s i 4 -1 tf 9 m 1 - - j .'!( t ' itl WirWs-haJ rince taken hisxsat as Wafer (torn Sbuth Girplina, shown a great t. I .. i;;ttf and nroorietv. ILscon- rr-" i t.- ,f r-h. lneineri en rd act has pecw w : ;r oangmdnr Ha bisken with a warmth "'"i . 4 l! W-4- It hi-ft i mrvm Uprafid order -r r ; ..-. rMr. Wd.riifs. ,7JU 't"---- . . :t; , ilmoi l)lmcHs crtions, he pronoun STiS ftillrcoorteabT the Judiciary Com- bbkh WMilitary pespotism, Sec-- ItfU ;oaa;vwj ( ----- from tliQ Senate Without5 any S thlitrebuUlromj Webster which jSlinprudent-teai Wjuiynu. , T j;;-.- h . rt ' l-.".lll afy The ; mediation 6 nia has Keen re- bf Mr. Leigh has not a a ! ti&tfA witli tliat Respect which V irT v -! 1 t j . ikrnpr.T.Pti t'laiici tins W 4; w ' " Cfoarelnor the Contention was called. t iW insider I theDrbposiUott which a Tii I -T ' i!LL iL.: J f -W -rtn. ster bnte n as earnestly .urgeu ui -uy toi Virginia, and we should suppose, . 1 ' M 4 .l .1. I nl Ilia ITt; v. I iL-l.reiftn'tlir rfprhned. lie i fori a'Vcry differant; purpose from that Jlatijatg0od?aiiveriind drinking good Me; and perliapi; rhalttnr a long speecli. yrefusing this ditnervhc acted with that feuty which should ifecome a public Mtn- teh and reiused; to jaeniny nimseu wiiu 'r' 51'. tri li.i:Ji: ..L '. C.ik - rr15n toect lrom we vrawoijnm - i cxl The tfeailcssn : rss and "rattle 80S w?hat a i man -4t larrre . lorttine. and amiaois he 1 was a bachelor of the' ao cf f jrty this uir fiend was tmt lair an years dd.-JBhe has ran lrom tne l,.6 4 .- I - '4' . 1 -" I oaeasaid we'ihobffBt i Jl s i-ft . J"w - w a lt it a m a on and fnajn Isi la! e woDowtioa anuird4 ns a fit occasion flLL he fiold aVAuction" at Jloct Mounti tM subject df the .tarUf htarlft? Tlid noble I tiuned should hare no IcnowledVi d PeahshlpJ 1 magnanimous awns puruwi uti vui auujcp j wcj wuuia nufc uc caicujaira a iui ineu eTerai to) retract the charjre ot4! essential branches. .Then if worth dotn atall prilinalV4do sow.ith pleasqfe; ue IiaiJhim lit sorely h worth dou well what; signifies i a ast a peace-maker wnom the senptare pronpnnees I person wnung, nnless some person caonut read blessed- jvnn we see a man toi na araeai ut. indeed I hi spirit sacrificing the idol of - his life tothe good ufj hisfcoahtry,; and 'Snaking -it too. under the ii utmuf rajnnia, mrt9 tunes u tree- ire xnown the wntet himself not r.. rtc t ii? P T trtlLiI uou iuikuvwu mo BuuiKi. - me mail nnti. , . - . . oar . . , t, vtnaann upra nu nninpnnii urn rein nni nm. i tia mim ' hhmim iw - j j i t - j uU Ki Kv w w mb v mw w WW 'W HvV BUB r . w . Ill nil Willi TBB sn II W TM l ' . Uii k-i ....... '-.-4 ".. 1 C.: . i7 " ." ' - 1 T O CIOC lr JkJF Oo uexl QlTotAi UtQ 8SUQO -HOOT I " i - rJi fcJ TOssgraii ss55SS3 scti oi ! iMiaw ww, v c-ca jutu w mo, uikju i marnip aoes not w:sn to benndetiidthtfcWri I r-rT-.r -tt.tt ----"i - - .i lt 1 n w i I- I ' U I' : I wted a new-enmanshi I wish, the people f i.TtUi.r.WiJ-' th!aJ : iAiZ tSfj i ;ii i .'. T"T . s; r- s . I wuuiareaa wuauie raaereuwdlnir. thpn nrl I , ii J - T --S5rWTT-ai i uaiTes, i I I 1 i, 1 tk. 'i f mosuy new iio k . m eryilaayi p J BAA-GS pc vkck.A?i 1 lLl& tit trivial yourtloi-se at 6 HOUSlOlOLD AND KITCIIENt FURNIJ led the size of )iis paper, hat -added only half a they wouldt more aappyA Now some Dersoos f j" 1 V TwTTjfr' -ii.t i...- -W itl. l2j I Pood in its arntals at Withe CwirHtwse with , . j-2 i " -w-w - MMPtuyKj uaiiu - it ir.il -. 7i r i - i . " , lonarl tothelpnce. Mr Blmh idesertjcredif by my new plan hare eried bnt in (k W Mlifhp exertions he is akin- W thenage roice'and said ; that this hand has ri&7tMl ment of this pmn, sensible, nnprendinffiSheet. amooi? tts mora than iS -Mri tf,.-o-Q-T;w lfu oP?w opnP w virgin-. wiucn ONE i 1 r WA;imi?&r said;thatthi8 hand has beini: ttoeht ' .TacTlrr i . ,nnpretenditig8heeU among tismoiethan 15 years ago thereSmlth ili6 WUr Sprbil Yiu;wl i-" :--rt-J 1, thA i-wk!rttt haaitbeea lately estabbshed. At Saiem r, am.U. 1 t f cannot be the wreator-Hiow; if th,.inoqster.. bad iJLLa v- i-Jiy r tfM:.u. JPlbitghs m ii v.tikcrrioKrOF pRiNTt.ftf Jflf (ifbu4 o i-cpfctef.