1 I i Us Til 1 . .-; ;- 'Mi:; 1 i- ? x - , :.r ii-o M tti f -i..f;ihtWinr.l rnnrpfi trtit a in i;;c,cio ct weak of yeu, to fire aay ori IViv with, pas sliiefabflsc, aadTat'the .same la.: . r rU - .'.it - i hJ'" h-iC;rt"ir . -i -t .r -hr"'' - --'ir-"Jfr ionmry ana pas, vy ins 7 '.oan- an? hu---ai f-T'i tft'dffead ycof.'.f iyilnst f ts that aw li.U& ftflU rroliitioa to s'mnrrs itiRuf las meif the Jul r ; , . Ctrtirt i& -nt kiri i- nJ..i i-' H1v rU .IK)Uir!Ql:s i fUl 11, W ,!" r- . -hit fVU the dissatisfied OtatelTIf ueeraji pr-W lo vv . i i f if ' . i- ; " ' ' '' n I Mr r, .1 : ; ; -s t!ij Vatciiman half sh'Cto dj.W; hare -.-If ' Vin:ih.tA?ct fiwm Mere it a tii tj bau LEGISLATURE :4- I. -AVV twrcf fffni wr CijrrwpcryciTt'' at naleir1i ! :ViciHGTi'Sw3ini the ballot was piffttifocM r fettle t : s : 61 mm 1 r. ftcaltn!isv i 4 ftTene3ar1ast.-trai fixed! ttvto 6;ipW tb f JahDiittcW Strange aml in i-atretU :j were Hi -'"f V'Z(iwinaU.:ticjii.it tva4; believed thatlMfl Gaf I : ittin 'wcwild also be ncftnwTatt d: Wv barft hoaTd : otbioir of 4!mrcsa!t.Tbrre: are wmr mn fcs :' iV 'Wralrpitf P H -Mebr 5Irw Mariio;ne; bfi Mr; Uarruijrrri cue 'i P.,TV.flniin: rjirtbibY Jilr.TShrxtsrd. it ;-VIAab5shSpe(r, wxt ot sd many.: cnancoa!: ?af :may i?n?reed;i 1 will be aydIefuL prospect IfAr -tbe 1.tt'fiirilli.5 tbe present deprecation tf &nh . Cat!inaiif the Awmhl j 'shuid; r&ar lthattt rnakimsDOie provisions tor a cTrailatiiiff ruodiinn. . l?-r ootjipIvcs, wevroaHbe trilling ta see; thn ! .It will never. ncrer:do tJjrlrt? tlie patronaErerof anune itution, to H will ilirt ibe:ahiee uf more' corrupt marmentr& j j ij Tbe?l8 of crar prcsiriV Bank' Adopted ' wiMit some 1 ifa':viauiris-loiaist raod . andf Cr 'i.; tbe ittytncnt of wci wbenl dphundwld perhaps f 1 ? fyjcH sa Extent as- ta j laateKtho predoniioatihg mtfol wJb iDtiirious! vrooid cc, an adrainaire.' r ;r ;. lectinterin, than wras eter heard of bciure, and: Fit i j God knMri we hare .'cAonshl.of it alrfadi'i i r L- f H 4 ?loarti likewise; t hat. a dm h tol erect? . a nrwJ ! if .nntv out of a nart of 15 tirke ana liuncombe has hi; lir.n-A.Dralvl-I-VV?amJ rlaxir ot! it, lfrit wasjs diracctxftiirSlatutD J3jo fm?Wh a mi tat tt icvif!Qt, that coi-J nf tlsei GnUlishi C v : t'6r til? Unt1f r.rrtHClifilali If tVe 1 i ;i ':" -"Kfee. tho oth-r ty j Mr. OwHa tff; t?ie n'H'ir'tr K4 bLi-.tb:em ttiJelf .rid ybtTfipcrsr l' f tf i "'Wdinfclha'efc hn stivpjtti;r -the laiaiB en c.i'wtM,!jtt-etifl jr.nMfaatwer fcnew -qt jerieana . :f v Hiar wjhv othcrr vz$, foijw aiac nur ! ; ' -l i-'f.ty - Ilqrt, wr arefhiri to,' ccnefu ta't'1t -will Ik! nWichTWs-pUV .rtierN:?eln;mrt .tfe,M:?ia wpT laeqiiajjiy pi rpa- f- j inkal.tttlfU. ami wlh.l aJlinii t e-sr r,cr itm evil. vimv tiy i. areii tjaii,tjic i great v .iai ijan4ntutati9 uietcvns,,UMiwi-n!-i veixonn 'lt'?.S,"i.'?iiI.l-:'itt' ifttttirttTftrFrr't' r.f.r riii' ti.iv4.-t.v-.ir ft P i i tti-ni. pillule Vip?iEil !ncjnipliancttJu'ir 'iffcitVrB; prfiiniMvl t?thprc4l tho.;fti?n6wled- Vr.3.J stP.irceot .itt pAUicaUpjiwer, aa amendrnentu f 'i f tije JatitpMoH ih;y Jiroarfi aM ay , H racsDr we I;rannulylU.vv1t,-1'W;; :f.tfitjii.. injan ' a fiintaitemirt to 'nyithat4irtefhua)yi4iE) bmi I ! rvtifbjo SKfc4vflhi,jia4iire to byild the fe;ilc3tBia;?!e. copes titfie J . piiH?l.nt c.HivHt.jrr, U J; jjmly. pjjf rj motdc jtaiJ.i:TUuutU5rii.an-arii7:c ,(iuir tary ohii prw i Hifl ' t Ibit ihe; faet:raii aa h aij -bf en arted j itUne IJ if l AVateiimannay whfe tthern trievcry fill jirst vsH oMnnMl tbetilkinn'kiowiriir lwtscvthatatjrsattupntp r?.oUSewtrilkloiw1fr4m hw'!miYViwbitter a -trt brMre IHe vnli;made ft j v)drre