I I f-tf 'v Si'i r v ..... ii . J U JUBi J ulhl' ui SliU PI : I 5crrat Baud, related, the Ml-wjn2-Detoh " 1 11 r nmself with gfreat good hnmsur'ftwv"-:; Shinto ri!tfJri iMjCMlllJ A "V - ;nt a iHjrse-lWxathoyse-flf'alcrvt.mamn 1 aIlii8pnt.I,Uoo3ht srhM a, I Ut qrclmt still txiicd .-.to fuLcuttif he-L'- A 13 QcistGl qnMM i V . -. 1 v . wemorc, Wbeonpaid jUr Jum; , i- g; - .-i. i: , " T.iita to';inLra, otp;cus-. J Tt - . laf- till 11 . j ob miinaP3 ww(';m I' u 3 4 r5t' 4 m if all he -10 via ior- iit fcfVi an1 5;i iiHaJiwhEi tnUstirhind the proper however ta saam - r- MJQi vw-" Try.' t .T i'-ySs40W ilMl4tttaWrl;," u d . - i- r:--m:i3 h. H p T5f Cioi:V7TW r ! j tfcrc Uie tifo?nZeri lire Counties TOure inan Mt:cfie whibnaf ?)ti3t:i oyer, we vir stjui baiSrt U1 1 .taken, lor If3 than wtB i WjribH t?0r whole- sura in ad jcjm JiayUie lf?tfRTm atSO lprDne tliilUttfcnne , . i jjXttflbfters toetEii1 osfWor Wlilk)tattTO V i- ?.li&rU'rMRlnV tftfl TEdltnr on the bnwrta rJljr..'nmiiitllilTmlam as- Editor of.itn. ;iCWWtf7iwTlioe that write oa otl-. 8! . .1- i .. .m .a w -t r - v y i OtVi rwinjj and opninj-. at t?ie Store of Jokii Miirphy, ia Salisbury a iarsro aui tateMicssbitiuent, lwllvin yiTicty -anti aaiourit, Selected with to otrnnet enir.'andlymirht whtfllr ud eflU'rek rfvih.in PHaUlphia and Now 1 Kvi4hciatorysjv f M! 4i!uld- W'inIie' are, most rarncst Ity ieqiuted-to call i hear' Taod fjudre c4cb li -r j. t :-- w-' - . ' : v , - i . & 3- 1 hii Micmiw m6t eruinly-indicet1ie nub-J :t"! io oeuqye upi roouf v11!0 do. soia lower ta husinoM and. ja- free aud wfllimrmind to inder (oalT wlibjrdar raVor him with their calls i ifucU accommodations aa shU uacrit Iheif couiinr- c5fi AU ief nwltome are rcqnfstfv! jisVe pyincKy: the fir9t day 'of 1 Jarinary; tttor gtvoi tU6ir3tca with einritY if rrqair! . -n vis. !-- UfefIfulf ? annSufto the nuhllh:" thatury MVIceivctli! i Siad'i ire "w openinff - at t;?75tard toatt S?1! aBfdi )hp iruirements- of the' pl thyvno bifettej rhatje -if UearnesUy.fiolieit r'e&da of a kW- and frfenas and r1 fMi "d J5ay; as .iheir nrft-najr:recreirc t.:i,- '.i - -.'Jii jar4iH- ii,TkO 1 It wnstihfjA r - s r.. . : .t b - .fU D.nAr It Vlll M :TT1-Ul- r ,i S3pL5 I L W tw-r.nrtjrefr-.iiew stock cf lie IS 0W eMansion Hotel HrA.BCE and BAIW arisLas tim MarJiO ab.r H ROOMS and .BKDP.6; indrruirVnone:- Hw STADLKS, Ur$? iKd reninlj well -anppKM .wftli.1 J'roreiKlrT, atul frolnldiffWrenl parts of tha Uwlcd States, aro la kh at tiib ETAiiJiHMii Ui usepfthe PilbtiCf and no exertion? .wilt jbnared j, l&e i'ribriotirt rernltfr ItUlgnssts Mortable.v! Z C Persons '4ravc!lfnr thfuog?) tlu place, in either f?the StaaiJwillffixul at 'this Hoasef piusnpt. auentiiia, coinf jrtatle : aewmrnodatiaos, a&d'baba:te.ieharse8.' !K JVijiy- 4 . 