cY-'iUrA1'- i ' Itjf ----- i tf I k lr laws? ovr all; t?te territory, aaa its is uini. Sftlf. L One fif lha rrirtcf Wprminft TehnkerS iW m-ntj. . 1 rem -that time, until hte death, he Hitr.rssc-d a'-md vork uk, hVsii.i; fcj.tbc nr.:; ra upriblne.V.'tlneeriiy, ieiyof hU : J tante2 whether whit or red.withtn s Jier limits,- riis Racin? TTSTil! he sold nn a credit t mntty daV.4 ihlt ana sa M3 listr.e, he jiad acrii tnatn ..T.-iJ ' t '' : m J. . , phaat vjrp?f .fcfa Briad,inS,siisitj,.c w VrJoil,e'a ,.th !wdaj in. this nwij - - Mr - 'Wmu r Mini wm m v'cuiurr, nr me furpeset mentioned in ser eral Ceeda cf -Ttnst to tnf.- executed; by .Thomas :-A .icZS-"! ! "...1 -rl-' "t 8im us KUduiuwu r.f.. ----,.T, , -. , , ; it v ij trim mrrr:niPi !n71-.-TauUJV.iu - illfiiiyreme aifthority, exercising ;dl! ihrano-'. that. thBfpmpn .'had ,the riarhtlnlThe So-uhts! WinmifdVjriiosUi,e onb tiwwW wnmtt: it is vrith shame and qaestwo.;$ Lt thb fi&J f -Stefe intmi? I Th Wood of Edipse the WiCi frCbir!i; p&t&tUfr atfainri foreign foe, have issued mand- noack of eales fi itaIicaQ tb nw4 feroriiea; Thw iuf twemiAtbwii a a -lyri-t i. 1833 ; or thinthdes if a heated marmat!6ni! tlmvare .i.- i , 1 A:.lI liiiUJ ?u-.? www.m f. M.yu.. i vt r I f r.-4 . tSl 1 feiiuueShe Pf4 nlonfeed W, nnd the walling f the .Ihe, Pr sident. t, renKiw the latrdon ; t Utelyl Kt4 WBV. ft J U '! r j orM chilireof the murdered fceii&itrUnfU' JVt, " .l iL.nliv of North Clli AeiUnlied Stales, Whi itb jfllsof b,s bst mtmeaBagothejL aU.. i ViVP :S Wuny ! . y. bwlmiU foMjWere of Alabama ld sapposejhat iywtrc.u8Stioo 4 . IBWlf . ' 5 'fAffci'"1 fif :" Pd !f !Ar4fand qWitbednr wiJ have been made by GoTCurlGayfeV fle and MiLf AiTd His said thaMimrr M&Wr,- ! '1 teliifcte pora- mumret nos Sma xJere irled no this iiue. Tl : MM I Ti!6B&JP 1 t : r ' . i- ittcrreoresR, ana .11313-11 1 m 'ifejifv ftSffiifnorVvV to Jaadethe idiefboaat . .u)J?wmr;V nf , . . M l;i:m!toheravraWe SI .1 'itLI 'ictotW !mearedof iQlernal im1 ndMId iniid tak rr t'wiadrocadaneiFoeaiTOiB w wu . rts&immfnd rnecenl .support oitne yiefa si 1 tit. c,... A he , DriDdDies laid firtwn anri anvanrca in itie- frm-ia- j w al:;'!' r'nT 'ri i(tir thanks to hk Houor Ja-bje 'Ha.hts cttfnttinJhication. Indeed a,"u V'-s1 11 Mirnor uci ci, i , "HUi.j ' L , , ! 1 fajMiful and energetic disclnre .at hb fttfHai lfiCl.ana. oi'Toiea iiwt , ,nf; .1- M! . htieipate' a message. .4 1 ib! tl'-yaiisl ; Hvbioh he holU; great incerns of m. m '- ; ! Wf; 1 - i- '-iM- l1' lfefeirS V&dHPey; iSth Inst, at rf rfJTi ,beJju8t hi tore day, inewnoio kevlpra 1- ;1 j l ' ? ; MWl! TfiflO; rr: IfwpmorhtU-original im file in my bffice, 1 gperneo -v iaua wi frcra a pomt,a Zenith, and to kirreflh totb P?tjjof he I- .'..:;' i :-- - .: . '- !. i . ' . 11.1 i : i i - ' ' &)arc!s i-tlif EartH! t 'vanooj anpica Sobrcaer degtees. . jr;jmes3engrr; m : - - ; - . - v : i c?rflft if iirii tttCbedifpletUuii tmui;iuey were ed&;jhfrigit oftbe suniTbcre wu atbe:s.rJiW enot feitttUi -yilhtit the noint from which iiirom"tHan;ry J5f radiation'to ea latneir uowqwaru couibw, sra' I if&i !fdJiixi Ixdm this point, the liiiiitn ;ea4lrasriall at first, in- ,tL dirtiniahin tondthing, bet immedV irminaJionl tliertisucceeed at a i;rfaiiisftaatft(rorn the end of each ball of light; 4ntiwut urm via a t n tracK was ai ii iani- game dim, and some W&t wxi to t f eat e a ha erwDoS,$rermiuf d t hadfivtithe track of foj more than five ittlalfadWalvalf;-. it yaried irom a rt Mislt acrc4i:iit; Vej remarked that bwiUdvrsibie iiorizon. tho lifef Koarlvir A mora bril. awfully seUinlo.1asto'nl$bin? 1 specta-; - .