-J 5 J-?if, U1 , 4 si k mm,: , m if - i- lit iri 'ml- '4 -.-' !' ;?! ' .1' II' 1.&1?s p liifefe SSkpipr spimi; a : ' 6 cldfifwwas !Uf happer SSIyooW duty-Present co Xot Ur 'S! ff&K& Htff ill I tWfr weronailimn Sfctelvulf deLtwtim isAMfeffiKS Hr r SI ! r IT1??K--r.. i&I fi.ujuts- i .i. Rfi, ttWhich-f tafeurebrtotofetewM mymvmi9 ,uu.r.vrrr:.-E f , , i mtroaa and mote bnUiantot jaea wno navaj n - : 5 1 wentai iaw, ?ecesw those jfcwers Win m-O I sarit is ffiSr M6ssibU that th$arol!nst possible tor yStatei,proTi4ea; tnis upyw i erDraem propri if.dWM.UtnVJ.mmentiithe lesDOiV jthai ijth Carolina, hiving tlared $rrticable,whateyer ytav rdnow to adoot. for her to succeed. 1 am rcadv, for one, to give the jtribunals ana fiMhMivo Afffip cotintrv.Uvhether that iExecutire has or has not my nfedoncihe jorcqij ou. , VIITT i-IT it'Jo hfi power to tpone ;.tflnn iue louxne , Br I , : roust be oy atat - iw VI i-Lwbuid defeat vat yfkislatMm fbrererji. wooio-i iwa, iOTBTci;un j, .-- r- era1tfes!atioa;tdilie -l eroplofying that force' toust lest wiuk ww rcaae.thecoaditlmi bfoota uajwioaoniTi tVnW T!. I : 1 1 nnrnrvus tn tie tnis. 10 mue au aiiciuium 1 m.t ti cm thA wnm 01 ur nonion 01 uur WUlatiTe form of enact- see wxr of n( kind i but. aboire all, do I not ;.f,M afut tkn fmtion of cer- sire to see a I .- tT:.t c.w,' t ffnr rSnPPY.I whether ciTi! or I i ? . . . 'rffinC, UioiDeteattu Tw?ca nir oDinion inai i ufuv- v - M nW rneasnreof'oow Jnd iutbbr-iowa . e7 rAuw V . v T TJirr ifTL. state out UiK.rties ? I v Aftiirn ttih ua su iiii; 1111 itJii.f : ijul i l. - a. IL. IT KA 1 iMan Mfllf I Ofw nui ; Jthn hat is necessary for thoe ptirpqs?s. sir, trepeat, that I think South iUni tahU point I would wxi m cheertiliy been nsh'r intemperate;'-and fheatiy in the. !' i'Wfof it is ny sorn duty, as J reganl $ to 1 wroniy ; ; but t do want t dwraoe her, nor ro tothat uoinL . I 1 1 1 I f. ii any ottier member oinnis unn. i -iwiwm i A Min takina this yiew of iKe subject 'lhe tore of one single star, uim-j-if Soiittt (jajrolina is doing nothiilgj mprHi- teedti that she H doiris U witH(te rhrt-ss ItJiin stime other Stntes have iione. I hit;r- ttctaUe State, Ohio. and if i;he vaspot Imiktaken the Sfcite ' of VTririHja I also fAn i t ... -i ' . JII.. iLiii . C opinion praiieu sofn fearsgo,i Wnit nt!l th law- of Ptiite-' thtoibenkl forin.l,'yul'y wn einer.many a gioroiu ouo r,i jypa put. UK5 lawsot t lte JgJM' jf woaJ to go into Ji civil wir with such a State the limits of that Stater becl the tatel ;rtbi,nU hadan etclasire . JflrUicliMr halrt.dtmnKSfn4M, Xliat iic reuerai coun-couiu .wrwiuB auiiiur- j&q,n thojn Aoraingrtoilhfe prinpiple W ofOliio paase-d thOilvi t&inl the branch of the fJ. Stitfts Bmk . 5ttts wirm to bfierilbrceid agiinit eyeryier- Wtiwiio s!iould-atttrnptto dejeatlieritHx '.r ' r f J ation.' The question; j was' thed: J K liap - pine) to be my: lot, (said Af rl C. j t0ibe Tf In conclusion,! allw me to entreat andimplorei Jco uusd at law to bringthe SUltlagiinsi the -u.i tAAi&h";&hA& St ilV.tlllU IU lliaiuwuiiuv 4buvaio.uuiuiti. . . -. Ui'.i the miot fjhi); it tuthaofBcoof we public TreaJury myself to 'vhich waSaken the nney4fJthe Bhk of the United Stat .mere; in sequew uiuii I'-ldHpIay oXarriind mnuitiji that 1 ever, i'i isawltnmy liltr; but notone.w4sj rased ;)br , ,: . ;Hrcaiciieu against iub uu u.ucuiiujj ui iiie t kJlAWs: of the.United Siates walrithyere i jUien emiorcea. - In Virpniij' ?7nan riot y rireJthail am.corrit tnthe ffiiltoryiof itO 'Plir. ! i-t). txl.na in i OTfyt PWWJL1"1 'm6;and theMme cire rfx " waw!i i.uj.ftw fix 1 to the Union, iwuitij pas iBbe i '.submitted to ledcral went Twecan fdretfor S i ' j f u;i ut MSSiite tons,and regarded only the v-st interests of this V? 'Vk ? ?r'K peobfeUliHWhoj-e that-nder.suci, heppnrt wtthout anyjappeajto ars. iln; a gaanl with iulrr dispositions, we'ma ad j fbuildini whichljK had! to pasjlttorder " yaatageousli proceed to , the eonsideration'of th i lteacli the TrensuryV 1 saw , tho most brillant bill, an! heal, before? tbey are yet bleeding, the i1-.', f Ltljrwa4ar asq'oilthis! kind-4rtis.3wem t ,? :. :f I sT in ma; cs hrnryhf hrniAt h Knma I ni tum Jhirt&n .vn . m AmcMMhir I aoowerriaie:oeiweenciniejs oi ainereiit oiates: 1 i mcwsm sp Ywi:H:,''s;!!i,,I" 'uZfzsn - tmiIw? n?ssm': &sts "3 WfWillkS iiaVit wal coiilnla tbal U was .peaceful lav.of the United Stele HMl brf;made Stebv .S?mft STk fi"?.'' it - ii)o arid -deleatnV.in--ils'ailik&ut Slo-irfeit JiiiiVJ.i.Jii,i.mU .