v r 4 rH-,' i - r. x r- - It !7Y. .V V ' 3 f I -J.A : L - Ui 5 ' . .Mi . ; ' iii - . . ' - 1 1 J- t: : ' - r: :-t i -.-J . i :rs 1- -'f - .- f ... . JM.-i. - ... . ... - ; - L1 . I I .J IMF 1t l"."F I; it i.ff.fi 'zb nvt&trtT'Tft - ?r I wok. fur puduo, sentiment:" mrii of Mni.iheY fi:: fcojjfc their m.nie:jt ifjo the fe!e. 1 i r f 1 1 i ii r t-- 1 - fc i-1 ' r -- - , av uy j Tear, fire In Goanties mare .than the. real people; not ufuce holders oTntractow; .Li i 111 . ; - - . '.4 ' ! . ' a ui9 ugyeiouieDiom josnee.ana moaerauoo ana iifif dda rTly; wffl balcontf 1 ??l!fi 't mM b ijlf if J5?S,!5?'f M'.1?!g2 KESSSret?!: i?? ifffofi 1 ioii'iicjwwii;, . i r,-'J'J., ,1 4- pringt of 1- Post paid or f?rf iJWs til tHe pdiformast be ! Jressinf the Editor on the business the glee, M'lrs him as Editor of the fLfJfiHife that write! on oiK-f- cSnfeitoIiG Jones. 1JV; I ; partj inicoated.bjr a principle of ambition-jw actire and tlmosl as dangerooa aa poison, with its eye steadilV fixed nnon the elevation of the ezdm tire iaTonie. ana iu nean UDon me loaves ana ssn- es, and flesh Dots, and all those food thincrs.that pome id me train or power. i list party aeienaa the violent arid lawless seizors of the ; deposites. rMwsivr;. . -i i Lt it 4l I uv viuieut anu lawless 5, J 834. ,nate bavin?, on moiion ot - Air, Alan- the cwnstderation of a Memorial hi mm, some nays a?o, irom a uumoer , t cf jBujrfce.curtty 4 N. . Carolina, remon- M thAra ia.i fair nrbshact H iuj noe uuiin saieiv aoa in inamuu me stolra.'tbe jilic indignation liiY.-HT ix or do 1 mean to say that there are not others, f ine pais 01 mis oartv. nonest -ana nonora- le' men,1 wjw support this measure. I! kqow that there aresqme influenced by strong prejudice against the Bank, or stron? attachment id the CI i8trate. who are as incredulous of mer it, on the part of the former; as they are suvr!to ierroron tne part or the latter.. I5utf sir, lido ot mistake the signs of the times; ! this riartv fltiA InAofmlimUo an4 iMnxanf nft a l10?? fraorl?e if i su8tain?di as it is,by Me coon tenancl and fXWWwX:?. Bankof the L States,, patjonalw of i the Federal Government. wHUffe said, that he had, upon beaten and overwhelmed by that great undUcip unea corps otrmmia, the tree and sovereign! peo plell Sir, we! are unaccustomed to that Dolitical ditciphijie by which, in other States, whole totii- miieesnaoge front at the word of command, with.th celerity and precision that a battalion may be wheeled in the open field. VVe are mere ;f5tb-a v)ew lf lesnming the considers- Uta; refuse the drill, ind hold in contempt 4a tfifi&iis; ekrly k' priaiF.as 'tbe state of the imblifieal tactician. We have no central a- 'fiaasi'aiid jcooveniehceof the Senate would 6nfJf which kind Jy takes from ibe shouiCer of have noUnnto of patriots who kindly assunae trie toils of Government far the Daltrv eauivaleht 6f the peonies monev onlv. v recognize no or- ganitations, unknown to tbe Constitutiun, to! tine " ! Mf MifatrM rose.J i erlcrasionvmoved to lay the memorial 4tresi isUhe table td enable! the Sen'r from Penn- m- - , , - ..r i .!: ...i .. r. ; : . ! itjaaiq proceea in me qeoaiie upon rae pnn- jauemen,;wnicn in bis juagment, reqtu- ; i ecficTiOtice', he gave that direction to the m 11 earlier I occasion" having offered, lie TXioWi pneeea iq oesww mat Driez nonce f &ibj&f w hichj th remarks of gentlemen jctd D93a;ily to) suggest. The resolutions i:iarm:'jioonal withal so unprer djiat hje had notl expected they would aiaore than a passing- notice. They had, kfi ficile4 auchi debate, and had been as- eiy on ftrious ffrodndsiand especial that they H usittsd from partisan ilzeal, and bad been iciflf notJconcelf idiipy a disappointed pqL iS&t jelatarl"V.S4aieiliiog was said of "pot lase" rMieian ands 'miserable i petitions l? 'vs. , ; , k -! B- 4;. 