M " j-r .-V P I i tec's-:. S3-1-;- - II ..! .-. r " - , I . ;? -:!. . tt ,! i..Ve 1 Ts." J ..' , ... - . ! . -; . M '-. . : r 1 .7-4 '.r I - , i i. ' , It ii'M, fh: ' 4 TO- - i Ik SO f.- : - .r . - r. ?i:if "i-i' I" .ft '1 : -4 if y 13U . , I "- I j s,- j-.t -- ..i- - i. r r 1 1 v 4- J f I .i -: i 1 h PBiiOBEE O TUB POEl tfNftt'ia wfnip'l-' -iliH f: Hit (pN til If iV If llmt tnfl r;Acilliujre :i!j4.fnfcrjijo' promotes! l 1ar4 lijVnlCiij strength. CriticirnffiMii, fitfHdtfiuUfr wiiehui Uiat pive t tietiflteHtialtxSts fie wilt cniioatryf jla afiorii 'i&'Jifatehm'ts.- -lclievifi ia jlhpi pptriotisml, $jjtainimi aware f tiw6vamfeit,lte Uill feel H Ws (dutjr jestst Die tlOflJfflorinf v:hleh bjtf fcecrffre;Ijf. putifddf ftirtlx slgai tilt the Administration, fndriiif tit(ilUinrgi astifia!)! measure. v;Hf tnUili-i6v hferer;ti) sds'aio continuance tif 'She Iftrttert 'Sltal'BiiiVi vith uch chfe and : ;'!nilJ;..-;tIia excise of tlit power jvoverlfit,i j tlwj highest degree in cxcdicnt;r fed Mai8 thii thl distriVution bf lircci sums bf rrwrisjli) Xnrl atid the TrcsMeritv wil'pru4 Hufeii'j4ifcuj;dirist:to(Ji will pUaitAnlfcncy Hch lgt?Ution.': Against! aMirfMfenlRy itifjjt the f storing bf tfe inf4fests)nels6ctwn "cf our cotin ty at the. Htfenifeiuf aaiei I the kst'cncrsncauf this mrfbr i lOfiH hewir JirMtale4. (Xoctrine of Nnllifica iionia oaiy necessary 10 sayiuai; in au its pn-scs settled I vfcivtflf civHp!andaksueh will lie combat icdbyi te froWiwian. v i L i V '. ibrrryluTck a Hirfe lhUcp per yrar.tndvance f vherif jfc juLfCtilikh livo f (C hi n tiws mire thati ftil4a.whe4!IP00i ii over one year Stan r!)Miripa iSyiil ho taken for 3e$3 than one tatriAvCTtUinMUbe rates. 5iB2ri4iiji:W withHrat9 (until iarrcara- are paid, 31 he Editor c hoosca. : 1 J - Sii Bu'jicrirs' ta);'n? tu wh2l4 sum in ad- catjliadjf a4yan4 rijarly, wdl he ontinu- I I Vefsorij! dresmnir tin fcditor oh the business of the on 6th- IU film i vTtej Ar line remem i1!tfecakKduiba'thc pUhltcatibn of4hfi first A !rietSijrbf Cosirts cfU)kcsjandI)a4 liliittrdpf tviifetflel his bipwues itt thepeconrtsf the office c;f the Carjliiw" !Watflifr&n in as few doors below tl Muasion 1 lot4 ttJieiJ4isc lafil occupd by Saral Jones Esijl ltiTE;cefMtlv on!lm:id at: mv LiincVlll3 ULiiif ?tiikc CmxhyftrlnnehVfine botJi ttex$ xii anl iBfiS4aceivnicli 1 feJllati cents per; Uslliiir v3acM ; 'ah J lor: uhshckcxl and Avlsea e)nuiti oforle hundred" Iwtshels is tkt-v c,n at vpee ana mia ur. the rncc will Lc sjrat: 3f "f IIS 2if (Virtue if ded execbtcd Wme ty Enoei HLeah,n;t!ie HtJi Dccimler! 13Sft 1 shalisi3l;at piiUIe sale onl thy2-2iididaji b!f Octo I 1: neUif jTicii iTTIandrwi which Enocli W Ltal.:;fiv.ling ;'ihe" land fcoqvryed tbl IbtvliMUmiMcki; the .sale .Will take imuw n on 1 no ua v 01 sale. - . " .1 ' 1 - t. . i I liippelLahd wiH to sold on a I&craVcrei ic land place, 1 hall sell ISWlWfcb consisting lof Corn4, tub. h anuingi Utensils aud II tn : JLlAJUll URACIL i at t n tOOKS pf Sulscrlptu for StUk in tlasrora f ipauy , are how c Dened in th4 Tiiwn tf s-iji i 1steUtthe Ifctel f Wni. H . Slaughter, and fattfi4Iarufon Hotel, and will fW.aih wen 'ufll I til 29th layofAtiuBt next. hIlip , lubscm "beiplje pieced tolearu from a themft recent , communis iiss3i:ers-i at AVill j toacoini that &10().(co .Vtnet il00,lCO pf 8tpck Mil be takei, & MICHAEL BI101VN, THOS.1U CDwklNV ; : 1L IZORAHi - max. chambers, v lnt na to" hne of bukiness j with cii ' tTt!lCf 1 Shirtti for he reception $1 f hltogapfim and produee,;otTe his services ti j ThePobhc, as iaetor and Forwarding Anriit 11 is extensive wrrespondencc in jali the jSawpeajJ' . and Amerieaa Markets, f and loag cxperimonWl i oc.uauitancewith the Trade .M' Fayctterillel s- lrticidailjr with Cotton! Trade! afford advantil 1 pth hetlatters himself will, when united ' strict ttfintioa, aecore to him a reasonable pS I wicnusjwidcustomeRv ir : SH -h m at lusjujie; raxes auerwarci-3- J IjUIMifera to tht EtStirj naist U FJinttfa tir-r;rf$pftt to; practice ; i.Tf aMSi C'inn rXUfenartd Surry i 3llfyithdiK(iii.4''Superr Coiirt3.: IIo , wdf; 4. . j- i , jtwv v.w ac luiuist-s aw iiise usuai-nour,; ajso at j2ie iij time fiuuV place-J.' will sotl variii$ anlchfif f terwaal pfoprty; viz. SI1FEI"; RQSIiOjV and ouellORSki: Household ehen Jurmturet Farming ytorkls, an4 k WUfiriStUcleS too ttviirm tnirionliiWi i rfiWlSrnade the . I own of llmington and F!ayetteville, iaTtJ i Jbut iherouto of the mended lioajj; HVill shortly be fruxf oyed by an eminent l'heer,jr :! -j I 1, -.