Hid f f 9 - 1. I ' i 4, ' r; :; '; " 1 , . .A - .,v f 1 ! 1 Ai. , ,i .. ! i - : ' a !J I? I'll Q rfi .: i f : ?'. 1 ii B .1 - .! f j 1 1 At : - n ' t:,l -if t. fi.i';l mi mi ;. . ! -5 i i. I ' ' ' j , Ait i ' ANUTFOR THE PmTnf. Jim Black wnp wvea w 1 Ws courtidg Betty Brawn A maid who Hid a jam of jcfs i l l f I !,l 'So Jimmy thti$ne tnortilng said I V'jjear Betty most accomplished mail Tlie laixest in the toe land JL iTy r U . v 4 f j Hear th I Jrnake - X-j t ,H ; : ui$e pity now bestow j : And pat I prat for mercy's aaka , ; A;.'tomywoe.,. ''jv ! j 4; ! I; f i A tou inay use y 1 -if I'i rather die by swora man uaui hot words excuse, ij ;r My warm' Yeseven a now ": A -wt'lrnniei guest would be ir.rfW determined tqBoW 1 I 1 a I- aloneforrfliev i Ratber tban $enr your frown will I ' Embark upon tne ,j . . Tor in a miuimte would I die , i . Nor perish by '00- . ; ; . 5 m:' i .-r . i ; JJat to the last your praise Hi a'mg ; s li And througK jthe iwor Id yr nana? ihn tinff fc'-Fr And soar above the .L Thre's not a V Of our land 'V : Could sho your . , :, I'd better try to court the sand Than all your worth to tall. .' Uetty wt had a" feeling heart. I r I. Not quite so lougn as leainer tJ5ade. Jemmy for" the pnest to start To them both logethe f TH E DOM IN IE S LOVE. I ; s. A SCOTTISH BALJ.AD. ! The Dominie's love ! she haih goudenhair, - - And a bright blue beaming yc, ; , , :i ; nd her like jfll no meetwijT whera ! , :' v Beneath the bright blue sky. ' ' v , -( , $ "n -I Tfie Dominie's ilove ! she hath rosy, cheeks, : I I Ano a oonnji uirauico , & And a vtitchin 'aeWi'n her smile that seeks Thr hearts o! men to win T1 --m'niwV ljvif she hath hinnyjips, As if wet wii ? . ' :f i U trae thm h like nectar sips, ; The sweet, sweef kiss, I trow. ; The Dominie'4 love hath a;svvan-ikd neck, , And a jimpj And, oh ! her ir it hath been the: wreck O' a tliousarid, hearts at least. The Dominie's; love hath a fairy, tread j Oil ! her light atepbou.ndeth freeL- And in the gla n?e o ner eye tnere peams Asaulfu'-o' Iwitchcry! i ;.;) . The Domihie's! love is a beauty rare ; Ob ! she haitli a lily white han ) p.J r.v.ir' ijh o' hcr pliihtna vow, As ony Knight in the.iand-I 4:; . au'i. Onq d.iv a Jiiisiice much enlarfffd On I ndstrvwhile he discharged A thief from jail " Gowork,' bsaid, . uiij. prrtht) learn sotne better trade ; I ;:6r, marii my; word$, you'll fue if !'; ' My trade i i good," replied Uie knave, " As any main need wish to havq ; :;' Aa lit tdh tsuweedd'ye see, I 15 ' The fault, jsirlies ,wihiru, not me-i- "!'' You ?cni Hi me pfflsue Ul Jj :-T.jrr.tzn .it... Front the Cincinnati Chronicle. " v Eff'scts of Kissing inTorKojLibr- ; jkOur legislature have had iquie t Jmima teH debate upouj j the legal consequences of ai married-man .Kissing dn Unroarrea; lady. 'As the "ainie qaftiori appears 1tojiave ten-; ied 'ii co orviijiiate branch ofur bv(Drh4 ;f int the Sujretoe judicial: frilSunal ;bf "Ohio, and as there ate a great- many tnar-l rie men; and iinsiarrie, .women- wjtbiri the lirrjits of this, stite;" we deym it jadf isable to f hotit e thi3 case! with some Lpartjcnjirty es- f heclallyj as it rriust be borne .Jnj rjund that ;5gti-j antfa';iegiif' hem inem xciisat : ;. ! 1 i It appears in 1822, Mr Jeremiah iMoore! Xn:iit U Ulliss PUly Proufth. ! Itjl82 Lthey ; begn to grow tired of each other, anid their 'm hairis daalli'lbsing .aheir silkelukre the husban U, soon ' alter wards, j very ungal-i 'mi' jf Solicited jthe- Suprern Cpurtto grant hid i a dtrpfce! from his said fwife Polly j B j ?; Jtmmtne igisiative, debate to wnicli wo are vyi.nng c ic-m u me oupiicsiiuu was re-: 3r -IHlii'the; paiticawercliyingj toether iii Ut.r;te:Oimicabb 'thfyl pat-1 r :!r--Xtf'r 1 ' Va oartv at & nr.iohbnr'a limiWo.IwKili A- H1 KJi m boI lapplo i WOri ! la - ffiSrl -jWtt? oMti ofl IhteernV uuoijajyoitng iL "S uresiae m com- U .! . rm urawin uiti" r 'U.i Am :L i hert in his ? - mnv wiiu uuicio . ,mi. htr T j a.w- iacxj oeiDg 5 rBTIIKI, ." Ihe Su.nre,nc rt they ifwi. , w,; Tr.ore'i nrairimonial :K mm IFrom tlm it w to hy:jiniefdhat Bthltthefsin -neillmyjtae to common law auuwn."6 1 marriea us$ uuraamed women t-'i-.