lrl " "" . . '. ; . j , . . . , ' j , t W : rr. It M- 4W:'..." " i I : .-4. t tr. . ' s-4 I 5 ' t . "AL'-iiiilL f "Wot only the ,nent5 bf fore be reserWUoil? .. WW. L-AtA A&Msii U m that 1 i t.:: JdWift cnos3 of. ana .SfJSSa USJ 'Mfrmt (pectmg temtopreryoperty the J t&ntf asand i no faore or greater ' Siaregiilate t pnniah fori Ua?s4iao jWfDtheUnd bolder. The governpent way. ?ke a con It ract with our atizeN cpnferrwg what tiM; . - l 1 .,; k- w.htr'ii4 : i tribe cnfwrcea 1 . .. t tr:: fr it : j 1? -. oroDrietr fna in" Ctbe treatf v and ,T there was .the F ;tw for-ettendbs tbt power ot femoral to subsei re1! wtstothe Indians!! t i 4 elC 1 That the Indifiis with0 the limits or this tUte aro citizens thereof J tnd subject taits Iaws,in-ey:'resj1rnnotbequeitioheJ U loosl hf the Gntal porenuut -The. Treaty with theso jpedrfe wnoUwig; rnore, than a contract with so many-citizens ot lAIabama :-K44;. fl - SupposVah agreement had been entered into witheighj resident cjtizpns of the county. v T tl OT1T Ik Jkl)lK IVI w" 7 . - T I ;( aj tbc aentslDf onerhandred of their neigh U tfhiiT: in which theebterftmenU besides cpn- ' veyin to each' 640?acref bf landhad stipa 1 I'm d to fcMve bV IfbiceV for, five - years ail persons who mgbtin lae upon any pfthese w hostf agency $s necessatr to hi cecntioj of oar laws.- powerjt poni any! openee committed by the Jndians ot to sttbjctlhernlib anyrespect to the restraints of (cUw,-because oar courts wl hat q been strpreksld v m mll v the - counties (in whtc they preside. Wtr. rir if your order be earned init? 2sct.wtH not an- iLstance have ocrun-ed in onr" country, and , the first instance, too, pf the government cfrSUte being. p&t-jpvsA' -artd destroyf,in nine of its countie by military gre. I Will not the alarming spectacle b ejhAbiteil of ithe laws of thS Stated qf tliis Union, m their anr rrinhnn J Winercomoel!pd t6 .-field ittt time of profound peace. Heidon?inioirr the sword 43 give r away to tne caoncious wUt of a Dipjty 3!sfshal; whose U vonrite rooties' of rptfnishment 'smfa oeiheon flan-atioa cfdings & the application of he fcayonecifj A-nr' i y- ,14 1 I respefttfulfy request that tWii omjecU so Vftrrfl rahversive " of the - acknowledged; rerhWaiiJ rTerei?nt of HhetState 'of Alar an unccitfetitutional intertercnce v wiin oyep Jbcal and iiitetaal "affairsaind a: ja ineasurf bfrevoltbinfustice andoppression;towar great'Cpoujb tm perlorminuiicles, but have neglected good works, ' "rejected.' He who professed that he came not tofpaU the nghtecpasbuti: tinners Ao irepentlnce which implied bis modest opinion, that 'were wer somelia 'hb;tiiae so good thatlbey needed noi to beM,1rim for lnjpriwemeithut nowa-days, we-have; pcarce at little peisoa wnodoes kot think it the duty of every pan, within his reach to so under-his imnbtration; and wboeTpreroitsJthesd ffends ?od;l frish to such, more humility; etod toyotr, sir,rnore health and happiness-being your irieid.St humble servant . ' 1 nvTsii iMtfrvn kKKJ am. r l J (lUIUIillll 1 ' ft an3 tkeir mrtrcTn. renrascnt it as .snch an ont raare tipon State UirhU? t Mae oa k this auwt 1 Ntw StKAToas. -It ia crettr eeriehllr derstoijd, that Dr Lewisf FYXinn, of histyi reccntljjiftStUGenevieTe; is to reeeive xm appdiotment'of Senator; '.in thVpUce.fif tbei dev ceas 'BuclraerToihis aejection, if it mast be upun. nuper tibnr to urge. $ On the f eootraryiw - well pleased,' in as fainefc a$ theappomunent w confer red upon a most imiaWe,and eVerylray wutthy man -ana soxnewn finyuiar m uw. minus now-a-caji, an vonginai jwmuui. k - (9 5 qnsis r;- 4 : J ; . r-' .ucb -; . clipulaticts well Msnattdtnpt to-carryit r ' intd cCect w.buldT? oew? an Warrantable ui v ! f-rr-rfnca ith mailers which;: can be rogu- t i. . i ' that portion oHi our inhabitants rwbo not miufed the; Indian? v Putv awafsi sword wnieh Has been apnessajiTlj haetUv drawn against this Ianfic t-dinff arbHeibcontests of rabiUaki, in qijesuons 01 , consiuuuwnai r iijiuu. net forgottehthat the American nle. on ' a recent occasion, pronounced phat(cal ly, that' thelquestions of jtinadict between thh foreign an d domestic branch of our ffbvernmerit T'ire to be settled by tf tribunalsiwhich