I'd Si ' t 'ft-- it ? -: 4k ' ,."4 i I -1 a, t 1 ' 1 tec? -- 2 C 4 1 - dismissed tneia. the:, daor i . Black llawkis not ah iIMxL-ir-Wn cuunieiiauco ui lu i&iiQbKQj cot 1 shlhe of witches, let tt lof at uiiniipw. t - V o5. -V ,11 1.4 - iteaker, jnJ, wde,.fca Wr,Be pieMrtha chSliXVToM ' , ,;'ca t j j there ti tpnncipaJine interview with IhePresicnt; tw$ r;.AJ; tJ W,1 1 andmannerM we! u ' ccanteniace, rirpa the fierr 4vsrih which. Vf?1 JC rHr Si 4a r 1 '1 41 UUIDU3l I ' I 1 J i -.f. I, hoot 4( th Western Stage : cat cp; .i atir mil from th plice cn e!tarh&j!js ttadicr Sii jT wins; ind .ibe 09 k 6C fce jaepgersi there bn(oaI twien oat, ts pian2?reo 01 ur ccti:'. One j5fi the gentlemen bad, we mrfeir,' axntU of the Bti're; immediate search iw9 taadf. luruie perpeirauir 01 ne eeea, ajio tyji ne name nigtif , ,abiwn? o'clock!, tire men jwere tjiipy rerd in thfcr1?!3cef enmiiiff ibaiKUfS, iqspi8ous oaefcbjemwhtr calls' himselfi JohetVVilliims J- ' . f .- - - - 1 . iraVellM fhatifaV por Tftt iirheTe faf set pot fcom atihecaeoeerint fhia umeyi He ' had J cnfs;on Dsj matcaea 'to make life. ar.JSce. anrt tne clothing of wfr. M 'Uturev unetr ;.tb cfi nam thereon i' iTtilUain wheicaoed was r? KITS W held er' the Uath instant, dreed m drab colorfdiclothm and thick R?t I!fHW??. i r'fWf hni ma&ieSoat.S iYtJiinchwr hi?h: i SevWralfiri'rU j..t'Ji'jt.iw!"' ."iv " imu 1 ss t i . IT i . " 5 j-.-, k JS''IWi States iBank : I Janpei8onae n ponftut ofHhim.'and it is hped i.-rrt,niitaS uiounair .iuukii im au;uii.ta r,wy i",w"rT-T , j l ' 3 !KIIIa?o.haTettef$eOTpW tbont as fifpiur 2tbat common enee Wigfte itis Inlfigh ti t be ndmills. mBlM& ?ensc tfilthi Gorrnmen t, Li !oWckWt: !an(actqresf for a- tfefir td tesvlt.t' every j hazard, jjlr. OTerf-xni4us rarauon, tne coiteo WTS;P8ibliiTe "protection to matin-' titer ;HrjClk Bill U th f rery iA6rf -eyltrelaa unprincipled set 'V63&it e5(cflents to iwaft jtheai be a ascertained harthe juld mode$ jut gruwiug thvalualfeut'inaj be disje'nsexl wthj ffH grart itt-dyt ply the rvpj and liswiilldgr lijflitheH'If.Ron; liarhweU Siiifibafejfl-S ie ji)ncsty and in.dpcnX ifteterJitt saysthar Vai.4ft7yt feClUruon,! andhat' tuerlhaa1Wajr to the i'tvOrtt)iiahioh 3 nliat rhe'dedres mostf U4mii$&: 4iThiNh:riiiIUea who are eb. Mtfmdot haihed $q &&wlede .tbe fact liifa Siithera I Jlenubtteilr IcDTerauient ik tae &ject4lTi$Hfdj 0t ikothing in the ar .Traeot o our. public aaaua will eataty bun tarty' Uat!tMen',eiid , Jds- kind will rnk of u Tero:nt,if i Jje people j do not m(tt4afr jCUeaeitSe-aeai cf conJetnai oyd!