r. ., f -1 i r i : - 5 ; if Ii- Hi'- : X4 ft f4 4 r H U I LJ 3 r 4 ,- J i ! : ; r . . i ' . ... : i ! i i I r- WK&M ifpjfJJesfc pEiaUT is a Candr- illiilrebtlaV has m fndcarefl 'Wit-'laiisv; v-i; ! " ft- ' iilf;at tbift Jf- we Know for no rflta!jTf Hrasrt W9 sliall not be. rlaviepnn wiipo wenaa: oar ics- itcHect and the -t -14' IVl (jcj aucK ob!iied to the Tim. Mr wiMeiodin b Afr.! Webstm iSpeedi. wj inaa inu ;oeniM- f&tcf;w;Mrferceiri .flnifjrrf fioti as w. iMtualljr the case, the llt&lCtfortal tables sbiffed into Ujl' fralflto a conititttsotj forths. p (4.lrelkejtn.as a mark otraspect; I- VVo contider such acuai IjHjt-fif attentiuh foor readers to this lt'ibtl tt U$ C4n vireu which, we hare liSMeit Vtii prirpueeif j "jicqaitting Jt ao iiirxiixM abule ihToivn apon thera by it !lif(4ai-ahjr8eiisib!e, candid 1 man, satiny proviiiien or.this law Uiat justifies i.cWuwj and murder1', that - has been sipy.ih.lba'lwh .it wag oten U ilbpentepj 1Y lis,Jcxmsiderin g the' j occa enactmsnt it seems a firm, butdisrui- ji hBjaiiithbritjr of law over misrule til jlore;tiir e?en dobcedingf ia soma of its gflMlfifTlpatinceUiat that remoies the tli Uelilit l-Jthe way of threatened vio lei, rVb3t!iidividalJ win) stood upon? his n!tfea;;W v threatened 'with illegal' iorce uMa biglibors jorK ai cpnolination of j thetn f4iwpqtf bouse and httfnenay, would B.4e his bai4.aUon vpm the wafers, to aroid the t?; nCtBtini House l is the S Dftacrfiif I Kfe v.iwir ir4l4 aad fonciliating' . government ; tyivueuotj wmcn i vte ? speaw , ine oncers ot Ewnvmwt-v to weai unhand e to sime (tirMbfiicfjiM ri68el t vet out of the aWppfoihe rpident, that miiU ttpg brpo orjaniiod. for ; resisting, the MfW!4, nor sot evert then, nhtiil the W w ed his ProcJamation , and rir-- MujaH ; warning w aisnerse nU let the .llJWW of the PreHent, to act in the ,iTffC mm mfc-mi remain u i-iUJ;Uw etid of the new session tf rni fMiM'$ l.l barbar ousi bloody law ftlf 'e'L ;k&(tii accounts the a-WJffWtnen na children U A ji Coruner.aiid even a j Constible has a feWfeta thedischlre of theiri (!utyl MiigKt tojeaii on any body inij evert te't0' hft,P then nd they Vitty itiJ wassailed fgWfm Wargejheir office; Hy fn3itrate is authorised t! nnrtvle of tKeilaw, tut J then te necity was aauUf to Wxiit inilid Nor Itcr no thS nHeit Wabelieved tfanse m the South ; But emtxiui? it was In both eases, anyl ouhMo coiBbmation that ithreateos it be a Hartford or a ColurablalDiriTentioiwt ,Ve: d W M, SoatKerb imping is any mom priTilffred than thktofthfYan rerhmnt Icansot msfin itself id, the eserctso of !iti elernentary ifi&ht; it is a TKwr,.frai, clumsy c&riivaiiQpp.Sa tftoch :ourt aiicstar sod the world hare beertf;mistakea. Ifoiirflepre?ea tativet ii Coflarrcirs cannot clothdfthe'phief Ma gistrate ptthefNaltipn with; power! for Hebort yartjrtttediiriityand rnapttaln fits Jaws, .w1:03t'citife.the!cwnjliafi of the Vioplt',' then that People isatr8seraWjr wicked irid:dcpraredorm whom 116 (qTemnenttwiIl eversuit Duia uoipoiiBm. ; -i ; Upon ithe whole jit is mostlappjirraf that Uie uUifiers.lalthopli they are furtfedj firj thpre- $ettlu kt fandeiy are pnTQri j itf atf their initt fli rew jajencjes of strife arid t imult j'jtheir opfingJabei depends tm the nabt:rtheyj cn ia.jatonwihfthebi ; and that mhe;deieoda ocb lhegtJliiifiithfrSoa . J iisi-. ' f V "I f !r: ' : '''' rim LAW fid SHOOT WOA1ELY and I HI --7 -1 ;M children ri?r;-f ; H ;r . .J -J t ! -s i j- h t --"V. . Amongst other liaid epithets b$towed on the UiAleV:uin lawli Slrl Calhoun iMid Rafter him th' snnall ' ry bf JtWe, party erery . wleref have ! Lowercr. tne3 its poEoy aad proves tleiiSJiTflcl-l ResswithTwhich itsaUairs harebecftadnmus!er j. If ever there was i case wbero ini vidua! opinion oujht tci