J . i - . ... .. i . . - : . . . - . his aye ; fii of iiter laa latli ceu?rt :g3,atfaaAi fll PSswrsr? ilf 'on fd tr:t laVfest-of fl ifntfauafly lafcrCfiupe peri KioiiU ,0 fc a Cnrftrt;Mi ! ' if jlur no ct erp,.ir- tuai 11 imurtasuike pa uicsecuirwpi aca ' I waa pinch aaKsjd ta fprecive hW fl oun f fciijj.!;tyuu tb lVMViniF4eet fajtt-?z:z. K itl t 54es:iry naa spen i uiepapryr.iicRs aMresard f-! jlf tjiu?i aid ;&iit ; N 1 !t ;1 '"VVP .witri'ss i.r ir.cmssl 'vrs sni jfaliohood, vlbV'i-Sfdi lsei't t-. herfmdfd by stJth an crpele-i- i re wUcnengh bo4, ufimi iblt 4as to v ri! t tills Plar. JNIr. I.wito ipt rrdrymj f j&lfpe.ryPbt.l Tff rfjjRrt;n: ijij t wrth iKiefi-iroTavwca inter estf .---i tinas 1 rurpr.se'i t!ie j Wcvrn-roetfH-rs ta Tits Ute Kd rior oi. iiytt ppier wnirn r-f.oonc rogje juf wejtr tlhaa any 6tlierJihttlsiaje jmfiin'j ihitli t iiat prJetunod inted "wlayj ia e ftt the "only 'fhabe, VjveYrl k A hih w tin hivj'ttdH wecdnt to beans tr bich ,i xcitl iH ?h4ixmli"!mt!a.ifinpl6 in tbUfei VA; MMrwin iesEJ re i expetted cf yon in tt$lAn&fi&i it t i- .5l!' VhreI ftttV'VTwttMiilttn.! .- if -Uri - rersfrnttV.!riif4''by',the a! an . jypMifc,;Ht..ytlMW, e:t.neT-htf, .1 nor ac '"ttcr jiiit yOrsil-rri veviLMniy mnvi) i. fat.voir iq;veen w-.i 4 , . that ycwi had dui had doubted iwhtther you tu;. . tHKarrl-aa Cr will tmt:.-htt it bl oorllsa iffp mk Sr irnr!;,r-d" - n . ! ft ct senlimenfs xiff tqfhiet and Us . c vitifnrr? ui tbs'thriV 2.axodrixliia3itv hns fi'tf.d first Trrnrr jjf: thcvAr 'i j tha far. that 1 J alledgej aritasiyun;'- i c!--" ::e whole. -? notwrly i fylut r .iciaus.- In rrry vf-xtbrrathy tf.mt i at llicr i!l;bqt',trwr tn'stlibat .re true do y ;u rrdiA tsUad cf iMHj'At lhis!"t if JoiUiiftfftty en a fetr j(4otVitrnejwe m:hlbaverexpeeted to find ghat' thoib ripuB s of ihim Ibould exactly be d? Ji-etthdy-are alj ni'itrkble feraTmrh 4$?rrd IfirtHWt irpfwii'"4 eolWM tad4W"a- farttcfi honey from the carase ot a veza jam ; fiut if voti ca!Tsf!ior bdd aftyrfttr cn !o UVeinadeafrua joit. l f iU ,iiat you ibMiarees.rWtdeiEl' 'trill convf oht &nTgive toa'tfe fxefit f my leiinlclcr:!i"trtie tfuth cr tOMtiKi are laflppca-ieai iacis,3iiu y- n ifalhlui th arotvaVof raylnarae'jckli iicuitate tia icyuur viwSlcanofi, ticsjr do Iiterc?iw bow Lr4fiif:ny maltaitri 'oulJ-aiaocnt to. evidence 9fcVMft:infcicc3cp.-.4 hive already said, your i -f . f ' l- J .1. - ii!... l. ttt df inj allejntion. Q lie; BamejitiUhv may. bn said of your assertion j that nauro ine nusrraoip, moi c ihia; j mueli , fortUcr, it afford. mf been-fiO'inneti nraitiaxeavto.uie use m j r.-.i. , !Lri i.i.. :. . v blnsaehiiierjrt yoarseifUiitiypti'rimajjine.. no- thiiiof a jwbUcature eanbe. .dyne .with one's IfrfVrWX dcrhu.tnat ue wno is himself the unli riliaPDV csncCRtratlon of the ''dread ful 100' jehMdoe that all 4?toa!ein; youjarp jqaJStaipft AhronOtwt. ' 1 Iiav nef ther mahlrnitv tovrarda yoo nor sr I tbetool-.of yeur f ncr4yv. It is; trite. . l Lave nispisea your ari arui I?1-?? bare copternfeeyour if-cntrad.c. i eoui qt tn.-ki me hhrdTou; -lamas, dx aborc llerMciei trii nl& my the omd of I n bcTOt;i!itiie!tipf r-face-1) fine, I roiid sav inrprof.r irilay on MeUaif at! have no ata apfe4iuntcddoyrn by y..mr b like MnfHliop.ts.i l know-aLstt that V ii:at.e;niU)anJ'th3iisandef ,viUt' the 10ou6t all men haretke, least rurhlr to eom- plajt) ;bf;myrci3aintiigf;- aiiMymoasyou Jiave anrsnymohs m Verything".you scarcely let yoir r:Ut hand knv whkt yonj left "band .doeth, e-dtlmn afrcr et4'umhf aHiise you hart? - poured- jrth iinst"8ome.'titha1best and purest citizens jf IfureripTitry-tl'rrnHitftiie'pnnt ;over which you n.ihyjwisly. prp??rtp; cahdidite after candidate hare you "ptiraued vvrtii ym vvjrmi ions, strata :JLup in stataTeni have you managed to play. UT ijun; thbso who"H issfd to bow to your suprema- Py;f ana,tic uiai arnasm peionre 01, u Saiavv4i wtw sp sir Ruiy pa-UjcA, ue loro irrtiind of voar bnaunaiionfl'Toa iiave'ndeavor- d M 'put 'oujkvyvrtir irac.iln 'hat ever you have 3otji and altim' t!ie Urapuwfkiy fie eart h have bHtiraypl your c4nr,wrrp plainly than your fjot jprljits would hnyo iracsd yiuyot surely it can- pi be nnfiT' to ecxranterhini in th outi Hst.cJia ,cawoile hb-agsett iato the open hrown yourself befiro tile community nre pro- Immentlv than ever.T 'daliare been hiiicratin; dwnmeett in your uewspa per bVi Piiiclamation ofiljje BresidriU and have expro- ' ." . j ... J ' ..li.u. 1 .... tl Sdftcrrainntioh of purwilt yowr History a little nfcnmtliA -hrTc lafavrtte Trhtvtni were ireatdle of jflccphcy- a u ; tali' him in. a public blramnie a 'r?HrrrVe VilcWf(It.T, ii mean fo iSfei)vr that vou decfeiim4d aiasUhe xscmber in (JdnoTs from this'iiswct f. rji-trng tit the ciO i')bsatiua taiira.li&rHtafter voa had crrrrra- llatpd him by letter on ihia very act-I mean to Wipwr b ?w" you have had companies inTCrporated wbeiV vou were in tiib Ueffjslatnre f jr ywmelf My u iriake money by the a!e of shaies That i hare been -inomsrstent and 4 treacherous in prnvae 4i ntil I i, bear f nnoi yoa - as you ha re promised ipiyanciaiie vtruaj. I .. !kh ". .. --,-71 : " rrixius M . GOVERNOR FLOYD. This CntlHnan i Ms- &iovm" by hrs ""lat fvl-ssae; how worthy eis?of tho, jHtnor recently tWt&t.rJIirir proyokinto 1U .ee!I cy t jthewh Union f-f-tl. t hen she Vr . heVlepntfs.tnd agents the States oV v.ut swenmb end iieyt-Kmd as a rsnl'i we iocld hare t? e Mp:fssf.t -'jam,.ti";i ? 1 j Ciov. Flyu ardfnt, in V i n :, , f . i i ie . ' ( " tnatau-suilWietit SMtewl-;h hxs m"- r i, pWtrJ.o;t! .-resent, to its d ' :r, 11 - to.i.' i j Tho sum t rrar.r Tliryd s sr'i of-t... ?rwpiirwaH "t- Jr'" hu wiwj;. i i. r i M -ilt. tA :u iuuan: w?n. war worn sinci hid ihio within pubfej hid cv- "i i im-P.'Tl 'rrS.. of lh cvni tf&4 fiht tomffJ (ho biffal enemy;Uwer WSiiiw that f bad UdthetrotbT arc rpady ind mill n? to rally, roimd, htrn-l rne.K?a2l&i1f1ie ethrhnds cCotified atliiefiinca. 1tild rnodegrooriTalidaie' . , '3. ' il-fjS.; "ii When lie comes to the rescue' of the iCon- tofnrtoa orbeforo tb2a m.veliibHrrintQ an the refiratii,4ft,ttwiw ana;au- tSffmMns 4lf sxuiLui viiifr ft m ttoiitirtn.'rlnri tr s-mnnrt liiflmeaaMred wiih enyjgeiaefit toUhdray on or. beSe.' the i 1 lri . .! . .r Af" I --W-- --rj - w. -iv,. ,i;,r ; . T "5 II ? I i- . .. .11 I ' ' i 1 -t itenil wiixa aiiiJCiryuut umr aio . ; ... j H4,:ia .. ssSfrtt.ru u t .t : ... i 4 OI iu sarna in iniri. all ni3 'IltinrM ifriin tni"1tfTTi hai egyoa,as I ana abov yotr4;qyitigSi or your lliici: ediiilexnpt. 11 ut 1 cannot, at your ia vfa- frvSTi LVslh-t rot HQji ns vour own nuQed packf fcnttr Hhatvyou r-ate prdmn Certificate,. alHday tt3,jje3p parte 4a(Jdarits, .and uculiie xr)pdiepJs.f I linow-afia. that"yyuTTave jnrongu tne ccnnty yt jiqwannui.inp btijwu "ptlrpoHe of spreadicjl the JUaJ-dictrirtB of lSuIli ri(Siticu. Von bareina; publieTspcrclies you bare dmouneed int vouflNewspaper t Im admira- lysdur pr cs&ions nf . aliarwiient' to the; cause if? the President of tlie ViS fiTliee things 1 yish tj talca .'iip nviriid detail, but I will ait tHjnferred hiptj by t'le InIhoers otvatAith Car- tVS r" V.i ' " pwe.