" ' " 1 1 . 1 i i - . i. '. ... f-! 1 ' t-. v 1r J" t ,i . i If ,-i':4:t1-i ;! i i - :. U j - I t t rrr V .i t I' . THE AMERICAN FJLAO. ' iteedom' frofa her moantain rieight, 'r TjfwedM Standard to their; She terajtheaxare robe of eight, f j u And set the atara ol glory were She tangled mih. ita gorgeoua dies The bilkv baldric of the sktes, 4J r Ad Sslriped its pare celestial white. . . : 1: Mi-. III J SOAIUS MUI ....... p. .jj, 'theif, fjrotn' hia mansions In the aari, 4 ; SheIled hr eagle bearer down,' W T 1 . ? ! . . 1 . I ' . : i-s- Apd gare into bis rnigDj nana The Taj iLboi of her chosen land ! . . .'-I P; il, -liwl : - - "-; ! ; ' 'if ":fl Majeatiq monarch of the clond! i AViolear'st aloft- thy regal Cirte 't , ; ; I gi To ftnther tempest tramping rm I,- Vlft- V Anl 6, tne llgowrag luces a - 4? t1"Whed . stridea the.warnof of the stormi Cbildt o the arm! to thee Itis giTen i :t I J -To fenstrd thie banner of the iree- - t TahoTeitn the salphar smoke, f :v1 tiTdwIriawaT the battle-stroke, !! f ;. : And didlits blendings shine afar, f WJa4f?-bT folds shall fly, 1 ; v 1 ; The fijrn of hooe and-triamph high! i Wheii sneaks thealiroal trumpet's tone! i li And the longtime cames gleaming on. .' ",; icEre Vet tbeJi I ! mHas blrmSd thelistening bayonet, 1 IvlEacbisolaier'ffeye shall brightly tarn f 4'-Tavlleii:tiiTf-meteor irlortca' barn, I 1 1 tMM ai his SDirinffinff steps -aH ranee, . ' 1 1 Hfavetn1wild Wreaths the battle shroufe An4jjoaiiy aabrarise and fall,' " r in Like shoots ot name oa miamgn spau prnere isti&ii xny ticvoi giants giuvt And.cowenng toes snail biok oeneam Each gallant armv that Btrikes below I That ioVeiy messenger of death! Flagof tfje. seas'on ocean's wave, t-Thy- stars.shall glitteTo?er!the brave, &r 1 W Whenideatli careenrrcr on tnegaie , 1 1 1 1 Sweeps 'dk'rklylionnd the bellied sail, . ! And frlited war tiish wildly back vl: Before the broadside's reeling1 rack," t The dvinjr wanderer of the ae& : .fc I 'Shall look at once to heaven and thee, ! And smile td see thy splendors ny, Iln triampli oer the closing eye; '' J"Iag off the free-heart's only home, it, r. Br ansreli hands to valor i ''' ' ; -'inI lall t Wiiia urarA nrn in heaven! l.'Ja. Aty bi X HOLY B lit vu y ci iv i a vwiiuy -J. - mJHV U.l ..I V It VA T W WV i For ever float that standard sheet! iWhereibreaths the foe but falls.befre .jjs , iJMfrvvitbr -ifreedonVa ami beneatn oar leet, r . t T 1? And freedom's banner streaming o'er as? ;r-; i i i 5 Drake! -,'r-; rnifl fallowirftr vivid btctare of a mortal eornba hi1 T . TVi-.-ivf? f i ... :J .i k 49 takeaiirom tne new noYBi now ii-iiic inroui s; ine iiUESsra. i xiaipc .uui 1,11c .tucwuua Of or If-'RichelifBl'vThftc are the Dke Jnhn Marston nan. dv zit. uamts, uiw m 4e uiaroin,. auu me vuuiu uc wuii uu thoahiheliiatihiate frind of thsf Duke for miny -vears, had ultimately put a mortal affront on his llbyMP nd associate. ;B i Immcdiaielv okted. and choostrr one e Wtpo Who fwas ray thore especial jHfavbrite in the-Shiiiyf him the papers with injoc ltons.to ose au speed and diligence.! I then fe- itprni- jm:-f.Ubraiy and found thkt the ddjee liadlitist conlladedl a Billet, on Which he! hd -L- ' !. . ii...t .pAt.1 a... r.:i rpte tne aaQress oi nt? uauumo nfteinraWtngia small chord of floss silk aeross "if y -fold! helsealelthei?atara-Ut tMth;en94 ipd teat thi rliteiOto m hands You will tae 1-i ihat he feajdl with k calm smile, 'to the Coolit Kin. An nnf mi till ftpr hrpalcfait. unr j 3etibeembpoan manner, that theie ay ftl$inf extxabrS iriaryrlii your mission:! for fo ry ' laste, things of this k',n4 ha better he conda tlied?quietly s possible Deliver it inithe cohnis FWBhandis when yon have reached his, dwelling "and bring m!e;back his reply. ... -.: jiaOfcourse: ft-very wen onderstooti. that 1 was jbhargM 'Witbohe of these cartels of mortal deft ance which;were then, so common inevery 'cpnp--jtry1a;Earoe vThe matter .certainly was-h-th:ng;new tp oe, for manyta trifling dispute had I seen brought tot the. arbitrement. of the sword. HWheHI flowed