f.' ' . :-. .:.-;.-!, - ;- ' -r-:'! .!. 4 'f . : ' - 1 ' I II '" , , , . ... I I I II ll. . wi,,., i L 1 i 1 : : : ; v r!:m'Tr "i .k.h - rin it i 1" - - "rS at- - .-. j mm ; 5 fcliVr.: - rr--f.'l , ; . - . jif.nr.t TTrte I 4 a&ee, wilii j. l; I " Sdfes-torncn nd wounded fed g. iMrSt-iSeit refill ana! hlnr.: 4 ta la ther were m tit ov-rr-ome, that they P ' ! Sv; Mroissiokof; fie court to rettr awbUewe pre- '-''V9SnyodiriimS part not, altogether feifM w?-fMit .U1!;prrvinS4r,ncte3;ta' m,tm ::B YVabs tintiate ib truth cf tbffact as ' ms. . -J-1 -TlkcIrcmii?.t3ncrs-oftbrasj,a8 etatled.in iaaf.;;'5i'l,iM- a' faHows-andniay tl.ei ; V.;. ii ' -I Jonh-nr tbialalthfal jcr lore and lovrlvr atfentinn9. first the lady,) aIim 5lc. i VC. tinnlL 'thp nklatitf In' tb4 - eojnd;- and defends; t-K.-'intiir the firt -of-jhetB tfly?, crow iodictrcents, 0 - iis a fwoff Jadribt very wr qpt - very 'of. i !-'"-J I rt letbinknr aad iliat it uin. compi uen f her swainjthaV p penned e lillcti1. to the foRov.-1 ppjpxirt, n J ent it u bisu .w:-YonJinay;BpVacpS'to nijjhtat fc&lf past nine o'clock whea thtf -yinrojr 5dy erk'dlt? fcsixiAiidt fitirrPii ennin cu m?J rorrca es eobd as yon plpxie, f ?r tba jMiuJr Ja.li4.s - art gwe'to Osnrgctoyn. , I wrotrf thtb fiHrirly says "Miss aicp. because ht had gitea cui rtsnn W consider him as 'iny jn-; tended b csband ! Bat the'' yonrijr . merchs nt caonft'net-at thetrjsted hoorTOn tha "contnry .barei.o.cuneb.Wrtr hivnry f ;M 'fenwJeJiidirt'.at the-cosf of fac?-1ifW m &sw jht la have !coantencr6J:t'e&r& ihft-tracatr"Tbki U ix Dos-hfirty ,'aswf ptlcrcd 21 trratben if -j- alt r0an3 fcr h.r cbit7 1 ftsff afebtttaia rtn e?er bin? Hwitwrti tban.ibey " , i-Iv : ' t F . r " . I : ii. ; .yx mi.-ti ctr i ire J;!ajr rri' I; - QQ fur 6hr li mts, i djtifct tht!;jesnrdi?atx3fdsUb;ii!- i:r the ssnnstitatinaJ triutt&jvi jlbfiPaJttoa(i. ibwe abbte related Stcaris2 the a t tfie leaner connsel,the Jnry jlnrtt armng Jopai Trdiet.and feeraated ,Thynbe.tiextlay bst hein still uasibltk:ti"agre at -tlreela'flf boUEftsnd eWe Uich be'did.1' AoI liow caiv-1 3ai-; 1 I - I s X v f J ? uViJlL: Th yoocj snerchsnl V i motberf a" Uicfttid for ber khT alrod iandiie.f ad the toan toercbaall birn$elf;ein'swd by tbef&jf rniUincr: ic wards iieraii ifaly lcame tn bia pixubwea to coaipenytte laited uftTefiftitc!y"i'-bat that down imsiii as to aK her roriYeTMsssj that 1 tines . of r Fraace.: t 1 ln r, enthusiasm j a fw.r witiflinwiwfjr aRrctiws; he torned bw at- j,mili ,ji0 Qmbi;cror"df JuJias all hut -tjfii-. tfprian ti another quarter; and wasjjwr endear- vprsa: jrcnerff cSurcd l reicp lhieiri inaiKry from Bis 'tho evidence, is which the iwip;l 'hii ylpi&nzQ .xr dcsirous3 cffprosioan thWbnpihe?s of a soldier vibosi fnttfro re- f jow atctao; sirn? tu he tirbcurctf for her yoan'fr.cnd - tho bnl-1 eDuchy i-f IhVSc Vwple.tee iiani ana 1 iionouraaie vraas - in eKjicir w : i it xr SutKlfrf!. hrftiliti"dJ 'Itvas to-VaarrY' one bUriairinfun.pforaiiintoretarnit,batiD4: Eejrri Witt d of lloinff hadsbvvn it aSoht the .city f ipcr'htor ikc fcrpiTi?edl hc Jctcc oi ona !edge,6f jUTertion fra ber; bonded hiJsbanit.J"wl39 could appredat( thp .poftts ofj both. J ijiatane naa gca uwnepnesr frma inio ner 3 ey, naif, the jcbangom ti-e .4iqesuc4 r,s. tee,jcnd da endeavorli to malttf him dMosej ppbfic $0tei tf - lW nation; ne i rc ily abandon hearg tbaMbe bad tcld of :. . - of; b a re- her con cfi lion f ;tootaii; opnaatjiot,t'rrrfI Vi J r :i . va wbippnyttbar 'child;- hax'abijjad' 'tU him ; pnbhean, r as wWl Vvtth inacltJiichbeii J.ad; ."Koy.t, length' begnrt to ; A a re in the she waaun tbe JibU ctabuiji fei in;tHetwedj sums casr.a rid ho5. lie perceived thU ren svbea-comiDfroni'ch soma fpcQeio'tsI order, or ),ne Ix'Slrlnrivancfr ruitlinerr She; bis. ft i: -vJjUen lbr ewderaWenK of time1 a denizen K iOylHPffton?'