- :: - t ; j : . i - - . ' " : fir'',,'. , . ' 4 V s" ' ! j N ' i I . ' ,,1 . , ..',. t - ' ' - - - ! - - . i - " 5 ' ...Ti ,-A,., !.K--- ..j.'-::-;", .-1.. ' ; ft 1 rT a . " . - -. r - I . :. V J ' -..it r I 1 M I I f l i "" m . . I - i l i i. ; . '4 it m 1 d.1 it ttJ i it 5 a; v.- 1st baa it. lit 0' 31 (u1 1-. JMtwrZ'Cmfo AS whdii turn In id- lmt1ret for tone rfThose that wi ISSffetf, C.Jones. MU.H. Mbscriipiwns taken far the i : l "iirit bfilii paper, it mtt be v rcraftm eSade wihopoblicttioDorthci first OCTOBER Baa wnURG ad- 4 fj)fn WtBSTEh VUited iPittsbarg 4 Ji& fist i; Public tlmner was tendered to !ii$ a dtferbnee to his wishes the iJa rfaf fbritfdlldiKnir was abandoned. .ieie was, boWi&ver,'a -general desire for Ifollectprewion of public; eg 4tfif de?idgdto invite him to-meet & citizens at & fpatcioas grove at 4 o'cloclc s tiie sftcropbn of the 8th. Refreshments apliifl kia wciq. spread around, under lie chug9 eftte coinrnittee; but the tables cwl ere otiyju i-Jfudtus xothe. mjilti tde: : 11ie'31iyor "of the iit? called the jai'to order -incl addressed them in a mttpee;h toghljflf complimentary of (the ptst. : i Wbeo be onc) uded Mr Webster jialhe loUdng AddrtS 'Myorl Mia GtaUtnun : pnsepfellctizens, with unaffected illjjJtp!givrfoij raj thanks 'fof the Wmn)n;? wfcicb yot( have been dbghtoifeeiVe, meonlbii mi first yis k toTitUburg) txid to nialce aI du aicknow to your i worthy MajoT,'fof the 1 csii ilo he has now seen fit to cxi ; AiuicuB, ; fcauemeti, it . naa been xny grest (brtime id be: j personally ; acqnatntcd wifr,ttflfiNfel &eft at this moment, fiitf.Wifl ioi Itranieri.'- We are felibw- tpjirriaw togetb- iiMbbatnii&is of: interest, of syra-1 ys&fy ot jwtyv vmted, inope i may aaa, by lOBils cfBatorat regard W e are bound to- I4V! for good or for vu, m our great po- ueresjj.v ljKnow.inat.i am aaaress imc4nsM every lene of wiiom his t I j4:nenca?i. nean in nis oosoni; ana ieei an Amencan heart in Wf i mmWmW - - r fixM aressji jyou then,: enttemen, ; tiopo the Constitution It i4iraC.out vMfWi 5ns for your lythat if myself and others, hy.:.surenp wtiso fcame 1 brotherly auction-- i dekd purselves to a spirit of s joppeiitJi, I w tyw tokens- pf regard a)nd esteem wemight have embarrassed, and probably ieti4tif beini upon the borders! of defeated the measures of the Administration. rFW i jff jcmzens :countrjrmen, and- .W!? I tinf'ypti my J hearty -good - wish- r - TV eijiaajbtfik you brer and over; again, for i 47r. uuviaainospitaiity; , v aen, ta Mayor r as been pleased W terois beyond r all expectation ti -fpny own, to my services in defence W. ftmai, Constitution under which in.in(t - tntiiiti .n.bnii .. J.J ill ti Wd which 'makes Iu auu luc au it: !fflio?ch maje than justice -ltd my ef- occasidnin which those efforts tKtU few short' months, and portentous clouds kid hang Ifbena; a'nd- did shut but, as it yM4ti.glirtr. A newiknd per- LWaiippii Mh Dancers i novel actcr, aadlieariuUn their aspect g.6oth45 Mace-ot the country and HirpWj Constitution;; i For fbr- Government baM --' edne onJ 1 '.p !'f :w5pospcrouily ; and nsiiris true, with occasion kl n i ioe, and, in one or two instances, Iftofft trials it: had successfully aew a: 'time had come; when 7i ri ?w - was opposea ty au WRlawwhcnintha dower f thVt'ni thf iJW S WM resisted by Be arms - wfernment,; and when organized under entmns Staid laWs, was JWnirstthe. eoltectii fcf ' tWA mKH toi hurl debases - ttskbtes of Snmome ft" par- tn amaze exhibited 1 Sbtf ??rxpcr:?cf the rrt" 4 read y become the tcontf er ot : all the H5 era part of the world, and the ehVycf illiberal, --when tfieuCdnstitutioa t Bad io amply falsified "thfe predictions of its enemiesvand more than u!fiUejai1 iHelhofsJ pfits friends in i inaf of pcicej, with j iiiofferlowing treasury ieri both, the pbpulati rid the improVemeflt of the country had diitrm the niost rigiunie anticipatioos,--it waa at this niomentlttlat xvd Showed ioaesto the whole: mjlizedWorJ(L as being aprendy',, on the evo IprdisSinioji and dnarjpiilbe very point M d issol vi ngr onjee urjlj ipreyeTr thatUprdnhiclj hadmadei 8orp3perous a.nd sq great. It was at th niojiieiit, that those appeaYd among us,,whte8erjd;ready td break upevho Rational ;: Ciis(ioi, and to scatter tlje twenty-four Siitoss Srftof twen tJfotir unebnnectod comfnuniticsu ; t i . Gentlemen, the President of the United