmihlpdJ At present,therefore the allowance Is uher- al ss it appears tb consist.i 1. ! Of a house. 2 Of Jtil, OOp liequipmerit nioney.i: 3,1 Of 2,000 ounces of plate.1 41 Of to hogs heads of Claret annually toeethcr with an allowance of 100 for stationary; i and 5 An income of Jtb',000 per annum. ! . f The Speaker of" the !HBuso of Comniftns takes rank next to the 'Peers of Grcat Rnt- ain, and bos aiso the pjeccdcnce i at the Counseltibleli ;! Uy''U 1 This branch of tlie legislature is in some respects Jregulated b fnm! ; During his ;ab sence, no' buisincss can be done, t or any question prbixwed, but that of adjourn ment. v ?' r! "r' m v ; The Parliament, like the courts of justice, was formerly itintrant being summoned, in ancient times, to meet it any place accor ding to the exigency of the circumstances, or the will of the regency: or the monarch. The Lords and Commons originally sat arid deliberated, and vbtcd in the same apart ment When the ! legislature became stat ionary end scperated, If the former occupied the buildings adjoining ' to Wcsminister Ilall, and Uie ; tatter ihe; Chapter. House, un til they removed tothd place where they las-semble.-.. ; " j 1 , . " R' '-f j;' ' i This is the ancient Chapel of St. Stephen Westminister, oiajpnajly ijjfjerectpd'rry ng Stephen, in hOnoftof therpartyr of the same name it was afterwards, ifebuilt by E dwrd 1st and being consumed! by fire Edward III restored it to its former state, and ren dered it collegiat&j SppitSafter thisitc-rbs fitted up for the rpdejrtfon)f the knights fcttr zens Sc burgesses, andjias hecn usurdfv de iiominated the House bf CommonsSt Ste phen's has since . experienced many altera-j auons ana rcpairs,ana nas oi late Decn. render ed more comfortable, ; - : :: The speaker of the Jlouse of Represen tatives bf thb Jfnftbd tates. j t. :y The pfiicertleceU t trfb; commencement bf every new Congess Formerly tcopeV kcr.uscd to be elec ted at i every session He receives double the pay ofa membei of the House. Of course! hisompenshtiori i is 10 dollars- per day-; liehas an elegantly furnished room in I th$ capitoh set open for his reception. IIistationcp)! is found during the session ofXJbhgrjss, jand his franking privilege cntiimcs throughout the year jlc lias also powpr fib depute a ijncmher, by thefules of the? Hpiise jip act as 1 Speaker prowrn This deputing of a temporary spea ker cannot be made to coritinuc lonrthin a!singleday iff r jij', II: ii' 1 11 - --Tho Vxe lFrestteWqf m United Shtcs is wo presiding ; oincer, oi tne penate4 ana has a vote only m the jsingle instance of the i-enatc being equally '6lhdcL He receives 5,000 dollars ijr annum has n room las signed for his ; rcoaj .-and slios the iruiik.iug iJirniu-Ecs ;ana biauoiiary onrui ina cuuiiuance in omce uie succFcdSv ;the President in case f his death, arid tWntfa- iter 01 we uouse succeeos; rp tl& Presiden- cy in case of the critlis president nM Vice Presieent cfthe V. vtatcs- r J i Wi H::t tithe proclcors: (wp criaiyy were ihoeW pine; tyrants of Ireland) iSras V ccasionally rcsortedo by thei wlate B(pys, and was' per formed in the fol!bwing trfcrnner. ?The tatlio. proctor was fneraiiy. -aJted out ot Insist sleep by his dbbrf bein smashed ;ir4hd thejbovs mwhit ihiHs-dredhinil ne to fear,' as they ;o'nIy ' Intended to card . Sim Seef Wil3oli(dcal- Index to the uosse t 1 commoust its waytroni Polidto;rma-1 icntHfromi krylixw.man'tioltho V'-p3ish 1 -.3. ' Ji andma wnject fUte bait wliicb they Ijrpaghtdth tJiern, theil isct the cat! between the- pfoctbsj thouldersf TfiS ibcafbn ricariy is blbctcwbiild; endeavor to get olbnt lehg held fast lf: the tail bV: iritrettcKejaT cvelry clawl dceri