i $ i,. v 4 4 i i ' ' V - , ' 1 If fl t 4 I- n ; - -11 r: '.7 T - - 4 v. , . 7 ' 3 -.1 s .- - 0 1 ::!:r L.:73 k: v.c3 ! - i 5 -hi - T - -a vXnn cf oar rcadfra may t. 03th-?rT3.:r.rf 1 i t " t:;"Umcnttf tiia-TsnZ - o ,.1 f er -i ' ' 1' " !r Mf think cif v.-a cpu13. But ' - .f ; ; . ; .' : !! l..C3 l-.-w .i n ... O'Z . r.h cf ti p PcV; -z, nith,V - ailu.-w.j ly--1.. 3 u?ctci slave r mtericr: :r;lh,becaua a few us&Uus i"i lae lh? Trier. , :r.n!r.i Lv dtvhole9c:r.3ic,..:' :,j tnai u:e men a a lajun 11 vnej wocia T -r nPrj end trincmiuTi ' X t f v :st?4i- hicb tbfjf jjBWA.tdin,ia'- tli t cf : ? ' t '? iimci9 aiijm tnd lcln?uaisianttioiy tf- Ana U w laertiura ;m-ivj; .-;"tvy ' r- ' trl iW 'while lha c'ntatei are lTte!n.cal-. th?nu trjmnenii uasd upon i j ' 7 f Tin-fijftnaBier direct .il ;ndirept; : ?fb 1 p U'j i " iactl S cqorSe of &ath' Car3!i,ttbpua- Tbc people pfttexii rsptth-Cajtima ambfn their warl 'thTS2b'tberf L7rutedvStat rood ginning' Fidiwefttba central Uai! Jt;ati ?nd with a'3ddtfrVftiroa4e,H opxr quite squal ti .JIdiI.ilua4je?ajiEtfer;t7brn if their products caciot od market, they ciy be to;wmcir ;tn, retersourz iptntoa Rail Uu4rhaa jffirco r'xtstencei.or nthei it 1$ a pneticd ta which that oaderukinj ;"bas : , ii seecasi inatsucn .iisDeD-uie aumuius ai fird) h1,lhe Hail (Uadtbat ; preparatiohs i are makiHTQt liluxj iic. to cooTey prodoca to Wel- duo and 1 tbeuce' to , Peters bnro. It', sweats also 1 y i I ;miftg4 tfiTi .Ui Belfield (25) is wients. ; , f '.ttintoand JM? 1 dtaDbTlwdi, tf-KoaWta rue-. i10!lf 2ll.:rr:: t . i- s .11' inir,r" crTiiarOAtiD; c7;;u::aceu3 or the wYor.:; xacn-ic -voii .." '. ....'.J-i..K'..i V ' i - The farriauca cf- a Soclctr. hlfch;i3 Intended toffect In ir-rtaat ifnprtnrecsnt m tbef. coa- Ginon ie -.acsiir ar:a itjjico;" musi .ne ruUictraiott far its sno- pies and :;-bj. . ; an ;.i2rJlMssnf fpji;lrbleh; thuGo objects ere uitf n'dsd tu be ekted,' y jf 4 The lucre: .xl f ircrtrif.'' extent InY jpau peril oi in'ridr c;i rreseut a subset ljr.l!ifl mosi Tha whdf Nocty li ta ta ?r,ino nm-. ndirliualJchxi f:czi irJ, aad to cfncdly by th ;r:i:ior.s;: : i Thi er.:rf plin ct th3 Society b now; before ths. A. -:JVk tCzxt. will shortly ta mads C Lscerula ..What sappoH it tanm hopd rdcciTe I Tbsitizes cf es" ward wilfsdDiLbd ert:c ted tobeccsaa memlera oC'tbe-'Sooietyv (:"' i1 CotksUtttticQ' is herewith t isu$autted , j,) and Jo 'fofa Iheraieltcy 1 tatd AVardVAj- - j s!v 73 a cuinl r cf Doaihu.l..Jcifm v- 1 cf. llii? Gcr.craLto .tha 1 rcciJcr-y. shovb this to be the factor a f,Et long sup-i peeled by Eonlekhd-bsliTed j)y1 others! wf iCco. 13. cue cnbescscn. ; Jrt t fuiioni til 4 V "upcq thb Pitdent; for ? txaaplei cftTcsces,' cnslrdcin3fciitha Hart rirVall, ; 1 MniT - Hertie tfaatbf tax paitffbr Weyins tneono( acts nais cwTui.m ..ruuiuij :iu i ivi .; ; w..i' n -brontrbtU io the vcne ofnun-t3 potnt them to t.... .ilV ..i. 1 jra, a ,'t " , v j " - j uuiWBuui iwentj ,oeumuu uhi ism, wf iu , urun iu nauuus, K'Wr,,-r','V,T? I thkt -Rihlllfiidd frnrti. JVTittan Iotio th hant. of with trnauildr. -v-ifC: Stfi ' 1. T TT .7. . -'", , . . . ; - - serious uusiUtr3t.o;i. This n w hatv we i shoalA ft3soixt6ty ex ' ct trout rthe c orercruwdedwptH liUoni iaa attUiist tlie lecitpid ; pclitical estate lishraentof XurV; j lut Jtsfatktis- :V uaiafaral contrast! nntli our Liieqalirf; uuLrTtA ind v uSihe ceral"hea)tbV''V!guura;anl fresbnei of .jr;pgliiical u&&iuxtnsrT Thirabo'if fi4 ;lh sfilresutu fiwtii aj4dtijoii:to clcee liaifatiuln cf & foreigoi,atc bf rwi lay ; teLibt ihe Uthia. bat ilwJnVhiih uWrtTa. buars tf Society we wuar, waith&wdear, aiiei;ightv prunsioQ br te poor hich baa not , fflreace to a j?njoy&l