&pcs( Jic iplai jSuch deaerre the feftiVuf Ooalalsortiiia fatw" &tn&:rf&a.tp (.ojy thai (our icum J.Ejej'X 4 ijaiafit thelaitef aJJ r can tjnite-: tnilrwWteflirf uput own . borders, $i jW.' I ey-aiwayt harei par-y-hoeipef .;ijk.w,ho wiJ gof.anV r& t4!n Uiewi rftUcss of the people's .olft owq'-honf They weli derTe igroatriiiQl tiajrijla,an thdndiff ow?w4ikSofld tneMayfcnV W fefWl !poate;the; Motf 5WittwDw.tbe curefer uti their wickednesa: and aAparasiaed.wiUiab'Wt aatncn .tacUiH ty'poi!au.E ujief llonMona j wetw ujus describes"; his rnihod'which Ve , believe aipitr be adopted, geneTalljrr to great adTantage. V t? t Arplcw )'titri:Ukea ef a deep Hch soil, alter a common corn crop was akeh oihe land vfMoeA and' manured $ ,'iJie . ; usual couref uotee.irr-r! then dy.twelVe ta f jniteeu inches Jn deptiacd' about the ;sadistai;ee ipartii and tVu orltHree-shoTels't jTull! W: cumpps manufe'iwere mixed: ,with impart (fUke eajrthl 1he Voots ijf a year's gro wth Were heo '.s tnpined at?,hiti8Ut1beheS behksflomS ihxl, and has beenf thought j r.oc jei-'a ariy?vrhatVerS 1 1 jattfie same time, 1tha? fieW to amvr T(iul 'ind; fW pjcrse Al ekperimdr tr4-1tf linri itr aniithr placjluf jpKitf eharftctr 45,0 thin lig-ht'soii -.a w .sdoptiu h te crsc and the rjesut bis been taliy faroi able'TheontytiGererice U beatfli as titkii I the latter waa ujore early in conilng ftritard fruai hhe'hatuieoCthe ebil. , c i'WUl ti . .ilutevw.rareit maJ that there is Any over ultlVatiun hf the soil r any vegetable jdr' uucuh), 11 wuaia seem nece u. w me uas. x ue old lofiii-jspa t(vhafe ' been kept up, arid to have dic)ur2tged a uiore general diirosiwi ufthi valuable plant .'T .4. . f-" 4 Dr. JJeane, in his husbandry, has sbinewhat simplified ' he rhaitei; but ibt aflicieatlI His proposed uiethod of placing the roots t sixf eight, and hme Inches apart is quite too near. 1'he duration ot tejn or twelve veAre is quit ;a mistaken oue; iuiastswith us duuble that perl v.- I t , r -,t J ! Mr Ahnstronr. in the second volume ot: the "MAnoirtof the JtfkvrYark Board of grievl lure, ' says, it 'has'beeh'ass&ied, dhdi with c- dinary streMgttt fi preserving taeal myjbe 1f&ift usefully applied -to aspaJaois beds tn the spriilgi The ertecis ascribed io it are its siimuttauhg pow er over the crup, and its tendency todestfy; the seeds ot weeds and insecSs lyin Kar the sui- mH neamiywisn! ii.r 1 ne vruin is ow- midt;pUeu, and with pickles Uirnigin strength lhar.onfirtiwkie Island I and I n6 chance fw v' a,lf8M akiriw pr thnr cditi4 beSeVtctS.t under .04 ?r f-f I present gorerfom-'lSe ,5 f wretctjedne pf ,these Islands.neltir tan U be Siit M kf ? exacted thattecouauicslU coatbee, t, wSSrfiv 5 Tbwoinuttee tind ci d&ritete the pro- j1 2-.HK visions sent therfom tAmVrica.did all in tMfV f VYocl rleari Uietrrer lievetht.dbtresses of the!people Sisfe0 Tobacco bat the menns placed iatheir hands ihatpum .ioweo HJ 0 i, seniedJPn tliej 14th instajil. with a few ocmV pr, Jha4?! L Cotton, pr alnew 'iffc bereand strarries (rota thelgardea ct the V U L0- ft Fltripr bll $i 75 a 5; &Ha hospital, '-h j f??;i W UOal I -l! :ri a-VH -Hi 4 Cert FhaUhJi 60.; lb" ali; Ii ' !Tflf LTiWn. I .tlriiTU