ii ! . f 1 s ! ft r t -1 . 41 it y '! J r J: i. r 1 - v f ' x i r I i ' H , -' t '''' --t-i-f. . r , ! 7 1 5'. n At J V '-.! y,l :- . !i,?5 -I-: M T ' - ' . 1 , , , II " TT- - II 1 1 I V - Si'. ' "I . ' 1 i1 :;! I BE t.iU ii-irtfl-iiwirMa wiA iefianne&t i. Kail tKistttiiieH'Ctii but wnder tie . pwpf Ul V'JtM("H " i . - I .1 m&3utMlc, with whctock. tiW4WiiiV JnfefnWotf mar the, genera L fclicvca that the ditri6utK; of large mans of tuner by Uotigwss aa we rraiiucns l' &'U il-st lAdaiisiflectioa. fad will tot wctkesioor umdii v ety l nothing of the ttWintert8orcdiont pC our ecujitnr at th expense a anomer, ueni a1r rfrrr: I nnliSw4 rtSjrkyiiea doctrine cf Nulllfica ti,ie onlfiieewsarjr toaay.thatttraUits nd ihtttatioaeittit iatrarj M our raoet eotUed Aiiiiwm of eWl iitt,iaadaauch wilterttbafj j: 'j ins uo" a j w xvt h r-- j whoeihe mildribih firo . County inom tM ftg hadfed iniloi distant from Salisbury and ioj rt HliisHfce the account isyrcf one year ataa4 vMr ATvrtiaidif win be done a ithe ukual ratJ ir. tWi4t'!n(i Will ha withdrawn until arreara? Six iuastribcw paring the whole sum iiuad Iia.nare metrteMuiia.lP tor on vs'r. nr! If adtanced TeirularlT.wiU he coatmui i mA t tfimmirto afterwards. ' 1 i i: All Jdtera ad the WitoT must b pai4 or ?ihr.iinn kk'hef attended .t0.i4l;i'i- I 1 -iMim 'the Editor on the buslufes f f the l O&ceU aadrflsa hU asEd .of ibj! i rTUM ii.i&L,.Thie that write' on otht v ii' itit iW IwEatwioaei taken befcro the! ? tfit-rftMa Waiter. it Willi be 1 reaiea- teredi wocome eoi&e pub)illoacth 1 - 11 1 -1 ; fr.IJ flantinue'for the rarscnt -to practice i- Law in the Couatics it Rowan asd Suny, in fth the Minir k Sawrior Courts. L He will jrtutCie &eat pbr Courts of Stokcp and Da . iridwa iaxrdcriosotUe his buisincss in thosecourt. ;lfuT O3oo is jnadcjtheiceiof the CarJiaa J atchnsan a lew doors below the Mateion Hotel 1 ?kijhe House latef te'cupd WSaml Jouca Esq.. tT HAV0 conatantiiy! ui-lnd at my5 Limekiln ii w Stokes CcaJuyjfTav;orte-tMn win awes- lit and uhalackcdhicn 1 sell at i25 cents per j flshell Jbi Slacked I and $0 fbr unslacked-amt i hta'the MM i si nce &aUi -fcrr' ! 37ic CcpiS-Icar find IVwlfce M- r - 'it ? 0OK3ef Sateriptioa for Stock mthUeonv ru of ' ii.knrv: at th Held M Win. H. Slaughter, and a theIiUrioit Hotd, and will ,reciam open ui tH th lpth day of August next. ,Ths kubscn . Vers sre pleased to leara, from a recent corumuni eition to.mem from the; (unmlssioners at ll- Mafftanthat4l WfiOf t otoct will be taken in theTrbwnof Urningtoo and Fayetteville, and IthattiieroutsRhe mtended Itoad, ; viriUhorfy Jo jrrtayed by aa dmncnt Engineer i i m: WM JAMES MAUTIN, Js. ; Mivnanuiiaoiiiif;.., THOSali. CQWAN,! Wit i H. HOR.H, MAX! CHAMBERS, i &lui$ytft ij- if feS !frlilE trnstect rtepectfully announce to th jrlilLI ,puWicthat! they have eueeefrded in renew ifijajf" Choir 'wgsmai with Mas Amelia Thomp- fion;w xaas ; nargg :ia .-siasututioti. The ' Scktl will go into forxuaUon again on the 15tli rt lifsbrsachttcghi In this esdcmyiarfl r the 1 a u ijuay vnroQoiogy . rnuosopny, floral and i ajsiealii Rhttoric, Nele , AV4 Drawing ia?aiatiRg; Mcsie and the French' IzuaVe. x'. 6; t . IIOKKV J ill "f: I I JRAMSOURi I C'XEONARDi S if a 4 i ill . Mi- if I 1 yAb fceeti tttahlished t at 4he ires dence f pi MItTOIt PAMPflEUU iJuire. i dell cooatja thif aame ef New Hope? whfeh nnianaeof Pobsoaa Post Dmce, David-lwajj- ctengt toRrchFork. : I m m$WTi mm s. dobson. - ft it. if'H 'tskiiv - 4' . ... PoaMasacr.! 1 V- . ! 5 BONDS FOR; SALE AT THIS 11)1: rTTTT IVY IK ft - A. 1 - ftyVNorein 'fclJow&i'Cfentlem1 wilf ifoSefgM r5 7? ;w 'm;; .;4'tW Ijotm . T7I Cade by.them wpuldteaa .Talid.if raae . ; cJljtLy: hi s; -JohVF. tocrEeV " k lJ"baa Ciheoii.Esa. -"5 3 t . tr) Cii jSamU Patteraon; ft i iMessrsi 1! inley jsc ttoucneu. t 4 '! r': JohutS Hardin, ET' 1 f ; ttOCKINGHAM f f Scales. 