, hi ' . ' . : ... . - . -i", . V Is-.'.-: r "H ill- ''J. I r i i - in 33 .1 : Kfe-J-- a ft pilftll 1 - i.f 1 " A til-1 tlHl iSI TP -S" "J .! rift .si r !, I- j t ir .4 m fill t f- M j if 2 ftii ?H J mm .ib "iLThti lies'--- lfta .W,.fr- It It r - sr ;,ll is iff "d I -" '$ ti; u I T J .! II: 1 1 1: ?! FOUR D3LYS LATER i 1 tW rwwf,-JHl' - :By the ship Elisha Decaison, Carrara Ianp, hicharrivedyesterday frriu Mwrpbd, iec i.w loodnklcur L6uJoo;jape tonhe2fAn rf,d Urefpsol to the ff WoW jbliatwBSto C&tfajw Ieul iMfCrtool ; Pha become -Ltii a iu4Mo jtH Tirv.PnTTu'A 1 cause 1 - J C . i. , in this-rclrfcatiogtixs rouchgahi?tiTO. I XXin Miraei; and lhUy damaged iti. Jit loss I li J iitttit4vianin UQed.. lod estimates that I .iifW tA this. &nd Drbbablr in - consirattence I i$Miguiiie Jflcct ictufned Jo lsboiJi, and I Ctvim Doii Pedro, as ooje awount stafte f S iBdates to thfl iWh:of Aoguat,) Imdagain I nkea N aUtiob, and waaUockading thef Taga. aiuj Enzrwh taped jegaid th new qune ina into 0Jrio, m appear fwm the Chronica; it ia stated also that nour.wculd be admitted duty HiiitirSSip 'Ctfi 1 lrviiiitU the "endofpJwi. M ; : pied, as was unavoidable, the -greatest por : i ; 1vn M;gu!uatr r - irf r . i'houch avity, j ; i jrf - -J- Ujai recornmcnding this kubject, bv re 1 1 1 - ; , ' i- -. oTllli -w tW tSrc bb ve-gela m I notiid hits p to $ o'clock tftts tnortiing. to give, additional sequrity to; the settled in iT'yessel.'.Qfl6 gimiiwlj'tlP'.ft teuiioii of the State. Tlis objcf t wilfj I Mmia from heoceVoext week., Uon tl'Jvl iiruelnadroabadr notbeert aeeiij sinoe. te mW&W TitcTfbubndge, ofthe5tag,arl :ncrsationftb!'Aamirat jSortorius , Pon &Ji- rammed to me x amis r , law f twr -.tt iii stated thai M. -Dtipln ia to wr aStMttcd into the French rnin.istiy,aa minister of Jiaticei d lhatXAIcssw BignoniA4 Theirs wilfalso bo added to the cabinet, vhM'essre,; Instiam, Girord deVL Am abd isouia; xpi proba-i 2!y-:jteaVe' it V'aV.tnlmcatiori. i t?j'o made,: . k '.w KnuroMr b H tiot t rtx!iie bxn ! material w A eab:netT council, hfldt-aris pn;tbe 2Jth w fi , si ft:U.oa the insUnt, At sjn., vtae enemys r ijulron, :. cAiststing of one, lioo-ct batue smp,lpc( in the kingdom the benefits of educa- - " ' a S ft artia llclv ivcurl ci41!aahd Eosibia, and stood to- the westward v ii.n MtpmiVi W bow. At 5 n. m findin? mv Wiiidfoii oonsideiably ahead of the estcray I' tack 1 in Ai cast ward aitd traiwl the weather cttaffe .d at 9 p. m? CBsemn&; tho darfchs of the D! iht presented an pportuniryf cbtting ofl; nrdtfuersinff some tfhis squadron, Ifhoro; do hrou2h the enemy's line" cxeliangihg' Jbroadsidca. I with the line-of-batile-shtp and fngUe, the latter (1f wbtrh! however. Jiavinir oonaidcrably f the su- erlity of patling, loon rehied -Jte stauon. in close line wish the admiral,: and I xb&bd the, enly (odvaolaittfhtogthif sepf: aratinh nfonc lanrc brur . WMcn rttMptasi Jiare s.nco lesrnouj i miug;.iiiBiw wi jpu. vi Howlnnmr lthe Amelia en acconnt flier bad sailing andleewardedly quaUucs, was m rr2Tim to the ;iceward tf Hto eneray.l "nnJ notlsinco ieioincd ine. On the- 10th inst: ftndUtff no ctmuce of another dark nkbt for some iimp,.i Meitiuuiwu .--r. -.4 toofftBewernjrs irniempji nuance hv'rnV friaratei onui .1 W 45, .ni-mfiwriicK tune imklW the enemy , resumed a ctaff f columhi1-! JiaiiJed to ntowmu 10 regain ue wcainCT guage, ivhWh fswrceed mdumg'by5 da lacrninir, when reric3 the enemys lirief - i lhIihiB- with the last vf his main-top-mast. J li wilmixiesUJo tosrktcb afcntrrWasm displayed by CaptaihsfinsX 4 ft-tvUe,iind ill their omcers an4 crevys :rn cam P ". attinciwtth sb'paralWfedr' il '.1btMtw.W'fmci nameiy 00 ; gi ,iwHiv.Higiuiisi 2 t 2L ftian v of which are of vf ry heart,metaU t P " I am happy sayth I 1; ss, MicoUaenuence, but tnflinglnamcly, 1 r I man ailiea ana 9 v uunuuu v whs xvyiKja iK JhxniLi men worimded in; tHeiltakiba de ii Portviral, i two of :wlitxnlcetaheir4egs and dace v dJ.r . . . : .( . i i?itce the lOth'I have kept- close to wind 1 Jiifthe enemy, watching; for, a favorable on-f If pvrtunlty of making another .aitack; ;bnd mthe" 'r jokm'time despatched the Eugeniaf leport to ;yrlr Exeellohey the. txsition of :the -enemy y .pia'lnNi'and (the brie Villa" Fieri ito recal the 1 finall Tfsscis froin the bar ot Lisbon to rejoin my i'aw;ilMt loss of time JYhe ClttV of Edin- Jrgh steam boat has Just joined meiiUfir the 1? Watit ef coals, I fhall bo obliged. i to Wnd-heztn k ir liavthchon-to reniainyour Excellences J; ' ;;v-'v : WR-. SARTOJIIUS. ; Vica Admimitrd Ccinmander in Chief of her most- Faithful Majesty's 1 Squadroni : U-"' ' I.oro3, Saturday evrungiwmst 27. : On tlie whole, the news reeeivedllo-davi from Opoi't thAh confined 4 toy Jew iliiciucnis I dmeu f anfei cwry oy mo uwma ui ;ine: cotisiv- tatatxAlTTh, cwwirnstaiieoom ixsntmewt Josonwwbo relied on iig;m 1 be hands if ofttls, spcciallyast is etrokg lv ansntrdUat the real cause of I thattBave Wht lias l ti.y on board of one cr more w the ytisd which baa it rea!!y been the. casc,,wotua nav?. rendered ' thwnolc'aii casreanture. I he retrc t- efriie it!uadioiHillV howeircn have' criaUrd Sartbrius1 4t collect teUjer tue. wnoio toi tus t-Tce, rand 1 Ah ieitremoly barren; ;.of .matter watlrijf' toppliticsj !v ow?nii probo1v to the cSKnloni-'whic Ithe. writers btamed ; upon llieniselrcs; f.te a!tauuir: '''btiiilf thcTagiai woonsequenceof wniett'il' im-; .i ill M; :Jit-:. .