--Gales and hb lungs quite so tnnch Beaton tne tuiuors oi in loieiiizencer, uavc ocki elepd on theildurteentb ballot, the result IcraM Jalt ballot! was as IbUows, f ' I Il3th, understood the subject, he need not hare strained if - ! ; I ; ' ,!-f it " r.ames art- Jiercnmto tecribed i new tj c. u -cLic Ptrnniatahlo. : V W ' IteTelLit s stcn cat Ira l-mt t- . -- . 1 1ITY shott ticic: tnl tet cf eonsi.eratle adTantawA i iaprotw- tho hand wcticj cf any Person wha 1 trntei aa irdrr.it hand. , - . r i ' 1 - - 4 .. if- 4 X&bucnV 0&n?t -touaivi'JiaL 4tA i - j We thendersignedi hafe token lesaooa front Sir. A. D. Smith, m hkf new inethod cf teaching pniiahtp andre are entirely pleased witj ' his pjan : It b indeed peuciansbip topUfied We hesitate tU to recomiuead it: toladies and geotlemeMi wha do not write a good hand, two, three dap the atodent lean be i tatfjht b writ?, an elegant hand. .We hare heard of per. eons pot writing tha system after tbey bad learn ed its buCthcy jean dy saytbii;tnbject,!ir hiastj be the&todent's own fault should h e ne glect to 4rrite ttr The system is, at one, tiin- pw ana tree, f in un-y thereof we har nereunw get vex nanda the day abore writn. HI ft tf 'tears. 11th f". it I: -A Gains $c Seaton 91 F.P.iBIair j 90 DuiTGreea. 1 C. Eaguet j 7 -fitanksll-r ! 4- t2th, 91, 91 h 5 8 S3 90 : 3.1 nn t 1 : crosses: 111 3 being divided into the three ! classes namely North. South and East classes consists Srdly, in learning to writes joining hand at the same time the pupil" is tanght to form the several letters in the alphabet. 4thly, being alternately governed oj an, east line wmcn runs trotn the.weat side of are excellent andjeheap. The suhecriber hesi- -u uaucr uub esi msafl u inn i samn i mn trnr i Jit:. j j i v j , , - tr !r I wiie- y .-cumuitfiiu nis veaxns ana an vers re maae ana eacn leuer paving its as first rate. His coaches are most atcellent-- Blue Ridee Mt Ward- Gap. i by PoDlar Camn Furnace and : the Lead tines of Wythei and aflbrds some intetestin? scenes to those that admire the sublimity of na- hV STVRflAt lino WhlAh .- Anm Ua -I J I ' 1 1 it . . . .r. i f .P Tnr.t.'-iti.. -:! k c7n corresponaa. witn tne arnraa ot Jauths Pied- oyer fire dollars the purchaser giving Bond, and nt Liae, andtthe Raleigh line, both of which approved Security. -GoaWill be required for AU- wuuio oi UUS I J1 finRlit iinnpr fivA rfnll-ra Th -a!. rfll h continued from 'day to day tintfl finished. ' Far ther terms Will be made known cm jthe day of sale. ; ii fit' : i gal pi. lb 16. a 18, a 140; do Peach 0i a 9 j Cotton bagging pr Coffee pr lb IS a 20 ; Castings pr uranay, Appie pr write bv comes, but bv the nnnciole laid Anm , pr. gal.:(none) Cotton Having the plan in his head writes now? itknt pr j yd. flTI al9f I ln.,lrinT t a mnv! WiitM withnnt ImW-t;-. fMEnfofthcVfMilUETi Hi inalJlBl-ajii'a' l.T c -et .;f--. t I.i r ; "r; . VL ; . . (Modioid aioisementvtith every Merchant "C XT .J VrTTZ& T -TT being newiy procured froinTrroy,t New York W'oarJCW?" - f? f fi H who knows nothing about it. ,5thly. The system h Fat tfimriTtK -Ua Ptl Ufiiw, to be tffumcvtwe: . , . I beina- tauffht by lectures., Thelpbpil not to ""ZX7 1 T- -i D - I . A 1 I w. - . M M SPw-K-M-l VI VfOL- Ul & -. HU-JICX 15 j 5C7The utmost care, and attention will be paid: to baggage and other things entrusted , to Ik J z . I ; 0 t - . 7, 0-7. 1 r t M VTii u car-) uui iue ouoscnoer wiu not oe imoie xor " s -r " i lore navincr intj Kvsiem inn nniui nAVpr nrantai 4 4-5 :;Cotton yarns, from No. 6 to NcJ. 9, $1 copy set. therefore Jf he should be blessed . with 371 a i du; pr. Daio, irom SiQ Sr,iq.Md. 14 common sense after once learn nrtm .vtm b- 1 . -m - L . - -1 , y A .4 ni I I . . T . . 7 '9 ( T'J --r. -. 91 au a lo, reatners pr 10 xo a su ; wur never would faU to write the hand when he i -a ri i w ' a - a.