'4.- - - : Crtir L : III A 1 : '.' it MiL" ij 1,- - 4 1- .v. Pm 1 4 i. 141 r. - t 5 J. ff i . 7 V V '' r ( -.4 if'- 5' 1' J3 w i'm& MAljSMLTOKrjOWES.'!!; p n b o?s!cTtrs poh t.: s1 -if ; Xaebioci isl to th4riirf and' t5 i p&e. tile vitl therefowith' zscal and diligence et ftinil aJfto tKiikforlci &iftd fie flatters himaolf that tt'e : '" Agriculture and Commerce may be! promoted m, $'ui labors; SG'tawrals and refinement it siiall J ;.be hist. ambon to upheld, and against the ne . Tnrea ciC thftsw. u'hetheTJOTKm CT hidden, he Will Epn6at&0.$n& ilw othmr parehts that give lest to intcilectirai repwts e will endeavor t; aitoru the Ttfif cirnli Belih-iri in i hb band just intprttionpof tpe President, patriotilsmj and aware HlSat undescrted pr?pe ,;'aetoi6f GoVeitixncnt,lher will feel it ..ia dutjj 4$ lcitst theUiie tWoqpr which lias been tojfpplt ricnircd forth ajainst thb Aditunatratiro, and ym licate;xvifh "iiicitfi nstihbIo: .meakres ; Ik tpenenco may ,vTh!itorldiri the excise of thb powet rf rnakjng7ni"n wrorcmcni by the cnral ! irnjfxitf'kihie4; lufrhWt IdegrW iiexptiHnU hp believes that the ditlributio of large sumof Trt6ney by'CongTeea ana tho Prr(jcii4 will prK dneejeagusiea, distrust an(f"disarTectiort;aid will . thus weaken out : unionto ' say-1 nothing of the 'ixwirWirur tendency of 'such !tishtionl. ., Against iVft.fa-wme&Jial-fciur &steruig of ilio interests oCohe secrion of oar connrry at the - - expense of anotlier the beet raerories of this pajpet tv f .Of the newjj ; propogtited dfyirine of , NnlIIfra k tioui w only necessary jo say, thatin al its pjiases iuui mutations, it is oiatrary.lo- out most settjed f Titfws 01 emi puity ana as cu wui pe comuat .4 Jfid bv th IratclLnum .J 1' . 1 CXsoi.tjn Watchman", If jniblishc I Jfirf ry week a Three tiollaf per year, in ad vanco i Where teenAcrtjve- Counties more tlikaf i ne hundred miles distctnt frotn Salisbury, and in U cases wnere me acquani is overoae year siau -! no subscription wiupe latcn iot lets man one ear : AdvertJStnir wulbe done attthe nsual rates. o Fubscnptiun will Us withdrawn until arreara-1 1 1 ISix suhseribcra payusg the whole sum in aa-i Tsnce, can narcme naienmem at tor ono jear, and f adyaneed legulariy Will be conUnU- dfittlie sarnd rates afterwards j J - - 41 All letters to the Editor' rmwt b. Postpaid or tlhey will not be attended toi ':A.j ' i i Persons addrtssinir the Editor on the bnsinm Vcf the Office, willaddress tim as Editor of the - CtaroUua Jf MuwH--Thoso that writ? on oth- lbusiaosseaii direct Jo II. C. Jones. ' f .; 'Nr Bj-All the .subripi ions "taken before the 1 4dcQcem&jk thPapjt.'will bo rcmeni- bered boeomejdeka iLe publication of the rlrrlt Ml it TOITt?. touss.: It r JLL continue tor the present to j practice i f i f law m tneuonimcs ot liowan and rsunr; nr bdthl 'the:eon'&i$qjfierlof - Ife will tisit;the next Superior Courts of Srokes iud, Da tidfon in Order to&ettld his business in (heee courtsl His OrHce is under I the office of the Carolina atchhuih a few Jqots below the Mansion Hotel Houao latejy )oc: cupd by Sam'l jujies Esq- "Tfi If AYE styhtl v on band at. my iirne ' t kiln fein fJtokce mtiyfrtth'dQntAiint both slack-r'ijdlUMlawteafirinieh- I Il'-ari&V'ctotS pel uaneiribrSlackd jind 5d for iinshcked and when thoquantity of one hundred bushels is'tak-' tyilekeriedil rfl aiijnce anupaid;ior, the price .will be sorpjt; In iMrfirims - martin, $env iQQKS of.Sutiecmtin for Stock in thiscom- ry, arrthow p(rtlinJheTown of SaUl; aw-pleasod tolearn from a recent coihimioi cation to them from the Commissioners ut Wil- tjf the United States Binkytvith S'icli checks nd ndications aa etpe2ienco may hate shown to I firytfai mmm mvm. -it. . OttugUkr,-1 an4. agewSentof llAiks, ui.i4wuLuayAiurost':ncJti .line tubscn wi. w h ungtonj, tnal ot Stock will bo taken in l j wiv w i iuiungxoiv anu r ayeitevUiie, and I. ." .yiK'Ui,VUC IlllCllUfU JLVOaUgWlIt 6101X1 V r 'V ;i ;i ; ; 4I.V.Ur.7 iliVItl li. JR. 1 11f a r MICHAEL BROWN, 4i -Ifet THOS.! W COWAN, t .ilH: 1 14 ,Wk- It: HORAH A ! Jft LiX CHAUIERS. 1 I ; v 3 .fTTiV Coinit45ientr 1ES i I I oicr; J1HEtrnsec;tcertly aanoonce td th pptpic,)haf they have succeeded inTew. 