' ... ' . , ... i ?3 - ' . i A' i. .Of 41 -t 'S ; : 1 1 I - r 3i u 4:1 r fMrU j r - 3 ': -Hi - 1 f 1 I?- 1 if lie r ha ft F 1 Sli'to drive theFreneh Their pteswu if?SV5 11? tSfey of the ahov mention; fmi Wv'-M'm!1' e restrain KMhilWiT iiL? f tWlrfltened. d?ppusoi, tcrroi- rights ffiffl! W?, powers jSilHIf, i AHsciplmeJ ! resistance Plfirt!Uii ..lable ,y the fal fji t i ft fcrcef truth, of suti- ''SIl&Dtyiaust5 .the; end, be wio- Iff &ha Jfilt, f June. !The mer- WWM iisakl; tc have re-appeartT at he W!jSdheira li remarked by riot less ilLi lArltabfeindiifidaalg, irsHUpff,iir' iMlofli fcn we telM? viv Ihe, lOtii inst. S fcPf.nM jawed. Mh Secretary. iT ikl i&jH recoTerad fjrum A a mawpositioa that "the at, and pilfilftter irom ge?ifV say. :AIiiMt1ihJf of the garrison h :'JL2it 1' ii'ktid tlift- Tiliv-iio.iana think it far 1 than tho cholera.t,7 It jjs a for. la-ii!?' cm-orf stance, klMhfr cholera,: or SATURDAY. ?5 tSJ v e f re auuiunsea 10 announce UipHAKD u . 4 lcxasoer, a tandidatd to reprcocnr thtf Btiroogh j a SaKabom in 4he nextlGendtal 5 'j " o are atjthorized : to annoance k( D- Mo- rfaitBarrriBf er as a candidal toi ittorefit Ca- banns coontr . 10 the Commons of the next Gen' era! Assembr;; bbler fot ttbe London 1 upstarf iiirelinscr Morning Chroiicle, Tinu'bas been', emitttns fus; tlah tirades from Paris ever since. Vadit of the lateJieroIotionin. FrancPp and who it frst at tfacicd some little attention from the i authorita tire manner fa, which be assnmed to treat of w. j i.i .a1:! ( i i Li ... ' r rencn anaira. uas in a Jaw leiier aauresseti to Sir Robert PjkVwith a li'W conceited air of mock pxension; nldrtaken to declaim qn the Riliti cal&tl&ft has the gross effrontfrjr to clai the Goferrimefits . of Francel GiipirRritAin n' U TTm I gether, as sjiflfonnjr under similar ! a.I'U: a London j Editor, t csspntiiUlif. 4 atlasl itvi is not essKtmUu-i. taral disor- latlasl itvo-ffiinls i-f his time; havi been carried off been in- jf th la$i ftiWlay? with the prevail cJlrbe J'tmceei Autruata las also ?jWwntUmR iawnplaiht bui is likewise WtilcsftfttijThe -King heaUh continues re- j tiittis htlfi!wi likely to ;,liave taken i bfiwi jlthrdp and MrM rAttwood ijseAf;rf h Aser)ratHin's inade by Lird 4.t&i3ib'(to-fth cutrency questtoti, and fbiifr!Altib:;ccnved to he personal. Oi IVIaSlly. M lt.Uws, M. P. waived Hlii?"""3tt'.ui' . Mr. Attfood to Mwdiii tipUnatKn,;i4iut we are happy to !t&fe8i"'niJMri: C. AVoixt, .the rtiiaMuttndp.8MUea to the yatk&yijy cor. ed JSlaft9' ! i I .i . . poliucal op" pressioos, ad (irtonnes. that Revolution is uC iiV xemay ior inese oppressions, and that Resolution fa inevitable. Tiiesffletter havo beeji seized o by the Nuliifiers, and pubjished mjthe United Scares Telegraph and; the. CHarles- wu lercnryf We protest with all our ' heart a gainst the pronnIation of British jopinipnr and al foreign dictation in the kflirs oli our! rjat on. and we" espeally do object Ito the ravings' pf this pqny writer Ieinfjci.ted a? authority here! ,We protest bejsaie there is a grss lack: of i inlorma tion amongsthe British politicians, as to" the nature and operations of our Govemmerit-Uherc is -scarce a foreign Kditorial sentence debate in Parliament; hut what, betrays' sooae grtiesly, ri dicubiis blandei. about American dffairk , Wo protest also. becansft the real interest and !vell fare ol this country, is the last thinff! they; care a- bout, - The nation in the awrerateJ hate ns. bjr hepeoplq of H.lJoi WtlJ b repealed Withoqt breaking on oar whole foniH datlor Except a soiaU roice in? S psrtiesi (ti Tories tnj Radicals) iris strong as I ' :tThe fallowiu-r exUte tit , orIlhodomantade we ktirwofno complaint against' any of the laws of the United States, ai the? notr standi and eren tho eiamor against thtft i.Coersion ILaw butwrhat it inigh have Jdooe! if ItiroKullicrsI nau .uirt vauBjH. proper io vtaaet xpiitziy. . j r v ;But the mast grots and imvraijen t part f this strange medbiy is that the condition ,VUh country shnqid be classed with that 'of France auu xnguna. io attempt even sncn a compare isoh is either the result of impositioti'br f ignbir- jcc. uoi we musi co someoiing. eiw miajj follow op these 'miserable tricksters and disirgafli izers swe cboimend them to tlwf exemtionjisf all who love the Coqittry.of. WakhfngfotHl and' hate the principles of the. Frencnjlevolutidn Thai Duff Green is an vrant Jaccbin---we think is palpable troni his late attempts, to em broil the country on the Slavery question, ifh1 histO P. (J. f is oneV re think ismanUest from all his wntings. ; ,. ; 1' l 1 ' ;i t : j - '. Nullification j liko the Idol of the Hindoos is destroying its own f otaries. In South Carolina it is making haroc kmongnt its followers and in our own State, fo decided is its condemnatiuti that withone HoifORABLE ' EXcrpTiojr, its former , adherents are turning . their ibkis opon it ; ihi ehek 7uwf1 not crowed:, -fapyrt tney had denied JJU thrice. Some ave ther the magnanimity to own theiri prefer by.the. Editor of ther Crgii Journal, shows that weff.iSAff jsjrcnj use ; the expression of a Mmerwheta thU ' s-k ccimen fame froinw IIi Th6 saw had.rcfee and grmetobpd, -f tJtttiratridOTweTeWdead; . tml att&oc a taaq may bravade at his ncrsonai xpense;ouier cannot, well pasj. that &jrt of joke without the; risk bf being : misomlerstoodv 'ess-ir 5i'! ence for the heresy nor the boldness ;; to fde ny. it." These! arendekvoring j to ;ue foge in the mists of explanations -and .abtis-- they pretend that f uilificaiiun docfl not anwunt to a forcible resistance to aj law, of that it is not Treason as ' Gen. Jackson ! I ' (1 if was ; but like "Spermaceti" it is the fsovereigu- est thing on earth! tot in insfard bruise." ore tend not to explain to us bow Its wholesome operations are to work a cure, but like the ven ders of quack remedies, they assure; us m rious hints and wise solemnity of phiz, lhat .it i the real No. 6, in Politics, "and that to . ma ... t - : t .: I else ca ,WewjllsaT;howevewith 5triuvwJffae cAca j that it is very sweet affdl contagious in meat triiVrespcctta-tjid farioecjs !tf MTfuai luij-r iT.-iucn, Waica hxre been proposed inaeicntesctioi uf the xrntry, land nerhai)S producft cmty of acu.n t& support of sochystfeS of oguitwns as may behest calculated ta advance theral.-g6od.U;i1! -.. y "t To thecal the undersned hw leave re spectfullv tu invite jhiUIc ittcnti. !to the Isub P'?Pf a ton ventK 1 he)d in this Ciir ; at the period above mentioned, to be comp ei;uf such delogatls at may e appoThted ht tbeparpotse by Ui .several whiles aj!dtowns tnthistate.v - ' L -1 i Henry Si well . r " .- v . o. iinoon Duncan Cameron. William. HM J.Grant!' G;r;n.tTwood Wesri RfGilea W&Whiiaker raider iuma i i UJUewy K j j . Wm: H. Haywood, Jr.; William Gaston ! I Bev Daniel . ;:i Ge-jrge E. fiadtrer. I William M'Pheeten 'I Diaiei L. fiarrtnrer : ThomasG.Scott lEP.GuiV T T 1 homas J; liemay' lylm.