-J-j 5 ? SfUaa were liscussiu tliejcthic bfjissi - ;wJ.:nd ipensuriusr the . buureme Court fot l tlirdecisionls the matter is orjeoftvasi irpbrtan.ce,ani as it affordsa finej f.el for r crwWhes. lit is altocither iihcekaiti s$ten oW augVM f legislfto wUlfeeturri tb the body ol tneir conwieiiis, , . 4i IOTERElifll ! i t Mr Mdbrevnbi satisfied vijlitlif i aCisj lr 4 ! iotvof Ue Snme Court,r ha appeal to the Sf -I IH Icitslatirre anijat our last dateftt. juesf KM ;l I r iiSn was faendinsfbefore t that V- body . I fTho peaking of a! rout at tho xity of Washing ton 8y8:if t!-.W"i - : ' 1 ' ' losrray.Jieart npon one pretty oiacK cyerj girl but V ccpvcred it next raormng aJterswa.Ilowing a-xouple,. oi : eggs ana a cup'of coffee..'. . t.i - ,i. ,i The well : lasted ; emcacyr otmo aoovo remedy will 1 create a demand for eggs, luxe. irtr swAina will po to ' robbing - lien nesfs unless they arc closely vatcbecL Lowtll Compch'd. ! , j j t A Yktrk lady, and her son being on a shopping expedition recently, were shown a piece; of cloEi which the aalesman called invisUti$grte$ the goods t were tot their liking, aidtbjname they were j particularly pleased with bltt the price was too great Ac cordingly thejfj proceeded to the next stire and having nv learned what was fashion able, thd rstinquiry was madej lor misera ble jpeekQh. no," interrnpted the moth er dismal greens-Jacob, dismal green?9 1 1- - -;! " ; . - A reward of one Joe? is offered to , any one who shall apprehend a run-way negro. of the name of ubig-nosed John." A Joe Sot a John, isf quite fair. 1 " i 5 ' . i NEW MODproR PRESERVING PRbiP ' I i ERTY. . ! - A man wasj 'charged at Bow street last week, with breaking his household furni ture to shive to save it from being taken in execution.1 4 When told to keep peace he said he meant to keep all the pieces which the complainant, who was a piece-brok er wanted to retain. 3 1.' Female AbittTY. An ingenious Frencli- man has calculated that the -space which a Parisian belloT w ho is fond of dancing, tra verses in the saloons or Paris, when only performing pojtitra (anew, amounts in one se&son td jour, hundred miles! tie has, al so estimated that a French5 lady fond of waltzing will spin around in one night as often as the wheels of a steam-bbat revolve, whilerforrhing the distance between Dover and Calais! ' f Exeter News letter. ! i;it . Thin' rTomH Talking of thin women, he Said, that, if lhey were young women and ' i J J 4 ?im T Wet: bUttGr- fiiw; but, if neither, of spiders, whose nets wouiu never caicn nim were ne a ny, as uiey had nothing tctripting.- Lv Bleistngton'sl ng tempting. Lady Conversations with. Lord Byron. uHow do you conjugate, 'to marry as keo a lively Blue of the Bachelor J)uke. MU may appear gramatically strange," replied his Grace, ubut that yerb 1 have instead of conjunction alys rfecined." Jlge. Jldpice Graft. -The other iday on the I western circuit, pa eminent Damster was ex amining an ol women, and, emleavering to persuade:"her. tjiis'way 'pfthiriking by a few. -'of what lasers call?ledingruestions." After several attempts to mduco i her mein ory to'recur tola - particulars fact a few, Monrolw vMi rdmAmKor Vila" onrl (hcuvkln I vou must recollect that" the witness an- swered "I ha' tauld ye ye know so much more (pointing to the' judge), yersclf." TneTown I itxt tell ; but if about it than I do" "do'e tell Maister JYew JtrttcU of Trade,--A trader in thi3 town. adverUsns?" Gentlemen's Bosoms." If! he will sell Gentjemen's Hearts, the ladies will patronise him .--Perchance the boaxns are fals: Mans ceriainiysare at least, sj say tne wo men. 'J . Royal AiAwemmt. The Court historians of thelday record that at the first dinier given by the late King (then Prince Regerit) at ihe Pa- Tinon, me ioiiowmg cuaracienstic iroiic was was played off. The guests were select and ad miring ; tlje banquet profuse and admirable; the light lustrou3 and oriental ; the eye was perfect- iy uazzieu wnn ;tne aispiay pi pute, am;ng wm?h the great gold Bait cellar, brought from 1 i .