. . ' , - jv " . . f " . ? Ui ii 1 irJr if" . lit r I t t ill t l ' ! I' l. . 1 i i ..--I : . !, - J - . 1 -4. r '-fi M-fi ? vou :ino. coll if A J.J ' :3 4 I i t r s 0 i 3,. a''. t, It.- !- 0 : mi a 3?r. V I l ::si;vt 4 5 l.!r,tl, tl,.w other Dunwats that mvet2JSt: t;,c 7l fcViai,f CdieTinjr m tUe patriotism,- V c. :f . .1. .: t!..A n warp- 1 Ut .i.Trt 23ja ciribnt hinder the prwcn powcr AjrainstJjTc m taniTXvfei bi fut fb i?t, tbo tstei cl.W wrir WMViWutvmail its l:foatM3?:trary; ed rkd iv tliij tVtdcTtinVX '1;' ' -r . - f Tiii -Cind &iLi Is published. -tlitlml niifs. "dfetant'froin ?alij!n:ry; ear Stan.- : -NJ iii!irritiUUi will be tai taken tor le&s tlyin one the ujaal rates. aiToara- W SI pain? ;raw-ii3lri -.1 !.." ; ;AU1otUwto the;4Mitor must b6 Postpaul cr u.ii o.iiUmn-ip Rditbr dn the business t iif Ujif Uioceu aaur iiuHa jf-ui !;rr It - Alt su8rrii?nuns i taken betide, the il8U:itwr 'd ;proit.iioi practiec V ;.. Lawia th!L9a:iti'?s cl itowan ana surry, Kin &h .tjjc tslnlty fi 5uerior Corts. ,; JlC) will sitmextlaperiuii jounsiM pt'es aauja- U W0insti j6?ly occupied by Saral J ones Es-i T: LIME, : .': ' v .' 'ilAVK cdnktarrsi . 1 Siand at! my Liraekdu iatHRti:.tv rc4oit-Kme both etwk-I d and unslaci e i which-1 sll-at cents per llhshll f jf Slacked : and '50 for uneiackedan:!; ? Vhciithe c'iuaatyof in? hurtdrod ! pashcls is tal; i la!. ti:mF .an4 &ai'for the pricfji will bo Isomt' .'-JAMKS MARTIN, Sen r. i . 1 flf tlilllrus&8': UTPectfuIiyiannouace to the: .Iruii&M teFpectIuiyianpfouace jL j 5 J,iierthai they have fiucceejlel hi renew rin U:.ir eim.ai'injvm twah Miss Arnelia Thu7;jrj '' take ciih rrfe of; this Intitstion. Thk I h'"lv..f"pcjra:tob saia on tlie loth: ! j i pemnctixattgni -n; i ins lAcauemy , are f m'ijionlf ;2Hglsh, Anthnetic", Uw'jjriphy, tlir4Jofiyv'Piahopti.t 4Jlora and, dvwirl, lUifHorij", iNeVdie jV Dta'whu ''aiifiuHlb-anlltberct ikhguagei S Mmw t.'r I L U: JVUINIIARDT. mm -,.J. RAMSOUH.i i C. J.KONAIU), iilV 8 L-l J; Pents hiivinc claim. ai?a;n6t tbd XM r Mrnlof IDlayland and TcrrwJ will 'nM rft-:no:ri vTnarns; JJ lorrcnee rr 1 payirj'Uti acdLafl pcrsisihdrbted byWieol Uwk' accoulil tKtiie k!jdu!;t4 due said firm. 11. V. CLAYLAND. lHary,Xov;!l7-dwl7 3 14 P7i4bted'-to the late firm lf as iana and Tori-Mir i ;ti voitti pgm t warded make inuaediate payment, ii ;.taH tillbooonunncd r without distinction M i-:'5Mr r V p-P. IT . - : r ' kAU fifteen or jsixtren fears of ratr-. . i . 1 - S . i. ; i, v . . . ... . . . . o- aveana mtielligent, of .moral habits :.ad iirifita; ; will find a suitable situation an Arentico to the printing burinest. appli won be made soon at this Office roTed ,iontt iui jiaio ai ttua Ofibo, i!'-- H ibf the r!7.rn:eat,"in ibVlhigliost drre Klixtrdyw r jfl6by Consind ihdo S -MltbKtrust aua Wtc i kpcH if aaiiilrj the best ettcrgieri 2t tha paHfrt VI VMfl f Advdiisnjf wul fee done a i I V: i:l.lrf i.ifui;tn iritlidniwn until r f i1 Sliiferiliioy the wholo suni In ad- iFwnent of tins I'sper it wu oc ; ivm- i:feeji )ecowe ue on ilie.publicauoa ofieirst ; f yRlltf " ;i ; yii!nnpMer, osei'M.fiu'2 uuuiur" mw-w. 1 1;U) 01. ia.-;iraJcr oulee, cf the ; Carolina VTr&hbein BfM doors oelow, tlte jilansipn Hotel I inflate iir, are requHspHi'to call on Uhartrs Iiron-fneo and settle the same, i'aV lie alone it Maitviilautfi for and WA5MEEB mm v:,;Tiflarp led inkliicf uiUbe faracu3 lnquinr jnta tKef forth iif the ucorsia- joiirnai an cia jor.Tic ! pcrquisilion.: Slid il; icdssivcljr .; facrlraonjiibus, i ad ; tb mtrodUtorjpraraphi is dressed tqi Bcatin: loyoar labiord leTcncodf tfiBanV. iWnrnlruofviDhr -.lifd. entitle IvoUr reason- 1 fwk-r f rvVmirli mnm faith -t than vour I npt; arii . where you Jtiitainlns-liClicf for WigWifCcctTe. WfOdottpIjf appwpe, tnr., yourself of nconstcncy, it oivn testimony by, ;the lorcc u inept it lsnot.at.al! unreasonable, I albifbr votitannint cctriplain.ir I lt seiko the ojpbrtiriity to . rnKSir - voti x'boiwoen tbo iopHistctMiid' te!.Iiyp- l it is a. pity that time had not sufficiently a fsusged ilie worthy Judge's anger to indoce fiW bfniselon .fofpersndntics which ykry.. 'jw.bf ti readers Jwilladmit to be and ifyf it consider in ood taste; They ftcitf tH tnofc rpnst, coming from a gentium ah,' of warm temperament, it h true, bfit of remarkable brbanitr ln hw General ill . . Lii .;' . i . 'i :i ...... oeportuuem. '.. OXO ' ;f , - t Ojjfce of mail contract RTMMTR, . 