' ft i 1 . , r v V. -ill i AW . W - -4 . . - ?: I ' , r fc- 4i --t t 1 i l r 1 1 UrrllsA trt uKfruef and f to -nfowfl. 1 1 Ic iiJiltind CoitiinMcd may be wmol(l 5j ; y hSWHoa to uold, tnd t id ..t.-n..n.n.tt3 ir.lt i iilftddtc ana xncee Ff'F-MTl - T : Will 1 , !ui l4!;if!3A ff WorinV which has 1x2?;! so IWJ Hfef IfiKTnitiil States B xvithNchiecad WtnyLfaUfatMbrlkmaiU by tha general J lelifi tif1 dWtiwi) of large feukna tjf . anil the Pdcni;; w4J pro- nd will JWiTtosir;'disiriit sold disaUcction. a lAiJsmn tfthfcmcvW84irhle2s!atn. Against 4 iiich Ima Ibif ilajtfict, jtho 1 fostering of f0linMtsoftm3&tioa of mt country at the IcSpise-of ajiother; thehost energies of this Jupcr ii&i n1tficesf5irV tbfeTlbat in all ita phases Citoi-rMaiA.'ft'!' tionttay oar nKfet jscjttled ij&fcSiif hivil tftiitanJlas snclt wUl ho cccabat i tevfiv Wr-eU at Thre&Mlar vet year, m advance f(iitMl'mjlg dutarit fnn Salisbury, land; in I j(U M4 Wtere n accojunt U otcf.orio year sstan-' t:'iTtf:ajtofetiM..h t&n ipt less than one y.(fwli! I doncjihthe um:aTirtes. INM4P3 Will lb ithdrkvnmtilarraaia- i wstare Daia. unless me iviiior cuoosts J5lfsIUfy.;iatarday January, 91S3 s sum H 4" 2iLiuhesiicr 'fayinii lle jytfjj atid if au vance4 rcgtujjirly, vral he. cojranu-. !ttttsiMttTallrward4.l . : ' Y 1 1 t3Jl jeiis 1o the ! Edixor myst be Poslpaul or tlh(f' wiUntbe aUendcd to. I 1 :'iiieSbeJ'!ili aatlrfsa hiatus Editjr of the Oihllnn Iftti chm:tn lime ikzt write joii joUi- )inskaii Hire0t tali 0 Junca; I oieiVJlfnt has been eexdved,- nd couuve m any way, cnange one J rather tndcl- icai mctueiu, as w preaerrci me lliTOT ot; tno joke, )vc would juke great fclealmroljti givin it to th3jpubiicBttt.not bein!3ft to d so; wa are iarctd; to Exclude the article. We $holild ho Mad Kjweterto know theiqaarter of S6otQliIrelkad; from which such good things can be had. j i:'''f-.,'-i' . : k . if :. ? t- uA r X . lhi VAW - to r tO U li iv k L tnot was br hi3:BtrctJotfrrityf3riBvenes3i of r temper, and .-for h eertititi .avdiin hainor; ,that MraiiaitriitaHle. 'f ' ! : . -'-VL n'j! : I -i .A . i ilif manner ras iHiprnenam ana esirern:iy dry. ;vb i?e seen mm nave a crovrd. ot list fter? lainjf eonirpisca wim taaterwiiue hU own hard 'fratares remained as riffid asvthe rook on iheiPSot J that overlooked his residehcel fTlieold Gehtietnan had, become scKnawjiatl raly tto in isMter jda js, and the tretrrnloashess of hU speech and gestures, hal'a 0et ;:'hetjjhten tlVcohtrist between his raitter and tha manner of His converslntr. . Before w phceedi: further; in our .details concerniar this favorite IjfiKirL.bnv- hwilfand indeed, of our after life, we gmut pre Jpjathi wasa Captain ;fn ihej brittle of witli drrcai- briSverv in that and on - other nMa?ior jn the Revolutionary War. il SVo have; often heardihlnj doelslrethat the cha cfscawardice roht againstiCttlCamjell'anf r J iis j death Wa njb t hie. lie on all occasions, w he caljeJ on, f(aferlti oppojjtaitltiej of knowing thj faes,ahd i!3S?aJrious reasons frhe!ivinlhrt thelpharire iyas ttnlnis.- "TThe fditor of thb ir,wjio was ifi'ry familiarly i acquainted with Captf Kincan nbrt pp)posed to write out the eircuratlnces and hit Shm rKi to the wirld, while on the country was Still agitated, hut he refused. IJw $aid he the pub- On po!!t!C3 that leldid not ivish in the veninof jiisjdavs ty bcjnvbirl in ah anjjry confl;ei? lie halben derd eteral years, slay four or rive-aryl wj Jwish it fhlstrfi emblazoned on a more epdntiny paa;e fiilt Captain KMnnnon comhinetli more j of Xh i uslfuj, the wsse, tho pleasant and i innocent than yoa toa ooddeaj ot trouuie.ana iinsmroa mj in X011 Pc t least; I pjsitiveljr, i close J several times to talce aayJthia-TTer canw pver me expression, ina no naa pat msi w a titaptftrouUt, I told him that he'liadput me kj more f neon renicaco ugeinu o nia; laiporiu- niues inun any ninj eiso.r oo u D9Mwpaia gv to bod an j say no enre about hb'1 raoneTT that w would quit even : This seemed t- fuimphtas somewhat : He said then, .that he would eive it ' J : v 1 ' ' io my negro ; you may give, mm as muen as you rdcasd, said I, aud at lenrth gotTrid of hint.' thohnrht but little of Mr ' ', or ofihisr wealth or huswife, or his'churnin or if anylihui? that - i flTiTr :' .Lit . " . : vii nis, iney were on oy iimcs m me mirnm? i and I should havo never thought oT!hrin4aainJ but for what afterwards occurred, 'about nine qua! litrwjVy of llia'Ilegatiai tkiuyV her cwiductlvave been! receive thenf tcSaMtJW b ite eTitctwa mnomtdec Vet