1 ag llxeit encaement with Miss imelii!TK.m Ml-!' t44ake;cbirgef .of this Iwtitution. The ichoorWlUmai, operation agia on the 15th I ellai(lvt in thU Academy, ate the imcnjsof aEnglishi: Arithmetic; Geography, ' ChSnofeyg PhiloeoDhvi Moral ad 'hysical,. Rrietoric, Needle Vork, Drawing -iuug, iiuRtc and uie f rench Language. D, HOKE, ! : ? C. E. REINHARITi 13 V t;. LEONARD, P. SI IMMP.V v ' UT.15 .D.HOKE. ' ??7AS established :kt : iher . tm'X xuiJUJl UiV VA3irtlEL.L- i v.riit which 1 r ; j. Ail U M 0 , M M U m ofDobsbn's Puat Offief. 1 Tv. c4 J$aN.l)OBSOItt Ajf BONDS-; FOR mE 1 I ATjTHia I iam t Cf f 3 r': U! f1f fgi . J isboryji-timlay oyember 10, iS32, t : IfThe lUlwuu Gentlemeal w oblige; me by acting as Agents for the Watchman in ihe ser 'cral Counties, where they reside, and receipts made by them weuld be as raiid; m if mado by FDR SURRY COUNTY. Francis K. Armstrong, - ' Capi. John Wright,! i y f f . , Peter Cliogmam. H i I f STOKES COUNTY. . H JohnFrPoindexteri iE . ' r :lia Gibson, Fi. at . , 1! WILKES COUNTY. Ct& Saml: F," Pttleiswd,1. : Messrs. Finley & BonchclU : J BURKJ5" COUNTY. Rcibert Pearson, Esq. j ? h .j: SidneyS. Erwin, !. i " ' " John P, Hardin, Ean. J . j ; ROCKINGHAM Robert GaUoway, in Esn; AI M. ScalesESi 1 : ( LINCOLN ' 1 c Id. Henderson. Esq. 1 A.-JH. iurton, jcjw. ; I MECKLENBURG. Dr,i J. D. BoydV ; j H - L.' r5mh, Ej. i Miles B. Aiernathy. ! 1 i ' CABARRUS: Darid Storke , EmI ; ' : D, M. Barnager. Esi. i ! v GUILFORD. Dr. J. A. Mebane, S . hf ' '" ASHE ; ; ColM Mitehell, , Y- IREDEL1-. Whitfield Kerr. Joseph P.Caldwell, Esq. 1 ' H - DAVIDSON. " JohnP.Mabry. J f-f; 4 .' Reasonable commission wilt be allowed on mo- neycbUected. ' H.C.JONES. Salisbury; July Si 1332. .i tET US HAVE A-BANKlf the peopl of North Carolina, especially the West, were to oe poiiea,yoo couiq scarce una a oissenung voicf? .' R the aboye seottmont. Circuxrurtanccs render the riec'ssity for a Bank currency! to'be afiorded by the Istate almost imperious. ;In consequence of the j curtailed operations tf the -U. SBank, the notes of; thajt institution are obviously retiring al ready. S Tlio South Carolina Bank notes are at a discpunt, mamly on - account of tlie irreponsihIli ty cf these Corporations to our state authoriiies: and the Georgia notes are, much worc, for the same andisonie other .similar feasons. There, is; ejvidpntiy a want of this suit of currency to cor respond With the busine.ss demand'uf the coun try.;. Habit has made paper, the medium of bu siness transactions every where, land the people can scarce! L without it. Not jiing but the urgen cyof habit and the scarcely of ietttr paper, would T. since the- explosion vf the, Macon Bank, make urScitizcris deal in Georgia NUe6 at all; and the Unsettled jpoliticncondiiion of South Carolina render her i notes somewhat unwclccrae The Qjdslenceof these facts, teach u4 that we ought to nave a name or oanKs witmn ear own controi;ana iii our own neighburhiiods; so that. . we might ei ther! prevent" or avoid the consequences thai Lefal burcrti2tiis !fiu ionuarlee U tile ctibdlticnot tanks I anqine WeHiiincncss of thepapofficc, &. c It is believed that North Carolina can turn some of her fast expcricr.ee tu giod aceounttn the future man- and should slc not fall into some such as the coi id sense of the 3e connhitnity has rftpu'iliauHL we nerd not foari but that a sate and wholesome Lusines can e dime'by a new Bank with Branches in ;tht several inportant towns in the; State. '$ Sfottl the idea of a faith and: credit banU.M'. ejliee thtvjplan, totally idelusfve f at a proper iime;and Wj11! more leisure, fn'e'irthink wecan atisjy our caiiilid readers j of ;the faet. We are jfjijr Iroru bejievihg that the existence of these money corporations add u (.r take from the aggre- gateWtaltiil fifa state. Dieviurnetiiues civo a HllinillOUS lOUU.lDTS?. WHICH, lip lOilU V.i far-tpdingwW" greaton to thi community; .but if is only in tiiiies of great (Mjility, that such an! elaL'roe u t ,ba n be of ervicis; arid even then, it s but the; introducer of "sucevss and prosperity. If ia country r can not get along! without the co tinual furcing uf its energies, it is not r healthy and sound, aiid Uiust sink whenever the excitant is Wjthdrawr4frWitliout regard thdrefofe loany tiling eUe, thaathe convenience of a sound paper cir culation; and Uie safety of the people against, the lHub of manager, and counterieiters, we are stfll to look, upon thUPasa matter of much mo thentjand verj general coucemi The word is in every body's nouth; ; ' ' Vhatf t4halPWe;.do fbr mney whbnt a new bank. Wc therefore, invite ib j early aitehtiHv of the nex j iusldmLly to the subject. "The people in the west; have paid no sort of attention tjo an act passed at the i last session to prevent the circulation of Bills mnier $5 issued by other sutea,' indeed they ean nht. dqi itz and the poljtical and general msreard f the ' law by a peopio as pairioiic as any m we worm, is a pivoi of the strong nipcessity that exists for a thnely prdvishm inthiS Tespect. I i 41THE BALDEAGLEi -; s 3?' 