I'.. iV . i- f . 4 .- Si-'. hi " r 3! i-'t 1 . 1 if n Ilk ! , ,1 i 1 . 'J it 1 if - i n . 9 .1 r- fl S 1 - t r t roa the calamity- pi ure srr1 r.l.'-.,;u Jo 'iif lesssomDUsuiHe cui. riTt,,S.itilKt insiJ i lite less comonsuoie 71 a mrt m jiPfWn.i- -ri.i-T 91..4jftli-tbnublvKS, Atil tiid V. fh!lb!!S!ia I f tkS irui iUtu WC their tamiif f51frrs b7SoJa3 the y -l-il.tElLISLJ m.-iTin about il&VlocsvisYP il-ti it' f'3 .PJure,i! : '; , .ilUi'Jl.J tftTWltftftri fl S ; ki, i-nk were caned ir?ra: -wr", ir irN-faiiister.'ta av 1 1 kitd IGi5M cf id :!"-tejlk4.tfold not !fmn3UtiWprptiw M thei bsck 1 ir.' riL.h.jnningun. wtic4iu .Mat l&pT hbp was cled'1 rWfW ICO-fl iiii ;-uw5UffV "MinS..:Lnn& Ca, 1 : : j ;Pet4nson Norfolk ;rff ho ta a. seme 4 hw fjJ f ". thBseTanaoofir had were pared, teen m : fl ;. t Ar;Ji me house-: 00 :tha.i)09le fiflevf B); ah inu3- ? txwus young1 nueeoaaw mjki r n" " i i!and materials, whale the taiier faved nothing. The fire next cauiht and !(iWwiH? iiousf omtowJ by the esiaieciflir. v- honied bv Simon! S, Stabfs j Esq;, as aa Attor- ! rtrv' Mfb hi.unrJ) U tied . e3srs. i.'Hodes. and Mr. jTibpias jman SaddJersjand h lisriifss Makers, i witn v,rf ,luUC!? 4"" '.J v.r ttA mods! of these Iren tleiiennwpre feav- jesji' their loBs'is'.aaifl to.;beposiraMe -tlere s the fury of ths Uames 1 was fuiectuni ;u.? ijiu liptf frame houses exieuding j hirt ;one fdoor IcViletUey's 3uildmj. Wnffy GfNewton Esq. iaod occupied by Mr. J- ARofff, iphaaHAUM Mf. . Cselin, Cablet mfkpf fandpir; Nl Brauclair, torberjShte fsHed o prevcia rbesbTea io! thf fir'f : While thls vm it destTbctin wjprTfcssing toithd Vestwat of Bousb's Lajli tb flaaes kere ticking rapid prioress to th Eastward j of j the 4hotisl3 which the lire 'brlke outy sweeping it the r Mian the whole rooL tntmi aweumgs and BUops owned bf M 4lv6 VEs. and Difr. !! Aridrews;bp larldfLaf e ind icjupi-. d by 51 r. Robert Gordon Pewreljor and Siver- j,!oMh; Mr. U- uuap.nan.an! -uy. viivsiuuiier hitman, Sdd.;rs aadiUf Mikr:;::-tfliza Wilhatu?, (col'd fWotJwtrer;;tl4rl F" J EmpncK, Cuppcr-sinitn ahlia f latef, MA C. JRrandi. Jewtllerllhe'tamiN lr, Rijllad up ' . T..lJ... I Xf'rfl ftarKpr i lit tht cofner of thehnendthetrj plral ViCfpnt. The t wn sturf frabae blbusapp n .t)i t $. W three iojal'erUeneuientsi vfried by D ct;An- dfilws. Werttakio destrovcdl !TJV!is of Itihe I khoTa tenants to Jibe iLasli Mliolsb5 litnV is' ,1 copsuletaNe, trot canovl MxapvtygaawriaHiw ai n, 1 During. the proeress.of the nre 1 the beatjwas i Ki intense. aa to aboidi too; ikibra a and windows itit ths ran to of new brick buildings '1 the North Vide of thef trtet,jseTElbfichlbeween jTal- . Ilofs Street and the FiraefsltSanc, toOK nee in if the dortnarj, c. irour ine.ijprecs of name wauEa lofer them from the burning ruins J on the other "side. but did not sustain muci jother Jamae thaL I ifthat Deinffdiafired;-BIiibn. 'I . ' 'j r urFiC( ounaay nignc, ociock- 3njthe reatVw tsj dwejlittaftrf te buil.diny4 .Ibdos of the m ;stbustibiejaia7ctBr wU ra- itttdlv drttruyea; in? aaines pommupicateq mence p , ;neyOmce;and by IrBf f anxas a Wrery I JaiiS crockery Store ;Ir. Wf , U TV wnei aweet-ta); roeI an! otleigotod. Theneaf doomed io destruKwIs the! r : ana V V 1 1 Awut two 'Uqura Since, wneu our. paoer was 't esrlyread j' fur Kress-aoitia!am-pXiire')ras I ' friyen, whicii proyed' to b iji'l PtsmauihJ it ' " ' 'A Wteout in ibiiier's shbj tf ' ffx Collins. f Co the dwelling- luuse, bf "Ii,C jjini- Iront.Jand f I ;thottce 'ur the dWUlic alldjistoiq 1jf Tapley I t'Webb,' Esq." and a fwiiiel housn idJwning-l-aH 1 of which were cogsuisea.. ?tHe squall'l fire jjroof L warehouse of -Mr. 1 yfcbrjaeffellifli bbposin a rrterblts cres a!yiim t ejent action of U: a Engine Chitties v Ports ! v.".. i- . - - ' . "1 ' l 'iti'lt . II- ! the fire fronv extaadlaa ta !jafiet-ilii street savct aui iniinepftiyi w ; properly, ed&toasre ia verier?atl 'fhe strpets areUtrewed i with goods aQd fiihriuie,: jhauciijjaf t be 14t I br t ieatlv, Injuredj Ve which iuust - nave oeiuier.um;.no: rooui iiur - iiruierparitc - r iv3, whichsliall be gtyea U morrow, 'i f il i , fife in PoWniAJ4ye Iwerej preten , Jted by; the ioemea Uweater jesteiday ' j' -vfrota paylrtg a UitW &fes?i;bf th coiiflaraiioa J la PortsaaWthaVdnedl p.Waw!, however seveial dtizen'ot jat pae?iste1rdai mpricg, I ' but did cPt learn fpiol;theniHy flrther parttcu- , ruu w iiw bai:ii oj ue.oauiagf susiainea. propertyj and their batdy eaterprialng labors were eli . and appreciaiiirby many vihoseiDTonertv t&Sf rescued from ti&Uurfa ij ceuieilt, ifC , The wwly cbhstWtdjp i ,.Kavy Yard, rendered 4liuipruatfstjrfces 1 5 while the! ftesoiutlKi Ki0'.fknaay vffcru 1 I inoutbV tinder 4bbeffoi Clpt.