- JTt ..'J in oiirenadce there-.f.aind -all'' treaties made, er atnuDjior, the field, that she the Federal arm in tlie HPXlTCl of its law ful authority I SbutliGt ptijrA IfaS atteaipjyd Janil fkerieai it inn muclimdnsivay, M itfcmpted to' defeat jthi? exeiuon' uof the tiihat under all thivir6n&Uivie lof thW'iltsai' ttphe hasvtor the present Idetefa ihedito stop i iierein outer that by our 'legislation, bve tmayprevehtth toylsrthcr 1 But ' there are' mher "reasons ferfthbextiencyfi flii;mArhrk-ir.1. ii.iil lgh J came here fHy Jrapressed with 4i" I II1? i a ' 1 - a naerabtel repugnance m Jiauuo until that day shouij hare nassed, ;ueuauae ui tne cunspanfnrA n.it ;wpr fr enenn I WkMJ-tbe'(llJ wouldgoovei kell,v I tcej; vehts,caa douM that she will sHii! v f.i ulu .fcWonuwau conifiwepreatnea the ports otithatate, over those or all f4 4?; lMW101! wtie?!uo rtramt'wtopip)n,us.But States, of the -Utaot,v in;, manifest 1 hi l- M:!VfBnnro WWdratKirt .South Uaro- U the positive ! provisions of the ? !Kf tad W letunz it g fintot eUbctititt the -Fourth; 1 l los'tead of Nullification being, as & -.If :fi:; J.&iW&XLmJsVtlto his - noticed the courses I "hmfaaml. artSftaivfiii rpmdrrrrinr ? s tSim ia nner ie?isiauoa 1 ! twilhrtut any settlement f :IHlsnu? My niy life H - period auaspqucnt Minlib f; lltlrt ..u w uiwiy. fTHviui -wg.JwiM i Jaflce, whichfuhls they ee 1 !I,:ffJ)w.neoin(,r states or iniS,!union-s-a StaUJ enforced only by the Sword; f ; HlC : ; kl 'tt& mw cpofMeracj ia-haked ijy bonds I ha abrogated theiudicial j-l M. :'f l-H01 fowerful charariea r have somatimes lltmits in this; respect; has v f! m; m i? fciianaea wa vitAiw he her condition ifshe'poesl Uh tid Sttif.e i )r I 'U r 6 ty ? " ? . yw.tiwrHWjjj wuiu i oy peir own laws, .aua oeciared ituniawiu tor 1 preseoiawv,upa woseMS, yottHll to ear 1-1.Sne;if t ofthe lioioa. V.hat s. theconse- aswora-ttjwrWh.- iBthese'-vatiMis jjeeK that the Suith hairighfto idiat verthe5 ' n . i : cuenee? She is an- independent fbweiM ' What dings thererei 1 "State5? of South ? Carouna declared shuiMftot 'jdonitti ft'ivthT FoiS 1 I l j the d she do?-lSherm has forced tneVeperal government tinavdidablt, bid ItcontehfjforlM : - . ; "? ! i H fUaud a expensive GwfriuneW to-decHe the new arkl dangerous alternative, of right ta 'inptl submission tht laiai r pari V 11 Iwsoos---she most raise taes-hacttJJsivery peihtmalStateto obstruct the execution f ot me aMnibjlt IWeqnallf iiit. o&q in all j p S : f tarifr,iwuicb had driven? her oat of the nbnla 'thelawtwitoin itsliinitVrjr seeing it attempt pa.ts,- whctoer'jn) the 'EastVesU orthl W I In iArdwltoenahle her to raise money ju-iTto sustain I to execute. a f threat Ct withdrawin? T f 'tht atnttideof M-toaependent;!;pOwer;pa V ShouKJ nave noiorpw,na navy uiproiect ncr. wonldlexposei toplfattcatfjlnc H neighbor, 5t. DomrpgoS might pour down Ofdiiuiiperf hlle an -act cf .Congress u a aufficient reason tift wKrcntia thrf passinof int And Itintnill - I if thr anVkvti6 want cirit war who tu df- eitll s war. -When ; war bemns, fnWmn. no human fforrsi?bt is I foresee when or how, or where itis to! terminate-; Btttwhen a; ciyilrwa shall be Okhied up In tha bosomof 1 onr own hamrv land. I ana cuxnnaanatns. jre,i Winning their yrctorles, sod fleets .anrin -motion ! on ouronast-t-tpll nt. if too cart, tell me if, any! humart being can tell its 'duration God altme where so K War will end. cwnai be rflelt i bur .? mstituofia? fa. what want no war ; above all; Carolina has ibtes our political fiun ;f still less do I wish: f it bl jttd iHlt. ani ns lftht obliteratnd i rever. Has not the State of South CaToUna been if Jhe mmbhn of this Union in day3 that on o tried men s sou's 7 Have not herajiccstors rxr4. .--w--- I P ....i . .ui'sl iii I. A,.nAnt-.n 7 llA lira not. ?