'fHs t&e3b&nt Atlantic SofatrifoJbr 1832. : t'U ha ve Too chronicled, ana' jchrpnicled, and I s eiat!chrojcleL &sung in aBftbepraiseon- j throughout tne Tillage but the occasional barkiof mjUsJand gfavM in jnew btave Iballads, ' thaTahV4 dog, the creaking of, the tavrrij sagn arid the bonKS aluil'iriiiuhle you in Salculli: ticulornmi-4wi less" musical accent of the jbne laeyed flute --Urkl'Comefy.i '.'I ,4-4' - ' oftbe school master, who petcted tllis ehara I fa one of fthe Uttle villages I sprinkled along bcr wmdow inl night gown anil slippeaererJa tne deiiciotks valley of - the Connecticut,: there ''e-i tr.e neighborhobd with Fire on the : Maun- stood j riot many years ago, a little tavern called the viiage aijsembled to read inewsjiapers; the uald Eagie. It was an oia xasnionea ouuu- uiisi. uie grocei, wuduitw wx uoor, intri with a small antiaue 5 portico in front, wneio lxom sweet a reams oi treacio and brow tA a luv Mommiv aflernoan. the we men of iay tossimr in his bed, and wisHine . R 'gliTOlhichnolWhilc, . era !az.ied with a fosMirti&tvLwXxJ' srjn Hj1RV 111 tJiro lmtu.k ;n a... J.. J L wawntteri itflargo bbekfi WrtThe Bald Eale : Good Entertainment fur Sl&Si Beasti br Jonathan Dewlap. Kifff lilW'Ur K:i CTTiTl pntalm, soltry 6ttmraeiltcinthi5of custojoiat tIietaTerr-dour,riiAit the! ehtaaWsat landlord, Justiceof the Ice and ? Qaonmf, wHing irf a rocking crair;1aa4;dodingl -..uulln eieciioneenngnandb4li Along the benchea oi the'portico Were seated th4 village attorney, the scrtoolmaster,Mhl itaaiani Mother PCTsonages fless note; bat bati loss idlei bot less devoted to the aflairsof thenat6n.1H t il - "il7.SBeWfl M iutriotic fcliizens the schoolmistex wa drowsily i doUhg! iyrth the conteps of the Uto&GuMffi H iWsmt that rnemorable epoch uf our naUonal 'historri when La&yette returned to risiti in the evening of Wn days, the hod that owed Kjmnclx tolhis i yimth tm enthusiasm ; and to seea the ebft decline i of 10e, the consummation of his singular ftglory, 'in the bosom of that country klieWli prstt Degiti. His approach was erry nrherl hailed with heart stirring joy. There was butiheroice Uhrougru he passed bailed httn wiUj ruraTTIesuyities, ad dresscs, odes, and a dinner 1 at the- taveml H . . Every step of hU -journey, wt.9 iregulariy, and .minutely; recorded . in thos Voluflainoui ! chrov nicies of ourconntry, the"; neWspartsrs co lumn after column was rilled: f.with lon i notices 01 me amoerane naa eaten, jand of tnel i toasts drank, and of the songs' sung on thfe occisbn. r As the school master detajletl, to he grbup a round hina an account of. thiisi biasy iilsttvali. which were so rapidly succeeding loach other ail over the country, the littler soul:1 je possessed kindled up within him. yhh triie ocatorinl emphasis, he ,repeatel a) hlrlg lisjt voit toast, aranjg on a recent celebration ot thd kind- tiu American Eagle the- day Wei celebrate- J theNew.Jflnffland ' Fair.thKerbkii who! tought, bled; and died, at Bunker . Hill-Jf which 1 am one i and a tlwusandthcrsJHequally; pat riotic. He waa interrupted by tbe merry ' notes of the stage horn, twandn iuJonj? drawn b.'asts ever the blue hills, titut ekirtl-d tliej viila5)fj and i.nd shortly after a- cloud of dust eame rolling its light volume along the road, and the jstage coach wheeled up to the door; jlSl 4 M It was driven by a! stout,! thickest youhg fel low, with a glowing red face, that, pctbed out frora under the. wide brim of a i W hite hatlHIKe the setting sun from beneath;! a lsuinmer cloud. He was dressed in a Wren tajlod gingham s coat, with pocket holes outsido, and !a pairof giay lm en pantaloons, buttoned dowii iskch'. W - With row of a yellow belUnittons4Iiis vest Was stri- itni aim uiuu