4 !., ft: ji1 1 - ' J- -' :--: - K ifliil!' f I Aii'l xlidnt take place A kosfcquft, ' for cold'nt J Jre stood right alon side4 ; anH old farmer's H J--1 ?rt&22S&' fa J oik fblfcajnitioiv, ihen I.e. down a feft 6in llpngand fcVa W Oi: im'W-sS&A & a I could see day light the hi.ll dun- eral WU he wis iter, kndtellM. i v lie ihdvated;andal.exunPiep".BJ w V' . ..... ,. j t . ,- .... ij r ik--. . 'ivuiil. t -.. . cldeavlrs to set itself hove,the coptrp of bdih Genmentand 1peWftwuiw tattgfiMhe salutary lesson, - Uia itn yfU wkUMirthe one nor theothermtn 1 mt Milb . t - - .! - . - i' ' . . . . t . 4k ; ft fl '.3! Jf S m-tnen. Ihttllf did not r- u - -i -j-s - . " . :- -ii .ei.-f tis-,5 yvtrartfi" of tltettmtcd States. or jtif if m gm xoffiiected with his adtmnisiraipi fibril to ask tor bin5ejfcf Jgf II tnfepHis highest 1 Erratie by tbe TionoroCa seat niatbo leafin on him, and he asked mewhererwasjrkbon!juiapto ; the uext i tree, and: i albre goV. Well says jlGineral .that is pnttyi this he is a mile off; them in the; wobds tuff to lelL for I dp?nt see i where I can go the Gineral teilM ; him tie mistaken to sit rid of this plagy UpuWe, for its a leeUei and -jest-then theold fartneVi Juni 1 oiit!aad worse uia cnoiera ?j xnyruus, doqj couia i uo assca wio viinerai jwnwi jon cui oe was 1 r i. . . '! a- Mttwayrbm: Uiatll bu tthis has : got now coOid $&jn thai tree "fbraftapnoC erery wnere ana wnen, u giis noia A.amnre uesice ipus on nja ianiy "H v8up- and liOdnum stands: no chance with it -:,r plied hfamlyj: and Lhb ehbors: round am alrait) Major says the Gineral, . you are; ith h0iey j (or a good pjanjj seasorxs, and hah(nn ivoar obliiics. l!WelI sav 12 Gineral that the ees !was iest iwarmin aaritt ia'itl if no uuieru pvv -wraiDY.'ana cat! avftTi and 6orn west across the orchard fence ; and says the pmeral if the : rackooi dnt "Uiere, go on and CQtdown tbe apple orchard; tdljrpa find GoHrnH) find fee twhere it i gow to tana as, lor says cut downnany treesthe jM jCwnter larnt wis- i rl. if 1 dont miss mv: miess,.we snail turn oom : and he came to tne Uinerar, and teird tiiLi Mr flunwir. jeaid. heels overneaa loingtns, ana, meic u no "uuo n"?"1""?;1 -W, cwn I- If Wf.r i!1-,' IHQili. hk 1 i-n? -oWA yill'MMiA down first. ArtH 1 Jist where he thooiht hewashd he hadjampM i appie iree 10 saoiaer, ana ne was 'now Ijjari and with that, the, Gineral ealPd off pit notbinct f ?f tuo larrii:: If And ow. aaVs 1. Gineral ' iest lets ton xW:T- .EIO U'i Si lad I look inW thai! mpiml of joutn . - rvi v i a xfiiTM. iu lrwiT u uiit -r 1 - t . r . . t i i " :a a v "i us tdrned irom tne4 wi r v v-j. r i even supposin we :rI-inta-tlttittbieet rihoql4 t. lire ZM rWheb'tlie -Bankahovldll coin ubhf .,' f V -j r 'i? i 'V "-T Xi' a- ft ri!in eriasun paicn jUi tuma witu tucir uuio i eat down every. tree in r hw &8I$fft fhldn-wto iri. alUboot the teU'd h, tl&Milk. tesrlation ciita alleffed aousesy? nf,wa ; -v, -o- I tl-:-1 f f'i f f iff Tes rotation torne we gdin to of folks' with oaiw.j ua Of-. had faand the V.cfcoon hfl A iAL fjf h ft d cat down every, tree in'r hn orchard vaod coi I might keep the alt their little rackoon for larnin I wisdom. Now, lays I, Guieralwhat Iwas notion '.:M( rrhrtT. when he raDPrted its erema- rnisht as well, says 1, try to make folks be- 'itnWiifiiiieation had some 1 !coniiebn Iwith; the 1 Jieve w'il' be tail th jbetter,i iate4f cermiUic git asd to it, to UkaJioff their 1 7r.i- 1 f Ikrtll aiid the dange eneiaiionsiliey believedKtail ip-""p''';J TfM UD iwuj.w.nnrca i ao wat, i n DreaK every man io iraae, irom one LS tO the constliuuonai cjaei i ouu iiwvjuutut;! wi wuuujr w juoyiucbuoct i uu ui iirowuauj iu me omci. n jei iuiks r4 tn !ifrtvj he should reu f and etockina tor em. ii And its onttv much now,aiorei am none, mat Anrewm jacsson i, Ankn af liaJnMitfDaitlrnnniB feet H ii .i - c i-i H - i:-?:-ill! v K-ii;eni. xwks nave got a noUon that they , r''Tr r Til" vT" jIt J .Tl'.r-irTTLT . . i- .-i-.