'v ' ! (Jrecfaldrouch ' I ii: 5ia:-jt;he contractor tor route Kl. 2f39y Jlaleijrhj . C. to Grehsboronsrlj; lias b4n directed to otnmencc on the first of-Janua ry! nesfci rttniiinfr three Rimes' a f week on ffatd i!'Mte, fitd the following schdueiias been adop- ed Writhe fearae! - I f !" 7 K?ry pndar, VJneday and Friday at .1, ocAx'k, i'i M.I a rri re at1 Oreebsborowth next day 'by J P. M.LeavGreefishroui on Mondays, iVMr-dnJlays and Saturdays, nt l;P. M. -arrive at lUieiga jaext days; by 1 if. M, llespectfully &.c ! O. 11; BROWN, !- I T 'PEcbilkTibNf.l IS; Vq fiat? seen'ft TdTnonred in some papers.aml wrf 5 iKyievewon froia irrouna, mai a stroiur neet r.veny cutter his been c TrcjidiajW readily faugh t n hon'nlectson with tho transitortation btr it he haboj of 'iCharicsy:t. is intendod ;ns : masiire of intimidation to ioperateu on . the ftnlhij'frs; r but we View, it m axlicerent lurht. i ins. atitOjflo of Southj Carbiiaa at this tinic, ecAainly eonvevs to. tluj lresideat-a K:;gGf(Gti,n kt tr.epropru'tvot strenertaeninir the force tor t hp 'jrfitcfion tf tho 4 forts, and 'tlii bp maviirly. in praojiico without beiaj accused of arsumtr.g TliaC grevenue cntcrs instead of ships X v.ar lhafe bjben Ordered td Charle3in, lis no in dicafion jof hceflity;, and only, shews that! the Fn sident jnienaf tocoueci tnereyenue, eiswiiore' ii fthqjiufhes jdeterm!ne.th4t it shall not he c Jlce'tpg in thejiorts ol N)uth-Larolnia; while he ha? no idia, of roducing the r fcte.tory toj; submwsion by thjrtfcn,; ann of the ppverunicnt. if -a ship' is ouid into Cliarlestonjwitlii a eargo of dutiable" arh4, tlija queeiion is,fwilitbe duties ; he. psid ;wHen.gsM enters the (port according i to tlie act.; of Congress? The nulltfycrs will-'an-swer rp);i'nu a doit." f'Thf n yon cahriot pa." will btj the ready response b. tlie revenue offi cer!;"Vob ; must g io a-jjort, in soii.e other 8ude vbere .the utiel can le secured' to the Goternbht take your bhoiee."! If nullification lis a pwtcfid remedy, that which is iutendcl to. cuihlraet It shtaild Le etiually so:- End this , . - . cutters Xo evjurre' c.l,ctioii of the ctwtoius Is alout as peaceful x rtSnedyas any that we can vimaor:iu. - " r . if I . . .' ' I r ! J,rfrlk Herald j H! .' ceo ' ' ' . A convention has been in sesbion, in Mississippi, during jlthejlast two monfhs. revising the consti tution t''ihjat htate, ; IbisbKylhavmir fimshefl ita faVsadiounfed sine, cfe.W:t!ie 34. instant. lJy t!Kinerr-:nHtitui;on which has becrt adapted. every Ibflidcr.in the State, including the jud-ves Coi:ijt3iie. is tuaide electlr by tlie ieeile, di reciy;!i ' A;8upreine x,jl, uituict from the dis- triej courts, is established;' and coimtion .law and equity are assigned tho-sepaiat tribunals. iner ci me judges ot , the supr?ine court may Kit at tw j)riust in case of jthe deatli tor alwice of theciuit judge. Thej Stai elcinons9vrhich, httberto, were held in A&y, are to take place in CKjrne oi ine Miss:a-3:pprpapers complain, and f'tih icasdn. tliat the iuistttuttnnia Viot.tn fu submitted itotho anprvVal-. of .the pnople; and fwlbtbs nore extraordinary still) that a x chase nas ocen mseneu, tanng: away trout the legisla ture? tlgfe power of calling another convention fur a simih purpose. ' . ; 1 '! - r I -1? u l . - A (incinnati paper gives a melancholy accour t ofi Uieldeath cf the daughter bf fJ udge Hender son of that placeiby Choleraj It i appears that 8he wisrnarried on the'second bf October; and onelaxteenth was a cdrpse.i' She Jeftr Gincih- aati wth her, husband (H. Bfaiaiweli; Eso. of Louisiana J immediately aftr j the'- bridal was atticki'd on. the sixteehth near the mouth of the Ohio,fn the morning, with the Asiatic Cholera, aoa aim at 5 o'clock in the.eyeiimg of the same day' IShe haa left her family overwhelmed with grief, and a numerous and extensive acquaintance towhstmsbe was endearedby her many virtues. hfehlhg girl: Yesterday the iraV and beautiful I Bhold'tte '.contracWr con'nene . . the service breviodsto!thattimtj,you will plrttse make up yofnr nwii; accr.nnjsy- leave jtaieufu t ne exceuence ot ner neart to - mourn ner saf and early fate, t The Cincinnati lpoblicaa1 aava: f W h-. hhtA hPT r9 im,u ' 'mnpnt bride I Alas If sad, sad it' the change: " sh iww 1 by iht last 'visKts of the rfej spaebridacrfdeaihVp vrr" p aWwion; W&&0. h' A biped raifle np ofranTtyj'rooH whalinjR J n& tavanH. It'iirof Jhe' femuiine cender.ti t mingles 'intirarattel r vrith thd r buiaattjspecjec, kndlsfi'ntiDyrv) tv'ftome to ail attimal orlaat Bpocies.Mt ieadoerl nrttht te wf :of speech thwh iseJomscar.it taf any lifood. parpa. It tiaa no bewt of it Qrii boJi itj.ha somume$ succeededf m iteaVn tWJiearU if finQ silly w unyiarded gtlemen j jn JJtbe ?ak tornntin, bf brtakxrfg jthemi ?ii4r?arie3 xceedinjr!yat-diffl4 'f inr mlmi'r'sU' W!r to'bliU'ivM i)Tl le the more pniraletit nvxl; and a $pccimiu.of lie thins' i faUidrWtliat' is, $ j say, jhalt dre3H ty'Jti!alnio$.' 