ti- if:-::-;is Ah it' 11 1 I .bHAi Hi JSW&r Aftlta. ? ?r Iff . H r 1 Kiel lines: so that at she badtnifficient dow i. i he rew tf'1. -,i a. i Si IK In' Said Jobmay I never poll anotheT trigger,'! the'a hot rjriraMr above any tuag I heerd tais abbut.f tVhy .ehe chartered! Sheta ra-ai one, I asmre yod. f Vfoj Its enough o make i fellow awitri that can't and if it was not for ail these- fine kiverlids over the tract (ine wpo; and I had partner to my mmdyTd go my drove to fidthin or Jest, 1 can snake the sucks on oi any ace.- If 3 i1ih'eefMiiHoti nfahtytekeV 1 j ftelTjjAHnough thy glories rfghtxy6bjfie:f'l w)iy saddened lhaaght nojoy.ean take $;tii m sridw eotair but false es KioeJ l-p trhirariitisf san now teems to nis oroao oisnj ia iu j oiKstung wave, I Andf all I hy witera glow W bnjht,! With sutememunset's georgeous light. i? ari far to the admirmir view; - . 'I bov too can mihe'General howl thoaglit, the 1 ripe enoogh.-l-To aid in wkicH he had the Rentackian been well III Ophwah!cbJ3ice1iqoor; as he denominated the i-'Ml brandy. id4vmadieraj.? , :-V ;J y.':i-. I I : A ny prysiai 8anaeevmeeis ino eye. As if no Ipani of earth it ,knwi; J j fl&tmingte with thfo'erarclunj ik A t this sweetliioar cf closing day Newspapers. it is to astonishing fact, that in ax ry tree as bum is, and where erenr rcitc. let or twiSce a year is called mpon jb 'discos a doty at the ballot boxdhere are man' 'ry manT DersonsTwho neVer read ainewsj ier and who know but little more whit jd ing on in their jo,,. country Jinmn- jiie dominions of the GrnB MogoV Wh2 learn jqCtherrJ ;rwj 'ppjidc'al Kjakey lines; so that if she fodfeofSeiect pow Hamp. f atribtIsaac Hill .V VThe horsek were brocrht Oct.' and : examined and pratsel cad cbeapebed. and faalts louad wi(5 Bil. v AUCT CWUf BiiI3D UUUU UWMII1IH4 :J: VVellwhere isTonr coirterhoisela3ked,the GeneralOhho ! 1 sortp . litioght what yoal were after. Answered Job, tor jwt hardly wuked at them thar matches, and ' these fine geldingsr T ifl j j5o. yjm'fmilst fee af)et the ejxaTterinagJ Jim j fetch i ? Nwv-GineTal,ril j if if; rj he haes cf heaven are: flitnng otj j''.;, mimic weakens graceful 1hf , ! J 1 ; j V ith gexiia sound that lass the that Allspeiks cTscalo andsnbthlror restj 3 ;f Of genilenese aod eace alone, J f As if thv blanalv heafin? breast , llJVs p seenree oaric mignt giiae , I h Attninigbt fef a placid tide l)Noriieed the wakeful hehiisman'teye. The rising tempesto descry. er to propel her SO railespe tour, the tom paper-i-alsb got itsl quihtam for rsbtion m the water would be less than any ! blanks, &c: So ithatl not bnl did .the pbdem boat at 5 tmlei perihoar -nt ,even Department keepr a fong list of political pppie caougu wuuia uo uicreuy 4 puuutcu i ut;c(ut agents in pay ana o:tkav- to aistarD a SKia wiuiin 3 muesoi nersioes, 1 tors' oreecha pocket- tiled with moxet Every on is famtliar! with the fact that a 1 but it fbostiTuted etcbt prkss' it could Tortif River boat in her progress, jwill set 1 1 each! throughout the Union t ; ejrflry craft a dancing within a half a mile of J AiERtcaNf are you a free and! virtuous JiWl; All this agitation of the water is ob- people? and will jf ou submit to such V1" "MTw r'frfai" t"rT'r . MoKstrtna and appallciz corruption 1 1 1 f'A , iv I . . JVaf. Bon. ; ii or britisii iiiEw ieb following lis)t b ihe iiifleDtriMt : j Ministers dnring the) reihu:ofCeorge; 1 The rrirae Ministers 'idnnnt 1 Third, Geor Fourth, and WlUiato Fourtbv are intere ttingi -as hp w ing the? campva-Jf tive : dur ation of the "various acrainistra- lion.. f -T-v :-. TvV-'::,:l:ti:! DukeSJewcastle dead lo?s, over and above Mr. Burden's lgarnj verbal cmrnaniUb M0' meiiAiKuinfinn A' sWfiMS nrvifl trh rift 1 Pf"ClplB.. 'V-mj i mifnWtk"lr::ffi;WrW tricflnclusiorHthatthe lo dischcme tne mihiand tioiv ;??and a Eavf Bute Gt y rtre Grenville father cf Jr . . . .x ... i : present lord ) i ?. 1 i Maquis of Rockingnain tofer sin : ; J T.