IStf-rfc f -iilvx-- Iki f; n 1 J f-i. - . - - L ' v 1 -4 - 1 I S 1 1 . ... ,. - U if w , t j ---iirr H iie-'litl-K-' .HI 'M - - ' f ! . 1. J: - rr! -1 ' . - . I -J- f;i- ';lfV r :;M;J ? I- t 1 .4 1 I. I ' - r " -' n . . J - . -, i - - - " 11 pipii r i : ! . - t . - - .- r i ....... t ; .. . . ' - . . . - . fl II Ii fl f t.f f iKo isripiUia ttfiiny taken fcr less t!iw :pne tat: ;Alrfrusin wU W ilonea . thxwual rates. J&fejrlptiod -vrif1 liiriUHlniintl imdl artcara- araitl, siiiToss the ivitor ehhoxu -A ;f;, ; 1 Sfchscfibers- Kivinflr Wie Iw!e 1 sum 'Jit 'i ad?. year, aa'J li aavanceti regiwuijf w uc- wui id attJio samc wtcsaftcrwto. i i'- . ; 1 ?'-- 4'S - - " ; H Perfeftaddn?iT ii!uSKJUor on the buslnRS3 tlifi 0inciwin addrpRs Umas'l'itbr of the JfliMI(vrfMiTnosc thrt Write vti t)&'i f ?iB;jiAlltlie tohiirtjon3 tan- beCe the 4.iainaccinent yftHU paper, it wiU J : rcanwn titeli.istSMQ doe pet the puUicaiion of the first. TIMS WATM3IAfa.n ft -.-! j---- ' F "7 "f 1 1 fc-,m?ifs4ii:1 I'll lU-ri 4-1 f. Stltlfrparrte-do he a!wye biatnesj irt its Taryws 4 branches in the hdasd fjrrherly hv Jame3D. Hamnton. one Uoor above kfarihyk istlie isconrMent fiis lonjjcxpc f neaie, ;that Kb has i aeuired a practical knowl ' letln? of is fwfeand thiaks that Ills work trill tiptoe as well, as hkniMuhttnik in theSiate He has on hand s iwnall assortments of Jewelry aySUfKf.itt,aichj44'w!1 seirbea. '.(!; i i ife' ta'thiakfat tiast cntam aa still solicits a. Mnre of ihecnstoin'oi thaw who hvre use nir his VkplaWiUivKtraAt hi work do well for ltei I raooiif I it CiUs no cliirge wilU be tnrday February 6 1833. 1 ' I'tf 3 -Fit iVriS uoticni thatishe 4iaa, JJctcl liorsrll in tUe Tuvvn uf Salllbary, next dajr to the DifioT:thftVciigaaUi whwo she Is rcaly to wobitelall wdoM iu the .alwve line of business-.' llflatlif' leailn.tnfsldsiTiess, in tho' fashina UAf nlbffneriiryd ha? iri hail much lie- in -iririhia iMfsi j P is pewuatlcil f that !f Cart fjiye satisfustibhfUjch as i may cjlibose 1 e.nn!r! her, i Sho will receive rezularly Iruna 4iidehKiian4 .ork; the g latest t asu I JIOHUOllS OP.HATTI b till IDlu pKfce on tho margin of tKe Ni agara rweryvwaajCiciisive plain; wnck badbocb beerl wertd wttii,ne larms: but noir, I forsaken be liftantioa "desUatadt by? -war, iVcx hi)ted aparreii ; waste, .The rirerat tuat plaee Ite gihji tq acquire some;of the terriiick vf:!o(aty4tith ,wbib,lt rushes oer the awtal reij4ce three idiies bulow.eatinW ne of tiei.uest natural coxisitlcs in existencer the notse tf the? cataract I is urarti, anu vuocuiuuuiw.ttaui uuiagity; been fr4trlhe battlel ground. 'Orl4h4wtrjiue the nehi is boufuied by aUtic far&tjbut &ejpLun ii self presents a level satooth sqrCace.i tmbokep by ravines, and without; areeor bpkivNinteirubt the View, or an obstacle to unpedc thou4temenis Qf tlic hostile podtes, : or. to afford toet titer party an ' advantage Fni this lain' tbe Ameficuu canrp was seperated by a small creet.l lit th full glare of the summer fun tm, the fifth qf 4ulyl the British troops . were 6een advaucin towardstour calnp, - acruss ' the destined field! of sfi.i iheix waving plumes ana scartet uniiorins, exn.oi t a gay and gtjrgeuus appearance. - Their inarlial niasicic, their firm and rapid step, indicatipg elato 'hopes kudiigh ctjurage. The Amencans,! tiiferibr in number, were hastily; put in motion t tneet the adTncinglje ; they Crossed a smiUolidge, theilonly cutlet fronpi the camp, Mmlcr a hea ry Ifireyf Uhe f enemy's artillery :j laqd ;mov Wif steadily. j io th spot , sqlfctel ffof ; the engagement, he spene at this injtKaeui was beautiful ariil irapqsingi The UrtU4i tine.giouig wiili gold and with crimsoii hues; wa stretched acrtk tho plain, ijap'ieg by pieces of njss ordt nance, wjpce.rapta auxjiiarjso v.T" and sonie Who implored a few?2iinuipi ylr"a of HfSUc'Corarishsts is! bodily com i conftssica of Qnrrpeatc3 cruses burst frost the souls of many in .heart rending