s t I s s ft r 44 i; Cj (I 1 t fl n fa f. i'rA::oi.WAt4fMAii;-I.llM 1 f'lWJ 'f statement thatiaU the Guilford milhMbniff pet rt)CnL'DUi per Wf in adyn ; J$S(y lt 'wift&t rjBeyin the!fceeral order to firhree ffafeWr 9 li'TjrAstKrl-Sw oJKgtdry ofnhu battle iCe !;r.vrappi to a4r; that bjrcwimiijV ite!AT.hlj:lcs;';!ff SSMf'y 5tertndisB, jail the Guilford militia! ranff jibtpientsj herisja tintm H Tte&ndl- qocnUy-'fyi toij Jo cabi f.thft pewpl n7rdft" people oiK. Croliiii j4 ifie! general order to jfiro three WehmMtlfumsmd cfoCartaiid t jwards. .would saTeiiOjOOO every other year, or OOOO TSaittiie pdncxples of rxypublicIjaJH Ibehlhd theTsecoad IMino.jUl .lf uice wnaf arQiQB,pr8ent. .t8soox l per?aniura, ana tnereey dimmis the, expenses 1 ametace o public vils trhic!r dr, F-i of iaiain Ff rhos'iab(iTe aSlo"ed;l m bUte. Viraef yoliTxehate9 of I of.tlte State t)rernt ;'OE4?t)URllI at raatid Ha care, alid yet there nn ? I t NowfowithprliorfintheStb HHJdebt kite W &e Stall Bankof4.000 for iheU wdsmeata are swaVed.Eeir wtriotism L"f nnotfid out My cause for this, s lue innniaco o mere sectional Pari f it, without? oOdinir Xtant f em Salisbury, and frnc thf aecoonl is over one year staa- WllV for less than one vr:AIrrru i-;U,lravn until arreara- J .j-fV attended to4 jf (te V-" . ...i - ThrAR that write on oth Ifn 3UIthe'aDlfirinkijii taken before thd :- 1' LJmenk of this papei, it will be - remm-i rSe doe tM publication of the : first, the tlditot 0X1 the btwines im a.3 . Editor of the ' m ' t I I 0 t "I I I'll :'' X SA'.nir lit Fri.nna inH f ri o nnK. ' .L l that j, hs jmrchased the eatabiish- Jr'J-lrIoie Cade, oppostte to UTm m HYMdkUl Catawba Ipurnal, uct , : . ; it- V fi $W$m:moK shop r i HHE1WATCH3IAM. s ATURDiiira;,.Ji73m 221833 retreat The company to, did load and fire three times and retreat as ordered; but in this part; of the transaction, there was one of these 'dreadful incidents that sometimes take place 1 in ware. ? Pouf i For bos and his men kept their places;! &s!I be fore said, but before they had gotten through the lsu ruuuus, n uausn were ciuse upou iuein, aiiu n if by this tune wqre within , grunshot of the- ger J EJ t cona'line -? ot tbe Amencan army, wno on receiv ing some bnlietsj began t6 Forbus handful men, who our own fire thai that of the enemy. Othrr Tho utmost kiretrW-nf. f 94.000 for I their mdimenta are sw'aved.itheir patriot jS43 Spares of the; Stock, and r with ? the sum of I U dethroned by sectional party spirits .No great I f Ji - fe900j0 unredeemed treasury ' notes, which were 1 questioa is in our day brought before that bod j I to pay for 3toek,viz : i r added to . Total ! I $712,700 1 without bein interrupted by this! demons of idis- m jimpuUtJon fire, regardless of Dafijiting 1-5 deprecaUon r . 5: suffered more from "j o(Htock , U42,500 , Capt Biak Uebt ' . r r. ' : 84,00Q in the iireasury n otes : I. 90,000 Thn'0 W't- tfV h.U.fl' rnUForhas: himself, ttwor felbw! was shot f . r r,--J-'i.;r thigh, in bis retajeat by one ot ox s own men, the County f Rjwio, id the Senate of the next an1 'died shortlafter from the wound.; He Gptiral AftscmlilrJ ' n-" . " 1 V r was as brave a. man as I ever Raw1 ; There is 1 t H j ' I' J J - i" 5 1 1 imeiincideotboaueted.,lth: thU'ian. which less taan half thBank, profits. 'J ! KJ Weiare requested to announce Joric 1 1 bhodld like wakinOTrporatedinthelccottniofi w BcAfeD Jr. Esq;, as a candidate for the-Senate, P ,HQflI&f!f 13 ttosW'F?! 1 ! " i This leaves only 1 cordj It is idle (and., unproqtabla to spend; out 1 tnese f codiities arekblTe?fiif ta$(ct ume in tracing me pain ot his4a4aus3iun, or deal-1 power in the covernment-Jthpw wrr; $720,700 I log out measures of cntmnat;on fa recrimination upon the enquiry, which' party .has encov ence he has acquired over oun Iitlation is now ed to iifrt.tI.tTtK!iiiSn- :-, sd as that thev tnW 31600 legislators i see lum -where rteushtf not to be nereaiiw. eiecva iarnong f7v, Tkey each $404.00 Jecls sen and give themselves to his outrol on sub- nof poiht only one eStlji'of the "rcpresn jecls ofthe Bbstordiuarr jcSaracter. It istmy tation of tlie peoples whilei thev are irmtfT people, rhilej the "are inriteoV in tho ita-Jy of Itowany " T .il Ji--! . i H fnX7 Wc tare .authorized to announce Johji . . 