States, was as tt) seemed, tio rne,'at thise veotful crisis., .true to his duty, ; He coin prehendedind . understood Jhe I dase, and met it, as! it was proper to meet it.'; While f am as wiling as! others to lalmitliat the Fresident' has on other occasions, ferdnred important services to the country kSd fjespe cially, on that occasion which ; has given him so mucb renown, 1 yet think the ability Stdecisioh which he resisted the disorganiz ihgdoctrinek of Nullification create a claim, than which pe has none higher, to tlie grati tilde of the 1 country, and the j respect of jpsterity.l JtThe l issuing of the Pfocjama tion of the 1 Oth December, inspired me, I confess, with new hopes for the duration of the Republic ; I; regarded it as ust, pa trlptic, able, and imperiously dcmapdeil by the conditioh of the country. would not understood to speak as to partic jar clau ses and phrases, m the Proclamation, but ifr; great and leading doctrines of the Constitut'nrf. They constitute thoi sole ground on which dismemberment can be tsbted. Nothing efse in myjOpiMoij; can hold us together. When the! shall he generally rejected and abandoned, tfmtj Un ion; will be at the mercy of iN tejriporjry IBjority in Jtniy.; one of the, States l f , ! i speak, gentlemen, on this subject with out reserve, I have not intended. ! hereto fore, arid elsewhere, and notupw intend here, to dtintroy commendation of the con duct of the President, in regard 3 to . the Prbdamation and the subsequent measures, i ; have differed with the President, as all kriow any thing of so humble an individ ual as myself, on many questions of great gederal interest & importance l diflet vith him m Respect lotheConstitutional power pf Internal Improvements; 1 differ witLfhim in'respejet the recharting of the Bank aid I dissent, Especially, irom the grounds land reaonson which he revised his assent to to jthe Rill passed by Congress for that purpose; I differ With: him, also pf oaI, in ihildeiafielqiv which 4ouffht Ai' a1iiordei toolir Agnculture and pianufac tlires, 84id inlthe manner in whisht jit irnay ooroper to dispose of the pubhej larids. Butll these differences a&rdedl ihrny 1 iqdgme'ht, not the slightest reason for op- posting him,1n a measure of paramount im- poiiance, and at a moment of great public eixfgency. It sought to take counsel h of qoihing but patriousm, to feel no m pulse but that of duty, i and to yield not a lame and hesitating, but a vigorous , and cordial support to measures, which, i in my con- science. I believed essential to the .preserTa- hale been falie to our country. It gives mdilhe highest satisfaction to khowthatlin rejrard to this subject,' the genJeral Voice: of the country approves my conduct, fu & m : j I ought to add gentlemen, that t whati ever I inay have done, or attempted, in thg respect, 1 only share a common mgrit: f A vast majority of v both Houses; 6f dongress ' j 111 J . xr' bwiutuir cuueurou iu uiu measures;. x oyr own great diate was seen in ner pOJlr tion,on that occasion, and your immediate Representatives were found ; amdng lc niost zealoas and efficient fnend4 of ibe Union. , !-..! -' I 1 - Gentlemen, I hopo that the resvof tat experiment may prove -salutary, . in its con stuericesrtp bur . government, 1 and ltd the interests of the community. I hope 'that the signal and decisive mamfesta'tipn of public opinion,' ! which - has for tbe tinie,at least; put down the despotism,: pFNulhnca tioriVraay produce I permanent dieffectsl 4 know lull well that popular topics may -bo urged acainst the Proclamation.! ! know it may be said, id regard to the whol4 laws Fof the last session, tht it)such laws $rjf to be maintained, Congress may pass n what . laws they please, and enforce tbem. RBfitrpiaynt bej saidf on the ; other side, that ifia State may numiy one law, sne may : nuililr any other law also: and, theref ore that the prwi- clpe strikes at the whole power of Congress? vina w pen iiis ; saia, max ii in e power ot oiate inter posiupn do nemea, vonsress mav pass ana eniorce i wnai taws it pleases, u is mest to be contended, or insisted! that t Constitution has Placed Congress under the gtiarapshin 'rid cpntror 5f thd Stafe islatUTfis? 