-Beck'ith i -- Lfni P. Devfrenx f I Romol al I .iaun!W JameVrrerii i I I Henderson. -: Thomas Rtifrln J;J.Dacit " PJBnwne : Alfredf Jones IDiW.Stoae i ... Alex:' J. Lawrence faith." j tYe" feel' an almost irrepressible im puise m-rouse tne aigat owl with i a -catch,1 but we 'must go to bed for fear'cf wak!ar the lit- If j From we Georgia Jwrnql. -" I FU)iToaAi. CiUir, June Jo, 1933. We must rest a while'; we must pause haul pfffsuspe'nd-etirc, for a brief space We could m$ reasons without humber.bdt WUW " rTf 5lx raoniM Thchilos Hunter "Charles LJHinion iwviwviuucui, wvuui rusucaie r Alter j Uliarles 31 anly HNatlnG Rand a eii months vigil, shall wc not renovate ? I Thomas Cobhs ? ItJhson RJWwi The' mercury 'ran&e -sometime above 90- v Raleigh, June 12, Js33i- - I shall wie inot" rpfrigerate, shall We not &o .itorshroughot 'e Sute are muesV fnrth into thft rnnntru unA rnrA AAn i M y msert tfte SUWVe DbtlCe as earlr aa nnntki. up i ; ictusyusf at. wuuia DUI. jglVC I -' i - v - ! ; ; ' j logU5aland mantfesLftAny Governor, bit of deputed1 byJuj Randolph tolwnS a iwwcwrj i uepanmeni, or even nun 1 grapny is.contraaictod, ion the host authority Wf PF M'PIn a President, can ;.':; &zy& '4pyy taxe nis naunt ot oiKprvntmn nr ; niPisura i i .4 i been wntA his bkv 1 stanas n the place qt all reasons: We are Randolph. VV since jeam'from the AUr: toqeh disposed , to befriend these United Gazette that the editor of the Whi has refii! Slates , but they must even get. oh as they to go, and that a rule for-an attachment against o!ihenew IMinisirflof 'fiifflanimust be : I I irirginian. 1 ; - t ' u. ou lor tbprc8cnrrt least e will not GUryeofe out Of, ' ConcI WaVA4t LiOm oij line 1 reasuiy. Ine Wnius and Eaton. lau Secretarv at War. i r r t - m p n vvvii a LtDJkiUor :uutiT tT ill A A rfnirftllir f I ;mrr iAlsfe M had aat' in the-. Admiralty fc$rti i? 3opof the Apr) term! and MrM j mstJtTaJ. ;iwsal th and j spirits. He SwBplarte4ij preVtbisf .f illness, j H e ut '''in ffh't part of the lae war, K3 laojtey. in which ; capa-ity, and eftfsciinjr epotfi. ,&jup Admiralty Uourt, t$U ;2 .10: :nKiriy j all the ptiw causes ifiptiift,0tpftunei? y - i ;,'- i . lW wM& me I Iffh AdmiraUf Ensrtand. .i..nieg?tof:'Aprfl.i7.i -H - - tne uri pi Lanaivcntd led on the 2 the bestj : friends of themselves .our, en :21st. pjsfurrbj Gatte bi4 thft 13th of April, miitan insurrection of tho;P(hs hadLtalfn ujprco' wiho had cut to pieces some riW6ts; of, Rassian',. troops. ! Considerafde 1 Kssf Perp reprwented tci be organized Map thd'R&ssian Guvernment is H feiatriadmrsdj to severe measures to f Sv1Hii; f-re vblt tliat hksWn'maiit-. ifRuisiffi hai issued mamfep b14:pfjhirtgs rn Poland, and They have .s.cblTed: and ridiculed; and hav6 Ja LJ-.i.: .1.-1.111. i . .! i J', uuicm aMiuuqusiy iromxno rnme iunisier own to tbe B-Uingfigate Pamphleteer; from the Pfince of Waterioo Jo the Princo of Ruta Baa Vfrom Wellington p obbeft to junderrate our icoun tfXUs manrsjani its laws. We, hatg. lever obserred th jthat Faction which threatened most seriousry the safety of dur Government. was hailed in Great Britain, as hberty. Theylhare shown fortofartinty and no' true Jteart ed friend to s country should ask I or rreceivc counsel froW there. V ' . Jf.specially do we object tq the ebullitions of vr. i uemg reiieq cn icr.any 'Pur pose. By tbejbye? we have-strongly doubted whether tln ivas not manofactured by heEdit nr of the Telegraph be hat however, , as it may, tho recjkess, harum . sea rum manner in which the wfrite jTor the Morning Chronicle; has made sertjonshU aifecteid intimacy Wiethe great men ofpreBch nationand the painful Horn he has at first took from' this the Public IfimdiJ&t, " .l ' m someotinefsagostuil, v ?Wl?a the;ipartof the Rhisian .k. , , L.I. s?.' , frawiifv'j'k: r'fin1 ' ; ' Charlesloa;Akr.ttry. 1 made, to say something for effect writer the confidence of The glarinjr manner in t which1 all hispredictinswere falsified brought hW;into am tern ot and Wdieule. XV A arrogance-ihii