1. ' m If Is, fU'WiaJiecl WfSSSal bo takeu forlesarthan one 4 t. 1 . I - . 2 ' T ! . - " : V - - I ' ' -1 - : : . . . - ..tv.. L4fi:M S& .A crtteTOTMCtaMrftortwhwn we -qaotn 't.-LfUc-tl v'u "V i .tnMtue &rfela'iit6li'BUt;Uaud' near IIiKiiri;h "i ISe?a 5 1 Artet h- reV RlrDe was one of the early inidiform ' WitU.fii'thi," 'KriieW 1 nnS-fii w.ll all"Ma WT Ft 'd ii. V) 'a -.1 n "1 -:f ',51 f &f the? Eaitor i the bnswess -riposr uiaiwriuj on uw- 4i ; r i iever. eauucm 01 niaeenerai cnareeier; ipreuM-i i a . 4 j , - i ir tv 7,7. KMnz."-raa a.ataie can ainr oe ?on-i ipvibroibf aHsmn?r Tr' T. if isT hUComee. His takhts are We thanbrii: r rpm;rm 10 0 jwr iiftnti liB is nf ? tetimd Jiahifsi and in inrinKtrv on , I name exienGlftfr run ft'nnattnr nl arrtilaf- ! .V-tstwulei rie n t-f.. and trA nrn font! . ntithnrif v I r..n.ik . r;-. a.i . .". m .1 Jto 'tte'MifiJrii two 1 1fW1 j? f51 W1! 4W Pis-f ibe; the individual diedrben hit". brother r I sefctions ol the tdwj were cdmbletelfaeoa. IV. ,rt i "lt vi1"0 r,ullTcf n? Te ,0L flDOUJ nu At serultare. ' 1 wca uie idie ana cpnaiuqiroi loeir: tnenas .imt ti. .;ii.ru .4; :.u .r.- - Ik - peypnaweuamcs,rereoited.iiW another! con veiaJba. r ' . H I iatvrxinj hisjbodr, tr dwincr ih , before the reoifmr' the ohblication of the firsl 1 nisi,criptw.is taken i b t!i.rr':- - ' - "-Jg tii m y-r r : uaMd bees! . ' From 'lite NatbnaliiiielHgcei,fMaV 7 Hl mortificaiiy thai e'have 7learntlthit aTiofe t ssju It wis commit teI on the person bf the Pres ident oPtM Umtfid StatesyestOTdfy.oii board bfe diartii t3lDtVatf.eignt; not htafd I'the sucq a ma) state 'them. randahe particuiai lj ej nailed by "bis great friend and patron , Girard ' ing & roaring 1 ike c .rvma rjer3onal laipwite ,ct uut' ei pspertace "presented pusuiess iransacucos wun nunx ii gives us ore to express our conconenceiin. this his character, vitU the addition that-his al integrity arid sense of honor are" not exceeded tfA ImMBS Sandttbe-inublic generaUy. j f(-j aoihhiic scairces. We feohsidJr the deemv r'f Jkt w i "t. - r rrnw as un aeepiy vi on iaHicijicu.An cyery re- !?SrmT2mfiOTG Tiew whibWcarilbe taken ijt 'AJv K n E n iiii w r r t . I siawi i.wh uic'8TV"w u! nip I ire- l ormmrKiMi hnvmr nrvwithaniriiry tti rtTMHL l ivPr (t-narotoH - trim . tiiair .Ah MMn".kH reKrnfttiA Binct alwiva li kai yi' ukmciwuiaw wv iiavo l.neas Ot thA tertintatinn tn'Htn aiiihi liuiS iMTid '01 l-uritroa fmm k',k?L1; '. ti:.-- .J aBO Uiai lOSDealf of "odiiiniT -hf on - c xcujisiances 01 laassauu i ot such an offer, if he quits hia professional bur- i. Aotsmap hfe Km hn Inif l"i f j?8 ufd. vIf hf r soyeTeijmiy aner at to jusuiy ur'-aTOinpuiur,.to taitt. to -embrace it.; t ! 4 " tlr , , II ed;aslathe (ase, wtb thAutP. ivf i.,'. ' 1 ' ." ,TZ . . 1 llliwnnnilr4n1fl invfl- ravantn ,,i 1 . .L ; .v T TT i uiuierJiainiacjnBrenpotiDt, , n, ' ' : - ,1 ' T 1 v 'u " Tt .AT . A ...all rinaal I Ain v - - : A.- 1 I i 1 ' a" -T. . - . - T: -. ' I .TWt II lllll lllfl , I I nM FWl n rl"a'Z I - CTrfSOV UAT ;fftlA I . tm. is ui liwm muuwwcjsb tfiaiOQ I - Tho fi.llnwimr invMint iaertVPn 'in tnftlCinT- 1:" p v".s sv"y - -yv'vw 1 Ull KISS 11 IffltKltMa TflSHiTnr.tJr nl" lhrf i company., . Alt am as good as the tits EODMS and BEDDING, P f-... ; ITT 'fcTAR I.RS? 1ar and Prdvpndi-r; and nis . entreatifw days after deroandod The Curate your brother; it yon beiorei It triable about ereignty, betimiH diabolical Visit, -iratched durinthe nu'ht hib w- ytitiwuicomea! carry iUway;.aad UtJortr A day jouyourself viji jneeMhe tame iate:" reH Th.eSpanmdriut.gtvir.g implicit credit ta-i this iSof ty UniM .States, areta-1 S.aliU f,r-the use ofthel t rr?lr.4.ii.!iuW-m W Kfwdbvfthe riiLTiTi 4 H raer jaests tamf stable. i H i Jr. VV Jr. t -Itoroifii i!rrfillih?r 'hrourii tht p.ace, 1-JW 'itn ;.: TH !