- a itJ? - - f - i. vi , - 1. - ii . i say ii4f mUiz been exhioiled to Hpi Jue-ttaxin hum nau ii nui oeen I ? Hi V.- S- i f It-: I ) - - ' h&dredi tf e,i ii would Ihave iMtattSSitfe'r fedeWtarflbat !ihis henorjfenon Im tlttSSln -tartotoaris'y Mecklenburir, I I i . il'-:.m .-A ui , i ,1 " fwawf ai i&e alv mtated were seeni Iplienumioa. it above .-. i: I I I . - 1? L u n ISA it IS eai;tori . wa set .'iUt'Jl i-.t 1 I ,na so ur aa ina urnter has vet imjslsoceeriiaallthe an jCjaH no! misukel about it. BY EXPRESS tooii,Oct.&4An:' ekpress arrived aJWP bearlngd48pat)e Troth the ..Tf'?r; Harris to fnVfrnnf nvl inVot-.- dk;iuniy dis SCIWWI. faOttthat the murderers1 of pfW"vei;tneai 1 over to the ivil kmM beep found by against Kfv- iPnj codcernea in killinff IDw It! 1:1 bat 'Hhe' jpro mfii$i44niriv' -iviaciiie !. tnattho . T. a iransiaiuaa in ma r.TfMntT ItMflf above the ctvil aathnr. lndied iS bar next, or in .NiSHfLSM " dl be 1 proper to! lav lUfilr ?CiaccrT CociT orid conntyv consider iotvi fredv tu . mmnn 5U solemn tehtire td Jdaigei which mar the existence: beloved Union we vuovicuonuiat the ui I boweri f not eknud . CJ. ? Uuttria the plibW tM. ig,M,L, down 1 wlfoMont toi be taking measures f? employment of such military force fas t flM4i)dckedHt ;! acjacerj eoun- aiMhofc people testifV nM?hi!Sinfe if iT w.-:peuaaces;ani with Sf f feW Vobmlf to tUe roili-?-wlueb l hasl hiWi stUk!;iki Lift I .MAik i 'i-A - ii !..! ; lyL f 1 ; .f. fid iMilitJ r "rWYmifrwi. I i -L irkfi rL IL ir 'iJ. 1 that claa f eatrted th eie n?tih llyeheads, to Hhreaniancfca t -ijsjj H ti- j, ffifi: - UQr-.., -,.,1- .' ' 1 ptemkt& jitf not the chimeras liif fh brain, our? Guvrrniuent. Who; jupda rieadinihe I , ' J.;i Il" " 'if-r, i" 5- r 'fl1 I sq tdf ,; . I -nw coort?ne4 thirm.l en by his Excellency;' the in regard Ml'tM Pe5idinsr' General GovernjnntSand 1 - J I : doiii0i inljiehalf of the State, an'! mote; paHu- sci larlin tfie prbsecntion of the Owensi -ease. fWe recomropfio inat tnis presentment oe puoiisneo in-; iff; Mn-f ffbniiejry . papers. ' "j u I ftjgnedj A. Aeercrombis, Foreman recmroehd that thjs presentment ; be published Peyton Baker, John Fridrt, f J ,4 Jijlin Uaneyi 14. Little Snns,; I ' Hiram llaney, f Jesse Wrrinian, Jaco?) Riley. j l S- S. Coleman. iteyncids, WTTWf,ck' I A utissi: cotmfy BG. G. A. LUCAS; !k. 3fis is the same Grand Jury, be- ft; reiriem inflame apd agitate the pnbitc mind mt men jrican reopl who are hot looking for proy.out of Indian lands ; orfphfv not revelled in the ex3lerentf a LandtLottery ; in a word, all vho ate xfrl inter- estedJn feelina-, or in purse will, sav; these isWl- it when she waiinvited tolhesiruor pm-1UP ciplo,;butoowthaialitUpcif is concerned, she is f -r . 1 v i ? , - r Tf a:y ; to eutmoiher earth fromher moounssi sa-d icr ii.ii izjpioir enaieas space ttjan I ub:alt t the surireiae authoritv. Chi&jJni Iras submit til the supreme authoritv. Chitalrii the Word vith wjrich the South Carolina pty attenjpte to gloss ove their threatenp-reiist-anoe to law ; but j they seem to think St rather . -i . . t . .. mi debasing jfhetemrto apply it tafbrciWe and avlri- ctoa I ntrusf ins on the public domain. Qdvdrpus ejjoTt't to, upliold the squatters ! I Wh jr it , falls flvier ontne arthati Governor liamUton march ;ng td the death! for his sugar. ! S fThiS Hardimin Owtns, aiwut ttrSom such 'rTl .wiuri up oy pti - eate .urand Jury was wo to. understand I