-, .... : U T ? V ; ! Yet'tHeTtTUl luuuf is buii, I'-fT"" il ; Vie o'erHhe peaceful slumbering-aad, H-'erf.with ft sudden fury stirred, j. 1 Tbjr angry surges lash the strand f i ; ; ' . ' ' " " - j ;''. ! liTie tmccos4ioos)narior, tobla te, Ul IStartar from h dreams and seeks the deck; i Jyld rushing? waves to met his fate,--f .. r r t iHgallattt bark, a helpless wreck it H 1 H i . i- i - vs. a- - ' . ive me tld Vcean s Biearae tujwnin, z , . - t: UHta warning voice, oi ceaseie? ar-154 Wide i wastiof waves the cotmUess vnb R Hat v..,,; viMima smad arimdJu tS i'4". Rather than thy deceitful smile, I: 1 1 1 Thy slnnihersooa rin wrath to wa iVhile vict ms curse tny ireacnenw I lore thee notthen siren laKe. tell voo . honor tnisrht. he's evr- been uckt in qnarter-sptrrt 1rot once ; by ' Joa .; MUleri sorrel mare irhicfrrruns j Kke a streak of lightning She's a ra'a! f creamer. f Daddy swabt fot him lasffall after she tanned himoufcTj If I lcoowed bet rdfeiveYou her marks, so as ytm taooghtnl be,tfoK m-ft or i heerd Joe was bringing nerxo ine ZMUin, to win his expesces. uui neres me horse any jiowv and 1 assure you fee's not siow iVNow. be it remembered, that honest Job uri not ignorant that ' General H was, at thal time the owner of this ; identical mare, .na tor reasons iest' known " to himself, hp wished to make a race between her and Lazy ;Sam" ' '. I TheGeneral examined Lazy Sam' with the eye hf a jockeyi u ; -4: t - ' ishf'said he,i'YerrconteTnptnoosly, why this thin? cannot Tim it's as flabslded as a SheeP -a heavTHshmddd aa a hocr.and caV-hammed besides; : ' would not give a good mnlo fur three oi it. n Why did - yea not bring a lot 01 moles to market ? I would bave ; bought some at a tair price.! Your horses do not suit mei Pray what dj? vcm ask for this thing, whieh yon call a run rung nag?-; li may do to plough a season or two? Does it work-?' . 4 s: -i ' , .i . f . - Unlike the Job of ancient 1 davs, Job Tbomp kids suffered his sneer to rise! and! master him. At least hd made the General thiok so. t o use his own words he corvorted he screamed outif v- 'Hello! mister; I wonder ; you are so migh'ty: wise,rconsiaerin2 vou . anew . so leeiie. 7 v 07 you make me feel all bver in. spots, to listen to course responsible . ? duty of a men's actions and ' tirmcJhles. ' t tureupon attemptiugtbsettle afoir of a creat nation, extendingthTongn various degrees of latitude, and ernbodying an Ici r. cur- -j. Tne iNcrJitrianst'are" arrsvinfr therrS selves tfndT the FolmttldBannar agtn$t ; ofGul3rord)v,s M arquis of nockingham ttoss section or both the bulls of Mi aenVboat displaces a quantity prwater oil tU.. InH, wiLi v ontr tortv supernciai teet ; wiiereas tne ii.j r.;,'K :..u.tiiM 1 v. cktv... Noxtb fliver boats generally displace about i.ij Uk . s k.nki..fan: 1 nnWnfPUnj 150set. all of I which -quantity of water is U-mljJnA f AlrfnislmnsriM Kb WiIK p.h - -t 3 - . v. -j : ...:9 - . . v .' 1 1 : ; . - 1 m ... 7 , to be temtfted ' na taken oack to ine sxern bindmiunon4inemfi 'They nrense variety bf interests land predjudcesW dil part of the Constitution and this witboufuthe SuirS!ofSualifcM3 rhe?rxim iPfot - open denabce Jbnder 'lions demaaded-l'ieTett iifi.tKeleacber: jbf.til ; WtHJ' UUV. Stale mzhts; and consider, 5,U.asrrat LordGremnlUM?? Duke of Portland cbromon -country school, extending! Iee P5 spiacean Cocs". ! - r ' -i. -i-.V i NewspaperJarbn thS jcodnSylt&eiof srrfbothtobe S3 Mbn ' The Debate A h'U tfA the necessaries bf life, liecbi d only-tf pod U isW ousthaf thcerenceof pressure t,lbed je- senate 'ooTridayev. anddothin:andrasiriiberi,risl befweei the water, oil thf bow andtern Of he time of the SaturJay newspaper , i -1,1 :r e ' a i , . w a setttheJudi; Henry Addington (How Vis- I ! ir i m M ofthe.U. States count ipmouth t ptTt&Marcb iSdl j ' tthe'tTpleal of Wrb.Piit reappbinted! jt ICth May 1804 ti I I.-- If: 1 li f I if-''' SAM. The fblldwiy Will be iw r.. Umfl :A IKeueky itto'theheighbhoodof aractet N cll?t oo. f 1 lecaon may he you've got aTauarjer-nag yoiHelfrainfyou,?V- f --rY ! . 'Ijbie frot a Dldnffh-iia? bere said the Geri it t-u ! Lazy worth the liorse-dnyfr, drovt, b General iraiUhiWifAtaiaie. V MTtfv? .nv in? i akmwsrwi tl ofe Icharacter. "nfrrie him,, to sell him Vmef fortes. tiTto r ,vi? ub laiesanauesiinics uiigntoroer and decree, '-v. - H i 'i 'I'r-Hf1 :Vyoat careless) lunconcerned, notk-down and .diagiUookingirortirf fellows; fwno woum assume 'w as much i srmplicity of ,w..Mv BUU ouui as circumstances rniguv jreqjureAffe had theiaWarance of Mng about ritwent7.topr three yearsV age bltosuaUiwas4 jressea inj oipe mixed jeans Ovhide dirl, and wore dro 'Cflf oijed hat ibr the jsamV reason. J ! MineraU'jtaid lie, I am jist tiM oid'Kfentock Witi