8 l -kr?1. 7J v-rr. ..i-w .- I n 1 wk -ins -j 1 VAN.- fl i -::!'"-'i,- v., v. . 1 1,., If 1 .til f . 1 Mi) J I L- ft .4 a: V 4f -" pnbtiahed. in advance tKan in VArrt year, Tfcrt2rlife ih Connuw more tl lSthe ctjund is ovr one'yearn- lM?Fiim will l taken fqrjcthasi one I mm will e done at henial ratfs. i IlAilfeii iXiWHraW until arrcata- 0&&h xMni tifr whole sam in id- Olftnce rlir y,ill be coatmn- to'theEUitrmastbe Popawicr SPJfiinir fthl-Eaitor.dn the business WtS?-;il A him as IMtor.; of the iritfrrt-6 tbia rite od oth- lifilftbpsocnptions taken before the : Ot jf fwperi it win be Tremem-, Ae on ihefpublicati6ii of the fir? t mm. Ml rap fill 5 ; . r-rjjlw 'gonial j Magazine, Of THE "OTE BOOK i Umrt extraorainaiT ana moei inters Ui eiteU nrttlitr. f ihst rhanrUr hi A WMifd nrnmnt'tnrlAPfis -of 1 pctne-. he hail HWriWii1 it w4 -i llw-I -'.l ''' - , ' . , '' ",.,. '.I bcj y',JJ.c' . mrt exfraordinarir and moet inter, fljlr, lif irliich I find! anV account 'in' mv ifltti place pn the!. Northern Cirduit, Slithin nitvfvears affk ?"- i t Ia.ki-sl74i Jhn Smith (was indicted HPjtirder ofHenrr Thpmson.-The m.Je (Ifja. jEriysi ;e3Mraordnary nlture &&lriaUM& eicit4d M 't waii almost un4 ifii lilfife ; acculed was a ffentleman, of rDrtviesidlnbr UDort his own ea- !Bfiyrkbente ttbf . -shire. A L gcysetf, tote an entire stronger to hnnj M H summef a flay, re'j'upiea ana ot no jffltjlest'juhonld be inspected oft pirtialjty- ttefwas.tnojaie wra lanuj a j a nnpwruil -belQne ilrarlo frit eailis weB as Some Jwhicm were thouzhr tof bVaf afai nst is fitftesv Befoft his eVltr to the 'lkdhiibeatieein ferjome fsnptanljr aie;of the.ir)sielpqttent!de?jaleta f-th most powef rxesonera-fnj jlheJH9tie rComr roo$ and hdnhed the reputatiop, wfcich richly deserl-ftj; possesmngafpiwei dr erti&inalinietveen trothl'aiid falsehoodiilrafeljf altajried, by fiyHndividnal Buti 0& tome timl he was inotethan sdsp6cjted , ef hej.nj iiefic ienf in thai ftfmness WjTposeTthatmorarconragd e$slntlal to tb efficient discharge of his high fiinef tor& io acasl where dxjabtAjl and djfacuft; quesj tbra?were afnoef certaiii fd arise, which 'a ti mid rial -fet rfiil if Jroinmi ttiilumseliViwald father aroll'lhan 'decide 'opon;. :. r i ; J K&feaiMm of Lcrd J35rge Gdrdona riots; ilel'-fiesh irfftue mind of every nian, tenedve J ry mnc in jie bleast of the common people to streSgthentlj opinion The belief rwas general, and! feonfessftnat even my ififeciio? cannot Jfeiadi ne aonbt j&ccdracy, lhat. in-a .giraeas oie it j east; le scenf of that fearfol time were id b anbuld toi tlie timidity and in decision, of this;btherwi8l ffreat man. ' The King had pnb liely.d4eIaTe4 IbaiUhe ihagiftVates ;bad ; (ailed in tHeil doty; aiifthb teproachjapplieiJ Withi pecul iar fee M tord Chtt!c6f j England. Haolhi but enlplfitjed-those' jib wef$ With Iwhich the constitution had armed' iliim, fof She::; early snpjlession 6 the riots, the metropolis.' would not Have beetifffived op for a? weeki to tjie nn- contft)lIe4 d'irtinioh of a lawless. moH,i niit that 1 melotlramatio ftimbleof tragedy "and coimedy been nacle whicjileanhot now bethought; of Without aroaent,:aa which lias no parallel inj inod- f of that character whlcawoaId prompt to deed3 of viriuous enierprrze, orio-seex ineouooierepu' tation at-.the "cinnon'a rnontb but that it? was ratbef allled.to that quality which woukif let Ho tcam'pnnctiou VLsitings of Nataro f.shkkft f?U this In esiuraQon - into hts character; suchri as fit waSy wasvijiasly.umvotablsj .and fjetjthexf J were momenw when i.thongnt inhaa metea.. to nima nara measure vi jusuue, bik wnwi "x."rs ticplarly Ifsaair aM ho8Ptantyfor the night y jp1ieedV after takin some slii?h U4fteafc'fetjed tolbed iri perfect health; re4 y fceWakelif d atran eatly hour' the. felSnipfc; " Vn:lhe'pen.appnt ytllllHnehierea piis.ruom lor jnai purposej s his b perfeetl dead' and, llpearance olinVbyriiiWasxAyious' U$Mto& aoJfertofoy lours. r There was; iiiMatfist tnark!violfince on lus person,; til cudstf naiice ' retained the same cxpres- f 4 1. : 2- t -3 .:; : .j it' i" " -s ;4 f ilea a naa noma opnng uic Tifl--f : i sv.J ,i.S.:..J r1uw'"'W: kndlnadiries wire iffmediafely' madev hMid ho the siraiurfer Was-aS.d; secondly,! k xv nritkHii loath Rnth werenn ? : s as, to. tue j luntitrr u imwiuiniiuu ri 61 obt tuned no iae oipcoercu ,w u. e eitnpr oi nis namci i ynuu, w i; fiie' htdiarrlved oh horseback, Birouffn a jjeiarnDoniis n- reached tne con-! i uguiujsappcarea, whether the -partfe had rone fS3r?T ,f towsyws-1 throw suii ,aeeper Jinisery-oiref thU tempted to acense myself of prejudice iri pinion I had rfbrmed of hitf ;Tand parti it, was :;acted overa gaiir., bht it twas ntterly impossible, from ' the cansaoov mentioned, to aSceijain; wheolhe XJrMan3fiM:i charge to the grand jury cprin rd irJ sef EkTegtseiufteooe was a prystenousiy lermm a. b: cdiridj je'tra: nd farther. Beyond Witt tVRM-ib theideatht as little eould be.! IMtt'lf Idead-'. mtu' (t.wasi it is tnie, uioIpintVy ?tid dcii u t ieTe mi no reason, ; pji in.?ici;to sappose uiaat waa caus flzDant4Vhej thanjthe handjof ' jjjdi ;ikarww, jury wlasf coiutse, summoh- tiwr .