r-rvr . i . J. rv jlllllllll LTJMIIU I J I II . II n I . ' j - . , ill ,. i .11 .1 I - 1 ! II imn mm,. , , ' " ' ll ww.tw j i r art ct I 1 19 14 A t' p. n- ill hi 1 ff5S rOrt biting ine W JiHU .suw rj . lh Editor musi do rwi " v . I'J"?, -tlf r.df-d to.- 1 i r . before tUa -first VWyof, his intenUon ,jo 'thiVftS &d 'VtheVa 7 riU'&cifcajwfa Fait- Upon' those1 Xortiwjto1hiiaei " 'Tnr'ia sets, pi OoH phf?'? nntural a? fprestbe bUifactioh raSnfvWi fnim r --i rlprlton.- ana ntnucrf wsciui ucf ti tiav-Uie Voianteers oO Utmrlestun ill pcaaw t'ETerv"othe opcratipo br.Ven"araied-ell disyinedihta . the lan- , , -r 1 Antifirr Skillf J irua'ra o out 'trWidua VtQottio-i irftiiared with his Stay Cannot .be j j 'ft i:terirSrlsn ?rbetf ;,! lTO?lERS;aftd Hie rowic ewt Unas AtnJ Agiouo jranao j T A H IM and B AU r are as good ai the fip -Aft "riV.5T.?iririrwnt of th United fcfatea, are ta-. vlJ iuwiirtsirtaEiri. tor the use of the ikf jiaiethU! f t comfortable. ' ; iffiiwt' ') WADDItL Jr ! f I; tcH'teiw 'UwMn ; tjrrongh 'this place fttopf 'tf MSaSWiIl? find at Hhsiouse.j Itlosiirt attcirtKy icarafertable a(scornmodattohsj; it:'- V TuUorin$tteMoval. , t aiirimoffd his Tai.iuriiig Kstabllshment.to iiwilB-Satefr :0ccupie4 by: Mi Samuel la7j'iwt Grtfcitmaljhop which is a f tli;Te xMn Biaulaer'a Hotel, arjd. is few now" iniilanxiTtedfrora London ana -t Paris, f fepiirof firs i Wt ittentkjrr aid ;to't Harses. -Newspapers is usual toaccjnjmodate all who may "Ifia'ifilS thelrjckjl lie has- just recek id tW S'ewVork and Philade! ph ia: tf le Latest wHpiDcn g tie,:, win. cuitf worn hi ,.a me bravi5d tree,t A lew ot ;he' renenbie re jli4i?tei&.i;th. .ahy tin "this- part of t licsttbpU&vulutwn still lindrerdatnonffsf us. wte4 ?iil warrant it to ht well. All; 1 tifti will Ijeiduhe oh ,short notice 'fte.'.VfiMti; arid also, of Aln' f i IINt ' w1?"' meft'iorr nut veswru n'llpw systemaof '.cutting, who may.! fJiKeiwychiey have bestowed np6$ 'f&gd hyvi uSatbylan asimsand;strict at -3 : i. E.I nx T T II E V, A CO.. ' ' A 'f'.V BivihgjthrWrnig ia addi j f 'ir'tour&iised ofAlnxander lidsi oonsstipgof alrbost every m vsvm Stores, I'M of Vbich are iaitoilaiiiav aadivere purchased' ViObdi 'SLA' t.UMri bvt m r;-; "..l i jJ'TtBiiL rofiribr (DtuL" ta punctual IWiitcnUthati t,rVDrwrtAJi'lJi'iiitrrkrc' - ( ocea pied by Alckajidtr and k Cow- it tfjrateiHe:themielve; CDTTOK,; f 3 fW tofcuanStV .'f Iniwill ha tat en in tiTT'" ' -T j - . y.f Aprils tayv 1 3t. , fr'rC OH-Jia:: ticatltj - ! ;v 1 L ,3 7 wj.u4uv- o stain in aaaiiion w me iiwSlf-Lff11 y,)ffirnonly .l utre conyaeTaWeaa-, JM v? this improved -torW atnt so Boon ? aa he dis. T-sobiamoi a: ,T swer.lne common jwpo- jJ Rrn. ousted fr'om'hia 'purchase by AnSL V'cientioo ia thoaeUho I, ; . .- Tia Stbere that can feel. that the louoa ui.iue lej 4 Where prevail Uestroogaiais anjistout hearts of fririuUj auiuuated by a noQlee.uthusia3in in tue caiuiiii Liberty, apd in8pyre hy a holy zeal Jo defence ot;t their altar , and their re I c. Ajfnjea, leuowciuzens, at a m3t ( inieresang crista our jbofiiical aflairaj it miytbe well ior ua hav pasaedl away' smca.'. Soiitk ;llaroliba was Vnfidboau by diificulues, iand ' bestby dankcrsr iiif'iog Itaken a opbie standi ua defence ot the riuuuaoa lioeruea ot us an, ansieaa or receiving jimuamy anu support irsan mose Awoose tnier- est4iredenuneo wiith h&r' pnf aheT was (With a le w s bomrabie exceatioris.Vcoldi V abandoneu to i. . r . .