ft ' it-. ! .1' SrEirfi theiccnant is ovcrpfte jreaTalaii he taken lor ta ihi 6n ftSar w. rcHisinff wiU be done tbe vaaX rates ii i iniii iitbe wUhdnnvn juhtil arrearaf f ; cfs a paidjttnlcsa freJr dotes. ic;vihrihf!tWjniirm? the whole sum ' in aa yirtrt hae1 heW(achnwnt&0 tor oft SVeiflliil if adjaflcea regularly, will ;he tonUiun S; jlAtl If tttw to the Editor mast be Pod paid i CartiUmi et hmifikssi can iltteci to II. C, JontisP. Klll All the snbsenptioHS talceii Before the rmraimnent luj.-tlfle j?er,it wilMbe reineiu tre4he(eaifcott "f I AND MTIIiL carfi above busihest in lU ij eJJJti -i 'oranchqs. I in the hobse'Sbrmefl ( ocouii Jaidea B j liamjrtoh, onp dour abeff ilrari&tU- :8tore; Ike is conritteuiby his long exi(B If thai he lias acfiuiretla practical know); llellf ihis froieaai thiafci that hlsj work Will :IJjbeuiiR;is wt4l,!ae,b any wWec&oM'i in the State IK'hoiii hahJia 5iall adsortmentl of jeweby aU Jilverwafewhi?li he wUIseUciieap, f . . J' fi ! Willi ;VI m w , . M ort the UileM Ifcaukfulfur past castOrt anatUlhlicitsaL leirinw n ttlarekHeettsto' whd haV use, for h tKil lirjjMevvm vtaTithis work t4 do wetlMUeffy htfeTJ i (..Jin fui-uithRt if !it tiiU iij ckarre wtil ,lniBiany oj. rr i". v::.j.-:r J i. !. l?Dury : - J 5 ... I ; lie iSopseriber Tespe5ttuljy -bogs ht&veko inform his OLl) CTUiS a A 1 J. rOVIEIlSianu4 the Poblic iirenerallv. iat. bf rintinup to keep tliat J ; Aim BP AOIOITS BuHiD- frRTw 2TORTIH2AST CORTETl OP It TUB COXJIlTf HOUSE S&UAHE I'Vii MllEVTLX -V. Tifl ctLvnm imyVjiEYUGEl where he WU1, at ili i jtfaf&i 55y PPJ ..' reoBiye coin pan j,. DAIl are as cooil as 'the Market airrds. His ROOMS and BEDDING.' Illnlmfl none i ll s; STABLES, ilarge ahU mi$4t. -''atjl to horses. ! Newspapers m Iroaflierentr-partsiqr ine.uuui otates, are ta il kyi jthis" EsTABLtkujcifT, ffr thej usef the fUdjiyi nMV.lMllw!U "U spqred by tjie fiV'ky'&ttty ' jfoQHe'pihi'kuests comiuitahle: I IS ;:- ; 1 Oct . 1 83i . J : I J " T: WADDI L Jr ii-tSP1'-1? Jhioogh tlits place in evvuuT'Oi me pwzps, win una, ai mis iiousc. prompt aitenvion, eumioriawo accomtnonattons. W.jr. If It .1 v Ml. Scmltinr! in states villc 0 ItilxbnatJTi the Female 2SemiWy in Suttl4, ville,: V4l be s.uspchat'U until the nut; IVlonda rr January TEIUVS jlSriFlRRTOFOil E. Ml 1 a fi IntMetUnMi the Piani Forte, by Miss fJ.1 aker, 201 i Stnne dimciulty has always 'bepa" !.Kind: ik wocuring boardinfr for so large a numBer oi k-VounfE iauiesi as atienu ints c?cucoj, conse tntly it Would: be highly . jrratifyinjr to the : HffUdd bveii a private Boarding-1 louse jfir their acaiiQ6da,tiou.---U is probable a commodious jl touse could booLtanicd for that puf pose .thif iau. i1 ik M. AJ CALDWELL, I Ei J. BAKEi, J : j- - Tcadttrs. Ml - H ' Xov.14 iflS T If nerslup. ueretotore existin? i tweeit "A me ouoscnwrs, in tue town oi Mor- bi3visdisol ved by mutual cMfisent. All claims ; due tm said firm, are irausferred to Robert ICi f1reiwft it h desirable ; that fhd iute should be iWjtiidaitcd and settled, either by If'Baym'eutWnoii.asAn as-practicable. !ir I i Bi C. PEARSON! i- Robert C. 'Pearson, thankful for a L inlorui! his friends and the public coiiimac to carryf on the business i that hei in Alor- feantoh.iat he 4ia iult received, and is receive ! JagtReral assjrtuient in every branch of his uiiQf ot Uusmess, aQd by his anremitted -attention5 ; tohbuwif, tad cheapness of his Goods j lie! ?tS0ilsMWr-:tJije ntiQuance of a liber' Hllliaie'lif tho patrunigeof a generous publicJ ' jljltih,;- b- . i ' J ; j l ATii OK NOitTJ I- C ARO LLN A WAiTAVOODCUVrV-Supexiur Court Law October Term, A. D. f I ii ! X l-U i- urn VuiaraGreoa: ' ! , m i i I KexahtGrcea t i-u' t-:' T .1 i' B biiiliavin;? been made anoear to lhe? ifiis&ctioniofi thtk courk, that the defeudant Ke 1 ittab Green jide&witliiMit thililiiiii..f iiiuSntc r!so that ijieuHu pessofithe law can hot f H If ?m bfllienh ;is therefore, ordered by the t - i f -r "- J""1-4! pe maae in me MtaioiJna Irli-Vatchrnaiiiod ij tnftN1,rtl..f:!.r Jin, I J f V iaVeJtisef n th terui ofthh tit lonths, liotifyujjj thei defendant t Im ant i f &aWf;? taw to be held for the 1 VlJ Hl;xllJW0(Xf al lne Vourt-Uouse I in u aynfSVUiei on Uia second ruesday- after the uihr51ayriii Alafch next, then and! tUhHf eadihiwer or debur tu the petition ofrjthe aonitherwiie; judgement jm conftsso, pieQtretl against her and decree made accor 'I-And , it, is fortherrdered that the Editors! of :8Baidiapers,-be reriuested to forward their pers 4 this; officii duriaz the rsaid three if . Test, - ! t , JOHN B. LOVE; Cl'k. nlertcimment m i i'riViOparinersiwi., neretoiore exisiin? oe-? ya.'- . i. ! SalisLJSatiy,ftte 23. 