31. said he iiad Stated 1 upon tne presenia p t! resolutions;, mat ney nae Deen aaopi tiu fie:Had been informed, withoat distinction irfpLiTtahd that they might be regarded as env Wf.the sentiments of a large majority of the Ttldirent land Substlntial freemen of (hat fine mosperput .region 01 onn v-aroiina. ne fut'u&i tatstaremnt was madei $ vailed himi immffyf sHj thf Inijeans of information 1ifecach7andnaji seen letters ; tha. tawiitr, wvweireaori Jiadi Men to add strength! rtr4wpreiion8i in Reference to the stater f of WBUmenf in ithe, tndantaln region of N j arcfl4Mwenapie nmsjMi state, witn con- lwfflstialiJtoillrlem pievaded a! xrjemajQniw me enure, a late, vine resolui Tiura jtW aot; therefdrl,j 1 his opinion, emanate ?ww piMu itrciuiuif ana pariy prejaarce: out ymiastgmm a wpig sense ot the general ifaTeojence not to Bay diatress, brought upon m wim 01 ine country of tue usurpation and; Iprjonibejmfkn lift. 8aid!htsnQiion debeited him most llllVitkropghonljthfwjiole State of North Ct;approaeli!ii; in opposition !odn.t)ih Deposite question mrklly flopanllejed upon any other great filiating frdm an Executive of their taw. th e. atartliai CTtt&nsion J bcmexMfih ixiaxuiest tendency to tne isolatioa, of all pwer: in tie hands of' ImA 'tan (Ta nrsnled it as Hidilr honorable' to his State: that ale was- tnov- lreckoninff to ed. not by mer eenanf coosfceration. but bii fei dened against the A llogbf justice,' and hla3r';fil$ 1 Wll t&e Constitution and the laws. JNorth Carolina was emphatically a law-loving' and law-abiding State.! Not the worshipper nf idols and the ! de Totee of power pot as qrr to resist osurpaiiops on the part of power, as ready to yield obedience to rightful anthoritr. ' f :-: All-ii TY. IX Nothing (said Mr. U indicates more clear ly the unsoundness of the tirnes than! the! true character of this controversy; Strip it of all extraneous matter of the! mystification of lan gnage, and remove the rubbish I that enenmbers it sod. this whole deposite Question is 'a contest for the use of the public money! for the purposes ot gain tomake interest out of it. I Wis a,cW WW iur iuo use or 11 ajitr it leaves th the People and before it is disbursed i uc semce , as 11 mis uovernment mwm vg uuv , oar- esseaftlit people. prore recreant to meirtrnate. but the whole i mviv, wantonnea at -L. - . irrk;nM -t " -. v 2 :. fi?M lent 01 imsfl inii onrnnir.. 4-:n la :- !, i a . - ----.w NHi uisconieni. nnrinAmi... ; i: --i w i . i i 5 feexon ofadm. 3 fetiok. b to fii 'i,thiihehad hped, 'vivi m ih?;aW518Uat serLs 5taf5 il?1800881?0 chthis subject had1 ajl !!f!U,ll eloquent da, w J bd:omaids examinfUoo. To put but the w5? em thj SenateJaod from the pe- lh ngoXlfxial by Jury; many . .' aplhis admmblrauoii r tet ouht not w-ch ha elapsedj since thai! J3-- !Ioq?eot denunciations of the futrvil M '.'j1 f"r . tt MP4upjesare fioanfl. sari mn. . ... . nave anain neen m- 1 m u"( nuicn 'inrMtoni ' ? !!laU!? reaj interests fi.lPWPlesofthii looked ndt inattentive ; . . Ot tna countrr n i J" aammistration ! I have vivea. tie exnressmf Ma rr C. i u mua oeconie necessary for him to ciaima- bulwukofour libcrtj ftoa thit qucterj- I hflM .m r , . . . 1. 7 I hMA nrara mmu. f . i I'M- . . wawA x am w , - .4 w - - - - ' a w wa 11 1 ie,i n an r"i - . m ty to the coorr IhU.Z n7 more. the time and attention of th r " " j . sf i. to take money from the pockets oelore itis needed, to lend either baoka or political 'partisans. j pockets 01 f we re-eiecaonof the; President that j .T , ou? wme or the. remarks which had .i u "- ' I . , "tu lu "gnt ot trj 4Sebl f lendoftnaprin fe1?- orabl.ol,4ae, (AjyUnJ J1?? Uted y the ecntiTe has any yignt tr. ' ff. w 4 was not entirelr mrA th.t f rr posea on mm the necessitr of mai uo wouia B5k, nad all the irrcat con ofrth peppleiR Precisely ro p stitutional rights aeenred to iodividn toilnarlLtaan I n POWert i he 5outh"w LiWiitfc " ! said, he would talc ri;An k-c k- I both fKoIr r.. j . i r , w . - r v m a uc ni 1 1 1 if v iia . . - uniiu n n -v miuu 1 ji t vnnww W.WMKWWM& I ' i. wmm k.T -.--a i iiRr inn !T i ftMrT ftwat am c ... - i uiuLiniHi ninnse m ka . 1 . ; ri r,wrJt 5u iuuig Varairina this monev in th VrtitA Sf.tft Itanlrl : tnin1 I elUrerneSi.toanT inilfMltinit - J j I OMtftake, QO doubt ndintwDtinnst. inm .ti I - w . w - - wbm .aid iiau iiivi wn w m A.wua. . amply; every part of the mission to the different points of the codntrv where it is needed for the public service. The great object isisafeiy. Neither the j President, nor the President and Congress together,' have the shadow of right to raise money, i by taxing tne People, to lend either to bis or their friends ; nor have they any right to use money, after it is raised, fur their benefit oi the benefit of their ra nistratfhn f t .'. " . 1 which Jie ' 1 - .1 ( ; . .-S - ' "VUI Mma l,ma an . 