- . i i .i. . v'7MM't rbaeijdbv ner Armv andia Narv. heretofore us- tailed ttile voice ana aupported y the treau ;rn SmtiiBitLd nywihe-naitimein 'our hiiiry ase as:an lpstruientorieusaviand direieclt k jriedj iheir Wins, not I aa)nat the en einies Cruieir country abioad, but fiffaixiat thebo s6m oi' their own wrethrmi. , J : I ' 'UeUUotiMiiitarj aud civil vengeance were loud! and deep in4 to du atilh .darker shadeu Lto iEer ji4tiiirjej aiiMiresiud:; had &n created, I wu mvjuj wtvnuuv uuiciciu louuualion, thitfthitlnrit blow Wtrudfby th federal arm, to6uie!8igiQal of a desiiatng i pml war.. Jo tliis coniuou of things, infinitely Wore appalling to the htfarvpf the pktriotg thia the bloodiest fuy. eigfttafrind Jas wtil calculated, linuat th;uk. totrthesiiuis ot toen, aa the uar,kat sceat of uivieveiutiuttj, , aitLpoutn aroJinaiumt 7 UAJ su hdrrevhihiv if in dust and ashes" aatt was pvedtcB'tta(;sb4 Wouldj before jhe proiid op prusbur piuiihe yu ld ohedienee to the haugh- tyjfinsadate which 'commanded her to tear from net archieves her solemn decrees ? Oh ! uajj Jichaiiia be to God;! ttie spirit of libwtj i.ui tAMuvi in. iu oosotus me poos or DaiTjbters U Carolina. LTnev hail tnelltsons taumil bv a vhtnatat ahwtrv. thi are inseparable iari the' bosoms of to ivhoai ink spjfit.ol lot merely survived but wdljseeh buiuih! !bnghtcr and orufbujx u iuo u iisuouuta uy oimcuiuesi unappaileU bv codnaei bf iheii own brave hearts, and consultm"- ine niWifcsjs ana-)ouof of tbe State, w tine cry- u? Jncmeii i ajidl "Carolina, instead ot cioucuuig ai ioo luoistooi u toe (oppressor, rose 1 if ': i. i ' . ! -' ju her luuve majestv . and like our own ' Kairle. uweriiig;in fa pride o flight bid defiance to , j- j - ' 9 c i aut a power ; v im a promptttuae. una- mirtUy anu xeilr Which; if ever cquafledj has surcty uuvet owa8rpaasea, me peppieot soutn Carolina at the arst trumpet call. , flew to hei 8juihardt and.voipnianly devoted! then live and torti&eto iheir;deiVnce.f Therlfa something iu an nanest, hiauiy andunlalterieg adherence to pnnciphj, ahof a iVarless uertormauce of ' dutv. wUichcumman4sltoees4e and oouuera- ou -Vou and! 'yourDraye jmpatriota in 'Voluoteeb of Carolina. 1 Ind. I matef arj, ttie J tbia: hc-ilaratiotc trom .a deep-' ounvlction l of its.. i truUI, metMsttwA itolbtate, . aiid;ati' entitled td Jtue f6;Udvmumph.i "f"!-..-., 1 lf jwe liaf e not een inrolved in Mtho hor-v : iwfwvi w u nart-m our, iireeur na:ve not been' tuuc niui otou-roui; OweiUDS j .wrapt-Kin : uaui(ium ryur ucius t vaaiaiCO , f 1 instead 61 ;inoiiibyer Mtttatiajfd ruhi -whioh (foUuF t in train Inyaiiirj ahnjfes, and are lhet(frfrpttciytl atritVyoti aref nbw: permit i ;ted.i4l)bce wiih'hont cxuIaUooiatithehew jaha nujr&vd ;Trjondit?on of, ojH.arl ? ajjid the cheejiag prosiBct before' uswe I aire Indebted lunder llcayen for all inisto tha uncunted"Spint J'vccJ'"Ms iic,ucia vieuisetycs; in s con- jUal eaduies3torepet mvasionf f land 1 were Knowji uo prepared to lay dowoTtneir hTeain icuce.oi inesacrea sou at varbuna. ' . t. -fc X,4T ff."""' "' ' 1 , ' f Yc'j scntfh mjr LscksJ rUfieraf ch year clborar ton Memory UtUv pablisMthgf ofJ(xtr. t, naiever cicerence or-cpirijn rhajf exists to ua pricijia cUiracter, of me new TarifT.1 preat mdetif iias been the gaii4mesimab me advin of war without weteading, to much science 4in U.iies purwtiased.as we tUevo'chifeflv bv" TOarl; tW'a .r a cunu Aa ". j .vutd;ifraitiessand patxtotismlsW it nothmzi I felU.ciuzensv iota single Siate toJ have atood I uputided and alone in ff'.feVralf a- J ffainsi me coiossii powered .patifBiga- blithe territory Van was necessary for us U burn their leueral Oofrttiaen 'ff'VJyiM Tary'sptrit of 'oar t&thera1 iwbald ;haf e