I I i- -cIl V.Jf4'' -it'- 1' ' ? ' , I J mmmmmm m I. H I ' i I " , . I - I ' ' f f -1 ' ' j T ' ' mil I ' 1 1 . i.. i-. i n . . . , . .-.. -.. . . . I d J l " Tstl . - v v yaw 1 W Sr .h It h i 1 m 3 . Uf I 1 jB ii ' 1. t 2 , - "-mmur- i ; i Lfi.k f, . i i mtm . - I i . .. - r 1 . i A h (til lOT -'" at the twMal rates ur.tilarrcamj ili is-hole sua in up ad Pi 1834 1 mmZm ms iSf.Vtf 4.t borJ-0 to 8 per SSJune n,' four weeks el Protest :irit: Jutt Wh iheyt uwe la their cuoniryl Had them- present session -oi f lhe Gene ral As- duriirrr Bemi47 t ttiiiSiatell ehlitfei! pU N1 ton fchiflio-l pfoTiditbat alerloail be 55e(itapplMntd to anj office jr.Pnt or tiesSfitT4; (shall UJCethe &Dcwing i j; ' i Ijleinolf swear: ir affiral f w" be flllbf; and traekllegian6 bear; tiftifi State of S'litbfjaVolinjr, 1oo'-i;'I ahailfcpotuea eltim 'ipt-Ufamfat14iiiii:" daly f qualified acoliujtuhhe Conilitqtjiia of tMmhtiitio ex- indltati wilL to tlii? ties! bftmy -aijiititJ dl char( crerDei chosen ,r apppintei jo janj-pifice, the ;tiberhif art (paififprjafifjatior) ihatlia ; dp':441ij5ed Swcoriilf tol 'th C6fisiitaun-bf 8aid vtate to erse lhl f pSiS to1-wUckii'6 ba. Jbeejnn elecieii jpr a.i!oi .ac4 thatBeItto"te fesi utfaisbiruiebl dchsre the Jiiti iKeeeoli and that he will; f preserve! protect alid defend jthe Copstitutioo if t this J Statkciof Ithe CJnileJ States.? IQ tliereibra edj tWat f tie will he ftiuifuljand " true I atlen- Dcario ine oiaie m ojuw oarouuA: Bom- i. E ancef ingmore thaldatv ooi!feset iCrjsptutin thou j tli? uhderaigued 'broteit ai!ast!said atnenduient becaaS U3 cb- iHt?f4?d tr.an to secure tu tii btate, (ijedieocc 'vUich wcjuistent vith gilil SSihl at Nip ace, asdestr SplvtHlSiHltf about tber hour tt&ttt&fcSej aRer ins not Known KBWhmetir Wiiwu except a uuia M Prlrtkfci was f estab4 yiF JiAn& bfthd Rev tliviSMrli'inaiUl'wel learfi" that !Mru diiK wm ttecmra;eo "onttie liunk J)MiMjlas maiiiiKCTioft to the f I. of Eaht'iif VSirirUi with? tlielTreasurv Denart ten, BJDfl qccouncxu" j vqe rtJiaovai oi ine e&dCrcStoViig John W;Green,?one of JSfof he ioiirt fof Appeal frorti $M lal rrjseqiieric of fprptracted ilJ Miiffias fliquinBc4 him, physic- han't1 on; Thia ho ejected: and ; raed a clamor w h tcb lockil v broach t them from a partr who were atrallinsr firer' thtnrraaK is y was raten oat enseie,?atiq,iine;pine nearly so,- bat buth were soon restored bjtita: ly applications!..? ' ' ,- ulluT-f 4" v ! Boston' iftfinttf; I r ! 1338 ject iaVtiaed py the'paih or . affirtniin- paow presonbdby Cj4 Constitutioa-U04! j M W;aT menanien ijinereiDrG; unneesarjiiujiixiean in 2 and iooxpeaieut, and calculated miy ut (ren der thtald catb or aitiraiatioo cf usdertain! anc doubtful rvlte" -mi'i .It M i:' f ' I 2Jff (ie jprppp8me&4auiQtv le';opstued to iulopsc joo cfii jers . Israfterl to 'becbosoa or appofdtedaii' tlatioh, or aUegdeljihfbnbist cut with itie Federat'Constitutiun or tho taws and lreae8 pa4& ;injf pursualcoV ihejeo--in the uijderlgqe j protest agaipst. thej j)ji4-be-; cause the same is in this reWpect f uncoriStitu itiudafinu id void -junder tpe;repen oath, 6ur!ciii2en eiigage to 6uppjrt, prytfcet a nit de fend the (Jphatitution of this 2tatu arM J f ! the lUnili '.S' 'J thic obligation isi pcely !ciii)mlosiaie wd coextensivo with' all the I da- jtici tij both 1overnmehtatan4 tne ddition of aiij vtrcsE aiieinpung p explain ix, cust ce ai teiid9f wifU ruinous cys sequences, i Jfpr if they alter tjfie oliii4x7mposea by! the prseqt oath, lit is ailirct vwlation 'oftUo Constitauon of the jUrntef Sltes aid nut (rinding on oai cilizens ; iif theil : do fiut brier that bb'iiration, it s useless, ana cicuui'u uirjy ij renur uouuniy wtut is now plrfeltly! cbrtaia i and mtellkttbte ; itakin? ieithertiew of the -proposed ameaddaent it is '; Sd.fBediiutp,! whether the obliifation lof the I ctttziKefTj to. tkik .iata or Fdeijl 'Hawro--, ;uobt;9 praatoiiftt identical jor secjjdary, or whjtti'r,3s declared by Ifhe Conventi4n of South CaMloa.li'lbJiJVlldiwnjce only!- and not allejiitaci is due by thera to any povrer pr au ;thunt tofvhoai a control over them iJasYpeen r flLay dftedby thejStatej" th u!ide3ignd fisoleoiy protest that jihjse i questions!; ca&i only be 8oijd.y 'tWConstitMtio $ :hi. JJ.. fetates. Iwhich?thi asseoibly htatfe ndt attlhoritjf tofamen d ;alter;( alish i , : - 1 .. !' 