-uiousanajvr. uic convi'Uioti ut tjae iniei pr I Frestdent of the I; mtet States and he, tn re- ihieves - " f " ' ! " v P Itjrnr4ime ;H nc.w;hliaif ys of'thlrtr fyears rJteIrtry srrM to waT-nl:rcy;ia ITdcrmiifr!g fruoi tlW drain mhe rc4; warsekc? byN. 5th,G.. na-asrts tual -Wnien wai fortunately tseovere4when nearlr tleRrejn ntnr i?; Con -, tt dclut asamniatlnnt:Uitl oia vzrrri vr me oicuesasi . "f j j crirci cry i- iac uer, snai iue rrr.testat:. .3 a oir:: op C7erjrrtb:nj jaablleiojtHUESn r (he JRrwticni elect of tbii:ajsalttt ijfateJ at lthaYrahehd&i 'lofctal txidilmJuU id! eooimMidcdthatheffeni! the, $ tariaard 'cf the noeessif M 4jf heu velnhi en t tbcLpreciso poih tnslstevihbjr-trtil t (luronna; by eamvalcat f-):d:s9oicttHeP0fe , ,r. V'"J that tms election t via?; mi he had horn an -. . : J tyvaaa thanied Gotijthatf ieniuckf had rcfu sed H bow at Ujltesi4ent sbiddioj; Hers 1 h i,riwpvpr wpnt iaj,iiai4.i ,6,t rhi Pia. I sdpot;like auvahet Csaf was. altemptirvr w nominate his successor, $nd that we were to I S- . a : . ,i - ..i ' . r have local Banks accirdiri2j to ithe Van Buren f system, tie jgaiq ftumed upn the president nu un juuwru uii , a; j.iuniur. anu iivhv5j, ii wic uuivui i lit? wv utru. sin rv:uiacivy would be found fihiihi ih'! JAe;rleaU50 and iiior thir American :Sysfeiii .jfWbeh; Kefended, a fewclipped, and tne dog toaat Jrjtned the chums, and -the huttse brwke xy$ i:( pfrfiuj r-Kiirmg iatigh tr, many v b is pariy . prqnounU rig h spwjcli a oraplVite failure, and bsidired jh.s lerts an insult to tne commantiy, iicn iiarvHO vants to piacf huoseit at uics iva.i.ot his party, and he exr ts'to do itby-w;e441'liieh'tyfe pn a brfck bat, and brandifiiifw it over tjM ihadi of a is -party. : IfSouth jUarolina will psh hn to'dis aaioo; I am- for sending Alii Clay and pis Taritl men to tjijht ! Air. .Oalh'fafid by ; tho tim tney'.are wscd itjt, the Jresleo,y ,w.l j jbare bai lutle trouble J iniaV Butjyou inay rely upon one ihinjftaf the Clay party in Kci tusky are secretly atftjejeijt aij the uuth j ttieir vjice is loud'fbr civil vrar, bivt thpy i pot intend toffijht the battle if they cihpersuaM 'any body eli to do it lot them.1!: ;i " 11 f 1 1 u fl N A most daring roSocry of the Satitll-Garblini iank,at the corner of vBroad arid Cfidrbh-troct was prrpeaatesr on n rway ntjf ntljii jjy. moans if fatso key; :-and foils pf thl ianliw f jt; tho a- nvcmnt of o;te htmJfeft dtfitdW thousand rether with about IKiO specie' d:r4lari.44Suspici6n' and.lMrh( Lett asnuRlirrlioi'stolelln Queen near Uhurch-6tTeetJ k lie bad fecreJiiUv employed under some plausible pretchce.Irjj lia rotea blaek and white s.irtfr, ti) make srral bricks; fur keys --id when t Wdly jKissirji the Bank yesterday fnnbn, heva pointed oht by Mr! tia MottV; (who did not a&he tlmcl kbow either ni3 r.ame or rw.nenee,; as tps ptrsnn wno so employed lurrr. He iras ;irnmediir1y ' arrested, takrn-into the Bank; ancf ipxioetnsed the' fact of his partieipatioa jn tjie: bwinesf. and named j the place id ljis hlu3e wiiere his pprjion of the rnoney would be; fjand, whschikjn mr g rccovcrr ed, turned but to be qic hitnrfred aiikt thozi- 0fr 'J? ar nius. Ati if est largo,, dhis having fallen t4iwtiare and; allhe sjecie ex cept abotft ftventy U.tlLirs. After a lonjr and le- dious 'cwmihatkinahe was eormnttted to Jill. vitlwutisclosing the nameiofjhis aceo'2pirce--but gAat htsaie hiertalaed; thai tlie remain der Jt. the. nfoary:wi ji be aun,fecicred.