-ll-t is. - :- i ; 4 -ff' 'ft V 4 11 ' 111 lin.vich iTeaistsaee. the tains rai csitua of BMr,' RALHOTJtf here raten&d rie ob- jctfc "m .MrMirlia stateaenibutx JJdl tHst f It uni aginaniy was Eouu; . mwo&hpv. Vt hdH aidesK? If tha ccitexulBa ,ueiawT8 ! VrviU tf Rule further the would j: tlgt j a proposition to ensUe ;haf General errpnt to crotect nwiirafiictBttS was.' iltowru itc. If it was good odeJIside, mP m IWxki on the other) : 1; " 'J !& : -rfrj- 11; I - Mr, iCLATTOK wiJceded.Twsaid, ta Jnow 'fjats aTmeutoa' the single quesiwo Before win tTU other, suggested by jthe senator from South r fow, be might meet il imp Jin Upon rtiWa&lhwW ttolpfttes Court i 4nfmA in hs eohero. be read the - fliwIritrTpasssga from the paperrl , : l , i ii III till 'r. S- .it? 1 Wrhe: third mttlcleptW Judicial pewter WiUaited State Is' vests fin Wm, ! 'ftme-f.! sarin each tnrmor'wrtf H:Ti?T IctMsliiiy from time 'tot time crdiin tDd.tatV 4 fe Toew warts, had Oese .yWHr Am MiAtf Li decide flwm Ihl lawssfthei United l I jfetlandqaestions trjisin thni coq il&&i?m:ixA id lailcial manner to carrf those ito t.ecfltk!ftit! whlcecooboth 4jvHvt and lafcridr, jofj inejtfspfcnTe: dws, HI! m itj'i ffl. l-li ' i. M - i ? :Vsnf:l. ihcoTipetent. tTo,th WU of th Gener i -1 af IS Wdrnnwmt " iw also cnniwi 9R psca; m t 'wimfvr mntanrr nnrffrtne nroDosea con nJ.---; - -r, .-J. . :3i i;,J.'"f? - I ii n . l,imUifcseYUEdA;.D. While, iAViclure,s liiV-t-cwheiWtto tbermigbtr he nz. 'Ihvvcnw tnca Villains, Ym1 02. i; ; 't I , : fA wV)JSk Tctel r!asi-t3 Vir- Str.-j. Ilr.; C. th read CIIows ; ij- , Op for consideration to rHorrotrhen NAYS-.Messrs4 Adair Alexander, AUen, Jni IWUIb3 conu-di (bat his roost -waliaMa r It UfroT ied.tresciadcjcrh i,e 810uld taket an ! opportunity makea Anderson, Archer, Carawei ,Jar Bates, BearJ. &perapti.:i by; th Stat? duU jaadt .jder thecut W Jf f !ieteli e,patioi of biafiews of thcm.f f ;i s!eyfBell, erseni Bethone Jas BUir, John mmmimmm, &mMM miMmm! mm mmm -PSS 4s&,3SS't- femg rnLfta 1 T16 Jadstherefor ; were bound this cccd ajnst mateOf the traits the pjpostGaithcr, Gnmore. Cordon, Qnffin, wtniisiatioaT2al?iM two-iniros ? wi -,- EI """'i "nTi Ti .777- rr ; f -1 l nomas nit .uuara f"-.?"!' i with whidiwecotxfflenaMUietteTOiaiwa,woaio bjtj "r r -.sTf Tr7.: i L."r ccit4Uiu, f.! 4m tiouoian, rmiiana ,"ni, iAuni j hkicSortance' wbM sheameXto.ineas. party . He derow tto jfA rates ctia on Imports, establisbeajby fgacks; Jartis, JewettaBichari, M.-Johnson, ore ittSgtfiwUb the Poitts of Europe The slight mttotoW.ij oaJtSSWiUyieldahcxccsSOTef Cate Johnson, Kannagh, Kennon, Adam Cw?, Mciefbiinsdni powers grsnted by tha rf..Jf tb!waioTion ohlto'be nxe(br JohnKinj,lunaTnsinnTir oTta isT'do; bat where li the Be m inodified to toobrute , the ftobjewn .rbltFin rSaiiniaiSredac. lmQMim;MMX:mMcC Pfotntiolriihisf the.Sen- Jelttoj partciUptisionv SfSffiuW bTaf torI Y Mci Aicfc 5Sww n?irmnu,ot WsTota for t. -; a ? 1. 1 - Fi r$ Uon4 ffgfAouW;be ha4 totho nikocltdflie lyro&Slaatoe - 'Ha eama bowtba;oasMars ioos Intcreati atid opinions of different parts ci Km Soideneigbt; Sta LlSoUitttoSbacit. .whU'bSetf yilta hjooiahli of tbo country, S 8aa Most efettaallto $;Thn 25!flifif Si! LLSSFJi to the centlemsii roo ITirgb stb regard td b?ltb ijlk Integrity and -barinbnY bf the 3k W.tnfe WeSs Caiiw PWbitelWor. ,SEJOpmWl yct.onofthebUl The rejas gif T.. fL jfr&iii i-r jrj: ! SeW C&S the-, ddi. ijrectam Aa JadgaM tba Wmted ; States,, or ,5 policy of the 5 country "SW; WelrfU- ileJ!SmltMi When the Deople die pruiwr district, totise other tconirenieat rpla- !f:t J-ii! -Tbis workeiances a sound and discrim. AltZTJ f iflttn ces, and to make anch: other j sal utianr and treaties made orider: th tathbrity Iff 1h''l United States ai I cases , aucewng u I biMwI trs, othr pobuc ministers'..' and consul! runt I stl Uritroversies r ti whieb thej i United tates j tirtjll 'eentwTersiesvl be:ween)two for iM'Utet ofttj as State, fii. tihJaiyrfmntji of! ditwrent States, 1 9 iH'&tween a State of the eitiehs thereof and j ?tl stated cit&ns,! or suhjftets,. Vhether,l itrrV; anylc or utatns i( the Cw . i "- i H inrt?ttt5 teats onto with the ladies ! who m s hm Imt the rJtirtne. the basis ot a repoo. gureinment jn&st fell ; M thev retain it, swbeatreme cases canfpeeor. But lira fmm etieh extreaje cases. : lno bowwble gentleman troia pentneky was full of Snonosed cases of the shale; of -federal power ; but his, iinaziriation did!nt reach the possible MaA nf thai abase of uose rlirtedforithej States.! He would cbelp . the efitteman; in a'caseof thii Sort, bat est so extra- LW."