-.1 fliiil ' -1' i. -i 4 I :! r-.' it- k j- j I If i. I 4' J; Yr. hi t 1 I. ft- for UN 1 " 'mm' :1V i.iU-l J J Ll'T St rtMUlOl I. ihe llarf.H Jiteifchsf several favoun ofthelkijid ;ived y suing recess v 1 ' r 'TiiFVPllt!S!l)iiNTS MESSAOE iw-t cri.. in this number, the whole of tiM IfeUjLt jindts it ''is la--- privilege universally. ! . nxi l. ih.i FKtorisl Corpsi to assume Uie i ir I ' if criticism on! this, annual oecasioa. ii-Siuticr kn"1-? ! '. A cifr rctcd; tribunal, we ifoo. wiul v: 'toki'ikw itftunder fflir a4iads?itwn, $ki wir- witlrijr Whllhcr yt I, l 'with fe w 4JT h.it -v orocwM to '- ear. m as .to its liter. ii rv. merit. - tUlt li ! ilfler alha secret of tiogiwn iproao weu EnjHwh poesniw at ItftaUjto tha of Dc I irriJiTllMnw. &i rKrht t aaQsfy the ffreateist i atfcliteiPir (Krress a expffisaon:t--Ia . tjt r ttHeyof.oudgeraeat tlfrretue, 4eclafr: !.. MI t. JOT M II i i liias to;iheQl?tnttefe j(ay-J. li: tliatHI i Ml i f eoepr aa herdo ' after exwpnj? we are prood 'of it; aaanjtierfcan yiiaii; i take up the matter a little' more gtavp-. we ihiiik tJus infeB show more Jrul the Woll ta CwiucU General JacVpon aapiprTiflr ' rrmsists; ' than: an tbinjr cf , the . aortl tliat haa cTi!r iptTjftfcded from biimi tfcc boldnew with tffe betakes oj1 jeeotutoeijd itl TftdJUfctionthe brief and dignified -mt. .F trMttntr . anulhf r. aeiicaie ; a HjkSW ritE that, are worthyxoenSa i I liflSil The Jrmr.CfJ with which' be adheres itU. iHIS TipSlMon,'ipai Sine ewreiaB mi hw ji-ibcj w making internal iraprof ements of a local charac :tcr,i- dangeroa Id the ee qt this. jCkuntiyi and the irtnteral iiecoroiwndatkni lor the, ! Federal Ce'rninefl-to keeprtticdy within thojspherejC id dcie'atod ruvrs. iind thbir commcritary in tiaic--we are saiiefied Jhat nothing;; but -tf 'OoVeTtufient tbeaimplest kind '.can suit - tlwij : W aw rlad tose fie liberal views taken of tthts moA?9 br the opnositMm prints in several. "ihatancfa, and in none -more man py.uiai most i talented pritlicaj, thn Lyuohbur . Vjirsmian f fhia arutjsajniriiiing like a- dtspueitioii for fair, HtfedJrli thidtoulf y?ara to coie, andiproys; I ihe nerrssitr 'uf oniimn'i'.dajuf I Trrt&vneY tt iho-VsanVo peisonj to one ternul 'AlthaiHi in Uie rnaih. wd thuikf this i rnemg :'leiietiiipeffoanee weeati jnut' appryre fof ihcrtnitalriewsjui the rmblic 3nk--It ;-any -iJiytiin is, to be made of these innd? Jet it JbeJ utto be much ii'ri compatible with justidi?, that WmiM rpverback to: these statfe;thin; to; any othfr party, exf'ept the United Statta. J! J:$tw do we sanction i tho ' ill feeling evinced v w'thisn!Bj. toViarda the U. Bank.-; ISa weNPan! tilcqt Itu fa slnct exannnatiub into ifs taMi ithel tiank itself we ibefievei iwould. erof ttaniridiictiMrhy, jbyfatl neans'. let thei examination oemauc. ;iui wnai ii miseononci be pruTeit, b it a reason that tlie; Rank should be , bulit.-hed'? Bf?no means, the Stock U this Bauk I ieto!?gsi w ipaiviaaais againsi,wnom aa aciass m .phnjnpriety'i8 lfedgeif th agents, the irtj ia.diri.haf abused theif trust, Nil them Wimhed out of office 'and tMimshed. And Wtoihewjbe utin who will borelaithfuiiyl ddiheir uffict.4Weica no.-, justice in ,visi-: tih(tli5( cnMSioe of this mindt on thotianJs of innocent people. oind of whom . ale? Widows; so:oe orphans, verv f?w of whom have bad more to dp with the tjcratsoiis of l he Bank 4tlaii the flitoif of iius papor-i-e: cannot think: lwUth' Prestlntjim heee poirji and it is ourf IfUHiiwint v aiuw uwi rem i-rH(utciM. Iiq laaiief who :hay jjiinsay them. On theso points we .'ibiwvtliatik?t rtajorliy of the Presidents fiiferjds in Notth Carolina wUl.djsagcoe with him, hat it wHll not diminish their devotion to the gen ital cause of tii Admiuiatratiun,! which they Relieve to be tliecahse of the iMtcrly knd the tu . . j -1 ; r ' - ..; ' I rtllwWom tak my aeat uiflfW'&oWmneni . ' 11 hoic. i i - ... i r j:Mf e soe U statedim the Raleigh Papers that the IislatuN by h vote of .75 3J, have conj ;wd tjie ; ritit of Jfartun Grange to fepresent theltoWn of Saisb3jry in that Hjdy-we, re inl frtncd that tb4 committee cf Elections rieportcd thai ihe tw tanoSdatos each, had receceivod Lao 4vninl numhrinf mtttHtin.t &i .i.L S.; s V- 1 ' v-.i . uu as wits I LSlf rill had wrfttcnln tlw-m that if he had believed I tu he would have Iroted fur Ctaikre. that EnrtL did . V(ite f jr him -1 lis Mum f was hW.ever 1 thatjthcre wasjH ja . tie, .but that ; Craiire was ejected, of JctHtrsebfe could not give his vote at all; he t having detormihed tho previous puini wi:lj aloiic viytfd eutitle him J to vte, tn . w$ thaj ttere was k tieDid anviset of wise -hieti before immagine that the Sheriff coujd giv hUjrifef eandiute a dijobie ! chance Ifor hit i,oue ny receiving and potUngj into the Boi nu4"yotes,r giving his owi vuIq m the eta tin jrenc v of these votes beirio" iel . 