-JtUThU wu ua kuw PUVUE UM 10 TCg- t a nntihn tn irtiMr to it till if dM Mtiml lrxeraainffTeat caauoo ih designaung l woeei i a waicu, iut wuuoui mat, says i i tne morei suck io em. fior.says i, uioeral, the Gineral he I 'koTtwIie-hiaflawiiOTh wiu gu.wiz, rana DreaK au i Ffoj gwu iut i jwd ri4irtii indoo the t&kei and I'd like to tell yooone-ftand )w;.Lnt hArtMl hnder ! the ihflaeoce if a j-L nnUnm thn nn Hl - M1 ii filled his'pipe and I began :. A sp MrrSndorirentneceB3Uf-all 4ieDaaiiited i , Wwm j And iWn I. tn'lt .L! ?? old Qraadmother D wf,km?a .m-ntal knew with ! hat;deep re-!L . 1.jJ L.'A- JL.. .T .. : . : T r side yoh know, says K Umeral, .-v ai uie w m , -r i .-m - . . a rvuiT nom rniinpv inr innr r noro m ivt 'nt i m. . . , - " ; - i :ifK o the bank ;;betruel fand we believe that ihose who'are acqhalnted witb the nestle-. rnealh administer" the affairs j of the ; xn- stitution know tblra to be incariableicf dis seablmg,) surely there ts butlittle cause for alara:r and . thet underhanded measures whichhave been resorted to in order 6 with-; draipublictohfidenbe tom to-;institu tion?are mosi ungenerous and uniosuna- ilNULLlPlER CANDIDATE SannnahGergiari v considers the fol lowing extract from the Upson Hickory Anf, inaicanve or tne intention qi tne n uumers m relattn to thef election of the next 'Presi dent of the United Sates: 'without aavins a' wold with respect to Mr, Calhoun's claims or fitness, we venture to speculate opinion. with the: Standards and now indite itlas our sober judgment, that Mr. Calhoun Icannot be arranged out of the course at the Starting poll, not crippled down -so as td prevent nis visiQuiiy.at least at me juoging u poiir That the Hickory Nut. in this I instance ex presses the wishes of the nulliuers is certain; but as they hare no peculiar diktaste jTorthe honors and profits of office, it is notmprob abfe that they will calculate the chances of suecess, and, bending conscience to! interest espouse tho pretensions of Clay or Webster, under the standard . of taring . consolidation and all.5- h U M ! i ; :$ - UKlOIf CONVENTION, ji ' ' ti Monday ilext, the 34th j instant dele; gates from mosi, if not all, the districts in South Carolina are to assemble m Conven- SJ tlt-rXt,A TU nnrfp.How-citizen. AY. J. DaanHby the soand jad"?ment and enlightened fjrecastdiiDlaved in hia letter to the" President )a opp&ioa to the removal of the !f posites-by the bdI4nes3 with which i he resisted execuuvo nsarjatiori-4)y the patriotic self-devotion whicn probated ; him to-' relinquish oCce ratherv than comply , with the illegal instructions of the Presi deotl arid bv the etrlin lionstv which induced him to" resign.-Bven when tempted by the.oSer of nigui j - uonoiawe - am? tncrauv swuoa meriteJ the; esteem andeard uf his' country- f Ol! Resolved, That these ' .Tesolutions .be for: warleti' toorfr Rppresecsatires "'at Washiugtori' aod fHartisburg7an4 thai tHey be requested to use ineir oost exeruons to procure the restoration oc tneaeposiiev ct: tne recnarier oi ue uanic. i s ' i From the New Orleans See. The following anjocnt of the ship wreck of tbe packet briz Enco'miam 1 boaod from,Charleston for this port, near the Bahamas and the recep- uonq tne crew at Hassan, (ixew rroviaencej where they sooght relief, which has been handed w us tor paoucauon oy ine sunerers inemseives, who arrived here a fenir days ago after many privations and distrcssb, shows a series of bar bajrities and high and nnanthorlsedacts of assdmp tion jwhich claim general attention, and deserve the, indignation of every friend to humanity, and evejrjf lover of justice f and' his country's honor. urqe and inhospitable indeed, mast . that com munity be,;who woald thus transgress and. set at, naught, the moral cbUgatiohs which christian fr C3 to land oh his nri9;iA;. Ura thsFourth. Vhl!8 wilktnifTg. ; auemtir to our own concercsJwe wrtT In the groest, taanDer lv fr;;!3 I beji town! and were told' bt thW uLr& t&ercast tdaSfc wouia pe Handled severely by tfeepdL ot tvn sareral of e-slaves reSnSMl gf mttrumtfio theireyes, ehto?J and iohaunirn .ihemoit himble feaSiMHj they woald prefer; HmaininJ elarii iaPf than freemen ia Nassaos ThwmaitersikSl ed on tht, Americaa Consoltnd liJW&i whether they eooidjbe taken haok liSM ttoConsidthooghtadvisaW ernor's opt addreaedhim a polite Dote, mtimatingSlgj with their masters. ; B-kT. BeafaorTulf ory returned an anawer to thia fl .M&l this