, , :iby . L5 isit 4tsJVTbe -W: 1 ,BdJe Si:.. ateni W ! wuicno lor thn u-Wa j Xr n" " th T'. I7ir;e Di Pr year, in advance 'ffiMnburtim livela Counties more tJ.arj - 5-rahri nrrrmni is over cne years Siripiton wGlw P11 ,fir ,ws lhaB"- 4 N ilVi:nr will I at the n.tol rates. X'?-. ,n will ! wiUu!riiYii nnul ;irera lor pnei con Una- . -ft iti4 to the EiHt(ir teusl bfe Pwf paiff , or HxrvttDW rfoTznnfinao. 1833 WvS' wiUaddrpl,i;n,as liditWr. of the! ; ? ? r'n -'e imherfordion bpcr.satur. ?uiuM Thds that write Ui oth- ' j: I RMf. ItOAD MEETING." -:rVi in th3uoscnpiuoiis. utkon x ;.Rt of thispapffr.itiwill be i Tl-iliitf da tii nublicetion of the . before tltc rearim- first r. Ql-.tTtoVG BOX v lisrm'bcr is te Authorised jew Sosffln wtro is trie Agent of of rarsannt r t p;i!)J;c notce, a numerous asswn r,Lir? of trj c-uuens ot this chanty, met in the Court Jtf;iisria ihi-j town, at early.caaJle li?bt, oTi,lp,rifer.:n2 of ihc2Jd October. John M?Dow ell .Sq.ii was exiled to the chair, aiid 11. Elmer .lr;. &ppanted Secretary, . ;' Jsfpl M'Oj .Cireon, Esq., explained the ob jeqt.ot lUf- meetjrjr.and lien read the rnpomnd respluthibs which had been drafted bv a sub- cvj!;imitte of a previous meeting wjth. the view ;of beirifrilsubrtitltRd t the present meeting Lr Utirt3iJerauonJ! 'The following H a" copy of the aolJiV - ;,nP LT3 report a-i ri uioH. - Straw- Hay and Stal. R hT f? P0, r f !5 Ca?ty f r,tfJ4ipeakifi itie h cer- jhe subject of Rad :.Raads, an- LWtho t nluibUlunproTfmMMtu f? nt-et,or ut its c.Kzeas, on this day, Ut inuity L suited. ave ,n Rr,n h'ffJ ohtjmembra- wet and peed; ! uij operaLtLr, the r "7 .w " " t.uww.iiircii : i.... )iitW wort nitd the little dnntrpr if wTuutof fix n accourii of the simplicity of iJUne,and the easej Jwikh which -f it is r$,tMo ii oy lar me ropsi oesiraoie conirt lilt ecr jet j been j fused . for preparing i-jawfewlerj for horses and cattle The te'nyr offers the pitetft rights for the' ' coun- taf iwwi vavruiiHiiav t ine exception oi nnucaoi: pigeon, uuncomoe, . nay wood, JRuttarfotd ftjid Lincoln; which are sold.) jaul sale isMhade, he Will i sell indi vidaal 3 in this State" with the abuve exception . .ibewoolu.ioiich ' prefer jsellinj the county Mi 41$ intends Ptisitin-nr- short! v the coun- ,4 CabaVni Meckienbar,. Montgomery; ir4 RichaomiRol)ejrCurtiberiand, Wake. fii3TiIl,and moat of the counties West of that tzijfia eaciijOi wptcn ne wm exnmn a ma Jii, and he doubts not, that it will tve the a3rv perfect Satisfaction to ) such as may wish :it itnproTetoetiUr It, presents' undoubtedly the jtestopportuBjly forth enterprising tqepecn i& jtinj patent that has-been before the pub I 1tbBbscriber deems itrfectly useless, to ntcehificateaof the superiority of this uaa d,Mlaone wijl be expected to buy without iK,ind'a moments obsef ration will b& better !r)io(MiS certificates. . Tmpo wishing to see ft inicKmft' i n rU inn t1i hid t tar' nf tho Vffh (SMuviK hate one in a! few days, and ; re- tWticjtjofiteiiitrihjtad the agency of PriI,L cua! ietic "on Thursday, Urh of i ; Xvr6mber riext. anal will continue three i;w iretuay ror, colts ar rimes 3 y ars oi.i ; itl-win five-jentrancx? 4504-mile h3a fnj Bides and, bjusd , viz. " tr. Rv iioircbtrrs af ; fijly by Johnson's Jj4 ian c4lt bj sare Wtc. fifjmers sir colt,, by f santeEdv Davis j"!itw!tty;VVash.infftoaiJoiiah Turner a NCiwImk Got; Burrl a tilJy by Cla- --iaraa$ muu aiitiy oy: atockholder. Twoinfroe ur ai;y horse, niare or : tflelttta frVe Vor ay thinff. . I r hesa ; two s days are , forming expeeted to amount taaniob The i pat h is fine ia all wea .ThapjisM of ted are m exact ruiio, 1 1 club: T FASSIIOXS X rikoftVsaliaUe Lmi1 W. &maieton infonns 1 1 ha3 'revived the present FASHIONS "fiwn Corres TiS Arnc4 w.Wnin ;the fashion -iz nMrif weuas io oUier .Lishiona YlftriAU t i' j . i . kii'I tslactioafo sich as may choose tSnVSST Yprk the Hartf Fash k"n3 for sale to those wh., .hL780 Jesses. She will trbam, aiidrasllioti- Barjsaf u & it. itamnFrr reni cotrjinonk lAiits !ha; iiRjif-rSfiTit and very interesting subject; acqoaipariied with; a short