i 31 TH6 CP it u .It n 'Hi Jtlf rci; 1; 1.1 ; IS' m bat 4 tM .n-4 If t4 a V I in a" I S- ' V ' ' i I . 3-1 ? ' : .ij I 1 aB . t - f l ; ; '1 a-T ! j SP!?3 ium lin ad, .ebi8 .iur kl! .SO to one 1 taken "before thy 2-1 KX - OtX ' f s fill k'tlidaatEoTised Agent 4f fttSS linW Mth? i1" TWii caluable upprpvements p," 1833 , i..i.x..i.'.4'-'-- i -.2. - - : . I SeptmhFf 5th, 18S3V$ Sip .have ihnjd the hmrto riire4 nA ta larii:rhhol iesynt,fyoiire of -the DtW J-T. persona who hare intrude upnn itfie d-d lamJg. ft bwlwea.gfitedi that the huusw cfthe fndiaftf latIiftrclb5;telLett4a8s: on or, anqimetiia hurjrt, 4;the ;owinpr$ dnrco int tfiop4i, 4hai ihwffTelds and ipp prof cmentshtreiheeo" wtested fr:heja:4attd picd;:bjf;;rhS( jJeiMnBthat'gravated fei june have been njitteApnniti? persons oiT h Indians, and 'thittlieir" horses attlej.hf?; aod other property have bei forcibly' taken' frohi theOTTiie'Apealif, tbe'Che the Gov-' Crd teir.peopU pratectifm have been . repotted and ftrctbje.; JTliey reprrsent that their' cnp4 have been tafe.it frotn them, anl they Uok it tyardto a state ' of starvation, irmjess Rne de cisive BteD kadonted in their iiavor.-And fti addition ;to all! this the Depot Marshal irPfMrta that there are' fear irandred persons sell io AVf Key t the Indians opon the c1ed.ian.i3 , If I a nai xnis state or mins reqnires a chan2V cannot bedoubted I. Surely 1ioorh would jexpH tli4 (Ivermceht A sit still and witness ruVIj J Sssion8, witho'at any ef&rt to prevent tiienr -You iget, that the -liw of Alabaran, pr. thepcJptqfjx ttxreiherU witU TncyJiiavV Ivse ateattmtioh due I TlOinCT . till thfl ff hfiT I rkf inftir.lnrj .tiAn& I III : ,t ..i.. r.i, . l'?r reible entrv and d. tainnr. w mhi be f'ii!iJ Hkwi TOfej4encd;MhtehThas6appe'oe4 in. W 8,1 CI?? r tn prr.tuiof0 f'Hhs.anJtbCw' f3n fn.li wiiinal ,ia imirtfi in W i r! PP'pusu that proreedih js under itMi-mld be adr.- Ah WhemHhJtcircuniRtonces veTe such 'tnlit?4 M11 that Toth.s frajtion,lha:r;Al-.i S'fel tavM th honcir to acknowledge letter Ibf the &4hluTtimo McoC)paiin docurnJenU.n examiotia witu the ueirocr- ito-.theSiaiibiecl to whidrf ;Inrtrae bfthe20th Angrtst dierthjects I bad principally an view, I were to surest to ;.Pcjiltni4c 6f pircecdtWfbi: the andrfnor infnralCtothe spwn 91 pur insmauon that m send io pilhis aUehtion tath4 irrtgulHtin serjarIlroi it! einrontlin e&culimg tM stfpuliuonslpf thei ;fly,5oC wHiciilhe' , 1 lii'kiUlvIllUlUCCp. Utrs,kupon sact; ."parts' of torv" aa were not incliir' of the . I hdianai nlor aU rfttouval, you rfer to the act of ffmnmi f tL i Marwi. 117, and tike Ca granted that n all caet if settlement npon , the p1iUe land, the wpiujmeui sn vwiixary force sxnay be resorted V j w w. , .u icvi(aui persons irata set- tJinw th public land3. who had nbfW i lent claiois, which lndmdoals as well as' coaapa- ,4T? UP lanpa wacis oi land before add at Ue period when the acn&uw eI, vriUfinoViio difBfn1rv-nM.t.L the pnncipaif : not Anjj, purpoao;oflon:Tres was to prevnf them from obtaining pplsIii; uj wnicnincy;expscuxl to givef strinjhh; add falulity to their cfaiais: The& 'parctw effected by a fraud nler.t ftintran Ah vt. of Geortrja; embraced thirty-five Jv!lioh ol a 'T, las Mvd by, the intere$iedv " contract, that they ironli be ta alsitaaiioo xitend;wtth Uir-Governmenl, Nvith betr -oi success. . tney could sncceedlm nia ""j'raj H conferring opbni aetUa tn valuable privilege of pre-cmptibnr Their ahoa beyond dispute.1 tht during this tnd SuPyithKpnbUc lansVthst ! Ais claa bfoti PpflaUoa1i3iaJwiyabc higbj robs, yan thefexcIttsrVeht tK f Pr! private sal has Ibeen extended totBmf'tiQ nderttibnl bf,' and as a nT wardj for the aezvices they f have Tendered "rfetnenmteMini toe" ValuJ ana productiveness!