i - 4-1 - i . 3 . 1 tX v 1 1 ! I. S 14 i 1' ' V" I . f Mi 5J. f 4 t -i 33 " Si 2 X .1 ?4 4 r 1- 5 jl; ,r.: .Watch v,' Is published a I (It .is v J KIM J. . LiJ.I--: tt.ii ,.,f nte i& mt hdnWu nnttl arrears- SSf1 W we ?rim - in d- ri hiJVT -if title lg rfiOH ' an tW ba?mrs3 EdHor of ihe thatVwtile on olh- before the tl6! iU the torcatfon of the first ts ;. r -i. I j 1 - S"S I.-!?" I" 5 W-fi " I I- .1 l ; .i 1 ;Salim3fliJSatun!ijr, Mar(h 2lt4j3.i ; i! ! 1 I . 1 i risw 'tS'i&dribcf r-siecttulljr 3 fswtoiinfontf his OLD CUS- TOUEHS and tho rublic generally; ..Vhc ril.HGE. where ho will, t ill! rStAMM AR are aa wi a the 4M(tfl2lL fllislROaMSand BKDDING, , There is teat lucbn vt-oience, and rpexity every hodjrjkbow, in he n0cessiry mtililatioa of! letters in breaking the seal thi may avoi ded effeotnalljr by puttfn? the ! wafer on the oat- side of the Iabped edije of theSettet; ftrdTal piece wtaprr oi ivf five ana sunae on inai. ljii?' win secure in jeiwr a compirteiy as a seal 01 wax (and even better for that ts liable' to be violated fty;meitinj th Wa and to open pt, nothing ts neeerbtttocu the seal wth a ,penoife4 by;thi8 mode, jfhe writaog is . entirely safest - We would thank those pf iur cqnpndenfts.aftleast 1 page u ooserye inj? sag- knew at concert u craraped and Iparallzed,' and ill wholesonie enacuhenta deteatedvl it is-surcly 1 f" interest of all Uj allay this feeling moquaJDiy Will.alvraj8 birsd cbntenUonand th cominitttj is of opinion that the only effectual means of re - uniting the different pajties.ii to. reinove, Jthef cause that cieated them by .abolishing in a gteat measure 11 noi entirely, me sysusui u wuijf .The (xramitfee is of opinlop, that the uraber j and each tff. One fjislnet: J add the other rfkinif liall rmedJtbat the white Dobulatiun and taxa- ti44 nfsoch district,"fdddd tojthur," may be ;jTfcl a ncatai may be. to the, forjieth. part of) ft popalatioa apd taxation tf th State, 4,d.n ot thaUhe while pbpulatkw i or faxatien of sUch diRjrtpls separately .may be equal, f;qBHi betoth Lrtieth rart of the white atioa or taxation $f. th State separately, ach of such dHtrlctsi shall be entitled to to one ... . - Li : i - . Inlr oa hif rDieqtiond to iSstre hirri o scienW "!f? "fr r: w-. ! v - v MUWJ UI LD9 li bv our citizens on acconntof the brotracteld f ses- f ttrnXs hall coataii i'lUs than' one foimtv. then I "V:i . n5,- 8iLi nf thfl fnpn! AsKmblli -when itlis Jre- I each Suf saeii -nAnntii chittftt;tl3 ta'nn'l acareditea to the rnTIprtpf. thnt tii T.pml3ttivpVlpreirtment of the btate cost upwards ot $40,000 annually these complaints will 'appear fo be well (blndefit cotutnittee would recommend a reduction of , the' number of meniOMS as a , remedy !far ths;eiilj 'Large bodies move slowly," and there can bend dooDty mat the leagtu oi our sessions i is mauuy member ill the Himati ht f!tmma ' H fo apuch of the cuikitutionas entitles free person of cjotir to! vite for meoibera of the Senate, and of ihe House if Cooimons. is hereby Biaue yoia ana u no ejlect IV--1 itphtfpll fey ipl ci !f7att)n ? Mid : to- with- Provender, and' horses. Newsnapers 3." k i :L. . . . tfi$a'of, the;.)LJnited .btates, -arc ta-r.r- Vt t n f .iM M r.T. fur , the' use of the lalflta1Sfi j"00 ill be spared by the ,4iHtenjM ihia guests coinioitable. i j i ) . ' i . v -4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . .i r. life? Pfjrwnsl tKrycuing ihroueh : this place, fesr-'of-M?! -SjgSi.-'fiud at this Hi s.rr attrioutable to the overgrown iize f the ibajdyi l ! 1 iAllliflicrsI exci-pt t'he governor, who are nn State at laige, dr tthe counttesl indifkiually; fotit bnn&ily; but the Governor may call extra ses is certainly true;, that a county ha4thjsamelre; sujns p the interim if fthe intlrest of the! ; Sute Jative lalluencej by having one member in body saa require it- j ; t .