J! I . I 'A 'A1' -t - r ,-'-'J : A- v. -av: : ; 7' : ( ; -a;;-a;Jaa viHviA;y;-ifevvn:vVr.-.--. .. I ! I ' ' ..x" A . ?i J VJT r Ii vf. - - t 1 A - . -5 . k " - , v .. 1 V-. . :vi i-VV;.-::! "-'.11- 1 M-ir W .-;Cx-'-. ; ';-'KV l I v. ; ' 1 lirnr: v: f srj. j;-jo. ; - T i, - i f K ; 5 fci &gSt W:: Vv At i q- : ; r: august S3,l iss."4''-; -ill-? viyiavr . .. i wwin ii pw T - ; . . , - . - I , I sr" s4 vfo : A ( aw may hereafter be, ha3 "for Fifty Cpntijei ytar. t J,' nv! subscribers -Who-; iii i w ; r.tna at- one payment on yeZr'al Tivo V&rJ s tl s same "cTass ill ii r 'wrca the " g;j 'of in De c.;--an-. . otiici sa3sc;i :o , d net jay ' :u"ng t. thrpe Dollars iitll case's m will be eceiTed fui' less thi: year r' f ihiVi 3 th"ey Ui;:certjaGlx not :t iIi ian pits I J ? ' ntvjli ;tje lafeerted for ijfcslj i .wjii oe euuuuaea cam uruer t9p hecalwhertsf ho iirecttocil 14 q ; land t!(j V '! without i bjr th8 .y ear or she mOTths ml J liar Wr mojitli forreacft ;squrl ,pfj changing the -farm erer. Tizine eo firorblei -,a rect'ptiofi United States, ' will ddriojbf $j conftJt ri; po u$, by r pfab x pfl it, jas tnay conredienll fee suf dduigiifu applied foi ifiifrort ktrett: Tiastnn Jliaxal Mt j;JHfii tlitTjuticttjurg YirziniarL Tliq UNITED &TATS BAKfc 75 1.'. . tw 41A It , 1tS JL Ul 1LS UMIl'J The S3iriB hrtm 1 that mw excite oar Ldmhrattbtiie of Tia(? .von-jerto onrifavbfixqf .Pfodiglia inor z ' '- wtll ::asin ituxe, ;hjf (thett brief -bwir u iiieell ewri abrWaregt nf tem porary nbIh'Jn''Onfv'sWinitprthn'in'ia niriuon uoioxpel them (ofa esarrectiori in ; the nextf I Thebaravbicl e aceouMed.e vidnoe off. thtfi-faci lity i&tth "b ieS raeafafl la'tq? error iiri'dcsplt e hi i exper - i li history of the Nailcnal BanKfuratshe3 ftrirr exeibgiihcatlor. evidiebrtfiet1tha1rdad jfijT- Derusa jowhioj brief extract from a speca oilr? .udelifer eTiri the Seiiite of ?b Uruted Stateson a bOl irtcrarteriatitjoalmaS , rV The'meinSi who' dares to jri re hrs 'oronion la feror of tbe renewal of! tb'es charterl is iostani- the! Usrnk iwfth - beinflr ttir)rimt. witK ihavinn- Uanpld no ie-ight8ria!id libertidr of the "pjittfiavinglsold tbe sovereignty- of tbef, y$iusd States fortxTti" CapUaliiU'irilk TOr?a baTinffi Tioiated tthe Coiistitotion. x os,$ir,tnejie axe tne circumstances under which m are calied bpon to teject the bill. When we npar4ihe icjjrOTrjastances;:: under which we are ua EH ;,"Ose - wnica existed - at the tiiie tli? laijas'tbjocVpotate; the Uauk, we I rvou uwirusi -oar .own Qdmnpnu .Sit.. I i iayi. thought thata- corporation i was an fJcMJ bodisting oniy int. contemplation of ialv :;bat,iCwecan believe theK 'rahtin!?: of vonr eltors ih thei Great? States j arid Uhe denuncia- iifcs of bur public deolaimersikexists flrvlerthe icim w every looj andlhatefalCieast; bird rand 4 cteningi tfuuJt: jso Htra. it a a. ti ling it lrf a '7nin' C tt. 1 7n. cjplejs .at ihat perkxl. If h was, ihbwerejv: sin- rein J.82Ma it advocacy of the exaltation "ie, rresmency ota man whosa friendship UU a Bank was i strong and ardent M to induce; hlrijj evpn to vioUteJ the instructions fof ;isIcorfs;U5 