- - '"r.LrU a nwfi cimrrdittri Kiiafninfwl tlieiW.,t 4 - ' ? . 1 a-.-r-U-fW.' .imgHcnjuse-jncm and pTocceced ttlriter&L n h? TtMrv'. i : 4 at Hf riod withtlie Gov 0tl 04 ttSer, the cW?VSSi icSu '-rl fs it ctntiort,. A?-;M ti1r4 frr i Erglahdfbr !- ArrSmlce? ( : til toJ. car . . v hr tr sHth nytfr:ntoing yardsiBu ing as3atlw !: O ;:;; Kfi-luis JTW r :7, justice ,y -tUMh,:. deparnrrert, ;f-'f -reliant wacwtu. j7 .mgi im'Tithe . --!v fcal LiW.i.Wnriy t (M t. 1 j i -' --J- r,'j;,r ' n; r:, -r : - - r !- --'c. .si;.-; n;i ; I ! - hi ivMmtM4 ' i h ''4'" ji ' " -v'-.i'. H4 ; - i - . ' Wn Mr: -I j - ; ' V' l.-1-;' - i i - i ; - r, - : ... i: ":t.im 1- 11; i 4' - ' ... 1 ; u . steanKptfcel v. c 3 prerentcd from pxKUiins teta (or tIieTpjre cme,wbiclt r pera- obtained at fWn imn : rf "niTr" iOM - - - 1 Bujc3aat-Tcj?scl3 Arera excluded.: At ike same tioe Atirrlcan. "Austrian, BraziHnr and pporl late ! ntexs, ri tht! 'iraNo Jropef xijtcJ, U- i ;J1 XH -Ck. Ill VJO Ol WAU. fcTHc state 6f the -public biiisness how cnabling'iQC Jto relea; yoii from, a furtKer iattaHc4i&TaHiakci 'cannot',, take JleaVb"ot5ta without expressing the satis factiort wrib - wlifch iHiaye oteearyed your cliUgcuce and zeal in the discharge of y oar filuties duHrig 4sion exUaordiaary labour and dm at ion. j 1 . i " 1 ;' The matters which you i hare bad on- our consideration hare been of ' the tlc laws in particu. :arjach have , en passed for : reforming ilieprcseirtation of the people have occn- morm? causes oi iusi comDiaini. 10 resiore general -confidence in tlxe Legislatare, and trust be fwin J to have . been accomnlish- have still to lament the ' continuance botwhitstanding vFwycu y QoifermefiUhere, in the5 measures wbiclm nasiuiKen 10 reoress inem. 1 ne laws nave been passed 11 conformity with my jrecom-mendatron-at ihet besinnins of the Session jwttb respect to the collections of Tithesr are Irn Intoff lo lav ink frkiirmntirm nf . nmsr 1, to the completion ot wiucur the at- tehiion of parliahient when it again assem bles,' will of course be directed. fPo thii necessary--work, mv best assis- I tancc will be given, enforcing execution of I the laws, and by j promoting the prosperity fluive to thU.object, I must excess the satis- iction whtclM It nave felt at the measures t adopted for extending generally to my peo- - . t . : .1 ift--l f a continue to receive the most friendly assurance from ' allJForeign, Powers; and i; I am not enabled to announce to you the Bnal arrangemeut of tlie questions which nave Dcen-so long pending bctwet n Holland and Belguim, and the ugh unhap pily .the contest m Portugal between the Prncei of ;tlie-house of Braganza stilt con tirnieiV 1 look witlr confidence, through the tunnrate, union wincir subsists between me and my Allies for the preservation of gencr- ..&Gjp&leperit bjJhiMousii of Commons. j4! Uiank ;y otii fbr tho supprie which you W. &m?9 lo met and it tsagreat satistac- tiOn to:me4o find, notwithstanding large deductionsi from the rcvenrteitJccasioned bv the repeal ! of some - taxes : whiclj pressed i most heavily On toy people that ybu have Tioeen cnauieu, oy ine excrc4sc .oi well con- 011 tHc denartnxa "I recommend to you dutins the recess .inLi wfV-io; tA S.i-J Hf a1lc:Pca .f1 Maintenance of the anthority of the law in ' ybm respec tive cotiuties. j I trust that the , advantage tnjoyed lljn jubject -under bur lree CJonstiWUontflTbe duly appreciated hnd cberislied, thtit relief from ajiy real causes ui compiuinrviwrip oe sougnL oniy turough legitimate jciiie)iUiat all ; irregular and ijleial tircocedings wm bcldiscoulitcnanccd and resisted; and tliat the establishment ofi i V . ' a' ... . ' . lmernai iranquutiy ana oitier.wll.prove thati tht! measures' ivhlch I have-'sanctioned wi 11 hot be fruitless in promoting .the security of ine state ana ine contenmenx and weljare oi iuy peopicvf - V'l 'v'-.' 3 1 --'r- n I .? i - -. - 1 LORD DURH A5t VOVAGB &c. Tc nave oeerr furnished by a . torirespbndentl the following narrative of Lord Ourlrani's vovare and reckon at St. Petersburg r On orrival Li Constadtj(on the 1 1th day npm IcaitShiQss weltnd at anchor bnel threHhcker JlveJ tHodeckers; five frigates, and lireetotrvf itpu f and in ' bcautiftd order, aid only u'hgito' .btieTeiiM'by(.theEinpcrur previous toewng to sea. 4 ,f ':; ' ; . l U he rieitHaV.