14tt ttfty nnrilS .1 jWo starts frnm Salem crery odMuay. Jll Vedne3day and FirWayal 5Vcteck, AM. anflstntrsat Wythe Qoun Cout-HJwe. at oVktMM, At .H ihVl Ilia SfntrM lifllTA 'MtleiH. XtlOy. aiSO. . Wave I Wjrthaj IW and atJJe;a .mt SatHrG--Th;iJnts saraiiged as to eor respood ha its arriyals a Wythe ; CourtTlf ouse, ; wiUi f lie arrirab . of the Great Ljnes Wdrftg corresponds with the arrivals Jul Smith's lied inoijt pine and the lUIfi$fiMe1; butli. of .wtch run ti rr times a .week! The vf hole til this tripfi perjrmod.in the ayl time. The Juto. passe wi thiu a juile f; theS l'ilot Muuutain tiirJugh Bethania Bethabara by. Moont Airy, croaleshihe Blue Hidgo i kt Uie Uu4. Spur Gap, gm.4 by t ipiar Gainp furnace aud - the Lead Mint oyythe, and afiord3 nao intercstinil scenes to tlujBe ihataduirc tho sulJimity f-na-tuifj. J frhe aecornnwidauiisioi4 si ie , ;dguig &.c. are bacejlenVand cheart. 'fh subscriber hesi tatfe iiot to reciimmendJ hist uariia aud drivers a lrst rate. His present cj.-acht ar md,'aii3 ho. will iu-a' few we'k!recetvciiriw.TTty,-ew- - Vor! CxiehoH of first! rate ivotknianship and. . fCl'A'he utoiust care, and altf ntion will he pa!dl.tol3e aihl tber Unny; eiurusicu to hw taWvbuttlJC Subscti bo liable for acciaeats. '. - f ' Ia , ik . D. yvALKEIv Sfpt. tp 0,000 IEt9s!iti$ mVica t 5-000 tio;matr8eef. jjv wisn w purcnase wiu?;asn,-iinxrrr:r! I or Dry Gondii the iWuantur ui' ! VVlhi?t and feiai-ter,to be delivered I aj our-wVdls-at Leaftsyille. pjir Gfist and Saw; JiVdis, Cardinsr yachinesv Cot&n fjfn OlUVlil, jStc. will soon be iii coliiplcte operattuA, aud customers will 'meat l'i.i ..iv,- .rK. r vV't'iij wiouipi n li trillion. s SuHi jjHTSjas asf niay prefer Vhit manolaetured, can haVe it hayinz their dune ijJimtdi- of etui aittiflt nvw liijitir, a" our ater ftower w tni- mei.sr the besriii the State", and bur rniHs tmial i. : '. . t o -i - . ' i"i ma - any m ine ctouuierrt .cuunirr lnere is an exce$&)i water cvrhiuiicatB)rn the JTilU tt Norttilkiand. Batteaux rninun '&an that plact-. to AMeldon ; Fluurjaiid othet j produce ' can be sentnjrnithe river , at ianr'jtimeiii' '-I tfass-WtsWrti parts ofYirxima and . North 1 LanT,arKl:the"Jlterii,part Tennessee, this if the nearest oiut of. navigation .with the Atlaii(:lc and Ihn fompletioti-of .the llail Rtvid next jTallLfronj AVJldon to Petersburg, aud the walec eoi jaun:catl6ii already frwii Norfo kVmust rendlcLib.vsyillcJat the head of j a ptrnutntnt navigatu n at thelf juncturoof Dan aud Smith a Itivfcfi, f y crv iintiortant point to! all that resrion ofJujrar, inJdl hiake it in a low5 years one of the fijstfr.t tud markets in the'lState.-- ' '"X. . U- M$&TTm$ MOHEHE4D. --l--B--flk-- BWMHVHB-H4 rffliP5j Subscrilcr annonacstto the puUic pen JL ally,- and her friends and ta the fornier friends; a the Hotel--tha she will be happy to accotxodate all! who may" iyor hcirwith. .their patnalagef; SherassuTes them thaither best efforts shall be used to render pleasant Jthci entertainment of alljsach as" may calf. Her, table" wilf be snp-. plied iUh the est lhat thidb''alCirdiad her' Bar witlr thp cliuicest lporsl H ' J." ; rr F"nnp the nydytag)vicK ,jth!s stand allbrds togethe with an nucui'enljrt