1M3. J Hie Senate-then proceeded again'to fh Spe-csaTprdeV-cfnhe Bay, and tliBUJ making Jur ther provision for'thiMUectkiof' 'the Revenue boki$ aiiiioQttefed-- ji - j' Mr - Claytons oTj Delaware tJe&. filo said that when the eloquent: and able ?ettaor from -Vrirjjnia1jJlr.TyJet) rose yjerdata1? discoss titer bill uiider consideration, tier HaJ expressed his apprehensi4i that soirie loose rernhrk whch might (all froBr hhu in thet ardor of . deba te, might prore fatal' to nib: Entertained anil f delighUsd'a-1 was' by the perspieuons and adnxtrable speech at tlje gentleman, sustaining th$ .ductrmesof the prWd State which he so hondryly has.erer re presented on this floor, since nis-first ihtirixlnction as a member of this body , Mt.t. confessed that he cmildlscarcoiv conceive of! tiu nusihiliv any:dUtortioh of his views or mappreheosiop of his sentitniffifs I know weltfsald MtiCltyttn. outset, any wilful design Us; fftsrepreiient fcim; and lie knows mUr well that If. in th nutm -Mtl hateil debate,) should at any4' time, rfaile re- epuiious, iaM kj express, myselt as livtj tae pleasure U stand correc- lanations. W hue "about to dhssent bis oniniotis on the 1 n'terestin? 8ub- jectf oner;me- to add. sain air. Ulavtoti. that if anyckle expresstou of mine deliveml in the heat oil this discussion, should pole rood its mark and offend his honorable pridi ha will let me so id i prevail most generous tnouIa that I ha ve ikot ij arxwvo'er Ute hoiise aud hurl my br6tUer j . - .-';! 1 -iHf i' -T : f ; lfcfpstt, Clayton said, a doubt bid ver existed in hjsudgment as ike coarse ivhih it' was h is duty ty pursue in referring to tliis most interesting inesisurej that doubt would haive been dispelled by ortaiii jjresjlutions which he ,hll in wis haiuv proceeding ' from the Legislature f the State i4' whso; interests and wishes tie-waf a Uepresenta tivo on this - floor.- 'T-hose ! Isoltftiorisi in sub suri?e!, declare iniatthe Constutfos of the 5ni ted sStals ts nut a treaty orer compact be tween;8oyieTeigB; States, bat a formW goVei nnieiit eiu4nati eg from nd 'estabHshed by ihe authority ot W People of die United .Stales; that this Gofemment, ahough ,one ilf 'limiied pliwers, is supreme within its sphere of actio, aaj that the People otfe to it ah allegiance; whfch -cannot, ip coti3JHaiic6 with the Constitution, 6e w thdrawn bvtajte nuiiifcatio or State seces&ion: that the premepouTt of thb United Slates is the unlj and propejt' tribunal 4or tlie ettlein4t ih the last rvsort,)4 Ooiitroversies atrsingj ntidk tfct coti s'thitrHi aid- the laws of Cutigress4-lbaf in ' ca se grs ahd intolerable -aeesfonw lbr which the rdiuarj remedies to be found in; the elective frani:i3eand the responsibility of j pubic. ofScers arc inadequate, tbe remedy isun btra 'constitu uonlesisJLanco and revolutun. Janguage of oUrPeMple,(said Mr. C.) as exprsl by their rcprNentaiives, in rtVjrence to the fetalideluston pervamng ne, receui orumanca ana ieguf.iaiioii oi South iCariilina is, that, while theyleurtain the tiuueat jeeiings towards the People pt , that State 'withlwhoin they stood side by sideni.be war of the Revolution, and; in whosef defence their bluid was f;ely Spilt," they will Jriot fafler i their alltgiancej out will be fbutid now, as then, true ti their country aud its Government: aid they 4edg4 tlieuiselvos to sapxjtttbat Gpvertfmeut in the exercise of its oonstitutior.al rights aqd in the discharge of its j constitutional dutit. These redoiuiiensj'proceediag as titey do ;froii geutle meU of all political parties, dd not instrdc rao to adopt ;the priaciples embraced I in thma4 my P iiticalj faith and creed: they leave ni uhrfammel led by any mandate, to follow the Course which my pn judgment may dictate m re&renL; to the whohf-stibject. " i ,J . But, Mr: Clayton said, hii 6entimentswcre no secret to the People of the State he'had he hon or to represent, or to their Legislature.! When doctrines directly the revers of those ere first advocated jwithinl the wal-l of ihfs namber, though fresh in hi seat herel bis voice had been 1 raised agamsi them. : The very first! eilort (said Mr. Clayton) that! was ever 'made here iii favor .of tbb weil ,Carotpid -fUKlrity, vfiYiflcatm lyd j Ulalti ConwUion, urged by a gentleman ioW i happy convert to ranch of. iy political catechism', and urged then with" a r4egTei.ee U" a. oilityj whirli has ujot been surpassed ntnis de bate44was replied to by me wtiile ffeebly - sup porting the very doctrine contained inth; resolu tions; pC Delaware, so far as I 'have purred to theni : I assure that honorablo; member I Uiere is tuno no other! mode known among men J whereby ne can oe pomicaiiy savea. g -. i . & Sir, (said Mr.X the principles vpfetei I en teral pubfic life, and Willi which by tlief blessing of God I intend to live and flie -the lame prin ciples! fur which 1 and my poUical friends have beenltejndmg during the whole periotl eif my service in thi4 senate; haterbdctv I eliscoVered by the President! in this perilous crisis of our coun tryK;hUtory, 1 tahe the only true cuhlervative principles of the