BOSBXTV, f -V (CiOUKb AST Att tJAIS Y ,1 . 1 833. pKOSPiBOTIJS.POa KiTlT0i& P UDLISU ED J - I r ftij&kil to vt&lrvct and to r!crtr Tlrf ! Mi-.fc.AwtnreJ Willi WZM umrr.un; o.. .imi.t. It Interests of Literature, rcon.e, rowcs, .1.?'t0od?mdwli and refinement it sba.I iit ih-Whetheropen pr hidden,; !H;tejll - r u tHother oumrcntsiuai rwe Mriu8h S,t t4hdfcrved1 oilcan but hinder thenar 7..; IaHI Vrfriiha dutv to v&itl WW hash&freely! Aiuretl forth 'agiinsl the Jpmmistrftion; and vin-j fete wn iUijuAtiMa measure, j Jle u. i vn nui iir...... r i ; pm-iiniiu . t .i Lii.l ;ii-ibintU, u Lib such ciieeKRiand (jp lilts VfHWI jMM' T ;"TJP ' - 1. ! i&kihtMmBifrorwe may have thoWn lo M tnmmkJtnMcemen!i Uy the general rrnmnnflin tltO ( hHTlCSt degree inexpeurciiv. ms qi 1 1 I ilJ 1 ! the prifxl shall arrie."hureTC'.(tir enfjrcinj thtf', Ordinance " of I the Nqllifjlnr Convwitlon, tnd uieoiiiii ui pains ana penaiifes wnicajaverowii out of Jt we may anMcipat a raosl fearful piustun, particular in thosq sections nine date in which the two prrtiesi are nearly equally ba4 Iancetl. ''AnJ,rif a blow be struclt, it is inbjpueni lie toiurefaee the extent to which bostilitiewill be carried. In Ginville,Sparunbnraod; iChes; terfielJ, in Jail of which dwtnets thta Uoiori party have large majorities, spirited ayluttons have flM,iry-UllSaturday, Jaauary, 1333 hIIie Camden. JopjiKAL it iwUlbe sofnffrom tlicipriispoctus infu-day8 paper, lias passed jfrom ie IjanJs uf tha j fatborite qftlu coirjs, C. If;J)an ijfl3 c vpjdoabi fift from tlie' remrii?ndatiQn f the riktn pUitf,tat it 8ji.4taJaeU.v(cre Tiit !veol4iost "sincerely rrgreit lh exit libm a department whsr he has figured to such ad van- grave ana gayireiws ana 1 readers and admirer ) ( the fmder the regime of 1 ur friend , taste unifirnd were a. Cfionjioiirnal; an3Sibej)est tha 13 tt4t.tuey may I can wish to his successors dot iaii saon oi nis aitain- i 1 incuts And reputation. I I i 1 ; J -jftorafthe vfjfj feeling and beautifiil Valid itory ofiJVfr. t)anieia' we infer that .ho itendsxeturn- lii-r t Ufe iortn or- waicn ne is a native" but ty Gonktess itid the Presideat,; will broi jiousikhlitriisl and disaffection, and Will wteh,!otxr-' iMiiiMiW-liayMnothiug of j the, lorlto' res'uiHe jibe Editoral'Susihess iorl not IffUvEfP fa SHouH lie ,do itjand SMfsectri if our cou:rtry atfthe thip tesUnon aUhall haveet his eye; .&i f&A.f.ek iliftbtst enemies of Uus nair we hbpeihe will; riot foiget. us on us exclanjre Of the newW proTV-iSatea uocxnnc -m x uii;ca- favorably trv- th a land of Null.fication. that such a mnn r.i1- OTii'tertirV:to'saTUia all its phisfia hl h:AA i.y!mA Ji kJ .u i $ SS t a cagaiftst lnbirth-place,astotce him jfrom iy;w.t Vivr" i -- . v i 1 :jj..:t .uw'i"l,... Tjri i Watch mak, : Is puohshed-; mfyHYMpiVjltre JMUi t P r year, m attvance !ttet!ieWl&iicfit Itvej " ' Coiinties more than b!te.utn3red mitditant?hMn Salisbtiry, and in llsrsvhrc the accotjut is over one year stan- t'mjr, the price will be $ I. . ; ' . . . ''. i -. .... - 'l Ji mf r Auverusing win nc uone a me usuai. raics. S'a iubscriptioa wfll be withtlrawn until arreara tn are paid , Unless Uiq !K(Zior chnnstsS h YSit siribcrs twivinar the whole' smn j in ad- ran canlhivc tle! lcurirat 20 trone rfe' ind $ aHyncji tcgalaily , wUV ho coatfau-' J attbcimerate4aftwards. J i I " iirvwitntity iittendctTtoi n. - IWiiui;TilrrjRinT tho .Kditnr toy tlio business: If lae 6flVyi'a2rPssf 1dm Klitor ! of; the. ifyhwi. iKafcftjnan t hose that write . on otli- a Js;datiin that headorned so admirably. jVfenly. wo conclude tuar uicse rnitnronsJacKnowted're as I thciU country but the Smoxizn , tj i ;-. HONEST FIGURK?. : ; l i Smith, Caroli:ia.-The fjtlowihl statement i f ni.(d:da the census f 1S30, and tho election rrfturny H-Uetober, 163-2. f r Soul") Carolina lias 531,135 inhabilants: 1 rfefoessan direct to 11. p. Jones. M l. JfvB, - Alt the Sbseriptions taken before the LMiiimiceineiit of ih's paper, it will be re:neni- ccfel. bianoducsti tlie publicatiaa of tlio . first I - - - ; - i : . . . . . . , j fcumfwr deuuetj . M -4 Waves 1 i detiuct! .f - i leaves of whom loavilii of whuin 315,401 slaves; 2bi),781 fre prrsons: 7,Sil free hldcks, whites. 