ignorance afad jtetit tnaltrc de Port merit m nrmt-Ltbnt ha ia Bond Streej cockney, turned f Politician to ..ape kigU ltfe, with an uicomo of Os. Cd. for evert so lid colamnefttash He certainly is notU'iro- perautiioriy to De quoted by arty one thtt re- pecw uwnseu pr ;joves . nis country.. Here is some otthefsage stuff, which is repeated in the -The movements which are now mafc!nr ar social movements. Which will tteruiiuate in the overthrow ijf the present slate o( human society, If UJIH' aodiRiian trailing to y$m Piernal solicitude iiuSr w4. y --ujso uj recuu mem witn- anu iuoveneni$, wrncii you tourself are eiicour- rK $ifcveiyQu.whob liWr. . i ' ' U ii'f v -. party;::!" ' M0il I'- - ' ' Hi Wtpied. bonble Wctl pf 1Ijgrioil traje; that.ibe disease isthe iSstur- QH5Jfee4t(VTtl. tancth rio the murder, or, the. refusing to nf"iKk;ftoiiili l-nihif t:KA Mm al Py ties or tithes. These tire mere symptoms PIIinMf J1' of thtelayy.aWdioit the dikrder itself.? The KMHm -: Wn PA6 peoFl!4e immense concessions tne lull fof4ffH enjoyientpf immense advantages, thedestrpo- I-! tfi JfUirtSU AthchivilCorinth- ! and r tinn nf mnnntsiina hf nnnroccLno kn.v.r. 1IW V i save us. These, like1 the quacksjof the other profession, are tailing before the; sythe , pf L ridicule and withered by the hot blasts scorn. Since the opon avowal in North Carolina,; there has been no opportuhi ty for the People to manifest their detestation of : - .-' ' I. '5 t M ' i. its nature . and coti tempt tor its followers,uas pa election lias taken place where it in ahy' way en tered into thequestion ; but: the confusion and scampering aiready'apparent in its ranksi show! that their hones have vanished like ! a dream J They are in tlie fix of the Indian and his Poney, it was too light tot carry hini and too heavy to hecairied by iiirn."; i ; f !" Hi I cries, the reformers and conservatives of flident in olace of C. FL'Mdmer. Th twii England ; and O'Cohnell the agitator and for E- (including 4016 votes of the United States 'hb co-agiutors of Ireland, and the White- and CorPoratio11 o Washington) 5054; for M. fT-ji T.V..',.- T Jt 1.1".' 1 J4 -ftp?f ttiiuauio uu khuws who, rTT Tk- !,-k:. v L : s ' . " . t 7 . a rrwi-rriT w a ma iiuu a ibiiiiiif l'imt ma Mr S'J9! JmW01? W fbrf a season, en, (Mass,) fifteen ysars ao ha! no existence. iFlMs.onlyto see how they will manage mat- Uis.novtthe seatof a large pooulatien and ex- ters 11 We: leave our homage to the Dutch- tensive factories, ft has twelve thnmnnd in. CSS ae luem ana tne: dear litt e exnerteri naouams, tourieen cnurcnes. nve or six hate s. oC'myif fedge!oi -heir'arduotis; f patriotism we 'are and xf?y factories.--Fallf.;andj rapids are ;en- of this rabsurdity pcnentrated with the brofoundest soiic tuije K V V I Vi "w.,BrP ,uiea w"n P ?. V? rli kiij U i... i Pie. allisbasle ani anination. j iui.uci uicaciii iuusm initialing ssiiuawon, I i ? i i RAIiEIGlI BURNT AGAI.V. The Raleigh Register contains an accoitnt of another fire io that unfortunate City. t vm : mencedat Case's old Corner, on r ayetteyille Street, occnoied bv T. Cubh as a Carriage Shop, and s ept every thihg heflre it to the dwelling of John Stuart, hen it was arrested, which -is the third time that the progress, of that Destroy-; present most! interesting df ; Z : " . a 5 Mr f3 The Protestant Episcopal Pulpit for -Vay, is wejl as could be expected. Wo say to just published, and U frlsale by John Moore; 94 Louis Philippe that as his paternity, in the Br jadway, New-Yorlc; This number tribes a r: T r 31 : 'a LTS Jamais l tZ "1! 