Cottstituiion. Aft unef of those who have steadily, though unsucuUitpprxised what; in mv conscience 1 believe to have been Exe-' cutive, usurpatwns ofpower-Muctrincs jeading, as I have afien predicted, to the ptesbnt results true to the same principles, 1 now fiucj myself, cjursejtf the Aidn4nistration; hnxbusjjraptir t;iug its very strongest measarvs. i At ie: same tmie I find the. President, without the 4iij 'of my self iod mjr pojitical friends ia a very small and hopeless 'minority,' in "the Senate l is under these circumstances, sir, that the Chairman 'of the Committee sslgbi a reason fur supporting thts bill so directly opposite to rninereo repugnant to all my notibnsof right and wrong--that 1 deem it my 'ilui mUmifie to enter my iprote4tigairist it. He supports Ube bill, if I . UAderstad him rightly;, rjeeanse the President is to execute it. lie votes for this great measure because it; confers power bn one wfioYtep it not! in GaUi!);never "nevei abused powertT He goes lbr thi loan he sustains the prineiple for thb sake of fthe man. 'rheni may be others, sir, who. With adef (devo tion which no circumstance can etimiaisli r abate, wiUi an ardent zeal wbJrWtyraMy cid cool, with dbiihd eoblQdenee which neither 'imev nor J tide cculd ' ever weai a way would bo to tho 4 "yl -Xtf' 3 god of 4hetr idoliUry, and in their, hearts fitUairri,1 W tolentas tita i JtoX J supporf . the ieaomg prpvisiens of thb bill for reasotw fiii yeiy Tcveisp of these.! n I wir repose power" in the President, oecanse i can stqa no wnercnaoce w suvaooa ioi my tMntiy. wifl notbe deedj doptionf-4he measure because hs recom-nended by the Preaiderrtor because soch a reason as the Chairman .has assigned indices otliew to uppon it. Whatever beanties the ; ChairmSSt Jna? dis cover m4thispart of us o1r n arguxacmt, iThatevt loreign mission may now guwer jn uie ia wr fore thenf, I see, and' wish to jsee, nt rojkts; f politiMl advancement for mjf.or; 3iny ; of my frieridsSjrisingoot of tbe -sudden devolution ' ia Executive ounions.i We .i have ' committed the impardoaable Vtn against that being who ftppears to be 8opromiftent an object of the humble adora tion of, others, arid lfpolitical jjleatli be the pun ishmedt'to be inflicted on for out transgrd5siois we" will at least perish! hopior nothing fmos ''the smiles, and fearing nothing freim the fruirns of Execati foower. 'Jl u h " jT viu f I Norrtir. I trrkt. will nv mah Herewfio nbas ever justly Uaid claini-'tir the-ioaHtaMieli: National lUpoMicaiC.be deUrred rMt thst "un-' port of tbi;bUl the l neraldemunciatiorr jjC n as Aitatrai nuasttre. w know weu wai mis 8me ingenious stratagem Has- been j resorted to 'for. thirty 'yearsl alternately to elevate and o de press ibejleading demagogies fa this cihtry -Jnebesttiasstblt) nfin tu eacaDe the toroe ot rea son, is !iui appeal to the rgndrant; pre jadio df manKinrji Urre Arhonas engaged .in nns aeoaie traces, by the aid of the m st marvelleia4 powei? oi comomation and detfnetum, .uiei. nouuicaiioB; iesoliUions of Xy to the.federal party An inffenus.moderu wr '.ter has snovrn hbw the Svord ictiicuierj. bay b derived ionx eremiaft'Kin bufevenfys pra ees raust rcRiiii "unsxingilo the superior tnjf genuitytif the ihVenbir ortnis charge ion the men of other daypiall be beld Up; t'thi which gave birth to tbe whole heresy: of jolli fication, are,ntitled totio respect, :whetner wjp consider ihetime of their oadoptiem bri this mere ofyect for which they ; were jdran Ther were- written ; by ' a candidate ! lor ? tfice, in a period oi nigu party, excitement, for the very peuuu wt ui"u party cxciwjujk-ii, 101 uiu toxj Prposeof elinrnisOwn?eleetlon. They weft liZlio. :s-.:.?j; .jii well calculated to intimidate political opponents by the threat of liltimaiedtsunion in the event ot his defeat, and as suchrihey were denounced by the c States at .die time, in tire, strongest lan gaael t -Phev slept bn the sbelf after they haa1 done their oflfce, without an effort bh theVpaTt jof any mah td vindicate the principles' contained i them, until after the lapse eif thirty years when they were awakened hvthe ' trumpet! of diord reseyndlhg aaia t: t g out th's happy eour I say, sir! that no ettort yas luadn to deferid heni from 1800 till after the passage of the taVifT act of 1324 yet they were assailed aud eieiounc4 in the hearing' of the very men who tighttd have beeri firet to stand forth in thir-belialf. H the debaton the Judiciary i)f 1802, tfr1 Giles of Virginia, having barely So far alli 'd d to the the subj cj as to meaiion thedeterminititm by the Courts, tltat they are judges in the last resort of the const itutioniBty of your laws,, to prove what he called their Dlimited claims , to power was promptly met in reply on thig wliole . qufs tion, byjift; Bayard, who triumphantly vindical ted the true principles "off the Constitution a gainst tire then recent and.arrogaAt pretensions of State nsurpatioti, State veto, State !interppsition and State tyranny. 