--JAMKS 5IARTIN. Jr1 1 if RiJ : Jj UNOAN TIJOMPSONj i . 1 . . . . ' Robert B. Cilliimjof OxfurtSl has declar- H hiawekla eoadidate, to reprfesentiat jditrict I. 2 AnTIIT VilT UtfliEIT. Iw fpllWifi gejirtiemea i hite'lli-'rauiQitcd iltlhj'isupport tJhe Ibof e " Ticcti;"J ill :. - I.. I s 1 -. c -- it-ii WUatujC!.:' I-ockharlcSf INrthamptoa. folio M JMorehcad, EM. jdf GuUjord. i ; rUomas Settle, IqV of Illjekingjiatn :- Walter F J ILcak, Esq. of lUchmond, i Uich lUmes3Esq. cffef Janbvcr pi.. Jklailhias.Ew Sawyer, cf Ghovarx. -I . jllori JJ&pJ.'lianielilfiJ.j tr. J,uS:ah O, WatsonOf Johnstcir: , '.lie'hardliDoiSp&ivht,iE. k;QraT(av;' KracisAVard,of-0ynWilh, 5 i tvlli Uoert LoYc, of Hayifood. G4D.:Geo, Ijee IDavdni : of Irexlell. , Jlen;". ikooajrd IIendersoncf QruvilLe, I fTwo districU have not fct nomihatcd Caudid- fcfc rje lldwii) Gentlemeh .will ' oljlige me by .tctm,' as Agents lor the Watchman in tne sev eral Counties, where they reside, and receipts joide by them would "be as valioT rs if made by iijysolf, vh ; ; I I FOR SURRY GOUNTV- I Frnriftis I"J Annstr-incr.. 1 HCapt. 'John! Wrighir ,! l .' V- ? CoiJTi B.jWright, ; ; Peulr Clinmam. ! (stokes cquNTr, r . ; Job a F. Poindexter Esq, ' Loac uibson, Jtssq 1 ll WILKES COUNTY! 4 ! Coll Saad.tF, Patterson, 1 j Mirs; Finley Bouchefl, ! Ill if jlURKE CdUNT Yj: Itibbft PeaKtMi, LCj. , -J j Sid4eyS.' I&rwih, I i, ;t JyUtt t, Hardin, itsq. S i f'l ROCKINGHAM j Robert Galtaway;r. Esi f AL'Scaiessql ' -v'.;Ll(jDQLN s 'C a IIeadohiEi, "" 5 A. liL BurWVl-sq. I ' J id!1 MECKIJNBURG I -.Dr,W;Dmydi 1 -' F. L. Smith, Esql Milts B. Abernathy. ' : - 7 CABARRUS. I DatidStorko, Ii. J D.;VI. Barrm?cr.: I'ls-i: I i r GtJILFuRD. Dri J. A. Mebatie,! : - ! ASHE . Col A, Mitchell, : i Whitfield Kerr. Jph P. QaldwelL i I if ' ' LAViOSON. I I Jom-P. Mal-ry O i . Reasonable coinmission will i)C allowed on mo- n 2 y collect. U. Q. JONES. Salisbu0,July2S, 133. h. . I : j FOR THE WiTCIIMAS. I: V; It : ' A JEWEL'."!', ; , Mr. JdKEs : In these days cf political 'cxeile- Weijrtnd.is'su utU-Ay disrejrarded, .that the people wh?i'are not .eye fitnesses i Uy any rx iititiI tniimcticn.3, aro at; a jgreat loss t Kniv which statement, j is, ccrreyt, or whe thot "arif at all is. "Til the last .Western Car- olian, it amx?ars, front a letter; therein published, thai Mr. iVruigi has beed'raVst ehamet'u-ly im-T wejloo beaievoin the injustice and I gross mequui fagd en by somebody. Onl Jthe1vcelrif ourtyj of the Taring but Uaiikf theii, we ndot pursuant to a prcewvM miice, a tcTeat lumber ofT6ur ciUzcns assembled fir the purn.e mauik-sQg their dxsapfrbtatio cf ntdlilira $on, to felsowBjuth Carolihai thatjhey,a3 a part at iortn Carolina arc not a gtung ip am, assist, or abet, in resisting the- Tarilf law, because they arc the bupremqJavvsoi lho landl :iir. Carson iwas iiere at tnis meeimg, ? anu aieiwn.u , jr. it iprrarsfrim what he'said, that hd ! believed that thei tt:sigh in hiding this ; meetin, Was to call luvii an expjoe vi nis real seiiJTicnw,ana,:iiicre- forej! moved for the meeting to bef deferred that he Wight I prepire hiaisolf f;r;. te occasicu. Now according to a Communication in tlie RutUerlbrdton bpeciator, and its reiteration in the last Uarolmmn,the Hen.. S. IP. Caraia was tJiirfja (Mrsefilimcnls, and not fo asseinble to ut iij.yarson,uuiessueRaw in to address them 'MriCari was'suiirseHcds bv Intlmritv ti at iTT-H Iia( ' tbejvilegejthat any ,cther 4 . i : . .. . ri r -r i tnnres- it r ia iransacuoii s ll a previous nuUce w as 4 SlFfn to tBc eitins of Burke; and Mr. Carson, jf ignpraut tt it till the very, time, atid the ixspie hil;madeit conven:eat to attend for that pur- p on w uay apppinied would it have been pro per to defer the lijectmsr on his account.i when thbv iweta indeneiident if him tti? ..Ttt.i r.t ! cr4isrrntlyr therfailtin,-aiid having iSt homeVniight cispeiVjctnd net .collect iioOTtuec Spain Jtis hetieved iti would not- Th(e very writers;6uM riot: had they been uiaqe.r p a lutciiug ui uirinown : mere is no u4' .falityalMrt.' ihjem.rulatibn is ,buk t here! :iiio can he the j correpuident