tAeatteutlCMlot mepvdioleUnion, bdorou: iwas spokeo from their3 graves, and Tebufedlottr de iooiaa,tothosgreatiforidaaen ; I , fM? 41 ..'I i Lie luac e-tablis.iuieat oil which frhustT denerid me preservauon oi me ionstitniion .and mis un- 1 f.tk k- nniu. ion 1 1 iU n fiotning tohave arrested the progress V olumeefs of South Carolina, whilst the wi wiacaiiea, Amencaa system. ibatnl rbul is suspended over -our heada however 8cuneaTcrury -and;, plunder, by which, under lita brutethunderJ AYe"respond cordially to your bate if t noruv ihtfi(MG)meh cat; es an3 pther naiidiilent:deict: i s eynsti tutin j And; tolly -if itJDotluii thai by theomisod re-1 rawcsewrarasani ana wauBTOPW Uoas w Jtublic inoney bywhicsi WrteiArliwi cfjthe TOcpld are reached that pth'oai jj$ft$ i50: rwpidj? titisiaipatJe for aDbc rio Jee, t!iaUieatandH'auable? akteraeilfcji and if tefe Wjany :4j:.nbn2iBejvill bejitore bighlystcerned trom 4enyifi tcvroiiiawjy ponscioa3 ti:4t wehare none oar doty Aco tJi'bhfrim w h-H?i &! for Wa testae knnw th"at:pos6?Ity uiill do nal votfi a theChifrf Mai3rratet)f this IState theJ distinguished koken of pablJCi approbation ' hich 1 Lturogti tnaMTerxOTwiacw justiceite haye (ought the .good BghtrL honjiBti Ueira-I' has pywitck'lhd victorjr! , We.wilLfot' Quarrel Jng Is flot urercdiitrol. 1 li&the ifli about the .dismbimon of tha bobn,;ndr(our sen&blcC djsiti6iSor Providence,! if will taka tho spoils. , f . - V pj ..-'j - itt ' ' t t rf,,i ,.ffl- t em sKutt trt pnn(et .umin .pat&waj of horjorjind dutr;,v bearinff oa rr--x,7V I -uousccniiea nere ( in tlits f fJ Tl tbtPiigla Iprfaioi Wiitr'tricfe- Urtvof organjiicjrrl-nivithe.' volnilrt KUitii;, JT ' A ined.ahd l havthl r dajj Jp'f wW vow ofmar Bffect.Hv.t?.irhliii-ready.-P!.. dfeiend, -urtd'the veryf iftaia; - tnexisUng1 i WUMDU.M inp Piw-iiy,;i: out 'wiimiau i teera shall be maiatained issued order to that eOwUSxh.crhiAfeiB xneneao oi your respecuvr ir.iiiijjauitjs . v?vnsv-7T.?7 . ' jfcauaiua '"""i has committed another b-AH and daHr, usurpa :- honor,and adore ietua Wev-thatit neve r' tiotfoD the rignts of the; ntes, Ky Itlte pussigo sfa1lr'-tj Hrs6iibridr' tV-1: , of an act' commonly cJKjdUie Mtflfc r ' Widen 'frost! fTSfawi kawlajhis Sim?. VVhile that acj mnall xernatn onrf uponthe - KicmmHiiln t in your statute book, and the principle Mr erads urj? n - ,".T ' ij. vH? adminiatrati.tn oftkir naiional vaffisrs '-h'Te can beno safety for thnghta4f the Hiatts buv mg Constantly prepared to defend them at any. and every hazard.' Wh trust that puolml opt a on will, ere lonff. seal t Re late of that Ml, an that it will peish ainidst the. uuf yerita tiphs (rf the people. Bui whilei- trie' verbal eiecra J r rirtrtfc 21 pnnC'P'.- are abroad agrainsrwhich we are struiisiinsr, 3fct rxie tell you, that we hold all ourrigrttijbyinoo- ther tenorerthan that of 'eternal Via Uahce. without which we are told lioerty cannot be saved W i ' ' ;v!-' iL-r- Influenced by these viewsas ah honorable re ward for oast services and inceh ti ve' i to f utui e exertion, 1- now present - to the volnnteers "of General Hamilton, this Standard, f bearing the anus oi the State, with this solemn injunction, that, as Citizens and Soldiers you Veill alays cherish in your hearts, and ;-exemplify, in your Uvea, the noble sentiment' which is f emblazoned upon' itd folds.