8fl:iiiniiirl?! weather is taToratllj rSiaenadin)! tiibfi iai&kot witlijut thc'thiiur'ttiilAl' d"iwaiii6ntili'Sicra idd of UijudwayJ ! i 1 thobtB Sir, brother and tori Mr. a:l! iVre. Ltckhartlft Rr Vcia Abbotsibrd to . v i - . 'LoAdoh.' iauucdiateW: aiifer fltie: :- fdwraal.of xSr HWU1ti tHfecpopt suheitade . ' i . . i ' ' . ; : . ; .. i - -a . i : pirea. SHOE SLACKING.! To one pou h-J cf - ivory Black, ta which lia3 hieen mixed half an ouace d6il ffifcr and an is retailed at; the stores for four dollars. i -Early Rising.' We pfty.ihe pniSrj felfpyir';hcy. loves his pillow better than, his Jiiralih crKi parse, -.ji Welpity loin for fn m li&itH .'ni' tdicaupo, be looses the best of- the ay,-ii4odth'e luxurtr uf thp. MWRet brea.'h iif morn.. BeSidee-t a uers.iti of hiisinoss wito risos late.; Starts j jvitii Jt m of busuicss wito rises. late,; ;urts:rtay teinperjhiuries tGr-Juffh the day! to btertaii S.MIT terorvpfrJbiirrifls thr.iurh the davi to overtake the lost tiie. and iff obliged 5 to trespass ou ? the fcreninff, to.ciake amends Jbri hie inidvlens. 1 AaaivAt or Laxdea's . Expib)mK4 ffi'- BERii.-We have ieeii favored ttfith as letter, dated Monruvia. S:ut. iotli, Which1 fays, iifch srd Ladder the. Atricantrayl!er; jrti ajrrivGliJat tills port on his way to the! Nigerv -wilh steau boats, s i spent one day witrjf f thfjlf xfai tioQ,aud Jenired a great dea;Jrf finriiiHuo)iSa bouttne ifr aa4 the surrounding: fvantity. 't he e :;HHiitiou will asevrsd w th" the small fiibn ateaui boat about J50Q milt-si!. She draws 24 iaciics. when in saiiin'j trihi !, ; U f! .'! 1 tN.-Y.IJ.J.Gonfi Mrs Clive and fJamcfo-Mrij Cliyewas I'.: J an eminent before Garrtck the excellh pur.:uv: tnstgniiicaiicev sne-K neyer .iprgavo him, and took every opportunity of yeiitthg .her spleen.- he was coarse, .riide, tndl vio- serve hiaj, and m mte of the I roughness bt her nature, ,w;ts so.Uteply HtTettcd, that; sho sobbed one, minute, abused hi mi the j .next, and at ledgthf overcome tiy f his; itit&c loaches, fhfc!iurri';(i; from ihh 'pUcfwlih the : folldwtnr extro'rdin.iry tribute to .tlie universality of his! llin lu:ri,L ) bie,--1 icye he eoiihl aU a Gftipi rox." Fj bin1 Records bfiny life, by tlieihrtel j John Tay lor; ! .-. r 1 , i Hi V. ?'r ' One of (the late English; papers I publishes; 'list "ot ; the sj)r!8 at o.'io oil thi wakes faits held at 5durseta:lr, a:nohg whjch is a:nathn between six noted .grinnersjj 'to !gHh tfiWugtil'a hurseirlar. ' ! '" ; ill.: Mi ; ') 'l' ' ' (W woaldjbaek against all this orl Kcnr tucliian we have heard uf, who uiice . fie,c? df liet- thai ho; .could fn in a 5 h'frselfint' of.' ji'troe-. The bet wasinale, off the trtid; (ted Uo (Ind a tqirrel. f. At last one wa' i.;riHiiied;! but grained i'oo areu it Was a '4 oth.er;rjy said il wjU a 'Miuirrel: . Weli 'tta?lhe hifi&thft: Pi! try. rle grinned. but down came n riirre' lie again declared it wi a knot; but tbe com pany ris.at'Hl it was a- 8.iuirrel: Miereiipih th- jirinner Jn aithet ptFrt.;iiSUb barli flew ftotn the knot as if. ligbtnmg had Struck it; -t he bet was tveu'up.) : ; ' fr!t!f 'M r j)l .' !': ' From the K, Y. Jouroal ofCvnunercf. Tu ALL DlSUNIOWlSTS 1 tl HOCC h 00 T ; t U C "i ;. J ;UN1TD STATilM j-jf; jj,. Listen to the. Twice-cl 'Laiyetfei a majfl Wild has hazarded hls hre for tiieg6rilif our cmryj: who has no private intfrlnis objrve and nV ki:li(.;nal fceliiigs to biaa hyijndgrt.cnt; . Tbc ful vi .viiig li,ttcr from th-s vt t rar Apostle of Uberty w as received by an Anieriimciti?'N3j recoatly hi--jnrned from Europe f ihe-lday'iberj!!' he jaitti. We copy it frum the Ke w Vorkl 0berver; j H : . . .i'-i-i'dRynASfpi , UrKn you,iny dear .ir, inucli depend to give our friends in tbe UititeM $tai5f airopf pxplaRatiob of tine ttato ofijbinga ".in jftdropc. Vuu