1 some oiner cause, J'eiiisylvania I regarded the pews of the Presidentjas not unfayorable to her tavorite system ; while in the Soui we took gfwd; heart from eqeonraging intimations, and supportad with energynd zeal the present Chief ""fr. .l,0W,a f we wa, tnat tie was - k m . universal) v chiovetf? i : v l ! United "SM&UHin: i f l i I I ! vi1. in' some time ago under aiiogemer disclaimed ; arf ex- wwo.wai some jinaicaUonsI of distract PreSSlOn Which lana.t k l: i . I wrkrkAAV4 ! , .vr Htm- ui v ; t . w ana tne i oouio a oar commercial, citie:- fetate which hem part represe&ted. would W but he heliev hA u-St0!? premtedhismakingri . pie, and oiic; f Mi He, Jtfr. B. did not v. rvJ a. : j ouu iwnj tne agricultural;! class:. a k " j v u wuuiua in 1 urftsn n cava mma .a k 1- ; a. TT ' wa VMOwV I - ; A . " f ' ' W m 11L W K . J 1 I aw Wr W (Ml W al inenas. either tor necumarv or nolitifia I arwnla- wun ua m feelmor and hr n(inU on.- r ,W-,.WI...H. uafc e sustain occasion otate of xvorth-CaroJina Uro..,-..' MC' the AdministraUon Z"Z enme tnanW I tnat tftfi PonKUi tion either to make fortunes or to make PresU I subsequent times, mavftell how dh wMh. I . woal? dents. AnA vtt. nn nna kiJ.. J tU. I delnsion ht n&AiwJj l- r . .1 DUt no Had taken - - v w wv w wiiu u nuua nix ar w ite au 1.1 in a r uuiiuuiijuv umiiiih na n rMi n am a m t Mia b Bin u 1111 a t . m wwvau . ma 1:1 as fact, that the whole sUugffli here, ever r trntw nd 00 7, Worth-Carofina would Bering great distress; but neither thaL norl pubUc money from the placel:- desiirnkiedi ot law', yfc will exhibit iri vivid coW iwnV-ri fF"? Admmistrauoa : vhich expre&on operaUons of the Bank of the Hn4i and to ffive the use of it! to cfirtain '.Miitbwl deliberate betraval nf tB tit;.! r ne had used in referenci to 'the neat oneliion States, could Dravent th'A iAn. . oaujw, mil must 01 necessity, be more or less I !l i principles or that sjiminuttetWi A. " 1 - - 7, r . m 1 !i - - 4 w v.i Vpt rrawklfa referenBe to a supposed disap hara4ter he; could not misun a4,tiwas compeilied tb regard it as ex- JSiHhla hbhWe & most excellent samoo, lately 4 member of the other Drhiyioped tbt his friend -was so a iere, and . 0 truly; appreciated, that VOQld M'fnrtntt tri mim oW.A rW trot Vhdi remark was accompan 2,?thatihe was an honorable JrIed toalliresecbut yet irsound Kv:Mhxsli aMiunkind. Mr. M. oown, M r CaTion; long and intimate Ieve4the tttoatei he had formed T-,-HW4utiuu54JYiui wauKnewmm i.a:ijtii.j:iJiii , j - ?,virsiuw,: purer principles, V3S tii!S!T rP!rh4oes not live.-and riyesaid1trulyi! and emphatically. fef'fea-'wo 'without . reproach .r WrCapiibW onassailing thU or jrqts that his sound S2V?f imputatipn.. that these resolntions ertorts.we shall prob- branch of Con- -v VHve Pl ti in at) tlfc fapfiirft TB1 ntl'a Inn rl.i. .ii f 5 "lilt iH -li it. -' -Si. ?; o i- . :m - w bun iuih inn mpmnor vamva- HJlfalH honorable mem- fHlirW?; N'I!tahnljr attached W Aa wtrairort ah . that he would -Ws B-1 his consutoents ::todei)art ' That he ! was enta of hisdis- represent them, did: not Alril MI said, he khew! the ti rrine of pbrposei ebaractr f hMv irtue- Aa S 5 Virmance ofWrydo.. HlftgS !icourse wtl be, $ fe Itaken said Mrl Al. Wm'U the state KSL1 Prt of N. rTIT; U. that I do not 9 liSfC NN can be W tSS1?'1- look fh Stt4e. UoTfrnulent i3t.,feiMi.ftr"-vTTMfi wewoose "namo wiPltrt AMI. .1 ' l . . ay iittiatiprt. everv act of ihi r Jt Is i.l their vocation carters as a part of areas of thous- rVttW?'l?PeM(na lo nail ton. W-r Ibiiill w .enppiei.t J i Jle 'ti&Kk.L the whole put if on fjuivaientfurt I, I "WW All H TTt A. L;"fiV"fmeni pay,i ft? ft. jay.that 1 and rule Wei the ;laws; to manufacture public opinion; to order and to club the wits of dishonest meou8fizp upon tne uovernmeni ana piunaer a conwlinfii community. I - iii !i iSirlwe hatre seen in the history of other States, and great States too, ! that bad men hare established regencies, self-constituted, atnbitiious, aid unprincipled , which, by means of perfect 1 ; : w ".ill ti- organization, eonuprtnending ; every county, j nnd eyerlrj twnshiii iof every ! county. cbntroSe;d public opinion, subdued all spirit of resistance, and letirig in phalanax, and iy concert, secured an eho rora! 4$btj organ ; even the mos'tW miniitive to the!? expressed will of the central JiintlJ fllustrions talent, ripe experience, and wellrie patriotism, must fail into the raffi bow, to jthe I pentral power, aod wheel at &l worofcominand,br be pr(rii ihe ruthi less