-in.. inTfauraion, in wmcn mue w cdW be rijvf!d fian, that which I have m erdict was returned i to the effect It lb(eafil died j&yj trit4f?o of God. '!'H? w :passra rn. anu iiuie runner n4llethe meahitirne rnmor hsd' not m ifcns", vfaru itdeed"aiid tmdefin- M a dirklind fearfuf bharacter. wre at Jyeand 'airwa'foi. bolder expressed. w wjrnj uj muse suspicions was not Seated;! some! implicated lone Derson. M6er; bbti they lUipoiited tti SmithVthe -meer iAM usijil ri such cases, circurn- the Subject pf ihis imardet had excitod "aj; good .deal f ttentidn.! f He hao recommended ithem; if by enterteiledlreasojiable doubts kf tjie sof--ficiedcy of thefevidence' to rusure a conviction, to khoutteiJByi," explaining to them most ju3tl apd clearly thatj in the event I of theirjdo inj 8ijinyaddit6na1 evidence should; i a fii itum itcer be discovered, the prisoner could again be kpfrehendWiahd tried for the offence if they fbuicafue Bilj!aTidj from deficiency bf iprOoO he jw'isow aafiiitted on his trial, hec;i!t Wev-? er agiirile mplested, even thopgh the tatilnbny aga)niv6n1 6hold he morally as clear 'as light. Tlgrand jly jfteir, as was supposed,verjf con sidlrablo dsscjassioii among themselresZ-apo, as was rt mored.liylai majority of ooly one returned. a iiu& BUl. t ervtheharge I have mention ed,-itwi conjecliired that the pfooft offered id tbelgiand jujy.lraust have been .sirpn 'xdkar thori sucb afidirignd a strong impression in consef dehce "pre failed that there Would dliimate Jy betconvictioL: As f to show, however $ how uncertain all conjecture must be by.thbdet'vho. are jriere spectatcs of what is going on, the next tnortiufg a diflerept eurrent was given to the tide of pbplatr opinjioHE.V; At the sitting of the court an apSicatiobf wi. made by the counsel for the irowi io posipoe ine inai io me nexi assizes; on the ground tha aclaejuid just been obtained to eyidoe ofi mosi important . nature -wich could ot be procured in time , for the preseni as sizesi:lnd witouliwhicfi those Whuv conducted the prls&cutioii thodght it would not! bef safj to proceed to trial . The application was of coarse stre4uusty;ppjposid by the counsel for ihe primm er.; ltwas urgedln his behaltl that as this iva3 a caie in Which hp bail could be taken, the grani inr it would hivfilthft rTfet of I:ninfr htni in U e T i ,r . r a 7 0 gaol I many month, when he was ready to take ' his trial, ana ivwas saia tnattnis was not a com moncaae where ft be committal of the offender I was .inipursuaoce i)f H rinding ty a coroner's ju ry, andhheretore v here the prosecutor was com pell4d-iaCIme prejeured with the best evidence lit; cyu w procure j out inai tne . prosecutor naa , the witmnjtinterterencei ana without compulsion, - ,. . , .. . selekea tiis ovf n tfrae for the i apprehension;! of ordmf P"t of the case s It would be pi the prisoner, and the statement if the charge ; '.nd lKne ,blhtv ?f a dfbl thal tht i liirwUhSf 4 nA .K0f..M k f.iJiJ ed died by poison poison of a most subtle fttj poconneeted-with the transaction I ljvtaaQefs matfy ah antecedent, and nd hthe wsl)uhd;therefjre, to be Blet person as xfc aslother times. ifwitH bloxjfs in lunpoft of the accusatioi be furnished accusation he had JbH Unucliarv Ito! the present ehanre. made. I These1 arunienis werel not without their nrtet i)f Smith! iii eallv life, had been f weihlif and Ijord Mansfield refused to nostixine !ra??aevaiojT. While his father i the mill Aislthe&ijnUcalion avowed I v had bro- Eis hativft ountrv in- rceedetl upon the insufiiciencv of the evidence! at &7,f Nkqown J) Ihate been guiltv of p;reisfen in !ih:r()e0otof's '.'possession :tq1' sabsn p e anduspq not tiat.d .4'ffeicei;exptatibn ot fife jacquijial t" "I'Fpojwis 3s thctmode of obtaining ; wereeoanuenuy . f ntenamed and unreservedly wJ'Tl-f oneyJ JJrhfchlid was