MplohcntbaSoS cflre, Count, h.d .ndicUta thsome .c m j.:f ; -t-vj-. .-V- ; . . ;f. .... . KsrirOct k&t&TO i ; bh.' -my Boat h Uovm jnj KBit i-t.... i ?rrxo jaw. . jld.htorvcrday ''. -V' -i 'AiSSS?.'-. '-.filiXS -..-j...! ,!. liv.c- tma- Burnt surposco.urcn i.-ii.;.'.., um.i .; W'jaa-t. t-l- 3 fe 3'"' U'TC - r . . - ' SPSfr"HV 'KTV f if TiS ireSn2lOUlS lOI'jno .,.-r--;-v7.. !,! .Vl. f jnj Jl 1H S W II J! '' 1 t.mtMr fi Minn ."KM UOn Willi esse I . r 7"SBT--r:. - ,!!-.;, 'V ?i - i- i. :r :i - t1 " w . - II Jk , III III! 1 1 4 v. 4. 4 m ..Iir-IML. . . . . 4 i L4h4l - r " " -l. ' ' . . Jt flw. lin'.'llLIUUkU " " 4 4 - - . L 03 1 r-.o wboLe xbair and r4)ii ehorc rdstmaster "'Si - . - . . li.ui.. the helm J j ; iJi !! 1 uprera naea room, t : , frvr rr.' : r" Li 1, iluu' ofl 'a. v ; JF ' li I IM.II I It T ? ' " 1 TIT V J'T''I V T1I1IL IT III Lllfl till WWW ' ' " : ;' r' i ;:,-! .-- . .'.. i . . ' . -I I- m44: Ikiitlf AMV iitlATR C1I.1L .1 iS""!ftSl!SSdrp!!fl& fcain3 on; shore.; F ,beP' t WliKd iter apartmentii & eliimber ished-S Not having seen anyan 1 f Sr1?1 Tu?.ru" . . , J-u rt ,n vir nihrr: I thau'rht It proper to CtvevOU rp j- jmdoof wasa-iv.j anciuc uiywj m' i -7 r-r-v : i li I f pliant V tbrOjigB imtppca ,tYrr. 7 . cprvrr H4LT t :J; t l?Li!n hfi kv.- .celwd.liromtetWM- wh6 )(r? in ray ;netgh; iMimin-SotEMoWe : WnatS x:4tion.fbr nrsjof Congress 1: I4n iocif. r BeJ wadfatr socMcdjWer TeIarly 4 nominated : - e&deftk candidate of that.oirty.. The Working ii'lfm- OhS Men's candidates .fofthe Stato UgisUtt Wm. U IWhite'g b h Jtattappnii lTprn '-r 11. il l. HamnnVc K hlTld Bf GoatcStlCll tfTi , years old; -trf "Sll n-:is;ST Tjmetft lieal Smf59s.d Hat,nll Second Kace-, New-Market f Plat3 $300 Vs b if-Tobaconlstj' by GoWnn 4 2.mil9 heatsfdar subsenbefsf , J M BoU cars S Ganison A years Wm Wm M wests b c JDowmniby Manon, 3 years old : i yx i I ' L ! : 1 - t , 3' Time 1st : hcalj 4ni tliis-isd heaV 3m H Tjii he Tastxas a mot interesting race : about Irt f ana hel slvouded in: impefetaUloI Wiwen canmaa mm momcntaryes:ta regular ackso z -. ' t f - . it. .4,H4.4iaH'4a i, rviTinrni ;i Anr by a largo IMftjority over tns Jackson ticket. Tht f lends of the j r $.f ISS .beentweccssfot throughout the bute. t totiSSSSiid W:ihocalites iTne representation from Hhe State in the li ' tKcusc. thef keWel next CngrcsswiUbes lollops: the commencement :j of the sehcf fln'art?f, Jack Downing aft;?r r takiijg tne Jead hr0w his nderi and tbtJ"the saniiine:expectatiohs 4 . ' i'i' ; j.' h his ow ncr, Avere y an acciueni, soa ae stroyed, and ii is colt according tornle.dis tanced. i The hear was tHen lea ta be coh- tekted for, li) , Tobacconist MdjEhia Drake eatli of vbomt as May IDajl did not seem disposed to pregs! forward) Pa.. :aloTis: tide- ofieach othsrfdetertnmedlto staked th tss?e : - t i - ; a li' t5'.. t j;; t Ji uppn a .flra..i. accoroingiy in ineiast nan if.Wi.- iPWiitttL-j V. - . tr..- i p hMn. 1 l ottacvonwi, alter; wmcn , : : raomemin ujc uwwi Tr"Twr I James L lurner., ias;ii , - -at nearo, a j 4 'St--i-: -1- , . ; m DfWartr a t(fi not a . whisper s was t if lirthless silencefelnedifbU 0 flapartment before bim was &rfc as thejgrave Wilrfa on blast ye!4ffiatheoUrf Ifsspciate bemna, e -t iuu i I Ani ihm old man's : Icnife? waa l.oIrt ) T5To RGConid thurstlW mm r 1 - I.