. a-; I ,. -r 4- v - . r ; r - : ' f . . ' . 7".;; ' "' 7.r ; rr: -r ' n - - T 4 v . : i M4 SI tt iSk U GioUoa more than iOOWi.J. ill ifPpsaW publishing a ndws lllii ptacq to he galled tlie XatoW JFFl&S Athejts Speecii. i iarire porlion'of tliw day' 1 paper id JildineT jTenf tol hinrii at Athetjs Jh ifigft.fiH i. apwatfce in iprintrandj ex' Sali4-iSn' ta have heei raised so highjthat njft dBtlesi tenijsr jn acceptab serrice talibsff ijBrlrea'diers fer' :t?pWcincr it in our co Pi! it kmswIoclSis Ms ntk hf Mt. M'nnffie in ImwIcIkwI M Southern ' rolitlcians; and yithlMtJrhation in . which hist honesty nd mi ail hell bv all iboifknoir: bfnfe that it U ittjrplr4slth Jblie should he chrioa3 (La see p&tMfeitlie his -belrtablj? t ahed on the aacaanraf coeirtne nwcare naa Riousca wnn tolcfta'iejrbK-tP W -'breschtih? th J-Speech ahHB'H00?0! tro emarka Which i berasal ha5ijwef odV i i "4; i ": L'' ;VVeiMia Wdflew'iaaffosrnesir-.with' ':enJew M timesiseta. .'futh his ire sometime thought he poaHessed tjciifKtt lc(ttmpm)fnt. the; ealmnesa Vif jl'analjiiit. ' IoweyeTVhdnHt hU jaijl.the; heiitof ii porsuit occasional 8hi J)4 bsypnd Ida xaaifc and he j mores' .Mdlfttpie tinshtinkinr efe in tiie nn tiaja2ejfof eripr;! Mr.t McDirfne,iat A j'lafti, IS.Mi fo? :threerearsl beiorekt Charles ,jthCtka of Constitutional Nat (Ml f leireilfi ill jha " loysterieal of his nntry;iaU theimpU idea -jrf State Wtysdyiwrat above all Ires Gov- V irivHt4ted Si t' - ? . . --.-. z r - r gmjtt iousH essentia Ure the f Wf - ffte warland iriake peace tocoin M treason to UrnlstA Vt ITT-' i : qwuwauonand in t it s - - lpMin jthe, federal; Constitution 1 tafr? wkom a ?? ?t3of the United: Stalest Wll l wf JMB V wo ottteai. f Well i2beyond.Il doubt bf the verv -r2aysies.of. Ithe. coutrtvor ivorsy are I CiSl "'W W sovereignty beibff indivi HW1 the, Geniral Go- S i!???:? Wt 6om& not Wish i tb! U tK IfWtatW-to, this dnemma. vThe llPetsabtietipstQ jwhich this S Sm mlrable tthemel govern M?nMssion fesuchla! principle FSfl-iterly, im- harmonious or perma fels designed and ex. i! ifSfiW Kollifiers evince indeed orP kHarrel 5vitH the mberent inV l!!1?1 T wlnb3ecti pwsW HS:nt' H WessrtriWo. l-iJVJffW t in the alh. SSS n j thd new docirine i?1: ibst tuuon tablahed h their tcommon bentfit,! and W W Snathe cathtl srf mitral iK iWw :Qtn iU;.-..i:i v.; J'T". .n .'7 tlrnost' wnicn wr. McUuffle con-de- that any! jbody Dof. ifev.tfi'Sf naa no foundatHKi ml the ia revolatwnary If RNrvm?rv cheme -to its illlmdai lv2? bereJwetcaRnot f&kk? ?e weesty underi which iMS to,a lobct so dehcate ilS0 to the South, fori th if i n Wtt Wnr.it will u .1-J!eJMtarlfC;r-l' S1:i' r. M k I M:TriV r fy.'jiiuifiiiAii.oriflow-oaoiy or now pen. aa TbfJ :lltba irisistei then j tfcit eover !iTOJfw andtoejpbla of dinsion, and Usetreif thoighroativc &l:4t orer thtr dti2ens.a!t there f?MI jpoesi h birexeignty." I we .say hilf um stited. p l i a I W Wi.--". - ? ' : 'Sit - - ; k . . . I" S 1. iJ.VWifWttl t 7 4 W M f mission fm rmk m 'T 'wli i'v MVitPw' wtiuiuw sy wMMhiviuvkjuiuw wqcn fi9i AM seen! iUtstzsus toe Beeme.fwaycovuajP .wi-'-.-o - r ' ri'v Vi'.j r ientiQTt.ejiLet oa the artof; ihe CoTCTruentoranir! pbrfe of .'the. Union to jnttoeddloAritlf thi ; iaot; exciting J therefore, iikl an effort at ili?! 1 THE! RIGHT'S OFfOttEN.,', r ' IVorfe hdi rkt; FeBV 'jPAit; Balti held a meeting a fe days ago,, at, which itW deterninedo strike lop ao grease of tiiniPralelwiih aSiem; ami red9niAend: the ! irkin IalHijf BaltlirM;o nt'effhfir sejre-.. F..-raPHnrIR,anj appMtfelfgatei iMCwniort. M ix held in pnat cwy, wr uw w vi y' trt means t(?lwsor4heni'i'jtist -ifmiieritioir for ieir labor.; ConTentioh of Sadielijone ji -cf i'Ji rveliW 15 the age jndwfcile t Jorfcs F'jmcthih.like oven epphtg themltfesty; of their sex. tt iemsWU called -forJbythe ipoHp411 to which Ihef arc eubjected byFCHvntrvgrow rich on their labors. 