."" I n . The State of DeUwareaias about ten thousand vnteti frarrjoes Boms tenlcV twehra thousand aliens should be seat int ;tbe 5Sute by some frirp.itrn nation become baturalned, and .rote Vvention of nuJlifiers, wwm as he f rt? ;rr,Lrtt aent Vfebared fo the nnder- aj deem expedient and nacesaary; thatjpur- P??f? SSTfiriiS extln,exsiinitibnMall 71:, ..iJi . rtvi-lVkii AJiJJt i-L- ifUt, 1 ..;.':tl.n thd authorities upon the subject. t h f anze thi (WtnvRiv law: Li This was thaVerrl k.WiZn .k.i.k ' and once of tb;s neat&0lttn render; it pe- nhnait h had meL A Botanv Bkv lawl And i LL i-iL, .u. -U.k:-i. IcnliarlranDroDriatefor the Ose i of all those i 1 , . . . i mi lauiT ciuuca uic uuuca uunuiui 1111:11 i r ,r . . . U . AMnMMMA it aa Si urnrei: than Mt I . i - j. . . ... .. . . n .i L:ul. 1 whbdertftoacauireaknowledoftheprin- i t a I M M U.I in Tf-iivlnf i tlhtf ilha Mtsn 1 r 7 o ,- - . i ! AaL" A Lj,l 'ttrhneA nitr. lose powers wnica no ' 7 , 7. 7; 1 rayvlniMnv anv ? othr effect than Tthe re- cipies ui wwikwwu mwh u. .,. t.lMavlSM. mwMT IflW t : : MPIIlir ; (i ll T F T . ' ' I . : . " . - 1 T -L.I . i.k M it sr! a had one. for when 1 dUCUOn of re' PW":mW 7" raixur: Srr wa? WvH I noirTtiatiin reducing yatasi those wlucfttnflgenueman naa PM lTT .k-T i ratesofda- STmie ther elect La U indnraceed. in due fbrmllo nullify the acta of Uoaeress, and pass law! m : &S b nance enecv ( owu no tu w m , ut tual and the easiest modebt which we could be subdued add our IJnion and prosperity destroyed? The Sutej would, bf the Receptacle of all foreign Wood .it imoorted for the parpose, to defeat the rerenoe, and breakdown the protected interests j and Delaware wonia suu enjoy iu un wueuw withntit thimnor in anr of the burdens 01 ine Union such extremity ?t ring the revolution, nullt&ed an emoargo aci, when it .was thought to be I the only means by which Uie, array coQid be aayed. xvir. vtiaoison orwl thla instance in favor of rendering the laws bf i theGenerat , Ceovernment supreme. rrU nnMUk. haveoariffhtto use force to eu w nireacunvea eni pace wserre a a vWijr vtwuy- L'nti. --i-.o trx',,1 :t nviHar thi temporary coat, ana f 10 raae uie necessary i ernraepu ana in xae pracuce oi an icnugni- rt u0 -m -nttKlA in ir nnrtL rpiwr.liny a Question of war with aetata, as some genua- i""' jT"-- i. ' Krrrirr wuwii, nuuiHiouui unuciyur duties, I Beg leave tosay,thatl; highly dis rnan hadstateditto be, THe did not recognize nutted under,, the authority of the L nite . States, prospectively, : reject all dicriminaUon on aDDroVe of tSo stens vour State bas takbm and SotUfJana as a horrent nation; on the JW 1 be R taxed, whether tbe v SKtlK tides of necessity, cr of luxurv, of general the m Kuuu iiavy ivi uvui aqr i w i Lea iiiiuwacu uu luiuu a ws a w wiw isvi wa aaavr a ui t . ; , . ? w nfihat ideserintiim. ii JJiJ i the is lienor- I Tit,'rcM-i4 lonnf riii4iiiitri(VrkAA4 colleges, ana too ianguas i . i -'. -r . , i: T . i ui ruviuaiui ma uvtn uuivtyus w ui wvuu i -.,' is . . not know that lonimgro, and at a I Kv - n9i rArlnrtinn msm. ment haTtj been adapted r4;Joo k.if on woll i h ommint I luci onsiiiuuon is lUV)b UUI kUU Ul If WIS UW IWMVUUfcJ I J Iff . 4 ifdbyCongwss to deterpUtu, by whose ipr niaitibnsT mry " Stoft musi . be tUund. lmnitahiquWion betjreen" SUit nl hnlif-lthe ciilzentff theiUhited bbwe'ver remote trora ' tliseat pf empire, -fiiJ ;B to Bo 'heard 'before the Judidaryof the i?Trai UuTernmeni, ana in injr iuuu,w ard ia-the Supreme Courtfhowerer in- anthdr- coined iliccaaibn. ThV riews'of JlfaWih jwfre 1 mivn all over the Union, aftdk were prgciairaeo I : , t!t."i UTi.rill. tvOUlU i .pvWnd'-WOre- the Union fas a nullifei;? ?f Ml; .inUitd nofl neither could Sdutb Carolina, i 'WW &&$&?C, ;tben' roferred1 ti thef jounials. of the I i 4 Cix?4Uoti of 1787, to show wfiat was: the o- J ;H f ltteln tfat body, In esVS the P"5"; ft!;..; 'IJte-ivin paramount authority to thc acts of 1 1 L I U rn -t.!; when tKoio of the States come, in! con 5. :5f 1 ? , ' I't-L" r.U.. with them, t TUr.'U. 