- of the; soil, ahd in af- g faciUues 4o. parchascrs te cxaaiine tiie it. Tljee actlliaTe tify thelacisno for roe to jadjro. ft i$ he earnestwishfofthnpartmentr the force! emolovedl ln:!thisinpileaantdaty shall 'beaivl plie! i as to .prodoce the desired result, withy the Esutire, and. m - t . - t t w : a ; i - m . -.fci a Ueen passed with excepttoa of that of 1800, subsequeutiy to ? oH fc oe a crime o .cuitivate tue public fandT the government has suborned oar citizens, to its perpetration, by I ooenng thein llarge rewards aiid conferring on thcia nl-of the ,ist, lfae treaty expresaly provides a different. leavtKireiore.itri mo" ua mereiore leaves no aiscreiiua wi.n Presfdent, ine leasw pnpsioie injury mj iiiuivHju&ig ana.'itiri 21. i nere is every reason to tear, that -tlw; ti -p, . VYltrTrr irns the sfreatest foroearancej and such will he fonods rly puned out, would, if ad to be tne,jspim oi aii ine insiructiona Wxjich WholijMi have rlen issued. 1 H "I"' V: ; '. ; 3' it nr" iri3uiiij!ent. The March, possessions fltnnt . tru4m2 with Undiminished pof revewj PI wiewiiQie iviiv suite at law. ind d this lhi. 1 nds of.the Urnted States, u not ua4 letermined to Vacejhetrlvea ; in 4e atii ' awf in itself, aprdinTr thespmW troo of defehdahts. hv I intent and raeaninT oftho -ftf 1 rO of country in which fine county cT 5!adi I President cannot Dronerlv excrt'tfia dieJ , ill ase- SlS&to te knot deiraMecontn7 I- - ! lion f. used ;. for prepann; Tne fSatrf Lmeoln which arey beriiinaeU;r uiuivwuai &T&&ti with- Hbe StHajj: Meckel ur, 1 u iitZkJ RiniCoinberland, Wake teafid joMttf the;W U es othai .fcem :'ltpip p?1 xH Artnfliw forthei cntefpnsi'ig t-J specu tntlii&wiLiiiU i iwrfecuv useless, to f MBooFill t CXpecwa wuuy a mtftnentt obsvaiHiiilllv bctier 4. Af U SiMm'bf the taowivement than tjn wffiriteiiL t Thoseiwtsftifj rt 'VI "o vyiwu. lliuians in i t,a ,r.e ntvin tflirf lh, initirioa ihon &,f- WniClliJ am COnStrainii liKi lAr iiTT'rf- .i 'T x w ineir,3 terPd and are exposed to, the dihu tv ot DrOuJ; oi uncauea torandnnnAfe&ta'rv in Alabama, contained this stipulal h Wtpm HpUv whirh WAntiktini ih! S.:1-"!1 IifJk-imr ..r, t.i: -i r if . t 9 1 lfevt?fisvone ial,dAVotiie'l5dir o(t&e-SVatchr. k4'Ullwe.ft, da;ya, and rt !-t4twj?lil hija.as j to ;nhe au- t-4 II 1 : 1 tne prutociiun proausod coaid in this way Del tnai the oeterminatiou to" removo i them had insured. is j : I been produced mainly r if no exclusively, by Yon o iustice to the feelinU of the PreaJ 8 in statinij it as your I belR; tbaH he is ! f?K ' ftM Julyandj;Au: dispoeed-no cause the treaty ,d be carriedinto STffS1 ffent bv.'Sflch mearift in v a ar Hoari ntKnJ. 