- Jidr 171 tb tom Peer-hoiT (bis country place,) to hasiect iiu iu:trw. Alio caiiKtJuuwn uic nver ra boat, yhieh he1iHljedjlWAh;iriige as hVspi pfuacbed the sliifhu bk vjsit ivas strictlypri-i baiie' himself! vaie:4o saiuie, no; manning varus, nor any Jr4 iaspaked roost xrdrmtelvib a verv basing ie wayvv. Mis Aiajesiy. tuen sent an ittuceron ooardthe'Jf pn'-hisarriv retpestoii tj Fee t -a ranatat de voyage ooaro yio f sam Jboarlas e said- that he my lika ;tk 'make acquaintance writhe bis jEordship at tocr.nbbatdeay ;imaKUil(Mhi - i;.lpJHw1if- accoraingiyjwent on: uoaru fi iVS nis inxerviV, . thetKmriefot 'intimated his uesira to yvxt ilk Tajaycra: t ", -rinqusedw; Soonafter thn thAAmhassador.tvHb? U&x ui?rnarr,inetwai.ItsLi'ubtt s. th'eren- iWlr nprmi'tH td rnter. c T-Ir. llotpaer, Brit" UUacriuTajs slrefloons iafs remonstn-, cW.airitnst:- t!.Ii: etatccf things iutrecehed atsof I , Ltorat and licntlerncn. . 1 alavm, to compliment Lord Durham !yi and I to inquire the iadies and on i T 1 L't nriieEraneTcr liked on Saturday, tie Ctatf JolyN. &.) 10 xxuie Jus promised nut to . the j 'lalaTera,arKl9ct comar vr, were ii ;ncrncij. tow vio, theshipl.tooeiready ror:us reeeo- i , The weatber on the promised arjimii proved remarkabljr nnej aad at aa early hoaV tbt Uojoet stcacser came down worn rersoroy onn btg Lord -Durham, Mr Ward; f tUe'SecrptSiry of Legation) the Hon: Mrs ponsoiiby, Mfe El&e;' and Dr Edw, an( two ticgtotieBitiniUictieJ mauc cosiame, wjw we jawjjywL m;.o batsaorlumsetfrtvfie; SK ' "Soon alter ten Vcloek the Emrar came &om PeterholT in a steam boat,, and in first fatm yIs it, but on this occasional he eajne in state, with Impc;ial .staadard P hoisted- - He ! jwas suended by (ameroos retmae, ,and a, second steamer, a large' vessel carrying!; twenty two 1qr guns. As bo approached the WhoIeoHhe Ifiwsundeet manned yards, aodsalutedy ajxd when they' nad finished; the TiklaTera dlJ the -6ame lie then quitted the 6teamer for bis barge, Which he again steered himself, and ' with the Imperial standard in the bow, ho proceeded fa ;vit j. lisaeral of his own ships, and then caniw on board of us.-; 'ile was accompanied by.hU Royal Highness I Kanee William of Prussia,, the Prince j f Oldenburg, Priuce Mezikbon",! Prioce yrisoff, and a numicir ous and brilliant Staff; but yud must excuse the -njames.. Oh these Utusian names I) On reach ing the quarter deck' he1 shook hands with Capt. you let me see your ship? I speak very bad ! English; j j F ; ! n r 1 ; I if J uiuwd Ttrv uufuisujy. aou saix in cuvia." win but from want of habit bxnresscs (himRolf Imncr fectly. Tha fact is, that to foreigners ho usaaily speaks FremIioeririan,; but as Capt B'rbtra understands neither ofthoso langtiages, bis .Ma jesty was obliged to speak to j him i:i Eni tsk, and got on Very weU. He ? was condctod " over every part of the shir, which he examined most minutely, and asked '. euch questions as evinced a knowledge of naval affairs, which is quite snr piiding,. particularly his acquaintance with the state of the British navyv lie en jarred by name i for Air. ii lake, the buiiui in tho;: coclr. yard at Portsmouth; and made; some remarks on his pro posed improvement in sbipbows.-iie also mcntion od the name of the builik r of Devnpjrt. Thore is on buard the Talaveca a 68 ponn'der, which he examined most minutelv, and cau3ed ii to be run in aud out, and. trained. Ho seemed nleascd at the facility with ; which this heavy gun was handled by so few w4.n, aiii i lakjing i the hand spike m his hand, he tried the we'ght of the gen himself, aud said, - rVh ! it is ; quite easy " Whibt the Emperor was below csanyning 'the. state rooms, it 8truch eight bells flii o'clock) tor tho sailors to dine at 12 o'clock, never but in case of urgent t necessity are they caade to watVa ramute tor their cinneT ; this custom was observed on board off us, notwitlistauJinr the presenco of the EJmpcror. Acccfdinjrlv whea his majesty returned to the lower-deck, the poo p!e were at dinner ; 1 he appeared; to be much pleased at lata, and tasted tn? soup; ana ceet, and said it is verv good, ; now have i you siivio rum or whiskey?" The; Capt said y our-majesty shall have some refreshments in the cabin, lie said 'No, no, I don't mean that. ' I meanjhat I would drink wltb!the people." Accoaiinsrly a glass of grog was prraiented tn biiri, of which be drank, saying, ! driiik to flic health of Wiliiam IV. and all the peopled" in the store rotxra some of the carpenterjs stores are so arranged a!onr one of the beams as to form the words "Ckxl savo the King,?" This was pointed out to i hirei, "and, on reading tlie words, he said, ''AUUGou save the King! so I say, God bless him,; be jsok very ; good fneMi to There was in Ithe manner : of his saying nothing so frankV $o raanlynd arparen ily me. this somcthi so hearty, that It ivoif all our' hearts; and as for Cap, brown, he, from that moment forgot the. rmperor ana yeaiea niss majesiy i as one lumesi Cnglish sailor would treat . another who loves his King and coqntry as Well as himself. The Emperor readily fell into; the tame vein, and all their future intercourses Vas carried on inn de cree cif cordiality, wluchimnst have been flatter ing ti, Capt. Brown, as It was surprising to all the Russian-eouftiersf i i I The Erapror?exjfessed hunseiC highly grat-' ified'with. eyeryl tlingle saw, land." with bis reception altogether anl fam sure that' we had every reason to be gratified also: his-marincr was so easy, so afiaUevind evinced such alfcdesTre, and such a determination i to be pleased, that it was impossible to be otherwise : than - gratified. IJe asked some questions; of a! I the officers who were present to him, and theMids, who had tlat Iron or, he shook haiids. i But I mukt bring this fo a cluse, or ycur s patience will be 'cxhaus- ted. . :(! (. ... i ' f - "Before lie left s; tliesliip jie said, "Captain, ( am extremely ubllgedt "jtb you! fbr your; kindness to me; you have shown me every thing, now I have nothing to show you in torn but my guards. You must stop till V ednesday, aim come with J youroolccrs to the catnp and 1 will show you my guards." He then invited Captam BiJown and Commander Ht ringliam to dine at Pek rholT on the rollowtng day, and shakmg hands, cordially with the Captain, he left the sbip. : . At table the Emperor contrary to the Russian custom, said he must havp the pleaf; re Ho drinj.' wine with Capmia Brown in the English fashion. Her Majesty told Cabtain Brown that she felt extremely obliged to' him' fur his kind receptioti f the Emperor on board the Talavera, of which bis Majesty spoke in high terms ; indeed she said that she had not Seen him return .from any viit with kit much ! saUsfoctioh for a long ? time - and she bad never heard him jspeak so ruucli English as he did to Captain IBrowti.i The Eiupress.bt- st Jf speaks Engihsh 'perfectly. Before ha XoukJ Jeave.the Etnperor reminded Captam-. iBrowq of hn promise to - visit the camp with his. officers on Wedhesday;! onwhiA day, at a very iafly-4 hour,a large partyj.pf uslejVSt. Petebbur ;lori Krasnoe-Selo, wbidl is akind of milriary villageij (about sixteen miles ! from SJ Petersbur) ia the iinweuiaee ueiunoriioou i 01 woicn jine imperial Guards are ebcatne4S.ti- ;.vilgexef'$ther lonclnsion from this doctrine; Mr. Calhoim several houses belongmgvtoihe Ipejrer, which, are used for the, acciiiuioodav.on of the Court. The eoibassadors.'and otber'toreignets f distiuc- tiptf, were invited tufaUerjd tie' review;; ' 1 .1 Cm our arrival i:KraMoe-Sela, jwe5 were met by an aid-de-camp of the' Emperor; who conduct ed ns to a iiouse. -approprhteti-' (or ' oeff reeep 11.-. T r 'J : ' t L. TL i 1 M. u- tiujKuiat iuaru viitamjUM at iUIls place amviot, we.areroftit;; tliis dayUi is Majesty reviewed thelfirf t vision , coo- ut io,wu, witn- ? pieces oi OTaaance. rq. , f3Th regime rnian-iied gr solid aire,cmd. to each he saklJ.BomaUiiag kiml---cb.as tl c-lwnn..! AT M tU.i.U vol nUm.ri Cs.d .tJ J.Mft. . V 1 will live and die tor n.u -asd eaeff Wrier r ebcersT ns theywhele bregade reared ia VLmruodu operandi. ccmn-enantimr -a tieeufiarlv-wikl in3itVbrfi to ourinWaustomefJearo rcy catalryJ Naw thri3 nottobe rrsislai, vea tBoBaTrepattd iathe admiralty&ta fiiu?Ynusiu do sunn? one a uwww. addre&un? bis Ma) Gentlemen, t booeNrga have been d' jWefthen learned toTour qoarters, where we funridla spcoihI brvakfasQ in the Russian fashion nWnred fiir J In the eoorse of the ailernoon the impress sent- several times a gentleman of I ner nonsenoia 10. inquire u uv vc j wanlhthat'cc!d contnbtite to our comfort 5 1 and the Emperor sent to say thatre wefe all expect? ed to idine at the; tablo 1 piepareoV j for the. Forcif i esty said. leased.'fc , . .rah&ladorsv at this taWey The dinner as might 0 expocwu, was niaffcm cifcell j The French aaabassador, Varshal Mor tier, presided at the head of . the taUe, and ! the Aistnan Ambassador, at tV ioot. Here,;also; I mnsnetkathbetTilities whicli were recehr-r ed from Prince MetehiJcoff and. Count OxhiT whobtith regretted that'Uieir cunstant attendance upon the Kinperor preVeated their showing us thatfcospttality which they were pleased j to say they were always anxious to pay to British cm cers. I i Count OrloflTsaid that he could never fori get the! kindness nd hospitality which he had experienced in JiniVIincL "But you .most see," added he,'tnat it rs snfficient here to be Kng lislimen, to ensure respect and attention without reference to pulitios or rank." . to tho truth i whicfii I am stire our own experience bears am- pie