jtha camj of the cavaliers; 4bt it did seem stranze to me -that the' doke ' so fir j'dcpatfed frdra the general cdstoms of the7 day as .ftoseri4 iiic defisnce by a page, instead of eonle man puat in raos ana siauon to me person ? i(?x Whoin it wa4 intended. I found alterwards hov ver.'that his! irritable fear of redicule. which tvaa the hex J prominent. chaTactjeristie of Ins tnind toits soscepunuiy oi xne. siigaicsi susptr f jcniiwsB theilse of any7 tKlng that aprjejrref rrephir in tpetbo4 pl.oroteedihglwwej, I iwMaijaighti be, of course, I ' did fiot ; ooject jf ?Wfi. ta thoph it seamed to" me. doubtful h f Mosieor deIesnilwould receive such a eerta Vfipm I pagei'andwhat taight be hjs trcatmentff ;th2 bearer -personal risk seldom entered Into "ifcalatin these masters, and I orderei io be 'prepared to accompany meas gjaily as fj foreseitimr oat, howevef; I L had an opportunity 4; of. .seeing l m behavioari of Abe 4Uke toward? ithis Wt11 W confess, was the first fhih ; vthat gavf mq any pain in the 1 business. ,lt wa lit had. been bhlfbrmer occasions, that, as the thoH fyilashea' aerfisslny mind, that the first day nf such i lecdernes3 taight be thOj last of his life, I would !have given than all I Had in the world ft 3prsvent the proposed encounter from taking plaee lUtngiy alter orefciaasi 1 mnaoiea my .nore ansi f Ijbde vywajf for Mesnil JVforay, the dwelling! of 'TttoUgli ilWas a little gloomy wheti rl!satj&4 , And I readily Brooght myself to look upon' the ;af fair altdgethgrias on those matters which ev trtinin must hhdertake. af lesat a hundred times i ih his life. 'Moasieor de VUlardirl, f thought, twill 4 light fifty rhoreVl hoper before be has dune with itnn iswoTa,' wttu this consolatory reneetton LCiatered out as fat a I RntiLl..Siimwht !ir4 than an i.our brought ma to the gates cf. the chat-1 J .21I so, sir,' .rcpd the Duke, ia Ine teaut and. demanding-to;see Monsieur de Alea I jii !,- 1 l - w:k. a,. I u-. a bat.it jraight Be inerely iUrfM$cettMj. ln mJMfn9M thmcghbat the whole, hehaved like a 10210 r tol - SrtVe tilet a boy of honour and honoafani courage jHe took thbflleandcat- bf.bWy lw'iJI.'Jan'd jr'pd may j tKiM Km Ungtbesilk, read it atteniivelywithl a slight fully; 'bntetfW.F desire iLll wdl crier lap frown! knitting hia brows. lie then, asked me ctmnrrlr iWfi ir-,t..lk contaibedi yet i knew none of th?parHealaifend i.acceremomoas replv, rii pAr r,if f nttM. ;-;,- ;.k I all its particnliri, and t I amhisj very obedient servant. if 6a mav add. I would Ihive wrttfsn. hut that I jxprp a great deal to Qt between this andniht.f ii, t : J : Njl7; : . ' Charged w4h4hi8-ambiffaar messasre. I retdr- ned to the Pres Vallee, and: fu'ind :Monainr -da lUardiS-playing with his little i eirK vbile pVlailaina d iJUrdia was In heV nwn- chamber, aprepanpg iq go out wan, Dim ipr a waiK - ix " tiave VOU brought me. ant note ? " he asked ine immediately, taking advantage of his. wife's I private t replied; that I had o)y received a f eruai answer- upon wnicn ne lqrraea a preiexi to send! away the little girl and made me give nim a aexauea accoani ot an tnatnaa occurrea. r Well welt.'; he said aa-I conclnded. " it is i i 1 ffi!St f1!??1!!:!! 221 I?6MK.T &, p j Tuu riv,r" t)nvateiv irom me warden. . .. : i f t jf Jf. t: v . . J.L. . I k 1:i iWT fJn " .Wpaie; irom the8edireeiioaa.fot it wasthen, irtthe early part fsbrbb.and al ail o'cloeMfie e veD'waa toA far thin?! to do but to obev ; -and slinni; Ant CkKrtti t Iblt" nnei f !wAa VtA Wvfn mmm iU& ffarden and afier niacins thein in ii snot wherS I .u uuw ftuuvt aiaaaa iauq aavc? & nut tuo lUwia JiUiU 1 Uiey wenot UKeiy u oe crved,treirned totbe library, wherj I wasrjsnoned; by 1 (..." . . ... .1 iiiutiBicui uo luatutiik , xj.u link uuu ciua.tL were i ,cov "f lu F" caim war wtia wnrcn uioomeur ce,v liiarain took i thU interraptjonrcalled for lights heard the pajers read an4 went throngli all thft necessary fornh- ties fbi jintesinglne with the property Which he bkd bestowed up4n pie', I easily Id tvined that he raa no iup appoiaunem