- 4. James & Heath Isaac 31cKira FrancisTfl.onias ; JohnStDddard - : mijti, .they dashed oin jlgoddeirheti a,n and canie out a head under a hard-mill. ! In the next heat. May rpay Jdashedoffa- hoad) u 4n till he (bund Eliza; Draka leading dropped back perceivmc 4 that To- much for the mare h made a noble, &ut dspcratq cifort; ta' over- to.KO the nctor, ft but too jatp) anu all came in '!;rrettv well - toscthlr.V Tobacconist took the heat i bt about fa JfiRth, -ahd-E MWttfli tne election V i-The obscuritv of tlie ji 'Mni .dostruction I caused Jtiy Cthatiiij vntt-d t!e mffiansl' in the buter Sre r4n.lrom knbwioff tho ifate df Htheiricom- h? UtAn V second presented himself cross-. ,cs' ff lit tiohd stumbled affllnst tH idead i 14 1 n .WJ x,.oWff liquid miiYi'a inlb'xi bosom.!' The wopnd ibis not so' jatal sthe other trennth to tUCUlut& if 3 Nil The rennsvlvaniai btate weaion iooh. iacame through on v al? necK oclore jusvi aslleGuisitefor phiathe unaepenacnt jjemocraiic i. ici. ; t hus terrmnatcicl a week "of as intorcwg , er4unk! oh the l (opposed to the lcsiaent succeeaea Dy an ailfj v. cil contested racing, i as ever s old i I averaire mnioritvfof 200 exhibiting a de-1 JSew Tdiiket ebibito-i, m loss t e" i'p ofthe amateurs match race at the Un K 'Steven's CornCln and 3Ir. GibbonVArert,;as won with ease bjf the latteri -betting even. - The . second match, itwb miles 'bat, was won by 3Ir2 John son's b Monmouth, odds 5 to 4ioa Mbn prpprictors puree, $300; 2 mile teats-four Iirsohly started, Mrr Piersall'si sc Hud son having been withdrawnjeCore start ifife Rohm Hood wasUken eyeii against the fifid. ' After. 1'tho second ' 'heat bets Veto made 2 to I : in favour of 3Iassan:ello. r The following is the result: , ; ?! t v T Massaniello, l . 'I' 4 1' I H -; f Robin, .Hood, ' I 2 2, V -ker Boy,; . . 6 4- 3 . vSincfeton. 1 " ' S' 3 - . SiiigletOn was withdrawn after tjie second a it A few days ago we published the follow- ling account lurnisneo .oy , me xiew ui paijers) oi uc maicn racc wiwwu iow and Cadets - j " ! r ThA first race was . a' match for $8000 f four miles-out, between 5Ir. John C. Ste- venSD c ivigara oy jcupsr, uara rnnccasf agitnst Col. JohnsonVgr c Cadet by Med ley, dam h Saly Wallcer. - At tlie j sUrt Cadet tlok the Jea4, hard pressed by hi antagon ist durinVthe first'three; tiiUes but in the tlird ouil of. the fourth ' hulC Niagara as. now hut to his work, ana nrusnen y in mis WATCieriZAsr.' ft. Te llon.felht Grcnay isW iectkt if. S.- Senate from the . State iof Tennpssce,v f r sii yeaw from 4th aiarrh rexiThe .virfe suirf 1 bn the?5ptb. banotiinjr for .Grundy 33f ir jlai r Eatoa J 3fur Mr.4'oster 3 i - . - -4 ' L 1 rr. Major .Crawford. th iNnnificanon canJMat for Govcraor, by i large mki'irtty' nf vb aideriog1 that Gov. Lumpm in.8ometneasn're had to cany the weight of an nnpopular qnstion; 1 that crriicd t!ie doir i run t?S pardon Wnyy misUand thepov If g me hihand uith snj!e thfel i e.i the Ratification of. the! proposed amendment martTejraTd bis election as aHmal defeat of Ncl- arid yoa,may depend Patti like a Governur t sliplcf like tosiee the H lhat caiJ 1alhtm::ThWfe with toy talk as t was wuh hia! inforuiaUob I nave bim v be iq mm, and i know the. inforaiafion UV v will be servicB to me .Mlutig is I j-' f i There wasa slick-SDoten "mifevw .li : . ! .