ofJflie eknsek can increase ,its"aauocr4t;o4 i is Mly certaib that nsucbroTisioo ;can ;embraeeaU the objects gT private i!fcneiriIencei:Mr soWaede its,etforU,i Alter tble liws.shail bite don their. pH&bedw This, U will be admitted, miisltbe iiiruj irucvtcu uj iiiiioi meaisy suq oy measures thaf are preventive, rather tfaap such axe re . aediaiJu. y iv, : It is manifest that indit idua4 effjrte are' iwhul lmcompeieat ki e6ectahe4ject iti vrwfi 1 wTfie gf-nera) design of the 6cwrttyHherefcre is q improvk thlntolitJ,hai, njura suiq physical 'ooodiiioaBf iHe pootr Iu prmiarv and specific jecUHviilbito exa ej adtratitavi eduf say there is caiiun to eUdren''itf tQednUito ' 4isvl 6liy. tlite & Ifhr hbcarS'. ihall vbe sncccssfuV, jthey ;will frofcabJy result in i ,generalor 61 tor 'system of prdyldinf Cr tHftjpoor tbejr caa' bardry): fail Jn . l.TT IT' . - T L" - - -T 1 J IS 1 J v 0ffeni 10, f r xmcerwi LThe fuundauons of hniui8t and most liberali pnncjpifs; iad aatp.. peal is now,iiMjet earoesuypana xxmoaeauy maae lyr the cotin'enance aiid support of nen cfj Tery sect, 5 cjrery party,!, cf Ithost wb( l)elorsto tnuaeose nieuarauQai iha '!Spciety'are laid in the JUtJiBy brder of the Hoard,-; ' 1 lilac : Pajce, SeeK?i;3p&y? W fiad the' fulio wing popddtii ia &e, Rb rbnd wWhigaaVcoJiy it as a 6pwiihen jrf what Dowers w :iQ4fi Tut i day4mate oBe if iwo changes; Abolish ; theofficf wf ' President, and itransfer the hnoaliyj $h j&en by balH or'reqttirejthef Presij -Hendto 4b&;anuiMltf fcfctaea&A'ftiSt first plan iraujdr4ilest sthelKxecuttYe'f Office of F'" f. jl:t:U'i tiiJj-- L.ijl -' BDieuaur aaa i.auiTKiuUiiv .wnicu reuaer ir. resistible to 'the aiubiLioas; tie second would 'ac- oumodiie ftii manv asbirahts. that thev 'Would Ibr- bearlo amtate theoimtrypreaiatajfeIjf, and. be contented fto wait s" irear morQ patiently thaa they nowwiliiUryearf : 't;4s.(f' I "There is certaiui r no trecuon in these oe culafions.bui. if it were nut i.r our hiffh fcsti- tmate of the'abtiitv of the speculator, wttjsuouid ft' courage tbeir;empit meht u twking, peddling, iretsi Ki,uUiF"iiig---io estaoiian uie h effcetn? blessed "with traajui' FeTmenuirisWim m. u uiin j iiiiww-w t . ' " -T- - w 1111 li m auiamiivR - m a n.r:i miiii : s u- - v - r Tift resetillf the ffeoiral Ststem feelaLie..!1 rt,,f!fiinn- IwAm, 4-1.k' , Hi11 tneir naoiiauons togiyeahemcxSin. fts nation. stop,r frensyfixes the wheels & Jl, a ehbrter Wrtbsii. the tberl sat "-11? "X entT . r":vn i?Ti-i.i; i urf j - . i.:, v ... .- -,- safe mom wiv; wiwesDeci oiwir.u imia niittiL mere iune uyum ma uauioji n ia uiuts, ue . j :. - i'j. i.-' i . j ; '.iL.i-.ii i.-. i:..t 'iL'-vtA' t-" .t. w ewuuuijiiuuuBMj.wju uuuueiaQu: ana wuen in theui somethiriff of preuinptaju tno chsrpca trount Egaintt hiza. 1 7 . his Iarr.l3 fror3,1824 ta lSSil.fAnd Vct JaS Clay tci'knew .zs ttc!! tbe cxistsnco of these .vJi) -wu i) TMJfck tcjisjfas. IlirlpasJssoal cinTjS- be, c(oQpwIiea;Sr haT2r&' hrfvn'" hia into 'Xhi Caihounrati lie finds it: iwTesicnj to.saittftp:3ic4soaith the cry chirceWbieb ) feci tHeaijdieliTed.' P5r they tberjj 6rst ' tl ; be diidsd scflni cr, whichif h& credited, je disregarded P. So,7tod .4 Ir- Coke of his ute election-: eencarn paighy ha3 fbrirj : riessaryito leature,cxenvo andiuddarr hen in their rxt;rctmdcndsi ttituticathey -fwt!; confJoitS qufcusa ome ot 014; private tcucrs, m qae pfKcfc'-jfema otfwfiat liiiTe iaid to GcjjWicJison'svin- tdntlonstbe mIE I haje' hb dbubU wishes velito his coantry, but be ikweak ,' arid ab- soiuzeir wanung - in quaiinicsxipris 104 a o- minister the gcwOTrnent'JAidljet fMr. CoklllHlectM aj acksrfcailijid barcthatappellation aoiong his tortitnents, until