- . t try i . me reganam ine,; rower tor tnis esptcial pur pose, itseii a tower ! stood conspicuous for its magnitude. And now the Rev. . the then admired Court Chaplain, was proceedim? with the grace, when, at a signal given, the ights were,8nddenly.overcasti and a huge trans- parency was aiscovered, in wiucn flittered in golden letters Ir Imagnoe ; the confusion of the guests: the George and carters, jewels, bracelets, moulted on-me occasion i ine lans uropt, and were i ' ; & mi up the next morning by the sly Court pages. M rs. iiita-wnat's-her-name tainted, and the Countess ot holding the smelling bottle, till the good humored Prince caused har- mony to oe resxorea oy caning in iiesn canals, and declaring that the whole was nothing but a pantomime hoaxJ&rot up by the ingenious Mr, Farley, ofCoveni Garden, from hints which his Koyal Highness himself had furnished, True oun. Mi Muscular strength of Insccts.--The muscles oi some insects are mucn stronger in proooTUon 10 ineir size tnanitnose ot urge animals, a - 4 i .7 nmmu unuyicma ecvunu If a horse were ta travel at the same relative speed, the Fresidf nt'a Message might have been Carried from Washington tO IS eW lurk, in about an noar: v eraine muscies oi a man capaoie oi toe same exertipns as tnoseoi a nee. we should want no boats to; carry us across the Delaware, Circuit Court of the United States for this Dis but We would ski j over from Philadelphia; to met, for;, the discharge of 5 Dr. AVatldns from tamden ; as we do across the gutters in the MademoiseUt .Celeste. We insert asutheat- rical curiosity, the following calculations rela- uv la tne performances ot wis justly ceiepratea uieio-aramauc j actress, juaaemoiseiie celeste has performed in one year, the French Spy 200 limes ; the Wfrard Skiff 150 times !; the Dumb Brigand 100 times; and acted in fifteen other pieces all writtenjexpressly for her She has danced in them it tbis year 600 dances ; fought 626 combats jfchanged her dresses 1501 times; has performed at ght different theatres in Lon don , on several opcasions at twK on the ame urn t-, uv mi wu occasion v . mree ainerent theatres on the salme eyning : has j had thirty Ui-nhU all gbp $ pel formed at twenty-eight theatres in, Enhnd ; three in Ireland, and three in ScotUnoJ ; and for the year! 1832 has Tecetyed ,120her-service8. During her late enagemexit in Liverpool upwards of 5,000 persons were enable to gain admittance to the theatres. In Amenca she , performed in all the theatres, and travelled more than 10.000 miles. Exchange. ss This popular yonag 4ady is itevr W her Slstyearfis anatitejof paria,tnl was ch eated at tho Grand Opera Liverpool paper. - ! ''i;r- ;r ii . ,,-t m ,5r l On Wednesday eVening. at tbebenefit of Jim Crow, two wreaths, one of laorel and I the other t 1 of roses; were thrown to him from the boxes, in the true traDjauanuc styiewr.' ijrow 6elect- ed tha f rosirfeath! as being jthe tnost grate ful to hisMsqal aH4 cJlact organs rlie bow- ed his' heartfelt thanks, pressed theiflowerr tio phy to his breast, and t&en placed it upon r bi3 woolly ciDuttii the m i such are the triamphs of genius, and the benefits arising from jumping Jim urowi tiis; appear ance, when sat mounted with the ciric' coronal was pictoreue,remindibg one xf King' Joliba Jolapa i in his glory, : and 'drew down applauses long ana loua irom ; me ; graxiaea aucuence Ufow himself r is a man ot talent in more wars than one,' as was' evinced by the classic .attitude struck by him to receive ithe homage of the pufP lie. He rings his way to New! York,? where,' it is obe hoped, morel wreaths may. yet be oe Guinea. rennsyivanum ; r t . ; - H! I' I i . Extraordinary Rail-way Ptrformsneti. On the occasion: of t scientific g entleman , htel visiting me Liverpool ana lancnesier ran-jway ne very s exrraorainary ; penoriaances were ei-; (ected.j On two occasions,' i load amounting to one hadred tqrii was drawn; by one engine jfrom Liverpool b 3ancheter a distance' ii about thirty milejh'an hour and a half, being ak th average rate ,t twenty miles an h.