1-27,-273 are itunales, ST Vol. of diet IlisUin' of England, by Htfmo; also, Bfydone3 Traveh anJ i Cooper's Spy laita i TerJ par-; tiiiular.and will thank any on o : . to inform; me- herc they are. Jan. 5, 1933. t i Liui tno riiti, arcm:-ssing' irom my Laurary , I Mye'tiiforitw( pr i.thrfe years. I am J anxiuus to jeouvrri these uuiks, tae nrst in II. C.JJXES. "irHili biSuli at pubhc gale, at the- store ' " of Miles "ilbeniathv, near the- Island ord. in Lincoln county; oa the I 26thday of anoarf, 1833. onei lib;ly younff Njro wnan hd two Children4alsv siiie other articles nut Vil At.the sale of the tatatc of Eli Perkins, dec. i yhich a reasonable; crec it will bo given, irMSfilphd with approved security. L ' ::H::!.':i- M . jl: i "in Administrators. Jan by leaving of whoin Ioavihgj ; Ded-jtjC ! lriO,(9Q ".liito pialc:, i 86223 aml untler 2i)or;over "-50 years of ao, 4 l, lb7 capable of Ijearing: 1S,240 are Uuionisls, been adopted by f the peppH, declanBglthHt p-s1 position UiNuilification. !and the detenuination; Vi resist it, to the lasteremityjand'at all. fca-l zard and tfiere is evidently a spirit! abroad, in fllOSA A ifrlta' rYlinh Will Trtrn Ja i Irwrv' .QolKIa to eni n-e me test oath and the other abominable provisions of the tyrannical ) Ordinance more es pecially will ii Be round impracticable to ; embody the membrrsof the Union party fas! ail lenient of the military power off the State! f Wei pray ilea ven to avert the calamities wbichf threaten Sadth CarJina from the Sviolence. of her own children, thrown in .a hostile 1 attitude' towards ;h .other; inl. nearly eonal iproa mohs, by- .he lue.msiderato maJnssof the pairtyli whichi' has obtained the ascendancy in her cinmcils.; f h j ' ;.: SENTIMENT 0l . VIRGINIA. j l! The Jeislature is stiirda5ra?4l!in ftririnfr its S:aie llsghts thunder a tak which it; findsto be rather morelifHcult than' in times past, j when the decrees of th Vatican ended wu?re they fbe- gan, in words, words, words." Atl Uus crisis teorcti are lititg; and they imustj; be -more' : de liberately and j cautionslyj wighej lian when, though tuil of SMind and. fury, Uhey i 'nothinir signified;' We Jray' for r sapient; llegislatos, a happy , deliverance! While However, blies i;.unri-rate Jupiters are besngdutf! their f pros- pecis cn Vulcan's anvil,! the people. of Virn-ihia are. taking' the battery asi thlfiy of right" ouoht to uv, uiEii uyu iiaims, aiu, in tueir primary assemblies, are speakinglin It voice jtw plain to be inisuuderstood,' and we hope toa potential to ;be disregarded. .On' our I first Ipagplthisl tnornirior, we pubhsli the proceeding ,f meetihgi! held in tlie large and ; ihielhgept jcounties of Augus ta, Washingloa and iUontjmery, 1 dmdwlly reprjaiing tne course of South Carolina and pbdging to the PreSiaeiit ; in : the : exer cso of his constitutional; dutilj as defined in his Proclamation, a warm ! and derided support. ; Ttjis teetmg -is doubtless universial throughout-Western Vugina' apll though; Mid dle Virginia may be fvs unhnimfUH, yet we do root hesitato t-j say th tt a vejry large' uiajo:ity will take the same ground, j" j jg j ".-'! i We art: particularly pleasjed witlii;the procceil ings lu VVastiiritjn.and MontgoinejfyllWni. C. Piestun'of South - Oarohuai is -eitHlvely and nfliientialy connected iii those cLUirtie?, and we J ... I .1... . IV . C . 1 . . . 'j -' '. UK-uuyu uiu tutcuj vi uiviv coOiinecuon rnonn SH trt extrtm--u ildndlj Vunr arm. ' J fat from thlbst being retried rjomtet! Tout W pie Consttution,lt was k rerii4dy tout ot the Gorfetituiioai; iiid .paraxnouht ttf the Coastitu on.r. i i .ij , 1 r, r rli -1 :' :', 'M$ State ceaed; arirht to theGene-: M GoveTnmentcanf0o rake recal tho cessbn than n individual cn. ; tloth my do it by corn fm of h gummlnt or persa receiving the grant; but not wjth mt, :exeep(.b iucceseful txe )Then ainjeftkd arises whelhem pwer has or has Wet been cddjhl, tfie party ? eMrcisfng it must fiecheckd llrJtigh the judicial ! tribunals, where the jquesthirr ei'ii be fanvasaed; Jut if they prove insufficient, thrournlannenls in tuiMi eaihgc the xk jwf bieh authoTiiea?the exercise of thejwerr orby a oohventiori Jand decision of the States themselves; or; all other measures (ailing by Tiolence j 4i j! II lf?he Airie jojf Satc rights & k pleasant and safe docrim4r4od liose rights, wherever sus jlained. sh-ildb4 deemed holy. Oil the other hand, tlie docirioe off the Uhioti ii enuallr tadjit cannot bo preserved" without the-exercise 3t j uw ppw creicrjginafa io . . uu9 govevoment tn ;ts appropriate powefsiji soyerriga as the other, and; is- -indeppnuentjand supretiie as the' other These iro tlie! A einocratie principles of such liiefiasJohn Hitncoek, John Langdon, Samuel Ailaj us, and CjoorgB Clmton 4s well as .'of 51cKean, and G purge Mason, and Thomas Jeffer son; 1 ' I' : ; ' . jj ; 14 - i When passing from a confederaiion to a union pfji the States j ;underthe present Constitution becaose the old confederation gave too little pow er to the Union-Ut ;as never dreamed that the XJnum was sUlileft with a reserved right in each State to inutlifyand sufependany law of the all jffiTe duties and lobligatiuns of the Union, without the consent fof the; otheStates. The H, consiitutjonj mdj laws Under it'were made to Operate on iaditiduls and not Jon States; and here the Slates tan not release ! or , absolve their Citizens from dutiesjtfnder the constitution The Chief error of Mr, Cyhoun'e argument for nulfi fication spring fromf overlooking this change. But: the doctrines of-secesslon. On a little exam. nation, will be fiund) nearly as heterdox and inv r"i"Y . lormer oni! nuiiinawon, tuougn . admit it to be more plausible and' to liave more fatidnal advocates. . p'hough one of theableat of tliese has admitted, it to be the artciitc of the 'constitution, t A moient's attention will show it jo be ar&dartcniiti) the Uium,i if carried into practice, and as horr&le in its ravages through our lineal wsieni as navoDeeii, me last sea son in the hiiKiau sfstcm.v Uiof ravages of the As:auc vnojera.!