-- noT - tyi . raian rw -iis i 1 a . , pvt w :i . ' : ' . ROBERT GILLESPIE, Ad'mr. alz. persons indebted to.the estate; of Julius J, Reeves, dee'd. are requested to come forward ana maxe payment, or tne same will be pressed at 1 Lj ii -t.i.; . .i au aii persuas usTingxiaims against tne said estate are notified to present - tHem within the, time; prescribed by law, or this notice will be urged in bar of recovery; 1 -v ROBERT GILLESPIE Admr. Febroary 18th, 1333. 31 ts. , accidentsl i fit . ;1 Feb. 1833-41. D. WALKER WIE WATCHMAN. li'T n an Ifri. --. U -ii I . . . . i r- -y. -I lUBClb lUff-UUVH RII WMS S SUA KirWlTd w nnQn a a.i :-n nmiirppn nr in a inr. k..j . ik. j - ' ii 3 - - 1 ----,- SkTb i5a2't ImnS lb 3 ZS a iLead lUr proprietor at lountAiry,: prlbgfallLeathesoaU-Tii skirting pr taught more than five hundred rfih conjbtm- mL ' ' ? f ' T lb8;tppcrprmde $1 25 a 2 50 Mplaasespi of children over ten years of age, and youn 'TWiUa -.w fHi,UI gd;46a 57l;;Nailsprlb9 a lGJfivsions gentlemen an4 ladies who wouldget kr&rried l5f ''dOSiMOlSJQ Oc3LiS eefprlb2ca3 vBacoh prlb S,a 10 Butter thev could reta trood chanAW vmi.tmr ,.r : 4 ! wi i h 4 M - , ?-L- v f B 1-t . t - 1 - W Pk--U -' 1 II I 2'- .aH.i ac "J-- . . t FLORA &l ninnwbn ! I XliUV'lnttk'CllT II,.::! ' -4 ' lARY JOIUiSON. JiA7ALVINi JOHNSON. t J; T. VESTEL. ; ;ANNA JOHNSON. JJ SUSAN JOHNSON. W24X2ai833. tkMe 6nhtfVtiV.Ci 1 My. A.D. Smith baa taoht hisl system! penmanship at mj. house two day) Daring that time he taght four of my children to write s rood hand. I think his system to be a good otic, and wormy oi potronage. f k. , T vl:. .JOSHUAiiOHN :J i ! ! GBorPlw'-nuBrV29f 183l. ! I certify that I sent ray sons to learn pehmaa Ship I withMr.A O. Smith;! rand I can recom bend his systematical arransrment of tbeletiprai Slid I think it aihappy r plan by whch ai jnossT tiuinsjr nanu. ma snort time may oe . made a de :t - -t a . . - . ' i - cent ana eieguut hand writing : " 1 J -1 THOMAS CALmVEI-L. ;f Ijcgf-lard 8 !a eonsistmsri widowers, widows, bachelors and ladies advanced salt fir huh ai i a lii25 1 (ateeli American in i;rnriin. mmkt !,-. l :r : f :I ' ,-'r. -r r. 1 4 -i- ui iuv nuv uugunuaie uwitrou VUK Wfu U Ulcy blister or lb 10 1 ji?iish!do pr it au.i uast pr not K0- m -Kr- T-r-w;n-. .7,k - 'r ISUistgiry4...awioiy, r ruma-j -.o, i-. - oii a ougar pria. m a them m one day, and the most of themin two or f3f1!5IGN3:Qtr PEACE. I'." Mi 'lit, JJ . Jairiiica pr sal 62 ; yankee do $1 i Wool, clean nr IK 0 an Tallow tr IK S a iOiiTohaco- flvfe dlatl hasiDtfodqced i'bttVvito the senate at ly, nj 8 J a 5fj . iTowhnen pt yd .1 16 S af2j0 1 maaeira, Claret i r Whis key25la 30. : i! 1 CMBIUiW. I ! .1! tBrandyi Peach, gal 50 -Applet 35a- 40; i? -ttblassfis 37 1 a 40; Bacon: lb. 8 ia!8 l2Butter Iresbj 2;C Cotton 9t.a 10l;: iCrh pe? btah hO I a Coffee, )hl. 16 i; lj?; Cheese 10 12 ! Candles, m Flour frernl Waal HI m Athr &ntiaTBncv should happen f in the iiff ttmS reoainn? the talx to be hmher. At : proposition Mr.' Calhoun has jumped with krnesl and although, it is n exactly the iM h wiAed; tet U thb sake cf peace, Soulhr ikroftni wlilet the. United States olT without a -inaVU Congress iwill Jpass that bill as pro- 3eav. t1 rpm io. jieoS!s ; i iuc ueiw mo bbli three days, therefore I am entirely convinced I' can learn any person in the time specified, 'tho I have found it a hard task to learn v a ' widower ' when he would be in a class - of young ladies rTTlHlS line 6( mail coaches leaves Dan and widows for he being so captivated jhe would JL ville every! Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- hardly know whether he was courting or, writing day mormngs at 2 o'clock A. M. and arrive at indeed, I might skylit is not a weary task to learn Vyarrenton same days by 9 o'clock P. M. widows or young ladies, in every such; 'case ' for i The subscriber has also established an ; accom iuey wouaa seem to De, p-iucipanug m ;iue ivueo- i moaation line oi : tions of the furmer, i if sometimes I cadescend I ' POST to teach a class of rude Academic Stitdtnti, and its not often I learn half of the class! to write owing to their rudeness and impauence ad their line: will leave Warrenton 4very Monday, Wed idJl. -:.LUt;-wKiio..ft I.tA,,!' 