some powerful nice horses, imffnay be you ifwant soihe.4-Daddy told mei lUj e&he In jour bart3,itp call on ton. and he . reckoned mav be iqu would bhv a nair of matchesloi hVln ina inlat- Hin tradin far he said you had a pbbel of money, (anf.Uhdeatpod tradin to a scribej I fere's a lew jjUrfrob Kin,' handing one. , 'And befidesi'veas I nice aj pairitf matches as yon-cbhld shake a stick Wf. eaelraouht lose, and we ant all the :Lnns nb n rftn foTlandi' Btlt I TOckon hcSA nitnii tn a fraction. Ca2e I VOttf are S sport In characte, nought win spoweiffo) chance of jinonej with him. VVhilel he was thus introducing ihimsell and j telling his business, the General; epf ned.tbe let T A ' . lax t- t 4 7 -r- - ter.whichf read tsloiiows : . j . :j ! .nRJ rtrrAi I fnite tftisl ts)ortumty rto . . AVMIj VIVI M m.. w : . e J . . I:. the attention audi- forethought of .men, a fire-and . habiutions. kTjiilkof4livjng.li i world, and of knowing nothing whati ring on wilhiri it! ThiakJ of a revduUori p .. .i f, I"..-? ' v ; . ij -t.ii i nnofpr frti itiB fn9MM ahnT ttatea: discovery neie, a sublime invention tnerep-t r- --: -if t of movements and sgitaiiodsl intone plated h -, M V muuencing tne uesiiues ui uauuua world lor years, and bf impVoyetnCnti id; advances mother places. Mr. ittVboat is about ' eaual sd ' that the 1 ni, w; innwA ntvm 'thm texxt of the North ftiver and ill4 lother boats of sirhihar l Post Onlce Cthittee.ViTht debate ended in construction ought not & be propelled Over a vote carried ,te ird.yianJtfralnrolttg ten mifes per, an Slat. hiise.f atl6as'trand ati enorrnoas one, whieh was eonivaled . ev lA aolhorS UnUI'the benate influencimr the destinesi afnttibnind lib vi ', . j '., h I. - ferret ted it out whictfaM parties : concur ia sig ! -r':' iMn4tiA,i ilC&l&tns Onf rttJldttntt DflcK aQUtts is a i nallvJ reOrovm?. ,,1 Aphl 1754 itbMiy 1T62! I littiApnl itBSf 12th July lt64 Dike of Grafton fi ; Aug. IW LJrd North (afterWards etrlj S0triMarcl3$:itvlt: S0th'Juiyl73! (itn April; s;tbDed 1733 i mi Spencer Perceral Earlbf Liverpobi Geo. Canning I Viscount GodericH ..4 Duke of Wellington Earl Grey j .. H 22d Nov. it 830 Calculating from thir list it would appear that the average duration! of a ministry is a bout 8 years 8th Jan. 180C SOtK March B07 23d June 1310 r $lh June i$W Uth April 1327 lOth Aug! J 32 1; 11th Jan! 1823; elevating and-cn Tnt PniLosorijER' Octoke A leaniei philosopher being vry busy! in his study, a little girl came tor ask him for some fire. " 'Bat say the LKietor) you hate nothing to take it 16 and; business very successfully earned on m H T b :-thft fiftm(, P.oninr. the ill r.i.ukA. ti ai it u law Aril i iv &&u i . vy . - . - . , . . . freeman, in a free country, rtrti la! , HW "f The a'ltonisbed sayingWith att have found out that etal eryjolyi that lamsuxetrnmway'frbm thatithingotsours.1V;;';i c.c-h -- f - ' !f ' -1 Thintrf hillftw 'Tk tik 4 matrff mw eel sort of wolfy, and iSre s crood mind to fro tnv wfhole lot aginf any thing you can parade in the 1 whole South. I J' y - - i '! " A'l. would not spoil a good mind then,' quoth the general." jl sopposa yott are afraid to ran, as ynor lathe? has forbid iV t - .;' : when my Irish is up exclaimed Jub indignantly. ;Bring on your nag, and let's see it.1 4 - f , ue uenerai gave tne j oraer ; and as job ex pected, the sorrel mare (once! Joe Miller) was brought forward. : i - ' -f 1 I yhile Job examined ' herj his f adversary en fcarored allihe could tofret Ihim.hv disoraismV his horse :ahd Job abneared to be worked oh to fever heat; 4? m - m if. ! To cut short the story, the! drove . was staked against .twehty-flve hundred ? dollars In a check b pon the C----Bank and the com Dan v adiourh- ed to.the Geeras trackr to see the race. On tne way, Job stopped short, and, facing the Gen realtskedlrery earnestly,- j . . j-; j iow yoa-re are sure this aint Joe' BIiUeT's nag ? My mind sort o misgives me, ease, from what' I have beerd, they sort o' favor like. V i! D n your Joe Miller and his nasr also ret plied the General ; the ma re is mine, I tell you JCinflUFfreVBOUpiuil ui M all, afiectui bf sll, and yet iffl 3!rLT iTZXT ZKSSS! onth theptber.t What a blank, a cypher, is such o llaaVonb timTnsvb Len dan c tTVfV-R ' hbw lilt ft above a mere animal, who els 1 W0Mld one time hs.w been coosiuerea an i fc mf learning I should nereii hai as heeats.breatbes as ne breathes, andM DarX bndertape were ! .. ,: expedient, . i 11, tlt-.L. - tu i.ft.j.biii mmnff the ease and security with which the L A.N. .. i.