IM. assea f&LSiV aS5i Nails nit ! A 1 V c.n Mie thatiery th whldi ild lapperi, 111 lb 9 ! Tohaee; ia ihfnd 4 world Jis written on a tabfe of 52s?1wPr 85 a 90; VJuskey pr IightJc?lledJLeu.wihtpen ef fire called K v - ? -j ji liirn-rtr; and the writm? is named Cain., that i ' 4 ,CUEtUStZ h -A ineestabiisnmeni 01 tnerrewitorJtiercan til Ad vertisef, owped by - the iMeBsrsBuilrs ;andithat of- trie New: Ifork AdvocateLI owited bv iRedlrood Fisiefrilf )(; have beeli united. 'the iTh'ei 'newspanef :! wilU'be ; called the Meircantile( Adi;JiUseran fajn&ke? The -WersBatjrs have been'tpnknown as patient nd successful !caterersof nieiiicitOefiintiliriceJ and irjeir ipapef has obtajnei a hgh. ehirairer foil tlm spu&es of nwsto.writcn rt; ' was particnianyj dtvutxJ. Vr. Fisher isl well kneiwo to ourfcitiens as. Ian lable advocate jalt th$ I American y&m, a spirited and rleasaht writer bpub llinost ny subject tsimihar 1'ithin the scope aiaily news , papof. we cannot couai luereiure, mai tne. juniofi, while i willWrve Wdimii&hjgreatly the (cost of publication, will be productive of decided aJVamaffes urouia prupfiewreaiia uaiiuus. 1 fli Iters' i ieJtaofe '-'iTdiitafofMirabeaa -.P Peach gal $0; Apple? 854- 40ii -3 fc Dtrzlrt J)rinl0nt LjuVrrt ftMtt V ViM Vi I bush iJ-4 m -l. IE I 2 it r I ! J . iter not 40j Ja Coffee Ih. id iei rkVn iOandles, lduFhmr -flrom VVatrtJ a -H-H knnKinces l? hist Fnendi asd l V -t; at t-isnow.vlii- gt'fcSt ' ' - V W y garendaf 1 .!v-.-.,H 1 1 .. ff510 epon hfai by,the vniSlsi - mortal1 eye can behold b dory." j rTbe emperor cof4 bush2 75:a J;; Steel German lb. wYeU,, said Joshua, I "suppose we WHster 8; JJraiiw 16 alI7:Tobaui -nsisien. "Weil" said Joshua. "suDDose try td; jlook first at one of hid arhimdorii?: Tfempftrbr consented The rabbi took him inuj tne opn air at noon may, ana oaae mm look 12-1 S-l-2, Manii ok 1 ,Vbeatbush75. U at thfun in! Its meridian splendor. fI cannot," -Zr- t-t-K'II 4'"' T- &id Trajan -J 'uhe light! dazzles1 me" ' "Thon C4imden.CQmtitenclai:ttfdrtt2 drtuHabl?," said Joshua 'to endure ithe light of . t v . EesWifuUT'-'anromcea Witai PnhnU?:W- . has just receiTed cDIessis SVilon Saffoex, of liewflTorlc thp4? lr9 .:A ;: Which .he hasrioddaSt, wiU f e&O his esstomert i He continues to have dibWyrkdonin a rai ana lasmonaoie etyie It is beyond all doubt; that t. 1 ; v- Bujicnu? pu any in we oetn rjorhpod., t Hi? shop isjuj .Main.Street, next dour toDrLBnrte.i. '1;il 'K 1 p. ne aiso retnrts his sifteere thanks toia edstomerjjf and irietfds, for heir liberal patronage . oy a continuance of punctuality and 1 - i'.U- as - .-j one oTtii creaturf -s, and canst thou expect to bo- hold ibe resplendent clory or the Creator? Would not such a s ghx jinnihilate tbee?" . . Rerised-i and Corrected WlecldjN OOXTItTn'Z'PttO'jDTTOlI i:t J . 