Tf& . ,: ;, PfliiMSiii Jl)--'-v vf L.;-l!L 1' . M , . , . . . - - - 1 - - - - - - - - ; . - ill u -4' i- i- i hi I It I" i I t LirliclumrV nit tifl (Tatters himself tn iii&to 'ifid Commerce may W prorwrtedi by t laioN Ifiood hnortli an! refinement it shall of these, whether open or luddcn, hej fill W x&twk t4 K strftngth.j j CriUcM, trit, i2.'iiitU&uil tcrswtaJjc will i endeavor ft r -. : - ' . ..- - & . - - - . - ' . tKMacrred itol can bnt hinder the broper IkiyramBit! Iter Will feel, it lV W. 5 jttiltMiacNly whi'. hM been WKcl .j iK I?..Sf KanK. --Wtliniucn ciiuv-i u il Li: . .tfwri4tice mav uave euvf " d Ummms: tho cxcisft eTitbp jpQwer J.nniwrniaiidthclTedent. wyt, pro- itoiedwtf8t' and disalJtion,ahd will ypti: tyieiicy of racrt lepprfatioru- Apnst a till fcfc i hai I forii ts d)ject, lhe of tWlAt onHstion of our counfrjrt at the 4n Qfanotber, the best energies of Uiw paper wiiloppoRrd : ; ,:. .J ni? nrtTfrwWlr wm?ited doctrine of Winca. ttm4. w bnlf 5DeceSiry to say,that in all its iases i U ftntrnrv to our nvKt Settled ,; :..c riirt! tvittr 'and as such will bo cooibat I CU 1V til U utCklMUU L : ihshod every wek af TRrw Xteflar tier year, in advance w1i4rewm Jive Counties mare "than ftll casiw where thi account is over one year stan dliiSthptitwni he 54. . : ; . ' . ; X .. i t So:fwenptw8 will be taken for leas than one 3yel ipVertanff will h lone a tthe usual rates. Krt iinWrintiotrwiii be withdrawn until arreara- gMre?lHduStfei j fi I jt incnrrf paying le wrhole sum in ad- ycyyahlifad Ltthrikme rates afterwarda, . ' h i ' ! f All letters to the liditoT must ba Ped pwd or -tpV will hot be attended to. f! - i - i Prrsbns addrrsutethc Edttw on thecusmeas of th OiTice, will aldresR him aa Editoj of the nf!JKOeftttrh that write on om ythWsiS'eaii dtt)eClolI;C Joniee.--jt slflfAlitheS "feuIcriprionst taken before the namfnticiment of this Paper, it will bejremem Iw.;ai tfvwm Ant nn the nublicaUon of the first ;v ft-fpnfTT -v : ft j .. O. JONSS. r f l :f :i httftsf: fnr the present tot Practice i ! Iwtn thK3oimties of liowan and Surry, In both the coiinty & Sepcrioi Courts j He will riit th?lriGXt Superior Courts of Stokes and Da ln nortlef tosttle his business in these (urts. lis Offij- is under the office of the Carolina Watchman a faw :doorssbclow the Mansion Hotel in the Itjse htejy occupiedby Sam'l Jjines Elsq. tn a l aYrrn. 1 i - 1 LIME.- It Sffi. eonstintjy ori hand at my jLimekilh li Stokes C4wifire8islotie:lim both slack wl?anslacMrhh VI sell at 23- cents per Bushfrt Jor.Slacll and 50' for unslaeW and Whenjhuantity one hundred bushels lis tak- at sid and 1 aid for, the price, wi some iwmt lessened ir w .. - . ! f ifiliHl mr:- -t' .1:-.-' -.h- ! 1 I 2 trusty liespcctfUlly announce I to th ' ' putlid, that they have succeeded in renew y tHigag4eatwitliIiw Amelia Thonrp hUtitol take ! charge t of this Institution. The K-iiM a ill go into operation a join oni the 15th JOcSrliHi "tf -flrr-.- ". ' I ; r'ljfte hches tatjht m-this Academy, are the idilhfiBiaoff Ealisa,r Arithmeticj, deognphy, llisyr Crooyi Philosophy; iloral and iPlrvScall! Rhetoric Needle Work, 1 Drawing r ai4iuig iiifici anu xne r rencn ianguage. i- 7 Vi ilMcUKK, !C I D. HOICK, III i E, UEINHARDT, i J. ItAMSOUUl L. ?V C; LEONARD S : "i ' ;P. SUMMEY, PT 'J. D. HOKE. 1 a i-1 O S i AlfjRtW24Gnih!lVinT fUtm artrwit iK lt will ore- leih to Charles L. Torrence fo tavment. and Ilipersindebted by pote'otf book I account ixt tli4i:rle-teqnestcd W callon j Charles iirirHa the same, as ihe alone or pis ; iUdrttey isajith6riscl to giye receipts for and sciiieai flQuis aae saiu nrm M, CLA11 LAND. i jl persons indebted ; to tlier latb firm of Utlandhatiduorrence. arel rohiPtH if. Pf Iftirward and tnake iinmllxipi fvivmint l.ri'.rn-Y MBwraocw. without distinct ,n . AS been J established M1LTONI C AMPBEli; in Mjftffil6 ?of which -$. HE name pf XJobsoas Post Oii. v Ti Counkl'wchangned to Ricn Fork. H I-ivrr, - -" ' ! II . BOKtlSs FOR & CLE' ':"THIS fi torFirVi Hi i " iCASiy r-.-- lHajis$iryIoyjl74wl7 r i , . 1 i ! aliabury iU: JSaturdsy; Dumber lt 1833. 