-.....', . . r4 speech! For what is ihteilettwitboutfai I :BnTKto Thursday last con tarns some ! particulars of two up witwasuTebflSwffh saTwUt tno.i;o rMTnl,iUnHtvfit Bowery, was raised by crews and blocks to ... t hitherto reoorted tVf-ttJJ !?? iFanTe .rW inr th fhihe htTB of wlkt another story underlt,and when completed paaseogers.'afl of wom have been safely landed L question thecoid bfa rlcfio.!im bQorde- isonlinlhe WWdWWllw j 1 :i"Vj.iu w I l he raising oi p tuis unciw. flousB.wuuuc m uuscij, uU uBu.u does as inspiredbywhatif knows-and Oat Lf... j .,t.,KAtK strftt. & destination described is being from the West we live. move... and think? Talk oFihst place. 26. UnnwIftHfTpt ; ft i9 5dod foundation I on t ' I'ffersofthe leabe !ai reeket on 5t. faurs is vhirh In KniT1 Rill thn AonRrstruciurd 13 ? fT'"f' I.-". I land, nave reaceatiraiaicHu nr tnnnuig none done to fret him. Lazy Sam wat a Well made nonv of the Printer stuck, but v H wrightw you by. my Jobj who isjtaken the first -ldrove hejeyerdriv, and II wantbai to rollalog a leetle tor hrai, if so be it suits ywl. Job's spry Lenoush t home j but fias'nt cy h eye-teeth .r,; ttmi will lend him a hand. Til due as jsmueHforanyof your boyslyi'vegot.anyj . whenet!r they come to tnesepaTwrauiu w nj vuur af&ctidnate friend till death. Is f;f '! j PETR TQPKINS4f 1 " j . wtjrvVk nee anal CTli e i:ero. ei . noTso-rcc, wmif ;bogshk?ids ihoubt thathrwj?eived Jtneat ackid a timber out of England with two hundred and eighty pas acKaoraumDCT wui wi 0ln 0ay wefe saved: Bcte l I - , ' 4 fjaptain Men r is, and tiatty-sii of the passeni wings, wh uut Its being examined ou euin are always doubted 1 both tides. VVit and th a threadbare coaU 1 A beautiful, but useless insect without whose -colors fade from beinz removed from the sunshine ( . 1 to be reared now. iitthn sODerstructurdiS f : f' ' land, have reacnea Miramicnu Thi tnompnt's knbwl-1 Tliia man is now about to attain tne cli- I The Cape Bretoniah gives a detail ef the bu- I The ladies of New Haven H is said, have. any oihej.ay.hold coraaaonion'with natirts who u n i,i. . tifflA m-r or notnrrhtvJ vve all t rememocr nis rial oi some oi ine i ooojea m me iwo , ouiioreu ; ;; ?k t irm!mt i j P.rflrfen t'.hesnut street, a year or imwiY-wa .i?' y ..rgitv "hvj1 AUU UO WilVJ WUUtU UCUt. :Wk U10W.lUUi I oiiw uuu .ww 7-4 -r - honor world and shaDeahd embodv its bneiWeswf"-'! tib-torin stwe! ' bang up d -m& f buf decent Erate. lAbout twelve bodies a day J WJ-irtr, 'ii im,. " Ur horthk and all for General Jackson! V The poor na- are obtained, ard regularly buried before sunset c"iZTMaf;f lives stared as if mbon-stricken-the Edi- tics are governmentand as a government U"S i'r'r is good or bad so is a people prosperous or ae wno wouia .eenettmano woaguuu u rC wHd hii-- .fisbermeh wbb dwell near the 'scene of the dis r to hiaHself, must come further ifltohe ing Greys and Ms nCarnage-and bis nave te cntaged in Tescufng the bodies laiid'lmbwharithbiwrld isg in fact every fthing splendidf everything from- tbe deep, andr committing-tiiem to a'rode Una .ni, cml.nrln ito anompa f tlrutnTV in Stvte! i hah? rUD d 1 '" 4,,mer kif Aidant rrrawo yAKnnt twplVA hiirtiM H HlV The' j use tobacco, jDf f thwing svoldpl for master Reeside what Editor would Reeside fee- EbidenctrfU Irish jfibust The follow nig evidence ws given the other day before ren Smith 'Plate your honor, it was on that most blessed St Patrick's day, and I just! saw! a man with his feet over the wall Pat, : says' I ; whar says he, fhist says 1; "wist iys he; m 3.i 1 '! if! "here,"$ays H 1 where'? "says he; and wretched, generally speakingf f-Butbere, whisper a word "ILh - VlS ' vtZ-.:tZ Ulilu.. faw-fum I sihelt the! blood of an English iu a uew5iKiper we nave iutswiai.ur r - - - - i , - -:. . " -tj -rTr . ..i ' .ii -i!. k; m,n"l UAna whr-Rrd we tO an Old .cfh in'n onp.iil hfltAra nawiin 9 Timtiiv - . -. - :. and freshness no historian tan' equal. T fnend.' ,Lor? Clnt very things themselves. f not their images, 5BOU WHW 7: S not theirlhadowy ghosts, flit beforblyW G1flnl k,f1 madeil,m a 5 ola m, . . . 6- , ?! . 