-UOrice, i 1 cave a fine simulejbf w fit jolat 'to ejected bf good orjni2atto4'anil :dUlelgu,aeTlu leople' f; tf, POTtsmbutUUpeikn :titp temsoj(hli- , ckid USCRlpil l)ry Gnods t it rcswence. f It.ii.t sv,-; .1 rii Pcrtsniouths there ia toQmoch reason to rnrdrittM late' Confcntlona af the actut soma vieincendiaryaa ootitujuo beukeot 41 is, ifta oay in ; vu wu5e .wvAu nJSCtuet ont lV . t: i. .fc- iJ..:L'l :..ii:i,fiii ' . i. h . I Hated.'. We caa hut JbUWth inbred villainy I that in sorh' anhwUi of aiilcaoncuuld tjefredato I cn ueirxwsoi we uqioiiuuaie sucerera. iueces- oSion andcoucern btthe weUira bJ: iWltow- ' -ctti2ensia Umebfdaorafdiah f i j i-' - lachaent of arUadCTs cjd of 22 Md- i t :; sbjpmen;.ti:Tendcr an . asjiiiiaoca intheir J bw ' . " cjfJ They Wereilbsiruuientl f . i PWpef ty, and their Kaydy eltlerorisW labors were x ; u wonana tuaaMuiaesjot lHea f l-'from Nori&kaitd.gCrtW'ibbj -Metive.-cttabcs - rrl ibaiihlide,wKb1olli , f Inour.haatyV.ujipIrd i; he inferred tbC-t&aotts3etdifltniot-.ri Jpfthatlowhieh tbfiribemiitldiwas :occun Mr. tdih'ktatialyJi Va.shbuldrhae adrfessti aqd.Jenkiu as a -btutei abd by ilji JeoMns aa V laridi The most eierrirj punr?nment .shcWKatteod t.JedeiectUKi offsueli miscreants. ; ijt 'f i--: raangn, Iier.and iff M Witti Hns Nlefnever & Broil n. r!;tni vii fremenis 'far their fnndly visiiera tod "others, are ; much; spoken 4 cf. Deacon, Jcv.- 1 r ; j 4 WORTH READING; 4. i V5k the altentf the foUowinTrmarkibr ajarchiUra'aV8lati';fot 'dlaa ofNetotfe; btit.aj tbe;almnM matm : i-s i.t. V.it mrnmpnri tbMi?&rparamonrt irtancj. nken oferervae apd rtaato.-U, S. j i fo" it ftfWitWpr mind nor niorals, ejaca- 41 orraannlMwltat elwtions, may to mm J nd relfhafffi' as .the regard of his erti H HeSrini)t ffnssly, repi-eslvrado- ly and-holdait Jaipiifpntlr.M: f111 ofrlC, r;r &, rftfiniijwhoad reason tpbaast of hae rtuWaiertte'iwif' 1- h'mtelfl upon Ittflj po tica! prinlliln ovto i a!ferri ii4vdeRT)ieta catch thecrdmbs t.u ir.i4itii!'l mUcr he who is tirM at L hcinff in whatl. datfw an hrttfifable , rawori vaajiry the,!im? cf his rp- niftiits WMVhtin$any faiti in their ho:ity i wortny th dlspicabld1 Cite that - awaits hi n. that of bdncaitonijbn ihp first; reTolutiori an l tttrnofthej rwl&caiawhpel. VeJQftet many at Tammatiy; aii this "day; f men- who tvere leaders in the b federal ranks raya whom we hare mt as'pirtmcaiiioppoijrTMs ai. ' 1 - . , . aTnrl .IIJiriTinrT 1 fl t. Safh conyerts decrsve theai Selrw and t depute he country. They have bjeea vary, kbnsfntttndef the present aJnjmis Jiratioo, anii bayH put old rrpoblicans awde1 and bate strppsd tati offi3 af pr.fit but;wbat is iho rn1t?i Tfi troa men have ueojme disaf- (iHJtpd, and Uke thi' field (or 1 refirni; and -the next admintltW i?in.make ;a sweep ofevery invert Wbdlai boibrae w.for the sake orof- fice. i irjm ' . ;t ' V' !" The subject of jointmy one side or poinpver to another Without reference to principle. ia suffideniiyytellanchply; but there . is as evil which now is spreading - far and wido over , the country; and Msve ttie most injntioas conse quences to the real independence of our citjzens Lwe alluder tbfttbeast hrnnber tf applicants for office.; Thola' .W$ haTO;; minagedjto seixe the reins of power ere unwearied in thir exer tions to raike converts, by holding forth induce ments for trienJ joi their party, and as soon as they are cnained to their cars al hope of liberty and indepAnderwd is lost. ', If rain is unfortun ate in buVihess.f Instead of throwing himself on his own resources and by renewed industry and energy rffgainirisr his lost groundsels! advised so ask for ph office, and you see him - a euppli rarit at the inoii of some influential person, or, iangeron at ward hotels, an 'ajtfve- partisan at the pijisj pf V ideclaamer ! at . tsnblic ; njeftuns. Jiould he bo so; nnfortnnate as to succeed he bots on lirerv and becomes tbef vassal of some i ambitious lendr 6r the ;homb!e ! follower of some Il:. J U tf . ' 1 1- i ; L Stronff or innueauai 1 person, ne is in f-os.iani. ietror of losing h:isof3ce by th treachery of his own friends boshould he