..!, : ! .:" ? . , , "! 'J- .-, - T . i i - " I"1 '' ' I I f I I I - - i. , 1 J I I ,. i ' "' ' .' i I , I ' ' m'. . X . s , .took m mttdei It wiHarfiMi ItVTe " :Lf' - CV l-l States.- A &Ir?jCleb Jrhnsati- fcoMa TeiTsaiTQi tJL St;2YiriJ!l.X;r ItjL ZlZifaAh VUriT. iil-iylH Jtffccr&hh lams I A uov wcib uctu wiwi wcfw" jtt. i ,' r Bdnappenf.bat aeqciOcd; and therp Vent iorawithuk mdsXefl ZTe asjrine4. 1 i-VRf vi:-!.!. r I Rare happened 16 Ttfkiir-J A'llUMniiilI1as tnmKi1r.vi i rrS w wjr faxL wmlst bapibtin?iul ir mthV fci j5 H right 4 lar! tVe ' " WIiic Mm m Kditonof VJm CMiTelfescopedbUins inside' f 1 1 Tk'T. ft,-."-' 11 VII 15? Ulf k- qwstinofritinri wili ctirae dorinfi the -r&gemerits effected; between UbetW? HiK 'SUMJttrjJ, i iv J a4ryfcafi4(and gochI,Mjif.i tiiefcct Boards under Hi were agreed, tfW I a, deeded llMferFHlVETjARIRrm: OF fitfillbe policftfrprm wwe, w vol The arrangement aaa nowf. t: sanep I ? &Vt'- ' l.vfe rTkff fcnf-i 4 ' to'fthfl -Uanty f jf j of iiotb paUnt8 acceptance duobljew'' 1 tfDlSPSrW" M aSil' iallUtilinffjhe miestianitJ w&be transmitted to t&e StaieJiUecaaye jeaterrfay. in iyip 'sax :JSCsi v' P?Jj - exclusive , f St'artJ BoeniBes, that 3 Bfiparatimi. of tH Statqa tflefitatfc?. rvy netuer peaceaDie ornoi, iritf ififfliii aourirdewndsrapon cirttfcnstances "-Id hifa RpDaratii)D. heeii' fcM&ll become . Ji Innrio the--wmWiof Webster M ui Jess, he cad hringthe evident 6Ca devotloa Mh prejadice$ iiS iHlicy of WieiSiJbithas leatausfastaat of th a weekoDdactedby UMy'V WttcHthe 11$ tot'tfiey fell um hii i : yl lntJ m,ni imS iSSdsuchlrel tbenttleTU liiintrf wftK. JMV'Ci Frf toT lallbaybii SSSSlK?1 thetitntumairightbeitn r :petP&;on tH0 )oai,iltd, n?tbfeaottoa. A yiwaplif 'gainettbj USji5t I 1 rFrMVa JSttfatemtUigcMvrS, ''M 4 Vi rficinroRata r.withu oleasnre1 the friend y 1 uDtowji,-the4citiprt intlio tn-ntt l-nn,i mtereatorbothipamea lo cuiurwe nnxmo-. r aistanx .1,0 to i he 4oat( that rr 4 arthlv lnreca Minti vju o i r.Ar4iiv.nioe Uiat It ls believed ihaf ,kri Jii ;.. k;r t,"'rr!rrr2' 'I'TiN.-V... - lioiinetjoati that if6arthly nmnAt;,5 - Meat ot tne atauroents tn thAtpublicatioa aw j4i,n k-T-T iT v t opkjcmy thai tnje. I oncfilfld the oce of Attey . CiJnfctil ?offiS?n J9 tord fhe Statute lilinobBAndit b lliwbeHr SiJ n w haitly.l0inipre5 JTle qtiy? tiotaltneKcafHm.iitha tdheU tamly;liis most "iritito fe friend ti&i not: tokny personas wbFefer!aj)letoJearrf4 ' lew id . i in. i3 r 1 diHuaTthaf BhbultUiapOen irAw ,SBfabr.. j ! Iititiak itlthterefore. ijrnjV f plobable," that I i hh nrtt Rf-4Q'rv .nf I j iiflTf OKS . a mtVe Will D tra'V vv"4. i - 7771 -"21'?! tr cannoipui repeal iibpuubwm in?an by4i.odet4hMme efTaj .me-a4 ; fog,- between iherr H- JLthk faendamay be extinguished by tfieptwiiis Mtif! never again berevived, U 5W ' "l tPi ;MONKS !