1 rwVrrf"" TiwiB oi nie nicis 01 ized hvthe Constimtion ann law 'Thor. Jo tne eemter last, are if'! date interior , u .:u .iJ t r.::: . to your coinaxunication.lootti aware ot the harusbins and inconveniences j ia r. r ' T. r . " T y--v5 which frontier ; settlers are i exposed, and ev- 5. .. . i lith nf nexk, iiflb till continue three j seyenjy. rduenrriAnlfi Aiitttrn i if cuolt n niimVior dT dnit'ci on1 n- I fiirnicKinrr Ym nlilm jLi.l ' 'ii-... . i'WrT- ii I ,fltn,d,T?1I1?on l,h 6 aotnmnnity,which ciuld not but be upon which ion. did toe the hocorlto encloaetomy ',?ffbf H""!1 be removed therefrom m the the sobject.it would be in vain to expect jthat irisptfctioii.l was at oncerWtoMhe coaclusidn law from other pubyn lands until the country'. is curve jrju. tiuu ut? piecuons maae; excepting wiio Hye mde their own improvements, arid fl1?nt not expelled the Creek from theirs. Such net- sons ma remain til,l their crops are tathered Alter ipe OTuwy 19 surveyea arm tho selections madej this article shall not operate upon s that; part ofit not included in such selectiofts. Pat intradpiaha)lf in the, manner betore described.! bn' temoTcd trom the selections, for the( term of fire ttffrm 1bfe, ratification of this treaty;," until the pm are conveyed to white persons,", ilt'wdlBe seen that by this Article, the feotM eTwnent Ruined i upon itself the oblijjatiou pf removirwpmtruders from this land, in frc jsanfe manne) ynt'rjide8 btty be removed by Uwjf ror other pnbt'C lapd ; The marine r" herein jrcfet red to fprfcribe in the Act or Oorrresslptli sed Mtmi, 3$ entitled, An Act to ptI- vent jwttllments belnb ma on lands ceded to the U n ten itate unt;l authorised by lawi! This Ac?t provides for th interposition of the M:irs!alkpd he employment of JllfiUtaryorc uner!i orf?;rs of the PrfVident. and jfurnish es diff aiii-3rity,-. tyirAUe of wVich the prbeeft dinlif AI9aiha. in relation to thief eje bavo taken nlace, i ' . it M Tbihrei, are two limitations to this obliffjittorl. One esetptsTpm it operation, Hhnse white pe son, i h pVe made their own inproyefpeatl, and ofit aoeled the Creek from theirs; fsncfi pcrihs H-iy rfcmnin ; until their cns are ; ffatr erd.V tAi the season ' herein al!uded to hafi passetl avVay,p andi the crops been gathered tnis pr jvwion yi no longer appiicaoie to any set ur' 'iH "'r'i 5. 3 ; .j ourpelegatiotfjn, Corw ' ja., gmcg per wrlo obt ble possession of the lands oni which : thev live oit reasonable allownee sLaujil be mad, for TrJ"?7lv3 T V35" T f" feT" their position: Wfcen there' are.no other'obli HS! I W$M hgatws in-tttM have esiemied; ftent mTSSSimWWS mot tUf niihli landt:. without innmvninoi . . , ,oi't" I lup" HJ Government. But in this case the rights of oth ers are eoncerned , and the executive is called upon to fulfil the obligations of ft solemn treaty. I do not however see that the treaty, by obvi ous construction? permits settleirients upon any of the lanus cededf except jreservatmns" has adopted the plan jit seeifis, of repdrtihzto ui LriHuuuBi, iiiuiviuuai rases 01 intru sion, and whoti they are jill Jsumed up, they do not amount to any considerable number. i ;ltis true that the tt-nor an comtlexibn of his letters are calculated ta makelan unfavorable un -"KL.'ji. r.; -i n '.. ... 1 he otuer limitation is to t!i riistnct nf rann v-s" iHiies a years 01a ; 1 - "r j , . .- , r .n''. UUibiisi A ja2.lkk- ;t"'u . trv. confintn? the 'jobltfrationa of the Govern.- The stipulation is.that iniruiicrs shall be iw- mS-Z. f J. "S: . eJ form the Wle.l Uha,, W,re the US&.T'.i!1 thef Ac" "e.00i9.: ,h,'9 prov,S.o shall not.op- ,.f ,ni!(a,B; iS J' from 3i;ntr tlvjr s jr.rcc. ,lf jou hayebeen lod to'funn from the letiers of this gentlelnann unfavorable opimon oflhe great body of those people) I beg itaive iu: assure you mat, it u uttr-riy erroneous and u.