1" . l L7r T U : Wool: clean 4 u sou; -Aalfljw ftr'lk ft " . ni : gal 51 nlTJiMala kt-f key23 SO. i EW (fi i Whij f? f tttooi 10 a I I nZT 12. I-Candlti8, iSlJ;: Ch W kki .5 f - 7" iinxn v. y I-i U Xime (Caskf?. ;Swcc V sacksofl bush.) fiTsfa 'Stfr & !5 a in Blister Rifc S1 2? SIv! i,.Kantered 8 lOf tL ! Whatbush.; :.rf r fJIrandr:peaA,5560.jDaik Hax-sfl prJbU l . I Feathers w is i f Revised landXrre Weel;Iv. ;s- Cotton 1 : ; : : . Corn, pet bushel, : : wneal: : : : : : Rour, Camden Mdls, bbl Bacon iper lb. Wbislopy,pergaL : : Apple, per gal.; j" Ptach, : : :: !$cts. t ! (m 50 o $ !' a 4 75 ff a i 35 - a i 35 a ! 40 a $ ct?. M 75 03 80 10 40 43 i 5G JyjOUlUTEYMAX PltiVTflil. QF fteady habits, and indusirious disposi tion, wll meet with immediate employ ment,:and a permament situation, in ono ofthgmost healthy and pleased Villages of Soutb Carolina.. One accustoujpd to Book Pamphjet. and News Paper work, would bo preferfep Liberal wages wiii-beUlJo wed and rearment made.Appiy at4he office. v Mic urKviiie rainot. - -tL: -1 : f& and VtTXJijnjfc i usuai ?ense oi uie term, is ai present some- oerraoii oy me nev. v. y. uairns, re what doubtful, he must be careful to Drove bt- James Church, WUaungtbnJ i. C. hinlselfthe son of Franco in principle. Talk-'lauibefure teIbc,., i.; , i i in ! .. TSrecfi'io? fru:n Neiv Y.Sk ajid I'hila.j IOC Oil H ,4afcii lartTA anii Bffan:ivaUAj,4,n-nt : ipg of France emind us of Belgium. The fresh and fashhmahle i 3- 'i l 3 9 ? S ' - , I xur. iioore, laiewuinisierot in united states young Queen woar. especial favorite ; she is pn,lhi-m nf n.dnn.hi .ivi u.hf" -rC.-K;. . i 1 1 i " r ' mr vw vj i occteA wmi lua. earn n;i iXiilTut ai vi miifr m iiiiimii. mill iva urn wiiiinrr i j : l i:r.- t . i s. -i: . - . , 3 . T; W r IT ? on ?,auiro ev,?lf,?..??,nayjw nis residence I est cash! prices, all of which he is i dtrmined v 4 in this (pity I ejected with wrcat caro and butiqrht at the low on neraccounironeia ner nusoanq on witn in Kentucky, iiistrwnds will be well pleased sell at a verv smll nr,kfitfr,r c.QxU - ooie sage anu suunu jauvice. ir;xie, ana ieam tuar uo na reiurnea irom nis trying u pnrfclual dealrs Hw stock consists of everv w & ' i wr n v. m r . ikvnnv . Av. i i i i rmt u ai 111 ir iiw i m 11 a. .... .ii ........ . . . i . . . i . . . i f . . i .r i. aispute sdoui miernai water naviirauon, lei Him lust' take to making ra;l roads for the fVoi: rtei. J country, viz: variety; usually found in Stores iti this section of erhas been stopped at this house ; Mr. mentions that thisl has been ewinff;jn alffreat degree, to the sell possession and energy olf Airs Stuart. The ; origin of the Fire is not certainly known. iOue man has been taken up do sospt4 cion, but no discoveries had been made at the date of the Rigister. The loosers by thisiFiieJ are Thomas Cobb,;aliout 4000 dollars.' Turner and Hughes, between 4 &60C0 dollars. B. SI' King between 2 & 3000 dollars. . J. Q. Alarsballi about 300 dollars, f Others lost small amounts j not specified, viz : Haywood & WUuims!DkR.i; Havwood,B. Dupuy. W White, S Co .ipolkj moving goods. Tii rtno4 f r.mn,;;.Ji.. J. j .i r t. " ' i ' ' i 1 ' ft f i 1 vuuu u. wuuiiinsiiAicis UUUCI CUTS r X CUG11 ir i- ' tu ' i i . t . ,,4W4W Treaty of Inderarrty met inth city yesterday. " T .. ; st"' uvg UF"U tne newiy appointea Uomiuissjorier, Gen. bauh- Uonstantmopie. iow awora mine ear oi oers. being m attendance, in place of Mr. Wil the Porte. uou't let rum mtui we return iiams, jesignea. jio. ; and then we'll see what is to be done." and r ; JMtw-ioair. JoneS. kti- The Hon. Edward Ltvinfifston, recentlv lap- QJfNic;of'thenurserybut Nic Junior of St. clouJ arnved h J. from WjUh, Riissia) never Dermit him to act the turn- nrrt.m