tf&rt. . v . wyvtb tn. . - THEii t he HJLXV$lZfaml fits trill be ' conxxdtrtd milU 'ix'WQ s . . : i ; iHiu. i-. f tion at lireenvtUe Court-liouse, to termine the course which the ! Union of that State are to adopt in ! resisting nefrius test-oath and disfranchise meat laiimppsed onttheni by the nblhfiera nullification Ethics. -The correspondent of the Charles ttyjand 'civilization impose. l We shall - forbear making farther coalmen V' bat let the statement speak tar itself f " ''- "-r,---rv-w; OflTRkGE pN AliERlCAN;ClTl2ElNS We tne nndersiffned late passemrera rm the de- ! brig Kncomium, Sbefileld master, from Charles meet u Hmttar fati?1 tbesel are kh uw, Tiiii n how m voe ntad . j a seats itself is. what shall be done? 1 11 we again ask youiT what shall W'tlii, I of the RaTolauon, whose hallowea booea dcring" In .the sUentftombwe doW S trr lrtM ! fmm vmr hArfavkf tn " ! mm wm. VM V. T nartv torf,p. (bJound to New Orleans out 56 hours; the i wrecjcea tninewi r eoruary anont midnight, on Washington on Courier, Keef, deem H oar unperatire , datv to 1st be fore bar fellow citizens of the UnUed States, cer tan facts which transpired at Nassau; in the ismdq or me w rroviaence. and lesre thm tn o how on pleasantly we were situated. undir data of th sd in-nt. rvrit 4 An ,-;JD?S0 now anpieasaauy wo were citnated. We . . I , : - . T-'rr .r -i were thrown wholly destitute on Rr4tii. V .. . 5 .-r.l.MU IIV s - HIS ! anfdrtii-i-by toy mother's my mother was Itciknce he yielded to that necessit-. me snouw I T.iF j - - ru l a uanionnr-naso lena, me,inneraias Ear as lr?"?.1! .Jwiffci di35 eat l.nq ther kind of mopey. Why, says I,; you 1 eould all aboni the hull Danfbrth fimil. nei theses if ;the.i!s4:h go ;back to shoe gitting at (ra;it, I gbt:back j&kW my old itHSot-desprsea wise eaation i in j pesiowiog i duckips agiu, wueu gouu leauier string is j wuuiuqniei lauiurm weu says i, sue owned ihur conndence in advanfce tooif Ireeiyj mi tnat i lighter and better. jNow suppose, says I. an oia -PVjW e 01 tne, cunestets critters a: ul.di ij 4t. at ;liWt im ftndpra mnrt tl - -kA I thatevef clock d - rbistHd len was!f)ne re- linirH3. iijji. hi.. " " I wAau uia v acuu iuuuci iiwiu ucic i , - , 11 .1. i- . - , ,1 , TI 7 i.f 1 LiJ..k!;UJAM4ii.I e s I - - . ' I ma r if 9 M A frt- Is Vi net tKTm .hti t fth a vtra a ; mictor lit ure, ana tnon , 'V!f toriew-Urleans to buy cotUn or to China rT7 tiris oiirn.n si.- .U,4oii KfnfiMfMii!oit9.v6thft ou?ht 1 . s. r. i. . t hand in natchin em mV old UrandaiotherUin - ways busy, 'd suck the other slide them lay their eggs in fier nest-metimes.; docks eometimes geese and sometimes dunghill towla and some times Banturas, it made no odds whioh ; this mid hen wovld hatch em ail out, and was just as tickled every mormn when the young ones would crawl out of the nest as though she had Uid th e?grs herself and was all the while ruffled and have'to make J rumpled, and ready fora fight and so l tid t he ear4oAhe existence ofJtheBarjk ?l;whdrdoes some jworse contracts than we have already. Gincra1 8tory aodt thia M'r-and notsie that the whole eoatest is bne between the J Thw stiimrw m rnnstdrM. and l a01 her troubles and how the other fowls used -aM AAaajBai Ir h says. I, is tehave hasrgot confidence ttbstfasbadastohaveDarjoliti as all natur and tackiwas made ' on Mr. Van Buren on the evenng of Uie 1 24th. He had been at the principal balJ, and with a discreet regard ince where we were treated with mom mntomnt uyi upuuuu ciuiuoriues or me island than the vuest oi me liussian peris the facts were brief I- rf r r tl . . i- . ' . it t I? i . i iu uui ico4 auu ouLuuaiui sava a a uiu i.r:v- t r iL ij l.w ij r . noi'idfret-the.voteJ lor he couiaw nave oone 'B. j:liF jii-i. ' 1 LI.,. " wwm, . ial&TiHfv--'T lin' .1? -r I? M ! I 1U" " i tiyta away oacKin too and as fast as she haah'd one batch she vfkt m'avbe the . sense of th'e tountry as to country sent here-lor bis pension, and he under her another it got sof awasf all ifii I!liti StatM Bank.he. could not teliBut 1 was top old to come for it himself, how then fowls about the place would come an! nnk tkmrr ia dMr.ihat the! Bank was never beaTd aaVs 1 would wd manare to irit this