--f Libestt X rr mct Bt ras- ATGEN; HAMILTON RFPLY, General Hamilton, on receiving the standard replied as follows i , On tae part of the Volunteers of Charleston, I accept, with sentiments of profound . gratitude, and with feelings of the most lively satisfaction, tae proud and gorgeous standard which iom Ex cellency has been pleased to present to us in the name and behalf of tho State uf South; Carolina. Tj have received "ht your hands this soul-stirring banner, infinitely enliances its valued . VV ho so fit, Sir, as yourself to present to us this donation ? You, who in the dark hour of a starless night, when South Carolina I seemed to ue uwsfiieu oy uie ikuu wuria, rent in . twain uy auseniwns among net very enuaren, wnose t j. i? . 1.. . ouiy nvauy ought to nave been who could have loved and served her best, stood at your post of duty, cool, collected and undismayed Yes, at that very moment when our city was , beleaar- ed a standing, force, whose valor an-i prowess we nau vainly fcupposed could only i be turned a gainst me common enemies ot tr otmntry ..1 . " X when the nanonal Legislature, who with equal delusion we had supposed were the guardians of me puouc iioerues oi me country were seen ca tering foi the malice of oh infuriated dcpofTand iroin me tragaieuia of a broken and violated Constitution, were arraing i his1 band: that Le might wreak hia vengeance, not omy on the buAjm of those who had largely, contributed' to place him in; power, but that even .' atrke the &pot of his birth, the land where he first saw the light of heaven. . ll ! It was at a period like thisI siinendered the Executive of the State, comparatively! defence- laaa. intrk vniir hnnAa unA co.mJn ? mounted or a musket equipped for thefleld our arsenals empty and hardly powder inl our " '.W - -".ww t; f zines to fire an ordinary salate.; You however. met and vanquished the cnts. Applying the tesources yi yoor sound judiaentfand; enterpris ing spirit"wth exigency , "in the short space' of a month, we- had arumunition enourh'to have blown up every public building and'everyprivate dwelling in the capital of i this confcdcrcv lhe fl-r. IU- -II r . r V;'. Ti ' , lUAurais lur an arms oi service. . Werei collected with uuexample "dispatch, .fur equippirg 6ve .thousand men for the field to begin with and preparations we know wdre in progress MrLfatm Ug our whole volunteer forte. : Your J heroic call Was responded ta from lb 9 1iriountajus to the o cean, and mrilledand reverberated throoghbut our land "It musthave indeed been to your ne of the iansf cheering cf all possible ejrcumsShees that the Iwcc-in arms was iual- to the -whole irurnber jof the' saffrages which: out party, roder estat the Ballot Box,' When by a -Ticioriouf Earid of vatn boasting; topredichatwduld fiiare been thisie of i the." ssrugglei lowilfvjuchwe would haVobeen hurried but rcr;the vrecont td juatmeatbf our controversy; 'wtth, General Cloyernmeut. Along 1 and' niaiii)terrup& peace our dutv to cur countrv.' Oiwl thifi?r.f wit mituiiiLlurUk tte'& ir w k.i .i lowed the enemf jto hava Toccumedlinorl oCiohr t We are cheered il-, ihWt'iiiitmtnV V'mn Forca idle oiejrwiieiuiing rapniy.iney recoraca meix nenv iodejerxnbst;aIgr I ItBoes hot cbme, still lesstSel wriom I have. the honor to comrr-ind; in, a isumt. t.MUJuc sBnuauuis.pa ioi suojeci, ana Que , aau ii isdare let reatiaVo f-crsaiuziUoa ptaeWBi W UwV.' aed wijii dlihouarU- j vtmdfe two witU 'ccd frodT'tho :tatate- Kr.jay: UniUe tliltTerbi tar-' g uerrcrui liaini Jtoa thca tamed to histroopcr SblfieThisfiBaniiCf S coriMied to our ritlo Ia.I Mtfii ctukU i! OrKln - teiAMti'tW" Li: yt m$2V.m&')h ihe bright Star which ldn;shirje infots firmajdciitia blended ju9 its ample forda tbe effigy of thaf'dorious trf e, i w.hose - mViocibl ehaf t ; titsf higfi its1 IfterjB, in (I