1 ??L.lnllf Whv! he was a waffoner, and drove a ne suostapce out oi wnicn nisiory is v ,r 7 . " . rrtr1nncii be woven isupon the table.-lilen tilkf for team but t'other day!" -A sudden fortune! t "talk ifbr I truiyi mat mts a man irum wagvju.ui...ug, ii iiLJ tosleeome ib the 'President houses in a tRrl in? Rut in.iwjmj.nWs arb'rnore So it appears ah& he couUfutdo with- j I '-.I.:' I New Yokt, Junne )6. Ar.ARMi50 AccrbETiT A youog lady eco-1 you joticr ihat4 all Im W last AVAninrrrfcturnin from the African church I . . . a . 0 - uia.fcci. through Leon ard street, suddenly fell down up on the pavement. Several humane gentlemen assisted in raising her up, when she seemed to appearance dead. "A: physician was pnt for, colosne water, hartshorn, &c all proved una- untir a colored Bentiemen, one 01 net plase after knowing of the Jl good . toferX 0raan who , makes good coffee, and does pht k j ( Washing days. , ' A1 Irishman asked 1 5 Uore in King stieet fast where he was told tne it a colored genuemen, one 01 ner 1 week for a bffflotesi aequamtance, recognised her.aar imnaetiiateiy kinj he,wailta(i j weajd coaxfS 10 one dolar and romt)ki ns was "received tth Jeburtew t his inah Sod boy entertained -with tbe fcestfin thv jarder, si "whilst the five and twenty horses were pot neg r leeteu,) .11 is true, mat me 1 ueaerat oaa vfipt I the slightest recollection of his friend andcor- -7espondentj Pjeterv Tompkins.- lilfii might" hatb i: J- once once known him, or not. it livas the ame thinbU-Here "was Job, ai raw Kenuckyjsiri)li)ig; with twenty-five ne horses, as easily sejaeezed! as a ripe melon. Ujwas not in fail nature to for-. csity.i L'Lord! In the iSean time, Mr. Job iThWpkins made hirnself quite free and easy, ami daggered about mo cosuy iurnisnea panmeni as.i ne oao,oe in a lc cabin - He vie wed the Jver plb on, the sideboard with: much ' astonishment ud a vet-snnflers espcciallyj eXciied bis curit - i . ' i.j 'l' - - f -j Gineral. ar ? them trkr landle tnnuers made out of the pare stuff J I 4ever seed Iny afbre butlir'n ooesnd mamaiy oes hei shearsl And alf f thera ate fhbgsob tpa? big chist Jfthe sideboard) ia he raxal Spanish caUn&? I heerd talk of this aforerbut -never - leeofit. NoVvif 1 wastatell th'ijin;bof ettiejnebll': mayoeihey wouldn't hop straddle meand ride ever me rbughlshiodi for a liar. But thjeyf said yo're a powerful sight' the richest - aanj la the South btaie4, aint you ?. fili V I 'yfh pf a iniid sleepy, sluggish- disposition, until his metal was roused. He eenerally went with pis eyes half shut and his head j drooping at an angle-offorty-five degrees. ' When the General viewed him.he was in this condition. 1 The horses were in the General's Stable, and 'the check for two thousand five hundred dollars wasjn the hands of a gentleman present.' The Generaf had no doubt about keeping all Job's fine horses" land sendin? him home on his ten toes. Job tbosffht difierentlv. h Larv Sam was led along by Job's boy as sleepy! as usual. The preliminaries were adjusted, and nders mounted. As Job threw Jim on Lezy Sam, he sprang all lours on the ground : and his dull, sleenv look was changed into a wild: almost devilish expres sion. Ho looked like Job did when he 'corbort- ed J(: - ! V .,, . . The General lost his trsoai j mabogonyj eolor and became pile ; but said .nothing. ' t,i .J, fjLazy Sam Won the race by thirty feet. f- Job was suddenly cool as a cucumber end as he pot the twenty five hundred dollar cheek in his greasy; pockeibook. which he did very dehb erately he looked round cunningly. -i'U sort b think that first rate and a half, said Jobyabd a leetle past "ammon, . VVhy,'Ginpral, Sam's laid you as cold as a wedge Turning round suddenly to his rider, he said, Jim, here s five dollarswhy it all goes in a man's life-time. And tn general looks as if he'd been squeezed throigh the leetie tend of hothin, or less.- ' ' " t n i.l 1-.