-ur. : An eight horse wagon oW;a common iroao is capable of canying oaljjht tons'; a ijfy. Con8juintIy; it would take One hundred horses! working fr one day on a tirhpike road to! perforin the samq work as was : here- accomplished! by a single; st6am engine to!an hour and a haif on thejrailii road, it is said that no lormer penomance on. thf rail-road had come hear this result. Liver-" per Paper ; Splendid Carpet--We have this week seen i i one of the -most! beautiful cay pets ever i made . inJ this country. t;is tnanuUctured by.Mr. lianbuf ry, of Mirfield and measure seth yards by six, without a seam ; it is made in the same manner as the celebratiwl carppts made at Tour nay , in France, entirely by ndle work ) it is of very great thcltnesfij and fbas a surface likei velvet. The ground-rWork is a deep purple,1 and a magnificent pattern, poiripied ' of the most beautiful flowers; in colours at ince delicate.: is 'worked upori i. We seen so tasteful iorsplondid almanufa brilliant and have never acture off the Kva' h Pfice;olthearpet lis. eighty guineas, ? " y f l,a. t mi. uanoury is ueiy to n s tho V.lrohM ti.rnut rrn nnfoifnra t- moat -InenrwWeirnnM vieingwith the; French in beauty and durabUity, can be afforded for jess than half the price I' i r i:. !l:Mr--"l1 I Leeds Pa Paper, Charles Gel Olmsted, ;Esq. who is a can didate for Cingress in one. of the districts of Ten nessee, has addressed the people of; hatVdistrict at several public meetings and in a written and published circular, placing his claims to their suffrages, chiefly, if hot exclusively on his zeal in favor of temperance, and his determination to do all that may be in his power to put a stop to the importation and domestic! manufacture ot ar dent spirits.; ; lie is very hearty and zealous on the subject, and says-r- i l ! ! 4My great object is the overthrow of the cn emy. i et H lame and distinction were my only object, I do not know a theatre to be prefered-to the one whose boards I am now maiding. Elect mo nn tha rri tininljio - frrttiil and the news winH In . thn rn would fly on the wins of the molest corners ti the &nion; Pulpits would re sound with it v the public press would teem with it ; an impetus would ne given to public opinion that could not be checked other districts in other States would attempt to vie with you, determin ed not to b4 far behind in this glorious race. I say again, elect me on these principles, and I would look, not'with contempt, but with indtffer- encf, on the presidency There is no place in the gift ot this or any other people, I would ex change for; it. Think of the' honor you wouid confer upon yourselves. I sly,! the third time, let ine be electajf m these principles, and no one of my supporters, will ever regret jhis vote, al though 1 might betray my; trust, or be foand in competent to the task imposed. In whatever part of the Union he may 'travel thereafter, It the fact only be known, and 111 j the people will point, and say "Thero goei one who voted for the first temperance ticket.'! Supreme Cout pafe, Tabids Watkvn. We stated, some days ago that it; was the in tention of the Counsel of Doctor Watkins to in stitute further proceedings; in this case. Since then, .we understand that Messrs. lirent and Coxe have failed in an application! to the Su preme Court to obtain its opinion as to the points upon which the Court was divided, and that they were informed the Cou rt refused td gi ve its opin ion because theCdivision wasfuf such a nature as would require tjie Judges to give separate opin ions. This novel state . of the case leaves not only the Counsel of ; Doctor Watkins, but the puoiic, ln aarKuess, as to tne opin'on ana am sion of the Court, upon the various points made in this lrnponant case. VVes aloj have under stood, that the Counsel have; abandoned the : in tention of moving the Court to reinstate the rule, for the purpose :of aiguing ffa effect a division m the Court, upon an application to be disciiarged on