lesumony. in mo evening we receiyeu aur other I message fruta the Ktapress desiring oar company at tea in tie Imperial tent at eight o'locV; after whtck ''attended their Majesties and Uie whole Joirt to an elevated position tn die centre ef the eaaip, wtsen at a signal given bv a rocket. t!.e- soldiety " ail appeared in their ev.euiug dress ia front of their tents which ex tendtdas far as the eye could reach. The eve ning was remarkably eeree, and the most pro finnd silence reigned ithronghout the host. The Einpcror alighted frohihLs carriage with jltia head uncovered, and the Priest stood forward andoftered up to God tlie evening prayer, which was repounded bv flie assembled tliousands. Need ia British sailor blush to acknowledge, that he was affected, even to tears, at snch a scene? No. I saw the tears glisteuing tlie eye of more than one of my brother officers, and 1 glori ed to see that though they could not joing in the language, yet they joined ia spirit in the warship cf the Kinjjof Kings, and one God and Father of us all. v "The next rrtoniing at an early hourwe were agam on me ground, wHen Majesty came, attended, as on the day btfore, and reviewed about M 2,000 of his cavalry. The Emperor himself gave the word of command, and manoeur vered the troops in a style that showed himself to be perfectly hi his ; element. Ho said, Capt I cannot manoeuvre a! ship' with you, bat this i understand Some Cossacks and Circassians were put through their peculiar exercise, which wasexceedingly curious. His Majesty treated ua with the same datlering attention as he&rc; and when the review was over, ho embraced Capt. Brown, and said, ' Captain, 1 am glad to have tnado your acquain tance -God bless you . When you see your i King, assure him of my highest regard, and tell him .that I pray f r him every njit.,' Then riding up to us he said 'Gen tl&iiieh,, I am delighted that you hare been plea sed : il shall always be happy to see ycu ; adicu.: The Emperor shook hands very- cordially with Captam Brown, and said, "Captain, I shall ' be glad to Be 3. you again. i Making: Jjott in Africa. Previous to . marriage there appears to be more jeallousy than tiitor. : When " two canidates declare themselves for one lady, aud arc allowed to pay their; visits "(which however never extend Jjcyond the inner court when tlie .so"cUed. lady turns her backh and the lover , talks to the mother each "Watches the rrio- nous oi ine wncr, dui oy jacaiui, ior sucu proceedrng is considered g is considered very ill bred. To be correct, one loVer should enter, while the other is - urging his suit uncons cious of hb intrusion. Both affect great surpr' e at 'the appearance of a rival, and the daggers, which they carry on the left ana) are instantly unsheathed. Sometimes, after a narley, one of them declares Ids af fection goes not so far as to fight for his mispress; in winch j case the bolder gallant turns hi ui quickly out of the court, it of tener happens that they both fight despeta tely for a few j nuniites, . and the victor of course wins the day and tlie lady. j 4 Clapperton,s Diccovcry. fjot having received the Pendleton JMesseti grr con (dining tlie correspondence between Mr". Calhom and Gov. Hamilum, we avail ourselves, for the information of our readers, of the synop sis given by the Southern Patriot of Mr. Cal houn'l vieu s. Charleston Con. Comtpondetiee oettecen Got. Hamilton and fr. Calhoun 'This 'correspondence, of which the public anxiety is groat to learn the subject-m-ittef, appears in thej Pendleton Messenger, of the lath inst. It occupies 1 1 culumns of that raprr,r consists first, of a letter from Gov. Hamil ton toMrCalbonn. dated Ju?y. 11, 1832, reques ting him to givjv his views' in detail ot the principles &, consequeitees of Nullification." Mr. Calhoun's - reply is dated August 28, and occu pies, almost the remainder of Uie Correspondence. Ve Shall endeavor to condense as well as xrc are aoie mo cniei poinis oi me v ice-. President's reply, being unable to pulish if at full length. Mr. Calhoun sets out with the po- sition, as the foundation of argument, that the Ci$tirution of the United States is a compact between t he States, as distinct . political commu 'mtiesj and not the work of the American people Mr. foalrioun enters in a course of reasoning Ito CKiiec uveiy. as a conclusion irom uus socxrmp, prove d that there is no direct , and immediate vamiehM between the individual . and ci tizens gfa State and the Generd Government, tliat the rekttton between them is throHhe State." As au- amrms inai7 on a quesuun wneuier a particular powei' exercised , by the General Government, be granted by the (ou6tituion, it belongs to the State,ras a mcmbcT of thelj uion, in her sover ing capaeity; in Convention ! to determine defi- nitely; as: far as her citizens arc " coneeinefl,' the extent of the obligation' which she has con tracted , and if, in her own ion the act exercising the bower be uiieonstitutionsj, to declare it nuU ft Ilt'lJ .11' t J..li.j' ..f 1 ' anu yuia, icnjyiacctaraiHnivxrum. uc ouuguiory ;bi hef citizens." The yice-President asseris thathe daas claim as the right ot the State to drr'ai iU citizen tare concerned to dedere the and that such dccUm- r- is the V ice PresidentWoMnifia that mi tl to dtterrnine uw wn ncciiMu ia me vonstuuiion. pciMuu4.0 wauiag uu uuui parues. ana ue cootrcverry would be closed. He goes on to car ine ciuzens me stato wocld bo botmd ums oiwun m uiem.": . co mucn lor an oot Mti'i ajtoaa general doctrine. We 'nowepme to its practical .application., and "the man me iSiKikJww ucr!t: r,nr.v. : fespect khd dy a deeiaratisn ouweawn, arid when calhsdn upon as Jurymerrtto render Cieir verdietkcardiiiaLf, er'4 M iuWwaobcnw juJcTnenT in contonnityo it, fltf woajaee impossife(say ne; tottricueneTui wn within the Kwata IhcSiate toxeeute' legally the;.acilNialiWvt:arfyit viiv -iA Aifami it I whild on tlie? otaeT , nana wwild Be to enforce tand1rto ttsl3 rfaratioif of NulfificXlkw'hH 8 addsioQ this Jbrancbr of thesabjectthat anapeal tj pe nprerae Court ami the Stale .'W2ii jtoie v precaution to prevent any means cf bbtaimir 'a icopr. But if obtained Xays - he) K wobld it ; ?avail against tlirt Mention to tlie E3ciiTl iLWACiLsrrs if tlio State intended W enforcntbc delarstioa cf Nulli- . The! Vlae.Presidefltthe4 entera juto ci argu ment Uf aoWvhaVfth) j Government , wpald have im ritfhttorerttofJrce fbyiarmj) against a State! -to coerce a sovereign member of the" UttkwJ' i He state, that there wouldlxs nothing but Coerta and Juries. and neaccahle unarmtxl citizenf against which brce could be employed , or j if Ibreel could be used, it vQuld end in the subver sion oflour Federal system. Dismissing, then, the enrployment of a force: by land, he enters in to the view of cocicion byj water, by a hbjekade and of the abolition of the parts at entry of the State, aecompannied by penal enjictments, au thorUipg seizaresof all vessels entering the 'waters of th3 State. In resorting to blofkadel the V. Prcsi dent Rajs ? tliero will be other partitas besides the General Government and the State, as blockade is abeiligerant jight Unless there . be ' war as nrescriUxl by the Constitution, he allegeB that a blockade wUdd not be respected by oilier nations I or their subjects, He affirms that ;tL re will be another difficulty as tonforcing. a f nulatioii or law alilisbjngour ports of entry (Independently of the jconstitutionaf objection "that no preferenOB shall tk given to the.Burtapf one State over these or another and which hef makes o eonsiat in the difiiculty procuring convictions, within tlie limits yLatoj under seizure, made in f pursu ance 4 auUia&t nactraentI and there liemg no pri nettle undsjfthftigular' law of blockade by which; 'foreign vessel, at least could be seized and tried U;yond the distance and assigned by the law cf J&tions as the limits of a State, v But! the Vice President looks; ho' says, to another harrier against coercion, r whether by land or . w ater. He alludes to the Supreme Court by virtue of its authority over maritime cause?, in questions of prkte or no pnze under a blockade of the ptrts cf the .State, and he says then will come up for decision by that Tribunal of.thelother questions of the legality of the re peal oi acts establishing ports of entry, and of tfie Constitutionality of giving prefi-renco of the borts of one State over those of another. -j Tb Vice Presidcut wiu'ds up wilh tlie qucs tion, vhether Nullification is equivalent to se cession ; in olber words, whether nallification is or is dot a peaceable remedy.'- He argufs that Nullification is in its nature and objects peaceful, and eijdeavors to . establish . a dissimilarity be tween Nullification and Secession, as well in its cousequencrs as in its nature and jerlecls,. But he leaves us in doubt, whether Nallification will of will nut in all moral probability, lead to secos sion. He speaks of secession on the part of th other Stales. Thisis not tho question, uuless the Vice President assumes that coercion o any kind oh the part of twenty-three Stato" against the -2 tth, is in eflect the secession of the twenty three from the one, and is subbtantially the disso lutiouloftbe Union Whether or not the State coercotl, ough t . to consider coercion of any ' kind a sufficient cause to separate herself from the coei cing States, the Vice President leaves us still undeteirmined. ' ; 8 Fromihe Irishman, i . JirJ J5m :--45ovtmor Hanulton ; has said (so mrhor tefls us and said most trnly, that 'the Union; Party hold the best cards, but do not know how to play them.' This retnark, so strict ly in ciiaracter with