tn; the ' proctors back, in order iokcep . up a firm 'resistance to t! White boys. Tbe nibre.'the tail was palleid bac!ktbe catriedto goforward; at; length j wheri be hioV &s lie inceived4j made fhis I possession titihe sscure, main force cbntin- C70E tum ID tno couxrajy, aiiu iuai u oohvpt. hisihbldbe mist lose iis tailvSV be Was 4raggcd bayarid to "tb? proctor's Iclii; grappling ai bycfrjpnll, an bringing aWay, here an4 there, sMps of tbe proctor's skinV to prove the pertinacity , of his defence. When the cat bad got down to the loins, he Was: once rriorb pliccd at the shoulders and TLgiyxi'carded thef proctor. (f)fies qttolUs)kcr cording to his sehtence." . ; ItsTiiESSiNq QccunREf ce, On Friday evening, August 5 1st, we had amostpowicr tul yisitation. VA Vliile Chief Justice Marshall wasj sitting in the house of his son James, a hock of ligbtniug prostrated before hin hb son; James atnd Edward; his Graitd sonlJohn, the son of Thomas Marshall, and two other Grand fchildren; John and Mary Haryie the fluid prevaded ahe whole Messrs. Georce Alexander. Heiirv lasball and John H.; Tliomas were ajso e!iQed, filtiiough not prostrated. For twen ty rninutes ill of the first -5 were consider ed 4s dead ; the - application . of ice water was immediate, and proved tole efBcaciqiis. irlfcLiiii:. ii igo rtrstoraxion -i an. ine mcijus- Ambler, and Thomas C. were in the room with the sons. were! not injured, although so much shock-. ed jlfcs hot to see the lightning or the thun- der-rrthe sutlerers are all recovering. - i ! CAPTURE OFA MEXICAN SCHR. OF i ijiv ; WAR : - I BY THE U. S.icilOONEU GRAMPUS. : I Uhe New Orleans Courier of the 27th ultstates that the U. S. schooner Grampus, J osialL Tatnall; Esq. commander, was at anbjior - outside the Bar, from a cruise" of T5JX months on the Mexican coast; witli $30p,000;iri specie on board. The Gram--pusj captured .on the 61th Aug. the Mexican schooner of War Montezuma, Capt. Pccjro Vijfeneal, for ? committing an act of piracy Onjfhe-schr. William A. Turner, 47 days -off&d from ". New York, for Matarnoras. Tfip officers andjerew of the Montczuina, (eight in number, including a company of soldiers) are inA irons on board the Grampus; an the prize ordered into a port in the United States, ii- New Orleans. 30th Auirji ti appears from Tuesday's Emporium that thejpapers of this; city generally were lead infc error m regard to their notice of ofcapture; by the Grampus of the Mex ican schooner Montezuma, the Montezuma i wutf oaptuttHi on 1 1 amico river xor jnracy commited nearMatanzas. The officers and crqW amount in number only to fortv-three, ujeirt-si onne- prisoners, winy-seven, are soldiers. The prize has been ordered to this pldce - The Grampus ; has but 123,000 on board. - UHARACTEB OF.A GENTLEMAN A laW- yerf ata circuit town, in Ireland, dropped a tenlpound note under the table, while play ing at cards at the inn. He did not dis cover his loss until ho was going to bed, burthen returned immediately. On reach ing! the room, hewas met by the waiferivho aiq, -j Know wnat you want, sir, you have osfi something.'?! Yes, I have lost a ten ttnd noteL" "Well, sir. I have found rL. and here it is.".Thank?4 joiv Jgood ltd, lifjjs a sovereign for you." "No, sir I want no eward for beirtflhonest;buV' looking at him with a knowing grin, "wasn't, it lucky notie ot theg-ettMemm found it JiUieii- aum. said that Nicliolas, ono' of the best gunners in the American Navy, is son to a barber, who formcly resided at Gay Head His skill as a marksman is surpassiri. When about four years of age, he was awoken pne nigui Dy a rax, who was leisurely gnaw pbis great toe With as much gusto as though it was a