-Lwesee tfiatthe ?f. Sbes&vHrici a'teotbn to vbnship,tn Ryteittitoiwo mmbyTtiie puwiss ? I Z . 1 - 3 umew aaaiogv to aaj road' of the tate-? . mnv ? -JiJILr: -iw P? wnsir 4 atatecinndlaiixdba youilf lhe -rrpi dbr hSlXwlT' tjj .abrenbfimenthis eflwtjons, VVh SsBlS' ver, orhperefhTmaU shaMbetentot fSSSSShen? leave tfntlejuUiiK me? " . -- i bi tiht I'swatd: VhaK would at' oacrfl due fo-n,. - -vr . sis r .- . - rs, s . i. . i .-- (hSbitii. u km m tA the i LOTDifatioos .ftn-J I - r. x "...f . 5 f.' muwwuw w.-ruisouri harmon dui advancement of '.these. giJJat worita u -,"'cu ,f 'wwry a tienry i, ..; v 7Aaiii3 fUllX. t shoalorTnr the WM iL,wr Tr J ."'W , M "!r 7l" ; 7-- ..u..f iii I Humphreya.-otthis olace with i'ittArin tf S?i .;. .:v.,:a-. i NHW?3rW Win pnHlcanJ imMta r . . m- - J ii .... - - - -- t. lint t f Jyir -if i . w .5 a . ; - . i uii. anil luu :. udl Lllljui r5 ann . inn Ktti rrdts I nr. m Jinn jiari ihAiin.. T a r 1 higrdetrrimatibn tipuUt tottne issue ol lh 3 1 L J ngi lor a cotton irianaiact y;ito be .erectetl KiAi 7173:"-, HVY. 377: "'I "lf pou svw Should be J5ueed, thdjong-cnertsneq iujs vu-virauiwri it:i. PfoownVHii in.'town got wcaisofmu jIN,iC! This ti- waimen aap-j ;ti7 snWV5 V; c-. ... ll1 ;f.:;i:iuiwi i a wturjji... ,(, i Wnflibi '.i rtiSitl uu ;-vJLiiii '--.TT. "iTJ'f' ff A ni3J tiea w-the war D these frreatNatantai Uarcwffhf t wed atrassrreiiro arb! i fanlttcaWifl fpeaftfied oor alaveaHjl betref HjanaliGoaipanyi at their geuerai. mteiinVe WajS mad-ittf take their p aeeK "ania i tn? jewjaay lonwwyi 1 Mr freaiiy superior tq t(oae'ia rfteJ Atlantic cities -3.M,Al 4;1i j' f K 1 -n cotvUroui ahe :'iSatiooid- thtelliffencier of tow f elisettie exnenco uf traliAfkttWiiyMiM !fiStfJBerVlttfry"':, raurnmjj--iurniah the gratitying: tvidence thJW e0-HJtaowi(thatr theHmannlacturrnir u Hf i vvmu,y;,pi I notice if iwo jeaons tifsl, tttlie rtnthjf ur ebtfioii ; wiakfersTtrmst leave ta-MobWUVJtgt system is attracting aftentidibvBbi ia'TateJe. ERS.ind'tfieublip. !nl&aWDrbbTn,h tioq between that Craainyrnd thd; altimj 'faMmg$la$ei j; a :';"&.'. inst HG.wiiLui'u kvv -!? -r- i ii'jT.vv no Buiiiurizcu iiiiii.iu asuiiwr .oumfau wui' TH3 1 COXmT-nqUCS, SqOAZUJjf cffdatwnndtliit ult thk'tlesign jtja.ejeoinage oi tfiewterQJh. and Ohkj Rail Road Cofrfmny. ' areidiiatl ;'fATt have been chaintff.oft oen t?Xmk bj a'com promise in virtue i which2!je ;vvJi i (i.the ajibject of, this! facturV. 