1 prhapa w may get a clue to the cirl Hrr. Civge,:to the! Genl! mmMrUt cranf an! annrol .Li " t ' r'Tf i7-?Ui Y.tJ Jr Kranv an i appro- naiwn lore-ouiwjine.otate Htwia rt IiWi;.,si .w Ve can underaUnd vas piUy .pr.Hcn tod to the friends of Mr. Craidi -mu.nt uaaeccary f t 'i -U Tw 4- 1 i r .1- U,i.4. ntV MilfCi likewise IU rmitiH fi?iCaiW rule : J ".TCI I ijwi iv wit rf tht modactwn twhicU i , vkihin'or rfehft of rbjvBjrty -in' f5e Veyf; fibxtdegcre h f-iyeUiein tf, tlsc now states ec- c&ivriy. Kthe pcrposos for which ilw utliy do- l.fir.;was'ttiire4vM by the i stales of N?vy, ypfki J- VinwajhdriJrtij Cacolina &havu Ueu ah-1- bt 9i willing to this as any one else.Scif Congress '.talH jUIieve jtbattheiausationsj are BUfficienM . Iv estaU'whed t Tatae aisuspicioa of its solve ncy , Z???r. WatJi to this result from ihe lact t ajwas ami tola tKat r.u vjl Ui.r7.T-r--r :HwiMetvIrtn for the "llail. Road f.n th Vi!kin ta mmSSJ tfluriZAr Julh) afW tlihrPv- vr, ry a Uommoner frtan ttbwan and -trlai!'?5g Jath5,ie:lwhh Jmlhad not the face toddny;or the candor :teSS3t. IUlthou2hihahad hinii&'once ntr iLeliMVAfir 1- Ti thin !i iimlstrnsnr mtwastraitstheit a w4 all nry;wybW P?2 --- t At- fiuwtmb ih 1hi tlil9n tltn comek tit. iCtlhcWn' phRf-Hhej read a hihboM piece ef sophistry, and becaoM they canidt anaVer ittlrey think thjrrbcliev itwt tb4 Remedy :is ti .aMf..: "irMbe Ufie iyr bautkinjj '.an4 sJtuJkio4by ) opwa. the Umjcd Sutca'CoarttirA trexradotts XTcrt u aulle to get a ntyority- in thdr f State Legisfc-tam-thia is dtsand Jianngot tiiiu-er of ihd S!3tia--tnrfcafl!ds -:by;!;fiaal.-majonty,-ihey ! jiHeAfornkitloMr print Hjict nrpis'M7? ITetation-tnat body in Cieinuat hurried' mannei! dpnoances the Sdprethe Law of ; lite lano" prepare a fof roaciBti knxarcE with antnsi tofn; abadj;iurna. The Ltislaurre theo ineeu, and th jirirst acUlwws how theyriKn toprtjceed vth tlirEAcertrL My m tbt arcmwly hat reqwirrs art army of twelvtf thairmsHi rneh tol be nad j in afttictpatton .J U bffi-t - Vhi a- farther caknmi?ntarf m the. aspeci of UiiJ monstrona Ddctriii of itllifieatiofr wsintiie the attcniioa r reiders to r- tiele npd tconidas, extractert from the lhar lestonrCouricr; wiiich may be fcund tu 6or pre- Th Lrw!atttre W the Stattf of V irrinia.eam- f fwBced at Riclinwad, 4m -Mnnjdiyv5r- IiistanU George 0. Drboigtf4ef E:f of ;iilihiaawicK was electtP1" u I Ihel Senate;-jtf '-place-' bt the Iiyh M. Holt dcd Lvnn Bahlca of Madison, wa4 chofien Speaker of the Hovse ef pelates.- The Message of GoV. FtoxrJ we ihaveaeeh, lfttiha?etiiof -.raiihSmne, hreVer, he haa bfcen voted for as Fjreaideiit, by the most. wer-j VtmLiiAnt the tweniy-ionj, we mua reau n and that carefallvjto seeTif we $Ln iscern; any f thofee marks- of Greafn' that give him ytp tensiris to ao ofc4 s Miifffi.f He fit for a Presi dent! bwJ we hja neighbor, and hfa acquaintances generally, tslwuld nertt have ilrvamed of such a thinfflorclv wellnusi'ali be Tcry dull sighted in matters of this-kind. ! i- "Oirc to cteni one nioi'n.M--5lnce we havp 7rc to ccei fheenlnJhe iiditoral bukine5,fwf have eodea voreo 4 s.incuy ioj give xrcuii itp ; pyvry - wiicniwe nave exracieo; out we o w jrew tn A3 v we ha vp rinnn' n ;-ini everv-' instance --.fe are auiarc -that it raiuirea a fbod dealif caTo af- - ways to note the paper or book frin jyh.ich ar.'ex . tract ij taken wetthereforeidp-jit blame .md of our fraternity witharipas offence, in simetimcs ' . i ct t; , .- ... ,:--.-: oiuitiin to give tlie WatcJfjian his due 'in this ref poet. ; We are not able in tills remote situa tion j to gi vc much that is wortht Copying let us even csaiyipur prams lnme enon, ano wnen we do. two diiiketo :bqb others; jrua awav witlr- its JWfehJiip.