'Standing on the very prin ciples we how advoctite, he threw the gauntlet to any champion ou the tlier side, to come forward m defence of the principles ;in those resolutions Sir, no such champion then appeared ; TJf reso lutions, wiiTch covered the wjiole ground of thi& part of the debate, notevetr-named, much less defended or held up as authority, by any one whd ventured iiito the lists. They had served their! seated in pnwer, and it waa tneir mlerest totorgtll and to defphe them. , i -; . . Suffer uih, sir, to add one other preliminary; remartc betore 1 proceed to the argument ot the main Question Involved in the consideration of this bill. The gentleman from Notth Carolina (Jit Brmn ) in reference to the bse of force tosustain the revenue laws, cited a passage from the speetdi of the ,6ame distingiiUhe-repBresert tative of my native State to whom ( bare alluded, delivered in Congress, oa the subject of the em bargo law. 1 The object was I to shoiv that our government ought' not to be sustained by the use of force, When concession can prevent it and I grant thei gentleman the full benefit of all the passage he has cited. I am willing to adopt the recommendation of that, tirnlneni statesman in the present case. I am 1 willing; to concede all that can be yielded to an honest difiereace of opinion consistently with: the honor and in terest of the nation. , i would now give mv vote for a new tariff which should extend the list of articles to be admitted duty free, arid as far as thatlijst could possibly bo extended without in jury to the essential manufactures of the coun try. But it ought ne ver to be hoped for, that the system which how protects the Mdusiry of the farmer, the mechanic, j and manufacturers; in1 short, the Whole laboring freemen in the Jiiddle, Western, and Northern States,, front competition with the British, paupers should be qtterly and! unconditionally abandoned. ' Sir, I am weil sat--! isfied that it cannot be si abaniMied without the imm'neot clanger of a. Secd ro.-uluiujn in this government; and that, in this view of the sub ject, it would be infinitely , better to bear the ills: we have, than fly to others that we know m-t of If the beasure proposed should, as tsallegeei, drive South .Carolina into open seoession-still, sir, I hold, that State secession is a lesser evil, titan State Nullification.) I think . this p -sit km is easily dernutistrable. If the latter doctrine be triumphantly established if indeed, it be true, that any; one, of these States jean rightfully and eMostitutiorially decide, in the last reort on the mode and measure of redrest for all hei ; allege! 1 grievances-then,! sirps South Carolina, while all her .ports are openior the, admission of every article of importation, duty free, still within tbe pale of the junion and entitled te partHpate in all its .blessings, fc though she refuses to share in any of iri burthens. J ;' i :.. j ;ii The whole amount of Southern -exports. : mountiorr to 40 millions tannuall v. mav-be itrL. changed ror loreign manufattares and foreign 1 pnunce,uui pj.nnue 01 uus orairraoceot nui iificatioti. the exchange may .through these tree ports, be forced npon the corisamptioBof the whole country, ml defiance of all our laws fur the col lection of duties. Tlie immediate e4ect of this ! must be desolation, and rvur to us desolation' and ruin sd certain and so speedy that our South era brethren would find usa prey hardly worth the troob&of pursuit after, the lapse of five years Throwing font of view the! destruction of our manufacturers and mechanics j (the 1 immediate consequence of this state iof things ) I what have we to meet the naver-endin? drain, of uur iaoney to pay for all the oust important uet es- taries of lifj thus idiirchased ftveXtxei we Tihbiiler rlegeby tlie ra "w w i3 ) sKcn oar country jwoxtkr ie depop aUted, preseniiny bar a wiior ana meiaocholy waste, and a lastm? moment orxwr owfl follf sad bMouail'Ai the same t !ime thoxe vio would temporarily profit by thwf state of tilings woojo evweuuy;iKr tne User aiso;' for i whera wquld b tei articles ticeivei( in eichang for their i prusace, When we should be no longer able; beiy tbeaf j fOfJ tbe other band.nhe cori sueteesjuf thesecessijm f South Carolina from th tfotlibtilthat'is' aberent deeply to be;dedoJedhild!th4 taematfUu national glory j Uretamedwouhl be infinitely to be preft r ed byrta p sech a cbnditlort of affairs. Ye should, & the efent of her iticeessfully main raining her seperate mdependeoce, subject afi eredaots ind all her exchanfor them wen loirotincea among us, tu our own TaruT; and if pejee did notf al way g tmile nporr us, as it bertv f ire haa; w sfrfold latleastihv tr WrlrW of iits blessings, laamtain enf independence W Mwri i ii tne nenerabie member 4J. w lerrora ejri me, nuHiflcatfoti presents even istiij trreattr Levils m i omftnefttir nA that Tcarinot' be deterred froin the support of eflect of their Ordinance and iegislatiin, by the threats Mi disunion aa a necessarry coiiscouecce aftts;paasa?B..MH ? . .i; r j I -eome; then, sir, to theidi$cussiori of the ttaih daestiod rio'wbeforeius. : '" I I- Are this Ordinance anit inJIir, f Qitk .?TWnf;nr Willi the Constitation df the tUt o ifclrrT- . "V us 4.L.u Z:ZiZ 7-"Z' nt 'Dower ti. r iT- ' w,v t wwic iuno lawn f lastly, if We have sncb powers, ! are the i t . - . . W - W. V W w IMjriore iiiivoiVHrf owwiience r . 