-" indeslTwus'peaceableandcaiv U?i -Itpntrd.jftlirt laW.WHUWl waiif ihi'i i .k, 9rf .hMfTit nnt:: Mr. JJocfienv sua GO .i '4ir'. -r:k Ven'rid:lha9.her8f!lf'plue4e(l lrom tlie treeioif inii- -i-- ij.lAviRr miatliiuineneia' w 34 iirueyb?tnv them riot-isbe1 w asary 1 the-em phaiiB terras, .irilaaious, Wrrteh lUnd af ); 5xiinigb 10 ftef estate ci aingre wesscne. 1 n m repjachin? ' herinV no measured serais, m , ? Hffirtfaijmo vm wctexie h'cTtit&e", rJ went orl td inform ber'that aajeia she paid t!w pV ' ?i And keep (bard tasfe) ber f pienfice prl at borne 17 the C"constablriwxttW " as isiirely bfve:ber ;it'::f .-F;. itll abe HoId tfeen'f (ah' happy days) read the. here, assojne une e&g. UwiW breal'ter-unl AiM :: I-. fe5.wa WftTtpr with a $mi! labzh at the fihe rVntated of.her amaiZrhla, ivae on a Saiiir- day.v rie jojured oamwyn 4ine course oi.ir.ei day,wnt over to ihoWjtbi3iAd cvt, to AlrsVI Thompson;. Ja-aociplisUinff this purpose, nhe mare.- V i'Ti? i;.-H'.t 'Mkhr.. . aiifiai Al'lJ.; was on iir.. JJ poous 10 v.w o-t j UWUUIUI 1AI, , 4i ecu l.-u.v fwiv-'S-""' get hers tor settle-it- l reply, sae seoos nim wn rviniaajsctraadfil,'.&c;jknd;te, a;ataiiy a' pretty tyranny was jf. suppressed, l Aiia.ub-fraid-tobeisee& sundinsr at the.doof.biarf stitnte for the forced flbaii. Ir. ritffht ta iliad Vtoaerv tatomet?cUttt- h4shgcR-t t li broog-htall.to a- ensw 5raa, tnat ape sairm4Dnii . -. , ... .n i.Hiadotis ititirt-snon i the vnl&ideit 1 cui A a&KHeould endure nd ivhicb this interesting girl was jentitlcd,nri'i bhwUiiw rank; arJcT Mno . bri rcspMaMllty ofhis Lcliaracter,fcrrcalcui jfeiJuorat s high a pneo!fe:lJom love it'iWr p jinr; acc?sfV ced ! ftindef 4 manAretf ?t: -pay yib f fire weca$coJatrt wemeraar- ophscts ma? s ber as faraed u so diilcxcnit, let . us ra . Mar at 5Um3i read iy feurrenderiHl awt hud beuer pat th,rj chibr:bat be Jos t&P . . 1 - fc-J WrVf .-77-7.7 r-jf as hm i s warat .tnrnmljuYe uarind loH hiath, t5 FiSferoJIfy: flft gratelu! bjrirc,aincfctb fl .reelers; iifgife1 Jto-bja ott feelings rhatpa may, doif y catS ilhe fainiMo- wliotnit wasa4tlris?d:;V'- ' yiatroddce la firsp to lh!rHlerrttr?esf rll pnmmitiiootldaW ?. lblltejoa.p6rtwltbW iae it I Terr cj-wfta bis htyTO. f H' :yotttilsted foe tenoiiiMir l! ea be m- - 7,. v,, Wjon wiUVcad it l! ncitrki,- Vi uoottquamies tueaasRives. i it " I rtzrvi re .iiiianns and arcaaneay cnci,itis wr.iwnoa irnt t ,-r -v a w,r1w'f J w'tf'- iuy ! illy, KllCil D4. - MJliUii .-.-' , " "-J - . ' .s j;s j " - w ..." - . . ... . landlpf-m, sisiaction Whica ,noriaoirt4 !?Lnos! .Wllh?f Wruh tbeompera.j. wrsoas towards whom- lm entertaias .very ll sasre wuj mm iu injs uouoic loci- 5 v-,.,i. 'e.'u- ... I odu'Jio tag. government tormd'lmcotM roacrntrtted, it F'rw w uls ien 1:1 nts.praxession r0 waraw a5)t taexawrateltheif sufft.r:ins?s.oft4 ; ttoajjMWif" ::VT"" ""ti4)'awiu- rn iu:reasM ny the avtdtfy an.1 -aainsh&ega cjf Hjea -orAbeUnt'ana' Eloisa-And witness the ' b-reWc3snta;iorV cBemeo hd Juliet" witbont a fttTerfeltawoui5d5 (?4:iJ'hififflft haid notvet ccme.riShe bad hot yet IMen any one who liadjrealizetlbat lau ideal ldf naftly Uanty add excelktice nVLioh her yoong hotnr bad -io pa&a iSiruish -a, yard auhe back of hr m-! ienckiftiaoartrf'i store, I It wi hotVeaiher, the wmdof .vaa.and;Jw.tDaVi rriiing at his I 4M tinflinnAtiOn nau 8aootai ivriut xxi. mio, feverjin.Bii.vvu vu.,.m v-.r"' rv 7 , lef ycathfol reality before her eyes, in the pfrspn: i 1 fif Alr.AVra. poiiiuerty, rf y jong meicban V who Mrliafflfi. lea !t i'held coinbined in ihe prfpna: tertOfiflfof fcer neinir Mr, uowutTvjy. ,i hcuwij. Hte to Msf McUaniel niUUnary estiWiguraeht. if''prepro2f ricaf fteuwand winain tnanneM anaywua and vealth be united a' person of :untlemihed character; and there-can be no .ivdnder that :iss aWwent'iaa.e,Vand , weal ecainbuytng there rAin.f:er. tafga:n; riMxn alter ribbon, "ani:ple aftefyi2, little hini?i:i?; poor maiden; Ww.'dx:!it;D'f cheap baRraina.' were nlthnat!