tniscmbltr cotrrpi j seowutrei'who jhaxl to ffly from- ihe l-frontjef Ifaottlementsof Georgia iirh is crimed jfrhat as soon as he got amorialt the In dians ,ie F commenced and carried oh l"or sirne :J.'1:.L i. !.L ' i k& X . miuo Tim impunuy a series oi aepredalpns, find cruel oppression scarcely equalled by lih B ucca neersof iboiVest Indies. The very list scene of his existence was of violent resistance to the offirs of the la w over the mine whicfi he had prepared for the;d(Bstroction of his country misn. It is itckening then to hear appeals rnkcjo to the wrongs of sucb a creatore in such a cause!. fat to hejp; oat the matter , these mad partraans now pretend hat hi' was a harmless 'unresisting man,;wrw was Ijseeking safety in fligix at ie time he was slain.1 The Editor of the Western Carolhiap, : although condemning thel conduct' of theJJS solars, has th eandoupto adnpt, that thje o)iaractr of these squatter suchfas makesus;receivej with' "hesitancy" thtir stale meatjl ye contend that we ought 10 believe the sutemf nof tbej jDeputy Marshal Isjj fccaU it b'ilt Bkely tha? the' officers of the army com manding ithe detachment would have violated their instfuctioni so tar as to order anlonrcsisv. wgmgi ,to bo sWdcvn.t 2ndly, Because Sa appomUnent itself to this office, is prima facie y idencefiiis respectability- and Sdly f Because GovercorJ GaylejMthougli highly! lnpensed5 gainst'ihn, andHevincing a-dispostiioh to sly ojiuo couia against ram, does not insinuate a gainst IWcwIitJp!: ..' -j j .. But the strangest part of this strange pre- sentme&t is the ,tepder of thanks iol the sol icitor &r prosecuting the. Owens' cast ! Rem ember tha this same v rand jury have! passed up on these siersjipon their life" and death; in a jUrninary 5ray it btrue but,- ihould tbr he reifler ibe taken and executed,. the: fact ttha tbey had m far participated in this deed-of blow would ! certainly, in a man of refined sentimentj, te the source bfj painful reflection iaoy case howered cleari and flagrant the guUi;;but chuckle oter the deedand thank ' the solicitor lhatha haa tfiurded them a chance of dipping their flngeni Imftha' iKoood ot these soldicrt. should j tne1 drama be acted out:'ia evincive of a uu lurocious aauie pouna. wnicn jonce iiav- tng . tailed blood will pursue on to the death. : ncriT CorivTV October j iW.w;ereiore, i,uames iiiauiin, rresident tVthe teniyltoibealrbe matiou,co.ninauding and strict yfeiguining all- I t-ti- ;J T ..i J a I'll' ' r ; I uen? inai wuna irue oiiis r maictment Jor m anv biate or rerntorr whern siiK nMciri murder against the soldiers who sliot iOWens. snail have been taken ur settlemenl made, to ..i.i. .. i ,1 remove, irora ano aner ma luui dav fef March. woto w oe sure .aa grano jury, ,tf , or afjy o -d .i-,, ftfietliavino found them ffuitly tn the! States, and lo ellect ttie said service I do hprvNknrh.rJ wdo ?j ieasi, uuugui wicjr wno "yi'ig sue iney wut o prosecutes in ail sucn other laws pi iae coumty, anu w nose opinion up mis o iaw uuetw. I r reirt, riU be ratified by that of nine-tehthJioT -J.MADISONi a In. foot. ar ho pvi 1 i.i.u wb-w-w. i . i. i E diera?were dischargmg their duty tobhdir cln f?Xx Jas, l.M napped ujkii i Vo i r " tie President tne painful duty ot removing thea try r prep the, 5&. of' .S Carolina, so" far fbm by military l.rce. Thid duty is coandi to ywi joining in? with Alabama Nullificatioi, i tailpt- laimediateiy alter the expiration! of the. teina inVlwr with her 1'ieiinquencv. She dlnounl-d fixed in me enclosed p-oclaiuation, you a til i.ori.ti Tin.i i , .