-..! . . . ,i, . , "' The Editor. the N. C; ConsUtutionalit does us no more than jbstiee in the following para- grajin. but we think him for his sioeeriiy. i VThe Editor of the Carina Watchman it is has oat too, in favor of a Te-ckarttr nf Rnlf nd we ar asked if wfl " will glllant style winning with ease by about three . Thf Umwits of the Watchman have always lngths.?,l I . . variance with thwwinf the President oi) .1 It nrnpjin much imusucei nas wen r T . .. " :JJ. MAnn Via rot tit LAwy. ... f.v ' : it.--".. 1 4.,A,A mth VUUiH 4Wf irstrerigth7Yhteffcl5iBparel' horses: cont6dde)r the of last year-1- In the.', first ,Cbn- attactiye ; prizes ; frhe fielot wasjkell at 33101131 ""jjisifiti:: -.8u.wvv.nuu j- jmv rucu aim now urucr ana hoou leeunji ou- fill the vacancy occasioned -ujr. m- served. (Jur town has been much, enliven- cnattpn -.oisi-ouiueriauu,au.1vw"o-i eaj-oy ine concourse or?country menas: fit or JU3 acceptance . s, i our mrrcnanis anu iioiei Keepers wneiner .r5"- it IB ; Jknifa 1 JadgeMrineTian r Iocs otthe 1 uri,) : . . 1 1 k ' I I t.i. i... Kif'S inatiiritv A! I iL:.J.-: :? si '' UKMlghi'mortal l-canaiaaits anu na MJ --j-.y i iu ; i. iv ; - , 1 ai.ufl:.. 1 iuu uvcr:jii. juuu jcii:t.iutt f . -.-i -; r s , . i i it , -, :iL, intM it a t M:. j r '.r T".:: ' l. 1 11C It ILLS UI2 1IVI iva j 'tifo-J&ij AWfW Aheiouowinaupiuir.ijaauc, isnuiiD.- lurttishc.'! 111 an - omcerot t ne uub, w the old pieman's pcUHnJiheltereahim .?y uewnen 01 tF,lu v taetoJtowmg account otne wo nrst uay s lr!iritnti haseversohououraWyJdistmguishcdhisp racing: A ; j S5S 'in rtiie he a,Hi pnvat.: Few persons : ever re- ! ?IR,T MJo wxetikes. hJkCJ. km .M,n. iiTlih d rection i puunu wuuvcu .w.. , . inn phlrahei: hhlf forfeit- 3 uotahtUo pro- arket courscj cotnmenced on iTuesdajr. f We have been an was a slanting ne; and with idrriifabll ; self ;lL.i:L i.'miircl stcadv 4uh ' his name f derer drew tne ingger ani wh utfluf awcu is uscq oycicn pi uif iawiiuiii I'uiww. .it II his III inkWrimrncnc;:adMrjerate iStrUiTm credit to any ' I tkLi iwerhsl arid athletic ruihan. publications resnectinirbis principles; views y. - .r-... ' . . . . t 1 ! . 4 . iL.i.:.' ?rf -n. ITT .. subscribers -2 :sartedi v23 Cil Wro L WhitetscciV Win it Johyqud oy kl John -luchardsfc rj ; g Time--lst ti'eAt, 4i!min heats won withflease by coit. . : 'tii' J 1 2d RaceFaCDolts ? ahd y Tonson, dam if', l-.-- dbne to Cadet, in this account ofthe race. The following note from Mri Craiji, proves t lat Cadet was not easily beaten; and that t le backers of Niagara were uot Willing to rfsk another trial; - From the N. T. Evening Star. )J Mr. Editor : I observe in your paper of October 2d, that is stated that Mr, Stevens dolt Niagara won the race with great ease ; heating Col. Johnson's colt Cadet The fact is not so. The race was beautifully contes ted throughout: almost in every quarter ot a nile the bels varied, and to the last quar ir..the,jinieest and excitement was notonly kept up) om coniinuofi douoi exisieo. i ocsu are oeucvea io ue ic tacis, na jusiicc ic- luires it sboaid bo stated. I o prove these cts are so, the parJy making the race would ot ru i the lame azain at any tune, or for fny araoUnl which it is believed they would e willing enoiigu to do, it they entertained he same opinion as expressed in. your pa- er. This is not the firsts inomisepresenta- ions -of thii character have Ven hiad and ct corrected. The best evidtnce that I acftrive that the race was not an easy one, s to say t jshould like to try it again, but ou will find the friends ot iMiagara wjj not ake ittherefore agreeing With me hat dct is the best hors J . C Crau ini RoKwt nT- tha IT si T-v hjas Always lipen a warm snpporterof the ad m7ustrj,ti,.n, and sbmd j his , rround , manfully whn the hjmle Waxed warmest and the shot tell thickest." 