stxcceed'ln- holding it for a few yearsso?na change takes place in the administration, tnd he h i turned out, poor ajftl and befpless; thy . talent, ability? and -industry necessary for cpmfort and competence, Ke has exchanged for a public station which? ; parses fromhirfi pf'ibaly some, unworthy object. ft is better to open hyeters, and to whefl a barrow, and earn a! half 'leaf ef iread by honest 1 lab-jr. -than to bereituied in the miserable nneertamty f holding jan oflSce. f He must play false to get it, and surrender 1 msnly independence to , retai u it. ,- v I s r. '- -f' I The result of thisrmistaken zeal and anxiety for offiwt has produced "an army of incumbents and expectants, and his army is Amoved by the will of one rr twb persons, the deposites of pow r and this ralinj? the country by the potronage of the people jor by an abuse of its pstronae will, before lon produce a revolution in political affairs vt It ich will be sadly oyerihelminj when it overtake its victims." ' "1 ' t ! APPALUNO PICTURE. The fultowinj letter from - New Orleans; nb lishcd. ia thflCNortberfi papers, furnishes a gloomy account of the w4y is which thing) are managed in that city:: ?k" T ' 5 wT?bb taken fsicknn New Orleans - is, "I m say to die i Yourchancff of escape is one to fi .J and in that situs' i,n I place myself. The diffi culty of jjettin a ;giod nurse renders the sick mail's situation truly 'horrible ( confined, as is fre ouendy'tha case; ia'sall close roou a calomel Doctor calling everyihour or so,- Sod orderinaf you at each visit thirty or forty ?rains-fever racing i reason itself gooes 4here you liejvith fifty leecnes on vourempies. aione aouar apiece: a black cMnaa wfijrf looking.' nurse 1 grinning at your bedside, and wishing you' out of the world, (though, getting tin tfoUan a day! 1) so that she may 'steal what little- money you, have and clear out. In the' Dom- next to thatin which ' I lay a young maa wbd had been hied, in the morning during a paroxysm cf fever tore oT i the bandage and wim tne blood snoutaicr from his arm, a armed the nutse, and who ran down stairs for help. .Rre she returned he.fainted;' on the next day e died.? A. short time previuo to his Jeath heard Jiini prayings nay:. fifgEnsribr a. glass of water; bui as he Was swelled . with c&lorhei. and water was prohibited, he died without it ! . 4 Oft the- Pbyslciatis of f Xe w ' O'rleans ftake mem geneiaureacn one nas a ninereai . moie of practice -v e nave the Tcaroa , Dict6rs Steam Tkxtprs, tbe Calomtl and th6 JViii- Calonid Doctors; 'ahd among them, 'somehow or another, Ready all die.' flhw is a lam en table, fact too well known, here! to v create any. surprise by its announcement. ;I have had- some little op dot - tuutties of seeing 6omeiliing of their mode of ad ministering medicine, and added : to at callous sense of humanity, they seem more like demons nuu? roiaiotenug- wigeis. -uamiag inus WUU death and the poptors, the poor j suffering pa tifnt at last yieldk- pp his spirit , without a sigh. Then comes the 'Court of Probates to settle up his affairs.. 1 1 can better illustrate thislnefafictis in- sututionj founded upoaconupt prtncaples, by a cir- cumsiancB wuicn leu unaer rav own noxice. . A l " v ' j i .iLi1 ey he had (300; was In Bank the bills of ex- weat W Hank the Cashier sent her to the Wrt:.laTts;.lothttYt-' of "the busmeis I attended Wjslffirst to employ i' lawyer! then ke:;Our leuejs of; AoinUtratioh;, after the TTneri the apxintrnent of a" lanrer ii. 4nrwnt aUenfhtvrt, when ihey) Were tuldfW were. wurc '.iiiu, lea. r-as to . be jxaid. ;-t rhen ta payjwo;; appraisers uf the1 furniture. t;Tben to payane noiary, lf uktng the inTpatyry, -.Then" the llegutet . olUce and last, lhoogb not least tue uoutj oi :ii.-tatca. itself!,.' MrJSdiuir.i Will not enumerate the eostvuur! tianiA iht sum the Widow, had to paj, to getihe $500, cut ;ilf inui mcreiri tjid.it left her H.'siiittm You ask la thisthe way ,we do basincs here?; .1 that place, dnder th? nam f Jackson men , not beinr willing lotidcp the distinctive appellation that N: libngwarth, Ksq.lis entitled to the: premiura,: f loA rich! hc;ht yiie.inadjTrom;ine4latawb grape evaJdr4 ja jleliu township Wj4chw& prpri6ancpfl 4 Superior to two samples oi wine exiiuitea in corn peti ti)!nf aicertaiiwl 'af tf nrds toi.be Hhriislinvin jbf high repu tation, the Joharinesbefe ehheimef J irnprtrted;bytBbker, Nqw. ; York. 1 A