1 Those woo srguev ssainsttho Dpwrcr of Conrcass, from I the - pdsib)ityd! its abuse, entirely forget, thatlz tbe-btate n- teruositioa ta'il'.Dwed, that power rnav bo IcTgetthoilt cf tbii People, as itheyi have blamlTtrerrtd tt in the tionj fthey fbrgettitl tha IispU &deii to ve Ipodgress jdjpwer in nependeat cf Stat control; ;t beyilrgictthe that thdj cdnfddeiaiicui has ceased, Imf that L i 'if '-"- . , -, -J1 . t w, wuup?i w uico im step-wnicn 1 is a popular Covernpentat f memlb Congrfcsi aro but agents and: cervants pf tlie People, chAsW forjdiortjperiodi pcriovi cally removable 'by the PcOletVas roa(Ji sjQbservieat ;nracb''dpeiidentf ss miUnjp If obedient, asnyr other ottheir agentsd. servarits,, iTiis depjeadence j oa the PcpIe is the secai tty that theV, wtf 1 friot act Vxbos. a uu u iue security wuicn me reopie inenj- spires have chosen to reiv i on. in addition I tq the guards contained; in the CohsntuUiin ii-'- ".'I 4 - i i. ,1 1:.. h.' ' 1 ti . l. aai quite aware, gentlemen; that it is eatfy fur those whd tippusef uMasures deejideaajy for the execuiioa oT thtj Iaf, :'t6 1rtse ih ;drVr C(ms6lidutioiiv j It is easy to idak ch&rgMia!) to bring general accusation, ft is easy tu call na.n. For ont, I repel all siich imputatioif4. 1 am nj cvasolLhilioaist. I disclaim th bliarae ter, aitogpUieraad Uisioad ofrepeatiog ttiia geWi eralaad vague chargejwili be obliged to any one to show how the Prociaznati(mj,or the lite! law of toagre3S, or, lodeed, aaj laaeasdfe to which 'M ever gave my support, UncU9in the slightest dd gree, to conaoliddUoa . j ; : 4 -I .-i ld i:rj: By consohdHtion is onderstood, a, grasping at p-jwer not couiitutioaaiiy conferr. But tib tfociauaauon assorted pa new, power. It ; oaJr asserted the rijht, in the Government, to Carry into effect, in the iortn of taw, power! which it had xeretsed for 40 years. I should, oppose anygrasp injat ne vr powersy Coligress,as (neknosl zealousV I wish to preserve the Cuiisiuuaju as u is,;: wupl PUt addition, anil wititoidt iumuiuiioti by oue! jo or tittle. For, tae satuei reasou thai i wvald no .' grasp at powers dot g'vu, I would dot surirenae ' not aoatiaon powers w'aicu are. i'hose Who bar; 1 placed me in a public station, placed ide l-horei not to alter tno Uoasutuitiuti, but to aduiinister til The po we wf change, the People hive j retaint to4theiusel ves. They can alter, may can ldxiiiy they can change ute iUuasuiuiioii eutirdy, 'it they see nt. Ttitj can trsau it uader loot, anti diakeanother, or make ao other; huiiwhileiurej tnaus oaaltered by uie iutbouly o in e People, i is our power of attorney our ' letter ottcriU-! our creUenuals, and we arc to follow' it aud obe! its injunctions, and maiataia its just powers j to tUe be 3 1 of our abilities. I repeat, urn ibr one,!! seek to preserve to the Constitution those precise! powers wiui whico tnej Peopie have oloiued itj VnUe uo encroachment is to oe made on the rev served rights oi the Peopieot the buies, while i notumgis to be usurped, it is equlily clear thafi we are not at liberiy to surreudtr, either in lact oriurm, any power or priacipie wuich the Own! siitution does actually contain; 1 And what w the tjrouhd lor this crv of consolil dation ; 1 main tarn mat th measures re'cointnenll ded by me rresident, and adopted by Uongress were measures of seii-deeuce. , is it cdiisolidaj liou to execute laws? Is it coiisoiidai-on ;to iresis me lurce mat is tnrcateaihg to; upturn our Gov eminent r is it consolidation to proiecti ulficerl iu the discnargo ui tneir dury, lroih juris; and juries previously sworn to decide again t thrim ? 1 Geniiemeu, i uke opcasioii to remirk. ii hat! alter much reffecaou upju th su:)j4ct. aud'alier all that Has otn said about the encroachment oi our General GovernuiiJiiC upon the rights trf thJ d tales, 1 kuow ot no one power, exercised by. the General Government, which was i hot adruitted by the immediate friends and fies of the Coristi- mwn to ha vo eecii -4 orioa it !v tii P p!e When ruineui! atrOpietr. i Jen oi no one power, now claimed exerciSpdj w men every ooay did not agree, trt f lJa9, fWas conferred 00 the General Goveramedt.! : On the contrary, there are several powers,! and those. too, among the most important ibr the interests' or tne reopie, wnicn were taea unitersallyf al- wncu w uc uuiiirucu ujr me lonsilUUIOQ &i tne United States, but which are now ineh'ouslv Geut.emea, upon this paint I slialj detain Vou with no fuither rpmarks. it dots oweVer, give me the mist sincere pleasure to Bf Winat in a long visit through trieSiatet West of j,Qn the great State northtf yet, as well u'juf.