aaa;aiouna nis necit no wore a coloured silk handkej&hifcf; tied inWiooee1 knot befoTejr arid tucked in a ithe Waistband. Beside him on his; qoaeh box sat two ! dusty tra ewers in riaing caps, nnd tne group Within 1 proa Sented an uncomfortable picture: of the miserieo of travelling in a stage coach f in the monthof uune. ; In an instant all was noiso f and confusion & the bar room of the inh . Travellers, that had post arriyedy and those about to set cfl' in the ev- ning coach, came erowamgfm:f Uhthei gage ; some eager to -secure places; and others joagings. a noisy group was gathered at tite bar, wuhin which.thoIlandlaiijWas, oouning. to and iro m a hurt, and imglmg a great tjineh of aeys, like some wild auimal at a rare-shuW talk ing about its cage, whisking! its tail and jingling its iron chain. - u-M " The fire place was filled Wi tji pine boughs and asparagus tops and over it this Wall Was cov ered with advertisements of new invented ma ciimes, pateat medicines, toll gate and tujnpiki companies, and coarse prints' of steamboats, stage coacn.es, opposition lines, and 1 Fortune's t homo forever. In one corner stodd ah old fashioned oaken settee, with high back!in4; lerobked eli bows, which served as a scat byi day, and a bed by niht ; in another was a plleS of "trunks, and Uiilereut articles of a traveller's ; eqoippago ; tra-i vehintboats hung 'here ani I there about . Uhj room ; and the atmosphere waS hick with the smoke of tobacco and the farrjs ibf brandy . ; 'i At length the sound of the) wheals Was heard at the door ; Stage rtddyl shouted the coach man, puting his head in at tbe doyr' there was a hurry and bustle about the irnl,1; the travel lers crowded out : a short jiuiiso .succeeded : :- the carriage door was slammed t!iB!;hate ; r arid the coach wheeled away, and kii&ppearui in the dU3kof the evening. - ll ! ! . The sound uf lis wheels had ; hardly ceased to be he:ird, when the tailor eatereU the room with a uewspaiier in hi hand, audi Eifiihed un ttlio siu:tg and th Mhifv1 m.i:t.j- . .).:;... , imthrr tin.. tluttM. -.tf, J iiave doae honor to tlie tragedy .hencf a strolling ut ujju.h ito ii w iuuingS' ilia. Lalajctte was on uis way horhi!;'Phe stage driver biought the-news-; the ilranncrebon- f.IinneU It it was lathe liewsh:i;er. nnrl . f Course tae.e eoUd be no doubt npoit the subjeet. It now became a gtneral foiel i conversation in the bar room. 1 ne viJlagcNpcape in one by one : ail were on t'jpic ; : u lalkixi toretLv, Lafayette: the Marqui thei lierf rat ! Jlo would - j : i r 'r- f.. pass thro the. village iitiwo? days from tlienc Vhat wan to be done I Tho Jvh'.; authorities were at their ; wit's cml and.W'ereojiite na' anx ious to 1 now how they should: Receive their venerable guest as they were to ceve hini. j ; In the mean time the nejraj took wing. There was a' crowd at the door iiithe Postfpf-' fiee talking with becoming seal iipon the subject tho boys ir the street gayo ' tiine - Cheers,! and sliotitod ' Lafayette fbreverP and Sin' less than ten minutes the' approaching jillilee was knUwn and talked of in every nookf and corner of ikhe village. The town authorities assdrubled in 'the little back jiarlor of the Inn, to'diacu&s the subjeet rnore at leisuro over a uiug of cuhjrand conclude rpon the necessary arrangrmen.tsi for i the occa sion . Here they .continued; wilhi closed doors until a latohphr j and after irilic debte,fiaaily resolved to decorate the tayerir) Mdl prepare a great dinner ;ordcr out the .militia ; aid take; the geuera; by surprise. The lawyer waaj; appointed io wnie an oraiioa, ana ine scnoot master an ode for the occasion. M - Asnisrht advanced th? crdwd irradaallr dis- persed frota the street. Silence i succeeded to the ham of - rjoicing and hdthUi w as i heard' Sim,1 and half of Washington's March i n augar, the deuce master, with his Latin, 4dlb- m., l.4 ttiL'A t la A CJtrtfk. 