1 The fbllowihsr Gentlemen j will Ji?e me by acting as Agebts ibrthe Watcim in the sev feral Couniiies,! where they reside and receipts made by thfem would be as Talidjssjif made by 4f,.-. i i, f j i - i - - -m ? f i nnaelf vix : i VQJL SURRY COUiT:!. Francis K. Armstrong, Cbpt; John Wright, (U.T.; B:yright, Peter Clinsrmam. " ! 1 J STOKES COUNTY Jhti P. Poindexter, ;Eq, i yaafel Gibson. Vjsa. I if s WILKES COUKTjTji Co Saml. Fattefsbn. ,4 Mossn. Finley & BiHieiiell, I :. BURKE COUNT Robert Pearson, Esq. Sidney SrErwin, j John P. Hardin: Esn. j ! .ROCKINGHAM RooeTt Galloway ,r. A. M. ibcales, Esq : j LINCOLN C. Henderson, Eji ! ! MECKLENBURG I DrJUiD. Boyd; F.L. iSmith, Esn. Miles B. Abernathy I li ! CABARRUS1 ikyjdStorkc, Esq. ! 1). M. Barrmer. Esq! I T GUILFORD. Dr. J A. Mebane, j j If L ASHE ; J . Col. A. Mitchell, i! I i ! it- IREDELL. Wliitficld Kerr. Joseph P. Caldwell, Esq. I , ( H DAVIDSUN. i 1 Jwhn P. Mabry. I ! Rra wnable commission will be aflowed on rao- heyeoIlectBd.i H. C.JONES. Salisbliryuly 23, 1833.; . f I iBjRMOT McMORHojiH. I Ve 1 ave given in our last . paper, some ex tracts frpnje Poem of John Q, Adams, and if this1 whjcH "is all we have seen, be a fair specimen , all whoiidrtire Mr. Adams,1 (and we confess our jsel ves o that number J must; regTPt the effort. It fs a stiiTjr pedantic obscure cpsnpiisiticln, and comes mon th literary reputatiixi ijf r. Adams as a blight ori ajripe Harvest, pur excellent Ex President was certainly not born a. p-jet, and if kny onef hits! ever attempted! to make him one he ought nbt'to haye drawjn hi waee, fr he has fexetedJiu -taskl in ; ah tmorfonan-like mannerf Could we only "se0 ourselves as oth prs sec fre Mt. A', would never ' have essayed fclie 'LyfefNo friend of his from any thing they pvel sajv of heard; of Mr. AdarHs, would havead-ise-hni iburd iiahd to -ymvi m ; he Speocer Stanza or any other Stanza unfeasli they wanted to have! t'leJ j 37 th , Proposition of Euclid set to mus:c.-r-We would as soon have expected ;to ieat of Pomine Sampson's dancing a lour hand led reel! to the tone of Tulhwk Gorum, wr of an jOctemaarian hancrin? himself for-love, as of JVr. lAdamsj taklnff this trip to Parnassus. We. have after ail, seen some papers that praise this pro- Eduction as something very uaminne, ana one In particular speaks of - the sm-wthness of the wrsilictioi---Now, to, our iKwrl judgment, ; if Jtheir bo any one uiult in the sauiple afforded a uive utK uiueis, 11 is me cruac iimiiute 01 ir- etic and common place language, and- the awK iiward ttan.spbsiticn of the sentenrj i$, making in tthe whole, las unmusical a composition as rer jwas heard O that my I euemy would write ;a book' was'; the exclamatiod ofr Job. and he thoujrhht it I the opportunity above all others of Iputting his; enemy under hSs fet Had Jdj been ajentte and such a book as this had fallen Into lus hands' he would no 'doubt have been lioublyi rewlced. Mr; Adams should haye re membtredj the celebrated v reply of Alexander Me Mfrai, wnen ne was inviieu ro join in uic Olympian jgames M If Kings -were! niy compel ttors 1 would enrare in these sports.? VV e dare say that Mr j Adams could compare with any provuuu iit-au ui me woriu ; in ruing epic peie try dr any tiding else : But to eriter ihe lists wi tli all sorts ot men in a same, i where the play is so fearfully against himr is of itself Coming down from his high estate. . i Qfki Excellency Montfort Stdkci, to the Ge GEKTtEMlEJt,!,. ' . 'I; jij j - "; i fThe Weeing of the representattyes of free men; in all countries where freedom exists, is at all tinSes in interesting spectaclej ; and when it is considered, that they come frbiht their homes from their ; fire-sides, and TellKjuish the com .iortsof -domestic life to attend to j their public du ties i Iwhen they make srreat sacriticts of , time. "and bf their private concerns, prompted by no o- uier motive inan tne public; gout ; ciauuing nor expecting no other reward than that ot an approv ing conscience it is not an easy iask properly to f sumaie mo sum oi grauiuue wjiicnis aue irom jh pk-ple to their faithful representatives. . On the; present occasion, surfer ; me' to amgrat ulatdyouupun the appearance, Jlpf general prus v?rit in I'ne iState, and