- Whenever it should . - I t nr-iiiM hft her' cnnrtltion ? ,f sh,-shCaU rtf Wim Uawji, u ,alJ tojM nons wQaiiaQsuiMfoi iao.uean.ui uur jiwpio r $he;basbfeiVithWfefute,.wben'herancestoii m.ngk.1 in the thi'm ( tatUe. and .1 hope I ceniuTios ia cum yi ;ine uaneu ueitsnuw ui- wuw- "Z. and,jfbrtae hortor'aud glory of the Union, I do not wish to see her degraded or deuced as a l niember of this Confederacy, each individual member of this body - bring into the consideration. of tthis measure, which I have I j . . - ; !,. '-:!. . . . . I .U L..iii if.. ! M M'thii h Qfte prom momfeot but that would I asking 'too much human nature if - we. could su and party nartv feeiin? and Dartv r J c? - r t here before my Gyd, I beyond those .considers- voondabfo rjdhtraied e;-.w;trv. j . -zl i ' . " "i Extract jrobiki ?imhr 4, Uxe lion. JUTr. IftU r lia ki trt hi tjmslilujnts. ',,- ! I t , j, i ' To the" Citizens Of? thC Thir- teentli bukressional ,Mitt M' let affiftfclfcCarolina: Congress at calculated totprod&ce be most salutary ,. results, But h s.oher have Mbmp's beeny made to re iuee ittplract hu the disguise haa-beW hrown (f. and tiie 4li6us character of its princi- nihiias bnebolJfevidftht On the"l6th ?day 1 1 h lesystei apd overthrnwoi an , the government' is abso- i arTca nn a . n 2 fbr- 1 w oe oi januarv, tine Ufesruent sept a message u t nift! ftoum Larouna is obstructod I oincer, to support ;this oMtitntiqp; f ublli reyenoer)witm the lhuits ot that wate. ia ana t,t tn0 -un Whites, but the subjects of ;n t.tvii .nr,J a 1 ivi-u "rvt niiir' uo ' uwvii I'hivii VI trtai3a inia ma .porw'oi 5out the payment ot any du friiat State: is" thus relieved I frnit'ther oav ineht btl aiiT- bait of;' the- "nublie bar j thens; and; duties aiid Jj-.upps are not naif, tea- 1 not ..mFtrm tKrk.f hA I r;.4 wi but adirwta riiijai preference i gtven't! other violation Constitil had been thepint8 stepa tomeasures submitted to, can be that' in effect, she tribunals wlthinu her irtoajly demed the the courts established ' ' sne ivjo tnecpinioaoi the. r resident tfas refoliiiidnary hurtle their phararter ar.d, tendency, and subTersira ammmt thfl tn VfrmtTiStit. Slid S'JI nW lf a r tnd regTet I tem.f IWfffi streert:thirisr fikeordei ty inr the coniustnn and n. Wintr. lAdinff I tii Uis notion (I I: cannot sire it any other inam)wbat v is la in one part of the coufitrtl toaf not be m in an-.tier j i what is law to-day! may i noti r L-umnrm wr. J and all this without an .ctenge bemg- made by the -ailthoritji ;of Iislatare.; There areirigniioToie twentv-fiMir States in this Union; and each one, ii iuiiincaiioa tjr o?ct9iau rower to obeyiofiijbey laws enacted for the tfoV' Ternmen ot alE the fcrest Wettuuld thri have K'SfI!! or xuieso action in. W vSf of , one, which 'alsw is; !aosurd;'4jeauset tha taws the 13 mred States are- intended l by the very CoiistiuitW of the ; Government to f be the aume thfouffiuiut the whole -country. . . Equally indisposed am i;to admit that ulluir cau.ifor Secession can cUim to he a Republican I r' fx? ""1 -rr-1-. , 1 v: 1 , It inHowt tha Vfrvn rntrpr ..f this. I a Republican Government means a tree . gov-1 rule, then Nullification i-Jwcesaioo, which j . . .- - v . u . ' l . . ' . i-; -u claims disobey lead! to I ridual xr nM niikl L hA m4larlt rr . I.nra n-pt 1? v'Wi L! to govern, ana omceae t 4 tue mjnon,ty, o 1 smaller part and yoiiill b; brUugbi by lirrW I tibie steps of retrugradatiuhji if fi may sai8peak 1 I o.irramlnF all ilio auvpra VtT - miuitrn-nont Intn I th .ands HW.t; yonarehy. ha jwtowjrf IMted oiaies me laws oi- oiiuroaiuj.yi-Lfeasuit aii yi' testigainst sjch pripiple Will iStrudoied w practfcH ift ihU .cuaiury. iWe ;fiw andlit is the duiy of thg minority o submit when the acts of the legislature hayeTbeenl passed ac-. cordin to those .toims which; -4f pler theta- lor'tne minomv me power; lo.xonuoi or.i amnt of thp.ir mvnlntinnarv fnthprc in Rtnke thewfll of thejmaibnty,mustinevi1 for liberty they have taken pains to repres raonarchj,ortherghtof a single ind 11 Anrtki ' wnmm . trM to ffovern the! whole nation, Ijor once L i! Tl. jiJ? -a ir . - . s d ; i i roni vt inn btvi niri rr nnn ruin ra a jimnn!i. selves have oroameu nd espus Ifdtfler- hosiestly differ Iffom them in opinion, irivolv enceSof oDnuonsnouid-, arise as: to the rL hhiL I U J . - r ... exerc8 of power in any catheliCourta ar f th!niJiPa iTihnnals-'.to decide ihe J cuntrhvHrRv': 1 .1 1. ' ' , T -. fl nai'J - . 