1 1! clearer jw tf - ' t" row WW. and mboeli J!" 1 Tte; vapour,, that RrTl rollVltself z way,lilje the ebb f a ffthenr TU hastle of adranrin jhTi TO l hrn toe tdows iweriiVr fp? ; doors and win mllliM -reaked on ioci whi .7 - -vicu ftooai ine FrCS; 'PWMcCi farmer holid.J4 setnaoiaii,; ana the whit pine jchandelier ra robUed of its yeliw coat, ahd;! ;dangled from the' wg, Qiitu vo- Uypnc arxj emaciated. But errXnj the hUlo raooi waeH'airaia'riilAA ritW S,atd irrlands. and-foBtabns.and stam: U kliids of singular dor tees in green leaves and apapgua lops. ! yvw tbo chimney piece were put Horn between theewrgreens, cut in red mo rocco, ana tastenod to tbe wall with a profosion of brass nails. . i Every part of the room was lib erally decorated With paper eagles ; and in a corner hung a little black ship, ngged with twine ana armed wito a whole broadside of unibrello :tia. It were in Tain to attemnt a Jeserintion nf all the wonders thatstarted up beneath the tafldr's hand, as from the touch of a magician's wand -4 In a word,! before night, every thing was in rea J4cucie, mai nrnvra in me evenm brunght information that. tha.General would pass through the village at noon .the! next day ; but Vithout the slightest expectation of the jubilee that awaited bini. The tailor was beside him self with jpy at the news, and pictured to himscht wuri good-aaturod .aeltQmptaeency; the ur prise and dehghtbf the venerable patriot;, when he should receive the public honors prepared for him; and the new blue coat; with bright buttons arid velvet collar, which 'was? then making at his L M moan titpe, the landlady had been busy iu maun? preparations tor .a Sunrntuous dinner. the lawyOr had been locked m all day, hard, at work upon hjsbratioh ; and the pedeotrue was hard ridden bv the ohantom of a Tirtir enlncrv. that beatrode his iaiagination like the nightmare. Nothing, was heard in the village but the bustle of preparation, aud the martial musioof drums arid fafes. 1 1 or: a while the ponderous wheel of labor seemed to stand still. The clatter of the cooper's mallet Was silent, ; the painter left his blacksmith's I beiiovrs iayrjou:r asleep, witn its nose buried in ? A iioHVAi moruirrjax aay-oreaK tne wnoiomi uir v icree oi uiq town was marsnaiied rtn in tront.cf the tavern, "armed arid equipped as the law ioirecis." ipnspicuouRamong this multitude stood a taylor, arrayed in a coat of his own ma king, al. lace arid buttons, and a pair of butf Pantaloons, drawii up so tight that ho could hard Iy touch his feet to the gtoodd. He wore : wiliUry hat, shaped like a-clam shell, with lit le white guaei feathers stuck" all around the edga By hiisido stood the gigantic figuie of tiie blacksuiith, ifi rriraentab. At leogth thS roil of ti'ie drum announced the order for forming the ranks, and the valiant host displayed itself in a long wavering liuej Here stood a. tall lan tern -jawed fellow all legs, furnishod up with a red waistcoat nd; shining green coat, a little round wool hat perched oa'tbe back of his head, and downward, jfapering off in a pair of yellow naukeens, twisteofand wrinkled about the knees, a.s if his legs had jbeen screwed into them. Be side hiin stood a long-waisted being, Avith a head like a hurra's nes(, set oft with a willow hat, aud a iace thav iooked as if it Were of soal leath er, arid a gaish cut in the middle of it for a mouth. Next came a f little inan with fierce black whiskers, arid -a sugar loaf hat, equipped with a long fowling piece; a .pbWdcr horn, and a white canvass kivapsacki with a red star on the back of it. l nen u country buiftkin standing noit up- rJ?"lnts iieat ni.uis iieaur i elevated, uis toes turnea oui. ' lioWiriar fast to his tfun with one hand, and kee- pintj the other -spread out upn his right thigh. Then figured the lecctivlam of souie? h:volutioua- ry veteran, arrraj'eo in the uniform, aud bearing tne arms aail accfatreuicritsjof iis ancestor, u cocktid hat on his jiead, .a heavy musket on his shouldor, ariden hislwck a large knapsack mar ked J. !$. Hereg was a man in a straw hat aed gingham jacket and'there a pale nervous fellow, -outtoncdup tt the chin in a drab grey coal, M guard hi'in; against the morning air, and keep Otit Uie lever and ague. I . "Attention the f whole ! ' Front face ! Eyes rightf Eyes left! Steady! '. Attention. to tiie rujil call!'! shouied! the i biacksmiUi, in a voice like a volcano. : Peleg Popgun! ;Here.r ' ! 'Tribulation Sheepshanks V i m Ho e; o re. , ;rl, ' ifReturri Jonathan Babcock IV HHre' ! - It . J ; ! l:l i. . And so n:throuh a whole catalogue of long, h.trd names. ' ? 4 ' AtuiAionrshouhler arms. Very well. Fall bak! there on. the xtretne lefiii -,JSt talking in the raaksl Preseat-annsf SquireVins,) our not ln!the hne; if you please a little tarther'ui, a little farther buttuf re, 1 guess tliat'will do! cairy anpsT ; Very1 w-ell doae, Quick tirne upon your rat!