'los-.whtiaTJed: jn;, Ixr&e cities onf can jttdffe of lNjeJ3cntof the xwrtion -practised on ilia unforanate4hut swbtsble clasa ot aocieiy, oj iBtcui v arid thei keepers of-sp-saopsfati j extortion which wgkmngty exposed by ibat mdeUUgable pmkDthropit;atibew; Carey, ijjijta everal KssnyB recently addressed . to jino wcaimy or limllandi' We hope ther Conypnjiun :'biay bw abld irfderise sotheffficient rernedyjloi tip, rank injustice !. lfe perpetrated wiU iiapu uty by thielitrober upon the weaker sexilfi ! f Jim r a lhuuw Knllteffister. referring to -jrone! times f?mlrksi' AVe well remember tba at tne tiM'stated fmiW it was asyery cqmnioH is.iyiii? that Jfi. Calhoun could fnd canstituuon f.r'iny ihing.W.e heard a aisunguisiiw c.u- UefW Congress from , Fennsyl?aoia, g wno was regarded as un yltto friend o( internal .improve ment, dlare that he Could not mchiUMiv tal ltdatt with ' alonV pole so .".far did Mr. U- go betnd him iw liberal cott&troctidqs3il tne I cu- Te following extract of a letter from a higli ly jrespectable merchant of Portsmouth, (Uhiu,) to4iiriendin this county; shbwan aLsmking pejihiuf yiew, the influence of lineot Icotnmer cial Intercoursejand strongly afawtushes?ns of the Necessity of speedy and powerial elforts oo. the part oi Virginia, n sue yet iwpas io jjmw pale in the great trade of the, VV4st. 'J;. iV ilOor caual is now open- (romihe;i pHi6 to Jke Erie. "Daring the rain sori j the eprig and orepart f punimer, thelimbukihents rare"way at fereral p!aces, and I Mt -fwie a quftlpct at Circjeville was injured it j; has all howerer open repaired, and busings is now ac tive on. the entire line particularly 60 oh the Ktullujm part' ' -r5tv:' It-! t-: JTThe amount of the tolls Uib , season,1, is not withitanding the Linterraptionsi folltlie'l trade. doable, what it was last ycar,,and We are ahtiei- patthg a great increase of bumes4pieeaner1- ri, )?'$&gi&i bf ' . traasportaiion ortlMefchandise. &icironi tfiecity of New York to IPurtsippnthi laoa neavy, arucies sw, anq isjimt; articles 34 per sjuwios wneat liosts; to cts ciiriage from here to Rochester, &ew York.'' j ' Kanqhcli-Banner ..Kqhawlta Mcrhh. There haiHblerb shewn 4 us a beauuful specimen of nativmirbie obtain r-.wi ww m..c KjyuiC jAii to vx iuo tpvv tu ii us nirrof iirkitA i Q.mA nn(n mViJiI fkAitt t wuru irarrepareni, wuue ptners were ppagut 11 p suspeptiblepf i fioe polish. eata thlit it; Is tajbe jobtaibed ia causiderable' eoa&titlesi ; ftho'1 exieiii not Known. ! H i k -fit I,- 4 :,; m tlieJlJartintburjr Gatdl wen fljf ; Coal in Berkeley coitulit, Va. Wowtted;W notice? in our last paplr, jtlie Idisr coveiy of a Valuable coal formatioii iif our coun- y giting proouse of a rich acceMon .Formal indeedat hai blevconfidehtlv surmisi any years indeed, it hai beev confidently sujriinised , . that coat existed in theVwestern 8ecti)9 6 this couii ty, andi some1 small specimens occasionally found, without digging, seeuaed to encourage the Hat-tering-jsuggestion; it has only- heeif fTecently howeyjer, lhat public attention hasribn earnest ly attracted to thei enquiry ; Durfhgf the latter part of the jpastnonth, ' JUri PurcHn! ihielli gentngineer attached to the Chesapeake j and OhMi Company! hayincr some lVisure ebon his hauds determmed tb ascertain ! the trutli jof the ari .rumou'rs 1 on ii fyeZ subjectlfl iyith4that; mw;iecompanied. by v several ntliviJcal$, he selected a 6pot near the source of the Meadow Branj;; betweeri the hird :HilUMoantam and : Sleepy Creek N Mountafn, and alter digging a, few feet under the surface of the earth he encounter ed a bed of ItracitkCocd of thetfiest quality. He reeated tho1 experiment irKlseyeral places and infel with simUarr success Parcel en tertams no doubt- trom. the indicatmscfj the countyj and their physical analogy to the . hud iegwns, roi-rennsyiyania, tnatvcotMexistin Berkeley, county In creat abundancei W&Yi hive ourselves seen seveml epecimens uf i the mineral, and e may safely Jsay