j of ! the CarUinianl Some think it was tht man.who , like thelwouoded deeriwas JorctV mto- his exi 'wnopwpawil, whije othlrsi teUh mueh vtyr cerf f'jff cnarge it upon a nUeman, aprt pdrtnUul who made his ''diiDearaaceat Monran- w vmui i iveeKr inan ine lanr m me was I f pretty clvseW scujtinisQd b anervejri?' Armucii eredit as ;Ir Cnfeoul(i attach to the ejiraet : oC this; lettei, :. written lJro4, doubtless, ei7rJfW)al'MdBfand''M reliance .aste may place inf thfe r eacitj wetl lits! crrespond4nt to." tcU k4T$;&mUif(de9t l$e iruth call Watered & whitl 1 tThe fUcrblj jpr-! reedings uf the fjaeetirtg, as pablUhe4,ar conf and the correspondent knowd they ife if heM viast as heEnys:prento I4yE are 'not, etvhlai ;r supposed theiti and jp35x "his naixie t his exposition, tei hn ;! jtafce! :f tliei: responsiURry on himself, aqd come butias jt sf hisdfttyVifIrep:rted iatselyftell ihdf tidtirJt' tehoU tnitliand nothing butjthel tmthVlfj; W -Mti Cariofj' h a tiolliiieMie )as"decUre: i;f (earless -l consequMdcs wft&fyn$$i,. although he! has not the ajagtp Sfdmit -it IPs another, i lie takes upi h:3 pn lit ifioj cale! o5f a Nellifycr and expresses his apToiwUan ? f AVht! is the diflbrence between . "Uis 'twapimert?4ief comes outj as aman who1.' scornsi thlf yib njfkirf crisy, wKic'axakea inen disseoibie, and tells the peopfe uhat.he is ;and theJpjffi 'uiwint)i!f con tempt whiclrawalts Rim'on Iflif developomefit of his sedtiments, vainly tries to pnnteal the! fact, by tclliug )Jim that he is; what in tactile is nof Verily, he k a 'fit soigt fjr,f-thel IJevJatlQnayj As much as we abhor Nullification. violently as we denounce all connected i ivitb it; We are unwilling- to puwisn any iiung ; to tne disparagement of so honorable a than j ;as ' Safauell compliment to him ratlier than other wlse4-ahd as it says nothing against him! more than we qn-j derstand, ha has publiciy adiittedrwe cannot think it doing liim Wrong. Ve say tliuj because: we think the above communication is iab.e :to inX3Construction--and because personal . rrgaixl forbids that we should arraign a gilemaqt who has shown i himself under i all , circam3tancess; a warm friend to the Editor of this peper. ' i ! '-J- i- f i t I r ! i (CoMlckiCATtDj) F s At a nrwHMinar. mllfln after tt rhiitpr nt the! Houso of f nckers, on Lower :. CreekBurki youniy, wneremcre was one nunareu ;anq iiiiy persons present to express their opinions m res4 pect of ttiel Doctrine of Ntillifi nation ! as promul-; gatedla 'our Sister - Stite ef South ' CaVolipa.J Col.; W, Greenway was called to the Chair -ad Col. Waitrhtstill Hartley appointed. Secretin' J An address was delivered by, Uaj. ,E. !$. Vii: ler. Tho queatiun beinfr ptitLthere wa5 aiUnih-t imot3 voice in lavurci tne union, ana ppposea w; Nuliificatianl - i-r'.J i j. ! j Ji "..i Coli W. GREENT Cjionv i Colj WAJOHTSTiLi llARTLETi iSacrtiary, J MiNlSTRATipIIN( At a meetins of the friendsfof ;itit l&re&nt ministration and of the Unisa. Held at l German- ton ! Stakes County, on Saturda.the 23ihJ SentI 1832, ThdVSas Ti ArmstrbnM was icaU totif Chair, and John "Hilly !appd!htedi S4creS3ryi Messrs. At II. Shepherd, John I F PpiiltdcXtel and i Emanuel Shf&er, severally Addressed (the meewng, aayertmg ui me many ivexeox poiiiit cal questioiis', which agiJatei Ihe- Cpuhtty, !4 4iaiticlarlf tolhoal'" ;' a ',':''vi T''fr-i1 loresuii iroiniue arcaiuen- irsiaiamx n, u nulbficatujb of tile Acts of tlie deneral f Cieveml- merit, by 'a! single State. Thoy aljoexprese their- cu tire? confidence in th0 p9esrit Adiriihisi UationVandiconcurred in the I ortiftia ijnat the prcsorvatiiid of the Union great ldepondbd the re-election ot ten. acicson.?, vn,ra tion.5 Mr. Emi Sh iber, A. II. Shehhera, JohnjI. PoindexterSamuel iStoae and 'fqlij 1 uTj,' -fwas appointed t4p pare ; and repbrt resulif-onsj ex pressive of Iho 'ubjscts bf llid nwietlg; po made theifollowirfg Report, whicli was !J hnahimdiisly adopted : j :" . " ' -. ;. .v'r : Whereat the present 'political aspect ;of odr country threatens canseuences cf the mpst foar Ad 'character aad siich as are ; 4alculattd to iu spirc the bosom of every patriot) fvith defp ;nx cly ;an4 encern fir the .safWya land dujation sf our iprese;itplitical institution r lAVe, tblere torem cobimon with manyjofwr iVfitfj.?. elsewhere, cannot