igive way P an univeriaovtr whelming verdict of men ia both hemispheres, we think tae,casa of the Bank presents if,, espe cially as the scruples of the President go to the expediency "of tlie measure, . almuKt eatirely. We cap bat hope, that this invaluable institution will beechaxtered in despite of tho Veto. v i "PORTUGAL' 1 i. 7 Asesungly well gruonded report prevails, that' the X British Eioy, paid Hervy has jpfoposeof. an armistice between the contending pan res Jluv this ohioitanate conntry. .T One off , tie (nrrpusosi of which is, to send off Don Miffnelwana to fz raoiisn a regency in tnename ot us oiece queen r 9 ' J PCjSTSCIllPT.t TTie "t Nnllilying Ordinance j ilH iCaW lina, is, we nnderstand, repealed by the Conven tion, v Woold that they i could aseasaly"wipe tile A line cf Mail Stages ! will commence jronnirg between Newbcm and. Beanfort, on the first of April, three: times a-week. " M )!fl UNITED STATES MINT. ? The Report of the Direetor of ifrti &t&Ts mem'fbr the far just ended: shows the coiuare ? thenar, of th sum of 4mJp Foiourpart, we! cannot iioaginel hol. alaw consisting tf !67;487half eagl440 quarter invaded Wpuiidpwn smagglers Jcari iffbetahel ditt4J9t tf dolUrs (nW qoirter belehtr .;fbrighVyes and rosy lips, unless j ditto -5, 500 dimes 965,000 ' halt; . do,---t fti&ift 2JttSi: letZu.intA VA i JKa-VtHttw ; t -l.fiftf rrtnts. ' Of tba rJd Turned! sSOi andf a neticbat Wiment should -sore : eVwuvh he 0vi wre fruji Mieo, Siith 'Amerim ar- arVived iifiderl themiuieto iMnneril But in t Wwt IndrK,S,000 from Afril " .ft I si' s ! .""'.it,!?' . . . . i. - - 11 . : k nut 0O(i to tLe esse, ihc arq witil of ftTia 1 prisoner itoulJ follow aj a ni ttcr of ro Irs?; protki i the identity 'of the inUi?idials ivere fully cs tl)!isrjeJ. i i We do not bcliere , Iiowcyxji, thatapy such persbnx can be produced, ii V. ) v- - '( -I - PhvidKict Gazl t iWe find the follbvnng in- Ike last FranTc- hrt'Ajrns:--'!--..j t 4r j- : : l?0?! pt fMoor; Letters hire 'gently been received front this gentleman, l(pni jwhicli aieicthbrizeito say, that wiU, (if alive, 4fej t'i hbnearly in Majr ana wm tnen t it meets the approba tion rf hwitTierJd)b4 a candidate fori Con- n;rte3iftfh?fortn istrict. :" he wishes aP!spfMe present irtcti'nbent will viiji.ju uc ijrsi cpnstiitea, as wcu as nis :fild$A&lX jrtettigA 4hose'. t kindi rartialitv .cereai.er. sustained lum through every . dair V CU -4 V LEGlSLATURPop: VIRGINIA. -f:1 Manifest their air!propoitioaaMd-ibo allfna; 15,000 irom Sonth CarpHaJUpJ)0. ihbttld thj( happen jto.be in JpM -on fthe day . fmm Georrta: and f 1,000 from 1 fnneSfif Hlhfj when their-galiant j commander Vimght ' beat' ta : quantity prod wed in South Carilinaj .was more array, andjheyjwereito prjmanide j fat! to: h ''" than oHl-fdwithin the.last jefjr iaf North rodelerio-ifntel.-' jVhy cruel iate!tfa brought ? Carolina- nearly doubled; in V1ini,;ittcrea8ed iheaitheieV-Thevimihtbehotliaeoyiuih- cent? ia Giorzia diminished 20 pef er lpcwosfcri I will fi af -uo!4respcterS of i cent. Pet lnt 'persons, and sutaieUt duty are stubborn :iprea I ii i-lT ?K eefF i AsJonbly WaS-pected to .aoiourn yestemayor to-day. The bill tor jadiiHig halXa imlibn lof doHars I to each iof ibe Banks in Uiclimoad, upon: condriion of faking a loan to tha amount ibltha James Eier andrtanawfa-t Work has passed bath 1 1 The; il3riizatttjn .Sill j ((gifing $i 8,000 fa year for five yeari, tor the; deportation fof ifirce people of color; alrcadyi emancipated,) lias also passed the! benate, having jprevious passed the House f Delegates. !r ThiB; bill for mtmcnhing ldj000 to'te Psnonth;:andj Wlon Railroad fcasex pcriericed a singulal late. - It passed the House of Delegates last week, and' was lost 4n the Senate on Fridiy, by