2 edlv dam by 2 -2 10 sec--2d Colonel White's Fillies, 3 years l.. a f lo.t and Azeid ms victim round the:body or sentiments, uolcss sanctioned hy his own I lidtScfe was noualityJI et the jcpnv name. Jtocentjoccurrences. at Washington oId raiie heats4fe50 entrance: Kbakants With jrrgardV! to ttre.ngUUanu ai- have pr6duccct no -change in ms principles Ulx:hard Adarn'sf; Rosetta Kendall, by j H tKburrh the bid man torua? oueniunouy nor can naitery on one sine, oru m 1Arab jam bsMt Alfred, u 1 ! rlwrth his,kru, Che, blowlwre;inectbar Uie oherdivwl him from the course that he Wm jhonjc byMedley, dam yaifd'tbwasKArQWit ;hcayiypni W-Jiuor i pasmjrsued urpmtnp flrsi ;. rnomeiu aj wic Florizei, ! Um 1 i : ii t .with the $ .m ': i Hhcjcontrived to sttaiiftl 1 1 0 t T(ie rpflian was? r&tdyVpon hts I H tlew moment more and ibjcojUestrmust 1 r jnn struck with tiis rvinamingUrengia ! deadly blow the rbbb's gr?(sp relcxa--I ankl with a yell if mortal agony he fei) dead r across hi? exhansted oppcthentf -t J ilror-slilt of rlith&cWad to icnter .that. graJ ' 1 2-i 2 An uncommonly intpnse malnmonial ever is sa to prevail m WeathWsfield, Cbn'The same paper that states the fact, gives us the in formation that the Onion crops at WeathersfitJd are uncommonly fine this year. Wonder if the accession to the fortunes of the Vankeeladies by th fine torn out of this crop, has not had some ajney in warming the hearts of tie Yankee B4ux. tt may hot be good heraldy for the god Pripus to direct the arrow of Cupid, bat for him to Jight the torch of Hymen is perfectly legiti mate. We demand to know whether this i? not a pod not ion as applied to a land where such nopons aro of importance, j s IMPROVED SUIRD DAY. mi- .'S3 .ii i' First heat, was won I easily bV , Jiff, -Adam's i ii i.;i"i ' i . .' -, 'f "i. .! '. miy in we secana neut ino gray ftaii ipok ifBlHE Subscriber is the authorised Aacnt of JL ; Jacob Sossaman wh is the; assigueer of Jacob llarland of Mori roe Coniiiy, Kentocky.r ItLe iHventior and Pantentee of the . above 1 Jia- fchine for Cuttinr Strar, Hay and Stalks.;. I . This invention speaks for itself; and is cer- tanlrono m the must valuable improvements to the farmer that modern ingenuity has auggested. The great power and spetxl in- operating, the cheapness of the work and the. little danger if p getting out of fix on account of the simplicity of I the machine, and the ease with' which it is I worked, make it by far the most desirable contri vance that iever yet oeen used for i preparing cheap provender for horses and cattle. j-The sooaeribel dticrs the patent rights for fihe coun d8 of North Carolnina (with the exception of Cue counties of Macon, Buwiouibc, llaywoodi IJurUe, Kuthenord and Lincoln, which are sold.) We had omitted purely jthrough inadvertence tojbotice the improved aress ofthe Oxford Examiner, and we daresay vte should never i . ; - .i , have thought of