cpmpelledtO' avow himself a Nulli- ly eri he'exhHiitidimselfla histrue co- iorsiT e aotnot aouuium ine s priTaieicor- mm-mJmAmZrmJjm22 imm' li " The BicbrrafciWlugintim ccrarity in ; Virgiiiia hasibe ; recent elecjtibn been contested on the croand ofputbCai- 4 0un4 .pt uumcation nionc. . rroDaDiy not : iurt u 1 uao oeen, so 7 lew are , mere, eren , car. P1 txmccf ftc-edomV iirolL adopt tbelaosi probably heart .cf m kitnUoi jCngresshedcibjf, 2caVashiUs f tbeirPrldenttTtrarisml tne linishefl wftrk nf pOTOucTaeuberauons irtSfhejsaid.; ernment oi" these btatcs, to 1 secure ' I- nzuts of . 'itAcfepenacnf soTeretfiilt aadietproyide for the interest ani J mttit gtc up a wars 0 liberty to pra ! I I I 1 ' &ctfivraJetlrit "most iips'pktsefdUtfns.of fS. Carolina; wbwb t--aiw fjil rnnfirrns jar jbniawn- oil ?itbis subiet afree wilVtbe WQirer1hV;sayi7tbaf if ' KevMyTrnan wtoloyes ll 11 H '! Jert iTblMtwM tftliette7r.;J ft h iTit'cifiea tlie. late Druceeamss 01 1 Conv&rtienV'anc! thel'mnie 1 fentexhioition K 4 C hrIe8tonUt.rf he c jtoeS $b the e(mc!asi0n, that thinly a party in... ShparnaV whose olivet isibnnjj'aooai a otnern uoniedHracy, . "ni, filtinUtelyVwpsritiwi.!'tlie?d " cob'-'iidsihat The. nalbmbm.o.1tbe7Tiilr: f th kVh&es bvlfw hieh 'these ' noliti-' - ians : h jpd to acCiraplih tfieir objecltthai jin this tfiev baire been toiled .'as IbeV cbald not br ' , -Till, opona ngle ' State tdluDscrlbe '.5ltdtbeit;' ' . taradoxieatand hyhieTirtw iiheViry. I P;infi- tea nov gisntmiieuwi, wuimi auauouuiuK icir Mjculjite habits produce Vonld cost bat liule more than 50 .cenu CrTVT" private iindiYidualsr and of a fins-epuutry slwmdin j in I erery nsefulpro ductwnfau(i ;t wmldbent essential iienefii- r 'HaliJMhQle puiationif . Pl21,6oo : - 3T -WottowayE.:," 2 rttntvM a mM n 21,000 15,000 -12,000 1'2,000 22,000 number Df sltTes of both cdunLies may be tiraated Sexes 10-i,000 1 i . :.. m . jtnese tbe public sithohue; relief for their riecessi-, It Upcsslejto know where the care of such an aasdciatioh is . must wantedwituimt a persooal acuaintance'with all who are lis appropriaie ub jects. .! t mW,udexl tpii this jnare shall assume thecnaracter'ot' a paternal guardianship. ; i fis desigwd to establish, a geueral and tnei.aJy inter course ' mt& ijthe prJirhicii siiiii secure a tboroagn Icnowiedge oi their aciuaj icondition and enable; us torlUV hebest means for its improve menu t is uy oueli an intercourse only that we iupaiwv. onner uem ited at' St7.000. leavinir ! WV?.Jwe, W wajoeg to ask ; onder ittf aaorai; riuTufenc;. and iiaifltiply amou ihw jnoeo the'-.jtfTjers of fjhese negroes would , Uiem pioer means indutateiits to depend un www wayif iiey, ampi j jkuu, eca Uffcney OWUieiT own exfcrWWiS , luf tnfe7daiori8 ot t;tfc subscribd;aobitraiy4lra out of fhis anly by the :kiijwl2gep l'nicii wii twenty wy vb5 laKmefar the creation of t from such an'intoreouraat ill result Will eiu- mm.. Z . A II 111 nl 11 ! 1 II 1 il 1 . 7 1 "V . I . ml - , - .... 1 jealousies: ofthM srai ojdlfi Staes- mil Dressibff onurt Klieitf AhVabiolate necessity yt wmbeihavjngio'each UbtArrw 1200 yards souud disenminaiionUhd Wittaitwhicn,tt would wpPi graauawoa janapre pe a ciuse rataer than a bietoiaf the tcn secure theirpropert j ihslares. Hly:theji hired to be SrffV01 PerCral,. 'n" that it is inteaded, not miiy ui reach every (amity they uiay be - nired to be i . -n-r necessary . a 33 cents per diem It is a distinguishing tVature.i of this Society .1 i.l : i- J I i : :'. . A ... 1 y r tflAlir I1 j .i.'- . i . ' 7 k I uBy mujimum tviiu UM( ,imi I i .ji- r.LL- i..u- L.