desnotisor. firAF Rhrt nf nn?i;i ri. ..i uiauij'iiiuci ana peneci ooeaience, tne only tests of ex4elece.J we haydno such regeheji we caihave rioriei. j It cennut, live amng osi in powe,. Jt would only iu duggeril or in pasqjul nade,1thepdrt of the wit, the butt of the wagi and the sjorn ofhonesl citizens. It would be!an organization witbont power, a Government wiih MMlei3!nere caput mortiatm with 'lione! so rxwr as, to do it reverence.' . : ': f MH? I&e of ! man, or set of men, who coni W?' so1 1 think no man or se of men, cap transfer, at will, popularity H6!; 1 r&ard tb idea! that the suflrao 9'fWPro?inl ie be transferred to the jjj4 ecutifeatas deeply insuluog to the Intel-; ligen&anjindeiendence of our citizens. I j I know -that the ODinion 19 mntartolnaA nil warm)y cherished, but I think it is founded in tl projTodnd mbcception of the character oour P0PH- ffhey cinhof, they will not, be tran ferredV they will judge and decide for thebli 8elfdTiHselTM!1 .trust; independently, I am sure, j i ! , ; j ,; Th IPle fW'Wt State had borne much, they were Jess excitable than some of their more mer. ciful Heigiawrs ; Jbut there was a point beyond whichs theexfjeriment now making upon thkn snd the cbuntryhdt De safely carried. It had been slated.by his honorable colleague, and doubt less frbm his conviction ot its truth, 'that he had nodoiipt ht Nerth-iCarolina Would always sua! taicj tle Aimtnistratation : that the opinions 0$ the- people republican as they were, were deci dedly kgaipst domestic foes, as well as foreign' enemife, and would support the Government a-i gainstiboth. It became Mr. M. to speak with modesjy ,iuregard to his State, but of her vuW for consistency, aod a steadfast adherence to her principles, ie might speak, as! he should only echo the tqice of her; whole history. He shodid then fel that he had assumed weighty responki-1 bilityifb arm of his State, that she would I ll-: ways Support any ! man, ur any administratidn.! Butj he should feel that he risked nothingljin; anirmihg ihat she would be found steadily sijp porting herjprinciplee. She, in common with her sisters, was under the influence of that de Totito'ib'pnlic banefactoK; which utebjHroiabW ? a renetousi and honarabie people ; she mig it occasio)iall err, under the influence of a gener ous j enthusiasm,: or temporary excitement j bit, in the long run she would be found on th nf I those featjrinciples; that had marked every pe- .um.uci uawMj auu uoe migntne so build as to count tipon her support, who were theiW selves Jmtrsa to those principles j oocasiooal a lierrationslr slight delinquencies, she might generofslyoyfrliiok but, depend upon it, thkt no madi orfet ofmeb,i who haoitualiy disregard herprihepies, can safely count opou her support. : Tnat Stale hal anflVrl ia little e VWMC89 UUUI uic xmaoTai ,oij tne deposites uvwu 5 . vvuuueuco consequent a ;the.y.iencj anf usurpation which marked whole brocwlare.'aj rierhsns 1 anv vifio Atlanus border. Perhaps,! from . etreomstaniW peculiat to herself, she had! suffered lesa thknl , i .l? . .iifl- i . : t :i . . 1 mmj umerceruuiuy pucn less man Aer sis pta wine orxnj ana , jtast.f;rhe whole jmritti'ijf d)t lu.fnit fijsaii :fbt&go and lom itic. iwis berhanalniQch smaller than it li n;fol;aeferal:years9 kod jetby reason oft! B.u wmaingop,; ti tne business of all iocai Haiks.ter had been a sort- of sstrktu not to iay tmesi&iiA jBhock pven to public ronfidence--lhe entire u jr-vT" upi jMwe--aaa unquesuonawy increased that uneasiness. The evils of that act weric moving apace, and were pervading lire-' ry part of the interior,'and must be felt with more prless aeveriiy. jBut the bpposiuoht of 1 that state,, tu this measure, did not aiise from ai fee- controlled by a political party. Ih the worst' . I iar as. I know, and I make thA A riodof the Roman empire, he imperial I purple I dr a seiiae of resfobilhy; ths adminis was pbt UB at auction bf thtt nraetnrianl miarda. 