'then quotaa in sncces- tu.v'i , '....mmnntin'T unon them as be went alonjr ihhifJLwinu passasres: . ' ; jfc , i -It-was thea moved and, seconded to proceed '"isrtfejcWsideraUott' of the following resolution, ..lir he siXW Submitted by mi. Randolph red. That each branch oucjht to possess i Cil V-LKof orielnaiiii arts: rhat tHe! national ;" i.y,.Vr-.-iiiiWi.i' talteemaonLbreil 'toenkiv'thfi : ii:4iytiiir :ngh!Hfng!l8 by j thocoa- ."i-r.'5;'ttnii-l Andtiritorer. toleimlate in kll I v. '1. to which tVe separate States are incom- r't't. OT in WQIWI l uaimwui ui wic UJU 4 i. t." ' - . .' - . ' t' I .1 J 4 . Bl'of IJSsL UiJea' The following words -rii ''iaJded ' 'to : :th; clause "$ci "motion l.iof '-tniikllnj-of anV treaties subsisting under ls;&lMi4rityotthe-UrlinM ; fc5; 4?.i 4''iftftTwfiiUnir 'v&pn spnaratelv on'tho Cinv midntbe not a4aw able member time when der the authority of the laws of :theU United States, a resolution precisely ainuiar j to this, denounced a Botanv15ay law, was passed tie referreo?to the second volume ul tns laws 246, where the following resolution waa i adopted on all a: as the in respect timd of reduction Dught to be fixed, otaer, ana alter ecttotbe seveaal articles distinctly, Each section anil BARTiniroitLNEWS! editor and . publisher of the wasWaii hi4 :iiM,juriweic, isucu uiens, J ena, contains the following pathetic! ; wuicu u aa ueea repvaicu in lis COiUms Ecar. ly; as olen stsr.tnrr printer's I ,ttImport8tpi : notice $ his qbsenbcrs-Wci 'know tUti? tbercWtcicnce orihittvUlaw will-beloani i) to Kethl6nIjrpower worth invokia?W I e d0 ttn earrirstly request rdttu; ressanes of life. -twheaL rvfcl sail -! oats, barley. backwltice,'ipdii ins, caopages, port, Deei, rontton f tatfcetif chickenssv eggs, butter; cheese, IfbddeitS Teatbers, tallow, t beeswax. t cotinh iMJH henip flaxjlineny 1inseTCpeaiaitslloi! brd, leatben beellL b5desL'i3aer Jaklnl'i cesn jass, sb is ootof tbVf iiijl any oi nctri, wm be gladly I receiTedVlaj! vfe hope our subscribers will net KaWW;vI ward in fiirnisbing iis with nartibf tberrl Tb Rrttfnn TrArtmt ttii'ftitli: IJ ing ashe latest fohioii-" lladyj 111 ton wishing to retire from her box at:tbe Tremobt Theatre, bnMondaf erening fcf and having too much kindness S(o' di tb gnitemVii bebind ber, bopfIoWf lntQ the !mt bot. from the door of wbicbsW made her efrrew The Aelurnnt nf t i admiration ' oftfir o arid for this arYange- purpose. examined! in itaf own its own ! alrangfeinent article hasa distinct cbui- ue several oiw2 hi inusi jw b, wwhs ii., : . j - . - . z presslythedutyoftheleeperrof their gaols, to such as are essential in time of war, ahd such reeeiTeandkafekeentherein.au prisoriers com- alsoashava' been established on the faith OohTa doctrinebo sound which led to fitted under; the ajithbnty of the 0nitf States , of existing laws; Land, above &lUbow far 1 16 xato oi iieiaware, on- i mvvwj, - r-- wvi suuuwi oi jusiice. , i : , ,-: i ! Acsolved, ;&c., j That in case anySute shall not have complied .with the said f reeautmehda ion, the Marshal in such State, under the di rection of tha Judge of the District, be author ized to hire a convenient piace ta; serra l as a .Tpage having dud tegard, in each- ase,Uo the mentajf.ind iopted. questions vfbethere proposed reduction fl CDc!ed ItenttOempJy th ? i..thi. ii i :: i ii l n i irtrK. rtiiiRr.nnirai cprm are avuiuuii. ki- , .-.- .i j.v .t,.!,.' .a "T .ccompanied by kn Explanation. 'ijUc ,u- : 1' "t ' tSSM ns Pennsylvania dtrf, Jolr. Crolinar tri ctoj thonties are referred to in the nbtcs i ' I lit rr A country papcr m the i interior of Pktlf sylYTtnta, by way ol 4ndicuung the dcffrrii$ of, state scwreignty. sy&n1ifi-niir if Delaware 6houli throw hrsrlf . fthe; sovrigntv. after the manner of South Cai j nitna i What would be tbe; j fate;l)MtSi Vifembbonng'StatesI' fTollnw tbe !Mt4 will anect the earnings of Arner- Frdm 3uCharltsm Couritn One of the 8hir)s per ship 7odrfi,;arfiVcd rates of wages! and the ' T I ' ian manual laoor. r . j at this oort on Tuesday evening from! Havre, fleshed. That itis:unwise and m Judi- 310 bis correspondent as follow:: cious, in reguiaung imports, to adopt apian- Havrei Dec. I7.