the consUtution vest with the, I power, fxrjovindihjj th laws.; thrf f tribunals f : appeal on ' behalf of the good people of tis tate''fe; i. ;M -.1 Very respectfufly, f have the nonor to be Sir your obedient servant, . affairsiaiidibf fading in that agrtatca Stfte. J4 rti;1i J 151311,0 16tb 183 -We nave irrr?9d''al,a 1 solemn iir burStale atthef present moment i ?ou are aaretha(thb WHoleCreekv nation! was 1 laia pa imo7 conniies lana r Curcuit Courts ordered to 19 tbis. At the present jd -for Riissel tCoanr. "5a n certain w v.lcoi, 4 i v : lime uty 01 tne M It nrnor-j' inc com- jjiicd albno byrthft VJhe.State, and a Ipallc L encroachment! upon its junsdic- U1 tTca. And yct this itaib'is jprecisely similar n'TTirxeiVletcr'tl-:5! under -cpnsidera t 7 1 i s . ! JJ-: : --If th2 CI cstrkt GoircVntncrit ' have the .right to re ju! : : j the conduct ' J cf our prrph. in re Jaticnp theiHandjif it can nghtfclly cxpil a citizen wiotrei7tcc3 f nprn the ' landed pessefcnyf bis nrhlcf, ; .by-the J suin maiy inter positioners ibilitay guard with out even' the tbrtnsof mi!itattinvstigitich wliat is torestrain itifrtn the: exercise cf J johngaylk: Hoii.?LEWts!Ass SoTetiry of Wax Wash: v : ;-i?v ? ington cit-a ; 3! :1 f I Inisance cf all i irregUl&ritisHtoisdemeanors Kiheretoforebeen considered as belbngih ex vlclusiveIy"to the rStaje: trlbualilf byhe4 ty making powerMe. f oramary opra "Vdf outlaws. udoU thb persons and orbb- U (yof ourwn citizens an 1 be suspended, las via be the case it I th n jarticieoi the treaty is executed f ib the modb prescribed in vour iaie oraprwuir3Mai, inc wnoie 5-. ! :? jfield of State jurisdiction 'may be considered jv ks occupied tirid, S?bie ftf?oi ignl'jMutrt- if ftrtid rtgftn oj.t jpf ;j9raif-, 'yct unmeaning L 4 Pisoubdsi totally unworimylofseiiousf consfd- j ;.feration.M?i- f if -f X.! .!.-" ;r -;- -2 K -.7 4?4i . .1 4 rKnow.ui&iiiesc 4urui3rc useo ov many, as mere aniexpressradliat they have :.een brought in tbdisrenutf by the extravagant pretersuins aod afsuxd doctnnca of - sister h gtatq :itjtliey imjiilnsitHatHarestill ; jirbrthS' jireamingCtajjd'j I jng bFtbisUnion are Justly appreciated; fi .-p- lotions ii!Brip ;l fsfoften-dullealt to f iVi 'iraber witH recwe a1acy,;Hhabwndary I ! o whirl: RftberfttehC'fbrisiVlion'orthff iw;4f WS can at'all f 54 times, ho wever deef msbVi riearly -where it' ?m$ .jttfftctieli'iv It cnse$ tne7 line designated irr : the cc.5Ututiorif: at right angles, anujins into thrlyry heart and clnnofourdomes- 1 ,peaxvat the Court, to .TheSBlaiorrefuseato the mandate ibf the Court hb would ot suffer arjy of Westell ;Thev!Curtitsied :br the; Major and men SherihwaWdeVibvahe .Major not to htm returned uthb Cburt next day. made1 bath thaihVcbuld not take him, MiibrfbTeAiiofkeath: Upoh this tie Court sent anexpreis tbour Governor formiii- auu The tluch hnd Ithe taryj power sufficient tb arrest the Major to brinihim' .ind -men before the Court. If Extracts' of letter fromVafnuMshipman on baird;the tJS; ship Delaware, laU .49,3,long, i 1 , 33Va dateo; oeptemtier om .imjr . , V "Ve are now about topsail, and f avail ray-5. sell 01 trie pppjrtuniiy inus auuruea to senq joa this token of ; my ex istence; Since ' W sailed Ii bave not ha'lf one hoarts indisposition. This speaKjng a snip-is one of incse erenis in tne HfiTfa 'sailor which brmSX(brtb feeling landsmen never experience.' V Iis a pleasure a4f partake of. We are now rapidly neann Uher boorsr, the brewe will bring us to soandtn thi eveniogf. This is Monday Sept. 9Ui (sea afceoont) Sbioufd lhe wind huld we shall make the chalW r eliflTi of Old Rand in-thirty hours, and dine in La Belle France ou Wednesday" j We are sorry to learn that the TJ . S. schoon- er Shark, bound to the .Mediterranean, has re4 tsrned. leaky and is at the Philadelphia Navyj Yaid-undergoing an examination. lb. 1 , r Damasrtd Fixer. A family; of twelve per-? sons, hear Philadelphia, were lately violently at-f tacked ( with vomiting and nausea, irora eating a nodding or bread made from wheat flour. Pro fessor Greene, of Jefferson fedical College, ex amined teflW, but could not detect any minerj al poison in it, but from its general