-, composed ot one hundred itliatfilt; usesi ) t j. i'J ii J R-rciE VJ, X i:?f sed ujrbaving two imemoers in a body -of tw tij 4 fhi'T the fitoerith section of 'hdcon V swuupn, as provides that the Uorernor fthall be elected; annually by j)iht ballot of both Houses of $ HFatufe s hereby, made void and luf no effect and hereafter thb Governor shall bo fclec ied.fo tb term of two! years byjthfi free 4 white ciuzetis pi tne iate who are uuahned to ; vote area. The Committfie is also of opinion, that the in- terestof the State does noi call lor annual jsesp Rinna t.i inn i orwi.iiiirH. anu il is ukiidvoi uui. go.wuuwnpui.lifsa"- ot . L. -; f M f i W tnisls our tled,,s blftnnal sessions besides curtatlmg tlieexpenfflof iV- Uti;LU . leglatiun, woild give greater irmanenci to the nave not, -obtained a patent 1 u :; an..niv.rtll.n.tv yhitkini ir:riiftntvhaf.f ti.d trJ. kt' I i - ' 4 i " : r - -'"if a i - . ; 'it- Gov- succes- or ii, Hiosej jwno prom soy iinis jorormauon i their pncitcal operatiou before they are liable 1 to person shall i be elijibje to the Office of snouia inanK jtnta cu:c nttie imp or xlarlihtss. be repealed. j J i M ! .ui r.1! lor- i""1 uiaq: two terms; in Bythebyeirtas allsjrts ofkhandy ch4;an :i U ' I 1 We' would'ht&chinrehira (or anv thai ever of an amead,mMii,oy which tbe pofer of ame i ! !;. ArtcleiV.: f 1 ; . . I ; iif..-i .- r 'if f dinr is herbal tar to be refctneted. rbv recuiriDff l f i 4. ut fourteenth keetion nf thn I ; wv kuu uauiq Kuirei iicicui Ccu;icic h, i Hifn-- a k- f r.. .ii The joint I of Convertion, committee upon ouse. 'llfl -tuNiNS I pbmfortihle ; aocomtnodations, BocnteichaTgesV -: -; I . J . V J. W, jr. -.t a itfilti? hfosrelpectriny announce to ths -jj-lpjitjatley "KitVfi succeeded in renew i4renag3&pai .th3VIisslmelia Thomp ilitakei ?ba)rge 1 of Ltf i' Institution. - The iimtLaW agaiiii on the 15th S ltbirxnlHtausrhtiin this AcaderaY, aTe the rr$m&t4oifeu Geography, Hiskrr. Chti)n4iiTV. PKihieophv.4 Moral and Flwwcil -'Me'torWi : Neetlle Work, Drawinjr Jtimzi MttSacAha tne. r rencn iLADguage. ii ;. .; . ' . i , it;. cir.'t i c l:onard, i i IB HOKE. I ... i a- m -. Ml si have had thit subiect Under resolutions tt)nsiderat6hi together with the Teferred to il by the Senate; arid rials of the coin. Ilo-an tronstttutioti i 'A tbe subject the riiemo ciUzens of the counties offl Lin- and Surry, prayinb ithal the be so amended, as to more erua! basis of representation Antitiittnn a pihicuUr nan- ;is; heftiby made void arfd of no effect! slid here- icurrifhce ol uuff? ': attfrjpMHLegislature shall fix upon the manner uiiujijjf, lot vuimu iu general lona neia omcers oi tne Miiitia and officers of the regular Army shaD be .appointed. j ; f ; K ! AeitSjle VII do much cf the thirty-secimd section of the aimwiuiMm as proviaeif mat no person wno snail deiiy the truth of the iProtestant relitrion.1 shall I . i' .1 ' ' 1 i ; i . . . ... f . . v ( ing arrived at the opinion i Decapauie ot holdiu ah v oflice ot place of L, trust mat lue iyousuiuuoii. oum uj ue auiuucu, : in i u ; ujm in iue cjvu aeparimeut 'vunin anieuduienu to be made in ner, and by nuirmg the co than a baraiiwijiritv to ellect ; though it is considered fortunate uu'uor exisUog circuuastanceo, that thi power ot iamendmg is not r sinctMl, yet the Co jjmiitee eanuotl; tiitnk that any constuuUuii is perlect, or calculated to be perinanent, without soue reUricttoh as to their power of making amendments The Committee having amy . otfec- provide a which rce- atteution was next directed to the mode ting thatLbject. j Z -, 1 A The OunstituiitaJ eaves thirt question1; entirely open, aud. Ute Cuinmittee is of j opinion, 2bat ithis State, ifoci.f; -: is herebjj made void and of no ef towards; the United States ; f hey- were rei the SecrjeUry of State;iri tie prlenco 'pf thd of the perccnts, at one o'cSbMri Scr niner,'Mirustrjr 'Pienjentialy f6t France !?r-r iuw.?S-aal i Oa their be- Tliepiplrnaticl Body government of tbi Rpnnb lie, vhastens to offer to you excellency the respecfiij Telidtattons : :or: jotlr'-'secoml in aogtiratiph as President of the United Istate They: fbfel assured t that this nw and -flat teribprobf of ihef confidence i of y6ur fel- greatJy contribute to confirm those friendly relatufns which ready; exist between this iRepublic an the Governnientsrerjresented at febingtbp . relation whicJi our excellcnc so happily preserved andf extended f durwg tbefoar years of your first presidency. Ii ) Mrt President, aiojjce Mppi-: ness and an honor, to be pn ari occasion so lnterestftigtbe interpreter M theseridments wn!P" simate the Diplomatic Body towards yotiipersonally, and tootler to jou, in their name, the sincere wishes which evv nA of themjtruly entertains fbr the iacreastngi .v..v W4 uus ivl jiuuiic, i or tne hrmness of its union, and especially, 3Tr J President, for every thing that xan : contnoute to your owripersonal glory arid Iiappineas. 