mef; tnthe Enqpirei pjes.) ih order it suppij I elsewhere last ek.' The ring Jpiilationtho Ticttmi' of the 37-rose en masse, riaifiaesd the streets, t the , bells of the churches,! &.c. and iteried ao attack on!tho icortl 'stores. are nappy -to state ipat ootnia g ot ser ; moment, was i.beu Mnsqtience, thoogh jlo4hrfrypoi creatores;siidthat they, a fastmir for ti o lars.T The were re astraleiJ with, arid thelsentry aid clergy, father' tnbabitahtawl4 IJIeel Jforhe Ktched poorl aboutto 4evis4 plans to "'if T 1 1 rW . U I . fron fie ravages, of famine. T cbpriTMty Totpaad the 'Mfaisibl tythavl with ibe'dedsido of tfce ercit 'tion;nbu,,i5end nteftheVXinerieaiigr their decision ' Thst miWrim: ifnnt '; fcot Kk- 'be ordinate departments of the ffoTerhhaenti fiAioui 1 not whether tHciBank is. or is nbf id 'mosster' but wtarexisting- bv shall jo crushed by thexecatrvelin derlariiee of Vt .,-v a iiusc afcinw questions laoeuecir ded, and every bffori rbid,elyhe!administrattunl TO Till PEOPIIOE aXEATH How' cotitryment The Chaocellor' of rxcbeqiihas stated V that' it is t he in I Ati' if I Jnirn muni Ll it, ' denceithatlbey shrink from their calm and !disS3M all ,Irelaadjrond.the toiuao mvebiiawoooi toeiu,- wmcn is ajone necessary to ensnre the oridemnatian of the iserabJl v state is hot this counlnr ced? f VVeJ ve ini the "7nid&t f plenty: ores are.trowded with pro- 4eem with i i luxuriance; pple stairvinj?.! j Bui such a cannot existi much longer Kthe soonela speedy i. termination shall to it pj better fbrf ail parties.-- Tip quays and ns; our pel etare tl of . thinj v. U I ' r3 tot. W :if I inches f Jd ' f easonably. expect for ? tbef m ourarnenta M W ijed istructionor Youth, v f 3?VlT 1 lr..li to remark Jthat this Matrasidft 1 qf i this J t rannr Of, Ab 1! ,f i" v'i I -ill bwW t met Hi j j urn aa&j 5(oNi3i it m : aViPER, sir, in far ira ld saeeflss of this mveniltf wofJcil manoris, icpt; onlv.assuirita ; evervi hidA,ii ateJintji ef erKtate ar2 Tr- n, lias encouragea pioiisnra ?j-r,T'"v,'?. mmuhho nuamj : jauau rtioW miriaking itall that jec-j fffer, our? imaginations be- klarmed influenced by - such mis- lely aci undervthe e Dress. ? ' No man S talonWirSccol,j.i.nd. tbf , discussion flnh- newspapers lid Teachers' have discovered If ny subject: which; comes beore .ahe Legisla- re oT.thii ;tiqjQi?i;but lindii MamnW orotest iinst;' the' 't&M w&icit '.liaa bfflia: pursued bv I wm uiw to .rejauon to tnts, question : f I nstead reasvninz toT ibrove the liaconstitatiocalitv !nf ith'beiflg bribed br corrvptkt-khd I this -Its hat they! call Libert v of thei Press! f To tvraL y, under, tvhaievejr foriu it may beVexerctsedji I pen aaa, ipierminanie vwar.jt d me it - On word more T6 Bank. life all other enr-' ini tly- beneficial instiia tioqs.-r-even Rrpubican. government Itlf;thetesivf all4-wssessps to airriai extentvlthe'elenrents. bdta of Kevil, and mrdecidin whether it shall beustafii I n4 -l irlu j- .11 .