contm- i expresieU durmg h6 short period that interven ed berore the mail which was fixed rrau ipurjciapsea pince nis rjj- Titt 0fjhis youth UM been for- -HOimaof were entirely un- Jf &!,occao4 thjey wre revived, fW .frif cQiSidlrae additions. ! ms; affer thl dlatH of ) tne straficref . lBrK'?ft ieIace, pressed with 'Sfiifl9 W-nr. anf seeking for !fo,l0,s refute his suspi- fnr thfl fnJ- lovvihmorning, aid which without any thing malarial ocCurungn the one side or the othr, took! place at the aSpolnted time. . tT.V'V81"1 VVm erful distillatbn of the seed of the wiM exn oibm upoir every countenance pn the ,en- tTe abundant in th Rlk Fort1 iraawcMonpe Wttnes3f i&ted n aVfdin a new.teature tot his former Xfetatemen! that kHer .the person! - ad tetdinea4 i with4- IbeKlhrht' into ?TOIWfl Morr it wasextlnguilaed, fce haH x& 'nyzV? -dark M,ject to IhteV- whhewa askeVi b the erko usual ane'itionfJre voufndlty.orfVit j27nltj i which he describeii jnsaihtlsAntWa if as he drew hi form up to theiullesi i p eight, nd the Fetteraf clanked upon 1 bis legs; as fe answer-f ed .with unfaltering; tongue aod BQhlenphtns AnAAL" miilfti " rHtf 'LBMrt , -rvTia rrti. frv- having iavolnntarilv interoreied arailst him ev ery Bigri tfiatSias doubtful. 4 - rji f f r.H'f f TlHf counsel for the pp)8ntioJl-;fmen?d his case'to the jury in a mannerjlhat iodfcatiMiveryp little expectation of a-conviction. ;Ife beln by deploring them io divest their minds jiof all that they had heard before they came into the box j he entreated them to attend to the evidence, and judge front that alone. He states1 that j in the. course of his ' experience f which was very? great, lie had never met with a case involved in; deeper mystery "than that upon which he wis then ad dressing them.f The prisoner at the bar, was a man moving in a respectable sWionlin society and maintaining- a, fair character. ' tie was td -all appearance, in the possessoin i of I cpnsiderable propeiiy,'ana wasaooreme orainary temptation? to commit et fool a crime. Vv ith respectto the properly of the deceased,: it was strunirly 5 sus pected that he had either beep robbed of, of ih? some iiiexpiicable manner pide away-with;goId and jewels to a very large amount ; yet, m can dor, he was bound to admit that ho pprliori of it however trining. could be. traced to the prison er. s to any motive of malice tr revenue, none could by possibility be assigned; fbrthe prisoner ano vne aeceaseu. were, ai rar as could be ascer tained, total strangers lo each other. till there we're most extraordinary circumstances cbnnec ted with his deathDpresrnant r with sushieion kt leat, and imperiously demahdir.gr explanation i ana u was jusuce, no less to the accused. tha) to the public, that the case should undergo judicial investigation. The deceased- Henry fThomson Mfas ajBwejier, resiamg in London, weal and in considerable1 business i and. as - was custom of his time, in the habit of personally con ducting his principle transactions with the for eign merchants with whom he traded ; He had travelled much in the couisa of his business in Germany and Holland j and it was td meet jat Hull, a trader of the latter: nation, of J whom he was to make a large purchase, that he had left London before his death; ? It would be proved by the landlord of the irin; where he had resided that he and his corres pondent had been theiej and a wealthy jeweller of the town, well acquainted with both parties, had seen Mr. Thomson after the departure of theDutchmSn ; and could speak positively to -there-being then; in his" possession, jewels of large value, and gold j arid certain bills pf ex change, the parties to which! he; couldj describe. This was on the morning Tlioinson' J,. ture from Hull, on his return to ijondoh, add was on the day but one preceding that on .which he arrived .at the house of the prisoner. What had become of him in the interval could not bs ascer tained ; nor was the prisoner's house situated in the mad which he ought to have taken.; No re-; iiance, however, could be placed on that circum stance; for it was not at all uncommon for persons who travelled with property about them, Vo leave the direct road, even for a considerable' di-ancc, in order to secure themselves a9 effedtually a3 possible from the robbers by whom tHe remote partd ot the country were intested. tie had not been seen from the lime of his leaving Hull tilli hereached the village next adjoini" Smith's house, and the next morning was