&our of soooe days- duiuon in the rrapeeO-istatd to &jca you belong j I findTVat 6 sentiment in re gird, to the conduct of thVGoertment upl.ii this irabjet. 1 know that fse wio Mvg en fit to entrust f (i rxfcin part, 4 thir iutrests in Con gress, appr)e of the ineasareTecomniehded by the President We Rep tKit he. Has takni occa sion, durin? ibe recess of Ctnr. ess, td( visit that part of the country ; and, wV know how be has oeen received, No where have hands been ex ttfded with moTe sincerity of IHeddRhb:! and for one, genthmen, I take occaiiun to say tbat, hav ing nearu oi nis leiurn to s 6eat of Government with hea: !,rather debiuti.ed,: t is among my most earnest prayers that .Providence may spared is life, and that he may go through wuUhis admin istration, and come out with! as much success aad bry as any of his predeceases. 1 M our worthy Chief Magistrate has been kind enough, genlleine.n, to express benuineU favor- aDle to myeelt, a- a tntnd of Domti Industry. much of individual comfort and jP8pecta,)ility, that phrase unnliesl And wtm what torce does it atnke us, as we are iiere at tne confluenve of the two rivers whose united currents Constitutes l j . ti -t. . 11 . : tne uiuo, ana in uie cujsi or one ot 'the! must ffounshmst cities in the Union. Man V thousand miles of inland navigation! running through! a sew and. rapidly. - Improving country,' stretch - way below us interaai oummuhicauonslcoih- piete or in progress, connect the; city: jjwith the Atlantic and the; lakes; A hundred steam eh gines are in daily operations; and atura has sup- jiicu uie tuci uiuu iveus bfu Mivieasiuv uamiS oat the spot .itself, in exhaust less" abundance. Standing here, geuderheniin the midst of such a population, and with such a scene! around us, how great is the import of these woro Domes tic Industry P' . . " ; " it- i Mi-v w 1 Next to the preservation , of the.Govmment itself, there can hardly be a' more vital quesnod to such a community as this, than tbat .wbieh regards their own employments; add thd; preserv-t abon of that, policy, which the Government had ado pled, and cherished, for thd ericoaragemipnf and protectionbf those employ meutsj , Thid ,1s dot, in a society like this, a matter which affects the interest of a particular class; but one whib affects the interest of all daises, h runs throdnb thd whole chain of boman occupation arid em ployment, and touching the meaxui ' of :: &rin and the- comfort ofalL k'-W-V- 'GeniU rnenJ those w Too who rnav haW inrrv. ed your attention tdjthe suiaect' kdowffj the quarter "of the; ? counttj with: whi- I Sua mote iauaodutel j coonecti, th were not eany or eagar to orgs the l$ovvau.ntf tp . I . - . -A a : .1. t carry mm protecting policy to thp height which Unas latched." Uandor obliges mo o remind you, that wheathe Act Pf 1824 wulfck&rj t neither: he who bp w addresses jodi 4 nor those It pattdj however, ty thagrea wd Wwfid-tniieVt will tr n,Jli' j J'- -- '.'frj' r.-.lfeJ, , ! ; itefei 4st 'timi if out PtrhapA tht antl nartlcuhr tUrrei of pijJtecaoa but with'tSbreserratiiiil oflhe prjaci- P".ttd she b i;ot eLa9entvto vield etj,JrAiidwhawlWar't 3flJit? IKho, t4dn!hefe adl looiiig: jrabndl'&i tuiacomQu Dity and ils interest Juid' be btlld eaougii i toouch the spring, wicVmovelteo much in'Uos trir and prodacej sohdd) !Uapfc? Wlin Pis?i Whii stay 'thefi' carjhj M jiaouH.ciirau now floating down a riyer;soiie'of the , no- blest m the world, a stretckin through terri tors; almost bouddlesai in ertect,l and uneqoai ledjin fertility? iWhdl would creetich the flames of po many steam enguies, or siay the operation of io much ;wellempyed labtirf; Gentlemen, I cannot conceive howl any subversion Pf I hat policy, which has hitherto been porsaed, can take plaf e, withoat great publie embarrassmeiit, and and great private ! distress. ;: :' t f have said, (hatj I arnjin favor of protecting A medcan manual labor; jand aiter ilie best jedeo tior Can give the subject, and from the lights which I can derive frpid the experiaco of oui selvds and oth&rs,jI have come the conclu sion that such protection is just aud proper; and that, to leave Amcricad jobor to sasitain a compe tition with that of the dvcr-Dftjuled couatrit?s of Eoipe, would lead to aktate of things,- to