11. -fL. r-. - . 'fff-i rrr- SCI T- mojuerence, suoscnoing merely; 10 do aosem nesdavand Kridav mornings, at 5 o'clock A. M Pm arn ;5ilron,jfw) from their pmper Indies who. could- leahi euch and arrive at Belneld sameTdavs at 4 o'clsck and ttnneSpefchef,wacannotho anything ill be nilly accomplished this session t Irjiesppudencewith a: pena at i twl1!hi nrobahly i nothinsra ihe thanfto pass the Collection Bill i Initiations have 'already been mad J i iriiJ- !ft. i u, ,-i.:, 4 . ..- . . L iJ.Cl.L l"- : yatn.inai tne conierapi-ieu rrfwui i A ' S - 1 i . t" I t . j- i it K'ltnoui law ioiiowers after the develepe see Mr. Calhoun so ssonabte alii of Ja t sudden.' We have long iiihil that ha was siik of his bargain: his isikss. impatient and alujost aouized manner, i : i '.i . i . i. . - i u:- 33 evinceu iiiat ne leeia tic icsuuuauuibjr ut uts llo1ri;an it: for it is an r alVaedcohie) whatj may a damning one for I Cotlnty. 1 1 rr- , : :; f .if.';..it ....si -. k I 'm' Stt. 1 lie WlltfWT wllw.KJiWUi :uw ue ; Al uhout a inait & ot course; , theiui-iners to ?oon I .HitJWel are ntad to ."aeea 56 t dau 37iiT7lalt (in bulk) bush. ! 75. ih n utn 1 L sale of the Smith Rust Printing j t nwrrkA ' w km-i w- v -rwuuKir wvr ii a . w. mmu a. i mwi liivir iiv tliii'iwm i - . . t - " u7: wks of jbioh.). 0 75a 3; Steel Gejrmar ft. very short timeIadiesletme sav untolvou tho- L ttttnn, Win wnich wff can. furnish tqtheit -iu wi k ! fl. t : i-. i . ri ? ..i -..r- --w.--.e r-..i-.--. - : ..-, ., ......:. -Rnt'-.n.in T !P. . jSulr f i1?" I you have longr quit your course of studies .yet M and Friday at 10: A. M. and arrive Vat Belfiel- "Ie mauuiaciures prices, , - - i a.i n-i:n v l Ll n.in....(..-i till. .r 1 . . . ; . - I v - - i m . t t t - eof adis- i v .V'r iVA'V.rV,ulT -T1 T T.I yodonot wnteagood hand learn to wnto by saae days, leave Belfield every Tuesday, Thurs- composing su -ks, ink and - e u I ?"nsa oo a 40, 'vtusttey peri gai -u, 1 tm3 system and voo never will roret it. : I Av 9nA Satniiv mnmmm. at r ..!. .nH nud in f Ha PrintiTur Rnin- would , Wheatbosh,, 75 ! l i I I will remark here, that I have secured the arrive at Warrenton bv 23 o'clock P M. andfarnished on short riotir. mm' W 1 1 1 --------Aww-ffwl I Iv benefits of this system to myself according to law. And as it is not expected for me I to teach In Rockingham County, on the.7th!inst. r. 1 80ch a large mass of people as .should be instruct- WiliiaTn Pojter,-to Miss Ruth M. Searcy, daugh- I ed m this short tune, I will inform the pwple that tAthf ThnmM iSparrfv Pm. I ct i I I there are persons who have Liberty to teach said OnihemthUnst- m Rowan CouMy k C. system, but none by the nameof Howlet, Green, hr iy R i V ,!. riP. Mr iTnLo fl Stephens, Musell, Plumer no , Simmons. : The Gillespiej ito Miss Ann Grabanijl both dt said g Persons nave oougnt permits om,roe " ... i .3 t I TMAh nnw BlfflTAm .m aim .lfnA. lu .tlrinn i . t ' I -I I f I r I : . m . ' T '. . J . t t' r- t-w ' Chmnla n. the Residence of GeorVre C. craton iwassey, Bryant rieaam, vv m: O ESPECTFULL Y Infof m thlVrlnterVof riheLUnited States, to whbrrKihey have TheCoiistitotionalist, it Raleigh. The long been individually: fcnwn 8jjekablish- will ed Letter r ounders. that they have tormed a their copartnershiD in said buisness. and hope from Surry iheir united skill and extensive experience, to be able to give full satisfaction to all who may favfir thera witypridefe.; .4'). The introduction elf machinery , in place of the tedious and. unhealthy , process of casting type by hand, long a desideration by the European and American ! Founders was, by. American ingenuity, and a heavy expenditure bf time and money on the part of our senior partner, first; successfully ac complished, Extensive use of the machine cast letter, has fully tested and, established superiority in every particular over, that cast by the old process. t t T 1 The Letter or fundery buisnesf will here after be carried on by tthe; parties named. under the firm of White, Ilargr & Co, their specimen exhibits a complete series from Diamond to 14 lines ica. The book and the news type being in the most modern light and style. 