11 , . ' A '-. -II lehewt, Lsq. as a canaiaate tor tna uommon? in Rfiirau counr." lkeijmimawasyet atJtapo8ii.'b?U oar grsf Fund invested in the frade. Here ! has me puTpuse iospcaKpiamiy,Dui,i mean.no onenceito co-operale mlproducing- reform that the toany. Imegive you: a UiostremarkaWe in- 1 will gwethem the privile of - aonoiritiri ' I been a stance ortius alanniijff evtl-KThe Legislature i onA a of thA IwIiaIa f T TKi l .000.-i of 1815 !or tSlQ cau&i 'tneMdiof th&'SUto. ?ni:L?lXr i 'i lihe battirhad"com to ho Valuedind' Wbrritn to ihdt nerwojaecuaeo. , usToe.tnat tho Forbus. Immediately opposite to us inthe Bri4 tjierMelys- wings and ffcfrn away." i ' After a they imposed ''Htlan&. tax- Tnis assessment y. n r1?1? ftPW-p1? hare supplant .'11.- ! . -" IlAM)tToiri CL Jokes, is -m. Candi4 'date: for, thd; Commons, for Rowka Coun- .was a yery nne, aressea oritisn yincer i tu7,uo -"rriCSiPTOi ivwuu. m uie ; wu mo viertS ''w me lyoamy i , " r"? r""i va "r,'r .- rccai. . who rude b ironV of men, brandish Oourts, and they! were directed ; to issue 1 a copy ! . I' 1 SENEX. swrnd veryiouch and seemed very much de- the pfe of the people the Treasury of the of the, same to those who receive the list of t. s. In fny lIsTEssat I Dut the Rm lighted with the biisiaess of leading on ttheatSti Taxes in the Counties for iiheir government; nl sl dtcboo? I.k,.. .ui m,ukVt J tack. I said tjiForbos, Captain, do youiee $125000, owned in 1813 and, 1814, had been The tax has beep imposed; accord tattoo- fc ! ifJF?aSUrcr S that-feUow?;'nI do" said he, "Well, says. Ijif put a simple interest and that, interest invested tessment , - ever rwce. j B accident I happen to i lk 1 4! H1 " 1 vbuhad a ffun could too take him ? down?" ."I rgurW as it became fcayahle and -the expenses I have access to that paper, and the Act of Assem- "ir? Pul ltlie expenses ; at $78327 ; tlm iiace on long island-Error, j In ur last paper we stated the timevof , the I had been given vnrrk.ii nn nM iron tnifA him Hrwii".'l ire?ow as it became navaoie and the exDei think I could,? said he, at the same time he of the government had been at the lame tune h- bly teaches uie thatthe Land Tax is M6 cc4a on took a rifle from one of, his meh; and sat dotvn nyiiHjw her ordinary rf venue; ' I will not under every hmdred doUariftf tfofeaw? Now the in the corner of the fence but as. no borders take po fthow you in detail the: manner in which assessment has put the lands 'of the State at fifty n i to fire. 1 ' told him to wait: until 1 tluaraault itaa been brousnt aboutl Uut 1 am tour miuions : f 4 1: k'. 3 this line of busi- race between le Witt Clinton and Robin Hood, sacn n order. 1 LVi 1111 in iiuau 1 u iux.iiut.ca ojiii iA4 hm-.-jiiiiik. ? Ve copied the j statement accurately from the Traveller & Times ; and did not adroit to the1 inaccuracy olttne account until our attention was friend acquainted t with; these matters, who assured us that no horse ever concerned to know that the evils which contribu ted rtat degree to produce it, are not reme- died, land if they are not speedily removed, they hkmM U extcuSWdOT. tor work With ) "" ke suc a race, nor any thing , bear it. s& & 'Wi&&y fashionable style; The;probabilt4s that it was meant - far 3m.j lMliW3nPC:i "Hi wto workmen , who imfid'iiwl allleHiivC Wth- which and a con- UiMbiiiriels: limKelf, he. hopes to &i tii'aanceUt batronageiso libetally Brfd oa him .since lie has been in business tn VM4iphjfjrti8S3-32 6m. is. Tat Annua 44 see. At this moment I was &ent for hut r afterwards learned that r orbus nred as soon as the nrst cannon was discharged Hrom I the British j ajrdjtbe ' officer I will pntail I greater miscbieis cn;the people. that was parading so briskly , lei?at the crack i A;n proceed to Remonstrate i 1 r; of the rifla. 