1 absence of rabhrMeo from t his Crn.pet bushel, : T Story fipmtiu Mmnapf tk.JBtabbins. Cotton JJurmg the 4 1 ann j 1 tin lit j in. 1 11 ii viuiiftn 111 i Jt-it n u Atr t . a 1 a i r- . I r mv t a . ' . . - . . 1 w v v Awn 1 1 1 1 1 1 ipc4k ii I w 1 ia f 1 anna nion iinrn - rxw Tncrm it i ' uuiva ' i . . . 6essmi calculation, anthe Parmer,! it is bbsved that! -0. aW uacortmon beautv sienSruMhe Camden Mills, bM.: icieiicy of paiifnage whea hohm rn he d" fii.J feet'by six, albusbei of salt uiaioelappJ j iTkyv ft Pi6"!?. b , . Gentry, : : r "ut have made $hjpwreck of capital pnd talents Jh ?uodriect before thir plants start i llTweJ a : : hat in aimosfi anyl other business would have &otmih- ! 1: 1 laid them upon thebed, ana spread a white vVhi.Vp i-toti1 ueeu piouwmiji iuVwim v.,. . AsirtragiiSHs reputed to .-be. a vetv! tieatthvit wvf!!,8 ovPr -inew oooies. vnen naooi t Brandv.' Apple, per ml veifetaoie London saVs, in Paris Sit h uiuch re- ; AlPir rfiturnedt bis first inquiry was for his AfrW&ittrfc jA" wrjter inM sorted y the sedentary paiM classes sons, His ife reached to him a goblet; Charleston Cburier. speaking of Mr. Wep- wn ey are iripoieu ,itu sy.uWita 01 gairi; he praised the Lord at! the going out of the ke?a irecentlsbeccJbei in reply Ito iMr. CaJ-i01 8Um '' 5fftf Sabth; drank, and gam askedf Where fiotirtystihatftt the most valuable ?of 1 ' A w...- ru, n., . . m sons, that Uieytoo may orin 01 the m his itiM.jilis cdnflictwith Mr mentto iheinvuSdUd vaiutudmarcihVwho islcuPbIWgr , j Tiayne was yp itgntfa matter. i it was mas-not troubled with llatultiiuy." rj j ; T erly; but hel ieit hiimselt so much at ease, M - ! : . tn-it, ne am pot put ;oui nts strengtri. tie I - rromiue u,;o. udieiie, npni w Ptach, cts. 1 8 80 4 60 V 35 40 a a a cts. 50 50 -87 7 4 75 10 40 35 ' 61 waj, mcrcilul to nullih ration, f Btit h5 has since); coaceetra,ted his whole energies on OAPE JJE iUD. I riiey will not be far off," the replied, and placed tood before him that he might the grcit; qtsestlbfti Stai&s of Ajitcrica?!' is one Hood of light eat. He was in a gladsome and genial moj-i; I and 'when he had said erace after the meal. we took occasion 111 our ids: vor reter to ve 1 mim -muicasou iin:, yiauyi wnu iuy What. is thtt United situation pi me sufierers at Oapeoe Verds. Wo pcrrrii?sion; I; would propose1 to the one And his argument is "avenow betore us a letter irm oapi.j Irathci, .qnettdu." i I : It is cbastel and pure V1 lUot Fore8, to td.r, 4. rj Akit thei, mv lov" replied he. ,-hoo-:' .a. v vc a av . r sr it a ? b k TS nowi recetvintr from New Yrkand- Phila JLilclpUia, a laiw and eilensive Assortment of Jresn and lasnionawft . 1 1 -ofcv-. puiv-1 , ...t.