atieVf-14 to 14. The same bill 'was recons;derdd; in the jlptisebn Monday nd was cirried by a till larjger tnttjoHt taif beibrei jbut wasja gain lost in the Senate by a tie. the vote beisa tiiis tiihe i6to 16! I I ' H " r cu on odcuewenl tilth eteru McrcXSii in gown, ) io be tittkln llees-ax pr. lb 1C aj 17, Brandy; Afcle Iwi 81 50 a 7o: FeatheT raklh 35 w w,swh ; Ytispr bosh 6ii a 70 liye prbush-40 ; - ( ate rbosh '-SOa-- r CdrJ I bush. 30 a HQreen - pr IV M - r 'S becfprilliSi 13; Cacoii wlh' ? Vfi . bait H (bash I af 1 ?0fl fSteen Udll Cast tor: XiU3I, irv 1 T x'nIJSIf 0 pr 20 ; .VjaTenenfie, w jil 2 , , 50; Abdeto ! ;u t a iiaooa lo,' tiesu f2A; Cottoa 91 a ouaa la Cof&e. W 1; 1 s .fandK.lSj fioar ((rom mD! 4 riajcseea bush. 8 a8!-2 Batter 104; f Cora pei a t: Cheese 10 ' iWae 41 a 25: 10 oWn "i. lwM Ci. Ji w2 Lnne Cask a 3 1-2;. Meal bush 50 ,j Oats 371; SSalt (la bulk) b4hV 75 in sk3of4teh.)!-75 k fS; Steel German k l.Zr71 8' H&S 16 17; Tobai,! co leaf; 2-1-2 lA&iih&fltnwsi ft!m. rs H 75i Per, galr 2d 30; P 4 I An tmpoion.-Triiie Louisville 'Journal, r T il V k 7 1?? "France upon n pledge ofl United Sti to storm the doahle tortihcatioa of Baenol'.'.- . e rT a.LM nnnl. c,ii t;0 heart, but their Magazine is the U heir bat-ofJTnited States Bank Stock, the tie feund is the saloon; their camp kie Mars -rv or the 1 reasnry isstteci a .notice the ball room. i t . i I 'M that pronosils will be rfe; eived until turea ; sofwehe and beseech of them to! keep a-! Who tpanrniwev-ronffresihaVinfi an- waj?: They arpiwernd in their proper array of thomed the loaning oiit. fortr3jesnt,ir'i0m which we copiedof the defeat and cap- '..nPvr-t - ? -T n-fi-T , Ftalmentsiindcrtne treaty oi,inpe;nniiy.iWiintUre otn , company fof U.S Kahoere,by the lefc Stock hJamanche Indiansihds declaredunder date .Secretv j cf the 20th.uU it Hkfull and $atisHictory wating 1'vidence.that it is an tttpotilton.? i r iqc ui1m if As to shooti&g chorea, we presama tfiat even ; instant' for Mr.:Calhiqn, dviesj not believe there is inUch e'eedq of the first danger of that bemg done underjrthe. reae 0f itV amounting MMTt 4 IIU WUOW Ulf V14UOC t : UIV ; . JL I4ttl i , borrowing the entirp? nftt pro-; instilment, (at lot any part to $962. 2403 ; ;J. , Another, Mani ficrnt J)onafIpiri-We .arti-j jj have, held a meeting to express their in.fonhedrbV a gentleman who IeWashinointhe 1st. inst. if ton - a few.6ys -since,: tnat fet-:jb'eibre his rl 1 t i , I large number of ithe peopled Char Ibltercounty, Va; np being satisfied with Mr.-' Randolph's Resolutions relative to South 6a'rolina and the General government, were news We can tM nil clause ui Utehact that gives any siich authority rwe daf not fsuppvse that'lhe majority m ' Congress thought t bt all noe'enrvrti faithful rn(H.lu,n rif thn' iipa in tt il'.vomwiAnt VV shonM wiv tk.tt r liarrL ' tnn n fpw dnva sinre. that 1 ust before his ly dem irlcoMitifttfioW "u do .80 -that las it is depirtnre. intll gence had beenjrf ceived at:L,rhere was one vfte South of the potom not tiheof tle delegated powers. that Itmustthere. the office of the ! C lonitibn pSocivof against Mr. Clay's J Tariff Bill and that il'f irhlt hTS- I legacy of .oon from New0rknsl Mr. ms Charles Fenton I Mercers, of Virginia. strenirtbem . tl cfeaerral, iE,1, we I l the American Colonization j tion, and he is calle upon, ; through the can Hire a oetier Kues woea we learn snor lar unr-univi . .m- v ijivAumum vj.otur ty mo icdeuut wmuu the ionvetjioH!njWi 1$' session, will carryoa recommeBdatioa' of its cidevaut" Prident. ' the rtofii Peaceand sayoone of that man in -cusy.aodit U IfWi?