4 found out afterwards, that this ; I ipor necessary xpep3es are gieater than oITicer was Maj. Sjtuart, so much lamented by the the ofdinary revenues f the State. whole British army. He i was, buried neat the j P1 General Asslmbly is too numerous, and spot where he fell. 1 r i I consequently cosu too much. Therefore the land tax imposed by While the returas of the Sheriffs' audlhe report of the Cumptroll-L er will show that the land, tax collected does not exceed $S2,40O if. ' $23,500 Thus while one, man pays his taxes according one other rcumstenoe fW bile he rnember ie ; too mu d I j were talking to Gkw Oreene, pkttylipirit and assembl torn thA ftritiah linn' mitia! With 1 i 4. Ilhis SDlrit is Crain much excited bv sectional e together too often. StTPREMi COURT. "The Sumirler Session of this court commenced In the City off llaleigb, on JWohday 10th irst., and "will profajbly continue fur two months j NcXti to the ofjsilion waich has been shown to our Uhiversity by the Ljeialature of ourj own! Statvthc virulent and repeated ertl jmde to over'JmiW thK valuabJe Lourt, affordto lthdse 1 . , 'i i e . .1 . i ' ' While oh the subject of the Guilfbrd I battle, 1 ! i Wur Legislation! is unwholesome because to law another pays according to his pleasure. vvnue tne expenses oi tne governm?Qt are in creased, the revenue is decreased hy the bad ex ecution "of the laws Vore thanj one': fourth of the Land Taxes and hear one seventh of the public, r'eyeRjie is nnccllectd or ! not accounted for at the Treasury. Aud why is no act passed ress through you the people of this I by the Assembly to remedy this evil? The but the hints 1 crowd within that com- Treasurer in the faithful discharge of his duty, I will mention Col Hunter aid a cannon ball tram the British line came! with j j I 4. finis spirit is gaining by degrees an influ considerable i force near I where we' wejey but j h&8 oyer our People. I ; 1 i fi striking against several treesin ite qare,; it 1 1 h w$ disjjnssion of those jtopics, Ihall be con- rebounded and finally stopped by us. A-soldier I aned to narrow ; limits ; by the form sin which I picked it up and showed it to4he Greneral. tnust 'Haad it back to our nrineer ahd "let them State have it bac& quietly," replied General Greeiie, paks tpay be useful and profitable to thoseVho has drawn the attention of) the Legislature to which was! immediately done. I H ' I Vflllnflect on these subjects. hi the subject he has recommended that the laws As I am not acquainted with Mr. Swaim 1 ecjingjofjthe North-Carolina Iptotft of Eductotf I u ill take place on l1i4aTithitUt days prev- i&ftb;(fce; of the.-Untter- itt:l Afler1hicn! :timorwillt bc ' delivered tiAnritistarigsyankl Lectures fitjec.'ts: ipjoir4fed1kt I the last Suuaii A Hill, 1. oft iV?ilniin 1 on tytttS' tni llis'a I. IJpHI SON, Esq. (40ifoT&Ni2ort(i r-. Lecture-on a system of iHfpief 'piplf4r Njjrth-Carelina, If toi'lfon ;.;&bc...'Asifybf Hillsbor- ob.pflii'd, Lturt, 6n the eiiacng.emtilattori in itLiterary that are anxious lor tne nwnor ana prosperity ,ot j"u im taq ui jyu' .himm North Carolirlathe most melancholy refisctions. sman mistake above mentioned; and if you chaise Itarffues fearmlly a want of . intelligence and you may make known the; other art herein sta- liberality of 5oJ, without which a republican torm ot gqyernment cannot enaurev. mat tnese effarts have not yet succeeded is proof thai tbema- on ; the I ovrHnte-servipg qroucning uemagogaesj out tne I meeting large minorities mat have generally yoteel tor m . r its j orerthrovf l!ffvel us jfearful bodinjja of fthe! r Yours, with paternal affection. JAMES MARTIJJ,; Senr. fnturei We hive but little to show of jthethinffs' thatmakauptliemreatnefisof a State:! But thia court, listheriyocn' tl inn4nity rf its - labouri, or theliarning ot parity ot itlffnepibers. inael a - biisht rnaaient lneuritieTaldrv. The dudieiarvl -ot joav IStajte has bcenlits pride; the device upprj the arms or our Statfi shows Bomrstlc lteto; From the Raleigh Register! that to secureltoall Institutions S"0i!lct thf 1 iiffteed'jofTer no proof to sustain f my first po sitioqwith such as read the annual report of the ifearurer. 