- n:ius a source in, great saiiiacuonj i) ine4 em sunity, that jthe peri?etrat6r eT this danng YhefV, has been so pronipttyr arrested, a.n lit rrliieves iroui a vuie oi anxiety aiimoee connecieq -in any manner with; the institution! Mr will he' seen lhal a.ieward cf 5t0O dollars jbasbecn ftlered by i the ijpnkf.C) rt,lwB -eeoiry ; of jtb? 1ibtKjy,- and p."red in the rirst nainber pfi the Courier which T i . " T Tlii' iT , A 4 L i't fill . f -Ii 4 Usc-sojicitutie felt ii poti tbU rfubject t tiie ttme, suspended and Habsorbedia t the '.rens interest exceed bf thSprorJa ' -.libn l$uch?nlMosfnment, cotTcheii infa "of stinnssms vpcrspicuitri! Eloquence, ' viibr, and coming. froai ithc.qqartrr; . : has taken by stirurisetart.rl extorted a juiu- rcrsaLLtUTbstton. fit baa tio tongrcs3,Toqucp lueuesijsnpinfu t)i wore tliadcnaiof tliyne :afrttli4i,Ftna'!i)rcsela tear. .lhe J?re?tlentrolVthi JTiilted Kbits rn btes, bare sanctioiied n ;piJ jrecilQ-:tbr'' ptesomqtfj sor-jmven :,ipiiB ,s ASSTaAfrx, rljcy wwpodJ cltertbis it irallinovrn i $M$Mndin: thQ kjrifo cvp. view; of t'.c trt thaoewC2rea? itjlbciMlJby -4 TtitrifrJ.ininn "respect! n lit) tntniducedas.at.'indy?fVe apjrehcndt f "vt, r i, t -vt . t'u rV i notbefliund by.ikiatkisve P?j!fV ole. vff??3 TAmpnt. 4ri i MAAiiiitfiitriit-i nMlitncild bci fished, upon Ho s-tlnecU through tno. rocniiar cbajibsist ef i-s'atiojii 4 UTiy, tbeo has iTSSea rcjd :tl jaadceth" pre! Asra?Jici sent circumstances and apcbt' of tblngl? V ts tne wiiieTerefiimttitai''jUta:tlr(i:'toJ probation be constitatal M ihff N jlsfiif (as jjvvpU trmfnn tnat.winqrt is n-?s tqHbeanmi?Hatfaf ntM Lij 1 hirht Haimed bv -meBtte?lo patriotism of citi-1 s iheToin:coavic,J .j" J4fi, i -J-.rTfr.W P'f 7,5;f:4lpv,I3 qmpiy hydrate ttt.;fbar;i6f taraih'ana"l other 'c)ay by : the a.c. iiinOT iook inewwi grouna ass to tie ; Uden, raflins alona lanit, wt.ica ie soeis ; uetehnaiied !to push on : i:raJ, me guuw. io- uw aaaseuivwrgia, ne re- 1 J j HUtt, SidenLantt JSdIhhcationLallHn .inft htth thnn i.f35 QglcmoveS rGivenutv au laeinisPTaoieiaisenotxis oi uis vw w tuevjaj ux- an.t-;ujJM.u u piap ana ap- ine inqtirc iorcc is given loxue nina wnois platidi .biai, w.Hen a d(n.t fe rji;i alloiko out, dnly,ivhfbhof course prop-i the fore wheels, totDwic, lw icowm lull chiwh eoa- and bv! tlrmng these lter to tho right or l h!ia11 left, the ioaclT. is stored --accorainglyl tlie Ben Hardin-8;&)Ms t kebhtm ,ui - eaun;tenan-?e ; h :'!. -i r . " j lltnry fovrtpri, an jimanf vrt ii-nired in this city about: three jwH'-Us i feiric fi&ai J)alticri;)rei still. m.mjsm?s . .niir -a .1 vss;;Si tr, 1 r ngf i NlOffcansj iaaimncli as danger tfo ( 3 u.c AX; WiiMWtKrf.pj 4' ' MilS ?K-4W1l'' 1 termnc tvnP. CTneociai tilll OI UOTr WtZiZV or.' ok:wpi DJiMin?, v imvRiwii i . JLr tiiJ i&i&tft ftllis,- triprc50iorj i tlicr smf, as , disdnl aumvereal. sentjyrjent irt f vrpri cf - rcfportriiog to his c?.U lot- ep f ndf Suppott of tho pnnn pics ind tiojT5 crinced in the Proclamation. be bid. j cs accord witji tbe. he eordirditv thev ofthe'ma of? their choice. I am greatly deceived if this opinion and foclths- bo not universal m thjsVj'iirtcr : ndent of tho New York Courr ! ives the followtn'r account of a St3am - ; - i n !.. . ; ' t i I oomc iiitte surprise w.ia crica ncromc. ...,.-,1 r o ,.,, J r,lt i arrival of a coacn, filly j the pavements, witaout : fThe raichmejs - the invention of, onward with,greatpow-j its general appearariee is like that of a huge stage' icbach; the machinery is; undcriieith; iu,uf . siuiiw hi uuiii, iiis -cu;ii?nauu J i.:iL -.:J- l :: j 9?," font wnceis uy a vertical rmi acv - i . A 9 A. . I A i - I g wii cogs in a quaurani; uc ins at nana also a t cpmmariicatbr to the steam Valve. fsjo that bf injecting am he can accejeme rr eft ifrlstiif, rrrr nt Krrforl At tii : cul too, is a ever extending to the hind wheels, tp which is afiixed.a