-- , uuibiui jiuiw i.i uttuuiv 11 i uui tut lib .tmrisimn -Ti,Ta"iio - . ava i," ." ' f?M. : thisMbn-' btte tuyreiaacyi as conteotled for inf tbe'la I. tberefbra condense Our; aasnint the late Tt'L : - mli6l.J', c'n V : n -, i . i 44. -. ,, i " -"IT w.oos iru cow. trom aauxe uusii cwii-- wied riofiona were such 'asGea Jacksou bad y, ur tiio coders were directed jtdjhinjjjby Maf4i.n OdIcpis, Mr. Crawtiird; and; Air. f'. . ... 1MU Ultt a (HKWJM WUUIfcQUlI DUUU1U uc lasnioneu now, as iy euvenaiu iues pe will amount at least to an extenuauun liie siUATTEft rx&Tt of Alabama. ' ; But ti proceed wiih the document. ' , By the President if the Unites Stales APIIOCLA.MAIION : "Whereas it hs bf-ea represented, tliai many uninibrmed or evil disped persona haye taxen - -tf J,. . r 1 it or not een previously iecognia;ed and cvn firmed to the U. i. which passed -the Ud March, 1807, ex nresslv DrohuiiieU And whercss. the due exec-J utiun ot the said act of Congress, as ; vvell as tlie giiit;ral interti, rwpured that sdeii illegal pmctices sliouid be promptly repressed persons no , inve uniawjuny xauen pos- ii a'jsji ji ot or iniia any ; settlement on the public lands as aforesaid, to remove : there from; and 1&j hereby further command and en-- yAu tae Marshal, or officer acting, aa MarshaL a afv)resaid,aimng the otfeiiders, moreover, that ways Department or Waiu Jan. 27tli,18l6 I Sir; Tfle general and incraasin'g disposition rqandested by a numerous body of pjnihlbrmei or evil d;sjxsed persons to violate, the laws- united outea prohioitrng the intrusion ;an(J l&e appiicaiu ui ino Marshal oi arty tate 1? l"' f FT , 7 """"J ! rc, all persons who y hall be found1 upon the j dublio lands within your command, and idesifov ineu naoitations ana lui provementlbiar re tyovaland destruction of huUses and !inprbv!- ment must be repeated as often as it shall be necessary to' secure the' complete! execmioii! of the laws upon this subject. ? 1, ) -. 1 lntrusiou upon itho laid of the1 friendly In dian tribes, is not ouiy a violation of the laws, but in direct opposition to the i policy iof gdvrn nient. towards its savage neighbors. Upon Hp: plication ot any ind'an Aient, stating -that iairu sioos ot thi nature have been committed and are.continued, the President reauiresj thlat ithjfey w Uiuijr ici.iuj-u, auu meir nouses ana . i "i i I si . that every attempt! to return shall be repressed in the same maunr, i f ji jri I have the honor, c WM H. CRAWFORD.i I In a letter of July 1, 1816, to Genenil JacKSOnL Mr Crawford says;. '''? i - H- . ;p 'Ihe intruders upon the lands in onestxin acted with full knowledge upon the subject: or. at least they had the means of knowing t&it their lutrusion. was in violation both of the lav: and of the proclamation, and yet they hive trie; eurontery . to tain ot suhem- :tn tu the laws. It is easy tvi maicc profess ; and hearty as.-;ea sy to oevise' pretexts lor an nn lawful act, espe cially 11 it is not thought necessary that they slioutd. even be . plausible. This appears to be' the case in the present instance This delusion must be terminated. The idea pf resisting tha authority of the govern mentj must ! not be -ad mitted tor a moment. As 1 the executions of the law, should it be resisted, will immediate ly devolve upon you, as the! command ir Gen eral of the Southern Division, it; is tpte!q that -you will use your infiuonce to arrest this momentary dnlasion, which otherwise, niay pa sibly be carrier s tar a t make ! the injer fereoee of the military indispeniule. 