peice of real old : Dutch cheese. Young Nicholas cautiously took a loaded pistol from under bis pillow fr even at that early; age thebent of his gcr; iusbad become fully developed, and fire r the rat without rising from his r'jermbent posture. The pistol contained wo buck sbot only, but scj true was. tb:s aim of the youngster, tliat both tocc eject, each One entering in; eye of th Vtii which fell dead on the spot withotrt a druggie- ! f; EXTIL.T FR03I A POEM. By DENNIS ;o'Mt;RPHY 51 A HON OF COIIK. O'ae corning buld Doctor M'Fun J Wvjit out to slipot with his gun, I And at the rlpt shot , l (Believe it or not,) - f i By jingo, he biew out the surd . With his giin, By jingo, he blew out the -sun! j ' ' ,fU , , j j - j Then the Man: in the Moon gave a sliout, Vhcn he Baw that the su n was blown out, 'r I (For he hated the 'great starb'g'StiD;) ; And Arrah, njy honey! como. up i -l ? if . f3Fp thetnoon, and Pll give you a cup i Of the finest poteen ' - ? (: That ever was seen, , l I x Bckaise ybw haye blown out the sun ? : tvitn vour cnin. t ' LonJife to ydu Doctor BI'Fun f 1 ,11 : JOBlPRlNTlN ii U.TLY EXECUTU) ATTIUS OFFICE ' IK' ..-f0USsi 4- Salistaiy-i-J&bttday; ?A ' i ? ? $ roa V1CB JRXSIDENS, t vs The following gentlemen have been nominated as lectors to support the above Ticket.! ' Gol. WilUarn ,C. Ilbckhart, bf Korthaiijpton. 'j jfhn M. 'Morehead IqJ of Gailfbrdi l!iomas' Settle,' '!Es! f Ro(&lnghant. ; "Walter F; Leak, Esq. of Richmond f Owen Holmes, Esq! cf At v? Hanover. Ion. Joseph J. Dahiel ofjlalifai.' ' -1 E(r. Justah O.' Wanyof Juhnsuii I Richard Dbbbs Spatght, Esq . of Crayca. ; ;-'jseph B Ilinton, !Esq. of Beauforf.j ; Cjol. Rolert Love, cf Haywood. j j - jrGen. Geo,l Lee DaHdsoa Qf I.5de!li ; 1 plon. Leonard Henderson, of Gt2jiv!!c, , 1W districts l.ave not yet nominated tandid- I. i atesi ' . i U ', r - OPEN YOUR, EYES. , One of the f retnosy eader3 of tlie Iillifiers, and Barbour men in this Town, bavin made abet with one of our other citizens, that Van Bu ren would not be elected Vice President, ex claidioJ with great ' trlujripli Itpti ot you air, there will be no election by " the reb)le, and as the Senate will not elect either! Vaii Buren or Sergeant; Mr! Taiewellj will bo the Vice Preffdcnt. 'I ; '), . j ' Cjxn you see no reason now for urging the hopeless cause of. Mr j jBarbcur? j I ' Tie proceedings of the ' Union f meitinj at Concord, are received and shall have-a laee in our next. We can enly reruarkV.tliat Ithey do credit io the high spirited and pafriotie source frcmvhttbjhey cmknte-f-JS'ulfificaticii is in bad odour in this state generally; and n where more than m vabarrua Uounly , Dlstricl Convention. At a" Ccmverition of Delegates from tlw cpuntic of Orange Gran ville and Person, aaseinbled rat : Roxborobgh, on Tuesday the 1 8th ins, for1 the purpose lof nom inating anuelector on the Jackson and Yn Bu ren ticket, the Hon faoiiant Henderson, Chief Justice cfthe Supreme Court of this state, was unanimously nominated as the elector i for that district. I At a meeting of the delegates from trie Coun ties jof Iredell,, Surry, Ashe, and Wilkes, in Wiicsborough, on the lOthinst. friendly to tho re-election of General; Andrev Jackson for' Pres-. ident, and Martin Van Buren, for Vice Prosid- Gpi. GEO. L. j DAVIDSON, of' Iredell Comity, was nominated as the electoral Can didate for this district. -I r J. P. WAUGH See. Speech of Ml. C. Jones , Esq. Delivered at the Anti-Tariff . Meeting held in the Town of Salisbury, Thursday 23d of August, 133, in reply toSlri FiaheT, (Concluded J t Competition andrivulry in trade, is the best' security we can have against high prices we all see and know, its effects in 'every . country villaffe' Whenever a merchant can buy goods at the-ff orth for less than his neighbor,he undersells the rest; To prevent him 1 from engrossing the custom, every other merchant in the same village, puts llown his goxxls to the lowest possible price, so as Io make a little profit, and ; oueli from a spirit-of competioo, liie4yill sell them for cost on trtK Kirvinn1 tlit lia IDItf TiIa trt t..;: 1 , 1. .1 " 1 4.. 