'diir quill jiaa did d us OF.Tim nUAQEix he. wSll ..at. atl JUiHtX&ttk&A1ARi-ar arood'aa th.P $.rffl$jtf&pltejl Ewith :PrVjtrffT and, ilntiimaatd ?BtatIfwapaptrW .fHr.11 P"? ! Uttttca niatesi flre-t km at til rAtiMHMitffor tihertse -.f the. frVtiK) '.rMderdiia ffucsts 'coinionable.. " I iuiruagnaiioniL u Detye wntera opinion, , ioVar 1iin1dertaiw-s6nie oflMr. Ca1- nffv;thavMrVV aq Eart6 WUjJresf a.ialt;f the Tariff; asj laeiider jora lavorarie to iiieinanuiaciurHrr "i, "'-'" ""- ' . .- r i j r ii-'. K f v , ' ciiiuuiu uuiiuiii Itail4l5jadwui oe consAraciea wgewjef iivui we uascpii reared wherelt is smgtw be placed, 8u I Point -"of ILieka tn Haroar's FeVrvwttH a 7jBiiitfcJ axloiia'did it seenL faliiMy'in hL-h ?i cervievtonh Willi viiisuismiu-vnc waioo i "J, iffy-.yy. i .fMjr-p-i vy miiuarf m tat. j e -tave oeen looe airnnkind aftd utrtendlvv teejingaiDe-n antooniabed; boVeverilnijt-tiBreat random- i i i i&j i :irt9mr.tiavei iflnTUMgaj 1,118 , -fif ?ilJtb3c SteinJfind at tut$Hi)ascy sJ 'SMffl infljnofi:"! kimKrtablei'accomiorfatioris 5 vl iTf tt resiOT h!s'Tai$)riif rawkhment to fifii tluRrk'f !utf Mr' Van 'K-ini' will fadvucate 8jinMiafetrant as miy -reduce tae duhe$ mi' tne puif tretiaracietj, aiiu njay acciimuiouaie IhJioecetolsiui. tfe' iVasnrvto ,ih' economical wiSU' of ttiiixIcroveriiuieiiL?- It'iifto'be booed. thiiie7 as ft aV vejy jenlighieneof IfiiMidf Stab? liiirfifai uHll Tur3uathi h)uraG. -tBht i?n 'tjiipllae hv$ t? ill btyncwg ilktmTofiif se, ' - fm.UWtalyrpfed Z m jt nSLl.' .i"- . - r. : - I. T 1 ; T - F 1 I ' i. ! -sM5mecinarvr oaon. wnicn jievi or. ?l Hfth aiMaet l. to ateJi Ivhof fuay i Ki aJvieCseuiinj ftthe. liria 7 rSlNafeMtoratWiVo , i MWIW:nyv? tn rthis pw t - of B rflMS tgtwaiivarrani it tolit well;-All toai- ofa $tm:P (irneie4 Uu t he rbele Sduih will COiWiuii uiean BOt witu a vifiw.tilJorcing aae- rapvi btlhUitbut'Uldciiniustic tcrtiie aggBeveu cuajcsraaa oi reskornig ipe epj- -lfs-',;.ii.fi-:-i.x:K-;z.;l. s i.- wii:iUe:riej 0tait4aa be carriedlout ?--tuat fanatifcs; will.be trniluied-r-and out'.ttavli wit is,reeacii f 401 uus attempt pff.maue oy Lotigfeas, 'Wlteait clwtsa, and Mt w idle ltd talk iWeen IhelHaiviiual Hchb!dersor? Ithe' tWtt ;Untbrie thin? we. Will Comnanies. and ao arraa tlie'satne: ca:ue i-aflto dtciqditur if, iKiiriefV C. tiA the fnlmfTft I .Kh ciikpnhf sitiie District Irfl'ceotiun of th CLJumhia and of ihblStatewiU'alaai-'i ieimia'ate F aalmen'fwiMJiave Aeeh tantnka irtf 4A From one jto thf ed'rrodsja 'vridthTarS i wciWi' iidh inis surpasses aoi i j - ub pucuomunon 01 u-and the contest' tta fatwr --will- he Hi