- AVe" mention', this matter, be cause we hlvo inscveraf Hstahl9; wc could menliorj, been, ""rather" indifferefltlyt treated in thiai noffticttlar. '"AVe hote'especllly the article hcadedj 'A Veteranl'atriot giving; an. account oftnV.ocnioriai of - Col;'.5iaAtn'JtTnis has been rc-publshcd, ia a great, many papers and with one pr fwa rxceplhns, either j witjiiout 'any credit or wilhiawnniotto. WTe u-ieuoliersoiialjtips.fjr, frura ' iko a.rtiaWe rlnractcr of 1 'ssveral of the' Genffetian to whom lm applies, we are satisfied that' tluV was an overaishtiibut'the thini has l)ccprric fi coaimtKi that we rnusi ak, our friends . for a:litlle. more accuracy in Uiesenaliwi. , f PR- TH5 - I Mr., jimor nen a man 1 ciernauy ousy- t?i sri '.i'i.m. if t 1 Mi nti'iira onrl la 1 " .n I known too, that Mri l isher is'-therteal Lditor ot iiiiDiipvciiiA'uiiuMu, anu . if. cimt-ayoring. inrougiTHis eoiumns 10 Mmoue ine puwic mmd wttfttnis pernicious creed. -'Jthiafc the present merciore, a ni occasion :io scruiuiize tae man, wnot has thus thwwn himselt befjfe the public ; and this I will do.fearlAlir. shlmrnTh I L-:Viu.- 1ia has d utJUJca of slanderers and iwirsecutors in his- keeping, who are ready 5to mint down any one that" lie may hiss thorn -upon I? Charles r isoer then the man, whom the -pottle of this viciuiiytsnouiu er.nu w oiciaie ao toeai tn a matter that concerns the very Jeriliienca ! ofour Union?i Ha he not1 been everv -ihimr bv starts aid nothing long"? Many of you reniem- her, that he-was mico a taniUnanf; that hp talk- edia taprof it that he wrote at book . in favor of adbptfug a system of Manufoctunng in North, Caralina-rthere was then notning-Iiko the ben - ism, he hras about to establisli sheen wslks in to besltpwn to the DeoDle of! the Sotitir. Aiul' tliese walks never iverp establishedthis golden harvcatjuever was rjrapt, and the system, that was tlieh so beautifiil in his CYs-4he now repu diatesaid decries' as odious tyranny wliich w must gqt rjd of at the expense nflifforiimc aid nonof. llfJWr. Fisher will still, den v that he was once in luiavurui ma laru.. ana will auuiorise r... t .1. . iv . 'i. .. uuvt uinaiMlUi ligu4 VUO UI U1H TiUlUin UI II H i aawn ana isaiawoa Journal, to bubhsh ceuain t iicrs his on this subject, 1 pk-dge.my If that youlu hcUeve b, and follow hilK't'tnis .Jmpit laiucrisis.oiou aji remember -that he voted in the Legislature fur the division pf Rowan county. aficr haying long and ofteiv voted i azainst that lno, . viru A r ; r " aneriit by the people utter havipg Uongand often voted against. that measured-He voted in favor of a bill to prosecute the Banks b I the iState of North Carohna, " after having adygcai?d them jJuriiig hosame Sessionand afler! having been publicly attacked bj the leader : of the. mtia&uxe agamsti these institutions. He : fluuted -at itie Fear,in1t letter, whfcMiwas . W-t him in the General Aserab!y cf North Ftraaee mmiiw - hi jumiv. ..v..Jf .....u .i- UB coiistprruutt; uiiucuiiysiuoiigi ine inenusasKj deavoriftg to make others.do just a he pleases, it the details; prp'ioWy.th? plan by which UierState rs therriyi;ege if the public? and their duty to and indiHdnal stockholders are equally inteiested examhi that man well, and find otitwhether may succeed. ' Anti-noUirtcation reafiorishive nv liinuiiki! t tn i what 'he is aimmc at be feir tlio'tiublic ?ood.or for I'iwspn iritrhHn. 1nt. fvtK htnh(i nf UUa :it,A P i . i j: c . : t : . ir:i . . - wr: i i. k . . j . - . - r . - I nw.r w no f innnri i ! nnniif 1 ,ii!i in 'J a ri I mjni r iiisia . iu. ijhi.ik. tiim nt, ? ir 1 uri . I . . . me grawicauon minini wreiy. vveunuer- Jaiure,' those tn the Senate have pe potpirdir" V YzAlfTvl rT' i u Ui rut i 7 4 FriQ ff.V- . grtitly fulfill, stand that Jlr. CIlARLES FISHKU is open- until Friday next; it is imdafc ndoubted those w excel htm. m W 2' r 1 Dec. I, ld3i rlvhiynvnTintr toTmnwiratfttKp triHPi.f Niil if.lt.ji, iT..;i,w 'k.. i.:m. I particular and separato QuaUficaUons for that hi sr h f Pp t 5 ou. a 4-, Wheat pr bush 624 a 0 i; L. , . lmrilv4rInirMl it in nnh hn UnPivh thu ( !u .n.! kn (..' k- . is ' Viair J UCXCUUP Uf Ills KUVICU1T Ol limilKtno. Uie 1 I" viireuuiwjjwi - A -np -fc. -w J ryWords he uttered in public; The fact' b no wj but its'vories" have beertjen smceApt rW,a , j that beSs continually at the o6rnescf the streets vot thit maybe had onmililcitiori W gfw bJJ2i ltttSTl and otMr places in thel towrt of Salisbury, f LegfelatPfe cannot be constdereda fair tost .PPBttKin wtea wu pauence ana jmeraiitv to (1. hKtSTdtn i VT. I ,,,.Ui!L iDf,iL.!,u a,i ia.. .. r . j i i. -.tLil -. the views of all who have a rur ht to be heard bv J Prw I." Hogs-Iafd l ai 10;. .Pork (nonel; I. y.. p.w.i.u, p99ugFn,many inenos.pi ne uraonjiere axe f U;;.U J.L. Lflu .. Salter h.,Wt i-t , t oH VStii-h fim W ottlmateoi South Uarolmaahd openly up. 0jcd to the Legislature's acting M Witica): T w ST bw fclO EnIlh db i lb o CWhr w hold Wan ant. the -verr ttle of Which, k an act ti.WmU. nnj?n et,J ,.rTK;r Pr V vifpr ivv ..wi.rr, - r;l -n r r-VLl. r":. -r-JlTL: i nurnSs-ecaie and deliberation with which l sr a pugir pr n W a 124 ; Hum, enn that re wpr tii ilenve fmm tllm nr.