refram from an expression cf jrejTTtt, that some of our Soutltefa brethren, here- tt tore aisunguisnca lor a zraioasaayoiion oki Union, are; wHhgrcat ab'dixy, and Jwith a! zeal descrvffig a tetter canse, engaged in; pfppagatitig a doctrine, not only subversive wf our Govern ment, but; which" must practicaily leM to a state of civil war, brinsrliiff with It ihcdlcu&blo evils that arc ervpr its attendn?ts ! We too share with them in tUborthens of whiclijllthey ; Complain ; o theCohsiirutron. and whkh thust, iTinsiieceRs- ful in aWojtatingtethe obnoiWis.taV destroy also the political union ot the . eFaxes. yn,r is mere tore, in the? feelings of tlieiMiH soticitus friend snip, inai ?we wouiu impure. iEem;nri iu mum . i L I' ! ;t - L! .. . a a j iL.!i . upon our country that leariui! triaii.wmcn m lis issue may destroy forever the onco !confideijt be lief iu tlie happy .duraticu ol ou rcpua;ican msti lutitMi. I 1 i 'M-'U'-'M' '-i M !i And as friends to the Union, We ! deem it also important; to connect, wit!Mr';di.ditierat'iohs ' the niiesturti of the next election of President tf these United States: for upon ii result wri yerily be- iiere,tiieuuraiion oi me union greaiiy ru uejnaju The ultralTarut opinions bf Mr; Clay,if trium pliant in bis election, would gjitely add to the alreadv maddenmor excitemeiittif the Soutii,;& would probably unite cveni many tf the present frnd3 of the Unitn to the f upport of t those des- twnterxpediVnts, which they, new deph re. and condema f &jxc daring desperate spirits may even wih. in rroenre f:!s election ; fruin the. un hallowed motive of still .- fiirthef - encptiraging the ftf a tSnntherrii confedracvl! iadenendentf cf our present pclitical bond"jf uhioh'il Iad weiiot, Uibreforei ku v other reasoii for sdrposmiT theielec- tioh of SIf. Clay, in this' tiew: bf i the subject ; av luoe we sliauld rceive'-;'p iiT!oiie.'.ipn the other! hand, the known itwiratiori; of our pre scnt Chief Magistrate; and. Bis IdaBposilionfm ciciliate,! and if possible tu Sdttsi 'sputiiern lip liners on this delicate subjitet 1 natural disebn- tcnt, strly reepmmend ni iee bvertf Ijis country; and we would even say w tnpse I a mohgst as who have herelofuirel jwfed his elec tioa : ! Jriite with ua nof; in urjnthejre elec;ion of him, who has' heretofore' proved ) him self equal to those jpenls 'm' ffiicbV'tifs;. j6tfoa ;t: his country has placed hirnij Ifieaiejfimr, tHere-; tre as ive do, that the resent) crisis gives even additional importance to .tlie; l election -of 4An in be i- 1 i I- drew Jacason, we regret ta hear,, that, even r State, his stren-1h is ! tlureataned t to I wpakeaed by a division amongst fts4 nends, as t7tfiftV&ile of tttt-Prtiedcnti fT&a EleCtori- al Tickets, the one for 1 Jackson d Yn ; Bcrcn, theoiliei Jackst.-&;'BarborJ',iw iorrnlng smoturst ts brr which thd: (rlids ?Clay - i 1 - H'L l'! "- M -- ' :4 ' - i . . : M - - ' -: . TU.i f l-Si.-i (; f.f - -h-: - 4 -i ;a j; i. .' -.. Ii" - f :!:;.-: -4 a- C ' 1 - ! . rosngra mere, rruwfrntjrof the State. : fThK evil vrelyeple 13 tesceclr the iesnfo 1 end bur vii Stati, seems must li a succeed iritH thci citral I ilti4 VnLr tfs pfejrerit lul flection inrajdlv dirmi nryn tl oene:o lire; Ufwted. Sfates-This we be Iielrewrill most cerfainly 1 done by . givlns cur vntes B?raeity acksoriU Van liuren; Akhoogli MrPai Ccrcri sfibds justly charged Jf having heretolr4aS SnaW ' of the Suited btates, sustained tla TanfT of wliich we coiTi. we;hel!eMthat.Tirs attachment" bo f.he iion, and his conviction of the necessity ifce-a-' ceding much of ourJeValttive op-nions to the'im portunate demand Jf (public s-atixnent, would, ir office ofthe 5 Government' detenttine liia" to vktsefo :ahd it uL,, of copciliation towards the South, which znurht fvwviM Aliak fs?ts will:, use all hDnnmhln maanajo prottiotc tari re-elcctifBicf Andrew Jack- . v resiaeac 01 tne umttd United States :J I ; On motion it was resolved i that theprecedings tf this mcetinrf be 8?grned by the " q hairmarf and Secretary, and irwaWwl io the! Editors, of the Farmers1. Rppdrter aad Carolina Watchmtii.