4th;Tiat ih duty land obligatiii Jof tin citizen! yfiUia State, teiii2 fixed and fdefennm- ;eaoy wieaiure anu tanuant;aial prmcilHs of lour GoveiiinentJ Thialas&mblv haih i an thority to transfer their duty t- obedience of alle lfhneeruMyiPrinccJPbtenuie, State orfautho- 5lS rf4t)b4passiage of the biU,;a tie pre- mmmm iy, for i thd diichuge of Jus I nWTU$m r g eircnces, 7 M - 1 - llC- 1 18 wectlipptttation juppn the patriotism Bf the l.wllltPI-l- i ; :"- ,; ' ! protestantt.iaud tboao whose prinpipl tjiey re- mfrttrPR atithp ; I Wy !est. a- 'vwlP&PIvAU I-U.K1 UKti.: . trains a, w proscription for oj f. uir nA liA llnt .ll2dl?4TMxis' valuable MiSf f as tending to the' exoatriktioh of thcH ?t& vin. y'6pu tbf relam ite high cJivacU atitota pfrtion of the: wealth j and strength of IHMI .l.-L. ; ;- ; I'll A'iiallfr whin op- ri!tLkAr.L .lUiuti nL 1 posntofhe Ueneral Governeumt,; has IMmost fcpbappyL The Editors aa-t; Federal lliiufi. wh it tinA LtLmti ia trreatftiN alwnai Picture, rfiv J n 1m1. tAk, Ji..- .-i? j1 ' . . ;benj4ndlf ngrayed f by durand i 5 of Sta0 I(lgb& and State j Governbhd ! have W iilnthe uttnof 1 4nre and labor, j unKatteed vj tit a profuse hand, among! Hhera. lleciieJles pr President: J Toe,fr&&$ protest that itdoWnoll eom Wn.lTofin iAdkibs, Thoma Prt f interest wpd a&iy of the Upub, ame&aliiaijri iUes-AfonroJ' fill i'Sy 4nd fcbaracter M South Pi 1 -!. S i1 ' Ii I ET T. 'PWOTMlMOrtly appear4 tiun uf IWcBti and thus ltd ltd th de&laiiori r ppensl of this Itnale; plate, it is said j that JabllFabri. inr which alone the liilertv of MAJOR DO WNINCS fJQRBESPOX- DENCE. V Washington 1 To my old friend Mr JDwighf of (hvNcw- " -Tork Daily; Advertiser ;. We have hare prot busine5senuf :ri0wri our, Bands, I tell you; and nigh upon very day We hate a squall tint brings aHhartrls to the helm. ,f We have had fairj win so lontbat few on; us ftnow 'eiatlyjhb 4io steer now a days, when every! cbmear ribt in ojir teeth. I hain't ba1 ihv coat-off since Congress met; and the Gineral ; says we juust j watch theao fellows closily Keep a sharp look ont. Major,!! siys he, aiidT will speak out his notion! l the id4f.il; stands at theloor , and if he had tho; pp-! pic with him' 8iys the Gineral, -as I hve, tliere is telierr wjat trouble' be)' woultj fe us. He would make a 5001I n GinMil as ever was. j Rut it shall ne?e do to frusi that man with power P Very fwell," sky? Jj GineraI-but plague on V -says I I, tlie critur some who keeps law or) his side all the while. "That's true enu",! says the; Gmeral, 41and therefore we must ikeep" a sharper eye on him, and the tne is corpej now. Major, when we must all roa us. try ouri pvjulinty for When the Iav ;s -agin lis we shan't tuve nothin else to stand oh ; There is nothia," szys die Gftieral; uhlib war times, Major- for then, fvljen thoib'r troublesome fellows talk aboutflawv Vd gifa 'em Martnl Law9 &ud that inakes short .work. i : ; -" :'H 'i Just ate,r breakfast, yesterda, I and the; Gineral had a high time togtberi lia been c: pectin' to I see t lit-Hank comb ; but with a reply; and tell'd tho Gmeral, says 1 5ineral, I'm afraid w'U git a 4amjer from. rhiladelphia One ot these ilavs that wu nock us all into kindlin wood" But he kept saying.tHere was no fear ofthat kWby says he,Major you forgit thatiy'e firt give the Dank1 a most mortal weUiti 3 yearp ago. and left 'em ho other defence than to; print reports and speeches; and that jsnow'dj they had'nt much spunk; and we hive beeq! crip'in on 'em ever since. And when I seal they began to stagger, I give 5pm bur hull battery, and opened upon 'em, in flank, front and rear; our sharp shooters, j headed by that amazin 'cute little District attorney, o- penM first on 'em Then corrio ray proc lamation aud then my message ard then Mr Tany's report; St th Gi oq all tb: while throwiu in shells aud Rockets ; 'Why," says the Ginera! gitm up, and takm his Hick ory, and given ita whack 011 the floor if the Dank stands all that racket. Major,' its tuffer than a pe pperagc log. No, no, Mu jor,' says the Giijcral, ''don't you fuar thut the Bank will