appearance he pronounced it unfit to make good bread. He serntiaized the flaur with " a microscope, and notieed a considerable quantity of dark powder in it ana minks tne nour contained a poison similar to spurred rye well hcr.Gov will nnrbubtedlv doit as he. as as' tbefwIibleutfyeTe,'' are in a staQr of excitement agaanstthbGenraCGojrem and aire b"eterminel3'tbfsu civil fau thorit'es bven $0 the last ditch -Union orNo Unibnjji ' : "'' : ..! if '- - r!It becomes the American people serious ly to iopk at the 1 consequences of the .doc trine that'malittheHjCreneral : gbvernrrfent sUbdrdindie td ieach' and -any of the" States, siii't J4L4iiji44i' 2 SI-if L.i 1 Ii I p4erm lis t sbyereigntl tramples - VBot only pbn jheJaVs bfthe and, nstionlilly enacieo,iui upon ir fanes ionmjy negiia tic couii-rhs." if m i J jlr v Mm. 4 , -4. -4-: Bat, sir, there is another view of thissbbiect wnico ui expose m a jjgai fiiii more glaring. tbcutttr incompatibil:ty of this treaty. -.with thejurwd idivrightsjbfte State of Alabama. J f As bf foreobaycp(thi right of etfbding jourlaws brer the cbunChri iwa which our bplere jcrde admit H : jted tuUielultixtent. Jhis nccesiarilyim I, plies the ,:igh(of. eaIby mgthe means that j jarr indkpensible ip its ex ercise. p TV bat are : these means? j As enincitedl ibt the con EtitUttonbf this . State aldJHhe laws made jn ine pursuance tner fot they are. that the JStafe trnlftba -Jaidiff Hat ctmirries: arii !i jcoBveaient circuitsi that the circuit courts j y f'w eacii couaiy, j at least twice rtVtry earthatf the cbuntii shall be di Jvided int; saTTprjcts) jin each of which l11 hpibtfd (Iwo "justices! of tLe -peace and t cbpstablcsj tliat there shall ybc,u encltWuit'a jugo bfthe eircu.t yepurt, wh a ; reside n; his mrcuft, that there shall W be, nlo in v.. i . , ,-v 'Lettsq from Db: FnANKLiy--'niefolt lowing letter. asrrttenjn;;jje0tb on from Jarnes I5aly; ot jerseywnonaving received inuchj ficneiit frtimFraoklinyblecj tricity,senf hiib a letter of tfianks,imwriich he enquired what .religion the Doctor pro4 -Ti v. i!V- ::IBfr7brmej4a -.out l receivea-youtt. Kitia leuer oi met soul; in?t3ni,;ariu am giaa cqnear of y.qiirn-c::as3-in' f irergthi-I hope you-will f onfinue Jr.'2 . ill "yu recovcryour forr-' J; alfbl '': ' 7 'fit aca nrmiCLS,: t raKncw use th tiild fcitindljit As to thamdnesa ybujiienUone it could have tetrn ofjbrefi but if it jiad, the Only thanks I should desire, are. tbatjypa rpay be al ways equally ready i o serve any person that may need. your assis tance Ik 1etbodbflicesgorbuBd, for nan kmd areall'ofafaraily. For my ontn part whefl J am etnfdoyed ift serving' others, tdd I net look' upba'rp vselT aa.bestomngfayors, but as pay lug ueowkiiii lof tsyeii j- since ray sei tlemcntjl have ffcxved much kindnessrfrom mep io wnoru jsaaii never nave an opppr tamty'oT pairing the least $lirenejtbrn; and numberless-bltssings from GodJ vho is in finitely kbbvefbemg benefitted tbyAiur ser vices. The kindness of tnon I calf pnly re turn on; their fellow menand":! can only show my gratttudeJbr these mercies from Gbd byia reacjiness to help other children, rny;brethein.iFof-1 do not think! thai tbajiksi ana tmpjiments, tnoirgn repeatecref;Kiy can -discharge our real obligatlous. to each bthetj andTOich less those to our creator. Yeu'will rn this, see irry notion of od wbrksjlmd thkt i l am tlar fromexpecting Ufaven oy them liy Ileaven, we under stand astate f happiness, infinite in decree, mill n-riijt.i in uiinimn. r-zi n nrm nnrnini i r. t. if to Reserve such rewards. He that for giving trea mttcis hahi power to exe- wi, r k:.