to pleascshe . flatters herseltj that-she -W01 ,fao able to raider ui all the most ample satUfaction. v r rCf?ric OMceof the Norincla &SS6uthrn weekl UnofStages, alsdUiat of the Chcr- tri aw ah4 tinouln Linen, arcat the - lllE, House latoly opieihy Cav . .iu cA.i i iL"tif;r miles! south rof Salem, and 24 i, miles North inoktbr''.'thb ;S-bs.cri- berJaa!useof s r',"'j;-j ';..V:4 Hish6ssii-fae aiid'ivftald,; tts-lahle and beds aH good.i His staUes ivell J applied; . with all SjHt of Grtln and provcndi;r.j ;1iyierjf4eak tion will $e paill io man and hWsejaxuT the char ges reasonable;! 77 ' V : - " " - 1 1 I r -.Vf- fend Aocfc. it ; : ? . . - .iii ! . KZ&& VlVjkt 4. s -t Si : 5 Cfrtcft C6 .metiniesMX nnbislSne ipassei tBftagS'iyj p!ei itfVilla I fesx)f vyufcej-jor MMia Ashe Cotin ty-Urus3es thr BUm R&gfe.ty the hed o Redx;s m veir, vIk 5a fSpW.yefy, (yorabI InH presents one of thi;ctejstijd of Mountain ; ScenerY thai tjn .Soofticrn ify iflrrTherleaye iirttthe3Vest; inimeoy1iifter;thfe amTalof ihw? Cromr1laI-! ifigh, N JC. and" Washintotf 1 t?i(j and arrire at Showa'a X - Rds m' timef jt theiKixville Star; f At VVllkesborodaii.i thisiiner Iranehes hf a:Stake mnmnz twice a J week toMomanton i lej.oi ly jcauian. , I - tt.'i-jl u i .hit Belongindf &c.SnruiM,nhrnroh a6oryv N. Cf twice a weekinterw the abov idtiqnedliie at Wilkesiiorou--L-lat Sali& bury, it meets the Cheraw. and! Jtaleigh' Stages and the Praont Lmerhe babacribers also rn" allACK LINE; Tiinnin ftdm Charloti tb'StateVille twice a-week. All these Line am warranted a to give the traveller the' benefit of . i' Persons wishing. tii trayd (runj thejJJorthto the SvHith-Westcr West; or froia'East tb Weat will find ti e Koute by Vilke?jborotil4 the most pleasant,' cttcap'and expctlitiousi -1 he ilSiibscri-j euro iianui fcjc:nc- i-ubj hipu avjuint- TheiiLCoacItk arc. Kortiicrm Snade, and tearasi - - . .J i li.i-sUcjii..i6- I . wFare t Oa ieiilS; of tfe the! Lines tot the whole extent: Five cents a ; muer-, M:ay.passpngcrs will be charged six and a quaj ter cents! .,.-t ' Unh i'-lili -ft $trlct cam. will;t taken fj'la I feacgagp buud!-s,;&&, "but the Subscriber-wiiAiot be flii .11.. ii.--.ijl. . t r ":4.!'i : ;. !'! ' H "--Ti ' SAMUEL c 5in.CJEOTiij lr- ! PabpRiEToas.tr 1 ; 1Si?.(T.-Gmr H -j;.- Jtuefrxt iwh BV yrtaeofthcMast-WiltrMh:esm P-SI-Uolih iWkiyf will Xpe topubikifp; tlnt of our Unffereity"1 ';; oTt tfie; Ml daf of 3annaTy fnat Jaliibury a rfiiid,contarniri heir ween ! . I? ! - 1 (raf if "tia Tottr ttuil JPitmiSIundrcdt ... .'. . . " . . - . i LI si r XiyjMNG JlMlJSliori? die pre ;aiUi.e a quant4ty I oil jueadow. Land and . Liow Unmnd, adapted to ; Tlie- jpulr tureot irrainw A liberal credit will be givim to jurchrisus. 'i (;i .!;$-!, :t ; . -'H '. i" . All pf-isns having claims ngaihst the Estite 'if John fjieke,deetsM.arefm)UtM them within the time; prflsenlind by jay I TJ j- - iK " UEMtY SLOAN, '?h - :i -. ' : - .;1' ' r : Executor.' : j- Oct.i3-U.uiBi2 ... jn jj ;i-t- -tfr j FALL AN0!