-iri irrl T.a! tneiaooiir w tfte oib Would cost Soo&9 ot, crintion of necesaiucs. ltiiali 'teii.brai' i .ceuuy, msae vm pgrew, W f.rj &45O -Pef txttld for waduation and i DTeoiratii . tlil u;.l.a. .1177- fierejn between ibp Jabct ot. treemen ,andm i iditkeat'eoloii t SbMudy; pilV they calculate; bpori and ;by tpciurtrayirs 5 in the pettnuV for rradution andj prepiratioh. i his labor prf wrmed , 1 should propose an, or- such a manner as to i2 StS tJ f'?5 lustdltbe work ii a.aIiciated andf prepared ,a - j r :t 1 lor a : jurag oit an improve LFl t; t Pt?vi rltift nnkm uf iirioNfana ultidaatelr' i tins J ..;rJ i;i;'i:-f , " T i: ' t' t. V-.t'. . k 1 1"14 recujieci tnai alter 11 r V i: ? f. . 7;""" t .," piz. F rir. "1 - lutseoteref that! there m i lJViffin withstaiuithe:conxefi8ionJpd; lite canrmt protect Its' rights j withoul fWg Cltf"?? 1. . ioi 't.tii.-in.rl .iri ate I tat muas iwouid MllU ,7 v- i.- - Jftff vmiiivvi 1. improved description fot, -Huro vanous experiments u 9 nothing Uie wood to hare the .neces possioi 1 -.u :ft.:.i..i , list! !j .1. . , . 1 ouu eeijr luuiviuuai iiiu uuiv urro lis U?u, OUl icuiar iis- ce kite want of knowledge j of instruction, of ad vice, of eupioy- meni,ana ot tne uecfis&arves ot: lite. In snort, it is intended thai the por shall look to ine S ciety f r thoir advisers, their pflitectors and their oeneiocaj(,: uuoer an iueviriais 10 wuicn int:y may be exposed. 1 ; ;i ' ' . -!' . - j ; 1 ub ooara jeei convinced that a narrow re M'Khcttim! ' otVinabours of ine1 ocii-iy vvouid greauy -i diminish their: innueiice and uslui- MWfiist piaa propoee by the XSitiigr- among the Virginia Nollifiers, wridb riot abolition of the fretuaential omce and-a UnJ. f r,ATi,; .uuaiC .ac.v- . Hmmi m " condemn . tnatpl.SoiiUi Qtrolmirtuthojasb ould sssimikteour Executive to tn- iKtman l1 !f ,lt 13 a .uctpn $Itl?ouV, Coneulateor the French Directory ; and would ui-crewouionaveep v -lit.-- !4t6;tWliat.Aic3yit thb authors .of the ieralisU tbose, able commentators b c4m jjiimw cuuera vvstutiQaj , vata i1 of protecting itaddptionilAm rpeppic,riien theyjnfornie uthat igui in ine 1 union f na complete, imtv Which) can alone render it rpectable or W T J1-9 the a4itolxrn)illicaU6nf rlti a m herra ad unt in the exposition of oiir fcrisfature HW cuumyi w w grossly oe-12- . 1-jl, u.. .XI cetdsi eappenfrope TjQdiriduaUty which render it irresisUbie ; to the w f Iftf.waf'nbti maclea test hrnond Congressibnal district president iu biKanuualiy kmosenV we, imagmi 11 W not fio, "H!1 nfvJiO bela- there are .but tewxyho wilt jconcur in it. liie I ooreo mt. atevensonaimosi aaiir,as a cpn- iextension ot the term ofemoe trom'four to mix I stitutonisU and air that sort of things. It je-uTuu iruuexmg mio uipuiuurni. uieiinto ai-1 is eyiaent tne vv nigcouia tiotm&Ketnepeo- wrwarub, ui, weawpecunna more ur nn 1 nl Kf that D..(rw( Kl.rv ihahinn e i1Shw?!, belieying they cared nothing afeont it: f 3 tnaMatenf agttaauuby- Mtofrecunence cjuar- f f 6 - . . 6 tenniaily of Pres.dential eiectiotis. I j , . - . V .' . . hn.lnCmmSiMt lnim rP U A VTiit..n-4.f suthintr ftho. wain, niah.iv thi. H.Miafirt I v ttMWieaiton loztc.- i ne ,v afningion and reeUess nature ot humankind than thee. I. Telegraph in relation to Mr. Calljoiui's o i ,-!. ... . . . I . . .1 ! i i ' T i tr ; reiterated suggHtUonsot epange,cians;e-winch I pinion on tne supiect oi recnanenrg mo nve,me8 in six, are iromigoou i.'ui, cr troai I b. tinnk. remarks we know that he is op- ad to worse. or our ou lnrts, jve preicr, he pbslij to all banksj and belieetbat if.be J)roeentaiato,of thing to r the faTOr lte) renCwal of the chaftelof the Bank Ihat mfciiro many uen wnu JWchnh ref? ! J0 PWErWM f ith Iheixiwra ot a i)viuu whuT have P"t down Banks, by charteringthetn 1 This peiuieir tne wiaoom nor the prudence of. the old I is true Nullffication. logic bovyevet. It is urecfwi. . ' - .1 i use preserving mw umou uy yeruiiuius uo , exgntietin oarcpmplex isystcxnr-. etgrift in the United $titeV,ih regard tei' purposes of the., UnlonU as trell as eigniy in ine several otaics iutt siaiet. 