1th in kin pieasani alternative isn no;neansapprenei!ued ; .t. . . 54.- but the very idea of nought not to be sutferedtto exist, A , . r -x ' - Department offVcr, nth Dec. 1918. ; f Sir under the late treaty with the iQ iappaws and Usages very extensive tracts of land have been aoiutred. a considerable ! portion of which : . j . a t. . 1 i.i. ' t- . -:.;- w not unenoea to oe nrougnti immeuiatt-iy into market and which mav hereafter! become (trie means of exchange. f.r lands on this! side of Mississippi above the mouth" of the Kiatnsy tVd and oa the Arkanaw above; the mouth of the Putteaa, and to the most of tlie math hrancBe rf theKwmsjr and Poeau, and a line drawn be tween their sources. " , H1 i j ( 4! The President has directed me to issue, orders to prev 'nt,fir the present the extension 0f the settlements on Red River. Those persons set- tied west 01 the line specifledror at points high er up the .Red Wiver and the: Arkansaw than those mentioned will Wremnved Yoai will give the necessary orders to carry the views ot the President inta effect. 1 it will be advisable tot take the; neeessary- rneawrea t an earljr perhid, ! m as to give to such families as may be rnoved an opportunity to makear. o4icuiiruis jut planting me nexi spring. j.j, 1 have kc. Sec t U t j J; a CALHOUK tTo Iaior n.JIndrtM Jiftnnl-' ! . ! Nashville Tenessl ; 1 The Bloods. l persons , uavu wiu&wiuxiy tuuen pus- 11 ' 1 i fore weptighi not ta attempt Ubklnw ,tfce'i.Ti 4 zl - . o i i a v. 1 l t y:waar m-rr-m - Sootbern , Ii re Rir- RET, by 0arles, wbn;tie2 mile;liets,bt-at;Ra several iofbedfscendats f Kclipsi and Juhn ftichardsyKinte 1st jieat3;n. 5(te. 2nd Sm. 54s. 1 The Torthern horse flfedoc did something to ijpluck fp i the fjlrownem "honor" of the North, also taf resiore file thine to his own fame, which hadbein laHy taken oT by, Ironette at Bslu more. 'This time, hovfever, he bfit Ironette. and (tiskrnced all ttie rpst of the field consist- L f ,t,fe others, in fodr heats, of three miles j 1 i ;M ' .,!it .-, J fti..57ai--'ii 1 must not -i ! Kiiiusfc noc ornii'io mention. mat ionn Carol ita too, hriscme 1 . f i l or a division of t1;c i f victory. , Elij&i D.iAXE,?by Shawuoc' owned y Mrillun. of Granville, and; W. Amis of Noeharripton beat t i two miles heals at the T monium Course (near Bah -?-lst heat 3m. 50i 2nd do. 3m. 47 i; Also, she rreat- ed theiexploit at Norfoll- , uf'ating TK.ks!ilr and ihe ful' sister toHerr Clme.and another, Time i S-lst irat am. 47s. Sodfem. 4s. Very good! ft Beeswax pr. Ej 16 all7l Brandy, Apple pi i gal. 35a ;4(.L; do Peaef, pf. gal. (ndnej Cotton pr lb id a J25, Cotton, pagging pr yd. 15 ak20 j t i , o i Coffeepr lbll t a 20 Castings pr lb 3h 4 a 4 4-6 j s Cotton yarns, . faum ! No. C to I No. 9, 1$ 74 a; I 56 ;i pr. bale,! from No9 h No. 14 $1 50 a 1 75; Featheri pr ?b 25 a 30 ; Flour per - barrel , $G ; Wheat ! per bushel $1 ; Uyepr bush 40 Oats pr bush 20 a ; Co n pr bush!40 M$0 i HioesGreen pr lb 5 a 64 Wl& Z ? i JiXXaftJ 5S, nr 5 prlbS a 10 ;-,Leather! soal, 27 skirtiug pr b38, upper pr side $1 5 a 2 50 glasses pi S 1 T1' rfr!rS . Pu pr .lb 20 ; uiHogtiral7 a 8 ; Por4i a 5 ; hdtnr hush I a 1 10: foteel) .- American . r - - a 1.,wa-. rt.4 nijsier pr 10 iu ; ngnsii ou pr i , asi pi lb 27 a 31: Sugar prlb 10 a 124 ; Rum, lamaica pr gal 2 ; yanlee do $1 ; VYool, clean pr 10 25 aao; lalloW prios ; looacco r lb .6 a 3;Tow-lin4n pr yd !li a 20 ftVinee-Teaeriffe, pr gl $2 a 2 ! 