- 1 v :i tiWitb to' ber how uoon 'UeCveuce v. al to WhfTPadv taser ve ber. HTiaaeji Xvhicb chances ihri bljfes to a bad.' and1 then ,the .5utl to fruit fl fcao the. feame eneqr,, anai. appcare su uio tmna tiJiiaticD, for the vvoung merchant f Aflpr 'a? sett of lov, acriHsa thOi ouunterJhad. laV Fl "Faiatedfoffslx of seeu'MimtliS4rtbo cholera, made v f ;ta appraraace tbe'past. auninoer - twelve months; Ci ilisaicn; was" taken sick:' Hearing, tbafjirjD? 1 k-i r . ;F-. 'a 1 It IIULftf ; thf .tA i. I J J I IVtr. cureberasMHJn' :sjs Voqior v'Doberry abe sent 1 ' : ; :'5ls cinie--beaw-:-aod' by. rorednot IT V t 4l i-ji-.k- it!BH9se: Autitwolild i appeai,4htfi desx;iaccordBr.io n.ts cvooqas sne enrereu he.gatl?,8be Saluted. bim Vrsth : t alTociiuuaie , terms of yoii?iwondrel,yoiU vVjiaa np-jn'j j,uun vau'ir or trvr, wiat i?i -..ien iiuio u:s cum-1 ess, nd t veatj" tiioes-ihisf Ulnts.-, Jlia aipel I will tiro so JouiTi .bravtry kud mlUury skill art? Iia ruqovst iib tjie World ; v j1. .7 , I 4 " 'iVarrinj only , witb artpie3; ani rrspnchnjr cs uwigiitoi wuij uip prospeas t')0 mh.ib tansof the cunri through vrbicj tic happiness; for theyounr lidy p5bd, and whom nsnlered aim Ucant aud acmris&4 -in tnmd fT nnfrtina!e l;enMiirh :! in ' 'having theeterri-! uas a e w-h-3 bcaiitifu'l' m pwon.!and prpar l'rie9 t!,T nha!Mted madest of warihA mai! (br the treddinff fnaroi.an : iP,c.powia. rauubi L. ' i it -f.-: iswanis oi nisfHU'iteraano toeiniosnca 'iina;rown "5 paraiijurawn l f Usmn Xiofa Ai Andrew. Urowri.r rJessa.lu!(t. 1 Ed ard;BoniuMir m I Hv-i- r T 4 Caibrine llamnser ; John Bulahdc . v Vaitaar.Bauerfield Mary Curd . 7'-'l:- Uev Vai C Bannett Ofiiin JBradshaw nnrrv, or wofk tor His uveiiiicKHi -fin any j- V -nYHr" 1 u u,r l'T Wra. ln,TArthift i4rd. thosa u h uv.k dJ ! manner ne 4hbu?!irprop.. Nof mab' hid add ta3raninds which he (held, during j c.f the dm.rdr of thconnijest t opnrwa UUtt it tiirU iiU: lUbr-ifct viiw i VI I u iiuyi ; ;y . "r" - . . . j . ... -('- mik- iitmnnic.nia uwi3 lusti uultj uotiuru n r-. m "J..riW.I It " ..i"" r.rt f i,.' f a LOllt Ifliillif? !(r lie :;CSCSSOl OnlV . a small ifer.vKO ihn ntmnat ri-rllnnna fc. md -dlunlaB-' nrCi Ugl 11 VI . UUUMW J , 1 CT "i ii'li .1. I J I s .- - j ---- j cr noccsaafy to sjverihJtiWbf His jdeitt f l' vaiu did not 'xtyd eighty 1 pessary syerityf in rrprsir euch abnses.o nuri aiirii.1) ui duuiuii it i W iitllWU liuui ra . t - - a " . - - - - . l rest and slcp: in ficriiililibertv remain Uwral fficer oftbc van guard.' but it' was aaeitcacy. geneacnipaaied the, -u"utl' 1 nrLilJ .JA -Vk not leknia llth,rrf, trUfnrfn rencb armiea aod if complaints w5re. aometunes tivos.votod. but did! nit drhiietnela'tr tbev IweDrttM. pnsiicrl. The tribune ! hid Jong jidercd a safeijinrd to II bcrtr who fill now had cared only ben tonU in tns vilig dwelt an otd connle. who i .. I III d' I - ' -lii . . ; n ' . J ; ' and Key a"M4 epiidri ;cu iia;i a century; cy ciotii- !for w&r )aF t.i'S aQ- inatie liieni r&ccivo tUoir cn- which, dike T3lack-eycd Susua jVyUfeam- V'tSoon ashqr welLiktnown voibe he hevrd, He sigbj and cast a lools below," . ; - : tqthe side, of his desk. Where hiawallrpg yan , wa placed ? VVishtQg wrnaie pace, but, the same time j'reWI veil .to be prspsred; for ar, son's yard, came in bahdXtid no came ihel soineWhiti diSsrent.acbyiinis oV-the bau!e,Wfi 1 . ' ' "l L.iC' Tl . Ill must compile per rusiury iruui wmi. meiaa jj aaysin the first placed that, seeing tbk Knight J ju Dpodt 6C the.v.iadow, with a; Weapon m b.i. hand. Wnd ;belieyinr his.