- ' ' . r :' i: ' ' . v .iuwiuiueu, ait uiai we ueea ass , ourselves. - ' "jMictwe5are, wiiunj io aispense .wim lis positire. and known advantages frim' the ivor$e inan cowardly war tjt rvmay - pf rpetrate ceyr tau, mischtffs, Jy . Which,; if it;- should i create them;: h wujfdjlsejf the' principal sufferer ? ?ucn Reasoning would ibohsa the established institutions of Society isincfe there is none fnm j the abase of wcffimrflVnsei evils do dot flavil it.wouia inaeeu in row, 100 world - into.j one wimt theatre onstitution Aa : one of your rrsontatffs, 1 therefore ' appeal, to you, i ihquird whether inyoui;opiai6n this f mattefcit spirited and appro-? Slj nUrejipveityada'ed to the cojnmg every fortnight fres'b; nf einen and beautiful nan ?re4 to nder it UnuiaaJIy al ladervIt is read with avioV 1 4eobitrschol educ te to reading undeKtandingj :aa8 limef vvaluab portion! t nduHrtast reading 4. by thisinfereslajg'perii Tzai bUherloitiemptedl 'w-ls In f Jeryi p( "th., f tin? t '.fenfy, st so . thlrty Foreign ZYeivsi "If 'Itf: '' . -,. ;. ' J- T . , : " 1 f RSI, Alf DljtfB tTn: Jrit SIX CO? naii ,fi century , '&stwd p pertectljf icdifierent whether ;W Tyrant be KFC'i iniaKinffengeaBc eac laiaaEspoiiiXDixbn'orfli esiw heneverpaC "vci 1 1; Vre hare jornitied ftell Ithe'S Lit I er mtr ne of the' Wost.Vn ekssarJ 1 and "whether " ihe county tbf fell rerjres it? - If so; "declare it and let 1 0 Ve Jr:-sc'ntlaieDt3? i I M 'of opioibo Ivit nojandtvub that conviction 1 ad- toujour love of as . a nation, and na to man. asxvtu jou m suence permit this in- R1A-'ou5,?Shts at once wanton, inis- jDi.uncajiea ior,and unnecessary mil Wentri tblerato ihe analbiiatioQ ?.VW- e aPPmtment !df a fupreme fl-HJf wno troayV bis wiiX, suspend all J. MUM freedoih to o the feeling I. happy; iounufdoktbllc? lee. betw'ppn wn A? k?v t T - ...0',r lthoiit t qiunaur or drnsubniit Lu aroillins thus il to hend Imi Sdw Leeks beneath this f bke. f select m m v bthtmemberiHjfor 1; 4m 'nuWot tb.LawIorh6aVd4eerlVl ;- IS vo "0:r-rupreseniauyf Ol,.Siave3.t 3ff f gy? opiwbnanfi my aJ W ttMeVand!eve wijte hbnrtie3 of. Ireland, but l mr4rilf' gjmed iTproportioa. ; It b; however, observed, 11 O0,naw ae.dooW returns, 4tlierd wul be herekfter from twenty kfiweaty-Sve new acuons, wibieb iHH all take plawat the cor rected lu bf $34, and inclodthe yeung ; IecUirs, to exf ade whn wai said Save teeiii one motj?e jTol, lh" liiusttriK hiatkiaW'' the electiooa. - Those -dect-onsv tlnwill give, it is expected, a more tarorabla: irmKa tion tidt iba MoToment party than; thejeaml? elections. V? 60 notVihoweTerbeliareatr.'ti turn ont tery; diinereni ttwti Ftblf geftaraii e tiorw, for we 'cantot tdbpt the epaoion'ofa borni m contemricrary ; thkt f the passionate AetXri of repose 13 a transienti eeatinieolll'. ka Compared ta the afachtnent tb Republican or any other in J13? &y tbeoreucalimoratiims ia ibi maaicipal Gut eminent IFraoea. Ill ia-on! when existiriiintitati! nnlilate. against the desire of repose; r laiTto ;seciriprusperitr and Iace,,tbat nations can jovcawael their love of repose wd reform them. (0 respect to Aheir ru lers man kind, are long suSeriog. and the former wo may be quife sure J are' in the! wron? when- ever the latter rise up against them.'; We there for?, repeat