-,Ie ciirzen is deprived 5Sy'aU lhis he die by -niCqnstaMe V 1 war- flt-HK'the Peace in itheir lfTO0f;tberofUiem can summon a iaad. xniny, times very ignor feiriehee Jproves that i it is a 4afe iaestmcnt of power, for it l-T 1 a 1 Congress kilS J j whenever h has been yTO efficer son do, ia order to i.?uWlrLaw of tbe-Land the riw s$0!E,Cjr Pxople or; these U Mlfl,'1? filled a tyrant and i Wster:ina U)e law itself is to V9 51 new version of Nullifi- ?ajfturmoii (and unchrisUan 'LWIfe overwhelm I our land. IThe iHunioa tobesimade. Svaith a pV;o rouco inatsneiiaa HFkT'ltlti nope now us, .mat the bear a reading! that Willi t.il- IMWlHi it ii . e : : : . ?oath than 0jd the ridiculous nio?. ISeckssios is to be' now if?!.? thJeflersonian politician! lnltwnamed theniselvM. nHfits aS! 1ft Vthf seidlact of thcr Play is 14w. sunaitaneoas rrv 9 or ma Jaw-Hsayi that itbe Federalists P?T W; Republicans fjr onrii. NMK? unmixed i Demo HlS Tyrant and a ao, and sirisr this and dhi it In over aM often time and again; ??mm P ; a ffreat ex- mWuion mavstdl stind aJ2fPf!?s,ol,!.!t ?. anyone-tons. ? the new Empire the lar. we will go for." i t Disciples of Jefferson nr HQmM particular, which h?te Sfe0 tice- r-Wr. Jefferson ta UL ' on Congress and pot them 1Kiaijk5 r !a avowed 00 l lffiJSS 1 lhe embargo ot tafes putting 2own 1 knojryoii sir Jbhnjioii owe me money, I And-on waii t to pick (juarrel to beguile ue oflt. ! t 1 bllAllSPElRK. which is valued 50.000. Tins mnkfs 20.000 induced hira to oppose the measure frnmJVew Orleans m one year tor; tins noble chantv: - I ' . J ; liThe Lancaster! Pal Journal. , intimates iUf Bucii a .van, having succeeded in negocia- .!P;K flatri6H.iHli'? a Ommercial trty with Russia, will to return fnihurnJnpti ft lill rt?- Tiobly lmitlt? 1)V thP.Sh?rTf,?k! 0ftnrln(T, . ; rjjln iDtolitowerinffl oasslon and iumA.'add.deal.iurth i'ton.' Though tlu- letter oc r. Wn?at, ,J3 conpiaints as if 'they rtally w?re: ihe tiujureu I which we sHbinin.w pHb'i;h-rl in several of -tani ranAnrt nf.Wr Wrst. th Shri 1 elert of most trobiblv reauest permission Hdv very common iait, that lhe very; pany . tri.,-. iJ llninfr tn virikift hi4!i 4. tl this country bvl next winter. I wholre t:ij fault and! ate expecting! the i severity . -i.. i-.i:-...". tiJL'- .::! " " ! i: f - Ihd St. Louis Times, of February 16: ettr from George Davenportt dated ng Ro ;k. Janu&ry 26, stating most pipers in th ATerrji!rv f tonv. it ! jdiftinctly. '.that the rqniors of Indian Hostili- esaned our ntir till 'art i'itn?. ft : ties, which ?nvo oeen ut anoat are without sems from -tho letter of h? torrl4 ' Hen al foundation.. i! 1 i eral. tht in these 'aao? of Mf!Srsrrst I fit i : ", " if Wingatci'thei'- reiisaHoq?alifv Vh'Sff Ofr ,ii!!Tne fcl?skture of! Maine his shewn finance to d isfrVnehise, is to b plabn the .gr-t. liberality in encpurging litfrary Pro same footing as a u vacancy bv-44ffWHb. I $;?8 by purchaser 350 copies of Mr. nation,-or- removal from j officeV4ipd that fiWpIiaoison's Hi?tor)f Maine, at $4 per it isthe dntVs'.f t'lfe manaPM of Tietelttnln rtoriCQfey.' fh I! ' uariyiS Shaksucare huiu'jrouslv deDicts tiiafirait orhuihan shiture,! ui making FalstaffJ accuse T;iitiiiil...l.: Il.ti. .4.: I.; V ..: 5. . 110 w asiccu,. 14c iiuuv avuru a uua sv .r. 1 . -. j.i i.L " n-.ii i j ? tor his oft dernahdea (tavern B:U. We Wunot heJppposipgjuiatl rakny members of Congress who voted ajraiost the Colieciion bill were actu ated With sumo such iniotive, Many knew thai a 1 diilntidarvyjU their, constmien tig adunlesk they could sink t before' hand with a bad name, jit would bd the suJgect .of a heavy reclaiming between them. : So they have hanged and mangled arid belabored it witi cur ses, lague estiletice and famine ! O these are nothing tj the Collection act. And Andrew Jackson, the officer thai recommended the Col lection law; tjiey hayfe jfcirly' iUainjnted ! rith , red :h'icut8e$ and to; ap the max; bJheir wrath, u b said tneV mean to nuilify thlitllaw in the' South : Carolma Convention ! I O Lordy ! 