ever say a word m rpy -it s: as dead now," s ys the Gineral, 'as a skin'd racoon." And t!ie words want but! of hia mouth afore in cornea hull bundle pfletters Sc. newspapers, Sc the first tjung I see among 'cm was the, kBank reply." kJVov,j says I, 'Gineral, here's trouble! heir's the very thin hefepi anothp ljbie:ypituts finnitH there. lt Jper,! safj MjfeTa!!, i (ell yon-ibutbii haintgoi the best tmi yet iit'iiesi gettin .arn if! saVs the" iGlncral. su3arRo we ane itteries-Iet mi 'take that reply, and you uke til, these d.jcunent3 I mk! to fight,' Says lithej Giaral.wiii- there is teo tbooeadn foeJ l if So in f. cw. I ftr: -I ,:; J L better fiifht it ont orLu . ! - . ' r ; : looked apl! at hi paper ngin ; faHy;he-Alabrf I.cori- wK liad lieMer ISH'I Notn.rV;i.'rfc,He eot'mv 6- ! !'!ijat uinerai.? tou see M&i r tohnt n4mkn any one att4&p& to " drtre t he ft,'yn, with that yot itp. and? t ..k off pisgp?pfcivaad ptit etn hj pocket a9d rat on f1? H $M toon; , hu $ tckonr. and fetched whack 00 the i table, VHto' says ha that's nufFsafs I. j Ginpral 'j : r i '! Afia;npwf1 jys thd tGineral.let's eo and taken walked sa" wi ! went, TT,. Ginal d:dnt:sar mthin fur "mnr thn r oother; ' $, to rwht J blvs he.Htar. eveiv body says money is verHearpeJ That's tme eourTJ says pandit's iif)tg)tas ecamdas if will be afore Winter is oven' add thfen ? tUM th fti. 1 . ; j ... . i r ;., . ?T - .fYfH J ftays Uint Gineral, worst comes new bank, 2JI21 tne causa on't. ' 1 DeusTe yoaiife jig&t i and if the to the worst savs he. Hxze'll havi and taat vriii make m'mey plenty gia, wont it?' Yes,'a8 T, f I suppaso ; but we can't nta new bankj Gineral i fore 1th is ones time 19 nit. t a wgn wee years yet - and lon atore that tha4' 8ay8:I'thewill he trouble enuf. as this 0n6 must all the while be collectin in its own mony ; and folks wfll. faiL and, ha hanL-- rupt ; -and then twenty WW ban!csi Will I do no gooov ; i - j aonn says J, M've oeen atraia ot an tne while." The Gmeral latt a spell ; and savs. Me," 'Major suppose you and 1 Jiow jist take a bout, and youUl see how easy 1 can nod that reply into nothin." ".Well,'? says kGineral its a bargain Now,V : says' f'lei us sit down, and you may take,' says 1 Hhl Globe, ot our District attorney's report o your proclamation, or your message, of Mr I any's report ary one on 'em or saya com in to think on't, you may take 'em all rtW rrAT 'P'- vvaniai tioveroora assembled at his request; tor, hariniiaple: and J tat waitin and settled the f tK.,- rf.X.,-- .1 it. rrenea- estabhl tmseivvs on the Ohio; of war.epf the por, of atUk thV Po,t then weujknowr, aa Fort Da 4-e, which in 1-51, hadeogaged the attentiofof the Colial emmnd, was1thteateied with an at tack tVomwngton, who.w?s hulf obled to make terms with a saperior furce at Fort xNe- General sBxadJjefc seeroe.! w fu'expeditlon t, haye labired under the" same disadvanas that BoTjmyna diJ during our jevllulion. Ho had tocostfuct htsow roads, ho-was deficient' tin wagons, and instead of making rapid cwretneat waruHjeaomywassereraliuontii3 oi t. way. It 3 said i ; some joli pasets to whhh we nare. access, mat toe Japdtog if Jha troops ;iy Virginia as a great erriajil that 40,00 rung wjnt pave oeeo I Hat ed, if n had tako Ii' at ' Philadelph'al Whilel the? iWetf ab waild lave been sbortened;six j weeksJ ' " I Corner corwus aoecdots ara felated of the rao-5?1?il'chHM-tM;l.tidrB: of Dr. f ca, to gain the asststanoe of the G-rmas uihabiuaw- .but wa have oot tine tareiat uW It appears that, on appruackmilhe Fortj h warned of the liecessuv ofmnvlnir ith .-.n,. And instead of sendinj aa advajice ffuard of re muud ooi. uags, ne was advised to trust to the provincial if;ho w r. accustomed to woods, and lOe usual stratagJtnj of the eivmy. A telief in the iniorwrity of ltd French streoti, and an undue confidence in hii r.wrt. ti t disregard the advice of VasIiagtun 5 aui the m.wUwj iiosiaaqmg uaxd looght bat tle, was nw entire deieat.f t& ' ? '. He himaeif bbhaved wi:U griat brav-ry, bat iu vain. I i?e horses were killod uoder him. aud uq received two woundso,io n the arm aad the other in the uog3. Both of m aid were badly wounded, though ooe ofthomjCapt. Orm, lif ed to make soma noise ia the f