for i .the j enjoyment of a a coamonl share of health by its ; chizeus, at a time! W heu other portions of the world have been Visited by I a idost dieting iialady.' For ihesa bles sings jof health and prosperity, we have reason to be thankful juj Almighty God : jlAndj it gives us Inst ckusei to rely with contideucje upon iu cm- tinudj mercy jin avcrtmcr the calamities' which .thivateu iho peace and hannoaylofl Uir beloved couniry. Fdr it is npt to be denied rwr, disguis ed frlln ourselves that the measures recotaiut-odv i .. f '4 ! i -; . . ii iJ . J ed an exciteu pjrucu oi. me pouutera - puupie. if persisted in. must have a teinlencV. to weaken the j&s Whicik have heretofore a happily uni todbs together as a naUori. AVhateyer may be iuier issue' of tiiis atruggle,! rejoice that the peo- pie orxMorth Caroluia have wistiy avcauea , any inteifarerjce rlcuiated to disturb the ipablic iran- 'Slf ' Wtlil In Vsin that we ik;:;fyr 'perfection iuahhumaaiiisutiitions. ; Ajoveng Pro- t videace has oramcdit tube otherwise. Biji so fndlins and fri other parpdseyj flLhale ;hsujhtJ as the peaceable settlement and location fttHe, fndiiii!TA.liW hrnnd; Ihe i-sswwnpl VXH ll ni?Uer ot creat' importance to tne u mieti oaio, i and hot less so taNortb Carolina! IwpeciaJly l a.l reoaras tne removal ui vna PjruuBHi?ivcnn tA ortft th Uve thrt State Aver th tiItory theycu,orinanyiuanberjto'nt4r thetr concerns, except for the purpose at pratec-? lion. 1 ncy aeserve tue justenaffw care i pi uenerai uovernmeni, ana ijnave no oouui. ; wu receive" it.' . " -l':K ,ji M il '-'li: ftliil L ? in retiring irom tne amies 01 myi siauoa, been my earnest desire and intention, that? no; r .k.,.., UfU TjU iiiiv-,. U .............. "-.1 frislature should lould be neglected ; ano; it as oeiievea; that my retirement at this time will canse no in ojnvenienre in any department of the cbVern nipnt. With this drteiroinationj L halve devoted mv whole time, and exerted, my leeoie tuenis in? irnoie nine, uuBri K -pu. ; prom otinz, the success ot suc special oh-ecte 3 a the bejyisiature, oy rasoiuuons OT; fnerwise, . nasi j:J.(.it.j',l ;,.,iUo r ' Vir a 1 1 . ' m" -: 1 . -.1 . . L ' UUUCIWU. UUUn mwp nauiuMuwf ,1 wns i deemed it inexpedient and unnecessary to j any general recommendations (or your considera-. tion ; confining myself to the task f f I . renlerin ywi a faithful acctunt of the manner in Which i have executed the trusts cfided I to me 1 i A resolution of 'he General Assembly diriBcted that a " contract should be made with Mr. et suouiaoe inaue wiwi ur.) Ball Hushes for the restoration bf the Statue I of Waahimrtnn ' nnun the hfwia nf thft i nnihWset' iv..k;r., k .u-i. -J-.K-ent- flirth iii the rnort of the iohit spinet 2 commiUea w tl-5iiiij ujii uijvii uic uta vi : Lite liiiuii'ivo :,rfh m tn ri.rt iifthe i.ii.t rpI .miniue ... .1 . ..u: i : ;f::; fl tK,t aK;t " 1 ? f In obedience to this resolution. ar written i conn .... j.. :: f - . , : I tract was made. with time in Mav last, he eo ?rnl Ofi f-jr 90 f aKI fl! report. Heing desirous of remuvin .his latniiy and materia York Ln.iova " d uu . t 3 . . il With .hfident reliance nnan' th s PromiseJ Vrwl t. fi.Mlitnt fhp sivoHv removal iif hia familv. .v.... -..w -r. ry - I minima ui the terms of the? eohtraht Uf h .TAtraV f vinfooa mrcplf hrit ai"4 vimfp U l - , -1 7 " -i l judge. The whole sum advanced to .tto? . ' - - : V ' . il amounts to two thousand eiffht hundred dollai 34 amounts 10 two intiusana eigui uunurKu uuiia. Mr.Hnghes, finding (as 1 understand fr.mhim)! that sickness prevailed toan alarming extent inj New York, he removed with his family to Ne 4 njly io Ne Jersev. and has not returned to KorsSi Carolina.! He has since requested that the iuuuilds and casts for the repair of the statue should be for-1 warded to New York, where he intended to! prosecute the work. I thought proper to-; fbrbidtl he removal of any thing pertalnirig to thSta-f tue, as the contract requires that ! the rrebaLr shall be made at Raleioh. The contract-1 ogel Ki :ti. t,A it0. je K iT...rkDa ;fl 0nKrt;;ttM :i 1 ! uw.Mirv.. . - . . '-.1.31 ' A resolution of the General i;Am!Jy' directs that all