50 Madeira, fnone) ;! Port pr! gal il 50 a 175; Clarei pr fel fl 87 a 175; Malaga, seet,j (fl Wbu jkey SO a m w vi 1 ' J . ? fb. .1 ai: ! I) . Acnk-;i 45 a 50: toacoi. pilo 9 a 10i; Cotn pr io ubw 12 00 eta. fjpoiree'pr lb 131 a 15; Fltari t r lM 5 a Sb IFlaiseedpr bh $l30a 1 J&T; Feathers pr; lb 84 a 3$ om pf bushl55 a 60" Inli pr lb 4.8 a 5 ; Mo ! lassos pr gal it a 40; INiis cut 04 ao ; oan fpr bush65 a;75; Sngar pr lb 94 a lli Tobacc; jieaf 3i a3g:Wheat pr push 85 a0;Whkey. pr gal. 30 ;!;: oh a: Jv icrss ii vv cut CORRECTED WEEKLY I $ cts. $ cts. S . ' 12 I-5 17 I 24 i 25 ! 18 I 15 1-2 Null 75 1 25 Beef, fresh, , 4 ; paeon, (from wagon) 10 1G 22 !! 24 16 11 ging,kw. ., . , IJuodee, Coflee, prime green, 2d and 3d qualities. Cotton, j ; , 12 I 70 ; I w ii 50 , 5 50 ! 51 4 50 . I 10 ! 40 : rn, - "i Flax Seed, rough, Flour, superfine, (icagonH xine,i ; 6 ! 00 Iron, SweedJi f English, 5 00 . 12 1-2 75 50 Lard (scarce) Meal, '! A Molasses, ? s, i . ,r 7 12 .r ; 1 Is i-2 la i- 8 1-2 12 1-2 10 pdgdr, MuseoVfcdo prime. ; t : LMnmon ! Loat ' and lump Id iib Salt, Liverpool, ' In Sacks, 4 buslie, 2 5 1 25 8 . j ; I 90 3 00 1150 10 U5 Steel, blister II German, Wheat, (rwi itagon) jioo iUtmdesi Coin mirfial JZecord. Revised and iccked Weekly. l JIT - & i ' ii'V; ' f ct. 'a cts. F . t f. if 1 . t 1 1 - Cotton, : ; :i ,i. : : Corn, per bushel, : : AVheat t;': : : Flour, Camden Mills, bbj . Connuy, : r 1 Bacon, pej- Ibi : : : 2nd im; ps. Anoint? S0Dtbern,,tl?je Hir- h' J''iftaggaSCT ; t " r 66 e '! ,I,tlQ o 1 10 a 6 o 8 8 '!- - a I 3c a 1 . r-'3j :! r i e . s , 2i 10 40 40 50 Vhiskey,pergal Brandy, Applp, ier gal.) Dies 1 i At theresidenc4 of his lather in Iredell Conn ty, N. U. oe tbo J7tb Sejit. 18, Joel A Jrjar keTgfd 27 reare. " ThMviwBg rninj although he was eobrr and icaj, from ciadTood about two years teffar his dea;i iinder the! Ministry KRifn Joshua BelbalJ fibcoVered that he was dttute,tr!atpTepar4iaa breterniiy; and huirOMHrnielf before hb M Vaker and Judire &&VlcUtjn opea4 ': JktaVaaP-NAieeungw ot the same year, be sto wed ULaadf a ia ! the Merits ?cf the Redeemer vif I Sinners; jd was madea partaker ji the 1 can- Comprismj the largest -and most rai coJlectwb lid yeasts 1H Jbgn) BIRDS' Now traveling in Ihe Vn&eA Siaiei willbeBi- niMiea ai s,li8SatTi on! Fiiiy 22nd of Nomii- ber; ;tir ly: nr hot one day f f Ppnetora, in sirtieitioff public fc! a deirroe ofonf? I tti't tk patronaif. of their Mph,:- ;nJkZ. tiiLJT . . !1 ,. '- -V "'II. mi'H 1 UMiiri(i attention shall 6e paid to make the exhibition or derlyarid instructive. I j ' ' i v : . . -s - . i . nui'iu'r iftp mncr nnminont nf unimi the-'fijlbiwin'r I ? are - 5 VJWCpHV. 9R 3! lhts animal has bpon the snbject'of much i ne- cniatvm araonw Natnralists. It hzi been eonsid1 HrVi T'oo?'cal commentators, !the Unicorn of Holy iWntas dscrihed.o thebnok of Jub-ttte character $tr-c$l y corre?p)i onds ith thk description. This wonderful animal surpasses the Elephant in bulk the one now eihibited is but three years old and weiahs 40Of pounds.: 2P- f f : - j Mptmnt MMyUer - . This ; ELEPHANT is but tbrpe yeras old, and is thought to be. the most sa?raeiju? and in- J interestmyon BURT1 :r the States. BURTIEN CAMfIL OF I ASIA ,Afrn;'qp.owN; . , At 4 o'clock P. M. the fkepperj will enter his ca with -the Lion, and cobmencf fondling him oy puunor ins nand and his heai ip hia mouth &? " " also chastise him fearlessly and . .iJrfo-m.n n ;,if d eiWmuefisilatinn. a':J ?viewd by othmtbri2h the preiX i! f danger This willonfirnt the asseriifni; ; and the docility, and the perfect! submission of 1 ui :r , . . T ' "''w3uimn on tne approacii ot his keeper. ; w M re,nove nil annrpknfiinn of, Kfni rooni ; fnm lhu mMitinr T; T j ( ! j j '.