- ! A i ; U A DEMOCRAT OF 1793. tadelphia, tliey hate' the;ne right all oyer the t fVnhet suxi of I 30,000) may. make v the same ground with the !jw of the. States regu-' la ting the fnsnection of fHii tfjlwoco,' fish, and )ther commodities, it was at sufficient answer tj I the.arument dravn;' frurn this anal te t say ipat tnese. articles ?were f pot tue tnatenais ot which the currency establislled by law was mad. coro- : of that, ' COxNGTtrSSIOVAI.. . ;Vr. Fostef moved the House 'igo in rnitteeof .the Whole I upon the bill to into Com establish vytmucvuuil uuuu ! 4 - rr s 1 .t . t ... popular s-jiitnnent. uov r;U)d, too, JS a resident J i" ifS.i T , WU1UU w " f Montuxrtitery, and IWincrlv reiiresented the . "nr"H- ttiWKue V11'1 1- ,27 NkiUillcrj: lS,-2 i0 to ; baianco the Un- lists, and i z j '. il 7)87 are lcft to takecare of 3l5000 slaves and the .Unionises in the other twe.ityrthree States of the Unio i f I Besides somerjShi s of the line, some Frigates Sloops 8tiafe Brass cann-jlt, some 'Iron do. soind mjiiskets, fjiyenets, drums truiopcts &c &e. All of vvhlcH arq to ba takn care ot soue torts ti liermuhned ";s)me ctrn ti . be raL-d anil some spre4he4 ; 'O Vide itkeep the itung a ging. fihiel'd (. friend ! -Nuliy you seem ; to have Jour hands full. " ; ! !, ' t l ii -A 'il ' ; Ed. C.Wat. of tho Kezlati 1 Ji'ATK !OE tNOJM'Jl- CAROLINA i P 1 1 AY WOOD COUNTV.-Suneriur Court If Law Octfer Tcrmj A. D. 1832, i ! HHWmiam!Grcbn;i:. ... .;' . , f ; !w Petition for Div ircc. lathis daseit haying been made appear to tlie iifictioiioXltha Iciurtj, that the defendant ;KeA ak,rreocdcs;'withbut the limits of this State, l .it... .U J.J.K ....... A( lv.r , n..l K served on her:- It is therefore, ordered by the Jinrt that pupcation be made in the "Camlina Ma'tchtnan j'bhdliti the North-Carolina1 Sirtii- jraad AVstc'rh jfel vertter," for the term ot three lentils, uottfytn2the dfendaut4t Uvand apiear t aisuperiot Couft, of Law to bfe heldl for; the uaty of jllay wood jat the Court-House in vaynasville on itho seomd lucsday alter the juriii Alondaf in iMareli next, then and thereo 43 j answer or demur to tUepeuti ot Uio pe- n.iiarg Uhirw!sfe judgement vro cc ; pro eenfesso, will 1 f ntered againai her 1 aiul decree made accor- And, it u farther ordered that the Editou of ? 3hU pajxirs, bt reuui'stctl to forward their PFM ' to this ollice'' durinvr the said three district ot wlncii it, is a bartL many vears in Coir gross. We feared that lie frouid inocuiate his paitiul tl-liow -countrymen vj'ith thlstaftil disease. iui ihe uiouiiia:n rt'ghti here, as fn 5olith i ; Caro lina, is t;jo n . aitiiy tor such ja rutubiis fdoctirine to obiu-ia iii; .i.crh.;aiicy. Ctllbrafijd in! ull airs aod all touatnes a tne nilge atttl Iioiie of Li ix ity wneu the pipteof ilic iuVfahdi! have .bev ctiute c-.rrupt and servile enougtt tblberid I their orcits 10 me yuiie 01 a ni Virginia and xmih Carolina are : inhabited- by a race who win sti uieir iaees, as a n:nt. against Uie disorgamzers who ar sinvin to !mllj down tno tompic! 01 : our ir. eclvjlii. Mri ,Ioure, of it .CKbr;die, spok truly 111 ttie star-jtangled banner is the t p of one of uur Lfiy lnnaoitaiits are told tiiat tho union is in danger torth will johr die llrii of Secession?. IfTdiscussing the rfghl ineKiiymuai otaies w seceue peuccaoiy rrom to QMhfwlerac'vt in our last papcri we suggested two or three hypothetical cases -in the force of wnicn we nau ?eus c:nnucnce as we naa ffeeu thei( stated uo where else. Otieklf 'these hf pi- theses,! however we have since seen aAjiiicl by , paragraphist in tjie Richmond Kmjuirer,whosfe!es uie pruffcuio(i ih a somewuat uiuerenc lorni roiu that in whTci w laid it down. ; Fortified iti the tfrrengthi which j it afKtrds to the argument a gdhistthe fight (of secession, by its stiggetion inxii auoiherjiad, on winsutut iaiial dotttrine, a highly Irespcciaic quarter, wesu!j'iu it. . f i M i ! Lynwg V irg-. I "Suppose in State of Louisiana should take Uio to her lieajd to secede iVoii the UmOnjf for so:no ofitnee, jivhich has-been produced byithe. la passed by Congress She then being a sovereign State, levies atoll upon all vessels which go doi.n tlie Mississippi river How, what I. wish to ask, is, can she srcetle? . Jext, how came sh one the States of this Uifton? And then I Wuld ask, whether the creature can desiroy its creator? Did she 11 t take her , place among the States of this Union under the Con stitution?. -If she should si c)de, what would be her condition? j Is she a part of the natiunal do ihain or