manev selves in along side this bid! hen and New! Or- buy tea It you i . isofot felt, except in tbe facilities and fconvenien xxi the safest way possible ary to I ; :.fc.itlixtenued totbejcommuintyiunW thuuo- jetng jobuy cott6n,!pr to" -China to mmmmm DrefPPD WZm,?Z ofto fhe hands of this;OId Soldier. M i. H.lfaitu rvf iimini!ratifn nrARSPSi 1 nt! Tervi SDliIl I i J . . . u. r - -. uhind tbe countnris dven tofenditanJ: that .sinks its gone to all: f igtM Intension of the chatn is hepestuctlon ates takes her it is t j oclibrrtv. . How has liberty eamvemtne tony utioy mau Xkiaioritsaity w7d eternity, and if the pir worse yet, & if vou send 111 :af&WI ti; been ookin into it fever MM. I Vwm y litiUmnip nniWoi nt littfo mole noM W nd the ony way, i : i I rl. 4 '& Tn hive ihtia! in these times J I is al- aiBank that every body The Ginetal was a good deal taken rith j this story add he has been tellin dn't to Mr: Van Bu ren,an Amoa KiodU'and ilje rest Of the Cabi netand one on em came to me to Know wh- f i!to!dnly ttne school, j Hs hoiprablo cotleague knowp every where, and . then we can git I barin that story; had on 3e f Government-and Seturi seemVdata loss to perceive how any public man rbat.d all these storms and Dirates. knd lahnr all I could sav about it was. that the Giwral mW ftsiewary schemes whiqh have sprung cpldhnzzaHhis porwla of luggin hardlinoqey about. And we do'nt tell'd te his rakdon story to show how important "W his pregnant brain. He must discipline tor pis own reputation, had proceeded to If i these: Alter the antortunate disaster. haTino- the ball t tbe Masonic Hall. On ascending j remained in an exhausted state on the wreck SIX the sfairs he was marked by a printer, a HOURS, eight of us embarked in the jolly boat vramn nnArtivA frm tho f.,!fc r.AS. (vThlch was the only one attached to the hrr deep imbuediw:ththe prin'cTpS if Nul- 7 ,nd hBd lehnJ lific&ioh, M immediately iWWow 2 pratfnVbut the execution of his reiand inhabited TiSy rf r"o wuiw " , v" wuio was i puciuicn, wuu aa goon as tnqr learned our mis giyep for some one to interfere between the tortine, proceeded without delay to the wreck conception; oi ine assault and its execution m saving the lives of the passea- & thus the, attack was stopped before it was; Srf1" cre. amounting in all to nxty nine carded through, Mr. Van Buren is said to SS. ,tialel:aftef tfte vessel struck she hexhibiteduch d.gnityionthWtoccJ $tt siOn Gen (5reen's sysm; of. education hfe to pieces; twrHoursafii E fiS'K- for hs operatives must be very imperfect she thumped over a ledge of rocks into deep wa- one when thev. resort to such practices, vio- wr and went down bow foremast, and . only a- la'tiog the courtesies of social, life, for the bouv ten feet of the stern remained on a level purpose of .injuring or disgracing a1 political "Ei1??,1116 8l!rface of tbe wateri fortunately for us opponent Green proposes to build a Col- mainma?1 w immediately cut away and lege for his young workmen, where they ace Iliw ? WS 11 fOTeto toP at work ten hours each day, , in the, Tele-; ofausmut, after it had been cut away in euch a graph, and its numetous adjunct periodicals, iaaaer thai the passengers might lash them- and then to have extra work tor the purpose selves to it and pfeserv their Ures a while lon- oi raising 4 fund, which when they arrive at Ser tor eyery sod of us anticipated n watery full age is to be lent back to1 them on good f ? l"er.' But the Omaipout, Ru- irily, at 6ber cent. Tins is one of the S fP6 zl. fmakuio cuu wiiicn Bwaiieu us. jn r isn wwuYeinwiotiirftMfipijijl to know our rights, and koowiw f I them at! every ha'is waryS M sure pi a popular Auminisuaiion,- ; want no better Bank than we've got now to j j Mr, Mi said no one! setjL a oigner value on do all this ifwe ony let? it alone. . And the it was for him to stick tu a n jtiun right or wwng 1 the manners of his proteges, better, or he and as he did'nt knovy exactly how he ibe good opinion of his i constituents, than best proof that it is strong en uf. is that with nw notiras, i inougniti oiei nim tne swry plfacy hk..iThat the on!v value tof a Seatlin 11 hiWwli it it JZ usJ l ?y Die granatmotner liamortn s nen.ano