1 ; To this address the ' President made the following reply: ' ' . ; ; m; It gives me ereat bleasure. ffenttemien tn receive by the organ of the eldest and high- near the government of the linked States, trath nf thl :ct!4 ' ! llespectinlly. U.Rfcl'V. f;- , y:, 'iYgur obedient r sj r. 'a;,"!- " i ' " - ' Ve laaithe fiowmi Extract from th ; cellenta&4 . smritMi i !!whuV"' ." 1 -! um. air.! ore; CU to his constituents; with great plets, and weret that bur limits edrnnel -f Z , i LJ : . , - . KUi, Pwucuon that does him so much credit s ' do njt propose; to enter in to an elaborate aW ?f!LV??,!losttmto Ae metaphisicalsubUetie wtrhlch authors cbumntion e bored to ereate hostUe feeUogs between the veral Sutes and the United States, andamy State pndeand sovereignties against the Go vemment of the Union. Bat I cannot t.lv entermgmy most solemn dissent to some of the I Bf w wwram, in tne nistory or the constitu tion, arejrevolting to the plainest human princi- iru character tad benefid;l results of popular govferomM.n- '1 r ; ,;r - t .VT: enal errorWthe! theory is,l tharthe ederalUonsmution being formed by compact among Sovereign States, to which each Stato acceded fn its sovereignty ;! established a league, notj a gofernment; that it! acts,1 therefarenot opon individuals directly, but upon States: and that each State, therefore, has at its discretion, theiright to absolve its citizens from all obedience toSny lw of the Union, or! to secede altogether, rhe corupact between Sovereigns is th first step in this series of errors and the subseqtiDnt steps in the series are not lew replete with error, were thi compact admitted. Before the perni cious heresies which have been founded on this theory'ot compact can be Sustained, it must be decided that soverf-iseincapsbSe of changing i-ucii unii rnsiions nn cacit einer oy compact. i if- i Ti l 4 ! I ! i Article VIII. :! ; XJ r kt.-rJ .'IS.. IL.rt ii L. orials werredto itby this Houses, and- Legislature mavjcall a Uonvenlionlmajity bf ameuBniended bnt In tHe mauner following Any auiuu;tient may pe prqposeu in; ine oenaie or House of Commons; and if such amendments be airjneel to by two-thirdslbf each House, it; shall als, and be published tor V-e election of members cornea part of the Couslitutiou, and have full jef !of tip General Assemrjly; and if such amend lectknd validityj f j . 5 . Jmentlshalt be agreedlta by two-ihds ofleach Tne first mode is liable to two Sections: it " H ,iise of the riext General Assemblvi to submit would be almost Impossible to agree upon t ie ba- j.sucapro sisol representallioh upon which the Convention a majunty report;! 5 Deeply ; ttupressed with' the importance ot the subject,- Uie committee has given to il a patient invfetigatiomjj; U lis certainly impolitic, fjflight auu tnv iai causes w alter iqngestahiwhed . insti tutions', lft:li!'ott8th&ti tlst, and cafli f4r additional jveiprationi t be' clbse itisthd iwbrk of the fcuilera of i out itivoln- - ihense change inf the situation of which Convent! V may amend the:Constitu tion, or that the Legislature may submit; distinct propositions to'thje people as ainendoiento to jibe; Lonstitutioo, and it such propositions receive j' be entered on their Jou the votes ot a majority ot the people, , they ; be three months orevious . -..-.. i: ! i ; r a9, in th ongmal social compact, thev are in i ... Y . . --. r-- iawj presumea to have estfbhshftel the Statos. In tjtis snse was the compact formed between otates $ yiiat is, the pe,)ple j of the States then existing s independent communities, whojthough uui oonnaiiv aainjrieu Dy any act ot thtir r wn ima tne family or nations, were in eVct, entitled to demand that admission, each for itself. itanr . il. . : . ! . . I .: s rt. i. ... . ,- i . ' . . ,J tunateiyi mat scourge oi tne human race be- ",mf- nai aaraission nerer was demanded by thengratalations yoti are'plea&d to ofSr canb,QdtIn!selves by an irrevocable, a nn t w X iA . V P11 lo oucr greement fir a sufficient consideration, on my re-election, and, above all the assur- Thtlm ,(1nS,n,,,ifth. 7?:-:.:.. ances for ray country of the fnendlr dispo- wa4 fornied by the States, thatbby the people sition of those which you represent. of the Sttes, acting in their separate canacitiesl n (inucipic :oDject wim me, to cultivate that disposition