sample bf i Red wine, from a nauve;gMie, was al so producpd by Alrf Longworth, which, in 'the bpniion of thel Judges wants no'hingk.hut'agc to place it in fair . comparison with Tmany of the well known wmes of ISurope. Dajtiel Gano, iliithan btonc, V. GJ Marshal, I J. S trader, D. Horn, I). K. Este, ' ; Th. D. Corneal, i J. Si rra4troiig Wi H Ultrrisonl R. B'ichanau. ?tf B. , jrhe bottler of wine were all of the same size and sh i pe, and .tiiet,J ud'.werfe ' nbt aprisefif dll after the decision was malic, which battle contained the idomeitic wines. EiiiTdu. VVe cdpjt the aboV;e acriiunt of the cmnau, priio, J:j j JVlr . ijngwortn, riclily nikti1the! :;reinittm; award-; c d him,t independently of the ex cellence of the wines exhibited on this occasion. For more: than a doz en 'years he! has devoted his timeand money, most liberally, Jo experi ments withjthe vine, for! the( pur pose of deciding jf-tHe long snooted 'Ai-I 4'!!r:T.l ; I. . qtijestiony! jvhether, the spii and cli mate of this; country I will roduce the grape in j such gtiantitiefi ami on such a qUalityi fiasco efiatde us to manuiacture gooafs wiq:s nt&e experiments' have been "nia le, and aH still ! continued fby. Mr- sLong- worwu.inrf regard to i the native as well as I oreijrn wines, and upon the best modei of manufactiiring wine. As an evidence of the extent and success 6 his effort, it may be sta ted that from one ot hisfniue or ten) vineyards- em!racing abbut tour a cres of grnbnd, a fep tulles below this city, he hnrs, tfuri ig the pres- ent vintstGrci maniiiacturec nearsev-l en v barrels of wine. f.his is prin cipally from the Cja vlaa native)j g ape, anil the tjlityfof the wine corresponds With (Mat exhibited atj tne late rair, lor wnicn tne prerai urn was awarded; Wb take the more pleasure in statink this fact. at his vin ty Agricultural Hociiety 1 published in tiie Farmer, & Mechanicrof Cin- il the hope, that It isORexalcil-li0 the preamble of the minutes, of the- proce , . . r . 'i J if . ! .1 mi's .bf yesterday, it is thereon stated, that the d to arrest attention, and direct! h.1U8e of reorpsentatives had met. a?reeab!v to nom lated tne enterprising agriculturists oi int? West to a ;new and profitable spe-f cies of domestic industry. So (arj t as we have been enabled to patherj the results of -MrVpLongworthfs, ex j periencc j they may , be briefly sum med up as follows:! : 1. That the grape may be . suc cessfully cultivated in the v Aliami country: : . fl . " ; 2. That the native thrives ;etter and produces . better wine, than the fbrngn grape. ';: "-' 3. That,Kamong.he native grapes the Catawba has the preference as. a wine fi rape. J:f ' 1 1 fili'-' ' r; 4. That the rearing of the yine, and the matiufactiire otwine in this section of country,1 may;be inade pro- fiuble?;iiii mii.ll . .I Ml ! - 5. That by the -use of j sugar andi aiconoi, itwo mgreaienis wiucn eii- ter more or less jinto nearly all the foreicn wine brought to this coun Liyf, niun :.viAy;'.uv uau W,V) not infehor to theUmpprtedj f ; ! Thie ihllujcoil GermfpiTatip toi this, Stated wrthut he last fewi years nasi given ut a cuss oi peopii whose habits; kiy experience quali ly theror.tneCUitureoitue Thev are Mrieilyipporjdiid unin formed as to the practicability o rcannc uie grape in una cummy Would f Opt tour f indigenous farmer consult theiritoWril lilteixHnd' a tne same time copieri;a greai layo lipdd thafofeigillrs by 'embarkiriii in their!: culturellof tfeiCTane?! Mosi undoubted jffifiyiouliii-Thcipib-He areilalrwdyff ihdebtettlitQ Ulc Longorth for the zeal. and tmry cv. wita wnicn lor a series oiycar hei has IJpursue his J sutjjlect; ka mayyet;i pejriprra j cniiimqre tacj eeptobjeserjrje; his' attention! 'Mix is Ic mbbdy iri a plain andipcrspicious i manner, s ! j.JHn I l.