resolution;! which are now offered for j cjnsidfraiioi, and if; they re ceive thsi appwbati u of ;ii rneetfritrj niay be adopted and s?n fortfj t jt the en'SMiraement of otliefs. fThe first difficulty to bex surmounted where thtp Government is expected; to aid in the cnsttuctidri of a raU road, is the giving of it locality. The nval interests that! spring up wiicr -suojRcis oi mis Kina ; are aooue to ue un- deftakeni Coontefact each other, -auu every one suggests route agreeably to their own interes ted views? embarrass and retard the a;cjmpish merit. of that which the whole Staics desirous ot. achieving, 'i his spmt is said already to manifpt iitself pretty much in som Mparts of the .State Ji On the North side of Pter3bQTg is insisted ujpon as j being- the best market town, and fhftt a 'route'alon that side of the State iSjiiracticble, anil has many advantages! With out controverting; in the slightest degree, any of the argumeuts in favor of thislroiite, the Comhiitte have pome- to the conclusion that a roue in Jhe cene, on the opposite sid of the State is of more easy attainment, and at a less rate of; expense. Beaufort is considered one of the;bet harbors to the South of NorfC Wil mington is a harbor of much consequence, oe causeiof its immediate connection witfe' Fay- ( x u inner uiscu is ue raarKev more iaimedlitly in the reach of the Western peo ple. From Fayetteville to the Yadkin has al T?advjbe;ij surveyed, for the purpose of laying dovyn ;'a pail rpad to intersect the vUley of the Yadln, at a place some 40 miles ffoui'Sa lisiiry, called th narrows, and here the nav igatioh ot I that river is totally obstructed: The flounce U alout 80 miles and the5 esiimated cost u abokit $7ifK)000, ThncB to Beatfes Ford on Catawba i? abut CO miles, land from ueauts P pri tj bcheiick's Bridge at tlie' First uritd Kiv;er, is 4C toilet but bevond the nar rjw fcherg has been no survey. If this route snojsjtf sit.p p Bcnties Ford, then tlie.enure dis tance !nciTayctte?ille wculd b3 140 niU,con npcvtt ttt'o of i the rtchest vallies Or 'districts vvi; luwjn ice oiaie. ana arioonrtmcr . in thfi articles s6 conducive to thw end of having rajl dfoad mmunieatiori. The comniittee be hove jt.iat;: there .fvoald oe no exaggeration1 in the inatenjent, that no portion of ouruStato to the .same extent surpasses those districts com posed Vjf the valties of the Yadkin, the Catawba. una the three Broad Rivers for fertility. ; There u iu wimuverang me lact mat ine produce is of lhe:yer5f best .and most valuable kinds; at the same umeembracing the most popiWUs vejion of;the State distinoTiished fur wealth 'ntkd iaSiIity.of entefbriaae ta anv nractieal ktid' iiapfnl - .1 ;..Tis W. . i:.LJ 7 extent establish those fact3, let us turn our V?8.1? "mapt auu see the large and rich ccua ties of, wbftbh those jseveral divisions ofoer SlaU are; composed. . Whatprodace is there which is more valuable or rcnuisite fijr thAid nfKil Road transportation!. The upper parts'Wdering '.ai hip niue Kiugei, produces corn, wheat, rye, oats. bajley, flax; hemp, and orchards of the mt- est. Iruit, both apples end peaches; Irish potatoes. "J-w ano aj in varieties w hich a Soi and ckmate suited to j those articles; iron ore, &c., in exnauiUes quantities. The more southerly or lovvei" divisions, produce thp inost or all of $ese enqmeTatea,and , to which belongs their gxeat staple cottyln. The'iron of Lincdft, Burke; and Rui her ford, and the limestone and marble of Burke county; bacon, prlc, ocef txmliry&c, are al Cumnxoo to;both; and gold raiht be aken lVt thl "F"1; Bor there any ponio.to the globe wjhicb affords greater con veniencar for the applicatianltuf water than the upper 'counties already referred ti Xo be more definite, w shall eiiarrierate ihe counties of Maccn,Hay wcod.Bun combeRatherforjJ, Lincoln, Burke. Iredell; Row an. Surryi Stokes, Wilkes and Ashe, tut being peculiarly favored wirti - those streams which give grt faciJiiy in, the application o water ?4uu wearoi,;anarawet;wii-teHnpeniate:tJe4fv,ifti3pToposi M nmu FsyettevUlt gjreat- aVcesssum ooald be'Kad;of auaj uiiiuuBucu as tar, terpen nmv lumber rice, cotton, fccJ That if there MfigatKin it Fayetteville we can'trad'a. there and at.Wihoingt.ini it Beaufort, fcs we fjnd hour interest to do so. ; . - i (That the committee d??m it expedient and theft safest rjolicy, tH concentrate all our energies o'ni one grand central route, and leave individual, towns to connect themsf Ives with it a thpvi ..... " i . . i . !.! ' . 