-VIMX!Ea U Rrepoetij'anabunces to )he Pdblie thai he has just received of Messrs VVUloa t Saguep, of New York, the. .i.j j! ; llllfU ' : Fall ind WinteiJpiaslii6n$i .Which he has n'6 doubt, will pjeise his enstorjers ne conimnr io naTOj lira; worx uone in afeat MJl. lUil. . . i ; . , ..; r r. ...... N. B.tle also returns hi snncare tliauus "to iis customers and friends, for thrir literal ,papHftgej ami iiopes bya'" cijhtinoance of !uoetutjty add strict attention rohis shop, to merrt -it" further'." 4 ; '-f Nov trt, 1932 ii)4Ltf : i ':: H -Two.or thrre ftSM.t- LOUS wanted immediateiiiy;iUiQ iBtiucri4 BOOT A XT -XXLO Xt 3Jamr 3yHttU . TTTTAVlNp purchased jlheew esuyisbtaent JllUof Thomas Wall Jr. between th :Man4ion 11 and tbe'pmce bf tbe WatchWH; fill keep on band' a good supply o'cejntiejas aim his; line . business, 1 ylitll also; oifjo 11 orders for work I In hisshoe tj nealy and prany.t iHis workmen are jBrsfll rVtBlMal and JuVpvulsuVb; ayrimejMu gittmbts 'i&r All work dons in his shopW.Tu'rcb'ssed'f frtarj him whichlrHKhenwIlrepaifgA ? December, UUWpgmi ' ilgfi ir npHE ttnstrcs . rrspectfully annoanca, to! tfid iL ; VnblieMial Uiey.liaye Succeeded in rcriew ung their enagemeat lrhhMisS AbidiaThanv son io laso etiarge - gi in-r-insuiuuDu. .?j.ne School will go brto operalfoh ajlinda tho 15th October; r - - : f U: ; P v J branches tan2ht;in this Aritdemr;are the rudimedts i of English; Arithmetic,. Geognphyj; Lying ori the "tirVar lbad, "lhng trdrn Salisbu' rV to Beaitics Font, tnoww by tlicininre of the ueorirelKiko place. T'tieretiSia coirimyuMuis - V ...... . ii i ' i ,i i i S ! and fashionable .style! It is beyond all dpiibt, . that his CUTTING sujHjroTo any in ihe'rifeigh borhood. ! tHis srkpls on Maia Street, next door eR..';.i "W'f ' l a l History. Uhrunol -cy; t rbtlosoptiyf itioraitand (Physical, nhetorie,' Needle -Work, Drawiasj I Pamnag; fdtuac and tle French Jianguag&i ': V. McBEEFM-1 -- ' - - C: E RElNIIAJlDT- ? v ; - " --. - J. RAMS0UU,!,Vr i - - 1 - C." LEON AUD. '1 ' rj Tf ' P. Si'MMEV,-: a .'Z - J. D. HPK 1 41 ?i 5 Dea. B. 18i2-Latf. and & JCJrfcfexaolter tutsciinetiLVfishH wiltigtre lbepricc.kich ivil- - ! TaUovitignmipval. 'as rented iisfIailori EtaUishment t .t,he House lately icccttbtea hy Mr. Samnel Fraley as a Confccti jnary- Sho;, which Is a Jew dooirabQTelil JSlahte prepared, as usua, taaccomnKxlate aU.who. ny laror liim witfi their t work Ho has iust reeet- 'ved fruui NewlYork and Philadelpliia, the Latest r asmons, imporwu imra M,uon ana t'ar, fcs has a guod aunibcT ot first rate AVorJcmcri in . his employment., j tHs , will Ijexecuter :wcrk: M' style,! Superior JtoFanjfM in this parti i of the country, and will warrant it a, fit well.: . All. Ktods of U.utting:Wut.be done on ahort ..irotxcet All orders for workiirnn d'stoV be uac tuallyjattended toj tie is'sn Vgent of Vilsoo and Saguft2S of New rXwk and also, of Alien Ward of Philadellplus, and therefore rw ill teach any Tnilur;tlu systems of