see ; ra-'-Tu." T j ' i ii .rj I" Tu "ryrr - '" it tdatwouid throw any light out. ii fiis chamber, was derived from the iust, atom on't, and the more we fight agin it the TheV they Wanted to kufow if I intended to aOfie jrostea nonpraoieririao; nejieitin the worse itistorjthe people who want the compare the gineral to that old hen-Hand I tpll'd will get his school into disrepute in its inci- From a Philadelphia Paper) PUBLIC VIEET1NG, Key, we remained FOUR DAYS fr NtGHTS. subsisting on rice which was drenched with salt water, and what fish we were able to catch; we were then taken bv the wreckers to Green Tur tle Key, and from thence to the inhospitable shores df Nassau We arrived at 20 minutes after 3 o Clock, P. M.on 11th alt. and dropped anchor in the harbor; soon after, We were boarded by a boat irom tne snore commanded by one Thomas Pin be ayengeds out country must Iredresi y Si and defend us. V are .hcnsjg a ' petty, irisignificanr Lt GoyeriJoritS dares threaten American citizens wii 1 1 tor for defending their lawful rnfet it our Government refuses to noiuiir! ainonr the foremost who wul stepitftrf 5 wy it is infinitely; better for lus totdi&tiS tondswhichbmdna togemland ereKey will protect her nnfortunato somk are treated with contumely In a foreignli-1 ! In. conclusion; we unhesitating rTlL.! that since the iievdlution thetateil felrTSS been more grossly insnlted.f WewereovS determined although in the: Lion's Men to r publicity to our opinions of the poblidihak A paper similar, to' this, ..wasi drafted sented at the 'iZoyal Gazettfor iis&, were informed by art individual atticlll 6 esablishment, that the editor: wis: li&i then;left tbe pape wiUi nim, jwlblf that ho i would hand ii tot bin jittid and if he declined publismng.it; we Id if, him to return it to us at the hdtej whe i jouraed This was positively protmili then left the office and in alsWnoif$ t wards ,we again . called and wiwfwftni ucouie- not he inserted. LThe aMJeital i demanded and refused us I We; toll i lings ot his Bnttanmc Majesty's fRhGotf wnat we thought ot them.1 and reurd m da from press which was fat morel venafchu -H degraded parasites of thel royamaito :jl I : It is hoped that the editors thrfagho- titv ion will give this an ins-rtion wa cooeouit: oi tneir respeciawe journals, so that thty wtp ry of the coon try may know how thetla are treated by the vassals! of his IdaMy M ham the Fourth, i ; , " ( .-:M I. k HENRx RElLLEYibf CtsrlS. 1$. CURL North Carolina. .CHS.liLLEN,of'Missoun; M f' I JOHN WADDELlW N. .t&l - JOHN bli NEAL,dfVir2ihU.T; ; HAYNES WADDEtlof Nsx A . GARDANNE: bf Nik.1C L. SHEFIEU),Materofl KlUHAKU T. E VANS, Mite iud btf t m i. i' r- thatf confidence. That (he seat, and the pal- money this Bank owns, and the Bank wants 'em it warnt so much my business as other folks I Of Authors, i Booksellers. Prinlerst Bookbind-1 dar, visiting health officer, in the service of his try honors, of it, would' be valueless in his to lend its moneyJ for that is its business. il waseuuf forme to tellthe storyl jist is itl 4 I ers.Sfc, Britannic Majesty i who came for the purpose of eyes tne instant it sneuiu ueMiirorcea irom and when we tell Uhe people that Squire uue uug uowsevpr, say i, is pen i imu puisuanw m rau mra meeungoi persons i ascenaming wnetner we were in a healthy con- the bubliccoufidence: that ne bowed With lliddle istU n; of malrin,r o . sartin, and that is, tfiat thajiineral has got some interested in the following trades and professions, Uition. We informed him of our situation and ptolund reverence tb the expressed Nill of they know that's ell ninkura fiddle. P fWfd waWut him and that pretty aioch yuzU.md Sd, eongressumal dis- desired lum to call on the Governor and obtain a MMotherStatvethemn TVkl o,Tl i-iLZi uatue all onem have been dropping their; eggs ander tricts, who are in favor of a re-charter of the U- permit for us to come on shore; and we were much :p;notnStote,yethemu f Now says I Gineral suppose you was ap- him toj hach lbr m, andf nthia has come out lited States Bank, and a restoration of the gov-! fn wanrof the common necessaries of life, and uwuwvttU ;vpui w fpii pointea to aeienaine country agin an ene- of thereat vet that the People ike. Andstvs I if Went deposites to said Btnk-m: Authors. Book- Were comnletelr worn not with fi,ti,rt k,w. 03 i)f bis opinion it never can happen; that a rny, that was coming here from abroad, and some on you don't manage rp stand aside &. Ictan sellers, Editors, Publishers, Printers, Bookoinders, mg enjoyed a good nights rest since we were L. 1 i JJ. . . .. I -? . . 