1 hat excellent and valuable officer las toldus iin. his lastReport to. thl Assembly, that "jihe ordinary revenae f the Sta te is $66, 905 arid that the amount an uwally' expended for the. necessary expenses! of the government exclu tw4 qipecyfic wproiitUimi&8&Ja&iy be stated atanyfrage of J 80,f)00.'f I he same officer says-i'rhi: ordinary pubiu revenue of this State bjasnbeen. adequate to tiu purpose for many teoir-ihat for the last tea years j this defect has vjled 'fflipm-12, 000 tof 17,000 dollars anlm- 1 alJ;I iwfer you the Report of the3omm!t tee oi finance, in ine' lasi Assemoiy, wnicn re iterated this statement fond confirmed it. ! ! 2.; Vhen our Constitution was adopted, the Stale was divided' into j S&cfnmtiesi and the Ge neral Assembly was composed of 114 members. The clnties are now! multiplied to 64, and the General Assembly consists tf 199 menbers. E- ved after the number of counties ; was greatly in creased; many years ao, the expense ot an 1 reasurer ptates Ithem at -$30,000 This wak a mistake off mine in . transcribing, of in additioh . The public; Treasurer is pro bably ngh, and therefore I have adopted the sums reported by him. ! INTEREST IKCj from jras r?Ali WEST. The following letler to 'the Editor, from C41. S. CJ STAMBAiidnj. Secretary to the (.kimmissipners fjbr seuling boundanes, Stc ilth the diairfijE)es ior the West, will be highly ihtbrestin to our ' readers, and we tender our thanki to the writct for his po liteness in; furnishing us I with the! infbrma tion it codtains-UJrifc. C$zem. ! I I Fort Giasox, Mayfc7, 1333. piku, Sir fhavehid butlittle news to communicate since jrecerved our mes sage. I 4an however, jnow say something ab0nt the 'occurrences blithe last few dlys. j0neoffthe finest looking, and apparently most efficient co.nminds that cyer penetra ted an Indian country west of the Missis sippi, lefthere tofday, on t an expedition tQ the extreme western boundary of the Urn T ! t 1 ted States, hnd hare encamped this evening on the Arkansas, a few miles below, l It is ;iON.OUllLSTATK CONSTITITTION WO. IV. , . -. . . i i :i All political power is vested in and derived from the people only." Bill of. Rights the Pjetplevehhaiided jus-; Ti.i JL-J ui , lil ie next U Liberia iiselfltThe ... ll8t Inrnish- nnA JJt., Jp ...;J e.u !f.u.. eu you in my last essay, is what 1 consider a ne- , r-r .. - .-. , . w - t S' . ii Ttr I u uiiv wimp w uun ivjieiatiiri. . iiawo i i tuus I -r S . , - I; Kwud.pr famshmpnt, (by Wiiker. er Wtalqed iheir deteliait4 bat lC'r'tljn to .the ?0it !M9 'WW lT i? 1' wn"? ancQoiy condition of our State. vlv"Tr HI :f 1V 7 V V . ' w ITrrilT I r, standing they indeed who have acted in the PfW Oisucnyitai im- f !S":!Uir higb capacity of Legislators-are either shame- FTO.MW-awic.s r U J ? UT;.;: TT r FJrr r;:"T ff C fuily ignorant, or criminallv inHifTprpnt t hW KpmbltfiaVhothinir iif nnntm and nLher mn llScdtire Corm SSr Let your readm answer, .eoj though W latter makes no trifling WAliTER A; NORWOOD. rresrxmdin4cnanffein fthe esenteSAi-ltrhW !or.?imf1 whetber.thcy had not neglected all; iiim ifeour public accounts. TheteAoie necessa- m a n : i r - - w : t1- ru Ai v i - - - - . j . f- . jm r r m a r-iRiWw-ri.ni, .Jra I s.lf.Khfjiihl lift tnln frAm- ihrn hU j p ih "BW"f w Var wn" wfie fiT ttttmtt and eXpertseot our oovernmentsused to tall short ot : ir roa' irrtale figorel W5en4g Justice, rhd i 4w tne fjensea f her; government;; and if U40.0pp, as jany manlnayiee whti takes the II. i nT tTV.? ..r. 1 any have thrown awn v in 9 ;; f itiL. tLut- ' .wiin n. . ; .'(! ! . 