Lr; - f1: 4 ,! Li-ur .At if id- il i- ti. it ' 'T; k-AtJai tbt.fltt ,v ?n',v that others iaVc on similar 6ccaa;ns, iyen UWith nvlpratiuns f th? hiprhest pec- . i-irrf tn"Il,eJ :, Jlu ":-k.,r.;,!Q u,Jrfvincive of our dfttcrminiuon noa Vo-trould 1bank our corresronc eats tasnni us L- : t tJiA rmor'tuner.-M lieji onrs ;vc I are I - statPftnpntAf Ithe vqis n Rfnend inr the 1 Con "7? 'a r ,,i-'rVF'iUT to this :.. L:-' ' J- ' t,,. x 1 1 whtr!r the nwffxwxv of A impfel upon us; I , - r r : -. -r. l il--.A:.Vf. rA V3feb Rm Ud charter, bat hjch Knrry For a cIimiot 1VTI Rjaiost nonp -. Iiwa" (aad examination,; we : eouTJ not YIonrnmieryi- Fur aching lUSfTaaicisk Sjl- VitVroutbejnsPCtd to. riori?ipnwlions- Gujllbrd- Fur a change 1UG against. 07t 5: - Xll amount of gt(jc!r sabscribet!hy jndif 'lduala. is , Cafaarnra-Fdr a'chanyo 4G9 against p? f t OOflW tbfe chaitr requires 305,000 to.;fcft Mecklenburg--For a chaujre; ainst subscribed before tfe coinpapyH an itzre ari f X; Uutberford -For change of coostAiuuun istan'ee; sTheiown ftf.Fa'TettevjlleVltli an in- aVaiiisi rnone.) ,L f( - rl'.v 'i fc ' r tentiwtocoiistroctahe JUil Uid ?0oniTiJiaX ;i4,JWruiFor change of.tfli9 Ccbitttdtba pbeerto,the Yadtin.tfctn uthori?f ' ita I'-Iiw 507J.Acrainst ii 27.C- V V Officers to tirgotiaie a Van f f i (200,00 and to n.' Fpt a change bt tb'e poostitctioa Wby PdtatKempnT into.nceyand ;&pa.Ph; of die Constltatfen with a detennmation, td prtfnmenc ine-wor rv' - r .1 ; ; - i. r, ' fortnmthboUiJeJmibapncO 7?3Againtt it 62 ? -Lkf 1 inif ascfftayyjd that, the; cliartcr 'didknot provide . . Lual-r): pr change of the VPPfktu- iff M aur.thittlmo.ja "if jK&ai f 1 'f taiiJf?"T'' .Kilessibesa infatuated rnn t. i . ' tr, W AV J J? i r 'H? Cf'til WpUfaMicn , hi? ran One f; . f rWi ll jo rh jorernunt d! V?" '.i V,Af- ir nli'jineJ from thft f R3! vinv.vJ irnkm th AmT fur, the least of wiiJatfid. his al Ui crushed. MiWW-6"d-r new:- coaimfrciar l!fch4 fatenrd an4 freu dl4ihf has oot JaretftO tStrUrela toedbv thejjiti2aof FayetteTiIIe.hci were wew HaflbYi-rFor ,a" change 109,r ajaiasr the work, antt or?n wnom m reiwiwujtjivy, .mi Alacda I4 or a cuau'ie ,oi mo VOCuuxsn thfl-ntim- 'onderUKinsp-,. was v resi, wiaft irw i y-Jik - - - s.i? . iah coitlrf tr e hitve donc in lo'&are tnspmdtd 'oar Wake For a change of the Constitatidnu 81 operations uniiJ Vie meeiiny the ntxl Central aa,nst it " ;f u l - i i I 35jmfcty, tulunivie contemplate ? ojtii&it: (;UmbrlandFor a chanje'of the Cocatita-j rt cAarfcr as tKal'. unit?, folk Hown and cwttUry 013 ablest it 27. - a h tn tffectuig tke worfc. . i. . - J V' 1 t t . ; risiifl charter in iu ptesent firm contemplates ; (jr nvrtl , S C. W, 10. , , iff. . , ? . . . , ... -. : f . , r .-. ,r 4,-v . jla i r! .n nf i Ve cnocTstand tnati; vtiley Ancierson iwa& lnaida4a.nrocnr, andmbracej. pUa ot , srianbunrri CH: oq Idav IaJ .iStitHatronatre :3n.d. the lljfernal agreeaoiy u u.p puwc,. .ti, v an qui iudviui;.i(;jj!)hain:!iinrliL.i wJj oat;inV.T. ; 1h3 ViUt .t! v"ant which 'Ve'rycccz -ry rccantmn, bq'c?tv.2 would haVeposcfi amy .froai his vido.v, lia'dshe riot resorted io the'JImvino: jCrpodicnt to aWrtthklosaof t!:a.Drorer;i" She con- x:a3ed'the death ber husband "arid pre- VZilii? ttic cIt2Z2r J'JP 'ttfKrt tll'n. tirtn f- enmandit'' I aau;,-? io wor iwrjipuse W per' f if A; Feataenftlb-i a W .pwaxKbl6U;i7, Bna'dv, A-Ve ihe desired r.The