discovered dead in his bed. He now came to i he rnost ex traordinarjr part of the case lIt would be proved deceas- by poison 'poison of a most subtle na-. ture, most active in its operation, and possessing the wonderful and dreadful quality of leaving no. external mark of token by which its j presence could be detected. The ingretf ients of which it was composed. Were of so sedative a najnreji that instead of the body oh which it had beea f tised exhibiting any contortions or marks of sulfering, it left upon the features notHing bat Uhe calm and placid quiet of repose. Its effects and indeed its very existence, weret ; but re cently known in this country, though,' it had fir some time been used in other nations of Ear rope; St it was supposed to be a discovery of thed Uerman chemists, and to be produced by aj pow4 cherry arid tia of the unforta ijmed khfl Were i ns tan tly fe !W9therHestihere waa.tHnnffh it'wai S- ilh4ion f the body. But the fact being ascertained, that jtbe cause trance.ot the Judge into Courf. In an instant tne rap,proioun(stience prevailed ; and inter- oflhe death was prison, left open the nfoch more estnfense ahd upassione4,:ithoughtQbdtidv momentous question,by whW was itf admtnisl 8e6to wartiij, n every word and evefy lcjok, tereii ? U couldhaidly be sdppVseitojbe by the as n uiviuou ueiwecn expectation , ana u o:ot, -whdtlilrl somethiig might not yet even inter- " i i jlA - Ik" 1 7 . V rvr'i cmnstance, wuicn ot itseit almost negatived .:iU was .kifirf ;laCe. oun however occurred j and possibility .that rio phial,or vessel of anykiiid; had i" he f lf?11 ?, ;lht been discovered, in which the poison dnoldhave 'tfiedl nrf ii i vTV"f' f been contained; r was it thed the' pnsbneri who ! .4l&iSM E J!C?WJI"VI V NJ . ih. waa, rdministered it f .Before he 3ed j them to hfiX - na5 4 - dpekihewer come to that conclusion, it would be i.ecesry aAR'PW the0ither d ids most saus- nnevefv sideihe ?er kiiru ..r A,.,i.t. I . ' zr.-n I 31 ai tonin w!4 ...J. .u; .Li. r I ru.. . i . - : . . r.r usiaie more oisuncuy wnai nis eviuencs rwa&. SpMute fetfirMeS Thn Permusist on o hit yio theuse Aiv&tL a, hoose-keeper, and on6 man-servantTbe "ItPt!0 thduse of h& death; and oometary euBusuSi NJlfl dTe betr otherwise than was only mouientar mefttay sute his cheekJ i but it y, aod less than mighty have ;;: fwifcrfianncf nh. Lv.trwi .nn,k;al. t kix&u -ltijj:-?. . L a I iue nouse Keeper s. w ! T iff i 1 VUU WUA CU 1 11 IU 11 1j3 (MLi I Iin 1 II IL1 111 1M KJ I IWi II Will 'US IIIH man fA niA Tt WW lt I ft -ft ' " - Ulpn 'wferf aiid what theyla M4f5JitJJ1rHe to mention: suf Ts.Tr"- - chuciich as. nnucwi Demise : Ei jMhirM ' vara m.ic jl : :r. - : - t.i . . Vmtm Rm4.UJ I.-.....; k.: - f. l .7t?L7Zrr iiae circumstance, men very nnusaai.jOt a - wjiaing-irwDien could account f for Jhia ; appearance hiiiUd mtm " dinr0rtt:part, anrthere,was neithcMpboard nor Pwu m, wnicnui lor the bed; was eh tirely erriptr ; the soom iri whien h dmll KAn'i U""V5 ., vcyoao u.i tie wouhl at to tai one fe;t jnoresaidi th i J jeaVned codhsel) and h! uaa uvua nis puiy ; u (wou!d then be! for the jury to d theirs.Within a few day there had been fund iri the prisoner's house, the! stopper of a small bottle of a very singular description ; it was PfMitjuMy. novor Jngusn manufacture, an - was .desrritHf by the meJical'tmen, as being f the descripuon used by choiieta to preserve those li juids Which are raost!ikely t lo9e their virtue y exposure to the air. To whom it belonged, or to .what ie itha been applied, there was'nd ev idence Ulshow. v-' I I ' ' ''T -' guchfcvas( the address pf the codnsel for the pnssecujon j and during its delivery j I had ear nestly Hatched the countenance ofthe prisoner, who hac ; listened to it - with - deep attention. A wiceunly did I perceive that it produced & him the slightest emotion. Wheri the disappear- .... rL:. t- l t r- .. uuc-o u -nd nouseseeper yas mentieoed, a smiley as of ;:ciin, passed oyet hfe lip ; add the notice of the diArorery of the stopper obviously excited an iqteresH, and, I thought, ad apprehentlin, but it quickly subsided! I heoxl not detail- the evi dtjnc? tha was given for the pro? eeution ; it a motinted,in suoatance. to that winch-tne counsel stated riwr was it varied in any particular. The stopper was produced, and proved, to 6e found in the house ; but no attempt was niade to trace uo piibuuur s possession, or even Knowl edge., -r I ' ! . v . . i VVheh the case vria closed, the leaked judgd