( .: lEj HrtnjJ I . r? ! SsCa1i I tSjOPOTT ! VfiCCiA jdSa J f recently imported, and I th fUrgest ever I'rthi HUVsiJji in tni country. This; Tiger is the most formidablo and ferociiws.l a3 well as the most beaut itui of his species: I he is stribsd with mi; mini atn'iii'iiiT nviMnpc: anil nni H.L mi ; resembling 'those if the spJtwl kjnd. . .. i . o ' - - r- J iL..i 1.. 11 1 v , n ivi 14 u 1 1. . rv ri - ;. Mfile and My male. ; -i !. -' . , f the roost untaraalle of ; animals. OVjyCE front Africa K I JBl Film OP OCBLOT3, from Brazil the only ones ever seen 10 this countrjr; :! o f A i ti. ' This immense Bird I was recently captured near Lauirenzor, S. A. . They are the most for midable of the flying species, arid often have ex paasuMi of wingT8 or 20 feet. "' The African iPflteau. . This is! the largest of water fowls, as well as the most 'ran f all birds. The ope to be seen is 5 feetJbigh and has1 a till 20 f tndhes !oog;l under which is a'pocch capable of cbntainiag,- when dilated, from 12 to 15 qnarts of warer. i ? iliftceaw pitd of Thelieirriedi Eat Jrfdia; Parrots the American BEAR, WOLF, ICIEUf MOtf S, with the wilderness of the-MONIEV; and BABOON species, togetber with the peri fonnances, ef the seuxi-Equefetriins on tins Shet land ponies ! ' ;'vL !. t Z' " ulti will be nremred tit the convenience of spectators, and no pains spared on the part of the propnetort to render thelMenagerie, in ever way wortjiy of the patrohagf ofa geaeruus and nfirthtPtitw! mmmunitv. 'i'iZ.,-, 'L 1 To convev an accurate idea of thj extent cf ofUiissupenoficollection, ref will add, that if rcqcirrs the services of 25 rcea and 30 odd horses to transport it through the country. The curious will nq doubt realii every expectatioo in viewing thb raragoo of Menasferies. !- I Tlie JUeogene will be? ccompanifd by a BAM) OF MC$IC, fir Mpexiur Jo any -with simJar cwleciions. -i " ' p: A &d&ttanccZS cents chU dren tinder 10 ycurs of&Si half price. 'h.:'m TCTTT 1 FT wvT?g u I OFbePop.Uid thyi S4idol wilI uke place ,;ili -lik WndoMdvt-1 in November, the friends of! the apiU, and thf PiCceral yl are' respa-tfully ravited- teaitsnd. .The Sessien .will commence on the first :yrfidaym JanoaryI834.Ternis aa fbtmeriMtUic i f;, 35. A. CALDU-IVJP3- ? fitfSt at 5 ;-!l i ; i -i t interest : sua bid. i AT thesa:te place, fcyifrwr ot thjsay died 1 ofir. wdiU on 4:h.Uumlayia Jinaarr -U ncxt.wv ".! . ;: ; -f i . . valuable Tmqtf of Land, 4 in 3erkfepC or? l.w.ty, adjoming the lands cf Mrs. Smarand Or; Stephen Fox,' and lately thp nrirortir w "J hrT Larnett. A carbir uf one, tiro, and thri year will'ba ntea, ybia iractot land, coniaJaM uunaiw acres, and is in a rood state of ia'prnrement, is Well watered, and has on it Jl goou- JellmgiJIonse, wiKHQ-nre yoinirna uteir. itft ser JihiHihl prr joying ijbtasb dao. lvr UUdavs. Mil! U-dPuucltd fm,n hm and ti necessary oui iouia. It . very ; ' Jj ,.! ', seldom that land of. so fiae' qua.Uty is Ibrocght : - I into market, and all who vsXiS to ,-wrrbasxaluv : ' ' I ahla real estate, will do well.M altera, j j t N. W. ALKXANDtt- Ac. 16 MORE NEW .4 ' A BE now reeeivinir and onentnr.elr FdliVi " f ,'! supply o -xi; c misting or a ceoerai , and well selected assortiQjfrit of Staple &,FacyrV.1 "DB-GOODS, J 1:1:1 !' ' Hardware and CMierpj Queens-Ware: 8l Groceries; SlidVerVv $C i , , i; 411 ' which, were purchased 'lor1 i asii f froth the i at ihB 4le" "W?1??'