--u-!Lij cute them. We repeat that this is the eoi- expect to bo i paid with a, goo-'d : plantation SttMI Tifuit .,tft Vnu-lnnil . A MniUm.n of tun liauili VI viimhjiiuu HU ICIJ OUalkMiWIlAiT lp accounted for the blowing up of this vrsscli iMie fever connected with the safety valve, and more than ne feet long, was not only loaded with iits usualweight, but 'had upon its extreme end the accidental pressure of a bulk head which pre tented it from moving, and held it down with a pressure eaual to almost 2000lbs to the square inch. I The Engineer finding no escape of steam from the valve thought it- wu all safe. He had Lrgatten the position of the rentoved bulk head. c JVaf.Jnr. j .1-;: lit ;a sheriff of fr v cqit and 1 county courts, a J jCoronennotarif jiiUlfci cornmissioners of , mas ana r.uj j, -tUat .there shalLbe : i summoned, pr ius tir ry arcuit court a competent nbcr of pnd and! petit jurere, and a like nu,nAf rotV pjeuti , jurors, the bounty courti,- A!i these rainistOrs b our 'laws are rtquird !toesde jbthe counties ; to which tbc)r offices i belong.' These are 'the ordinary bneans by which but Sutesav- tri'tltja ut iopsrat?rri, antleneetgi f j ;1 - en to tour law&.jAu'd yetj tbeclate instruo iv joseolany pf:herbti I : ; ' 4.-' ': f!je S5? ; Cuvernment Iras not enjy 4 the right cfAIimita extend heV 44- i .-JUC:" - .--iT r?" .wunwTf out nxs tp-&ii1?3 wragfd 5sucb lextebsion By :f ? Wi W' J5 - J?0! hovbter b the clbbhtrY it fed, than anl axbi iorcetf is thi - 'v? UPaUushrgftiwd fiourMinsetv 1 Sf Chatbpcf.r thepur Ff lbcs from this hrftnd fiouViihhVT.i would be modest m his demands, compared with those wbo think thei deserve Heaven by the goe4 they do on "earth. ; ' -i Even i cthe mixed ' imperfect pleasures, we ebjeyv lpthis worldtare, ..'fatiipfrrim' God's gooefness that our merit How much more so then the happiness of Heaven For my own part! I have ' not' to think ) I' de serve it; the folly to expect it; nor the ambi tion to desire it; but; content jmyselfyith submiitiog to-the will. and , disposalof him that made, me who has hitherto, pressed nd ifoMed piej -and in whose tirherly goodness 1 - fnay well : confide, tbafib will nev'erakeprts miserable; and that even the afHitaimay at any time suffer, shall tend to my bfnefit.The faith you mention, has doubtlesf,' its use in the world, ! do not desire' to s 4 it diminish, oor would I desire to lessob itm'caay man, but f wish fit was more; productive e ef goojd works, works of kihdnpssr charityand Xmercy, i and (public spirit not .holiday ;.j keeping sermon rpadmg tind hearing ; performi rig church ceremonies, of making long prayers, filled with ..ntUvfes aridcomphnients, dispised even by wise men and much less capable, of pleasing the Dei ly.' The worship of pod is a duty jf thehearing hr'Hading' sermons, rnay be useful; but if a man rests m hearing or nrayinsas man v doit is 'as If a tree should value itself upon being watered iiKeisewitn aj treaty pmade with u. tintian or France?" is trub Mabama I may savitas Georgia biice did,! tha tne' Indians ii ceased to he oIons,Qjd hence that trebles negotiatod 'with them'iare not jof '. a bindmg character. But X urey4f ever that wis a Til id objection, it ; has - ceased to be so, the proper ime- to urgem having passed by . ltmiht have been urged in oppositiob to the negotiation; or after the negotiation pas oyer to pf erenttb!0 Wtication of the Indhu treaty; but, surely after all the constKutiohal formalities have been passed 'through, Ibid .we have enjoyed the benefits f the compact by taking possession of the lands acquired by thie treaties, .itlis our solemn duty to ro tect the Indians in the rights solemnly gfar anted to thttd by thesame instruments. T ?he Washington Globe . takes true ground, w len it says tuat,fnhile the Indians insist u on the execution of the treaty, in good fsth, Mdidernarid the ! removal of all intruders, in conformity with the law specially referred to in the treaty, the President has no allor tiv, but; to carry JtsV; pCpulations into eqect or to ackcowledge. .that the 2bve4nnaen he administers is moi competent to make i - H : - ' '-r It was fabled of the Phrygian prince that all "that he touched became gold. : With an JSciency as powerful but reversed in its results) suspicion debases every emotion! and every viri ntue by; its poisonous contact. j I ! liarbvtger. fi i . 