the maps, drafts and plans lately Li the psessun of tbeEnirin5r J tlis state, shall be! placed in our Executive Office, arid that Fthiey bei . - V I repaired at the expense under the direction the further dispisi tion of the General Assembly This duty has been performed, and the! maps urairs, ana pians nave, oeen repaireu, ana are se curely deposited in theEseculiyeOfficGj'il H Tne resolution directing the ' employment of an agent to arrange in proper order all the papers belonging; to the Senate and House, of Commons and others, which were saved ;durinjr the confla gration of the State, ami that thry be! de livered to the proper officers of the; State has. been obmphed wittio far as respticts Uie assorting n7ir:r"u"rnrltV- uursaiiu suntc? hi vruvcf flllitrtlv JlOUStJ, , lO hold the papers belonging to the; Senate! and iiousc 01 vomwons, mey nave oeen carpittlJy la 11. ' r jt .1 1 - 1 ? a' n : t M belled and filed in a rxrain the office of Uie Se cretary of 'State, subject to such I dpuSitiojtfs he General Assembly miay a; -fiterliiniak4l This arrangement was a Iaixr:ou : he, and "has been faithfully per formed by my Private! Secretary. Mr. William R. Hili,the former Librarian of th State..; , , ; . , r ;iS;i V , If- The Acta J" Assembly establishing Rati Roa-ii?; have been attended to. Loh$werable uifhculty and delay occurred in procuring ah If Engineer 'to! make the surveys required. The service of Jlfr. W. Rawleof Pennsylvania werc atslbta ed ; And he has been engaged jn the 'survey of both routes ; which, it is hoped, prove lafisfao-i tory. As sohi as the surveys . are cimpleted, a .particular report on that subject, & rweJI Ilf ctri-j er objects which engaged the ' attention i juf Ube Board of Internal Improvements, will be laid bf tore you by the renaming members of tht board. ., . -N1 '" I ; a .-!.p-V f if I !; i Pursuant to the resolution directihg'Hhe Dred ging Machine belonging to; the. Stale to be secu red: in such manner as to prea(erve; it Trpntf ruin," I gave directions tor Captain ijBlahy; in iwhosp pjssession it was, to deliver il ;to pea. Edward B. Duddley, of Wihniogtoni fur' the j purpose of having it secured. On examination, it was found that the vessal containing thai machine was so much decayed as to be unfit for use; that the innchine itseif was greatly injured j apd thai it ould cost tiie state a considerable sUmiof m noy to have it taken to pieces and Stored in safe ty. In the opinion' j of many .jpjttiwj.;eost would be more than the liiachitie fjwas Iworth. I Tn ier these circumstances, I liave directed it to be delivered to the Cape Fear ;Navigatioq Corn pany, in which the. state is inuch interested am! their agent has engaged that it shall be l .iaked careofl ' ,1 : : ' ; .;;- i. A Thercsolution directing the aprntment of 8oh;e "intelligent person to actpn tlie part of the state in collecting testinviny, i and i causing such surveys as may be ' necessary to the ju prpse cution of the suit pending in the Supreme -Court in the name ot the Attorney Genera), for vaca ting certain grants made by this9tato,M has been attended to; andj have appointed for this !jpor4 puse, Timmas Dews; Esrjuire, ipf Rudieford; in whose integrity and capacity 1 j bave me; luost perfect reliance. ''' V-it ' '' ;;;i W ith respect to tho resolttuon I ihl faror f the J sisters of ihe full blood cf j i have felt myselff somew j proceed. . NucUm has be sisters of the full blooJ of i Barnes i K. Fo&tthe. hat ata ltj how to hn miiln i, 'Ida: finn.' I ney, nor do I know where; jthe faiauty 'fiijej-: 1 his workmen and materials, a sum of money was i advanced, perhaps beyond the portion of labor 1 7 m done Iani an fineeptjj.J nidneji u subject to ficate of atoek of the shares, is leltin the hia-J of the; Public Treaimrr.'i . fT:'f 1 ' III rt-suiauoa miQirtn tn liorernor to 'an- pjfht some perstia rfsident infihe diy of jlaleigh, j - ..v 3. av.MW wiw utucreni persons in i peeT appomted forflat oarDOse. f I i the! "'"j iju:mi, snows tnat tap ! busmes couu not tt i'"" "1 requiring 1 the i Goyernor to 11 TV asarenowororartfieil.or arnfthAiit thA nrmii. ; - . , ;: . j - ! I. .. T . . I f tv": W1f lo f na! :U been complied with, pd on thonsand pair ef pistols, and five hundred sabres have fbeenl received frotii the United , , , 1 ...j- : T . -r I r T"T1 1. rJ j V! !? o iquoio or puouc nrm a 'kii Li l: ' ! . . 