1 C: C.-Hendado, Ej i V MECKLEKBURCT, Dr.f j;i), Boyd;- 1 "FJ L.nim; Esq l? : MUes Ahernathti i" " ! rin alriPlTR r 'Datid Siorke-;'Eeq;i J' D: M:BkmtMTcr. Em. f f - r r. JMebadeVj '1 . .. r -v ColAV ilitchell, I ? - --iftEDELI j" 1 AVldtliciaKeiTrJcMh'KCalaWiEeq V 'vVsr- 'DAVIDSONS ! v John P-lIahrr-;'1" 1! - V- ti Reasonable cenimission wifl be allowed on mo ney cotfectedi f Salkbury, July 28; 1832.; I. t 1? 1 "r T H. C.'JOiES. We have received the first Number of a new 1 1' J. uuk-i' ir-'-: .ti.il -r?Ji;- iiiti" f 1 WW'rX T rilST its nearness, toa College in more jaaces than one, and from the fayorable epecimeo of No. U, we promise ourself; jpfeasure aitd profit should the Editor follow up the famr okeeplng'up the ex- cnangev u is a; nigmy imctureu iacnsomao, as 5S W mJ5W Wington, ipothcr ofm jwhp. was ?fiist - I . i - 1 m'-mm '- " rrr0 fu wa,' auM",s? IM,,,, Jus. countrymen," was snipped,: on tne a ist ultfrom tnat for FredericJcsburgi uen Jack-1 Sgn, we believe, has consented! to assist in lying tho corner stone. ! f il i - i s i i ! TirE FIRST SNOW! OhiTrjursdhf last, wc were yisitcd by a heavy fall of snow, the first of this season, rriie-bemperature was mild, and a heavy rain had previcfeily fallen consjequently, the naxes desoivcd as last as themiil been si few . degrees aTtbJidry, ': We "' might have sleighing ' The mountains around us have 'been clothed ! in ilicii winter jrarb for two or i)ig. Linrh. Virginian I Ghieriio of Vernumt.-VfB arc informed ej a genueman trom niontpeuer, inat ir. jL'almer hfSibjcea: re-chosen -Governor, by the Legislature. The- final: ballot, wc un derstand, restiltcd :Win. 'Al Palmer, 112 ; amuel Q f-Hfts, 72;. Ezra Meech! S3; W. U. Bradley, ljjai&anj Ecaung Journal I The Nashville (Tenrf.) Bannerf announ ces the irrival of Ilitchell Kmg, Esqi at that place, fob the 6th instil Mr. King is in attendance as one of the Delegates from jthe Union Bajrty in this State on the Legis lature of Tennessee, to aaklj the 'concur fence of that $tate in the project oft South iortflConycetfon. Henry- Middleton, Esq. he tlierlpelbgate. is detained in this State from ill health. . I ) '.S ' ' ' . Shtmp iCkrmtdatc. A Gentleman in. Penn sylvania, vvho proposes himself to the favorable conaiacratwii or- nis leijow-ciustaw as a vsnoi I Gentlcmeii. SUdwrs aial flo mortalsi having mvpb thirteen raod reasons abiive.lwhv 1 ehould fie eieeted SherirT of Perry oounty.amt inronclu iob I appeal to tunder-tandingof die farmers, inerchauts. mcdhanics and innkeeperstor I en rfeeachnl their1 turn to the utmost of my ahUiiy,eonaequently I look fcr aliei support of all such in raiahisr mo to ah office' which 1 shall fill fritli honor to vayseif and justice a the public ; and furthermore 1 am too much engaged lor the bencrit of y:flowcieatureav to goj pow-whoo. nog through tbp.eouaty begigng your .votes but I irustyouwUl bc grrncrous and . give roe your Indepeuderit.tofes as though. I wa present at the '''Iefellowr'' .neinesiatTd lUteernen I &wMk nioUjbseVoiy Tery humble ser tanev ) . . - JAJlto DILL. ;PttntttSc A- I .Vfea-pTho! people j of nlichigaa IdetmiQed hy Ao not to take even Jpjplimittttfy stc; awards assuming the aiKttltat. ifTlie Detriot papers aUrio ;'-at9f i4t4itofi bV; aq prjnmcruiion that jmaling olf a jSfatn Government i would in fcresp the taxation. .. , . i ... ,w . ill " ' ' j : t wOlbesocn m ,oor poetwjcoraeri- ,slie.S.ii:fctter;ahaaiN aopcmed be&reen theni sod tiierstood Jur.CUywrdenjith should be t . J t ii 'i v r.f 4fP r rocking to1 and fro '.'on either side s yaw- cU. p I - r 5 r uf6 woadoes, aunt.aatjs .Jitfle j bbbk ning chasm The fndT rose in aves, 'i -? r !,'' eyes began to twinkle she sat down beaide ine i. :irJL. ki k.7 r WernirromithaNoWltorkdMly .lololfrl SCi.&n(?5Lte!S,VS i - 7. . .. i . .,.