1 : oeem m i cnausie ta their interest ? -1 ho committee hope lhey wi 1 not only be ir- uiica. uui jusiiutNj uy citizens jut ine west; ii upjn tfi occasion they advert to xistij2 evils, fhe remoral of which they, deem of murl more importance than all rail roadsJ or anv oth er nieasure of political economy, which presents iiself for public considetation. They ! allude to the amendment of our, constitution Afd,may w not hope jthat a temper of amalgamation tperating to bring the east and then west in to concert upon1 the momentous topics of Inter nal improvement, may at the pame time unite us in abrading from our constitution that odims fea ture through which the tiower of the ffovernmant. by an arbitraryjartd irTatiMial rtile, is niade tdde- pend upon the number of counties instead of th number of free ciucetis who pay tax, and do du ty; and they reflect with pleasure, that from Fay etteville they have always met the! firmest and most undeviating regard for teiri rights, and that from Beaufort and Newbern, the West has been able to enumerate i friends. 'and now lnnK br support from the same quarter' ;r . The committee, by way of checrinff the droor ing spirits of North Carolina, will, in conclusion, advert to some ipxtraneobs information worthy of the people and fbe aze in which the aeta allu ded to were achieved. The Statp Vr.rL- may juslfybe Iipiled the morning star in this hemisphere of internal improvement, nnpearina jst above the horizon, j in thelexamnle of lir s ' i ' - . . . . ; ... .. graoa canai ; ana although drawing with a tini id and unglaring Tight a$ the cbmmenceaient, yet uo uas , conimpea to emerge, and nsino- by de grees, gaining strength from past experience, wienasai lengtri attained an elevation worthy of all irrmitationvand which has, deservedly, attracted the admiration; of the iwoHd: A for- eiga p-nuoicai oi eminence, ha? pronounced it the greatest riere of continuous labor Upon the gio?je,ne ninese wan excepted. The canal is from the Hudson Rier at Albany to Lake Erie, a distanced" 360 jmilesj. i 40. feet ' wide at top, 28 at-botfom and j affording a iepth of 4 feet water for boats. Tliis wa d .imat the cost of the Stat4 of 8,000,000 of dollars, and is exclusively State property. And although, blocked up several tnontjhs in the year by Ice, neverthe less, is source j of revenue equal to $ l';500,000 but its primary falon to the State results frum thp steady pricesj ji affords for every thing raised near enough to be sent on the Canal to market, giving to the farmers the" riew- York prices, de ducting the riae of tolls fie transportation. Pennsylvania; has profited by her example, & is endeavoring to outstrip her ! neighbor in the race of canals and rail roads. Sne iiasa central rassiH Uintioa, of ;:5. Stt Willi t.le particular m.d oe accofnplishedi .Tte Jftcoasion jwm cunt . ' Zlr iu,eariy fcandle-light on the Oa the evf ning of assembled. A lare wer present, . JudvA he -24th!hi ,;meetiV.r re- nmmU-T - f tha rit'irnn viewsirthparp.mDioir i addl to' thn others . if a vved r,f. wty mterwhxr dis- Carson Robert spison; J. F0rman, R. M' PMrwn, and Samuel ILllman pan. Jll(,o; J SJS!r,0,,.bein- by ai! lhe speakers he Withdrew it." -V - About 9 o'clock the dnestion was put upon the adoption of the report and resolution, when they were unanimously advpbd. ... ; the following resolutions ; were then submitted ana adopted. : r .... ; . i RcaoZrecf, That;the Chair annoirit thrM ?tTjrw piy?l.,hM ""HMJ m invention td be held at Raleigh oh the.' 4th. Mond v i.. XV. vember.nxt,. 