Wirtnitaii: .il'lLii - hose -titriotism enables) htm to ap- prt cii'io me projaaana jcbeinng associations with 1 which lip i connected, atid whoseva-1 lorwill dcfcnS it, briglit and stainless irom reproach. Lons miiv lit wave. ,the niiiir riasf trinmts " T r .44j ohu jure ruviguu U Wribwned. irlnriniij. anH n;n (Va f... w 7 ' j w. vuwiwtui our country. From ihe Washiiigton Globe. IE3TIGATI0NS OX TH FIRE AT consequence of the ouhlrc itain h the burning of the trearv buildinfr and .tha Aes. trucuoa of fionie valuable- papers; 4he President "w'eu uproper, ax ine request of the Sec retary cf the Treasury .iidirect In enquixy -to be hade: into the ; caus dftthe 'disaster; H tnereKre directs a thorough and careful invest gauon to he made on the following points : ; L; Iu what manner was- tho fire occasioned?. : If accidental, rhowdidit happen Was itjhjom any defect ln'thef original construction of , the bailding ? or was i occasioned by careless nesS:Or negligence ? And if by carelessness, or negligeiira, to itom foan either be atir.buted ? & V ere proper exertions used to preserve the4 books, papersantji public property in the building' as 'ell as to savethe buijuing itseljr? . $ The Attorney General is directed to conduct the enqiury, and the other inemoers f the cabi net u aid m it. The' witnesses to be examined on oath, 'and their depositions reduced to writing and when the investigation is closed, the tes timony p) be reported to the President, together with the opinions of he? members uf the cabinet od the points above stated. ! , : The Prolideht direcUtnatkhe chief ju8tice of the Circuit Court for the dstrbt of Columbia be rwjusted to preside at the hvlstigation and to assist in it.' 'I I I ;' . i.. il v ANDREW JACKSON. March 31, 1833. I ; r3k: ! - L 1 ' ' '"r.-'' L s'-i ; 'w '4 it. : - ..,t. SiR:ve commerMifd tlie examination ol witnesses oh the 'day of the ties arid continaed until the evening of Saturday the';j6th insfv Or t hei Oth some further testimony Svaa taken VVe bave examined tdgetlrer more, than flits' witnesses.,.'!, , - , j: 3. , 4 Chjef Justice Cranch Presided. fTheSecreta xy of the Navy left VVashinstou : in order to ex ecute-aomeoflicial duties1, before the investigation was Concluded. 1. 4 J - li . 1 It apears from the whole evidence that the tire was nrst discovered about half past two. o'clobk if the mojrning. The attentibn of two lor three peraVms who reside in the'neighWhooid evalticiaf cajr; nghts knd . aoDatiT . . , i - f . - . 7. was auracieo py i ine lignt irom tno windows,' the guard withm theihouM was still asleep and was awaentpu ojrjiiie Jioise uiaue aioaeroi ine ooors to rouse hiin.'Kieife is irae dhTerence of opui iou, but iuiKing the whole iesumbny. together, we thtn it is fully proved, that vvheri tw. first tlrsons arrived ote -the ground the room In I second sipryon the norrtf sitle of the house, I i Syi.i .1- i ii .L-f ilt'i. : .l ..me and miineviately wet of the project ion in the centre ot the building aprafed to' be on. fira in' every partthit mp flames 2mi dnie. cudftpf sm yreis Issuing froba bne at boUiofjtho. Windows hi the rpbih:, ami that th ere was then no appearance of fixe Jm'eitherojjthe adjoining roo'sy nor in' the garret nor roo In a-very few truuutes. how. verthe fimicmuiiicited totheaobming uoiuaaua to fMifl etutci ana me ruoii nau me gsrtet.beinff filled tor the most part 'with old pa per's- a nd paper casesi: the flames ( spread through twety raintites afltka'was dyereuabd the roof aver me!rQanvwasi then 3bl&ii&-pD& yerg&tm biganbII in, 'jEvery lexexucwas