haveeen4yery altentivei Wblt haa!rai8sed since the Iroolutiou f 1 $3i.j j-Mueh hia 1 been juotained hf?re,aid uLother parta;if pEui4e, in this whirlwind ufa week. iurihei conseqaeri cet hero and. irju other, couhjlae.dreatl Britaih and Ireland included, .will .btherictitaiBr jjMiUJ; althiMich they have been mmuled iaihd betrayed .where they ought ,to have received encourage and as wo had a right to anticipate i it; might be. ' I tHink-i umil o$ '.both-sides tbo waterja dit pel the clouds which ignorance or dtigo I may 4 ' nrow oyer tne real siaieoix-uropeanaua r xencn v.iit: : 1. : .L i "'I 111;! siliiBU f- Hi-1 puUtict. . ;, k.. . -4 W I I U I fHi'Fii" H i j In the meantime, I believe ; tof ( th j duty of every American, returned home, to let his fefj low citizens know vhat ill natured ; handle made of the ..violent ooUissions, threats of aj tepa ration . and i eciprocaJ abuse, to mJniei the cuarao- tetaadoeatkin tlejttabu stitutiuns. 1 have too much conhdence m the patriotism and good sense, of fhej aereral parties in the Unid btates to .be';ialt.:i&bteosniH sions may tenninate in a final diasolotionl of the Union ;-oti? s&ould,nica on! fercni 2ms - dektned? in future to laktplaee, dtprtcated m it hat bum cl Iter h&zlj, n ounce of swt oil; add one pUund i poivetized ;,pnjtne setrel iiistprycihelievo!uUn oi 1830, luafsurar i inix the whole wif.i aitlonof vtne- i,w torfte hijst part hew arid exeedjnglr curious rar and let jitaad three dajs, Mieri M i4 fit !foat!thc reading- rorid.f If trill be understood, Forjise.. It Should be stirrcdllten d kpt Ctvm lhwiceorwrd, hpw the chmcc bt Iouis Phillip the air to preVeui evapraUob -l!l)3 ,cRL(f a jjwas imght a!iutj and what Werjs le causes rllAfi-' Of thii kfftrkinriM afKMiii 75' bjam ilmid it tiAVeii s 6trinremeht irom the new man- cici BrqatttK rtiadD. (nac now gemote) iitri ETET O-r Of TH OSE V1I0. IATB FOUGHT T1IEI COTXMf (jaAMtft;? , To5t truly wd plTectionatsly your friend. '--;lb .:AFAYETriiVv: f JLAFAYEXrtlt AND frTim, RVOLU ;Last wb?k ue read trit'mafih PUinhdtra Zxtfauelle 'and nfth Vwh f?vf,; Itoa dl3a(Vwbjc6 1 AIri &rraasho was the 1 vaxnp oifio ueueral Iran - the.; three in two Preface, thaf frob hi eirlir ri&th h hA hL fhdaored wfth tb tiendshtp cf Ufiyette, and in Inhabit ofcpUclcihijr rronl his : lips infonnatiba cotieerolnsj political Imtbry and his publfc career; Wo eaasktar th wrk; ia Nfirtually from the "il Justrions andgiUj man! hifbseJCl SarrauV ;W-holakeltaf uajity of ibh-Becretjiry in ! tlio ;poIiticai cahm'n. tbe'pariodfof lkis rctilra to ranee frob bis! last tratfnphaf visit in the Unw t itbit Ci ' '. t ... , - . . i. , j ' tiie " ispeecnea and' addresses arfi clirotKdiSi(aliy ihtibdii&daoaa 4 make up a fidUrpwi at his priocipleslsaritunonls, and auii. AtXJOl oar !.flthl4 Jwrtion"i tjo tntliartoi Americans to be Ijnojwjattrace hferej; butthe reinainder, partico- arbh an J triivenihient. jPhe woirk liai pY'di niom sens ition even ;in England thaii in France; -'Kwo traiislations joft iijto-fc-li)-iot verjj :' wU ejttxsuted, but jlwrKimeljr piinted have lappeani in London. jlthtbecnp artjesqy--: yti(d nd dtscusiied in i most iof thdpritidina.1 London "journals. An artl. j clf upon it) is iaprratiori fi)rthe f jrtheonung iiuiwj ui ie-Amepcan taarteriyKeview, it is h must eitiboreylmimite, yeliemet,' merciless iuiaiiUto ijramlt Loui Philipand ;his political adinirfist ration. INocuarlter ist; allowed to t'ie jbtt tiiilkii party, to tb tjfatriaairM, or to auy ;oijr:e;iaeuswho have eoncyrreo in the system i wbicft has prevailed since the accoesion of Louis jPfnlippe. M'l'hej censures cf 0 P. Q., of the jLondon Monnn Chronidle, arenot inore severe l&jsweepinor; nor his iinpaiationsjuf purpose more harsh and direct, than those of iiiiayet e Secre tary and orant If the statements and charges inthis bouk be circulated ,aiid ' credited thn'tugh uot France, it would ''ireii iip jts'bVfor Louis Pbilippe to retain H:s Crown,; tioiess he totally chge his'pbliejy indtlie copueition of his ca binet A j clitet jectrithrithe author is to prove that the recent Revolution not only has i -muslt cOftest tiiat, . after perusing with f clot; I attention and lively inierijst. all tbese new ; details and; vit'uieratite opinions, we cannot 'con- ugurics disposition." a nor tsntious. Thef tault'findins epirit of M. i?ar- rans embraces every operation and view of the