cluing, who may lnsitsmjilHelgreteialfy b siweerf tlianlcs t ''udirii.fbrphe. liberal patrunago whidi they hsye bcslowed upon hiuo, and'hopcathat by an Wsidoous and strict at ientiun to his' bness, to'tnerit its ' ooutinuanee I-: I I" - -- - "mm nniHSiatejy erected i Institution is situa Jl'' ted abutf tweltc milci?Nrtlicst from Satetii, Jneax the ReyMichael Dottb?a We havo siiccecMcd in employing Mr. Wni" W. Bnrch,1 ttle iafgo dfourcadfcniy, whichwOl gd 1 'into operation on tli6' fift'of aJr4 has had cbcudrahie cxpcnenc in . teaching, and is Board, including fire-wood, lodging, canv washiriLS Sic. can be obtained m rc- iejptid)lc fimilis, al'Uie reduced price: of il"2"ipx;rbai : Jess) I a Session, wbiclr hi cpnsi:ot : .aveipiQotus ana a nan, m - !nib sititaiorl is remarkably healthy, and fine v!atcr is y?ry rgbodtUnder the direc ISfion'-of Mr:Burh,tudeotil will be1 jarepared for Cbllece i Tuitions tslow ;? From the iliayorable; sttuatlon of our Institution 'feeing away ifumime iuangerpus leuiptiiions, w liicl students fare exposed about our little villages : tlic cheapness of board, the toor- aiitv - of the neighborhood ; the reputation of our teadlir, licr tr confidently hope to receive tne natrona?e at leasi oi our own. hand somo pf Jhp adjoining, counties. llCHAtL DOuB, JOSEPH I)Ol)B, . HENRY I)OUB, DANIEL SPAIN HOUR, JACOB SPAJNIIOUB, .1 Trustees. Dec. 15 2w2I Seminary iht&tutesvitle; nTN ennfWiriR of Mr. Ca'dwfll s death, the IlL eiercisesof the Eernaig Srminry in Statos iyiH'imsded onul iu first Monday InjWuaty. '-'ff : &' ' - ' . : ! 'tenJlS JiS HERETOFORE. 1 JnstiMinonithe Piauo Forte,by Miss E. J. BaJcer,20. ; Solas difficulty bas always been foun in proeufing boarding tor sbiatc a Dumber f yottrig Ladfes as attend this School, consc noentl it woud j be' highly gratifying to the feachersif ??jujf Geotleinaa of; strict morality Wouj4 opjen a p16 j lioarding-Hotise. Lr theii acXKiiu)datpiIt ' is probable , a commodious UousocouU.be obuiucd for that purpose .this Fajl. : i- : i : -i. -" ' .'.; . I XVI. A. slMuUl SULUP . J:L . f - : - V' JWis.' StatmedT. 1481',! -Sit.- TATE OS KORm 'CAROLINA 9 ROWAN MUNTrNoyembcr SeS- won, 1332. j -.-s r . - "Jtaiices JwgenimU Ltvted ,crn JLjjxuL ; HI iciiaeT Brow n its: Jobi Jacobs." ' aWoW'Uffbf Counsel,! atoKapari1b the Batisfaction-of the AurtfeaUliblDelend- ah inhapi-4 . - .t I ".""i .ii j i: .' : Ot inis jVpunty iwriipi oy . utc vniri, publication be madd for? six .l weeks rin e' Caxohna atcbihan printed in Salisbt i-fdr the Dcexidaztt-to appear atlhernext Cburt of PJeasi and Quarttr iscssions, to :be lidfbtlAo cainty MVLof ftbeJpouri: )fouse in isalisury, jm"ptl5'.5d. Jzaflin Jfjruaty riestoshow lindj ImefoiLstiilinot i-ld to .-aatisly the: rtairrtinctknd cost i- GILES, CUCiif i -ec;: owiMj - f .-..4, .... ,3f.-j FEMALE " . r . i ' ' '.yt7r Wajrntsville,-oa I e MxlodTuesJay tafierthe r? 