-Seeing by the late hitherto unknown tn the history of this Gov- accbunlsfr0m the States that therois Jtkelv ! just aWit the sardei 'ifNrt State of tfiil tiii ion-largepr smalli can sicceediil,. construrtive" revolution of throw ibg;rt3tf upon its sovreignty UTbe.: duration of Jtbi' Union is not to be . limited by. the iUo jcaprice of any orte 6f its members i An we are among those- wbcj triisfe fivithjthf writer of tbe last message of the presioni to Congress that it is ttndissotabie,T, l l l ti. Ait. j .-4tr j e afo,t;n iorine Duroose; ana me eaia jjaisnai snail oe contrary, no aoueim hjimw mw""" mm, i f.. ' . , ' , - that: if Hhe aeceded. ane was noi enuwea 10 oe - -y- - -rr..-:r: -.- -' . : - . . m m 1 i rnns imm An. nr rr pmiron inngnmniinn i i 11 r- ' :..5i . wmd-rpd a nation. but that her citizens, who aoove purpose, w oe paiu oui Mi x reasujy oi "TTII'T. 7 .;"T T ;' 8,11,1 ne,Sr wns1 uu uu;uu P"Si . - ; - ; 1 .- Sn, ji A I thn I nitof Ntitoa ' resisiea me iaw ui uwsv uv.w.hui, . .. s . ., i .. . u i i . t:.ki. .nii i. W.n im,i nAnnioa ti-ftfl. How, oe would asic, ii mere was any tnwg in manuiaciurea ana proauceo son. The question was not whether tno tann "c F'Y'" , t1 "lM "w' r t Tmwf"y uuuuc an uuues u uuw 4uai lndependant country." 1 i . -L'4U .k..t , I found in the resoluloii r ; ; h Mian oMidiu nn ll 1 r i J SnOUia De mUineu, ouv;wtie"icf iuo a suuuiu i - " " -!! , . ; J ,. . l 'v vfci,wvu an aiuivtcih it; i" jet. tTpFBn'CAirA'ttAThrUlfdr imprbvij mentot the at ljawrenf4wbi ates 280.000 for- cutting-a cinal rou'i Long Sanlts Rapids, ; ha j passed v the conj- ana wnetner tney oe, or be not,sucii aj are who dare fo attempt anvl thing calcu- ; mittee of thd whole ib tbe-ITnr fSmt at nome: ana I tA tn veo,inUa ITninn rinr Fro nnd . AAt w1 So WklJ a i ,.tf I fcAJv a- r; j i ;;;-;fi.l i 1 '-: "S Lit. jffUanses oi me sum teauiuvaiu, uej yrere cm-cl to.w . ... . , , . i. j r; s A?3i; V"; Y-; ." j 1; ; - ' ! li 0am mittee of the wh jle; house, Mr. Gr- HM'm . ihechaif 'It was moved By Mr, Huick- r.jfy, ,;conaecu dj iur. iwuusoxi to arnnpj w i ler nitowing word in the'sixth resolution j-; ad- .iy ;thVommUtee,Viz :; .j l I k s j , 4 " l 'l. WUIIIID Oil ln UUMWVT IUC WMV GHtffro, ine arncjea in union, ?r any ireaues- ly.ijm-tfini! under trie aulhomy'oT the' union, j il Ij insert-tae fullowmff vVords in l heir place. i, . f iV tb? queStidnto' atrikerj out, it tiassed in I 4?. - iMassar.nusetis, 1'cnnsyi vanta y irgini ,l;l.f;A3yitVdnuecucut iNew xork, INew; Jer-? 4. ?liryland. North Carolina, - South Carolina flt,stj resolutioft, so as tu read as follows v'oi ; . ' T1i1j t the jurisdictiop of the, national judiciary f-titLall Extend to cases arising under laws passed 1 4 r! t'-i inerat;lcffislatnrH-vndTtn such iother rJVb' "77,': 7- ? ' .7 . . ' -m" i ! l a :itegatjve alf laws which to thcinahall aJ inor as -involve; the national peace aht 1 i J ? 14 ,M -T' r: iiUrnv Which passed unanimously in the l lr f pwMnsi lis ipsp-'Ci.on , nnu nni j '!;lfik ii'imtMrtslr exTrti.r shall .she tort thai 1' ' X-: f 1- ij ;ym moxed tol setaside: art.1firsti .sei- an tr nth jclause second, and ' substitute "no Ji.l J .t..lt . U. f Ik. K,nMMI . F PmirTHBa l .T -RjiV imposts, or amies oni imporn or . ex Vti"eepC "what'hv! -v- . ........ , hm be ahsotutely necessatv ;jiiif jha $rfasury bf -the United aU n?h laws shaU be saject tdthe igress ed to icor. l ot Congress1! and revision and cut the words -and be enforced- It gentlmei chose to examine the history oftbe Cnfederat0o, they would give their qpinion that the 1p4ers claimed for the General Government maist necessarily be exer cised by it, (or they aie essentLl to the-existence of the Government. , No man can loiok into the Constitution, and say thi this is a simple con federacy j For all pur jppsea oi the Constitution, we are one single natitn! : The gentleman frpmryirr:nia (Mr, Tyler) complained hitUydy of J.le clauses contained in xm bill, and says Jhey ar f uncunstitutional. Its provisions : were Teryilju, and were almost similar to those in the acjtrcif 1S09 for enlorcinor the embargo law. iHetelMr. C- read the act, to show . that it employed ihe very words ot the bUl before. theenate.Ji; i f . Iet us emiuire who grated for an act so simi lar to those in its provisions. Ihe senators from South Carolina, Sainpter and Gaillard,) from Virginia, Messj s ; Cffies and Mooted from North Carolina, (Jlesf ri! Franklin and Turner, and from Georgia, ( Msr3. Wm. II. Crawford and hliedge,) voted fur this bill. In the House, the whole, delegation from Virginia, Nortit Carolina, and Soth Carolina, voted for the bill. jYetV sir, thej iSame provisions which were then approved oftire denounced. The shoe then! pinched i$ another quarter of the country, and as strongappeaU were then made to us trom tnat quarter ff are now maae irom South Carolina. It fahatthe bill was Un coastttut1becaus4:i( delegated power to the President. Mr. Tylef here said his are-ument was tha the. Constitution devolves on Congtess no right to deputize thetf;; authority . Still the Gentleman, cootinued iMti C. prevents us from elegating power to tielfrewdent and other a- cents to shut up ports 5cc. iJalt- of our laws wereunconsuuuonai if iinia was ao. i ncrse cond kni third sections of the bill he did not like. He thouzht it was Useless to extend the provisions o all the Stes. He wished them to be restricted to those jStates which .nullify the lawsi- : ' -k I ! . I ; Every professional, wan knew that this was a practice in: thej present organization of ihe Courts. According tb is understanding of the third scctidil of the bfllitheT party setting up a claim : toerivUegf 4Mgnttake the case out of the State CMirt and carry it up to the Su- preiad Codrt of; the! United States. But sni tors do not generally If ant this privilege, be cause it! was ait"! expf f sive Court. Then1 he (MrC) ;bad said thati according to his jtidg- men,thef CxatuoMprovided that cases of this desoriptiim must e; tried before the State Mr. Tyler 6aid it: 'was altogether : a distinct matter. By thai resolution the prisoner was not to be taken out of jthe Stale, By thU bill he may be carried to any convenient place, and that at tne discretion of the Judgo.: liy tbe resolu tion the place was "pointed out. So the En Resolved That since the people of the United States have deprived the State Gov ernments of all power of fostering man ufactures however indispensable in peace or in war. or however important to National Dispute Sefei.fTwo fools quarrelling &bout the world's age in the : presence pi j i law.-UThe canal ts to be nine r feet and intended for a; schooner ;nayigatioj. i: Voltaire, he thus terminated ithe dispute. : St. Cloud. Capt-Uich; which" cleared yesterl iiili:- : i i. .i .i ,ii J i. J f- r t.-.!i.J.f iodCk.1 ' !ii i oeuevu saia ne mai tne woria is lifte an . uay iw unci jjwi, uu a wiw w iwoy uuicsk old. coquette, and conceals its ase. 1 ' cotton. Weighing 6b9 t7.0 IBs. valued it "te,SAh?. nImP?rts7. aHd .H'e the world, JttebriJM he Who ! fancies. I ' ' h TTS7 rlhatthe world ianriot do without? hlm.i. A short .ketch of tha aM k i , -. 7 ci u"e8l still rooredeceired. j i that sorto of the officers of Great Bnf M6.r,r. ... -""-- v. rUhnru T m h n lnti It receive from that liovern merit Vlner -fe BUCn power, I i nr.ia f rrrnnrinrt nr Knt tn Atnnv num. - i t , ! !. 1 i jl; without a limb to shelter its trunk from the The 339 Noblemen Wrth aeais in storms of extstance. f ; j liament, with families, A Buff. Lord Byron says, "The? bat- 2.75436 tfifliir n' Switzerland nrp nmftimpc mnnneA Thp 5fl7 Wnblprnftri withnn pnl in dv women rarnameni. wun tamiues. receive acsu Keep Jhy eyesj open before! marriage, and ally 973,000 half shut afterwards. I II Fine sense and exalted sense ar not half nri powers, ,n giving reasonable protection to J; Z' n lr a 3 glish bill designates ; Botany Bay. The piac Independence by commercial regulations, is specincauy nameg. uui ne wuuia asit me gentleman from Delaware, whether by tliis bill tnere was any limitation whatever imposed upon the Jude or! wVarshiL They migtit carry the prisoner wherever jthey thought proper. ; i Mr. Clayton resumed; He denied xhattht resolution which he bad read, specified any par ticular place j The ..Marshall was u-t required to conhne his prisoner within the limita ot the State.. He would