.! wU1 H1 prices lor UAStt or fsouniiy. prodace, and. : id punctual ocalers on the usual credit. , ; - . , 1 iey would bog leave to , tender tbctr ac- knowledarcments to a cenerous public for the ve-H I j ry liberal share of patronage they havevreceiTed and would be thankful for a cuhtihnance of-the. samo ; wiich they will do their best . eadca. voura to merit. ; Sutesville, Nov. 9 3wl6 MUSSEITPJUB E.MATTfjiwS James Oowait. 'Light and tcarm yourself? I any howl I SS?ltitr6elH.2trtrr, IlD ESPECTFULLY calls'lhe attention. of the public to his new House of j HtVTTHTl1!1 A'TWTTTOTrp r'fc1 f f 4 fin' -rw.t .Kt; '.-. I wa.!..w 1 US L . r . r T.ww,f' t7 ffi" "le -ourt Mouse, tiavini Utely g' lately 5 I 'nui v. 'one ID CiinsinRrfiril iTrr li iitimivo r'H'f Ithe comfort, and enlargethe capacity bf his ilawishment, to meet the generous patron age which helm received-ha hopes he sball be able to render perfect satisfaction. His tTable. Beds, Bar and Siablerare furnished m the best j style that can be expected of an inland village l and everv attention shall be rendered io' the I wants of his customers b? himself and his ser-, T i 1 U N. B. The Post Office is kept at this House i vauis. I 1 r . . ! t ! Slfitcsvilie, N. C. Nov. 9 t(16 ji .t - j Michael Broicrry, !;. - Ferrv. ' .'f.,-U -' ., , RATES OF PERItl AGEV j m Wagons (loaded or empty) Witii 4 horses 30 Cls. , do. do. 12 do. 25 . 4 wheeled Pleasore Carriage 4 4 do. . do. d, S 1 horse Wagon & Carry-alls Chair and Horse ! 1 Man and Horse v ' j ' Foot Passengers 1 ' Cattle and Horses per head 1 Sheep and Hogs per herd ! t Oct, 26, tfl4 -:, do. C2J do. 4(1 . ' m. Clrf'r '.. . th -is ' ii the .tied and ofinement. w. mrrket . ' .. w yand de- finH Races over this Course will ta.carriedL JL- on "the last Wednesday of December Zteaua lit dar 3 mile heata.l" ! , ! V idday 2 do. .do.. lp,.vw 3rjday mile heats, f . r , best S in 5. 1 -I - .. , - - J. LAZARUS, Sec ; The PetersbuTg Intelcncer, Tartoro ',Fro Press, Colombia limes and Gazette, will please insert the above 3 times andfi)rarard thcu ao connts to this office for payment. . 'T'-' . . Cheraw, 3. U. Uct. 22, 183J3tl i t BLOODED OTCCElIn :g!&iB,6p. .r l-$orrel Mare by American Eclip . dam bv Nanolecn. ! In Coal to Sir Charbs. ' k u' . oTf2--BayMaxt,by, : Cdunis-Iaically ; xarioa.- - x-fxfr r X X No. Srcy Mxre,V . s m 4reUFm?;$ yemoIjMxtfprix byTimoleenjdaabyCitSsaif V- e Vil!. t Tears bid ctxt sprT.t7 r ,:rrthe saist cf ot lsa7ex. pi Vo ciisy colt C yttoM; by isfjti Ko. S. verr lart and pruraUiSg f'j 'No, TSorrsI FUltry WashtUl Cy oMArchie;oiiejearo;dlastkj - NTs-Bay xareJrtryAit at:A p Eclipse Filly months oil . I NoTs-Bay Filry, $ ycarstZJ, tyCsc&fiiiu, dsm by Napoleon, (very likely) - t Nii. -10-Grey colt, by Jerry cut ef ro. 2 . ? - iThe above Stock ran betectt;,Hritb the ep-ep-tionofafeW, at rny old place (rfresidened.lwclve mires east of IlillAotoagh, ! Whrr. leldiitg Leathers is fully authorised to Vet for me and make contracts.' Those wdnto parehase . W0U14 go weu to cau, ar i deurmtnea w .: andWUlgt gr bargaini gtnck.'P 1 been sacccsslal the Turf and are hkelrw . j if i f s. i t r. ii T ii I '1 -T - a jf M V i ' t f 5 f ... i1 r 1 t 1 .1 M' 1 vfi 1 1 I i IP' t v .4 , p ,! 4 . t9. J i! 11 5 Si r 1 1 !0 i !1 -I I-' 3 i -t - 1 1 1 M'-ts t-trf'c tl i : r .n 1 j -1 ill . i! . " .,- i ; . ! - 3.j: . - ;