government. llis acrifivwiy itS extremeand his tuiie tn geheraj to. morose and declamatory. vYc doubt hot that France t threatened with new and awfulvicijitudHS in her political con ditiua ; bui, if lever monarch find his advisers nao an aruuous situation ana uauicuit ta&i, we may cite Lo4is ?l PhUirppo and hi3 councils Large alloWa:iCHB should bo made, and after the denouement, History will make them, giving him more credit fpr patriotism, discriminatioB, and eouraiTe 1 '' I I ""''IU Jitx I ct ; I ;i " 1 - ; Courier, 'l ; j' ") '.4 J ; P.tttts, October 3d. fft appears, at. length, to bo jeottied that the. rbrieli mifilstry "4 to btvre-ofgaiiized before the inbctng ofUhef Cbamrs. veare now in the .lentil " Octbjer and the taxes aro only .votod till 'A:1 tno of thoyeari so that neither the re coiistrucUoii otHhe cabinet nijr tlie convocation of the legislature, can oe iiiuch' lunger defcrroil. The elevation of Marshal Soult to the presidency ofj tlie ajuncil, and the ; retirement of; General Sebastlam jarfdJJarai"IiOuis fnxh the foreign ana finance department, are the niost important fea tures on the newarrangcpient Which are yet ac curit?ly.knowni fit has ailaloiig been understood ir.at the university was jbniy provisionally in the nana of M. itJ& do l!Aiii who will once more become a nitiate fori th presidency of the chamber iJidephirire in.ojj)ositiop? itnis said, to il. l)upihi whjjnas ber n ojuetting with the cabinet, but do not entenit because he could not obtain the terms' he mU:r,d.1 i Then is iitileMuubt that the-Duke de Drog j will be the lacpessor of (General iSebastiani m ioeign department He is stigmatized as the lea.ttr of the dolriaairt party, a term which is nearly sytWnimous .with" .thai of theorists ia its most unfavorable acceptations.' In the iuiaistry which was!toried iminedi3telyaf;er the revelu utg itheiCjake-de Rroglie; occupied the higher, station of 'presdent of the council in conjunction with the depajrtment of public instruction and cf worship, fnjtd jwhich M. Girud is about to re tire.:! Jt was in pursuance of he' system of Na poleon, f who fwigbt to . sustain lus power, by ueans of all who recohmended themselves by thirr birth!, etr iartune! or their talents, that the Duke de OrogUe was selected at a very early ago to discharge important admicistrativc func tions, first m Parts at the section of the interior, and afterwardt in the yarious 'countries which were occupied! by the armies cf France. At a still earlier period he' bad applied himself with ardor! to literary .pursuits, and wrote habitually far! the public journals, In the ' month of Jane, lSjt-f, he Was'nttsed to 1 the peerage, but ; being then i only in hit Sth year, he f was disqualified from taking part in the deliberations of thecnam- tt public! appearance was on the oc- casLo of this trial of tlie' unfortunate Marshal Ceyji an opportunity which be seized with all thecuimQsiasni of his character j to struggle with the courage of conviction in tavor of! the aecused. Seuo afterwards he boldly attacked the nameruut exoeptions !of the celebrated act of amneity iatoaa Jx cf pwnpuoiu Tnce art merits, one irnii ut tne l:r$t VLiIanifl i nr.. i KC w the,bionphr iinitni the landing of i . i . .i , k t - -- . '?3tl.Jn"8 UU't3w tt Ihtre. Thn4 matlPT I greati, ur with irali much rigor and a drawir froai iiisf con luct and boieyerTb!cn; wdi imIai'teleVnemDered byl .in cuciu;n ui cjsiein ui i oia ox lAarcn, to trluciuhe Duke lj IlliB is about to l?nd his actirc and oQcatsepporl.:"! need , put tell you that he w son of ih Arilce de :Jlrej and co erpieaUy ; the 'graami kf Uje i':Marthalr.jtni$ na-ne, nar.that hea thl ia-law of Ha4ani deS'oel, the daughter of Neckar.V the wlcfed flnance mittUler of Lois XVI. M. Ilumann, onei of S the . depatiea - tlr tie di-rartmrnt iif the Lotver Uhine, wna popo8 the reputation ff peinff uic eatestipronetv theje ia the scidnce ofl finaoceAndrb0 afiordsr- some, ;evi dence.of Jdst practical skill in that fscienae. : by toeaccncanlation of an immense private Untune, habeen oiTered the prtiulioof Baron fxx a hj t3Q as no li uue of the tnoat popidar men wb ranged theiaselves on the side ofl tho PerkjFaddwoeitra-1 ilia jia-wswu nwj pe cjpoca inua , con tiderab weight t tiic npw; government rAt the list election he walretafned l t tlw-twoclerUral tTullpges, thatof Sblestoa?UeliiweriUhine, aad that of Villcfiincli