1 I u , jj . u-L"ru .-Tii"' FZ.i Zi ; XUBIi! liaTB IWKII ItUrUV IIIMTnfllllPll a- I ? m puoject, ana me re- mi nnT9M in tha Mn. . L'.nHA 1. . V- WS' ".p I Inobedienceto the rMnlminn dimrtinr ts -uainematicai instruments belonmna' to the Jf ;, . . T.'.f j . : " O 1 Stite. and .ULsrlv5 attached to the Enorineer's IJepartment, to be collected and! placed under care ofD. H I Biniham, of the city of Raleiarh. SSJ-vr!1? -Tp Vw in me, nanus oi .nr. uincrnafTi-- it ia ti ria f - 8";w ua. regretted that they were lV',raa ror ,ne 0211116 ,nto nw P0- 8iiW,anajme it them renderad unfit iue 8ivmai?ajme ft them rendered unlit tiff use .... . s . i wthoupairs. A list of those collected is here- w,u,uu' pairs. A list 01 mose collected is nere- With famished. I f ! i I wuu larnisnea. c: . . 1 . . .. . .... . ou,CB aajoarnmenx 01 ihe legislature, 1 1 wmcn are m the Executive Office subject to J' f floul I have also re- prefixed a scedule oi the whole number of persons t.i :.. -.1 tit- . . . ' m . .v . . , . who in me several districts pi the United States, sen accoruing totlie acts pi Uonffress ot 17UU, iqai) Ifiin .j liiinn ri r -. .u.r one to? each House ot the ueneral Tuu i i j . 1 ?:;uuiJ'- ; a aiuaoie wocumeni, ami 111 1 I 1 " ' 1 Wf 06 0eilTer8U to you by by private Secretary, U7lth this mASQiVii e ' !. t '.. " 7-?!. Luu i Jrt" v-tf-?" f1"1 ""fa - , ri-ii , T, . f 8 f the 6tae fftaine has by thejdirection ofjthe Ilaturejof that JPtate, been . presented to the stateof rth-Qarilina ; and I beg leave vujv s w me sial pi name, nas, oy tnejairecuon "." rrr a,iu 'TV ""f4"""? w,a? w completed. il have received? communications from the Go vernors - and legislatures of several states. W wiom 3 m Massachusetts, relate to theun gf1 f thenorth eaptemboundary of whicli L am requested to lay before you. Those unsetled ques- the Unites otates, -i hose from Tennessee, relate of the subject of the public lands of the United Slates, '..1 . ' . ana,.lolDe Pw?" f VpnCTa government to . appropnauun ipr internal; improvemenw. a?d aPP'g thef conduct of the President, m "V o Vu V8 V T -T trlila ISiVniMtTA Kill 1 'Fhn fvwtm I juiim j-Aii-Lj.. e t.m n i (jeiiuiusuuioiifc ui a. noil iv aii i pass throu?h the States of Louisiaua; Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, North I Carolina, nd . Virginia, to the city of "Srrvf j i Tne resignatiorts of Militia : Officers and Ju3-1 iices 01 merreace, receivea since mo aajoorn iiientof the General Assembly, are laid before you in the file marked A. I T I In this last act of my political relations with the Stale of Norh Carolina. ( should be ungrate an nil in na nnrmi. 1 .u." 1.- r. .u.. s i .: cj ionics 01 connaence and support which! have received; fiom the support wnicn 1. nave receiveo nom tne i ir rr e ti A : - . . I as ntihhc IiFh of tnrtv-frpn veard ftnent in thfir I uisiaiur niiu injtu iiie utuie. 111 vne courae 01 i r J y : .. J . ,f ... , service in various siauons: in-au 01 wnicn 11 nave njceivm me iuui tuueumvocaj pruois 01 1 . : . .. : . - . , . thir ihd.ilnrri. 1 . -1 I have the' honor to be. Gentlemen, pcmr obedient servant; MONTFORT STOKES. Executive Ojjk$.Worth-Caroluiat IJYovirwermth, 1S33. NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. i s t - I I j -i .!-. : The Legislature convended on Monday tne 1 &th instp I agreeable to law. Tlie Senat was! called to order by Dr. Mongo- raery ot urange. 