addressing the counsel for the nroselniion. said. he though t there wad hardly sufficient evidence to tall upon the prisoner for his defence and if the jury were of the same opinion, they , would at once stop the case. Upon .this observation from the Judged the jury .turned "around for a moment, mm vueu liunnaiea ineir raoquiescehce in his lordship's view of the evidence - Tne counsel folded up jtheif briefs, and a verdict of acquittal was about to be taken, when the prisoner addres-' ed the court. , j He statd, that having been ac cused pf so foul a crime as Imurderi anii shaving had his character assailed: by t suspicions of the most afflicting nature, that.character dould never be; cleared by his acquittal,upon the. ground that the: evidence against hiui was inconclusive; With out giving; him an opportunity ofstatihg his own case, anu caning a witness to counteract the im pression's ihat had been raised "vr--r--,J " " Jj.ii- i.vsh circumstances which fLt present appeared doubtful. He urged the learned Judge to permit him to stato his case to the jury,- and to call his housekeeper; with so moch earnestness, and was seconded so strongly by his counsel, that Lord Mansfield thoiigh very much against his incHnation, and contrary to his , usual habit; gave way, and yielded to the fatal request.! 1 ''Everttre domos totas, optahtibus tpsis, IDii faefles -torrens diceodt.copia multisj Et sua moriiferaest iacundia:" The prisoner then addressed the jury, and ed ucated tneir patience for a short time. ,- He re plated ao them that he never could feel satisfied to be acuditted, merely because the evidence was not conclusive ; and pledged, himself in a very sliort time, by lbs fe observations he 8 ;odld take, and the witness wh jm he should call, to obiain their virJici upon much higher gronnds.apon the impossibility othis beinj guilty ot the dread- in; cri'tie. fiiu respect io uie lusiuuauons which hail been thrown ! out against him, he thKuihtoiie; observation would dispose; of them. AssuuiinL' it to be . true that the deceased died ointhe effect of a poisen, of which he called God to witness that he l-ad never even heard either the name or the xistence until, this day ; was nt evey pn)babiiity in : favor of his innocence ? iere was a.perftct, stranger, not known to have ill his possession a $in i-le I article of value, who might have been robbed of the. property w hich h e wjti said to havediad at Hull. vy hats so proba ble as that he should, in a moment of despair at his bss, have destroyed j himself? The fatal drhz was slated i to : have been familiar in those couniiiesin which it; Thompson had travelled, : k ; " - ; . i i . 'I a Aft while to himseu it ,was utterly unknown. Above all, he implored the jury to, lemembet; vthat al thouerh the eve 01 mince had watcned everv proceeding ot' his. since the: fatal accident, and though the most: minute search had heen made into every part of his premises, nu.vestage bad bten discovered ot the .nost inning article be lunffin? to the deceased; nor had eveh a rumour beeit' circulated that polsen bf any kind had been evir in Mi possession. Oft the stopper which had been found he jdijowiied all knowledge ; he declared, most solemnly, that he had hover seen it Before ill was produced uvcodrt ; aril he asked coufd the fact ot its beinr foand in bis house, on ly a few days ago, when hundreds of people pad been there; produce dpon all impartial, mind even a mbmenUrypiredjodiee Jagainst hh ? One fact and one only had bed proved, to which it wappssible foil hirato - give aa s anwer, the fact of his havihsr gone " to the bed-room of hi housekeeper on the night in question; He had been eubjectfbr many years of his life, to sudden 4 I n I A. ...... KyM ca,vat ttitk a ait then put into thehrir and iTmtn4 .Ci, . TTT! TTirfi 1,t '-V?: V: Wunsl forthe pnsonerv AWrdX in ZLr K, ,d WdWg&, , fcnsjora, at tbatinie almW unirersal. bf tx eluding itoessei froni court "tinhl h&ro.i 4 M 4een kept at ter !0 -MWa ndt heard a 5ingi9wwqx)Ufifr,maJf HThe as'rfoth; in remarkablejin her. Iraanner aha appeal anf-e;,?light e 35 waliule kt oVei ltn4regular.thi3Ugh noi ;agreeable features 4ir ! PetIy.lorn emriuTassi fitSherepHlediafeid the prison erVownprdsahoVs told of bis havinj: called her I ud; arid hra- having accomiknied hX&X6 liiii room addirii that after feayinit Jhlibi sheJad retired to her PJ wa ana beea awlkciicdl by the kari travel le: 1 of Mr: Thomson's death Ml At this moment tho3ilidtor,fothe pros If him upon jewejjcaiw, the satne'manafactare as the stopper. haTing a cork in ttrsomcrtherartides thW were on tt not mateHalt tfflravvicihrVATli tray was pi iced nrJ tWe tabli in WW'oTthei i'll HTicuner ana tne witness; inu iroat that mo- i . j c. .utrr lo?f " an .f ccooni wise ;as well state a cross jBiaaiination; and I rhav nerq mat wtuca, tbo' not know id rdo till af terwards, assist the rftadei ' in underltan dingtfte following scenC: Thicbtinsel for the prosecution had in htsewn mintlUi&ch ed considerable irrippAal tofthe cirumi stancef mentioned by the witness who saw kAl:U .U2i - .1 r: " " ii ---I . ' SSiMPW?.. 