the matter again, if we had not oberved in the Chapel HijI papers compHment on! the eccasion, accompanied with a rebuke of thjc editors taste in having such a head. Now vecaivihis praising' the cut ol; a mah'i coat and pointing sety at the hole in his elbow. What! fijul fault with" K Editor's head! Why you( niigbt as well tell hshat his wife is ugly or hk children dull, or hims4r a Jack-Ass. But tion irori' Fayette illethat tbt Vfc?jLj - id cuj. iiuug u4 uaTe neara iim tnant. J ever, t as I know of, s:nc bmahfrn,. J usca jwriae iwm uaiiaian$ to iPaliicW' '-7 timeSptnd stay a week1 jnstjto j-fe pkf I Iendcrson del end i crrrn Inal fHj . , Ukii 1 e:ctHaMWn:Kwto but Oiewas a, something in .tBii ouDl old maasZvwce that and the cold ' streaks ran 4ver A lodr heard some of the yery bestfteicEers ui d out Dfcnppitavenseroit that everf I heit j smenigh old w U the ishpreaeh ;at SaUea ." jjfcj :J " donSWiTiriss" and, he isbltt t tjionghljik - R ' te Cold streaks a time or (wo ; dcalarterwaxd3 onat didnt haunt me. as 'Ur Henderson's rtsd jV This JlIrT Henry was in facta a.1 I have heard since themiiny.I f&i' buTTlited the (reru hi. ; IIelwas.n'atujalD seemed just as no did Vf hen'he te-setu mejit lrtSlaughter's ta&in P oierVi& things in general I un4fcrstejod jever;i said, and t jwjre-::,hil --feT?W',wti truth. You!mav deoend Uioi'iiilrW I S wain is a knowinnr inin? and W . fa w" uuu -ur rcccirr peoplerwnpy and caVtae lieailjof tdlec and I fot vtte, would W willing )4 go wiiK1 any pa3 1 improve the county Vott maj I j say these fine ! things tof make hfortaki: aUthek eanukef And until sale is madr. he will sell individual pled hn'mberKw'n'wag entered the lieat I1? fifelstyff JO u J ijvk.c j vi u tf x uiovjj'iifciv ujuic r-"' ;i i; SECOND iDir. than realized,, , There rwdre four heats, and loseh rant! heat, fiHvepnl-arreadrMaiW i ' QTcdtn anirrguJsrolley ainUeaping tbrtAigh 4 fet"tL.if ; ;,sf?;'?: HLiIhtsAnmistacojvCaMt rsently khi chaniber wasia poql;! op4pret ajadthe la man ne'ariyjJi a fiiaisoi, insensimr" covered wimTWpo ana-iemiupaspec; oy by tthe bf eathlc.bodics ef Jiis -ihleoded 1 1 J 1' ' s tU i.'kti: Itin. Liwr' r rw 1 iTj'flhr': for years I hit elf! Ui& ireputation, I 1 J arid to reiviroTOli ti Vcerjl the cbafcrred poTrmsu. f 4tv. i'i 1 f sTEA ai BOAT 11S We haver recejvod hy reMerir, Mail, the fAllbwinffl !&tervrromii Shcef UMi lsq-a 'T!TT ,Pi. . ,i.U 4;-! j i.xA e. .1- . ., T . ceotlematt ridmg un j rtttinty. 3W mUi Juals pronoijned by the) toldeft sports ewer hrvinf not lateen one in three.-1 Alter the men one ot the most interesttnv races .TT A .... , .? . - -; 1 n '.- I . i - . ... !( 'ti : . J U S 4 . I firs Jit'ttl thOiCyne nan j ot:i'UDC ,itosa was witnessed,--l.eqi., geautiiui pteeus camo up Jiiba The third heat was takeli bv I callantf ' lb the'! rittL and! tit tlU signal stilted if.flff John, beating UohawKonfycishteen oil wen toireUien land fin hue st?ie. or iiiciid;! tittfJatter -na tied,' locked him a same time they all n a dusterfind bout I but for Aiders hJfway Jiovvn the quarter stretcn, ana j several atteraleyaeadmg. 