'Q.lyT.1?ttl I fourth Mrmb rt, theiad there to . f , i-TlfTiJI" .V--; ': ' --i-wawer er.dem. .1 to he petin 'tf:tba:pe nnHOSElndetMlyr : ti Uoner,f other wcjc eent'cssdV ts'iti :JLL"' caltand ina.ke sefeinentpa ct tbsf " z oe'er. -4 agaststiLcri a4 dcri j.ciJa accur th'l)a.Hl;i di; "'hf'rl Ktl!"'1!w-1:riX Jia,yftsattl8, -eiie'whMii to niut . it L C irthiset&jT thJhtTto-- of ;wuibe.a.dis32Tcble way ...2 r-iJ? caper vO?i-p4J to'-forward ther 1 . ....a. - A b A f a ..-at. ' r . . .. ; former patrons fvill accept ray iuncerothaa-i , Iheir 1'ilWtahtyw'ras-ruAin'p i SGEPffl,,,:. 1 Iti2;;tofi Sto5d W;20,6oo pruc o,ooo;is; 10,000 pnzc. . 5000 Ii 4000 tt 3000 if ' S000 is. 10OO ts iOOtt 400. t3 vAOOyts aoo Is- fI06 -fa. 5,000 4000 SOOO. 00 25000 15000 i5iod 15000 1400 9000O 29400 pnzc 3 prize cf 2S. prizea oi ;26 priteadd 5S prii6s ptv' -p 1 83 prize of' 500 prizes at 53d pruesor 50 la ' -180,l0O 4, llPrire Ticcf s 06 V Halves t vjs '.will"iCwr -w.-r I ' 1 ' -&y-- js j- ---;; -..' I ' it , - v. i j Orr theiday jbf iraWi thehbleWtttr numbers will wlput lhobne: wheel, and all the Prizes T into? arioeT i Thk 'numbers $ Prizes will bfrawn auternaiety, firsiihe number and iiext the! prize, bntit all the fcizesv are drasrn. r Prizes ; payable in - cashj stxty day a.tcr- toe ara;wingv' subject to the usual deduction of ftfloen per cent. - Tickets ario! Shalc to be had in the greatest yari&ttfiof lambertt, . f I ixA f PALMER TONES' ! ; ! CKEcrDfniile, Va. Dec. 15"-S21 3. SThe ; B&Ieidb $taxv and Grtxnsborr Patriot, will publtstx-tbe abtoye) tlmAAtitsst and forward their occounts to the Importer OfiSce, DanyiUd, Vai e. . . . , ii u I is -:sVra c a iis I-11B.hV feitmW'iejr'FlUjatal' Wiatci L"GQOUSnvml5 h x .i : xc Yorfc and Philadelphia We fespcetfiUlyicltobr friends to f calfianc examine. bcurei they bay! We kriye them our, manjooi acjinowiwigemen wiur meur liberal pat ronage since we eonuneaciid buaiapss and shall graieiui a coauauaace w me same. uec i-uiu i t LB E. IT HAVE constantly oh hand at my Limekiln JL in Stuki3s;(Mintyr-tone-h'nt both slack ed and unslackej which i f sell at lro cents per uusneu ior oiacxea ; anoj au tor unsucjeea-and when the quantity of one hundred! bttshels is tak en at once and paid for, price - will bo some wuat iessenca. il f X i !1JAWE$ MARTIN, Sen. FOE: THE excellent Store Room, oi the corner; v fiiroierly wtupied hj Kylcs fand 'Meenan. F6r terms, apply1 fto 1 r f- - . AKDRE MATTHIEtt. Salisbury, Dee. 15 t&Tl h- ' I v ; "; . -I. "ILI U SoB (oV caSfWittda the 17th TY day of December iiext.: .Tna .hofa:and lot where Jorm Albriglif Ihrcs inlUxington. ; AbxtmbcrMfr, 1932.1 : 1 - ! 