1 t I . ; , ' Rcxhcd. That the at Kutherfordloa onthfiiid MoDdav-in N,vmi, - " im ill aj iiuiiiiir JS?!57 t3 t.7j that rtfWSr ny, ta made by an Encash aurbor Th mFjtropr.htanjonmalsre akolltrlr ruScal TV any. American pe; nooieaj.. ihe rejrtcra nrv t.v -i A.. IK'eascre Ufeasdis we hear be correct fiui la nr f ' " "-T:.- no,r eefbre.ot, we wile of rJ tt'. ' T lvine k anecdote. ton iqa .mciican haraiUr ti ' 'V7 wp- . rum a fiBntlemen; i cistmW iuimir ' ineoce, whose writm-r. r; 'V ,rWT eia' the first orii.io, " :"r7a?a wm.amoo2 . lwiorjf, aodvt ' Wh country rabht he. hi, 71 :".! u r was reW in a W r' er disUnish fZEZir, - w IC0 his tamtV Tl". "Vw -;?rf5epung . , iiuuunr a SKuatiiin ni trniv " , . Kaowiodga to com by Larly Fradees Weddebnrn, tlmronven.ion. . Lfr; :-.7v!?, '.- fUo ,adT tersioa of the Vu . Beniwinen. ,were appointed by f JL.ady Weddebnrn winri. . i l theChairmanynarsuaceoftheaboveresolution. derthe cflS S & T ...TO? 10 hbor ..., ,i iiien sworn, i ucicjtjtw lo me, proposed Ksleigh Convention -VIZ. LrOV. Ii. (J. Knrt TU n. j -u. iu mj arson. WILMINGTON The Convention CONVENTION. met I affreeably to nnnoint. un- mat on rridav waIt ti ct&A i. i wh'...'. m. . i- ne r .v.o.i1lx at l4:ill!Slrfil.ef ...1 defeudant i.bKo ; iu-. i - s . "V u,e - ? ,5 Iell.S'nat the wall. Witriess m in tha J - l .-. -..-4-!;, r- - r.u -a-wj majaisun then - in Parhi. The ishe-J Ea4 " liihmea, tamed on the :fB. P.Cr.T.t FW f r . J 'c" 4i eiecin. and ftrs were exoressed that,! sbould Genel Jael! son be elected th. .i."DU. uiiuuiin n'ljt ihino .M in con- kA l.l!.. 1 . thn t. TT.. " - ic ootwoea and Jiis high handed txcrcjse of power Jinced during bis command at NeT " ? a ne necessity, on lhf part of. our informaaT of . - e. vujlhu,, W6,8 sarxrr peunties were , represented, to wit Columbus, nPJM.tbcBcaagbt liolioThltJnr uumberlartd. Saraoson. tuAn fin.n..i, r and struck hr nthAr w. . .kL tlTV Dim.' WnLo n.i: M... U . ' UhAT)rl t nrW.4..J .L. . MTf"u,CI1 r rni v. ' w-panuver. , -r-..v iUOu uu oy raising iter ftand, and Ihe following 'resolalions were presented by haiuiawere Mack aM bltitr 'txohi Josbtu A. Hii.t;and dn motion of Wit.r.14 e -of the blows wMcb Ifih r-JiJr H. 11 atwood, of Ralekfh, refered to a commit- Phe Wggled to get away fmni iAn woolen upon her like a tiger, arid one of her maid servants,; who entered tKvaor 1 l m 7 MI Wie aeieaoanr, took up an umbrel la to defend her. If it had not pon for . that of intersection, would be. found as soori as the in habitants Fpuldiaeej it was their, interest to uieet ahe railroadat thosJs places.) The uav iation of th streains has ; already, been suffi ciently tested, but' no; general exient,.-fqr want of ; what a tail .road to those points would irap ply; r Froai .VVnim'inton to Fayette ville "tltere is steamboat; navigation; the distance about 100 miles .This advantage, of making Fayetteville th trting- pointls, that we'wuuld'save th$ cost of 1 20 miles of; rail road from the' sea to that point, and tjina get t market the J tetw Jincre 18 coasiderable arf 4 P011111 H gt t; marnet the samenand for r4tWehaserin Vis uunrbv Jl rJT i tba ft- The committe. will riow U"i2 tBed aI H :WeacorT?h,ch Pbe arged -in favot of Beaufort.; And biS! "d cannot, sue,the seller ieg;islature jJbas designated that as the rbi:. ' l011,01 his. purchase .bv ? 'r'P?04 UT wntnl road, and have sioll;:01; in ihose. wKM1 wrvly to-the'eily, ofRafeh, distance ii:o mile,ltbe cost .estimated at $7000 VnuJe. jjauopiing twsras:lhe ejiponum,of :trade, we are; surf . of a good harbor or eca port town. By changing ita dirct-tions r it: can . be made to pass, nearVilnungton tand rayettoTjlle, fnji both of which placed a rail road by Individu: .cuKv-prisej rQight no made to intersect :riuon intuoge who t.-in-J . WSWerthp.' rnmr i or r- -' I - . . aM. . 