accents'; while! I some as they gazed apon the tsi flowing!: crimson torrent; niuM-u uic uiid, icuxoiiRi 01 oream ia - ojoraiiung apon the shortness of life andf careless ," prodigal tycxisti!ae $ . r V :'3Ui"lfii: ; ny. gallant .spirits thai were on. thitervi sanuiocd plain, who prayed. silently ) and some who dared not pray , and yet kcorned to murmur. Theijr compressed lips bespoke thiptrl firmness ; t!teir eyes wandered wistfully 1 over the bright scene that was tiding before them; and they gras- pea leryenuv me nanas 01 tnose; wna mourmully bade them farewell." i , ' j I ' . "T :vr ( . ' if I . ' 1 J i ., 1 i J! 1 ' . -! M 1 - . From the Winchester VirgmianJan. 1C. l to his friend in j Washirigtoo, his beeariaa 1 1: JXaLLil PrbvTdcncciJair-CisasI : rWith! that pwt of; New England which I have seeii, Vam dejihted . Though my japroey lias bea rapid,; yctl aye. irisited ECKno of ilia pnbqpaj manufactories, and am ireablyi sorpclsed to, find thera in - so great a fetaie of perfOTlmt -If aril distressed to discover tho lively anxiety felt by all corn ccrnd in tliero:fqr the (ate ofr ther sTariff BUI now befard Coahcss. IlAll thoso. with wiom rhave conversed give it 'its their de vpimuiifUiai, ute- proiCCUOU SW1U) diwh rnost 6 tbee esublisiments I roust languish Bickcny and finally , Hie; When I behold the effects of Ihelndustry iand - en- ktSltrd wilt keeplPaltcns for salt to those Hyho ;aay;vjsli io" Wtk4 ihelrjAwa' dress?s.She wiir iikew'iicl kef nHahoiarffsw : '.''I :- ! '" -1 .1 i the'lield arid 'filled ": the-atr with ! rliyW W'te !tKbl(Mids- lof cmoko cnycioning each extleioity ot the line, left the centre only exposed to'tha eye, anil extendmir on to the river om tho je baud, atidltho forest dm the other, filled the wljole oack ground oftftd landscape. The toeriQahs Were advancing lin wluiu!?. iTheso.'we n4rocrdits. now. led lor the 'first time into action and fxcept a ltv officers; none of that heroicibn4 Had eer before seen tho Wanner ofar.jc. lUut tijev inoveu steadily to! their grmmdruabrokeri by jiijgaliui firp aud platoon after! platoon wheeled) juu Uu wjt tbe.wur graccj'ql ' accuracy all jpaloeakni wh'h marks the of option of the tooly uittil the wlui'.p co.uaia was displayed la one ex teHded tni-ii; tq ofSjcen( carefullyi?iiresi the line We have been furnished with; the fjllawinv particulars from a fracus which occurred in Mor gan County, on the 29th ulti Jandl which rfesu; ted, as wilt be seen, ttf the death of the naxues. A year or twbazo aa unTtttunate matmnonia) ! terprize of these Debbie" brrarht intd action connection 1 was ' froaw d. ot ween a man; named ib consequence! of tho policy i ot tho Gov- -ynm- r ' , : " v ' t !vrpucm eoaangprea, as I tear tney axe my of tlie counties of Berkely or Jenerson; andi aiKW & iZ AAiH- Jw-.u 1 daughter of Wm.- Thoralmrg.Hspectablei- 21 CtzeS of Morgan - ? u.h jru The parLos hved together; S some hort !ttnii a? If abounding in many; of the means of wnen it having been ascertained thatMageei uwuMiwurwgiae roaucuons 01; otner had aaothc vrite liTing at the time ol hb second parts of tho Union, nothing but the? most marriage, they seperated, and the deluded object iirtiai, afld oppresstye character of the pro tdy thd f nope in : W - vmisuMiuns wnuJtJi5ui ouugunuo uwfijeaiQn ueretotoregiyen.-wpull ius action of her father's rof, but wasjnot long J Qbverninfent in! i W tvlthdraiali ?l d roittted to remain in the undifcturbed enUvt 1 Z , ... 