-' " ! .3 : ' . ' themselves and no historians talk "them. Totj are living among to.rea interested in?. Rut inwsnabers are more o it appears than historjans. They parade befbrb you out the Gineral,' said 1- all the indention and discoveries , of ' the It now seems that Reeside is right mifPd 1 times: they trifle with.jbu, spbrtmthcfu; that the Post Office' Committee have insin and condoje with you, as well as iinstrnct uated doubts of his integrity; and even you. By our own fire'8ide, far ro the gone so far as to Unsuiualc "perjury"! scenes of interest, nb matter jwberb voryare So says Mr R. himself! Uut before we re in the crowded city or in a remote country for the reader tb the following account of house, yet they bring all before youi anl to the $1,000 douceur from Reeside to Barry theverv life: end you are as welf anutet- we must bes him. to look iver the Post ter informed ' bv them than he ' whd rlas remarked, "Ah! 1 1 knw what ; ails her ; she h laced up too tight. the corsa!T betni, JlbeJady-Sflrutw "ixsn her feet perfectly restored. The whole machinery f leans cercmoue,'Cat away. twenty five cents, "Ocn, my sowl, thin," says h, "I'd sooner my hands Id go barefoot, all the (iaysof my life, than give e that for 'em J' rs retuiped be were ian suitable ank s wers , and Mr. Job and he for a successful lodgement in ei with a view of clearing it but, a Hurculeai eretiandnd gloke, bis leighoor's pock- IllCmUaiinr Picture -Tnn mav inetl. enuueaape great aesiTQyer and extertnina tor 01 up, wunout regard to the time, place or circumstance. By this power the stronrrbst are. vvcrctJiat, oy uis ingennity,the oi ost sub tile are circuravented,.and tbeir energies of body and mind made !- subservient tb hi iSa. cessitieijcnrjjpleasuresl He ' is superior to the whole animal creation in the.noblest attributes; but he enjoys one preeminence, for: which even y the lowest have-no. cause to envy him. AH the destructive animals fulfil their dire offices' upon creatures hiv longing to ofher kipdr, when the lion, leaps li out awy usti, I Ji i I labor to be sore ;-when Joq heard in the next R ear lesokm da shrilWJihowl .u.:ij.-i! P.- I thbsdua4 of music SevKenlrJrTeeIs bewared Even khe insatiable ferocibus tT II p were plavedi arion the sweet hreltiungs of a meHI f.IiHT,irtof eluTtv lGTW?"a l . f lldioarwaungVSweet-a rfS? of blo. . ' - WMr-m m mm I fcr Br anil Vk ' IB - TVm 1111 XIM1WM f- PTHI1 lllflll M - m " - vr-- il lTi IB. WWmW WCW TB mr Un I from arnbush. ltisintnfh n:.L. nr .k. ii 1 - -.t- : ..VT. T. . H" "Hrcan be ncdoubt of her. obtaining t. 3 4o 4 tbewolTes howJlDunision.itis thedeerkn W onM Jri ier ffl.W?!!t. the; scream of tbel feilZSISS 2J bewarej Even the insatiable forocibus tV I 11ger keeps aloof fromj hisbrethern But ihat tint none of four mlsitf boxes,! know i j abroad upon the "air, and the neigh bf tha :r it eantipe, .isnr .iiS'c ik1 l-Mv aauffhter U tlaVwff cb thft biano said Reneral wewfll walk in tile room and hear her. : - Here were blahdlshmeots to strike Job dumb and i .; entrance all his senses.; . i&z fc$fJ ii- i : rT .IttTti man MrKi fa nn nrfet A Sn M nil 1 t all that is going or.--Porilcutd er. Report- take a tencil mjiis hand seen and participated in all- You need not sum up the tot al paid by Barry to Reeside; stir from your farm, or your own chair, !r m What, Reader, do j you suppose it amounts yoar bed even; and yet these l.ttle raessi i- to? Exactly t49,267 12 !,! ! for $40, gers, silent and speechless; as thejj atb 'v ill he was allowed! 1,400 ! ! for 99, he tase you into me wiae woria ana snovv -" .was paid S1.9U0; or soooo contract, ne T- j received $28,77o ! ! 1 Surely ho is a very honest fellolv! But now -the 'PBJUBy,, insinuated-?-we j takeU from the Z7, S. r Tet tgraphi and it is signed by Reeside hirnself. The Editor of the Journal drpy remarks: if those who are implicated in that Report, are not more successful that Mr. R; has been in breaking; its force, it will I be found that silence is the part of prudencD;' Read the following extract frloni Reeside's justifica tion: .- 1 ' "As I give my testimony on oath before the Committee, if the statement here made were true, it would appear that I had com mitted PE4CRYi 4 saying that tbe gtOOOt draft referred to was negbciated at the Schuylkill Bank; and the interference is al most irresistable, that i .had fabricated the story and Confirmed it with my oath, tor purpose - of giving the appearance of a loan to this advance on my part to Mr. Barry, while it was, irr reality a corrupt douceur, 1 This is evidently the object for which this transaction is drawn into the re port by thbniajbrity. V Andyet,sas the Editofof thetj S Tel egraph, "it; will bet found that the silence is the .