Loaana.uptVher ai3i; was as much giato.'UieghtjKtaWnV'id J. :o dlrmembr, Fel9tCtuzenr,and! I a'state as South Orfdinafenow!: j ! r Uv&Gq ia theit ruspsctivo r X NviW,C.bte.H l neeisarjF'f4r mojeri to iiUbat tKn fj.To rwrideiurtbo tegistri MtJao-P tiTfJ'hJbtgml von which nulhiica. vfesr -aptc4.1n! itppcaitioii' 't5i the idea GtanU inhere the orirloaJi have-lih lost .qc'&A -;V tion haibeciieeoatmiadel to? tertlaodceand that NuriScatian is oot-uaiual-Jrhis-igt&md croye4'ki OVhen retcred iadiia ticai 'ihajr1 - thteasoaswhich were crsed in , ftvourrof xal- 'eatifiot btahandon4d;.:.ihr PiopfethiL Savc'rdsa Uvotho saaefjrce aad e5ect3 airih oraall ' i hnxafivention teth8msa$do People. utiTht iwt h altif their lierstbahaa- OraaW4 ! . ; .V ' : : 1 f;JwUH ithi8;Moetrine;nte don it. They are keaisihle tothe country t 5"MayaappropatiGnariptu Jstinished authar df rmlliScaiioi lilf; and prcseryatioa lof tha -Uoiodj, .their, whole mhatojulrj for the rebuilding oT lhi Capetof b tho- - ? thrnot conspicajtai!infhy Kdhiweraliave schema iiea1 taUureifiaaio ba 'iW 'frUit; chy-of lUldshr' p . etl!is thjasHhat;.; u!li4eat!un -was a!Jt is f lajtoi ;ltt'a&rmbe,'4bj tall . lawful ijUapitilon UnlorjSjiafain thedty ciRalejtrhJ 4 f -petPefalf , W9eoiisitjitloiia1;? anl jvas eakmlafej meao-hor tart lheir manxlateJis HCaaUedl to "opoa the1 plaa of thefermcr lwildlnr,and anpoStS to give dorabijitj; and permanence to thsTXnida. obedient or how far it calls, tic re-coasidera- Wiliani j I Joylaa. Duncan CanMrkinJ Wrnlsj " : l ji m een say ai iiai by r mcse aut&onties, turn, leading as tt les, deniciaa --A Mhuonj Henry Seawea and RoinulouI San4 i 1 I bat it ivras essentially peaceful that it was as Cpvernmentwhih theyr prutessed not to sobl 4ers Cmistdoners to contract for the" same pUitfuij the CuiBUiuiba.as'ldiof rdrt,: but merlyto fpwrlfy; aa4trcfurror- fC; (pomroin haritiesPfbvidestlatwhc 1 the next day, Mrid.gone out ixoitf homalswne TheyhaYosad reranJoTer tiiiiahat they ny property, real or p?riial, has boea rtelli 1 inilcs ta look after some, trglfellowaVwiiota I itbarthnicaald na-longer exist d:d not moan todissolvelth tfmuiH-iad if it be lr diaritahle purposesIUshaUbo tle datyWtliol I bd employed tocut ctwood HiS grjoi ;wa r dikalredj IraVe 'at iho iaktoeea depri- Tnistees! of sucUlttriiy, ti deUver la riif I one of the mostrfequcstered and.diiSlcutt to f ap4 T :f'lrs peaceful, yet Ihe Ordiaaoce, the red off their Rights ae, and of their coautry aTall khl particular account thereof to tha. Cl45 wff pnach ofany in that mQuritaln.JU3 regii too?, ir t i , - J, . I : oX the Curt uf thoj i couaty where sueh "ehaVity I canio tri slgltt of thS coalinrtiuth'd4'I Jbo&d e4" M't M1iM4lObTerment. .Se (The force ef that arsamcat by which $p4r- & ta take eObct, at the first Cocrtthat shalllup roahd for ray worlcraen,,but - theywew not-tp be;j tanhurjj is bound tJgivd up the free IristitutLns pen.- iaeach year after Uis first day'of;jJ: 1 saenor heanl : I wMnt mnfthsttrrtrKa tfiia! are instructed Itofrarrvi an' oath'Ci be administered of! this rebuSlie. hvitholrvtsiincr rht kF St ?l Sic filed; ambn? the record of sail - nmifitle Mlt"r I forthcySjd oftea treated nisin ihat waytiiUii I.-? CTfJoffiset, in;tiState:t6 absolve. him from phehi : orof St. James.ifor you to fcii ahd!if ocinrxneirT8jOer wpok,tvji; tncy.ben not o, h'Vi "i" "JlV?? MU "e uonsuiu- au oi ns to lameat ; abj witen i,we prooeou,or meansitobay liquor with, ) had expcctedathei jtberljii'ted$ttesj :j Thurdly, 'hi td per ra1thbrwlter oo: x4Uroe6ed Ljttne ' langnar better of them. J waslt-late'nh:iabnbitlt4 ijptoj!11 .U?IVwe aroi.Ued '.upon to iof the Ordinance,' to ebtablish a vipafalo Gov ground, observing! their;-jBvioa4 days! lihffffj iaimedate i dissolution of :ernmntwhatstcaMty have wetfet it will be a when of a sadden; I cams; riihti upon! al taaitr on ! i III -.rt,. 