break," so that the inacriirjej miy be readily stopped. I The fngmepn sits in thai rear, withthe fire and boilni apparatus, et tiie extremity of all a circ;ilar-f inner turned by the engine! to blow the fire. tiifu;m)N. Oarual variety tf selected mitter is ! intcr- nipteil ties yeek -by the f rciient s f roelatnarion to the pnp!e of the United btates. on the sub ject of jpjllffication. We have given this djcu iuent elirei Ji;twithtandinnr itB gjeat length, believing our'eaders'.yui be gratified with, this highly! important arid valuable State jpaper. .lV(hapshcre has nothing been orTered to the Amertcan public; sinciithe farewell address "iof the (father pfhisintry,iso wjell calculated toji rouse the fpiTit aOibfily, and to stir up the people to patriotic iciejrfioii to sustain our happy ,, innon. It shoysin an eminent degree, the fina coed' and decided Jchaiacter of onr venerabla President, whh irubles and difiicultlcs stare him jiri the iiace; and gives a death blow to the, mad project j tit UHimjiKi and nuinneauon iiereaiier me na?oes . the ihstirafors of this wild scheme to dissolve ine Uuion. will be rememlere4 with !t!i:jsii 6f Aarsn Burr and tho tpitors pf he iilartfiirtf Cmventioiii to be detested and despised oyi t)arriois aaa trteoos oi.civu lioertyr-r-. " I ' -..r i . Tlie roclajnationif tire IVesident has; enj y- ed in th is quarter the raro felicity of uniers:d appprtion. j Partisanship is suspended, and pjhueall antagonst have wet on cimiinon !griH!npV Its -dxtriies are omsidcred Wound : its' plan judicious ; us language appropriate ; anu its apeirance lim -1; Way its efttts-f be liot 14 afriiitUT of future cngrAtolatioh,- with eve- fry mjmierot a c;ntentt?d, prosperous and United Amenam ilcpuhiic - : Jew xorti .tlUis The I fJIowintr leiut; from. 'a sonree iof the highest Jrespeetability, wa3 received" by ISurfciay s Mai' j Ly an extensive couuu;ssiun houWin this city:4-f i- - " I 1 i U . -New YoaK, DecS. GeitiCinen I am authorized -bv mv coin- rjcdjlVie:idi here Lo infirm you, that in ci SAjtiflSitp.of the late proceedings cf your State &kQtriuon,and the sehliments contaiiied in the Message if -y!or Giirern.if hi theLegislatuire, they pop Jtige cormder t safe to do business with your ify and, I am': requested by them to direct Ihemtfiin Cotton. and Riice. which are nl4lexecu voa io.eouHiyr 94 nun aitu toiu, in oraers iron tl.andon board of shitw.ffom and after the first 4iirak?7; regTetto' add, lhatt many bouses Jierb fa r4i trahsfernn 'sc? tlVeir nfers frum CharlvtpnA Xi Savannah. Mobile. amdl-iiew Ortean.--rGnaf. Courv 1 4 e!jtriV editors of the Ayashijtgtpn fJdtVph admits,, as wejesled r n wmiUj lA&i, baJt lie nd allowed cjotues u tne tain fafoTito corr:tKnde:iLV at Uie otlu beQre i vr rea 1 n X3 rusui iit . r vcusett in.n- vKuaiii.7 uia cunnuence onj wnico was entro3:ed to bim, hysiyingi tint fitf supy:Rc4 the ciaii would hare uceii de tained lint;! alie r 42 o'clock, when all 1 would ,1 jeep. Jiewjroij of oryia.- i a? ruuoi; oi wio Augo4a Ck-ujTiex -wjites S; thai the ant-Nnlhri- i-atnitt Heailuttons fC-Wr. Ryan hare paed the Stt I . of .Ueprtrm- - to i9. A suhstitute. calUpj a Cop v en won Jf afl 4 te Stales, was ns- gatlftiil 4 to 27. "A reflation assertiiig that ; ,.1. 5 The Chary! id. 9 lAfia;r of t!bolUxTEi h reJati wi to tii!llur3;bf HjtUnd and Bflslum. l3 pat in ti way mne of other nations, jtvltose rVssel! wmkl, as at afl ok? tunai JaUSwJv.fr. ingrosaJaaTl egress la? hnd jFl m "-tlie Mrts of ilollanrh1 wu houti any m itti w1iafe4f TinTess-fctanaflrn oa tho part ofhhe IfatBttiZf'T&orbiher jinlt)kHl- fjr events shjuld cSnrerjt 44o" proposed stale of DtOQKOaC! ijeces- ri2tH .wt ii lM.VL e.i:im?ianert bn-'lad Jrnt.