read! the - resolution again. There was no provision in it that , a prisoner should not be taken put 1 of the' hinits of the State. ' But. even if. such a distinction existed, it was not material. .If the Government of the United States should; find ,it necessary, which he trusted id God' it might never do ; In the case of South Carolina, he most ardently hoped the time would never arrive, but if it snouJd ue ever found necessary to carry a citizen of South Carolina to prison in a ship a prison ship, like the Ne w J ersey prison ship to which the gen tleman from Kentucky:' Mr. Bibb, had retered in terms of such 'strong; denunciation, he, Mr. C held it not only tote a constitutional, .ui an unoppressive law just such a' law as all slates .uen, who wished for the peace and . welfare ot theij dMintry, should ; adopt.- The otier sec tions of thehiil; . heWou Id not advert to as the gentleman from Virginia had taken no exception to them.' .'j . f ' : , h -1 j The honorable Senator; from South; Caroli na, Mr. Calhoun, has told us, (said Mr.Ciay cannot surrender or abandon compatibly with its constitutional duty; and therefore.! jl Resolvkl. That no law ought to be pass ed on the; subjects of Imports, contain ing any stipulation, express or im- pnea, or giving any pieuge or ; assurance, airecx,r lnairect, wnicn snail tend to res- train Congress from the full exercise, at all times hereafter, of all its constitutional IT Parliament with families, 1 receive receive arintlally ;-J V . si-.j . 7 . . . i luriy men m wh iu one man gi sense: ana SfflZTJ he-tiat !l i nothing aboutf lln but gold, will be every day at loss for want of The total amount is j Si 6.57 1,51 84 morcthen Uhe pe rises of the United States Government. whole ci' cy of Foreign nations, and maintaining; the substantial Independence of the U. States. On moon; of DALLAS, the resolutions were them ordered to be printed, j 1 4 ready change. Pope. From tkf (iiMrleston Cotcrlcf, " I WONT VOLUNTEERS Air" tr cn'l b d- tttrn.' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MrPOLrfrom the Committee of wavs," j 7ixj .i . 1 and tar aim ineanp reportep ine lOUOWing Bill. j AN A : fV authorizing the sale of the Bank Stock of the United States. , Sec. IjBe it enacted, Stc. That the Secretary ot the Treasury be and: iaherehv ton in conclusion) that all human i.tstitut ons like authorised to sell the shares owned by the www wiw lutm iucw wum wi,,lu luwiiscnrs United OlatPS in thP Kank nF tha. tin tol btate4,on 4ucn terms as he may deem mist"for the merest of the "fUnited States; Provided that no Stock be sold for less tha n the market value thereof, or for less than the par value. Sec. Biit farther enacted, That it shall be lawful forfthe Bank of the United States to r.:iL-i aAj-t. o ic I j .t.. Now is it not 4 nitv. such a nrettv boV as I. oiKxitu rtiiuiuper looesnoiaiiaa-inaaucnioau' ty-years jao, wbm this country was almost ; entirely new, and our inhabitants: were few 1 betwceii, an enterprising black smith came intoj' the town of Hloomfield, and being unable, for the want of time uten sils, to erect a shop, put up jiis anvil, and set, his fire and bellows goihg oqt of doOr. Not long afterwards, one of bis distant neighbors hearing that there was a black smith iri town started off to go and employ him, bnt not finlding the wa enquired of a man whom he met bh the road,? uhow far it was to Mr A's blacksmith! shop?" 'You are in the snip now,' replied tht vag 7 But it is three miles iand a half to his ant?U the elements of their own destruction, St that our own Government is now exnibiting lueir opera tion. To the general piulosoprac remark 1 would not have uhjected but for its application. All the Works of man are. destined Ui decay, but while the great body of the people; jsh all t&- mam true tonemspives, our wornment never purcHase feaidlStock or anr mrt .thfi anr Ui.nd. Tl T r,.:J can rje destroyed-;' tor it contains, within itself :K;w.i:. i .u LJ : 7vr . 