pfamoia B&cUbefries,? d-ebtaraH fareaare remo jed . VVfafe.' glaolatiit fVPTbyvthe aWftieWiWI & now with hope, to :the cummatiabt- oWtrythai;it' waTty' Snr deSS ting U&teaun waye aefc r P thevjat velarVyetufetftetv-nsHofk water, itv. Mtlielake i has": maHe fierioftalnto t ?:ftd.etltl fcsar;ef Jole an3 m ' ttmen.onite:Bothehf-aliOTe If i 7m ft r- " frt u unocaTea ms opponents: and nil- ?S Mk?ut , k. welvyihenle nUe down widtVif . i ,-tneibank was aeralrv aloainj Sewofa aoestitohitAibTih croac I . Mi , the in like Lyearffo ii rM wwb.wowiw ww, lutj waves peat Itie baUcUeit lor thTe- I : T; - ,r7f-7'rrrt. r? fi the iihd theyaaV evef ieen? Greins- ... . i 1' 'it.'Aihi i : i man reape;ts" thVfam-4rs, by itifaMin uniry i i ti-f . i f-- It irvW that fte'y can gtiyjed(jvM of other, and increase the prosperUy of (i ; several J ths'iiniartuQae gentllman as wfc l4rh- by citiesnow befnlimael 1 r1V,! fi4 ' -jifjt 1, I T M q?nHo WW worth iaVpotnmis. I -The disBcnsions which hare, herotof we exiau -w.'li v. U .u:7-u:- . Jj-tV;.' tiiU JjLi-i 7i r n j-w xamuiauon intOaine layto which they gavo rise. havfliriinhapMy "V f "t" f ,s- PWH.ieanw ana eHectta prevenUnor rnanvy Sf our c ti- yrl? ? . 'i ?4uir? vju o. voura had the' zeas from takin a . warm and active' interest 1h 1 1D4 vaanes Orattanj iiave heerl i named aa tiare otherwise so w4ll calcti- f commissioners, f 64 Commercial" Adver- undertakmfri wbicl lal)d tafcajl forth.;, fdhe utawsthft-bWic awritj tisejr Relieves that thiil application was a ner tipn otpur city . Wow tbat haimonjr 1 Test6red, cessary one. icon intimated that the this rise -pfwater remains toiainedwl EAEL- lIIZWILLIAM : HUhOmUAH WaITHMAM 1 V , v rum a iooaon journx ; 4, The prince "add' thef shopkeeper! What .4 difference there was a montn a) between these two . men each . emipeat in hia f way and now the ' distinction ,ia but mill. If Jr werecfbail red to pick out of all kno wn (men of .the list J ae the t wo indrnduala who hadruo , akiod ot parallel .career of 'distlnctisii and were jet the inost cootrastedjr yhere couldbettei Barnes be hit' upon tjati 4hbse' of the two whof are LJr .wl-f-vif ' . .aTO'kuLlLllii; WhJir(rarAcfi2iA:r ron4n T1 Kao hArV I-just now deposited fevefal feet below the -bua-l J1TSE-W: if. wm;:Ob?i!u.il against a gcgUejnaD lligllder 5&SS&jatM3 ti oiled, anxJ artiflcUl distfnctions Vre set ; up, of a i itli i' C2 toJ IHcVan Afri&tiof Wilson if.T!"" uuu.niiu, Alien vvi uru uui.ui ue swuru, ox any measures iot rrvsiinj me separation.oi tne union, jjissoiu- uiuaw iut;. us ctruiiu mere is asuuvlii e Union could not'wii xealous approbation 