jor inat near, ana negan to suspeet the reaj object of his expedi tion. When allwas concluded, and the notary sent back, under a safe escort he "bade -me follow . him. 1 We thus isaed forth in the dask; and hav. i4g furnished ourselveswithithe spade and pick- axe, proceeaea a snoriaisiance on me road to wards'ilennes. son. or ithincr. that vou hava dnrnin. T ml y4o thiiik-i.QuJcao nowlekd me;to the treo K.iirii.tr.lu ctrC: it: :t. t uuciriiuVu uxyuoicui uc axesuus uorse was i L. i si I li yl think I can,' I replied, 'and. certainly, ii jjoi ine precise tree, i can lead you to the one .next to it; for there were but two onthreei together, and I know the clnmo will " 5 I ji t Sr " L.' i 1 1 1 ', ., s . I , r T" . r:rr T rsu?r,,,uuu tne sppt tne various objects around at once recalled to my rehicmbcahce which was th? trea; I epught; and, ', having Approached it,&Iqnsieur do! i Villardin.! meafeired out a spce. of ground beneatb its; branches about she feet y ihree and causing mefto remove the turf in onejpiece, we boxh et vigorously td woiahd, With plck-axe and spade, soon hojlowefl out a sufficient trench to contain thq body oflaian. If I falKv he aid; when .wfl had concluded our work Iet it be re-1 roepbereiivtnati isruik-tnisiio be sirrrate. If :Lmi7a I Will Air aU n : cany aoput a cozen snoveuu s pt earth a- yrii, and cast them into emef,Vhjch tiowcaiai tnpaistance oi tnreo or tour hun - dred yards. VVe then placed the tools in the crate, and telurned to the chateau. Mon - sieiir dblVillaidin dr6ctin rae! previously fo' le upby five the next morning, to ad: tile liis fiorserwith my ownJianHsJand, leav- ing kt prepared in thstablento- golon to the .hAf itthATA .aria. kwi l.AAt. , ... A.lrtKr. 'MnJ toerp, fpjbisiffliDg. - f ll I Tbe coolness' - with whicn . he! let about all his prpecedings, and ;rriy knowledge of bis till llasal swordsman, made frae feel yeniconfidjenitbat the issue of the combat woujd benjis fayot, ; fdthpugh !hU adver sary 'twas nis junior, by .near! twenty years. I hadeech sofiroucb :of such Affairs, loo, 95- cpndact lit- tiofar for hsafciy the net rnbrpihg. 1 Waspaiejtirlie prescrUeL saddled thd boiis aiwelifaiIc()iild io utter; darkness, arid then 'Walked awav to the irce. Which I VoacHeif jsi as the first fajjit gray! of te PiOmihg peganjo mingle with the blacknesd of night . ir : -. When had waited there about a! quarter , ( Ibedrii theouad oil ar horseV in- .. of an bout, feet; an'd-i moment ' afef,' berceived Mon- thouab by tbis ttime tHedawn nl made consiperaoie progress, jnabout.t. srnin-s utet aftpr,' which he spent in selecting niecepimrmjary urn ; unencumDerea. oy trees apd fitted as. far as possihleibrthe sort! drraornlng amusement to which be Was roing ta exercise himself) the Soother ! horse's feet was heard, we were Isodn loined iy the uount de Mesnil.' He wns qiiite alone j andj dismounting at a little urstance lie bowed coldly to Mori- l W - & 1 ereur sue v utaraia, saving; -as vou reanca- led; Jiavo coiuq aldrie. Tod, I sccj hav& emon, wnen ie groom, wno-ied been des- thA ftnter A.n,! ih.i '"W0 W w-tneicaaUa. natchedto Uennes. returned ! withia: notary and .C 7T trr&7 by the bridle,! brcft lire- papers prepared aiffnatofe. ii. the ZTIZjZT Y.T7 i t i ntTT T ot the road which lead to j Now, my young friend," he said, at lengthl inust trust to' your guidance. I hive heard thatiyoti never! 'fonrit soot, rjer- and gM1 1ibijeiri j.holdbnly iremirk ed that it Was barker tbanhe had rjxpcctedial- uroug ht yo 5 to withdraw ' 1 v: soould be presA'tr thoosh.; ! must kar, that the 4Dakede VHIardra; raightbaTe 1 irr . ,;;r H, ,. uaa .: Dcuer always De qpne P'fuJ. 83 possible, bqt alspecaasI Jiijg ed it unnecessary that many witnesses should hear me tell you, as I nortr do1, -that! i look upon yon as i Jliari, a fhypbciite nd a traitor it A 1 ffe Mesniljl'tho fewer of sdcKiwordsislweil ai the few witnesses! the bet.h he do you take ypur ground? WtW M.. t;.e (,ai: :v.;ft w itfLt 1 j: i-Jl A'. . .i :l l . hadhoSTi. rt). Mm r.mi V.,r,l tl M-w !.,:.