-i li V iof.the- I winch .should embrace the irestilt of ins uuuierous experiments, aim ircat ottne proper soil, climate,; xpos ure method 6t ctiltiirethe kind of grapestlieli rrae3ocal ti e? j and l finally the methoil o)f man jufacturing the various kinds of wine and! the kiridjof grapes from j which each is' made We believe j that a pamphlcl of this kin d, from the pen of Mr, Longworth, would bej worth more than all that has yet ben said &, published in the United States up on tfye subject of the vine and the production of wines. i M We have a not tier suggestion to make, which is, that thejmembers of our Legislature, at the j next es sion, might "do the State some ser vice'' by turning their attention to this subjeer. Next tot that of mak ing a President and boasting them selves into office, we would olacc, th i fostering of those interests. which minister to the independence wealth 'end comfort, of the people at large, - Among these may be safely named he cultivation of the vine. Suppose at the coining session, the Governor should be authorised to select some competent citizen of , to prepare a manual for the rearing of the grape and the mak ing of wine; and that it should be printed and circulatea throughout the State, at its expense.; We put it to the common sense! of every man, whether this would not confer ; mop lasting benefits upon! the peo ple man u our worthy legislators were to expend as they most prob ably will the same time and money which this wo dd, require in deci ding, whether the Great Magician, Major Jack Downing, &dj&c. shall be the next oecu pant of the "White House" at Washington. Since writing the above, we have learned another fact,' striking ly illustrative of the richness and a- oundance of the vintage in this re S coin. Last year, Mr. L brie: worth selected in his principal Vineyard four miles below this cityi the one fourteenth part af an acre, from which he manufactured 105 gallons of wine;' H CitieinMi CJiron. . : ii ; ' I - ? : j ; 1 August, November, ttlh, 1833 The annul message of the Governor was trans tnittcd today to hth branches cf jt he General A-semMynJ read. 1 snd it to. tu by njail. X' thing wa done in either hous?, i but receive in a- few Hbtices for the appointment of cominit- j tees, to prepare and leport bills un local mature. In the house of representatives, however, an incident happened which tested thai complexion of that body as regards nullification; fit u his: on the 4th November, in thiyear of our L rd 1833, an i in the 57th enrof theindepen-1 ujeneo ana jsnperigncioi me uniwa oiaies. mr. Cooper, a tnember from the county jof Putnam, who is renrf fated as a nullifier of the Calhoun schtxi.!, moved to strike out the wod sovreignty His reasons, in support of his motion, were only Ija reception of what the nuilifiors of South i Carolina had frequently advanced, respecting ihe sovereignty ot the states lie insisted mat tne peope were1 sovereign which nobody ever denied, & that the federal government was not sovereign which' nobody ever believed aid maintained. Tn in geu ileman either deceives himseifor wished to deceived others, with regard to the term sovereignity as applied to the United States. Ihe sovereignity ot the united States means nothing more nor less than tbe soiereigoity of the people of twenty four Slates, united togeth er oy common consent tor certain objects, uui this gentleman, with other numbers, in order to v4l their ulterior views, have recourse to the quibbling about word, which has placed South uaroiiDi m an uncnviajie suuaumi. n wuuiu seem by this moveinentthat the nullifiers intend to take a oom stand .tor tneir oocinne ana wr Mr. Calhonn. and to consider -as opponents all the who do not h with them in their policy, Winch lam sorry to find, is the dissolution of the Ur.ion,aiid the formation of a southern confedera cy.! pi Indeed this pjHcy hvglnsto be openly a vowtfd; The motion of lr. Copper 'was opposed, by merely statintr thai it had been customary to designate, with the time at which the legislature Qre treatise rllic c;tivation met, the chnst.an era. and ihe era when tne ty Schuylkill Hail: Roads, which I am inform thirteen original stsw s declared themselves iree ed work equally! well. Hie proprietors of this and independent of the crown cf England, and road consider Ulas part of the great line of com- sovereign, as England and other powers were. And I must here observe, that Mr. 