4; l lie; usual oaths being ailministered t (the members present. Mr. Williams rose ind remarked that it jiad hitherto been the practice of the Senate to nominate gentlemen on ; the appointment of Speaker: this course he thought had an un happy ; etlect, in prpducihg j unpleasant fecl lngs, he therefore moved that the Sentte proceed to ballot for the; Speaker without any nomination, which: was agreed to uny animously. j The j .Senate proceeded to ballot for Speaker, Mr Montgomery of Or abge and Wilhims of Franklin were tp pointed tellers. J J ; : ; I j William D. SJosely, Esq, from Lenior, was elected Speaker upon the second bal lotting, and conducted to tlie chair by Dr. Montgomery, when ho? returned his ac knowledgements! in an!, appbropriate ad dress. (: ;L j ; I . I I Sir. j Samuel j Ft Patterson was appointed principle and Wjliiain S? Cowan assistant clerk to this Senate during the : session. Thomas B. iWbe4ler was appointed princi ple, and Green Hill assistant door keeper. The Senate then j fon motion of Dri Mon goraery, sent a message to the House of Commons informing tbem of their . due or- ganization and ot their readiness to co-op- erate with tbemfin the depatch of public business,; after! ivbicb, on motion of Mr. illiams ; ; ;the i Senate f ad ioiirned until Tjuesday Ifjjoclock V I f I i . - ;ti,.-:r QUSE OF C0M3I0NS. A qnorum cxmpistingof a majority lof the vfeole uuinoer 01 members honor unaaat. itnl iwver 59, and hfrnk S-; -:r Mr.j HenJy;iavnrcceiy$d , a thijority of whole noof fotes wis j tlnly cfccttwi, and conducted W Cli4 lriir by Mr. Mclillan, from yliich lie made his acknowlcclgemcnts in a iianasofnc ana appropnaic aiiaresa . , . luaiC3 pvwfr m nopinatioa ior urt? ap rainx 'went cjf assistant, poor keeper the House maae one oaJioung witJumt a caoicc. - A3 1 . . .V - . 1 E . - M. iat-a confirnrttee be MfAmiHiu Ka an .t.J . - 1 w.,u - .ii iiw uc auuuuucU iW ureuvo ruius lor tna the government of the Senate dur- mi th present session 1 Messrs I Spaight, Toomer SphvpII. XVi Icon - ttnA nmlir mom T- 1 j . ui nvtw appointed to form said' committee. i 1 s s I li IT. -P.: : I v. a e ucuse 01 1 commons, . mian hd- monirt nntt ti, u iVa tfiA i.nm0 nf haaJ ij h me county of Haywood, ind Allen Peeples w.v v 4w uivuiuvij yiyvv iiuui auu i im i Jio-n is me reprcsenuves oi me 1 TVI J TI. "J '.I , f ' . .1 County of Guilford, or&tluced their ere- dentials. were . adalified ! and tdok their aeals. ! Weirs. Sumner, Sawyer, Polk, Brag ad peargon were -hnointedhv theiSneaker ... " . . i . ; - cuuuucuiise .uie ouisacss w. me uuuse tiur- a. i t p .1.. i j. , si the present session. Jnhh Pjwnpr nftAf omrl KallAtirwra vom elected assistant 4oor keeper D.ihiel Cole- 1 nomas O. Stone, aad ! Jno Vv. Covington were! appointed enirrossinj I r ' A joint Committee of 'both houses was appointed to waitj upon hs excellency the Messrs. VYelborn and the Senate, and Messrs McLeod and Sheppard oil the p.ijrt of the nouse ot Uom'npns, to inform him ot the due organization I of both: branches of the Lcmsliture and their readiness td receive any communication from1, him. Reported that the Governor! would report to-morrow at'12 o'clock. I - y ' I rbm aay la jv)Catil 1 rermoMThe LeVislutnrejidjournedbnThurs last A resolution was passed permanently locating the State at lontepelier,and ap- pnpnatin? S40.U00I for the erecttm bt a new one. l ne inhabitants ot Alontpelier are to Efive 20,(KK), making ft3,000 ir the whole,' which, ;t is expected, will , . ? , build s resectable State 1 louse. TheArkansas Gazette of ;3lst ult, says that Mr. Yashington living, th4 accomplished au thor of the Sketch Book, Ste. and Jiide Bl!s- worth, one of the Commissioners for treating with the Indian tribes of the West, ' left Por Gibson on the 17th ult, under the prhtectioa of Capt. Bean's Company of Itanffers, for the southwest, and intended Droceedm as ur as Southwest, and intended proceeding the Cross Timbers, an extensive tract of country 5 ft ' situate some 2Q0 or! 300 miles West of the Ar kansasj'rerritory, sfretehingf from lied River to the waters of the Arkansas. i tx tlt r. Steam NavigatW onithe RniifE. The Angsburgh Gazette bf the 4th Sept. I has a let ter from Basle, of lb 2Sth July, ttatingthe eXnJ ' x. ? m t . niLl an,i 1 . s. : t mfnr trn rr, 1 ; ; - t ii:.i-f..iL.' ivuei 10 Ddie was loosnaaow ioi inai. mi mtc, ' . . ; . a steam vessel, however, has lust succecaea in i-.- '.. 