4 The' following Ttfell Vnented comDlis; Irt, thft . iprm'in ' wiin nJiri.imnrrifff if . X"" " Mrt I America, is from the Columbus (Ohio) ' ttnel l , r ; r I ETAr GeWait o ;0io4vThe GefK1 Lywiiir I Virgiaton. I State to nullify or aecede at pleasure! i ilNDIAN ao&l AGiiS 4 i& The Following love epistle was picked up in one of our streets a lew days since-. iiTmA .:. l 1 -. :: wneuier or noiu naa ever uecu iu jiucaan lonjof the (air one Ibrwhom it yfrifttelP neea. u , r !iiiVi- jvat;ih6'S tntteeiin-.tbrEuforcinff f lt"K Vrff ".pecnwy .. ' . l rVATtnurMti . iht I l-AllAti-. wm mrm -nK. ...... ... . short cut to; retersburg by way, of Motto way paroorra? pen,; lor tnera to travel now a days eata the 4f -An limndrtani nravisinn in th' t.t-,n r.rAh S. ilk. Such, impress, upon all, the . w declared trial ni persoh hdiuu teiieved with A out the bouuds of 4Ut dklrict loifwhich he be loougritlut thii kaowtet; the visitors! cf adistlidiisjJlt 1 hiSX oe 'perceived. at,6ncel utai. ii me oocirvv u'- hoi iu .iroin me maue-i rof industryilTimtbl quacy its nhiinw, mat tlnwjit aflord a ii-ore1 Ihave diflerandiillJd P.' effective diick ti'ian everH-as det iscd ' b any? I 17 1 r f .' ;Xi.L',.. .X ffcVff fkvi..,.ii .,.!', i -R.ri.kinffharnWith m imniiaUwi nf.. f It OtV. ffrr- t. J-ltrt ftinftfl 'tiitlr :. Mtr .SefmfMM'lH'W I ' ' .CaSWUl T V- ' '7 ' ' 'ISlOOO v !I eBtain15 the. irAi?mtionufcf somi? V curiHtitutional K, Orauge, ' i 'iS5r,000 7 . ! - . r ' . i. ri -.- I. - . K -, - i . --..:) .. F, Li 5 y'- 1 l C$eii4 utsoi ,; :HWderi tifwt AVerclty "vfiheV-Siat; ,Rw;& PatidsnJV: , T j jui u.rvvM uvtc.ciun auusw' . j 1 s .... i. , . !:.. .t . :.?.f!L .....tt i iii. Deiier I rtntrivnf.i.l' tvilirwhr irharrfv . o. urrwt-rw.TfTlr.. with -all itbaccumpaniuteuta ot- trauu. ' and its innurain d&hoTahzaltou oi children., ' j W L 1 hf rMngl-tutiiill of thfl .ISt-f.lfl It Jilan r.irhiriftL ai)d this we regard as an i jobjeet !of j phrriary iui jpbrtance, that any prcuniary aid shall ie granted to rrsoiisointeuipetate in cases of danrmn dlhejis. r HI.:! i. I -1 '--Ip Fin rjvt i 80,1000 ; 'Si- M21,000 3 fTvai'i.iC xuiraets hch hrive' been publishtd I Heratbepi on the other side, wehave a large ..; .speeciei su wie tL,envt-jon,ii irppcis,i jinat i poriauonoi cotn-cojoursj; ana moreover, we i lhtl r..f riAl TKi -i.lrif. . nfirll.ri "1 r- I tiir in tfin ..;i have in the ouuntiB!.; rthre'are 1 7f' geito ngutlot .prpejtj: Uyes2 iThjgi Qdastr notak their pro-lr, j-'L.Jr T "ii- astfit-Ltel hr-tv riIif the .ar9AY- l.A I '-ItlSa weU; fi thes,by r. Mcliuffic Wsaid, Hha hedid Carollba wherV they often sell wheatatTii and J?""! 1 , ot tonaidet. the &uuth tolitaSK" ai adverted 150 cent that! Would britig 1 10 and1 1 15 Pe- fcl7 , r8?- 1 :il.'i4tt.ciii speM'otpMin-o.iMr luid'iiiusedl Uvs1mmV,X"lW ?,wafl7':ctton to 4Colamhii. 1 8ChQo1 v ! Jf i4U.mues. vjL'hey I :ntei.et4iU UbesiK f,.Ti 1 fie authonlie The limits which we hive presented to oursel. yea otir tins Wcasipn will not; permit us to enter much Into Retails in regard to the objects already stated, ox' the means proposed for ejecting them. n is proper, however to reter to one or two par ticuiirs, T1' -it' :!";-.-" W-tt'. 1 " :" (' A - No essential imd durable reform in Society can cve Jf j be anticipated,! the lbunatihS5( t f j whicft arjEi P. I not laid in a proYwion JfbV tliel rising geherav founded ft thalrthere aWfroni teii thousaqeft ! child rerv in bur city within luskiuviuu wuu uo no v.euu u ; v.. . t is?i& i(ouu -:w Jhelfj i . ' ;" j-. 