- & that the other EdiUr4 in theStetej friendly to thelAdnunistrationbo nkjtiested to publish the same. ' "; t- : t ? i r V THO,T. ARMSTRONG CW. - JoHir Hill, &etdaryi AN ENGLISHWOMAN IN AMERICA. LondoUtrppolUanforAuzast. j JlnoVie? Mrs. Wrolloph jPrevious to its j publication, we lhavo been favored with a sigh of a very iWerestiri work, eing the "N.arrntive of a Iftftif tlirbugh Iha United $tat3s,bf.a Lady aud . as voj perused it wel; could not hlp , fahcying that it was vrnten by Mrs. Trollopo; herself, when in belter humor with the Yankees that she appears to have ben after a two years' re sidence inr the cqntryl ; There is a live liness ad (iurncr rdhririg through the work, witha-jtliefj ppice j of ill nature ; and ijrri rriust acknowledge tliat many Mrs. Trol lope's observations 4 on our trans-atlantic frisnJsarc fully! corroborated. The fol- ipjr uesenpnon oi a party m a steamooat I could as offered ilia best hpuse in ta3 T city.! It w: ely hot the week We r?rcre t'aore, .as extrcra- wje Tore t:i3ri, and I nei thdr liked the looks ot manners of the in habitants. I The ladies Walk the streets in the morning in stm ! sjippers, their dresses rjvpr white satin st ibs, giuzetii ini in all direttJons. I iwent to - Church on Sunday, and I miyht have imagined myself atlhe Upcra ratner man a place oi worsmp , the dresses, laughing, and incessant con- versation oi ray neignpprs on cviu v uc, mtue aCVOllon qullJ unpossioie, ana iuy htisband was so mnctii disgusted, that he obk his hat and walked out of the Church be fore the service was i concluded. Bishop preached a connrmation sermon, wmcn was a most excellent, one: ne ceremony vas to take place ;i mmedi ate! y after, &. the congregation were to remain for a conclud ing prayer; but thasccne was so animating, arid-so indecorous lor such so occasion, hat we did not remain to witness it I 4iTho voung persons who rwerc to bo can hrmed threw, oil their tine liats, ana crowded from thehralleries to get a good pl?cs so boisterously, that; it rorain-lcd me ftPaptish to get Into a theatre, to see s rac Popular actor; arid j those ivho were to be trmhrmcd-tiad tlowcrs joi orange Diojsoras in' their half, and evinced so much concern fur their looks;, thkt it eave me more the idea of a wedding" than a consecration . T 7 r---r cr was heartilv tired of New York: but we could not get awat under a week; and the onlv nsreeable occurancc was. a sail up me North River, id fa stesmbpat. to a place enlhd West Point, where there is an estab lishment for Cadets training for the Amer ican arrny, to bcatthe Engish.i No scenery ran exceed the beautytknd magnificence of tlie North River n eh sidei Tli3 girls Wjld with deliglt; and even those who had been aciistprhed to ; the picturesque beauty of Switzerland might have ;bcen gratified by the mountain scenery which ex tended twenty miles, xnd which I am told, increases in splepderj ai ycfti -advance to wards Albany. iTbe steamboat was alrnoy irig ar!r, and I Icannot describo'ry' sbnsa tipns when it begin; to moveT I for I had no idea I was on bpajrd, and thought we were iri some storehre i the passengers assem hie in readiness tc embark; and when we were really movinW at the ;rate of fifteen 'miles an hour I was iri -dismay and thought ille-Avharfi'storcs ?and all; had Jglven'way: You can form no idea of the. size and beau- tv of these steamers ; tu o one we were th was equal to a hundred and eighty horse pbwer, and there were Irrvare - that i three) hhndredlriassengcjrs on hoardi going cp to Albany We dined at West-Point, and tlie return steamboat jfrom Albany- took" us up, an-: brought us backto Ncyprkypn oue bjfthe most beautiftil j moOTh pjrer sawr . Thp eabini are f tterl s np'with satin woodf tcsc vo;Jblr4y eye hmaplev nd !mahpgany tle cnHains j blue silk .ta all tlie berths, and lh bellmen asnitOMsnowL break fastei ptj I bpard, and the whole jplrty was ainjOdaied in the eating apart ment. 1 There Ivas; evei-y liindfmeat, 'nsh, cakes frnit, teaf coffee, as rood attendance as - . 5. - s- if S . " ' " and chocolate, and could bo met with in American manners ori i ilwathei rfeamboat than elsewhere,' cs all are onn footing, and pay thd eatne rijtxlaad. theridte; consider of iaiethm6f pomnarand poHtical pr-fctence, ?P9 ,at camlidatl .