2 "i S.J Hi ;t,,'t- ; -j 4 m idujal w costn com para tive- oiur leafed bine it hand cn ad that partlclow i'ayctteyille, asd would bo iiude at try hrwoli which it) is to pals is ly ley tl long leafed bine it hand wmnMinicationhy means jof nij road and canals, making the eastern and wistern parts cttlte siate to approximate, extending from j Philadel phia to Pittsburr, in the course of which "the rail road will be made not to scale ! the lAleghany .Mountains, btft actaally to enter amidst ils sul terraean recesses, and in depite! of solid masses of of rock, and other obstructions, has perforated the mouniam a distance ot y 00 leet.i ln passinr of winch the traveller is hid lor a space, from the light of day. Emerging on the oiher side, he is stupified with wbuder, at the progress bt science and the Mness of modern enterpnze. She has completed or nearly so, 1(500 miles of Canals apo rail roads, and thisisbutj a small part of her schemes in that way, arid will have expended 16,000.000 of dollars, ere she finishes her pro jected plans. The canal from Washington city and the rail road from Baltimore, both !W be uni ted with the Ohio River, are undertakings which will be successfully achieved, and will tho won der of the age. Virginia has her eria-nantic schorls in fuJI pr.-grees, her capital tha city ,f I T iil"0ea nP Richmond is to lie united by canals and rail Ways ! LgB,ture to provide wua tue jrreat Kanuwa.l and thshce ! with the Ohio. But the.two instances of rail way Com munication ..affording th greatest eiicouras-e-rnent to Nfirth Carolina, ars those of PfcteiibuV and Chariest!. That of PetersborffUg sixty two miles Jong, extending to the falls Of Roan- j oke, in Northampton county, and laidJdown up on ctubankments with transverse oak sleeneri i and suls, fyr the 'railing of the same material and 1 yellow pine completed at an expense ! of $,'000 ! tee composed of one rneW.rier selected by the Chair, vlz ', ' : - f. re-VYjiliamH. Haywood 1 ; wVew- Ha7iom--J(eph A Hill. t CuuiherlandB.. Strange. . Columbia A. Troy. . '1 - i J 'l Bladen William Jones. ' ' - J Sampson William Ashfurd. I Bmnsucick -F. N WaddelL ; Duplin .James Lawion 1 WhoTepiirted in faviHof the Rpnlntinna Whereuwiu the question ivas taken unnn uh Mgparateiy, ano unanimoiisly adopted. Whereas, jn the opinion of this Convention, the progress of improvBrnent in ihe State 'of orth Carolina has been Wtarded and her gen eral prosperity greatly itipaifd, by reason of irre aistracuons which, hkve lusher public councils, arpi4? ... Si? per rmie, anorcjtg a mjst transportation for the produce of the yallcv of the R;anoke. The Staples of that valley are grain and tobacco, including distilled spirit from fruit and grain. . The Catawba and Yadkin possess eveTy species of produce which characterizes the Roanoke district, which may be added her cot ton and iron ores. The rail road from, frharle to Hamburg, oppssiie Agusta in Georgia, is, with the turn oats 144 miles lontr. is reared 11 n- on upright posts, made of long leaf piuej charred and driven ino the ground endwise, and secured by transverse beams, on which rests the sills for the railing, costing in the whole $90,000. Those two latter ways are private charters, the stuck of which is 30w above par. Amidst this gala of our sister States advancing to the ffbal of aj pcans ot mu-ntal improvement what is the condition of our beloved mother State? Nothing but her immortality could have kept her from the crave, with the won! n!i!iwdn if,; her appropriate inscription. Sickened J with re- iuwill l .!. .I'll' . i. '. jicu auoruota, jier cuiictren iook upon jher faded health with sorrow.' thoufrh not mii I The committee indulge the hope tha$ the God of her destiny is abbt to give to her an 'invigora ting caress, and send her forth amonrr hfer teeming with those great and useful schemes ,f enterprise which will mat- Wer mMi ritu joy of her children, and the wonder of those who i2ocef, That this meetixwr. 'dMinL'tf Uag with, their f feUow citizens throughout, the btate, upon some General Plan of rail road inter-? commanication, offer their beany concurrence; in' soch schemes- of internal improvement ' as may redound to, the general interest of, North Camli- loe meeting to mAA.2t , h ey concurred of improveingt interiims municauoo Uirooghont; tbeStiteby ;meansof rati roads, vet thev wihl . ii : ' j I wiai ma commtimtr while ., thev vers ideKirote m pnnioua5 impwyeraeats, Suggested j ia other ces, party divisions and srctional jealousies , and wiweas, nothing enectal; or worthy of the State can be accomplished without harmony of feeling and concert ofactjoni among her citizens, tnereioje, II tiesotted. 