b? (the sincer- .rff - - est desire to chensh kindly feelings, extend the advantages of commerce, promote the interchange of every discovery n arts and science in peace, anil lessen, by humane stipulations, the evils of war, when unfor- tiohi but an NOTICE 1:4; t-'i t Cirthhtp htretofijro. existing be f ivrcabe Bttfecrftcti! in tHe town of Alor- w,'B&rfe- Cjntyv -id the Mercautile busi- ifss.tf iimsuiTed iwmutuaiiconsrfttAn claims (Jse t&esaKl ftrm, are transferred ;to v U.ibert' U. fK-tfua - wjponj t.t' is iaostrawe -that the tw shoul! bo Iwaidated abd : sektled, either by jaympnt ctnow at sjon as practioawe. M. G. theicottnlryv i has j taken place tin the course of n yrrs;ahd moHvever wise and we ell adapted len it wai framed, it is certainly Sow very de- to the times, thd constitution s may nave been. ,V 11 force, thata3 couhiies now ' f jroi the constitutional basis of representation, each count. v Would be en- (ective; ii is cbrtuibly lily adapted id ihe present I titled tobeequail represented ui Convention; and l-state of thtiiffS, and a proper reVard !to the WikIi. I in the second olacei there are inanv bWrsnhs who ..i ' L - .. . :. , 1 ,'. -J". ' r. I . .. i , . J f, . I ,;; es, tne internsc aoa tne rights ot a lare portion I believe that cerium amendments ought to H be ded. ffili.:. ' : n .:; . ii -4.:M.. 5$ apptmredjto thje committee that,the 6nsti tuiin was frabied and adopted,; by aCongfesof the reprewenta'tivcs'ot the freemen oi' tbs state should be caliedj'for it mi2t be urned with mucii jvote for meinbersof thelHjose of Cothmonshall 'vote for such amendment shall become a part of ithe Constitution. Am a. . us cotnes inevitable. Repeat these assurances, centlemen, to the several governments you represent, as tne invariable rule oi my j conduct towards . .1 .1 v I i iiicm , iiiu, iw vuursBiyesi accept tne oner as One natvm. Vhe ouestion so narti.!. posed amend mpnt to th people; and if ofthejhighest respect Si regard for yourselves discussed in this controversy as to the absolute 11 y of the free white citizens quabfied to individually, with w.hich your conduct dur- soveriegaty of the Sutes, i is reducible to the I'i eilher of them, separately; and jintly tliey weot thajugh the war. of the ftevoliitiou : and jointly by their own acts they established one ffovernment, wnicn mune name ol all of them: entered Into relations with the rest of the wjrld uucsiion i t "51 i' ' CALDWELL. E ARSON. 1 Pearson, thankful for past fa- pil jatttiiti8 fifiends and the public, that he .fjjWBUiipe .Is turt.'im the .business in Mdr' f 'ui just reemved, ind is receiv wgi trc apartment in! everV branch of his if vrp .-ipi&ge Of i generous public.' "I' ! "T-VT! ir .mi i '!1 assembled et yah feia theyed 1776, lor die purpose of making a constitution and of per foriing such lgjs ative acts as ihe Safety If ihe CiMtry called from the tmsetiJed. siluatiun ofj Ke coonuyj jttie colony of Ncfith Croluia having just sepdrateed from the mother ebutitry , atUl being at Wariwith that -Uprmidablo nation; togMher withhlie (act, that the provision iivin fvi. Aiuuiji ijijccjiireiuyers ot life uenerl AS SeniBly, couldtnbt in. the nature of tilings, be sup posd to be atall applicable to the whole Sexteot Oil the territorr bf the S tate! reaeHinnr fit, tft Uisifisippi Hjrerj after it should ibcdiri' fettled aridjlaid off IhtoicWuties; a ciremnslancefkvhicu itlhiust have! been foreseen. wbufd .'. hej&r ii shbtlUrae; Ihel committee is induced to believe tnat u was i lptetided by its framefs as a mere tehirararr4ugenent. This' blik ischnfifm ed by tht faci,Uhat shortly after the war,! eeve- rai auerapta were Miade to effect amendments. made, but who are iieverttielesa unwilling to en trust . the whole j itiatruuiAux to . Oon-niniioii With a view to obviate tiese objections winch it is believed ha vts ior uiiaiiy y ear3 preseiiled a barrier to tbe adoption of amendments, that j ail agree ought to be made, the Coiunitftee recoah taends the latter inode. -Upon nr4; View this mode of amending may met with tne ubjesctiiu, that it is new, vnd has not teen enapeo Mporiiby any of the other .itates; but when it is recolkcied that the cotistitutioik oi the other Stales can tain a restriction upon, the power of aindnu ing, : and thaours leaves that poiVer entirely uurcstricted, 0f JJev York, to this objection is nUlonly