madr with the oagirie and others ; bat 'the xnnt of water in the neighhorhbodlof the building xen cereH impossioie w sayeit, ana ; me , 11x0 con tinued to advance In abouV one hoof the whole bnH4pg!withithe, xceptiobr "af.tlxlMLtjpoi:. purtlon olfjit, Jras rnsumed 4r on;fii?yjrf ! . Wa have deavured ih tali to ijtrsce the otk gin of the fire, and are unaHeto jriputeit to aay caxthnilar cauae. i-Three f of the witnesses Das- sed near the boildte about half past I o'clock I on the jnqrning of the fire and thtjra s? he moniiri? of the fire and thae citntf lirrht I fiota the windowi'iapyxhiniattr-ct zi tantkn jThd rebmstbfibailJb g have Leta exanmed b v Bjuliyrr can cover no'defect ia iu cQsrtiob-f Ou t' ciht of monr.mej iST pearto r nave beep taxen.i aioa, iesw,wan man beihlr jsick and uiiible to aUr.bU place was MpplW, j coder the w ho has been Wpltiyed constamly fb7boutl& months past as one of meyx'ai thtlHl And according to the ordinary 'practice of : the J gaXU axicaj0o ' an(lthe smoke Was observed ,by Others in , the ii.ara-T8t'ets i When ' the first persons arrived, the the 1. , arid tl; rra i the par th buUiitrwhera thjBi br-n n a:ithracuel-nd fittfe roaja here it 'irii nated the fcii,ha: inlt bw.mVf ppctirirt of tbe grare iittimsjyoihe exarmnatioa .iy th 5rdfv4h;l)to7ti od?-im'eC.hmj! wa piacea af a lender ttfe iva -c .tx!i:u utfet Cwteae3 ia thabrdiniri r. ianeCie:inside; with' tl 3 ecpUoa fcf a wijiJjwiri tha Crejproofi which seeihs to havebeeo ttjrrrli?" ntfrae'ejo.-- jred, if eocureJ at all-an thatnighCiJi ut there h jjart of the bailJujvhere tne 'fiw.tommeaccJrr and if an erd. dikposed peragn Kid entered at thai wiadoV , he could hot hive to&i hi iraV ii an r. bthWrbft J&Mfel V The fUttotaLol iwlisuperintes'it.niaie i; the duty of4tii6 nght guard taTrnaki tha exarns qalioocf the roocis and fiWa, above tdtatlonixl but Jia iM not rejcir tcp rvvako all x:'g!: '4ce1 the reai loiS i hasjwea h $nj tice for 'only aha of ther Watchmen to remain 4U ' ung vuo ultima sua ouiixun -acu iiermittedTtii' eleeakfterllfi o'clock , (Srrned-i :.r EDWLlViN t; Skrretary of Stated fM Vs. 3 ..'teSee'tof the Treasury. Aprit iari83lCr :ecreury;6n GeneraL, ' "t t,--4 Ttftiiel r'i4k. 10.1. ft a- , '.Postmaster General; 1 FresldenW .1. A" fThe ' Wiheheater VirMnian informs vii, that ta ae1 . ; -fc r ,tracVuf Hand ;ia JJerkley county Va. ith.only tidfnaryi "ipr4veaients,f w soldja fevir ? day fcinre,; apabhcuctiOT acre. JLhre years asro jme'same trasi.eod . tor -ltsi m- reaseo yaiue 18 attnoutaa to me vicumy oi - raU road'-4 The The feenllej rmn.Timnni eman who has sent Ud the -fol .v. io wing Vmusipg "communication, is resident r 1 ne tollowtnfr tiatrmtic soecch was deliVr ered, it !is said, at a jartioeting inIIliqois called for the; purpose of taking into 'con sideration the expediency of gelting dpa second expedition against the hostile band of Saca and Foxes'. ' 'V 4 Friendi ami Feer-Cttie4 Solners We are met here for the purpose- of ex cusmg the subject about the hospitalities lately convicted ' against !;6ur peaceful anl blooming and flourishing frontiers,' by the condacious Red skinsl ! ( A mnrniur of'tap-' piause; -g say woare,imet nere to instigate whether we sit still in out. shanteeng,nd see the spoiler; wheihuiIiadly. od tiloodr uiu inuruerwuB iuuq Bgaiusi me oeanaoi odri friends andl eljer squaersenit irefeatlel speritj yliof hair gtnJtortlV wTth a-Jbold heart arid strong atrii o4ig ditches flnd drain thi $&adp$ jtatft and ty bom we Inlay i look- upon empbat- world! Irich theerinsf and callms h hlar! hear '"S Whether we