hot? And if not, who owns the soil yppn which her inhabiuvnu -liye? And if she lis a sovereign State, and has a right to secede, what portion of the public lants, of the naval and mi- inai luivs, aiivi vi i-m. m ittiwimij uvuiii i ii-i If she has a right to go, she has a right lo a por tton ot the public propertv. it appears to fine that if , the right of secession be true, this Union is not a Government," e cry valley , glen and t'al opulation, prepared to coiijuer or the lhtg that has so 01 ten vtjtorv." Ib. r Mr. h oster iflittl some ; preliminary remarks upon the constitatiohSil objections which had ljeen raised agatnst tlie bill as repord without inten ding toacquiese! ih them, pmposed in ordeT- to satisfy the ininds ot entleinen by whom these ; objections hud teen raised, an amendment con sisting of three sect idis as a substitute for tho first section df tbe bfll as reported. The object vf 4he autendmeht was to establish these oflices as branches of the Mint, where bullion might be' exchanged fo( coin of current money, under cer tain limitations and restrictions, which were. in-. tended to place thescf offices upon a similar foot ing! in this respect, with the Mint at Pinladcl- j was a? to the expediency f of sneh a hvr. On that j p'fit he had ! fully uiade us his mind. H'o was aware that thserwht pertorm the labor were niO't genrrily" cheatiy by tiibs ivrfeo do not; atid if Such a law as the one proposed, would le lieve the miners from imposition, it Would be a small boon imleed, ivith regard to experts?,' and might he of great tmtxjrtanctl to the inhabitants of a large section of ctMMitry.1 Mri Knot opposed the principles (4 the TmJI at teegtlv both on tho grounds! of cunstitutitHiality and expediency. He regarded th- proosed a- inendnjeut as an attempt w rjiake that cpnstita tional Which was in itself rit The Consti iuuon nau unuouoteuiyi given w iongre6ar tne ; right of coining irwny; itj Wight nnquestiona- bty exercise all powers ncaefMaay and proper to ; carry this right uito eflfectl 'in essential reqai-.i site was to ascertauv the piht and 'fincns of the bullion to be coined.--Wiiere should tlis be done ? Should it not be at some place coiieni ent to that where; the staiapf -soverejernty and Timewas w oe piacea upon 11 uetore geutte. men rtdeover the Con3ti,tutn by psissfngj stich a bill, they ought: to shewtlat the assay jiffic proposed to be established 'b' it. are necessary and propor to enable the mlvrnment to carty into -ar.-AtsA. i' - . 2. r - J.iv . ' eueci iu power wcoin money, on wnat grounc is this bill placed ? Simpl y! that its passage into a laty'will accommodate the citizen by enabling . . ... . . . Mi i r .. 1 0 htm ettner to receive money ior nis ouition, or, by .subjecting that cominmodity to inspection, enable him to sell it at its true value to others. Does it not, in effect, amouit to an inspection law ?f Is it in aid of the polrer to coin money, delegated to Congress by,. hj Constitution; ? It is proposed by the amendmeBt now j: offered by tlie gentleman from Georgia J(3fr. Foster,) that the assayers shall pay for the bullion: .and trans mit it to the mint to be coiueo. Would this traf fic be advantageous to the 1 national interest ? Do gentlemen consider that under the existing laws, gold coin cannot be drawn into circulation asnoaey (hat it is in faci tnly bullion after it has passed througft the mtnir If they Would bestow a 1 title reflect ion npup the actual state of this question, tbey would bo inclined to take the necessary steps to make pur gold coin; cur rency Instead of mere bullion According tu the mint price of gold twenty fjir an J three qbarter grains of gold are equal tog- aljollar. Willi those who bring gold to your assay loflicea sell it at that rate i It is worth more tor exportation. As an articlv. ot commerce, every twfcnty three anjl one fifth grains of gold are worth! a dollar lit will uever come to your mint ialss its true value is paid, i It would produce ne. gublic benetit) if it were brought there. For v ears past it hal? been coined not for currency, biit Merely for the pur pose of having it assayed s aid stamped.) ihe . . . . . . i mint has annually cost the matron more menceuieiit of the next rear, the eooch happy hd memorable eventlan the near ap proach, of rbich the jPresidrnt has justly coa gmolatedi Congressi and his fellow-citirene. - uie exupcuon of me pnwtc debt ofa great &nd fme nation The time and the occasion, wh 1 1 are ntieu to awaken tbe noblest feelio cf and ardour to , friend ofrpuS.; ; ;. , :S With en;-t ; r tbrce; t6 discharge ,thto weighty- and honorable and practical duties to which we have been -cor 7 unueu 03 wii inner jagisrrau?. He ? iuuti vinum. nnaneir. tmrthens which may c beioahd l4 fell unenuallT nrjon inr r,t ilvi I ductiori of 0ie revenue -to .och a limit as shall -'Y be ronsUtct with tho simplicity: uf an econwrsi- - -eal Goyeroluent, and necessary to : aa" efficient --- public service." : - ' . -"'. -Jm--l 1 he examination of the general accounts ' rf thagreoei pts and expendita nSs the . I Tnlt.t - States for the last sixyears, pri-scats tho tUlVw-t iag results ? The aggregate expenditure fur the : j,-." . "" Hiv in : wui;a;iiiiT.'