0 doat ! ! I CrbiiikV'-.yoStV .Genuemen itia thr people are Such Apes as riot to 'see through thesejtjiinfs. j fThsy hbud you not long since praising Gen Jackson louder than any one else, arfdi damning Henry Clay. They noe find your tone altogether changed. Theyj heard you denying for a long time jthat you Werenulliliers; they have found you preaching their doctrines j and voting tlib yoteff and doing their wtil arid pleasure in alj things and : unless they -'are much: more'. $tnpid than ever we deemed; ! our IK -Ik 10 -rc Adelaide riri- w vua7 sne nas opened ' ' x coxPECTidxAny-- In.the hoase neriyoccuDted bv Llfesmii frbl nd Gatofew doaw Eastofthe Coari 7 vShwmieep constantly pa hand, a variety Handles, Cordials; Cakes. ! and all Mher articles twaally kept ia antablishl P -3iiisbary March 9-$wS3 , -' ' t . - n t,;. THE . JLEXIGfUOS Fifth Class for j Q 33, ue drawn at IJaavUl V . T 4. 26th IarehJ-'.183iLJn2t.i im' iTrr t ded btomedhim Wii: i T1- - Wirrwr wsTFiza2(i f 5t : 30 PRIZES OP 91000 SO FRIZES OF 500 20 PHIZES OF 300 20 PRIZES OF 200 . ISO. PHIZES OF lOO 30 PRIZES. OF 60 30 PRIZES OF 60 PRIZES OF 150 PRIZES OF 490 PRIZES OF 50 40 30 SO IS IS il IS 18 18 si is 30,000 10,000 6.000 40)00 ' - 2ooo itsod 1500 .2,400 400 0,800ri sto rnizEs-Anoc.ruia to s.oqo PLAN OP pJR A WItf G. I Bacon pr lb 7 a 71 ;. Cotton or lh"nw a Uonee prft 15 a 16; Flour pr bbl $4 a 4 7$; Flax-seed pr bh 1 50al $0 Feathers pr lb S2a3k country-men, I the juggle will be, seen intoi :The stockeUhand 'will be detected aud theyiwtibnaV6 to throw up! ISomoteNbe. Ii' - glj; ::: .i 11 ' 1 i-v.i Elfi ? MR CALHOUN'S SPEECH. 1 1 W have read this prbduction with anyjthing but pleasure.! uiiedoctrmes s tar as we can com preheat i them; aim at intdrpola utinga neWsprin 0i pie uito oui fbrmof government, thathasever before been thought o-fThe - prioclple wfcoh-currinmajorities-By which prindpleigfess can pass nq la unless it be sanctioned by' Ja ma jority if evry Statejin the Union. Inther WordsUt jii ai: attempted!, ingraft loaUintion u'pbn $t system I lVe jBonfess hoWever tijiftye is veryrmuof4his iasoning that vecan a4 un derstand. It fdayj bc-jtofdeep for or oorjlntel lect i I wo have nearU many, compfaurbf the sarae'4iffi1?idtkM 1 .- - '-:l-l:- - ' How is it with the fceptry of iheihluecoecade and bnils button wjbo hajre so lauded, this tgrr Auwwbrt Are. the v able to help us of the mist. ?Welaressiy that it is With most' U' them as it was vnth jtlie Scoth jglrl wh Iwas praising extravagantly the learning and eloqii&nce of a new parish! miaister. . Being asked lif fsbe comprenenaeo pis sermon, ieuy reguea--iivun-prehind them! 1 God furoidinal I jtimdd hie Vu aati jtresumptwn to gaUUtma u trtj to kimprcldna ne a horned 3 if I W? I rATvifirncMQ ; The British" Parliament was summoned to meet bnl29 diuffl antt?ry I the, summons to; the Scotoh hiemherl! states that business of impar lance will probably ome be&re them, and au early attendance U'reoested. "j, -hj : nil j I Hrrt-r-.1";' ' i .". Ml' JJ. m Bankf IStocki! is selling at London at fioov St to 2-1 lO-eual to $106 SU a! 103--8r. We believe the! Mercantile world act upun better ia forma tkA than. Politicians:! Had ill not been soufj Bajnk Stock J". must havej been: jcon sidrabl j Sctovjkrl If that i insUtuiUon had; not been based upon; a rock; jt. most have, yielded to dreadful assaults made! upon it. All thi4 has these districts to ordpr sn-l hold ' a opw cletm asifthM vacancy had occorn?d f immt tfi jr pf thrse causes specifiH by taw. Bar it will avl noth ing. The sam gentleman Will b4 e4jied; as ofin as a new election nov be