35 resu 1 ot nre6sipg:in toaciosejy,tn sptto pi, tne ecli heat: is givehl below, j jttyv ow to 'ctfoste to ittear htm -out, t was conjee-1 the nuraberotiihelborsss it!was ai m- iufed tfcet'ihp-'isult might hate been re- possible fori the judges td; pjatiB- geaca one, verse Sl&hawk AndlM-iry Randolph, bek aidiadeed it eeistun4cesy, as the rear ing ruletlUtthef fourth j heat was Ieftjtb hoirsrs arCtreqbeity SLirltiwTX; ilptoefreiicb Tube RosolLat. Sumhecand Mnckle lohn,; ing the 'iia0itlis! iyis fihieci'ltiil' and never was Uicro' a more interesting and j the last lieat, when ithe two doubtful one fcvetxUd the last, but' the South-! iperncd to tendcr the ilsue so doubtful arid trnhors firtaHy Lprc.iiledi over her graceful also wer $6 'cJbely-pLiiiaed by the third, and spirited little lad'srup, v oy aoounwo-j a? to urawtneiattentiouji m tae juuges par thirds of it Jeriahn Thu following table ex-1 ticularhtpf theai! j lde tiartf lheiast hiKit ihAfnfirt vnlu he.lJuie:areiIC tfirewl his tidcu and thus oremos t norses Li j What will the Harbinger, say v the Charleston papers that have no heads, or the vKew York Traveller that have four heads. What y you tp tl e style aid quality of the Hoosier of Goyr. is:lrk ot the UiiCKory JYut and tipson VigQ Would jyou break that head ? But mane paulU per, the Examiner has a head to some purpose, a id if it is not oh the papier it is quite near e- r)(ogh to it to send us a rowland (or an oliveryl Rowan Whenever any of us chooses a trial of conclusions with him. " ! - for his own waiun-man,; but in fact what I say, and farother Dan'and bbrs that heard him talk thinks as I doll CanyouteJl me ether itlisiri Ri tchi of j the Enquirer, at kichmol not? reported with s'' ifyt ' Jof inouot camp down upon toe old Jrom Lvnchbnnr. and before he could 6i,tarJUi the blood was sbikjifotii 'laeei-ia$.f tber report is, that herif not dtobtij&ltej. i so huitby the .trarWnl, U?a W i cripple ior i me. a r i f 4 H UfS UJl UCIII, j : 1 .111; ; j , GEO. qpHNELffJS Dip j At: a meetioo: of vljelegates front! ft bf .the cpuotjesi iq the State eonreneil H rresayiericn vuurcn lajicoiwn.iHg. bn Thursday the I7ib day cfrOcto6er,aS3l convention was jcanea if wucr : oj yyv 1 rights in this Slate with the above exception. this he would much prefer selling the county rights. jXe intends visiting shortly tho couh- ties. 0 O&barrus, Meckleubarg, Montiromery. h 1 . Tit:. 1 i n 1 i . .c . J i Anson. iviciiuionu,uoeson, vyumoenana, Wake. I tirauvuifland mo3t ofthe counties Vvest cf that county, in each of whh he will exhihit a ma cliie, arid he doubts not, that it will give the must perfect satisfaction to such as may .wish the improvement. It presents undoubtedly the farrest opportunity for the enterprising to specu late of any patent that has becu before the pub lic. . - . The subscriber deems it perfectly useless, to present certificates of the superiority of this ma chine, as no one will be expected to buy without seeing and a moments observation will be better evidence of the success of the improvement than a thousand certificates. Those wishing to see a machine, can call on the Editor of the Watch man, wild will have one in a few days, and re ference cab also be made to him as to the ao- fhenticityiof the patent right and the fageocy of the suuscr.bsf. : ; " , . 1 JOEL WOODEL polk, one I of thej; delegaies from ihejrocir, an, whornoved lh aamuet . ras f?'ii bfc WienomVemcr sbrt!iafwhae;y tie paiticulars given may iJurMh Sfaeciu? Uiicr idenlUUcalion vpetppor which reached j faereijattMtf I go, ;and ITlUril :-i HULJiCUGUllUU ' J-4. 