'i ? 11 J 'r'uifit fhp I.iu-1 &nd lur tlieir aariitl.:lhH Prtairieht.. I they exeirute the lawfeAU- the puoiic luctiona- - I riesiwhether legislative, judicUtl orj. executive. are agents of the people, chosen in me ruanot-i pointed out by the pple, i tqpertorm j tlie par ticular duties aw'goeu .'to thmiat-d they ' must cu-operate w :tl eachsothi ui older t( accuuiplti thgreat emisi a gixrii 4cuifienjr as .secured I to us by the couutuuW of we 4JWted Stali-a. In the '.second; .section, ot j the .th'rd .atti-;. o' the constitutiji;- it Sy"delareU- ihajti I";: the, uJiial poet shall extend to' all cases in law5 kud Iduityaris- W2 unoer me consiuuiioa ; ., itie laws ti tin j United States, add treaties itiade at which sha 06 mao under tQeir uthor allcaantic I ttnar amba-sadors, .bther i pu&TicI intnistefs act! : . ,i .ij. , it w jurtsdu U.noeu kt,.T MturMM i KtotUVrLr ..tivnr. . which shall be madejuf.der the authority of the United States shall be the ltprtm e of the tend ana jiidgepf ip j f veytat . shall be hound; thereby anyi wtogin hconstitutiori' or laws of a.ny State 4 ihe? contrary jhotwithstah amn, ana .iiai tne memoess oi uiesererai oxaie .ures,jandal! ihexecyive and jhdicial both of tho ! United States; and of the several.Slates, shall be b.imd by bath or afiirma I l pe toregoing lextracta Irom the ; constitution, aosura, u is u suppose tnatr, tne laws ot the ITnit tnTihWu tTnU . I " ". wv wv. it uviv -yuivuii vi j me juuiciary -aof1! not umisn me proper I tribunal to decide all Vontroversies, such as that I existing mL South Carolina.i If ri2fhUv under - ' 1 stood our beautiwlHur!ihatchleas 8Vstfem of trov- emnient.wuf movejua jwith. pt?rfrcUiahiMny in all its parts, biit et oundd as rNhllificatioo , or Secession attempts to do, coofOsioji and 'disorder, violence and outraieof the hwis'lawlsT char- MerV-wiirsuk:ac:thi rilhetiipsion then for tlie people IfojfJotTefji ;to decide, is tiis, "shall the goveromentbe pferyedor.sRall it oe destroyed??.. fb;eia are among Joirfellow- .wuaeus, vei remainmi, wy me, permission -ot a viaencey some oi tne lathers ot the yre , arid taught by theni y6u.wi!l say ('and sehtiUietU I respond with aUmyieoulj that! goveriimept must be preserved, that a regard Umbh: AtJthasitime.thWfSeaatois trom N.,ith Canrtinaiutessts. Friai&fo ad'Tlier ' tfornj South Carolina Aleiss.ampter ?an3 Gailliardl and fronj Georgia lessrsLf CrafoMana Mifi ledgel with all wembersl jirHM Hobw in I present day tme to of 1 generated '.er,.iUen I fcltitliei- .tirtito'-er weir , aatuu . xvtc ui i rno people, in. w noin -aiiu sovereign power re- tres:orin ? harmony I tht. jmejnbersof sihe ldirislatuiejlby their aeni.; pled rusenort. (ii t the radjresof the courts, theyexuaiid and do trom the 1 douw xne tuusirious yvasnmgton 4bouht it T I hUdaty'to:supresJjdie. sdrfalBi , tie4 htith ' these I laws in Peohsylvaniay oarw-citnatth a a. - uiemsei 'nrtreratinr ; firsts ns3fl J-oOOVu iravi pemua uiuurauuiw m vwmv. - .i i. T . IT fe - - . M i La .1 tha ?T tno coans oi jasuco msubu. w . or strife ly.n.inn hcrn bead Mmt.tinn: -nl heTOWB QettO WIIJ TCS leetiotf of President Kaa resulted r.again r.hhii ofGpn.Jacksotf for President, by r larffftmSwrity.and of Martiik; Van ren w York J ibr Vice President. -lTis m a lMintnr arid everv one has a nshi to bestow. (unon the candidate he may mm oesi . -, - . - . . 1 r 1 to eette hira in any office. If be does. frcW kikA indeoendentlv in thisrbmi- deserves not to act at all, and forfeits in som$ measure the h:gh attributes of an Ameri .. can bitiseQ. fSfcb onei" w claims for himself thisxemptwond ;Carrec4iy : esutnaies us im- portance, mnsdispa cheeruaiy J we pme to i sw, ur u uo r deniit irom ine firreai ruie oi rasuw w&jutbcwu- manaea to manded to obserye. , But while eacn one nasxne as he pleases all of us are boeod to submit to the election when made, because it it thefl a law,of the land enacted Djrtne sunrages of a maiuritv.of 1 the people. On this principle I am inxiona the President should perform his va; rious duties faithfully and beneficially to-omr common country.. Ave are; fellow- citizens; all of us emuarked m the 48axoe great yessei oi pwie, anctrecreant indeed most he be to the feeling of a oatriot. who could wish for storms s to endanger tberjyoyasrej Whether on the surface of a smooth or tempestaou8 jsea, let each one do his duty, and then I trust aIl5wiU be well. 14 "1 i: : , . . i - rtn. xt-.h:-' i. r ' umMcia uavu iwr ycara pi t- : ..1 a: l i li t .