6 a partial aberration of ,ninU, or at leaat bal- prefeeding oolomiis.wi 'yufh 'ibnli fartf.; T.rJ LJ.4SSkinrieiMitoriof ihedlmencan t ' VI 1 AaWlCCffHltlt . ilbi InprPtilfp Will oh nrLD7:77v7rr-1 t .5 - laiinH i-inm 111 t rvi 1 1 rriTr x w rin - iin r a iiiid sti 4 r-rr ?y "rv'-,4" i,vu.'""h' v. i w,rjf larQcnormiIefclrir f tiie0iEidVen$il "The Union could flot'lwithstarid 3? ftojbjicntomeraan fmsioirrti;. ttajjacfi ShbeHl lC would irresisUMy desol tj mJJk1?" th?ynaveetoWeypaih jSjiwnii f Bin w;e" willabt belicre aayeL' th 4'iH!fc andlstrict at. -)ny0c1i aj(elip)gpilt be Intaoelf Such. la plot, 7JjW5asthe65l ihafent its continuance . weiknoW haabeen faeTd up,' witB a vievbf rais 2fl!a?ilJiUtle CaJhoud. Tms Ijli 7' k 1 n " AyTTVZ Tli' : V&Wre" prepared belieyei is tne J nifHrTni-l rt I mtTJ 1 '" , ewgo tf mRstpf Ihe agitators3,V'e cannot yet 14iiivllLf ;! f l M r5wi 4 aiming at jnje iJnioo ol their -coururyr a &outn- la urki h j f:.1 - HweTirjasuand we believe; is the object the v have ., l - t- iw ru.a i 1 m k T-fT . tMa-nt iiin,iA tiE.rwTFRrm. I 1UF - - yieiw--abdii la" to -be elfeoied by Kulyrriff wLi C 4 f L . . .L'MJ.f: ! ':al . '..!t If iltTW UhkSOith- upon the Slaves duestioh V NM..tbe J fllK -T llT; E lOiC I liuJl-H U C. sA. cJnltu'rf.i.PO. a la lia.r WI I fhwt1ibrqb rniotmi his laends Irsatisliol (hit no'jiuchdesigni as i tjiat $t ihaj!e lhasijust dflhgiitbl tjursfavif prapertyii faaa htertd :r.srof lublmil c"kva-.'i V into jbhe tfeais hil he large mass Itf uat, -felidifr lrVv '2 2wV'i CW tiejpjfetJ Theew)l(vrk, AJnuican C4i"32?3jS. WT'wS ft 1 o' jhefUrfillsatliay sUcki iuea-aAdii'c4ti- '..V 1 1 f .SolUaw ?ti.-a--t?.tt: -t...r ' ft57PvSvJ?3r pqs&lexWlioa 41f camturtaole andafrireabW iTii t i..w.rwrriunfffcriewfatw ShOulJaYoid tcbehmrr unneiij4sa.rilV on fhi.4 Uirak Fah ucwarjy tba$ theress ir th -prt,C in & union snouia .nisrprrarn - dwi.qiiv hip ktat. , jn'la" l.a-.r9rU'f...; k'X aWiii.Huki7 I ptct Biounoeoj. ot in,use sou tnenr papers npte wfeoleliim'vloojd seem tcr.ba troyokVriir inati(W,lfriarfuel 4je"supjUed by the ind: wb Koifh,l(at see'iig theuibJonest liars' 4;5 ulMK'KB ttiatten- quinr are :thei)rdmafyltriaj!ala lo settll Ithe ac- ands ieeUnoameuesantedi tae name 1 which MeW.ri)fe! kL sootrbl ho iMlkindled at 4he j-sucaiunaranweaaJi, luregu aa pimapie.put r f 'Jfwiiiiif ge . I ' . iaallJ j ma aiywvuwj Mavaw 'J- a W i fS'i-i' v '. 