-fcr fj,e Viee-Presidencv w4io. I ; fronds of-Andrew Jackson to vole in thesubnart i! ;ad asl; Pf Martin Van Burenas Vice President uf the fc J j I tp 'Albany is very icharactenstic i f Jl j do nbtliko Nfew Yorjc: and i noi e cpuicnivU iy live t.icre, ii iw themselves entitled to siy l and dolijiat they please. Dut I miist do ? them t! jt tice to say, with all their freedom and indc perlencc,.the;ie;i anj liifinUely roore'poi lM the ladles than, tje ;nie;nk i ia EngUndYWe iiefef tnovell from one side of theboittqthoothbhuttwen from their seats aiid Jphcd their chairs Cfr !,snteI?4-?it3i coereion,!; and khich in them is hotcjonsideretl Jroptidence; and we foundj Aw;us'efuil'1d&aesiUirii ihe diffiarent scenes I we;wifingi V be 5uxe4 they wer8"iqhiei : Ireel and easyy and maSe themseltes! one ofdar arty; al making a circle rchd tislwE anc laughing i with! ftilocxrially treating tis with their bbsrr-aSorU.?1 Ji-'- fa JWe have extracted suflcierilty io enible thcpublic to form some idea of fius ftfork; wcishill conclude witli ajaj jobseiraiiort at thei close, very difierent"t &om the s ircasms of Mrs; Trollopo,' H dcC filed thoiYarikees; they are uospitable and kihd-heaxtbd;! they ingj whether you; are hoiJeaW if -tkWjyaa a aangcr oi losing your SDbonS and nankifw if they invite; yeni . to dmner. Lirh t fKoa io 4U ic-? . - -A 7 f w.w .o w "i, mciu I i3 iuucu more to coioniend, and irnotyet p?arnved at that Ftifc? of crvllizatjon to wluch we pretend, they at the sarne time hae not yet fallen into the selfishness, and meanness hich disgraces our refinement.' ! From the London New JUbntEly Jtfagazine, 't ' i . ; Ahg. " ; - ;' 1 .T ; Journal of conversations Vfith LORD BYRON. j April.--Lord Jlyron . dind -with us id3y . During dinner hi! was, as usual, gayspoke in trms of the warmest commendation of Sir Vralter Scott, n:t only as an uthor.bot as A- man, .and and dwelt with apparent delight on his novels, declaring that he had read and re-read them over andSovcr aiain. and alwavs , with inWea ploasqrc. He said that he quite eualled. nkr. i in his opinion, surpassed, Cervantes. qmreeoiea.nay, in Wetalkinir r u , , . cuarocier, goooness ot nearr, ccc., i.ora uyron fcecawe more aa mated than I had ever seen him : his euL rhani r its general pallid tint to a more Urely huj, and his eyesbecame humidv never had heVppeared to such advantage, and, it : might easily, he seen that every expression he uttered proceeded -from his heart, pior Byron 1-iJ pooY he. isi ev with all his ! trenius. rant arfd" weahh-lkd he -ea like Sco,, whH oi-n: ciesaracier and steady fpr ieiple had con- rmced him that they; were h: .ncstUri tlieir ffotidaais.' and not w Ae!cre. fas heilva suspects good people t4b$,) his life might bo mf- ferentand happier! Byrja ! is So acute an ob-1 server fishns and vaaity are exposed to . his. searching J lT-r -d the nii3firtuae..Fand fc'eriai&rmwt it ta . . : v . . . i . . t ... : ! and prevent his yin.creditp trie many good qualities that biteri DTOmpa'ty ;t;hehif ) He de clares he can sooner paraon cmne3, ,occau$e tney ? if l.1 - fc 1.3 '- . t .. izL . ; t ; proceeu irom ine passion, mail mea-j minor j vi- ce5, that spring iron egoimni ana Beii-cvnccts. We had a loag argument this evening pa the saHjct, which ended, like iost ;" argurnenti,1 by4 leaving both of the safaa opinion as whea it com- menced. I endeavored to prove that crimes Were not only injurious to the perpetrators but often ruinous to the iunocent,aa4 prodoctiye of misery to friends and relations whereas J selfish acfss and vanity carried with them their own punishment the first depriving the person oall syripathy, and tlie second exposing him: to ridicilte,! which toihe vain is a heavy punishment, but that their eftects were not distructivel to society as are cmn?8. -He lauarhed when I told hi:n, that, lhaviog heard him s cften declaim against vanity, and detect it W often in his friends, I began : to sus pect he knew the malady byj having had it .him self, and that I had observed ' through lue, that these persons who had the most vanity were the not only did h i feel the strongest personal al most severe against the failing ifli their -friends, taihmeot to F h'ri bat the highest setiments cf He wished, to impress upon me that he vas not vain, and gave various proofs to establish this; but iprjoucea againsi uirn uis ooasis oi swimming hisevideat desire of being considered more tm homms desocietc thanap.sf, and other. little examples, when ne laugrungiy picaaea: guniy. and promised to