1 I lt? - Jbetter veranaentihinMat of whicli"Washinr- Clerlc-U. shall ba the duty of ihe Cm!ui P-;Y oTsaid ) County; Court; t wherecir redJUijtioni j v ftf lias , been 4 mismajagemccclhe pn?peii tKroagh neltencd br lrAudtoVe mi olf to the'SoUcitor"of surh dtstricrwhSw dutv ! v sc re wedii p in one corner of; j an old Jog j cam p I fls , - pacl are ; th io dlscrcfpiincres ; Jucfi whom to ravsurDrise. I recboroid as iV lonua4i;hedsnteiTnor ncskledi -Thpm cious Guest of thReyenin bera. JJe j Ipoltej'.f.tn' eonVlustl)q thatftje Peop'4( $ like a man taken in a criminal act: 1 1 ex pressed I have been most trrnsslr deceived ar my asbnishmeht at hlsbdng Uiere and began to vottj theirs, if they are fue lb themselves: and no r 7 best secure the perfurmance of the trust and mm my suspicions wnea ne camq oui ai oncei r w buu more insui ng, it. jrou were nero now I vrpi, ua Taurus?, no romance, can taxe U'wluH,,B lawsuyon u, wiuaor. ; No. mv-ffood sir, said he, rou must . not -beHeVelHd slc4d those whoiretheauthhrs and abbettors from theni but remamSer. that a! Monarch once t I T To repeal ad Act passed in the rear 1830 thusofrae : I aui a tool. anMwhde rahnint'nveif Nfi .tJu'Droeeedin?rJ ftrhv litiis ihat. thn nnnlfl said, ljm the Staie:n!ahd to repeal tiait of the second my folly in yoader'scoM lug cabin, I cadSe to! the r were hot sooner apprized of their Intentions, you " later days,. Napoleon Bonaparte said, MIam ft'oa of an act passed in the year lS06chap eoncinston, tnai t was a . a- a ;iooi im aniwpuiq. w 'loicKiyarid'jeenng.y tma that had they t fance.- i, . iix4t lirr v cuumoo an act 10 revisa tne muiua uxv progress ot events and or opinions, ob- t"l owie. - irrpviaes mat persons conicien to vneir mea excite the ip Convention; fear well authenticated ana hit. xuaaison. in "ya I aiia aa ouui or auinnauou neiore ihj can neither I toawa3 the foundeii, and V wlucS tlie eves of I shall be to file a UilLb Equity asaicst-su6 - i nn .jivnf.iinfT 1 all the Human Racie are tsmed In wimdr nrl I Grantee, xuxecutor or Trustee, and combel hint i 1 i South Carolina .apuie".i'-Mrds. the people; lare "yet Su- ( to' rendera full account of such chaiity; and jth4 4 id their confi- preme, if they -willlwl so: the: fcountnr isrct istid Court may make- such order or Mecree aa my folly in yoader's cold lo cabin, I came to. the, were not sooner apprized of their Intentions, you 111 later d) conclusion, that "I was a d f',J;fl foot 1 but I ant f wtralcj bp 'jpicklyan;djecring:Iy told that had they France." norgue,lj tell the tralhnemiwa3 this tailjrjiii lone sJ the Peoplenvcr woul"have consented tln the home u before in my . life when J jstartefl ,to their; raeasdrp thaf it was iieccssary first to serve tho to" travel to Teanssel? ray ifelifinadi eieite the bubuc miht 'tbba tsi the v people in which ha me a piir of drawersthatiirst I ever hatj Fon in iny life. I went to bed with" them; bri last n!!u-Uii3 morning, starting bef ro lights l feel w4s tha o!cire;to ohtruie his hime o lief siiai ue never haa-nafi a diarxtte f :. ! m ... . .... '. .. t4il.MAli the subripiwns taken bqfbra the iedlncenKt of this paper, it iyill- be;; IremeairU htjbicM.cthe publication of the tlrsV nr.mt)ori.' MISSING; oi.of ihllNtory of England, by Hume; injr ai warm as usuaUvith my drawers on, ne ver ones tnouiit ot my breeches so 1 roue, on and left them, and never tbougit of? Ithemitill j had got ten miles off. Of course, i turned back frtln;ri,for all my money Is n tho ipocke of them; but my companion went on. l jfelt so much ashamel to Ixtck for ni'j LrcccK&s to ,a house j where I had put on so many airs, of a'enj tloman, tSat I resolved to j circle through !tho woods until. I could fi.:J some one to gfa afte them, and after a. pretty difiicult ride through the bushes and mountain knobs I lonhd ;yori wood cutters, whom I have hired t go after my breeches. Did you tell theni tiipn TllS "money in thefa, said 1 I did said he : well, t told I hiirt it was a bad chance to get either! breeches nr rao ney, I saw him eye me when I used Uhb word chance. .We soon hurried to my liodS!?, but the prize was gme--tlie mesen jers had so far, pr.ropliy done their errand, put where they weraf then to befMitid was a matiferlcf difficulty. 1; tsau the duutord jrer.tieman stowed away in a 1 vas nofc peaceable buiSvailike, not Constitutional oat by Mj, Jefferson jidt subversive of the! Constitution, not calcula- a4 Pursuingrt! ieFipresorve ine yoi ra, but necessarily tendmr I voavenuon upon suingf-thit. course; we urged a cbrhpany court martial of Uie district to which they on th People; but! when' it was belongs ihat they are conscicntiouslj averse ij to destrby itarid then above all to make amends proposed practicaUql to sat aside the laws of the I hearing arms; except1 in time of insurrection or. for' its' destruction bf IdepreciatiiU- its value, and land, elaimia stiWto Bs w the Union ; Mr. r&vasion-then they shall f urnuh their quota if oy sugmairzing your attachment to this work of luaoison uissiaimea tao aoctnne. ri he raaa iuea, ur pay an equivalent. j - ! your ancestors, as an "idolatrous offerin''i wortliy 1 who drafted the Resolutions