-part- of prbdence!M ' Sp j , j j Mr. R. had better remain ailentthe o bre yon; stir ' it the more offensive it snielh; ? ' ' J - j 'r; j i .:: Aafiondf Banner M 4 -Sit' :r Boatna the expbrinert madelast jweek wrthMrl Bu rd en's boat,! ri consebuence of the boilers having nodrabghVhe re ,ia place'; of being supplied with oxygen through uie grates as psual, was su ppjied f rom j -dow ri the chimneys, thr ough flues or iube$, ;which defect, of course dimin'shed to a great de gree, the -steam geheratingv pO weroi tbe boilers. The boat, therefore attamfd only 16 revojutions. vMr. j BurdenI accordingly took the two chimJevs down, and tub$titu ted one- of a sufficiently largo ; capacity which had the besired . effect, ibaii; excur sion made on Tueidiy U the i North ittjer," of increasing the Speed to ' 0! and J aalf revolutions Der rriinute.i The diametci of the, wbeej being SO feet, her irelodtjiiojgb the water, may be readily calculated, ilTne engine 1st yet new ano incomplete, and dur- mg tue trip last maae, it,ramea l xoi TxLiiinAssEE, (Florida) Jane 14. j JilcianchoUy Occurrence. A sudden gust or . tornado of wind swepinj? up the valley of the St Marks on Friday aftemoot., the 30th ult.. descended with sad and distressing effects on th mansion of E. B V"ass, Esq. Durinff the forv of the storm, his amiable consort weith maternal solicitude, rushing to the rpseue of her infar iaughterin an adjoininirbUildinnr.ind hora she tniaafined to be irt. danger," was herself prostrated bent-ath the falln ruins of her own dwellinff. Mr Vass with his two elder; daughters were most miraculously preserved amid the shattered limbs of trees; and the shivered .timbers of the apper story of the hoie; but srarce had tbey Jiirie to be sensible of this mercifdl dispensation of Providence ib their behalf, than thev were called to weep uars of sorroy ovr the body of THE firm of Murphy & Bloss, fe dissolved by mutaal consent, all persons indebted to ; he said firmware requested to make immediate, payment. ' ' -'- William JtTurphiji. iFohn 1 iSm M6S99 Salisbury Juyl,i$r j; y TO OTjp,ClA 'MOMEIlSJl The subscriber hrving purchased the. entirfl stock of gooJ8,of Jlorpbyic Mass, will continue to sen gooes as usual, ati tne jwo stand, ne in vites all those indebted to call and settle as the . be positively closed in a short Iff! concern most time. i -r. XV'dliam vllur vhii Jdly2.w0O; "J.-'j ! ... -U : H WmBIm&BtBXM Hi- m I'M- mHE So offers Gr tale "a Tract of l!4t'-. Kot to betdonb.by tha ett, a Itesntntion yesterday passed the House of Representatives,, at tbe 8urgestionot tne f ost Uflice Committee of that body, to' 'appoint a select" Committee, W Slk UUIIBIV tllM V. V2-m m,W . lS.IV mm. Itmn Mill! WTWHIVI mW -. k the affairs of I the Post' Office departraenif As E ''IIPI0'!10!?0 J. i. I.J. ..i..., ... I NWtn WMt nf IJnnivird nnth0teni Knl IM s mj uKUiti? picucv": ui. Kcuuuipanioa IJIJS motion, I ..: - . " " Z . 7 zJ' - Tt i we aie sobiewh tt a loss how to take it If lM S00 f, loo the waieraj . k: rmnr.:t.AJ.,:M,j r.Ji i ' I of Coddle Cnek ThA!trart Mt&iiia Mbnnt I' I l i iuu vuiuiiimcn wj hiiciiucu w iuiiuw up me gWO I , - ,, ."h "" Z 'rl 1" If f worit in wiacn ine oenate nas neen the pioneer. ! in 41 fTM V31 TGZ it will be well.; tf the Committee Is Untended ' 1 W4)? aValULoJl for any other purpose, it ia very certain will not 1 answer that purpose. Notiii which, from the exposed situation; Jbf the bbilera,! contributeklll materially tbW cBn densation of the steam which wasTScvuch lost When they shall be closed and 'cov ered' in, and the engine y runs smootb,"thef e ' JL- ;-1 The man who has nonsu&io in hiajwol,1 r "And is not moved with cncord of ' taeet j8oand8. -,Hf V, Idlfit tor treascnLatnWemii and i'illLrf . Jpb f tU.ibgfit a man r'miglit loveTmuiio and onriKorflrteft: at liking ffir botfir jyheire- fore !f applied the masic ia own way most plttronsly.,j r :-- I " I charger rerechoes the deep joies cf the bu Wgn ebis TOabiwith fas boasted reason, to drive his desolating chariot over One fa ces pf bis kindred; jspread havoc and dis pairbbfbre his path4 and leate famine and pestilence to track his foot-steps.'1 v-fiA f 1 ; j.Ii i The ladies are said to hrV bi"n t,wi ' v- t4 conversatwo ;at jf recent appotntmeot 1 a number of lawyers iin all paru of England to f reguter the dnds rt married women.' ihal thej result will be lit acordahcb jwith his oxpyctaxions.4-p " -$'i $pV' It