3 nril... ai-toiiiunsunicr m oesimo ouiuui. iuhs, wucu object. .. . . " .?. steam vessels from S wit- we.W coipu, zerland. down the Rhine td Londoni f will effect their passage in 72 bonrs! Georgia Penitentiafy.Yhe Milledgcyille Jour nal of the Uth say s: We have the pleasure of announcing to onr readers thit Mr. Hutch ins -of Gwinactt repor ted last Friday to the HWe of Representatives, a bill to repeal the ict of list year, aliolishing the ncnitentiarY code. We anticipate the ready ps age of a bill by the honor oi me State, the interests pi humanity, arid, as we i hink, the general wjsh of the people.'f POLTT?! The following e irom various sour- ces were collected by Judge Smith and published in his Spartanburg Speech they tell bad for NulliScaton Mr. HAMILTON: IN t821. Thw?entlemanjiiri8il, found Mr. M1 Duftie's numbers, signed Onc of j the Peo ple." floating in Ihe newspapers,' and ad miring the principle they contained, collect ted, and published them; in pamphlet, and to give them great famej prefixed an toAd-vertisement-' thereunto, In which he-has adopted the principles as his own. I A num ber of which I have just sUtvd. in compar ing Mr. M,Duffie,sopin;oii3, and which show not only the adoption, but the stored estim ation in which these principles were held by thej Gov. Hamilton I roke; the toU. lowing 5 extracts rthertfrom. He tiwre savs ; -In prescrring jthe Subjoined! Esiays. from the fugiuve column! of a newspaper, j and in placing them in a form morej pennan- ent and enduring, We conceive wcj are pay-1 inr no more than a3rust homage to! the sac red DfinciDles, they! incuIcate.,, ft! SeenU JidverttitmenfreJtxtd to "One of the People" f i !; ! . he basis. tlOWever PI Uic in which the -Triof indufeeas in fontend-1 S V t 4 i ing norla.strictand merit construction oi ; tfr rrwtitntlnn l and in aiiirmiuz ? an ' of mfv twifa'j i weaxiOi? thtopiaof State Soverilstyli Jt riotn- wnicn lUf oeen souTided m tho 4An"i it Dominion? with such: an ill omened b . but jyitit no yariety,by themvto relicre iu dullahd vexatiolsdissonlncft.,, ' ' j " E MRniA311lVrpN IZriSSO; , . , "Tha writers of.'the"iTrion. t!ie ar.iIcs u wWch 'Ooaof theiV,)pla, was a hd evidently in view the object ct ahuintin' -rc CrawforJ furte Presidency, amidst alf tbiir parade of patriottsrajjanl this at the expense ,f the rest of the AdmiuisjratW. . To combat 1 1: pijiis crasaJersthebuVinrsi tf Uicsa' nunV:;?r3 of'Otu otir' Piowhich we have UuitteJ ia me loss, wa reaauy allow, of tluwa whiri'a 713,, to whose ealihiened f jrrcast, suna nt events have boraetheralist irrefutaSla tesiimoiy,1 Stef. fhm-UasVaU'Ma; Courier, gust, tS$0. I : r 1 'l hai Ukea up somewhat cn truit, withoat nuch exa.ninal: hj, but I with no other thin tha purest motives, vpinloni in some rcsptct3 (out l with what I then suppishd proper guar is) 4ilqu- I lated to sustain soine of its implied power See same letter. ; : : ' . : ' T - ul now think after; expmera of nine ye.rsr that the preservatun of, the constitution atH th salvation of the Siath, dspends o.- a strict can-' itrucfionZo-Ses same Letter. - A ' ; - j I MR IHAMILTONIN mUf 1 ' "The argument of j"0ue of the Peop!e':is , now presented in aa unbrokea suceewi;!! wm lior to the most ordinary,; and gratifying to the mit i comprehensivound8tsta4ding. Tin ini'ia, Vrii are uafolded are in thei nature eiseMlallj , . perishable? Scc his AlsertissuutU to,qf Although those irapnshahle truths have al- -ready been unfoWad in the history of Mr. . DaffiVB opinioas, yet as his v?oi.iJ euligy i. a ' iranendant, it raiy tead the better to illustrate their intrinsic worth by presenting some of t'lo a at least, with .Mr Hamilton's Utter;oprJ:o:s.' The following qniitton ifrinn f6 le of t!iePt! ' ple' we did a Jt give 'Ir, MDjfii'Jthebenfii.vf, though! it equally npniiea to, bith gentlemcn " says tol'Uhe Trioi" ' ' lifeM'liV!; "I unders.ta.T J y. i to atlirn, that in exptfindins. f the Feileral Constitution w sltould be-""!! 4 down to thn strict letter" of that Instrument, tii ' that the General Government, leai nof nutfe. ths exclusive or Hil juie of the extent of trie po.3 ' ers delealti to itself, hut that, as in all utnerV cases of eo.npact among parties liaving no corn m m judge, "each party kis a rizltf to jadic for ' ' itself. '!