-jiist Nino-leuths of itheui have hot in u'rierreo wiin ine incians and in the uppt?r cJunle4 ;vhich are the most populous, not a whisper of dwsaiisfactifn lias! been uttered. lhe country id qiiejitjon, is you have been advised has been hud ott'iqfb nine coUnties,by an act of our Gerieral Assenibjty, and organized, so as to iwt : ihe eutire machinery ot our State t :j ' Ti?- i i uuiiii v Tjuwer pnniffrmu on rum tr raj V J he act of 1S07 was fitrned to IconnterVct the movif of letUerfwii J I ing the policy of the goVernJentaa tadicaSS J! W PPPS th Acts et t : r 1 in the rules and regulations establishedby Con- .Paj :3he ptiblic do 2- ;f r! States. 1 -4 j ''y .rutanrulolionrr jSThi'riew i confirmed-hy"tho!.fictVhata9 tory bfthe XJStatesNothihcf tiiisind 7 : often asthe settler upon whooi io v act fvajuto has been done by oar peoplel who have s"t- I 1 oratewe t!ed "J devby ihCrecIn. J' f verted to, and Jhe severest penally denounced. a- - Itri:' k i ? 1 1 j - galnsvthem the forfeituiebf these ciaiaWyl 3'if!X biTS s iiAU persons :who had made.8ettlimenUreVti he0W;1 ot?tVnvt.t' aoni: oosthe passaTO ofiheact;are ,fpinnitteJt to iavBSuy.v,nttioav )Vt!inld it frqa . ' . remain, proyided they; vUlst aiiaTatioa any".prspnor'persp!is. jihb nij.rVreuaso.' ' j that they do not lav aov claim to the land, and the U.' States. TrHir onlv olii rt'i ia 1 !- donot 3pyjb!ewmbj, unW the AUrshalat anVtimelafter the first of Janoam Pnu wh! uPPn pUWie; lanws wjth and after hrea fnontlw-riotlcei; islaathorBeil td UP Qtgn but to; cdtivata .; thcD, tslpot Ijy rA.-hitVA thou," 'ritm1aJ kJ..I.tAr I milifarw frTf '. - f i .' .-l-: - :i i Sthrl ' T TTS A treaty iuce.vn act or,. Congreis, is ftlii six months.MThe evidence to.t bdlfurnished :.;.J. .f .uj.L jni i .1 rvhhmay betndictedJ amon other things.! the certificate of the Wister. that their aa5.1?. P COOSlitution oi 4ouiuin'thtKnaiK;'t,'iJt I th.e.-.u;i bUtc. tt lut trenches nnonthead tou icuusoxteu anacoaumaea iov tae ijBiieaH iuimwjii v om,w itwam uio HieilnSidtJsediiviz fr A f I . menVtoheiooye intruders to the tracts locates 1 .i ; i - . ;.i. : it . 1 r?: -. : r m r i . r- In. tr-n'- f i.i:.-.Lr:- u, , : . i bv tne inaians, -aiierine country is snrveve WiMmm ' inens made - and leaving Ahe J dujyl fetingtbaH'ah Turner i"8V are mpled, lLii' B . fTn !1! T " . ,u" '-Tha i ertmitr m nnw stirvpcp.-l. hnt thai irU.t tfll'mHI. itf-i rirr. - fill., k.. rl I ' ; J . wv. ...w ..-v.-, uuiiwii a ui uy iii t . ? - . . , ;i ri . . ' i . ; . ..! . i . ' w" inna dtp rit upt mnflp . anrt nn9i(Iamnln s lirriA i j90U te(reeiir itV -hobe uwire ox , ed to accbmptish this object as speedily as pos-- laic;, oan iroin repwis wmcn nave oeen I mace, thai Impositions have been practised upon "the Agsnis.empiqyea m iaKtTg tne coosus, ano mat more ttian tyoinousano names rsons are re- i rat6 upun that part oi -jinecyuntcy. not inciu aoa to tne seiecnous. o fHrmssifn to set tle is here granted. Tiie Government did nol indeed stipulate with the Indians that intru ders on lands rmhx'ated sIiouEd be roa.oved, but the ordinary provisions of the law still apply ta all persons living upm bccIi land, and the prescribed penalty aitac hes ti Ahem. Your Excellency suggests 'that 'encourag ed by the treaty, by the laws of the State, and thoexpre8 mission if the government to; settle upon and occupy them, population has hension upon this subject .which I trust the enchv was adoied as well in cokformity with the geu