-kttirtii I lumwi.l.ln 9. fm tlm)...!. ..riA....i.i'..w I of.the'ltiritfl and': svif will Siinif hnw nr nthrl T'ni fKokonio ..Ut C .mmomh. A I tTl . - f - - - -- ..... .. u. -. - . . mvm -iiv k'Hii.' cuuza . . kb iiicmiu&i, aim I i4aY5muiiu iwiui u .rir.i r isiier s .uair.oi- ine i i.mi;w ni. i.n:nm:ins in no mArawnt. n luuiunjfj jwnw oua large scaie, anuoy me years up: golden siar vest which bo. was to freap,thd ini- The i JlL-. ii v-i. . ;. . - ' I . -. tiLiut' upvauiages 01 uie rrotecting SysUan were j pie every CMW same measurd in tliatme body . Ht iemKpc!aincd, against thepwtfof thdjGenerat Gov : 31" m . -i ... . ae fneasura in tliatame body. He i P thoaz hq Tim cnei gut. npa QeUo m Safislni- City to ew-Orleanai, and sabrnlttftd a memorial, wbirh; ia'txprtts aroarnV ;Kxsogfnize4 tSw'i powch These are en poblid iata which are all antbenU cated by pu'Jic docrinicnl and cannot be denied! ;J5 it couia ineniiontnsianoea oj iJie ineonsiszencyi-perfonat in nis caurae uramun huuik ;iurn, .uai; in iacia i are snratne up "n ri'that; ibere ia: scarey iljafHeocea af tlie pqraniVor byftbe etrictares of raariuiau wnunei y west w ieti'o Taa htttd&;niMt paised4y lfefandwb6h M naaucen so ranch adm:red ana;oeiovea;uy mnert iy-Btnlrandredth3 of ihet Atnerican1 'People emtHoved or f ou in different, stationsicarffl any t oaestnend and undyrfe tKie aci OI nl9 Uiai iiaa. resaiveu ; .iu nw uuuiivi i (rood tf'ifciw tint mors thin . i 'Tear aaro. m i tae Halei1 Reriirtcr'ffreai crbdfy W bjih I be cause be bid n invited a. nxtndtr of trokcii tnar CaruHna, j j&blfellKe Sta- We IteNonbaron tue tif rVa.hin(rtoril but since Jtbat I2S gone off witli 2 bnadred didlarrf bTlbe jwiMic nioney, J and Jed the Statue as it was,!w4iareay It will tarn out, tha.t aorne one elseuinyttM Jairi. ; HeJ can not build his ff!ry on " UisloVeb Taindat'oa n is uoi a(pewonai ana orner epepiy pw'ipjy wera; BemeacioQa io warns ine attainment of Uis feiloSfftitecavMchfistllina iVonf makejou belieYe, that it 1 yoair interest 'to Jin .appjniviBg JJr. oxV polrUcal principlei and in the reat bien" ofwth CarotiBa ia! iheJav, &ct, could npt srlthstand the CtsciaaUaeldrraepce rnpt to'break opiu Union, wbichu bqirtbersTi ofVIa impresaiTea a1foat they rrriffnt; have - fooiM ind bled. o establish: Wltrsh wefitre ircsIUed the utrivBteffiirts of tbt hriiruint trmn what men can ne aoown urur, rsiipr w J"-1 , mrr oa especially a parry ot uatcuen, atecosUvl hti tH3;Chdat'o 1$ jsojoa a rsiae of bltf irlnscrHiknl auperiori., It of hw pa,trtKjtia.rn 05 4nju3?--iut we ppot .dee4 of wafriotSvlth tHe ' y erieratton. due so extra :r all bis dpiDg tliat evinces the least of eltbe.-i- dluary jentijoni any: rank,-jiat tliose yQtm$ The truth is he is not what,h belieyed luniself J of e very JbtfmUesi addressed Charles Jainns to be, and every' body hae tonnd it out, but;afew Foi: it was iq ' the endearing tenns 'of fond of his tools-jn the town pf Salisbury rrthe aenae.j of this; awl a prostration olau hisiiopqs, naaren- l dereJ hird a oesperatB man.aiiq u jsoniy mtneiiace: uo nox -no airaia, my iaa, ws we wur turmoii,cta bloody iwvoiuuon,;uii caa prer hope to figure this he knows.ind for this I vri- ly beliexe, heishes to breakup Jhe Uruon - is tws Ionian umi y,v wwmww t r e.llow tiuzens or me wi,j u( voa juuow i him to f your country V Ruin r (5 " i I Egblius. Extracts from tlx Editors Gorrtspondenes. . Dear Sir: -Governor Swain took the -oaths of office oPhursday . last, and Igatef to ihefwoj Houses a short gpeecp. He declared bitnsslf no nartisarikbttt did notdistinctlv exnresa an?l J on'iipni the alt ar,rbiisu ta.b4'the&ath. He relies .ppoa the fifiB,12?!2 G ifJ? W for" V16 f'.. vthti, ITa .'.rwU'i'ki. fin. - intelligence and patriotism: Uie President; Cc!ngred and tHe Natiofl tiicoVrect thtt 7UJtrid prrrve theintrity theUni6n.i : V , The vacancy created bv ha proiriotion toithe Government of the -State, iiis mven rise to much conjecture, as t his successor. UJVlrl I Garson' of -RuihRTfonf. Mr. Nash .of HUlsbiftoWh; ,Wr tt'.e ct HtmHiaghaiij-. and ao-ot.d acquaintance Of the Ijnxrislature, Mr. Henry eaWell, are spo ken y f .1 It is ?enenj!y lelieved that i&ree, if not the .wh.jn, will te in -imtnatjonl Oa SaMniay last, a Bill, amendatory .to the x.ct, crejatmg tne Supremo Court, passed its fiTSt : l ,u' u.:. ri .