-. As these may -bo. considered th.CAil' centrated essence of all tho wild and distrust! re! principles that have ever been advanced, in je lation ti the subjects under cfinsidrratt.n, and as -they constitute the basis of a contemplate;! revuta ! ; ion in the aliniiiistratin of the G-wcral G V..rn-neol4- irave been partseulir in 491121 r V-'rjr fang ia'le, lest 1 sh.iuM he suspectoT 'jf giving ray own i:npr3bns jf the nvjilt of y uir inrJi mntsor more corwtly srmiing.of y!wr tations" See "One of tfte J':eptetJt pises 13-u.. - - ' 'In assorting that we oiT'it mt t tnvel oat of the'stri-it letter" -jf the Cn.nitutiJ:i, I - a;n j almustldisptsed r to Iiebeve, jn ciaruy. tint you ! were ignorant of y r ow.i pr pitun. 'or if, with its obvious and necissary, coi'i jut' i9 befjreypu, I could bel'eve yr,u w.rild st II Tjnm- 1 lain it; I should be compel 11 t i th'n'v -ry un- 1 favorably of your cha!a?t3r as noflung U m re clearly dem-iustraole than that yi;ur rule X nn structipn wouH paralyze evry I jvnig energy of the constitution, and aosointely annihilate ihe gjvenimcnt. . Without implied and tncide:1l, piwers, almist the entre ;nis of mean by wa:cn me macnine 01 gjvenmffnt is K-pi in f motion, could not be wielded a single ! moiiontj but would tall Trim the hands of the ad.uinistra- tion."- rs0ne of Vie People' nixt 14. MR. HAMILTON IN 1SJI ; "I do not com forward to aprog'zo or to make qualifications and exceptions for a d ictme which I iielieve to be essential tn the p!itird rights of a sovereign state in this Unwi, anj the civil freedom ot its ciuzns. Itis aJtinrr true, that ia October, 132S,in addressing my,, -firmer and an t highly valued constituents of Colleton, I did expres my utidxibting c mviciulrfi tn lh9 val idity and abiding confidence in tHtj e.U-- ' cacy of nullification, as a peaceful aad effect tal .node of resisting, within the limits of a vute in this confederacy, an act of tisurpatlui on the part of the . General Govenmenl.,, His Dinner. Speech, 4th of July. 1331, in C liar U ton . t . Compare the above nullifying seutioiKnt of GoverntT Hamilton in 1SJ1 with tub x folio win z imperishable truths which he so enthusiastically pressed upon the public attention :! MR. HAMILTON IN 1821 : . ,! "You assert that when any co:ifl ctVhall occut between die General aad State GJvernhe-ns, as tothe extent of tiieir; respective jpoiveti, "a-'ii party has a rijght to judge for itseif!n 1 onfs- I am at a los to know how such a propution ouht to be treated No climax of politval can be unagmed ia which this might not; fairly claim the mjst prominent place. Ft resolves ue government at oncer into the elements of physi cat force; and introduces us dirccrly into a acuta : of anarchy and blood. There is I not! a single power I delegated to the General Government, which it would not be in power of every S;ate Go vernrnent to destroy, under the' auihMiiy d( thUcetaioxispriAcipler--uOiu of the People? , pa& 16. ; L - - : - I : . : - On the subject of Internal Improvement, .Ifr Hamilton said much, but wrvtelittle.f He was; however; the great supporter of that system up to 1825. In the great contest in" this House of 4 Representauves, 111 1824, which settled the question in favr of the power of the Gentral Government over Internal Improvement, fr Hanilton, in one of the his ablest! :1. ?:-! ;..-! speeches ; Mi'iei hoped beibre long, he should East ilxdMmi passiinr along a anal through Florida pnt into the Gulf vf Jlfcxico, tlience through the Isthmus of Darien into the Pacific Ocean. fercer who mentioned it in a public speech on luternal Improvement in' presence of Mr. Hamilton, who replied Ae luui pezn once caught hut icojtld take cure in future. f j, j f '' . UWi 7 B KSWKU NIC UlUWIitJ V M WU . ' Vs .?! , .. ' .ti'l- Be it rememberod that at tfr tery mommt Gjr lhe prrt9-deat. a Poliiitrd jaQU in gth Caroljaa, whoso protosscd 00 i. et Uer lo out down this, his o !dsrfriaWiOT break up iue initMi-r via. i If overwhel-oinjr ridica' srtd triumphant,,t : an now mtUUd thilll dU srre if iyaslict a the itit'wef efrnztvi cf ls friiids cf L'lat rt.T- - . is. i4 v 4. iif A 1 tit : ? i St, i : . f Sl - f 1ST ,ii. . ' i -s : . H il" 1; "i -i . - - It . 11 at i j I! 5 d : i .11 If i: li j ti i 11 i f $ ; I I ii Ik I t f Mi,; J; s si - .:!! 1

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