w i ifsit still arid '.see their iori-fieIds tavishedj their - wives in vi olated before their verjr efes. arid their irhi ling,j)raUing pfan4ued;p.iri tlio most, barbalacjbus; menriwnVner will march aVorice.rjrnthis second champagne and;7oy our timely yjitority jsave them irom a state bf total deunction f At the same extinguished ourselves in , eternal fame. j il ' onlnUnllz-krv lira 4Ytri orktir1 N (Here the jscalp-halloo was thrice repeated i Ah) rovJelleriUzenfsbdiirs! I. fully pre: pitiate the sytbmijsirigjfeelfngs xf yjwir j heartst I 1 need butieihindvyou of ypurj Hiitze towards vour sufTenrii: distrestful and 4 U3u auu,( y ii j naa coat uaq . n pus ? orU:ij'thjOdaj4T outer , dd: . i'arid t h wirMowat of the hoi23tt verfc a. i confliaebnthrin ! Their woes fcryTabt ; fjncnUc Iady hV Wmtr Mir for address, and perhaps are (heaf d eventp OraMall has occasibned aVeat uproar now.in the retiracy of por fire 'side and deflfAMf(Uerej the sea p halloo, was' again s unoecuaiiu micoji iiinc uujx- ww un l. ..t.....nn.k.. int. miolilriiM nAlAo Citizen sjirsvwhoe jfcrtpas runsirfnenst the Tery i grainj as'l roly ay of the soal 11 ei urtthnnl rftitriht9 throat and addresjangione ofvthiicrpwds wjll; you-hand eft-goafri r.wawwiw JitxAJUnnM nf th itferfn:rt with-1 1? -1 it u .t rcoltnrr anl intnnrnrhahle thirst tor Iressing-the in JwWolclnaiid Plstojnpi weUawn ' milvmWl liih! . werbffative !bot " which I won wrfrr. Wf m SSSm nlL? Mronitationujbolickai v ana Sexcivilized savages, which skulk amongst burvbottbii5blda3r: atiflfay, night, sallies forth ta kill and to marderfour: famUtesri JeVfienaenien and;feller citizen sbdjterst py soal rises ,1 eponwii -y ' timmatythe'clbrioos events that roust ex- tibguisly fbur names, in j the hearts btnr .tontrVriierriaifxiiaid. -no Inaore ! Ourr excess ?n thxpcrdition, is ss naero " akrcumstancl lThe sartan;- frislmeresarcumstance pwoos J will yajbusaajid, oa IferaVbo&aHodUw obflisti gateern tff the face of tse jcta. J kww yorjvcjaVj tllJraKl grit ppelijare Q wi5 -:)cad ! tb5 where nodi chunt of a" fibtU sartibto hehlt I :?sL f our cnimDiy corner Lviuor agirauon uj j of Cierhurytlri Connecticut, by persist- the c&te,') jlteho 4--. nigDi;ffHa:ADiiaiuB wa u revj-j-iip. tjj- education; ot voun2 ladies and. little- -h!,myfener tsodlsVl. revcle ,hejicate4i' the cruel, the ' dreadful the fatal' catatro- lfiZJM&nm f Aftfe itf7bnm iAtnirmt: 1 ' T ' . - . i riiiifiifiMiiinn w .w u .mw - - pne v-rwey-ff awj4w cr wnwi wninw:assemWotLl?lt appears tnatisne.jtistts - J t with a -piece bf chalk on a bmrd'Tehce, j wjj l4Vocaie jwy .nw,f)iisb'itfi' ". 4 the orator of the day resumed) 4 But I ! wa8 law,i in tha" dayof anUquity. Tha ; cann.d.well up(m:iiirno. ww .PPa-' young laHy seems deteriieonoCwitlistanfJ4-;rw ; ' lirirVthu''idresowLfo rrmnd ,ind wo see ftlUd3J?L'V.C3 07 fxtendit and f i r ;wtlji4s Ij&Ujseet tSoxneay ia iScir owttl: JVA,5 - a HtV Crbthttit V- . -V- ' part? betrizz tiibif orator tsp-t a ml -rc--1 tj ceded by a;rctrnfJafadalice,,,. toisirdLf i:V shanbe' - ,ud Us fitter" had net yet e:: u-1JUi ' VMcct v?C3' ct ccpi: i"-!?? rvla: qestica, ia aci,!;. didato fora iatha next cri:!iturc cf; -a certain wpStdeOciwaraiw tT'r.V I. -" !Wairtr6 Ve L-4 the f JloVrinsf extSctedVrcu V LolKj: rV " 5 ' innaperit ..tLoalJ bo rciJ ai thnh-1 Vf' i ,r. jHfryi golLlcation regiment 1 -Soath Caro-U rr - i j'Draoiatie Recollections,n TeUt Vithcreatrli - ' wecaawry mai nirs. AiattJa,fhetctrtsr , . H- Mdiav:;Shw-cnttoDedraat,withaomefxiexi . 