upon (which we nis- h - loamenJ an iact "passed in tho year 18-11, w : iucurKraio a coninanvT. enfyof Slaves to mikf ard of despots to receive. .Such, Alas! hasbehitho terrniiiation of snatafi. ful pifirts to iiip.e $ upon th.j Pojple of South Carolina, a; remedy ltr their grievances, incom patible jvi Ji the cjntijmatsoa xf this Confbdera y and ; in iny pool bphiiun, incompatible with irp exigencetof aajr regular or justly adminis tered ffa'fernraent. whatever lie (t fjrin. name, or Institutions: Yet sirairre as it mav anrwar. t'ois jshovy ttha political I creed of a majority of this ornmurftty, disttneraislied as they havo been tr intelU-rnnee'. aad virtue. Anothen, added to" many instances of 5 the fact, that there is no doctnne so utterly aLurd and fallacious, to which aedour faith, publicty declared that our cxposi- entitled An act wwu uji tusf aiwxi immeiiawuy wir. iia:usoQ ivrf . , tuiui vuiumuj ana mrvuH. is denounced, as amyingF at second childhood, an r-r parpies, and an net amendatory .of the same j imbecile aad dotard, lite Terman -whom we rp4ed iin- tho year il 823. . . 'ti li: anv man we evipr knew, bs was tmlvl f as toisk pair of mv nantaloons. in which! he could have rts t, itrpent atid rs hurptless as a jfarA", ! carried hi whole p?rn, and we took - the, road WtriYe llHj ij above slretch .a'-iLarjtaiti ' An- to the nearest retail shop ; but tothd enquiry af; 'drew Ki.neanrK,' because we f intent! now and tor a pair of strav breeches, which the banscu Q-r!re'sartio 'of - liisLdtyo&irgH t-ibiifa,'- and lotto Uentlemaa "put ;: they J answered that 1 ii.l . . J .. .i. 1.. ' 11-1 - " itnlesf ,yi keep the man in vout mmdsj eye, and j knew nothing. We .then hastiL-nedta andthefi h'smArtncr, Twi will loose one half irf -.the relish, land another and to the same ienqairv! after a We fish our readers. thercfi.Tc-.Ho-1 nifefcrve this pair of strav breeches, thesauie answer was ffiv-i any i en ; uie laci was, mai iny rascauy cuiiers i nov .lit ' . i -. j-. i naving cuancea io so mucn rnoney pernaps ever w- iKiorej tnougni ocst u raase qui oi ma neignoort scarcely hood. And ; the poor gentleman i humbled i to ! sli?r1it Attack death-and mortified, took Uid- road Ihomewardsf they! mi aiV'rjOoiiiiT?w vmi ici s iiv i i.iiiiKujLa;, anu nereaiter, wuen we aciau famine fi ljoi, are musing iroui pty f.ii;ifry,.anu j lumjias eoinin i.rom nitu, we want you , to a h.m ; tfen iur iwo orj nurce, years. , i am very veti io mis defer piion. rto wa$a tail, ra tiaivi toi'cwrer tliese ! Books, tiielirit in par- boded! man, Temarkably s'out, and mam lil'iayahd l?OT"iir;-. n;5i9 any oae H.C.JjNks. I"!i.';il:fl mm- llili be suld at! rfablie1; sale, at hestcre ail tu fcikildKnaho ieiUivr artjeirs j not IPlib jsajtf iliajestate of Eli rkins, dec nh'k'i''lt!nalila drei it',jvul be' irivea: bv 'ijg!)ii !." ;!:tMtil;;il!Miivy:-T:VV ;piirik i - mm i i 'i - :? 1 k. m frATE! OF- ;KORTIP-CAKOiiINAx lllAVWOODCO0NTVviuieri6r Court tfipM yctobcrMlcrnj, A. U. 133 cvfr Hh nvn to ho sick.eicept the ! slight aitaeV ot p-irajysis. vhich we have irrpfntUlticd. His and never ventured upon his .travels asam ia(v, w2sm uic jseveresi ocoicn moiiidinr, wnn. htTh pheek boas, adtwn prey icvff, rg eye brland an immense mouth, i To! lob? a!t htm. (uld think him a m'rftvt Cynic fi Philoso- yet h1 was a Iamb in gentlpfjps ?nd hn- tr:uiity. The foUwivr story on h;3 'authority ana is und.mhtadly true : . f 1 to i.i v utaiii rol'.a He used afterwards to say, that ke liad learned more in that one days . trip Mian I many nnd out m their whole lives t be had fund out that belwai a fool, and that homo was the best place for him. i Hie cTentns!,mu t-.apr. iv-ltwoiaen rode un Hon?e.Avlsie!i was about (a iu'Ih frtm the IL4ow Itoad: The fursmost dne was a i cntiscqtiential lo?vkinr man on a; fit horse, and roJa with hs leirs etahnshd.tri a firm imt- tnn t a cpnsidierahle angle witl biVr Halloo, srica? I to stay V.it yu; to Pfrht? Vesfcr.idf. t never turn off Knf bn- that i' It Vfitien for Divorce to the Mtbi casit having been rnadepe'ir fwaofot .Wirain,&ndin lT.Wii?crt h-Cirolina! Specta- a,re8lde3 witlioutuhe hmits cf thistate, IIOl the ina vuai ine riuiarv nroces ui ino ww can mm dti hertIt H thcTcfcprdered by ; M T1 ii.i' I ii I . J- . ! r- I . r . ' i i that rtablicatioh be' ntide in too Laiul Mjad(tern;idv!rtisef for the term.of throe w'ftis,rfiifybg: beand appear 5ltf f Ml!Cour of .liiw tobtrlieldi br the . v f i; W ay.woou; a t itlie IJcurt-xi ousc p Nffttt-me after i jitaii MiUid-ss-' tn Marth isexr; then -and there the to I M'-W tyjbe ptitioif;of he 'pel- 1 accuri sia,'ii is.iuriiicfjeruprcu iuav,iUQMJiiors oi peilid.!viff rs, hef ';rcquctcjf , to Oward the tfe Jarif ibosaai tlroe louiirwise jaasemeat pro-conjesscL wi wivpra against ner ?atia.:ecroe maue X". I' 30U.Vb:love, crk. : w s - r K ;i rafeppeaing at ahe CortferT I bWyia4!d-.tir:Fans & Sliluoatou;' A LETTER TO THE PKOi'LE ; ! O" trje SpaHnburgh District, S. C Feleow-Citizexs : i ! 