3 " ! ' -r ; ' Vo York Canal Tolls, The amount of tolls received upon the State Canals in the month of September, was $203, 6SV82, being an increase of52,634 as compred with the receipts of the same month last year. Receipts f the year to 30th Sebtember, 998, 126 20 exceeding the re ceipts; down to the same date, more than $210 000 ,1 j ; A gentleman of New Bedford states, that from whim and curiosity, he lived ion rate corA and mater for about forty days, and slept on the flooi of his counting room. ; His weight gradually decreased, but he enjoyed his usual goad health. The experiment 4?was highly en joyed, and produced a vivid effect on the iroagin&l tion and nervous system, and resulted in confirav ing a belief in the advantage of abstaining from animal tood.' Halloicdl. . i i ! -i ' 4 . : The Hon. John M'Lean of the Soprcme Court was nominated for the Presidedcy at a meet ingof pUchanis and working Men, in Baltimore Jon evening last. There was no nom4 inatioh for Vice President. ! ! rect view of the subjeet; ; and. if the govern ment be driven front its ground, it ceuse; to be anr longer worthy bf ; the name, and the sooner it is dissolved nto its original Ele ments, the better. But we have nb idea that it will be compelled to : recede for, as;the Globe fiirthef adds nhe present Cinef Afag istrate u not ; a man , who - will be deterred from the performance of a publac trus by &jy paiade and muster ing of a military afray to 'prevent the due observance and c4m piete' execution: bf htS duty." J j; We lbok to ithe issue f this unforcurtate contrqvtjiseyp Jivithdebp ninterbsfj tltough if this doctrine of State lr7wq be estab lished, it is only .thereruaqer: of sirnllar ourtbreakings, whichjlwill ocer every yar, until! our noble system . will be engulphed in Uhvbrtex which i'ij ppns, J! r Stalufnctt and politicians: ar apt, in times of exciteptent, and Uneraahangeof cucumstalces totbrget both eititelvesStf thelrjprBieiplesand it oecomes. necessary, tnereioreoccasionaiiy iq re fresh jtheir memories by, an appeal to the unre menered lecords of the' cbubtry. .We have now beue us and shall heteafteri publish at lengtl, Proclamation issued by 'James Madison in 1$15V orderinglthe removal of the intruders npoa public landjin i State oITetory,fbyj le '.. mfliary force' uf the cbunlry if beceasary 1 Also, a letter iromvni. ii crawioro, tnea secretary oi t . . . - . .... . ;'- K . anduuttinsr forth leaves thou vKIt tiover rtro-t . Men Andrew? Jackson, wmten a ,Janolry.4 duced any fruit, ;- "; f J81n;FtM w ' . 4 . . . M 1. i I tarv fume:!' in order tdramave miHara I116 ,s mnight less oTthose the Indians andsv-fiirthW outw aprarance; and profwsioii than haU t ... many olfuslraocernediseiDles irHeWfWw to GenmacksOTldatedilelv 116w?MrCCrawird I t 2 T 1 L reo tne doerhrih Art tn tlk in&Ki.v-1 eavsJ the idea of ireiisifnsr i thanihontv oflth ers-.tpe son that seemingly relusecl lobbbr lJTllTr. :W4 "?f r cr lalncMnd twforrned ' Jua mabiltal ScerajOrfK: ef pecuOt you mantan, to the. .qachantsble, the tocliaedniasio wcht Micaftd thc:a -Rho rave fbbl sthk 1 fifas tnake the wfrrtV efihe rratlteaiiu iWl '-''ig of coursoaU bScera and 1041 ,4ejr4frojW J:lbbdn,wrlpsn aijoti ixixirgz are git en! att! the rnili tarr jjw&i:a icr.atf.tu'. In u grciu) 4tw v.Tiavuu j At Wallpole, say? the Transcript, Jlfr. Clay and bU family was introduced to the neighbor incr inh.-JiitaMs. Among them was one, a Rev4 iutionary soldier, r. Mann, age 86. The tetfeiAn was invited to drink a lass of porteri Which he accepted and proposed 'the health of Gen, Jackson ' Mr Clay smiled at the unex pected eomplinenX, requested the old gentleman' to jiause uiuil l.e hid filled a glass, and remark ed "Sir, I join heartily with you in that senti menU. the health of Gen. Jackson." We learn by letters from Brazil that Mr. J J !de Araugo Ribiero, the amiable and highly" es; teemed gentleman who lately for several years filled the office of Charge d 'Affairs near this Government from the Era per or of the Brazils,; has, since his return home, been appointed by his Government to the Presidency of the im-j portant Province uf Jtiinas-Geracs, and that he had repaired to his post at Ouro Preto, the cap ital city of the province, where he was. received with ' great distinction. This information will be interesting t the society at Washington, par-l ticularly, in which Mr. H. was best known, and where; he possessed so many friends. ' The. province of -Vinaa Geraes,is about the size of the State of Virginia, and contains frocoj 1 to SOO fiOO iidiabitants includiug aborigines and slaves. ' , I t Nat Int. I sary o the eolleciors ci.hwv.:.' 