ihthe department of Aveyroiw- i He took hisliption r!r the tirai'-r, and thriuh hi inllncnfe, t iT irotherxf hl frnhdj t1iegkrDecazes, was faftervtardB'reutrned tor f or Villcfrauce; Althoijili of very humblt origin: knag theson of an Idd othMnia(,M.lImnantii ba raisod hiuiselt by la own merit to the head of he mone)-ed ar&tocMey jof the isduntryi Jt; wai in the year 1321 ttfat hfl first obtained a seat in .the Chamber of pefutieal -ila earliest par-i Ltmentary eribrts wereliiroced against the high ly pnaienactaieuuVwIiHiifettered tbe$reedm of the press, and in iavfeuf jihcaimlicatLm iif the if brotherxf hi trnlhd,!j triaf - fcyury to all 4rteary .' . e s , 1 1 r- and political delin- To thfciwir which ws directed 'against the progress of frelomin f paiaj fctrienuo& pVHlki' JJfuriii he offered the must it t V n ailrnlritstmtii ji ofMdellleU?, he o supported the finan cial! pnypcts, of the Miiisterland dld'ntrt openly oppiwe him; ia' other qilestioris more immediately affecting" tns tkpuiaty.. lie e&rticy of ballot which conceals the Vuteg of tlhe French deputies frova their contiifni ,!fcleH. nit: pantary condact undersuspidorlso that at lheuiss.dutioa of tb'e.chamber in JL&i he ysfas not returned by the college atStrasbou g, as1whe represr.Utive be ijad previously sat jrihe ;c;hamber He found f ivtir, bow ever, Unjthe ley esi of the electors f Vilberranche, and; lalrphej acceadou. of Vls-i i)unt Martignac to Wr hjB'pecame.aVaeknowll edged adherent of tl'liinistry. Oa the appear ance of Priijce Poligaq at the lieai of atiaixs, M. -Ilumann rejoined le ranks of the opposition andd stinguisSied !hlimvfIf asjbne of then leaders ui' the celebrathd 22JI fvlio yqted the address V Chajrles X,,boseechiiJ jiim dismiss (bin, his Councils the ministry Jfkhr lith of August. Af ter.ine revolution he spurted the Guizit min- tetrj, but although he lid noijoppose, neither did he djrdially su)por Ihle sHt-?;h: of M .Lafitte.' He co-operated intle? fwiuiatiori of the Verier ministry, although fief did ull ' then accept the ofilie which was offered toibim. and h la lardy accession maybe'rViifed aa evidence, that tho systjem of tho 1 3 ih eflarcUjis still to be mam The Talents of TMrlj, the historian of the first Freich revolution oh lional, and previously in tlie Constitntione la'the fjundcrs of theNa- kie cf the- ablest writers . have raised him to the pubiicj instruction, in tlie7 rank of Minister ofj new; government, A 'the pjberals as a rpifqjgrlde ftm-tbeif pary, and as having s-ld fwnat to thvijuste tiiUieu for the sikk of that place aaj power which has now been' gialited to diim. Hj3(ias, in coneqaence, be come the object .fl!wr btltciH: invectives. It is but Justicp, bowffvertol this highly talented in dividual Ut say, thatj in h great work on the revilutioti, which ' tiMt:$bta'utyd for him the rep-; utaiou hicb' he no) enjoy he advocated, and wno wul say that Be did not advocate conssien- ciodsly,. iheBiaintelfaneeof the hereditary prtv- tiegi ,ot the paerae, anuj most of those other priicip!es which htf e procahjd fr him the ha-; treds oi his former fffnds. It f r his very con sistency, then in $!iipofting5 a system, the nar est jto Inst- w u.co hcilohnerly advocated as a his torian and a publicist; .that be is . now the ohjrct or ft taucii vn uie.ice -ana ; aauso. it lis attain meiits as a pub)ic silsaker.and esDeciall v the tal etitsorarein Fraud of beiUir never unDrcnarcd for i rctply, will male his accession of the great est yams to the new nuaiairy. i oe only man in tne liriuaii f armament to whuin I can com . pari hiai is tiie JfdAdvtisate of Seland.bct tcr known an the edauiribf tKe Edinburf Review j whise manoer and jppeasaiice many of your read rrs lnust have had lui eppofiuuity of oturviiig, at the jwnod oi his ruit to the Uiuted. states on! the oc-asiinuf Jos iBartiageL In person, manner aadutierctuv, in ibo (Lwlif his ideas, in his command of langul're anal in his eihaustless power ufillutrationl M. 