-?. i " .i i .... . -AiM'tiiM kteiiforiable' aremtunodations. n ai rBiotd ius Taiiinor Eatblwhrnent to ie ifouie tateiyt occupied by ,i r . Jsmn un l fr;walConfectitmarv hhsp, which is a tew foelr, ijaiig'iitr's Hr)tel,and is now .1: ' "iSJ. L,...t : .iiinti. lets oil nku in w hfta with their work. He has jutt recei- M(Vot)tdPUiIadelphiav th Latest lifljlateiSfrornjLdHn and Paris; St la a oauibcriof .ftr3t'ralt$ Workmen in his &pJjiiil'4".tT4wi4 xeeufc) swjrk in a fe&S trH t lany - in-this prt of T; ':i 5 -j i-iJ7 .-.:. ill lit tMCtantmaiM win warjani u ui m tu. ,ah. 111!. Ml IjlHllU'r.HHl v. . , . . v. v. v fil tir4firs MtTroai a cistance, wiu up. piac tT;ii r U an Ajfeji t lof . lyileoo Ssttrtt)f NfW tfstki and: nlsoL' ci AHerf Frpm th Intelligencer ofIiy & TJJE ASSAULT UPON THE II 5 PRESIDENT. " J " The 6ny ipartieulars that baye reached Xupvt tl J assaqlti upon the person ol the !Presi rjKrT ot the Untied Statw. on board tjil staaui btat- at Alexahdrra, on Monday last, ire com- jjf tsru to ilia lUHUYvjuvr uiuucui euatciut;us . J Friwfr -the Jitfreimdria. Gaztttef Vla'7. ; f An incuiirnt of ia rur painfut natMro occurred orfooani tho, steaaTibdat Syoitey as $he stopped here on hef Way Jdovriit yesrday. An assault wa4 made? uton i the Pre3idj& of heUnited Stales by Ir. Rajidolpli, lauUf the jNayy . At the first bfjiv, we understand, almost a hundred i'rui tell upon the ' assailant, and h was with drCi-ulty rescued and carried on fhore. VVe hav n.'ver known j more excitement nor m re tefitug to bejmaifested by all our.citrzena. VVe art inducadl to mriiion tht matter, whieH ought uileed nfyer to beublisiied, only because we katlw iliaj portrot it wilt be circulated through tAitlthocoiniryi and printed elsewhere, jit was an affairota!cu uat di : but it issatd,lthat, from tlitj feeling product, it is wonderful that the as saiii&nt eiicapod with his hfo.f i ff ' 6o great j wa the public ; indignation Lat ibis outrage, .tiiat.re bt-heye" almost aijy ineasare Wuuld Uave'been adopitd.to expresp fi The Pres.doni wkiaturany highly jexcited and ex aiJarated.: ' lie departed amidst the icheers and godd wisheir'of Jthe great crowd wnich had as- ai vuervoniusiion oi me momeni, no nal of Commerce, of the circumstancis of the re. Wfr including tlteftftree; Hotels, VifllflhdJ delegated W the JJniody. The, nullifiers in a cent protest of the Bill of Exchanges drawn by storps save one, all j the welUngthpps ihittioghaaState eati''put herself oflTher our Government upon the French- Got ernment. id-materials of llxei trad jrnri and mechait' V'gl irapjy thathe-jcan put heraelro of which we were first ad?isibjithe Pednsvl, -csilwere burnt to tris aTroiirid'''TnP wlinle aovereigntyV ia otheoTdsrthat stlte JuL nni Lj:jUMJJ: bum? dfetroVed, Ending t&5? , rciuicni ixcnangc.