1 j . In departing from the usual; ennrss on similar occasions, ana addressing .you -a Jfttter oi thanks fur the confidence lately reposed in me, I maV perhaps hope for countenance arid support front lUvsj to whvTa I am indebted far the hou rf of a seat iu tho late CoavcntUJij of ; thu otatt. !Qf tho measures adopted during the, sitting scf tf.iai Ifody,and ot the cjnseqfi;?ao! likely to accrua trom .ts meeting, You are. ui ail Drubahilitv. ; al- rcady inlor.nfd. rmit mbfcrnakeaf few ob) servations as to the manner tnUvvhih delibcrl Aiuj;s were cducted, aad upoli : theN nature and character of the Ordinance,! which it ultimately 'r.i n:s TOiwanan answrca ins erMiuiry ov I l,Ufc ioiui ci5.aiu:njj, as u unuouaieoiy ato tliroWiner both ipirs on he same w.Ic nrlila lmrsr in liuiiujuisncHi lor uunt and ? elofiuence. tho and jnU:ngr ?o tlie rein of his bridlf v ki jnueh as I addresses and reports which halve beferi: piiblished thrxv- I'll rat it at stl cvnnU '. Tint l!iiVhn'J o-".1 I UOt OUIV OiaitSlble tMlt lmiKKlil nrtil " iti m.-inv the spokesman!, may be;-yoo iran: A oi have I respects deeply impressive, widrd. reasonably tb olerhblfli: Yes said -the;' Qiptarn, we ho lxfl for-' But however - gratifying, and stir.nbles upon rpy out of the way hcasB! "If yon ;vri? psong hi isu op wnn siKn ii-ninfr? ?s . we ran jjflord you'irre welome tsiay;" I tVl!,hut savsjthe imf?;ma'Mal looking JtrarellrjrJ what's the dijancp ? hat can you yi veils l?? I -Why pavtheJLaptam, its rnthr a kvjj charv-e I doubt. H it saivs theifidlow. nkl lAri in h-!f - -J . -.T-T i ' " - inquisitively about, and d nbtirwrly Jo hi- com panion, as to krtow what die th of.jirtg'ftir ihr.j His rordnanion answered his IroiuirV bv snmethinjli' can 1H yon havrA f d fir yonr h6r?pl and: meat and tffeat r.r yojiirseives at least - can you let us have a fried cluckfn ? Ys .a;d the old fjentjemah. Yhy, criminy, Mys thef itravelter nTetty.tolerable chance Ahv bfscnils.' Laiid.lnrd? vessaiu ine oapiXin, ana duiizt. j)iner loo, rhanc after nlli Well , hw abnttt cjrjffle ? 1 Cif-' fee.'fctidthetddiman -veAsad hrL and that's ihats jroo.1, (by this time ho ha4 "sni..kdA!jilfel llhat nl? lowlto bt an npstarr.land I can' tejl'Toui!noth? witli the rrthioc; said hip,4ndVihat'8 an timrjrianf n oinvincing tju se documents tnaty all bo to the ad vocatcs ot i oiiincation , and however triumphant the overpowering vote with which tbsy were received, it 13 ia my own mind 1 doubtful whether Uiey contain any thtnjr, whichi$. calculated to shake the good i'eople of bpartahbumh: m llieir devotedne3s to well regulated ' Liberty, their at- laciwneui. kj me u nion, anu 10 xus priucioies voi . . ... L . . 1 . i 1 . , . the Constitution, or their firm arid distinct belief ncation is a delusiuny ;and incompatible etiyiyment of thcscn blessing. ' Oppo- od as 1 am to the .1 arilt, tmnkrng as J do, that were all called ujn Ui fallow-in defence of State Rights, became suddenly too feeble to ! be heard, whan he objected tb tho injj3tco of making himself say, what h4 never did saV- and of ma king his ov,n wofds moan, wfiat j they ne ver did mean: Pcrliaps it may be forta nate fir some .of q Jr oa- cotemporaries, if posterity should take he Same liberty with t?ic:n aud tietr works also. Follow-Citizcas, it is ; idle and absurd,to go ialentedand eliueiitSmau ctuinoi nuke proselytes 1 on, any longer defending or explaining Nuliifica- A -.ii.iL..- ' jjj.. lit ., 1 r'L 1.... i .:. , - i iion. xrnmsis uuij?i uircsuuii lu oo neciaea; sukj iuuivy.pi!i iyconmry nice ours, wnn a rape of Freemen, !faring nothing, never sus tinghen!isplyes,j and; nathrally confiding in others, talents! and eloquence, constitute power: To prevent! disputes in ccntcoCcnc? of r a . . 3at urypy of the jina dividing tjfrar. csUesf ;Anfan and 3iecftienpurg. . - 1 j ' i0 . tSapIementary to an act passed'in JsiW,; V? erimled " An act to jesnait, vvith sundry alterati 's I an additions, an ajctebtitled4' Aa act tbinrot-; . borate the Pctorsbur? Rail Road Company." passed by the Legislature of Virginia oa tho 10 th loin . . - . - ai, ! iA the coaintfes of Washington and Ikaufort. 