.-.. . !; 1.30a, ineesiimatca.expou.i:ture ott;iyv presfn raoth ,) amaunUto 162.400,000 doJlaxs? nijii W IDuhnVthd samrnerioi tha'tVxuendimrAh.nihMi.nvi'fi f il supplied byan aggregate amount of -reyenue tsiW 157690,OOGV in "addition ia anlurrexDended;ba-i 4lT lance ih theTreasary! at thecornmencem4t lof that ierm, of 635$,GdG aollars, about one-sixth; f of which conf istingof he papir of broken hahkkj j and eitbtlar iuiud3i 'hai rmamed unaTailablelUi -- the Treasury.: ;4 r - . U. Deducting from these receipts and, expeadi- tures the arn.junt received and pa4l i nut on. t- I count of claifns of ouirleitizens; against frlgu'' uovernmenis, 01 wjuci tne treasury was mHre-" ly the HnnAl f receipt and iyment;-threil'Ii result an annual aTerage uf twMitglta rfl expenditure aosortHngtm9 amount together with, the ha!auceui e.Treaiiir.j'atJthe' eu;d of laiiO.i 'J; amounting ttd nearly . twenty-seven millions of dollars a ylar. ; . . . i : i -t"-i:t-cdi : puMtc debt kas paid off. leaving an ayerai-i:r3 nualjarnouni of expenditure for all other . pifyo ..yil ses, kf something less! thart; thirteen milHons nve! Mi hundred thpusaiid;doliars. - ? I ?ij i': J-'i'l'si These amounts are 'stated-ia: rand .nninaewlj-&p-as they are jsufficiently acnramf jt all; he .-, pur-1ii poses of thiSj repirt, and present the vie ws of tlie Committee unembarrassed with ; minute detail, tn a minuteWspicuobs uiinnfer.!-H:&iX. ' t .1. .: . i-t !.'J. ''t.'". lit uie griw sum ujwu wiuuiiiis average alj- ----- ?tts .4-11i'Ci"l8 1 vv ben raying! that ., .. " ?V:'":1 : tl oiuo lumuricd upon 100.1 otains, and the 1 its beneath tjur. r . eipiaiiieu, uie principles ot his a- mendmtmt at chgth. By the the law, as it now stands bullion might be exchanged tor coin at int. lie was desirous that a similar ex change n:igh be inaletat these offices, whence Z XX. i .,1"V the bullion might be transmitted to the Mint for .i i i- 1 . " coinage. t means the native gold would bl retained ul the jeduntry iandlbe substituted as i I 1 il 1 411 ' 1 ' mc.The Editor of the mChmond Wink currency i.r me smai puis, wnicn are now so -!..- ....i , . j i,. :. , 0 i preneraiiVi m use. ? . ,i ? a.G1 u4muS a,Fruru uie resiqtnt s rrociama- mi.4i, i-LA- . ..i. tiou when it first appeared, lias become! viblentlv HfV' f r " ?TH1U accuinmuuaie opposed u it because it holds as life says the same W'Tfw , iP,iT-,g Wl' 4iottirmes as those contained in Mr.! W eiKtef a '" r" - . w ii I""."" "lD UMUa" iiKchuponJVr Foot s resolution;? ! We do not if n , rU-8 .Vnt- If he correct- u tit h.Jit tii j Mniw. a;,L'! t... Ml unuerstoou uus proposition it mounted to no- te, we cannbteoriceive! how the Si??.1???: " r!!in "Wi1 , Ul Kic imiu ijiaitj iui ail 1110 fc"'U . i: . ' .1 i . J .. fi mi . - linn '20,009 besides tho cost of pxtensive buildings with'jnt any public advantage! so tar as reSuecU the geld coiuage. i Should! tl3 assayer transmit the bullion which might be Collected on public account under the amendment, to the mintj- Uie ex pens o would be entire ;usiess.JIt is worth more as bullion than as coin, llle hoped gentle mnn might bo induced ti pjsitiono this bill (a the present, and unite in actmg u ion the bill reported by his colleague (JVr. C F. Wriiit(B ) fie was anxious that gold shouht be nlado much when coined as it was in bullion. When such his bill would not to 23 i grams of between gold and 1, winch is now ex- 1 . sucn are the lact, we cannot conceive Kiiitor iA' the Whig ian condemn it after havin Test, 3m. JOHN B LOVE;Crk. SOUTH CAROLINA. UY have :on hand neatly PRINTED BIiANK s or aJavfifiUu c,alc, Jniaiimij a eovchant of seizin in addition tii.thi 'Ual Covenant 1f.f met urtMvianiit ennurvinlv 'died a vrarrantv.iTlw U .1. r ii t.. :i,L 1 re tk-rtt,i!rti.K. a..;.-......,.-Li .r... I tn cusuidy untihthe dotu M:H abbkhun thr,n,ri, as he .lis- ! ?len, mis proclamation, ino-eo ta tvrveisi ihit w. 1 ... f . , . ppiIh d. not orairaress on. tut U d' 1 nee - .n oijtainou a oao mse amw- ... l.- ... tha usual h--...:.t i':iFi:aTR tn iliA Mi,nr. . :.. ii.;a if 1 o j ki Ulil I ill ill..- liiiil kui lit e acer thej usual; i,na he caimut sue tlio seller se by Arthy cf aitcution in those who v out money fjr land. "9 have alsix on hand Blank Deeds or hi st, which Will answer the cutimuai purpo- securini'Mtsj:-. ' aiil he has been- ousted from his purcha; 'JT k Worthy cf aitcution in those . It is pTobable that a collision uetwcrr the armed f rees of South Carolina and the general government will nut place at all, even t'jutig the Ordinance' ot INuliiheaiiuu shou u go into operation in that State. on the 1st of Febtuarv By the emplovmc nt of a naval fjree this collision : i.uay'be very easily prevented. Onuor two hips Maluwied at the entrance of her ports, may take ' It 1 1 . . I all dutiable goods, and retain ttim untihthe duties shall be nurd. The toe h a a t attach a market found in theSoutherntiates The scope of law estab lishing the Mint was not to make a marktt for bullion, but to j dii the bullion' that might be I . .' I - . . 