'Cooper Wish- dito go fait her than even the; JNulhflcauon Convention ot South L-arolina; which, in their ordinances of nullillcajion, dated them with the day ci the month, the year of the .christian era,' ana :tne era ot ne inaepenoence ana nverexgnuy of jibef Ui States at which thoe ordinances were adopted. , The motion-oQAlrJ Cooper was lost 67 vo4mgrfbr :riking out'and107 againsu lie .fhen mide a moUou to add, alter the word sotcrtignitu, or the United MattM. the word ''tespeeUvclyS1 which could not jphange in the esi tne meaning oi.ine expression -t Ktoepeo dence and; sovereignity of the U. States' be cause oy me unweu oiaies, u isciear wiai me independence and sovereigoitylof the butes wni left are' understood. This motion was also lost by 73 voung far- :tj and 91 against iti So tbe ua iwraoeQ, ; ; ; 4 . . lAArthimpsmra of tha Goreraor'iraii read the members of the Senate repaired to tne Rep- rratintauve chamber, and both: branches onited proccded to open the return, and count , the vtea ffiven at thVtate election for Governor of the! Stkte; I It appears that AVilsoa Lumpkin r&ftivui 31-591 votes, and Joel ! Crawford 23. lrfi TOtei. inskina lanritv' ir LnmpKin eeably lothe returns, 'fruja all ihe eoauties 4,450 but oy excluding the i returns ox, oa t iser : iJvU, JJaker, ; lxmrnd.es and, lanon, waica wcrettot aammeay w vetm assea tlyf 03 ainti the-,nfIrail4tT oC their trans nxilsiai, the mljority s 0Dlyj2T6 volcs, ' Nicw IMotJis ot l?iani2fs4Scvjeral years ngoa farmer o Scotland, kept a gander who not cwly had a great trick'ol wandering himself but ali deUted,to!dd;iorih UiS gnesa to play! thn tru ant and stray alnoiigthe forbidden i fields. Wish ig to check this vagrant habit, the farmer one sUy te?2?dt,.Ojj gander, just as he wajt about; to spring nto tbe water, and tying a brge fi-thhook to h leg, ta Which 'was fixed pait.f a doad frtjr lv safferi.'d hiii ia proceed ,upoti his voyage of -discery. V s T - -,;. s " ' ;1 As had ben speried.iUs tit soon ctfnght the wyff9reed)i fishwhich swallow ing ihe-dea l. y h)ok, not My - arrested the - progress X the astouislie.1 .gimier,;:but jtircett'him'pt'hVni half a dozen syiuersets on tlo surface bf the wa ter! ' A V ' '--h :'.t:'0'J?'.'i 1 Fr.r sometime the struggle was most amusing the fish pulling, and the gandw screauiingjwith all his might f the one attempting tswlai away and the other ty. fly-r-tha gander at one moment bein ducked lundet t ha 'water, and at nothing castfng a ruefj glance at his srw white com pa' ny of geeso and gosUngsv w!w eracklfd but thoir sympathy for their atltct.Hl cap'a.n. At length the gander proVed virtorirj3, aud Uraricg away to the nearest shores lan Jtvl t n the smooth gren grass oaeofthofinoit fish ever caught in r-?sh va- ter.This ad feu t ure is said it have cured tho gan ger fof his vagrant propensities, and he alter. warBs rarely ventured Iro-u his own puddle. Jf ew .AFFLtCAfiow of. Stsam. Wo have already mentioned thoinvent'oa, by Mr. Murfree of JCashville ota onw mode of applying the poiv er of steam directly to the periphery of a wheel, and thus dUpedsmg with the cumbrous; expen sive and bulky; apparatos required, upon the old plan, bet v een the generator and tho machinery mteuded to be operated upon. This intrention. however, deserves a more extended and elabor ate tjotica. It has only been tried upon a small scale, but as it "has, in that fTra- succevded be yond expectatisi, and as the principle mast be the same in large engines, there is noreaSxin to doubt its entire succs in its pTacticil application to th business of life.? We hare examined the' model of ajsaw-dill, and seen it in operation, by raeabs of this new ebbtrivence. The driinr wheel is farmed as usual with, arms or spokes inserted in j an jus ui iiuoi aou supporting .me penpoery or riraup.m one edge or side 'of which are placed a number of buckets, proportioned to the size bi the wheel, and to the column of steaai intended to be applied. iOne or moie pipes procxling fron) the generator, conduct iho steam to these buckets, and throw it upon them at an agle of 45; so that it teeape3 cootinually after produce ing it3 efict, Without any re-action to retard the motion it has crsated. The application may be made so as to drive the wheel in any direction, vertically, horizontally, or at an inclination;' The wheel iri the model we have seen is t wo feet in diametef. The saw-mill driven by it is constructed upon Orerraau's plan; the generator is 36 inches lmand 15 inTdiaraeter, furnishing a ct)iu un f ste,am three & one-third sixteenths of an inch square, under a pressure of fifteen pounds The saw of this little machine cuts about twenty -seven square inches a minute and it is the opinioq of ibo inventor, that the same generator is capable of furnishing a power suffi cient to cat regu larly forty eight square inches a minute. j , From the experiments already nnde, it is believed that the generator now used may fur nish upon this plan one and a half horse power. . The wheel, When we saw it in motion, made about? 