-imarchf r!!! ' ii I The littlei refloated ; druaamer flourished his. druzu-iticka, the bandylegged filer struck upYan kee Djwdle; Casar; showed his flat face over the horizon of the gjeat i hus drum, Cke the. moon in an eclipse, tne ta&fbrandisfced hisswtrd,and the whole: company Wheeled j with some . conlusioh round the tavern sijn posi, streamed down the readj oojered with dust aud followed by a troop ofVlraggled tailed bays. , ,1 . i I 'r t I - Asaorm as the company had disappeared, and the dub of its! drum teased to be heard, the u-tuo of i shrill trumpet sounded across the plains, and a troop of horse came riding up. i The leader was a jolly! round faced butcher, with a red foxtail nodding over hut head; and came spurring ca, with his elbows flapping up and down like a pair a vringftjf As he approached the uvemheofdered ihe troop to wheel and fQro ; os ia front; a - ! , ' .1 Ml t.. , ; sot jwaanevcrt" and "jire;:! pThilyy wholO C3U " par3Sed h n eyes of . all t! crrl'll-Viii prHa.rf the '.5 -.trd zv. en- i Y- u.'iL'. IiK'fJ the tylr f . ic n h:-'1 j pip 01 oear...:r, r bhie jacket fact namented with Triepahulobns xeis. ana were irtmm ., -0 1 - 4;4- : . wh t ju oomG il WaivtH him: ir;l:Ziri:: iw? ewuca. UMTUTwimM irtb . Li Z t wuiskcts,' ipopnm sa fierce a&Mzri htrfiVLJ.iZTJrr" vuary rahoT UeketcbctAd nrtlv TT "rooster witK itTt tsJ ZTlZT "roosted wiAii! r 7- r6 i05 prefixing to I IS - ff 5rreps, ind sitie nio with no amf bis diacinles took afcit " Cl I ooted;i tall tucked S iSSf j?wcHrtvitL.iu UU spd eaerop- dwsohtefacw Sorruitjledtokftri icWw- tneif iccnlrwoTffoi qwt-rflttUemj- and splashinikjrfsat was given, ana mey Jreiii uirougn me swora c- 1 erase, hewing ari'd eattlnthe'aur in alt ftroctioMr, I with the most tool and diberate courasre. . The order was then giverr.to daw pistols. lieady--1 aim! fije! pi-Hr-TOPwent the pistols-Too r-loott-v went tne trumpet, me norse took i friffht at tl sound; some plunged,- others reared nnn irinrm. unn mnma nn:yi m ini hip unp.xnn 1 MnArrd nn an4 down. VtW m. The eintin 1 being satisfied with thisisplay of the military 1 dia,i;n of hi W. tlieh -wheeled off in neo. I tions, aad rode gallantly Into the tavern yard, tol recruit from the fatuities of the mominir. - y 1 Ciowds of country people: now came driving in from all directions, to spe the Tun and the gen-1 erai. tine n;nrsi iarmpr m Droaa nroraou iiiai, i and broad skerted coat, jogged alowly on, with his wife'and afhalf a dran blooming daughters, in a square top chaise,' and country beaux, in all tneir punuay nnery, camp racimt ajuu ui.ag gons, or parading rouml w horsehacki to win a sidelong look irom-Jipfae tatr country luss in gipsy hat and bIueTtbbons. i . i Tn thm vtnt!mA tfiA fitinrsl mnstAT Tim far from beinffidle. His scholars I had been assembled at 1 A CtT f AfliimrT unAirnnA I advice, wero arranged inl a Ike in front of the school house; to bask in the sun, and wait fbt the general, ine'utue giris) naa wreatns oi roses j upon their heads, ; and baskets f flowers m.their handsl an the boys carnexl biWesfand worepaper scnoui master up vuu www uwwc iwcm, i . -.i. j t.: iHd . Kir! Willi a lUliail ill uto uauv, ivvcauuK uuwA-u i hispoetic eulogyrsfopped now and'hep to rap some onluckv little romie!over the knuckles tut misdemeanor; shaking one to make um turn out his toes: and pulling another's ear, to make, him I nom upiis ueau ana wuua ". ? In this manner the morninsrwore awavjandi ganerai was w wnve.uxew ri. t : . j TV,. wLJ.iuuirur- military force, both fjot and horse, was men sumnwned together in front ot trie tavern,r ana formed into a hollow square, and the colonel,! a wmrtfty, koibt oi luo iome, oy ine aiu o a wawi written by the squire, and "placed in the crown jof hi3 hat,rnade a most eloauen and patriotic ha-- ranjue, in which-he called the soldiers his? bro- thers in arms, the Iwpo of their country, the ter ror to' their enemies, the bulvark of liberty and ft. r s-itV.ii.nl t Via fiir OCT f TiiPtf &c a thn wheeled back again into a hue, and dismissed for ten minutes.' . I An nouror i wo previous, an uoacst om uwa, named Boaz, had been stationed upon the, high road, notfarfrorn the