d.)cttmint3 w ill reoiove.; No person has known views and wishes of the President, as in moved upun this land by the permissiou iof the parsuance of the constitution 'if the tate of Al- Government. Settlers without; that permission abama 'Several of these counties contain a po- have taken pbsrssion of the country, and the Gov- polatibn ol'siXot eight thousand sonis, and "the erbmeht in this as in all other fces, leing desi- aggregate amount will nut be short of tweuty- rousoi luiiuiin iuiinj;'auuiis w uu as 111110 in- i nvc tuousanu. Cxinvenience to lte ; citizens :as possible, ou the ay. 1800. ! each persoti manner -from these selections, fpr the tern of the act! shall lave e- five years fiom f the ratification of Uie t a prist mill or saw mill treaty Stc Therjndians wb.il they, re f- !' .rV Tnia Hi. j . . .... aai. r ?rec fjf anything. Tkei . ibeseAwi Aiajs iare firrning 1 : .The (rreat obiect of the snit! pre tkia vM, K application of the members of Congress trum AI-t w mse a sodeixe oflcorn and other pro jama and others, consented iu December last, vlsiuW) to supply1 the watsbfUie pes t season, that the settlers upon the land might remain' till ,nd to obiain'the 1 . Tf I v wm w M rr m ire xpeftedto Amount to an oh- wrnep upfipe usw wno arc no; ;titiea to -re' rt-Vtspirteat Afhepath lslfine in all wea-i servationsi aria from the consequent necessity of w4iiai diet nidef i- i rijrid exaWinition.s well as from the nature zndt t i i lBf 1 MarAi-i trtii, Ii f!r.Tta exeni ofAJte Hocatin? out fMPblenfneion informs ffif recelvedi the present r!PAimiOKS io.n Corres fWerblteeJVaiiid Stl1 i wiUildespKtcht ' Her house tenWi'm the fashiona i Sb&U as ii oiLr fashiona .ar-Mfs1 PiispersuadetLthat :CVt.ri.io gucli aa mav choice 'ahei will. u r v At:.' bo latest Fash IsaM to those who Jiweirnvroi.tessea. &he will vMWBfais. -r-t; tS-'shelcaiBuit the Uate ies, it is evident,! this business twill occur.? some months ; 1 Jt ia obvious therefore, that the treaty impel see npori tb Govermnent the duty ofreraot ingAn4er from these lands. It hl ejuall obyious A bat; the mode of TemovinJs prescri bed An that Instrument, and U specifically piro v'uled by an Act COTrrep; and I tnay -add tiie fact,; that the-whole subject was fully ex plained i to the Creek Chiefs, previously to the the locations were made. A his was uooe, as the instructions will show upon the presump tion, that the country will be surveyed and the locations made, before it would b time to '. " .1 1 !!.. f. .1? . a '1 pux in anoiuer crop, ana aiso in me oeuei mat R inconvenience on injury woui suit to the In dians. In b ih iliese ex 'ationa there has been a disappointment. The country has in deed been surveyed, but tie locations havo not been and cannot, fur some time be made, and the complaint) ot the Indians are assuming; such! a shape as immediately to call j upon the Govern went fur it interference. Itf Ibecornes therefore necessary quantity tie, hogs and other -stock. t is well known that the first business of settlors in afcew coun' try, to exchange' their transportation ior the nieahs of subaistanoe, and this has actually been done py tne greater portion to the population in lb Creek Nation. Their wagons, carts) horses, &e. re gono and very many cannot r possibly leave the country within tho time specified in your instrnci ions to the larshal 1 The agricnlturaUaborsof 1 these people have been cowned with success, and