cobhter, groaaing aloud, prilb py;r IIs4trd ta$ i'PortiW ica leeu.v -anawcrea, m , miena io-leave yoa r?.5a si a'j ju;v (Steel) Amertryi l'IlesTecLfunr KVW.n.Vi i. - S i v?i 'j, j rnfss niiSy fe. cobbler's will, fofear olrdosingtb'e.wnble WalagasirAv lil iv- "- y -SsirllfelSi'i ofir'prbperhijst'hc'Ilauajlinhis l I -J 1 sleeveihU divided lh fruita ; of the project iTWtirr w "V I. V ' ,C:erfcot the ' v" eart'ef rS intended for'her.;so!pVnJfit::tr "J . : fTr intyandStatafureo . v f, - V ' ri-Br' 5i 60 JD applets a 50; tifjthat , I b'Jaaticerthw 1 .-' . I fiVrniont.. Cffleejlb 134a IFlbur pew perMsjVG e that h mnS 11! er Ulely pntered a sfore'bn one pf our prin- bh lMHi0eatheJaPSbS8 S3; thl-dayUf - y H ! cida! vhirves m search of - emnlomienf. .-toni mbash-7 a 6i Iron wr lb 44 'wiU xnin on the i-fd v.- - f i ! V lE..-''. t . . S - t " 1 'r-rnir1 rfiTr'Tr-AMvi-r-a.; we ill j r. TREASURY DEPAR1MENT ' . ! i ?ad CoHrTaoLLfaVOr 1 r PIR:-In order t ; rtaoYe all air ! , '1 j & vue lasinicuobsissaec from i w Sf. to fomlsh thi Arnt rK . : fiUif-. '. ! V i : ViPrfe's certificate t!erpia TnpAiitwl -Wuu i 4 lilted by !he;Aat4wnowiU refthereto r f en as may be , oecessary to ascef taia Uie cor $ JjpetawstUe paptrifcertiSed by thirtaWratefe ?Wandmn. - On apch certificate beSV fflit . ii' ft SftS&m ffFefcptct Andean tor UJmqrderU a man!StaI:! tomed by e flutes- m .the teU vast scours of spectators assembled t wip whu:li.the.frainNeiB'f oor Government.nawise- A f vLtj4- hafii lW Snfided to ifl: SutestivejMand hich ne the exepquonhe,.criini rZl .i4;.; .uX.i,tiv fate with great firmness, and even assisted toad- 5ir:'T 1FV r"' ? T HTXll T iuai children, who are jesidmjr in Uermriai; L - I 04 i ; ft at 0!, be it )t 4 4 1 - ;.: dinjar .ii v t - . 1 WlzM anibiU6Hbay be n (ok the Sli p Jftoftb4m.ince!ier lata to the rx'P't" branch by Ufcb the tfjha that tare; uepoaynj 1 rnanf fiier fttfders we can hot believe it -will f ifjot featly jiisti e a rnaKl psat no constraint jiiierw?ds- f man woseHfriead--y'iief f lii1 91J Aliateoded toobtatn. !A'fc-f: f ca'lse f oJfience m&L IInljyo him jwiUi iii:.m4t; ptJhe.' This ort of Iwt heH;rereriyhit off ;?aso eribtvoeat and complaisance that it ze arid aa- intev; f s.; patrunase i B at i t is saw lhat the neaple a re rmnosed to Internal Improvement beinv made the suact of lffgisiauve patronage npofi uie score 01 cjcut, 1 sa a .1 , ! ii'll bel vou ftJO TJf l,:,ae" f 84 30l;WMskej bHg ofkit (vgV TT iLmt !tA?e .cross this stor! ' OH SB AW-SHs. f . 4 Via." - ? te-u r. 4"i raenteient M)gabbjh; 14' a rey e&e Petersbnr, Va. Aujlj siich'is not thetfact, arid I coustder ; the iioputa- " The Rai) Road Company's cars have pekorrn? tion aiibel uporl th patridtisin of the p9Fe ed several trips between tis p!afeo and ? plakeljV a.l nir lite undn it.thev will sanction (any? f ea- I rmnoletckl to that town opvai-! 'rfaw-imlh:-tiflk si$! system of public work, whatever may .be its J nnderstand that the inclined plane fnmthe' derrat e wea oi- rBis:ng i jiius ur innaii i nnnnred leetj is almost n rustled. , 1 ha ; great ibrovemfents by taxation is higoly prepbsier; S outhern Mail I will be carried on th tBad as ou-4w hat State or Government in any, owiitry J goon as the arrangeineuts ;for that i purpose are wks of apu(jiic; natnre? Has Newl STork, 1 l'ennsyiYania, orany memoer oi me -1 ratng the rcanv miUions they have ex U4coul4 do anjT; k