1 1 1 VV hite, Hargar St Co. are agents for the Presses, customers Chases, Cases, every article for Sale Old tvoe i be suDscnoer nas maqe mis arrangement on taken in i exchange for new at! 9 cents per COACHES. From Warrentdri,Nji C. vja Weldoh and the Rail Road to Petersburg, Va. Passengers by this CnhalJ, on rhursday the llthj; mst. by ..- -wo-, ,m. wr- ----- , Is Shelly Esq. Messer A. Vestll ofSurty Herts, Wm,B. H.Lane and Jeremiah F. Vestal. K V Jlfiss RhfKla ftlendenhaff daughter As to three persons signing over their interest j iti epart IdMendehhall.altofJaniesMwM J 1. these permits that is not admissive; at alU and comw n. ( ' ; t- " teAikwht.Lfrhi.ame 1ill hi such as fn.UK,if i;n Tfhnrrlir iKa ciitfe inot Cv I bamuel K. liell, James McPhersoo; Wm. Ro- r i jttaa sbXiul di ehyy houjd posterity belie vo ol I tfrancts i.d. kL."L 'L-U .-! k. .!(! K will k nm. 1 .4.- 'rf&.-jil H.ut.- ' Sf tliaciKclivit that Kin I DlnkcJ t a .s4.. L-.1t nil -1 T-m -tiim ' aat so:meaa,;buvtopK ud tms aoctrineasa pre ; msel that ho was prevented from further meas- t llsby Ending luinrlf in h pioot minority in the rjth, where he had reckoned -iso rg they ii prokourirp Him calsujSAL. ""-l.c; , fiiVy; tigh :-AthoTw2(s delegated to ; South Hajilna jttjf. iof her io hold Her temper, has ' mi Bered a dinner kby jthe cjiief nullifiers of f arie$ton.'r4hV.'hehad the giod tsense to elii He has Written back to his employers, lt thire Was a prospect jof resassetnbiing the vnUon but what will bedono thereafter he i k tio,i-Hfi dtoe rioir . 'e ye n mention whether j .twnt jtf be likely teget Ex-: i)Vi Hamilun's sogar from under the guns at e pinckney.! It is but top ! plain that tho Eaij3sSTJ.TJwiS i not so much rejoiced at account of the almost impassible situation of the I pound. fUoUS. A3 BUUU u siuoi itwu pxriuui, auu the Rail Road Compapy receive their other locomotive engine, a dinerent arrangement will be made so as to give greater expedition, ii The subscriber has procured splendid RED TUO" COACHES. Carrying Nine passengers inside and five out side. 1 This line ! forms aj conne:tion with the Roanoke line from Warrenton to Danville, which 8 immediatelv after the arrival of the ac- News paper proorietors who mve the above three insertions will be t entitled to NOTICE, ILL be Sold in the town of RocHirdf !to the hishesf bidder on Thursdavibe 7th !of larch next.SrtAPE, a . j beLing to the; eslat f Da'vla- Durietiiiecldi v terms made Jcnown on the day of sale... , , ..; ! r . , til r. POINDEXTER, AdmV. reb. I2th, 19-3-3! r ewscjs. RNAiTfrdm the hscritcr In iX& last, a neoiro ninn mtmA I . aged 'about forty years he is iipvardof si feet high, strait land well farmed Ilia coni 1.1 . - i a -4- . . i uexiuu is a iigat oiacK, nis iaco is rather ong and his features vefy prominent he it a very intelligent man and may bave rpro--cured a certificate ol freedom. It -is be lieved that this fellow is making his way for Charlestori-fl mil give the aoove re Ward of twenty dollars to any onewho wilt deliver the saii negro at the Minos in Burke comity or to Dr. Samuel Henderson, at wharlotte Ni C. and a reasonable re ward to any one who will lodge him irt arif . i T ' . ..." . r Five Dollars in such; articles as they may j Jail Jand give me immediate notice therS- w E. WHITE. WM IHAGAR; ar i a t these permits that is not admissible! at alU aiid cotnmodation line irom pemeia, ana rnve at a person buying a permit so signed ' is Certainly Danville every Tuesday, VV enesday, and ri-navinc-his monev for nothine-. Ahv of Ithose day, by 6 o'clock. P. M. Persons travelling who have nermits should thev at anv timfi teach I Joun or oouwi- est,, SHENANDOAH FRBB BRSDGEJ WM. D HENDERSON. Bnndletownj urke county, i r eunJ vy 2, 1333. DIED. .; fl Its M whn hv twrmiU .hhnld thAv ut tinuiA- South or South-West, will fihd this route as At Muibury Island in R(V!WnghanV County, for less than three dollars peir scholar thev dol pleasant and afibarding as many facilities as mist -ii -.