1 j tfi8? nj-pcBiuoni -nay,ani inieaucpa ana wie .iauare oi wa;rtTiaaTeasonabiertilac'i Otitil P- the seryicetylThe ternis of thb law 4laXrc-ni I ?r T7 l lltfr; &t fttL-rif Ltamna beilajriher trcra the truth; ?1 hese ttehta the- dismissal cTlueutitmaatf XL the cfianct-r of a. . a i . . r .m v i . -a w iiAvr. : a I un i u naa& - a nuniaiaTDn . wtiii . vnnman Tuai i .tTi. k :..T - t- - - . : J.. i ..I Ci w ' T:7iT7t7 it1 , f-tcfuuargedVlllajraIat fJonstantinop e, al lushed by the friends of both parties I In f but i 'ill..it : 1,'J. -kj r i f vnl Li- .k- JTi.kn'U L;i ' CP")'"' nicntion acciori named with the skin eoV'as aWrateaod independent act Jtjficonqec oft anjaAngorr.poat forn whose, ilkett hair ed' with any .supposdr real fnjustfbevhii: Cashmere. shawlsfdpani the assailant may.have received theHaniia Porter jst,itingljrecqmeitdtM the" Pfesiderft; In the discharge cfJhisligStio ofitcial yititiea. For the proper- per fbnritfnee nl!.ts-L-TH Vnfnl of. PsshmAw. t u1 Ibrce strontter even thinrt nature". I Had these two men been put, together in4 arepuWicj; WVilhv mon would ; have1 peien, the, tytabt olw hit tribel and r i wwuiiiu wouij never nave inoreQ.uum; tUX atrial t ki l! Sr.f a. VaM.r '.miaklii i.;! lv f K.cu a, luijiriT and yet thPrt - ft Was somethimg re pnlsivr in . it;he tpkWl; ii a iqy.it&ina.waa- topioudlto befeoihwisettif was searcelyAedV 4 1, for'ifoweapori with whbH i.ejisea to.alaf his tNiemahe used toanj-abrutln joke, and ..7 gave rude hits llemfc ndt, rtejt - to raaice weaiinweaiin win t th r,- h.j- - - 91 a great deal more fif the -machine the Ureator ' ' 11 had set a-goiiiff, and whom men called AVaithS i ti M t1 a thaaf any thing; the' said fVVaithmart - I ld tsnt into a recw the tailor "had '.&brieiiiV W in ins coat ot v est w ,rngian4 cloth. xNo .ron r - a 4 aiar hAilltrt tinflAr BAVonia yamaii awalJ l.ia ' Ivoro out soohen deduct the tare and Iret itrtn ihb manVcona Utfrtion.aadlh'o resuU V(d hivd 'SA' Ven,aVlinBity of'llfd equal to.that oflthei'v Mt We. have'sat wllhboih these men at taHJti T r where character shows itself; and .conclSde aa j we began, vith saying, that nature nerer raadii ' 4 f two more dillerent rnen andrtnat society wliUf f irn4 botheminent!J et -contrived tljat iKetxl deatintes Ifehoold; baihorongh contra I i-.K-i;' Hi' " ' ,j .A. : . .re V . 7 !. ! ntellurence has been received Xtv&lQ fe, I reer, ana yei m an; injngs personal uoia; ine m i as tar as the' polesunperublyVf I bnl, by i the force of his jank andbirth, wotUd hare shone A coart gUr;and mWht at one mo- tnent hava VVaithmin baitiled for a look of im- j pertinence, Krrklaad i&i&eljfae milieu: wel nri irora three to'ibuf, fi1!8 w5?PPh?i. W."". m-uuianw, is aiuruauiu aiooo Ul m people, rrUILlr i-L jsJ.