-ir . . i.':, i.u -.r r -7 j . -r- , 1 m Miction, a reaibles the celebrated ar. "7"J-Z riri fSJ ! ttfew days ,go a pern entrusted some til- j i- ,i 5 1 he or arnveu et tne lsife 01 oai uu me in . iti 1 ? K i j 1 gument, m the; fiaitmouth College cafe. jaouaf1W3C but M tie asieWiofUlfi nrik i3J?w?Ifto my custody, nd now be demands IGWMEHJ) and stncrattentiori rissh(rp tomerltit further .' f2r Mr Beard har inst received a newlt ' 7 uu mocn.improT.ea ijstemoi cutt tmg.tipenqrT . -1 Mi 4 --" y I: -1 No brnnjiitfudge Alarsljall colo! mere vuaa aisuuie oi lae leeward ufu groo ; emJ sbou!d 1 8lv h(ixn f0 fa- y. est cdsh prices, all of whichheis delfTmined.to liavo said somuch and that so well, in the oaptam 1 ..made fcau ior U,iav.si, witt.. he pa is a question, -saia naosi uieir, at m very gnjj profitf x CASft,ia on iune FT!! HE proprietor-of th& line of Stipes : ti. U n JLLI roiining' f. between I Washington Oty d and MiUedgev!le, Ga. Ijftsj establifihed io r ;4 V f r connexion wit said stageftmo a hbuse.of ;4 - NEAR THE XOttTtrEAST END OF TlU Cnszderabie pains haye.bee .taken to :j 4 J furnishes Jahlihau3n to '1 ! provjd fpf 1rplentifuij,'rhe i J brnate ariti coaifoHIei4llie. Bedsl'tnre' ?nld - ii U ; s cjeaijd"atCeridanc,promrt I" ; ana laeooara.are Doautuuiiy sappaeptrt the best that the country ground can aiford a wen as wun sucn asiicacies as: can , te , !' Itastiheir g)iy f irever. f" PWflRH mMdnets fne, , Iffelappjj dropping cloud, waiesaridj veilM in a shoiver plains e8cend;., j W WiMM (toniescri btlon to risd earl i & oii i;i uie year anrti which' -ons meiancholv scene, irid die : WW i jwefkbelive, saidibat i whie - W eounnjr; nay noth mg ItheeartrVlikeisuh aiscene ianeltahrningled j6y.pt Sprins W&'ffWWbetwean it and J VI 111 LJr w , i i ' - . - fk ai"i :Zj" W-;; W ! support tne minor of 4&3rraniwelL' kdow; that S-!r?a one )Sl: ne p t that the WeNlfniiied life s WSiteadMfbeBitrmiK th SllSiS MteUyrf parses and sa y iwi r 49,??rat t u J i w aea t our iM o vern- USSPr :TOJHfioir by our com- W Wm m not know the .Sl? WiAflCoileciiea WWr hisnstitucats, 1 cnnvementlv brought frbrirr a :'. distinep.j lt samespacc.i It SUomid be bound up with arrived en Me- sttf ui aau uu:ceu 4 letter to 1 wnienv my wiwsnouin noriiavu luuugu ne- to ponctaal deleara is stock consists 01 every. . r v:Cc- ,?-v T'175 i - 'r MrAuainsneditioWpfthco the Governor, staungiuai he hadprgnt out a si cessaryUo ask. Whaf ! wbuldst thou hes- uriety! ogually found-intorea in tluaseetbn'of; Jnt.? wiMWf ih8. .U; Washmetonfa! ftatewell AddressI i and 'be ca provis.ou. jiroui Phiiaueiphii, gratu-ij .iUt reluctant -id restore to ev!iy man country, viz: r . If . ' OtM! greatlvanUgtt rnUiis . re . f ,0 made aMbokiorev(rtt to s,uerers of to ; bwnr- "j ' ! - . VllY QOOVS, ' 4, H BJK' vj toread, leaU ianci tnwardl d.ght. The i',, lolljiug is iae Gjvernur s repivL- 1' sfao repl,ed,ibuV:yet 1, thght V? D WRgi, d&iS K frreat Unionll arty ought to have Amf Mr: James lrttiiea, Uaanaudor Mae bngipt to retort hem without cquaint- ptgU q q wjm Wllffi Vlf f. aifl.lJAMaiLtocompbseo brioinal