1 - 1 ui1! nun una" snnuia m RnfMi tmM. ti im .t i r . ,,u.vwvw: . v . i j ! .Q?rf-Tcq" toiin- UhouldW; remuvedifromtlie otheihandand IfT0??, resume the paper f that s con- in UiJAssembly. Many imon?i us profess to 1 1 1 which prevails about the real I aembly .did not exceedlsometimes $1 5,000, and Men ot respectable under- ( very rarely $20,000 ; iiut now, the accounts of the X reasurer and uomprrpuer exhibit to us an annual expense of $40K)0 for the pay of mem- on this subject might be retrised ne has vry justly conceived that "the permanent unappro priated revenue ot the State; might be 60 regu lated as in any event to meet the public expef dature.". He could do ho . more, j Why I then 1 repeat, is no law passed to meet these correct sug gestions to have the tax collected as it ; has Kaon, .ccoeiuwl Ko lnu 'I'hiao fire ihe !incPa The members of the Assembly are spiitiatoac- composed of twqi select j companies of tho turns unde the well known standard of the j 7tt Infantry, andithree companiel of Ran East and thb West Mth Roahoak abd ihejgeb. Tie officers arc) Col. Many, Conn Cape Fear. And even when a Revenue HU is minder ;! Major S Young ; Lieut. Dawson, to be considered their voter depend very .much ! Adjutant j ; Assistant $urgeon,-Worrell ; -wodHABiininM of the i Libutv Nrthrop Quartjfrmaker and Corn- State its mover comes. Unaccustomed to consid , 1 ,M c..k!1 . l 1 1 rV er subjects on their merits' the cruwd leuk : f Subsistences V and Lieut IIow- only for their leader. If thb revenue measure i ell. of Uie Infantry. The Rangers, farst comes from tho East, the opp jsili'jn of the West i companyl is commanded 4y Capt Ford, is secured and vice versa. I know there) are I Lieuts. Gbson and Shields ;.scccnd corn honorable exceptions to thelrule, but truth !for-"j pny, by Capt. Boone, Lieut Hamilton and bids me 10 concede that they are more than ex- ! Butler ; Ihird company, by Capt. Bean, cepnons. low very quebuyn wuu s uas Uexlt3t Pentecost Watson. CaldwelL and ! . 3 - ' ' ' Ury. been before the Assembly three different times to my knowledge. It has always been welcomed satJiwikoTe aiolteHlaconvenient before the milti, f ' a ruti. BlacItI A 1 Vhije the ?'ri'r 'I stealitiga 06 Sdbwniiet respecttully. pens tiort from nndiith hanUtr Icavrl ti iM)hn hU OLD CUS- itra i I v i - rum gueraujr, 1 picture paiozed and hung up the ila ?: RriTTT p !-,hpiip TMPJrA !J lt and. wllow a review of those intolerable venerate their conduct as a tnodel worthy of our DI DATES TREAT should be putln it place t" !;,.VUS syf of Connty representation imriatioritin a! thmgsand the peopl may be a .r!MtTB'r,f iih ft, Jso relief.! KJ ,,ao . ."ca "P00 on-Laroiyia. 1 do notnow little curious to know .why; in tho respect, any ftideW dance at this last I insld? 5 Ct U ineqality ; I shall not now exceWion should be made by later Assemblies. ndl ri the handle with wKici ia "1? V ti (veJthi3 t.our to W'WVIIJZME where he will, at all TJWy tot receive cmnpaoVi P j tl 1 IHE BATTLE OF GUILFORD. e following letter originally 'published in iff JAbLBiand BAIH are as good as! the USordHiiROOSlS and BEDDING; aoae .VlHi BirBLES, large land ?el Wicwith Prorehdernd E'tEsTlBrHMjiNt, for the use of the 4 i ; rerplejr hla uests comfortable.' ellmg! WAl?DILL,Jr. Ihrouirh ureensborpugh I'atriot is certainly a matter of interest 'to'the public) The conduct of the North Carolina'! militia oh that occasion .has been tbe f theme ofi reproich and ridicule ever since thalJtUeaMl as is admitted in the letter yery corr Ore: ing fact from fthe tide of, oblivion ; The high characr of CoL Martin will be sufficient Iwar- rantyffor the truth of. this statemeht to all who sections. rjuamc, apu is uumuueu in uio leiifr yery ectly on'.the main; it is therefore1 with pleas that we would try: to rescue this one redeem th!5 place, I know!) liimil We tlnnk that ihe LWts!tnw Af wiif find wrttAii.' r ; 1 i! t.' .1 Tv . .Meratft 4 -9-: , ur i. count of -the laflair, by: some' publ d testimoma l. 1111. 