ashianabla circle of London. iSuch was the. hmAia occaaiuneirhW the unexpected fire oia the lijJiacs m .ambai. cade, as ! wall as the slaughUr Jof tl.e principal officers, that! the wounded General was almost ahandoued on tUe field. hy gaiaaas were oilerod to any two men wao fvouid attempt7 to brmg him off, but in vain. Nothing bat the galr iautry of GU. Gage, and 'another oScer, prevea ; ted his being loft to his fate. (He died . in four days afterwards. It is aid thfit the troops who were present at this battle, we!re the same who wero defeated at PreitonpansJ f His oillitary conduct has been so often censar i. that ii would onJy tirj th patience of odr readers to repeat the various opinions entertained of hiia by his cotmporahes, Hia character has been assailed as deficient iu gjpdaess of temper and aflfaSiiily ot ;nanuor. I f New lighti baa been turownlupon it by ihe let ters of Horace WaJpoJe, rifektly pabhshed in England, edited by Lord DovCr, and now repub lished ui N. York. The information is. very curi ous and will be acceptable to 111 who take plea siutf in t!iie ttrly history ofthkr country. Walpola remarks of hjs conduct that the Duke of Cumberland, tliM a leading mem ber of the (Jabioet fouud fiailt with the slow tnaveraent bf Gen. Braddpck, and discov ered that 'brutality did nbtlnfcessarily con summate a general' Acceding to the wri ter, hewas a 'very Iroquois in dispo&itioa'' Re had a sister, who helag uhlortunate at the earning tables atBatnhbng herseit, leav ing on a table near her as I an evidence of tailor, 1 rajn'j i'ou fix th.i.s now, s; as io gel o- her ii.differ0nce to death, some lines com- j J 1 v. i - .1 - .... I s ver an; tots truuoie .-" in ere is oalv one way, mpnrinff with tne words; : says tie iaiior, f and that Pve stated, and ano- .'rQ die is landing bn Io! Xher thtni says he,; th gineral wan' a new Gen. Brad dock on heanj jAiir. iou rascai, says me giuerai, you nan't. iriftr1- hAt?fr j-iair tin,l . .nu ht; fit mo batter, ifiou try', i molth-these 'pintaloons, would' playull ;she jwould jie forced to tuck' isays ti Mineral, are bettlr than aJ new pair; herself up,'! I f knd if they only had new buttons here they . Another anecdoto w reCqrded of him, that see thao wTs the Gineral. 'If we could make a new bant how, says f. right off, and loi it takW up the! $usines of the; old one, it wooldnT make much odOs. But the law wont allow that, you know. GSneial And 1aat thnn the Gineral gut in a waff he has of twitching with hid button behind land to rights ha broke qneuffi There,' says lf Mwri here is this cnifoabdad button oft arfn.! Well,' 5 says I, that's aikmll matter-ihere is a tailor's shop, let's go ia and git it put on and so iu we weht. Th? tailo? haponed to i? j one' of twr partv, and was tickle d to death to spe the President, aud thought ii was goin to g an oii:e right off, and was plagily cut down when be Wad it was only a but ton off; and sr lie jumped back on his board, ami sat down on his heels asia, and said U the gir.f rar would take off his -pantaloons he'd put it 00 in a few minute). I luoked at the gin eral; aad lie looked at ml and we both looked lit the tail r. ' Why, says be gineral, this is the worst I eve met I'm stun;lj completely 1 ijt win neyer do to iwk vajiiui2 home with this oution off ; for if tuther iie couies 1 off, it s all o jver with me ; if I sit liere without my panta jloons tii jlhat fellow potion a bittU, Pli kiich iny death jof cold 2 loon here major, says tiio qui rat, ttiatltoiher tutiu.i istUken all the strain, ad it will come off in less than five minutes fcviiat is to be done ? ft seems to me major pd theiWirieral, 4 that ii!iria is placed .so often In such r4al truuble as I j&h' vosJ. says 1 Gi In era I, biitHts fjriunata fof .you, you ai-wayb have mo with Jrou I know t major J says he, and I hopeiyuii will be a true a friend now as ever you nave been' and wnfi that says I to the pounds of -sewins-lkJ valued at a!nst tantLn , hanx' red dollott together witb nnVotitw ftTittitfti In aud eottoa hose of the value of about l- fifty -j, ! dollars. Ia the cuar ,of three or fuardaya, v4 from i&fjnnatibQ eiverti" Mr. Itire a!.a hkrK i H citable, h-i search xj tht premise ief