their : crops of cum, leaa, poiatoH?,ic willpplace theta during the eosuiug year above the difficulties produced by tbt scaroit; of the 1.: I;.i -"U . fc '--tv imaguie, tr a moment, tHe almost . total de- crops, the loss of most of the 1 boss who nsalf e setUcmen.Ut after; thj ' pas? lean impose no obligatiorL on our people, anal aje of the act,nat Ahe discretion of the Presi-A wUl bo declared null and void by the leallr ueu, um, mwxvvs i aey i constituted autttonUes. ' n fnrfAit sill tit! tii whstPVPT rbixM thfv min ka I ... s which shall be vested in the United States, i Sc believed to be the chiractec V A recital of the several acts of Confess pass- toat part of the 5th article of theCre iM laiiAn fA;ruano wWa WairA nM n1 I Tfoar K wFitnh flfomi mnnf imm Mftl cuUiyatftd th public lands, will oottfirm the o-1 dertaken to remove byiorce all intruders: piniou still mare conclusively, that that! body upon the occupations of tboJntUans, wa. did not intend to prevent their cuUivatiop, and gantry is surveyed and the selections that thia vvaa nnt tha evil s.Hitrht ta ha remedied . .' i ,i " j- - o- - -- ----- imacanu aiso to remove tnem in tnesam y" juL irink r inn ! Lrn manner -from these selections, fir the terd mJj kit: at,, vi tviiu .'i.j who before the passage reeled or besnn to erect upon any if theiand herein dirwtcd to be; t..UI, j tamed iheir character of a Tribe, had 'an shall be entitled; to the preemption trf th)& secf- ooqua&fied,' in.defea&ibleu;rigiit:td''tlieir Vm.fjl ' tion including such mill, at the rate of two do!- mediate iuiprovements.-rThe second article!- larsperacre.V . i j -it of thejtreaty not 04 U confirms this riirhtioTl lly the Ac ot the 5th eb. "tevery i possession until tne selections Are midcbt person or the legal reprerentativeof Hvefy per period to a f iSlinphs Utle xThV son wno has actually inhabited auo cu article referred t; requires that a -census tract of land lying in either of the districts es P . V- u i ; i. 1 ' r Calico for Aisaleef the p-olie lands,nth4 f these persons shall ;.tak Jjnto lllioois territory which tract As not clauded by direction of the President, and the icleo-. antr iher iroonJand.who shall not Irave vemov- tions.sball be made so as toy include the ed froai said tertitoryjevry such Arsoh and his improvements of each pcrsen.ft'ithtri bis se- legal representatives, Shall be enUtW to k j lection5, if the same can be tmde, and if net ferenee iahioanilRg purcha.from.tfte C then ail th persons belonging tobe aarnj btates of sacH tract oJ land at private aiet . town entitled to selections, and Aiho cannot . Rtr tKa ActaJ 12th Aiinli 1814. every per- 1. s ; . . v - . . t t J ;v-v i ' r ' e i mawciine same -so as to inuac uiotr i.ti- son andthe lejral reprefntativescif every per I "1 1? , , .Tr t u .r.i..n .u,Ktt .n,i Ati5.tpd 1 nroveraents, shall take th-m. in wie bodyjrt EKNl WKU 1W3 atmail j iiiuuiniira . ri iJ. S J iractof landlvingin that part of the Slate of a proper lorm. it uen rnonj pMons .reime louiiana which comDosed thef late territory i in a town w nciguoornw wmc- of New Orleans, or ! the Mississippi tecrhory, I ceivo their complement of, land at these wnicn iract is notnguwuiiy cwiuiFu w puces a portion oi : mem win remain ana ther person, and who shall not ihaye temoyed the oloef8 wiil receive aheir allotments io;a fromsaid state or territory, sliall. be entitled to Ww herorVam that! in every inkancd "-t i. -T -w i - . .. i-rii .;!! iL . a-L.1v.I. l.'j execut on ot ine treaty ana urai mev were oa: w .v -D armed force' is maldb? incursions arnon Z7.1u,.l .U;., .. l.T:jrJJi..TL ine mnaoucnta wun avtew w seiumg cisputcs of thousands of women and Ichildren, m and. you necessary to terminate the j qualified permission 3 which has been trranted to residents-. l A A- .Your Excellency- RUppo44thathe Marshal, I atxuciion of these what were the legal powers of the Government KttVZZJ? 