1 hat; whiH -each section of the otato should prosecute wth vigor such schemes 01 iLnteroai improvement is re likely to pmmole its; immediate interests. iet these olins thanU bejpuraqed as subsidiary "tt the greet policy of oiaie improvement:. 1. j, , t ttesolved. That the Dtkrates to the General Convention, and the members of the Legislature. i.J .LI :T I t . . ayqu uisiuiuie in uaieirn. ouffht not. to meet pledged to any specific rians of Improvement. out in a spirit or compromise and nnojssinn. snd . !. .i . r i .r- ot iioeral and enlightened batriotism each ready tolurrender his individual views toTpubl c opin ion,. imaaiK prepared -to Mgaruice partial interest Uicsotoed, 1 hat We look to the wisdom of the a system of Internal im provement, which shall be commensurate with the wants of the people and worthy the charac teifof the.Statet v I i ' . , pesfXvtd, Thit the rsources of the State! an folly adequate to soch an sndertaking, and an3 that the Legislature ught to pnivide at the coQimon. charge, the meafs of acciuiplishii-g the same, and of aSording el ecttial aid to' the enter prise of her citizens.! Qn motion cf A. Mac Rae. the Convention umjjui nru tv mcri oi. uuii a Ajuugc;, ni nail past 3 o'clock, P. M. wjieT refreshments were provided,' and a number of the citizens joined the festival, ; The Convention adjourned, to meet at the call,ofthechairJ , Itt compliance with l otice from the Chair, the Convention again assembled at the Presby terian Chiuxb, on the 2dtnst. at. half past S o'clock P. Ml Where": Delegates' frofn all the abbya named counties assfmhled, and being call ed to order, the following rcscluiions. were a dopted: ! ! ;j. Resolved, -That the thanks of tins' Conven tion be tendered to the members ef t he Presby terian Ctwrchl for politely tendering . their ball ding'far thn'tr use. f ' Retobitdj That he thanks of the Visitors and Delegates from the.adjoirfirig Counties, be pre sented to the Citizens and Delegates from Wil mirirrton, for their kind Ges4 attention; and i& erajity, which ha3 been fcfowii U them during their sojourn among jihem J ? ! j ; ' Resolved, That the thinks of this Conven tion be tendered to the Secretaries fori their Ser vices .t : y,) I j , ( . ' .; ' , . ' - Resolved That the thahks of thb Conven tion be tendered to fessrsl Potter arid Holmes, of Sraithville.an4 Cant. (I. Blanev. of "the U. S.lr . ..." Vt f' m .. - , -- '. ccuinstance she believed she should haye Ibeea Kuieo, lor she felt ;onviaced ' that Hhe object ef the defendant was to mqrdet he4Another ; cf 7 iuoxui servants also endeavored to defend her, when tfiedefendant 3 lookup one of the! Kail chairs and flung it at her.- She called "Mur derj" as loud as she could, and heriservarTt boy, who had i run for assistance, retted with a police-man, when twelve or fifen raM,n. who had been tired by the defendant, rushed in to tho hall, -j; . . , ' i i -x i Mr. Ally, counsel for derenaani, fter hearinjr this tale, asked j Lad y Weddeburn if shelhad hitherto prevailed ? wo' .e replied is the affirmative troin local preiudi-1 ' 1 hen' 1 aQ tostructed to say remarked I the . . ? aHornev-i-'-tnalJ in tho -tn engineers, tor ute nsoot tiieir, Steam Uoats, the excussioa' to Smith ville . and Oak lsl- on . Resolved, that the thanks of . this . Convention be tendered to the Chairman, for the able and impartial manner in iwhich he has presided over uciuxriauvMs.vi wis way, ana t ior uis pairioi icj yie ws of the great: work c Internal I iuiprovo- ment' i- i On the iriaairocus adoptioa of the- 5th Rcso- lunon, the .Obairman-rose and ! addressed the! meeting, and adjourned die. i the Convention, WJ (X L0IU, Seartoy 2d 183i. aiiatan Advertiser. WilmingtcniN; C. Nov f, I JrfrQmtkem From the Pmladbluhir Gazette.. Thoct accurate bistorUns and unpreiudiced vfriJexs, MrsTrdbpe, Itts; Ravr Fiddler, ai4 your oath, did j he awfuv-r wat4 in the statemedtyoit