and ;poasted rnucb p yotifare sai3 2 the clerk rod cin nbt carry thai to a very large "one) ind Ijack againandfieVerlayp down. n ,e tanked stboc (brja monent scratch ingt hw h ad andgazjng ? at a rope" with' a hopk'at its end hic)i dangfedthrough a scat;Ie4 4nd the accepted thd wager. He shouldered the bag "ith; tho utmost ease 1 :tbi; fresh carriea it twice backward ind forward and Bacon, (from vsaon) jtnen uuug u upon me nooK! aioresaiu 1 ueeswai, mister,' 4 saia ne, l guess i I'll trouble 1 "asgtnjr,iow rrewt i COTtnECTED WEEICLY 4 In edon m . iJH:i i : . i f:':- ''t Uil9fna improments-everresorted taxation 1V!n,stJ,nIUD'e TAtm to acTomphsh their wotks, the maynituae of He ben it in 1450 and finished it m ' HGpl wHicb, now justly,eo:nmand the admiration t of h carJr)ln? a f P"f "V" tp .. . t- i -. . j i i i i .i. . i Pans. unH nflfennir them for sale, he wa &rTf&eAi tno ciYiuzeo wona, ana ov wnica me mcreasea i , , ;r . ' 7; rrrrn hdndredfbld?i! ! hbe Devil. The French could notljse tt Fay-tvh7e is wefl jwoTth J sijirft$ itsi vifwi with mocv vi !fiSf ktfind thit the people nf Fay- ljtli tct their ttprit VjTe 'ftmKite have ni ven man r nVonf htlifr tittirK: aed iwjl Rhetor we at satisfied Jcurafr(xkcY can do' them anv mwL ther , b(S jrt;:W;winot even repeat the ;i&ia5ifa dacediaVto th coarse we nWfjjltfjfjlvJ Fayetteville. iue tthi8 f enbjoct , the course-, "i mmUaye right to 1jIIw; viz: to do that m the mind df the practical statesman; it is see D,w 8 any oooks snomo so exactly egree apparent that th public improvement of if conn- "TV Ictt.ef ZT' nur f trYls most effitJyridneficnllyrlied on bis liberryi till he had discovered Method by bmeans of lolh-fbr the 4vi6us reihll that wh,ch ne. Mom ihie circumsjanpe nowie branch o labour of tha "comitlry ibould arose the apoihegm f faDetd andUr.S sufM-by drawing from ttf sources uiltuclluf iu to V Raleigh-litgutcr$ -' H M,! -1; ! t'iil)'hateof at the same time adopted rnswweat wuni ineaitns oi our; trtedGtat i.rsf tainj vJlveiera are to uarae & Sf-ife'te'P hereabouts are ralVora Jemtttbjplan and we regret I- -W3f$'"$ftl .to commit If 9 l tleUiMt:'iVVi have 'tricd hard Mrabtof fer owitVhest! in, ISN' "cillinff fldeepl Should the work ttfTiMt, We have not donbt iWffl 6 prevailed o to lend a hank to !fj begintibjBir, aid; will be ef WrM perceive $hrongh the &Mjeyaie ir relation lo the cpn tftwT Ithia; place to the circulating oiefium to any one particular tlifrnch of industry ; wljen if the funds are toHbe lilised bj 'taxation uafc the public works wjdfla s distributedad to be equaliy ap-rtioned! td ieach neig nrjournoooiihiougrti.ut tne country, iqe tax wpul4 evidentythave an unequal i$irjniipon tfie? citizens.; 'But there is still a ttetter ye-.ison From the (?ab. Useful Knowledge. I didn't thi.ih sprightly little girl ivlio oc casionauj, entertains me with her prattle, has of- ten auiusea me ay mo readiness with w.hton to every charge of misomduct, she furnished; this "Vcr"-7V"?! - r--.s,mi vj brief excuse, she erred always through ihadYeY wwoh impose a ouraen on we.egen tance-Sfc.VWW. think. ; It is a chUd's excusH "SZZ rT Tf"r r J i 1 1 out now many oi us are ctiudish auoiis of future ages are t jen ioy and' inurover 1 1 - ' i yot,tbr that are ten. ! Aung i p.' ; i tie c i man i lay li down if -.