1 ttation has put forward nn nn'nMhU i uoa iornia tnat we shau eyer see the time in PPnwpwyaf a party principle, except the prin this country when trained political cohorts shall plf8 of elecuons and of office. The. adminis- upuwu wmiB into power as a reforming adminis- iSH!t.'iicntdown lo? off excrescences, restore economy, and bring back the Government wuuu, annpie and.? Healthful action. The gPeat questions before the country weie ta rif. Internal iraprovemept, and economy, and a- ;lT natronage. i am bold to say, r,., caia pi me late fie the friends seize upon the public money 9 to open the wa!y to the r residency bj .urmpto , kM ik; age of tbe Government 6hal be combined with the People's money, to bring into power an Ex ecutive favorite. " ii M i i I shal decline, said Mx. Si., going into! the arguments upon the deposite Question. The argument has been exhausted, and the pretexts, I do not say the reasons, of the Adminiatratinn lndllrtrv ZkZSJW HlXPZ8 W eountry,?and pes of a free People from goin7forwrTiW: 2ei7 rpid advance to SnaittcW! to explain, ,Sd ihioThMg beeTyiilded PrOS W .ness which tllii cbtt4tr- himieread from'' th.iNii2fflS was destmedto attain. : r that part of the Speech of B. aaT reported in that "5 B: d be oughtit must be obvioosr paper, to which he had f referred. Mr. Browa to al, wo were at all observant ofpasslncr resumed, and said, that theexpression attnbirted events, that a great effort was now rnakiairL1 to hun, in the report of his remarks in the Intel- by those who were out of power to hrt -7i h.P5oulls.y, had gen- Swu public ooinioVth P"?. t I morderto secure their own ulUnutesuccess. 1 I - , 1 -' M , - i , - , . t 1 al 1 ; ...?r- ' aaivuua 1 tor mis measure, haye been uttprlv nnnihilarAl or ;tne present adminiAtiAn k-A 1 I J hat is my opinion ; and suehy I do r not doubt, Mf : his w a strong decJaratioa, and yet I feel I will be the opinion of the country. ! I prepared, when invited to the trial, to prove it It has been said that a trrt ; mi-u. I before the countrr. i r 1 n (J VUW I. UHUUUg t -J i I tODntODt of mir rrtitnlir raln'.nrl ik I U he OB I V OTat nrinrinU n-.t.l r j. I ou Him wiia fairness ana justice,' in reporting his remarks, was one which had not been used by him He seldom troubled hiniself to revise the notes of any; of the reporters, be- lore meir puoucation, as to any f thing which' he Ana wnar, ne would ask, was thecomposi tion of the extraordinary combination of paraes wnicn was now movim? to (r said here in debate. He had looked ever his purpose with a teal, a perseverance. them, to put out or to put down the principles of this Administration, and to bring others into pow- er wua opposite or ainerent Drinrinl Mr posites, which the friens of the administration roiuuea to support, was the? principle of ma w n A aa mA ii a - - : uv iaw uuio Ym ajiv: one rise offlce views have no; iaken-so wide a scone. Mr ob. ir? Pand deny it aid piye the excentinn ? ject is to check, if possible, bld and lawless u- f n,ght o tariff or anU-tarifT, internal im Cirrpti'O; and to, avert from the country the Prwnen or anti-interhal improyement, for or erus consequent upon it 10 arrest tne deep and I "J", , aiujs., or anu-uanK, and yet .017 iiaaujy, as given py the reporter siugencer, oelore thejf 'were puihshed that paper, but the error whieh hm mUnAA t had escaped his observation. Th remarks, as published m the Gtpbe cthe 15th r eoruary, gave accurately the expression which he had used on the occasion alluded to. Mr; B. saidi that he had ventured to exnrpoa thA nnin. ion, that the State of North Carolina would sus and au activity, which he L would Siv oriMi worthy oft better cause? It embraced paf- r ties of every political hue and complexion- : Nullification and Nationaliim were found 4 united, directing their joint efforts to tho,J accomplishment of that purpose. Could it 1 iaii to do perceived that a union of hart! thus constituted. tain the Administration on this; question, which power and influence of the Bank of the IT ' in its issut, he sincerely believed, involved Ki wiae-spreaa distress so painruy experienced in "v, emner or the polmcal I - T rW?v ";VU ftain power, would wield a Power and ivn -- vjuu o)Quva,asiM jur. jji. can any cenue- -t r . w 'ana support tl ' ' . . , , , TT . uo,w"ou ;w man have especially from his Stato, to throw the- Cicctiunsef those who would sustain all the t06 PP68 wnlcl had distinguished her cit himself into the ranks of opposition to this Ad- of the Executive ip relation to office- !n81 J19 grwtpolitical struggles which minwtration i The Administration isnow in ita luese feTreat questions, some of which al- !iT:" 77" " uur niswJ agitateu IP second term and it must livout jthe time for which it is elected a longer continuance of it under the present Chief Magistrate is not con templated by any one. What motive then, can one have, causelessly and, indeed, nnless un der the influence of a stern necessity to place himself in the opposition ? No motive can be assigned. On the contrary, every consideration ot prudence, or personal advancement, or indi VL take las L a, 1? 