that, coal f$f shpenur uMiyj v' w iuuqu ;Jf i:tli .iV 'jar-re epocimcn, weighing severaT poubdsll has; $ecn' nanaaotaeiy labelled to be presented toj the f tr-. WtavllutmWand hiliacal SociettiA it f ua iiiakaHu Hciic.ua uicoYeiei in. Virgin iat and irds an "addiuonall iUusiraiioi of the miportahce of la geograpbicaf lurreyi; fcfithis, Statelfrherety itayiuineial resouilmyhttbe developed and brought in successsfal itluun cMCharlest"DtdWi senharairirM; and Ela Drew; (father an arrestld in Philadelphia,! ptfl suptkirlf I ieirr the ronsT guiltytof the late Jielf y frdtS'' oy.wmen tares ot;tne janks oi that city . f - 5--.-V m 1 . . .-. ..... were aeirauded j oi 'eyerai thousand dollars. J'UDr wS60MnUy innotesii U S Bank, a)id;correspondmff with ae obtamkfroiritheiks ged checks were found on them; :Thcir trial has not yet taken place. . . mPU ,wtl!.:- i r t, --.V f . - . 'Mi-fi. Tf; 311.1 , I Supreme Court.-! It is sttfM$y 1 -(HA.- VMiU.lt VIEciUlUil w uio pnasMi fpuciuuonspt ins lnenus, fixs con tented that his ntmeshall he brtcented.td tancy ' occasioned .Irybe ; , dentil cf Chief Justice acadirSon.4-f lX&tar.l ; t rr tCT Alderman a bay horse, aired by ;Shaks-" Ifo' ir9 rA in lit in nUxa" nn 'TknfcrlH ! Iiet " :par axmux oi ieaiucKy ,r ior -ioiaju i nf S, '"4 iatv- vt- Phrwv-fl , l ne great underuicin otwaiking .oua mile? in seyenty r iys has Jasii;been2 pdmr pletcd by j($;Uask He has exceeded the proposed distance Mv nearly 40b miles, and npttvitltamiih'Vthiil his entire lopd was bread ahdlaiejr. 'hiia increased two' poands andia hall in weu?lit.i lie if 4rf perfect igod hea1tbjan ?$piritj and intends to VfoJTOla willnnderta!:0wk4O jTcirl six'Bays; dn Hjfesbl!4iK offeool; The Coloners obiectis not ivin! bjk jtuo' lie utilityy Trtis theory hetMndsii aibi.j mitu iq a public Jeciiire jol nmtiir&saious to ins departure niwerwaraa juai. qiar, i Mi cesat which several tracts off la'Hfr Jv0re;re4 cently sold in Jeflersqn cbant Vjafiprd a. leasirig-4!lostrationof the' irnpbriatit Jihi lluence ofJrail roads and irtherj i iiseih methods ot Ijmprovernent on jt'W' Jajued real estate, Svhich is vortliy the i feonsidcra tion of the citizens of this State; rhorevespe- cially those who reside in and .contiguou? is- 10 me: counties inrougii wnicn anv 'otir iliustr: of the pabli wealth it mil ne a amn th hi fof and n hrrht 1 -. i. at rr i j Til- . : . p nntft Ina rlftr" 'TIT rk.iUi itA 1 IS ationj too. wJiictt claims the attention hst rv " ",vtuccif g .uuewiesi emmns-s. statesman.: The ;hi-f end of all his Sir , T"7 u"l?' Um J - v . v . T riTT . T. - I Iho IKn. - - . - . tvf clabbis is the Welfare of tttfe Icomnlonli Hhf Pjh Rroicbetwcen;4rtornysAand . rtA in K ! Uipf..a.ii-iiJ?roKSr8'v f "ne class deals in eate. andthe states that the Key's Ferry iractlslldlipr NlixS&ff- f600 Jrc dollars per acre, at auction; a farm of 200 acres, a miles and a half from Charlestown, was sold privately for 00 Hollars 'per .acre: a tract of 225 acres, with scarcely! any im provements, brought at nurtion,! 45 dollars per acre; mid another, j with ordinary build mgs,at auction, at 43 70 cash.-Ib. WiUithe . name of John Randblpli. are connected sol many interesting associati bns that every thing relating to him is Ailliofl interest. ; We therefore without 'further commentary give the following accoiintof his nrst visit to Stratford on AVoft, I England whiclfwill will be found creditabje td the genius'of his mind, and the behevplchc4 ot his heart. ; . fl 1 t ill. , "On the Jnorning of a meeting 5 of the was aboiit to be he!d t Stratford ori Avori (the birth place of Sliakspcare)! while the presidentand 'directors were ir the com4 imttee room; adjoining the S Ii alt spcgi re Ilal li where the meeting was to be held, one of the attendants informed, the committee that a strange yellojor gentleman Iwa? ih ihd Hall, who had only arrived in'tKe: towa that morning, and thatj he heard he was a foreigner of consequence. The jkesirjen thereupon went into the Hall, and Isawlthej gentleman in question! accbuiNhled by a cicerone ot the place, and standing ln.ad- miration of the two portraits of Shaksusare and liarncK which adorn the Utiall.! He soon perceiyed the stranger was h orcliriary 3 aTI 't'' ' I 1 1 .' -'i-. 