1 i. I up uy nuvau'.a''(;j; iuiciijrt, mu 110 j navftnuruita lua ccArtmunt ' 1 his It 151 fntt It.' I soraefconsiderable degree, keeps tlie Wrifffr,nv . t & a burtiig" you. .When the ! importing mercbrvit csmes home with . his British goods.? ha vino- bought them ai iweniy-tive w ecu. : cajecyjr in England, on account cf ths hih: dut hqis enabled to sell them Ii5 percej. c'apcr when he gets tbcm'hcre, ana fnTji CVer active principle of competiUoni h' docscll thcin at this reluMrato. ThUlttco-rfe compels the man ufacturer in thi3 cir iitryito put Ids article as low as U14 one impo jLA nd nerhara a litie lower; sii that by th ose Attemptsto undersell each other, goodsl cvPn the protected articles an? brought down; tj a erecedinal v low. Maov believe that 1h; British manufacturer is competing at a floss for the pr.rpopse of breakindewn our ehblishincnta in this country. I tb fuk it more probable, that he is indemnified agains. loss, by lessening trie, pay ofi hhi poor journeymen, who we all have' heard, iare Drought nearly to the point of starvation, land are a.t this vry tlme almost ready for rebt41ioabn this account. Our truebolicymy frieods, is nnbwibtedlv to keep the British mantrfacturcd articles, and four own, so nearly on an equal footing, ai to keep up this ep!ritSofcbmpetitionand that it may befdone and continoe permanent we think.. there Should be a further reduction bfthe tariff j we feaijthat tlie preseht contest is ;so unequal that the British manufacturer cahnoi standit veryi-mudh longer. ,We dught so to mahage. iti that w, the consu- mers wnose interests are oiucreuii, uw uibuuci from both should never be entirely at the mercy of cither one or the other of these great competitors J But above all things, we oegl.t not to,be made dependent on the tender mercies cf, th4 British merchants bv Withboldinff all protecon from ir domestic estabrishments, and permitting them to be bvexrun and crushed , by foreign hnporteis. It has-been saidMhatwe would be 3atc frm harm, by compc!Utionr .amongst Ihej foreignes them selrM; but myl good Sirs ! how easy it Is for the masters, or owners of a few dozen British vessels, rocome io an - uoivrniii, j v than certain pfibslbr tdietr conunpditK, When they get-to this country, and then where would be the benefits cf competition?. The fery first thing that the British manufartnrer would do if he were cljr from American competition, would! bel an act bf jusfice-ho Jwouldraise the jrag of his poor starvin?, dispairing dendenls, of course he would lay this amount - on his goods, and tHe next thing wotild be, its collection off of Thireis one delosite argument urged, first by Mrs M'Duffiei on thefit?or of CvogTess, Which, the consumers r isuer n&s unroa oa yuu ; wim a m. confidence and iaali as if tfe Wete thfirt & eeivcr oi wie nunun j u impcrt i . yix. cent. owUtTi!sWtrac in-4'ntr;jit::ia true in another."? Supr.