1 1 UA uuwu upuu me current 01 me rresiaeni'8 popu larity. In the State from which he came, that popularity was known to have been great. It was a confidence given to him suddenly, but vol untariiy. If recent events haye deeply alarmed, not to say shaken that confidence,1 yet it may most shook this Confederacv to its d APtiAsr dat joos, the mends of the Administration were notjreqrtired to hold any principles b common; bat! if upon a nomination to a land office or a for eigp mission, or any subordinate situation upon which the Executive had set his heart! for the accommodation of his friend, one should venture to express his dissent, w betide the presumptu ous let he rnlffht look wit for the flamintr swnrd dual ease, conspire to recommend that he should J Executive vengeancepr prepare for the deep ke the direction of the time4 and float ffentlv dennclrUoos of a profligate Press. me country, tie did befieve then, and he still believed that there was affirm! and determined spirit of patriotism in our country, which woud not consent to witness the humiliation of the Government and the people, by the success aqd triumph of the dangerous and and powerful mV ceyeq institution which was now struggling for uiaawy u0 sapremacy over the legitimate au thorities of our country. any heretofArn J- T known under our Government, In such ai t event Mr B- said, it was but reasonable to suppose, judging from the past conduct oi" those who managed the affairs of 4he Bank, that its whole power, if the! deposites wero restored and a re-carter obtained, would be exerted to sustain those in power who had upheld that institution. It appeared to him that the country might well startle with' alarm at the consequences ' of the success of so fimnidajblea party, sustained and sup ported, as it most probab'v would be. Br a power which would go far to place it her 1 .1 1 a I I BIr. B. said, that his honorable collegue hart r Am a rlrorl tfi-j Ka 4 m i4 . ...... . . . ".1 I . W .. n WW .U.ll u UGUCICU A U I DAL oir, tnis Admmistratieri has had nb fixed fi tho ciples, upon which it has IpteadUy acted upon a- Jn 7i PFo j ueoiaw oi ivonn ,-lvpui-. teSitoittC V Tut, policy, either undefined o thrown into the dark, honorable colleague had, m the course bf nawon had restored to be State Banks In a; word its highest policy has been to have the remarks which had fallen from him, ex- M PUcea aeposite, to strengthen them no t settled policy. Tp keep every thinff pressed the opinion, that such was the neat Bvea perpetuate power in the hands of thing unsettled, to lean as personal popularity of the President among lts '"ends. The effect of this measure? as ; .1 Si 1- every supposed still to be strong; opposition therefore. will n'ecessarilv have to enconntAf nrxnniifo 1 open, . parualities, and to brook the misrepresentations the exigency might reqme, either to the North the great mass of the people, that the indi- onc of Pronage, he thought!, was rather to and calumnies ofa servile and degraded press or Tth'i? the of er i"?6" vidual riskedhis TOrjulantv wfaostood before bring more of weakness thWof atrangth to a nrpsa. in it rami U ,.ir plavioff offtffainst each other the diffftTAnt ;u WC,IUW jii!7"BoiwwiDeiorB , w j AAA aa ivvuiiuveuui portion of the Confederacy "cu moveo Dv an impulse irom the centre a ready organ of every slander and calumny $ and a sure echo of Executive denunciations. uoes not every ne see and (e ihat when tbe itlv r.ha- I uisauiuiujguauuu; ii i4ia lueaSUrc, IU qUcS I v - uuiuu uon, 01 mo aominisiration wasso unpopular iuUU iW iUU targe numoer in North Carolina, as had been represented, which existed in the different States; and he was at a Joss to perceivelhow any public thos0. . ks wnose claims wer0 overlooked, a a . . . . .1 aAtiafivi4injw IVaa A.a alt.. ' auurements and blandishments: of power shall fail of their object when fealty shall oot be secured by flattery, reward, or the j hope of re ward that the fears or the weakness of the public man are sought to be acted on by the teror ism of denunciation ? Does not every' one see that independence