-cJilii J j.m:-k: ..3 1 III .1 WW K Wliri I .1-54 I SfB'a Mil WHin r H - I I IfX mA A uM OtM ferejice.the Count declared that hn wasperfectjy .m: .te.k wuuua i wau.ii monsieur ae y maram moasrni i uo;?.Tt ii v.i.. jiiiJtti: fit. to Se0a lbe t ejnal weapbnj hnttiet An1r: .,nV, fjl.. "TW- r!. 'iTnL i Cloak, hat andicoat. took W mASSi3' of the himself in a posture of defenoe! ' i. t viisiD ncio IWWUI 1U1CO SUiUlUUt k d in hls conduct, which induced thateither from the ronsciousb ........i nor in skill and j1ra-Qj tn k flfght befbre, and pointed nd the eje of Uie Jcg .ffTOTS.ffl! . . i i. i. j 'i i iAMuicu ( w i young count strained eager, ly upon it for. a moment the anticipations the sight hatnralljr called hp were telt bitterly, he was paletooi and thocgn he spoke hrmly and calnlly, 1 percenred eeived that there-Wa4ai difficulty in .unfasten ing his cloak, and all the other,; little! prepara tions, whicn spoke a mind intensely occupied with otljer thoughts. I observed also; and .it seemed somewhat btrane. that he in no desrree referred to the cause of his present hosuie eppo sitbn t. a man who had been so lately his Wend;1t and indeed it seemed that thehirt 1 which Monsieur de- Villardi 'been quite sorucient to eatpla: f1 "pw jgedfctv I unqttenchable hate between them. r ! . I i. ik . t,u kr u. iniiu on tio yicyoioUf auu, mo snyiua ui the two combatants crjssed. After a few na- I rades on either part, which served no purpose bnt to let each know the skill and peculiar mode of ""icing oi nis aaversary, me assault assomen a naore serious cha.acter ; but still it appeared that both wished to maintain Uie defensive, Mand I plainly saw that more than once, the duke cottld have woubded or disarmed his opponent.; had he tnongM m. in a short i time, however, the Count de Mesnil, who was of a bastv and pas sionate disposition, and not so cold a soldier as Alonsieur de Villardin, became heated in the encounter; and pressed his antagonist hard, Itill keeping a-tvary handandleye. but evidently Ibe coming more &nd more vehement at each pass. At length, in a furious longe, -by not ; keeping! his right foot quite straight, and prAably rodre accustomed to the salle d'armes than the 1 green sward, he slipped, and came upon his knee, per ? v iitwniifmaieiy lonropsu iu 'V "U.VV . , a Mii . 'io not take advantage of an accideht,;eiri Thp eddritrdse with - dowdeast eyes i and a burning cheek, and! renlied. aft!, i ihom I pause-, I cannot, of course; after this-iciof kefc i erosuy tnmk , : i If, sir said Monsieur de Villardin; cutti in, cutting . '-a' i ' . 1 him 6hort. ' vou afo contented tn n fnrthi into we world againfasdnewhjo bears the name 4 of, j1110 and hypocrite, and scoundrel and, I I raU tben add coward-mount your horse anf ! L&ZJE. I . . . T instantly renewed, but this time witha dil&idat result. At the end of four or five passes, with a movement so rapid that I could- scarcely see how it, was effected, though it may be believed I was an eager spectator, Monsieur da Viliatdin poried a luntre of h& adversary in such! a manner as to leave the whol tbi county He thpn lnnrrpd in ntnrn. ttnA tha : i.4 ! . I the Count de Mcsn'l was lying Kiisfr-TAini, th m at - " tne Spot. Thefallen mini by that i time had raisea ivmseit upon one arm, ana wiiq ine oiner l'laf"; ' " li! i.i - 2 nana seemea grasping ai.tne Diaaes -ot 1 grass ; but he spoke not, aud his - head, droopicg tois ward , . concealed his ctao tenance i bhalf; Id brirur water ?' I said ; but. ere time! Was given for. an answer, the strength which, had. ehabl-ftf him to raise hinwelf so far passed awarU and iriih a single groan "he f ell back upon me ground . and exnired. . ; !. . - i.M ?';!. We stood and gazed a pan his still, palp conn- tenance tor several minutes ; bat it was very ev ident, from the first look, that his career! was at an end ; and, after ai pause, the. nuke bent ! over ntm, ana opeoea nis vest,-; ocarceiy a ofop. ,01 . a . 