-.h erk, muoh to his dis- P J"" f n' k satstactu?n, banded over the monev, and the nA,trtn f t-fiiiufucr leu me giorev saving, uatt:ii a I Corn. Yveaserasleepr Notfso b tdra day's work. Flax Seed. ronrh. Better jtaati chopping logs!' Boston po Flour, suinne,firozon)'6 1 iT : ' i ii.;- -f 1- s '3: Finn.,! iron, oweeu. ty. Lard English (scarce) 3. t In? CHaHotte. otiThursdav 24nd fast, by the w' . rri. Refl''HiikMramls'M.cCwaib, of Uffti-!-io' Vt -; iu acc, iu lYxisa yanQ uaites, oa uvnau i 4 1-2 16 . ;16. 'ig : 14-.- 00 v 50 60 I V - ' t 5 ; COUU- J NaiU. Sugar, Muscovado prime -Common . y4 Loaf and lamp 1 pait, Liverpoolf fn this town on trip ouirninrr ntKp tr tffit Mrl Hokvio VVoodson.atxiut 60 years of -age.' - ps, 4 bushels, ji i In Uhariotte,on Saturday 24th inst. Mrs. j s tee I blister 4 - Cathartiie Watson, wife of Mr. Hooert VV'atson I ' nLv r- . - wiaiipiace. - j ; , : . Wheat. ffrtna tctfron) I..LI -i "I" 'I- llfl . - ..I .. . V -- ieckieiiDurg-vpwnxyt wtuiara WLison, I la .to Uo I 7 11 1-2 1 9 170 75 14 iJ a44 thattis signatoreaboYe wntten fa gerrutnZ l,s. ef jBaid- pounty,; thb--iday J ' AO pr-o-aw; , ; ,. vfci, . , t 18 i80, . 1 25 00 G 00 6 5 00 12 12 70 50 - ' 8 f-2 i2 i-a 10 18 5 3 00 I 50 10 . : 15 . ASSFJf GERS bV ibW Ife Wffl 'lare . . . . . . " 1 UU CIHT XI J $ner T o'dockA, JUand arrive at Varentenl every day at 3 oock.rA.lMrand vtauui hi ria lauii iluau nonin iuv k . n j. no aian voacn.itne lrom uanTiiie io swr r r v Itentbnneaves Danville and .MQiad veryTues'M I dav Thursday and Saturday paorning's, aiidiar !' 1 ves in reterspnrgeariy the next days. p; : U'M J 1 Passengers eoiog South and SouthAVt H . 'IU 1 1 reformed that the Mail Coach-lromnVrreutonii fvJf l JJ 0. toPanvIIlei Ya. (eaves tWarrenton eveH i ' i , ifmu, a uursuay ana j oaiuraay; j . trersdnS! who wish to secure seats in said Mail Line, ar q o 0 u y r nostra xl cfe wi:Ji y . Tsii I lose ann naoivcai ininKiagis the' foundation' stocks ot pobua improvements will y eld ail sur I nf .n fWQ,:, Thi ? vl i..s--ii5:ijjj-i.iI : l of all prosperity I here; is no business, no nurn r.3SE.inT 4 ' i ? TCayS- it, no situation in lite that does not reShire this' make 4he script cojntnand in market a mice ex- !, , m; ,.r 4l ; i - , V t ceediriffiu'ifcvalue. to Tetlm j.i cPnsta.,i W X.1 nnd; whatever sj '.fr-M ".J. 17 TfY . 1 thoughtlessly done is ill dope. little lobservaa TWr-.Tr0 iYu"ttU.,CIU "l "PTOI1 lion will convince! anv man thst. r.diili i - - vnai are ine prices ot such stocks idJNeWork. i i i - U 1 ' i " .i . V T v? Peansilvania,ahlo and other 'SuteMvoS '"Cjniad the shady,, h wilticai youTljeWor the - Pes illt ?,U'Ttl,ea TZ?7- !T 'fSi Snxrr in thosi sTutesHt will 4ilhem TJ 'CT ' th tnow,worth lrom-liJ to50 WahJvfc-W e, only excuse they c4 offer b-MA Esu.!rie had oeen la candidate ia tbeSenatej Camden Coihiliei'ciaillecordm c ot 4ba couitiy and was taien sick the next day . 1 i 1 I ": :. 1 .alter tiieelwiijui-ltisupiitjeed that his disease.) i ftovisca and corrected i VyeeIy. 1 ! From he Danvibd ReixjrteriAu?. 