- iv.Jk.jlJiW2r 'ir iL - . and he -oosht therefor be nrotecteoTbv them V HIJg"' uun h um.H4 n upx from tlre'attacka off individnaiii whii&i; in their I ok5 Uie; rencJi imitations, wav-fte purchased service, be may chance; to 'onend, 7Wei cannot ,w,,fly pinrs., iK3Vsvoi ,iue nirp-.JT. no 'doubt that 4VVaitltman has plaved even wuuc.ve upuiLwuai uriaciuie laosci wiruuenoqucer uiuui uv-i.a uitmiai tjim -me,' uaucuia mora impairant ' pan vnau in" uiaitn?uisnea; jiuusjrou tuirnis uiuk upua tjiauuerry, iOeCTnsi oiatpswrpuia Ol te sriiicn.ior two or tnrco nooieman ana yetnow, ni?ieiyjfixof me tatter ooenaea mm inline penormanee oi a publie Spirited imen i 6ffortnne tHl!ndertake:JbtW'prmcebasi.aiways tne.rieot public duty: as, a -representative iof helpetfplef U?2AiXttklA Street ahopkeeperl -i ':Jv T- 1 134' u ... - : .; " l . a" .".I : .llVUlUUOvlaVUlllla! l.,UIUCt (U l.la 1.1113 C.V" 1 - ! r .... 6, a m ' pamaie the,reonduet of l.tit. ndolphU y-iv dwdvearlfiittr. sry resUunon the haame irronnd khdiare ? Fe"f fTItll' a.r ?9 BP?.VSi?e. iTO . t f-TpH, Wybt tii4ra. awiit h ofninrtntlU . T2i. -"ii .llr 'tr-i- ec wnaiH grooms wqafuias coo' tor watch the k developnlnt of fhia iimbs--?what - - J --.,. , .ait' - gotalria: Jamaica to the !7th of nfaTcb; -t!it .:iaT Ua?-a4.-t.i.-.a ':-. : . -fe rnent of" peace "aTjdprpsTCrirj. The 'Corn i il li . - - ' Taa . . . - f . ,.:-....; -I lT . tgress ot JewHirenMa.fidss can iitmnatton. -.as- thonffh henvere ltv;r6fith charge Alleged against hnn, upot thljsaposeA troth ofwhieh be was 'dismissed! from the Xs a.vy. iWe Twill barely alid, laWfwe'ja. vestigate the faStaof thfi case1, the more thoroozb- Jy we are convinced ihat. hi b tgdHauher, u t i One word moreln euir last paper, fwetremar- &eotaav ne rresiaent pugnt; not jo n&ver dis-' tmssed aCtLanddlphi as spmmaii ly ahe, id i but hel bugh ti w have fiV lowed no ' the investratibn if the Court of "kn qtilrtby aXourtIMi Lj 4aiientltflrtaIbtLa M.& w ' p r , . - . . , -p .... i i a a a , tucs,.uutu fc- uie sriesiuenki in ms ipanicuiar vounjianiajs- are omy v&eq in what ;are caned counts of disburBi.g pfficera 6(Hhej jrjefamenf i JaTbe ;Vaihintoa Globe .quotes a Jaw ( cf Ccn greiss rwuica xjai-es i mis, aiayjpt, ine . resi ceni.ttiie tae annrng or-ttieuoartc inquiry obthfu pleasarea-weTe laii at! ha t leetrwhat a successj' waa traahsed! RoVitfavelled-rin tad thea he ATht followinironrarj1i from'thft Wakhl iobwhatatpttab ihe aavWer i.ALiL:i.a;'.iri -1 f rAirnuii:a iinivfnv over a iciu loved-was saddenlC re-eallfd" and the Mtioa went up, mourning:' on uie uaj j fs, TOcnuaiAuiyitiw Jirj vainoun. in wu w ikh pci7,m,ip .11-vv w ahof w,-74. lL..iTLr!L::jii,-gi? iI. I who followedi and met ,.mm,and ittndedan Cv - tffT? town! and uat rylikd neraVot; old; "and 7el JP'tIgnmenVi have -aee a ru;atros and ot is'icenjgeml)rea chosen bana tto't thkilirlrobna? ihedils aroP attere ; (ront est and oldest gantry arrbtoollaiid. rAnlf-nMif. 