-: tk;. k-i I rmi.s in the Southern! LoUntrV. this line a nnepromising child. i W- I j ty therefore to teach any rnore until they Should W aconnexion witn we ooum fves.ciu uuc, QeWrawn Iff JfncaCSfCr, suitable i l-a'ely in this vicinity, Mrs SaraH Long re- be permitted to teach again by the proprietor, fromj Frederickburg to Lexington .and Virginia, OH Monday. HE is SM rf ; tKi Ut iVii;-m 1 - s fir 7 ' I a.u. i h u iii.6.u!:- i .ri.Jlut-. K Piedmont line at Danville from Washim. -f v r-r-w i is r..vw...uv .1 uimu -jii, . . j M i z uicic win uc luaiiT w;ciici i vuk . tcacmu! i - :..., i . ; . On the 17th mat in this neiffhbothood, Mrs. 1 this system it would be well for those who wi.h toiS City, to .HiUedgevaie f-teorgiai t-.t-,W!A7.i- .Vw,... Ac i !ivl i :'. .j :i ifj . ' u ' . l J - j. I ' ) . t I TT7 TT 1 A- df; 1 EXTRA CLASS NO.il, FOR 1833. that Vicinity, as TTtflLL Stand the approaching SdaSort f f tvoncord, and such other may hereafter at places urt be fouhd Eikabeth yeint, aged about 25 years, yrife of I to be instructed in said system ib know of a cer e Veant ! u i . tamtv that the person who offers to teach is well Hi 1 ' v . a . . . . - . t 11.11 Malice i S L m determined to move to the dountrv fifteen miles South of Concord;. I am com- petledjto fettle toy business here; ahd all ersops indebted to me by note Jor otherwise', are reViuest- l f4r ilt.1in im A ... tL-- !1 I ijenonas Wasappieliendedin the crt . w )oh yo!nW cllL liven. miJKiiiaoiqn;:-, it.tnenunisier aa . gone tnere trrtj . ;tht i .-"-;! i r . ill feftSl't" glVnt Ant person; wishing toTpurchalj GDOllS qualified, t:v. they will kn w by his having recommendation from me signed with P. R. Were it necessary, I could lay; before ray friends, certificates in abundance to testify to the utility of my system of teaching Penmanship, but the system proving itself in such short time. I deem it hardly necessary. j j H ) H; : Having made these remarks I will conclude by saying that I feel greatful for the extensive pat ronage I have received from the people of. North Carolina and V lrginia and anticipate a . hope j of I(om Petersburg to Danville, tO Dollars. Seats taken at the office of the Rail Road Company, Petersburg, also, at Mr. Bellamy's Hotel, Warrenton. jl Fare froa. Warrenton io . Petersburg. $5, JAMES W. JEFFREYS. 23,18336t . n l APRIL 15th, 1 1833. bchemIe. HTsfiWi -.""gl appearances oy atnCost would do well to call, as I am resolvid ff""""'? w 4,1 . FP'v Vl "" :aaie states, ine lUabuhX'' their drawback to that interference, ; tffcfl I l li 1 benefits of my invent ion more extensive than iiity pretiott; i vapbrating in smoke the ,.crfini94e.'sjrea-:lal. of-the laud is for- Vi lr'W py.f;;a aisuroeriy. meetiag.ot un I canonzpo ipaiyi i 1 1 Safely housed '-'---. .it : .-f ' - . r - i ait at suco ?a i moment the plenipotentiary i omes to as-v iiiem not u run against a Wind ;. Goiy( Cain Bncllrtn pray don't shoot!!" Kwon ner nis errand aaoujti nare been deemed ' - a -. : StocZ- of (Scods migbthnd it to their advantage to apply: to the Salisbury, N. C . Feb.20th, 1832- 23. .- rv" avfl ap n i- -,-.- m uais uuv. iiamUton's sugar 1 9-T"-r r" 7 i "'.?" T'f kf-ujw- ahd an the party rediculously at ea n y nanes- iasi iay oy myse i,,anq can ps i -w rcT snn wt t- s t i iiaUviui j-w mu uuiior - r-af l - ET73 j j IjwUl also SELL :.cfEE$T tny adjoiningGen Barringer'sfebrner lot, iO I HAVE been informed; from a source entitled to credit, that a man by the name of Stephens has been teaching my system of penmansnip ir more than twelve months'. I understand he ; in- 1 prize of 15,000 20 prizes of l prize oi o,uuu -u prizes ot 5,000 50 prizes of 3.000 60 .prizes of 2,000 150 prizes of 1,000 200 prizes of 230 prizes of . 