&alcatttiof'WV tens, or hard ware b bonght here arkfphafjTi of a trade1 of thw' sort Leinsr carried ivv; v... rj 1 i .iiCtJ jfi on, that this position cannot belrijc,j j The lcs flection must satisfy xd thatb ll feyiess ufip country couw brtoiiowextj'or iwol .years, sr.j;ic? sueba tax. Sii per ccpt-en thrcaital if best jxroht tharour farmers make on ah". avcC in 'ordirary timesrn'd 'most of them anre"saitehi $ witht3iat. Ddybu hclievb theyrwuldY.l Ifor two vtars. - a business that hromrht th'tih I. r debt forty-six dollars a yeat; fbr j every hog J dollars thev were wonnv t jcearuing mis ry it would take but little oyer two years to) you all sold out of houses "lands, negroe aid every thing. n?r. And yet nsce no syinptyn-a i f . such a catastrophe with the mostofybn. " : J Facts , speak' yenrilcradi8nd I wiia-levcrr may be'told about the low price of gooils 'iaf land wa all have seen end know,L thit thr er came downin?this couhtry tontarthea;2 came iutoPPtionanb! as that lias been iitPfaC ed, wo have seen goods gradually " dycxeasienr . price. J ni .willing to adinit ttoiVla tmyl i juhly owing to other-cAusest riit hrVf had some gency in' ciUnghi$see44,vi plain to be doubted. AVhea wenkof theuai . tity tf labour tliat necsstearilyj must bb. cployf ' most of the articles of every t day j ernsurnpti,, , we are almost astonished at !the lownbss ot prices that at present prevaul smd j jwitfiar ti i lowncssof prlce4 of the the thirgs wb .hayo j give k tham, we ou-jht to 0e -mure than aalkM! j with these rates. Could we jiaye Ithb Tariff 1 1 far rcdaccd as to give a free -outlet tcj 1 our Jipi cultural productions, andthas ratso 0ib;prig $r Uiem, we would be the test on of , any pcc!e i this contencht. - As itisw secbutjlijtJe Taik), toeoraplain with so much mttemesi jfyntA lii-a iiuKs! has been the crjr evci since I ctpjl. -member. Old men are prone to lots jbaeki aiji : - comp-iro the present times :mifavon(bIy wjtJj tJi ' same ful ly . For my part 1 1 can! scb tiothLj? h the times tliat aire so dieddfullvi Hard asI? Fisher tries to represent Utm I see rhv rlira-Tt i i it t f-1 .K ! Li . .! 1 .1 ' uuis imic ncu ijrvsKJU- i Xiiiu ucnapiy.asl prompt to-wy: mewhefierer IVvri deM' against tbriO I seeTbct fiiW suits on d:e dVWkt for debt I never hear of an jhohest man sxtn'sh ;a tax on IW raies oi. onusu SVO'w.vt Jftiy lis ifoM to so mucn tax on cuttMnj us. tf P" ' . A.JiI-Vl " f (. - nnder the BritiKh - laws it has M paya dtfci J 00perut;frow;accordir to tlir ncvy . giea ooctruie, tne import cuty; oemg tintt t B j . '-j, Kcporttheehrpjrin' l4he-eio$B trard r-' hastapay aduty oftlOO tphU-btj lbjij 'i moditiesi whloh; Would loWorseihan al V) jail for what he owes when I go- amtTtigsf' y?i -l in the country; I set a irood dinner, a clean:l?cd ric4; v' and I find contentment and plentirrbrevajnkj I gojnto the workliops itfhlbwn and I s0OEr industrious mechanics- withf a plenty 'to do4. their wives and children are : warmly anegctia. flirtaWy, and when; occasion jreqnii evel gantl y elad. In vain then do I - look frobj "thjs frightlul pictnre cf hard tinithaihe grntlf man has held up to your Tarictes, fpr ito jcbrt ding reality. -In vain do :-1 llloufc abroad ' tjtlsi disolating consequences of the 'Tariff that aj. most stappiug your 'breath 1 with r its prefeii. In truth, v?e have great cause to thanUlhhiul tifol disposer of human aflairs, for his hjncis tons. 1 And if this lesson were att'injwttfputjr urged. -upon you as ii opposse, woui ouiiisa more becoming, and db-mucii more good. $ i What if it bo true, Fellow Citizchs: thj t& honol at ihe north are bettor off thaiW arr? wliat if it bo trae that teporttoii : pf the soti!lL i era country be afflictcdi with ithej mcs t bus or poverty and aesJiuuon: w are tribute the whole to the Tariff; k.olher :c have had a powerful agendy 1 toj jreprbss tty tfi-1 ergies of the South, and of North Carblaiiia ji particular.; I have the' very ocst authorifyYr saying this; at least it ,1s anauthprrltyi wliicn ie gentleman