Feio-t. ' --l "img thee there with" , She sihenM him to if J mfci R materials. S !tantrttttn Cvkv h, S.a ' h ' 5 thei.mner. and sterJoed lo.thebetL took fit . HXS O f fei raD? T"! we"L' 1 ii- - Ii itemDOrarViSOionrnerst'win.if is thouehtrbo1 1 ki n l 1 and divert ;t from , his great and honored ui jrrcoaauacat4ai uatwt- on eoard the r Ahl my sons, my sonsIw loudlv lementeg country. - II- nH r i i r j . .yeuay, aerem y ki your s'tueiJ: jther -(my sbus? Ihe likht of my eyes, H ; M till ! J ve, was xf.m 91 Hg; anu fife light Ot?my umlersfcinding; I was f l; ' . , : - I uieu apiniuted oy , tne mucus . ihicipuia, i , 6 1 . - . u s - T .1 !M FomtheGlob(M !. ' uvri,..u,B.,Sfit.M i t..,.; o.r kJ;-iV.? yr tatfaer but f e wre my teacher in the i 4 1111a a 7 iiiurcu an JLiici wa 01 to u iii uin ; ,? . s J i SADDI.EItYt Persons Black Hawk and his sonthe Prophet and his an sonajwItheothWijlndian host4gfS Jsuirendeted suiiit ofcuanu waicn ex undf r the latei treat v. waited n the ! President I yesterdav; totereiVo ms orders.! The President I n..i in t'.imt kul.,- MUim nt th tnii p : uJL.t oiu;? "itinn nn ;al i i '11 n j- .'y.i ' . i ; 1 f- -? -;r " t fcu; uauu ana bo.ivi. iwuuhs uiua . o : - , . ir rC: ir.i um9 o.,tochjneth, ;we mua natbe ?eluctant;to u""JSVirTr u w r"' "5' -V'c"f y w "iMi t lueu', Antonio, wiiete me. luxiruiiiv unaiimdeeU,r-l.i;Jk i .&Mtot' h. ttlrtnmai aI.im ht ... . " restore that which was entrusted 1""" imvit nuutu I Mfin iiniKNN litih-il hi.k ' iii .lit-:..!, lcii' iv.ii- ( j,. . i - . ,s . : - U deliveied bini to i distribbfed Jth afew, sequtsnc 'wiu be temW. 1 .ihelajhiu most k?8V eie ,?auP lil ThfllV ItMnmfin v w V.MT V IV Ihnir -HniK I I i . aTlt VOirAn OWnTf T oaapil I1K lllH IIMIII 1 - .- . -v t A a v -. m Salisbdrv; Mari i3-ir-rnit-r: 1 1 r ' IgraUaed in callingaUhw.ltoaB. .Zfil JOIlri fcT BROIN AUGH, rNi B. iasfomrjrrillat all tones be fuf- '.cr - " r JO ."kl Ul if T MkB. Bk ' - v . m ' V w vji-4 y f ,t I nished with private conveyances in anycit ! nmitet4 SC- be m , recUoifrom tjtis placo. f , : r- .- - kiA' . I ttlJw;At.ni 'l.t)ii 1B 4ft- u wiahimr to purchase? will deweH to -r. "'V -r . 11 4 nam A irmuedtely;Fnrtonroe and reuiam Uiere tor ihm uafonuuaie alalia, nexe 1 '1 Uaii.K you ' of tfael-rdTi'j.x , I - I. I xn. contented, untiVhef gave them peraissiun tore had oetter land ue olc ut your; carg5 l-i'tie ' Bfessed be the name ofttlie Lofattjecb- fe.-ijoo-r- frajiiTht. a nT htil.it iAiinicr. I a.UiCadvi kiAiiv ' --nV tii ir-il tdirlA UaouaA hfli his rrlrw .fFilf r l moment to puy. VVismng jeu a iouaMpp .ri0 ! i th - . 1 cojvTEJyrs 1 ., - tive thbea,-and that they would aoi be restored life to tneiriamuies until it was ascertained that the I s; 1 .Uipm h.imM rvtr ; SUpiUaUons ot th4 treaty had been exauplied with 1 Siened bv iho UuV KHUH. Coinmander ot the brig it rtii4i..