-'X up iir insiaimcin ui i five jniilton of 1 francs, under? the ' Frencb treaty our federall body of his brother, and with hit' niata ij&j, no'meanih Between twelve and one q'cIgcL' tnlu-- authority 1 heard at the dour, and a voi vi.;.d w d- 1 command ou to open tn the name uf thm 8ojre God:ope;tl if not your instant ruin is at hand n net Tne Spaniard refused to open, ana shortly iafter so?e- he saw eorer by the window three, able bodied as, may devils, covered with skins of Beast, bavin?! the t.is.rfMoe' ik my?:irWyi -F?'1" a Piwwure, , in our tysiem usuw quanmy or nurns, claws, and sn ked ZZTZ nu- """ ed nghtt of U14 States T of : the veryi who set about carrying off the cffiA IT' of indemnity, ha vng fallen Idtie5 bur Secretary "utt 11 oenerea, sno.rr ot tnts f etsentje T he State gOTe-amenta---the delegated the body; ujwn this the guardian fired, and iot ol the Treasury availed himself oil the funds, -as nff space i)f time, 00 people :have;-fb(KD4'iMWeiare.o Aeeles6encis of the Federal one devil dead; the others toiki toflghf he fired he had good right to do, by the mercantile Jcnpereu houseless and'otiicrwiso ; deptora goyernnient-nditisjustasridicutoasly tospeak alter them and wounded both, one of wiiomj died process of a bill of exchange, the bill vvas ne I blv i lestjtute. ThcValue of tlio ' nrorVertv I of thcT former throwin? theruselyesou their re- ia a tew minut, the other escaned. In tkA gotiated by 'the bank of the United States, and destroyed has'bnlestin.atedlat 22 000 I f8 Tights,as of thelaltteT throwing itself on mormng,when the peoplewent to church, there remiitea ia isaiing urotners, &. uo. wno tenia fln th A:Aji u..v.' k:. ' ' tits oeiegaiea powers. tnuiuncaiion nas oooe l wat nouoraie io oxnciate, and it m oKntti it over to Iris.for aeceptanndlpaymentJ'f U:1i.fn 1U iy ' a . I "tfothing bunfiundl4niuaze as well as com- after discovered, on exammio? the two defanct MtaA - V. vwlkL,.,.. .ikv.fP 9e rather below than above the truth, f k5vkkfvat- tkf Jomant it ,ht r... , j !l 't?" appealing Bhalof , the Cumber. te0Cei-Cuw. Coar ? the Vicar; the wounded oevil was the Sacrisian ni,a n...nnnJ a llo n V-!; .lk vs ' i 1 nos uimciiicu : a. 1110 i' iciiui. iUAiimiurif uuk t . .! the ChimlieniBot hwini ma'aei Speciac aDorb ; ' .' ?-W?i"nS n priauon for tHe purpese, i cduM 'not .miiJ; :'?n? s"?rers, to lite generous sympathies fftyjtyf&flhf will teach p ;'iyii-yiniSj'of cutiing;1 who may pirab'! iff twtfiibtl. Hj gretefully . returns his Akkm iankViihiaastolners and friends for the ilfcal trodae ! Wh I ch tle have-bt stbwed upon HiaVtsihihai.by an) assiduous and strict at" fBauwiiiia oosiaess, if meru iia cvQXnuance 1 i If mm GOO 1 : I Li RrlOiYV! Rt'ceivli-gand opeiiihg'yi'addU j.a.Hua w mcir oticK . purcnasfa 01 1 Alexander t CfaHt Igenemlf . assrtirient of j flesh atl U4:MsV.o;Wting. .alfposu evory ttiflo 'ttetiiy-kept ii Stores. Al! ofwbich are efihe ize3t itn ikiiohs, sand were purchased in the mercantile honor of the United States Bank, paid the five millions of trance, and so took! the? i.ilout of the hands of the agents1 of Barirg Brothers, & i Co. but the United: States ! Gqvf ernment ha ring no friend to protect it by ihe same liberal process, the bill lias come back with the protest against them, and is, we pi el suni, en U tied to damages of ten per cent. Vt do not see thit blame j can be attached to any on m tlie transaction,' unless ltbeVto some del parttnent of the French Goveri.uent, for hothav Kig- earned tha business through kiex newss-lry; f.irxiis at an earlier period " TJiefflziiwfri tablei irithe hast, to any heiitdrtcy oii tlie parii j that Government to carry the treaty into full effect. The ralun tf the five millions of frand) is very near o4e millioTi of dollars. I ff This accords entirely with our (first impres tions on the snibjoct. Piie 3ftnistry of France, nut cAutcmi ,uw uai Tj;.joaojv nau ' not caueti Lfor the appropriation niOeaiy ;:o rpeat it; and it fthe Cbambers' reseuiUie i;i arinovenieut ail much as i iff-their oraranitJivijii iJur two Houses siun. ':.