& . the njvfr nf hr nntThnv in fmi tvivj rtfi nil piam nouea and struck their nuin bead to- teotfers nnjy good arguments! iri snpport tf pis cjLaiins j &1 concludes his vfry fmovirig ad idresii hfthe '&i!lwin2,.ternisl:-"': f ' 1 i' K f . A Kti" V 1 ' ; 1 : f 1 14 m 'i ! " Niw; let ii wcrk. Muchu-f thoa rt t&ot.? . !1 Take what coarse thm trilt.1 : The tuiifft uftlw f Ipwid- U ti ;cp.Ui In a ;h2hlwic iHllae.wbQM. jisli; like tbBou& poofle f AAiCvtrere rwiihci,h en to fithecXteQ; hear .ewae jw thing,; lired &nim P, a fiee&& &4 ijsisatrrfa bodyKosejdkai am evea jrirj' jaidpf jJB' lagmllecjrd, ad:&afi:lie:ieiaJMt r $oua edition, frrcn folbdowo U) dooOectitH;! f 4: fr.Ajtf Ltzjy was1 Deacon Swiei .Miftaiaer. raaida lad of alwoftyfeflity i U the) meeting kept fejW'fWo(-?jf birth, (Rth aaiMnartfii doctored all the b&cxt&nd knew.cyBrjrysrb in the nciiibood ahovml all the r: tocpz roarr ried rwomen . how L to . oaak .ecapr at hen thej had iod lucj. oao tfi4 ihf fineviehewae a kwd oft.iciiiarrt her nm in gome from heese ta i House, graun outa grist et flaiider to "eacferfin oteaaioa reqmrf ed but, always concluded with " the Way 4cf craasgressors is nam n MWJ A, or u. aa the c45 was) I ily her xxom the boUua : of ray heart,1 or somotuch iry ; iaoottwis' jefloctko. Aunt Ltizy waa always fery a t ol laakiiiff trangera and othexe. witljoiriWd tltme Jc placed the- state of ttieir mirtils , irqwt;th?y en iuteJ thar mujoV &c4'"TheW iuoaf feipa w4ri t! jL.:.'rl.-i.j iwiriVnail fia:shM hi v... .1.. -Tf : Ji.ii I ered such infcllrctual murder aaeithestahliah t ing her own fair reputation of eatertaining the ti her society ececablc. v.. One warm summer's afternoon, as thii Squire wasatiuaj nfar au omce pipe Auat; Liaxy wad pa&tin speed, ruminatiog on tne as' ottue oar the Squire broorht her soddenly feva iUei saii ors aay, bjr , what's : your hurry jiUQt jLizy ? waiK iu.i - lae old lady, wuo nesrer wanted a so- 1 cuuu umuuon, went uiu ma utucu . iuf jaa jui- lowing daltJgue soon commenced. J - ;-,,iS;: . - f Weill Squire P. lihave been thiakioer this farcnooa what an useful wan iyou rai2Ut no, u i VVhy as to thatjeuat 'tiaw, alWieerfBl srja. ' . - : n-l : . I countenance 1 consider aa the oes tadex of a l gratui ueart, and you ,know wnat toe Dioie 4aya on that subject' Wnea yefast, be not ias tha hvpocrues of nsod Ciiuntenance ; but i anoint y lcad andi feel for her pocket handkercnici, for tsUe was a t.ir;nSth.t th. .nrr W ' Now, thore&mrro tbatr lust what I ' told 1 you eee bow you "have the; , tcripttr iat your Jngue's end ; what sal' uefuV iaan youmight be 1 our- church, if you'd only be a doer as wl v a nearer oMoe word.' i I T i i si 'vAs to tnat. aunt tixzy.l.aon aee that you ' yrtfesmf as you call tlteuv. are a wit better tbWl ainin prW j i rgsjict a sincere plo- itssion as muce aa any man ; but 1 know enough I LilK lUyPr fu fiP.r null FlfiK II .hinpbeing to"toS, fot , - acandaluSma.heooiatenceifiiJ- - ow. cwmre, i want-to know3What you mean i by one a our church. ? ,; 1 know Who vou mean the troJL.p I didn't liko so X many eurls abous aer head, when site told her experience.' t eiuirofinatngcuritWu ingfihis boots on, had no ocoaaion to add. spurs to the heels, 'or the old lady had one in her bieadj that was worth both of them AcWdiirziir he had peace until he consented to expUMnJ What he uwsni uy uic capress:on mHNi'--?tU9 was a , i.