1'eJtf1nd .'Sfad MilS ee rcom for hofeekMpewererinithJtbom or the tSfm-: aqoqr naa s intervened between tha candle and the winddw: which tV99 trttlllfT imiuA.:i.LlJi, .t ll. .Micwutiuuiu wun ine aDDear- was ance of the room when examined. and h had half) persuaded himself, that there must bea secret closet whichifhad escaped Ithe searcli of the officeM bf iiistice,' the openino; wuica wouiu account tor the alluded to; : and ance the appear existence of wliich Had so rasteous!y disappeared; Hisobject .therefore, wasjq obtain iron the. housekeeper (the pnjy herson Uxceptf the prisoner ivho. could girl any due. to. this) such informltioh as hos eduld gdt witHout alarming her, by any "direct iriqdirV On the subject,, whichvas she cbulo notheIp,,,iee- mg iis unpoiianccf woum naves lea. net at once to a positive denial. He krtew; more over, that as js he hacl noiTbeen )n court, ihe could hot ktfbw. hoif ''mtjl6(iprt hoiliitle-lhe-inquiry had already brought to Iighti'and!byr nirnseu treating tne raatte asiminaterialhe might lead her to consider il so. also, A-Jby k.i JlL. r. . 11 .1 . v ' ' - r " u:ai lutiaiia uaw, lonn an mat sne Knew ment hotii doubt remained in tbe mind of pe gum 01 mertscner. iti ? s LrA few wfJrds will bnrlgmjUloio ifi clbscj ''teil' tlWHouse where the: bu had been cora-flil Il nutted wa3 between $ aqd 10 miles distant from. the'CcirtHdnseJ The soliciton ha soori f t-!. KVi .7 '"litoiaationoitnenou ; - had discovered the existence of ihd closet. fc'd? i4 existence1 of ih oW Kd; ! I I ta Asuuation! nad set ptf on horse-batk,Witft NT-ri j .. . ' .w. u.iiiui. uunuuvut : t of the wail of the house, had dfttoctafTthtA rr Hi important piace ot concealnient Their S rewarded- the wh6lef thflTU ; ? property belbniinsr to hit Thomson nm':ni-'rM 4 V. ,-l . , . - . i . ,:...J.. - . -i . ' .- V round there amounting, .in value, to ! somo lnu..J Jt V J i - It 1 . ft' 1 ddubt, a bottle wai ti medical then instantly Scoreted. which! the pronoun ceo: to contain the very identical poisbn which had i citfeftd the death of ihe unfortunate Thomson. , The result is too obvious to need explanation. . -I l ne case presents the; perhaps nnparak? leled mstaiico of a mai accused of riaurder, ' the evidence against Whomnwai to slight as to induce thejudge and jury-to concur in a verdict of jacqaittalbqi whoi, v persisting td call a witness to prove Sis' ilnnocence, war, upon the testimony "of that I ! verjrj witness, ' convicted akdtcule& . - ' t. sf 1 il'-- - ; : 4, d-'- From; tbe New Ykk jAtlas. M'UtLERPr, TUB iLiAz koilBEh: 7 jCobbett, the psendo -political cohomistj and Mv in addition to hisi llegisier, publishes aj magatine, conducted jointfy by himself ami sons; The following article wUltbWead with interest,-, and at the same timoHnly be taken as a fair spe ciraeridf a work huJe'kn,) here, thbdgJrquitft Faonileroy suffered Toi forging the 'riames of ? the owners of Bank Stock, bv which Tie feloni- nnimportant ouestionshe . 'r-Ui ,unwu ,uw) " auu uiauuci rawicr ca-itni however continuing in nav th awApn r distrust- ! 1 :,'' ;1 ' V : During the time ydu were id ufr. Soiiih's Aft hf ... t -i1 After some tew the candle stood" Ion centre Jof room, you sta4 ted that the table, in the w ' .1. . j "A : , .1 . coHJntrv.and was authonwdhv'j was the closet, or cupboard, or whateypi ft trJi ? rar w nhancj -1 -H -wSftiif It rHelnking-house m which ihe etbbd 1herer---A pause jtiolanswer I l will call it to yourrecbllectionS after Mr. Smith had taken the medicind out of the closet, did he shut the door Or did lit remain open? He shut it. I 1 hen it was opened .again tor the' par the Stock theiri half veail v i dividends on 'the same ; it is to be observed t that he ' forg4 4 names, nor niade free with iny sdms of money h: belonging to those who weetiot connected5 with him In the way of business.; As a banker, h ' was a?ent td the stockholders re8idtnrtn thef - on their fetock; 3; ' m was aoartn kf. : being on one occasion ran hard upon andtn'tfairt li'-:' . ' 11' :! , iV fan- J s. . . oi money, r auniwrcy. was alwars estiaiied fc .w lt as a euDeror nnancier, Mdrtmibi r: .i . r. J-i i required sumi and this he vid tha vr 1 trikt !