rdeml ?nd, the same difficulty will rocur Vi long as itmiy' please, the Givern(r to 'deprive;: si) iTJnfori districts of their Sheriffs, by TPtuvri,jtft g-rjnt ! thettcommrssions exprnpte.j ; from , the absurdi ties f the test oath.' This affair of tHeifihHffs may serve a good pnrpose in the way of lljaMra tinjr the grandeur of State 9overe'OThtyVf! The in a local matters eqeally: aoverei. and hesr !B?lf ,l"engW i Wiaywine wu. u pretty mmb the r-'--- to th rftateUt Vwn absent about two years and a halt, larjre, as do the pebnte of the Sate ;! nffd hy i St arn home. ; their Governor, to thn rest of the pei'Prfdf: tej 'If : ! ! JT- if : whole nation. And yet howj essy for the Gov" i According to a report of a i select Cora emor. aided by the couns Is vf fh Atteff Gen- mitb)f the House of Lords, recently pub eral toobstruct trKroprexercrseoftheirf'Sov- ua in: vnf,unA ky niirn vf the fBntish West rhdiall possession! includ j inhe ceded colonies is about 4l 3 1,000, 000. ) r ; 1 It is stated in the Condon Court Journal thnt Joseph Bonaparte' who has tnsd the g)iering round o(netrbpoiitan,hfefora few pliths past, is about to return to his ma ni5cent estate in the neighborhood of Phila delphia r ' . - jj " leBoston Atlas saVs, the Delaware 74, )sftling,jout for the Mediterranean She taSte ! commanded ! jby Com Patterson. irameatateiy on ner amvai in ine uieuuer- ' . r '. t M i il I L ereign Rights! Cownrr, Here is the letter of Mr. WinTate; f X ( : ' i ' a- i ill v ! ! " - i DARLixOTbir, Feb 1 8UI $33.! 7b iS Secretary 'fftate of SwuV Carolina. Sir: I have declined to accept the i fiice of. Sher iff of Darlington, to which 1 have been elected by the Citizens of that District j After dnly consid ering the matter,. I . have come to': the settled conviction that the Ordinance of Nnll'filationi is avipla'ttoti'.of the .Cpnstiition of thiljnitfd States ; and as, by the Constitution! I of j tlsU Sute.I am required, upon re -en termg on the du ties! of oflice' to sw'eaf to rwpport an ; jrli&r &4 Constitution bf the United States,, J; cannot ttcear to snpport the Ordinance of Nullification. I must . therefore refuse1 to take . my com mission as Sheriff ot that District. " ' , . ; I aan. with great respect, 4 - I - Your obedient servant. ' . 1 l WM. WIXGATE. I ' Mr. IKevj$peechs-Tbe National Gaz etteedited .by " Mr. Walsh ays: Ir. .mm f:&y4.ic&M-mO;fr ! JARM STRONG i happy to inform his Crieqds.-sad patrons thatie has recovered from bis! disposition, and thkt he will resume the duidf:ofbis SCHOOL on Monday next , JlforcMlS. ! ! i 11 -. - - ! i ' BaOT:AZT2 r!30H STOIIE 4 i 4: lir. I mmmm1 wmrm . V - . - .f. . "... u u - 1 - j mi1 r iu i -lUtiUa leave to mtorm nis menas anntne pao Rives has overmatched 51r Calhoun' Of iThK-i. .k-.i.-i..- u-Xv.kLt. the.two speeches, that of the Virgiqia Senator is greatly the superior. The latter is a; work manship of a regular and firm textaro of lasting utility; the other a voluminous tangle of flimsv skins.' 1 " 2 C The 7ej UK, !ery.-f-The trill of the Rev. E. K. Avery, chargext w ith murder of Sarah M. Cornell, will not take place at the present terra of the Suprem Court IJir the county 'oNcwportr- It r;ill be called tip at an adjourned session, should the grand jury rind a true bill, of which by the - iyay there can scarcely, be a doubt. ; We ard in formed, by one of the . intimate personal iriends of Mr. Avery, that the man and .the boy, whom Avery . says he saw oris Rhode Island bridge, on the evening of thf irmrder will be produced at the trial. If this ehould meat of Thomas Mall Jr. oa main street, ! below the Store of Messrs; Huie k Cade, opposite to themce of the;, YadMa flc Catawba JpuraaJ,1 where he will keep on hand a general assortment of Tcry article usual in this line of i bosi- nsssiMV:- l j . i ! . 