17. t 1 It lia Oecutiieouridultr amontr thp miit niin Iful tn nil r iilfi Lit a.wiiijii'iirr ihn ii'9Lh il' nnr !. Cotton h Imeiitei 'leilow-citiikij Win. H. jjUhapiih, Esq. J Corn, per busliel, : iCastiier ot the t5iuk olf. Virginia At this . . bnco ! ; , , ' 4 Flour, Camden Mills, bhU I Xtib iribate of respect to his mernotv, given dy " Country, : t ;i he aukiih Society, jptl meet atull response Bcon Pr b. ' Wrvdi bosoius of ait'lwho had ttw hannint'SM nt Wliiskejyper gal I T i .. fi . . . r' I lt.,lT' I. .1 hisacoutiutanceuurtrieudsnip; and the univer-I "iauuJri"FiJv'i'1'1 f pal gloom wnuxt thisl uuwetcome intelligence iias ihrovpn ujKiii our Cjuzetis, evinces "at once, he Jugii WfcTutuation in Which he was held, and ne ifiinrtuue jof thej lo6s which society has liusUtliW s-yihis'untiMy dissolution. An intel- ectal (vigor, mory sujlpasseda vivacity which S51 Hh lahiect5f llnternkl Sgrn the Wlaten, counties and ffifrMlfeli ia fact, and! In W?Hi interest to! be &W-j!hfte& thi;rtdr .jTl Wiei'dtttriior. frn Ia' rrttr SWfeUn'wbrk of Tibfe YSH e :Wt Fr as if urVj sreaSQu iiura; their hacfe ,'upin iNv i5 $ bocorrung iiUirs to :.iv; IJFIbeliown of Wilmingfln tndicatlbiler dUpnsitiorifco VlWeflbrls bf NSPA??'ftMP?n the altar hf - K - -j ! .a. . ; I- Tbiiir. - . ": .- nvi1 VF m ,fi5 ' UiArrifl? . f" course acepteu Mrl m? thftCapFear m4 Yi.T'LHWS thiS mceh I nrUim r 4d feZ i7 wwonro jae , project- fiTi Train this YiWa w k .. When the immortal Clinton in IS tOXipro- ;the plan 6f connecting: the waiers liof the (with the Hudson, the population dfU New c then litile exceeded the present ndDnlarion ofjorth Carolina, yet the Legislature of that State Was art dismayed at the undertaking , A law was enacted authorising. a loan of nin$ Mill ion of dollars to ellect the object, and which were accomplished in betweoa 5 and 7. f ears. The results produced by tho improvemeliu; is, that the population of New York stncVj IplO, has increased from about 900.000 souls j tjltwo millions and more, and the revenue she receives from these improvements, will in the :" preiient year exceed tico million of dollantQTl U Penn sylvania and Ohid far behind N. York Jint t the sucQe&iul , progress ; of luternal imprvetnents, whose! increasiug wealth and populaiiun united, bld4 . tt! t;rii;'disaai period to direct t)i flesti riies of the Unlonl1 . . -.ill '114,,.'. : In presentinglto Tdu my Views nalthl in. teresUn topic, Xwoiifd not be understood as being disposed td withhold jtbe jhtronae of the T State irom tnuse counues on tno itoanoKe vi or elSv where; whose. Ixality of situaihuVr excludes! ithe lity of their trade being brought to a rmar- kettiwithio the horders ot our wn'Siite-fcwe should look to a system ot paternal unproveribnit absceptible or dispensing equally its ad vaiiiaes to all and of oniunginihe greatest .dereCltiie general weuare- sucn a plan l am well coavioc- ed can bo devised. '!!ft.v ; i'Hil,ft 41 .would to God that a srstemTcmbricuv? these principles qould sobrniiied to tae4rfey4j;i l hay hoiears but atj they would sMciaon fthe measure with cheerfuins. VYe i mnstdiscuii those local prejudices! which have 'found their' Way, latai to the common good, -into our Atiegss- I ne nuuse umaea against kand-we must be f united ; act vtthout eacHiihert assistauceia'ahyiiiect much less" in wotKs uf " State maa-nitudei tThe ficdiswirdancyin ear General Asdembiy i inr; the eubjectlf internal uhpruvenents, has become a1 mucii mreater barner in our march . ' to distinc tion and prosperity as a State, than 4hexistiri natural impeaimenxs to oe met wiw; in our, pnv judiced ataleshiauiand PatriotTwhat ' i friuifuf field for; ;enterpridoes North Carolina jririient in; the practical adf antMres of Jiail UoaaWfeey open to our vie w HthsV track-vy i tij' the filur Ml Iti n -A"nii "li rM;w4''sv io com- w" : t Siit. -t - - 'F4Ciaio tne aii3Wstiwu lative! Councils. its self cannot Uerainalteriits aiixilio esret.'