3- - v. Kahita! - llt appears to- me inai ; vrr, 'v tb'ey.Unoieieiasel their skiirwiteffeci, and tbos torally ,removek'.repugninee .to e- V " ? Iieonsider r my Idutyi there&re, aa.- in tica-. tlcria have.beea giVch me, that - same c.: era m If ught atStrasbaarg betWeen r -H i 1 the r4venue:serik pre. permitted I Ui to indnhrl lin '-inteianerate'habite: especUnIly! a.Toaicf mtatatare rarat-r ihT1? 1 and earnestly to isk your aidto put an -enVctnal termiiation ttfauch cfices fwill thank yog., to usej ! fearlessly the ppportuntiics whrch your; nosition -offers &racertainin!f and raakinff known; any afts such as I have referred iot in brdet .that I mr.v Derfot'.n mv own dutVtltt rtrxrtini cases of sucji rniscondt'to the President, f his. in- j firmfirtn anrl fflclnn " .'.-"'' ;4,4' to cuoiher trunk in waithw jfrS ly) same Avill IVrdoae free : oitjrtl drawn m. a similar mannWl, i v y 4-r J i t I 1 4 The Legislature' of New Jersey convened at Trenton on Tuesday week. The Hon. Mabt Ion Dickerson was chosen Vice President of Council and James D. Wescott Secretary. Dani iel B.' Ryallr Eq. of Monmouth county, was et lected Speaker of the House ! of Assembly, anil 0. M. Voorbces ,Clerk. ' 'X On Friday, Peter D.Vroom, Psq., was ap pointed Governor of the State by the Joint vote of the t two Houses. Air. V. is of the dominant party,bf course; buf .he is a gentleman- of talents, and" will make an excellent Governor, espcial- n nis capacity oi nanceuarv wnicn omce fills likewise, in vf iueof his office as Gov- The foUowihg legal changes are, we under. standi about to k uke place: Mu Baron Bailv ana ou. josuob rara win reure irora tne liench, and Iwill be ancceeded by , the Attornev; and Solicitor-General: Mr. Sergeant Wilde tone AV tniney General, and ,Mf. repys lUicitor Gen eral' ! Mr Bickecsteth will, it' U said, succeed to the dignity ViceXlunoelhifaa Sir Lhad wUllgbi to thovftolls, from which bourt his Hon cUrJohn Leach .fas hitimated Us Intention f fearing. ' "-1 V ' VI-- - ' -f ! " - . 4 . ' T P'. n . -t - , - f - - u - iacnow ores recemircccnrred at Coustantinople., within a. week of - each other! ; Frm 'the Ballir.icre Ckraniehof ilie lih, : BALLOON. ASCENSION.! f V ; Thascerisiori'of iMr Ourant yesterday after noon, Was al cbeantifid as could have; been dt sired, i The wind was at.V amT contin ued bldwfwith coasiderableSfreshticss; until iathiiia.few minute! cf-tteascentioti,'vrhea;tt mlledltoainere xaphyr AlrDunnt4 started at half pastToar preceely, andthe hallooh was vi sible to thb baked eje for exactly5 ; half i an hour. HU course lay. across the bay.and'he must con sequently, land on j the Eastern Shore of this State,! unless be should prefer Visitine; Dela ware. We aft hapjy;toi&i.thatthe the mclosure was large and respectable ; The number present did rraVprobabiy, taUahott of five thousand, besides those outside, and -all were hi? hi v ratified The parachute with the rabbit; was letdown Jon: Federal Hill and was afew minutes after brought to the enclosure & ex- hibited: l No accident f any kind occurea, nor any thing to mar the comfort of the audience. . At the late commencement at Princeton Coin lege, ithe number fi graduates was 42 ahe degree of L L D. was conferred on tlie Hon rheodore Frelinghavsen, of Newark. Int the afternoon an address was delivered before 4he Alnrani Assiciation. by the Hon. John Sergeant of Philadelphia. - f I f Sn-iiid:, ?W;9 farina JM: woman, regelating het coddoci E S V her secondtood out for tsreatr ? V insisted on their approacliiBT Ijt either wvm declaring that j the m of Krwl TV heraelf But actuated She haa thobght it dnVi iLW Sj shot with the Germaa. bBt7 aaP ?oa, we UdyspM JJ? t mihature painter; ' whomsi, ki itf presence that Yery morriu; w pN a Baroness,yid the Piencawilasn General of -Division.1;: I ji :Ri letter iVom AlglaraatatotA ! 4 ht been discovered t onellhv, isj Constahtine; and that the Bej LS3 3 to'bd worked. 