1 ; - I viamcK wnicn adorn tne t. liail. ; Mie I person, lie accosted him, informed him oft the meeting which was about to take place, anu lnyitea mm to stay, and .witness; the proceedings, Which, if Tie had not the 6p juiiuuuv ui auenuing any similar meetrng wo?Id probably be interesting t4ihm. The stranger iria very courteous manhcrlaccejpt- ed the invitation, sayingjhe had riot yet at- tended any meeting in England, but that he should only be able to staykleW mini- utes which would enable him to see the form and manner of proceedim?.1 lav I request," said the president, "to ( know the name of the gentleman f have thejhbiiorlof addressing," tMy name is John Randolph, of Koanoke, in the United States. ! I am on my to London, but came. round! by this place to pay my .tibute ot veneration to the cen ius ot your immortal cpuntrymaif.j The surprise and pleasure of tlio prir sident may ub couccirea at llie announcement Of this I itrusse'ft wiui glasses jeuniw. iuw wiiKers, ucar naine for: whoiid id J.lrnJ . 1 tk Inn the apnearace of a pair, of spectacles from llandolph, of Itoanokevnot to Jthdw him V --yw vt, iuwi; UIIDi! JU IU would argue himself unknown.'? ' ile need not-nave auded that he 'was an American, and the president cave liim to understand as muclr. He refused to ascend Ithe plat- lorra, out. when the company i assembled took his seat ihthe cenWof the secoml row of benches1 just opposite the chain and there , he sat and looked Gqdd l hpaten, now neiooked! the nxed aUeritioh tof Ms Justrous basilislf eye will never 'Mj forgot--fen by. any:speil;er who : addressed the nieeli-g that dky.L 'Theyliad ! almost the jb' 0i deranged ; in ho Daughter and several tracts which havo oeen- translated mto salt the la the civil ized world.and who was one of our best and mostj interesting speak ierifiut FacaHpdtas did hbtlike hkmanU riot '". Ho-' .r.rtc.;.-l,..A.l- I I ii- ;l!r :?! caJlyT.rjQonoionou"L :llnL'th ritKl! kar,' '-. vwiioiuticu ,..i iik-tnifi.Trn mitou mnnnlnnnn. - t 't.. ...L. V: t-- w ' k - T .. wmwmmwMf liw-liMn'fanrttli; . J.rl J : , :i - vas interested in the ca&se hes advocated, vw uauuuiuu buiiicd in j iih iftnir nn nid quence he speaks with all his heart! and .with all his souL". mThi GneeUnV lasted fireT hours. Mr..' R. staid the whole timk Jtnd at. the cIqsb hst j&fbnscdthcl.- president small degree, the iieryes of soma wb6 were pJ sad flfen tquestaoued pyelatird i to his ; unpractisednpeakirc.. ; Amon tfiel speak Ha?e UC UPttZ suM? heres' taeticlear; I 'ira tliejato l&Xe&h, RiclmondVlK l fT "m. pious and talented author of the Dairynianls i A few days since a rustic stringer laooired for "t: r ypwcu to oe :ine wiieoi tno 'sjeaker; and said; That's what 1 call elo n;Ve ItiicresfedaLl l:3er!nceu i!iix t - --s esf bj,a librtl" ntribtrtioav-: at the - door The pidktVirilroduced : him toiir Grey Skipwjthi itipw rncmbcr for the; county cf VJai wjck Genetal Jcnkinion, a relitioaof df5mfmfrl1Vit to theirhbusesw some of Which he accepted; Jf Mfa Jbr-iiexday3 ihf 'the nTghbor? h4lieaofoeminqe.Ko promised, ishy Moot ihnt BeTlike i his atiartersTtri assertion wh.ich he made on the subject may be redit& tethout fcaibf Scbntradictionli (tt?e!part Qf ;thoe who iriet him? Jt need" not 'be said they werel delimited with fhir inteiiiimkV;-il1ieS-fl brilliant Jof hjis ibservation3)jBhd replies Which ttp pearea w spring spontaneously as nvarr lnehaustable vainm astonished pome of jhe English gentfjj, !aid allho rjad thejplea surej of meetmg -h jtn will- jbiig remember 3with delight f Johft ?liandoliih-of Rian MDDS ENDS tCP Wilson: the Irish rrPAf f.'Wiia rr-r Inrp ''wit njuy sweet i'fKitat for sale Vay aucuon,on iliajrsday lastj llass paid he never hefarft-.knew n Irishman cru vMnhe liad jdtniu efnota- Why was Adam 13 surhmer? ! Because hi jc was oeauiiiuL If - 1 hafiis th drTcyjse feen'.h -.waiter at an ir : and - I . , -ay. lt 1 iy are all women rarettr and lrlain. alikfe exisU" between 'them; r ,i IURIKE KOJiSEKE. yVjhcn is a ship iikjs snow? When she's a- ill I Wjhenjikea pain lors. 