1M. . - . I -1...L II . ... C giu 10 ivr u uk iuu,xj3mu esiuousuuicu V 01 agencies to jifiyj foi" a!l the gold that might be Ititind in the United states, was totally irrecon cilable with thd objctfJr which the laws regu- latmg the Mint j were passed. ; Here Mr. L. reai tlie act ibf Congress on this subject. This proposition wiiiild render the previsions of the law altogether futiid. Mr Cars'iii said lis friend from Georgia, fMr. xes 1 u . -es nut threaten Jouth Carolina with an -M 11 ' LIME. i iIA E contmtlr 0:1 hand at mv Limekiln : lStoltes duntyreA-i.rtic-iKwie berth slacks I f$W u'Hie whicn I sell at 23 bents per i l f'tlacieil; ;ir.d'i 50 fir nnslatfked and ' "' :! quantity of eny hundred . feishrls is Uk- 1 iVt On?rt a:lri mill liiA .rr:i l:n ftiiliiA 1 j. I tat kacd. lor contumacy, as has been, fir party purjo es, falsely charged; he only avows his d teriniiation to "ifpff force by force.' If the good?, are not permitted to be landed until the duties arj paid, South CarolUiaca:moCiJCis'll rort to forte, and of wurse there can be no conflict between her mihtiaj and the soldiers of the United States. But there is much reason to fear that the two ' parties' into which the citizens of that -State are divide!, will be guilty oi acts 01 vioicijce up wards each other, which ihay result in seriously disastrous consequences In the habit daily of heaping u pi ul each other the most epproowpus auo hisitiiig epithets, the wonder is that ''they approved of pamcuiarly lupoir the grouml i ot its ad voca ting the doctrines jot one whom he has so much extolled as he has done MtA i v i bstnr: This expression of hiiStiiitv to his bid friend. lariieulatly atier the recent; signal eeleat of the party, is, we thinw.exceeuihgly unkirid and uu- ralctul. li U.iup. 1 ' ' j; , !-' " ::1 l From the VVasiiiijtomGlobei : NULLIFICATION AN D S&GlMsiONi s ' JVO.A Ii I: 1 . I contend for the ancient faith dcltveicd to Us Foster J had dfdwj tlU amendnient with a view trom the ;1 athers ot the llepubltti.S f i 1 to avoid the obieci ions that had bf-co raised to That faith countenances! neither nullifiratinn the bill as retiotted hv the Coinniittee. Fur his nor sccesssion as peacelul remedies, bti the I own part, he pR-fiirred tlie original bill. The mere motion ot one state, of anyjuumberof States provision lorjCxctiatiging the Dmtion lor money less man three fourths. i . -v- 1 he contrary is not asserted in-thei I Virginia resolves--111 Jeiferson's works, or in any Re publican exposition of the Constitution, recoirhi zeti oy tne xemocrauc party, i i respect gome who have drawn a dillerentint'reiice from thesf 1 . . u 1.1 '. . . res ives -anu won;s; uui 1 au prepared to snow the -iuterence to be unsupported by the Originals, and hostile to the whole bodyfof our liberties. All must admit that such an inference maki s the Union a mere rope of sa:id , and the con federa tion f the States a mere visitinor ac quaintance tobedUsuK ed at any time, by leavil a card endorsed r. If. C I C herever nuihrication has been tteod in the proceedings of 17US, or by Mr. Jerferson, it Us spoken of, noi as a peacelul remedy, but either as a revolutionary oue, or a mere speculative decla ration by an individual or a State; against the constitutionality of a law, but still 1 not to be ft! low?d by violent resistance to itsesecution, unless he ciioosos to risk a judicial trial, or encounter the j.enisot' rebellion. - 1 tie sacrett ngnt under oppression to rebel is one thing, but to pretend that an individual or a State can'suspend, peaceably and rightfully; the operation of a law of the General Government, until the law can be repealed, or the Confutation amended, in the regular way, 13 con tend iu or for a power never before claimed in the Wriluest politi cal excitement, nor to be vindicated by either pre ceueni or cumm-m sense. 