1 ! 12 Araendin? thclseveral AcU Assembly in- are tkn inhabitants oft South Carolina. tm,1v n,t rporating the ItoanokeCaDe-t tfariVavifratkMi:: wUliajr; to annihilate thii Government or rather Pf&paW and prescribing the inodo ofenforiing .ithir'i tnn it? That thfiv ri.rht tn va$ coiiecuoa ot toils. ! io mcorpjralo tae iXartbt;ar3l;aa ilisto- OOVVPr linr in hpitltr 1 m-L-"ra 5ta!r-fn I uitlnlnur f nnvir nurlf llinp1 . flir Inn nnnnla win I ' ' r - ... . . . r .mm..w i 1 m . vr si i. iLuiicj num. niMiuiuii m ..w... i- - T .u. uv. uwwiiy uui i n Mdf to this the Jndefatifrab) fzeal and. never tt-lDart with'ithe- risrhtlbf Irevidutba-but if tbeyJ.f-'. rin? iodutrv whiclroartv"9oiHtlta. nxfiteA nA I wUH to remain in, thelUnion. and ha frefi.- tho 1 1! "M ftnsfi?nvl onrt .5!1 U,t.t U : . 1 1 1 T , Vnli;fiJ.,t;.m V" 1 " leCXiOnS ' Itt v. .......... , , i II 111 UJin B JillliLIIIll" UI LI1H I IUU3b .IjLlllUtfd kivn.. - ! . I ground Work of thgfprescat state of our public la conclusion it is ny Ipataful duty, to warn aftairs. jj Uyt after al,can'the leaders of the par- youot your present condition. The right of'o- j. ill: i i v iii" , . . . .. .!f .. i i t . ; : . . oera ineir pietige liiinn people.'' It their boasted uonoraolc mea wuose i amauion has sought no Panacea proves ether; than peaceful, have not the higher regard, people been - doceived. If the Conservative are now toboctme prlncipl' brinirsonseparatibalof South Caro- sariotiom those wh nna irom tae voniederacy, where is the assu-1 fore. are now to bs driven beyond the ijrotection rahce so "often! and sa solemh)yl made, that to of the law, orubmit to a disgraceful Test preserve the Unionn! ; its original puritv was Oath, which equally dishonors hini who take3 it, the grand and! pnmary object ? Time, which 1 and him who administer! it. Those who have. showeth all things. rilt decideThow far this as- idolized the character pad integrity of the State, larance! js likfpy to bp true. ;. . - " who have loved her a$ their Tftothfr, are now to I1 ixirtjr a unifm tuna ofdialdin? the-E the tliird CotwresaLnal - Iiri- I C Ncirtb-Carulina, in! all tho ' chanties thiirlt.i . F&cs ithb time on the last Thursday in J uly;i L ? ;rxuina:n mo ume ; tor rymg in jentryt uioiieT, onu ooiainni'; t rants on an entries mado r. , provide more effectually for the icol lection of taxes. 'TAUVwa bhirm to file returns of miaey received Ffb'r taxes from merchaats. retailers. &cl with ilia Cliksi during vacation.) i v or vuo Dciier organization or m jiintta 1"39e4 -; - Hi - ( - . . ia . . I. W i t - - - I III liElii .11.1 I r r MMMAMJ T I 1 nil aj . vn a v AM M V beonwrHten torovethatthisreniedyhascxistonce cation; those whose Ffuhfers gave up life, in the ff0 a dot4W.fear l inthe It4strurapnt,asa J "Reserved Right," there greatest struggle -agaiiist bppressioqs, are now to ?JJf -1. . . : , - .. j r, i fsan evident cfispeitiori note to make it appear that be pointed at as Traitors J denounced as fit ob- e 1 f Jendor th eland of a eeeased:deor I - the friends of Nulllltoion never regarded it as jects of vengeance, and punished under a statue 5affthe cta, where the plea offully adaUa-4 anyLOthef tliarj puriefy revolutionary: we are toTd of which the decrees rtousibe, written-ia the bdst ur?si n . for "".M'f"! y aiatitwillbekb!oo.ae33 revolution, and so it blood of the Patriot, dint thanks be to God Administ raUr. : (royklej tbat . icAi U ma? be j btit hitherto! Utevolutiaas have not onne baokwards-'L . f? ;j I It may now; perhaps bo too late f jr me to ask, if a state ait 6ullifyaTevenU8 law, and yet re main in! the Uiiion, lut will "any gentleman be ipxl cejiflf t6 teil tflai-hctheshecAn or can not also nullify a !4y difari f'War" and vet remain m nio uniour is nor revenue raised bv ana an Executor or Administrator his been sued, knd t Mie plea of fully admiauiered has IteuLfjoud itt hisfavor, the land of the debtor shollTbe liai rut mT . L.j - 14 an;aci-ia.iui is not "var' declared by an act ipso? pocs ntJt thfdfirst renuir the assent of both Houses of Congress aad.thc siirnature of the Presidcbt? And dot iwt the second require the sjime, ana oniy me ;same , solemnities If the same state can put herself upon. hcr,$4Ycreignty, and set aside an act to raise jBupMIes, (tho it does give protection to the manuiacttircs. as we sincerely; believe improperly; in the name' of common ?ense; what is to prevent her setting a side anpurt. deelarihg VVar (a! though the power ii exprcsslyglapted) when she had sto pea the isu polios by; vfhich'that War b to ba car- nea oar. ii iiuuincawon is rtiriifv'iniavnotdjela. il.!i S -m .. . i.' i - . - to- .ware; -in-.