a writ of Habeas Corpus. il having been in timated, that the practice of the Supreme Court was always, in both !i civil and criminal cases, to refuse fa rules where the Court 'was divided. The opinion of Messrs ! Brent and j Coxe was. we understands that where the Court was divi dec upon an application, tor a rule l like that in l ai&iuo o uu?Tj kiu uTViaiWfi4iu xiJguu atit hid i practice oi tne common iew enuuea me party to his release, it being in hpor of Liberty. A fortiori, they argue, such practice ought to ex list in thiA.nntrv nA nif.t nnr farm nfOr.rprn. ment. We are, however, authonxed rta state, that an application is ' about beiny made to the hig second alleged illegal imprisonment, and as that Court is supposed to have, beyond- any .own writs if illegally ssued,' the Counsel feel J confident of success. I We' forbear, for the pre- i sent, any lunner comment on me dse. i J"at. Int. HARD TIMES IN SOUTH CAROLINA. The following is from one of the latest C harles ton papers : ; . i 1 ;,i , :;t We learn that 35.000 was offered and re fused, on Wednesday last, for old ;Bertrand,(a running horse.)' ; !This sum is exactly teathnea as much as was: given for himf! by. his present tAvper, Mr. LTndleyjf of Kentucky, who bought him from Col Spann.' the day alter hi great race with Aratus and Creeping Kate, ! The venerable James Uadison completed his eighty-third year on the 5th instant. EXECUTED AT THIS JOB .Running from I Salem, ! JV a mmtht:c House in Virsrbita three times a week u 'MlKt endback nnritS.tirie starts from Salem evehf Monday, JJL Wednesday and Friday at 5 o'elock, A AI." and arrives at Wythe5 Court Court-Honse at C o'clock P. Mi. the next day. At the sarnie hour that the Sigps leave Salem, j they : jalsri laave Wy tho Cburt-Honse and arrive at SaJcin at 5 crclock P. M. on . Tuesdays, Thursdays j and SatnrdaysL jThis Line is so arranged as tocor- respond in its arrivals at Wythe j CourttHouse, with the-arrivals of the Great Lines Jeaidirb: through tlie valley of Virginia -lt also j corres- pona in its am vais at , v yme vourwtouse witn the anivals of a tri-weekly line rdonins' between that place and the Salt Sulphur the Red Sulphor and Whitef Sulphur Springs in VirginU,! which has been I lately established. At ! Salem it corresponds with the arrivals of Smith's Pied mont Line,1 and ihe Ralekrh Line, both of which run three times la week. The whole of ; this trip is perflrmed in the. day , time. The; Route passes within at mile of the Pilot! Mountain through Bethania Bethabara by I Mount Airy, crosses the Blue Ridge at Ward's ; Gap, ffoes by , Poplar Camp Furnace and! the Lead Mines of Wythe and affords some . interesting scenes to those that adnuW the sublimity of na ture. The, accommodations of diet, lodging4 &c. are excellent and cheap. lTie subscriber best tates not tci recommend his teams and drivers as first rate. Hfs coaches are most axceiient being newjy procured from Troy, New York. Fare through the whole route 5 dollars way passf.nsrera.IS4 cents a a mile i j . I J j I ICP 'Hie utmost care and attention will be naid to bagase and other things entrusted to his care, but the Subscriber will not be liable for accidents. I i . ' ' !'.i D. WALKER. Feb. 1838. 31. The-Constitutionalist, at Raleigh. The Camden Journal and the Georgia Courier will, insert the above six weeks and ! forward their account to the proprietor at Mount Airy, Surry, CO.N.C. 1 i - A WIN THIS line of mail coaches leaves Dan ville every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day mornings at 2 o'clock A. M. and 1 arrive at The subscriber has also established an accom modation line of ! , . POST COACHES. From Warrentob, N. C. via Weldon , and , the Rail Road to Petersburg, V a. Passengers by this line will leave Warrenton every Mondays j Wed nesday and lb nday mornings, at 5 o'clock A. M. and arrive at Belfield same days at 4 o'clsck and leave Belfield next morning and arnve at , .Pe tersburg by 2 o'clock P. M. Leave Petersburg every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10, A. M. and