- ,"R J' " u U,,JU" u w diiijr causes where they concuTm opmionj 1. s . j Raleigh, pepmiar Xth, .332:; DmiiSiar ' ' ' l;i'' V- U! 1 Tlie contested election from Salis bury hasj resulted as I ivui Wperd Biomthne, it is extremely dilfiIt to'coiitest with soccess. tiui seat. of a ittinj member The Bill to elect the Clerks of the County ami Superior Courts bv tSe free white neool?. has becdma '. ihe . law. ot the land, it pansod the Senate by .a ;ypte . pf 43 : to IT flio" ht r !i 1 ra tlio rTffrL-a 4ri .Ki olnAt rtt thitAoiViiirt eWtkirK. and'fof 't "thlnir . .... . . -. - . .... we-, sba 1 establish a Hank, ont Ucrvi eeis tn L. L..:J LI l:(V2 1... . U i i.L 1 'AJ-l l Jf uced into both branches of ; the Lesis riot bo surprised at tlie aprarent result, when the vote may be taken ou .,. . ft a -:'! "... , taken ou thei resolution. The t Nullies will of course use their ubnee,. and vote aiamst theiu v k i thtttx we have made Uhe best possible selection for the Governor at this imHf,rtnn r.raca.1 ; fT-:., l..,..; ..vi j dependent he b j nj-r ajruiiW !!ifiCTtb, he no partiz;in. . We have the strongest and I hnrips that tha nnPRt'mu r.f ennvintnn u-Ill K assurances satfefictorily arrapet. attbis session,; we Ihive concluded to .submit the f illowin propositions directly to the people! for tlieim to totrotf Jtbem directlv, (by the incurrence of theLeWislatore) 1 That Taxation i and population (free! White) shall saiooasw. i ne leisiaiure wi nneeireverv A wo finnrin I- oHtt 1i fv .k. .-v.... i ' v T?r A .-. ,1 aL.a O .! iu yeanf,..utua paroi ne .gain sccHon. ninai reouaes. tii Dersonsxooe exciuaea , m - A I a. II i ifta." 1 J . frompffice unless they believe1 in ihe .protectant -A ' : T . religion to be expuaed these are pie substance of the contemplated amehdmentsj.sbme wish 'tq submit the propositioE Capitol bat (rum whn on as to the remuval of the hnt I truii ftf nd Kwr I-thfnk I it more than nnihahlft. that ibftM i hnnmrmtL'in I . i . . - 1 . . - -ii T :- lldl. (as ltis ireneral v called I will na.4a. - I w i i - iAJaiLriECEl Dunn-r the memorable contest between :arua- ..-Si .11- caiea.en;;a - ; j Birhdier.and solicited hb vthijblaur lot tJiemeat-axewho.w-as.VerT'determinedlv'p l(ft ijih&A9MTrimt-Ur A ; , 1... 'iVI out and brought in a halter, .which he ottered fo j " v. .wsiv" hmw pi n yxi, "py ik mcaus repue uie eyer ftraay Charles I cannot think of depririog yoii of i The followinz b fronvJ Bisseti i History of nglaud,aad evinces ' the- warmth of feeling with which Mr. Fox, with IU his frailties was beloved i by j hb friends no man -'ever existed wb nwre: eftVctmilly .j: :S -Drewj afwr bin tho hearts of many A la'dy- of -ry high rankj. Ktili more eminent for beatty than tir rndhCni one of our lovely country wmen, who drajnitrate that, ia celcbr- Luir. u vi ...L -L ru'S i : istration ot the Gave i.ik ovti.taiiwbiii, lie - qiiu fic na a jlicuu k'J 1 ' - . , is i ni u ,.!m;n;.(mi;n kn iil.w I would be rooro iii.' uiiinii iuiu mi autuiuuuuuvui uut fcikiG; wu I iit"Oefi.&f.r TItlc ivetS:da;not rtcfifT natire and exeriiK wtniMiatcrested herself ifTtlui elcctkni ir:. I vitli a uoceas ' far be und the hopes" of the Jftfourcd. candidate: Aiimateq oy- pernnai -.inentisnipaod insprnr canvaas rn tavoar oi tne wusinir aue. aaa was our 10 oe aierrea ov ; anT " incon aiierapposiipj panj, upon aei$ve:eiiort-wniHt aagrskine fa a 5criiari but could not witli- staaa,ue bnlliant -eye of the-Dutchess ihese raia atnpted;to canvass tor their brother, ora- tor, pesnavon sal oo.the. HttfannVdimiJl in th -pleading lot jjct wuwjer uuj. j mce we baeintrbncoyiitftmteam all fhe British Statesman; we will give ibe. fol lowing which is in ' note to the prece ding; : " r . -m:' I - - . . ; '.The writer was one day present at this cle brattd elecUon. and beinr recertlv enme tft fn. dan.v forcibly struck with the free and easr tsrifis in which some of .the towefadherents of wiirades. - wi - -footing of perfect equality. onarica, my sweet bov liodrwess your black . LAIr. Tan BarcaV sentiments concerning Gen. Jackson, delivered at a dinner: lately- in Kew v- A VI Ik ,1 ''Permit me I to ocenpt Tour attention for tnoment, by an observation or two, ia preference