7 ' . . ifff il 6ae of the iatrstreconlelf t j I treachery on the part f of tak piWv1 -Poles is the intoxication of UiktaiSl1 may sing when their wiy to interior ct nussia. . , mv, a?:-4i,i 41 J The Brjrtlmaaao jfdiijlg this arapimiJi aflnotitwiTn, r m weather otherwise raihil sSS!! Sudden and aufid Vcaih. On Tuesday, eve ning a case came before Justice Hooten of Moy- amensmir fur hearing, in the course of which, a colored woman was brought up as a wuoesi,and objected to by the opposite party. The refusal to receive her as a witness rendered her ; almost franikj with tage, which hw "subsequent adauV sioa to testify could!, not allay. On leaving the 011 ice a lew momenis aiierwarus, sue oroppea on tne payemeut and was instantly dead,-an apo plexy having been induced by her over-cxrited passions. 5 4 i Phil. Got. .. BtlSTORING WriHpTJ! r An lkiarrwho3Jwif3 tadbUj or some 'pectoral comDhuiii :ikj( .fi 1 sdieal advtceonasurcrtkrtni- n:.T. I - , -- a unin bereita blister to he -putT upon EefSeV poar.Uirjernian, Uke rnany-r tefpreted the direction heVitq&0bi?j though certainly not is the rirhrf wsr Ll hornet he searched his! wliolt n c but findingias he afteWaf(h W6odm Cfoefe.In the Town of Plymouth m? chest; snrgeoa, where Kate ped the blister to the lid ef iht rWei wife, by good Juckgetlhwliat,; 'nothing so like o6e!as i j Cat kapes her rootfjg i jv 01 ner,corapiaintine iJeciarn Vti:w, in the efScaylefitheapijliMtm cured hepIaJSrtpo, 4TEtanWArjni was IhklA-. 10 aaiu mere am annuaiiv niuvn mnn. r momher kt tviA rw tm tti i f sand Wooden clocks manufactured. One indrvi- Icietr. and Tamnte-l1 m- dual ias made by this business a fortune of near SSS$T& 1 i onA nan Ay' T: . s r. ""tV. honor tofaJlan human naturs. lyt?' are largely engaged in this branch of business. ReparkabU Pasiagtc The packet ship Vir ginian, Capt. Harris!, from New York arrived attjerpootvn the Uthof September, 17, days. She rbade.the run fbn land to land in fourteen days.l So pleasant was the 4 weather that her royala were not takeb in during the passage. I The London Athenteura contains the follow ing paragraph : j . 4 , : "Letters from Parts make mention of a work about o appear there, which it is expected will create; no little bustle in the Cabinet of Louis Philippe. When the O u chess of Berri was ap prehended, she was; so well pleased with the. the courtesy of Genual Dermoocourt, who had commanded in La Vandee, that she entrusted to him tfte whole of her papers. These he refused to deljver up to the Government but now, in consequence of some disagreement, he is about, to publish them under the title ot "La Vandee pt Alajdarne 'V lie has resolved, it is said, to state without reserve, all he know of t he in- even for the spirit of self Sralst&fj' otencel But Peter IValsfi hSi 6ontrol4p totfceigof ht ernosieedi slarelbf -hitW had squandered his Mfriiiny-b?4 familyilraaJe himstlf banlrupt wj1 circumstances and reputatibii aidt consumed aa mcreditabte qalnbfl brandy before rO pMocVealy Becoming convmccd of thk&nloelfit: 01 me course np was pursuing j. fct changed his habits. For thelitn his life, the solicitations of rienc,! 1 when the object of them 1 iru$iio&3l to taste a little wine; I liacllWsrJj Ho die cf this disease, rffneb'tot will of God ; but lam not '-tit'ij of drunkenness, which T willl bfljtaj table consequence cf mj uiuj tij stronger thin tea, coffee or ni tngu that were carried on? and among the 1 fa 50 jeas did this man rtnfvateil documents wUl be a; letter from one of- the most f Mwerof his ownunJerahle irtr Kl W fl I I 1:1 " t - 1 infiueiitial Ministers of Louis Philippe to the Duchess, wherein he offers to establish her son on the throne, ujon condition that the otfice of Constable of France be revived and given to him; and one from anotner Miuister, apprizing her that her place of concealment was jinown, and directing hci to remove to Thurth; or she would be arrested " A tew Foxier 4 There is a prospect that in a few; years, perhaps moolhs, the whole system of steam-eDginery will undergo a revolution. JWt ijtrickson is a boat to tak out a patent for the employment of a new power that of heat ed 1 ait; in which he otfer .saving of fuel of Urisen respecting her between the rjp ightrtentbs. He Las amply proved the prac- ened her everlasting displeasurt PAl should