who addressed 3yp last, will not I pute, or under-rate. , It is a .report to the ", Uf& latere ofCorth Carolina, t in iheycar l6i3;ipj the sulject of cotton and WobUbnr maaufacu, j signed by one CluirUs'fWier CKairaiaj df) S. ant InmrrMttM fl rwrr- Annrnn nflnJ I tnfiliJ very well, and wh I; Wish iybu all kncttii well as I d5' This mnmhlet isfthbi bcsftHl that I have overseen from bipj,and inejpd wkji J A tf milAll ATM -1 a . A MM itAA tne nrst "pige, that other causes tnan: iie 1 ar .. i s - ? . r . -I'-v. !. itrt-y.nt rrnta liitKArtn luit ImW .fit OUT aTTlCIIllUTai IT r ---, ...... . , . 9- -r-, i7 , .IBU WOU1J SU1I1UI UtC ' f -t ,. ' lL tnarket.1. Well, I suppose ho. WUlargv ia savs he. and -Tobacco irons tne micnor, . are i . : most Uie only articles tnat wui Dcar iranspmi tion, wliile riceand naval stores cn the a bcrt . are the principal .export f Whenjthf prici (2u j . - j . . . . k -... . . ., f)i ince ariiM.'s v lic uu. mo iouumu Korth Carolina presented samothing-'.liiqtJ'J 'lJ antvsranoR ni nrocDCiitvi but a i crrcat dicprca th , bas-taken place in their vajj'ie, land at -tlusts' ( they are scarcely . worth bdubiagi The If ; ; of the West India trade liaslessened :Jthb? de-rfr-i for liimbeT." Weil this Cannot -bb laid tj 4 TarhT, for I have heard Sir. Jffutl ftcfi the blame ofthat. at other i dbors. J sava this Mr. Chntriaan Fisher isnawtiA'.K mtheBritUh markets, more Hum 600 ri-r V while the demand fur cottony our; other great sf 'does not keen pace with its increased prosoctta Our Tariff had tio liand in" laying the -(Kr. Tariff of COO per cent, on'tobacco j nor caa .If charged , I apprehend ji with inakihg pKfA' gTowthan we ought to raise! :l But let us ptf with the pamphlet of this sbnsiblej &i ttffafih tliy Chairman, and I would fbatith gW who last addressed yeo haij read jaiid iminf, this very able writer, beforej lib had riisde, b&f dress toyou, it might liaye!edjhim sotier and diflicuiUes in accocnting ft he inferf arBf " Str.RffVRt-Grebce. wie'hi ' East India possessiotis, and South ' Ainc ; UUUUI.U iMaM wej r T r A ' . . --T-O i. I . all well adopted to the culture of the trtP theplanter in North Carolina .cpa bartl, f -to taise cotton at 8 citprp3uMmtJ V be drivch fo-m its culture altogether; .byjMjf j : mere of the West, whose nbw rich land:fn- : them to produce it witk Ices labor and: exjn: ludecd! Theso are powerful causes, all nj151 mit, atfd ass sufficient to account Hit the4TTt , hh of our business, Withcot j . casing unce of more. But this 1st not , all, he . to show, that me baUincetf; tiado aStp5lB1J t that our mondy is depreciated iati the Ny f U' l that thus we fooso tliat the Banks are HfU t and arccurtaUing theit discouif so tbann , is lKKxaiin :sritce-4ttl,tl; 4 tTwed T r Bank is' forchtj the local Banks, and f.Q'C them to force tbcir ill provided $ f rl; says this able writer -impels; '6un'-W j citizens to abandon their homes and 'ffA i in their native State; andbkf refuge -n? . where better prospects are evened to tacxj, then-it seems that people can bened anU r ; . eiv away without the aid of the TanflV t: U i With your leave my .Fellow; CitBcnyl read you some mere passage$ Curn tlus vytTf H i w It c -sr. 'NT ,th Mn be Pv ' Ih 1 1 w cr: - -a i hi la in IT- re ! pi th ;.di T w J th V( cv di cc fo ti 11 . th : tr, tb on ;Jt .'ftC .-.fr s r- i.T. T" , ar. V: ro ,d. ,r.c - f Vel I? cn rj ; V: H t!.. Pa P the lea ;Cri:, end ar -Mi by Jht 'It ar.f j be tit itlit ! AW my- --'4 ' I! : v.; '.; I t ' -it t .! 4: i m 'km - in ii -ii ' ' i, "iJ.f 'a II 5 i - f - f : i - '- . . -- III :.rteil 4f . -. - J J .-. . . i v ' " - -3li'-1 H' 1

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