'iiiw; In nwexuie: in power,: la wexship, Inumity Mr of the. bar of oValtVi.f hey of Iceland raeffi&4ikwaV M thehUte President of Colutribfif-.l.barjUiil!j I7 Motiferiicrcsiohof that State.I:f ' yjoth these eventsremmuoitef L GenT Santandery by the Presidepf Senatof i'- officiallyf requirihg hint to:taiiheathy 0 V j 1 3' 'til-- before Confftessi on then 1st 1 April- ilri alosqugra baldnoiaedBota. GenJ J fV Santander'smessfge toi CQnz&ssf- 6a 'np inajtaolejAiitesihanlik aataJa UW J -V- a. : fa 1.1 . 1 fl ;fdrttishef-the..IUlowdJ . . . at . . ' - , a 1 -T- - J..r bouryty i too; tegaperea oeneroience was ipo aavj liabit oftlaamintL .fla was! the recrar Stewart 1101 enonacw rercnir5wuii e"a muiiwwiw f irf :the' ig&of tiat pbnba 'ofjtbe jwblfe ever iwhfcfc bej; ghfhlthii Tabfa and eqoaUe latondafi tew.otjsneis ot cnarcoaj and 4 placed tnenr: l..v-AM?K-.hVii ft r-." .'1Z-1: l-'' fitX - - . . ' a ' 4 WUaJ'liV U"l a--- ' ,f ft. A ai vVJ 4A.Kaasas.aiM j. - : 1 i S Geoired; AleKaAo CanvC! :i - berlad ' 7 ' . it , 14 i 14 : Au"tt$tbs Fredepck Coke oXStasex , : 7 . 6a I I Sdphiia Ffed4 thke ol Cambridge 5! r n.-AVilliamot Cainoridw'' k lk7:Aoi4tt Cainej of Cambrtdgft Yi;AVi 19 Eltzabrth Igrlesse Hbrnbnoi J- f to'Mary DaloJGlotictstet 7 . ' tYfi lPrineeasihiawI& 5d ; i WilllamTrtd: lOake of Qtismtk't 1 ST ! S Priacep1iia i!aUldaWlotist 64- 14 onaries f rca. ad.v m.:iaie reigning II it! - .-a . ft a 4 ;i"7 1 ! tsVilIiar refenm! Duke of Biiinawick KT i H 7 1 aiidunbar;.. j af V ' .A i 7" AnguWslrttriswic f, f $ jwt,arwhomcDaiiiaSthe f ithbracW Fredertca Catharine, wife of : Jeroh- 7 apt4eon,and alo thvaon aner wn.w frfV ,:?. ItiaLaj'Sraim i th iT(inflt of. Denmark 1 F fr:7 thed to that ofthe Kin- cfAelhetliy i- i in n nfirrwnpn . r in tvir-3rt ht .on n a i -4 .-- - .. . r . - -.sr. ma i MMAanm'. vnn .1 n u ion iiisi'w wt ."'. i i ..: Br viVPi ,; ' . " -I iajs peta ..resptsciea ajitu viuaicaui, an aranraryscv m waicn jwe at'jnrsi regard ! ; f"- .r r HT-Tv rr -T7ruu' rf fa score ortwo more w "vrirj i p" , r "tt-7r-a,k-.5 vi 1.14- n.a nf ' r . r ' IK??. 8 Jlil? CCS- MhtUef -ave" Eeen 3 tteCrucWdXt . viJat .4: Ut, and,. so 'regarding ity deecicd w.itlrf.cticc'aj I Pet fey fcttwerramoko in his felWTithn II - . : j ; ' ' " -i , . -X "a " "T, " , -i r- ' . ! ' ' '! t " - '

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