'Fiseirs, ai tho a much younger iuaa,bearsa remarkable resemblance t fVJrJ5t!rey. p j -u. i Acc-jrdi :ig. to thenlw arraqgement, 31. de Moni emaihs atltbe Utrtne Department, M. tali ret reu ilarthe ke-; the teali, M.r d'Arrrout continues m inister of public works arij of commerce, and Admiral de Uigny fetafns c depariment cf the man in-and 'the colonitii Marshall S'Hilt retains tliofWar Departiuent,! together with the prcai dency, which lnt tsad to be in bis bands a mere tMxnuial dignity, without the corresponding con. constant of pjwer, ori the jiurpiee tX rlieving the niuistry from the imputation of-.that weak ness and want of unity to which it might be ex posed, if it wanted an ostensible bead. i t . -m i ' i i J The Pacha o r Eg t PTv---Tb is man who has lately made & much noise in the world, by his opposition to Ue Kuitan, he refcrta he iiat wrought among hisj people ijand the cultivation bf the soil of Egyj,'wtis originally only a corn mod soldier amuiff the troops ra w?d iu Albania. By the vigor of bis arm, by Lis tulent and en terprise, he rose to e the i'aeba Egypt, one of the lu'rbest pos'a of iliotior in tne wiiuio inrktsii emuire. . Such broibotidn ia trurkey is not very extraordinary, for tjerejare ho hereditary' iionors; and as the Sultan lis the neir ot sit ; wuo cie in office, there is ; but liit4e fieredi ary property Accordingly person originally in tae, lowest si4 tiont constantly ri4Jo the lagln. i ran kin the; empire; and the sons irif thegitestt Pat'bas de- seend ' to a low conditibn. 'But .liahomet Ali, the Pacha of Earyntl on celfin? the command of that proTtnce, soon ihowed tljat he was no or dinary man that lie Was npt one i who would travel in the beateufpatirs of jignortnee and pre-; judice, and the chafes which he baa wrought ih Egypt, although! far frumpmg eqttal to wnat a stifl grfaterdegreyetl knowledge and . benevo lence would have efiected, ate utterly astoniah- sn originally unedcucateo eded m eeubiisbing a re gularly paid and disciplmedma.tary lorce,tnstead cfr tlie in cmhu ; aid tamuiaXary bands ot men, taring as told Turkey; and by thur 1 - . . F "- jw7 f e uur rtaer some Ot- me Hwm,lUS riWMfww t whkn,wemad inVnjj wrouh help; he soaa patdaxro alT bodies of robberi 'tad-' plunderers jand rendered life and property p?f fenly a& throQihout tall4 the land of Eypw tThe remnant tf 1eflxciclukci;rliat"6inG t f miHUry body; which .since the days of Saladin. f nai fjoyernea lgypl, he annihilalodtr U ratia bd confrtSSd,by meani butdittlejeonsnnant without I'm ui mi miujiii uu m. lull am Phnrim rr . nil i iu ub .:i , . cutunaercfal or tcieatifio rmrposes are rfectly secure; T St-.. memoranda Sareas Ve-. Tette.-af'Ga 1 fJTho last words which Charln 'Xktt caittfnff r ranee, said tooiw of his conductors; were 'trufes . H,Wel1it;ic--?th!l old RepubUcaa1 Xfaye;te. hasdonoiallthUi;-'!';r- :At!'f 11 1, ifrha peopie of Parity when they had jBontj'tV ed ta the struggle of the three days, cned j oat W Iytayefiqr'lf we must have a Kinjgtvhr net have vou?" J Td thatne8tion., aahi the wn' ofj the Iaqd of th t Pbaroahs, PtemiesrCKam and Caliphs. 'rravelfing frosxTono end c( Efpt ) tothkotUr ' it ' taoV.aW'asiit' ah .kuiedun xi1 f Ijf iai,I inado .replytn the words of Alanihall Sazc Si.! ber of thff French Aferay--That wcwldsstf. tniat 4WflI as diamond Tings would f- tiiit if1cat We wish; there Iwerel a little 'more of thii kind ofniodetty on this tide (if: the Atlantic. 'HK;S iReal popoIaritT' siid Layfayetfe. is riot to be ; testeif by dot n g f whatever wflt please tht i j m.T wt w n n niiiiiiiip. n n imw rtm w - .n n persuaamg m people wiat tney oigni'nox jo oo that -whieh is wrongs and ther nrmncsar'wsth which, nhen necessary, we preyeot tlifm - from doing: wrong without loosing any part' o(! their favor.' h M ' Layfijette's maxim J,' 'and alwaThai.)i,r'!' ! In great jpersonal .quets, if is. ttt; jftciaFlsa- 'f fest to decide against oiis own interest many deeiples has he at-Washington? 1 J1W tie sad to th Helgtans 'The .race of Kings ye cho is not the important poititjbnttheRre- pect yuu! can pay him: and if ypa rsspect ; the Monarch of y war choice, you hav gentling 1 y After the fall of the Lafitte Iinislryj tht charge Was preferred again t ita saccessrflrs.Jt'nt they hjmsparaged that ministry, lu parti ah4 pjicy,"ih, their official cbmmunicai.iona witih foreign cabinets. ' This chanre. was! indirrninUir repelled; t Adverting to this topic, in ohe if liU - speecaes in vne vnamoer oi lepuncs, uen La fayette said "If was with pleasurji that I heard the Minister of Foriga Ahairs repel with : iBdtg- nation the suspicion of his having ubderratW td ; Ddjiirn "tinvera or thiftir. Tfnrppnarl thr ' statesmerjand pertons ! 