1 1 ' 1 c '. -. a . - t'L 1 . blood had flowed from the wound which causep: his death, although, from die direction! it had ta ken.it seemed tome that it must have his' heart . :-.f -5 J' J ' - M -W !H :ut It u over !' aaidlnlonaenr de VUlardinW it is oTef !. Yet, put your hand apon hia heart, my boy, seelf it beats.' . As f opened his shut to do so, there i oat a locket, which Was suspended from his neck by a blue riband, and which contained a of lock of dark hair.- iAs soon as he saw; it, the UUKB caugui i up, na- auaieiimjj wo iilumm, gazed opon! the haii with an eager look, ft was " . - a" - I - ": ! T a- j a- ,.'t 1 . i - cerxaraiy tae coior. ui a very snaae, t oi ; ma. i Madame VUlarditt i land I instiiatlTf saw! that the demon had taken possession 'of her husband once more. After gazing at the locket Tor sev era! micutes, he put it by, and then! aikd sternly; if $he man were dead. H j pj .'wiT.SwT;: tadcelnthe way to the r. -rr'.rv J lhn tnrn htm I Amtoritw l, i HfinbH fr,t lA 1 I T uc3f i as tu " ai I f'Z raa-yuo mantle andccaU'i' U 1 . Jhl taatelr-obeyed and lging -25nml the clothes of the nnhannv 1 l,t i tripping the by thereto ; and ihen taking;tli feet, while the aiej raised ;thet head, webore t i w r.W wft we, had 03, arid laid t( therei withoar, prayer or benediction- V paceq uie Aat and cwbrd of - tha de- n the eanfr ijong j with W ; and then, lt!:1? P e.pit with moold. Notwithstandinff AaouanfitinrH ro- igni neroTe, there f?as sti!I mar- to fill up the ffrave to the of 3 8una, ana aa loar .or fie sherel-1 to carry Jown and east intn th uiakwzs aonei ft awever J anH 1 K Let I had been disbosed nfL i' itr k a . f ' B?ja,p-t,Ter lue spot ; and ad carefully had ft been removed, thati thrmh ih. 'j 1.. - Mr ;f :riuirea some examination to dis- cover.wnere tne apertote had been made. t . . I . a tew snqwers ol rain," said the date, as he fcaied ppor thegrav grare will remove every trade.' lirepwa notmng.bat I thought that the rain would never r remQTethe trices SnfiSm -T? his hart of from my pwejeTj ".f vnw. P w tree V0and Ifll Visit 1 " aeiectcq spots that he could tdentaIiajmstarA;s mm i - S Sffihe.,W TZulTZuZlZ "fT e wciacoveruiecnar.4 i6iv" Mioii.aMjn..tintnar snot" .ton-'iiMtifrf was short knd th- .u:-rj-i:-.iX?.rr: ,l -t .ii i ZitttiFZ C solhat tWahepherda werei Moctt thither, at least till th irr lrTli t"" V now uydis- u some dis- count's own dwellino-juid 1 leaving . alone he! vicinitv- Mesnil Jliorayt a spot NYiiiihe; There t cava It Itha wuk imii d miie irara mft nnmrp which crnecsii though it had foUowed as quietUias Dossibla on hi &tmnn,li? CT?J!? he certainly yoonff count hrmself Lin tvina-tis: hvbAA i-lU t.-Jir cS 11 ' .' .J 4a ' JLr Vi ifri Ti -!.(-; i lii'. to thftiit atAm. -w,ioasmucnta u shows th degree ucccivca,; many pretended I. connoat 1 . TV ? 1 ;ltr f fiad:aiidvltlWfl4' nW .U ous cpntrtvances for'deceivinff Ihe fmneri- Pf slanting a piece of limestoneu and hot- V"k ! I i of tintr -fentu-iw .erui al Court. -Jimhanaeir I wts'so struck with the water when pertecUv transnarenfc 1 i L vi! Ii; iuau. ii sprangatonce overa fence, andcross- 33 ,0 autumn, was aeentq put on its. vane- was ".u-.w lue namer.qi me . vapxam oi ed the high road, taking the ; direction of its gated tints, and the trees gradually idisap- beepmpanyto Which, ;the .fnrfiumt loroltdwelBrig, without ant regard to prth oeared into, the earth S from Wbicrl they T1? Cert from the force of the stream, spring npnhe ' and gallop; away across tha fields V i. There was something awful injthtfsifrht ; and VI LIFE OB! A NEWSPAPER BY ITSELF. My life ii shortly bid. My first impression ms tne sensation of a tremendous squeeze which iiitantly awoke me into life and thought, t was spread put to light, and a glow of intelligence completely , pervaded I me. My ideas were at first newjmultifarious!, and confused. Nations, pdhiicsu courts, vVars, speeches, .fightings, ; feasts merchsndize, marriages, deaths, fjitties, $-c. iScc. made t ) by, thoughts, which were various and mixed, tnd I.lay in a silent etate bf wonder and eniazei tent. i.I soon found that I was but one of a large family, that was