- ,i. . t la.. -ii '. TxTr, . r If' ,1 TVki ilv secret? i f i -t w: Yes, Squire, I declare I won't y never top no-i nouyfnothHig about it as long jaeil brtAth 'he prcam o. luoana j Jitaiwc a U)le oath onit; it4.Ar irnrritrt in tfi tint. .1 J 'ni.. :1" ii-. Weii. vim km.' kt n l wt w. iiostou-a veir aAi : : - OTClllt. UU UJ xes. ves. squire, and I Know who went With yoa too ?wf a. ana i-Toily P.; audi her sister Prudence.' j , j U 11 -,fcr uunu wiio went wttit; me, auni.Jb there was a. whole tot of jasiHiejs -tlut, t - 'None of your butSt rfiiu'--)ut with folks wtU act o -a trollop - :- ; : , y ' "evcr mind who went with; ine, aunt Liny ; but' it if Op' I - X , V y liut, aunt Lizzy, I'm afraid you'll sbriog. me into tiic.sciapo' .. AX've told you over arid, over again, that nobo dy never shall know uothing kboul it, and your wife, knows I ant leaky- ; g My wife ! i wouldni have her hnaw what 1 was goings to say for the j world why , aunt Liay, A she should know itH ! , ' Vi'vll, don't be afeard Iuire, onc fori ail, P1I tale my oath that' no ilvjng cntter ahant ne ver as long as I live, know a lisp on't.' :"t'' 'Well, then if you 'must know iti-I slept with one of the likeliest of your "church mem bers nearly half the way up 1 1 ! , t: j i i Aunt i-uzy drew in a long oreaUir-rShut np her snuff box, and put it in her ;pocket,'mu;tiag to herself- " -, J , II The. likeliest of our church me&beisi; J. thooght it was i Sassy B.-4ikeltJUhhiumss of being flattered a trollop. .Weil,' one thing 1 khdw- the way of transgresaofs Ul haid l but 1 hope rou'll never tell no bodv-ont.Scuire ! lor aartanatt the world, ifwch a ihiagl should be I - t- . ' !' . S f . t'?l Mown, our cuuroa wouia do scatterea abroad, hketheep wimoutxsslpperf.'f U, ! : " In a few morneuts aunt Lizzy took her depar ture, giving tho Squire another caution and al sly wittk, as she said goodfiby -let me alone 'far a ae. cVet. ; ' ; " i px: - x It waS not many days befuro Squire P. receiv ed a very polite note from Parson G. requesting him to attend a meeting orHhe churchy and: ma ny of the parish at the south: Conference room, iu order to sottle some' hHcultiejs witC(N Serf the church meiabers, wh-i, in order ui clear , up her Character, requested Squire Pjio be pniseut. ' " The Parj, who was a iver rorthy man, kndw Uie frailty of some of tKowfeali! sliteis, as auut.LfZzy rjil'd thera,and 'as he was a psriicu lax &btid of Squire p B,prfxesrjed bun in his nolo to say nothing of it tohisrwi,iU But the Sqniia vom lh hint, and lrtnj his wltr that ihrfc waja Parish biecung, rt-questieg htr to :e .ready by ! e??is. an V!d rail r hex. '; llaffc,and tbertJby rteaOarmg T21K7-u'n7 lSLWMLlr5T w 1 juuu uuijr itreuvuriigaiwnvcraii, along tne shoro,?i Kainsfor'a, accompanied meguksaysand bpcorne a ; seriaua maa- by , g , you myht be an ornaaient k j both church and V iuZ pLr . i- 1 : 1 T it-t- rirr;n..MWa f ' 1 of 1110 Great Ine,; as f it w called, a - & 2 l-AQ eVeiter ere alaatcty oa th ittjTBan thilr Villas haa bceninlee'todi and mrtimWrlW thn; dwrch,:called monV Linjr -1 in prcicnee uf vumpeuDg,tDuuci.M-e. the ciiorch, to como oat and meafwUlt f Bibla oaA;MmtIqar, that utily told Beacdit Snipper onlaad aRiSPn that ahe-WQoWt nercrtdl iwbodrfefca Wt. Diacon 'Snipcle ihad,1x appiiri Ufa til gcrToothaker aiter neter l tWll nobody whole meeting, tVa he iorf , he' told aunt Lfy ayieleptwith a chutch memberl Aiiffhi. ta XSirfd; thai fee weHeted her to' he one of rteturouM l.reiiaJl-cm eyee fgtejwwv lternate!JfcSuy!SBV! fanTUjre w TCi ne cuire rq .sooner .p? rcay in:sh4)iia viea3 bydeclarip fi rporiiber, tdtujmimvall&cUr3 teas Jus own fcwruZ trri f'i1,3 nndet a larse death blow, to scandal in the - rillara which all ai prBacninconxa not nave oae. - T . . Extracts from PaaWing'a Kemntfvel of' i f W EST WARD HO. ' . " 1 iuir.-f Wfcife the arguments of toe broad hont were ffathennir drit wood :. L! 1 . 1 - - ' - 'a ' ... . - 'FP wWBaj ipr nianr mucf from the wroers pi ine Mississippi. ASiney, st auminng inc romns cxiunao, . ot vapor which gave to its vast surface: the appfear- ccursing with ther eyes the dead noiseless .ui,j m j- T - r , 7 . . solitude, a disUn rumbling sound caught nwrnent, and in a moment eginning again apparently nearer than before. .It was succeeded by afast cloud i of jdust, which all at once ohsciiiea the air, and hid from their yiew the face of the world. Cut dirt stranger, for your life; there's li i - v t- ... J , . 