- B I From 'thfl Glolw of May, 7 ' A gentleman just arrived sfrom Atexandriai gi,s lueiioiuwing account ot an atiroetous attacK .r.it...K.!b'J.' : ' J. .r.i.I it :ii was liiadej to arrest Vlr, Randolph pn'theanstaht; thitely nre4cnied by the GfahdUurylW klf Congress, the Minister df Fmate mht iiich.wra,it itorthwith itsaed for bit.aAreiienI in ouriown ijvernmnf : ii. w a cast ot iay occurrence, i'li.! i elmiuS 4poV the Pel- utucnt aSoufcto4 oejerected to the MornEa VS1 ASHIKlTOJf : f Tne jSteainboat .Cygnet, .Sydney, in.whicli Ih rmidant and several members ol the Cabii w 2 ft - - It i: ft I tluiiAUEXJrlllA &T t EWYOHK, AT fjt CASfi, and will he sold at "B,w.fre,ia'tat they will undersell ttftr nbbars. biiV they ! are determined not ffllTOKOSl and the TUBUC n' -iVtT.'S"FSHf tun I 111 Y lltH! I J l.L.l at L.1H r5aied by Alexander and Cow iSSt1 -1'1 COTTON. fPTAUQWEATaERS Fkx iHuaaaty ;;f :lonrwill be taken in NifG.1 Apkilil3th 1833 3tr '1 ' -. 'ruin ' ! nT come every-day occurrence, i!m cl panmenis are protested oeqause uiere;a no apr proprianon out ot whtcn, though inoootesvabiy oue, mey can oe paw. x.ne puouc iaitn or a draft at sights, under the Treaty was purely accidental. -JVW, Int. i ":;n;'!l : with mercantile oromntnesR. and wa dealt with of their countrvrheriithe unders:rnnd chart. I , The Srktrroies j according to the custom of meff hants, and prJ ish 3lively!libpe!thlithcaDDeal will not be sheltered countless icsi-u, liuiieiitruur cc tyo.i novvever, 10 oruievu in vain. l h aruarfsria rv . k elalreu irum wv ui uuiuuii. x iiot.!tiiuw -.ui i . V . 'r. M 1 ' -..v urv v.v :wi u Uiinnii; Ml-I T !.,'L 'L-,'- . . , ' ... . .1 .4-;i-i . n-,i . -.i.wnenrii, iwas snmino-m lis new oeauiv. iu suets ? UrtliJ mcreasLiEi id an ine comiortst)t t ' i 7L . u i i- . ir u. i. . 1 ,o their ancient nests,-but found them air built up. ' - ; l who confessed the whole diabolical proceedtpy An dlden church, which had; Tne case waa brjugut before tne Tribunal of Bar ssst nhtbbers of sparrows, waf celoua.wYew-lorfc Traveller. ' f, RESULT OF T1IE VIRGINIA RACES. chofy waste of bro4m walls, and . naked chimneys, cannot 'f4i f to cal.torth tliose principles of ;active jenvolence that lorm so Utinislie'dia ciiracteristic of the JA merican peojjle. j 1 i ' ! The t iblldwing gentlemen, residing in Cumberland, chsiflite? the i committee to recdivc;:contbiJtijbh distribute them amdug'-'itie' suiTerersI Jpiz'! Jomi Hqye, Tbo raas X Mclaig; hirri Beail, Rev. L. l Johps, Wm. ;cIaoni and Jamee f-Caie- THE CUMBERLAND FIRK. net,, accompanied by many other getttlemenj were gping to; Frrricksburg,'steppiid ?f on" heij way for a few minutes at AlexanoAa;! 3anyj rif-sris' frjrn the wharf came bn boird,' and a4 iu j. them; Mr. Randolph, lately! ltejutenant in lUO iavv, 'He niade hw wat intn h tr.iiiinJ lihfr !i nairci. ajid jadvancmaowaids bjm;ks if to ad 1 tnbutions in their own view,nU!in;n-thfcu; Mur n.c i-ix-sioeni; was sitting: reaainga new paper : ajidJ advancmir towards him. dress htflj, began to draw off Kis !gloSre. The inquiries on the subject, io makO tbe follow Prebi.ient,not kriowuighirri,ja j lilt H ri iH 11 1 was sjm person aboiit to salute him, and sowing , The town of Cumberlanii wlsituatld fat Mdress Iq the Veeplof, the l(J.Ltaie$t The undersigned, being a committee ap pointed by the citizens of Cumberland, to draft