may be added lhat tbe greatest Incre ments of her cain are.w ben the is at bel hish- est speed. All that she is to contend with, is the stufice exposed i to ihction: f wtoeaa modern boats bavb cisUntly tbnebbnter: a very great additioual preuxo on ih crosat section pf the bof bverjj ftloT hen the water bt-ing Jiled up m front ; and in height prbporttoned tb the angle of tfiei.t oat A WORLD OF IMONEYiThe Golden 4 it tppears that b GEaj had ts fullshare of ?oT OfFrc3stvPar;. Only 22.00o ! ! at a time ! In two months, he rbceied i &9A0O)l 1 1 Imjnedittely K pTO- reedins'the PrsWefia Section, he; was 'paid by the 1 ost Office Depirtment, $116 a davif.r;:: f .1: ";. i . . ANOTHER. and its Velocity, while'tt heJsWrnithere is a h Pf rwi of the'ulsrife 1 Aivtrtuir. has corresponding fall 4 or gasm; Tbe rtfp4lwhicj- boat, Part bf a selmebti of so pint a circle. that thtjy may te coniidere afmcs as par 000 I ! ! was paid ! unr roll inquiry and development of the abuses now admitted u ekist, can satisfy the cbdhlry. Col. CftocrRTT says, the apotntment of the Committee puts; blm in mind of what sometimes hippensaway op yonder in his country,- A bear will catch a striy hog on the ootskirtofa plan tatkxi, and devour him entirely, from snoot to tail except the bones. Th owner of the planta tfon, mightily Wroth at this depredation, when he finds it out, Will load his rifle, mount a tree aod,'perehed in it all night long, will watch the place volute the bear had eat up Lis hogJVbt Int. ' !'1 : .; ihat it I And consists of between Oft Ait S i'i; but I Vty0 of (roo1 , ir,nn W -V im ' : Aeretof first rte cleared Land, the Tlaace of j ; first irate uncleared Land. ; It bet ia the heart of 1 F some of 1 he best land in I-the county joining J J Phifer, J. Youjig, CoLaninger and! others. f J i It is level anjd well watered, 'and has the com j f mon improvements I am determined to sell, and offer a bargain j for land bf the above qoality; I will take negToes or gbodl notes in 5 payment Persons desirobs to purchase are requested to visit remises or the subscriber at Concord.- Jime 0 834, j . j ' .. : tf 4S.f j 1 LARGE and Talnable assortment ofBool'l belonging to the estate of the late RevVii The nombation of .William Jiwifer of fthode Island, to be Charge d'Affairt tt RioJaniero, was confirmed the same evening ; as also was that of HuMFHiEV H. LXAttTT fnow'a UeorM entanve in congress; to be district Judge of the Daniel Goold are ibr sale tt bis lite residence united states lor .the district or uhio. I - I in Statesvilfe t ahd, in addition tb those , bur chased by thej deceased for tale, his private li ' brary is in market, containing some! rare 'and ; vaj 1 cable works not to' be ordinarily k met with i V ? wW $10,000 Xf 1 blcatks Q. j 1W; BosxoJr, Jnao21. 1 fin, . i. , Truita of thJS ETVeru.T7ltml.--We hr nn derstond that the Glass Companies in! operatioa at Lechmere Point are begining to feel the eon, Mtquences bfl the) Experiment and Ithatl the Boitl Mjinuaetpry.and also the "Flint GIass Works arCabtioj( to be discontinued fbr the pres ent. Thu adding abontona hundred and Ay ppT3ito the many thousands already out of employment h . -V' . . ! i i- ? f 'Tirt i Sudoi: DiiiTH. The New Orleans Argot aaya-lri Bfnn, of tbe Cireaa, after playing at his own beefitj fn - Mobile m few days ago, die? the; same higbt a few - hours after tha per formancevi h Jt at poor Johnaoodied hen." -:r ;t It rj 1 1 - ;. t RicHAab Poxta. 0? Virginia, has been an- poio ted , witfc i r-ru j 'I e Senate Charge d Affaires of the United Sutel at CnfLI, amoos which Are' t. The CKmiiiU'PbseeY9ih 19 tol Christian fiectitbifo 8 . do. Roscnmullers Scholia in 6v,,Tes " ? tamciitiiiiiy IH'l;.: j Crabbs English Synoaoinies SchttsnetsLeauconi tj 4 Rif 7i featlrarUtijrpfoZhC Air, of irhicb will be sold low for Cash. A.SLM0XTOX r v ;i-it:-:- -:; 4- r-.t i "4 ...... -1 AkE3?V mons, in ij-t'ef-taiJ , tfiai.9. -ii i C ALII i Rate, in B'RWe'-: if Iredell 2 AssetcL 5 0:!candiil i Cowan If i-,: ' .! : .WI0 Jl -t-i- D.J O. . jef.'Shd 5 1 .tCTi Il ..hislat -ii '. TIM!M1 rdnnnj alders Bene if; .cc: 1. 'ft: i: sr. 1 if: Mi HI:-- 'i yi Mil' I- i' - - : 1. -!i i , 'I! -' ir i '"-A - flit -.5 ; -1 1 - ! " -; ; ' t - ; . r . r -T 'i H : : - - - .Jl ! - - ; i 'li L Jl-i--JL;';'-H ; l-';t!

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