to the personal character of the- PresideM,. upon apoint, m respect 10 wnicn, no one perhaps Has hal better opportonities for; judging hanniy- l mjjif-w wnicn r iiave oeen lonrr aesirous 01 tng, tmder circtimstance adapted Ho the u , Wmcu.i oeiwf " cui wii. oavAsju s : incapaciiy lor. me TT tVV? "f? att? I have atoirt feared, forthe .cause it.S .V?8t wrld has ben reidy and willing to yield a full share of its ipprobation to his military talents it has appeared to me, that his friends even, exedpting always those of them, whd' have been liiuch abnt his prreon, have never done full jus- uce io niscapaciTiesas a statesman, it so moen baseness could enter into the mind ;of man as to trtddeejhim to withheld a deserved - measure of approbation from a veteran public; servant like ueuerai jacKSon. woo; wntt a single wood reiauon in ine worm, wun tnes measure w nis foU toovernowihwhoselbnlv personal and aL, 5 r v., T7r;r'?r' r4 - " - gle earthly inducement to attach - him to public liter save the well coWn wishes ot his cons', itu- Lents and thehbpeto 'be useful C-to his country, still consents to wear out' the brief remnant of his dayaia .rthe pnhtic.service, it might possibly ,be apprehended from enewho, like myself, has had the good fortune to enjoy his. unreserved con fidence, to participate in his administration of the Government, whose share ef credit in its proud results might be thf reby proportionably increa-fd. I' thank "my God "that it has hot been permit led tome to entertain any! such uhwprtUvsentinienT ; and! take great pleasure in repeating thus pub-1 licly an opinion which I have frequently expres- ed in private cony ersatiou that General Jackson ,4ablic benefit, this ctaltedi wornin uddertootr a candi- I not nDw, and has not had suce his . eleyatipn toPr ' 9 a 9 r Cotton' bagging pr yd. 17 alJli the Presidency, ambn&st his coiislitutiouai advi-1 i, s'mgle individual as. well uuaiified to di- lie forms his idecisiops-the ; inflexible firmness with which he cxecutei . them, and above ail to that extraordinary, degree of moral courage which enaoies i ,-: ' a 1 . ii . . J t ' . he wlin' without eflec TTillZI. rnment, or whose .services valuable to .the country in its pre senter prospective condition, i Itis 1 trust, quito nbeeessary that Should say, that ur.express- iuir thiseptniori, it is not my intention.,, to arro? gate to myself any superior capacity forjudging m ike matter! or fo.chaliensro for it anv poculbr respect beyond wffcu ia du to the many opportu- i . n j z . . ' ii.:u' i 'i -nlltes ir correcv wwcriiuu, wmuiu uavujuy- ed, and th? sincerity with which it is : entertain ed r much less to; dp any injdslice to the highly Uod trentlemen who are now associated witr him in tho .Government, or to anv who have .1(.iL-ii..Aii.u....k.j ,u:- raUOIl, yon,, -ui juuK, auu i Muuvn pm, iay. i i, L,. imnrxMihiA that Ken! .laeksnn can owr I b 10 V -.wp-" ' - . ... ' .5h i . Anitc f.ir. niihlic favtir. Tho" 1 h a l. U W VF"-"-" r " . - . " " ' . ., v ;t . . who are capable at spftehing Uie asperities of the all the coniQetaUpnl tojwhichthey are entitled and it is t me at ail even w morauy . certain tnat they do bat anticipate a sentiment in wluciji at no very distant day the American people 'o ill allcoiieur RoxiroiXE CACGHTKAff ijro! In hb late 'etiapidipary, address, to the jmblic, Mr. Ran do! ph remarks. When 'Mr, Lbwndes, by lus vuenans oppoaiuoa ui ute larui tzfu. was oajuiguutrn iunv inuu &u wria ca men, I tookoccasion to 1 remwiof him that to him and Mr. f Calhoun the soCthern i States, would be, maiclt indebted for the system tiidentofthe' New lYork ! A ,t A cor- American, adver- tinr in this paragraph Jij iwniiTlJJ. s Iiacihnnn unforttnatelvlfor Mr. Raddobai Teracitv. that Mr. iowndes was npt ; a member of Congress when the tariff of . 1824 was passed. Mr. Hamtlon was then ipCorgr o having beta electel as his succeesor,' : and -Mr. Lowndes had died ii October, 1822, on' boarJ the khip Muss on hbpaMge frumPh'u'adelpkia to Kurone.' Will Roanpdte sit Still under this imputation against his vejacUy.aj point upon which be is ao pocul liarly ynsitive.and, we will do him the justice to add, retoore unimpreached? ! He owes it to himscf to explain thb matter. I Ly njhbuTg YirgiBian . nun unner an circumstances, w uo wnai i - .rr w i'Mucua, - . t." ; ----- feels to be right, and'thmks to be his-duty, We; ;;ortpr gal .59 a 475 ; Claret br em pi our university. , bestowing a thought lippn tlie personal J S111 V a " i -Aiaiaga, .sweet, (.31 Wiiw- I upara, including hre-wood, lodging, can- t it mav haveon myself-r-there b no other Kev a I i i f I dies, washing, ficc. can be obtained in re- ri'ftnatii in CulanSa'fTlP:' ;VJore7'Kii.baa ae aadl obtained . leave totro tura to tb Uriiied JStatea. Ha will leave Iky ta as feiKixa his aufceiwv arrivits. . i "f " ; It U the purpose; of the iGoTMrninent Ttbe llx ecntive to reduco the misaioa to -a Charge des Atiairc.v- -y Wi-. 