an address to the people of the Uni ted States, detailing the particulars 4 oft the .a j late dreadful calamity, and(6f ltinoJcdp ton j 1 bey are riot limortsr the sufTeresJand have' been instructed and, ; will feel.it 4their dut, to ap,)ly.all fntribugons received by therb, to the relief t tKbseho ate most destitute,? iTe luniderisined avail them selves oClhis occasion to iassure the public that all tipnatiofit fviliicJi.mAybe entrnUd to tne care of.theslegentlemen, or either of thorn, will be faitbiaiiy applied and accoun- h : i :. . 1 I - . ' ' t W V. , I i I 1 '. : . ! A 1 i JQiW BUCHANAN, . ' ABlmHAM SHR1VERY Tlid.VlAS BUCHANAN, ; Ai'jvf. Mcdonald," : : JOHN McHENRY, . WILLIAM PRICE, JAillES DIXONi ; ; FRED K A. SCHLEY,, -; ; IN KING.:. , ; throughout, the United ''What is t6is huge butlding for now?' screamed they;, "come, friends, us leave his uselesi May not ,a -moral be extracted from this Fable? Let Us see. The defects in the Old Confed eration of the Thirieer United States having served as the cqv.ert:lb' swarms of notions, in jurious io the fabric. wlych' they had nearly un dermned, was,' to remddy these inoonveriiences, repii.red. from top to bottom" antil it assiimed tpe aumiraoie iorm or me preseni vousiuuitou. The Ann-Nationals, haVins; cjrne "wtien It was shiniiier tn I its new 001." the 'admiration the world, ana nnaiug; lueir resxing- built ud.'" exclaimed i lone . to another t this Union good for?r Cornel "friends, let Ids . ... i. i . V I- . I LJ ecedi 5 1 inse ITif a --rr Ak iiim at ine-difficulty in gettibg roffhis glovi i 1 't; ti' i , 1 rototnao, i ne national road pass ng thro? dsyour glove, sir." Randolph, having , . . a . 6. f wged himself from hts glovesl thrnal Place' SlvCn " MWfcl ver mm lhendise OVP, - Kp mnMi'nn f Will a .rlr .;k 1 ikA PJL &tn fchedbut his band towards -H m.savihP- "Ne- -r af 1 . r Vfi t lAVi great amount pi travel, and Urge sums were lor its accommodation, STh iioiei was ia spteaia ouiiding and , i .Lliin'Sl at thA fiamA tl-ritf it7i- nth(r rtef tho nrnnriolnr,iirH4r(enrtfnr.niA, 1 gehtltmen "trJ the cabin sprung Upon: him and he thousand AMUr. I he mtl. 1 . . : n ii? ident i seized hi 3 one naud iointlViiiiitothe Pros dent's. face, and before he Coiild make use of the other! 'received expended a baotf-frojaj a-gentleinaij, kianding near jwith an; . principal uuiureiia. Uon.- 1' From the MENT 4. JO Ti,. 14. rnntersi States will be pleased to give the above an ifaleigh Register. GI3N. -JACKSONlS FIRST H APPOINT tO OFFICE. f . 5v,.u.w iu mc tduju sprung upon n j was ' pulled hark and,: thrown i dovii. rnnt he waUiisuUied, thea?fesiden cane, wfiMlwds t :! large upwards of ; twenty-five There were! Iwb otlier Tne subjoined etrajit fVbm the Senate journal of the tLe?r.gtattireolr North Carolina. . at its' ses sion if 1739; rdcord4 tfTe first' appointment ever con ferred upon Gen 4 'J ackson . 'rhe reader will beat in mind: that this! was before the ' cession of TenrtesSeet'thouirh i'kbit ventwiic .plac. the sameUear.j . f- .1 I -A .V' ' ' ' i'Ci'f. Graham andl Mr.! ilontgomery from the. iOiamitte&japP'inted to ', conduct ihe'ballot uuz un Aiiorney i werierai oi iiero jjibiiiui, re- teat j, t.iev naq penormed tne outy, and talIT 1 ... t.:. -l ,t.i hiv, fI a-ja VII UII SMIC. ' at ' t ' .a . ., s . ' pl! .