4 a nere never was: any question ini metahtsir?al snhtli k these tiavj? been by ntle'men holding the ikv- awve ot each of hem. Thy ! invarialjy seek t tile ibosttiaUi-aae infetinab!e distinctions. II would with'- tHem1 befevideiicet ctgj& obtu- W intellect U tail alwavs to discriui mate bd tween a ;8fcAe anef the People 6f a state between i oivniirhki o..M.M 4. J 1 j ; 5 Zff-" ! 1 ? pr-cts.on whre each of these or?g n is ated, andl whore ; they how remain hstwiea th vfluiu.i 01 tue Dowtrs I liie irnvnrn- ment and the source from winch those powers JB: anu neiwec?n me eDct?t,f a rati- ncaifon ;oy the people o; the United States ctif lectwely, and that f a rai icntioa by the same people voting by 'state divisions. Theddrisa to the people ofSoiith; Carolina by their Delo galesin Convention! is repjete witlrsucli distiuo twins. Tlb passage from that coritU state paper Which l ahi about tojreadsir,'exhibits the origin of all the err. r of the writer in h.s opinions of the; naturu of' soyrei'u-y "? ' HA foreign or inaiteniive reader, unacquainted "with th? origin trogu; and hjstory of tne ' Constitution, would be very apt, from ihe phra "seology eif the ihstramenl. to regard the States "astnving divested themselves of the r s ivreign ty, and to have become great corporations sub ordihate to ne supreme government But "thwf is iserror! Tlie State are as sovreigu now as they were previous to then entering "into the compact! "lu common harlauce, and to "avoid circumlocntidn, it. may be admissible o 'noujrh to 8peakof delegated jand reserved sov "reignty.iButj correctly speaking, sovreignty is ' b unit.;;' t is one!, ibdiyrsiulel, and unalienable., it isr, then, ah ' absurdity t imagine that. the sovreignty of the Slates is surrendered in "parr, and retained in part, t he r ederalCoti- stitutioh is a treatvla ir.mtederation.ari alkahee byi which so inay;fireirfa States agree to exercise ineir sovreijn powers coioiHiiv upon "certain objects of external concerns, on which they are equally inieiresteeU such ss war, concerns, on which commerce ierero-n negotiation, and lu !Mian trade; and upon all other Subjects of civil rt 'gniy siperalcly. TTub b the true nature of th comiiact" 4' vteirfttv is tv Una authority a Mrf" :it T r Pf9 w rsucli as are proper to secure thatJ1""11 tieir iuts. ine iecotive, exercismg r r j " sj - and safety; of all. a vain did jthey declare that i a! - .; . -Z " individuals1 entering mto society .must give up preserve the rest. In vain a share of liberty to preser did they, the representatives of the States them selves, Ordain 1 that np ; State shall enter iuto any treaty alliance, or confederation ; grant let ters of martme and! reprisal; coin money, emit bills of credit; make! any thing but gold and sil ver coin a teuder in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder; ei post facto! law, or law iin- wiring the obligation! of contracts. In vain did they provide that ho State shouldwititout the consent of congress lay &xty imposts or duty on imports! or exports, except -what may be ab soliitely necesSarylfor'l executing its inspection laws. Subjecting, at the same time, all such laws to the j revision and control of congress. In vain did they determine that no State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty on ton page keep troops or ships of waif in time of peace, enter into any 1 agreement or compact with an other State, or' witHL 'foreign Pover, or engage tii i?f uhtess actually Mvaded. or in such immn bent danger as will not admit of delay. And what ! is more than all thb, 1 the people of South CarUfnafiin this 23jl o May, 3788, in vain-aol tmnly dechi.'e to uij aid to the whole world, ihat; they aksen ted m and ratified tiibconsuiu-f tionv Itjwa reserved to the fwbdom of after isges to discover tliat; they had not the pow er to1 make a valid contract that their sovreigit- tv .was a unit 1ndivpable and unalienabh?." Why, sir, if thb dogma should be established, the necessary conseqeenc of jt b, that there can be but two !frms ot geyemment known among men-!ah' absulate democracy, ; or absolute des potism t I If Uie people cannot alien any portion of their jsovreign power for their own good, we ire ourselyes