ushered j nto the World at the same tune from the same prolific mother. Odr whole litter was laid in .regular order in a pilem situation being oneof the first born, was farticu arly oppressed j damp and uncomfortable, had j silent, intuitive, longing wish to 'get into th worli which was at length gratified. Morning and ni jht came, and 1 IWas i carefully w ' .u. o-k- carrier I soon found was an object of interest and desire. He was soon accosted by ai elderly look" ingaiani with threadbare rusty v bleeches: have yoa got a spare paprr,Uhis morning, my boy?' sajd tightstring. So sir,' was the short reply SAd he tugged on, muttering' not as you know ilfa Old Giipe; you are the same chap that prom ised me some coppers for a paper the other morn ing, and haint paid me yet; you are too stingy to tike the papers, but won't get another from me I tTuess.' ;. My brethren were noW fast leaving me, being deposited at their fernper destinations: at length my tarn caxme, and 1 was tucked into the crevice of a shop door.. .The first sample of the kind was hot at all prepossessing. 14) not beea long in my new situation, when a reluctant apprenuce,awinging a3jon and,wistfaUy jc - eyed me ana casting jboatMm felonious. t- LmA . . . v. mm AwTK. atLaJUtAw a&aiUaAAUt.-' iJ Pu?M r& u.e mm his pocset. wy ngnv- 1HI rVft-.-- r.nn r...M.o n..rinirm s trht compelled Ifim ta reUnqaish his prize., lie en- uWin1.awlwrt.."vri....v., i- leieu Hswp.uuu?iuuuu " : ocjw.yi iiuci. aiwi the hre. in tie progress i narmwiy escapea nar , t colt them 1 5Q year flimtiftn tin Titn nTer raaJ and fixed his : evei COTwpwpw y j t , , T t c - upon sates w W then more particuiajiyEnuaiwrfuiu ui WHO COUQpiflO"OU. iiyiuiug uui uicigu Hnnfrrsa and cabinet love stories and accidents by.flood indfield; a newspaper should be a ccn merciai report one siun jmw siviwuiu 'v,r ed to prices current.Wl w.as.then.pe.ttjsbiy thrown on .the counter, hat was socnn reguisi- itn &: MrahMriAi nftv mine nis aoDcaTauce, with a "please to lend ifia your papers few mint uies just to look at . the lehip tzvtjsf I ne je: a. it iiai mnnuui. p. i 1 1 ujuieiuiw' aheotthe plagua of papetborrowing and a deter- Iifrei.tana careless tote unuwria .Ti-...i:U-lCf th Wind Bird, thev r. " - 'rc, .. .i. . imm i .;.t k nrintf Patih ooetTvIand fill their papers with advt5rtfemenw,and that isalMheearejtout.' Miaa now tdoK her tum, one sougm c , tha poetry and the mawbjch m " noar yer an oevouieo, v- pat any ttung eise in ine pape;, An aaZrSIl m. fmSle hUe, her declared me a "lerriwy nnmieresHs i . . . . : - nM v nm. ly a colamri of deaths and not more man "JV mardefs ahd accidents., In thbfway I passed 1 tkmntrn n ,J tA fjmilr. and after being me 1 well soiled and some what torn by.t&e uiue j ii .wUsenthtaae. I?or twee wholf dajsi uave "av. uvj 101, uui mnunci r tartnwA nit . wn aside Eke jail servant when thcybecome se. I traa jfere,:agiiV reiacUted, and oHj3HiKiug pn aaoaiteiea fonattion I I &3.m wWch f hav written hm .;..). k. s; qi - . . t, oriei memoir; ,rt:hate seen much of h worm, ana navjeiearnvt mankind are nnrea- j 3 From an Article Autobiography xf 1 irJTn tliVi -lbnH-iL the Emperor ianhlngueir," iri the Kjaarter- ly iteview'i , 4 ' The author makes i 5iaracieristil transit I based. i At the end, of this period, I a? fcupplan ted br a near face and j - . - ; . -"j uvw.?u 1 wiiium emissions OI I Sent into tha mnnfnr i.T,ra fL.; :. iinpv mil-a mm'.... 1 T kJi !; . .! ..' wbuwbuj 01 tar neign-1 uyarqgen, a gas pccMUarly ofcn .uuwj iine toavs wonaer" i amiman nr : Won froro the grave subject on wbicfi heBasi.inio . when standing on the table. "r" J "gageu ,10 an. account ot the teats 1 , wrought, that he ascrib them wtthoutW ltation to supernatural power. The in!? . e". j. - . , . . 