which j the leoule could Wversilb tilted reason, why J am pr niathtainiog what has been j h strangest manner not to buy lot,; use any ar esuilished. I see; at home; 1 see here, I see 1 licI imported in British ships-jThe chairman wheTreter 1 cm. thsit tHf' Kttmnitis. vch,-h 1 of fhia enmmittM -vrai 'bn -less 4 distinjuished excited tlie'exisiinir aclivityraiii is producing i the Existing prosperity pf the country, is nothing J eUojithan tne stimulus held out to labor, , by j compensating prices. lthmk this cneci is vis- ; aoieevbiy waere,trom noosoot to Aiew-Ui leans aud dianifest in the conditiou aad circumstances oi tiie great body ot ;thrppjple; tor nine-ten tiis ot the rhoie people belong1 o the ; laborious, maus trious. and uroductive class : and oh thi cisa, a the f'stlmuius acts.! We perceive; jliiat the price of Libor is high, and wet laow tuatithe means of uving are iow, anu t.'ieie t ao truths speaK vo lumes iri favor of the general prosperity ot tne country.; I am aviare, is uas beda said alrea dy, tiiat this nigh ncej' f lauor results partly froinjthe favorably doadiUai of the country. La bor was high, coniparau4y speakiiig, before the Act of 182 1 passeu; butuatdact ailords uo rea sori in my judgemeut, l:endauejring its securi ty anil sacriiici.ig its- iiopM, .by oiveriiim wmg what lias since beuu eiaoiisned lor its pfotocuou. Let us look, geutlemeh, to tne coudiiion of othciT countries, and epauire a lii(tje into the cause which, in Svaw otl lueio, produce poverty and distress, tae leineatiuous oi wliicn reach our! owr Shores. I see aroua ue many wl:om i iui'w to rjedntigranls froai otiiet countries. VV'uy aie they here? Why is tne dative ol ireiauu auioug us fWhy has ne ibained sceira!as dear to bird as these hiits auk tue ritrers to you f. Is there any ottf caiise ian tuia, that s the .bur den uf taxatpn -m the de haad, lad :he low reward ot P'wr on the oftfer, iit (um without hetide11 rtati subiiotence, or the powef of providing orth W-wHlfre depend entMdpodhiihi Was u4t on tths acpou it mat uo xpi is wu uiu, pouJiii aa.asyium in a country free laws, ot uiparatue; fcxeoiptioa j fxaid taxavodi of! bouiidles extent, abd ui watch ' thej rdeadsof livdigare liieapana ihc prices oi ! ; lauar ittipa aaoqusid rgJAud do Pol taese rs- ! marif? appi ry dtoiexa ety, aua incostry, and jgjod cnaracter, cau do iLore tor a mm here, than th any partot' die world.'' And w not iiu truth i wifijch is so 'udyious mat uohf cjm detfit,; touaued un mis plain reason, that libor, ihhjs cotiutrVf earns a btft r reward than 4fyV'here!iisei aifq So Aaislmore com- llorti n;re inaivtuual utuVenueiicej, ti;d more tleviiiu '! of; cnwacer ?vha'ieve 'lse may beiieiisv4iciy; wiwiiever ei&; iua aisiit capital, iwuater;e;Be may iayor iaarp. sihtll commer ciai f.ntfrjrtsriuiesiu4ii kdj orxlraordina- ry inutridiiaiSagacity or g4pd iortU4ie i assured, euemenf that uoluliig iuraucei thtidikss ot hi- Ciety, in prosperity ana pappiuess,iotuiug cau ppiiold1 the suosaptia4 m4esi, aud stediiy mi prove Hut ueueratcoadilioa a.id characier ofuie -Nvnole but tais niuttiliomueiuatm revoarda 'l-t.rm S t'ii-..-tl.llat I.... ...... . i ... H KVW. wiytHiu Bivuuuoa H VUI UOUU . try tfcnbs $t(on Jiy; of; ijUten, to prodded this re- suiu ;tliti Govermuont jna siioptod the policy of Co-opet;atiog nnh this natufal tctideudy u things: It nas eucouregeu aoaiutnepu iaoor and inuosuy ly a system ct discnuiniiiog uuties; aud the esuli of these cksnbiuied Icauaes may b0 seew- iu iie preedt circumstanes M &e cousty' Gdntiemeu, there aire irmohWkcons2erations rt suoiitii kind,; conecWl with tdis subject, Jur !GbTerurneikt-is pupllir; p)pulariih its fdua datioii,W popular iu iiiiiiiekc. j'i'he actu ki cukracteot m.Uovequieat ?;cadj never be betU;t tuau.the jgeufraif jaorai a)i intellectual bharictjer pijthe jcomiuuy. lr ypuld bd'jthe ,jrifdl humail tiiiao iqIaous, to eipoet a poor, Vic:ousa igiioraut 'poohiL, to mamcub a good popujai Govefiimen t. iL.aueaiion anu knowledge. wmcpasi is; oovious, cai oe geuerauy ? attamsd by tqe poome, o.y wter lucre; Mouuato re- ? i ft t I t 3 K . n -i war us to taucx aua luausiry, ana some snare in the public mutest, some auke in the. 2oinmuni- ly, woaldistiem indispensaoiy necsssaiyi m Uiuse f, U9 nave tne power ol ajipuintuig til public a gehts, p4ingad:iaws , iyen of maldig and un- luaaaig vouauiuuoii5ai