2l- . . - i $b : j plating ;ar the I same 1 ipbee, , a he is: prtpared to ' execute orders, for wsrkj with prcHnprnessaad in the Rkkt lashioaabfe style, fie etnroys none: bat !firsf rate worknien who ae Mdal-aad attentive, with which and a con etaatassideny tobosiness hioiself, he hopes to riierhf coatinaanee of thai Jatrooagef soiberally bestowed oa him,sincehe has been in bnsioest ui Salisbury. 1 r Jj Ar. f t ji Rips mended graosi ' . i h KiiMarcb 1st, i at-- ornprousn oo i.a ou ;troa pr lb 41 a 5 ; Mo lasses p al 32 a 35; Naila cut 61 a 61 V Salt pr bosh 70 a 75 ; Sugar, pr lb 91 a 10 ; Tobace; leaf 2 a 3; Vheat pr bush 85 a 90; Whiskey pr gal. 32 a 33 'I" I !.!.. - s - Camden Commercial Record. V-4 J ! Revised and Corrected Weekly. - OOXTZTTZlYlP&OOTJOXl. i cts. 9 50 ; 50 1 . 87 I 7 i 4 Cotton . : : : : : Corn, per bushel, : : Wheat; : : : : : Flour; Camden Mills, bb " COuntry, : : liacon, per w. . : : ; i . VV hiskey, per gal. . : J Brandyji Apple, per gal. j rVach : : V 8- In a 8a o 6 50 p 4 50 o 7 a 35 a . 35 a 140 a 75 10 40 f35 62 INFORMS the LADIES and GENTLE4 MEN of! Salisbury f lis intenUon -tot remain for a lew days it the Mansion Hotel. where he will be happv to wait upon those! who will favor him with a call; fully! pledging himself to give entire satisfaction! to those who! will submit themselves to air careful operations. f 1 Natural or Artificial I teth inserted, sin gle or in sets, on Gold j plates so natural as to escape detection, IndS p. ftbctly useful for mastication Ever other ope ration .on the teeth, performed withf Scientific Ski IL, and the least possible pam. Letters from th&med)da faculty upon the subject of ; his professional abilities, are open to the inspection of the pit blic Dr. W. solicits an early call, as his! stay cannot "be long. " ' H ''"! 1 -P.-Ch rlatie, March Vie gird 1S33 tf.- At the brae and place rawinV tho wliolef-f number ot tickets having been previously counted: mtooneyl)eel and the prizes into aether by thai Comafussioaers, they are drawnlaltemately, first a! number and then a prixe, uatil all the prizes are? out, so that all1 the dra wn numbers are brizes. and all the undrawn numbers1 blanks -Pr!zeS paJ ble in 40 day$ after the drawing.1 1 7 ! ;rHters:Q,:y, v Tickets, Shares aad Packages to be had lo the greatest variety at 1- -PALMER & JONES' J j , Office, Danville VaJ i Alarch Ist,-.1S33 . $$; , , . '' tC3 Tickets for sale at the Office V the Watchmaa. U. S. Va. or N. C inonev will h mama !maJ j . FRESBHZDGZ! TlrX T A ATn A - mtw EXTRA CLA8S NO. 1 f FOR 1 833. lb 6 A7r7tr Winchesters Virginia, on tllontlay APRIL 15th, -1833. ' v -: SCHEME. IS hertry given to the legatees of Joha Kern, dec'd. wlio live out of the State of North Carolina,: to witrj Wiley Hullson, William Butner and Eher his wife, John Barclay, aad Jael his wife. John Hudson in right gf his wife that the amount coming to them is ncwjn my hands ready to be paid when legally demanded, and, that 1 will not be bound for interest thereon. i PETER KERN, Execa tor t ll of.J. Kern dee'd. Salisbury, March 22d, l?33-35 3i. PKOPOMl-S I Foa publishino in YoaxviLtr, S. Casoliwa, A weekly NewspaperEntitled the iroiii&riijjLE Its Columns shall be devoted to Agriculture, Literature, Politics, Foreign Ss Domestic News, Poetry, &c &c. ; : I-- ' The political cliaracterof the YORKVIlLE PATRIOT, shall be the .old aad true Republi can of 8, and as such, conducive to the peace, prosperity, happiness, and Usids of these Sutes. An appeal is now made to the lovers of order and good government throughout the State, and especially, the pairiotiefreoaenbf Pinckney Con gressional District, for prompt and efficient aid, in the prosecution of this