7 12 1 T.lllUles a mulberry plant was. sen ?pnngilg from ntr n k;m;u,; r ww i .'JZH T . nW.trr I . "Before the trees' 'weremovea1, there ,r,j v tit . A . -i! I .nnA.Mj i - , WF Dira3 suc? j'r wcut wiarana.snape,ana mei- ody of Song, as the world! never saw i before ... I lias himself Wit-1 vawM Biiutu vfiai(uu4 vu iuq ncswtu i n oc$orl eimilior in.fitiKi am lt ' mrtr,mk I side of India; but that a sheet was embloved 1 to cover the '! processf I, have, however,' . ' t ; . - A fl Ii . "'v unless the cjerj The reader will be amused with the Em- peror's narrative of some more of these specious miracles:" .. I . ; j 'One nigbt, and in the very middle: of the k 4 l V nt It AM I tC iUM arwtjl.M wam M mm-m m M M mtL A J w i&u., uC V""? " darkness, one of hese7 tnen stripped him; self almost naked, & Having spun Himself round several times, ne took a sheetj with which he covered ' himselfi and from be neath the Sheet drew out! a resplendent mir ror, by the radiance pt which a light so powerful was produced, Is t to have illumin ated the hemisphere to ad incredible dis tance round: to such a distance . indeed, that we have the attestation of travellers to the fact, who declared dial ori a particular n.ght, the same night on 'which the exWbi-1 . 1 'l 1 '.l ' a-. ''''1 r . 'I tion iook piace ana at toe uistance.oi ten j-i !A;,a.A iu. iWi ntrAncuWrn days!journeylhey .saj the powerfully , lliuminatea asi to. exceed the brightness of the brightest day they Kid ev- erseen t- " hey placed in jnl esence i large seethinpot or cauldron.land filling itpartly with watAr. fhPT threv intnTit mrrht nf thft smaller niauhs of iraji: ofrice; when without the application of the smallest spark of fire, cauldron forthwith began, to boil;- in a lit tle time they took' offthe lid, and drew from it Pearly . a hundred platters fall, each with . BUSINESS ANECDOTE: Messrs. Bowden and i Masters, two-En-clish riders, meeting one bight in their con- O . !.t 1 m m I C ' J L lt.A aM- i miimh iirM mnciTiiiir i w- iiiiiiil 111 uj u i a afarta rtIu.A nn th r I . I ' veraauuuwAuv 4naarA K.icinpcn amErf on D v loeir respcf -w Z-TTf-Z. ;-k hOllRCS. nOWQCn. ZCAlwllP IW ui,viw mw extraordinary instances, ana jinauy B-r- - ; v . j i -i-up.Uis ciiraaa. wiu nf nis house was so .extensive, .mai. 4 uvi.i 1 in thft article ot atasiera reuueu, (vk. dpn. d vou, advance that as a " "J. ' ,- - a .v- , ' .. raj- buiivh.j . w. . j .iph Poo. doo. man!' says Masters we gay that sum ryoarly in bur . house i nmirm' do la to IPC a at auu; uie w wr. f. - , ' r: i ;Dcngtrfron x pUtnUtntt I .. ? - - J MvAn mor0 especiaiii during the day Cme; which I iU nca rthA snn ahsoros -OXrgen ,uw aj-- c - , : - - -w. 1,1.. iir. acid in from the atmosphere, Which tWp. decompose, seizing; upon the carbon find exhalting the bxygen In the Shade JnrintTihe niffht time, plants asoro oxy ae . which exhale, cdmbieed with car- ? . r m y,, arKngemtmt of divine provi. bod. From d pbexic . br tie I 4 ani amAiinraiH irie &iaiu2 ui auw ;kf timp. nrl amehorate.tbe state pi tne atmosphere during the day, Ume4 Wc ouht nota theiefore, to sleep ia rooms m which Plants are placed: , We give this nini. ones j 53 tbc spring, tritb all i dms, xs pow of irr.. rrrswjwussw wmca cannot, nei"f tisc, a .uiuseasuv iscovereck tijarti iu , j $:XA l?t pninKSj but considered - dmon I lrpnngjarcurnsunces .bflhe agd. The PP?e.,w pear, e gposebcrryVmany or 11 t er bemff utescnptioii of the oceralftoha ofthe mn whicb.m their, snarklinff oolite t tiTiVn; iTlfri?!: tefiS S ot perlection Co which hey carriedtheira4 urs. All pther wines fee metric il .MiMXl at hand. tit warn'onr iuj uo crooer hnn r'- to! madere lajjaiast- tha mni p,. - v psrrnaooa PIa50f powers f jmtfnS v w. ui uiirTK .ii reimfwiOTi umm - it carbonated xw3o3 ti ha- sons slceniatr trt nirfmi. j Jr hm&l -r :v w . ij wul luu use. inai; npr iTXri:, .rln?J:3a!-lf ,"wuuf isewij cfHanaJI -4 new trea- i - ; . ins Infor useful at ew I ork, where the production of Cham- -ww a - i - Pgn4 as .well . as i theU cmsuinftibn,1 ia UIt considerable t amDaisna wine. tf pure and free) from any ; muttttrp not belonffinff in Vt fnrm rtkw in :Wa centre oAheeflervesinff frth. whkn nAnred , yu . oangry wiae, introaaced L a for use w occasion may require. Tle proof consists in niungnait a wne glas3 withf this water, and the other half with the suspected wine, should it turn blacklahd muddy it 19 a a sign of impure wine." i T ''y FROM THE BOSTOS MESCANTliLt AEVEaTiStS. 