1 ' s irZ(w -I jui 40c oer mr. wfihi ainfenntii t.i w'j.i'Jt-- i u 3c ty-reguiauoir; gspecta ny erjf we. bate camsidf fab! tieejihiUecti FfKwsa Silka, tustrueted to preset! a sirdng represeutauoa W the sufeject-ti'ef cftbvrz fia. .. '-' : A Wfcrj posrmatkld Ufa Orleans j was lat ly received at the IKewYoVk4 'Post Office the paRtage on whick was-23? : Viiich sum 'was ykwf at the Newr Orleans Office. VY(h die' ex- cepww uiAiciur ironi iewport, iu 1.. .during the late war, th u the greatest ainouat of pos tage on an j" We lettlr receied since ihe estab lishment of the NewYork Post Office. The. ditu waw ptnupuy psua. cuntaiiieu .100 ixwit 01 a rnvaieerj ana was 10 na-used in eVK deuce in a com then pending ,- in the Jdoiiralty ooun.s mWiY. Jitandl Ccnu haa presided over tie council of oiir liegislature. ilay itcontinqe. Ik bill to amend thW law for the election..of Elktirs m passed. There is no doubt but that a bill to establisli ;a Branch Bank in the North will pas during the extra session. A bill hai passed ! the House :of Repre sentatives, a&4 has! been irice read in the Sen ate, to j enable the TuaCTrmbia, Courtland hd Decatur Rail Road Corapahy to condemn pri-tate property. It is contemplated that when Mie time, for the reo4lal(sesaion arrives, the two Houses will reHrginix byf tlie re-election of all their officers. Nuflification is in the -minoritv. and we; think la thd 6am. Tuscaloosa (dlnb.) Juiquuter . , : p i ' ? ""oool j umtroi Llavtltt.W is stated ! in from Paruj: dated theOth ult. that General flii- iavBWjooaca wenas.we.as ae dtditen- years He no louger Visaed the Royal pafacs. to be th "Opposition's.: candidate! for ixie.waa tne speakers cnaif in the Chamber jpfvDpu-. ues. 1 JVeip Orfean.4-Tlic Nw OrleanstAr- gus of the 19th iflt4 says:--For tfte last I ten days we have Decn piessea with anus arid cool weather, which ,. ually fine, clear, has much conduced to. the restoring 4the health; of bur civ. i A lew sooradic cases J of Cholera miji pc&ixtsL still exists We have heard of no Hate cases of bellow Fe- ve, and upon th4 whole our ; city may be j 4 "f- M, , i 1 i .v.i - ? , 1 njurpons well hUediwtth slnbn nir. ind rtr . -fi- ii f . i'.Xli Orfrcaudor ted in iseveral iNevrsnaner; Yknt oh wfiat iihmf I - ty we know: not,) thai the 4fretGovetnjnut1l2U ve DVGtVZt viCT-eaca vao; e aiv on . Auiencan- t M to I v Jf m ' our levee and street.; '.(bit a gifeat "ifekl Office of the Watchman,. whcre;she is rnady-- b of activity and buitlN. Wc havVan immense u .orders m the abowe lino of husbi. "?$K' cut uiuKs ii.jw leaas.us; to taotic ,ipate a most- favorable season I of timjiness." . j VIE WofWeTM&KKET i .1' SALISBURY. Wde. oni on ddntortcni with ttcnt inicrehm ti town,) ioeu:ccMy corrected. : 1 - urcswajk pr. 10 tof -a ia, u randy, Apple pr gal. 35 a 40; do peach, pr. gal. (none) Cotton T i .iL tH i. ii n t . . ' ee pr lb l a ?0 Hastings pr lb 3 4-5 a 4-.j ? Cotton yarnXjjVoni No. -6 to 'No.-9,fl. p? lb 25 a 30 . 'iv'iw a J m. rrlZi: pr lb S - a 50 ;To4iienr yd 16 W ;i- CUJE12.!aVV Brandy, Peach,! 50 'jAppl8 40; .Vo a.es i7 a 40; Bacon Ibi 8 a 8 1-2 Butter Fresh Cotton 1 10 af 10 3-4 l; Com per bu3h 50 a 621; CojOTee. lb,; lb' a IS; Cheese 0 12 14 Candles,! 18: Ffour (from Wag) bbl ) 5 a $5 1-2;1 Flaxseed bush, ftl a 25;. HIDES, dry lb. 10 grieen 5; Iron, (Sweeds) 5 1-2 6; Lime. (Gask) 3 a 3 J-j Meal bush, 6-2iOats57i; Salt fin bulk! bosh. 75; in sacKsoz 4 busli.) 