4 t pACOB BROWN. ; Ztle hare on Hand neatly containing a corenant of wrtin. in addition to the usual coyeaaar lof cbielij enjoyment comroonly called a wananty-TWe w .a ooniderable ad vantage to the parchaer in this improved form, as it enables him ltd brin afsuit so soon as he dis coyerathai he has obtained a bad titleaccor ding to the usual ibrmfhe cannot sue the -seller ttnLl he has beerJ ousted pan' his j purchase I by witThis is worthy Hot aktentico in those who lay ait money MltadJ -j. 1 We have aiS on .hand Blaitt Deeds or Tacrsr," which will answer tha eocamoo purpo ses ot sccoritig debu. j 'c ' d'L - . t . QTATE OF!iNOR11H-CAROLINA: S HAYWOQD CClUOTYurriox Court of Law October Tenn,A. l. 1S32. v. i ..William Grtenlf 4V . .Kfp Gryi ' Y '.i r - , : In tnia'caseit Isavmg been made Isppcar io the tisxtioat'th4cvn that tlie defcjM Ke ty Gjoadeitto h IitS of thu Stale, w iu 4neowwrj Hra3 me iawcai not beL serrea phAer-J.i b tllerefare. ordfjrfir th court that pnbUilonbe.rr!ada in the f-Garotiia .WatchinapifltWNot tor a.j vv cjIcta Advertisel,71 for tba lenn of three the Xr Lotifyl: tb efcidaat to beaad appear ai a jiiicr tr t ci; ix."- ta cei bcld.for the cuctycf Uayrr-4?at.!tl:8 vonrt-Hoese fn n to f '? j t:dce3;d4nflrr : the said If JEW -:'.: ! .-. - - li i - liElTT. . - T i , i lim to 'the trial, as I haVe.riotunfffeyiw(ll1f ! tolead toUxtog JeBed, that I hadbceasioo to tro tn t!kriAi; .JLi t determlhed to try if myAorseretaTi. Th. Ai M like to ibiyatduf the.Crown lahr rl acrordincryj M rodpnpthesUeetuntUltauiajop i! wm.vJ.nc d myself fii exlitbitingr i baieat fas tobe.petforn.:ExngBn l i W inyhorsfJstoy ' mm pusuea uua Lorwara tnio;iireyanr: but wlt -iHaAinntrprise -1 find ton ntcrthft yard is wetfyaeow.thaiiad jgoneia befhnn.? liat 4 waSOJot lop left a doubt at wht appam lobe thecause sfshis Chan?iaThi:-ntmtKTM by the landlordV rominff.op to him,-, and tappW j H him oa .tho'ehoulJer, Ula, Jack!! pnys he, Paii 1 ,'iaa to see yoa agamji tuougnij hzd hmrmVt I said: the Sergeant, ;.buU cbuldncit hrip laughing S St theconeett of the horse dcslrr, to prevent bo. . M AVhal d4 yoa meaiiMrLandIord?J Sir, says JN n he, thisj horse was stolen- from m 'aloatisix S i months. ago, and ! have never seen him dncc'i , I did not branch relish. -this rl?ce cf infjrrnaiir.n K immomgrso. a nttcwticre: ta thtfR would Uj -jiiseoyercd: I wbhedl had attended to his cau-i W' lion, as the sale was not ieirular;' and I L was- Irft, U a. - - .... . - - ' - r . ' . I-a. to make the best Ureas I could with the landlord. What they were be kept to thbriserfFrvKcri I m's uf y . cuurtf jywucaerai - iiieaaows,-. r try, h ?ecom . 1 WW MfcA . - " qoaJlyjetiowned fur his wit and brayery,f ludnr ' d pa a reconnoifeTing -party in the Ms5recountift-' fs ';. SltweatVvibsr pound shot Istrcck the rrocrid at sS iastJcb direction iiatruuld ' hay, exjfChinr, 4 ;tq danet had he con tin a ad his roots.; nQtikk ssi, 3 ' lightnmg he stopped hia ihene;4)'3ixiiixrX)fr'R i 1 uuuiiNIB 7tl-ila UH .WiU CSiSSIflTf -; : Uta hat yery gracefully aathCshotrroired on. ex piuuttureuiy saio, . t r or you: to proceed,' sir .l perer dipata rroco;S with' any "gvnilwaan of. , nci ci iiMjt. none out ' nairons 1 is1 who are in arrears, ' will ake t the I hYriP' luwuucu iu uur cqpyingjinu louowing pilli ; jtrticle j-ifthey do, and act upon3ttj:u satisfaction, we shall not be constrained to H jtpeA plainer, v . .. i; . c? I h We Hake oar