ftobert , -0ung41t the corner of lwfcardy fc bcammeli i t streets, where he,bcnd ;tbes(Att julk, and ar-i-M resieaAiii Tlace aod J Jjii fs, t wa Boar- - dm in the house. Shortly afterwards Vbunt-; ; who had retreated ihroogha rearwiudow, wben j ! Hays, entered, .was also' apprehended IThe 1 fti musim and trxe were e-absequ&iitJy-fWad at the o v unam"a filer, 10 Antony street. evtr, havw- his trial separately 4rom ihe otrs,-- that Placa.waa the thief,laod that tho muslift ' and, nose Mod. tals; prcqaiseshad been i left tners by P;ase, .without ! any rorn-ioasness oh tho. part of Tbllr tht tliey had Wen atoleiw In fconseqeence of thislunpraioh; Teller wai :H acXuuUd of the charge, arid Wiortly afterwarda etr lioHrtyThe remaining ihree were tried . togfther, and fiMn tKeevjdpnce a. U need agitast ttem,4h4lurs did'boi lytatejbfind. them eiiiK I- . ty,i notwithstanding the repeated andiuaifona prots tallies of M'Laws that ho was altcrjether maocf itot taeenma uniuicd to himl' PbeeJ whowas an bid oSejjder, dhd h'U! bri4 lietbre t' effected us escape fiiHn the S:ng Sing Prison, froin one rf the out-Ouiliths'of the establiish-meat,-was seuteneed -to ankmprribnaieat ol fiu- tttn ytrty Tha other two although uf bad char acter,, aud as was said, . but recently before dis-' charged from the Slates Prison at Charleston; were aeatencel-to'an iaipr5$oitanr f&rwtw "'.' year 'eachi Unfortunately for NcLawk, as it ' f now appears, he war found in ; bad .A.mpaay and imprudently dsniet upon his arrest thafact of his previous imprisonment, as also that ho had efer passed Vby tnaiaeotWdliiin Wal hct. which wastheone.bv which he h Youn-r conyicted and imprisoned atCharlcstowrt .You died in the Sing Sing Prison a law months kfi lafi Uieir poi, by monns ufonepf the porter' carls w.i.ch ho fund in Piarl street; iuwhieh ho was aided by i'lace and others.; In thejeourse of this stcnent ho expressly exirtieratd Me Laws from any pirtu-ipa-ioii in ih offncjn, and ejLre sed a hope tUsi if yet lining, iafasdre night '-be uken to eif&ct his f ddivtr-n?e r'riivnjan imprisonmeni,3vhieh he wa jojudy -oklVring ia the prison at. Stag Sing. I Si aiucn of &h con fession as related tj McLsws aiUig neen trajiisj mitU'd to Mr. Hays, he buUianely uxik tho he- eu 01 nun, mat 1 i - .M Lf-ihk- Would last me to my dyini day. It takes me he had the meanness to livfeon the fortune .of I rMtL,J,t. Wv .wni . i i.i,.ti w -Wiiaa nths u geta pair to sit jeasy. 1 a woraan ofldoubtful character, which lie asao obtained before mtet 1 fcLUs1 me distaiit shored ua of her death observed, 'Poor Fauny, iklways tnought 3he hw sentence, but not nitil ihe made a death-bed declaration, thtt McLawi was tnnncent of thaf crime imputed to iij.n. No notice, however, . seems to have benn taken of this exculpattoa of M'Laws, who continui tq be treated with the greatest rig jar and harsh utt, from the, time of" Young's death up io the period of his pardon. This was obtained upon the cojcurreut applica tion1 of the Recorder and Alderman Palmer and VVoodruftVthe judges who presided at his- trial upon a well-iounded persuasion, that he aas uu justly suffering for an offence which he had neT committed. ' A , i . I ! Toe grounds of thi belief, werej derived from the boufessiou of fFiUiam Telfer," who was exec uted in Hartford in September last, together with Caesar RcynjMsfor the murder' of a keepr of the prim iu that place, in adarin but ineffec tuui attempt which they midn iw effect their escapo. Teller, previously to bis extcition,jut into; the hands of a professionr.1 gfnUouiui of that place a sketch of his lif, in tne course 'of. whi'eh he admntJ that he coaimitted the robbe ry of,G. G St S. H wlands stbrfc. by srcreliag lit useif behind some cottunbags bffro ihe etoie was closed, and then after the ch whs had left it Ar iKo nignTfbraslcfniiif the coontm rdoria aad stealing the prpfrty 10 ; jusU ja This ! he, setter tho watchmen ter .'ui. ; removed 111 tna morr.iug weeiis ana mor. wont have a new pair says the gineral, that Wedrtell bVlilossrsGebnro Pi 71dre Fay atid Nathaniel Pi laWcfcteith manr of the C3i!toawmenc tndconstituting 6 - excellence! uary j nurrn m i commence tne f otn Q"4f4'fenlby th best VjSft 'trfU Leslie has! tgf!'