tneir pleasure, uenve ite troth ol the I trite rnaxim. liial knowledire and virtue are indttfily flmuatiai'ifliepubiics: outj it istooe auaea, ana to oe arwsy s- rernem bered, bat:therernevr was, add never can be any : mtelbgsnt atid tir ubs people f 'ho at the sa&iet time are a poor ah J ifdla people badly 'em- pwy eu.aua.uauiy unnt.' . v so wouio oe ssjc, iu any eodtuiumty, heije poimcai power ism thd hands Pf! tiie many, todlproperty iflltiie bands df the! ew ? Indeed, sued an unnatural state of trnngs could nowhere lotz exist r ! i f It certaiitly appears to':'beL cenlkmcn, to be -quito evident at .una lime and m tpl preseni conoitnai Oi ra wona.inuu is dbixgbvt w jrpto4ijUi indtisIbU coaatry. ijainst the paupei t.jor -t iUBguoo, im omer pair w u.aut rnrm- ill Ikti 4mrl.ii iMlpjox urttA K4 KiMKn to maintaia,an4 crenriCt has an od- eoal chaace tjamst the "pauper ofiJungtaod, Wfaxisp ChiJdrea ais noi M edttiaJed and are pTobaUy isixesdy on ths tinshz and whb, him- seu w Mil ua ana ciaiiia j jjtsowniaoor,au balf froci tha poor-rat3, ajvi very ba4ly fed sad edi ailJi Jtdl Have sircad said, tbs jctidd 4f our edrmtryvlcf "itself; yfubput the aid of Government, does much td favcr American manual, Ubur; and it is 4 ewsiira , cf policy and leather, brass, tin. Iran. JtVl Ani su padet most circnrcstancciv ars ' thd m2 nw connected with ahm baadiuirL Oar wa experience hasp a. powerful, And uM j to be 3 ism copvincing and fpng aemerpbered preaih c.wiujis point, u pirn the close Wlhe war of tnjLuevoiutwn Uiere ctroe a period pf dis-i tress and depresraMi du the Atlahti&t. ...J, J. t!ie pebp! raad felt darings the, srrpest crisis of .usfiLj ?5 hip-owners, 5Wpuffclfrf1 roer- -utli 4r-ias, &4i weredesutate oi eispior ! ment, and snmA of thf m cesutrite of brea4. Dnt ish ship cams freely, aai British poods'came plentifullr, while to A merino ship, and Arncr- can prodoctj. thMwa tei then protection p throne Side, nor the emiyalent of jlreciproeal freel raas on the other.' 7h cheaper iibors of Eng land supplies th iihbitantd" af theyAUantie shore9wUhj every t5tng eadyrnada clothes, amonthe rest, froii thercrown of the head to lb soles of the feit, were for sals iaevery-city. All these things caie free from anjy general sys tem if mipoHfci tJoms oTth Slates attempted Jp establtsh' the own partial systems, but, they failed.!- Volninafv aasdetatlona vria rnanrtMi ta. but they failed also.r ;A f memoraliU instance of Wis mode of a'tempting: protection, occuned in Bostnn. ,The shipowners seeing the British caTie and went freely, while their jivn ships wen rottenin at the warveslraised a committee to recordmendinlr to them, in character than the imowrtal JohnHancock.)ThJ committee performed 1to daty povretfully.and el- oquenOy. It set forth strong and persuasive rea sons why the people should not bpy or use Brit- ish rroods. imnorted in ! British ships. 1 he Wip owners and ! merchants haring thus proceeded, the mechanics of Brnton took up the sabjrct al so They answered the merchants conauttee They agreed with them'Cordially thatBmish ffooda, imported in Britiah Vessel, ought not to be bought or consumed;5 but then j they took- the liberty oiling on apfurtheH nJ that roods ouhtnot tn be houdPr conmttat cHfGr?at applais? ) 4tFor,n sid they, Hancock what7 diff'ence ma "Ju'r whether hats, shoes, boots, shirts bandkercniels, tin ware, briss ware, cutlery, add every other article, code in British ships, or come in J01" ehins; siie, in whatever ships they coraelney take stray our means of living? j Gitlemen, it is an historical truth, manifest ed M thousand ways by the public proceedings, a td public meetings of the times, that the ne ssity of a uniform impost system, which, while it 8hiuM proytdareveniB to pay the public debt, aad foster AhalcoramaTce of the coun try, should also enoourage and sdstain domestic manufactures, was the leading cause in produ cing the present national Constitution. No class of persons raa ra ir zealous for tjhe new Con stitution, that handicraftsmenr, j artitans, and mauufacturers. There were theji, it is ' true, no large manufacturing eiiUablUhbMnto. ' Thete were n? tpanufactories in the interior, for there were noinhahitants. Here wis fort PirU-4t had a place on the map put hem were no peo ple, or only a very few. But m the cities add towns cn the Atlantic,, full