'uPaL kuL '"f H whirlwind coming,'? cried, Captian 5 am, BUfiU,5,"c "t w iwo wyru. gher with-a cflb. and , hf eath otto with their glint I ji.nta; the earth bunt its . cj - ; . strong ribs, and rose, and split into- vast lartuc auo niucia uuist uuwu mull bounds, and white they formed new' lakes. places, in osiers tney lelt large spaces high i and . dry. ; Anon the . waves of the firm fixed earth eiibsidcd for a moment. 1 nnd she lav trcrhhlirur and euiverincr aa in . ; - : ' r -i - a the paroxysm bflaW ague. this appalling interval, Rains- been thrown, by the vibrations, and the ttciy iWtSasryKSrhlch V bbfiOTd iru ia cterf ixJy rthand which he did aot hirolf btdleTfl -rard;cU SiafreJein ealteltqtatand aa'witiijiafteif taiotw m rwelt Wouri the Mlcf slander; AST wCj l Ti "u,,rreoT,niq a -rjr, ot laugnier. from -hfrS wiibjeroat W ot. joiaiogand Famh 1 G,afler -'-iinstinetiTelv touffht refuse they knew not whither. The (Captain rbade towards the river. 'as . bpihff this natural element, while cnmQCa one of the lofty trees thatskurted the lounds of the interminable plain irom r a VB watets, which as well as the earth seemed 1.. w strusetinr; to free themselves from the let- ters of Nature's inflexible laws. He had scarcely done this wlien i again the same atinallim? noise I aooroaclicd from another quarter, and agiin the fiiro set earth began to heave and cUrl itself into a sea of waves tint seemed to approach from a distance, gathering strength, and rising, 1 higher anu higher, until jllicy burst, aatteringg vast volumes of wafer snd sand 1 high in the air. and leaving! 'the ground seamed with teep chasms, which the. traveller still sur- veys with astonisnmcm ana uismay. in a few moments the earth seemed changed into a duTerent I elenient ; and to become an oecan. A arg portion of the district a lound was covered with the waters, and tne tree on iiwhicH Rainsiord had soughl rcfiuze stood rocking to and fro in the midst of 4hcrnJ Uarxjiess, , or u least an obscurity, like that of a total eclipse of the Sttn-icamc orer the world; and such was tKe dismay of all' animated nature, that 'ailittle bird carhe and sought refuge in the bosaora of thejyddng' man, Where it lay 'quiet and tame ; in tbd tiapce of (error. Jiefould felts.lktle . ltSJbcat against his own, and cocvmi'nion of cympathy be tween hira anditht panting fhiercl-was not unsoothinff in this tfnUecoirs. ' i V ' f CastihR 4hial eyeff t)wards1the fcawn of WcirIadnLlld tete!::trie h ins and tumbhirt to pieces, and the people feeing Jto kn'mPM: blithe toperetiQ of overwhcUsi terror. Torninjg to,&3 diississippai tie suddenly ooscneu particular jspotlbbil; up, and overflow its banks carrying boats and evrerjt thing that floated on its surface far over into the fields, v&ett they wef e eA eftwredu. Ksy?; $ spared neither the liriui nor the dead. for at once bi sawl the Jittlof graveyard the vilagc, wih its 1 mouldering bones and quiet mhabitints, lifted, as it were, from its resting place, ad hurled into the torrent, ta we tzcilca t -ua : xa,li r q ,cr la'cterm- 4jt idcpitcm his empire, ?tiTCfautaa ilea tha; a r i si..,. r . . I Tsxi cs ; f 1 F 3i "t- many rnic hi3;b, ?ars . wally ;owa -inMhs spring woul4 be ieitir iJwtf wWjfall-i pwaaUwhen-we 'loOtldar now ; Uuld tuns' ther tsibrdJaV sIl thinly M if&rfnrintaw: earrots,! beets onions; al nianif other t&mM may 1 boleasll t -Sown ttnlsltt W seed wtU ot 1 perish,of covered with ths earthy ' J1 1a - Seeds of all jiawiU lis safe iato way all the wiater.tboozh ihe Aust wdetfato to h d:d- tancs of threa fbet beneath tbesi, except t seeds WMva ywiH UUl IIQCI WIU CUV JQWn The suedLliibe&htel t rthgguad bahi eaos w