-desicra- "aa to hurt; hW the! retreated inio4le kitchen of .Vnj . T4 iq PxepaTa to "receive him 'tbhe.advanpe the-itphen dJf-Bof tiigifib'e ift..'tbesi battles, saw w;th tegret that it w rediic4 "Mptial .uanm ion on the same .&yjrThfy impose contnbutiojis, and shamelessly to silence. hi i I, r.f pad.i;it wr sruc? ait or With- hintselt and jh: rrh'thosow WmUrown f Allen iloamns Jacob Brown ; Hicbael Bakei Sopbiab Urown Audrevr Biggs J ColOa Bargess G Crawford haral Crowd v; fn Alex Crortby: Pfimcas Crtkmaa Jvbn Callawajf. KodrictCulc;AO ; '7f )are in whioh tbey art q iartbrtd: & nanffujTiia Cuirics G Caandlsr n.nv St then take a fovv bends of cattle fro;n the Mvn8r3, Ui?t -thjs is merely itirikisgthe snrface of the water; the riders of thronntriesslonednw it' off -war offers tt-m nonj? by lackj ehanoer jriadrt it was bscaoso t!wy who bear the burdens ol war are apt tiexajrateUheir suxrvr:ing9,oft4 n increasad by the avidity and slSslineia tit their own fura. Donbt!e?S;thero at many exor4 fortune, ?,T Au-a tioas which cannot be avoided. Th soldier w a d purclned the birdcn t the individu-ji opoh whom hew billeted; Samuel fi dl.tgret i Petet .ArahartuJL ' Maaies Bn.-l J 4 w .U16S Htehard Uw ilrflS-l'-l "Other acU dwplcaed -Jhim still Tho laMrK' which ecludeH j the nibies tb public employments. fhad been repea and individuais who h a dibs en , banned fof crimes against Ijnojlorji, jre ad rait ted iutq .tho enale.1) f ohlif$,1jt'ief igh ; thycrj litl .f-e'abotlt tlt'oi'ics.'are exr-rnlt mssfepiibli corningjtKa choice ofjaasfi! appomfclflL't riii rnlorc thus mdrkirrg-his own marna les-ij-oiilf"- !iof uaae?6lenre.-i-' 1 ,u j -epeahdf I Tiias)ii people,' he oos'?Hcd)"wiil jro til IUV El .1 r;kctishbing.oTtii, faj 4fpurst ; hnt Rrllfne ina alTuntfcice; Com- out! of "tlai ! She told him he had bety come ml mnoinW ef 'course; -M dorsd .' arid then, id iutiia?date M?i!from accepting the invitation, sho took a ajnatf aficfc froo the fireplace and throw it at litm was ot larger than a man arm. The stick struck between bis shoulder, bliulr5: andiilancimf off, broke his , window., ( thmg daontd i;Y this , fierce opening, the g&Uaot Douffhertv determitied to assail-the lforresa-M struck a blow or two,; whicli he, saj-s fell m the door jsUlandJlhen baldly enterel the kitchni He. bengavdUs ucD,a blow pr-jtwo eero.-a the sliokkiers; but thourh uoarmyl, ihf danialerfi Atnau rather counted than fhruok- frm .tha re-i-DCoutiter; she grabpied with him he pustii C her, frtMU tiitn and she etagcered back., Jnit put these i tfejoriesi into i praitre' end i.fh troop? ti4re!&rf :fUU nefl'mistrMstl'T at' tli! njiuiuum:Mi;oi imiivyiuaisr ffvo Uit snpyn themFelve Ifpstile to'fred instiiti',).nf4. v K J 1 i'i i Wiis ail ciiy?)ty to; s . oppression su.d neithers pe rptuate. jjor j citt it utTgr wculd Allien rit-inu oictirhHhj einiarlintp. ot'bis'Unar r patient ilsor. j-athtr hes AnultJ U-Eri 5 1 VKmt:nud. f there are; vvowe employ , UUmtjg ih V world than feeling a W puW flivihii time.Iir D. wid te luchaod i' -:; -H ' . '''' Ac'? th mp.-i ITuwever, lif :ii:f McDJiooriHrecoVcircd. ionder ttTie fkliltul Hi-rm'KrJ " ida ot tlie "young Ciercnant, ; ana as was: nat still lest would hesMfTcrfthtfth ttf rdm'tua thoso bywhlfti tlif had . Dtrtnoajrejf: Likeiioreih kn-1 jiUapdinld'tfcijWei'hli'l' i I !4Jlt;S 1prefc&ti'; lanl the'young Jruercliact set &kt f i rPlt'iM YIc-y"' fj'f-vl! t - firoi'itscaeedere given of titer nautre qpl7 i-Vitoj -i mpuvetiea.;Beirtg '"'' ;,;-. &-"t ;a$kvdonJ bir'crt .exam'inauctt if Mr JD.f vrr J M jis.! oflbis utaccord W1Uhuj: t-' V wast5efe-J Sl .; :'5v .;! 