2L -1 between them and ibe Indians, i . V . - will have ataithtul picture o dfntrlv Mhioous that a stinnlatuwi almnld- be in- 3iariai,or me pwitary eetacnmei t your orders, 11 executed, UUM (Tiding for the extension of the inter-i " A . Via. rMr iusiiim fT! . . t IKill i --- t V. ml .,.., rnr l,. mn, 1 - J J m :"T""T 1 , , " I ; T , thus ivastingithe, whole jurisdiction in the Uni- "If rfw-- upoat tne ( rieaaeni, w avert irwnhiuis, Urge . . 1 That- a,cl.ti.nl niuin tk MiMln l.n;la Ftir thai! mV..,;( -ij .1 . - X .. .. .1 . JL i. t. : H - Wfafrvo M., II, 1.. ,. J iL.ll -r aic oia.iuucvi uimu .nc huuiiv mu ioi .it v i wullUUUik f &u U1IC hliu U. CI W UCIIUUILT a. ; raiaiUI the Predecould not and woold not assent " SefSl i i t I y- ? " WW e fT"1 i" iwu " ussuuk'u ja-uic vreeiv .irea- iderations oi the scene which spread vver ; this ft obligations, resting to thb.lju that the land by the cession vould individual settled iupori the ceded lands, who has ( wuich have eunsu T-v.nr.oi iWk n-rtr W ih. iT;t. i,. .ti 1 tne slimiest leaai; claim lorauam-tnere. , i nere , tyv -.i jeasi they interpose: 3 t'!s j. , . . !- - i iert.it nrtA VI' ho hilCt nnt hv t n I A ft 411 Rplllffllfint I aJfitiril: ajL'ikirrtf' I cliiitlt efruva ItSlh ' 1 1. . l..r intruders irom u snouia oe removed, aa uiev i " : . . . J jr .7i i v0.- . -"- iTr " .v" mav blremdyed j from other public lands. In Pd nf 00I5 WTf' w 5 w.HW Pf P the country will iHUHi Aii -. be dili Mth .? rttor raeiiinin additioa to the tySw.f vteVfmeiit 4ComiTvonly rSi f t le ad fIEMatr ia Alhis iinnhivi f. Cm ??soon as hedi.: CTW M 1 title-tccor: 4W ne camiot sue the seller ltfr h Purchase, by this, after some time, and ance.! they acquiesced witu some leiucu l pecific penalty j Tbee are ho disputes; I ligatkui uatil the rrrit Ane. i i the v,arsii9;aulho to adjustA ; u 14 to a s which a matter of favor, and the mhl of preemption in k the purchases there; of," 'A -; ; '!' .1. ;1 15y the Actot 3tt April, :15, " evefj P- ,kA r ?U tifiaJ son or the legal representatives ofi.every .ersoa. who beinc either the head ofafamily, or fweat) l -iou,,.Uo u.i, -. r the possession of the improvements contin ues with tne Indians, not subject to me coa- i improve' tally located one yoars of age; did ori or before the.first day of made, and afterwards, indefinitely, niiar. ift.actiiallv inhabit and b cultivate a 1 nArohvious therefore that these i -T'":- . v j u . ti...;.t. I " ; ... . . ... tract ot land, siuiaiea jn ui ?riwj .,r,7 ments are not public land, ana it is eq k;k trsfit is not riirhtfullv datnied by aayoth-1 .a t,w .r Irv ...... -- ---- -o . f - -j i ciear ww icj;hm-iwi wi,.!. ,iv ii iOTaJ-535S 4-tJ twa--. m nerson. or his or her legal lepreseatauvesj coin? interest m sucn 01 tae stiecuons as win ip; prised in the lisf of actual usettlers, repjted to ucie fmprovement3.