-tiV,:i 1 r - l . ft . . I ' r' , h j; . u'l transwrred tne money neooiameu irom me -name . door when opened Would be exct rnatimnr tnthtnfhis owTconc-lrin that the light and thelwmdow, would it ty rtT woaU pot probably,'so Ion? las he liv- wish to sell out his stocJcVod therefore mrm . . - J - T J I V mormng wnat ne saia io Jip-pwtnert; & how" he? accounted- for his possession jot ie moheyv has not vet been known : probably, tfotiwere: pose of replacing the bottle, was it.ft too much hurried at the moment and . too ' Ud nri ciii ieAnlleri hrtwlbno-it wnliorMn thn their inquiries. It is however,now knowcirthat last tim? Not above a mimitft. ne went io tne uana, ana oyj means w. wrgery The between not? It would. i P I 'Udl I foro-et whether vdu said the closet was bn 1 would remain unconscious of the hse which had . O i j ... - -r - - : .. I I " "7 " T . - - - ' . - Li i i -I ., - t . U . B- the right or the left band side oflhe window? been made of jt so long as he rewlarlvl recetvett t y f:'. : The feft: ' f t thia dividends ;ju nowever, 8oouia:occurxnav v t, 4 Would the dodr of tha: closet nWida in Vrvu-f-rr?.ATrnt .u . i-lit vn if hA khouldbedfivenlo thenecetsitv i 3i Can vousneck nositiveiv to that fact? Hive h j.:.t. ..i.i..-.J-L-i.:Ju,-ii. itn l t 7 r 7 -----, - vou ever opened it vourself. - . I . ' - . t i I J . l - i N i i Mr. Smith Openit?---! never, opened it my- quently did many times ;un;fli hp got! lavtolvea Ijid you never keep tbe key? Keyer. i Who did? Mr Smith always;- At this moment the fitness chanced to turn her eyes I towards tle ippt : where the in a laoy rinin m iransierreQ t;ocK, mnu r my cr eobnts so built op one on the ot hen that 4Jhere was no retreating bfore the! rdaS honest man no path open to hird ither to jSttip pay-" i meht or go on nothing before him butj ultimate in thisi state prisoner stood, and mne enect was almost I hv nlnnfrini? desperately, and as it wefe darinff m cieciiicaiT v uiu umuupncoi iwu ujwu line worst, ne mainan:eu w wcwk w .wit, ijauw- his brow and his' face had lost all its coldur; kin&bouse tor upwards of ght eare4 . after jthej . ,? fi ... . ; V ' yH J ' V. J l . I AH t I : r-l trt U 'm IU kbAI IT fTtl ttftll-. -r he appeared no, sooner fainted. flashed dcroe her. mind: f She had been so :r. ', i- in ihe firm- 1 rpugdeived. bhV mailer of h ptd every Sa S to tWo Advocate, and by the Ji Ue mportancehe ipxhJtiioQf have possesled fiimselfof one of BUlTl- 'Is man servant slept in an out house adjoining the stable, and did so on the bight of , Thomson's death. 1 he prisoner slept at oae end pf the bouse, and the house-keeper at . the 'other, and I he deceased had been put into a room j adjoinuisr would i be ' provedi JvVa 1 peraoa who happened to be passing by thehouse fiti bf illness : he had been seized wiib "one-off r '.""we iiarmipn i t'- H ffi ' tape, had e amount wedepend- w astvlwas hnon eaihount - morn- pecula is occasion weepehd: that occasion . and had ihne to her to procure her assistance in lishtingafire: . Site had returned wnn mm to nis room, ior inav purpose, no navmg waueoyior a minuie in mp: 3sag,. wnuc uc momehtarv'ldisappearance of the liffhtr and after she had Ternainedin his room a few minutes, fia- rHirtv himself hettef jhe dismissed her i end Yeti- tT-vlrwl amirf InV-aA fnin !wKik' ko Vtiii nrtt rispn CamS Oul OI InB. hAU3A JtCPIwr' Tmwn ? tl4. Tha I' l - L.!- i'-iJ.j ' u .liL -u" hkeyijthat sbokiof tire, and pridaiod li.ht disabnear Tf 2,71 ifW .5? ?l . K 'araia"f.?- ltriyalad!Wouy "niVA.ivlitArknlil?; " P"8 on inej.aormer. hffbt '""Fsse on ;my memory, t moving about the house at that late hour, i That i&iu n-""' u ""jf iioiasun. as i ne wis ipnareouf Deiwwn iiirtt iinrt n is ir "ISMi u-.. 1 -i -. T r-""' " "5tl 5" """.t"" Ricii 4U 4IUUJ KM wr (nfl d (ll4tlftltlT BM timiro hnlinrr ,liitK . W kOTWne examination of the wit- ckri ihdiil 'innW',k: .A-tk- iilr lJZZ-IU-rrrr-r :emnk.kiJ r IZIl r?:T73- -. n !wncn toe prisoner siepu io the ttiirr:' viuagibira Wiguy wnuq iuk auengui' and BpriMltneSSUOt I honsA-keener'a Ttinni r tht 4xv.. 2 tk s iuua nr wk.ms ' ui! . i v j. - .. - - . . t - n;, -; . 