4repaiMd for aU-aid mmtfit- 4 I It i - liHave brought f belwff you &atisues the 1 - . rifcrJt4rB -of ,th,,7 !J .irtC-.LftbkK4dwf y i,cipsdn-vtbef nxt4!-and cprratwns m tbuv IvateL are now ii tifitit 1 7 th Article of e by tnese of : all concerned. Miss Eliza can have the origijial upon application. 1 .""f - State of Georgia 1 Deaf Eliza f take nionroe uoumy - my pen ;m nana rovision bas been nade by the-, pab i ioremedv this evil, thd the itrul- fip y d4j trteen aylbritiof ionct nian his assif tatit ahd phblic Skk feyr baye1 devoted ftr.Be j fbu horses, tvorth cot less than $3,50 ! cents pet I r art uepungrtneirtenfiif to! to: subject tafeht I dierh ox witH tolla M) 7on tO bales xst ei&o I With Kintcstraise j ; City of lVs.nngioa, April i4, :1833. The disiii.gusued inon v air:tre, .UK-ka-ta j.aiskh a-ki-iaiiK, biuAck liAVVk; Wai-;oa-iiee-8hik, (Pkophlt,) Na-pop ; jfama-Lo; iia-sui-ewrs-auex, inacit nwx's eideBi Haiy I j j L 4i u ; Pa-waiieet(aoopteU8ottof the Prophet,; nave hcwc, uB Muu 4 r; 7" ,! arrived ai the st3atot Government, from Jetierson W! J1 wa dr?PH)) A iiin lacks, i 'l hey were conducted tnither 6y or Nphn" AVp k nw nothing of ary pfthe i.ieuii? AiiXAKDR,ot the Ariiyj in CAiufcimuy parties; but think it would bela pity lif jthe With the instructions of the iiovernmeni. j letter should not in some, way reach the la- V uuderstand that thise celeorated thiehi of I dv ; and therefore publish if for thebenefit tot me future good conduct ei the late hostile baiiOd,''' ui; conloruiity with the the i reaty oi r ort Armstrong, conlederated tribes, on the 21st Sept. and oy xVlaj. ueueral &corr, and Oovernor fix r-1 august the 12th l8S3p y onstiiraore to ad- boud; on we pari 01 tne u mteu otaies. dress vou though 1 loel at A loss to nohow aiics luuuuu . uw ucu kij iu rw Ka rin fnr I hnA wrntn ro -d ten to VOli iV1.tf.ntu dith thA I laV t thf-ir n-t-ea ..r rturu. .r i I P .. . . i - . m" : ' TZ'"'Z:;"LZJ" 6 r-rr:; that I bave-notbeng to wngbt I Uan tntorm thir int ni nf mniin,mVa. IQu that I am wen in neaitn ana wen saus- r I , . 1 .ViJ.iLi I 1 uer ?t. louw, beiug thea nauve ibrests, requi- fypa in mma ex ?pi one uiinwiai a uw red restraints over their i persons j and liberties, ing so fare from you that I Cant bave the as wotiiu not, perhaps, com port exactly j with our plesuire of your sweet Company npr Even institutions, or: be agieeaole to the President hear from you and ex Cept 1 do get and an hence, their removal to the Atlantic border, which fiwer to l6t ter it is more than likely ot toedc misguided and . unturtuuate men ot the 1 . fively may oe a. Urge, or restricted only.to the j to you Ume arter time and have KeCeeved limits of that trreat hot.. Globe i . I no ah swer which Caus es me to think -that i ! f 'fi I you have1 forgotten me or that ion Joined From the lUitign Star. your self to some other man tbo it mav bee x-riiUMEOM I , thatyou haTReCerved no letters from me On Satmy evening the 16th ultimo, during for 1 !triink;.os and Johti Just good en- tvnligaw iUimisett a vfry singular phenome- onio wa'tclt tbe post of feci fMlaie.out nou, Somewhat rebemUmg a meteor, put not so ,.f ? nJJ U Ti ul. transuintl it was just i4nmH ptb-occk tea: f 1 ! Pwfaehi first discovi-ied 1; was thea W d ri$l .therefore rlf get A freend runnrbg iu a onnerri directiia; ktherinriming back this if yod feel Disposed tp answer Jto tne earth, it possesd ait the lustre ot i, the it yon Uan get John hackle tto right tor Zcuylon post in saw population of Ohio, are's hardy trna, xr industrious