bring it mf. j iu ,mw Knu ut cvKwnoem ana mtiions and J Indian oora, unless buriedbeyond the;reach ofthe i ut44ueBoo m we mtAOBpnere. rren early peas I would be brtt aown in mff, boutl you hare an insurance against mice. we all fcnow what ousHo uicra.ur ureci ui eanr ceaa. if thew were sown1 ia the tall they would Start up the OMxncav ui iron iwaa out ot the irraund. and would t;BrdajslearlM":m bearmfclfli inite of ;Tery cuort raaa py me spnng-growers to make their tea' overtake1 them: Upon a snot where I ared pe for seed Jutyw, some that was left in o, iock ui,nauicn ait we Harvesting, and that lay upon the dry 'ground, till: the land was ploughed r late in INovember. cama un in the spring t,he inomeh thd frost wai entireiyat of tne ground, and they were ia full bloom fifteen days earlier Uun those sown in the same field as early -aa it wm possible in the spring. Doubt less, thev .-would have ! borne neu fitWn Avn sooner; but there ere but a Ty few of! them, and those standing) struggling snout, and 1 was obliged to plough ub the ground where they were ijjrownj. u some case it would be better to co- ver mis sowd frrooaa with leaves or trees, as soon as the ffyst has fairjy se. iaj but riot before, tar If you do it before, the seed may .vegetate, and then may be killed by the frost: -One object of ;thxs tall sowing, is, to rjget 'the work; done readVfor springj'fbr at that season; you hate so many, imngs to do at once! besides you cannot sow tne instant the frost breaks up; for the trrdund f ia wet and clammy, nhnt to be!duir. c? touched, oV:4rod- nq ceu wuicii nas own in ue prouna an tne U- J L'.t'i Lit.LiH : ! L- J ill ' winter, is ready to: start the momcat the earth Is clear of the winter fros and it is up by the time! you can get otner aeea into the ground in a good State. all sowmf of seeds to come up'ia the spring, is not practised In England, though they- xe aiways oesireus to gui meir iuioss eariv The reason is, the uncertainty of their winter. which" pisses sometimes With hardly any frost at ..II '' -,T iTLj is. 1- L- Ll ! t-. u trees tne rhsxnes over. It is sontetunee mild till Februmry, andtbeu severe. Sometimes it begins with severity and ends with mildness, bo tnat nine times out iof ten their seed would come up and the plants would be destroyed before spring Besides they have slug! that come out in mild weathor, and eat tip amali-plansi ta the winter. Other insects sad reptiles do the like. -From these obstacles the' Ainerioan gardener is free. His wintex sets in; and the earth is safely closed up against 'vegeution till the spring. ; 1 am spea king of the north tf Virginia, to be sere, but the g-irdener to the south will adopt the ottservations to his climate, as far as they relate to it. f : JcOiWS. It is pre-fuppused that a dir aad eomfortable cow-house has been1 provided, containing a stall or two, and a calf pen, 'aad it is recommended in the "General treatise bn cault, to confine the hinder lege of a cow, whilst milking,1 as well a the head; the former of which iS most securely etTocted by two x siluaps of wood fixed in the ground, to which the hinder legs may be atrap ped. They who aim st' perfect security, as early as that may be obtatoed, will perhaps make it a rule never to milk a cow with her head and legs at liberty; but most J as has slways been the prac tice, will always incline to put confidence ia the' quiet cow; many such, however, have 1 seen ac- cidentaliy kick down a; swimming pail of milk. and that may very proably happen when the ar- tielo, being scarce, is of the most consequence the urtfjrtunate attendant, made or female, then marches into the house; with a grave Step, a long lace, an apology, anu an empty pail. The nrovisiou of f.jod for the cow must be loo ked upua as the prime concern ia the daily busi nead. lbr snch a codstant