'who do notipoirficipatetri. ' iub vysieai uu upinious oi me present ca.iiT.ei; but our discussions have' their- echoes aJ bjr ; . dint of repeating here that young antagonists - provoke disorders, and thirst for; the, blond of Eurppe, you are indirectly guilty f that which is jacknowledged to bej on the part pf any adruni isirauon,aa unpairioicaci, ana aspecios o trisa- Layfayette aeknowledires the failure of his enorts, at It wo principle epochs ofl his life,! "to:1 solve the problem of a citaen-monart'by, fiuaded ; u toe lauiis ot i me moaarcny ot iui; say3 u. ftarans, ,MalI its dangers jaad our , Ov result from its alliance with tbe dictrimares j That alliaacc has just been renewed. ". J jCocOTtr tWtTnocir it ai ir.--Irt that 'art ef rera caiien v aines, wtiicf. lies oa the north land south sida of Lima, iq south latitude 13 bounied on the east by the Andes, and od. the wnsj by the Pacific Ocean, it nrcr rains at all Bhi du- ' i . ' L ' .1 '. . . . . .' nog, w.uver, iae eann is coverea Witn; to tdiCK . fog as to intercept thi rays of the tunl Tf)cj t appears almost every! day during the winter. tance. Al)ut 10 or 1 1 o'clock, i begins to -ise but without being totally dispersed, though It it . ii t!wn no jilnpedipicat to the Bight, intercept H; only the direct ray of the sun by day an tho ji stars by nirht. Sometimes it it tfj "tar disparsedi ; ". that the dac of the sun becomes! Visible, buj thej -heat frorai his rays is still precluded in J the 4 winter stason tlie vapnirs dissolve into a vof ! ry small wist of dew,, which' they, call carnal ; artd thus every where mo'sten thi earth. TbesO giraas neycr falj in any quantities saineieiitr td damage ibe noit 'or. iOcwmm'xie the travHlert; but thoyl render, arid and barren parU fcrtUei ; : 'I'hey convert the digrera!do dust in the strati j ' of Lima into mud. Nwin the rtiuiitry theiw.nd always ydwsfrum the south; that it, from ajcoldj - point or two to the cast. Catjt alwayt'blowsbftl aI s tween the south and south cast j When ihrj f y i cjime co the south wind is barely felt, and a wsrirja t ' ly perceptible air seems to cane from this horthi ' which fohns the fr. Pheoivious reason I; Wli3 : it never iains in that I country b. tlrat- the tviud t conslantiv bl iws from a colder toi a botter;'parti;if p ? the World. We see also the i cause of the; ftjgj f ' :fjg they arej occasiwnrd by the .mixture of tho air from the north, with the colder air ! frord hat too south. t : u . j" - :' '. 4:: Iff From the Cbarleston (S. C ) CwrM I THE QUESTION ANSlVEHED, ! Oa how will, NuLLincATiojf AVoaa ?. 9 ii ! AN abU and well written mmnhW. tliia title-; bat recently issued from. tbVl?re$Sf4 .Vr.t Wm. S, BIain,!of thit city jlwith Md pnrj . P e of shewing that ..J nlfification may be JuVd ; hy the pcaceabte and regular admrnutatiua ,of the General Goveraroent, without a resnrt eithcf; ' to the blockade of our porta, or the aboUUo jat theif cniihef cial pri vileget. The authcr beltc8f ( that it is jthe object of the advocates of Nulliaca- tion to provoke the General Government to tame r act that will put it in the wrg,, cr, tcrminafel :n Muodshed. fa order to have a pretext fori the apcomplihmentofthUi ttnhal(owed plan dSur tin', now covered wit the constitatumal disguUti ' t Jt'. Nullijtlcation. He, contends, howercr, ?bat j I; !there is! oo necessity, that the tnjf4 Stes I i should yield them thia advanUgejiand it it timo 1 ihat Doth friends arid fKt sliouki uoderstaiid,jLat the United States want no blockade, no repeal!. , lw, no soldier, ;bo poaee,' nt' contitatk' noting, hut the eimple admmistration cf the laws as tluy i now eibt, to coovert this formidalile weapon tn-, td at harmless an instrument as Pjrr am's "spear TVuin tint ietu. ;! Simple .NuUification, be . -. -.hows, will be merely a coolest wrth the i ret-, :. - T -. . . i ... " .! sury iieparunent and the cderal Jujiciary, in, which those authorities wonld assuredly triumph. topular violeoce, or attempt tece&on, i- di& i- tax state or ,tamgt woma arise. '.nnj ;vr, joerzetm xehiediea. f In the follow. oxtpcU:; -Vc; , our author eaters into the details of tht, pracrif '.: ' by which the General sGormmeat,, will; VTvp paaceablyj and without hjzard, disarm a"Tjfi t&atvtr. nfSLi nowr.knd refute 'tht lwifion4ST'' ftK Air. Ctxtr totxtw v&zl i 3l ill u iii. ..i-r-- 4 IfCi 1 Mi -fl; a .W- '-I- IP i !; V K l; v Si.: I . .. I if 'HI

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