. gtwj qa greine;soi. our oaie. -? ny; vueu stand vyn with wtjarms toldedn therpaHi PisgabV meditaiing upon the frmu of Jit4 Ca naan i ;If we hive failk, we can find 4ifoM. Let cs then terminal cur fartrvears-f sojourn and penetrata the iLaBd Oilcad Tfril nin iJJa looking backet find I af trotracfej thts communicatiohinuch' beyond mv onjihal in ten- Ve once had a friend; a tolerably sensible man! one who took the world very easy, and bade himself as happv ias rssible He was a !rher- chaut with a good! capital! and good credit J; He oougni largely, misted rreeiy, seldom troubling his debtors, and detested dunning; his grrat'Joh jeet seemed toh to sell. I3ut his creditors troub led him. And .when-, his business came to bA closed, it seemed! WMideffut that a roan of i ? -i. ! ' I : 1. - !"-'. i -t inucn sense snooia inave.trjayi; d so i Gifectiy to creditors tohim, ever to' pay your dobtsA,! when f you never looked after your; dues; j when jyoa did so wild a bnsidess? A n said he,; I tdw'nl think. He never recollected ; that to! seir wa the smallest part f a trader's business A.U1 are not fools who do foojtsh thing's the' wisest' raeii aiu wiHiiniuiftt uuuviniii mosuiesi aClS,; SHJ Peach, vfctStivr AifetS. . IS al 15 . 50 ;'t)B3 V;:r a 1 M25," Ifv- "-its;.- 8f a 0' gi o v 10 -35,! a '45 m a j 56 .i .1 r 1- : At t .ft I lOP ACC65I5IODAtl03T in Bciactd t o ttyirrenion hA; A!h:; adfised to leave Petersbimrf everr :MfiT.v:! nesdav and Fridayand arrive inAliTton einfry VVednesday;.Friday and Sunday, ;inJ time d akePectendiYeIfor4 UrtetrHa Greens 1 oorpugn o a-extngton, r.i vror the Piedmont I 110 iiwii i4aimo tu oaiem u iuiuedeYUid ' j v m r1 m ia atemakiog by the Roanokiel Rail Road , Compa-1 nyjfus soon as the Rail . Roadis eampleted to ! I theiRoanoke; which will he .by the Jst of Jaly;) j i Jaines River and Chesapeake Bay) to carry) hasvH ' v sengers from the Roanoke lo Nw YorTc in, hiss taT fifty hours In, future; persons; travellirjj T V T w V" .w u tui ci ICHtliKU I(ur k?."" t limn i7.iiiwuin iir iiiiinnwi niwrwrAit mm. f.. 'i- ' A 'T ayi o his ceiiYersajti4ti a peculiai charm, and highjpriler of eloiuei''ruuch 'otii -eorhinan- in iafi'ience a deyofion m frieqdship, which AT v THE C O It IV EH ' O P THE inewlM bonads but! h impossibility of an fc.O tlR T-flO JJSJJt.- wermji demands luanle ipon it; added to a heart ti -wit S i as upends day to meiri charitymtributedg jfTHE STJBRiBJCRl Announcesito thi naeri;him one of. theifivst valued and valuable generally and friends and to the, ohritizeus; and totasten around the hearts irmM. Frrpnfi, if th HOTRfih.t A-4,11 avpr her that if- aof fW.!'. t,c 4ch culd f be happy; to aecnnimodate ail whomay. tavo 4mdered only by, the 'gnizly monster, hoae fell iw:tu fJlf Mtfnn rw .MnrM th.m ilArtiMAriMi af oil 3 iviuih ( fqik loir tusar tha fiin-hoAl I ' J i! . . - - . r-TSrTlJ '"rrf'".7 r - y? - best enorts shaii he used toi render pleasant; IHff? whic the most for- the entertainment ot all such aslniay call.Her for want of nroner reflection. Of that class k Imen wU afcjilhVfe nlffilf getting their wisdom by experiencei theK mt lajonty make this 5 nuske-ftey don ptfyki fortune ruined;' by Work of less than a thccareless snhffih a simple eridorsemerfth? minote; a house