&i. sal 'edneeiday ianuaiy JOth, we'iouk oti Barrels A pruvisionti, which;. the Go- uy u?u peopip " u uie oao leenug wnica 1 . Xo tne led to tne Dloody scenes on tne uoutiersKanish 1 On Hl.f i -i . . t IT1 K.I - .1 Jtf ... ( i, . -:. L.I LM&lt ,7 r-ii I j U - - I l ! i ' - -uuiiu "xu uaucia wi jiiuhouhio, wmu, mu uo- f oi Salt antt SIX we appicf ov unu.uwui The Propher replied to the President, and vernor lequesied iho to.lani at fit Autouio with iJces should be baked not three ? hours,; sat4, ttuttmefelcpectfd to be tea;ien my own caige. .rsaay tne 3d, atJtA. e9 . i a brd W:ca1nMy iricil: immedialeOrletheii people; that Jtheiwaf in We weighed anchor ,and made, saiiythet itt' 4 JW; ,i 'trnlJ 'ork of the most which tfaey dbn wvivpd greioutoTrieir day at HI., w$ ancnoted in ibe aas, -at ' riH ' nddinS attempt to ndse brbviswns. wherepthey soppoae ,it. ' Antoiuo, aod eimwuenced iinmeuUieiv;to dx? iUiunous, jet nmPf: T.Tt. P "V?f they.dad.a fjgHtdo, so j UiaOhej.had' caargergo I . :- , 5 Iw . '-v4 " "ri'IMi thateir.-triba iuid Tamihes :wfere'how. exposed j -island bahieV ail attempt at description for the to the atttckifollh'elut eheiniesAhfe; Sioux K and 'momehi aw landeite were siifrooiiJed brIt mm. 'TtzB PubDiNGi-Take iohe pint of scalded milty half a pint pfl Indian meal a teafup full of mblissesl a tci spoon full 01 salt ana six sweci uppicf vuv. juw.buioh ?.'.uJl.l.A..1ir1'tu9i k.lru1 nnl ttiroai tirMir. tV1 sTf Union Ufin; penple f5 W ' the voic of i a, ;a?probaUorr- of j his tpibhc jr 52" the Uad of the ThUtle ' U i- tatbers, than Jfi.Ml Wjfr Hm the WrlloveVin Till IT aianomioeesilatwf jthat'they h- tped to be permit-r least a UKnisand miseraole wretches; half frauUc Udiioretum'tolacaxeof them, -:: " I with;huugcir;aud wtteiin;ivUh tlebility and a . w . iijm.a IUO A W" I " ! 1 - 7 i!f the cause p4UieaggTic6woa the fjrpQtier their voices, did sti inof eoenMj.raisuig iJThef President told Uiem in cunciuaioQ taahe , their.hands t&wtiib&;i4 j Uij. .iajrjn it Jtothe, (irs4e$' alliided rTt4liat?ri.,5war ia? widerstood. ilany'- oi tooeacreatjirejs oold necessary to Ik hck u thein--ii 'was his pur- not sund, others I ; their buari protnuux pose no; tosecure the observance of peace -to thruugh4ihetrkinj and al of themioulfug like prevent tbtjers.ff) agam; staiaed humaa ske4etous.fj On 1 ; wuat a ktght waath with the bloddj of lU intiauncs, tlio peaevfd On the tturdfday ptW loy'amvafi'Vl yited""oii aiid h-lpir33;.ihat they aeed'teel nWureasine the Gu?enor, wno resiued at theptSadpal totni abour Vth-ir i pwr4womaa.aud fourTnileSTruin vs oere'the reel as anchored. should -niii surr tnsu elreneiiiieSittheSiottx I This was anot: erltery pa:utal tas-.; fur the road sua jus avist; r 4 .mean,w tap.