H nwftita -tlio arrival r.P lU Ttnl I key in locking the Egyptian out; fof he will waie, 74 to convey him to' his destined court. thiis Jock himself in, ana then will be apt to j lb. 1 rArriniri thrri as lonff nt tiA nmasftS.' We rail I 000- i H Ji R D W. lREySZTTs- p. mm irm i fit ' m. cl T W TT -wr ' C! iTa. 5 Jurri la.; a. v ! li mr it, :TT 'I if . to rei aironr neighbors all tobcar witness to the S?45 ITV tactthatl rwe leave y South American r" n" ?r,s,Dua 01 theloof hisn . . ..a? i, , x like all men who ha ve succeeded in accomplish- to buvJ ITie usual states at reace witte ttone another, but : Mt a iauJtiuA..V. euu rrrpnt HftSirrnft. LSretn3irL-ablv shall nt be at all surprised it they get by his orders executed rabidly, no matter about what. SaUaburv. Mav. 1933 : -iu . t i. : i ic ; s :. . . i i - - rf - - iqe ears as suuu as UUI vacK.w iurut?u. n An amusing insiajHwoi lais acuvny occur rea a i ." , , . , . theV doti-- -we sayluithing -They'll fews years Haying 1bshrved one of the f ! l W O T I CJ E We perceive that a reward of one thousa nu dol lars is offered for the anDrehension of James S. Park the defaulter to the State Bankof Grffia-' HH madea pretty comprehensive grni, IhiVinV Pocketed the centeel snraofStVENTY-Two thou sand Dollars. It is; believed hti Iia iwnri'.t-?lflii rti . nt hi hnrtta tn the Swedish vauria, where he will doubti, u.oke ml jgits re:: ,but ! as' a sigrllthat we shalf cer- DCT THB-EE1L PANlStf. B WlSil Htm te ' T A, tZlLl -II t,l ffjod luck of a -halter! 5 Si l 1? IC WV ""3?? U .f mam as neretoiore. .bet me Ajonstitution stand- what is left of t; Let the jaws be fRf!molterilljswpt away, bitrarj laws and cruel decrees, the detnam is k-ttSJ1.JlS C!1 destf construe- nerfP theakwer to it must bo general ifi. 4 r, IrJrc, imaihavejbetter sliclterthan I nil nni- . i - - h . . . -si i : i . . - . - l ., . a . - w : ? & -. i s - Mtree. ;fcwv if anjr.! fof observed that these- expreesiuna are P?lfetosttpjtttheir(b!lowersM. country, toother sSif'f? F deadtt oi Cipd -1 d'Istrias,' witU.fta?eid GreuBntaind this ow iP:W;Uaa aTpay, Jbecause the tbrowijof-pocielvnis to take1 nlace m ArtrW iPi. fbetr liad ribreTcmteU Pillare. l as iireli' "in- iti'ZTniLt-tZ rm." only resource. They Mf ta of oppressions1 and" heaps of arbU id ot or seen' some "of we thinks we ought rse dreadful doings weitT't t ie news tfom v. j i little they pos- trary jawd crull 4ecrees are around usand mac we nan not : 'r, tba. peasant il 5 - a - t ti, i - . TT- " Rfauon oi ther irrduhd has m ; tiI.;. b. IU 11I.U Z A B fl W ft I F V V i. ffatlyi nourish N n! 'l'C pT impoverished land . exhausted ashinvton City. We fonder s that the N to thifcfthat the counts U ,t twolti&tritr Nuillfo should oy 4d trpaptis soldie-1 dmityiii troduti heir papers, t 'fcuTB V -" ""fRisunw pcasan- inn ine oojeci oi a umncaiion is to Oreit npf the PokilOhW'It -rlii wmS VmorzanUhdi UiolIMhkTeutmiine ft tbeJ'ast Ma.u I iWJiOil wonder in formed thi nTicrhtnd fnr. We wish that the world would do something or the Printers to make a fuss about ' Wei had been Waiting half a day for the Northern; papers. and when they come on Friday .morninrr;; oehoid. they were as uninteresting as our illiterate iacnt Charity. The only things that verge to wa ids iiterost, we will mention in a" condensed way, MPRIMIS. ; ";' ".. j ' . 5 I 1 1 1 .;. ..' The Duchess of Berri. ias " btirrm to srribcidv a daughter: and as tho European Papers speak of hei imniortality, we begin 'to suspect that her .- i- i j ' soothe, th. niorUficatiorf of her party. I , J Item.-rA Bill has been inirodooedi Into the British Parliament tn erDanrnatA thff SlAVM in the-West. Indies. 