1 -j - . k.wu t u.u i-D inn IfKT InU .11 - ? r-r WW uiace. wsi mat if. i on inernpmteoajicexd at inej first I potseeay the window :f that room looked an, '1 -1 glancepppeared 'Mfi.be hat whsch we are laccust 1 otherSivayi but in about a minute the v!rfnrned: I tojnedto associamwith deeds of-h&h and. noble passing quite alon? the housei td Smitha m l daringi but a wcopd aitoe attenuva eaamaa-' again ; and in aboo, fire minntes the lirhi was a "t ? w 4w www im4n w w w . n 40 . iim Bada.W'M i.a.iiim uiaurai. nun iha vftr rtsv mnra .- ooVhis housekeeper haj disappeared. 4 eavow ld that! findintr hia ? enimiea determined 1 if nos- brobable tltey ; 3 might -Umper-with hfe servant ; 'be had therefore, kept hey but of ihetrway; bnt rKi,iU.- uiiAi.i- -...:i..ki u.i llf !-' LiT-. ."."7 -"Vi l-iiof.e wrpose row.preveai-wriw 7 li.Jni(jiaiU X'T 1.1.7 i If TJiy. t"T, 7 r. UJ '.,r .5 1 h kJUC11 V15 v acvnponicri me ma y v feeing eiveo. forTehe wa4 now onderahe care lwAIT 1' V ,,TJ?n I T.-?? Pssceme8 nign import , fgtstrates had commuted. Smith:; and iin juUrly bf his solicitor; ahd wonld - msuhtly appear for t?ai i y -Mvii ui me nresiainjr 1 uowm tu conceal! ine- dn diiTn.i ' njuref to 1 tiiii iwisn mi n n M ? (w. c .1 -e . w. - , . , t .r- j. iMbrXJSSf?- I P!nJ?y lhe fnotiresrofheisiaaib persuqate discovered:7AthinhV laititveelr,. tnel witness na iignt naa neeamare paructuariy ijerjwerfolct. i?It wai de ;aod,m order ta refresh this memory AhijiMr:i.2t- . been nlacVdat rV-U nT t ha I.Ttrwsrnt 1 "1 7yrifr ; r nr1 affl 5PPie laaauw, I. : I rH&-TWt 'v ac- j cnafM;ier at variance with hie own, and a can-1 who faw, hv if livlw-W lto' Hy- J m tat ind examined 1 .sww.?? . I j " I Ti, bt 1 !iV - ? 11111 1 Brp tone last, rjiitr that was .equivocat aod 1 1 where he ' ! tvli w fiyptlf to speak bf him as' could &t help ruadinff myseif that Uv riot, bcroow tely directed to attend -w; ner; ana ?WV mS&; tot hourly innticip the interval occasioned tliisntprruption idiiotwItHitandingi thehoy lo the proceedings, the sohx;toMorjthe pros-' w- which ai Orries came over his mind afhbr edition left the court. H In ashort'time, the jmenaing fete, he wai; as N himself alSrptedf ftentleman who tad attended the witness re- peii.boand to the spot, which he neve could - turned into court, and statea inai u was im summon resoiunon wwgu t possible! her would be 1 an he ted' that :thej'iiry itfonf4l?Jbe accoiimodato4 j tbatofVeons. A passion of any kini;by ex- i Wit tlwmsel hours. 4 W the witness to an apartmeni , m um gau.fi r . - K nothincr house: arid strict orders Were given Uiat she . n in D;9 condoct towards women was ahbuld be allowed itttf.ecmrimcatd witMno renfWMe. Had it Deentlawftl or consistent bne eS6ept inibe pfes of j rfth the roles of Gb 1'" 1 - 1 . m.m c4ftft mm wwt imh mm " 1 4 that she could-at -ptesent resume 1 in a manner oe aocoonmi -vu.Pij - .j f place in the box; andl suggested that it yt much better to allow her trtwait tor -7-"- DorehaseAheir "Vt hout br WoU was hbw abut jtwelv in ., lh 1 Dipeathef from Bicchua : Fauntleroy dav: and Lord Alactsfleld. having direc- wont tn unnthcr marker for this draoghtor drtKr V : t... - : Gbrisdan propriety, j to have' thepbysiciarLJlt vasbetweed fouffe and five made aa experiment wiui n-ttm jinvmoeo o'clockr when the' ' fudge resumed Ihii from memoranda in my Pf CJ lk- ;llhU known to me,that he wotrfd if opportaaitV, had N R0n7r?MO l.1" '-r--lk ,U .him. hiVe-cbnethroo2Hf aU the station at the bar,- arid the housekeeper tiers .,inw , t0 ut 'female (tkro'wn in - . - . ' - ; - - . j. ; - . i. - ri - i iv w . . in the witness-box; tne ;f.conrt io ine inicr-1 k;z 4.. nd have contmued to to ezsrizQ hun- val had remained crowded' with the spec-1 xfop to the last hoars perhaps ofhte existence. tatorsTs&ceope of whom had jidns place, j ia frnt of feet, this Is nbta rcetnUtciavf it all less during by some osminmcoun J- able.wUhhfa then awluituatioa. and ?5f F'TX only be accoantod sor; upon W pn?- estiqris to ask of you; bat bewaithat you . j taTt gta:yit morbid action qf the nervous y stem, r "r-rTTTT themind tonchintr the chord of former recoi,ee- upoom thread. -;tv; jf r Doybo krjowthi3 s!dr)per?--tdpT srl ii uodoaihatni anaiawwhert I that he waa cccsTtOTa ol teingcrimir.ajjihrugvvl ' .vraV vl& tik '..:;ne sirhoieUprcp pf tinth;,; housekeeper, irts niiUbp - fH r r tions rbntof thia;pieseaUy I ahair-liivejsome-more to tay. lninS ' tbehble Ipfriud t; J'

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