4 T IM: n! f heot of it.!h f Imi' nrior tJ tU' haWnlW; IHP? il5 TO J?Jte ' i 4 I th. .;t'kA 1 .'iv-i.i,. iv JLCa: lil wishnnosti sincerely everynerson who i represents loruburg had occasionally seen Magee lurkuig some watcn the dawn eastern if any on advancing a few paces 4 he Stt one without a 4 JitrecttStates4 acting Kf t theW f the grt JTPi thcsoRM city we allada Li th r.'Lt i.t-2i nt?hy tbd,- coaruts!ioa!kAn ? lk Ptopeny , tne jate VUlumVGU5erV I cart,and nad, wh6lly efT&zm f T" W29rw; i-peoaaaciaid bo-tlte rerdict of thir shuu;si 44e property in iiuesUbn. was burrfiasedf ieeh f su-ILs-. ii-.vTi emraeed sold t( three estate remaining inMMiMM f rra" I compact that lbev desired trmirrt ag et esumawa 1 upwards or iw.uuo 1 "gww inn cpnrusion and diulcultics 1 doliars Omerrmjpcrtyy inthe trpper part thirteen di V;;l J T HT?" yf";. "w:gmies,tnai they sought refW vu4,p r 00 a aruj i u luaeaiiua or union I r - wpiw iota the march of our city is 00 ward, and is not, to be I tdtton fvorse than that in whieh they'stood '"rw" y, fUKweoa oreTenwoifoiuinary oc- 1 v, wbmu .vvuicuvrauon. . ; 1 1; -. ; u . W-.inagniiade.l FFaptrt 1 He bad tn)rema'b''maJre: Wliethl ' ' 1 ... 7 1 n.- vwmiuw ub me rescu ola ieueral Com- his opliaonjA! pciat . pJrfect(y finmaterial for whvtMv intended to Dosti vr not, it was ratified r by the People wth altthe formtlitiea neeessarr to make it efficient in iU object to give peace and ccurjT w u American reopie. lie contended that it could be shown bv a olain cnn&trntlnn r the Constitiition kecording to its own provisions. "i :a - IN SENATE. 1 I Friday, Feoruartf 1. REVENUE COLLECTION bilL 1 '. ,.. 116 5cnato . proceeded to consider the ..well as cpnifmporaoeoos coostructions, f that bill to provide further for the collectibn of he waa ny one provision tahlishing thartt the duties on imports. i f . , was the work of States in meh so vreiga character. any noruon ot Uiei VYest, could uc uues on imports. i , fi - l1"?."' wwwvojmmpuxxzcicT about msnousc, aud suspectiug that , he was on have even the Iimitpd opportunity I navel !eUnguysen said Confederation, haa dki Under that system.' evenr with Vthe 1 notion of its so- ii Jill iiHrni iij i lmn.iutf. - ninn - mrwnn w ui I . i miiviiiM r jirnrni p m . k a w .i.J. 4. . iaiirai . mn i v i r saw tnree men.irT ii rrr .1 """ 1 ',:rr:: "yww urs : , s, ttmm.ut-r'jr ; 1 a I-- . I j, .1 ' "... .- I . --' I nunt fMnf it iMfviaeik whooroved to be Masree. itard f trana pt an uuio tmliei. freeing oi.tuo umtea states. HO Has in that Mes- r.r" 'rr Darkesville,and John M. Uur oi! Jeiierson, ? Wlioargumente rbuld be fnecessary to sage distinctly represented to Cbnirrcss the TJP: i1:- leaning against a tree close at hand; who immo k cqnytnee !us ofi tlio policy of -ifostcrihi the state of things in the 1 conntrv Iwbich has fct&JSttiZSS. Til Mrs!C '.ffceli rcw&lenf l tM she! I can suit; the taste of this polUh?d' community j she,- there- lore, ak.ot tucm a tnai; m ner skhi. -h lir All iiAhd Ct6a iUoicountryjsihall bo dili jentlylklfilTcd.l?:- I i 4 U diateiy made towards him., lie attempted to regain the door to secure it against their entrance; but so rapid was me pursuit that before he could accomplish bis purposo, ue was seized by Brown and detained, while the other two forced their K t ' .1 I il i ill i it r. - way into me jmuss ana lata noiitot Aiagees ciiilar. 1 hy nrere 5t3Jy i resisted by tlrs. Magee, and in the scuifle alilow ilOied by Hurst atv'Vra jiac;ees hea-J ith the but of hiS Whip, was waru&i od' by Mrs. Thornburg who; recei ved it on her haha, and but tbr which it is thought it would have proved fatal ; to her daughter. While liurst aiid iue females were thua engaged, Taornuurg 'wasi . prevented, trom entering ihti house by lirowii, who stood before hi.ft : With a P4W1 presented at his breast', threatening him With instant death if lie attempted it until seeing iiurst drajrzino: his f wife ! towards tne door, and threatening her life, and hearing the cries ot his daughter tor his assistance, ne broke hi, and seizmg nis nne, , lustanay uot, uurst e shouiuers quota. Some of the States could notror did not, manufactories in Ncf rather lian those of) rendered it impracticable;- witlibut t!ie aid tD LLngand.! Among th0 rrtanuuctpriesTi j sbrnef means beybndrthosd which axe I pay their gmrxirtions; and hew-e arose diiScul txecute the laws. He has, tHereforc, as - n3P th. Ute pnde, this everlasting dutv