be more mercuul towards his friends. - 1 e sat on the balcony after tea; it commands a fine view, and we had one of those moonlight nlirhts t?nt are seen only ta this country. ; Every nH'iAr.t wna tinTPl with 'ifja r?lrrv lustre. In front were crowded an unaccountable ; number of :J O--- " J. shins from eveivcountrv 'with their varions flaas waving in the breeze, which bore ttcs the artrtnd of the various ; lancrnanrea of the crew. la the distance ws enjoved a mro expanded view friend " r K m - m The finale casting its gulden blaze late this nl verv lake, and, throwinjf a ted lurid reflection on the sails of the vessels that frused hear it: the fishermen, with their srnall boata, ea;H baring a fire held m a sort fif grapj fastened fit s the end of the boat, whicli bums brilliantly, and by which they not only see the nh that approach j hnt at tract them; their scarlet jcaps, which ail the Genoese saibrs itfisherroea wear adding much tu their wcturcsque anrjeannife--all firmed a : pie thre that descriptioii falls fijr short of aal when ti this are-joined te .'bland idors of the richest & mrest nowers, Tia wntcn me iaioonies are rh ed. che feels that such Behts we, never to be Ctt gotten; and while.; the sepsis dwell on . each, and all, adeliciouii melancholy; steajalover the mina as u reuccis vnau r upiuncs oi : eawi conducting to far distant regions, a; ftna will sr Tive when all now before the eye will appearftbut as k"dream. ; K ' f , lf ' 2 ' l' This was felt by, all the party, and after i k silence of r rainy minutes,, it was,! broken by Bvroh;who rcmarkedrftWlHtanCTening, fe and what a view ! f Sliotild wo crer meet in the dense ttmospht re of London, . shall we not recall this-evening j and 'the fscchery now; before us; but no ! most 'pabably there we should, not . feel asj wo; do here;! we should fill into the same heartless." loveless apathy thaL distinguish S onct halfi-oljour dear cb'mpatriptsior .ttebusimpeTtin ent importance to he considerea snpreme 5(ni'idn''tIiat:marl'the;dUicr1 I Byron spoke i with thehiUemejssJ hnt it ' MX Jlfoores description, which he adopteJ. ' -;"s I .V?T hiffh one of her himself, j f . zi . i:f iw,t 1 .Byron is a suange meUnge of goot x ne sea u hac a i it taivc. ; i , M 4 . 4.-..-. wa3 the bitterncsi -.of a -&o4natuiffliS:iri by having been taciied too .closely r tho. wlio hid Josfthr-bctttecii .-ightP- .A -: I (.-. IS- ,1. - It. wui i- iui worio. Alter; a f9w minutes silcnccV to sildV fliook it th(or. esttsf misUsnowJbelbra usTr tro ,'. remotcaparts pf thoi wordotfl'coil p'ehow.; m tar waves have ther nat tier .1 silibwViiwnjr npcsUHnarcltuei liot wnJj r land jcnderHthoahts't lo&w uiem i -nootners wires sisir an sxxaal music arose, national Imnnt'i.L fanrfj wero suiig in turns byithj dileront erew$; and when they had , ciwsed.' arxi 8Me fho king" was sung by the crews if somet English merchantmen lyihr close to the FftThis was a ftrmiso to to ail,jind cr-J3iWis magnctlciJJy ron wai nT l(?ss tuched than tU rA "kiZii felt at die moment that tid of j cbuatry that Tr! thev nh distant ;nea ,xn5:fa ; wxia raeiancnoiysmue,, observed . swrfcri melancholy smile, . s observed J vi positively, we are all quite senUmentil this 7 evening, and ,f who hac sworn : against spntimenlalityi nd the old leaven 1 still in my nfture, ahd quite ready to rnio'! a fboi ofme Tel! it not in Gath, thai is t? sty; breathe it not in London, or to English ears flitq or nevej again shall. rbo able toensf 5 stoic philospher. Come, come, thwii rer do : we must forswear rrioonliht" tefews, and abbvejill, hearing national sons, Kvy.-uijijvsiyymg Den,as3loorecal him, imagine what loyal subjects, he has at Genoa, and least of all, thafH am amon their numberi" v, ,. 1 Byron attempted to be gay, but the efLrt wis not Biiccessful; and heislnHl us gwx? nbht wi K 7 jri. . , .a-tuaitk.ti his ;ter.n"rs Ana lais is xne man tnat l heard Considered ' 7. m .n bet qualities ieeiaeiingz now oltea un- 1, "" r?e tents ifbr wouadinff us in thoW lw" "r. asnamod of betravmz our sn-DUblit- . - u f an inseasibilitv we tV, CT- and while xHs69ZZtZSt , n ""Jr"5 .fecel ve ollwt w secret P I UachVS llTf i! "W1 " 5 might mp ti-iwramfni i de .ZlF1 iiTl Il m i V. Wunti .stu j-. j. i r "-1f?r Y"":fm XCJLT' "WW im3 and when each trJ Llat S fJktuT3. t A;frJL ...vn-F ' 'rv.l a ney ?rti: -.,i:.