1 '.L U.l.s ..Il Dn.. Kfal-. U-- r l 1 o..: I IlT . ia .. . . . svai;., uu omuoners, i mpwrecKea; ne men leu us saying perhaps we late rnnters, lype and might hear from him shortly; Boon another rnuitng rress Makers, ooat visited us, having on board one Alexander . ior ne purpose or aa-i Macvev hm Maipstr'a ffhtT nf th tirt n)hn congress, ior ine oojecis seized, tn the name of William the Fourth, 45 VnnrnM friend V I stated above, ana also urging our governor and 1 nffrO slaves, the lawful ofooertv of American T' - rr . i sr w t . . . . .is ' . i r Mate L.egisiainre to immediate action in aid of fJttialens, which all of us stand ready to testify to, those measures of relief . ; fie then took his departure, and Pindar return A meeting convened on Thursday ! Afterneon ed, saying that we would not be permitted to and remonstrate been several , and look- live uncomr nauy familiar with the slaves, and while he flighted lis, laughed and talked with them and remarked 'well my lads, you are now free men; e then called to a black fellow in the boat and I ..-. -kt1Mr nFnnnditil .hml.rka fuiiMvad I j vvuijik. wwimm-i s.i.u mvjusu jv uiuj, i me enemy was ay iu,uuu men, and they 1 g gy inwinBnwv worm iaicuing, i am posiuiy i "l"51 yhcb he deemed liicorapstible with ! his would'nt tell you Where they were going to afraid; the people won't stand it much longef, but I Engravers; Copperp A-t-' tioqor, his duty would be to surrender a trust laud; but you was obliged everv week" to Wl11 tnake a ?lean sw,eeR tlie oouooyoa, and pwweoiype r ounoerf, :l Ka LUiiIri nrtf Mroiita i. .!' ; U i IlTl gea ? ' to break no the old nest in ! the barEfain.;,and so Ud Ink Manufacturers pectf to the opinions and wishes, of his con- leans and whin em iesi aa I did fv.. 6ritunLs he should feel hiriself wholly un- suooose savs I they woldnttro thA mV k of the trust, ff he could shririk from flcWpt dodgin about along the coast from one tvo J, DOWNING. Major ; Downihgville Malttfa. 2d Brigade. 4t 't -f "v. 1 . - o - - . T- T- r. wuMiuwwwww uicu pays j-men SaV8ine . ifarmra Hank nf C,hnUtihtriithe. 'IVifi IFf i. .nmftr . i . . , i-?" . H : power because they proceeded from a pond- "Gineral I'd call hht everv m.n JnK- ' :Ili7-Lrii lE-b jL Iiaini!.?y wakli rjsq. was caned to the eleven o'clock. We endeavored to I -ilar Administration, 'ind ...because ' tbe?bloW ci Pil have lio.bifD menn fZ ' TTl 9! lTV Wi AdamfRamage, IenHmm Gaskill.ri. C. Ivlth him and informed him that we had m 3 4baf he aimed mwhtJneradntnre reWul A.iL n.Trr 1 . . "l iaa? m Pn8P pncatea oy, a newspa- Uarey,lsaacshmeSd, Uhas. Uull, and AVm. F. iying on rice wetiwith Salt water for life i t bni mself 9 WJ T J i n T V?" VL vew 8aYS ina P m Augusta, has been pfomptfy contra- Rackliff, were appointed Vice Presidents and . days: he laughed heartly at our misfortom j: 1 1:1 M- H ! - ' " :M ( t 1 I ! ; 1 j "rv f'! uo!uc ?J wa7 " it dieted by the Columbus newspapers, The 1- iVxnner. yb. Jonnwrn, James Russell, and said in a most insulting- manner, that we I. . ' ml rnn r Wrr7.o 111, " 'H ' '?r fe.yW had works Enquirer says, 'though uninformed of the were appomted Secretaries. fed remarkably healthy, and wet rice was peril-J jaegh for its, add it would not kill us to Fi! i i - : nprri 1 l! Mineral rq aeiena tne country thro' thick iki..;' ..-i I!..- . Ifi?" PP"'P u"oer, oy wnarwn.i anotner mgnt on sacn iooa;ne was also r? Li i - -p. y.u. .i t1!.-?- ii i aua iuin wen savs i. that's nrpttv nd congratulato theia oq ftis tbntiriued iff- .'-J.u.ilVITJ?! .: . ' l PW-" dd..vfie mist wWu tt3 1 toctfi- " SSIE." :;DI we plrtU at vhe White House!; vf0 hire fiiL Ckj 1 . ?"r. " m " ". WW ability and tetniwr and thprKW iA -i i.-.-2i: ilcJ rr -t t -t- 7 j "v kcu iu 1 Know anv tnincr or . 