fftntiirr nim in dkimnfiMt -"W folate $mbitMo, wliich prevented tho autyrequircs mm to do, applied to Con- access oflthat Confederation It is, said Mr. f to strengthen the Executive arm to en- p. that pernicious sph it which I fear 'h now at his gross wiyi leconit ai u, -".' i through tne boiiv the ball msmi th rdpsnenw,aoo: - : h lUe iun e wounded cfclofftrM u.ui.fivlealng hif hold of notaUirg; M jow tnei tnusjttn: oi coer'g0 FEMALE 1 m Seminary atattsvillc, - N; coiwquchef of !Mr?iCaJdwell8 death'i the exercises or; the cmalo bemmary in otatos ViU.', will be suapdnded until tlio; lUit 1 Mohda; a January., j t v .- . -1 j ? TiSJSrinETOFiOJlE. J nstracthin tin ithe Piano Fortc.hy Miss .E. J, always been re a number Sblurjl, conse vinr to the naSier. ? Some difliculty . ha3 Ibund in procuring hoarding for so li i yona; aaicsw attenq tnra o eaehersj If fiomo Gentleman of strict i morality; would orcn a hrivato (Board ms-lldusa lccominola4oivUJt is ) louse coold bo obtained for - .-a e a that 1 FMi gario rauw, pvuniig uu, ,n off the child. oursrani.i ;,9uu noi a ir ir'v'r pursued uv Tuornbur a p was hearpl on oui; f WyJ drew a plsuj, i wnicil tc .u,, 'r-r.T"- .jT Jffi -.'I hornbuig knocej m iiuv mil i.Tiu nnnor ir miiii i li .tiriiii- ilia avi-c i t liil frStlv lUlv VilVV ""Si. - r ; 7 J ' -I fl;in !r tb 11a n a to si e that aji w as is steed into the rear of the troops nd gave itbc command; tj 'hre exut in tne mean time Magce hid succeeded Uo was immediately nd on oein-r overhauiea inately unsding tiiit, at uowu, eauea ,iur a rope uu arcured a uiarisiriie was inen seni tor oy 'i i.brnbur. who ( there being no Cur- whose licia au: verdict, iu'iuest upon unaumiousiy tho dead rendered body upon. a then passed frdra flan!rto flar a4 le wished; ho" wheeled hi Aoice was ..tauoediaie y nearut in jue umu i fll ltti9rntr ji1A t.PiimaiV wwithat Thom- rankssuppoppd tobe that of tueir commaudet-- fau jj deceased in delence of him exciaiinin; "charge the t,aniviesi cnarguio um- fate ra'liUa! charge ! cuargei" xne. juwipu burir self and family. ' We learn further tiiat the of- hctatm magistrate thought tliat it was so clear !ira mi ornrl tiis men "sunuori arn i i t..rv,;....i llie British rushed forward wild baypufs charge bU(j would beSi subsejvfed by ed;'but thy were struck witn amaifiuent wjien Jintr order any ;utiicial investigatu the? benem tnose wnom tneix comnaiHicuu muu for their commodious purpose I this 1 Mr A. CALDWELL, EJj; BAKEII. Statmille,Niv. 14 tfIS .fc J;;"--' U:4.t jiiminrnrifl Uli.: ----- 4 1. : i - -U- 1 IIR Co-cartnrrshtP. heretofore. Lexistiner le4 a w twfiji tbelSubsriUersi, in thej town of Mor afwlMarM: tho Mercantile bust thesaifirntatoiraiferrecl :W Bobert C mrson-lwitW lwl!trii It l is desirable ' that tl4 !shotdd;r:lSaid .either by Viviachtornoteja3 s ion as pracucawe. -; . BilCf PEAltSON.i IjBWbcrts;C,' uhgly called rnilttia, Standing motionlcsf as stat utes: tiieiil iu!Bketirerect. their arms foIdM across Uie r breasts, gazing caJiply at their hostile ranks, advancing iujiousfy witit levelled bayie4sj. It wna a 'refinement of discipline rarelr exnjhitednd hro altogether tines nected-Th Aineri810041 until the bnemv aoDroached within a tHv pices; until" the fotsuen could ce tho fire dashing from uM cf nis adversarv's Sfice ; then Idefioerately ai was the word' given, the Aijtenfanf levelled fV.i;r hlp.Ara HnA fired --and therwhole the en- hi'taed ! Manv wire killed w jj o.jiu-3 c.t uv4-'""- ; 5- , - manywdunded, arid i? rts;1 rwra wiui n powerful momentum,1 fell ovdr th; &,;5ira;c cdinpanioriSfj tr were thrown down by th wejjjhi of! succeedinr combatants. In; otie m$taat the ground occupied by , that gallant line Waa covered by flying; li" tons; m anotber; a secu nau advanced to 8ustain-4he contesi; while te broken fragments of the first wero rained ocmnd it. The Buffalo mintia were charged with fayonets. 