people; hey are inosuyf: ers, and mind no bodyfs i business but fatj boUbhYfh fheir " 'ctciirj theiriSeris inirJae-.a1ifiih.o you will see Vhartheylu4 aboutf ;fe nfe amougfithe bc'icfTfani bhk . Tbore .is a, neatness louC As..' premises! which protes thept to ha ljc :we)tinstrociedmithW torej and to nderstand the most jprctlf mode ofcaltirating thejoTbcpp crally Vell informedribey tt of their knowledgew " Thcyjire neyet t with politic, and7qttpa jOne set poo ate,more nrmiy efltiuiisocai in incjri .i tons. if error at any 'iimeforeeps -wtti aominuurauon oi ine ,i gw cfauu not slow m finding it out., toej h correct infbrrnatipnr rainjiand rfj in all thciriotionWibey f despise: fctfe gance in cerying bey'idelf tilling the soil, and in csrig the best bringing it to s high staofltow Their bams are usuallyKlir1 fLi their; nouses aoounotng in pi.enyj. drive fat horses live boriesfly, andsej. ly an honor to any stle dt. coiintrj inhabit. We rejoice io leato that tbe, man emigration to this State is still iaf ing. There areat mia time, prooaoij thousand voters 4n Oh)o1adi a pw" planet Venus, was about the same elevation , and I ajjd derect your let ters to 'f their the consolioa&it otttbeit panyi WUev carrvtm ltbetr ,v-a-f.taia, -iand; SDopenttoWlno''a tWk :b tiixrKk to jiUMiats their- pnitciues thrucch- I rtato(lrcmthf fiaiidto entt mto al-Sod- 1 7 mateaccbijsi; 4 wuinoi prfiena w predict. Hi oey; addre uieiu7Fr,, ;ciu.Ti aas pasarjus, 8 ,worus vi covumi utweea is ana per cenM on 1 .7'? ltRirM1Jr t'1 b' su c?nf WcenWjfertile orlrlmf nine bilealJS'tia'. fjteascdtneaiifc ateadof 50, and brings Url i ccater lb. more, heir :'hf iidsJThere ey'tjre.n:'llieye; "thus isavingnear o0 But, what is i their'5 loss .this.labtrnll;- receive an abundaav recompense en &Q busliels 'of- w heal?. - Thev rbll it fibr 75 ia increased aWndance epon trjschobUas c nis or 43 x neir laoor is tr usj fiinaxiTMent l ui;j viwciaeunij aeix uieaus. Mi in-1 ol"-pruxuee s.ld. A lUa iloVd lrotk Sxlisborrte 1 wa JiuJitiiMe IVtiirclvTM wntild machl tfi oiaw! firJttr it 1 the oow er of 'this Societv XI eMscnnraite Yarrane iv 1 1 put aaiule to the-tight otjtkat planet. - Instan- pile County ahrj if Wii ate still 11 L'lebDsi , .cWetw course, sUaran tq4 ii''- n1Afl i:iwVrtiiijihWl sasi of more than 150,000' ofthiiMs peoples .11' y . ,! ,;)! HVESTERlf WOMEN pie of splendid westcn t)eauues. nrnHnr pliant women' ano ins t hk M iMtWsinni snlenidld ones kwiftiniilitv a racmesiiain'ip of the Westiwbich emmendy $qp) fThey 'toocKi ibe WEifinW''Jt and a bar3ansmitrjcb ap "that the precise titamoffc tic areihunderWicEr turned lftj Etatues; a thei tanlMgS.WJ5. chanting audacity Verirg tHeiresih from" theWood IS ) m iit;w tilKKWftllcaWJ i stand ber; be has hot the bbiTision. To 'IPj tnuatethem acexxratejy, vs.in degrees 1 tauun. its brilhauc y fpr about 2 bfin Pr0P Lthiatycjw and iShal be .able to tal0 i tasted theiivr Jcrdoni Of 'lUiJgi can; be-moref A if from tmi tuae to the end of life andj j caten1by7 jpiirates:iIf is tfffg easuy imagmea tn oescnoeat jit wasTJowyas i you are the only person :ior wnome lmiiittlrvtfii'cH o&dey jmy Ue lrd aji4ithfbom liCouli suu retamiiig , itsjignrewiui gat prectsiua. to berbappy through tif.ther fote. wr. iTlirrr I boife you will'proTe O terspersed with spots, keret anal theft , resem- 1 1. V-f?. J -r bung v how s fHue iUonstrictor9?itl vast :dmien lft onsv ilt however, continued irraduaLv to fade. I we 1 O. Iff ill iiiid; to all aoct coumanu-ci:d't uader'ail 11 V 7 IKiiJvernu and fbe44ia in ii Lu4uUoxh - ! :'. ' : - ' ." . . . It - .I ...l....'... .I. . .. :il I 7; s ' ary njv:ii,wn uuiv .-wtwAt-irniui mcooj a , coiiseuence ot 'uenoanoks; Kail j7;":T-fe;'.