1 prize of 1 prize of 2 prizes of 10 prizes of $500 300 200 150 100 t 50 25 Had Price of Tickets 04 J Mtalte 02 ; Quarter 01 Tickets Shares and Packages to be in the greatest variety df Nurdbers at PALMER & JONES' Office, Danville, Va. Feb'y. 23, 183331 tdd. an Animd of uncommon sise anl i fine appearance: and reui;nmpnlii ,Xkd I frdm Gentlemen, of the first! respect biiity 1 Oi his qualities! as a fbal-gctter will bo pro-; auoeu. . ' THOSE who wish to raie Aiuie frdni on( of the besi Jacks ever exhibited in this ' par of the country, will do well to etnbrid this! opportunity lit i THE other Starid arid further narti.tt! iars win De maoe Known in tiu? tiru-?. I ED. DAVIS ? Feb. 9th No, 29 4 13 t tfext'to the Office c e Corolwia Ifctoian. r: I' ' t JAM ES M FXL iltiJYK OF V CIl OL,MAA THE Commlsslotiers appointed by -fJoV.nur 8wain, have this day opened theii nb of iSubscriptuKifbr Stock in the capiulof said Tl l I V ! oapa, agreeaoiy to toe directions in hi procla mation, at the Store of Thomas L. Cowan, Esq in this Town, where It will be kept openHtha A 4l.-- ;- -t- l-i-- ! T ' wismng to tao- iiwcb m iuqau-c ivtti j , i -rihft t,,r tik in th lnf j.: . 7 j ltTr. .." 1 .. . .7 " . ! ro aesirvu W may ou uau ai me uu.ee ui tne t utHaia. call at said atofe and enter their names in few days from now. j. Itaanklesstjneiiarid no woniler pithlr. that the j gouu; verms. iue nuuse is largB apa wen I lorras tne people ; wnerever ue goes na uenasa i ; Jflion b3 should makdsamewhat merry with nmshedscontaining a good Store Rrn, CoQt- permit from me, to teach my systemi, which : is nnAKES thisj method of mfoiming his triends l in,.r i?,inM?on..t ! if , j I ingl Room and Cellar, together with! suitable la-1 certainly a lie. II have given neither! led- Jl and the pubhc eAerally , lhathe has just !?:' ' f ' ' ' "' ' : ri il partmlnt.' up! stairs, for a famitv. Having four I sons, lectures nor perniits to aiy 'such mkm l I onehed ; a House of -ifPablic ; IS 'I a ?- I" --; ' s i r I . ' J - . -T ; whose! purioui Depravity. A! younc woman : ime we s suppressi(uut .of respect to the r injured idiyiiiuaj,) m;a county bf Virginia, not far! istant f torn our borders, lately endeavored to! J it her, husband to death by , pouring melted1 1 , a -hii he fiad seen the story in ie Ladies ; Book of a omahs having killed ix husbands in this ; mknner before she Was) iscoyeredv and she was resolved to try the wo evening? before. . Ttjis is the more stranorj Ihat:: the "girl had made; advancement to the aitch.tsbe chad once rejected ithe auit. he f gentleman had givenj up all thought of, it ?en'hf; received a letter lrom herj which in- !ii tit.1 r - . . '.. vi i.. '. .ycu Mim : w, inrew; ac prupt-i, auu SU aftre eaortnout from the further fact, that this fire-places. There is also a Kitchen attached to the premises. r A-( ; Negroes, ex Igood notes wfll be Ijrecciived .in paytnent'for a part of -the prica, anftindulgence giyenrbr thej ballance. j f : Possession ;can be given at any. moment. ? fd y have also a new WAlUN and a TEAM OF FOUR MULES s which I wii is not the only scoundrel fringed upon my rights. The names of w ; w-r a: where he res- sell oh! good! terras. i JAMES S. BURKHEAD. Concord, N. C, Feb. 23, 1833l-46w.l that lias in Beveral others shall come to liffhtin due time. Those On Mam Street, South! East side ;of the Lourt who have permits! from me are not allowed to House in the town of Salisbury: teach for Jess than three dollars! per scholar I have secured the benefits of the system io myself accoiding to law; and have come ;' to the deter- mination to put the law in force against all who teaoh my system without permits,! as j well : as those who patronize them. All Jars liable and 11 Witu Emanate,! i ri$lLY4 respectfully tenders his Professional v serriceS' tai the Ladies and Gentlemen of Ci;iAi L '- fJ-??:. i .:ll' L ll L -iiinnrv.iiui