'lea it wastliat ihcfyoung AmericatpcMets,iwho i the skill" ot .vet- that the ends ot decii ration j Into Thornburg s conduct, and that the decision , has been so universally approved that' ho measures itave been taken to-pr.cure Jus arrest. ISrown aud Mageo were Ukn lhtof custody, and being unable toUnd surety tor appearance at court were committed to prison. : "y The unfortunate inuividaal who ;lost his life bv fennoina- in this rasu uiiair was a loan ot respectaote connex.oua, ana in general, of harm less and inoileiisi ve ueportmeut, but much aduie ted to habits ounteiuperauce i and it is presumed mat he must have oeeu uiaer iue iniiuenoo oi these iiaoiu iiroiu w hien ue was seldom cxehip vuen ne lent himselt .agee purposes 'Tiiornuurg -i a man of .expectable character ann rrtmrK? Hf wduuoss aud amiability of his dispowsiu. j- ' : V . I 700 Aim ravr Irfaw. i Tiip have a mnrhtnn I ahh wftli which the heap or hole? of the Axe to put down the resistancb against - the Unt-1 bottom of that which obstructed the informed, and ready! ior the ! reception of ted States, which is meditated bV one of the I under the old Confederation. We u io steel, after but nlew strokes of the hand 1 States of this Union. With a view to . the nave Visited, none has occupied so much of within the reach of the Executive arm nlnnn I tu which impeded the progress of the Govern rny attention asthat;of Collins & Co six- to execute the laws. He has, trterefore, aslnia?V- ,t thjsjsute pnde, this everlasting teen miles : West of parttord, at Canton. At this place the finish from' the bar iron 9 fP! . 1 -.w 1 ; : iiei uavK a inir.mnH biiih nimrn mpm inn nroepni ATiffAn .hi i kA ur.ii !.:. j a: 1. , ; was at too Government buffht to bo instructed and admonished by the result of the tiammer. 1 iiey arojtortnea m this manner better understanding of the situation in Z. - k- .T! i ?" V wuu U f..:- J. 11. :a hM.Ui.l..nn I u..t. r t.:u if! i ...:n I : w iounu pcrtwr? fvr u,7"1 . pMtuw m "'v "f w tomakeanefiort to amend ithe CkinsdtudorL was fcommenced less than sixi. years ago: read fsaid Mr. Frehnffhuysen) a sentence hn itfi,Wti,Jtk. t'0i r.mM ' iLL.. ... ..i.k lnik.n i Art ka.sAo I r i ; 1 'L I i j I ... . . " . '. . . .... " . Mforu am iiu w uwi muvji ivoa imtu nuuovo lruiu ins picssagr, wtucu w in iw iwiinu in i enaoie it ' tu resist tne . oangenMis collisions : er all occupied by the workmen all having the 5th paragraph on tho i7th page, which I these Stat sovereignties. Delegates were char the appearance of .great neatness and com- follows a descnptian in detail, of the cir-1 sen to na a new Vyonsutuuon jjui mey meet. cumstanees and acts adverted to-i I,u iU? t . ' - . i r', m - . r . - - & i K- ,-Under these circumstances, and tho AZJeE? CHOLERA IN MAINE. provisions of the acts of South Carolina the these delelites came fresh from the Peoria f imti ri .i j t Ji.' i ' . I. ...i I . j . i I : J : r . ... ?i . j. . . - l e roniuna iopner ;saj s- inc : ropui . execution o iawa is reuutrcu nuprmo-1 they did wna they came to do in the name and tliat there has been' a number of cases of ticable, even through the ordinary ; judi- f by the authority of the People ; and when they malignant cholera at- llollis, in York county cial tribunals of the United States." li: had completed thtir work nd returned to th, nbocars to be confirmed. ! Dr. Clark, of this In order that the subiect should be pre- People, the rery rorm of words to commence tho City,twuo nas yisueu several or .tue i kavs the symptorns a agree perfect! those ho witnessed at New York, though to the 3d section of r the, 2d article ot the tWe, the People of the United States, in order. he considers the disease pf a milder form, 1 Constitution, which defines, in tha following to form a more perfect Union," &c. It was no. and says it yieias reauuy io meuicme. i words, the duties ot tne rresiaeni:;; -tie i ver areampt wen inai ui consuiuuoa wmsiiore-. shall take care that tho laws be taithluiiy ex- I aiier w oeei up as we uaao wor vi iao tn TUt U In Hntv. Tha dntv of Stales assDyereghties, VUUIV . M. w ' J : I .JL rwm . . .. .. . . n l Uh miAHM-V xnesDsoyereigpuesrereaii inrown oacx ca uugrc u. Fy-- -r. the elemeats of soeial existence. The peopla i ness in ie eignin secuuo. ;w were thence ordy warehrnsi i It was - an ex.. provide f for calling tortn; tno milita,7 c.lwcs31oaofci(i aixiet Justice Jay : tho only spinisn ong, i i nis is tnetr outy. ; I sovereigns; eruieUnlted states are tne people; Out of tho elbven eases which have oc- i . ; - '. - ; i . . 