-: lLi 'siil . : "jV? il J wasJ fwHog Ms'way throngh the rgatlemt n ' i;,VUlnDFlanP DeinS CW .B A'f Wo , w no naa crowded rottnd Randolph, insisiing thaf VBy wumy, ana iis sa. ;oi, justice the puucipai uicrcauuie uusiness oi: tnecpftintf was hero transacted: -.llera also tne!cpa from thymines is brouhr anH i ijepsitfil for truii8portation. Tbemercnints, tjjdesf men. and ruechanics, were all ill prosperous arcumstanoes, and were located" as near as e commbulous Hotels, wejl jkeptl ahd ridc4,upoiitbe sameisquareif f I fa Ik! I ... f i uiiiiu r Mbi,',iaa.. l tffis rijthid nftinibiining his friends jmFabliecneraliy, that he hasviust . "V . 7VU1 1 a HllLiL 111 I 1-- public patronage. at. 4 - . .wlUtVav i' IP - V- ! S W Qtsa kham , lyWPpat e?exy.posmlo exertion Nlareowjiilurtable at.d agreeable 0 I'idMdualivhonjavjfavwt I Ij. pfeoBttpaoyi i . S F SW1yiannojunathat hishW liJif jt gratify the admire! i,) Sl UAU 8111 be ft:s!!iii ofeu staao joeiween nim- ana.r,iue vn iian who fiaJ insulted hiinl that he wbuld cbas tise him himself. rtandolph,4by: this timej had been bor jie! jhiwards fhe,dobr bftbe cahin, and pushed Uirxwjjh tt talh taeeicl IJe made his way throuhthe crowd) ph. thldock fnd the wlaarfi oeing assisted, .as is Dllleved.liv sdrrib rurtian ciipfederates, and made'bia jescabe. He iiopcd'.ful a few ;&ih Ales at.a tavern ih lexan- lhe UraidJJury then in sessidii, hi ajfew min- " iuuu a erst: limrni RTamsi nm.! ann tn Court issued; a Jbnch warrant A maoistrite had just'rtlviouslr issued a w arrantT; but before aaw un,c,s wum urrvi mm, -oa Avas irone. V- .. rlrum the National Intelli'rencerl .iaiis tmi continue to cr.ne- us flfflS refrlimgbeverascs j rlfa4M VwearYiraveiTer.l i ii -mi i rvirnAr.amiCJ !yKrTv;edl purahaser T?E!,Uro N the ext 4. hurn- ittFi00 tddressed el From thesarhe Juunial, that We take the fore-; i ! , 1 s C "jr a i.i . gou.gi and iu tne imyear we; nqa me vpie in tiie Senate 6a the bill lo cede lenneafeee to the Unitell States. It ! emed-.tiBe. niUmatedij. not ajpenly declared; inlthe debate' which occutTei m ourj Legiatare oil Hie Appropriation billi.tha the CVionUcT was!te!- resuit cf bargain an. conveniently might be, q the Ivicinity 6 the Hotels, which formed the; centre fbf bu. from il (haiianVlotiior J whicft thpt fk3 VItIm ft liladeipltKtn lh following Cirrki i if : has, not rjeikifilafiaallyUrin ittmUai to be generafljr bnderstiodi thai Mr4 Wra. $i Duane, ot thts city! jiasbeea ptp1aiBecirilie 1 reusuryi or, at least: thatthe officd is at Lis "m'js, f j.F4vruufuva u&quesuonaaie, iuftionty! tiattbV aprntaae the spcataneons hfier of the i Presidedtl wholly unaohcitea on JhW)art of MrJ Diian ndof ; Connecticut .-The laeiritem oh kae -Stati of Coorieetiea in'semi annual vttfcTherr waving benj-fitj.chol w vrnQraod; Lieutenan3ioternorV Henry S : Award8rlias bet-nUEoseh Goetnor,and t!abenc2er Stoddarrff otitnnt fi.Wr.,l,k ,J AhJ au4viu 4uwug xre nigaest canawaies, ac a 1 nooe ?rrl Lliia C: :! f. !"! .1 x uu ctua.uuau3 nre wmcn jorms casion and tne subiect of . . . . brokeut at 3io'clockT, IF, thei 4tb ofApril instanfc Itortgii the oc- address, rsu in inatc4 careiess hoy ; threw ambes sorari ,sbaviriffsl ybta sbopiinhappily stood ihf Sortliwesi tern exueuiity of the . busirie;p6motfbf mv uiujv aUiua buuuu aiuiLiii,t?tL wninnrPai Vaiuns -ot the f timer the fiaracs. ihirmmt shmgleoothr .TidircUjr; through tbejheart tbf towii aawvavu UUbUf fialCLlUO UUliU rihd tiiatWrlwjrt is duly elected Atjor ney General fbihsaid! District." BROAD ROCK. I FIRST 0AV. - I ! - John Heth's Medley cjIi of Betsey rlLibinsbn, -. ! .1)t. 2- 'Il I Wm. VVynna Tonson nllr 1 2 2 W'ui. Mingo's Hotspur colt, (fist. John JVU Bou s Gohanna colt, ; - ditt. Tiraelst heat, lm. 5s. adVheatj lmj 5-23. -i3d heat, ,1m. 59s. I . t SECOXD OAT. 0. Hain't Prince Geor-je, by Con- tentionrK;.