the the .sportive wit 'of this hfgh functionary , admits at least of ono apology: No Union man has quite so much at t.tuke in this desperate game as hisExcellney equal at-J tcntiri and applicaticn is not therefore to be ex-) pectei. I must, however, drop rhls metaphor. Mn. Eoitou : I cannot' consider the -.solemn, serious and momentous concerns which convulse this cohiniuity, as merely gambling incidents. I eannu regard iny cimntry kindred, homo aye, the altars of my God, objects ofsudh trifiing mo ment is to be referred to die Gattbling Table, even when Ambition play? for crowns. It is as true a.4 the Governor wit; that tho " Unrpn Par ty jtnuiv notliing of tho wiles; stratagems and. in-: triftief, which give so enviable . a superiority to his pafty. Thus far at least, they have acquiied nothing but defeat and loss hi tho reputation in taeconrlict; ;J ! Wiili a confidence illy repaid, the Union Par ty, restjed, for a time, all thepr hope of success on jwiblic virtue. The assaulls oh rligion, pdJic moral 4 and personal liberty, perpetrated within the viw ot their Christian Churches, they be lieved would have reused jfroi their slumbers the vituouH of evt ty class j aiid that ono gener ous burst of indignation wctild have overw helm ed Uieie daring plotivis of Imischiff. What. was there4nlt? Expressions f admiration' at tho eunr.inj device uttered applauses of this chi- vatnc darirg ! , 1 . j . f Men, Chrisfians,Brethen! 1 Had you rs. the Sabbuti preceding the elections, of, 180, visited tho Circus, honest indignation w mid have burn ed within yot,rand the chains of Tparty excite ment -3cea dissolved. Yu would have seen yojir fellow men not only incarcerated like fel lons, deprived of every privjikge, and reduced ton condition lielow the beasts jof the field, but seen namljcrs who dared assert ja right to vote as con science dictated, held in wpsc than slavish bon dage, to prevent the dxercisol of fhat right-! One ot these I . saw escaping j from the hellish potation which had fettered bis Intellect. Ileia treated!, insisted to have his liberty again to his parched and shrivelled lipkhe cup of poison was appHied.andm a few moments he fell! The stillness of his repose intiniated that he was gath ered to the" eternal rest 'of his Fathers ! Exam ine the records of your Poor House at the period advertid to Twenty-twi cases of Mania a Potu, and seven deaths, are the ubttrnful eviden ces of the'tfuth of this sadf narrative - Is it not notoriops; that thte acta kere first mtrednced into our city , our lUpublici into the world, by' tlie rrcol lection of haying,! fur a moment yielded to the shameless precedent. The excuse of fur-nis-dn)ia asylum for tlie irretctafl men of their own party, who were nightly objects of ; the pur suit of i haiftd of ruthless ruffians caanot avail .them.! '....- Put is this all? ;Havci not thf Tery sanctu aries of Religion rxn nudbsuleeTvient to party stratagems ? There: In 5 the Must jegh in the midst tlf , assembled worship- r viujuiug sjnuai wno no- er jaye before, andreceivejfavor. There they worshipped who ne vfcr worshipped before ; aadj the seats they now oceupy, wdl soon be cated forever. Is this all ? Are riot the ' young men cf the Union Party crided4nsulted at t very earner by hired bandj of bra vos? Are they not taunted is dravmg-TOoms,by females Instruc ted tojut aside the garb of lAidesty; and ssuwe - is this til ? Are not exit l1! -IWJfl faith by tbasteaod jrtM?.:ii yoonff-ana ecantuiiai w m iwjuuuuon i tlirj anuuenouncv f ai wiwr wwra, arq tWdec.cicsand proprieties flife TioliJcd ? "I lk ibis all ?rU not every Crdon vmP-def?H dKt fbr support i his- daHy. rabcer; thjttat by jKulUikrs, to reward these of their owri cjj;i j Is this ail ?. j Havssi atyruMicr offiocrip i '-..f.vi all vbing3, Esve'ltheir - acijuir li hhtidj cd 'cause.? 'Have1 not : r ihe vijaur t Iiiallowcd wen, whose relatives jaase; to r4to foVtheir Is this alt ? . AroncTirgnuVs.noW'i rnal tlie low and ignorant, tla. when KtHifi?fi- ii shaQ reign triumphanr, the confiscated pr.j& ol their fellow cifraen irr ChrhlonsJiay their pockets and reeompense their tnfrk-ri,tj vices? Blush ! 'Blush 1 -my countryiaea iSO is the tctjt eaasmnnatiuri" tillfctinyfl -r 4 fi this aU?.-A not! gcod ,lnst, 'aiufpi lighicned eitizeus, daily assailerjlbx' thre$' eoutiscation, if they tyill ; irbtl'tteUUM party. Do they not jsayir there I is o hlMf safety, but in their lojcping? 1 i Is Uiis all ? Ard not MmUtefscf te Oppr who4fiink with them; :i made-Uryci I ika&& iLs., I - wrO.iiitW ftftrt 1 Mfkttiifi''!it..Vde. I nf?