!: fofl'feff'Saiiniuble stoncsj Uja pb seritfcncaustic humor JwiilireV s riot Inferior tb'llhe-ccle-1 exceed iIibfi. ! TheN. Y. Mirii &e ppled ithe risihta of : the States" can be laiW-iU'.l ;StuiJ tn;; ; J i'in vioi&hr ftresenred i ' i Nl I !ll: iierepy yiotesiing ana; ainrming . ai anu sin gular fhe iiattrsand things, herein hllclre con tainedjand expmedr we liaye with ohr own pr orKrf brrfds , hereuntiu subscjr&ed"our !Iiuw in the SejiitJ Chancer, in the Town of. Coluutbia. this iihd;r ef Decenibtjr, in the ' jjear ot j our uqrn one inotisana erint nimdral and thirtv t ' i Li fir 1 - . s T-i j thrr!(833Jahd; in the; fiftfiBiffhth year of the Sovereignty and Independence ot thd United Sutesicmertca.. ( ! "-' ' l 'Ra'a'Oajiofi, rom?D4THnffton.: - JaslClsnttt, enatorj froi! Kershall. Juhlil Sid, from Spartanburg. i 4I PailVtoh,trom Christ Chnrch.il Robert D. Montgomery, from Lancaster dis trict. i J '.. :. '!.'. i. 1 r naufcaS alirt .'Arlrrikntp'rl ' tri .Slpho m i fTllel January . Ko; feSlHedc to,be i fair fetiP-"?- r .vjurn .to,'wniniU win irtcopish mmmmimM i:-', r rib.: fMrHsn? Johnson, in JhH Sf icholeraifraorbui: naail ,,.it,Artt ihr lAnct rpirarrl in hf.r wants IM. deterdiic d on., 1 see says the; gmeral, . l ,onflth hfl u,i .tAnai.lite, her T what you are aflbr yod want a new job. """" V? l H. TT ijh i M WitK tlVut! I . lira v VI . 4 trAmA nl irht fk niv hut I SnVe. i OG aCCUSGQ Her: M IW lUWIUIUU VI v i ui a v a. a u u j tws m v ---- -i " ton ; and, whilst tho Gineral stood up, I $ot down cheating nm, and never went near tier a- behind huh, juid stitched an the button in three j cam. This incident is said to bo related in minus taeurinerai au tne wnue snaking uis 1 FieMinT7s Uovent uargen trageay. wuu acKory ao mejiaitor, aua seitin mm inat ne nau little embelishmentsJ hu more u oius iu u uomi uo u Another anecdote in the same work, is together-fbr they are pretty much all Onf fray parly says he ; I should have been lom the duel between hud ana tor. uumiey, tne and I'll take this -Bank Ueply;' and then : io a pretty condition, if I lad uken your advice,' brother of L .dy Bath M they 'were about nf .aa ,x'Yx..t IrtA i-T o Akf , ... II .A Itm Kmoml ; I .t hu Avar lf-.tnh T-ml l 4 priMm(T fiWDfUS lUO VsUl. WUCU UUt W liihj White IIous acrin , $oto rights, the tailor Braddock, 'You're i a poor dog, take my man ofspuns, Major, and Hike you for it ot waf W aod f1-1 ne f1 eW;,tu.rlUe purse, for jfyou kill me and run away :r i i. -...J. mi i..I-iliUineral s birty he was fa ; 1 any kindle- Van- tFr, -..ii noi have a shilling to suoDort you.'? ... , f . , 4 J J 1 iBuren Jackson-man ; he "knew which side his bread wasutter'd,and I looked plagey knowin too it wis jest as much ail I could do to keep the Gin??: 1 from sma3hin ira sa'snyI, come Mineral, iatTs be movm ; and we went borne- the Uinerkl ail the white $aikin about bis escape from an lawful Istate that t&ioT Was about . gettin ira ia. ; J Well? says . 1, 1 Giaeraly l.tlle thinx s i 1 4- W ibriuW On josera lLtxreit.hr,' Senator from 5?t' Banister Stone, from Greenville Disfnct. '; l Uictfardscin, from Laurens Distriiti David D. Wilson from VVmiamshufgl Dis- trici.-;t ;: tt jv' j ui ml i. Beraiiihi Gansc; Kingston election Pfettict. John iNt Davis,; St. Jaines,;Goose crVf. , Hxhard I: Maaniog, Senator from Cltrendon. Allied Huger,Seraatorfron St. ifhjxhaaand ot. Wennw. j k ,r, ; ;. ,;. Uj 1,; . .Adjourned. J lYff Atfrtotfli Escktel- On t Thursday afu moon tast, two mon nnuenoo an opperaimn on , a tomb at Monnt Alburn (preparatory to the inhu mation of bodies); which jrtutu'red iheuse4 if mel ted lead'tj and they, therefore furnished j them slveshve;Uv "a,! Qast:tjr;.oC '.lignl!d';i ciareoa! whicfe.vra-i placed iu.thei toa4 "Thoddor was accider.UyJ clcaekj fast u bile jthe memtwere with in, and they iouJ iboaiselv rapid' losing their strensth and sense, till' at len2tb one x them beUiaujht himself ofdrilting a hofe (hroUgti like a brayc soldier." And so will i you, Gineral,' savs I, ,'au4 if you fall in the tiight,' says I, Gineral, I'll burry you, with the houors of war, and tacit we sliook hand:. ! N ow, Majors says thJ Gineral, as I am to begm the tighti don't you fire