have iaaoe, yow iae nof Oiie tcord of truth On the part of the defendant, t was then proven, that he was the legal owner pf the honst, and that Lady WeddebtiM. ocbuDie;! it witbnnt a title of authority. That thaRevJclerman, in an attempt to take peaceabli- possksioa of his property, ; was violently aeskuited by Iady Weddeburn, and severely; beaten over the head, and shoulders, ; with an nmbrella iwhick she wieloed with great force lod skiiL , These facts wer clearly adduced,- by defenliaant s Wit nesses, one of whom deposed as follows Charles Hall, stated that he was a Clerk in the employment bf Mr Stevens, a broker; and on the day in question be went to Make a dis tress at the house in which lady Veddeourn resided. Witness and the defendant entered the street door nearly at the same moment, and he saw the defendant receivt a blow! from tha witness Ann Terry, Mi C. Phillips On nor strike her first? WitnessDecidedly not He d& not ose any vioience whatever; but in leas I than half -.4 .Ai. ' i I it . . a wwuuaiwr we gui m ne was attacKed by Ja dyWtddeburn and her two, servants. Lady Weddeburn; was herself vefy active' with the' urnbrIla, arid called iapon her? servants to mur der the ruffians. The defendant nad bo weapon in his hand, and merely raised his arms to detend y oiself from; the bbws aimed at him. . Do yoa mean deliberately to swear that all he did was to put his arms Dp to defend himself? n uiu uuuiiuj tuuio iuau uoicno Him self, j j' ". ' U ' 'J wl: On your oath, did yon see Lady Weddeburn strike a blow ? 1 cannot say that I did, but she mad use of abusive 'epitaphs.' b' ': And what were those abasive "epitaphs,"; as you call therji ?-4-She urged on her two naids to th? murdeiouitattack en tho . defendalnt. 1 Did yod Iiear net cry"M order ?" did." Wa that Iwhile she wis beitiag :tfie. defen dant with the. poker? I ijah't "say the was fighUng away as hard as she co'lld. - ; ; Cnforlmate Occurrence Yestefdkv afor&- noon, between eleven and twelve o'clock, during divine service in the Catholic chares, in Aon street, no prtonat -;ifteoo of. conftlsion tras created ha consequence of an alarm thalhe walls of the chapel; was falling; wUch previ4uslx been cratrktd by the digging of a fbdation for a new buUJinffby tljie Sid ofit, t eight feet deeper than the foundation of tho church, v i'he appearance of these eracxs,and the fact that the west side of the chapel; had settled full nine inches, proba bly occasined son e misgivings ' fa the. miuds of the congregation that the building was'not alto gether safa. j. The immediate cause of the alarm however; was the falling of the tronr cash tn the gallery, which instead ef eliding up arid down, as is nsaal by means of pullies worked eoa a pivot so as to he shoved out byj means of a stick; and when it f fell it rebounded severii times, making a terrible nose like the cracking of mor tar and frain-Work. A cry? iastandy arose torn several females" in the gallery that the 'church was falling, which was re-ccboed by a general shilk and a roahing for the ifovs. Qne only was open and not being sufliciently large to per mit - the pressore to pnss through; ' the- eonse - quence was, that a great "aumber of .females, children and old feeble men; were thrown down trarapl2 under foot, and severely injured A bout ten or twelve women in their freight jumped from the windojvs of the gallery : to thf ground, and it ta saul that two; had J their Jegt broken; ataij ere&tj the whole cf their (riaia atn wPU rKnown lor h frank and" frallaiie fnu!?Cle:- hnientsou6& m the attack of th Rih ri. : n eiL . oer on-tcat occasion, and dls o nsthe poinded 5 IS in.hV : ter?afS other wisaTbS. , hlltl v1 com Gen. , Jackson .V ; ItadljwnpwnMycOTrtcoasandhHm .5. ; support this asseraunbired leave tomenfJ,! cireamstance. He then f rticeeded msute, that ' onheday after tha ,atuck,i the JBitsh ' were permitted to bary their dcad. itV:. 