$il. B 9aaar .axa aa'ar.l-, t J'j -.RjT;wUar Utterly 1 1 fJ Z&'ji A 'ihJS r.trisiiuu to.bisr taa4ecurby rpncJaiiiigl the Jdthauiteni togatoa jT-'-VeV.Wanniius irar.t.ng in feocth.Csrt J cdast to 4 bi natore Las deaiea a port, i rieaw-, lfe;Pfltt.a-t.5-. their friuiitory.'iirrangfcii umthiaphaotual wr-!dl gvw Wpkl-ilet; Wur-wttb'ss uu bfpiiu;as(rf tlie ftiuSYf it'e:'i..di5pviibe t ,1-- ' catiJi vUrs 3'ctialf,ipieadN i.iilrJ 1,f func--oir. : '4itl tcitW Ura -ouencc0bio, ydae;tcsaiun ifcllfXtic Jo-it cf'a' tjvop o'i a iniWCV 1 haU oeea'ltlied; WseucVa I -Ifc Hil.'i ;vr -1 .1,:,;. ' .f.V.ciid.i Lreiadicci. asdv-Letttcr!h Caroli2ikato:fli?T'-owa. thfrefor li5Q ctntsand sell It tor Up and ilaat 1 wiliUdrmJiuitt i-mfliiiclhicl it-wiii oniag i appeamuioTelaud nwe toh PetersbWIMpvevertom toeir facW;! yesuge efit Ind.. 3 aji ia vain eAcept ue minu ana press oi -rortn i wjv'rtf' jmi w wwuws. Carolina levoiutibtwed. Howeer J dattragmg and sJarmtog evil-jvi f r W wsouig itait IUlj; will iisonviace them, that t s;""" IJ vwupyxiaiv otpuiwoEJJuor uie i te!efteolririaie uadiiigitn'-Jai anaVrihatasjGcl their central ftaii ; Kcad as ''pmi nfit'u:&u titiSd4ilN iSe fextent and n aait touclteVthVKail Hoadtowaris Fayftieville 1 ? J - .infVuicjCpi omjuw uujecwq iroxu ucr.ceva a must Wuen 1 hrt uisco?ejed.it, 1 waa conscious waf .a pnvoomen.i&joi no uramann occurrence t - - Tr.i i:: -ms- trvVed toefnea ad theJ' desirabia ? ibyWiaeptiiinelriB1! li .-i intended jlialthis 6ocwty shall einbrace all Uujse"enlightooia4j (seaolintdlviduais ' wh6 can tppreclaTeltieiri ing u tiiote;themr "-ii-tci. ard ot the' eity is be w 'proTe Constant 'And i nave i Ainti. hnHt nicjt uicuu-- expect U crowded drawing room jf7i5T Deafd on the otfwar tr0ft asV,Bfi lAol:, rdesniinnsly WPrTij my own pari i wuust sasumi a 0ther enu otoneiwi .f t k7 ui thai gives d ligt tbereTff no fwe ionib0ii&of OncnSffl tn me 1 am the jarae estcTdaptoilay TAclcsjbrthe Alleghapiesi1 jW! fof -ever and if any f thirigfbalta jdp i5ro3 tbe Artbian nxf - f t mat vou liouia noisxav mere ,iexut w mua, i ii Tah4 thronfn ine :ay": 4. t Wf .letmf no it titd; wleaTO all! throurit' tbel'mer WS ana 1 1 . '..jix.v:jj . .w rtrt I ..!r Jj i7-j shd t3r k. .... I 1HIMI Iir-X Allll iMIH tKJ. b , . UU Sa V . V B aw riV nil II IITII WWW ITS SlU . V: mrm ' waspamcuiar toott the time, the tirdiffhtu rT:VrZI "L-i. J .fi' ;.-l ?TioTP tonal m WScteoi Jigitt T te vening.se- Rerunning ;nvrv7 j ' ana crouois -jii renemadui, and &aJUetVaius,if ttelht, $bmf n.to v.,t 1 m0.. f"F .cbet tbrOTgbltrWwVS. sjielse; unusuaily? ixht : t do not t emember fo sistet,Mary in particular nothing more nt; jhjp doesthe Wlos-rJ ti.toelpiiiNiomeiiga, altnotwh yctv brilhant- rnanea V6ur af feC tionate loterof . ;A -itdea' like a sylph; fu n:f7r7t aew777? O II " J mm i w, mmmtmmm Wl. I! I (1 .Jllfrjl JMIZJI U " !- If 1 4ST.j. MS ' , 1 Id IICI CIM. . - .. .1 , 1 suauge exnihttton, 1 hav?i. thougbta brief account .moola pot be umnteresUng to the -public.'" f ..; . 5 under pe scperviswa oi its uwnoirs;aiia to "wwjwu8 vc, , diHdea iato small -iistqtli; kaceti under tne T bUl Afm 13.L J sneu.i 4u bundle ixuoij. aptviuteci bv uie i - - - WorAti6i&;ltf that. br u Gen Jackal and nia; Jrt r ; nu port. 1 revblf jvtiic4i oaW; extended thti poUuctaiWQwciakp lJ.5s&tfifl Wl itelG r?-Tho seed of ntancjH i. !UArw.ri,.UW -tfc bat tbe-'!. J ;r W' toUwtlwooce hmdij:fe.afjilbj.h,.! 1 ...., iskJil-Ul.' I :-'- : I - , - r. LI 7jf- w .. 7 f0 Mi. 3-'-ir t.hj .? -!v" ";r' 7..1iv I ?. -cni, i - 1 ts r - , ".s 7 I-. .- , 5 s. . rJlii-.r ff7.v I , w . . . ,M w i - -.;v V , ? i t ? 7!7 1 ' 4 -' : . I L ; ' r i ' I I.m !.: s.-i f I . . ? !