usurpem of authoiity and are guilty ot treason by tbe very act ot attempting to le gislate lbr their benefit. ! ' I My hbriorable friend jfrora Virginia, while so eloquently supporting what he i terms tbe dem ocnticoctrines of 179, 'assures us that our Govemaient cotdd not be euveieign iri any sen e f that wprdi ; that it waif but an euanxtiun from c !taia land; .hed$sexisleiicottt at the leasarijtbe. SateifJi-,Jie:.. fota the signifij eantiaterreratorya to sustain himself ,in thes positiorrs Can there be ueh -'a thing as a citi zen of the United States? and to thb he de mands an answer. ! "It . " I. " r ' ' ' i i I will give kinf that answer; sir, bydesen! thb ! trovenoect as it actually exbts. is he indivisible pd wudtenalleV The in- f President ol the Court) tii his place as a meat f renc j drawn from tijese premises b, that it is ! ber of the House of Ueresenta lives, took tlie an ahsurdity tii iuiagie. tliat: the sovreignty of distinction relied upon between judicial and po the State ts, surrendered in part, and retained itcai power, he cleaily pjiiamed and dehned in part. In vain did the framers of our gloriuus 1 he Court can deckle only in a case which Corisiitution, in their circular of the 17th Septem- ! can oe brought belore it. f It! can do nothing ol bet 1W i declaring that it was obriously tin- ' "ere motion, it has no Legislative and no practable in the Federal Government of these ; Executive power, but in! every case : in law or states to secure all rights oflmdependent ' iy which could arise before the Court under rtitrrit,, iA Pjh.aVid vet ofovide for the interest ; the Constitution or lawsuit is, as the Courts of Trtic radical and oai error bil hs Icllctt ' cmiisis ii tire H otBtssion'tjv dii. enrmrabetween t ibdMlGoveameBt;a natiat al goveramea:,'a4 oar got ernment which 'b j tM-uuu urn iuouai, oak, a com-' pound W both. -The hfiirv of itaucijin b souii fold. It wis tramedhy the States inn Conv. tiont of hA Sutes;aflii 'the ITtlt SeptC1 1787 by iat vearion; it Iwas-direeted first to be submitted to the United Stated assembled,.and tbea'yCsnventioa of ?l)e egatejehosen in each-Se'05 f4sSmfc thee- ci, wauw ukh reewmenaauon 01 ' lis. legislature, 1 ror-uurftMCrtX taici rattjieatton ltfwisusscdUd to by the I People after it bad rjeen ?bpo bv the States, ' it is thus lifer a ceatract between the people -audi- the States. Uodiag toem'and eacb of dtern .f "..' - ." .-,.- n f ; : This CotitutiMi bt a ' form government agreed to between the- 4veraUttes between the People of the several ; Statesbetwed '!the People of each Slate, aril the State I itself-and betweea ibm People of 5 each Stato and overv oilii State. If the sovireigttty 'ot tae People u' each State ever had1 beeaa unit, ' indivuible and onalieaabJe, m the Rente of the . South Carolina Con veution, the eonrractwouid have been void ab iaiiio. But presumiaor that even the treuile- maa frgin Virginia will agree tnal it w not an Uie ratificatk scribe' briefly and the operations of its powers. Originatiag, as it did, both, fmn the I States 1 and the People, ... l r 1 - i, , tuor mwwsiwa 01 11s powers" wouia nave su tuonzed the orwioti oa 8,tnmn4 either exclusively national, or a mixture of Jjotu. - . The House of ilepresehtatives is a body which the Peoplejilooe aONrepresented. i Inthe . Sea at.; the farte ulJM are represented without rehrfence.to the nmiDnr of the 'People costaiaed -1 -V - ( 118 uuaimee i vetoon tib'iavOs: in th4 ' Retoreseai taufe of the Teopfe ami th States oouibined: 1 hese orelinate branch of the Icgidlaiire power are checks oa each others as the 'Senatot from Jtiaiee has described theiiw It is . iadeed, sir. literally true, that less thaa one htth of the Peo ple ofiheStates, 6y their Uepreseauli vee in thb Senate, could now delVat kuy law I proposed by the unmee1.te delegates -jf the People of thB United States in the either hraucb of Congress. That : brunch b national orf jpopular--thb fodera- ve ana me execuuve is eiocteu oy tne pow ers which create theni f both Well may it be said tiiat there never was a goverument before it in which the rights of a 1 marity Were so cotu- pieteiy protected. Jjut this procectloa does not stop here! Should all these branches of the guv erumeut trample on a minority by the enactment of an unconstitutioeal law,? it may appeal with saiety to iho Judiciary, another braacn of the Government, the taeuiberslof which are nomina ted by the President, and confirmed by Uie lie- presenUtives ot the States! in this body. And, unally, should the Judiciary decide in favor of in oppressive I w, there dien an appeal to the People to remote tne agent who have been guilty of the cppressiou f i'he rate of the alien aud sedition laws would furnish the honorable member from V innuia Willi au apt iUustratiou of the eUective operation of. vliis last and most im portant check on the exercise