and manliness are not the .virtues required f 1 hat submission t th. At-sii . . " UIIU larmony anti concert Save; in the elections, bav been eminently iwwwiitt vi u.e preseai AominisiTaiion. That sdeh is the temper of the Chief Magis trate, 1 am not sure. But Who believes that the policy of the President is te prevailing policy of we vuui uae.it uuu r uiw aoes not see that a certain gr? at party, and, fear, a bad party, holds the President and his counsels, as it were. iq tue psoas w meir nanus Who does not man could hazard his popularity by oppos ing it It had been said by his collegue that the only party in North Carolina which supported tbe administration, was. what 8eet(iatthe policy of that if party . is eminently nad been termed by him, the regency par-, that of uncommittal f that 'jt watches the cur- ty," and which he had described as active, constituting, by far, the most numerous por tion, would be more likely to indulge feel ings of resentment than of friendship for the Administration. In relation to the removal bf the depos lies, ne (air.Q.) would take occasion to renta cf public opinion, aod embarks with an ova I nersArtitinfr. nA ivnr.iu -i u. aTr. n I "J tnat, m his opinion, the Secretary of uim iu Liin 1 1 n 1 1 i - . t ' i ar-"-awi va-xiiivtu av i uiii a i i - n . - . r - is exacted? That he must eo the whoU ipr,rth in 81Dgl V the objects of iersonal ambition ? that was not aware of th M1tAn in that fitaf 1 reasury was fully justified tn taking advancingthe great primary object of the mana- Jh e fec.u WJPI to f supplied of any fiuch political partV. Jf any such did lbat8teP bJ the fiagrxnt violation bfits gers the election of the successor the Executive iavorue or make up his mind to meet the de nunciations of the official organ in this District, re-echoed, as they are, by that portion of the press, which as yet has never faltered in defend ing all the acts of power ? , l; Sir, it is not a slight matter to take a position here against the acts of this lAdmmistratioa j and it is feared, that the over prudence or tim idity of pub! ic servants too often permit the out rages of power to pass without rebuke rather than incur the known penalties of resisting them, ii Sir, thousands and teu of thousauds of our honest and industrious citizens fare in a state of profound ignorance of the enormous, i the moni strous abuses and cotruptions of this government. They live too far from it, 1 have feared, to guard effectually against abuse. The public eye is not sufficiently tnrntd upon the I Government ex cepi for its favors snd its patronage J The guar dunship is ; defective is certainly inefficient! That man who should unlertake to (disclose t the public eye the emrmous abuses of the present ume, would bedeooonced as a calumniator or re! gardedaaa mere visionary. j ! j p-J- How many of my constituents could be mad J to see, as clearly as I think I lee it,; that tbd public weal, the great interests Ibf met countrv are held by those who particolrly control thel Oovemment.as wholly auburdi4ateto the eleva4 tion of their favorite to the Presidency ? How1 tnany would believe under this Mmiiustration oi thwir own ehoiee, that those who in fact manage! thesyaem, regard :the utioiir- 'ofd jmbitiiai of one man, is wholly Ibove any ques ttons of punlie interest ? And Jet, ! in the pces ence of the Senate; and before U te cbautryTde claw u as my solemn coo victionl that such is the j I Sir, if the whole countrr conM Wto intn ihU stupewtous laboratory. - within - these ten miles by alter thoughts, a sort orhumbug, (pardon the worn ; us jowness is upon a level with ' the policy il is intended to indicate,) bjr sturdy applications to the passions and gullibility of the public) ? Sir, in this question of mf depositee, their sa gacity has deeply failed iiem. To tifit the Bank of the Deposites, under charges deeply af fecting its purity, the Bank, which is supposed M be so very unpopular, and by a President so strong in popularity, was f supposed to be the easiest thing in the worid, &in the deep financial wisdom of the Executive advisers, to remove a few miliums bf dollars fromf one side k the street to another, did not abstract the money from the country, and therefore could produce no difficul ty, financial sages ! Wise money changers 1 It never occurred to them that the country could doubt; their wisdom or thaf the country