11e plan is to convert,, the f that !he may e able to till of an relation into that oi master ami appsentice until. I hmir's warning, on which side, of his mouth . l: ir i mi. i- i . i v-i f i ii j-f :r - i i j . meaesm cao .ray , oiuiseji, aiiu--iuen w- oe free. AU children under six years'old iobe free Honnets. 6v Persons wishms to purchase, will do well tn call and examine his stock; for he, -thinks jfrom rices S to induce rxirehasers itind of produce taken in pay men i. rrie it; thaCs all. A wbrd to the Wise, says l.un)pan visiters wearing shoes, such as arCu- the nroverb. wnat Willi be tne euect ot al wbrd i Yro the- wise, remains to be seen.; ; ? ; j J Vc gcip-but we leav0 qtur arm-chair behind us; j not indeed to be opr representative, as IS hereby given that the firm of Dickson Sc. :C (limbers is dissolved by mutual consent til fashion, he borrowed them as a pattern, and in I persons against whom they have claims arising less than twelve hours, a dozen pairs were readv; 1 before; the 1st or May. are cautioned to come for- these vere despatched instantly to Cairo, with a ward and settle the same either by cash or noto peremptory order that 5 40,000 pairs should be f belore fhe 1st of August next, j else they w.illi reaoy iu a inoiiiu.: aih ui? suutnutKers iu vsuu i imu.iucu uunu in wo uouua vt, tamoum . l l j . . I T . l ii...: were lnsuniiy set io worK, aua uie oraex -com pleted in due time and supported by their parents:: If they are tin able to maintain them, loey are to be hound to their former owners, tne males unul2ri ; the females till 20 . It is provided, 'thatf Govern ment shall loan to her " plondered sobjects 15 millions of. dollars, provided they . cant give se curity. , This ,b Jiker the freak of Kent, who when a man. who' aotrie tol him to! mitijiafe some cruel and ihjusrsentence he had ipassed- 1 oroereu iner peiuioners jpngue ,v ce . cut out and vueufi was uoueneeoojs. .aoyasuceeeas wna an air of mock gravity, and told him to proceed With his.com pTaM: - Give security after a maft nas oecome ceggarecr v x ne enaer mercies of Colonial Government! We abominate Urs measujcd "lor jiore.tban one reason, bat'?m"ostt he- causenf .?i&e anew the zeal of the lotermedi dling fools at the North, who are tgiv-m'g Dufi Greraso&e little pretext for I inaking j a fttrnioil and dmflectiin in the Southern Stalest ' , The next treign item of any miportaneeisthat the British Juiuistry, have agam obtained a -m.-- Pjurify.tnthe House of tmmorflahey have car- ncu several important measures w tl'.c; or financial policy by triomphant majoritiesJ)esidps the ti ifory oa lnal on which they bad been loft Ti xninorityi This vote has been recuusidcred an thl'ihill na. Riclmd Pennine of the I proprietors, and of all the governors of Tennsyivania, under the obeyed and the courtesies of life bo mlrliaria the commethment Jt' the revoluUon, (bis brbther John j being at .that time governor; was on the most decided ani ipfiuential wings; and, on a certain occision, bemg in company with several of then, a member of Congress observed that such was the crisis, tney most all nan - . , . .m jm X ? 1 . -iff m observed; in short let all go on as x nothing had happebodi Apd pro;it inijtnost es pecial charge that jthe pristine, the primary, the primitive, brigmal,l4rdinaly lmperscrip title unalienable rights pji conversation be in no : wise infringed upon.-4 Let no man tell a long story jind expect it U be listened to; Jet no persori utter a peor joke and require it to be laughed at w hile tbe friercury stands above "8b-dfcgri3ejs Fahrenheit t such jo)es4in suph weather are, serious things, : And lastly, let every man be always on the ajert, so Monroe for collection. Salisbury, May 18th, 1333. 