till 1 fire, aud then wd'lf go turewl shot by shot. Welt savs 1, 'l want to know first, if 1 h vc 9 right to .fire bacll towr shot) if they miss me, and I can pic em up?' O yes,? s;ys the Gineral, -that's fair in war.' Use the enemte's shot in shells and guns too, if yoa can, 5Iajof faaTs Vu true art of war. I The Gineral all the whiht kept fixing his papers ail in a string on One: side. the table lie put his own J Messages and Proclamation in the middle, and flauk'c off with our District Attorney I and ) Mr Tany's reiwrts : St then he shifted the Globe about, and call'd them scouts and fpragirs : there,' says hejuMajor, 1 am no4 nfeqiljf reauy;' ic ne tooitoii his Specks, U gin cm a good ruhbin, and put eni cnagaip j bwf Alajorsays he, -take Fourtationl! JjAnd 1 went round tothcr side, and sat down I Are you" ready, 'says' .the , GeratrUHlU'; teady,' says 1 aid at it wejtntif Th Gineral pepenfl M fire first kalagreedj thd he fir'd away front his tiBinteskge' And then his "second theu he V toot the! j Globe, and then the reports, and be blaz'uf "."j."' m wa.w, iwi au uqui anq ; as soon as ho stop'd to take breath-4Xowff says I, its 'my tiaie,' and I read ther reply sf speu, ana answered all iie- said in f three; tcinit;; j And I glu hiin, a look! lThe!fJin-f era! twisted his face most -'sliockiM andf scratched his heaij too ; Butjhe Wntj ti agia fcspunky as! et en for heljt antkmazin tofiucnturin to fiaht, and han balik'sl pouictim ones ; am We are in one we je: uiueraJ. is, says than tui vou will not have a shilling to support y Braddock ot course reiusea tne purse, was disarmed and would hotakk his life, which by the laws of the Dudld made it forfeit to his vanqnisner. ; ffifl Wo have the samei authority tor tne iaci. that Gen. Braddock was at one rime uov ernor of Gibraltar,1 where he became an esf f bigger t -&i vrtritpJiind obtained dCcordinz Id n.,.r i- TAn Voti ..'! rlinpraL I rct,B 'rS'i- H .. -i ... . . 'it j - r- j.T , -"1-r V . t the iourna s ottne umes. a popularity nwi crape riowppfctyr , much ike thatpejo 1K t ff.tout on.". How so r-fsaya the mcijyj V07 u. .u. rt,;.;.a Why, says Ii" the Baakl-there it One thing ver cctU11 uav "' M" . ' i.t liL-n; tn,.r n.nl ...ha hotter I I :Ararnm(r.! WKrfl DariiCUtiiJT Ulll"! luin.v JtOfc HAW I'UHI UttUUUTJIU 1 VJUI Vtil Wm r .; j : mvl (.nit v-Ttnta natw KiiM.Lti nd I aolnltATl nt Generals "SCflt tO 1X113 S '. f' " . - I " , 1 4 . .'I . . I ' 1 I - give ns a kink, and a nation ot oi:ger ! . i, . '- I a j . .-, J . , loitie of thjese; tailors about us hero want us to onntrv However gallantly t hey . might tuve let 6hit;-riu and shakio, aid rnnnidff the tUk ot 1 . . Lhi ta,lr0U-on the Continent, Euro- . i s i . St,. s-. - i caiuvv wvtt - a - Jettin a r) euuiatiz that win last us oorjlives, jest . fact3 dij u0t SUitt3ie wild woods qf tor mem to ?ei ine ion ( maKin a newous i i j i .u.. DaTo I And says I,M lue jun aid I had America, ipW :ierdisJPpoina.n,asedid th9 tailor jest who inhabited them fhd names now t stitch on a uew butUand things will all Howe, ! Abercrombie, rnnerst, Louaou, go sriiooth!agia w: ' The piaeral -laidlnt say a pndeaux, and Braddocl are a tew oi iuo tford, botjhegot tbiakiu lligey hard, iiil we got jjgt of those wboseevwfus laurels tadea Cr home agil, and IfM hi pip3,aiid (gatmii;e die upon Wshoresi H 't and jestias We were lightip 'em, says hW 'Major; - , ? . - - -; -- " f there are somy felloe about us here that nester f. IK . ",',. -.'i mere are some fellows about us here that neater me uicSi desperately we? must all go as a. Unit, or 1 must dot It' and whS that, we cock'dfour. foet on the mantel- serves the .i especial .attention tre. 9.A In lss than fivd minita vntt rraild'nt 1 Hstice aad humanity J low,, SUCH no Xh iTcrimstance3 , ielaiW in the. fallowing btw' 4n a ap, anS git a new article Cum i jthe ew York nqurer,axef airae-i w, W s'lt thinly of It aid p thl Gineral. ly melinchoiy and fsmeatabie nature and de- Urn c ; k. fjL,, . ..,aL th;neal j attention of the tnendaiOl I cUj SI now about 55 years of age, an sdre 5n im prisonment of yinr years, the effc' f Iwutch aM visible upon his uotsoa, and a nowt turns uat witUout cause, liv ta course ot this iitpis- onment