removed ; bwt the jiljcc I tbe 'Treaty with I of its haviusbeendeeiiihd necessary to the ! fra-: ! It,,. : A. The forctroinff articles shall farm a part of the Constitutioo. and shall have full effect ; and validity. l . ; i iHif4 -:. ' - - r ?. " Aft OINTMENTS by THE PRESI rHI : J DENT. ? By and with the adcih and consent of Vie i ii I .j Aeifffeu j f; . ! LfcviTT Harris of New Jersey,' to be o d' Affairs of th? united btates to His llajestv the Kinglbf the French. j j fetter V. Daniel, Virginia,; Wylly Sill- iriah of Ohio, and John K. Livingston, Jr. be iCotnmisioners under ing your residence here has inspired me. COMPLIMENT TO NEW ENGLAND The following beautif il compliment to New England ;was pronounced by the Hon. William 11. Shepdrd of North Carolina, in the course of a speech delivered in the U. b. House of lie pre beniatives - - um i "jeneve it essential to the prosDentv or weiiare i tne .outnern states, that the man ufactonea of the Worm should; be levelled with simple alhrmaace of a fact,: that though thev had a right at one time ot assuming absolute sot - :i ereignty they never exercised it. .They never 1 have been known to' other! nations but as one- bation : and the circumstances under which they . I formed ikemselves iqto a nation have, in mr judgment, foreirer precluded them from any jsmb- viiiAnr rnrr.nftAn rf in.t.A.1 T L . A. . kuikuiiiihiuuiuhuu vt villa lUWiOak 1117 II AS spparaia communities, ineyj were lor ail the pur--poses of! the new political body which Hthey fbr- med, and occording to the rslti3 and compact by urliioK .?irhiw Cinnul ! rina vsCl.l. 'IL a benefit to eiyself which would be j the er.t,re Ln!i.Iati.m ind their jealbc love of libertT tutu ut auuiuci. xk ibw aiiiiiuiers ago, Willie UJ- ing fiDtn the demon of ill health,! visited New I found the towns and villages crow- Naples. ' Tliom-is Swann, Jr1. qf the Disrtict of Col- it: t ' Jlfi ' I- 0i L U-T..l 1 4 O; ;rA wtprmioedto move to the " country SjTO:WlSeu I am com TOlftCcy jfilgels1 tete$ -snd all persons Jf; by note i oriothefwise, are' request. flHTt ti jor before April .i?iM-iloBgit jndtilience can'1 be given. Ml lri wii - Wfiniitit purchase GOODS call, as I am resolved to t : it purchase a small v advaniaire to apJv to the are hew; having been purchas- QUiiastiAIavbT mvself. and Ka I Fhli ;afeo riL.L. or IIKX my -i "-r" - ' j inoru nf i C!A fint 1 1 tit nnc fit nttiAi Wet rtrfrt-ic; upo. the power of a majority to'a4ieiid,f proves i ?uM?ia t0 be Secetarto the Board ot Coin Runclnsiveiv. tliati without such rektftetjoii thtv- misTiOiiers, and Geobe Breathitt of Ken- power does exist; and in our situation,; it isbuiy iucli, to be Clerk; bnder the same Tea- necessary to ascertain tuai a majority ; agree to a- " y, j; mendments in order to give them lull thieut and ) ; i Josonh Villatnil, la1 vaitoiiy, u a majority oi me people t cit ct .aeie- t Qq q Kt Itnifivl ...i-tiKi iitnanilrniiiitCf it Id a.l . t i rfirt ' : 9 1 1 imiAaa y- 4UayaQUIl - 1 that such aniendJnents are valid Ubou what II ?f P- ferrand, to DO ted States at ranam e of Louishna, to be 'Sutes at the Port of England ded with an industrious and enter prizing" popula- tion, ner niiis ana vanies reooiem with health, prospenty and contentment :; every inind seem ed to be intent, every hand was occupied ; the urn m - jm - world does not contain a ,moro nourishing com- munity. 1 here the advantages of education are extended to the poorest individual in society, aud that society, receive its remuneration uihis so ber, industrious aud economical habits. If the divine Plato were alive he would no longer draw libertr could deyise for preserving iheir separate rihhi Irorh the) encroachments ot tbe powers they were establishing, (am not yet 1 persuaded that the constitution does not provide within itself a vitat- principle for its own reformation sufficient to restore its pristine simplicity and purity, But of this I am thoroughly satisfied, that there is no conservjitive or other powr in the States to -bref k up the existing form f government, ex cept by I revolution Within the sphere of its optrratiohs, the constitution makes the Federal Uoternmeut as sovereign as the Mate Govern m Aria am in 11 etc It ia mivArnmnnt . i ika upon his Imagination for aspecmien of a perfect pe, for lhe people, and acts upon them di republic ; he would there fcnd