entrance of fie village, e- quipped with a loadeJ'gun, vhich he -was order-1 ed to fischargo, by way of signal, as soon as the general suouio appear,. ' mi oi uio m puauv.c arid 'Vlionitv of hia offioe. Boaz marched to and fro across the dusty road, with his uiusket ready cocked,' and his finger on the trigger. This Ma ri2vering in the sun however, diminished his en thusiasm, in proportion as it increased that of his body: till at lengtli he sat dawn. ori,a stump in tbe shade, and leaning his musket against the trunk of a tree, took a short stemlued pipe out ef his -pocket, and bcan to smoke J - As noon day drew near he grew hungry, and nome sick: nis near sunk into his Htomach. : Hi$ African philosophy dwindled apace into a mere theory. Uverpower etl by the heat cf the weather he grew drowsy, his pipe ftil from his mouth this head lost itjs e nuirjise.and drooned like a popoy upon his breast and sliding gently from v hisi seat, he fell asleep atrtne root oi tne tree. lie was arouaea uom uw slumber by the rioiso ofl an empty wagon, that came rattling along a eras road near him. Thus stidde ily awakened, the! thooght of the general's ap'pnach, the idea' of being sleeping on his post, and the shame of havinff' cfiven the siffnal too late, flashed together acrossfiis bewildered mind, Mil Spnngmg upon his feet, he caugnt nis musicei shut both eves, and fired tolthe utter consterna tion of the waotmer. whose horses tcoK friffht, at tht mnil.an JlvwAfflo unmanageable . Poor Bo-i az, when he 'saw: the mistake he had made, and the mischief he' had done, did not wait long tode- Uberata, lut, throwing. his musket over his shoul der, bounded into the woods, and was out of sight in the twinkling of an eye. i ' The sharp report of the jrun rung far and wide through the hush of noonti2e awakening many a drowsy echo thU gr umbled m the distance, like ainan reused untimely flora his rest. At the sofHind cf the long expected signal gun the whole Village was put in motion. Ihe drum beat td or der, the ranks ware formed ! in haste, . and the Whole mihtary force moved off Jto escort the ge. heral in, amid the waving ot loanners, me io o the drums, the scream of fifes, and the twang of the horse trumpet. All was now anxious expectation at the lage. Themohients paisedirike Ihours.f'le lawyer appeared at the. door, with his speech in his hand, the school master and ' his f ciwlars stood brotlingia the; sooi and many a searching look raS cast'along Uic dttSty highwsy io deswy some ifuhcatioa.of their gucst'af xpproicbi Somei times a little cloud1 of dust r&Hxr. altn"t!ie tani road would cheat xl. dm Itn a- y ul-i il ! &nl T en the report cf huictry, cr.di tK e "roll ;.cf driariis, ratthngacion the jails, ard yiagrfW the breeze, would tn?plrc the fj0itive hape-that he had at length arrived,: and murmur of ca?er expectation would ruXlV'mouthi to ; moulH. There hi coses thati he, and the people would crowd into ; tho street to be again disap- One o'clock arrircii two; three, be: no gen- era! 'The direr was over dcie; the Uad-ly in great tn-JLttioa, the ook iai a.fgreat:ras3:?n. The glocia cf d:appobrnient bcur to sit carca ny a counter.mce. .The peopla lked doabur--Iy at each ether, and .guessedi;; T" fJ - J? began to lower. Vclimes cC U&t clxiis psd theaseirtt nja wcsV tsd iLrzizzz! a ft s ; ."" " ' r ' t ... a casr warn nansflxll nni.. awKrwoaarftTien iSSad Si Ms t&lm yard: end a Cockof Ul-gWirerelS, tipj wn-nou3 consolation roatd the top!c r tall r VE?ery thing give 4adhauofi t ctf ia I an. proauin2rt thunder. triattiA Aint pcaj rattled along the likeaVolIeyfo,. ir trT- - They thought it was astute to the Goo- : . iir.f....ai ..1 -r. . ... .. . .. itttheir of the wiadow ram and making wrr fW to it ram ana maun aadtWaiciaued. ... " " V4 waatQ t-lifeaii or the GeneraL 171", "' IWW.anMeflWftlMoa. ff?" mg. ram xae cacao ot.thMjrfalp. w umiavr9 "c - Nwr .vv .r,p-w, " moi ilreaebed. through and through, anocon. pletcly crest fallen." Not Jong, after,, the toot company - caane ttraggling in toppmgvet, acS 1 diminished toone half its number by , dssettions. I buiot cuww vu v j -i consoiate ; a complete epitome -oi woenw huumu ..m.u m werfftoYn outof his dam shell hat, his coat was thoiroughly epanged, his hoots full of watiff, and his rmffrxuitaloons clonir tiffhtf r tlod ever; to hrt Kttfe He tremWd like a leafs Tie (rnUbt haftf taken. him for Fever and Ague pcrsonifsrU The bhcktmith.oo the conttary.seeouxl drciu the water as little as iT it wercj h elemwii. ' ,!