71tC 'Hyof tlioillrmiiner'ery eve&ing atW he t4-'fe every Sunday a i p r ,,ter oecaue iryra,cuir . ain, ucrsiiia Wslr ;i lln tKe'ut be dioTyVU tlerlady 11 If f ;1 - Wi 'but (oirciiieUould for bdy-s ear.Unevr t-j. jri'-: ft is -fl T 1 : lLrui ftikiV t lM8ines9.artss ATL.Tl:arAlf that i i - and Fuchji!tir swears it wai noto :;if?hi:i;rt' rfotfmarrfcge, Uitlfbu -a- i of ufhu- lunrss attt-Mpyta. TAj return ttf ibe Narrative r thCmei! as' irf luck1 woaldftifV-' J ri l the enemy Viae - was .poured.' u tPui lant,? J-iy;hwwho, eqoallv darings styd bw gevn ia ooa-o.Miss. mc ..fs . ... v-fKjAn -h.1 i !? praf ?8haii.fly I!'" -v Floa its rmba$e as soon a4 1.'N'i' ' "' ' ',' .With the turious bravery of a hungry hones J gaiajreturhed oor .heroine ..to tn light, and -vrn recefvt d by.oor. hero With the wtlcotne'lDf a feV more blows across the shoulders j but this did u .hinder b?r from -again traslenin her Vrsn. iogxrensori JherutendedliusnriiSIes ; wbo Jl.i;ti see, tnai nane xsnte pt. the fight ;Was;oot itoubtfal, its iiuralian, at least was tm eertqbu as a fastj-esdrj be determined ft ipl9 Axfoiw, which, Jt wou Id appear, he act cDpisheoUBut,al'isi;i:e bad not calcolatei Ihe rdiHculty.of xtrfcatingihis own garment from her clu Uih ;II yld ing oni a; she feii, to hit rugles; ipieJieSL W that, he must jjgo down too, pr sacnace" bis roales; cndelermme hpwi act,, for a few socudsj he Wntj bis body oyer jthe plustrat jELa tn savejbis rbfiles; which she ?tU clutched with ihe tenacity; of a Bfiapt pihgtartle,,jA thousand painful thouenis i-ushj ?d aniss his, brain,! it is probable. .Customers jnigMt f waiting in the stoie i as yet, bis bru'wcB wer but slight; what tbey might be if b -m-new4d;th'bht, it was impossible iu say, A--cam I thi bre;ith ifjiia eounure did cuuld n. M: -holdlmt aitcight-ial short, now, if lever, wak call t; tny rniud the nt-jriuj'ss of rny own origin; , iiu tins rtao.vai oi in-ir; ion uuioi will projl of frapp augary of niy own' , .J uelthougbi was the cmanition of a no bio im u i bJt til'- prcsige which it expresst ed.'wus uuaapilly not t- bu acoo.n;)liih-l ed. -ill ' ' ; v -- i:' " r ' ' ' ,By sixat?ge-ris such as w-.-qTotjd, Vapo ledn uultljd his 'fortunes'' Willi the intrepid aKhotf liioweyerf-h.-ip ouseiv!j(.g; that goon a$ i5ouatuu te had attaind iapioinc pow erll tlH 'stmpieYhearteduoss of the- ypjwiUi cleiltf ati- WiS-goue; we. hivo nd f'onjgcf ciimdatcatiOii3 ' ta do to the e5ec;tiv3 powi' er,4 like iojo of Jourdan, Jojrt t, aul ij. ciic; and lliouh we are from lira 3 to timc ui-light'ijti with tftiils. of. iudiv:ddil kin.la.- 4 beait. nnu tiovotion to tho causa! t J. the brive i soldipra of ithe I rmj JoC Saih1 latngandV&pliry tlifee' wHom thJ I Fr,oc; j! ed uy Ncy and oth rSk it ii hnd-deteatedin ti H u ln tim itr 11 2brXJ 1W V''M,C'-MU " nn. -i uo - niarsum in .w?crw uu NW nhA-Ji VK. i'mWoh irWp f II lii'ri a pjer--."n-h has tei iHnntofV order, co-nmarided that they andUf3bvrHhafctend!upry,b4 &nA I- ' "Mr - 'H i I kh'f ' -ym Nr.,ii,,.'ir -. i, r .1t firs rf;iu-i3d.t:Ulo next Xomv dear T? nvA Imlr.