1 Oil have JAMBS MARTIN, SenY. luoiviuuais, as wcu as states, may pronounce ' pnety ot j. iav iuou uaconaiiLuiionai, and it they chouse regiq, ins to nss opposition to it oy force, may Venturo on it I ''.is. iu and abide by the consequences. But if they do the. last, they do what neither Virginia nor Ken tucky did in 179$, nor what j they ; intended ! to do, until every ehVt had heeit oxhausted , to bring about a change by sound nrrii'nt aHl. a measure should be effected, be needed. Reduce eagle pure gold make the ratio silver lb' tol. instead of 15 to established by law, and the difficulties cotriplain ed ot will, in a great mcasup, be jdone jaway. Tt will then be tor the interest of individuals to carry gold to to the mint tpbd coined- for curren cy. But -as long as silverfisphe practical; stan dard of value here while gold is in Euroje, and a Spanish milled dollar is yvotkh but 91 cints in London, it . is useless top coin gold. It is this fact which occasions the diHeBmce of exchange. If our gold cjin was fixed t Jts , proper Weight, there would be no premiiim' for exchange on London. Let gentlemen bring up that bill and tlx the true ratio between gold and silver, and they would then find no nece&ity for anyj mea sures like Hie present proportion j The (objec tions to lite bill had not peer obviated by tne proposed ameudmcnt. It altemptod to I make constitutional what as not custituUuinl in it self. ; i ' ' I j Mrj Clayton advocated thi provisions lof the bill, both on the ground of cinstitu'tionaliy and ex)edicncy. He had listened with pleasure to tho suggestions of tlio geutleirian trorri New York 4 (Mr. Hoot, relative tot fixing the ! proper value of gold coin. No individual ; would more heartjiy co-operate in such ameas(ire. But he liouxii 1I10 ii.ii'wnro uYivv t,r.f!uru tVib f!nnimillia 'Was of no importance Whenever the value of '1.1 n, )mi lt m: ! waa; nii..i the bullion could oa ascertameu, .there was no difficulty in exchanging it. 1 he great diuicul- tv is to ascertain its? fineness, which cannot bo done but by a cohiix?tcnt assayer. He spoke with oonlidehc4 onjj tbis piint from his own experience. lie vas interitcd in two mines ; ;n rHurta Uarvflina iiie speciineiss pioduceo - 1'ro.a wuicir appeared to be ol the same val ue but, in lacjt, upon being properly assayed, trreir wvrth is qujte differewt. The product of mines in th3 slime legion often ditl'ers in alue to the 1 fcxtent of 10 r 12 cents per pennyweight. All that was desired was the means of assaying arid ascertaining tib value of the product of tlti various raines. ! This cm!d not be satisfactorily done without the aip of a skilful assayer. J Mr. SK;uj!:t thought-if any qnestioti was en tirely free froui contitutional dirlic;,ities, it was ri.T?t ul f !irV,-rriric til TfrTiil!ti 4l. ..t trie nimlic currency of thu liuntry. All admit ! encf l tke bl 1 " t tliattnis rightjmaylie exorcised at Ph;ladelphia; ! 'te' deduce, a.d other wjt bit the m-jment it Was proposed to ascertain the value of gold ouUioa at tne South, where it is found, then i&mstitutional c-bieciions start up. If Co:igresj have pbwer to establish assay otfices I at onj place, they nay in another; for there is j 119 limitation to the power. Congress possessed tbe right to establish a mint in every State in the Union, if liublie accoiumodatiun reuired such alstep. He sh iuld vote for the bid in its present shape, but would suggest to its friends Uie pro- estaoiishmg one oihee only m the gold tead of tiio three or tour now proposed. v;ew, would be sumcient, aud all objection as to any considerable expenditure of thej public money to effect ihe ob ject they now had!tn Yiew. Mr. Blair of South Carolina, did not think the nual expenditure U calculatedrx'wenr' 'uicluid ettjf fa 1 thej pay.npnts for the settlement fot;! tlwjlv, claims of Massachusetts, yirjiniaand $614' Carolina, ti& large expenditare . cnUsMiue)ii .Ujjrat the era;gratijn of the Indian Tribes anuf the ex tinguishmen't of Indian titles, ah made durrn the Hast three years. Making allowance-. -JiyV these extrauVilinary expenses, the kico;ne . neeesvi sary forthe Irdi.iary operation i of , Goveruiimii, providing Jioerally for emcieut. civile military, ; and naVal service, need not am uni to more tliaii ; thirteen millions of d illars aunually,! insludinjj! the Pe4sionisy8te:n of fiir?ner years. This cal- culatioii, deduced by the Committee from ttto Treasurer's, accoimts from 1817 to 18.13 ichi- ;. stve, corresponds in its result yeryjiearly v widt j ItS'-L onefurnUld. by . the Tfipialrjpepartin 1 juuueu on fnno w 11a u uieren ( aaia, oy wij icn the average expenditure of six years, from to 1931 Unci isive, f ir all ordinary and fixed peases, together -with those ot a less . perinadcHr character, but growing but of I the regular aiid " iongcodtinurd policy ot our . legislation, as fr ; fortifications nsvy yardi, liht houses, $ic. is sta ted at 13,1 1S,(90 dollars. s T this sum the act at tb list Sfsion extending the system of rev j ; tionary heosions will req'ui re for some years an adti- i tionitl sum, the amount of which is uolyet fully as- certaiued, bet is-certainy not less than jnemiilic)il of dollars. f another annual million be added to the enlarged expenses of our present Indian pli cy, for fh erect fonf custom houses and ptjblL stores, for fture and unforeseen continonces! of all Srts, including those tempirary; collisions with fotcigi powers or"Uhe Indian tribes, tho : clear revenne, of fiitcen millions seems to covfer all that carj be required for national expehdi-i tures iri; ordinary times. This sum, it jwill oej re marked, is that estimated as the