-weeveniot ' war bem declared l munvv, uv iier'ii ipon tier soverei'nity, r qsfi unii nance setlmar fcnta Uiat Iho ax:t" . ipxclaimed I11 w ilation of the spirit of ! the coinjiactj de d cool chahec-i-take f siring as I ever have done, most earnestly.! the roti fan-.havo sugar too. Sugar nan t!i fcllnw tbS a d d fiinl el mv iwrse sir. ItlLstav -with rvn. lArdWly 1 sappcrf of Free-Trade and Stkte Rights,? ;and thP Iviises Were! taken:' arid theTravellers eri- 1 seeking a reTbnn ot the Government jmrl i the Mailed into the best roam in the hou?, and a subject ot protection to maauracfures, I yet I caaT Sd irotiad !mant we are speaking ot I siemel;ve- wt contemrikte a ! dismlrment jof tlese TvVhoice. and kflowinfr. the cook-wench did lfer States, without horror, or the subversion of this txciillent aid acratassdjunect cf 4 Hill eydctorajmed.tosell kta less bjvc ever ttsea.otfercd ar in this try? Thaso.dlspnsed to puichase 'lnvitrd tii" vi!t-hd ii'il'- f.ir p'?iestuie Ucc.,13,'J8iJJ-2.l. "n - In" : - i " i ' r " I- ? i' -Wuu lyTsiaBat Ujis cflieefT very bbstandtirbncam front' sapper tris pr.vlided. 1 1 jnla red a gool deal bf thiqu-'wity ii.;wesuaiptiojtnubed ume, saio; iie xajnwas coniraajciea. in maixers i woere Senses 'Vera mr informants- heard fmfich of hiv entertainer's wealth, his manner i of lqurhing f ihis eiiil- ihrthtug,!of rawing, of bringing dphis hi drri, roanageiiig His famHv. StcJ!fic j ftle &A Government without the most dismal forebodiao of our future prospects. My appVehcusioas t pd this head, are not of yesterdays au it e doubted now, that ihey are not entirely without' fucnda tion.3 Will it be denied, that, if- not1 the" manti fest wislies and intentions of thwho rule'i at any rate, the inevitable consequences' bf!iheU pa S3 passed lor uncmsiitituq:ial .fturppses) is null and yidd; afiVd aid and omfbit to the enemy,, and yci renaia: io jthc Uhion? fecanse the' law wriichdeclarei wardiieid'y bv the I nnsisanro nf th Ordinance Trall anfl ywd, Jhcre would be. no 'i TLI1! i ,?'" cueiuj, ho iir as iriavvare : is concerned -And at the very momen wobTd oof Pennsylvania and New .TeVsey, believing the act of war constho- f ptiiJtral, be Ikbl to ihyasioa frorrt the beUincrent? i iri;: rk.iL-l sLici.- . - " . ti U11C iJCLiniiJi: UGllHYinTTIl. iinniincTiifitinn.i SKoiik. be perfectly exempt? and! vet all "three tti .these states wuiju, fctm be;ia the Union, and rtill cqtitlcdrhelsame jitiTHeges under the Constitution of the UnitXl States! ! this I sup--pfjse yroU'd bo jupoa! the; "inr aritlktbt principle afrain. can one state icliha nri vi ni,i.r I 1TJ cpnsuiuiian wmcnner,cUtcs ao not enjoy- ltl f mean of course political wivilecs. nut rroiiiTra. Jdcal nafnatural tJvaotoTes.4-Now how car kc I measures must, be a disJuUonj juf iliis: Union? I I f - i i t .... ! . 5 i . J- L' k . . . of tHinlnpnctnr.Ui .Gollf iri wmnlyaai:if' he Hafitn jt been publicly detlared' ; thaCJthe rane wihsju ia a: i t-au y u lssl.i t via ana arc no we, pro Hi the collect 'thought it lay tbev-md the AtHn?"4Hrt stlliits, -swnesk battles, murder leigth, his c.wrppahion perceiving. I .was not so much surprised at L iifCf cCC. At I vt wtr yunrcnuaa mi pen5 , I sWppNthat WiUl lUls occlarau U " ; ;these svoriiiertol . u ,,aw -w lue vjniiea oiaics i ir p iicai nor naturat iavaotaTes.' thrft prists vet. Zttit 'lcoiirarre, which unma t.i ask fur quarter, aad puts despotisraat defiance- that spirit which can npt be subdued until the body which cootaius is utterly destroyed vhat is there, let mea&kfm a governthc Otu3,to amhomean AN oC ISLC with ofheers to commajid appointed individual, without corisaliatioa arid without coa urmauou. j .ri?: r oiid-rt lagton! soasoi tne?jvjrtyrs ot jne American -dorva,.1 f PiAl - iliat rnntU, trout the Coart nrnent like ? 'Forlhe better Ir-galatiog Votnntmf i l t 0 srddtersr tr 'ft?0 to"!h7 bre,i;;!- Kt, :ii mchlearolled.) ! r ; : I i by a single j lh .-'nt .rT-r nJi. ?a the WestanU poiiftsnt the iabdtf 26 Toainan.l Divkion in fc! i jf persgai dyrnjn a year a sappiirt. fcptore the powerof deciding. is taken, from you. .LbV i" 7.J ir you miuue, go wjno graves qi you jxnees- ft rf u, TaR griUd tun .jti.-I talra nmnspl frnm their, tnirrts'' IF vnn I .z L . . .... , i ;" m T .t J Ti 'j r rr,, J (fetition to bo filed ae now prescribed ia cases falter, ask your hearfrall Jwe It: u. Lf ap&cation for st. "iS- mheritanco, ?