1 "?T" - "'vi ivdq i imun 1 if in iiui . ni i i . - ..;i From the BatardtyErBcingl' THE MteTERjQVSLjt0 Ma. Editor r Havinflrseea vintsni soffirf in your paper; respecting Jhe rnanoui yR the deception is carried on-oetween mh hrr coajator, permit me to Inform lyodn is in reality no deception cfetjl in thepffanfi except such as any two persons miiusc)j equal success. That the maer1otpe, mance Is sometimes varied to; prevenribe d ery of the mystery, (if mystery thetf be 1, 1 have no doubt.- A metnoq oy wmca ai rjerformance may jbe exhilitedrisb definite inter rarations and tespofc$. If quesaons and answers must jbe acc! bybbth parties.) A partial misuiif swera. win soauruiues urui iutc"f- , Amr in nnt lha ndience off their CttirJ In -dklnct th .tUntiin Jit the tem Having in my ;youthf?lidaysiM mall scale, some performances iJr 71 ni own. and the mnsement aS3iW'F 6cd xopj seeoDfto havl not inflnSiri 1?! ffil011 J,', 7 WFhlrii" - -T h If l-F7rrir 1 woy jraiiiua.rriBn wa oe weNe been ta . . ! i . . ! - 5" oj differehco ' says I .- public requires much notes are still current i here, and receivable. l riin. ..:-; Li...: .. i . z 1 ' :tfr f - 1 twHiwiHj iwwmMuuB wuicu werr uuduimousiy miunueu, at me ptner uauas iu uus 1 adopted, v . i ne sentinel aaas, Mts money is as l 1 . t&esoivea, mat we regard the seizure of the here as that of any other bank, aad I public treasure by the President as an illegal and j paid to us here is one of your Yankees who was ve that its affairs are managed with arbritrary assumption of authority, subversive of liberated by us about four years ago., After Pint Caution as anr other I . "B,IM UUU&11;M' u uaujeruus u iue m- f nar naa cessea speaaing ine negro gave us omen 'T: . -'li I (uauinikO! aui nuuiu WikCOUO Ulllll OliB OI inn dm in a peremptory manner strontr 9 J . . . , Jy 7" " irV . 1 m wppw.wi ujnuum 01 loajuruy 01 uis to aesisif mis was going a Step too Iar lor US strong as ne can, and so bank bevond the information which ivel iMi vui.mnd m defiant-fthifTm hnMjJ.- .u d-:..-:. . i luio jesx as a.gooo have been able to derive from the gentler 1 fits rnoos consequences, the President has 'ed'er our head! fbeintr then in a British tv1 idle in the war 1 mei connected with trm intitnt inn and ttal shown altotal disre?ard for the I hanninesa andl n on there aint one i?rain I (TAnml fxtimiimn m k;-k ; ua S oroeDeiitv of the people. ' ! ! i 1 I inmntJiMo nnAriinr niha r,;- o. nesuiTBo, mai 10 mo oesirucuon oi conn- nsomeot the passengers said that thev oricnnallr h i i 1 i -9 V i aaaaaa e:w i v mmrir nro i M a, i il. :? r - . . - a w - m.j i - v -iwtvii w aviii a aiiiiw nil inn w n vr v v a s - LapVlUUSlmtft,ViK.ll!nV.-!, '.I. -lve. L .:.r-..--v-- .8 denrtA ndrdueed hv thia war of i i wu uiuta vui uiuca iiiuim wnraa i . nin.'. . . ...:.t il.a - - ..3 1 IPpftmattw other- iheBebBlHttiboat ' th. ,ni3 ."&ZJ"JZ,ill if,!".TS"I.tt. .k, we ascribe; the ansa? II M knon "T . -ji .ti tin - . Ti -- - v- rmp . !, a ipiormea iumj -or.Tailsinjahoot allela 1 111 aw. mil 11 inn 11 1111 i-rif 1 ninj mm cham . 1 - !..- 4 . :: 1 '.mi . a t - - i ' man lntonr who can furnish happier or more Uations and thereby deve: wue inexplicable, jail we c Inm flnt anrl m atvrlin .iEI .ii j ! it Mljoriwr gtttma leeUe. asham'd hafe been resorted to, border to destroy rabn debt of gratitude: r t- TL - T iT' TO 6t muv a ; scrape I confidence in the sblvency of the,, bank; f JJf thereare any IrnongslJus ho nwil- ?Vi out -ont 40(1 l 01,1 melns, which we htlie not to say, would torega befdbcounnan canoniyy regret it p,r an almost entire cessation bag nun to the employer, and - poverty workmen. egnod tens of the 5 1 I the best roninfthelwld WM nonsem Tiaihn .11 . -? , " , 'J;t- .if " . f ' .I if !i i Washing' vcf sissinations sinw l wrote to vba i Gi ions and bhmstolc aid ffii? f he n; and ; tell'd af plagylio: .iPkJi. i? li-1lWSr W story about his iroiri brit'nn .tlf.- t8S4. see whiitlm! says be J W mine and therhee rr and K-P butJshdu d hke to near it and so the Gm- the government I intended to have remained onboard hntil ihnv o aatress inai ooiainea permit, dot as tnev naa been treated so sses of society producing linfamously by the aathorities of the island, they ofbasiness, fi threaten- were determined to go on 'shore regardless of to tbe iconsequences. bat they were dissuaded Tram it bv the more discreer. who thmirht it -ma lvtLr 4. Resolved, That to the Bank of J the United oaietlv to submit than tn resist hf1 ir aroia o.. . : . 