-.r!i -tlinSriJ ,,. l ,mZlJX .Ih.rluii J'J O to substitute a coupleof bad JiOrfCS. .Ainto i Lk K-..iisiini . ki... .n -1 w a.,: J-raa via In t!w.i onsis Irs lUa taken; tain a liv intrtfrirn' Attn A.rrt.til- ifs;irJ I ah iiii3rii iis l(4tiera to tUe btriirv oinn t n2 htS -mind! llO, COmplaiOed of tll8. ; Il'S w ) 14 Vll UklOViiai , t " to I ' T Br. - - ; J r I Id riieve, then' aJpthstis told voiimj j gNornrrenUwhichiTOJi; mat jvt -I ' t t. - iS -S : fyitn tothe'hcigUt W li is.1dfsertsv ;1jheru s Imachrndted, ftbojntewhicii Nepo!ejn .jt il auu worapfc fuer. Ijps j wefe sciabt ul boue4Uruiaiid 3 ajf because shesjud loved vsja4'Jabutttot wisdy !; , , I V, vi'Ad this meiuorable and eitraortiqirT nni,, wmcr .ws tne cause of .action:: Lavhwi rrn I .Live it tho a.v4rt i. I i T it. Tr w vuo iii.iiau aguri 5 recourse t camel to ttif pea. anJ tite nresaiand- bctb 'nartiM.Vi.fKL' tion must how' vield;tol fhepu!lm o jao not i bout the aa awawvi rS naauicus like yotif have rendcrpdf jemjneut .sevicesltl your count fy; . You ;sep Sj proG'of it jo tli confJdepce jj havo pb'tanierd: aoti adotlier. i tne appp; njtnent pi m ornery vcao was ioisb ty unkriowaneraitothecorrtm I'M i i vision ie noT, inej-fitor nne5y any Ionge and depend opoji j it,' hi v dear A et W4iiWitton-wW(.t V' ' ' - iKeppIodjij soon found i put the wayoi soolhinthldetDorj-atic'ifamnP the braV- rnurmnfed en -pro- 'miliiiv.irlilwiim :let rehi rnedT from leid Vn& tlirfVait of.tbd;. ariny ! bf the.j lTorth,pe 4'$ bi$ nrfepce.i4xutft ht grat bravery his oe j of hist8blditsrp hb( desire to see tlief joad and -cour fgeilus promofe?d, Vnd his scorh aad i d?to3tatioo 4f jwbatcvtr was mian aijd jselSsh, Iwere all jpoints itbtch as, a man,, tho! first.; 004 a I Would Ratnrailv adrnirtr. while, as ebo!ifi- can, he wonld f see hi it him an aimed right nacu, wnicti promisca poriquests anu giory. iNof was N.sji insensible' of j the unvotnmon 'Writs? ot" ht tie w: blaster .( ' he spoke ot1 hi-n always as thefirfl.of Je!adersind thebet of meorr-Miey wcra soon co k oe more ouair i h!ros - coiapU'.is btv hseo uiadiahl repeat!.) ipjte, Dir"tury; .aoraipsl the'Ficir p;-d bjHihaiariuyaod wiiajii ij hot onhfd, t tiiaciH Aii'ltbe sol.ffei4'otthe army tmV x ar ct.se tiiese a.tmin;triii .fts as the cause ol ih famine: hsainst wbten it in i .'i i-rl to 'c-..tt n4. if nol iiiibfe stat of aoaadane;, .at loa4i in a c'iniii hot waolly anpioi led : iib fj'H . ? WoalJJf n-ir be auVisiiiU'-' to a'-oii'so th-so adjin!3tratljn. wnicriupo -o ;1 ihio con.p.s.'j of the njofi h-:esC !ptrMi- .u tli:' .w'rld, ?ir na i-naionse 4-ji-aitr ti ihe c-'Jiiir . , wiilioo' iving 10 ar; Vt.J usaiul?f-ir ttio racist of the eo'tio -8.i'.s wli ct0pt! :thera are in rant of t:e h'i rj;i-;e ot tii1 couotryMud. asforftgt5ers, have r.-- c wljr'j U its prauticuoos, inaitl ih i.uore po.a .-t jrMn s of its tnbabttanls.. . It is cot, moreoyer; to'oef.jti'4 ed ,tbatj- these coulmuii9:iarie.g, -hoee tnai)trs tables; and habits cotu:t rt,Tio4 -.ttose ' of pvpotatKn inhabit t:i,r t:: nunk tijf tnt llnini, jjnjuli by j'ndio-ou's ex -grH ration, atid fjM p it ! calj Or adiiiinistrstire pancipics, 4 tlij-gUtt th iai i terr with th! Fnniqji rvolyti0, - arid the rcpuoil icaii form of geramentit1 ! 'r I Wonld it not be belter aod more nseui in r-. store tOiitie iaiiabitaatsof the territorit by !tii -fnuy of arabre--etr .Mease,! their H-aortt admintsiraVnf the billies? an d the; eccl'as iM ho3e inter eet! they are hound to defend If complaints era made if tbeTd is any deficiency m f the suppiies, tke enemy is there to bear tho blames the enemy has given - orders which mtiit he o beyed. It is still worse when a country Djses nndar h nW domination. Some of -tho for mer rulers c'oki tbair own robbers tnder an exagjemlion of the burdens they ii-we borne otherrtriffy these btirdens id order to obtain in demriitjes. - And m jus tice : we mast kdJ. that if exactions, which tim French olfioers had not made, were souni'ues i-nput! to th-,m. tdey were, oa- tPv J,nr h iruL iStPtntixttd with spoliations of whichtheMwcie reall? cuiltr. Buiinluchi cases, uuitishhient never failed porertako th o!fndingf partF. ro msttcr whd tbey wer?. A -j;enpr:!! olfieer, whose opinions on the nghts of conquest were