of the power Thb government possess the right of self prest nation,. Asa uecetary mcideut tu thb uiporiaut rigut Uie Judicial Uepartuieut posss Uio power to settle, in the emphatio language of a resolution of the Legislature of my native State, wmcu i received butyesterday and 1 thb day support, "ail couiruversies between the Uni ted States and the respective States, and all c mi trovers tea arising under the constitutiou it- 1 sell." Ull this must luiwrtant question, it I understand t e hooorablei Seatjr froui Virginia, . . . ; . . . mj'2. I ' ' m . : ! mint' 1M collision, uie supremo vouir cannot oo- i cide.'i. I ke geutlemaui lro.u Kentucky (Air Bibb) holds that the Court catinotexercue poiiti- ( cai power; and ne aversinai uie quesuon now ngitatuig the State of South Carolina cannot be : decided oy the Court, bedause they arc all cases VViien JJr. iViarshall (viie present illustrious . - si.- . ' the United States are now organized, the sole i tor 011J r. .tmnfV kk ovur t'lisait Itisrn lf t Arc.ier , ; Marshall Awarvs (Uiu siJ iiiiu: uao vivi aewsew to contradict thb pnuciplo. On the contraty, the whole cuneut autuoriues m tne Court sustains it. ' 5 Can then the question as to the validity of the South Carolina ordmauco and ligislation, made 1 as tliey arem opposition fto four revenue taws, j arbe before the Court ? Why not ? Jf it be not preeuted for determuiatioiK there, it must oe owing to no other cause which I can understand than the refusal of hex citizens to bring up the point. In an action for a breach of bur reVenue laws, tho ciuzenof Carolina who may claim the benefit of thb State interpueition can smely piead Uie special matter iri bar of the actual aetf ting forth the ordinance and laws under which he demands protection. Thei Attorney for the Government must demur I to the plea, because tho facis coutained m U a not treasonable. The judgment of the court below and ol Ue court 10 appeal must be ba tio-trfy tjuestioo wliethcr thb ordinance ami these laws are con stitutioual. Will any j professional geutleman here deny this? WiB any onp of them state a pissible difficulty in regard ul the propriety of thb mode U presenpng tbe whole ejuestioa in issue between us to thb ttibunal ? Sir, I defy their scrutiny . They . know as I do that the case is one which can be easily submitted to the Court if they dare to do it The President in hb lath message in referf ence to thb most mteresting subject, has brought back the Government to jits troe principles and maintained the authority of the Court as I havc stated it. if ! Thesentimenm of the Vice! Piesideot eleet .coincide i with these oo this rtjteet9xUatlhtt haslDnorJOD-cuBlnutta, ' 'Mr Van uureaf m hb speech oothe Judiciary , "In 1926, ay 1 itliasbeen juuly observM that there xf not upon thb earth,and there Wver jdid xistj, a iudiebl trihunal ckuhed With IpowerS so vaftf oux. and au iinrjortaar. aa the Supreme CoortJ ' By it treaties and laws made paraoaat to the Coostitutioa.are declared tiibe thd Sprem Uwof the land. "So tar i at least wtbe acts of Congress depend upon the Courts V ihetr JT euuon, the Supreme Court? b Use judge whether j nosuch acareplila;,lf, keta therefore "may absuluteljr omm1 nice waUa the acid u' the Xauxai lajslattua.", j .? kVf O0,y are ins acts r tbo National W tt umpir4 between thb eooflictm powers ofthi''" Qenet U and State povenrnefl ts. Bat thiss s rM all? It not only sitsr in final Judgment oW our aeti as the, highest legislOive body known jb W$ outryii it on ry claims ti" be the aVso rate 'albiietwixo'rtFenVj tate fok vrndeat4-btit it exercises' the same "greatjoir er bef?een the respective Slate," IbrraUi thi great confedncy an J their otpji eUlztndJ f !; ! tvhoBQ acts the : seal .of condeniaatioa haa nn Ooia time to time been placed by .the Supremo vawu. f a in? voTCTeigu auutorwes or .Vermont NeW IlaiJinshire. New Ynrl- Smm Jn P- mvaala, MarvhndJ tirmnia. North !CWJink :viw4t'rS ITtlw -i'rk 1 2 . p :rr Trt'mJ .vuw, uej mum, been, rebuked and silenced,, by the over-ruling 1 Spthoritj of thjs.conrjU , , I musi not be under- f stoooir, as complainmz of the; eterase of this junidicUon by the Sutveme Court. h bass enun lueofrrcmesa tu ineif aectstona. t insevtaorui 1 ' ' tjf0. this it not j UU jtlads I Mr, Clayton here spokeof the attempts mado 1; to eXQJierate Virginia frora the . imputatlia of in- - j - cbnsistency, between, the principles of her reao- V" ldtioh;Qx 98 and those adopted unarumooaly U11 1 " ' answer to Pennsylvania Tho; Senator i from ! j Virginia says that, Decause toey were Qnannnop j they field not have been wejlcwnjderet Though 1 . tie Senator had orged the same argument cn a rh former occasion, MrC, said he could nt deem it sound, A o'hanirootis 'vote, in hVorouun, imp!i- ! ed a iyell omsidered and , fyell settled deckil. ! e nmeM raised .aporjVlthe distinction be ;;; ttveea a pSbositioq for an atbijerb decide con- r. -Uojersies between a State and the Federal Gory erinetit, and 4 prppostiou f n cn arbiter betweeu the Sutea themsenhcrs, he . rejected aAtncta " piiygical .refinemenC l U.'CXtrelred to tbo' ' ' .Soati Carolina Address, from which ha dted tbo V !flIowmgiiass52- '.'l!