'j Wlren showiug co- If! I YV hen : like an auctioneer ? When in full le. n H II - I VVhftn like alladv iii a nnandarv?. When mis- Ifingtep: j-; ' .!;; A , ; When like a horse fl When-taiceh rf lael ' Wen like a tailof? iWhen iu;erwig off. , When like a recruiting' officer? I When heat' VT"- Vt). 1 J When like a floor When she is fcoartf- cd. vhy ;s she never alone?. Because she has cony anion. , When like a wit? .yPhenehej&e. w nen lite an pld coat ? When she wears. SCRAPS FROM A COMMON PLACE-BOOK Whosoever has black frizzly hair and beard. will put his barber to much trouble, and will be liable to scratch his heid often, unless he makes great use of a comb. If ; . i pile whohasalotv frehead,iHl of wrinkles will look like-a raonke ten to one. f t " f Ha whtjf has a hiffh l?ioreheadi will havehis eves iinder it and live all the davs of his lile. This is infallible. ! 1. . It. ?! -IX. .lt,. J 1 .. IH-rf f... ..-K- 4 A great mouth from far to ear signi tam drid no bridle. TWese are not nard ted but all mouth.; m i f .$ I A little1 mouth, drawn hp like a purse, de- !. .- ft ' i ?h :- tea out an mourn, i rotes darkness wiihiL,fand hides a bud set of teeth ;.MIejthat has crest hands will have Jar fin- W-rs ; and' if he strikes hard ,it' will tail neavy. i m? g ..i Spajkng-. eyes; wilt be almosi certain to shine, j ui ! f - J il l1 It . " hpnever you see a than that has but oqe eye Sm lnay rtauily cocicludo he has lost the lieT li' I '1 :i ! . t It t -betwianded men area very rant, for ( it Seems ibey don't- knovy theif ri:li hand from .their lett; since the one has the ufljce.and 'the otuer tjhe place. il - . w - l ' I -if I If - ; : M . l' W e Jiave frequently pf?en horses ir spectacles put never Deioro nt-axu oi spcotacies . t f - . ' - WE, on a Jiorse. i Th Echo do. fa Frontiere relates the follow big marvelous anecdote4i "Kor seril days1 past pretty! .little gray fiorsel fias beenl ilri vi 'about fJ. w h ' ft i J "4 . i. r 1 . the concave surface1 of which iX may be presumed that the poor animal is nar 6ightedj! : We pre mtne that we shall soohl liave'y etdrinary '. opti- Love labor Itstl All serenading Inarty the tlief' night after hlvingllay ' befote!a house jpr neariy an nour, were puiiieiy;iniairraea rjy tne considerate : watchman hat,t rioiorfy lives I am afraid of llie lishtninffi" Mtirmured a li If 3i- r : ; stty wjuaiij durinrr a tliunderi stotrri. ? fWell . . ..I i . . . t: I " fl' mm 1 I pu may be' s-'ghed a despairing adprer,t"when ypurneart is steel' j! IA fellow not the most exemplary ir his deport uienl,twai brought befoTela magistrate for..va I letter at the jpostjmceind ater payws for it, : Men show rjaiticular'foUy on five different ' oc casioar wheu they establish their for tine ou the rum' ol -others when; they expect to exciter love bycpldnds; eruj by showing inure marks lof dis- like; than I aCectior. when they lexbelttobecunie learned injlths midst pf repose; : and pleasure-'-Wheovtbcy secld friends withouti makiu? adran- tc'of fneudsipi-and trbea Uieyare! unwilfing i v.vh .u -. . . i :, .. the the pass:oo8 r ' LYTTON'BULWEIl'S. EPIGRAM, w r4i 5 Really it is tw bid of Balwertd trifle with' ie tender passion as he decs. V in bis" last fwork f! ' a? -... ; : if i - ' a. it.s , . I "1 nil sun an a unfi,. . i jt nere axe some men whtf fancy they possess: fire of genius .because they biye the fever of - 1 1 , , .' - . I Jui!ow:ri yerscr, ,vvLi ei:qrci; -' .' , Hilt !T rm aktnwi ji.M-tii V.aT nMn ! - . m