3. .1 .1 1 . - . I s 4 . . r . y " " owes .7 oye w lue esiaousnment 01 a sound disensstng the question, another order was re- uu uuiuHtu cuticucj, aou oi a sysrcra 01 ex-ucetvea commanding us to have no intercourse That we re-1! whatever with ihe shorevfbr if we did we would preserva- libs fired into. Yes. that the indeoendant . sons recharterol :of America would be FIRED INTO. What tor relief. I; was our crime? 1 V ern we niratpa trr mtmcfc Resolved That the ideal of. the establish- that this treatment van motxl m n9nn mentofa purely meulio currency, ts an absurd rmnst here stopfor our indignant ' feelings will mm taa.jc- w mm.mw m mt -.aim & at .aaa . . i i aa . -a. - fn w avn awempt win auow us to proceed no turtoer. In a time of -1 i tUjiT I bavoleeh Ibokin bn aOiT T ?ui ms. goin out Xk.--.-If -"Vf iour Of nts niggers rakbonm,f ng once with a iran was jes t arter and - folks all about thA I to think that GiheraT fool" to him it waVnf : mm my . n iuiivs aio iv nutA uicu wiv a um ? i .: . .ykiTTF uie-ast-ljiginar. .i rifililLJ.IMV M w ww aw wa art tWaW UI.V1 TRI f Arfl r I -.'-----' . - ! . :' ; . ? : I M M liUntM n1 .mmvola lha -- !.... I Ji-.J T v: : .J .?J nctiuous ones, containma cnarges wuallylTLT 1 , t tti',Tw F.uluua fieace, saipwrecea Amencans were louud.Th &n iBaii te?.-'ltota.r & phi wbaiereri P is ihe; lth, SmBSSl LtSmTtZSSST i il",."ie14 i The attedtioa of its officm is whoU toTiift.-adiaTLEi directed to the redempUoa otlie bills iSll i!ij? . 5 - a 5 - t .!' i . e 1 j a.. ii. . ; 1 - a a ' j . . . ! . a-. t '- vizu . ttiawAXUf ' sun mar while under the; eontrolofits for-frl menus ior ine ruin no nas Drought opon the coaa- i onrelvei bills. issued TS. its i i narar-ha I atavava. kastoM pmpUjjtoeteiandgenJna 4LiLXll2 riia2ly dm AJW WUSaj r ' ... .tl i t - wwiu uo iuui i idb unenwKiAn (ai s a fn ii...L.. - r immediately under the rrona nf him lAt unnio JlTaiestya'aloopof war Pearfi hjch tras wit K k.nb .Aa-I. ti.ifAi'.l..i i. 1. . L.l I 'it i..1- . - ... ' a " we stautja tq w :h Ieen the I with bank agents have i : always" been highly reqaired by thafiasfactcvlf - . 'Lit ;he rf ! r! i 5 II. f r U 1' " f i the intercession iof chant of the firstf res aro : a fellow ; passenflrerfi me if- 7. ; tixsGi&aiuij j wno naa vearai eqr oj r f,tit s igo resided e dupoa :j,qoreioT aodlqbned apera;l .aofUyscd J j 0 my own, and the ' amusement norVi no mrtm M ht itra ihprTr of the performance of tbe My8ter9I wilt ipmimprtisi tarn nnmlthns thatf Wdie l and ihe answers returned. Qi 'Will yra mention me this5f Aa A rath. 5 ' i -3? i i Q. 'Will you tell me this artSS H Ah. A flowed ( 1 P 't i Now it is eviddnt by the' alvegcap atWall variatioi. ta anfficient to ) ticleireouiredii Ii is also -plain, of questions msy rmed so most any number oi answe uo5 ,"'- red. Questions may also be n' ' v the names of fish, &c. 'should itjsjffj ' cocrse of lheWf-raa-thatsanAW' ; be presented; or I some fish name quesrion defining the article or fp- been formed, some oibjr quesr ! may solve tne ainicuJiyP Hv I? s cutvj What is alike, wJiti eoes Hrr ' For it must be. observed,. tbatfr.ni in the performance, has a defim ' answer, which has been cowertiaSJf. to both performfrs m ordfr toa" the thirg ipecu t in some measn a:lr:it .- i.M' '.a word Aold may! T'ry properly ife '-1 cnam. . ' ' n ; L Ji-J- Will ,lfoT1 .. .rtirlfl a W IVU IWI UiW M V fJ? holUtt?V,i-,iUKt . W.", ' Here' the exressioii iWrV vpSiSS; give the idea Ofa wate. eraiVy holds up hishatth to0e ;il Aalt iaontroT intention. hte? aystem for perfarmiog mirieles ; j&i ( acles,! shaa not. trouble J questioni and angers on i b 11 kiU only addj "SJS ' tygaiidealli' receive w u"- . jm iious Ladv sits a different m l f :lf some; gcntW f ! a a?" f Kar thlTL ,UI .-H, If Tj f fih or other UuT eArby.saytn?,. a t b'. f Tf f ' I . ! . 1 i C ' -1 ''-! ! tf. - I 4 t f i f - -, t? - it:''-. i

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