-l of oppression, and called on them,, in the nihn- A KJA ht AVin'.f tlA zIq . . ,"rX X Ufllon, whiclonce constituted the pride and pattiotism of her sons and all this they Ui. 1- iUi '. I UU fcojjow preJena of devotion to ' that Onion, wB UtheTiSiltheT alone have cansedt fock jija c . JLj' iL tr -1 . J u pundatOn. , Ham? wronght dp the to!f befittingimood of. mtschief, thcyi hare j of the general government, within the limits of the State, by an odious system - ofj pro- 4 scription aeaihst their fellow catizensLwho mOM""iVWI2lonJ 01 "nstiuiuonai i "Derty and tne rights ot man-r and by deny- I'.iii it ' ' P . I r t-, . ' .,1 . I intt-ln tho .mirfa 4 f hn I Itiii.! Clutn. 4kA. constitutional jurisdiction, and prohibiting tiierex edition of their law and peaceable process, at theisamo time putting the State into! military array, equipping troops, and ac- cutplating arras and ammunition, under the pretext ol resisting an aggression which has nearer been attempted nor even threatened . And all this too has been done ! in the name of peace, and in pure affection to the union of t)ie States jHow different has been the course of the I General Government. It has passed laws, Which .tins left independent judges and unbiassed juries to carry in to operation fit has submitted itself fear lessly to the tpbunal of public opinion, re- 1 sorting to no extraordinary means, mvalving mvusion of public and private right to bol- aief UP 113 RCl3 ana rorce an acquiescence " m icisurcs unasDorne ine'contttme- Uos languge of the Nullmers with pefecl t AiantUAiMeveyet in its measures! It has borne the conttime- 1 4uiuiy uoi never yei swerved lom the even w and oeaceful trnnr nf if nV it- : . - - . M vm w W LUICI XH " was mudiy but nrmly told not that she would be invaded but merely, that tho laws of the Union would hi executed, and thatalthoughor cibfc resisiance to those laws would be repelled with force, yetfif the primeval course ofshed din a brother's" blood should fall upon our land. 11 not beeaHedown by anyi offensive rr:r,"""Jaiwe.umie? 3l!- et has mia course. miie, m tne nuost ot abuse and men ace!, been treated as a declaration of war, and met wi,, apnxla.riiition, hreathins.tho -defiin , ot tuuiai aiiuii a r 3 ivii rnni Swtrds aridbrfetlinbayonots. Th Nnl- may threaten auo bluster, and Dut on their armor, and yet lay claim to be faithful con versa tors of the peace; but the instant that the President proclaims Uiat the obstruction by force of the peace ablf execution of the Jaws will be repelled with f ilrce -be is i denouncfid -YorsnAth a kii - . - - mi . UIWUI mitided tvrantjiomake unhmvnL-P StJtp and her peaceable citizens the nullification chivalry. v ; t IK- " OafoiiCmi. " I By the judgment of the Sgpreme Court ! of the United Mates, delivered yesterday, bv Mt. Jus- t?c Story; the discharge of. tbbias Watkins ituud i v Avir .ilia. from imprisonment was decreed. .The crounds of the decision, we believe, are cm nr : inform- ihj iu unrproceeoingsin tbe VourU)eIow, whieh we shall be careful hereafter to tate more par u:i : . t . i : ; i- f . . f , j.0" " Mr. iir. vaiKins was crougni tnui court and discharged. '! On leaving theConrt-l ha t hud n?st mcenH tw u-.i0 thl CapitoI,bafore he was arrest h tllT shiVat the suit of the United Stated' nT wL -Sa-s. issued., nndef the joanenti noon 'o,vcru captrcwu in such a case, 'ffreat sensation in different parts of the , building A motkiu forahjther writ f ArK. f-' : motifiQ for another writ of AaSi ),. : toedia,,riadabMr. T. X. Brenaljis to be teued on .Saturday nexU-JVfli. tnt.i 3d bf March next. conntv. has sfinrini. k:-J.ir mltlloa.!UumLif member -Willi i kiATiIr.