-.l-!t.' fclca that ratifies him eiceoilinl v !f J faility of his nature is traordinay j'and makes I- - ."-l .... Or.'i1 Contessa Guiccioli and her lamily. Which Wf.tf course, would not have touched on.' IJd stat-d that they lived beneath"' his"!, roof.) .beelhiS' raak as a British Peer afforded, her Cither :pr tection, they having bcenbauisjicd frbmRavcrma, their native place, on account oft thrr rrJitW-. le: spoke in high terms of the Counts Gamb-4 j father and son : he said that r he f had ?ivea ! t he family a wing of his bouse,! but that their estab - ' n . . lishments, wera totally separate, their repasts hover; taken together, and that sucli was their ScrupaLu3 delicacy, that they hover wuld ac cept a, pecuniary obligahon. from hirtt ia all tl.6 duisuhies euiailed onthe;n fey; their exile. ; He repr?3rateJ La Contessa G'riccioH j a3 a most am'ableaiid lady-like person j perl jctly disinter ested and ntiWe-minJol, devotedly attached t n m,anu possessmgso many high and reumaiii : quauttes, a3 to oner an excuse . lor any man s at- tachnlcnt to her. He said that he had been pav sionatiely in love with her, arid that she had sacri ficed every thing for him ; that th vhole uf Thf-r '. . .... . . . . .Mm. . - , coaaoct towards qimtiad been admirable, and that j esteem. He dwelt With evident ' Camplac.icy I on her noble birth and distinguished c&ine&ions i auvaniages to; wmca ne attaches great i; - porta nee. I nevcrlnJfet any one with so decide! :t taste lor aristocracy as Lord Byron j and this b isnown m a mousana aincrent;ways.; j . 4; - H fie says th Uontessa is ; welLi educated, rt markably Una of, and well read la, tie poetrjT J of her own country, and a tolerable prcrficient in J that of r ranee and England. In ms praises of Ma Jatoe tioiccioh ltis quite J evideht that he is I sincere : and I am oers'iaded this isi his i last at- ! . . . . u ., . i... tacmnent. tie told me that sf(e had Used everv? 1 eflortlto get him to discontinue " Hon Juan," -of atdeast to preserve the luture canttls fraro all im- I pure passages, in snort, ne nas saw all that wai I possiole to impress me with a favortshl-4 opinion of m . V m I 1 . " an J evil, thp preuomioancy of either, dependj humor he may , happen to be i hearts, whoperhaps atthis rour.aro o3erW tl i up ppiyers for their safety ?-i I j i S 4 , J V F 1 w hUu ho wis vet' sDoafefd:- -iiiiJ : -1 wholly. on, , , tne numor ne may , nappen to te in. lite is a character that nature totally unfitted for domes tic habits, :.r f: rendering a woman lof refine laentior sus(jptiUlity,-luppy.:II confesses to' me Uiat he is nqt happy, but admits that it is his own fault, as the Contessa Goiccofi.theonlr oh ject of his love, his all thfoTiali ties to renders j reasuie'bjnag b4?PX ouseHe44ppri)i to f . jroe poser vatioa he had made, that J feared Ja tv ; Ctmtessa Goiccioli had little reason1 to be satisfied with her lot i Ha answered, Perhaps;3'oil .aru-'j nht b yet she must know that I arh sincerely at tached to her i but the troth is J4y. jiabits am nat those reqaUlte b frm the hap?in$s of aa woman. I jam sworn out in feelingsfav though only thirty six.'I feel sixty in nund, and am less capable thaii'l eterj of those nameless jatteations that aM women,' but above all, Italian womett, re quire.! I tike sufitode, which :has bepOTeabsf lutel neccsxixjr to me ;-m fbn tif shotting myself up for houni an4 when with) the nenlon 1 1 like, am ".ofteh ljdit and gloxah YJCHerf is something, I am cenrinced, (coan'iied ( Byroa,) iu the poetical !tempe4Rtnent that precludes hav ptocss, not only io the person who lias jitVbut to -theonrtccted: w fanlty because I say this, as my belief is. that the worst wiy in which ': I account fur it, isi that - bur imkgiLations bet jg ',t warmer thp otr hearts ani much' more jgivo to vand.er the latter av. notihs jpower hi clintral. the luraier ; hencesooa tikes wing-, andlmdingther uwtifiiaeUy ofietu- &X inlulgence leyond the niomeu!, amnions itsHf tiall its wayward Oncle3,anrduriQ this apan- dsnxeot, scomss cyhl ja4 nwaasijm q '. to t-j;- I: --ff4 -1 -Its- S- ! . - t ft ill if i t 4 I 4 ll V ; 3 j " - f - ; . ,-T; 1 r ;!. , '-.:;-! . - i 4F. . .";,-j y - I i -- 1 1 1 i 4 t I. r -i ? i

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