'b toeper; pointicj to one cell which thpy ?, ! , . , sianptaeen.udIIereeaela hero nho fc,l.f V' dont contradict, i i ? - ft ; himwmmd, I say if Jondoni 'contradict hi, U t Ac'irdiiigly.-ihey entered jhe'ccll, anataaw aj . pale faced iaelancholjmaawitb dark eyes whicU 1, , r Heva..in deep thoug fas they eateredThe;! - rrr2V ii" - vraoouFi reurm; when (said .Mrs. .Mattocks) h8eixedtn yhomshutUngthedooriand, actng:tlua .wkaainstit, afidjtd, me inl his irnx grasp;; WyouS woman, (saahe,you're ia a Ic&t wvutnuawiii UCfO,BUUb IU WllB J,;. ttadUlatt lrBut yoneed-nt jilarmedr yoa iare perfectly "safe; j they told ylu j wai armleas7: didtit j tbey? IfbudVltr answer.' Areybufbnd of rwin?2 l? know Vim. '. Yhatls this?1 conduded,holdio2 irp a paper 'A'ahfpraaid K A ship is it?--yoa 4all my l&frilM" jeVidrV-itist 'phi'ina prav Whit Is thja? Obliged 1 - say; somsthing,4 and 'not knowing what be thought it: was, t answered "a bouse' i whicht was. !A, house, eh! So saying, he ixillcd aclasn knif from his pocket, and .opening with- hit ' teelh - a at the sams i inoment winging me rotmd.jthe cell, i witli bk hge arm. aadj 'Now, is ita Louse ? f-- aot? frHf ja, It is.!f Then 111 tell you! I f what Jt is, tfien.thhi is a dolphin. Then f! holdtn ttptr'.krdfe;arid.cnasning, J&'.'teetltji'" I said, "uan you tell me what this is, and no mis ake?" 4A knifeJ answered. Right for once. said he; "and can you tell me what 1 shall dd niui. i iibiumtuj uu ,uw& iuj licau 111 . " lent negative I11 tell you What 1 shall 4& wHfe it; I shall acrops m chvrcozL" r- s l . l AMERICAN "Titles ' 7 . . . ' ' Abroad they have.i ttobo-jttoiir'tltlejl':.! '4 n are heferJitary,sif nothing more; tbit a judgf -ii jjnot n!y yi judgl whtjVin, Qce, but 't4V tier he is tjht of office; and tijat! all hisVbby ' , are:aljfcd judges so with our generalsV and I -otber icetlencies .urftur i honors.' vThe 31' fbllqwflng anecelbCe we have just heard frofrt I .1 the mouth, ot a tnend:ol ours, who thoogh himself algecferal, has 4 very, just ideal of ino worm oi a omnia ime, in yie nousenoiu business of life. FanXree, " j :, tf .7 ! A mla was elected tbtneritairicy bf-a , troop fp Ohio, ' His !'4raii hearprihil-:? fact at supper tod after they had got to bed. were, fllkinf abatttr Said "one' of them weii toujour josn, i say though, aintTwe ajlcapturur-fldwi7' .On h aittcaptuns-now i" ,unf neaxing.ints, m mbtherlwho Jay iri a,bed:close to thedbors eaUeduVo.oTyoa'f V frl & me1! capturiV j t 1 1 amon tbe. good peo Iittlo town a m m - . r . -m k a V$&KgnrinctpleTandffi on tbd ffround tiiat.rAloses raarriea a coiorea wo I .. '. . ' - ' Ro other! way than for Vne gdo'd citizens to ' toi Ibrcible elei4ma:iSaP. jAwklAirtnlr t ! - - i' 'tr faf, tmliedfUefAe SiameiS TaUti.. 5ji f. . , .-'?7i 1 A singtiw example 01 mostrpsity is now is f T. - - " V. ... t!oiidotut Falchion square, andlfaai been seen by air,. A LXJoper4wiiu many m.ncrtui- nrescriti ' in iM'Uiii It is1' feaimne'mitaii' example ASf in ajliSUCU cswva, wip ; a wvs Bwy to c the4af nnure t tvwdistMed.to enlarce tipbn this li- ss jttth we mlgtiiiruda.-fo severaPc sea of a iimWar descciion, and injaU thd tex wiocal3rfhdtrrt the, hlsib!anbeuicans LrtMalTord aarsre field for speca- Ofct christian Tnhagamrt meyi lidd a Hueriot, whb hill I been persecuted $ rT-readuc'i, shall cost ihrinrlreds of pec- ; J ATL L fL7. w 4belr UtesTliirinenaceVw tbeau- -- jf thorlnb jttonbjei fiW K-,? themcst Woody4esigris againstt bi teUotr; r sdbieefs. rJ amrannocenV' w 7-.mu. iJLKfitnA famUliCOilld OOtacttT 1. A- 4 .1. :f - t.i .r: f i4 i ill I 1 H V - v -.4-1 V i - . :

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