pen ia hand,naipur good "1 fid grandfathers used to say in writing td 4 heir Bwectbearts, to inditd- a small chapter -3 fnrMONEYi " IPs a fruitful subjectilinhsij nycri as it is the goynun. principle, (if,. ire Riaybo allowed- the . exc"T$ 1 , ind servant -ai bad mastctajhieH in. the temple of nrtiic-a'mihisicring spirit'to iKd ' tjeedy-a riltiah in . disjuise-.ind, wjtluT, alsaa take--. What opens the fair artn oT the young loreljr, and blushing gut to tlie - ernuraccs, pi tlie old, the infirm,. and 1 the ug ly? Money. What builds j a fool iiu the opinipnof the world? Whit causes ; old Ladies to look kindly upoti the, lairrjct ofayouhg rhah toiciugHerrrtrtriVl -7 r "" " w v .it ana nuraow acKnowiedgcmcntirotIifl 9nng? Money. I What causes yomii fc niela ;to stniiIe for ofBce?-JkUrievi What:: is the criterion tsf Hdht and mutnl rjtf0zM f I What is the cause-of the : WTanglingii struck if W ft thf Pnutcr struggle iif the ciiro ;orrxliuci? Maiey. i What leads the editor rtoinfarl-i the public f theitefacts? -Vfifif! irAtf 4we reuu-e or, mi uanas ttour rta jenw i WiiVPV n:;,v.;j iv.l t J :"::.'- ' - . 1 v . ,?T. i thef Very' man wc; wish to IiWfriwftTsf uW mvj . j i ? . it' K 'i amaf.--1 no marriage ccremornr is the - . N 3 - . ' rnot interesting spectacle pcial lifJ eifaltt its.- Td see two rational beings, in' the cloW - oi youui ana nopewnicn; invests Jiie.wila he halo of happiness, appear itcethcr, and openly j. acknowledgeing their prLferencd- iot cacn oincr, voittnuriiy. enter m a league of perpetual friendship, 1 andVcalL i Heaved an4 Eartl t witness the' sincerity of tllcir ;i-1,1 lmmA AVtmii- -..'- i'XrL- -jl'L- JlJiMl "iuu w 1 turn ui - ujr cnuearing a cohpexion, 1 the J important cjonsenuencWi a 4.iiBcgoih-uie .anuier.. tn kinaics tostaty att&elrunioivjjinust atlIftigtl be Quenched in the tearsrof the -'tnourning wrYiyorl?but wkileliiV continoes fy-iareji io; particjpanjlfce tovnddro. tfiejlikojBOryb inafiri ; unison.! Eg os'fnaiiV op eoivdestdfl4 jpgwotuh; and what caaWearthv9oi pure as your jHeodshipVeo dear" as jour af. f-N ! i. -' "i ;' "-. - :" ii'US t '-i F" . - isissssw --s-U --a.1-- t f; -llinewnt pitcher, whd raiaMcd ia sei t - !. - Si -i - tJ- . , : i ! ! :i , ! ! 1 -i saof wUcn reqnested to auca to btstat, r plied, "that scattering shot troald ' hli thai xaost' tird' 1" fcJ-:M" i -A:S' Rj.? I,, "it . ! - , rj-v ; - .1 . f . ... mads a tentlemani coat aad walsteoat tin small, 1 1 f had crdcrs to take them boma and hi them v4;i Sine syiaf-rf, th pntleiaari lapiinJtr, jrfs tartti.r.1, i was tola try tne ; Jrjajunan, i tait tne i .- . :.- .l.-f-' . . ; ... l a ' Min - -p o . i .. 1 Mi f.ii i3 mi i !- 'It rf.-l 3Ht. K:f"' : ; Ut-''?:.ttoMd rairirk..1ia.idhTir Uk-Vmi LIS., j I . 01:;3.LOAX,CVE ft' "soc Wcdsy 1 4jht k&2$M V" v v. 1 .-' i j ' 1. i ' . - 1 !." , f a , :-! x J . -f J, -" ' ' - tl . . ... ' 5 - ik.-.-v - - j . .- - LL.- - u f 11 Hd;Dei. lrixria 1 v i I". !-! f4 -iwl - -, "' 1 3 l .-t 1 ri Mrs- I . ji -SIS (