-'-l: : p'-liV I U b loruioat for the. riewV whiche hiyo " jsttaken, thai the history of.Ute' Ctitatljiifc as treed through ,the journals of Mie. Convention which framed that instrument, places! the right p cba tended fir upon .tfie satne sure ; foondktiam. A aese journals turmsn abundant, nrnoj mat- rnu Irne of jurbdictioa between the States and deral Government! in doubtful cases. i and JUr. Kandolpb, the mjst prpfnihf at advocates for a Supreme. Government, that it was impossible t daW thb line, because no tribunal au&kieniiy impartial,' as they .conceived, could be found, and j that I thve; wa no alternative hot to make jtW Federal Gwerument supreme, by giving ltilii j al ech cases, a negative on the actsjof . the Stite Legislatures. The pertinacity with which tbj is j netiva power was insbted on by the advojeatea . ': of a patioaal govemmeni. even after all the lnV portapt provisions of ,the judiciary ot' third !Ur ! licle jof the Constitutiori were arnngud and ar , gloed to. proves, beyond doubt,' that trie j Supreme : dotirl was never contemplated by either party in j that ponveation as an arbiter to decide conflicting claims of, sovereignty ! between the States and vj Qm jress; and the repeated pj'ectVt cfi all oro- ; posab to cake from the State the 'powers plaetttg ' their own construction oa the articles f anton. evinces that the Sta'es wero "resolved never to pirt with the right to judge whether the acts. irf ; the Federal Legislature were or were liotah ia friniimentuf thobo articles." ; , , j 1 . The facts upon which those conclusioas Were . r based were, ho said, erroneously stated J Tlwro was in the Convention a member from the State of; Maryland, who wasa nullifier at' that day; lie Was a man of distiagubhed ability land le gal attainments; he referred to Lather j' Martin,' Heopped the Cistitutim, and refused hb si- nature to it. He represented one of th;o small States, the safety of: which he believed tio depend on tlie establish men t of a purely federal 1 govern- mejnt! Tile 1 loose of Delegates of. Mary Und demaaded of him hi reasons for refusing to sgu the Constitution. Tfiose reastnw he gave, in n i very able view of the Con3litntioti, ebraoing all Uie objections to that instrument Which havn since been urged. Ha hjeeicl especially to lis powers given to ins auprwne ioure, ana u the clause providingXj jthe puuishmeat of., tre ;J son. I ' 1 ' . ' j .... -j ' 'I 'l :' ' These powers ilrMartia cohudW. consoli datedithe government Arbitrary power he say may nd ought tobejresbted, by arms, ifecessa ry! The time might eaue when the dignity ami safetv7 of a State mlffht render neoewsary resort to the! sword, in which case the Constitution pro videdthat every one of her citizens, eov fesbtmg : , the laws of the Pederil Goverament, diall 4 iUklt Ivith traiuws: Mr.C- wtobtiiwl v ceain passages tront'iho dooimcat td wjiich f&. hail rlferrod: '! ;f ' j' u . Jib fBy the tliird section of vthis article,; tjs de--cl4red,thattreasoa agaih3t the iJui ted State, shUlionsist in levying war agalwt tberit. fw adherfag to tlieir enemies, giving ? them aid or coinf'lt.-' ! x " . '- Ji-,' ;!'-" By the principles of the Americ4 revidulw arbitrirr power may and eegbt to be resbhsd even byi airosVif necessary. TIkJ time may com when it shall be the duty of a State order tfj preserve itself fnin the oppression of the general government, to have recourse w m woi. iu wnbhlcsae die mvtweed form of government de clares! that the. State aa4vy -tia of Ka f citbers whonut under iu authority, are. fgmlly I of k direct act of treasottA&c.- J ' . -Nj fTi save the citizens of the respective SUte front thb disagreeable dilemma, tnd tssecur them from btinff punishable ae aiUo tie United Stfiles, when acting expressly obienrei harecMained as sn smemeot ttsM tioh ofi this article the feUewwg dausaf rPro-vidV-dJthat no act or acts done by one or the States agabst the Uatted States, or by any Seoefi lhe Vkiie4J: aatborfty of one or cwre pf SfS f hkH.med treasm vt vpniAed as sack, , --i-'-r f7m Uvu-d Iry one 1 mere 5 ro lease of war beteg 'WftJZ of the SUes against ne rZZjfy&y'- conduckof each party Z adbeiwurespecuvely,.sr,be wguiaww 7 JZd erumasl. since tber mercy 1 u.o euf:. :.:,t Bd'entira coedd not sujceeea m iaeu "" j uJruel that a Ste may nullify the. fJ UaU, and moat bo aome etaase ofjUie Conto. Xom rnce to th, bR Gpefrnent6y tne XZi aothurl pairs, flered an fkV. lmlArk raa reiecied, W itoi thst r of V. H 4'.- v- --if I .'it .: 1! - 9 -i lit f ! i s

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