- tne rea I reucieu uxuj uipaBwuw wy u? uiuiun.ua inehtobelat beacV Wiui eacn otherlas welfas of pour starving aeakHrM m 4thetS; iyvay ilp that was toere r;titeuiouiejdi. evferyua aher my aniral. SofaoWithem were so we taai they couid it get mjre man Sif jards I witiioat. atop- 'puijAo rest tiietuseivesy awu tnany taac 'were cotpuigtiom more i disiaat pans ut the . Jand, diea ,uu. tne road.;'! The Gov eriwr appeared Lib be vet ax&ful to the American tor? me sup very little very utile wltivtheu; white hhbors----Tiatkhf had. raea raeasures witii thijiew,Und'wLea (t.was ascer tamtdhatthVv wereelieot had learned that the power theahipiedto coutehd wimas'e.uaily aVeaadj tespdsedf to prvwci tbe peacei ul 'ajkdtoTttaiahv the ,viuieaos. .asorawhen Ms 'iimltior assort mm tnat their oooptf in parJfcular. were convli ed ot Ifww6 disposed qiheily aadlngood taitii topes tit. totals IsiandbuVi he' wasj oijfvQ the ttirms.- pace-guitej' to i irf mitbtoUriirlaii aajpi:ia eii p-a 'lt is a enrrenf storv, that a Hoctdt hiving put- phased Ks'drploma, i ttf e&uf$t i ndinj-IW Jibcrdebh desired Jjw man Johai . when waiting at idtn&et. not to fonret his new ditmity wheur Ycr be addressed huh. fKwt moister, replied John, if so be as how yda doaH ijrget mine; RhowiBtf- him at thw tame time 4 hist doctor's de gree, width hefcld?rorchasd to of his master. , h j -1 ti'a'tvt ' ' in Bmla coaatrr the 16th i alt. James G. yttiii Esq. merchant, toMiaiJaae Caldwell, cf Sm liurka county AOTKICAN SAN jTVRP REGISTEIL . u I mporting JTlagasme. y., v A jus, now rveeiving ano openuig t.Arowjr JjflL 'OI miles' North East of Statesville, on rxocK v v reea, a enei aswfiineufc FUliSU AM; Bli.WUAlllili . Coasisagof almiwiirvery artieui usually keptiit hattAfcarfiaTertair OtheU4 and W 4 MiXtntmAi Racehorse rezioni Cof and filhes; 1 -.n Ttrrftir for "cash, or to borctual,dealera on Svabrof iKobKoyVpedegre theif cw'otalyi,:dam.bt;Gre- Pruteeat; Cbtto-1 ftk poruCi tlratthey wul aeU every i1 !3The Seventeenth Acnual Convention cese ofiSorta Uarollia,' will be' held in the town mancWEc7rpse Uerod; Preemogla6a J Ti - horsed byCbateai& f l-hmil--''-'-- ' jAnueamielit of horses rajboraey; Fox- s ; GceWCXjTnVj &tujDarnat;' A enl poetry-- tVul be ukaala exchange, j ' ; ' The-'rJeasure of the chase; Bull ham ta, V tia- JThef ould beg leave to return their most smV towinaddW oafish tuAhecdotesJof Cero khacaalthe Urtliarn ef puUiorwtrort- fcssay ca dogsill; Ftshiig tel age gtea thein m Starasvinjjaad hope by eJoaa Remarkable facts i 'tielitbn tolmoouhg deer ; attaa and fait Rifl fdThe 'ruIir cf the "samaat their ne ttahL , Ted2loa All those itKJebted to tbem, wul can as soon a S b?SfB possiule at theating room of ieield ataad, Siiifo IjriXlpi 4 , iCmsSbsepce, iotaeUherrsoo and elce meir Mar mar If Sales5 of torseal Bonets xTUIue, ua IteiH tnmje - " sf w.".-1 EtleS-rf ESs1 Mms; ,11 about bout thessSaansef the peopl "and aeei . - j i.' -if: I i Is . 1. ' i y . J ft : - : ii - v t V

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