borned.ii hv g of a. candle: a life-of em barrassment produced by a Wgnraadeia a e4 l moments at a casual meetings 5 And raiof cbrnes: yiHui tu f;.un;waj,- f nan oj .snipwrpcK or the last ; stages onie overi theliisnjrviij his earlier times, and rebofteets ho fees l)ccasifHrtft hy;tiionghtIesshes? , Ij istSelahgNiage ;wr uuof languago wnicn jou aaiiy,anrx nonry bear rri&y this and that transaconFnilt liate Horle betters but Tdidni ihiWnlM KM England mJiti W rMm& thai JSewAEngland irls! 5 makes the I ist wives iu the. world: and we thtnkJsars the LowelUournal,;and any KeWEhglaiicmktii wtu caeenuuy saying. countries; and affecUonatelnstancea of coriiulli'Mi.ia! naemy- are oi a rarepcajrenttaiadnff:? them they mak4 excellent Tjnoth frugal and rnethodicalm theirlaoaseholrilr- UiA :ft til; J n - n.A i :. i -A 11 Urt nmgenentshm ffWttdvarjiage, 4 when vap&t intending ilieencnbra Siicb awife is a leweluad nq wxhdet sher ahould sought aUeWtar andf neM'Vb pathern geaUemg; while thlrt oppose the UaiOii. bf ttate eyihj ila - A L.-t-j. "'. xvpuuKucu w union witn laeros fi-Mtmi&' .U .'r A ""IVrtancj ct ;Ue subject to which u r :jatoand- ea lasm ot tao lorthr tuuate and wary ca boast. Ah, haphB, i iu , th hope of .restoring ;; 3 l cintrr mtrran.Ulie .Bir Ua -hotc-s tbe hattere-J lco6s.Utuuort, irid fclobtoin-thenecessa-:! i:nnWN.W-VStWiii Uta t? retionjftohl a joo on a visit to thHonngs. Uut alas! this. hope ITti.1 i.:.,t -i-: : As A Hashuwosuon JwwfiWJ'. From the many advantage wWch this aflbrds, 'BIAIt Y ALLt JIOiVG. s Anaaniiiiauntr our uuora. ov occasional, dqh t raff iifeJ : TheboftheCberawand Liacul. IfJ "S ir IhSis at the MANSION HOTEL, tjrtmg., . aud ker iif-fi v to dfenloca ithemioss atas! iiinesu-1 nwble.pi ti v" Mi 'hs -ift;-"- ! -:j,.r.l-.-..y ! AiltKati4)d of thKRevi Afr.!KaWer, near I : S Atisncar. 'Anrrast. iStl 1 833 -G at liWiBibaViih Suiayghi laifi ijev. Edward MiisRUrt Allemowo; Is my -Attornej S T -M: :l ; ;,... r. "I: .1 'i-:LI -JL " U-J, August 31j 1833 5jhi;. liYe toembf r iwthyM'E, list tAn or twrtlve years! laborintr !under a con- slanV in'cialing!' 'oebiltM had bten a resident of reeutallin Jin thel Cuarchtto Whlch he Iwas at ted an extensively . c- nHHE subscribers now offer tpr sa!e nt) safsect iM jmceI? ew .had : -7 ' JLilhat House and Lotin Chartbrte "Sfarneu taocscripairfsii jwiui more uaurm i Tjafieriiskud asai iityiurj witu'strougef anxitv . mU z i.ii ? 'A-T iL a . . j. . j :T t: I m 1 - Mb 'weli tnown A as Public "House tor- a numberof 5yearsatfly (cred .by fin Was ihisbiifi! Maitster of ihV Newretement,' Btlt neither extensive knowledge nok arden t piety caiir "aterj thi Itroke iif i)eathj and" ur brother, ! futt Afljriala'and.ftnatj lorwr? which't cooieih r'8bpf ?wheatf iaihlheen separated !rom vs stal k 1 a id diebbs i tel in tb trimer la hove? Shall wiaakr9;-ihiilla1er! hatiiiaid' aside his J-aimari Snt K hfl w, reaping ihe rewaxdof ibis? fi- Ldeutyrano vaiorr. i luthef let cs rejoice tbatrthe teebla veteran iiata been lieYed front bis earth ly ; toils; and is nowinh& fulkeryoymenlf thaV estiwtOcit leirHinsWtlrel people U" Codi The deaj$t ! jBprjWWiaj!fthosonb fiaYt htfore ihela sumttlua oThis bnjht example, which, tfekyilotlowv !'aa 'elbltwed .Chrutill re- uMtvy ., I - .vt AM.! VWIM i rims IUC JtiiiO yWIB VMy , ' " - --(. - : be made known by. spictiojriA-to John Rr Wii . , jNOrit SVILLIAMSX t. f !A availed in the Southern couptry i a'dBrance5 of . f'n narfy 600 miles, and only 125 miles' of stao H !f' tbtejling. I do not wish W boast , puff j but ! ! the Istatemonrs which I have made are stobbora 1 i faeis. which cannot be coatrovertedl t I inritA 'a i - discerning public to see wheihei !theyar 6(1 or ! " not.! . , . r4r itU' ifEhe Proprietor Nedges himself to aflb 1 faci$ty tatt persons that niar travel this raute. 