-Rrt4.iii iirt.t Yrrw i fc mis ir.wtxi ?nn itie trrntorira vt un.infl it i At'dl tinmiatrtlv fuv'ah!-c-ra'afo: uixwi aft'"tht Neilierlanll'veeTs within he ports- of thr ros- pe'tire ire'dom:n:Qos, andlill ;or;ltsr t!ie:r rpre- I ti vft'crultHrs : tef detain hnd send ia all Nilitr ''7- . . tin:! roWPi!Ji U.fitrh tnVm.iv msot at itrt ivt a wumnea umisa an-.i P rencii iuadmn mvA bo fint;:in, fdYiit . J t ... rf..rr4- 1:. iii:,..; ....... tr tvh K.mrh. t Xi.i.M.r ' 1 li..rj still on ti mio Ivithm the DWjrjan' territory, a French Force ihall arlvance itito Biub for the pnrp is! of jc.milihj theNetherlafid pijw to evacuate th said territ-jri,s, provided f that : the Kin of tlif? Belgian s!;ill have piii vioiisly sigrntfied his wish fir thp entrance of sueii Fffeneb Force iuto h jjdounuionsi Li the afjrsaiii pur Tlie ribivg nia-ure shMl le confined to the exntiisbn ef t4 INetherland 'imp Ir.Knf thf. eita del of Aii twerp: and iho place. li-pnd'4t iliertv upon, which will, upon! that event, bt f..rtirilh delivered ep thl the troois'bf Jlelgiunt lf the Fr-nch, who? kvi!l iruu.;diatiy withdraw into t!ic French territories. I ? - . ; Aceonati fiprn Chili hkjre licen received at New-York tuj he Gih, ht Au. Tl.e Ifreaty o.incluJedhfacen our Cfiarge 3 Afiaires d the I'lcuipotTitiaf-y; of the Chilian Government will, it Lrsald, pttsVthe Hceate of t'.rat .republic! with- cut alUiratJopl i The Chilian Congress h&e re scinded tho i expatriniu-: .-a-',mmft i'r-' O, UiaQijcsJ and have imvited him to return it . . 1 ." . ... :.' : .'Ti. l.. lie Has oeen some tiuie ui rern, anu n is utuuui. his ret urn iWBl,pe tho cause of sojue polltti com motion, i . 1 J ' ' : S i " -'" ! THE citlniERirljbRESS" FO 1832 Fa m Sir! adi Ladies who have dniheiilt !.'. Ae VjT chmas s partial im nns tosuiad, I irreet yfttftlL with thanas uuletjined, 1 j I AhujDailyJbyw A'ih cap iu hand. IIer yhrsst mas, merry (Lhnst mas come, .-.. . Oft mfyj it collie to each twie herc ; . nd rind snifg at honored hooie. ' .- Vith Health and Cash to make good cheer. I Herald of tho W atcjimaw, ask A v;or In liis behalf to say, He's hadi-af hard and thankless task, j At wlacfh, lie has wrought by night and day. The Walfhmian has his 'iults no doubt,i lie's flip and feeble like the rest, t ,Sme frat and feeble things coaft out, ' :' - Even when he tries to dj his best., j ' -"-If! - - V ' Tlie WatBiman has ht3 fics also; . v , -; With ;.iub!and;qaili;ekebiaaderbuss ,j They'velhed todatyit and overthrow ; j - Sinalljooibrtthea, for .them, to know i, i; "' S1 ThetNfop.te still are: strong fur us. r f ! But he hiS been t.is country's friend J I' ' With icnest hearty pride he'll say it. His country's cause he lias maintained. Whil! faction's swdrd wa3 raised, to slay it. AnJ he has raised his bomhlc voice," I 7 ; Jlis chantry's best tried friend to cheer, The Hefu Statesman was his choice.: Whether right or wrong, he was sincere. Then e&llvJtiie ntCKORY TREifi The Jtif.siliean only bear it ; e ifUIONj let it b? And Freedom's Sons shall tally near it. ' " "PI! il" If: :';i-:.','',t'- Here's 4 mcrly niraijtte, lr aacl f ar 1 lUI7; KitOUlU iOUJ bviU, Tprrl'Jlifor ykui'in sure, ! Hi - ; i I til,!. ..!-..-.. .1 7. lt JUSIpK weave a banacr briglit,! f ' tin UNiONirasr 'Ir,1 But ithtaV do t a Prfnter-bov. t fa aniavttrti?!! yjur hearts arabf with vvr. as a weu nv-nt tkjy tyhnstuxas srr. Aj liis jenfe cffplet catiittcsu Partis. Mfilp TO anas of Frcetat-h wiltupholdlV v It's hlithejr lotigpofraugb with v.itj , i-.;., 6Ht2itprib-inLarm t itVii nfoe ; t ort pr car 61 SOitc- 175 s iai key.