buuu. nct7 til licit :"And laiihlesa Bobby L?ft poor 'lary 'InmirHraited loveVqnandary W And all her sweetest fcnnles refdsTng! ' f Hw spul snrrendereVto fair Snsan 4 i "Ob. wretch! frAA JlJI 4th .nffrylMi. ,-And tsjt thiwihat'm totSoom i .4 C"N (ifejbby grinned) Moll; thoumlstakenV Titti'iiur-alreaadUhonbc iii;uu EHRJTO BK ELECTED II J JdASSACHUSETTS:Sr 1 .xe hayp learned WitK 'serpnsthafr tile fete UerKIJmt: tfiat, : J6rjn date fur Governor if Uiis eBjnonwpalih, crider theiauspicer pT : tbVrttU-masonic''' CHventiohp His retirimr,faa3estyj InlJ known dislike rtoffitt -mushave given way afier at ffreatiitniggld, mm n& peculiar respecfatiaity orthe nominatwrt sPItf all,opposiig arguments -actually sented.tp fftaad.theJiazardjaf the die:fAfte all; uponflectUw;jtrbap8hduId Jscdly M thought improbable that he-.woald i)r: could with-j stand th 8t4ielM&'6;fnylport f of pdsfeH low-citSzens to takeoffic, sine we are hntawlrti that he ever rerased anypbiniraettioreclincd ,Tne Boston lercantils Journal oflets to the' raerchantvandVrofessta thebllowing exceDeotiand wen:tempeed ob-i fmtions.-j-Tliey are practical pioof of tfiel truth of the writeVs 'doeirinejand trierefare but! few who can apply themselves through the day! wui-ccrei5e, ana reject nis javice. 'i ne dyspepsia is moreovef, 8o tmiversal, and so dangerous; an antagonist, that' the fjllowing should banniversally read, inwardly digested: Ml We look back witrTfnelancfroly feelihffs Upon the days of ,our btyhoiihen we fldoull eat a dozen grreen apples, jandnever foel tha: worse for Jt Not that we plead euilty. ndw, to "heinz a dyspeptic, but we are occasionally reminded that we nave a sy stema fact of which wp were once in a'state of blessed I inoTanee. Bdt dis orders of the digestive powers are veryi common aninn us; ana mere are.some persons ina wouia give half their irtunes;if, they could be furnish ed with a? gtszard. 4 p. s "The causes"of dyspepsia' ajnopg'vara ya ioua.It arises from .eating, too , mncbV! eating too fast, and oyerTWOTkinsItheirain. tTue" mer chant and professional man lives in something of the following fashion!:, He drinks t wo cups of strong coffee, at1 braldast " eataabandantly pf meat,; toast, ox hot bread. .Atdinner.Tie partakes of 4 Wd "or three di3hcs andi very .likely. a desert and washes the whole down with half adozen glasses of 'London particular, a He takes twoor tbree'eups of etrpng tedi at his evening mcali withoasand cake Very; likely lie: takes a a -little supper, before ruing: to ', bed. "4'Now all this would; do well enough, if he 'didrnxt' work with his brain at the same r time but thale is. a very intimate communion between the brain and the stomach, and, if ones is affected,; the; other J sympathizes. The' individual whb"thas Jheen, overloading ji is stomachy hasat the same time, been oVerwtirkjtm hit braid- He has been con stantly oniberack of vexcitement---he haS been nis -'; ousiness, a hurry, that he has Doited-nis.iixxi witnout masticating jit. .'fTheciliequence is obvirxis. The overtasked brain I Weakens the. stomach, which, is nnable- to; petform the- heavy duties imposed , npbtrit andwdjpeps'a' is the conse quence. ';---- : "I I; 4 ' ;' . Now if a map wxslies H get rid of Jhe.' dys pepsia, he must, give his stomach less to do, and above all; his brain loss to do. It will be' of no service to follow any particular Teeimen to live ' I - ,j E M ! ' ."I on chaff-bread or any such trash to weigh his food, &c. so Jong as the brain is in a state of con stant f xciterjienL Let that have properirest, and the'storaach wilLpprform its function- But if he pass fourteen br fifteen! houre a day, in ihis office or counting roorn and take no exercis, jiis stomach will inevitably .becjome paralyzed and if he puts nothing intoit bvt acrackerj"a day, it .will not digest it. ' HU '' "'"lL "If you would be fteo from the dyspepsia, at in ralnd, that in nine cases out of ten ? in 1 1 