---.,'! --- into the bar-room like a preat wia-caii, t aicci sporting about in the wav, tumbles hiffiaelf out upon tbe sand to dry. A thoosahd questions were asked at cnoc about the General, but there was nobody to anawtfc them.' They had seen nothing ot him: thef! had heard nothing of him; they knew; nothing of him! Their spirits and pauor.ce were com-f pletely soaked outof them; no jpatriotism wt DToof aeTunst such torrents ot ram. i Every-bcart seemed now to sink m despair : Every hope had given, way, when the twan& of the stage horn was neara, sending xorui lone drawn cadences, and enUvcnii. the ploom of a rainy twilightJ The x:oach dashed up to the door.'. It was empty : not t .. - m.- a solitary nassencer. The coaenmati canus , .j . without a dry thread about him- A MW stream of -Tvaler trickled down his back from the run of his JiaL i Hero was sotneuwrj dismally ominous' m his look i he scenid ttobe a messencer, ol bad ncw, -j . Lr?.ii . i .u tti' iVx , . , - , t.k, fci4 flA I ruct w . i muca I or ice opposmuu uw vw turn pike P' said the coachman, as bo tossed off a glass oTN ew. Ecgland. lieiras lost aspeecu;M saicl the lawycr- ife lost a coat," fd ue taiior. xHe lost a dinner,n said the landlord.- U is a'clobmy nififTf attrie Bald Eagle. t A few ! hnon comnanions . sate late oyer ; thdt bottle, drank hard, and tried to be tricfry ; A. . ; Huvt httmnp nnttnA . , , , u.l. u,. t I wejOKes were Daaw;uKu.w4 j and one after another ,mey sium awaw, bed, full of bad liquor, and. reeling wttn the the fumes of brandy and beer. Ii THE COMET I - ! . The appearance of BielaVJComet has lew announced in rari.ous shapes oy .wrm? every paper in the United State, and every probably, incorrectly Blanr people; have i evidently mistaken the plancf Mars for the comet. Mars zs now every .near the Pleiadoe,- and rise in the Northeast, shout 10 b'dock P. M. Others have becn: mi5- led by the Nebula in the girdle of Andrc-t , mcda, which certainly Jias something of . the; appearance of a comet, and has caused similar, mistakes former occasions Some . noiri f Ripla'fl Comet have evidently , been manufacturer! from ; BurrelPs rfani 4 nKA - which anoears to have; beM 4 made up from that every crediUhlp pJbli- ; cation, ' the American Almanac, and lleposi tory. It is persumed that thatomc4, which is looked for with great interest both I by the learned and; unlearned, will bo secn v with a tolerable telescope, U least V week before it can be -visible to the' naked eye. When it does appearr it is to be hoped that ' some scientific gentlemen - will 'giro Jto the i publiei its apparent placed .m; iiho heavens, in order that It may be identified by every one. The position j of an object in the heavens is usually expressed in de-- dilution and right assension,! which bear Uie same relation to ihe celestial eauatfOr thatlatitude and longitude io ta the ter restrial. The right assension 1 is measured eastward in the time or degrees from M9 first poinf Aries; but almost every achool boyofthe present day, undersUndf tho nse pf the globes, and - on this subject we need not say more, i ! ---),. . . Should -the Comet "pass its Penbeboa -latcr than Uie drculaUons sUte, or appear to the westward of its computed place, it will come nearer to1 the earth thanfift one millions of miles the estuBated .'dts- , v tanccif a month later, HW corne al wintart with the earth. J A scientific friend who has a tdircoreapaWeJof c&r scrvin tl3 bclipso of Jupiter' Satellites, his net bccaauie to see. tue coraet njw 27th uIL ;-It3 apparent path in tne neavena will be eastward; buti owing triwa diur tiles, ci lixca tzzrz, n wiuapjc irl c to i difTcrbutromicn. pve may tnereiOT cr zlI to record raafridlcaloas accounts cf this ccinctv Ulerc, auv. j ' hcW b;i jtVewh homer aiikedaClay tend?, the other day. nj the heSrwof the Tple; annrere W.,' 1 a I - t t n -13 r-i '-I ft 'i 1 - v. 'IS M if & il tf rv i-i- lit f 'If r It ry.i I i)oUtica. and drink beer. ' Hefcre toe door sued and his onu ke ed flute. I hi ' li ;?iiit : W: ' ' j ."X! .! -v. i v : 1 1 i ! - I 1 i i . i - 3 , . -.47 I: 3 W1 T:1 ' tit X - -I- i I : I. - s ,-.ffi