- 1 S ' Si vP10 waff, vh liiv uuviiuiiivu UUU IVUM VI 'SJLl w l?116 Hff1' Nathaniel P. Talhnad?e has rn SWt?d 5H Senator from the State nf iew-ioricmlhenbceAf tha W r.uU- w rT'"""!?" OMwhim of .eaiSrffi , J he Honj'Edmund DeberW. rfr7 I tTIZTtZZ." ",i.IP,.wD- ten ajbdye' poyerty andobscbrit 'axhlyfrxd advantage,; to nsemlnes3ana an honoraoiename. Our tqivlerast continent was added to tho fireo graphx of tlieworld, by the pfeserin eTorts of a-; hbieGeneinaTlM vmlmi-iyftxr. br:tiie tenfypdrsnit' tf ihe en lighthded bf)npUonhich M 5 had; i formed of acted upon the oelief that the eanh was. round, the son of a Genose pilot and seamen himself ; and at one period cf his inelaneholy career, was reduced tabehis bread at the doers of the con vents in Spain. But he carried within! himself and beneath a humble exterior; a spirit for which there was not room in Spaia, ui 'Earope, nor in the then known world and which led ; hinil?on to a'height of usefulness and fame beyonJ 'that of ift the inunarchs! that ever rffnedt i 1 The story uf oar FranJdii cannot he repeated too often ;tthe poor Boston j boy; the son -ni a humble tradesmantbrougbtnp a mechanic hjra self a straiifferto Oollees till thev showered weir degjees upon him; who rendered his coun trj esscnttal service in establishing her indenen lence; enlarged. tfi bounds' of philosophy by a new department of science and lived to t be pronooaced) by lord Chatham,! in the British House of IPeerti an honor to ''Europe, and the age m which he lived;! : , - Why shluldlSpeik of Grecke, whojleft Ins blacksmith vs furaace to- command aii army in the revolutionary war j , thp Chosen friend of Wasiuagtoh, and next to him; perhaps, the mi litary, leader, who stood highest in the confi dence" of his country ? ; 1 JVest, the famous painter, wis the son "of a Quaker in, Philadelphia ; he was toof poor at the oeinningi oi nis career, to purchase canvass ana colors and he rose eventually to be hef first' ar cademy at (London. ;Count Rumfard the son oft, farmer, at VAurn. rHe never iad! the advantage? of a.coliei education,; Sutlused to ; Wm1l IA.tU rmk.iJmA U A. 1, nn. natural? philosophy. He became one-uf ihe most 1 emment kersfm Eterprie;, graded -the Royal Institution in London, and had the mer- u J c....a 42:. triu.i- n . ' . i it of bringing forward Sir Humphrey Davy, as the lactarei on chemistry in that establishment. Robert- bStllon was a portrait nairiter in Penn sylvania, without frifxida 'or Turtune; 'Bv Li successful labors in perfecting steam f navigation, he has made himself one of the greatest benefac tors of mail.! IVkUnty, the' son:of a Massachu sttts farmer, was a machanist. fliiVcotton gin, accrdirrg: t4 Judge Johnson, of. tne Snpreme Court of thej United Sizlcs, has trebled the ; val ue of all tlie cotton land at the o3tb, and has an. incalcalable influence on the !acrriciirrRil and mechanical Interests of tne world. 1 Whilltmorsd w " cot yaiuuiiuv, mo jjcrsor WHO luvemeu WO inachineix ir the manufacture of cards posses sed no othei means of improvemeav (than those which are. within the reach of ererji temperate: and indastrious individual. Several in this au- dience were probably acquainted; with the mod est and sterling virtues of Jlr. PaiUMoo&y To the enort3 of a self-taught mind, the early manuraciuring ertaou&hments at VYaltham and Lowell, are n no small degree wing. .' 1 believe I may say with trnth, that not one pi these in dividuals; enjoyed, at the outset, supfriov op portunities tor acquiring useful; knowledge, to those within the reach of every one who hears me. -If' - ; ; "'; j :"j These are all departed ; but We naye living among U3 uuustnous mstaoces of men who without early advantages, but $y the resolute improvement of a few opportuiiities thrown in in their way, have rendered themselves, iri Uke manner,useful to their fellow men the objects of adrairatiop to those who witness their attain ments, and of gratitude to those who reap the iruit oi meir taoors. ; 1 On aflato visit to New Haven. I saw exhibi tl a most beautiful work ofaxt ;; two fiirures , in aruwpwaenwifff.uie acecung meeting oi Pthah ano! hU daughter, as described iifthe iThidaughtor a lovely jiama, marble, representing