proper poriua-; nenit Tdvoneof the Nation by; the Sepretary of the Treasury in the. reports of the last and jprjo! stfui eiir. ? i liut in making ttus estimate this sum is ss sumed by the Comoiittca, not as absolutely ne ¬ cessary for he support of Govern mnt but as be- .. ingj liberal and abundant. Looking mainly .Stoj the; provid:hg a sale, pennaneut, and j honorablo ' ': ': . - .... . . ' .it. u .!,: ' r i the lovkc: t adininiiii , al-, ex protect the tcitjcns of irge tract of coun try from faudulent practices. -lr. C. surpurted the bill upon constitutional gfounds, by a simi lar argument with that heietojre stated bjy .r. Pendleton of New t'ork. andfcxplatned aijd en forced its expediency atbfligiii. Ho was fJliowed by . j Mr. Hunlingfjn, whobppog?d the bill mendincut up-,n similar; pri&cioles wiMi and a- th se stated by KLLSWOllTil.nVheh Mr. 11. Ita concluded . ill Mr, BURG IIS mcivcd te Cotnmittee rise, yhich Was carried. -. 1 And the Ilouso ailjcRirndjl. I'aidvy, becemrtl?. Mr. Verplanck, irum the Oo.iun.ttee ot; Ways and Means, made the toli". '.g ieprt. iff refer- coiiiinittejc yes- isc tiler in 011 imports RiifKT OF Tim CpMMiTTSL The C ommittee cf W ays and Mqans, m ooe dicoce to the order of tlie; i louse, Kie had ua- .ues dur Consideration so much of the .Wetge President of the Umied iSutps retired tb them not alr- ady appealed to deadly weapons, iot -imly ! sed 10 the pu'die; and it that failed, then by a wincunwjui mo ciatos: anu not 6ucceedinrJ tn in individual conflicts, but in massesS, W hcu his would obv iate as relates to sucii further rducl.on in l enue as may not !e required for o'-ji-cts of al welfare and public defenci; lauthtZi-d Coiisiitutiou," aud now subuii le rev-gener- hy the Uie following Re port : I The whole ithe debt cf of tho amendment m tioual objtctijit fcessary, m that had viewot any been made. ColtStltU- if Con- gress puoscase th right U assay buliion iu tin- the nation remain ing unpaid at tho oxptratioa if the jiresent year, amounts only taseveu uiillionl sixteen thousand dollars, a sum les than the ioarkei value U the t slock of the United States owacd jby 14overu aient. The appiicatiu ot tts fund alon4, (ia-dept-Htly of tho oitier sLlms I iu c rporifU cocn names uus:fbed fr aud held by kj-verjiiacut, and auiountiiij at au riuialr ar vlal?e revenue, nat to the extreme passible limit ot peiese,'; they have nt Sought to find suia td whfch a ru?idly economical tiort, seconded by a legislation of Congress e; ly vigilant Jiertue 1 rcasury, cud reduce iw tiuqal expiiditure, but have wished tb secujr4 'r regtilar inooine. amply sulKcieiit, not only: -fyr proyiuing on a liberal scale for every object Witii m the just limttsof federal legis! atioo J tha t : eb a j advance the honor or pM8ierity J a nation hjv -iug peace, yet prepared for war, but rnbreovtrto leave fcuch'a balance, after detraying the ordina ry c ha rgesii Governmefit, as my meet any' un usual and: unexpected demauds, oilier than those which would arise from a fttatej of regular and long continued warfare. Tho chance, tub,' ojf an accidental and temporary duninution of ieye nue dr a year or two, arming from the fluetua tioiist true, or the puLtical change of tbreign nations, presents also another strong! arguisieuV for assuming a hbenil scalef revwioe; j To ths annual amount, h'.rtvcr, fifteen millions, the revenue rist be reduced. All be yond this niust be a needless burden jjpxi the peopliB a jt:A filling, directly or wdirecily up-( r on; the lanl and ialior of the country, certainty iejVrious i? its. effecb?, and jri)ably unequal, eriiiidirrg tbe Treasury only tolmrid and distract oof peblic Icoimcils by tending to expniditoree oaheruf ddubtfu! constitutional, r.ght,' ur incon sisletu with the sunphcny of instttu tions, staining their polity, and haiarduig their pt-rinanende. . , , 1 Thcactof 1932 ha4 madea jiriial reduction towards Oris pant. But uudr this act the re venue from the custo.ns f r the .xt year is cal culated in ihe Report of tlie Secretary of I the Tredsury at about eighteen mhlkmsi This b made ujionlan estimate fiuuded on th'e averrgo t importatjorl ti the last six year3. Th prbbiaye f average of iirc next six years, for reasons wich will be hertafter stated, wdl exceed that est- i mate If io this sum b added the income fiorn toepuolic ands, the Treasury would receive, under thattact, a reveowe, for soma yoors ir after ol mt loss than twenty millions md a half, and; probably of more than twenty ;ne miliums, exhibiting an annual excess of fromye tonifc miBions vtrr the just uses of the (iostn tnent; taxiig every farahy in:the United Stat- a't to iiS share, or irmre Ui:ui it4 fciiare, f tttcsU,. c-ilrcxet, ' ;; ' if 1- X.' 9. t 1- .! i J :; ; i 1 f: . 1 . : ! 1 1 - i, i .- , i . .'-? X . ! . : ! -: . ew: - - : '! - IV ' f: i , ; , .;'-. - . " ':'' V"- -.. .;f !' ; !'l . '. I 1 r- 1 u, J

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