'r.'. k. burred there this month, six; have prov ed fatal. The remainder wero recover ing. in iSr.AVEn Captured. A wit!ii394 slaves on board Was captured by This brief allusion to the sacred charter I and they arc sovereigns without" subjects, inas- tlus British Brig of War, Victor, on the of our country, and to Uie message of the much as tacy hav only to geyern themsejyes ; south' sidoof tho. sisndoiuuba, ana sent iresidcnt, be cons.derea as .uttcem to ,Mr-rrT72SS; v . ii.. jii. . I . i - . . ihf tAiomn w - ' w - ; ; into tavana on uie iui uu sustain oun a uiu - Was it seiitKbr ratification to the States, in their in the lustory of the country had arrived, capacj ?. No. There was foo much ; Some time ago, say about 1829, some w hen Congress has beenj informed by . tne 3 arfd prudence to trust to these sovereign merti soul at the eastward nominated' Lo- I chief Executive officer that resistance to l They, had ilready given the 3overnmea; The Constitution' was sent incJtWth People for their sanction, and they sustained it. - ton-V the Legislative brandies to execute their k itid fulfil the obligations imposed ttutcs-and for what purpose?; " Was ft? them by their staUon, toenabie ntra to f t;fi-,iion as States? No. It wsri -that he W uiirty miputes cecmeu the circuit. Dreachinir up the "peacelul remedy 1- n v 1 l -i - w , . a, 1 . fi riFOTi. 1 1 11111 a. m . t1 : in 11OT retiring lOO W PURuvo xut J"T .kQ,r I,v 1.,, ml C.nnn Stieiefies None wno saw, wUl forget the terrifick hcauty of i 0w voluo- this scene; thp noble arwranca; ot ff0 ea wherever their 1 doctrine! his wasting the treasure 1 of the preparattucis all this has been : wtx, liht-rm his friends ind the public. Kvill Aihtm'tio;tl arry :on the f bustness KSntitok that he w just recetved, and is receiv last a general asaortnKnt a everyi J branch of his 1 D0xT EXCi iii THE PEOPLE. Tiiit is a. tMiiLittii eoiession. tioui the hue 01 a iNullil ver. in i oroer to e .uis ho people to arms ainst a wise, a free aad rational syslem ot Goverukentithe i uhhiers have, tor the last i' 1. . i ,i In.' mitt nr irii ltd that f?alianr. nost. uisciayea -uieians oi ; ui . M..l..i.i.Lr,i;J, ernstand thence, oftt.JeSsuWLefcn worth ""r 1. 31'eil, and llinraan,: were given ineirj country tii aflfim th nraudest baorc et its history . I? ive had public dinners and made public speeches in every nook and corner of the State 4hey have had their leaders ana chicttains . oonsiauuy. on in? w uasujejaand by iius, linremMtea sitention ui urcaouu precision i ecij , jt, $:h$yty$t;wa$ Chefpacs3 ofrfis Uoods.he fc fury qf the battles-its taiai severr I Stat0 jQ lAs tlie victors returned from th puret of tho 1 1 v I S Ml iit .AomV ;&Miid of. intense interest was 'I ' i ' '. 1 i I .. . t rrfi t-imul ik fiM uhirh & lew 3 ! IW1.W V. .w.., . ; - - ...w- .... U 1 ?ay anilorms anct waving oanu?ia, ! . i . I .... ? : i tha ujiiii-ntea fit oor,IW W rr.tTrsd to acUon. I! There .had ; i U:-J;;f. . ..I.tfeli' 'X?wo . ,.r i - ; .m: hearts! i . . : i Ft . t-! i- .t -i ' i ivn iimiiinir 'uituurs ' - s." ? . ' Isihistaseit'haymjbeca taaa,e,arr.ute t !ir:rr.r?.C'wUi rtth SralrwrTrknd terrrpegstuous chiel, Icmu- if MOaobcrfTenrt?A:D. S tili'- ', miii'J Lf: "1. ! I ." :. .! uuant urecn ii; i - h .fr -4t Grccn.j fci 'i: h-' lit . Li. ? ! I i crtdrt atijtrbhcatioh bo bade In the 4Caiolina atehmaUUaM in the North-Carol ma Specta; S isihitasen nayirig oeca mau aprt re -tt-- "T,imed with t 1kt4mU tUC 4iat the defendant Ker l.frT? ? i f I s UiHtithcWUnary broccsi of tho law can ' not 4t -.aionsr . t ....!.. 