f the affecting meeting of- 1 r e T r-"p"r- " W .MJ iW;;,w."' f is represented as eomff forth, with the timbrel 1 . i. 5 . w w . : - S i m i.a k4i in her hand J to meet her Cither as he return in triumph from the wars., Herfather had rash ly vowed to sacrifice to the Lord the first living thing which he should meet on hisl return : and as Ihs diunhter runs forth to embraco him. he rends his garment and turns; his held in ago- ny at the thlught of his vow. The young W- u. pau, asionisnea ana uouoiea at we s range reception. This pathetic scene is beautifully re - presented ml two marble figures utmost equisite to a master in the an; They arc the work of a self-taught artist at INew Haven, who began lue l have been inormed,s a retailer of liquors, This businew he was obliged to giv up under a neavy icao oi oeot. iie wen wirnea pis alien tion to carvmsr in wood, - atid i , . v w . t ' Ihatpnitaneeeyed. n paying offthe in payihg off the .'wortnw iprmer esiaDiisnmenj, to the amount ut several iiimsanu, ooiiars. i auus nonoraojy placed at liberty, he has since rdeynted himself to the profession of a sculptor, ftndf without edni j Ls i .. .-. cation, without funds, has risen at once to this dinlcult and teautiful 1 ... -i .' " i I enroll his name among '.j "r I scarce ow iff may r instance, 4rer home, oftl venture Ito adduce an and sucessiul cultivation of useful knowledge, "fa ...V IFUl fall . on wepaxi oi an uamauai without i education. uusny rcujujrt5uviii t uipcnanicai incus try. l n . : . . S6-Pl6ff 18 ated ! ""J00? u0b I www,wiin a person jwho: was i nnuiiriii. nil iiv inn irana rY laavnA has all his life worked and still works 'at that business. He has devoted his leisare hours, and a proportion of his honorable earnings to the cultivation of usetujf and j elegant Ieamino-. uuuci mo kuuu iwi waica euvers du store ana t!' h? ba the most eieeljent libraryjof f W"fn. t)oojat.forttt.sj, with wluch 1 am ac- -DSv have been fsefected with. agooa juogiTienr,wnicn would do credit to the scholar, and have been Lmpor- hv liimrri Vh ia 1 1 7 r 1 , . j i?nPorl,?t th having the boots, the pruprietor 1 WU acquainted with their Contents. Amohff wcui io vnycriu yuiuaies oi me mos cosily ana extraordmiry proficiency in ' i "i j .il XA'td -V. the brightest ceniuses oflPWg !, WsaucepaniOl w riiagnincient jengmyings Cnneted with this libTar is an exceeding interesting: "series 'of paxmuigs to ?waier goiojs, wnicn a tunonate ac cident placed in. his possessiou, and several rale Us r.!.lii. inMl.iil L... fl'l. .1. 1 uii.qu ujr uuuwiii 4, no wnoie of taste and knvwledg nol . sur- i"' not ad4 thai possess 77 'T7r pasaeo.sqfaueabyaaj.um w auu, luat - WB I sed himself, fromthd hamhiest i wilkrof ibhhtisciehtifid iwitatibni'Ltftle? tvKo rr5orts t3 Pracliral Kavigator liir ' ta!cmaticmswilh which' he" 'finds his in'mid-ocean. are. marry , of i them; theory4 work ofene who started at tKe aanao i in lile wiw mmseii. l:. oiui less it is iktioW .hint' that this w but. the comhfTicnpiit ries oTscieniinc prwacticns wbii EaVl J f f&vifch, oneis -added scarcelyTm itmSN. Bnt why should I dwelh;oh particuW fei; bntstarttnff up tOer siron? fextutenif fewa:ndsu((a5on the s(alcM conducted the reyolotion f o 1 Jta hotKwbi A wevigiicaUed without experience to te?jfp aflairi The Generals wKolmandejd IbJp mies Weirf jaost, of them takejn;iike CintingL j from the plgh, and ' the ! forces wEfchp led, were gathered frotn the firesides of tn 3 ly an( pcacefii populaAion0;hey -wi&ret i edgainst &lf the experieficj? talent ad of the; elder world ;landcme off jyrctl They have handed down to as ancsjuntf stitution, and a national carceir,flbrd!h!rj bocd iessscbpe to every -j citlzenl4v ijif irftd individual to do for himself ? what' urffiij unitedly did for thecountry. 