dairv draocht upon the animal j a ices cannot be answered, but by aid of the most ample supply, even to saciety, or num tiv.ua and seculent victuals; not that, occurring to the absurd potions of niauy persons, kiotp regula tea and onasiises niilJtthir, b the breed whatever it may, since in some breeds, the keep turns to milk, in others to bee but because tha truest and largest mil !cer will very soon loose that pre cious facility without nroponionate, that is to say igh seeding. Keep short and meanly, and your milk and butter produce will be in exact propor tion, and the cow when dry, emaciated ana oi liule worth. ' :! ; , ? I ' . A ramir vn ve&f smeo. ksbt e iff h teen cows upon a aanmoa and was ofn oMigedlto buy but ter fir his family. SThe common was mciased, aud me same petSoa supplied ms-ramily amply with milk and batter, tnna tne proanco ca toai cows widl ketrt- I I Great niOT seldon carry any Ceah opon their bones, and are Iperhaps as seldom made tat but tkev mv as ther! fro, and never tetirs la our drbt: The dimcnltles iiicjw keepuW ate these the eirioe nf their fui is cooiidirab!, more eoeeiallV with r-SDeCt' to, any wh'h most be purchased and. if the prodace be' icvndetabw, itmaybs sllsingeaileerm linsji be fceding a sparing jailker intt 1f-D d if yi sunt her, or alkrw oaiy tirciiary .iooa you ge- siwaeT mow ncsmilk4 . j:x I'liv.. V-' ..Jt"' g-atrnilJtaimlrsl aaid give taem iiiW, could they cai tt, ta this rw, "j dependedoo.nmkUalwaysofraore valas than the bestcW-fondwaicliis the jit; aed a cow, 1S flititril tcAmJr4?mhich is ered milk, wUlcuuvert ail iiioapsW nd suhataniial. Into that fldd t in f-V Vfui roqmre otLh authl i adtcT-noar1autinU' t yti'1f ar.k M4unUt. W to DTocrauon, ui. irr S.tta3 prcr r- .Xat. 'rImiU Vr: ! i be TVdcr trumt'aMstritnh withfca er i. . as liafcrwioW ;whfirwiai syikVi the c!s;rj4 hch would a caly M uHnnr;'' mashed, VTTjiaoulTa have exercise, and': it kH1'' necessary- when,, sxtraordinary ndat:sfgodfc nT iAnather. ETeat object far cmr eraelr mux, cream ana batten in a generous abundance WWll iuaty throuwutthe jirluter as well as the .srnmer :seasap;i and of these: U they'will uacareiKWgb tot walk. it ur oU and will trvgVlen patht-thej hXU faiUThe me Jhod is by contriving hfxeahlimlker the winter, with aa amale store of the blt W vjaioasfiir mejpaaoari i i L": . f, tocted that ecooomvia the leadin ;1 Vt, ' d oor'plan. Natural grass the nmaad bestf all fuod.tVrjfca r3C3,ucoTOe ixno3 urai, ana graen tares are a.Tejy.aeccuieat aaaV,nutripcs Vwa;for. milch cows4( 4The saving octho nfjianagirig jgnsj, and H will beund excellent economy where the prvpriotor may hare only a small dote !or twol is w t owwiht; anuT, ana ireej trom the tread of the cows, and to cut the rraae aa Hian usu3cient leath and sahstapce acid.' eatry 4 ta them V tin mnm bmrrlr rtt t 'mM tT..' V. uaieaiflMx.ecaing in the moraiaff, i-This to cootlnae thrornrhout the season, and as-late int Jtama as any growth can - Vena exherienfiA m-fhtt years smce.mreeaereVgu wppueq inixiy mucn. cjws wiU two awce ca, . or twenty-eight rouadi. darhig twu h-mdred days. Hs dssrfes thit,toav sncpikd Cien with twe mm requiraa acTenrr re acres, of land fjrite productioa.' And to hive irrazad sueh a n-.i nr.-r . of cowsat liberty, thai length of tune, i( !s cbn- pua, must have takeTi a r ery .idershh; nua. oer oi acres. . loenable tha meadow to support this exliaustlon from the sevthe. it sl.ouhl ibs dearedatjthe end. of every autuma,, from, kll kinds of, weeds and rubbi. and frcfH jrrisa , seeds of the best kinds cast npon the harp placi. -A coat of good manure should be , then at jwed. consisuag oi au, inat can be caiccted , lrj.n ixwaetiotd, or procured elsewhere, mixwi up and. augmented with virgin earth.," Tho gardon will assist with it. superfluity in-. feeding the cow; and Jcttnoes, is t, change of dirt; will help (to torce the secretion of milk.r . Should , the rr a iood;ur;,the cow, a saiall Quantity of goon lay ' must be auowed daily.. , . . -The few advocates tor the eeoanmical mAc. xi feeding cows alwaye direct them to 05 kept on tirely in the house, both" summer. and winter, i a practice to which I hate strong objection , npi only on the score of the animal's health and cow fort; but that 1 have always observed oxr. ! 