arrive at Belfield same days, leave Belfield every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday mornings at 6 o'clock and arrive at Warrenton by 2 o'clock P. M. The:8ubseriber has made this arrangement on account of the almost impassible situation of the roads. As;. soon as the Roads permit, and the Rail Road Company receive their! other locomotive engine, a different arrangement will be made so as to give greater expedition. The subscriber has procured splendid REDTROYCOACHBS. Carrying Nine passengers inside and five out side. This line! forms a connection with the Roanoke line from Warrenton to Danville, wlrifh departs Immediately after the arrival of the ac commodation line from Belfield, and arrive at Danville every Tuesday, Wenesday, and Fri day, by 6 o'clock, P. M. Persons travelling South or South-West, will find this route as pleasant and affoarding as many facilities as most rou.s in the Southern Country. This line forms a connexion with the South Westerh line, from Ffederickpurg to Lexington N. C. and the Piedmont line at Danville from Washing ton City, td Jtfitledgeville Georgia. ;! FARE1 r : From Petersburg to Danville, 10 Dollars. Seats taken at the oflice-'ofthe Rail Road Company, Petersbnrg, also, at Mr. Bellamy's Hotel, Warrenton. Fare from Warrenton to Petersburg 5, i ; JAMES W. JEFFREYS. Feb. 23, 1833. 6t. The thorough bred Horse, HldDT, i ! ILL stand the ensuing season at Bca- " ties Ford, Lincoln County. He vras gotten, by the justly celebrated Race Horse and breeder, Old His dam, a lull blooded mare her : pedi gree can be traced to many of the most distinguish bed Racers of their day. As to SIR ARCHIE, his reputation and that ot his colts and their descendants are so well established, it -is scarcely necessary to say any thing at the present day, as they have been amoriff the most successful distance Horses in the States of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee for t the last hlteen yeara - RIOT is a hanasome Bay, five feet three inches in I height -tonr years old next Spring. It is expected that he will make a good breeder, as his form j and blood are good. Particulars made known in due time. i ' f ! i H. G. BURTON, H i R. H. BURTON. Janunary 5,1 W33 tf54 ! frsm lhet armers' ana aimers Journal at Charlotte, also the Rutherfordton Spec tator, are requested to insert the above ad vertisement, .and call oq tho above named li? v u M 'orm "intcrs'o frathe United StatcM H whom Uiev hari long been tudividually known as vcsteblish ejd Letter Founders, that tliey have formed a copartnership in said bbiicss, and hone from their united aktll 'andiexiensivo'periracei to be able to give full satisfaction to all who may layor'tbern wuh i rtfers. x , . The introduction ornchincry , in place oi uic teqious f ana junriealtby process' of casting .type by hand lqnga desideration liy the European; and American Founders was, by American 4nenmtyi "and a heavy xenditure of tune ajid noney on the part oT6ur senior partnerj firt sticcesslully ac-i cpmpJished, Extensive psc of the machine! casl letter, has; fully tested and, established sp$eriority in every particular over that cast by ho old process; ji I ! l j I The Letter or Funptery)uisnes5 will here after Bocarried on hyj the parties named; under the firm; of White; Ilarger &. Co; teir specimen exhi$ts ji complete series froth Diamond f to Sj 1 4 lines Pica. The upoK ana tne news type Being m the most; modern light and style.. - j !j-Thite, JIargar& -.po. jire agentsfbr tho saio ot Uie Smith KUsMPnnting Presses winch they can furnish to their customers at the manufactures' piicel. Chases, Cases, Composing sticks. Ink, and every article used in the ; Printing Buisness,Ior sale aod furnished "on short notice. Old type taken in exchange for njew at 9 cents per pound. . ; l -j - News paper proprietor who give the above three insertion will be entitled to Fv Dollars in such i articles as they may lect from our specimen.! 