4." . - . , 1 v. 1 j a . -in si of respect to the memory of the Gallant "Forbusi Not C aroliri has Iron adventitious; cirrm stances been more misrepresented thd slandered for jhfercondtfct injthe war of the Involution than - any othjeir State in the unioni And slie rjfcAl2JE&lZIL r ough todo eyjwy thing even at thU latelday, to announces to the Public that he I vindicate her iclaim b gallantry and PatirioUsm. Fromthe Greerisboro, Patriot $vpu Creek, Stokes county t Jtfuy 28, 1533. -htear5il...i -V ; j - - : - A ! I I Observing in the .Greensborough Patr otof the 115th of May, inst. some "Ilemis- neieenaef ot the battle lof Guilford, (which in HVSV, Wilson Saguezet wflrs'rilG ,l;iJ;'.U i ct mer jFasii. ion a mm. customers. done in a heat Pgclu1 willlpiease hlri Hy- !Pt m done in a neat I neiceftaea" t of ih 1 :nr!tjfell beVOndalldouhtjithat I thAtri,irl W-m :nr k? perioj to any in the jieigh- everiimentioot .Vff W$fm Street: next Uoot II wouIdlUkesSto t correct;) I take this occasiiQ, how in? that there is one error which n Street, next Uoot I I wouldl likesito see i corrected;' II was iinS the battls -ad ..youirihare Otten'3 faeard & ! aaytfand one' of the few officers i nowalive. of - Cicse uiat, -neio niei. - mo micuicui is wiirazua tafi-a iT'T"" T iwiiy iraa 1 that part wnre asserts utati mm oatauel HUSS iV S ' "t ,utUier. .1 llendersdnljwii? oneof L the vrallinHmcersi rDa!' " i ; 1 tlJrtenderscri was,notin me natue.,' 1 ? eras 1 particular. I Oat fathers thought 114 members of toe Assem uiacieni ui manage me auairs or oiaie wnen lere surrohnded by difficulties unknown to ople in all us in later daysj Manyamong us profess to be- 5; M ,v 1 . -.,1,..; i- 11 ly i aufti uu w- uiv M4iaM va itv Ihe State engaged in aBank speculation ra-i beoplliiwell, and experience should teach us that bout 181 1 and 1812 : &. if hr reCTnfof4hflhfAnt I il hniVint been! so nrndentlv and hrostmnincslv husbanded with a prudent economy she might tnanaged since tlie number U' these workmen is at this day, have boasted of a full 7Wi.w i.a' ir!rftud tii nearlv 200. Onr fathers inmilra- fond might have been accumulated, equal or neatl Udeqbnpraylih Wblicexpences as a 'principle of Itr viitil k -Li . ! f 1 ' flu -r ! 1 1 1 . t- ' i 1 ? v w kUC uwi enterprise 01 eaucating tne-1 tne ltepuonc, oui we nae niaregaruea 11 Dy our sons of the poorer! Citfeena' in the StatX-Thii nraciieel ; i"i ' I ' t f.l hope however, has failed in common with others 1 i $ j Qur legislation &ttnwjiolesome because the that a spirit of State pride and patriotism should Genferii Assembly sitaf too often, 'and is excited have fn(Tenr(aMJ H All .:fl i.ii i Li Llil:. i.C !L: f r. r'.e. ......Muwiu. an wm mmi iduw niai ioe I yy a apiru uii eecwuuJi. paiiv. t iiiva iruiuui treasury is exhausted, but few wUl stop to en4 thMe fr 'discussion s here ? ! Alas ! for the iiuw u nappenea. me clectumeeritM hondrnd prosperity of the State, there is not a v.u ut in tuA-iiut; io causes very i man wuo.ua, repruseutea me peopie in years, foreign from the Truth. Some? "will do so frohf hat ill : not confirm his charge i and there is Ignorance, others from a desire to find fault vniii I hh sectioa of the Stato that has not felt its truth. 'P61,11013 an(1 notafew under the influJ The Lgi4ature cften;passes a law without due ance ofboth these motives. - ? "I . ' ? -.. ' ebnide'ration'of Its effects, front the circumstance Po arrive at the profits of the BankAsioeculal I thai they will arain aksemble in 12 months and won, we must add together,! all that ihe State if may fie fam renealed. IThis lead! to a system has received ibr Dividends, Bonus and Taxes of emments in! iawmakisg injurious to with the present j value i of Stock, and deduct thei p4lid in every wayvThejr sit until from it the nrifttt nf th Stnrlr f Tho liifTa.aHM 'kA miiAUr''ii Tnn,nl t.; , 5 r" -j ww,. i a uw uiuuttu i u7 U4uy whuim auu-: uicu sou w nv. with thecrtf of party talked ofreferrecf, and then hid on the Pable. And thus it is with ev ery question of deep interest to the public. Not to weary you wit.n any, let me add a case ot annual occurrence in Uie General Assembly! I prc- of CoL Arbucklo me proms, l pus : , ( For dividends, to 1932 4 For tax of 1 per cent per annum Present estimated value of Stock Total i "V i f i ' i II tiririted and distribated thrnmrhnnt tbft State fir .S66i666 tiro! rMihsaitir the idjournment It takes at 4 240,000 1 least iahreeUmonths or more for ; the people to .aiUjUW i leamjinem, anu oy time, me annual elections have 'come around v and whit chance' has been $1,670,00 j affbjrdedlfor a jddgmeni by experience, upon the sagacny ana wisoom oji vneir servants r lnueeu, in some "parts of the State, the laws ofone Seseion , are I h4rjly i known bfore' inpthert Assemsly has cbnyened and most ruly felled jir changed the law: ; One tact is laid to be wnrth a hnnered axgurn:;t$. In 1831,the LegispTture parsed a lawiroposing; a fine of S-00 on ; every Sheriff 993J500 that tilfet thereafter h mtrirn trt lb a Pwvfntv The profits are "early one million hf dollar I Since 1814, the amount received for ''..yU licence and from whom feel coJIe&H a tax. Ih , Dr4en4o4Ik-swk,xceeds. $800,000 October 1932,1 the Treasury Depart. atiapose Amount; received for Boons from; . l,tl thit!Rn,n - Shfr r !aiiw which The officers belonging to the Rangers are all at'their posts, except Lieut Steens, who, is ehgaged by thd Commissions in running he line West, between the Creeks premise thatl am no Western man." I reside ' 'SI nfihV r u in the East"-my property, family, and most ; rffJ f!4PuIla,t,0.us tho cbnianr--of my friends live there, yet, I am no "Eastern 1 'aft !l1 ' om le i command some man.' either I am a "North Carolina man." whereon! the waters of the Canadian, after The people of IJurke and liunepmbe have for navmg cornpieiea tne duties assigned Jtiim. years petitioned the Legislature to divide those Lieut Watson, )f Washihgton City, is the two counties into three and in support of their onlv officer aDnbinted to the new DraVrmn application! they have set Jorth fhe following corpg thktlias let arrived. Lieuti Seawell frSESt tender. to" 0 uSrmS W V1 fops 5 fitfemngihis hv nairtAT mora than eauai to the add t onal sent ran iu inq inianiry. exiienses o( a newl county ; that their population; The principal object j is exceeding 34,000, and theevilrare of i char- j in sending out this expedition, is to display actertobe remedied no astray. Yet thisap . a large railitarylforce mtjie hearti and in plication is refused upon thr openly admitted cxtrerae hirling places of the Indian grownd that a new courfty would add streogth countrv where no soldier has ever yet ap-' to "the IVest" in our Legislature. Here you see . 1 s ' v! 1 i the complaint is so reasonable, te demand so ; f011 i t ' f f ' just that parties are! deprived of , decent pretext j The Pawnees and Comanches havebeerl for. disregarding one and denying fhe ether but very troublesome during the last winter, party spirit is soj. strong that the fiervahts of the evincing an ' uhfriendly temper toward citf people feel safe in the open fldmtaiioa that citi- ens 0f ne United States. Besidqs the se zens of North Carolina arepfos justice and yioU3rohbery commirteA iipon Judge; Carr's denied theef t rtyf on iheir! way. oSanta Fe io St W estesn part of th xerritory. VVnen such a f j , i . A, , . ? spirit prevails, it is madness to calculate upon i Louis, in January last, they have been very wholesome legislation, v I annoying totra4ers and trappers, who bayo 4. 1 have said that thiskpirit of section- happened togtf near their haunts, fcnd have al party is extending itself among the I peo- ! !t no chance of attacking and plundenng pie. Do you fonder that the) people of unprotected travellers, f . ; urhe and Buncombe should feel its in- j It is contemplated hy the commanding fluence when their representatives go home i officer, to strike Ked Ktver about jtbe head and tell them that their grievances are not j waters j6f the Boggy, and: ! probably j ascend remedied their oppression? ar not remov-1 to the Blue anil Fausse Washita. On their -.fhftir romolaints are not heeded, tor ! route to mat point, tne 'troops will scour thcsinnle reason that they lire in h the ihe country between thei North Fork and nVf V lis an v thin? more natural I than w w w - , j . 