1 tlmealhandredortwtyafdsin adyanc I ot Vf en, Jackson's eatrechments-U . within ; ! uoBOMiigMned by the -Americans thm. Selves. : AS Soon as lhia unJnU .1-... .. it performed. th$ BriUsh General wa-inml.i -f. ! receiving a flag, with the swotdsepauletts and ! watehes of the officers ho aJTal!n, 'and a U notfrom Gen Jackson, oduchal in ha , T courteoo8 lanfttaffev savintr !th i 2lllfitt'TVa cftlt mi.'-- 1p ; P ". -j ukowisi uu ui ouiRfit search wasjmakiog, and Kwhen f,uod it should be nt u-Tnf'sV4ysl Ltir oh--jectsof plunders-were rescued by Genu Jackson and thus handed orerwiti, a request . thn they migt be transmuted to therelauves of the traf-" lanbQcer3, tq whota they had lieloriged. . T. . rjiis anecdote, and the Jfrahk "and siildierfike style in which U wa given, turned tKe whole current of feelipfF in faref of Ik r.n) . , .i drew( forvh an expftiss.njjf 4ppJUCcf from all parMof the table. ?y&' yS formf nt, -I "felt a flush on my cheek, and thiill of prMe throes my bmai.4 Un my heart I ; u'au vW ' General fat provmg; bj tlu chivalrocs act, that tha'dyfenikrj of Ijqt cr.ua try , werej above4he sorid, (nelini of morcenary ' war- - 1 v lare.f Frcdaricksb'jirg vlrcnk. "V ' " , ETery y y acquainted with the.hisiory of the i iuperor xAroLEo roo ilcts the dreadful explosion of the iiifemal machine, which was placed in the street before his carriage Uo he was on his way to the Theatre; A !simiar attempt on human bfe, to which we have heretofore alluded ' was recently made in Rhode Island. The follow, i ng letter, addressed to the publaher of a Prbv: idence paper, explains the design and details of . this hefarious plot. The whole busmess as yet. is veiled in mistery: - v s r 1 4 ' ffatcrhjOci. l0iiflW5 . DeHt Sir-iSinee my rettirn home I have Cross Esq respectianr the Gov. ? Vilcox trunk. u They;went down and opened the trunk arid ray that it came to this place in the sloop J"clo Yorh ' ' Capt.J Robert Browni Jr. and was taken from on Iby Et jW. Babcocld who is graodsori . to Gov. Wilcox, and by liiml sent in" the mail : carraige to the Governor, wh4T with his wifei put the troak on the table, t They then 4 took' the ; letterj which was tastetfed on the top of the : traokfilected to'Goe. 'E4mar& 'iPUc&r, 'Chmti ? ton R, I. (wiTir ' cani; ako tiiis bidc cf,") sad opened it. The letter arks in subsiance t9 , -follows: . ' a i-vj -1- ;Z Dtkm GiAirnMotHira. have mrtsent opei the trunk aid keep it till leonie &o . ne wvemor umoCKbd the 'trunk, and his wife proceeded to throwback the cover, wheri lber . found it would not readily open, and. after on or too polls opon the cover, it opened enough for them to look in when they sa w the instramehts ciDe&ht "i;::;.Vii, - ',XJ- The; Governor, then, or sobnafter, CTrne ;to this vilfage and informed his ArraadAKi El V.Bab- eock 'bat his brtrther, Benjmm. Babcock; thfew. York, ! had sent him th trank is 'dvntvA. E. W. Babcock went hcKne with hun aud readily 'discovered tb3 letter to be a tM&ifTh waolo affair rnluiod a;.jcretrfUl within s lew days, when it was thought best to make a near attempt to opn the trank. - ' ; '. ' . Col,1 Bro7a says, he took the! troak u hitlei it into ;tiie tardea iiid opanid it sj as Xi ljk. ia; took a mir of sissors, an J cut the strings, attach ed to toe triggers of the jxslo, and opened l? says one of the strings was shorter than the oiher and was a weaker one; and ia the first attempt to pea it thty broke too of the atranccoriseqneatlr it stretched enough for them to looking before it began to mor the stronger one.' which If it hid not, it mast have destroyed the1 houso si all in it as the powder has been weighed and found to be 25 pou&ds. The ' pistols were budi loaded with balls. - V . -i - r These are all facts jhaf have came to mrknowl edge ;KI need not tell you that tha Vd written in nasu ... i i I i I- - -1 : Tpry respectfully, 's I remain vour ob't scrvt n n'rntTm.tvftittP' lo a late adverusement (or the bale ot real es tate, it was added in a postscript is ordtr to'en hance the. value of the .estate, y that tbcie is ro lawyef within fifteen miles cf the place. We tbwld like to lire there. .!"' . 1 F . -' ,4 j 5 - V I L i. 'At..' ;1 It It .t - f j i ! E i . s' "f.

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