1 a llis Coaches are unsurpassed in roint of oomfttft J4 or jelegancc-his Teams are; the finest fiad'er'4. fetjtlyafeand gentle the Drivers 'are genteel n their deportmenti aad aattmuvxlating td All pfK .: ... - . -.. .1 '4&;' !:.Ap x pe puonc are assurea tnat no j nas so , arrant i i r ed tlis lirteihat ample timoj is arTorded, ta; alt U prens tor sufficient rest, and therfrelo J I ftatHer pledges himself thatnodelay hah be(ex-f i1 pcriincedby persorM'-Uiattnayii patronise his !.T liay IThe accommbdation Coach, "commcid iiu i I arfti cnfbnablej always inLreadinesi" wben ;thej::Jj ; Jtjne arrives at Belfield,-and thepYoprietoc j f -cSoAfrith safety sayithat; this lirjo is t'tbe 'most ' f expcalitioua;, as well as the cheapest in the' 'sou- : 1 inera country and m toe course oi a lew. wwlca inero will oe. an arrangement maae lor; passen gerpago.from Richtnond iaad "' Petersburg tri' ji NewiYork iri two days.? Alt persons are inurrn j ed that travel my line, xhati ahaagemehta 1 1 bej nasitivelr made to reach Philadeiphiia -JnJ, $6t .jj. j and Neiv Yflrk ia 45 hours from 'Petersburg and. i 1 RfflrA' . ': I . y ;'. .,!. ; if Prortbt has fitted hishne anew with - if ne iTroir' voaehe,'tto 'eomforta4 't ble4ibd hopes to be patronised bit' at generoni andfiberlhKibIic.i i. U ! ' L '" t-vL-il -Mi -'Ji , ::l i. i 11 !;.ri A ; 4 ' 1.! . 1 A.f- ef rcnAll Baggage and parcels at 'the risk Al J'are fVom'Petcrsbursr toADanviile 'jffdolJ : . . - !t 'it .j:J ahces cttarges in proportion. $ ; x ' - - 1 i 4 i : Ki M AS. Y JEFFREY5 ' U);lS33-f42 , -.4 , . ;j -i fStftt c ottJybrth 1 ;Ifti M ? LINCOLN COUNTY. PQ!-'',InrMtTXvl-' ''I: T 'August Term, A. 1)1 1833. '. ' ;. aiie CuT)Sell. complt f?tt T ... -a ';vs."i,.-.i- hrM..AXotXK i . . ' . U . AliUl.:. A at?cannsr to the ssuswchto tn tnxi John JBrown oneof'the defendants m this caose i ,foW Brown xr.defiJ It appearing ta tlfa satUfacnWof .tV rfrXVLSlf th cmnhrv in the Caliheina JLsiness, two or three workmen of steady, aeg Mt;5t)day oFhptemheir industricMrs habifsi aiidrfivod ridraracten tocotnblainaats B.C the sa-ne aaTto him will be .taken pro conjte$soana j heard Aparte V i Yt inecsGeoTfre Hoke CIcrk int Waiter jdC ; faJlf (itatOilheSndMoJ'n Aognsf r ban inhabitant of taeout.. et ai is iherehireorQcted taat poMicaiion joe made lor j i . t ISI'WeCiCS 1 I IHUIU4U, Ul I li the said efendant appearfitthei next Court V? . 'i tS ?4nit ceia lor saia cooniv at tr.a oori-i , . L - ; . I V. .!--,.. . - - - .:.!v I km? busi-f ril in TAirWhfon bn the 5th. Mnsdat after the cants . wiu pleasal 'call oa me at MocJsv-ile,'n iRowaa cwmty. ?il',i2f , AnJZ41833.tCr-!i-ft:- i 1 VTheCnslocghPatri 4i;-.a. k ,.9 -n.4 4"iirri h( fie 1' . i' '.-i'"'A-' i -t t- fTT ..v"' ;:r :U1t. 4 3-Al?V.5. ;lvsuae- 1.' 1 . -;-m r. ..iV fj r .rI ,r Y.a:ce tianoc'sepam iu; e'fwl VfrVT 1 1 ; LItA M . - il'.-. it" --Il '' CIA' Ml. :i-.;f;i f V -L-'.'. 4 ; I ... J .4 : h 1 in IB It. I ' 1" A? W .-.4 ' : - -: i -: i . . .