bat disorder, it is tlie brain that is the primary cause. Give that delicate orgao Some rest, i-eave your business behind you when you go .to yout home. Do not Kit down to dinner with your bros knit and your mindabWbd irt casun pp interest accounts. Never abridge the usual; hours of sleep. Take more or less of exercise lh the upen air every day. Allow, yourself some innocent recreation. Eat moderately, slowly, and of just what you. pleaseprovtdediit p not: the, shovel and torigs; -lfvany particulaVdtshisagreeyith yob, howevernever touch it nor loo at iCiIXj not imagine that you 'must live on ; rye-bread cr oat-meal rrridg'reasonable fiantity of nu tritious food b essential to'the mind as well as the body. Above all, banish all thoughts of "the subject If Von have any treatise on dyspepsia medicines, Sec. put them directly into the fire. dysMpsiayou will surely have it. Endeayor it you are constantly, tauang ana iuujxuu w . t . "... t , : :. tVJ m, thati-do not make haste Wbe nc?i, cuiuvate jne social aflections, bainsh gloomy and desponding thoughts, and von will never be itrpubled with the dyspepsia.'4 tearf not a doctor; ; sod - shall chaftre nbmuwr for the above advice, Jlf it ddes any gopdwe shall be riappyif itJdocs not Me khalrhave iacirred compoqsibility,' nlilv. 'THE GAMB LER. ' TTni.t hVtt av !friie' finished ram- bTerhas no heart, he would play at his; brotnerV funeral he wouldgarabU oa his mother coffin Horace AValpole mentions ah anecdote of a man having in his time dropped down: dead at the door of White- Clu!: HouseMnhJ which 5 he i j was earned the Wnrs of jthe Club - Jxrunediatefy made betsrhetlier he, was dead or not. andopT on Its being protwsed to? bleed him, tbe wagers for bis death mterposed, aUeatnwjuW i'Je .-5.;i. -i5i; i i . ; Vf Ji . sii tKftWmi f: the tawns.1mvinces; islinds and'seas in.Gfeeceare;tob3, changed back to thAT nossessed in the days ef their aucicat - . -I worryinjr 5and ireuingr. abtwt: fies much Kdehvrnor himself needful Test. " andL 'eauallv moutUvl rieedtnl relixatioh. He hsa beenin-1 such lo niro-erinat you uava o-.. - - dear conscience, Uve tcmperftely; regukuly, and rlpnnlilvhA industriousl buti be temperate m -on, 7Uo Tvr-.-Trn Tcry ! re r'ariding- cta:"Clb1:c-js3. rrr- w f , J' nm.oT in evident , . a i alarnj LHow .tastl, . fellow. mns! gaid, - T'i one or(he4rent?cmatf tothe other, rI v:n- 0, dcr what he is afraid -of-Jrih niA ' " ' othecaiighingI : suppose' he" is afraid trl r I being caught and madta Ptcrf1 i r I ft ATihxin TBAiTS.vcry nation .ts fraite.-. he, Spaniafils sleep berery gairf 'importiucei the Italians ddre- th; Germans, smokethe'Frtuich iromissfe every thing-.theJBritish eatand tho Attiri cans talk upon erji thmj: . . r x oric. says: --$14 v 1 ivs k 3Aro?nd ilbeheldthe-samet jscene Wl gulping and swillowlnas if; fotta wag iMUtj, " u " ,5iBuica to pucm9rk hw rood, ddwniiijUewithput-$tbe's tion to the wants of his .neighborhood. 1 jTob: aslced.t !gofl-tb.he1rybtt"rk i any; dish, before him, he oenainly complied but irf mraannpr fhat veK a4L . v ww -vt V4 : Ulu IU1' animal mattejr.n Floggtd for tultei& -Jeffrey eredtbe author of the; Celebrated criticism; in the Xdingbiirg Review, which montaihed so fierce an ; attach oi vLord By ronV first production, the tHours of Idleness. .. For this his Lordship tookl Mr." . Jeflrev to mc in the ttEnglis!) Birds and Scotch ItevieW ers? It now turnsut that Mr Brougham,! the present Lotd Chancellor, was the author. ot the olloniivo. criticism. It must hr been vastly'agreeablQ to Mr. Jeffrey to re-t ccive such .' a ; terrible drubbini, and t6' icei ail uiewmic that ho did not deserTo' . !, S ' " -.f h. ?; A Lady looking at some stockings in a dr good store, ' mquiresfor- the;clerk wliof woa a raw iao, now, nigft tney-camer; J he clerk very? seriously! 