1 . . . -i 1 1 l .i i ton! m ixiH'.nasuiuj'ui(u . i r- tt .-: o :tKf3r-'ZE tii h04A k.; ahcre,b,spmu flii. and is how doin. in coitsqueoce! ot a doubtfuljnfractih of the Consutution. Aud yet the Union Jfarty are not to bo excited when they have seen their Constitution trampled in s the dust the dearest ; rights of freemen, tho right of an impartial trial by J uryi the iifieethMi(f the Judiciary, the right holding office, Ithe .ti.rxi nrnnitHrt. of franchise, shamefully polluted by Test Uathaand rerjunes uie aeiricuwjwt their Ckvernnient attempted and preparations uukin for the establishment of xuiutary iJespu; tinrn all this i the Uniou party are to wuiss .D.t till hftn,.iet! Yea. more, they are ta haveH their pnde insulted aud . tneir patriotic 41660028 and I woucuea j; wo rjw j t . I firv. and bti calm, in UIW ... uuuuu,iuiue - I Tzzr ' . 1 . . am- Btirih" siffhta and sounds than aiLtno ; fye .tor andiWwterr iulvsruser for tliettrntot three ."K-iSb ehtraaced JJW-mnsi TM77T ir faontl feOUfriagld tl Jh tho-jdou. rf.tyranny lt 4t aUox i iSlnaVj W1 fictS cflreeuu U harsh and unple iSSSSIfa5iI i tw "rJm-t llitii iu tifcments j)dueedl: NowittoAneld,wasL awew. Tyrants-i-But u is a yuca i which often PiiiiSI ttis j&'f felt SISM -TMV renzo Dow as a candidate for the presidency. 1 the laws has assumed an attitnde so formi- Sliortly afterwards, Ajfr. Dow wrote to us a I dable asto prevent him from carrying them request that we would publish Ids notice 1 into execution, and compelled liira to call declining the honor. We complied, and now on relertto it with a view of showing that oaths, thh writer had something of the spirit ol f trnon prophecy about him:: dismarge his own cansaence and to pre- fjr the pur if To the Pcdlic Having noticed a serve the peaco and integrity of the vho shoutd be -. chosen from ainbog th Feople. .1-If:i.i.5i. MAra rninttrifi rounds it: 1 i This foctdwould be found ttnrjcdied In the jri"Sw WCTL n" Tlin..., k rnski, to lution of Congress of October, and bynhe, nomiaitmguy , - 1 , xxe nap oui - .m" -r "7""- resorutionl ofpternber l7th which directed8 (bt 'tha next President of United tllcwhole of the charges, whicl had been .3 States,&c m made against the tnends 01 wej urn to to theQvetioa .for. the inweo ?;of ; asseirt. i-ii. cT.nll not offer mv- intntmR r rn to war acrainst S, Carolina..and l n. .tWihWUia People themselves. If ad' self as a candidate for the Prcsidencyf-not to urge the country to the brink of confusion it been sehtto the State Iaturerf tlicmip r ,-. S'riduratandi ared talents disunion. Alii shaUay inrpJy tnthese I'W tht- - IS?iito narhmPdwfulh ti- .h,r JW Mr: F.1. that wo are legisla- hered totM Confederation. Could rt thep , h,.? , .- - - v M . ' , to ere- be armed that the States, acting as oiaies, cou Ung to enable the Chief cSeresent frarne of cerornent? cuto tbelaws according to uteobIigauo fgg TaJt bad contcndeot nf ni mth. Wc rrtako Jio tjrar against . . ri.;fif-titM. WM bT the States. It nad- - e rr.-' "Ls South Carolina: wc provpue v 1 5,, 4 th!lt sjassacnuseiis came mwa o wo do nbtnin further than is required ta I and ratified tho Constitution as a State. Hero ivinit nhrsclves of the duty we owe 10 our-1 Mr, r. referred to me language w SSli-SS cntm and our jMakcr. If by .IfavsacluSelts and . the. other States, selves, to our country, ana uo j tK.:.. irk nftheM ratifications "it de- it,a en'A hut examine una um rr-r v j .t h dequatetothe approaching fu porionf station front '33 to uiougu a public cnaracter iot jwub uv litile nehuaintance p rden andlhings ex- pcnroenuiiy. 