importance, indeed, the absolute necesity of a new form of Govern ment, and a general systent of imposts. It so hapsned, gentlemen, that, at thit time; much was thought to depend on pljassaphusetts, several States had already agreed bi the Consti tution; if her Convention adopted it, it was likely ly to go into operation, 'j Thfs gave to the pro ceedirigs of that Convention an intense interest, and the country looked with trembling anxiety, for the result. That reanlt was.frr a lonor time, doubtful. The t Convention was known to be nearly equally divided, and dwn to the very day and hour of tbe final vote, one conld pre dict, with any certainty, which lido would pre ponderate. It was Under these circumstances, gentlemen, and at this crisis, that the tradesmee of the tewn of Boston; in Jaubary, 1783, as sembled at the Green Dragon , ithe place the-VVh!gsof the Revolotion; in stages hadbeen accustomed to sfS Constit rfstdved that in their opinitm mWmt ,-,,-l rvr. ? And that on the other hand should it be jpcted. "the smalL remaips of commerce et left would be anihilatedl the! various trades and handicrafts dependent' thereon cecay iae poor be increased, ana many wormy u wu mechadics compelled to seek efnploy f and subr sistence in strange -lands." These resolauoos were carried to the Boston Uelegtes is tae oa vntirtn. -nd nrrspntftd V to the hand of Samuel Adams. ; That great and dist Inguished friend cf Arneritaa liberty it' was? feared, might nave doubt3 about the new constitution, rxainraiiy caitious,and sagacious, it wasappreheodedne mio-ht fear the praclicabihtyi or tne saieij, p General Government. Het reef ived the resolo- tinnn fmm the hands of Paul Kevere, a oras founder by occupation, a man of sense & charao- ter.-andof high public spint, waom tne mecaw ics of Boston ou?ht never to 1 forget 'Howma nv mechanics" said Mr. Adams, "were at the Green Dragon, when these resolutions were passed?" More, air" was thejreply "man the Green Brazen could haid.'V atfd where were lKA.rAat. HArpm ?' " In the streets sir H idrects 7" ' More k.n)tMi,i,Miii tKMskv.1 This is an iostance, only among many, Jo prove what is tnHTuit9hi tmp. tht lth tradesmen and me- lrhnii cf the Countrv did look to the new Con stitution for encouragement and protecuoa, m their resDective occuoations U nuer tnese cumsttmces, it is not to be expected that they will abandon the principle, m its appJwationt the conrmereial and shipping tnieresw. believe the power is in the CpBstiwUPn ---and doubUess they mean eo Ji i JePcnd 'Pfj1 them tokeep it there. XJesiroos y extrayi gant measure offnflecn,desiousofcppresspTg orbttrdeninjr-obody, eeelur v dothing as a sub stituto fir honest industry aiid?bard work as a part tf the American family, joiving tliesame interests as other parte, they will contiaue cheir attachmeat to the Union (and the Gonstl mrioa, and to all the great ud leading interesto oftbeooui.try. , ' ! j r ' Gentlemen . your worthy Mayor has sfloded to the subject of the General ;Goyesiments. Ha ving no doubt of the power dfthe tJeaeral Got- tlect cixnDrised in that denomiaatkio,l eoefese X have felt great weaa ft h'forwardmj them the 'extent efojr sbuit, Pheraremaav5.; "Jl9 m winch cannot Pe - w-af i a i . ;t wi 7 Mr m a no wvix . . tor ward la applno? tha V n Z ?e9 I toirreat uJi. Iaeatr States cannot do Bret thw ' Te thinWc uooe at an must be doddbv allth. SmV: , tUUtea appnaJeTtoW that the time had come ior th ;i7rtJJr. m Wttteotioo inward ;( to srrvcy the ST Uon of the country ani .mrtfiiil?!!???.1: WeacdimtrTTt:- "!-!"" wunxn tne sphem of aat on Vt 5 ated to usite the mnrent rof the couai to open abetter and shortST SrSSvfT . 7 tops also ofthepj-rhest Jdrantags to Government litsejCidany exm cy c It is tmef gendemen, thati the local kheatS for such improvement tot mainly w ths.Su The East 0Jdr pretty fully peopfM and inian! A18 we newastnd thinly pedY Our rivers caa be measnred-lTrn,,,- LlxvL are boundedoaarebOTndles was, therrfommbst .deep) laterested 'id ;H0 1 system, though certainly not alone 'ihterested f even m such works as had a western . hwality. ! lo, clear her rivers was to clear thWfortrje. 