'answered; if pecr Ined them on, but believo they will reach la oove the kneer ' h 4'- f .... K- Temperance i ncedoWhat ii the Tiatter with, youjsid a t genthVraan tQfJan!! pld Dutchman j as lie jwas crossing JoKnsonTsr jSqnare ashOrtitunesmce.! - otde rhu- I lUBua.- - j ne genu emar aavisea pi tn; tot run i himselfwith Brandy until it penetfited jvell. f Oh man I dosfr petter sXdat,ephedl Tynheer-1 triiilcs de prandy andderS Inihs my legs mit the pottleuv". H .' -U-4--. wltiifamt-Jbtpiafa I after a long absence - A Jirnaica Ipipei, ec?iy4 eu by the same yesssl, in announcing fter prapce. I ed departure fsehx Urat4eayst:-. '4 I " Few women 'have& eyof uoderirwe !treatcrJi trials, than this lady,, and alt 'must appreciate her ; When she-heard of hisretease.- though d'esjliu tep-and worn down by fatigue and.axiei,-. her heart expanded . wih ioy; her frame fvKoon prcor-. ered its wonted vigor, and; after many months I spf-nt in a fruitless endeavor io join ? luni, - she 1 resoivra on retuminj io r,nnce, wiui me nop1! of an early junction with the objscj if her affec tidns. Madame Bonplandi has kept a- diary5 of the-yariocs incidents that Jhave happened to hef during ner tiavels in tlie last slxyHars,,kid rp look forward to" the publication of a work! from her, which wHrfaithfully delineate the charac tee and habits of the various countries; she -ha visited." M t:"'' EraopEw That the l iw of principle prct , " 4 dicte by that . great ' sufesman, Jut. Canning,' f wifl at Jastcome and at it-willbe a war of I adWperate and arhngaracter;iwedd not for a moment doubt. L Eve, ry year the elements 5 to be arrayed againseach other more distmetly developed, so that we can falmnst designate th 1 nations which will be epZ&geil on' this sldeland -' on thaC But in proportkm to .the nearness and I fearjfuiness afiht conflwr, isrihe rclactadce whichi 1 thejparties.dhe andj all, feel, to enter eppahit horrors. Had either the Liberal or Despuiie .na lions,, been ripe for the encounter there baro heed oricasioris enough, within llie lastthrrand f a ha5f years, tojserve. asl'pretexufj One jwas.i the Ueolotioala France"; thenteM leodjiwasl ! given to'the despots, but. they demurred, 'rfext t 1 the attempted Kevolutiort in Poland i then-tho . Labends were half constrained to slrike fur nni f. ! versilfreedombut they hesitated, and lieaila- ! I tea, ano at ii ucvuncu i.i eat tne ; siege cr Antwerp by a'Frerjch'army, andv the blockaja of th e ports uf Holland by a . corsbined English and l'rench frioidron; here again was achancs for tllS Despot to take up 'the puntlety had theyjbeed disyMsedxtfcame the tTarcai-Er gy pttan nuestiou, with the Jlusslant at : Cons tan-. tiruwie. dietinff a peace at the point of the tar honel here was anopnit lcrals to let loose tae oog ot w x, mw. w juusia that she was not? the arbiler of 'the destiqfesj cf -Jtmi tbey'demurred. - Lastly, the 'i kt henUoo of the nations is ; turoed; towaras "Porii I'odro, the LibcraU would hay gladly; interfer ed, but fjrthe;dangetof drawjny Jhsi Despot become aU b4 hopeless, thelDesp-its wddJ IxJ. , ly intfere, were it not for, the LiberalsT has thelwegreat partieslnto'which Europe; is diviV ded, stand in eosstaat feaf of each other Jn their ; njoferhents,-and like Xwo, great annies, : trv. continaally iniweu vrein toisecure mbret adyia tagebus positions7Hqw soon the crisis will ar rivV which shal brin them ;into direct cclhsian; and stpsp theu plaintin, blood, b knownody to Onmiscierica: - Bat that it- will r ,come--thai jit is not yery far distaiitr-the stgas of,the tiavs dearli bdicateV Vrhanksbe to God tlu t w are separated irom tao -j-p -iiuuuj uj luaung-t ne wiuy tauthor of wMen and; planners ia tAmerica.'ini'des scribing a dinner at a public housetinNewl posed oo;him;tiwaabIe-omc;Hnow4 ' e ?t4 f fe'ywi plate gcnQrally; return I ed loaded jwitb a soli massive wedo of J i 1 - i 3k ' t.4 1 ft.-. -St 14 J 61 la -si!'. I t-" i j it I; w p lit WQt: 'i J i '.- 1 v "i K ;4 .if i .if' -"''- . ': 5 'f i' ii M ! s - r, -I- i r- 1 ? i