a coinmunity,jn .fiy f Without the acknowledgment- of. any ib- ami.fiom the, ifurt her fact, that the Iconsututibn 1 principles is it, that the veovla cannot do ikemseUl cuns.tiction,.to'!prerent albare'j&jcriyy such acts as they cab lect oeiate4 to Idol Grenade. .m iii Bi.viuii;. uuidlulllfcfTIl auiil ing jt, aresincnou mat is to be loutid in all 4isp- fur them; have thjjyf agreed not u act jexcept iby j ffancis iThorbassirjj jof South Carbhnaij to cop- the intervention of delegates? it is; suggested, j be fjonsul ofthc Unitefd States at Baracoa, in . ...t i i :.i i r i . i i . t ' suttuojis,! witicn.t were nesigntKi w oe permanent j mat inasmuch as tinn t.uusutotKn was adopted ? miitui ! !l tol ifundam4,i4lprinc!pW for ! thb I uHon U gress; thl force of thisidea is not prciivei; be- ftM Fjoga, jf or, to b Consul amending sucfiSparts of the ennstitutiob aaJhave wuse fthe people adupted the Constltulion by ihei; P1u!Umtecl States atPayta in-ihe Kepub becoihe detectiVejtwe are lUlbwintr hhef advice intervention ofdekvates. docs thatcreaie a iiofo-1 He Peru. f ! i v hi' ft f. and fulfilling the; intention of the wise then who that the Constitution shall only be amended i bv I ' Henry Carleton, of framed it. : ; I ; jj A 5 f it i the Intervention olT delegates? the siiie. rtasdu-1 tbrrieyi of The basis of country representation is a1 defect I in would prove, that as, the Constitution was t Disttict itself to the eveof the moiti cum. made at 11 all tax it should be amendett atsllah- the wonder ts,l not I that W fx The Committee is tlieretore of opinioa, that ciuzens are now clamorous wnenever it is ascer tained, mat a majority agree that presents nori 0b6ervervland majority m our ' 1 : 3 . i . -. . amenauienis, tney are Taua;: inev- nave no doubt that tbe Legislature has a tight o pirotyde ior tne ascertainment oi mat iaci; eituer by cai- densi pouulatibh.bnd a lamb I nmrjortitlh bf the iinira Convention or by submitting idistbct pro- in thiir efforts to abolish this Provision, but that I to its dnequajity should have.beeti.so Joing JsubaiU- J ted toil i W hile the small counties contained a lf4'firsfBningr8 cbrnerVlb Sr1 li-$Hpu is Ikrce' and we 4":otMnugf a' 6wlStore Room, Connt iSS together with suitable A 5tiits, .familti having four j it fetlK attached Piherel is! also k Kitchen 3tcs will be : received . in la pnee," and indulgence l4lKiieL-'(!i I . . . i i f i . ijjUrgivehtanylWbment: 1 -" in faiii m ;Tiaiv Tn a l im m felfil fmii UViULES ! Which . I wiJ SiQ? .JJUjlkHEAD. nana ncutin ehantiif :tsefein in addition tsl consiuerabie aa- roved form. so soon as bedisi bad title accori he wealih and thb!:large counties bad a sparseipopu-1 positions to the people; they there! oreci e Wealth, ibis j l"e adoption of the accompanying bill; : commend and the . and ot con5eauence but little e of repireentation was eijual fendurh,--but I annexed articles proposed as amendments to tjlie frlthinirsiitaTe ibliansredi and' th--tawfe 'lntu j Constitation.' ' '. f f ' ! ! !;! i 0 I) tiro' li-P IwtWS n..rv..l ! i.- . I- ThaHnm classification of counties for the purpose of -it-lustra ting the operation of the sec)ndariicle,aiid of showing the near, approach that may be made to equality, upon the basis of tree white popula tion and taxation. I I i J i ' RICHMOND il.PEARSONj ; Chairman of. Joint Committee.; mode since ties are now both! populous and weahivi it;s grossly unequapi and the citizens Jiivefai right W expect, that a nearer approach to jequjility0 of reprntehtaddn will be made , The burthens df all gbverntnentsi fall upon popu)aon and 1 wealth; in time of wkf Itnen are furnished; according to wealihv and tb plainest princlplejof jutice'rei quires that representation should be based upon pbpbiation and( taxalion. U "iff cobsistqbtr with anyipnuciples of quality that a) conqty coni tainingb? times is-' many inhabtta!ns,' fand sl tunes as much wealthas another j cbnityi "and being I table to furnish six times as many men, and;paying si times the amount of tax Should rnlyaveah fruai number of represtlhtatiyes and iiavebotaj equal political iaddeue? yet nviny counties in the State are subject hi this ine- AMENDMENTS -1 To ihc Constitution hf the 8ialc tf jfortii . r ' Carotviu, ? J- i'l t - it ' i i T-'Vl'i l if: ' ; - A&ticLk I. ; ; f:Jp l So much of the second soction of the con$ti- ution, as