1 : '. '" I . I E WHITE. H ; :- I XfM HAGAR, FALL AND WIMTEU HORACE Ifi JtE&REm nuaiy announces to the Jf ublic that he has lust received of Messrs Wilson Sc Satmez. of ..Tj m. viiiv, inn fall and White Fashions, WJitch he has no doubt, yill please his customers ffe continues to have ins frork done in a neat and fashionable style. If Is beyond all doubt, that his CUTTING is supfriorto any in the neigh borhood. His shop is on . Main Street, next door to Dr. Bums. ; N;B. He also returns his sincere thanks to his customers and friends, for then liberal patronage and hopes by a continuance of punctuality and strict attention to his shop, to fnerit it further. (INov. 10, 1832 194-tf.I FTwo or three JQURjTEYMEN TAI LORS wanted irameditel by the Subscri berll , I H. B. CASH STORE, -if ir . , : - THE subscribers are ctoening at the Corner House, lately occupied; by f alls & Simonton, an excellent and general assornent of i 2Q)ry (Soods, Hardware, Ciifleryy Grocc I ries &re. All of which they are detrmined to sell at a less price Ithan they have ever-been offered at in this part of the country. Those deposed to purchase are respectfully, invited to call and judge for themselves. I JOHN ILGARNER, &Co. Statesville Dec. 18, 1832-423. Tailoring It cm oval. Benjamin. Fjulet, TTTks removed his Tailoring Establishment to AX the House lately occupied by Mr. Samuel FraleV as a Confectionary Shop, which is a few doors above Mr. Slaughter's Hotel, and is now prepared, as usual, to accommodate all who may favor him with their work. He has just recei ved frpm New-York and Philadelphia, the Latest Jr a3hions, Imported from London and raris, & las a good number ot hrst,rato Vvorkmcn in his employment. He will; execute work in a style, Superior to any in this part of the country, and will warrant it to fit well. All kinds of Cutting will be done j on short notice All orders for workfrom a distance, will be punc tually attended to. He Man lAgent of ilson and Saguezs of New ork, and also, of Allen Ward, of Philadelphia, and therefore will teach anyTailor those systems Hof utting, who may want hs instruction. He; grejetully returns his sincere! thanks to his cusiomers find friends for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed upon him, and hopes that by antassiduous and strict at ten lion vo njis ousincs, ux jueru 119 cuauuuiace : ! Abv. 24ffJ 1832 18 6mo. IVIRS, B.aHBR, TARES this method of informing the inhabi tants of Salisbury, that she intends open ing a School for small children, on the first 1onday in February, at the house formerly oc cupieo -Dy inexujv. x iiouias ,jtui. Hiving been for manyyeara accustomed to the business of Teaching, she eonfi(jently expects to give enure paiisiacuon, iq mc$e persons v. no may confide their childrea to Iter care. As the School is expected tow consist ichiefly of young children, her attention' wijl be principally direc ted to Spelling and Readidg ; but to these suffi ciently! advanced, Writing, Arithmetic, Gram mar. and Geography, will be tapght also. TJSRJtfS $3 per quarter, or where, two or three are sent from one fimily something less will be -charged. Personal who find it inconve nient tq pay Cash, may mke payment in any of tnose articles, wnicn are cuauiioujy ic-juaiic m the consumption of a family. January 2C3w27 f ' . ' -H ' I ! THE Commissioners appointed by Governor Swain, have this day opened theii Book of Subscription for Stock- in the capital of said Bank, agreeably to the directions in his procla mation, at the Store of ThoinasiL. Cowan, Esq in this Town, where it will bal kept open the tmieMpresCTibed-Pereons wishing to sub scribe for Stock in this Institution, are desired to call at said Store and enter their names. D. F. C ALU WKLL, MAXWELL CHAMBERS, THOSrL.COWAN, MICHAEL BROWN, IL H. ALEXANDER, 1 Comsussumtrs, "ink T?TT"f irirr rs w -ir . HEAP " 1 ' sures, amusements, fashfHs$nd erf life, the subscribers .lS fM persuasive encoqngulSN 1 deemed impchant toLfiSHe vbf riitictans, meoIqgianS;nd iMl country, have each UielfseparafeSl l ike that or Dlphcs) p)!i! their seyeral opmions aDk bter WM IT. tri find but few puhlicatiorisj of a plrIi iiuci&i . emoeusnmcmt oi romant of iu propensities enjoyment, the pleasure, and . indulleuce. and eulcr into foUiea,is to dol what oliP no more improper to ret to proraohrate ToratiiLJi A IhAnW-ifl .y VK V Pleasure, "says the lOrally m-, chieftain ir vb.iSJSM i correct the mai some, yet n is literally; tjruc, for tie !ocP tainly takes Measure in khe exerci u-uin ; ine .merchant and mechanic M several branches of employment rtH of lettsrs in his books :i SN chases the hare or attends tbi ring 1 is only pupuing pleasai la fconuC hw natural or cultivated tat I ' - and to nleasAall i'r'tk..lM. J1 internftti n J ' the feehngs or disturbing the prejudic k . The language will be allays chastejo?' Life, gatheredxfram thf everyiai of the World. Tlipatrpei AT fashionable places of resort, iaiMeit! K..o uuuwsj wnue me p ports ot Hie f ing,and the Pit, of the Fisher! mlW will engross no iiKxinsidejrable portioaf rhe proceedings of the;Courts civil minal will, as far as possible; be 'gfeiHP raaiiersoi mterereat occur; and nwry' those of the Police; where Life, in altiffl v,"uu"ub' J wiamuj fourirajc(S f also the intention of Uie !lwitors,v to ffii Considerable portion of each rrr t ! thJ'A lation and disemmaijon of th neurm ei ii.. .. brief and faithful record of all important M ... m. oumiuAiiai iurm wnicn win cki events condensing a large mass into I caci tivelv small With theso intentions, full v and. fiirif J claimed, and with te mct perfect; gcol It? wwaras oar co-laborers in the sime, t jaU we present ourselves before ah enUhtacl 4J aa canuiaaies ior uieir gqurocaiti smiles. ! ' "l.i ! ,! , , " .iU- si WILLIAM T, PORTli james hqwei l 1 tdp' Postmasters, and other Gefetlemi '-h will act as Agents for our paper, by m notice, can have forwarded to them! Subsci;i Papers and extra copies. : ' . i.!! vt 'a; C7 Gentlemen can be : iumished l specimen No, by forwarding their names l eipense. . , j . - .1.- , .; '; ". fni t'CT Editors inserting; our - Prospectus t'SA jtitle themselves to a free Exchange, vJ favor will be thankfullv reciurocated. i i Apm the 17; 18 ICT Subscriptions will be, received it I fJUice. i i. , ti R ax a way trom the Subscriber .a. last, a negro man liamcd " aged about forty years he is upward a feet high, strait and.well fwrncd llicj plexion is a light black, his face -it-long and his features very prominent k, a very intelligent man and may hive f cured a certificate ot freedom. It aj licved that Uus fellow is making! k i for Charleston I will give the abore 1 ward of twenty dollars to any one wb'1 ;deliver the said nero at tbc, Mice UibA MAnnvtr tv at Charlotte N. C. tind ai reasocaiiv Iward to any one who Will lodge bm jail ana. give me ; immeuiate nouc? Of I- : i' ft: ' ' . W3I. b. IlENDEPiO i Bnndletown, it urke county, ) February 2, f 1 833, J w ANTED We Will purcbP ber of likely yottngNegrort ' Hltt. twelve months, for. which we will - pI ; prices in asn. Any cornmunicamw - to either of us at Hnntsnlle, .-..m- meet prompt attention. i ' j January 19 tf26 L JAIIRA T. GLE - r k - i . i " ? JL teaenmy system renn'Ms tp; lurmsnea oy pying inesmaiipu. y r i .11 Lm i II'! Jars per Tight by applying to mc; -r agenis, nameiy: JameaCamobeU & AJFeimsvr, William Swaim, Grn8borcigb, Col. E. D. Austin, Rowan co. John C. Palmer, Salisisiy.i John C. Blum, SalemJ Nathaniel Parks. Lexaisrtoh. Benj.S. Kbg, Raleigh, NYn s0 Salisbury, Feb, 21st, 1833-23- 1 . fflHE Subscriber 'j 1 citizens of Salisbury! and Its teacher of the English IWk1 1 an extensive pracucai acuain" mess, will secure to him a hbetJr pivAuws oi support ormanif f .1 New-oik coraniuuiiyrit iih ; Io presenting this MW-candidite &Li patronage to the public, X is ; the int publishers to render it a- inttfrtrin.&J:, A l I TH corrcspfejent of v tho h FenlvaAiajj In5osoathiei yerespjd by aactionb the OFFJCK dropnetors for compensation Saiisbby,Feb.l4lS3S--ttiO r L i4 - Hi i .ifl-::.j Jti;fi !..t n .; 'lit -i ;!l r i . Af'A all 'il i : 'A ' i l.i i ai 5 i . i . Z i f i is I i '- J ! i -

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