he has according to his account tU'.d;ed severely, having been repeatedly; figge4 ujjkm the most trifl'ng pretexts, and otherwise treated in a manner, which seem lb question, whether on the score of humanity, a sentence of death na no: preferable to that of . imprisonment in the Smg Siog prison, as it h I been governed, and conducted durmg.the time of bis' confinement. He iwaadischard(with a dollar in his pocket to find his way with a broken down cosUtuUoa tii his friends in the State of Georgia, and ie prirld .even of the clothes which he carried with him to prison, they Have by sotn 1 meana or other been duiposed . add others 4" an jine rior quahty substituted in theirtd. j Mack of a BearVhv following aosouot cf an attack of a Boar on a person at . Byoa La fuarebe Loaisiana, which occurred on the iSlh. last wa have translated fromhe DooaldsonTillor Rspublican: f Ayong man t residing on Bayva Lafoarcbe gives the following paniculars U a recent jeo oHioter witn a Bear. Tr.e aoaiioa!, it f seens was! in the habit bf crcmcmngMepriiohsf on his fiorn fields, and in soft of the i2ileice of 1 he olanteral ways made go d his rreai AU aUi . J tcupts ro pot a stop to the deprr Uias'of tho: en- ? f.wy navingaUed, ihe 'planter spread ia gtm in the path by which the Bfar nsually approaqhed' 1 the field, enl J placed hifr,s l," at sojie ' distance x Ui the jwrps. f atetiiui Wtary with waiuug, r our hunter wrar-rd hi mself in a jblauket, l fell . ir.ioa slamber. He XaL wA ten Kmia'ih s situation, whea the Beai;inade his appearance anl falling tto the snare that had been laolor n bid, caused the gun logo off, th report of - hkh fnghtened him, and he x turned to ran j away. The ycuog man whom t tM had atobed, surted op, sailed the gun by ha sida ar. i flowed in rrursail. xe ou L r came with the Bear, fired at, ano w, when tbe animal roshou lunousij upoa bio, clasped him with his , paws and at tempted ta conv iciivai i n tmt e nim i a "T i . ' r I . ; J, i...'..nl Knt a tnat I .nmwvled in WiiiCWUZ uiicb wikvi , kjTO on us than oar toes, i; I lean beiprevrnww 5 r . & - c"r ;,k.iv,fj TiSt M SiirFrndf I 'i t- I oJuT'l tee'W toejbeeii. ttrsoiae degree, . lutbs upon the Bear, wmf This aoen. . bf? mnVStXG k owS "4?y with, vile and l4ged tnTaoimal that he became deawrateand si-. frhNW.' '.''. lowl"?. il;..h rJff k.mJrJ .. the f ouaa roan with ha feet and daws.mt; DjwnbgVille51Uiua, 5d Brigade. . . . . W, a: . - - .-v na B m 1 .mu V n M W A M III' a. . . km MnM rum m . i - u : vra m n. ujuim Kaun mi r w v a TTLiZ..- 4h. njTr dndful maaoer; whUelfe anhhed his which fparuo.yfj:. oon- rrdi AT. lna Ol lUtUO WHO STB TCI UiMM v.f I - . . Tt -r n J." o 7", . !-.'"? : j snappin turkld when4 ho gits ho!diI4ng i cd awav asDell like all n.ntnr- nn.t iellaa Kl with His HESOK iGlNi ti&kDbOCK. we;,?-:;t L dW. .The' han.ildU f.lb Thel iHrtfi of this Geril js perhlips better t. ; unJerstjott m the United States, than ta rns own ; country. J Indeed fats nainf U scarcely w oe ioudo ia'tbfBiopiewbUehere, the his tory fj I; defeat at ionoiigaiiel' but an cherjdrdloftha ourbe-'torMVasriiuttiio.,t,-,': & J -H ' . uen. uraooocs sauce rrota vtn in ui (:t l. . . if-' r.i severtV-iinthmimCTiand 'brrtved safely deHsUggered aJioat fifteen paces andi then Tell knd died. The hunter. MeedlnW from bb Arxian hythenamebfJdhD ri, woonda, and! his strength exhabled, sank faiat :eoUvictcdOaoberSivftheenme InTtothe ground, where he lay fur seteral larceny, opoti-whiqh he w.aUjwJ to aoio- wifSmsiita.ci insensibiUty H Hit pnmruent T rwrd laoor,' ia ' i 1 however. . i . - ix rv it risidered la 4.oar2er i is stated ,that ihia cuolntitowk p)ace donry atow dars sihee by the lWr.Wfj .u-rr w.r the iHeavem uT" a? Bear at such a ume. ul'?T . more taan, pw-s i -r, r - g iD t aiBear at sue l timber, liD, the star of P. G.&. tf,;l"5 . ' .! comcand Hi i;4 ioouvenoott J- if :5 --!!- -. .v fl -T d ti i I . 1 ."' i.'i: I?' 11' it t rt. li a .'pysl lcou; liy; Id tcck Uis specks off to give qjn ru hi 1 ga liim. - ..4 ! y i 1 t - v ' - i j i tt :ri'. - UiJl' 4 ' I 1 f t. 1 I r ff ir a 4 j ft 4 r f5 1 3 i 1 -t . g:i..4fci-.-j.:-f n j.- x "'.'ri - : " v. '-' r i 11 s

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