1 2 4 S ttr ai.iur.ja H r it. i -' and winch created so for the safelv bftfie eartieY Pavid jlJrnU bf whose arrival at CIrtHlOn inlormatun4 5 vears old. Wiiliaxa Wynb's g: m"Mar Randolph;, -tiohanas years oid? i . & rof 0,;i. Uare'j f h;h. Mohawk by Shaw t 5 yea wold, i more prev iston.s. ur ri j- iKt- ! tilWe ite the name of ohf irorres; I tiitt those ;ho may hateim Interest tnj the; 1 - 'mpbit, maVhow: wberjj to upply for further 1 jhforaiadoairw i 11. A ,iylo4'afch:m Mula Florae Uf Mi 4 g onVRatfler.- 1 1? k dr.; A.. jiVmVUohun's ro.h Calculation; by v.1 I i ContcnUonH years Id, :. "j 'dtJ. IJcctor Dans' b mDoiryDTxiJa by Siff-' W" J-VfV,3 W.U, J a Goociob h Row Galleyjby Arab,1.. -L'&jeara'oU,',- , !' . v:. drL"'ivj; CL Sw ilorria h h Mcra! by Arab years -V .f old,- j,- 1.' : : &, J 51 Rett's br hDouglas brGohanna 4 ; 'I Gohanna1dao4 w febliyl .Oct: 20 6wl4 . 4 4?. - p kmeaSOarraotu Jlncklehn by :?8M!$fltW; TylWIbb ! .Mncilh JohrlS vears oldj' 9. 5! r -i remou Mv.ctVkK I.adv5?ur..merV S i 1 iideilbe lost 1 no credit I das-F 1 iiv 1 ru i-m w-w 111 1 riipniriTr w na a ins ti hmiii a .;-a .irir-ii s-.;;L. y.'liT T, : ?. ., i, si 4 HAGSS. cuitixeuce 00 Thursday. 14th of ' Hotspur 4 years old,f -m ! rin -irtii not i Wm Hcst c g Mham pucker; S fears 3 jwuu iu. jdou's a in .iriaane,! oy uonanna, ; ,y iiips8.yearsd, frii tO;; 4 Twoai nan images ueotreaa. years pidu h geumg. . Wm K JiJhnsonlsr ft h Qairtcr MaskhV To Ma. Edwaw. C. Wit. that has some hand in the Watchman. 77ie yVom Callahan's. Dr. Sin : When I ivent to Salisbury last week, I enquired for you from every man I saw, and as I suppose you might be reached with a fetter, I have taken my pen in hand to inform you that I went down to 'see what they were a jjuing to do in the convention towards makin us a rail Road or two,oand as I understood that the Governor and some big fish from below was to be there, I tlwught I woold go down and git ac quainted, and if it come in the way' I'd give 'era ,son e hints about raising the f harlcter of the ptate: forever since that South Carolina .Nul llifier compared North Carolina to an old ' feller that slept twenty years at t stogie: nap, I have fifejit like I could freely give a day 'a work but oi 'every week's until something was done to stop the mouth of such; hack-bitrs. ;'rhey tell me that jif was generally reported that the grand-fatheT fuiihi man who ita so;rr"sWeil "about" North Carolina, took to his scfapers at the battle of jKiDg'a- Mountain, aiid that this'Lawyer Preston land some of his other kin has been Uvin to I prove that it's all a lie, and from what' I have I heard and seen in the Watcliman ascomin from 'old Capt.,Kincannon, believe that it is a lie; idVrMnfwr iict ami will nilinnn flir irst day fcr cuhs and fiJlies. t years old ; 1 1 on t tnmK it loots very well la a man, wno is envagcu in clearing nts lore- latner s name front slander,-to -turn slanderer auin" a whole bestahreM tu fire entrance $5fi mile heats ; P.S ATHilti,r nnL ! ' 3en vn ano ci, viz r i vears-IoiJ.tfli-l I vlll7 1 ! I fte t-1 "I'll ?r-Vi tW1 en,ers a. Johnson's State. ThornM'n itfULJ i l . i J-y.l.a:og coil oy Kunem. McCaivo enters ' a colt bv same EdDar. 2 a Afillira 4 Afilt kv Vr43 ri f rl rr f n I.mIi ii Trtmm coliby N. Caruiina -Gov. Burton a fiUy by.CIa riou Thomas Mull a filly by Stockholder. OECOJ.D UJ. . . le heats, free tor sxy hor2e-mzre cr jnotprdf i4 ' w.iiikf ! S- i.;.ii A?! i A-.