undertaking. To in sure success, nothing is wanting, out ".a ting pull, a strong pull, and a pM altogether." . It is alnady desired, ihat the publication of the paper shall commence on the 14 th day of 3arch jtext, provided a , respectable subscripUoo list is retarned previous to that time. Be prompt, be decisive, or thday may &e lost, and with it our liberties.1 i i J-'-J . . TERMS -fc The PATRIOT will he printed with neatType.on an Imperial Sheet, at 0 per annum, payable half yearly fin advance. This advance payment U ixulispenlible, without It, the undertaking dies. 1 j . fey Gentlemen holdiagi subsajion-bstj, are requested to transmit lits of subsciibers, as also such moneys as may be collected, to G Y. Williams, Esq. Yorkville S. C. as early as practicable. -1 "-: . !'l Xtecotntnendation. The andersigoed. Central Uomniittee, of the Union Party for York District, do respectfully and particalarly roawhea4rther' above un dertaking to the consideration! of IheUaipo Com mittees of the respective Districts of this Statoj asivorthylcf Patronage. 1 :, i j I - i LY'.M H7ATT ! I- C;:V yfiUMMM . ; I ! . JoRX Bxiia, t Ei NjGiTHWu' ;1, I " Wm. IVsjcht, ' Tcrkvnie.S.C.r21fs prize of $15,000 8,000 5,000 3,000 1 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 2 prizes of 18 prizes of ; 20 prizes of 20 prizes of ! 50 prizes of 1 60 prizes of 2,000 1 50 prizes of 1,000.200 prizes of , u 280 prizes of $500 j ; 30O ;200 ; 150 100 50 ,i 25 JPricc oKTickcts 04; Halves OS Quarters 1. ! Tickets Shares and Packages to be- had tn the greatest variety of Numbers at -j PALMER St J0NESV j Office, Danville, V. ' I Feb'y. 23, 1333 31 tdd. " A few tickets in the above lottenr.- S jmm m . w may be hau at the orhce of the Watchman, in tew days from now.! 4 O; fivei to the .Office f the Cantout ITotchmaiY 11 ' J A HI E85HJ Ii L . ' - nnAKES this methfjdof inJoimirtg hidfriendj !JL and the public irenerallv. that ho has ihufl flied a House of Public; , lifter tainment iii Mam Street, South East side of the Court House in the town of Salisbury: where he, res ectfully solicits a share of public patronage. r He assures them that every possible exertion. Shall be used to render comfortable and agreeable the situation of every individual who may favor him with their company, j .' ' ' f ! lie also coofidently announces, thai his boose shall be so conducted' as tojgratify the adnurers of order,' decency and good ootid act. . 7'- ! His TABLE shall be exceeded by none it will be burnished with plenty cf the best thit the country affords. His BAIt shall be coostant ly supplied with a variety of refreshing boveraget soitabie for the pallato of the weary traveller. Hi STABLE U alwap abundantly supplied widi sound Corn, Fodder, ke. together with attcn tlri and faithful Ostlers, which, he hopes, willin duos his friends to call ua him again, and tttaa g0rs to give huu a trial. I Feb S3-31 tf w ILL be npeued and held at the Court House it Salisbury, on Monday the 8th day) of April next (beiog Easter Monday) to elect seven suitable persons to serve as lYardeagj of thePuur ia Rowan Coonty, for the next three yU ennperson!are urktcapa in, ihMl TmeiS wrwuuwwt m fetwp: si msswsG ii 5so,Brydon Travels sad Cooper VSpyr aju Uie Pilo, are nusing frotx tay Library, aad have been for two or three years. I sm very F tfliiooa to recover these Books; the first ia pa?- ttcular.and wUl tloaX any where they are. ; 4 m one. to ixuorm vsss) H. C.JONES. jan 5,1833. A. kTtaraiit for safe ct thte; ft v J - I ;l r 'i i V- I 1 ! t if ' I i ! !'!!- Hi I'll 3 i s I . H : I . !' . ' i i! ' r i -1 , ' ,.; ' - - , i b-. i - i 4 . t; ; j ; .-:;:,;: : ;- , i ) ' I I ! - i - i r i . ;. i '3 JilMj I SB I- 'IS i'

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