5 E Plmibus Unum.-lA fbw years ! iirica; tha vapiam 01 a muiua comnanv in a certn town ire. who ftTlt all the iimoorianea lb.'bigh station to wfhicli l he had lately been ..... . . . -t piariroii FBarM pai sk . m I J rr'T" ,wr':"u ttr waea w i5e arnm ana mo owmary csa m hist company. rtsmouih arrange- length bass te!. bargain was soon struck. Bat tha , Captain was somewhat pozaled withjthe phrase &Jlurib. rjim which was carried I in ,the beak of the American EajrK and nainlid on the drum. He nainter. and thft rtkitinnnK! wnrrla Piirrlhir Uiium were erased, and other words substituted : k.:. C i J ....-I carried at the h ju.nicii yMA3. w lusii j years vais vruia was ProuaiJ arinvon ms beak he scroll, to which It a w m m- m'- . f Was atUched the name! flf the brave nd Well P161"11 ?iWuh ! -s-jiyt " xcftp7i.--ome time ago a commission was appointed to jexamine and report qpoa tha natarai prodaptions; of a certain regit)!; oi Scotland e object Being o ascertain wheth er much benefit'was; lively to result J from the establishment 6f certain inanujfacturinrr processes fk . IT Jm Jmm, . '. a I . f templatedby a number of wealthy Wor Oneofthd principal, opon s large scaie, a. measure wntcni was con- and titled objects of the persons appointed to make the in Testi nation . was tp discover coal, , the site of the proposed manu tactoes;being twenty , mileaj disunt lfrom any kriown gcdurces cf supply, tTp wort they went, accordingly, digging and raining in . vanous. di rections, and at one time! their hopes of success were very strong, beinv deceived by a kpeciea! of shale, which, was found n great abundance ; Sot after various , experiments the? vrtrk (mmA to, give up .their flattering j expectalionall One ! of I the party : in writing to his emplovers restiectin? the deceitful. sembtance,j concluded bis remarks kv 0vinrr "It ia , fJlnlr a. a.ni,1 aa kanl mm imI j r-j ' ";v.-.!"- r "T and as heavy as coal; in short, it is coal alu getfierceptthat it vfr hoi barn." 1 - r. t j ; , . r ! j w "0K dvueBe reserved says, Win. genn.butn Jot-not rash; humble, Imt npt set viWient, f UUfc vmvuwivlMm,vyi mVwMh, cheerful, but not light; father be sweet-tempered than familiar; farailiatrather than inti mate wlth.very few and upop good grounds. Jlntciott. A little urchin, lebrated for hi3 nack of getting pennies from his neighbors with out earning them, except by hi wits. ca,Iled in at Bogar's store in this place, yesterday, and not be ing's very. welcome visitor, one ctne clerks askn ed him what he, wanted? '.;'!' i rNothiog"' was the laconic reply. ; Well, what have ypo got to pat it ia?" -i"Yhyt can carry it in my hanj; if you'll 1 ' -- - . ' m. J al I mX. mm mtwwi rwf i mre me a riF 10 com it wunw o ?k." Ku,-Jt ri. Jiier. i guw ' r-- - i . cession ot treaun.'U the CoQrt of Chancery, at sergeant of Marines, nftk0 Portsmouth division, hai coma into the possession of 75,000Z. and j two large jestatea, on m Berkshire and thecthet b Af ales. Is pot thid jn liencsiure a soldier cf . fortune? CJ.f DitsI Doctor $tirdep,whininfc1 Scdictiurf inrta.-lt Is said that li'-outh Wales an old maid is a jnoch rtrer aaimai. maa a black swan, lliat .the vemigraa8;froa thw country receive ofiera iof ,aarriage - hrougn. speaking tcumpeu before tbelandfrom tha ship in tnis country tiuwBcniui"w thin louder than , speaking trompetto rnaka them Keep meir oiiacce . : At ike lorth'CaroKa fyok Stwt, j Tie Leuei of hcS joang relate, ftom early yocth tomaahood lwht ed of Sutherland's . defeat f votes! Oh yd i by. Gods and little hshes,,-Tis said to nave noc s to dropped a tear No, but Siniled in-such s ''''t-i;,:4l.''ii ill- r r "it - .1 .- -'--ft. 1 -3 F ?3 ' ' !H Wi 1-1 B3 - T ; It! Mi. I IS' . i . i v i ill ! : 1 : I f: '-vl- I fe $' !:L f .! I I' ll.--. f"i;' " I Si'i;'." i m-4 1 -uvs;- ..i -. - ,Hi-:.ii'!. 4, 4 J. ii- "L'i . if. 11' . s t . fS ' , 4 '; -r : - - i- - t ?fl il l? t F