'i- v t endless and! ever re-nascent energies which i- 1 i I I ustbritinltmtriunaga uesLroj u. r.w i ntm orce u caii uavp uotuuig Mr. iWlCKClFFR. f fc.ntnnlrir .iW mitr followihir extract from a mWrb A-UwA tj. fcw. I, L.iim.A KMlKin. ii.m -4..n. . r I . T ' j j --: l w., . . tion of this tect foreign Bat I won't volunteer no I won't viilunlecr Pm not so fond of Sv&orjis to be a rolontw ! '( t ! Ms I I'm sure I'm not oppress'd, for ray Pa supportsii son, I : '3 -r Then wherefore should I volunteer and IshocEf ro I won't volunteer no 'I WWt v I'm hot so fond of sugar as to be a voldalsr I could not bear a Camp, no it would not tot me, For I like to lounge in galls to see, No I ance. sought by any member of this Confederacy. CouTts.l ttSenatoriok at the 25th section fo the purpose of making war upon us,! would be nf'thi. t?t? wl -vW t? and the lidn then stated; ; in the form by a Chockta w: of this tin on which ahall ever seek to pro- uby th Rale ShaU thif) wll .cted ' . . Wl-lrr VV?CKLIFFE sustained hisobjectuii by SndWuaU- g"iu aspbdfcodsiderable length. j ? i,i&! is yas mov r'Tj 4" laMrs "ball be suhject'.to tbe - revision i and ontrol of the Conress"-i-WhIc!i t:paed fci!iaritiwCi ": ''!' Ill Vs ft kilt9, t r j i-in Carolina. : Geonriau 3. New Uampshtre, Ma&sachusettsJ Con. .Virinaia, North of the Judiciary actJi jit expressly: recognized khe poweT of 4t' State; Cort to decide on such Ques tions, (rne lansuageioi it was thus ;. "That a final judm?nt or decree in a suit in the behest court of fafvl or eqaity of a State in which a decision in the suit could be bad, where the means, under Heaveu, of immediately raXy- ing every patriot, ot every political party, un der the broad banner of tbe .Hepublict 1 agree, however, sir, that the mortal' blow to four Uber- soeech and the question being then stated, ; in the fbrm by a Chocktawf Cbief tbrow$ Nirniod Wild- ground, and perchance can the speeches of I the South. ern Nulhfiers -nevertheless always except- aTejl me not of blood-I Was born a warrior I was not botn asotbr men are. ot a woman 1 Mr. INGERSOLL.-of Connecticut, and Mr. W ATNOGM, of Pennsvlvania delivered anima ted Speeches on the same side of the question , to wnom. ! . ? Mr. POLlt, of Tennessee, replied: W. wm I t L,tKY then demanded Vie King-Sre4t tha! won'tVolonteef -no I wont voliict I'm not so fond of sugar, as to be a volunJ So mother don't you smile now, get yoar ie?s Rogers made, j ' ' ' ' j - ; . l " : And sever from my bearer' 1 hat, thef ugly' If Cockade. j ! ; r . - . . V No I won't volunteer -no 1 won't tolacif I'm not so fond of sugar as to be a va.'ao " ' ! ' 7: ' b'- ' f .) V; Major General Scott arrived at! Chat ton on the morning of the! 7th mstaDif iaue Brig uregoriy trom Nf w Y or, ; Ues may be struck by a hand which nas been in-1 j' r..n. .u:.u IaKw4 r n. f7t atitlanM : I lia ehft uihiAh I J ; v a woman? 1 I was never nourished ui w ..b kt of a mother; a dark cloud arose in the we&L thcut. New ;Je.rseyvprUre, , Maryland; 'is drawn in quesUort tfi validity of a treaty or fba 1 stretch the American , fcagle b cedmg and Yeas and Nays, and decided in the Affirmative, and from that cloud there cami a stream of jiutb-CarolUia,?.; f- .;.Jd-Pennsy Wsjab,!; statute !nf or an auOidnty exercised; nnder, . the hfelesa in j the; dust, must be; feathered only 94 Teas 690 Nars. ' hshtmng, which struck' and shattered to iu t t . 1 4. . - j : : 1 . . .1 : i rmm nia ri mniruir nn in nkisr niiiav xsj 1 1 .- -. w r ""u Hiwu wh men iubui ic oi- I ww a iiugt; pme iUlU Ulfljce Sprung ! 1 USll- secohdedj thef Previous questic lowingr form. 'Shall Uia bill be rejected?" and decided as The sabuUuteiwas theriaMeed.Wll if ' United States, and decision is against their trom his own pinion; and I t 4t.t. 7r wW Amitnit a tiiimt ftf mvbi,i ukomUnivii in nnMtinn tha vs. I be the .curses of men. in all aires to come, acrainst l fnM- tbo. liistorT oltha;KioeeeaMitfJtha1 liaitr t JTa tatntnC 'dran antliontv'exenased on- the traitorous heart "& the paricidal hand oftiim jvnttonj going to sustain;te views! Hich der anjf State-, on; tb ground of their being who shaU loose thai fatal acrow from the string 1 1 gyjg. .iad , takenr in' wgaidi to. otaa ot wMchiMr. repugnant to tha wSstitnUoit, treaties, or laws nwUr.iLi miL til Yeaa :JifessW-.Adama. Chilton'. A1T n. H-man Calhuun threw ia an explanaturj teidariu or of the United Sutea, and the decisions in favor f 7iu ""r - M AUen AUbonl Arnold Ashler BarTr RanVV i...K . f f-S I f.U.ki