ii, Tirinu,: ri win nnrm ii iue ;ul andher brothers had been educated by the I brahchMnf hi. nnP.inn at the Mansinn Hotel. atity icf her. hiisband atth$ re(Wesf()f their otat' who may wish pectfully sultcits a share of public patronage i IHe assures them thai every possible exertion shall be used to render comfortable and agreeable the situation; of every individual who may favor hint with their company. : 1 j ! : IHs- alo ennfidentlv annonnceil. that his bouse shall suffer. Buteven without this threat it I shall be so conducted as to gratify. the admirers of he rascal in his pm. lie wore oil a white misrhtoe hoped that the good people of this hap-1 of order, decency ahdlguod condbctl J hat, black coat with yellow ipetal buttons, blue py land would oc4 encaraM'SUch'.i rascsjityi' by I IHis' ITABLE shall be exceeded by none it pantaloons, and a black! stock! btiuhd round with J. !.., I .. i .... f J I ii ci : . . i .J .t... ii. .t.-. I i ? patronizing sucn low urea, low pncea ana low I wa op uraisnea wun; pieruy vj me uz . j Kif nHen mprolv Ear thn ck- nf a rAr rt,J- I the XmlrV fiord a Hta HAH. SbaU D COIiSULni- I 1 Will mil. ttcitiarc of a l(ian. A EELLOW by the name of CHARLES JL SPOKEb went to the house of al l ne old woman by the name of Sirah Lambert and demanded tier -money and property She refus ing to give it up. he tell upon her and beat her most unmercifully : in a word, it is not believed possible for her to recover from the injury. Tht said Stokes has been guilty of of her gross outrag es in the county of Surry, and jit is right to cau tion the public a&ainst him. I He is about five feet 8 or . 9 inches high, stout made and well formed his complexion is fair, eyes and hair black; his age is about 21 or two years he is on the whole a handsome fellow! only a good deal D. F. CALDWELL.. j MAXWELL CHAMBERS ! THUS. L. COWAN, j R. H. ALEXANDER i ComntissiaMrt? Salisbury, Feb. 14, 1833 tftO , j give any lars. Feb. 1833-.23. ibjs'ao'eath; bed. r- - aS very j-great fatal t conjeonence Was : averted I Irom the Teeth, from! W . fnl! -t The suffering prndu- I his serTicesi " was suoposed that He will set Incorruptible Porcelaitl, or my othsr ly sopplied with a variety of refreshing! beverages I sion of said Stokes, and will; not even thank any tuitauie tor the paliate ut tne weary traveller i one to onng mm iku tne neignoornooa agam ! IHis STABLE is always abundantly supplied j but the world should be cautious of him. won souna vorn, r odder, ecc. togetner witn aiten- iJ' r . . : .. . ,i L J :ii: TAKES this meth xi of iniurming the inhabnt tants of Salisbury! that she. Intends omiP irtja School I if stnaU childrerti ort the first .onday in Februanr,at the house formerly Oc cupied by the Rev. Thomas Wfighh F Having been Cr many years accuslotned to the business of Teaching, she confidently expects to give entire ratis-act-on, to those rjersons whd may confide their children to her care, As iti School is expected to consist chiefly of young' children, her attention will be principally direc ted to Spelling aad Rading ; but to those sudjj for the apprehen-: ciently advanced, Writing, Aritbmetic Grai- a broken Phia Feb. 23, , OFFICE, i 1" tiye and' faithful Ostlere. which, he hopes, will in duce his friends to call on him again, and atraa- ;CLi'-.2 J : if i . .f H, M gem ui give nxm a tnaif tl SAML. H. JONES, Haystack, Surry cotmiv. W C tCJ Editors who wish well to the comma- nify would render it a service by giving the a bvc a few Insertions. ! Ii S.ii. J. I mar. and Geography, willbe Uiurhtalo TKHMS- & per quarter, or where two bf three are sent froni one fa.nLlyy Somettiing Ifss" will be eharsred J Persons who find it lnmnrc nient to pay Cash may make payment in any, of those articles, which are commonly itoiaits tne conumpuon oi a lanuiy. J.au&iy ifr r3w27 .-.a -v."l :c - i 11 1' 5 !":: - f. -ft. 1853 3J. M TV'? I ) : 5 ! I. is;; i 5- t- Si !l Ml 1 5 10 f L r i t 1.' HI ll a il

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