-7ijJtJ. son7s Kitucr, 4 greara pia; i iJaraeiUIaioiicl 'Jul notpl'd. byjEchpse: Tiiird Oat. Wtle heats.Tree for anv tliia?: -The purses 'of these two days are f)nnin2 q'utetas.t, and lare expeeted to aiuouat'to an bl ot to spurtsmea.:fne path U fine ia all- we4' thetsi and is an .exact mile, " T .f : By order of the 4CJjUB; ' Oct. 20 ,'.' 4. , FUJI SALE , . ; , . At thetJamlinaWtttphrhM ofli!r! : tH t 4 'UJ' i'fVnw;..! i' t-'" -t' J As I said before, I hunted ibr jou, I wanted to get yon to go with roe to see - the Ooyernor, and as 1 cuuld'nt find you,! I went down to Mr. Slauhtet'g and asked for his room, a pert lookin httle chap suowetf me to his dour, 1 knocked and a tall bfg motithed man Opened it and asked roe to come in ; I walked in and took a seat; af ter waiting a while, I asked him if ha was the Goverour's wattra man (for 1 - had heard that; your great folks have whitish men to brush their clothes and drive fctfcarriages "Tha man Tucked at me itrange,V aW bursting! bat hi a taih,heKLit Sit, j hspn Stb; Kj David Lj Swain m pru-sr pctsoii . 1 told him heUcould'ni put thai j tr.e, a;4 as I was ia a liurry i he woilld tell me where the GoVEtnor was ll of the couhtv of i Wilkeay and John Wv B bf the county of PwuberJandf te appnii rptarL- cn motion v.,y Qoimmoiljr! to, they assumed the duties ot u.stabofl ! dingly; : , ' : rifym I Go motion of Gen, Polk,thesecT requested jto call over the Dimes of J counties in the Sute, vrhen the fullofpf fi took their seats te wit jj-om f; t I rwon-fWilliaro H. Green j : ! Cabarrus Paul Barringer, D. M.wJ A. C. .VcRee, Daniel CoIeusanU ba SuB,f V Harris. -1 - : 1. ; , Ik ! Cmierndi-EdwardUWipslo i '4- mil HenrnJohny. lluske Duocaa ;,aw and James SeaWell. f t iHS . JredelU-James Caoipbell, thMt ft John 4MtJshat, tI5tewirtJ DaTipii IWilliam KingJSamofl Kingi Abpeft j. P. Caldwell,! and James I AfpfBf ! onfsrery-John'B. Mariib, beny, Vrancia Lockej James j t Cff'l mund F.iLiilyy j ,f.-I 4.'. -llflii? .VecAcimour!r--James V: .UiXCt fH L- Smith.; ..hi . r:f' :m ' irojMfcfon Hear? B. Elliott. tJLi Smithy Rol5ert jIacnamara Jesse W; Walton, t? Briogle, S"?' isoah fartee, Abel oranam. jjonojr. Gen, T. G. Polk, Tbemasi U Craig, Fielding Slateri Dr. LMW. Brown, HearTklUleT.rCaspe.rllfll McCulIoch, RiM.-ftarjh and Vt r j blokes John uray lijnma. v' - f; John J Bryan and David E Myi IKaJte-rliis.iixcelleDcy Mf f r'A Ouihb(Jt';ofldnp.Mf .Ylonv flMPmnr Kwsin. One rfn wPTTi from theCounty;of Wake jwa iftfTO- thank: 1 pointed President of the Cobyenuo9i! ST motiob 'rfMr:-K;"li?T r oy ur. ceaweu, iiw tr r LA& object of the- meeting, ta T ,.: chair the suitable .abdrcss. Mr.Craige presented .the .fifl 'f I J , iWVIHU sistiog of ene reseutedia this aiberlfwi'SSS klavebuo9,b9i chair, to whozaaU Vlfn cunveation shaii be hfei-reo mittee report an ajoumeo "rVVfcf which was unanunocsly Jvfj mnnn Id tell pit where; the Gbyetntr f was IA Bnrtotr.Cra ?fj?Mf him. fThd matt . Ungnea Vtrajcslyr' and Jaocs Seawtp. f '4 -f s - i ' - ' Wz: in ? '- ; .' - - : 1 I'M 13 5 - it Ml .If-..' W 4-: : i.wriiu - v Vrk ' - - , r - . " ." M ! ill 1: Jl,: I-- . -i . T- v'- - 1 f L'-t'-i. 1 -r5- -. i . i - v ' "i " i - r j 5!i I -1 f ;

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