- , -f 'f i ?'4: of I Willkm R; Johnson's ; Annette, bv i places fell 'Charles ' S TV IvI.;.."; ; ;f ''is" ll , "What, JohhM.B6tt's BaclvsUdey.flajrmerlr J S 1 .Methjdist:)"by ; HoUpur, ituarier Master by not apiitWe ofthevtubl Jacket, by we Quota the; Owaeluamg past age ar.n ,-wnicn i i'ouson, UiPXiir' i. i isnam cueiceus 4 2i-$ j 1 our .mouo is jasea: tne 'aposcn ojL ,ooe our i 7 di3r. T ITIinr- - : - - T-' t - ITTdr greatest yraiors, wtiicn was orouguv w inefa-,1 f lune-istneax.m, m. ---m near. 4m, ory or. tne.nerusai oi.xne.iaiiwj.v,;x?.r 1 neaim.t;,'': 1 ' 1 Y-yf-- "When tny eyes sfiaU. roe turned to beholder ; t; f iriiiiu) dat.'J '" ' the last tiaie, the 'sun i eeiiVnaf nor tee WmiR Jr.hnson's Flying DatcltnUa f : tiienm of a rmce glonbn 'Un 4 . a m. a . :-' am aat lavMI aaaak r aV .. - "! ai . - Eli Kal - - - . withjavit teuds, or drenched, iV may be, infra- John'O. Gbode'tTii ternil blood'! Let thrteble andline son, p! r V i nrrrlnfATCitK hthirit iTirift frnr.Ttitia Eoeini of Llbe r'-- rThae--:Cm.-l2s.i ia.cpuujIV, aivin BMvnujiiu,iuwi. ".,.i. the earth, jsti 11 full high advancd; its arms ami trophies streamiugia tiisir original lustre, not a Tuscnmbia by Ten-t I2s.4-6m.3s ,1 rrl :! 1 VP Time 6m ! ' ' j rTA vt.n nstvif.l.R: IUai ' '..ilAaMWi t IA I - IWMinmnA iAi4 AM 1 1. Vr Av t-. 9 stripe eicdTorpLjllufed nor a? single? star ,eb-1 ncsday April 10, and Tsiulted as folbwttLtjj-: M scuralbeariiiglor it4ttb,o sucb; mUerabte j . '. riat ;dat-:-' V,r 11 ". , ..... " l . 1 1 . : . . - . ' 1. ' . ree year old coits fanu;ni- ; Medley , out of tha gtan- where, spread all over: m ciiaractera of li'vtrtgJ S damxif Tiifle,bt4tedJ after runningr three quar- 4lgni,r DiaaUng OH ali.lW ampiQ.lWuo, wcj i IBfS Ol SID-W llU);UMUDi a uuu fUM. .: over the isea and overatne una, ana in eyery. Thoa. Uosweirsbi.cby ramr ij i; ,m,i.. ha mhjaiiMTanaj inai nmpr 4n i u ivhiiju h Ahirii Anson . ' "i. . '" r i-r- . : 3 . .'. I - - - f- . . - a .1 a!. timent, dear to every true American neartriaiD- r Wtu, White's ch c bv 1 onson ftty mui Union, now and forlver, one inseperaX rnjos,heItcn b f byfariff ble rlJShti Lit: P.' :-:f - V ' Time. 1d57suM69. 4 fell SECOND DAT irse,twb nile EeatSu .F.riim the. New York Standard v I I lFmnrit.ir,H Prirse. Jtlanyf Alex.TJ&Bng wa3 brought to he t llectbr Jfctvia' ch mDolly Dixou.by ma- , Charles. w . a : ? a . . ii 4 roitce onounaay monung,cnargeo wnucirauu- ijnanes, - , . Si f ingja DWissgin oi a ieuuk,. coriianung! an ivrasv niiea o u -; r wearm?amarei;ariai35ih franc pieces. If if: , TTomToil -. 5; 3; 5 peashft ftlliiV wilh'ler on. board .tttahipfBiJ Jbhn P. WMte'ech AanaMaria, ! . WhicrrsHe imvtfandtnrbfle serves iinl 'hv Truffle V ? f 3 4 f , obtaining "a situat'on ui ne rVspmbW famU. 1 Thimas Djswelfe b f Stiagby Ta- I aeirtg a stranger, iinaraena;es9, trV"Fi r - " V Ws proposals,' andTtll. board, by his" difpctt.M John 31. Bott's ob Backslider,.. for-.,? . tuaeeastfXliatbgmad U the'secotidvjieat the juJges ainadveTtedtly f with tenea. 