$ t MilOi UI iHW'AiKMWU -fuv'f iiaa. : luzrr a5StPl contribnte their services in reviling, and fetn v; caUoastsV yS:--:. i :" , Wr Is, this ail Are not the: avenoes? !cf tici f 1 enuaneu op wjin-uiiincaiioar Is not fceisr& l tainted ly party ? lAre not the spring efvifl fek tuo and paniotbm dried up ?j r '.j s; i' tlf'i U this all ? i cannot, howeyer;1 dePTOdf inS !5t cdj the kennels tf vico-ahe sinks of irtiamtwfa t3 il r '4 ci mrbase cf conbpujjjV and dis)riri own mire-elicacy would dekn atf tha rftiu and reason steod aghast f T . :t f h- cl 1 1 i And theso are not all : .These ere fctrt if fey of the trump cards' played adroiUy, by J rasj spirits, in sucu a gama uu no snait toy friends, as you love your ccmiiry,'andlU;!i $x A approving smile of that Heavenly Parent wH4 sits enthroned in virtne, J ;The 'time mayonw vhen yon will, bo called to i defend yonr'jheif tance, when those smiles will be. p-yourl abiiairl re ward. Theyf will'- .cbcer.jBitd: arusta&ri y)pt the gfoumiest hour of your" nmntrys triiuitiot Enter n4 ihtollieir eooiicils-thcir way lerils death! A little tirao hnce, at.d the gTehecl will bo bowed down wilb sorrojwi i as ' it Ttraccj the inflictions of vice to eonaunions'of! crine in tlie yonth of the present liour ! Oh, 4 kat tUt Jouth-foryour country's sako for . th- &q ( teligbn ! Tempt not your - ad versaries. a Jcnd them further into the devious paths cf errfr lt rouse them, by your , owr example, H tulald your generous , forbearaocc. Excuse -.fnf .zp& Had you seen,4 as I saiv but a few eyeninffls sipri-, three children tf tender years ledger- rathxr cart ried from the Circus F estival; in such a "state at ,' cc .1 hod never seen in those so ybung. before yot ; ; tears wot tration cf pnblic virtue. f onblic virtuej L, M !' f -1 hj H H BiEtieEiiii i . j Agreeable to previous notice,ho ;;Stfele LRights, Union and Jackson Party :of;Ka , naw . jjistrict convened ot me 4 t ;otm. Hqusc at twelve o'clock on Satudayt' "Ak f cf gust llth 1332- CL Jamts CheW'nu-wi 'll cauca to uic .air, ana r. h3tcvasKUi ci ,K t appointed Secretary. . i i. r t 11 The object of the' raecUrbeinTsta.tcd m 1t ' tl 1 iiw vuiuiiii was, vu xuwiivu , u: IjcI-V - iiuivcui(,iidi. xymuinxw wi iivy pert sons be; appointed :by!;lhe Chatr to pre psf an Address t6 thpep4eof th J)trjc4 and to Biibmit" such resolutions br,th eof sideratiori of tbi3 meeting a4 thiey may thini Dcst.caiuiaica 10 promote 11s onjects f n . r EXTRAWS FU031 THE AfijpJ?fi4 ,; All parties in Uiii Stato bgreei thfit foti' grcss, uuder the. pver toTeTy;;duiieg,fc j tlie purposes of RcvenucV have not tpr:4 to increase dutiea -with a yiew-tp rl'pniojB ' Demcstic Manufactures; arid ralilpgrcoitlft Congress, by increasing the dnties for 'that V pbrnose, have abused a- power ranted to j them, by tho excrciso of a potver'not aaV from the commencement ot our CiiVern1 raentfbr thirty years, the 'coiretitlioiiaJ ixwef had not been disputed, but thrt eea- trary, had been acknowledged by (jftcro! 1 Washington, and !a" number; f of thotrctj: men who assisted informing r tlie -Cpnstib- ( tion. .I. '" h-'b '1 ! istf K. The inquiry now neccs'arily anscsfj '"n,S is the rsghtfui judge on jlhis subjocla what the proper remedy for jthcgricagicc we complain, oiT-Tho party oprxKed If ' -ua say, that the State is Irighful' ivtfcc,? ; and jil tlie State determine the Tariff! La f , to be unconstitutional, South-Carotiaa:b the right to nullify said Laws, and qpf vent their boiri earned into effect, ;yitlvi the limits of iho jStatc-illere, thfirtbs Union Party stop short, and t6 siy thw brethren, your doctrine will prodnc; oils ten-fold greater than the Tarifi; cvft W produced. - jl -i: - j Let us, then calmly T etarhine the and sec how tho doctrinowould workj practice. Nullification is a right cfan$ ?A a law of Gongrcssi and prevent itstMW iW) carrieo into cuect in sucii a State, $ tn j State believe such a law i of Congress tj 1 be tMtconstitutiointl. Tfio evil of 'sac4 ; a doctrine is tjiis: If one State has 4 Vr" ! to-this, ever, Staio in"' ihe i Union ; frouf , have Ithe same right, and iffevery thought propet to nullify, Congress ou4 operate or be inforced, arid i. we wouldl3 no use for a Congress, and dissolution as follow.' " ; .-H-i- - " i i '. Agaic; - one of tlie - main objects F formation of this government; was ihr" -tcoa of onrighUino! : :lilirtics. ai; the encroacbmiita' rvf u mo aottrmo ot 'NulhficaUon i$sp y ' mitted to by this gorcrnment as !p 'J, 1 pVinciple plundered, our cities rivacedl "ta national Flag ;dianohioi-:ynd;ottr-ctesj carried into rTditnrdei our government cannot prosecute aiv. i with: the power tit the ible- national P ' If omf gbvernrnent 'was tomorrow into a war, who can doiihr Tnr . -nf mo - tiad; the pariy of Henrv Clav. iri their i' ftato hostilitr to tne adxainistration of Crett us. ii lro - pad "ill TIC U1 if ti '.CIS 3. V"- 'if ' ' ly. It) la 'ih u I- in u 'cr; Bi cn 1 ft 1 el i 1 'fed. c n. i -in Ta dc ' Jl Oft : y r? . :tafcr u '.lice - L ' sy t dc3 i-ur- .44 A'

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