provides that one member of the jSerj- h to ohnTl rva iln Gn fmm onnn M-kiirfef v rtA An rK quality, t fl leoaimiitee deeoi t tntiecssary to 0f the third section, as provides thatUwo mem- l'arVi.wWr1 vwwtuj-tuerii:a are bers of the House 9fUommons shall; be chosen Hfrff inequality 4oeseiist j from county; laud so much of thb third scc IhehualitT is far from beinr tlie hnl v obtectLm tioa and the urdmatnee naswH in ih vMr 17 KO to coiinty ipresentatiwi; true pidicy 4ctotes that as provide for the election of borough members, the ftirmatiori of, new counties should b left to is hereby made void and of no effect, t 1 J The General Assembly shall at its next session and every ten years thereafter, lay off: the fcitate mia forty districts in the manner 4 fouowtnc--! every county, tie white population and taxation of which aWod together, is equal to lhe fortieth part of the white population; and taxatn bf the State ' added togtherf and every etftintylj the wnite population oi- taxation of which separately! is equal to the fortieth part of the white popula tion or taxation of jthe Sute spihtethill the eon veniehce! of tbe citizens on" ! the unel side' and thetfabilitj jtotbear county lexusesl)! oh the other; these: balancing principlrs (will 1 prevent counties from being too largo ot oo small, The history of they past teaches, that'opoti this ques tionjhese principles have been lost; sight of, and; merged in pectMial, feelings jjjW i. Aiiuiut-i cryiujevu prooucea oyjCouniy fepre-? vw j st-uiauon, is present to in tne a .suae tea counsels common parpo-j of the Slate,Jeytiting year afteryear.lndthihg the Unitetl States for the Eastern of Louisiana, tm the place of Slidell, whose commission har expire J. ' ;. John W. Livingstbaj of New York to be Marshal of the Unijeoj States for thb North r.n Tiictrirt nf NeW : rork. , froni the 1 9th daif ofi February i when his Commis- sioit expired. If I Jonas Sibley, bf Massachusetts,io be Mar shal of the United States for the District of Mal'abhusettej ffom1 tljb Sd of March, 1S?3, Vnen the tkmraissib4!of Samuel D. llar- nss,exmrca. ;. i i i; i i Barin2ton Anthony of Rhode Island, to be Marshal of the United States tor the which tue numDiesi maivuiuai naq tne same Consul of the Uni- voice with his more wealthy neighbor, in laying in the Bepublic of the Puolh" burdens tor the puwic welfare, task ea ray son it i ncic luauncauai iuq urosueriiy of this people could be the hot bed production of an artificial system, or rather if it were not the result of a lony continued toil, of jin industry never tired, of an economy thar never slept. I looked unon the scene around me with feelings (. ; of murmuring discontent ; I jfelt. the mure re- jotced that it was a part oi my country." Feb. 27th 1833. Louisiana,-to be At- teroiedijte power in the States to modify or ar rest its action. l i 1 The beceaaary result of this mode of reason ing -which is believed to lie fully sustained by the opinion ot the soundest contemporaneous ex- posiiorsfpi uie consuiuuon, is, inai me iaws i the Unfon are binding upxi the citizens of the United iStates every where, without the. right of any authority to interfere, more than between the. Staje and its citizens in the exercise cf its ordinary legislation. Every attempt, theref re. under whatever pretence of right, to organize resistance against the laws of the Union passed according to the forms of the constitutioo, is a breach k the allegiance due from a citizen tohis sovereigQ the body politic of which he is i, member. A State which undertakes to author ize disobedience, and to discharge the citizes Plattsvr JV. V, Messrs. Gales i Sea ton: I have just seen an article in your paper of the 28th January, on Ithe subject ' . .. i . . . .i i. of a "case ot extraordinary interest to tne pnysi- nlnrridt itnHpr the me ( IJr. Ueaumont." I irins ther emresaed. from rdsoblisation to the authority of the Ger- i..t hi nr.e aft", Ha onnartimities 4f "making eralGotfernment. is entidedito no more consider- UUt W W - 1 T T D I . .a a : - . exneriments of sumal itlility to mankind, and atwn than any unauthorized combination of wdi- ar-I the physiologist in parUcular." Bull wish to viduals.1 It is a breach of the; social compact la r-nrrtt & inismureiensum. iar l am not aisposea wuc u iw mv. ws ,uv tneflll it bv a harsher name.! Cof the5 writer of that article. It is giavely sttted that experi ments hare been already 'ihstitutedf' by : PnK fessor Dunglison, of the University cjf Virginia, who ia so eminently qualified as a physiological rhomist.iand bvDr. Besumoht,' Sai. evidently that gastric District of Rhode Island, from the 3d of designed j to conTey the impfesion abroad, i i:JS.i .