such as to move more than ordinary senrptas, had ap propriated to his ovin use two horses which had struck Bis fancy j Th' .peasant o .w--ho:n?thev belonsed,- and wbosn whole fortune they constiuiled, ; complained to per- should Tiie i eiitieavcr- for Iter- sh- ness of thft'ihasrhal'S- order. If ray' order appears ninte to ypuf' wrota ;Ney,i?what mut I think of your obstinacy in kecpaig that w hi':i do ss not belong to you? 5, Vonr mode oi acntig does not suitmc,and ;I bv.ve Robert Cox Joho,Cowan .Mocaa Cia Alexanoer Chambers John A CoaU . y Capi Crane Philip Cams Air CbiiDint Coroner of' Uowaa Anthony Cozort U jVlorv Deal 2 , , AUVfcu Dockery r' j Daal Ener llllO Jillf TliosVruiisf1v" Caty firnbart Faiay iillia s. ;K i i 1 IJohii Maws uuiiicre; f GebrgAidlgr J! John jdoss? ' I Ooba ilaHf! rhns Alcltowri I H G Mtfitjf- RevdlbiLMewrl 1 PhihplAiaiiii 1 UacubS thi 1 Nathaa iiorju Gilliam Nicfe&i Moon A ail i i-f 1' - i -i- 1- i i- iamce UWeri iSallyOvren 1 . - l, k : .3 aichafd Pariati; liiiochl Phili ps JJamePattefaj r rancwf iq&sa:' rios Parish Siiiil Piwler Uoseph jicaSf ( C UfeltodiliJ: ttoyai -At roftei Sonhia r esDonnaa AV'mf uhordfcL 'M l.rtSJ VfCUriAiCJ . j M i , : t , I I f Ul w?01Uk4Uy if CouwdFiffbt r P Reva ltlenl Henry Kigbt p AVra S-nirficU George Gibson '. Ji -; JusiaU Garlacd .."4? , rbos Go wan ff !:5 Uames i Ei'S I f! ChirstiajUlhchi L-UaigrdtdUuI-i . . .. T A sit? : . ' piepnen.iucitartJi'f UohQ W K;tw,i UohnIythl-i Elizabeth Gheea -Edward Greeoe 9 Geo 11 Gheea ' .'Uichael fiofman . iJery iioward j ' . Mubos Hdl Lotus Hajs A F Hughes r David Halt John Hart P ; Abm41ardayj . I : Esther tlartston - j Georjre-ilUlard ' lUctiael iioward '4rij James n.&ar -rlWuipeeboct Martha totci applied 4'.c,vou recall. 1 You will nooupl! Lt-roy iiightowor,.t , soon b removed to another division; but, j ,UJ "Si .. iiorses.' i ne iohowius win give 1 an ao i.i Th first Coaiftl wis not insensible lo Iey's goori opinion, arid rhcther Irem j-e-gard or frotii; polity, determined to Httach that guribrai to m ersonj ! Hadaine Boa parte approved of this rlesol trtion and wiU ed to concofi m feficiin fc" :She Irad-re-rourse to those.? means i4hjch a woman knows so well, now to;ennp!fy--'and caljed love to her. aid. 1 $heb(ojiJu an aitachmnt between Ney apd :i jfpltng jteniale I favoui te of jiers, aad a wound-up thLirominci wjth ilie jmarriag94f ihe !'lo? crj. Jlada'me Lou la lioruperte r.aa a triend ot nerchilflaood aim- count o the severity, with whisb, the mar shal visited tlies-j fibanieful robberies, - It is a letter which he addrq33d to another gn era! otlicer. who was 1 to for'gtt the dilfer ence between that which did, and tliit which did not belong to him, but ' who in other respects was an able and valuable offi cer. ' l cantif't but ex pres.-- to you my dear geaeral, my Surprise. at yoanow stitiog that it was only at' St. Johri's on your march to S lLuurg, that vour si'cretarv.lefl yoa to nc- ruciutt; ttic Botien bfllp; whereas, Greus- brauib, you pledged jour , word of honour to rae that yddfwoulii refnttseventy-lie thous and fir- to tlib paymasti;r (being tire am oypt o, th??e,hilj. together with the sums you received . in.j cask)! the inomeht your ' ' - . . . : ;. ... ,i niua-'itT ami tvim iivut. tmw uau i ibk, esuitwci me nmiigemeiiM me cmpteior i4 r n v & , .a eomialne -iocall tmkKf fsle - You &aye not aoseicd.thQ woicta LiiKywUl not djsarow. Vho .-shall f ,tUsif w,llci?;1 requested General Datailhs ir.at it will fiotonuj Oac to tne repnUitcttto. t to a yuu 011 una 3iopui,t uu!j jm u- Sanciv Uuland Thomas H-iU Y ? ' fJoharilenley . ' . .. 