13 mi it cork vuiaj jmc. no ?"r l sravBiue.wuiu -. . f. . iWWKAr hither on Sflhdav Wjrningrana prom- the track, and a great way, neumu .wv v?h - , iiigue; but this atixlientic recjora snows jsucn a:i imputation not obe well lounded tne vote beinr aov ihimrout Dariv'ona ' 'j. Z t Tn0 foiiotviogcoi4ies voted forHhebillTiz: Carterfct, Bertie, liilifax', Hertfjrd, Hatchins, uatuison, asxjccuwiuuruua, t uaae8,rerqw mansj Piit.;Nash, lauotank,1n,,Hyde Atnrtiri l?ianfr .r.4rria IVivnoi .iMrraf' ''.fiw 1 iter, , 'pTyfeilj 2?inCce, yiashinitua Jlonrci A4MtIzAVreciil7,L inint wicSaV &veene, and jvoops, .aits ovr, y isei to bring BTer trunk" unniematnbati not. wned loose .fr ifverileah!:'. - Tmab,DiT-' I ' - ! -.. X ' t L if i. ' a.vawia. Iw knM a5 In 1 T lW UIINa. milft. npaU: of so doing? he conf ey?d U tone vf, btirgiboatsi broke jitpBd,i toofcihe si! the 8uspeetedj coufte? kniie-a.Ytlrii Henry A.(Tayloa;t ch frychicus,by ectedi'knd an officlr acjcordingly, employed - CfdVin, . ' . ' ,s ch n 1 enow a ac- 21: l i. . ' ' : s - ft. .U I : TT : . i .1.1. ValliMV.!.). tsearcb f him4 Mrnofxm aiierarreu c Y mv l.. mw - ; telleWin;VaTier Sei3oh . . ! in 4tieWof recemhikwithsMnieof the stolen JohnM.Botft bh Rolla,hy uotian- . hnglniiaS 'ddlaWwaljfotted,. which Wat Thomas Doswell tbm pa . Iv-i j i. liiLli 'kW'nnriv.r!he . trunk I. fnn hv Director. ' a' .:ii;Ai.kU k.TvM. o thia time waott their. h- aHme-flst heat,6rai 7 2d teat. 1 2 4' i 3 - V Nortliampton Wli,Wecnr and Brtdir Well, , to auiwer .for the felony the WlUere Wde t tmnic I eath.eiitlea,vonrJ2to save- bis own cfTects. torliedjout' store cootk' IeM;oetldin cfoUuitgi and furniture iino the Street ; :butl lull blaze, the progress ot tbiCalesirnctidii' .waS5 Tad-bet6n.a!bnceptid v, uu uaa piacea xihir euectanineiisueets wfere jfinTen from then by k.body of flame and sc6rcbing smoke ibat fiUedtborentif e BrH,-c Atiu siue io sine, 4 ouramg . qp siao- TOte.lb itYthe Idlar! that JhW jeait rjeilhecfn actually 'took piaoejjini trntiie)) pleas'g(fentrjr thet JLeg islatufe that f the vSrrjnld -Sanction it.iIn".the Jwirnt of 17 fromthe cbin mlft-ua.Tra-rkrvna.' .a-JI nl-niJ aiirw.rV t-nfltima subject, fa'M ccocludel 49 tpHowsj--: tteiepcVt, that although a sepera- at xbe en Antori, CtimbeanaJiio Hatwierii Samps6rQ GuUfori - Norfham BJJU I -J'desiaiimmarse has led. to experiment Logai Jnaditrcia tthe MvldeiaCe for .tfe ittainmeni rfthii- ed , oy. . I naxardou Tn a !!. t.'.r.: .. i - J-t a . t r J 3 dial 6m. 4a. 1 - . a very ciosBiy iestedl)yR,whowas beaten about three or tocrieei omy. - !,. .Alii which MahR- - '?- niii hclwn a three jear ma . -, j- oebcesiehily resdhing from attempting to a three year colt, by liogan, w ; 1 . 1 rackaeven yards over muvt - -a I .1 Uftft:MThe experimefits have ruiieo in i uuh. impwr. . , 2 Hv5 wito;a4aWqaanu.y ' w fjl Mr. ColdenS work riieal; aplaceit .J""- iArtZ7& we harel t inlestedith," anujinej v m -m-tt ?7"::,rt ;., uu. The two Tb4r- nui eediiy aten, ana iry S3Trf Yrfebratedf En exdtes the animal to arinv water, aw- m rip lugrr"?"' La Vrimf Sf. lti,nel- itaets. ir becomct co cers.Binmogbam' Majjnim, was Ufeiy color-. zlish Ra- executed jia exceikot of lhe valuable other tportj. Sportsmea ri :.. a' .., . - f ..... -.- -, -. i i ..ni. i niiirminTnsin aiiu xai."1 tiotisLat thisieme Mpracblejretaenew , thelasteru nioisteneti, it se, 5 i "1. "TuiV. u Isonrer an the wealtbaaaitne number of Uie tizeiiVoa f the tVicahdnr-aDjgrowl and reSrlctl tertrlnd under certain compacts ba Weblacted the .J which .midertt y4., . . ', andataoVak vjH;,..rv.y. ...v ih.fiaf nf April last, miff generally. y 2srtuer. . - J.lislleportra4rfad and concurred in ; l.-toTCalC.JSaayeu 4 i-aV" aVaa. V-K al---B-. " . . M ' aa.aL am a mm IIT11 a ". 1 - . a. , a aaaa BTV ' a.aaa . aaWlf.niJa A-a . llallWI aW- . ' W 'Y -1 , a-fV-t! " T a r V1 4 v4U 4f ! . lit r ' ! .m