- R I I iuaJti AtuixA J lppij KJ WUbll VI IUG Daw IM AUMIVILMSI lUUi imprKiment of offenders.) , ,f"'"-: ! jj H f-2f. ! Io amend the 10th section of the acta oTi 174 1 1 for u!i o better iKbservation of the Saliatfc j Pro ikies that thebund required by said section saaa pereatter be made payable to tho Governor.)! 1 25fiT6 prtveot the unlawful as,rtotiou?of ...'ii-,J. , .i r." - r I se? irwa ia ouie. (rrovwes tnat tue ooce Most Respeetfullyi- , : I -Your Fejloiv Citizen, ' ALFRED H CG ER. Of the Mjftivspasscl by the r Legislature vf 1832-3. r -. . ' I - - i .... ,. , . - " ; mtn in 5 jtrr- An Act ileciuratorylWthe hm now in force, 1 . Iglving to the County Gtwtsof this jseveralc&in- baif tabc taen by the; Statetha Either byj inr ties within thisjftate A'cx to altcrStfix seper- .I..H iV -.:.L.l1.. iMl J ' .1 uia.u w uuauuiaijtie witn oeam.,; . 2d f I To establish! the Bauk of North Carolina. (With a capital af two millions of dollars, one dlvidoals. . ow how can rL!. in- yuo, uuuois, &iMiss,!8ccVhli!Ufy a; revenue hw, havin .(. - id ... . iv4 "W-ay'Ha Acr cotton to awnpeto iih ocothijB, wtt wlat share of propriety, or admission. di nited 0"? " wmrsra; 'rrzr'Jia: .Er'js.ssii'ss w&f,ms!& ruans to tnatesocune ot raowon ioaruj n't j , " ""a - . w.ww.ur.ifc, i9 ci-irec tatne world that lhela-.rd iJ tlm IT i.Ca P? -si - F PiijraHiu ire,ifc.w. . . . 7 7 , "T . .Tf"r - .?7rf.f?t t aaic were nnu an void lonaia-T uerhaus an Mbef9redayboweWill nay yhpe we go tobo sacccdodby tne orgamlition dt anotlicri alfiance'dabasiviuarid SfjSlTttJ!5 1 - I4xii . ;t.l. ii j :i 'rit;W I andnseoarate CjorernnirRi J AVItTiar tI.UL.i J,. r. v ,- - j . ' i . w- a jm ii km ii.ib. h vv r - t h . si i. &Ha t - v. ' . - ----- w - .. w wwrT'.,- saw n -i j 1 i in . k. n a v MufvM" m r -1 . - mm f-i.sj !sir,1retlM Ckpt Nothing at allj repeal 1 bf jata.i Lr r . tbr? Whu th-t-mn.r wclhavo put whether tt l,- vWui&tod tel asxts&lfili ; JffffS ana wv ataphces of elections. UeclaresJthat ihe Coun-, A cnmiiul case Jf rather a. noel complaiJa ty Courts, a majority qfjthe acting Justc3 ;of was feied zA the Court of Commcn pfeas iif A-; the peace being presenf ii the ssevinl counfles dustJi Mefbeijre Jod?w Whitman. A 'woaaa ?. llftatf h!U P4-t4f U) Itw, lix;etab- ffidicted & cwrlc&f lthigibwlnsn as out of wood its, ii!nn -this bUte.m the fr.-iv.vhiU men slxiutlftiur feet long f.ilowod after him. fT1e thereof, 'provides that the Shekind all oth- pVrrm wbsTsaw ban fdlcanjep imlnodiate ly, ii persiins apjiuiut ed to ld electitii. for meui nid fund hirn Itin senseless,- his head bruised btrs of tha. General' Aumbry, re inquired at . iid Ucdirg,and marks uf hair and llood oojthtt the next anual election 1 tl open frills fr County ' slick; she was ihen trying to raise hua up. mere was no n iincss who saw the .Plow 1 1 wa-wsouauuuiJ, or ccatp Uw. and operate clec- The ofiendingTair, D.4xirah Kichardai;it' J ' Jr. , ! . I I 4 I t)ardlbiie'Vlay' talking at her1tMbaii(l'inv i';I?g ,cf the County na Supecer Courts, iu the sever- rlf the-door on the fir&ttad. and a -stick. f alLount and Superior CuiiCIerlj, oluduat the eleo- of the General AsjcuiblyiThat the CfcrkwftVc so electod, shall give ku4U! boud j and ! tako oaths as arc now prescribed bylaw at hc first Court far which they were aptlntcd that shall happen ia their county after their flection j and shall con tinue in office for four years. ; Np pman shall bo eligible for the appuuiroeot off Clerk id either peart unless ho has attained tho agd of 21 years, and has resided wilh'm tm cocaty in which lie may be elcctotl I i inib juniaedutcly toewkig the day ?f election. " t .. t given , except her daughter; a chUd 0 years old, who testified 'under evident leaf of her tnot&cr. rapyer knew a cinq tf this Idcd . bcfUei" but that tlrfa jjfeai&r4- ita protection ta the nusband t vll as the wife ktTte Jbty returned a ver dict' of guilty," a'nd; the 'court sentenced hef to 1 - Tiy a fine, and glyul security to ifft the peace A As the money Wchld have to como wntxaat pot i the !pockct of the hu&hanJ, it Mjtxs sanJtMt 4. li:VI he was bra ten by hw wife end then 0r it.V-(Ei. C. - i- VTc-:thg in the Coarta cf P eas, and Qaajf- "H ? . -'-.f'T 1 ' i ,- - w-1 1 : -'41 11 4V r r-" dr'i j f t - (: -! -1 - T'. T -. ! jL. .. -T r" . -1. 1.- :li!( Ti -L -i fJK 1 : ( -.-i'll J!i .P . '. li ' ; i li- S.- i rj-' .1- i

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