1 i Thomas lunlss ,.. J JL-uls Jacobs Andrew Johan r Jolia Julian Nll Sw. John Soiithe, M.chaetbw'islif WiHisSWnk Uaaiei Swiak ' - John Shaver . Uohn'iJiSwaaaj p.Uji-ijifr.m jfJoistahlar Tfoutma IiWkTofor Alexaadprl'TwIr Henry Verbb: ladersoa ow4j fbos Vwtal lolm-W,:.,! inn Wdjoa $ God Vednd Iary EV: DanlWVtorf lames .-tW'fe vViJiiam:Wai- Pack 1 i I Uoha )l t l saml. iimnm t-'H-M: -,1 i-J ::lf' :--j'l ' I mBbKBPW SJaat ,faaSSaa Sj at v - mmm aw aa - - w la ; ... .-. v r.i ifie l-r Robert Bl i aijjvrti rj y-hin ij:e mJenesis arid ilift errsrs $i voided seeing rn? when youf ousioa tarougu tn FlifcKii aarausiraujrs nave adenarM?; Tfi OngeiifurthJ All this justifies' ray suVpcjC- maa ho a calU-4 Soti araatretatiii of pabiic 4 Ttino vr.ir mmd fntli. hutil L am irtain that on have fulfilled that which is ruo.H sicrcd -jraie msaAs';4'eaci4 oi his .1iioar. c taa6i tuck suare, ut Can anu equi ue ro,'or t 1,fitoamilit;.ry ;.raan ( mean bis word of bonour, 1 have tntherto deftirced . laying frylijxpv5e,, i.as .pwed ;Wt a. cjaptdrl matter before tli emperpr. in tynsid wwcn;weo lurfeena were adiii':f.iJireudr ting of the services :on hveyeadercd dii its:ioa..t,ftu.I : proMiy &vbsi3,t4ct r fc tep-iiig the prepm;camiiaign; arid io the hoje tLouadd er.:caa oor r ej It-ci of figiltf that -vtwi. rbuld- no-to ' use your own baud red. JVtie atioev or L'i-jifaocit. lu-ir.Cii 1 j1.1L.. ul .t.-. nr.nn iL aw rf. " -tt a u a II iMaaai a- i a ar i ir iiin VK.l av as a. a . IIILILIL a. al U - r-" enter now ao- I t f fe 1 r if 1 li cr iai ura b m, iw .iinnf irai we mn? iiMwi ia we rl rnZ:t?--- s 'f t. ! ! t :lnUaVvTiri ukkttstic4. ot Crwuent coW . 'Se chieTdiscrenaScV'in "th - tIt d Mademotsell AJiguie' Pa' livdyjiad Milfii&JJ ";IoTrtpd'iWro& H gotbetter, however, f battle! was ssV the factwbo stropk thm firl iable girL whos$s misfortunea rendered .-vli-t,. ti ';:li.t';$ bis Vt.tyT"' ate'?. I6 I Wow-ah cnJjdffiwityjrfuiiliAUwjers j bcr.'Stiii more nterestin.She1 wwihs I MDds.of eori;' Jl H:fiB.tanna tfLbWiS&VWx yew lhh &f ' '. who peced tho aisalt: 'jcouasei iur iht diugh'tcr ttrf ;fonssr JrecctTerr fitnehl, flared h the dcJ Zfit'lr Tlgooj "Pinioh: Vhiclieople ought to ciunreuce.be aitnoaiea ct' xhe Cvaiwat prei-l-? j t . rr , enee ofarmies,and to xtiauatd; oproi.er ad-1 ,??n-? 01 ,W oeiiuui :nistriloo'ittre jetoc ia;al-de.W c&uil c',r? loyj g-lri tnat?l wiu. lay we Lei toe iiKweiihgotcued de) oTtuoMuiH wbeftii;hefore ;h3t?i;.majly junleisJin suited oh his-jtieadwafdih, y JrtU-rkJ si "d-y .fironi.' that'ate . you f Ailfil-yqur K fctLfebvre,.": Jt woldfiberU itUur.Jv-piyuigin -.thesuta 01-11 sitisaMe to reatore to the! eUintr tarad-iuti-1 ntutU t Ztf, Wir ji'r.rnntAHW leamuucti f 1 ueg aiso j 10 iniorm our mme is upon t ;e list ot gra- l-in hi miir- ;-u -ait tmtie? sraoted h? the. emperon that vour 1 nd generally uL all ttuogsr jef gratuity amounts to eight .thousand florins; fcadersifthesme. ! ; o u 4 1 vi& that this isuq !ia4 oined to 1W Ociooor IS33. Abncr Alexander ; r Richard Albua - ? Joseph Darribart .1 C mrnhsxt j Daoloi Ba6t ; . j George Rarahart, r -Peter Blackweldei j wVrs Sarah W BraJ - shaw i '-vl !' .1" Silas Coridne ori James 3- Brewster; -JH-v p - 'c - D li-. i. i Marda Dry ? ; esrsB Elliott, SiCo Ijtanbope V Erwia I -.?-;'p??: John Kan ! - ! " WUllaw Ficmnang f r Uaniei Fa3 ,J; : -''-.Gfc!: Henry .Greber.j jonn uouamao- VUliani UoJlbrooka f Richard L Harris M William S Harris m Thamas Huhua jf t V-JIimmans Li SViliiafKi GnorgSKW Phi .4 rteoryi-Tji VVaUauU! i.l-f" Ua AbeA Jiol t. 4 v at s. . s7 " " - - 5 ; i -i t!- 1 3 4 t, 0 I j : i If! lii ,1 ) t t! :j ..1 11 ! 3r. ' ; i if: Jo 11.' - A1 -1 f I- 11 ti: 11: 1 1 -. . -I i -V-.' - .- r: 1 . ! i , - I r ' A " 1 . - . .1 . i. afi I- ' i S . 1 -J "S . . - ' -- . . 8 . i -- Tj . )W- .. 4 f f Si ai lr- i. ;T i i "