560 revolutions a rainu.e, giving to the periphery a vofocity of 3360 teet. The saw made about 2S0 and the supply pump 240 strokes a minute, the axis of each being-about 9 inches hi diameter, soj that the momentum of the ma chin may be esimtnd at about 4000 superficial fret a minute. The great advantage of this in vention is the direct application of the power to thejwheel, without tbe necessary intervention of any bulky machinery. So far as we can judge fro a the experiments made this importent objtjot is filly attained 4-J XuhviUe Banner AVe have received the last number of ths "Me chahics vVagizihe and Register of inventions & improvements," published by Mr.D. L. Minor cf New York, ani take great pleasure in recoil mending it to the notice arid patronage of the pub lic! It is one ofl the most valuable aud interest ing periodicals fithi which we are acquainted. and may reaa- wun equal pleasure anu ad vantage by the man ot science, and Ihe practical mechanic VYes give the following extract from au article on the subjects of "ilail Roads and ioebmottve Engines," the author of which, we are iiifarmed, has lately, visited several of tbe most important Ut ail Roads in the coumry with the view of coilecting the- most accurate infbr mation on that Subject, loose interested in the success of our work, will feel gratified at the tes timony here offered as to its advantages. I ireiersourg j. xmes. 'The last object of ray tour was the. Petersburg and Roanoke Rail Road, in Virginia. This Roau is -:now completed from retersburg to the Roan oke, a distance; bf 60 miles. The grade of the road, with' the exception of two or three planes, with an ascent Of 27 or 80 feet per mile, it very favorable to the use of the locomotive engine; .nrt their suecess witn tft is kind ot novver success with- this kind of novver has rnot Hieu nrpassed in this country. They have tnrea engines upon the road, a part ot which i w.i wp&n wwk oDwards of nine men ths. and made their trips with as much regularity as could be expected from horse power. ' One of those, 'the liverpool, is probably lor her weight the! most effecUf e engine of the country. This, and one of the other engines . on this road, wejre constructed by M. Hurry,' cf Liverpool, 1 vvhe has also furnished two engines for one of m jnication with:the Charleston Rail Road, by Vimilar works tlirough North Carolina. , fThe oDenind ofithe Charleston ItallRiad 1 tol Aumisii which is advertised for the first of I October next, in connexion with tbe two line of gttnboats now 'being established between New York and Charleston, and between NoUolk and Lhafeitv. will. IwiUithe exceotion of the short diltancerom Abgustajto Montgomery, complete ti, facilities ofth great line of . communicaUon fidai bustoa tol New Oi leans, and I venture to predict, that befpre tbe expiration throe years, j mail will le transported from this city to i W Orleans in the short space of eight or nine jg, & that to lyoid the rigors of aorthera winter i anp to the stnnyi rejnoas otthe south will - become asscommon as the visits from that quarter to the north are in the summer." I f3ut the most gratifying part of the details- I sad that which, as an American citizen, and J niearef this kreaf reuoblicJ inosv flatters my Vanity is the iroad recollectioii that the. whole I of this trip,ocS the city of New York to Saratu.. I g frni " Saratjjgato theiuteriotW Virgiriiay I near the North; t-arolina line, and, thence ?agai 1 td this ty; making the distance ' travelled; more 1 than 150U miles.' was performed bv raU'ruail and a - 1 the e'.nduf stamboaiV which ly on the tmble of j waters ol the ;IudsxMi Delaware, Chesapeake i -uay.aoa james xuver wuaoui any latigue I saennce, ol perscoal caatwrt, iq the short space - va yux ivs, iciuam? oeatioa ex . noaia or lypr oays, at the j difler y roaSmg; the trarelUs? Urh1.imt; whole dmtahce. f; Xtalry Rlitor I W m m U m arm w v lllfTI mm mi i W j-a rn the;rapid ,rTOessKe5 wnmuaicationwhichan. :JK!te'tl from ncwrth southi ahd frobSi?1 ine the great srenoes of iniert mrt: orour extended fcohfrteraS- v like strengthen the . bonds of on5l D4,rh and give an additional gMfi ntf LJW ! and ; muaancy of our governniu onar' houis in our Cit'y last wtoA K bamaf with instrustions from ivl rMi eminent of the .... iamE iu inecoiitro, atteniptW remove-the lif!;ah reepr've. ilary and civj! authority .JSu fjre lrs arriral able! t odjust the matter ti, ,i Iwth parues.; Tho . object of the erumeni ne inlurmett us. waa ti puanco wiiu the requisition of ther'H ties of the Stiw, h tho arrest & d1 demanded by them, for the murder ana lo endeavor to Droeurei ik' "VY UniMStates-Court? FaCTmJSJ of thenublio mind and thl j isting ia Alaoama.anstillnV I ly tbbe feared that taessFsSlite! ment is effected, they wUl ailr W less alike of justice or huminiSJi The la&t Richmond Enquier coitivK of the wtracticitoJ.emi wise an extract of the intVmMr which we lay before bur m&m. Extract f a letter teMcfor jMxi tpsk. dated October, 29JS;!i833. Sir Vour letter of the U 1st instaRtf U General Uacomb has been) iaui lf. in answer, I have to inform yau thit interposa no obstacle to thel i'rvire cessr upoa anv officer or boHIm- d.l. ft rnand, whether issuing from jbe CoaiJg otae of Alabama brot: the Uoited SuSs :q the ooatrary, you will give all aepessirf hci to the execution bf such process.: i liij "It is n:t tbe intention of. the Presiy,l anyj part of the military iorc of tad States should be brought iqto collisioo ii1 civil authority. In all questions ofiai&bi it iSjthe duty of the former to saDmtttoM ter, and no considerations" :must IntejrteWi IT" therefore, an officer of ihe;Stife I u. otatos come with f . r - i joutielt; or sy ofHcer or soldier bTyourta you will freely j admit him within yeuf allow htm to execute his writ ondnjturbeit! 1 Extract p a Letter frothihe IVat, to Francis S Keyt $q OckSltl " Vou have seen" by 4he ! letter Mittm ajor cln'tosh, it is thelldetembiMii Goverment to preserve theiproper tacffi' of the civil authority. The: rniliUry fera 'H ploypd by virtue of an act of Ccwigfeatf j't cific; object a the ?exectxtioti '4 'Mil follow the-directions of the JUarshallinjili will ibe governed by your id vice1, ia itmM: relating to the execution of their! duty V legal Iprocessj Whether from t the Ciirtuffi United brates. or from tbe State of Alaiaal ouuum iu I o without resisunce and wiuwi nation The supremacy of the erii military ambdrityls obeof hefetdrli our fnstitiitions, aod one of the $ulnr&& Conptitutioa f The President ja4w 6oiicitioUit thai no act should be doE?, r& this great principle. But ;-nJ thifA, 1 the UlawhaUand the Airttaiy furct i k fended against ' vexauous ryceetnef id t will, therefore, without delay; iajeverjf imx where these are instituted agalNt" tV. j Htv r i M J tic AM RidirHr Old Jmrbr IJMiriv iflfajsfc! Lbrds of the Creation", have &4diea i -.-r lmma kfcl!or i . r - j. m i- - deserved ex received the smiles df anectw the fair, delJykt in recauatiijrsuehc 4n as the following, wiach we nna ioa f.rfton inat nnSliafiArntlttedtlhS ';15 GenUeman;' TLowrfi Jomi. y , "A mn MIA- a xtfMtr Wile -SWklk ID tJbejealousof- a friend no cajuseds mean to "ten ner.io sYuianw rv' fAttr.A hut hvl md lock asked tMW ariothpr aniiihlfl tnan knew bttter-1 do that wmr ta male her thinrefaX'f did before voman. do any lAW? j .7.. - J " . . V. . ,.IJ!iT4 her tell her Iw sure not to nde up 'Pi great savage' wacu oog, wDuepu see what'Jl lianceo. I '" T - , U" ;:Hasband took'friends advict-fraFfn orders not to ride' .doi -wife promised never rcampt of sacb a this1?p of dog, tdo-don ha thought tfndio w if had'nt been! told not Uusbairt mm look at Towler directly-gave ton frendly by - degrees-scratched (us Tw his back lost all ieargoffll 'Mra turn ble scratchedf her "face no ,j him said sha rancied dog ndm been something very pleasant, er ts?1 been denied to tier!'V;!. . : 1 recently, unuer tne j ep"1"! -" Walker A5pERSOW,! in iuc "T. on the Mine nnncioles.' under u 1 if the onKjrihr- 1 , x r , V aI.W 0tj .v.. w t m 9k Drawing will be given :by f 83S J ience and well-quallified TFft liaveformly had charge of ;tW M The Sessional otomehce euq. f r rf pf January, 1334. ; . -SAMUEL. JBml Octolcrl37-5mlS i.g The following jPf.i? Caregoing ajpsertionitui Marclu ; anti torwara; v-r j Hi 'Co J". :4 tfte : Raleioh Star. ReopIe. -5' Uon,) ObWrver (Faytev J fax.) , . i- or n in in t. . r J ' , r 'rv r',! 1 Ti 3 mi J it? lit e r - Til lad 1. i fn - i V...P rjtr Hit A A'. .C5D 1 Si.1 :osc "iril' raa ocf - .1 aatr. fW J t! 4 i ut i : i j itiuy P Mwi. ftrr- 3wejrvi K' i . '-S' u a plain auutperspiciouSi; waanert ; 1 1; i a:.i i ..j- l . -1 t - -;r. fw .J-,---- iu ii? - tit . . ' i Hi r;.,i ; ; i . -i i-j'T. -Ht -. I jr-r t , 'I i ! 1- "V ' H" s. . - - i