be the iagjrressortvbkbfMg i ticabuity 01 his object; lor an engine ot one horse power, upon the new principle, has been work ing upon his premises fur the last ihree months? It has been inspected by the most eminent prac tical engineers in the county Loud. pap. A ato number of the London Courier, contains the following extract of a letter from America : -i-i am travelling in Vermont State for pleasure and Information. I have journeyed 500 miles in my own carriage, by easy stages, and have not seen j a single persoh in my progress to whom I should havd dared to offer alius! As I was detained an hour or two a few days since, I saw, a stdrdy farmer pass: the inn, driving a one horse cart; loaded with wool on which he was seat ed. I He drove to a store, shouldered his bales of wool, one after another and placed them in the merchant's shop. Who do you think he was? Palmer, the present Governor of the State of verinonf" An iron steamboat, intended for the canal in Belgium, ha" been built in Manchester, Eng. The king is said to 6e a shareholder in this cou cern. Scientific gentlemen allege that she ap pears to be well adapted to canal navigation, hay ing! the engine fixed aft, where the rudders of other vessels are fixed, and is steered by two rud ders on either; side lot the. wheeL, Draught of wafer 2 feet 3 inches, on canal 21 inches only Imrtroved Ileilieau. We hav been favored with the sight of the modal of a. new mode bf rail-way. conveyance, wqico h rnvugm raw use, will present extraordinary advantages to the pub licj It is on the system of the Sexton locomotive ocllev.and aceordink to the calculations of the orojector, who; is an engineer cf some eelebra ty. the averagi ratejof travelling , will be about thirty miles an boar on a light railway iai3 upon the ordinary rladwthout reauirifisr the least expenditure tor levelHag, so that the ct , per mile; faaaead U if w on the raitwaysibbw $ab4, it) will 4only cost 5.00i. '.iAecurding' to the pmpased plan, a horse wal3 tsat the rates a two ouet na- nail .an hour, over !a distance of mure than one tftoo- seod six himdfad varda within the same period of tima'aa that occupied by the animal in per the even tenor of JrfJ4 wayj bjlia preachmir to the drunkard the bm liverance and earing a name amont .A1U.t U'4 iU : r.i ft fty cucuv ui tup carui. -xieww vjy Foreign l Society. - i 1 .if. Tlftrmon.ii betmenthrej: Ritals W1 the wife of the first BaroneiSir of Vi-count Gage, when first a aeventeen, betutiful and rich; sle vf Sit John Gage, and Sir WilSm D same time; and to appease a qnintttj clared for neither, balahciBgi that their fears, stilled their resebtmit?' . other adding,, good; huaaoTwfly would keep the peace, and naft rij would have them all it the; tarw gularly enough did happcnw--Sw7r j iustnublished. :' r 1'4 j ' ft! IFrxfcrn Thorough FareM thorough-fareiothe VaUey pftM Jly in a few years we shall haver a steam boat,rail road and 8ZT Orleans, on this route. Thf Wr.Jrf -rail road from' Albany to tnence to uetroii, a rau wu i fromDetroittp the bum of tagj.r. ver fabout 200 miles); a. ffj across the lake to Chicago, only Wyf and a rail rcadfromiCkicagd to tt one hundred ! tnd ton nlN y25& Hteamboatarpf the largtst soj, W -l and St Iand.this irf j When this putt shall bs travel from Afcanjr to St tf$$J A frank Jpology.K we yfei 1 West contaibMke WiiJ JgWJ sence of editorial inattent Sf hive ta excase the ,VjSSSii editorial colimm. w!Hif grpne4or to use a fPVS H we have not devoid e m8 .- 1 ,m twwm W(Ti.ifntIV PrOVed-DI .jtjiM has been sufficiently natetempestnameiy,ui wtt navigatluniT, . What will you takeLft taidawaiteViai ..Ljk- a seaw-T tern mercnaai.,wv iAt3 fast table; rauncliing dbnt-knowaylbe;! nglbukeyourseu MrTGaJtebran s'f . j. x jreujcnooaa ores 4receirur occurred at 1 send six hundred yards within the same penoo 1 T " viH 4 V y uusMuunuptc. ;nunj week' oi each ether of limea that occupied Dy the aaimai in per-1 . m2l. ui( fPT wgnjw? Ithe first of wWch destroyed 2,hoo distance. The carriage, op Mr; ?,!2Srt 1 -, 'ffc1? 1 1 MPW - . ' itirfyia kt th end if a isile, wiU be. carried fl ? WJ5 'I ir

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