would feel the slightest shock in public confidence. The amliated and favorite ' Banks wuuld use thesejmoneySinA way to refresh the whole par ty, aad tustain it, and draw to its support as many hungry retainers as might be necessary to bear mto power ihe tavomf. - f i Bui the power behind the throne, greater than the throne itself, will be' to find that it has been little too bold ; thattthe people have yet strong sense of liberty; and that the popularity of no ;mau can hear eyefjrLhing. The mana gers will find that thvy catraot get along; with the present policy ; that they will be tmbdrsed; that the couuiry will not consent to undergo so much.diatress and sofiering merely to try act experimentjM They must retrace they, can not go on or they will die in their traded 'The people have bornb much ; they maj) yet bear more ; hut let their bpressors" be ware of diivin thta'jpperunent too:iari 1 1 hH MrfM. said he did not believe that in any country, where laws were known and acted up4 op; a people had ever, in - lit time of profound peace, ocea so suddenly thrown, by the ; wul of any sucn pol exist, he believed party, it any a full set-off would ke! I charter, by those who managed the con found in the ariivrtvl :zaf. and n-rfcrt &?m of the Bank, in having placed at the nartv orminition whirh ItaH th nnliti-. dwposal ofits President the i funds of that cal combination which was f now anayed ih uotto an unlimited ! extent, to pre fixed and determined opposition to the ad- ?je ,?.reirter ll? unhallowed inter miniatraiW He IiH hi honorable ference in the political concerns of i the colleague, at the last prestdenUal electtori , ?atra attcmPtito ?"rcisoan . . 3 . .. ,. . . . ' I imnroDGf control ovat Ha wtnl.tio f nMA to that ticltet j mf. ."jj j V. -V J"""?. of an individual I b obt the auno with which had given in his adhesion !to which had on it tbe name these transactions had been! conducted on to managed tbe concerns an examination of ' the r which larce sums had I83a?for their course In rejon to whichj fe!01084 10 ltow f mUdl who is said, by his political opponents, td En7w c belono-iothenartv whkinev denommVte trje.part of those who managedtbe . ; - a "j - ; r - j a ,M.a a fc. UamI. aa . r . a - a the Regency rWty," and iHis too; after the ZJT a on oi mo & . r ' i? - . v I Circumstances linnr cvnirn Aaron arrm nan papers. He believed, tf the question ;of the Inlcn tion with which some of these transactions had taken place, was submitted by any bon est and unpret'udiced jury oij twelve men, that their decision would beU beyondti all doubt, that the intention was to control and it mi?ni do aitcmi tsenttaifront state 4 & hight profjy his colleague had just spoken in such strong language of censure. It had been said, that the present contest wasone for political power . He (Air. &.) believed that the opponents of the admihistratibn bad' !eized upon the vaionfnirfMuntl bV the Mate of thmtra at this atsis, to endeavor to, reak down in t rornint the Press. public j estlmaUon, rjhpseinwer7 and I to vlrnish these rjarisacticofff, bjr yanods w rzmj 4v ; i" w "tit,wi I ingenious uio i ucucuc purase3 rnucn iu WhaiVhe would ask, wasUie scene daily j use in these days of modem rSnement. but, exhibited before us? Every day centlemeh I among plain and intelligent meL there could gave the most exaggerated picture as bet be but one opinion about tfierav When the ueuevcu, 01 toe puuuc suuepngs. x.very uay i quesuon ox recnaramng tne of Bank ot tne the i accents! of distress bad 1 resounded hereil United States was under discussion, 4he tie sua, ne oeuevea tnat cinere.ni xinua 04 1 mere suspiaon mat it naa attempted to in terfere in the party politics of the tioes was so repugnant to the moral j' sense of the country, that it was rib ' idcortsiderable ob jection to its longer ccmUhnance. -VV MK &rsaidTthai;inor9 (those vino conducted ihe ai&irs ' of the ad- ministration, might have pau $ed, to caicuUie th ejects 91 m ?rc on thir distress, at this tune, pi ey ailed in our coun try: land he thought not am on? the least dtafrcased, tass of the contryt was to bej found in that claiqf ' poluiciana who had been dtsinrieuited tn 1 their hopes, . for the successtbeir party. l Xey wereaodoubti f.1 1 it 1 2f"- 58 fc- u 0 i i .;-! 1 r.iii ' - . 1 ' ; ' i : 1 ".VI: r.'i ) 1 1 .1! 'r -1 I. V-

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