0 . - i Deduct 7 127 Shares Stock J. inn i-3 S ' at 91W per suare f the State for Charters . SG.OOO 7 MBMMMMM ; 676,700 Total -1 ttM.r 3f 0ALDWELL4. ; ; :j JJrxnerpaL . 1 ' "W44 and? myself, repaired to the point w Vie General Greehe was, and asked fcir. orders: iand toUl hua muiuajinad vanis,ied,nia tne exception Tof 6ne imperfect captam's'.cocopiay : us to the courthouse as ? uania 01 V8" I? ear and newbern -1 56)00 welie all remitted by the last Assembly because Amount received for 1 percent tax I ' -r1 tta'$K(r hadtiotkstinca the tyxdhtfcreitvias Amount Of funds belongUrgr to' the ' 1 M ihn'Liktn mnfM,M:.7 l'-;wTr-itintlv tno. 1 4 State which were invested n the shanks in 131'i. exceedded l otal ? 1 , l " Te ordinary revenues since an average of $67,000 per 1 year; 1 I i . t 1 o.uuu 1 a suuiciem tune naa trans wred to test ic 4 ? i' 161,00(1 Not wafrequently, has it been the fate of I doubt not a good law has beea repealed, before i value. iotelli- i ren1 caiiciis uj ue raxeu rour aoibJrs in mo .suape 1 I kk.CT - ..it E.' ..- - L' H otKOraey Jee to learn from a ialrter whether 1273,000 the General ! Assemblf had I Dermitted a' law of - , uw wvioua oesanto sxano uurepeaiea, auu Ane aggregate amount ot these is l $2,554,000 Bolunfrequently otheri have involved themselves U make no accouuttorthe monies f received fo in SejioudUfficulUea b violating a law they did entry of vacant lands, for. they are appropriated pot know of; j or by acting up jo one which had amount to "i by law to the IMcrary Fund ; 1 say . nothing o withot their knowledge; In that the samo feeling should find reception amonff their neighbors who ajso lire in the West." i But this is not alL . It i is Dronosed to elect the GorerntTrjby tho peo ple. On this question jthe representatives asf of a certain line, vote agaiasi, wuu those rFeaf of that Iine,vote for it, I and their constituents, approve tnejr course. Yet was it ever heard, that the people, nn nttUrt ihv nartv. forrned ODinions i on such a subiect W their local hobllationi t Did tney so ditiue upoatiic aucut iaw, w j . . . i .. - I, : . thA Clerk law.i as tney are cauea. uruier still."! te Heatiyj as 17p, pfoposal was made to -alter te constitution of the State lcauseVtlio Gtixnl'tAiBnbly. ias toi nn- merous too expensive itnd oopvened too often, and 4he counties oj" GronlrieV Oa ten, Halifax and . Edgecombe thjen voted in Cmvnr rf it. lint now thevikremted in op- rInrfit iThel cmntidbTGrirae,Cro- amptoru New Ilanotcr, IVarren and other iixi oflmnV counfies dolriow oppose a re- forni in our lprcscntatibn. They -36 this against their own tight jand iitcrcsts--a- ;physica qudi.awertained, and rts ada main branch of the Canadian, i j i f Should the f expedition' fall in With any of the Bawneel Cominche Chiefs, they will De nrougnt to tois place I or tne . purpose or. holding a Tajk with the Commissioners, . wbo ar0 particularly directed to obtain an interrieW witli these roving and restless ; tribes, 4tho hate no fixed place of residencer but follwfthe puffalo, and appear alternate ly in the United States and Mexico The) Commissioners have furnished inrjKCterSjV to enable the commanding officer; to eflect this object From the high standing of the . officers having command of the expedrtioo, I nave rlo doubt but they will Scarry their intentions int4 effect, if j tinUring persever ance arid genome courage can insore suc cess. Ijf they mcet the hostile Indians, the orders ire tQ treat them friendly ; bat should they indicate hostile intentions, or commit I any jp epredaUobshey i wUl bo taught a salutary lesson on tlie spot! - ,: i This W truly an interestinji expedition The whole of the Great West tojtfi Mexj lean line, between the waters of the iArkan Ma .n jRwi ln;or tmir ihft ; otnlbred, its i. ).-.- i - ': A' i 1 - i-i IIP n n. I ji If r-s-ii ? ! ul-. a .ill' : I-- -I I""" I, m 11 m ... ' ' 'i . 1 4- ! .11. . .1- '-Is 1. If

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