3-Z7o a 3; Steel German b,j 15 Fa YE TTE YIEEE. Bacon prlbS,a $ ; Cotton pr ib flew 11; Corfoe pr lb a l ; Flour pr bbl ft a 5; Flax-seed pr bh 1 2d a I 30 Feathers pr lb 30 a ( Cora pr bush 50 a 44 a 5 8 : Salt Tobacct W-hbkey pi gal. 3i a S3. In Charlotte, on "lliatsday the 6th instant, by well, to Miss Jani N. McCutob, daughter Maj. Samuel McComb- ; . - "DpIElf ? In Cabarrus coontjr9oo Tthe 19:h ultimo, of ihe scarlet, fever, Susanna daughter of Mr. Edward Cress. Died la thb Count Ifewi days sine, Parker a Negro slave beloogfrig to the ttato of RicliVl GUlaspie dec'd.ragwi upwards f on. one humlird jHe had tenM nearly fiuy years; Sex tya of Tbutira Church, in this county and as such was extensively known. He never was knowo4tobe- sick and died suddenly? without any apparent cauaeiCxanplioitcwea. FOR BENT. f B Ullu excellent Store ItoPm, on tlie corner, JL formerly occupied by. Ky les and Mteoan. For terms, apply to ! T ADRii MATTHIEU. Salisbury, Dec 15 tfcll : m wnwn i' a "u a . muinct; iiu at . if mil. nmu i iv inns i atMnHo '.mi a Tin. liiuM Luruioiiv rueuin uieuuuu ijv iiic rrrc a it, Blister 8 Bavgihg SQ a. 3; lobac- villages: the cheapness of boird, the onr- cyieat, i-2 5-lT, ftlanutactured 9 2o; ua ality of the neighborhood ; the remititioii veudish .5o a 75; fVVbjskey per gal. 2d $0; of OIlr teacher. &c. we ronf.dent! hnrv tn .. i e s i . r . 7 - j r iiumuuso. ji it l 4f- -ZEGiSxrza. 'Brass j -rvl- vtk iiirt'jtni itiw; -"Tic!! in thcSeUy . .v SOHBME. 1 prizerof L I! prize of $20,003 is ! 10,000' 13. . 5000 ia 4000 is $20,000 10,000 5,000 ; 400-1 "4 30. 60r.O . j 1 prize of' . ! 1 jvize of , 1 )rizo of ; -3 prize f..j 25 prizes of i 1 .3000 is -aoooris : ; 1000 u . . -SOO'is ;UoQj3l SOD b ! 200-b .100 is SpOO'J i;: 150D0 i 15i00 j I50T : lC4r)0 i 20000 j 26 prtiesoflj 53 prizes of .M.pruesoftii 82 ffaacaot'S - 200 rizesof : I V 583 pnzesof : H. 1012 PRIZE ii ; -.'l i"' . " Ci . 1 $i8p,o-jaY; :i On .the day -of drawing, the whole of tht - . .! I mtmbcra Will bo puV.-lhta one wheel, and dl j 1 f-Ml tne mzesinu anotBsr : - no numbers y $kl Prizes will be drawrif dtcraatelyVi first ; the K numbcrind -1 nejit ; the prized prizes are dnwnj i Ptzcs payable in; cash ! M :W usuai aeaucuon ot nucca percent. igs Tickets and : Shares to be 'had ia die f 1 "1 -l sk " 0 i-i'-i "(Pi greatest vajietyor;Numbefs;t !i ILilER&JOXEyM Office, DanvilJciVa. : Dec 15 3w21 f' . f1?';',- ff Th6 ' Raleigh f Star, an J Gfniorrl Patriot, will publish the above threo f irhMB and forward thnir nrmtntc tAVfirt TtiZ-i - .yfWi. 'i ,-.3 " ------ .mw tvivilvl .jj . 1 Ji .:! Office, Danville, Va. v If ; SvIILIsINSIlT 1 JllAWT V.l .11.2 1 JV fir. 55 ! xa:as s. d pairaiiSrpon. !ilyE? n?ilco thxt.he 1 h - .VA 11 in the Town of Salisbury, naxt door to the nlacesrin Yinrinia Mrs. P. is persuaded that sne can give satistactioi tnucn nirry c!iO)9e to employ'bcr. She will recvive regularly ft- m Philadelphia i and New Vorlc th Jatesf. I'a&!i .ions, and will keep Pattern fofr saIhi to ihnc vho inay wislt to make their own dress ?s. She will "wise, a.wa aiew ,upHi Turbxii&y and Fashion able Mress ISonnzts Mrs. P feels, confront that shs cauVit tho taste of this polished community ;3li9, there fore, asks of them a trial vf her skill. 1 AU o:drrs from tho-couatry.sJiall be d3i i - THIS lately erectod fhstitutiort is s:tu.v. ted about ..twcllv-p) miJp Vrlfi-Vi,-f - from Saleni, near tho Rs v. Michael Doub'aJ e have sdqeceded in employing Mr, Wm . Burch, to take charge of our Acaderrr. which will go into operation on the firrt l January next, ine saia uureu lias lM ' . ril " . i ' t . i ...' -conderalleperiencera teaching, and b spectable families, at the reduced price of $22 (perhaps for Jess) a Session, which will consist of five months and a hilf. , ' ; The situation is remarkably healthy, and tlie water is very good. Under tho " direc tion of Mr. Burch, students will be prrparnd for College ; Tuition is low. From tho favoral !d situation of our Institution, beiriV away from the dangerous temptttion t which students are exposed about our little receive the patronage at least of our own and some of the adjoining cxxinties. MICHAEL DOUB, JOaEPU DOUB, . IIENRy DOUR, 1 DANIEL SPAlNHOUR, 1 JACOB SPAIN1I0UR, Trustees. Dec 15 2w21 Seminary in Statesvillc T&iS flU3; wiU firit iMonday im January, j. k... - ; TERMS AS HERETOFORE. . Jnstnictii im the Piano Forte, by Miss E.J. IBaker, i0. Nie difficulty has always been jtoond iu procuring boarding for so faryfe, a ntfmlicr ? 7""? L - Tn , tUta r". I HuruwJ j he hiirhly jnatifving t the Teachers, if sume Gentleman of strict morality woold open a private Boarding-Huse for their eoumnuda!iou. It ia pniabb a eumouduu I louse could be obiaiaed for that puiposte this Fail. ' M. A. CALDWELL, E. J. BXllTJl, . - ' ( s Ttochtn. Stateevlllejfov. 11 tfIS vT JC&ATLY EXKt O'TUD JT '1 JU i i f OFFICE. . FBIaXE rm VmNTl a: ' - . - 3 . I m-p "V- - :

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