1 Anu 1 u. w "v ,T Ivfee Ciitxm willl9flerrwho is noi jully inmtifitd for that w$ofanl M' that pe lf 4 I '4 t L0BEK2O DOW. lit:-' hod of time! :s December SOtli, l$30 HI Bv Printers throughout jthc stt will nleasc irivc the above an Uohi 4- !; ! ' - I " H - r ) frhe llet. Mr. Dow, as we learn, has in ferred from'an exammation 5ftIietprophc ciesiltliat Uris? period Swill he'onef cencr al Bisttirbahces in the moral 1 , and ; pohUcal United inser- 1 tth. I. i tho said papers be r ; . - ' . 1. i. 'MtnratM .swi u a aiui a av -r . r . . tttarv aa s w - ,; . mToncr.somcrwr itosp"?". J"l ft 1 57- l Ani nmish j the comuumts 1 - r t r 7 - t 1 lj wili f Ji I. ..T.ln-o 1 that tho JLklltoratOI 1 wuwhwwj",' -T";.., , .; -i I tnmtv tit nav tne CilV S3V.wuaW; tlie Pn- - r. t; W V vi : rwara tneir frJJ rTIlthitA iieasiKlr J js-1 Ie2e -a jail WM. W wa uwas .saidT thts Mf - Hf-! i iPtHreda beloved name, coiiscrateu ... the tensUtiire for Ue sn.o pecp.jr- r- f JeadiJlcSmUaUlloan Uompuiy.vj F iH . , j S6 Mr. Dow was not considered a can ,1ft from his modesty, whicli iras altbgHher commendable, ho may now " ffc.. lYS. ;ttA',tias a rurkt Io secede, and thereby to dtsM the Union, so tar, as sne (owihc Kh exorcise it ki onetime as well as ano ther he may exercisp it aa well when f hero is no ! uncbtisntttitonal or ;iropryei.; . i,kn thp fJ L She may exenuse it, wnen a oeoj ot; low numw uu& - . eral goremmeht, iaciirred Jyi ajust jw, :fr JeneeofthehaMoiat CJ4? t lier quota of that debtj as oll aa wheu the na tian Las an overflawing treasury ' She buy ex- it in !rUQ nftnrii well as neace. -Sod. m ii tirr Kkttir Mates uio; vexy.ioruuu Rations - ,L I .Inrf rr.m lhA ivHTinrimtr IO UIC CUU IUU 1 " w care, they will find that uirongnout tne by Je Feo5eV It was all done by the whole of its provisions this .JgJ8 aooSf pff stcadilylcept in view to enable: the Ptesi- the FeI,Je Bift we have been told that all this . dent to f execute the laws. And I am yet m jone by thef soveftign StaUss-4hat it wa toleanLlconUnnedMr.P. whethpr an un- the workhouts f JtZ' authoaizfed and tumultuous Jmii.idnsk. whether actts of themselves, twn of ew Jersey . .SHZ; t hit it waa mo worn ot ints wvavo u , r tin .lArthn authority ofia Statel whose ob- ject isJiostUe to the Conslitutiori ot uie United States, ana totne . vms" and to the laws, is not 1 to be put down, without inclining -the charge of making, war ir Biri 'iall loiiow uie of the State; icdng in its sctelga capacity. Now, there was nothing in iw rw New Jersey of iny the other States to saae tion any such ir?rion. : T .feS against 4 State. : If . wari siaii V;r, rrclldnies. Other-; mcasttrerthns adopted, mu reborn "-f-ff '17 ' rbautted W the kttmce. Uat ,7-1 ' their eemrate eommuiiiucasecaasit , ...l. .uAr KttM the voxv. forunca- i Rations erected, for ithrf -ae JW?- fthe Gericral Goyernmentin whcaebpos sucli! rtghtHotudgefor and tn-t " C , i ; il "lf-jP,v,T ; ? I - : .t:- r ,n nortion of iho Senate, i01 PWl .t uuuibnv. r7"li I. IteiPW,W "T-r-. tha mml L1 h4ll rorrtsiii unsiaiucu. i f I:. .Wt rorcnunv, ... T-rr-,. of things results uom tneuitu, ui r- ahttttte4 for ratlC- u;,?lnf the Union, any legation XjMfSL - :i.;rtA !rf1 Rtateauthorit and Itioe to tho of the reserved rights of a I must ca a httle further back than the gchBanen who haye maintauierinai'Uns Union, mere federal compact in which r,fi mntnlirr of the COOTPact W ih exfent-of obedieiiee; due to Cxe sepa- y&aof ted Cpuncilaad fthellows'l AseaUri to nie peofuo i-cnus . Sinliies. wEIiUil t!rs fionyj EJyy were ebosea' for thepose stated & dm simple pWpoof deliberamng on th mF3 thewutution Ind mdywg : jt i Tneedi etleci the TeWatio o? $1 Coovendoti of $787,whieh H.dl "ILuahtd. That 'Uie sirng Vontrt3tioii ilerc were those wno p).utv r " ". : r-. r - Hi- . i - i 1 . 1: 3 ! if . g.5vi'f-' S - .1 i I r;tv:. si 4.1 I t .- tm" ; ! i: i if; r i i i ;T "I ' s i i t : x '- i s i , i ! : . :: i . i ' j fT" : ;S ; ' ft. I I 'SI It ' I f I . i i J i - ! I J ' i" i-. j : l-! th ' . ; ; n . :M j ; ! , : : : l ; .. ;.' i . jit h :r ' if : j lU ' , ; 1 ! 1 ! ". i -1 in '--ii; I i t . if r- '; "r-? 4