43. ! I EUYZjiIROED SHOE II STOBEr ff5 kfind bis tobacco; and if he should any ihow set m$ nnger, in the i candle, let lum gt&nd ready) to take it outtwith promptitude nnohandsomi5iKpatchr! j;4in lOO CUililUCUWJ lUilj XUt'SC liijuuwaujia if.ptu4Rce a'arcnnipon thefrait of iid little irjsrv6rj and fkperience4fwill be duly attended towo take pur short and kind-, lyieave n present, j Asto looking apjstream for a drowsed body oi; IsCeeping the ? dust against j tie wind, and -such Jike offences) we leave thn to the Ibcf jaurhoritieai. ; Given from our Editorial Chair aforesaid this lOth day v of June,ji33,; answering to nurorforty-tibree of tn journal, ;folunie vf. eignerhaithe demand furjlerolctha .was5 gen .3 GrVKS notice that he his purchased the en- tire interest Ja the above 1 mentioned firm: the stock of whio8 was very good and extensive; together." If you do notJ ntiemen,11 said but f inmddition to that he is receiving from thej Mr.Penn. "1 can tell iyou that yoa will bevery iiorMaiayj m nraiawiHiinii tucur neatnefc, cheapness and durabil'Utfhe is ronfi ; PROVERBS. Fools haste is ho speed. &cocV, Fools ind, )b4iinate pwpls make lawyers rich. ; . ill' J'. Gentility without ability b worse than plain to" J L r . ! t :ti . J : . 1 1..... i"-Vt A i - Get a name to rise early anar yoa may lie aii of the;aest quamy no uutuu. , 1 1 I nnd assurtmeut of Ladies Shoes and Pumpej Good harvests make men prodigal, bad ones 0f tll kinds, sucn as seal sxin, can sun, morocco provident i ' ! 1! I and Prjmelle ot tne newetx wm w; M . ' i - . v - j - a a..-i m at 1 1 0 y nhtn rt am nriii bvii Uod sends meat ana ine oevu senuscooiw. i mansmp anu uwicriaia, w w ... 2 Ik. Mnfinfrff . tn hi" Wr!u neVTS IS in 1 Imo Crw Mfth flr IO DunCLQaj CuSUIUiCi vu m . , r !! W H i 1 Uredid five percent, will be discount Jo purchas- 4Kooav cri demand. ' Mr. Dtcksm makes dent, thit his assortment is excelled by none in the Southern country. It consurt -filS other things; of Gentlemens , BOOTS siiorrs and town. VJUSm othe MnilBT l Ihis anowiedgments to ' jjij SABISBUPY. .. i ! . hipes by a (Made owl ot xkfwwifn wiMi erery vrwaw i , ttalioa to business to merit a contmiaiKe . --tiieeten,) totMeeUfifrre. . m thelrtfaTurs. . . , . ' Beeswax pr. lb 1 G k 17 tedyr Appjs pi 1 : He sdU carries on tho business of inanolacvj gal. 35 v 40; .q 'Peacn, prgai. UP -tcnii I ofiee pr Ibl 14 a ;18 ij Casts pr lb 4 a j -Kpledges himself to do in the best style S7t a rW;ilfiKiNa.9to No! UlT QTnished himself with stock ! of 51 50 a 175 ; Feathers pr lb;$5 a 30 ; Fkmr " northern sole leather-and calf skms nrLI 3 80 a 4 ; Wheal priLbush bii a jo; .U,?r intends to work upmhis shep. lie tinted bv thft Iykfatereto snoerintend tbelpr ouitt so a .iuw?a p - I i-jme and examine nrs ewiuut7u, SiJkm1?; iSry rr O 10a 121 Iron prl lb 4 a 3; 1 recommend it as the most tasty, , e- lecf inWdesirableof any ever brought to tne Wester 0 part of the sUte. Ill : n grants for sate at this V fi" VflW Julyrtel his ck expected from lolp' thearrarlgernentstha $ 15 8 4l(f S toleinambl ,me mcst intelligent J? V& 7 .4 resntiti. eiLW nf tt Stall.. Pf lb 10 ; j Hogs-lafd i ai.8 , iorJ., . r, respectbl it is believed that this meeting will afford SalApr bush $1 ha 1 wwt Tl.-l.-::.-i.i i :j I.i- . . . isptbe Mpplar.toa sofcti-. blister pr lb 10 ;rjglh do .u, i-. t ? I it hi.-; L 4- .v- J . i f rV--3 r - . !. r ill - . - . k . Ii. . : . -"! i rlV is 5 It !:i'K- - I: f. 1 ! i 1: j J if! . t' -S 1 ' 'J r

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