--They aretne priyati I th cumniissioner of the cneral land ottlce, bi.lnr-. of the persons in possession;-wht the-register and rwiver ire, in1 no respect whateTt son Court House, in the - State jf tMississippu pcrSssionof th under ihe authority of an act if 5 Coogrefcf euti- !JlJjnT i!n;i.niiKihavinirany its-enjoyment, lfany 1 have the honor to enclose a copy of Jthe opis. j lhat 90 of the j Attorney General,; by which you wfl I . see tbacthat omcer considers it the nsrht audi t.:.i -i fJ:.i of the President to couse these removals i M. duty to be tjaideK indeed am not avrare.that! the uuna i.utioniiiijntvi ue acoi congress 01 ht int,rierence buiUd IstayAproceedin Aiarca t sraiff louiior. preTenun? wiucmein. t '. n.kAn,.le. ,,Jor ,ii- h5o :c,.,j 4jpon the public jands. has : ever been called an tioM mtt8'lbe hadj I can liot, therefore eoneeiTO rr,uH.,w y.MHM-.,.vM., w.,..Cv.v. what qlHtflio08 in tbT caaracter strictly and i aurv y iitvtuuc nrr, , 1 eu, , lelbre the Marshal. ' f " J W ; : . T -rr s-; ' 1 m it. 1 i j ; . - ' i. ; f.ff t Allow me to reneat. tnat the President is u&4 hii ri,Vrvf March 18 19. did actually inuaaii i ot WS people, enuueu w wave aud cnltivatea tract pi iana in oa umv- : fuoa iroaauH-.iwpwwwuw,iiwa. - douhtfttV that, the JJatrict uon, : or tee Courts of this i State wouWialer their leasonable upon the matter. k a r. v i 3 i ! nere tnen w r pusmTe u m ao ac- rely desiruus of carrying the Creek treaty in k? I Coiiauiutioual authority, retiring, w eflfci;; wilh rcveT. . the interpwtion.;f the President in j the; .case VisheV & feelings of ihecitlxeiia of Alabama. ' I undr consideration Are mere any en rrjl Host this disposition has;been fully manifested all the instructions that have been issued, aud remarked, since Srour letters to Col country, hsdl rmion KA Pstr!l nf lnefi acU Wbrac&! teu!ers in a to, regulate r .klTTrr: tA'Duntil the elecriiiiii Vera made; Tha lf r . '. i. .. trol rf ihftje' laDtemenwrt"; ll von si v Was ii ven. as it doubtless waa; t upon tne presompnon mat jne, .iuiuy;wouia:j. ne sut-1 p. 1 VIW pAEacli or tneseacis ..cmarecoa acu.ep . ;t. rr-w,ti?i,if tfci i0l Indian t0 I ees so imperative in their character as I !- . . fa "I ' If i: .lli. . tisnegic pi we oigauooj,, 17 rr I cannot hat hope that the propriety IcTremoviag ."f 7 M M3! Tu t y GovernmcnUu the: Greek, treaty? , , l'thecedlan wUI'he generaUy 'feUaaS' Jn urier, nr,r that yon may Jiave afullyiaw iknovvie. jiii h f t ... ;?,;i:sj Uie itrst 6iui of dAsaraent.,be niatierirf oil this; 'fprilenclo I Verr1 tfulJyVl r!sii, your' -ahtf :!J-W r:at -0a-liai" n'.. r I ous insirucilOuS ano.oiuer paira u iiijj twr ' 1 RcrTanl. - 1 VA i4 . i 1 w'Jt,M wuuk.u iinnM'a iPferthe eemmone Sl i K CAK. j l'aOTtyOT fSA&RfiW' 'rTpresehtolbave been mide to the Depart ; J.Tcal r hereby lTr r '!'-liiySJ,S- J ibepubKe Ageut;by respectable m'di A c - ' r:i3uSIer fe- y e;w : bamoyed o AI r f idiiaia, wd'by the Indians; that grS- and win-- " i5EV V othtrjiaod, inul the wrey - 1 . .v.., t. disappointibeat-q r 1 - y ,,f; -t ?J?w : r:.TV7ii If citizen .pwrx".-"" possession and cultivated any part thereof, I the dauso which declares th in the year authorized load of landa jnayjierroij Aru,W -ZjXii-m nf tan rtiorutoJnclude to ;imprpvement opo. ifo u 7 br Lr:..': .kn 2 4,vAi1tv minimum Dfice Alter tow uu.at r r T-i. LTOr T theirtracts, 90 of whicnare to conum tt" r? rrrr-t!niial Eacccilon cliicts CfO- adf o-acxa i v ..'. -t 1 1; ' i-;- 1- it-" 0- tr w mmw w irmW mm w- mi w- w - w s . . k r s