1 commerce of the whole country ? to construct harhors, and clear entrances to existing harbors. whetberon the Gulf of Mexico or on the 14 was for the ad vantage of that whole commerce 'i Anl ir this were not he! i bht a W publir 1 pan, whose patriotism is governed by the iardi- I faal jvomts ; who is for or against a proposed 5 measore, according to itsindicatiorrby co ppkas, j or as it may happen to tehd farther from, or com nearer to, his own immediate f connexions - And ' look attheVest-Ukat these rivers-look at i the lakes look especially at Lake Erie and sea I what a moderate expenditure has done for the I safety of human life, and the preservation of pro- J perty in the navigation of that lake; and done,, i let me add, m the face of affixed and ardent'oo-w f position. . ;;! i " I rejoice sincerely gentlemen, m the" general: I progress of Internal Improveradnt, and in tluv " completion of so many obj ects near you, and con-' j nected with your prosrwritv. Yoox wn mi f and rail oad unite you with the Atlantic Near you, is the Ohio Canal; which', does so much credit to a younger State, and with which your c(!y will doubtless one day have a direct connexion- Oa the South and .East appjbaches thm Baltimore and 01uo:RaU-j(load, a gmUud ptr. ited enterprise, which I always thought enti tled to the aid of Government, and a branch cT which, it may be hoped, will yet reach the head of the Ohio. ;' r i I will oaly add, gentlemen, that forwhat T lave done, in the cause of. Internal Improve ment, I claim no particular merit, having only acted with others, and discharged conscientious ly and fairly, what I regarded as my duty to the whole country. Gentlemen, the Mayor has spoken pf theim porUnce and necessity of education.5 And can any one doubt, that to man as a social and1 ao immorul being, as interested in the 'world that is, and vastly more coacrned for.' that which i w h-4-")tMtiAM, tk, i ! -. -"iMire cfT the mind and tbebean, is ;aii object of infinito' importance! So far as we can discern t'b" 'de signs of Prudence, the formation of thV mind an4 char Vby instroctiun tn knowledge, and mst"1 w ngbtcousness! is a maui endWhu J"? Afll0.n? ,the W impulses Which snety has received, rwe UinMe tjin " aftentionj td nubha cdocv Uoij. Tbatobject berirrstoWfiiWt ,f.lh..t. 1 irjd3 of men,, in itsjustina'mitiidft. anrl ses its dua share of regard, . ftJ in 7. .. 1 i'Wi- of the General Government bare been exlJJ m.theliramotiod afthls cbjecti So'' isr .sstl!:--f powers extend. I have concurred ta their exeT' cise, with great pleasure. The westers Statsa- I . from their recency of settlement, from the great t proportion of their popalation which are children f v all hew coon tries, more or less, curtail fadiVidu al means ; have appeared to me'to bare becoliar- claims to iegard ; and in all cases, where 1 have' thought the power clear; 1 bare most Iieariilr " concurred in measures designed ibr their bendnt in this respect. Aid amidst all our eCbrti; for edudation, literary, WaI;ott religwus, .boil al ways remembered, uat' we leave opinion andL conscience free: Anl Heaven grant, that it may be the glory of thUJnited SuteS,' to bapm established two great Waha.of the hiheat im portaQoe to the whole htqiin rice orst "thau an Enlightened commuaitejiniie pf seJigov erntient; and second, thatbe tolrration of alL sects does not necessarily ptoOiee "tadiflaresos toTfltgioo. '1h' ':''!' But I hare abcady detained von toolosgi friends, fellow dusens, an4cntiynurt toke a respectful leave of , yod. ie ,time I have passed on this side the AUefrany, ha beena succession of happy days. . I are seen much to! instruct, and much to dellghme. ( I return ypo again and again, mypdieigstUuoJai for the frankness and hospitality; .wfawMA kindness. Vault ia Baxbadoes m which no cce nowV , courage enwagh to deposit lis dcxi: fif iCTPj coffia was placed in it, and'aince tin "prj in 1803, 1812, iSiB; tad 1819. terixfU hare been placed thereu- Ateacttsbdtnmo notwithataddmg erery : precaU pxerectlti entrance, Jthe tcdfSns; hare mja '(SzUt throtri in the placVlasdtoirM" co of the raolt edires tha; ef&rbi pfsn toed 19 ' open it, and yet this m vmnable resalt is been, witnessed, - There b na correj paKj totie vanli nor is there say pissibie jr of ejnlafc lty mpterr rod have made.me welcome ; and. wnetrer I mar go, or wherever a may oe, i pray jww lie ve I shall not Jose the reectouen' ctyow m .! ii K 4 i. I- i t'A .1' - t I f 1. S ii i 4 w. - f I 1 -I T j ' . i . i...r . s f 4 I - ! ? . v . . ; i

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