1 ataoad to increase ttke quantity of milk. Ti us the cows may be tuned upnn the common, rt- . main or to come, lmtae at their liberty, being M to the full, with cut grass, morning and evea'm, with ths constant caution of; allowing them shel ter in the fly season.?; They mar It abroad da ring tho summer eights, ia a well littered yard, . or secure waste, a aumciency of cut grass bein aa tbeir command. Pure water is of great cunw quence to thd health aad product vimoss of the cow. llono beast dnve the other at feedia? tones tie up the mistress. . ' . ' , ; ; Winter cedm.--The chief dependen e tor cows is rowen, or, atter .matix hsy-- This must he eitherirownat horaf?, or ?'r chased. Itis a Piece of extravairance ito allow a good milch cow dry straw becauso ntui is . worth more thin hay, b;it , should tho ne cessity exist; of usiniF straw, none other. is fit than oat straw: Rowen, or after nnlh is generally supposed to force' nulk, fvtt -Sa -poor pastarcs perhaps the first crornikjf be rrefcrablei and I hlye lately . been in; formed by m London cow-keeper, agobd . ' feeder, that he has "discontinued, givirig rowen to hiseows, findin? the best hay most prontable, Uarrots : sre. an . excet '. rit winter food,1' indeed the host of the rht. x una , mangold or beet aJso,vtaords a picit fiful supply; which last-f ! however m3?t'f aispcAvea wiiu ; cauuon, cows navingcfj: -hoven by it . If potatoes. ;L bo given in cows, they should be steamed or baked,; those who venture to trivc them raw anil mashed, allow hay1 withthem as wlien they . are in tbe raw state and freely dispensed; they seldom fail to bring the scouring 'rot on coi onusca iutzc ups arc ycry gooc. -and help to mako capital winter , batter. Cabbages may, be given mccrately, but turnips make thin milk and bad butter, in spite of all the nostrums which have beet. recommended as preventatives. Tho, mii- ; erable practice of gi ving ml cake to ce wa insures greasy, anstibstaqtisl, ill-sceiitc butter, and has a similar f effect on vcall When substantial food appears ncccss 317, a daily moderate feed of oats broken, "of fine pollard, moistened with wattr, is most . proper x ; h With the two cows in fell milk, rosy be kept well, s breeding sow, or two or threw young pigs;: snd 'should the proprietor de sire t sperimea! of the finest milk foci-pork,; he may feed a pig : upon skimcd milk, with! the addition of a verytrnallqn-ntitv ofuiricy or pea-meal, making it throughly fit in fob months. . - . Mitch bta$U should never be exposed by nigM to the inclemency of the winter season which chill them and dries up part of tholr milk, keeping them backward in all bene fitdal respects. ; At any rate, they should have si well 'littered shed, in which they, caay repose in comfort, and with their lions -dry matter of great consequence to their .health. -- n . The innttalmjpt cf grass and hay, if turned to grass is from one acre to an acie and a Jialf of pasture iatlie auarmer 4 and from a ton to a ton and a half of hay in tho winter.- A cow miyj bo allowed j two pecks of carrots jxr day. The grass being cut and ! carried, will ccon - , oinoise it fall one third. ' . ' , 1 About 40rniwiirtTii CiiarUtos Hail H ts the Po9t, U , cow travelled upon,: and Vj A. . ti: 1. - t- -r t 1- I- 11 9 x.U -Iff V ti x ii 4c P II w f he 1 is. fi. 'V5 i 3 ' . i 11:1 1 1 ... 1 - H , :i?- i 0 .t . 1 J T ' -"