-flaKJ IhU' rmnussinn cr- the merit of certain experiments on the gas ?" ""Jt 'i ' v n -TT T Professor Hunehson. Wow.sir, Plrcd- ! 1 1 11 I ln not wish to detract (rom the merits cf this" juice ti i . .: i avivr i.v. . . i. Andrew; J. Donelsoh, to be the Secetary Ventlemeh, who,! doubt not, iti scholar, and an authoiued under the act i -prescriDing tue mode by whicll patents lor puoiic lanas shall be signed and j executed," approveed March the 3d. 1833.1 ttrhttr HTPffpLrt fVllerfnr of the j UUlilUhl 1AVVI T . ww.--". Customs for tbe District and Inspector of the Revenue for the portl of iViscasset, in the State . -t ' " i 1 1 1 ; M "lit rAA of Maine, from the 1 lift oi Marcnieaa, wbu hisi present iCOmraission j tfill prre. j :'M.!! - ! -' jt iatahii. Greento be CoUectoroftbe Customs for the District and Inspector of tlie Revenue far thPcjrt of j Barnstable, in th State of Massachusf tts, from the 3d of March 1833, When bis late Commission ex- 'nHdcftUC9MeA States- i : i . FROM! TII2 GLOBE Of WEDXEIDJkT. H TTestefday the Diplomatic representatives of $1 'eisuerekt Foreigo.) crrcrcments waited able physiologist; but as it rspectsj thi3-case, resulting: from h, if merit is to be aitarhed to any one, itjis xcfi tn. Or William Beaumont, Surgeon ttA Ktiivh arrnvl The cn occumd kt 1tchil- ii,n;ni J in 1S12. while the Doctor as station ed at the? past. The experlrsf bu wee -insUto- ted" in August, lS3, ana oi pursued, by Aim, with some n that time, aud by no one ewe four nvinths his tune! erelnjuveiv devoted to this b mont. I ubderatand, intends to of experimento Mdobservauou in fact, to war upon legitimate authority. Anotiier result of thisanomalous tiew of the constitution, as composed of independent soTer eigntiesf which, for similar reasons, I cannot ad-, mitj is pie right of seceuwrttl It is maintained, thaf in at compact betweea sovereigns, any cf the parties may peacebly withdraw ; at pleasure- and that ttte Federal Constitution is such a com pact. On the threshhold cf tbe argument, we may observe, that it has Dot been understood, in the law of nations, that treaties or compacts, or ordiniry convention maybe broken at plea sure;, with impunity. If II misttke not, suck attemptf have been fruitful; sources of bloody and5 ;diskstroua wars, in bll ages. Such right is simply the! right of a strongf . mail to uV wrong whenever there is no law pow erful enough to reach him the right of irrespoa- rmission, since But the right exists only in the power to jnsmf For heUast tin?t between sovereigns, if one have thrrigbt . . . e i' .l-tn tt.Lvmnaf.t. the nthpr.Jt he KsvtiiA as been almost ioi wc r-7 - 7-- ; -tt-t-.- U IDr Bean-1 strength; has an equaj nguioi weakuiguie compac Ush a Volume the 4iherif e have the strength, has an equalrigbt nn the rastriC I to indemnity auaixu,uj twicuw, um wiQuijuij tlllo ht ! hhTuolotrv of diestionL as Isoon as he r--j - - a . I i II. Uma shall have completea his expenmeni. w been at great expense and trodbk w JrosectiUng them; they are important ml a pathological as well as iii'a physiological Pnt j of (vie wand will, ttlUmatoly, I doubt not, Have thj trffect to advance the science of medicine to Mlaxjt in calculable extent. I, therefore, Vas Six'i A.aTxM Ita sitsflently by. rob him of a particle, u S S to. wteh mi; wolf fodiainJy, I ! : r i 1 I ; 1 ; i it eaosed by tbe breach. The issue of the attempt to secede depends, therefore, upon a trial of mere foreathatM. was. Such was not the compact which ob fathers designed in the constitution; which they gave os in lieu of i the old Confeders- tion. ia order to establish "amorepeneci mS- mA-r xrnnXA kr htlilt DD with SUCh tOil biding place of American j liberty fcrtwer, b4 tht siaxa fends state ctpoce, tn. uni tuwcmvw . - Isuj sddf Stata dixiffeuioa, oiht withdrawal ' I - - ii or- ' 8 .- I iiifffaiiiif'ii !'-. , 2 -l ; ' ' ' l" ' , i Ml I -f - ' I it ! ' "'! ' - " ; ' 1 1 k . 4 ' i : 1 i 7 , t , 1 ' ? i , : i . if !- ii 1 r-

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