-25 a. 3t). ; , -. ' t. r.J. . 1 1 m f Vfty j- V I Uivir m j v ; Jl:,2 Ji; ,U.n. (Cask). 3 r 31 Meal ft,hji Corn pr bmh 50 a ; Iron pr lb . 4ka 5 : fkl losses pr yita iarjo; nis-rnr 1 tR'' vx mvtn if rfl-IIH Cn-ij.i.rtner3li'P beretfmxl.t? V 1 A " tweeji'ihe.-iSuribori.fnlthe t'n lofvIoW gihtin, Bartid County; jrt iiro '5Ierertiliftii.i. piymsut orxiytc.as s iojiV a' ptactieatle. -s .ii -ri : , i-i, , JOHN CAhwAtfi; : i - RtCliAUSONi ? , 11-. ri--4- 'V. I..- -flh 1 -. i 1 , mfirms his friends awl the ptiUicLtlfili Will ;cjntinjre tg jcarry bai .tlie.J UisinessVhlSiE. pja n ton ,tl m t'he ' ia juit recelrojil a nle U r-H-intj. a.apral assjrtmwu Tn'cvrry branch yfilH lne cfiJ js.ncssand by his unmmtted at'tfiitiiii to his busiaoss, aird chaipees o.jihs' j Goookhf jvipes. 10 ensure 1 me conunuanco rt a U f al ihaie 4ihe patronage of a generous publVL f t . .-.-v .r., ' e r 11- nnilE suleribersUrrpeninfj at thp.Df jl n-)nsc, lately ixcupiea oy r aws cw a an excellent ak1 general arrment rf If Flarfitcarc, Tics 'Se&tit&H All of which they are" diT&n&liieli&)kiS "ffj!l0?tl thesubscnbeV sometime daring ic JD fail". . ' jtiy;-- 1 - d?f which I Tvad brought frdm Sunt Cennty fvHi both of them " ygfeitrdjqt IHrasuitll -iwW trom tne circumstance . ct 4is born bat-trto Strrry,"anrlTtay besomewhpTel FvtJcs of jhBadkia. Wsphichjt rc4 be given tciany one who wilt assist me. ting one or berth u them. .i -7 . JOHN n rSI!AUB4 Salishuiy4C.jDc2gi3323i j r ; TM-jzyreiTft Ilavim? learned this busltffsk in the Ijslu ' Twntof lviGichluwLandhafirijr hfliWi . ra; aJ;J rfeshtfor-afa 3-t CornrV,: bush 5fl a ;6i!,(MrtahQ6 kl;;Chefficr. btl $5a- 5i l-jlaKefafbtishT aSii feaejcs of'4 TthAl &2 75 a ,3? teei-ucrmi ,,li- ? aIT,; Blister 8 BaWnjrOI a7; Tfeft. W leaf,. 2-1- SIifanuCactared B 2j;SJ4 J.) V4ieitfttshri'7li faV --f " , l-Ilaeor; prlb8 at) ;-.Cettoa pfjlli .uewghf, Cbffco pr i's -15 ; ;:r fpr4UJ .4 S; Rased wrJbh tv20ala fathers ; irl!3QR S t 2. a 3: "Wheat pr tosir&a a 'J.j; Wilis Wr Tt. gw. a-j i 1 1 i-i:r -j i-t i-j . 2g ': ' 1 1 - " oess, is vissotyed; byjnutnar consenrII e4iicr.f v dae tfiesifd firraare transftirre! 4 to' ItaicK Cj Ppars'jn withwbomif; J9dcsfra1TetK.'Se V'j ' saiito shouki -jia'iioaica aiia isiiieu jciia pr IT f . pi.' w nr I QQdSri-11 part of tI-4f'Uftf:osediSQsriI ' ta puHrhi am respectfully invited to day and iudje themselvcs.i lr'Vm??' 5f .( Statesvil Decrliyia.lP; nr ice man inev nave rrcr i;ecn oiiereu at n im downwards inWcurJoui jnaniiertbci oth fas ' some w lia tJessin 1 sizeand; parked wi4 j ' 1 spos.1 I )po they axee 1 ifM lVESWtcetails1se?l73 DtM the Town Salisburyi nextdev u Office of the Watcljian,NrheteUheisP4jite xcirt5 all fdeii U b abovel tine of i k' employment there,' ts weltai In.' other f'it" ! f 7' Places iu iruinc1 ij r. j- ieru; v she ean nvegattsfaction, tosaeh as roaV, eawr tocmplty lierf ghc wiHreCfive reguirlv ; Phi!ade1pltia and NeriYk lite lafFj kuM. 9 rut wHt kfeer l?atfrti Ctt fcals to tiioe 3f I . '" : r: . . . ... n Mr Elelefflxfident that: she. eagfliit P? taste Tore iTVAII ct dere-f roaaihc cobatrjjS genuyiaiuiied? .--' I- f 4- 1 4 i TfimOM the tibrarynin H Alexa'q r'lbwlJm&yid IHaywoudM iJJ r- vnjocT;r.iia vuesotvvi may wish to make their own dre3scs.7-ae 1 fl likewl$e1icftiWhanaiew r J" f f t: of this polislied community - "lPp f i .V , asks of tbeatatnal.ttfbers6:ii. t. ( &. vJ . ia t 1 U i l ' t,. . ii .1 f ' v. iV:' .5 -' ' t'. c 1! te: S. tl "L. t: i 1 4. !t' I1 1 c FK I-- ia.i a?; tj ir. I 4 II 1 I! J & 1 V 1T 1 i C ft if - I s i; i f ""iie': 4 ! I.' 1. Sir; ' . 8