4 Whriaja -Q start in lifer with Sfticw'svahjUkMw iry sxartea wuo, 115400 .race 01 , inq peni Over whose private prospect cto weehj cloud as dark as that whfeh jjifbudedf over J eause of America? W.ocn have Jess' tof coutageand more todishMrten: ;him,f tbati sages alnd chieftains of tho rey4utiou?j i thon endeavor to toUWjntr step4$id according to his' means arid iuilittr tpirchf their gloriocs example I despising , diffio! graspvngat opportumliesr andeteadUy 'purfc'J some honest and manly aim'. Wesballs-y that the obstacles which oppose our pfres $ into the dost before a firm and resolute ate i j tnat tne Measures ana oeneuis 01 Knowledge tJ Wimia tuv rexca t an w aa buck, 11 t EXTRACTS. In. a Comedy the plot turns on Tarria I" Trady it turns on.Mtirder. Thpakij intrigue irt the one, adthe other, turns , this grand event; i-Willtney riiarr , . 5 Will U Ar ' - M . . J iS 11 l" they not murder?- There wdloo a racms 1 thfre m a fcer; and this formal' c. rrt, .n fcJ 1 Ihe first There will. be. no.raarrinffe: tho? wrifiK rt i TTitWder i nfl Ihialf rrivp; KImL J act the 5econdl;?Aiew mode of rearrri I and murdering GiJSpafijfoe. tl n act. A new diiliculty tmpcesuie teny or the murder wMch.wefourth kct-disc ses. But last thevmarnage or the fncrV are efiVctcd for the benefit of the last ad-,1 i2oS5eau. To be flattered. & grateful, even .when know orir nraises are. not! believed m th oufppwer, and show that bur; favor is ft, ued, stoo&r it is purchased bylwo mcacsi If is a shoTt step from- spiodesty to jhcd lty: bijt a shorter one fionfnitvho foTN and from weakness J to tlschoodZtfrt Snmfi mwi nn fttner means Id nrmi- man: see what disquieting view; intnr - . .; - -. . ' r : - . . i ins and shifting, he is content to gotliroui: me,ely to be a.man oi plain i dealing: toe 1 grams; 01 nooesij wouia pave nin. ai vi trouble-alas heiha them notMSf erftt Four things are grievousIyerhptyaN. wnnout Drains, a wu iwiinout juogeme!: a heart without honesty, and ? purselwK money A oarber in Nantucket bead? tisement with the annex corm from fJoldstnithtrlL-- K " k '! 1 Man wants out iittie priza peiow Nor wants that little I mg j T ; J A schoolmaster im a i neiirborma tct: wishing to discover he Uerits;fiyi are for Georgraphy, asked one of the yocs;i est of them "what SUte he lived j ihl l which the boy replied; tta state pfsifl i 1 X ' ! i ' :: !i-...'J! 1 . wrottto a custonjerpuSirr i liwyot wtllJ me havo the amount br my billet ;yoth obliztme. If net, I must o6t?e you.1; i r t . : wl mm i: --- rii a . -- pt of Magda en Colleg HCambi f"P ?laSJm ian.cxM"3 wwwurws ;j tti I ina ume xie micuueu tuuyii au iv: fi Iil '! . ! it- ''' i .ti. ivKi break Cast, when a friend entering found him absorbed in some abstrvl? saying, which took its risefVotii M.e-Wjj Svi HV4HA HO atUr iU V -! WR;. -f circumstance:--One David r ioydf man, jwho kept anraje $ house at $f had a livipg sowilhsii legs, jMll e miucu resuocu iu uyj i"jicuiiy f" tne curioussw rit wife foucA utticted to , having one . day taking cup too'o turned out the sow, and laid dow meiramnor upon au euaiu wiin the tnM ' tinjuished jhUosophrs otr Europe ialdj bed the naie ofJJottHf itch, with those of t -and La Placed apon the li of 'pt.1M respect, man by insisting on lrana u son ; tt ( ' times answers his prpo9e4asit dws a 0'$,:,) way man in regard tomoney'.54bfwi.f' a . r artlandbids lair ,11 "f.wp intum.y Kiuau.g,n uiy ' 1 O " . il. -.-J H ' I - Kit,- - - l-s 1 I '- hersejf sober itfthe.sijfb ft pf Si : ' e to see the sowX)aric! : nfherew ; J the sty exdaimingthero il ftrlh; U1U JWU iBIW f 9U,Ulj WiWU 'jv ijj ; j - - j time supposing' the sow. i had "reaff ; J( Qt tnereio wnicn some pt tne ing the state lof the woman yras in j re , ttit w as' the crankenest sow IheV Aad a beheld tjUcnce the W drank as David7 t i ; tfcf ' ;. J: EI I am alwayvheavy-andi nP!! j -tns ) a bad i cold said a pentlemaft,; WiR-M. rpnliinf. You have! beeo - -- - - T I ' . T l ii -H- r" fj ! ikMi- tutant Vlt8 m iuessauj "v rf" r. the to ;1M .1 . 1 asled by ajndge whviie wa 1 U your. plied he, I'have been OTrnuch !i teni iSod f calisesl 'tti thousf t,haP ii . w wi lie j 'git ati ,7e ,03' : a :ne ou .lot: -If t. f. Gxn Lep j .. -1 curl 1 ".ni 1 r f - 1 ; tor; the i I tVllL -3 i. Th i nil ,..e tnl Gy til , cral ' tbo' Brit- .err,;, . -'.con. .. l 1 ' .3 tod r.in ; cere1:.'' a v -p I ;.j r W m A T . S J 1 huma' I ; --':o v. Jr ' A I it tjan il there' flatter.' i; '!"f bcUer unaertaxep on?. 4 f i. 4 t" w i : fM-:."rU- "i -.-vJi. ; : .-; -:m its i. Ill 4b k ;; ; il fj;- I. , I f A '4 ; :