r.j:lLi ? I "In tb crrealdavfwenireahet R!at ili tn.tf I S-U,S- . P? Arnoia. mey,DaOcock, Banks, -:,lAih -iL-.. Ll IS .iiV.rrtT7:'l r"'" """5 . BIS"T" 7 ""'r: . Bimnger, Barstow, IsacC. Bates ,i.rano, ooaoraaw puiwii j" w j qut ib cuoi?ucikhi oianyciauso w we i auu uia rmwuosew,wao ior weaiin, i Uranch, Brigs, Bucher, Bullard Bord. Cahoon, jhe j enteitiins the same notia gormonsat thi t Ci, musi ,ct jsyVrnmen krtlv oauical, b rvwerV to; conUnuc4tsirtn extstancei and party, ahdef such clause of theaaid Constitution tivia tr its owa i preservation and that the I treaty, statute, ot cotamiasion. mav be re-examil tufenGirt isrthearbit the Suprem lz-dilt that be bV ciiiiei of sthe j ybited I Court of the United States r 4 f , , .;-"-r : - "T'V ' j g . .... j-uiiMHcifUivviuvuii!iciiiiie93 vi rqieuge, st agree with f trie that our form imasion held nnder,'tha United Statea, and ; the m WonU n!n(4 h'ta nuVA InnA ih nin at h not. federal' exactly !norx- decision js against tha iitle, right, pnvUege, orj NVoafPInnS ha naUve land i& avil war! ? ,but a rnixturellti b6thf:hat4t exemption Specially :tetp or claimed byieither 1 I- i ConUnuitsnexUteiiceiand party, ihdef such clauso'of the aaid Cbnstltutioni , " Wedxesoat, Fcb&dart Starrs ? Can the tpenUeman Itotn Tlrguua doubt J The; Constitution lof the United . States exl ihatl-c i a eitixearof th U. Sut $C&x iresaiy,eajomed it; am the judges of the several TVLERI denied not otlthe;i;Sutct,but WliDItE soaT, FebrcaRT JS., 4 p'lNiSENATE.1-;;!-TARIFF RFSOLUTlONS.' Mr. Webster arose and stated that! notice isbed now P'jQke, Uooper. Cor win. Coulter. Craicr, Hnnd Crawford? Creicrhton. Daniel. Uohn DaViai R Davis. Dearborn. DennV. Dewart nict. son, Drayton Ellsworth, Geo. Evans, Joshua mala ha, rifle gun, scalping knife, and' toma hawk, ready for war. If our! father (the President says war, here is the breast that is the first to'tneet the foe Tushmala ha's step, is, foremost to the battle: but if he m peace,!! say peace: but tell me 'not of blood. - - m t '..3 I . uondict mte,T lusnmaia- na tears not blood be de tain it" Evens reward Everett, Horace Everett, Find- 1,068 e The Columbus (Geo.) Democrat no- meeting of I thej Kulltfiers at Uy,GrennallII. Hall, Hawea Hiester, Hodra, he Circus in this city, and in stating that an iiugnes, iiuounguai, Ihne, IngeraoU, Irvin, Jeu enormous burst of applause" succeeded the T KTiwbMaU, ! caioftheoverno; fmWl ffid2 ; to tbldeath j fox4torT taW f Ji TrT - ir-7 1 1 Pitko- b...? o. i.i t7t , -. What Devils theSft Nnlliftv. i,f :r tS4 vemmeat of the tU.iSfttesJirMr; Clay- thai oatbwera cdently boand to .upport HSS T FrS? T RuffsemT sSTT aweetrim-, thus ta ga intd thl deal? for ikl fr.l-u'J tm.wH . KnAr m-tkh4. i i, Wh .) wiU'n.ir aa ti. ..fcf U:-rl Pinions on the important subvect in relation I Srr: Mfr:l Wm B.Shepard, Slade, "f"".' goimome Geatn tor the ! l-ffiii ut ?tnf more than "Sff f ? , CVW .Porttautio-. . j w,li Senate yterdv-! i He wldDr KdU,e -nSTfiSr VbrrTS' DKSiSSl! r!l'rf.,lw"!.ai w "aw wwauuops iq in? woie. na retpseit Hal WUkia, Whwlei, EUala. WUiUmot fWSX trt T i k -w-f way 'IS thatad $-31 i i AnnavoVxs Feb. 1 The resolutions so ablvi discussedinH House of Delegates upon the present 4 of the Union, after undergoing stricscruttf; were so hnally tramed, as uponllhe tf a:- a 'f. a - ! !''.. ... wrW quebtiun,io receive me support oj trryr. oer m tne House efeeof i one f Mr! W whose suhstitntp in" !". Vnllifici - . t. W V. - . m j jt was rejected with the same decisive f So says Maryland on this subiect-?f . Habd BAnoAi?rsw-f-A jolly devotee cbus, was a few days since found by sfcpjS a recumbent position against a pile ol f: nearly dead drunk and iomitingpr What is the matter?" was the Wi rtVTisa hard one replied the man. Wj no nardf" , vvjiy out hall an j I. bought a pint of rumt down rtowni . n.n ma rkiri mv bartrainl' ! : . I f ' " 1 . JSEdTLY EXECUTED dT 2 OFFICE, if ' : .3m 1 !r 2 a r; "U1 i) iid 1 :to! SAb tool inif 7ntJ 3 7 ) ml rest' wtl' -ill! 4 i r .;' crdm l nail j ' autht liasar, v ritj i t tsU j w tLiJ ;-;C' i-iiv CIsta put : the f-pe 11. 3 re la iri tie l si .11 t. i' f. I IM1 .Vj;: . J i -k: i I ; ; . j ;.i- ii 1

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