that the present French Government wiU have much to answer forpbssessinx.as it ww;does,t;wiutdeac0'oYthe bepplewho are desirous onljf bf security and e reposeihould it by unnecessary restrictions, g?l the "people, agam to to violence, ori even (kit to, correct those vices in existing institutions, which might, rere long, make them o2ensive and dniolting to the people; and compel theaa to1 1 overcome their love of re03e, and effect that Ireforrn Mn en lightened wUtoisiry wiU be sure to effect, rather; than leave it to the chances of ''a ratblattbalf At! .present governments. ought always to rehSwnbcf&'st so ciety is progressive, and L th)ftristiw'&is be not graduali adapted tothat"progre4-rf .will cause coavubiiona to orerthroW thebC' V . ')r ""szAfaA 1 1 j 1 ' ' :' 'i f PxfcisJuae S3; The Lxdicattvr 'ot Bordeaux, of i the 24th1n stant, has theallowing Onftoe IBth a ve. rf serious encounter tookt place ai;;iice,f two leagues fromjPampeluna, between the Queen's troops, tothhuniberof 5000 meL-undeV Uener alsL irenz j audi Linar, arid six bktulhons - of Iho insurgents J of Navarre; and ava.v After an obstinate struggle, the latter qliited the! field of battle, leaving it strewed witfe tbeb' deadend dyiog. Two jegtmenta oi Ahef Carllits Ai?ere completely destroyed, and Qaesada nterW j?am peluna with the convcr nmfir tiiimtnl . ;'. . rhree physicians have, bceti saa by Govern, menf to4 Mauzanaies, id tX Monchk; toexamiue1' in to tlie sana&rf tatfiof a earva4 tfia5 laha bitants of Caymona,- who fled ftrooilthal! town on I the breaking; but of the cholera: there.;, : Alazaret toAvil! he estaolished atDescteba prros; but we k. mw.Stl not thehaozhtv kristoe. f- f a Jrj man, for me ? said the ' dpgrcbinVay nt5cmyi)uPpif Ceforet aa answer bould be gtr,a, J ? laT lu T?l?w air. jiJeiieviogthis was the begilnibarof UejiW WJ.! Za .i.?SZ -I uuww precious , meui was About to taka at bcme,and she pappTea ahoyVJ be pruvlJed for" Bf J.4? the.chinking bad eaEd, 1 ITZn V; - OTHUpoo attefnpting to .l o-- '--v wqcr.iume tusuen-i sne4, and feome i cnlcekr -whi-r 'ii ktL--'' wfh lt) Itxada upolt the nidi bitch's tail, aridflarin.WAnf-Uw r-T x ' W1 tWff-thi casket who, thoogh xbey could not see, could fieaaoditf ... gvoerai -yeipinsf Croia? '- wiiieHiii.o conrusion and alarm 9 1 sudden and fcelancholy end ; and wbatlis racre' sorrowful than all.vthe owner of the puppies did ' V! T Mu-ioBing nis painetic apj pealo tVrbea who made airch adttayjof theV ' t half eagks,to dispose of a single puppy tbeiiher v;;B.f TeuppiesH had collars da tneir necks, bat whether ofiriM v soma other rhetalj I could not ascertain.": :1 Ti y';. ; WitiLE'i Mttcla . lookfci', WttS' ffuji M;tE 1 1 :V mmmmr 't' il ji-i: -rU- yfrtjs-::. pt yeswaay ray eye'restad 00 a paragraph;- - rf iF . t . . - . T - X - J .. f . -) W t!l i) lt tvaeiptay; wftJSi iheir -1 : A -I yvang tnhb ittetoarJ ooer balancing f ti them oa tbeir ta'ds.And then thhnying them bver4 Hy ? their heaIa.kUe;8tates:tiat'. tia!mriiaV thV ivi ship in which he wasi; used Whiles milk fn thnir - milk 'fn thnir coffee, and found U excellent ,'f What ajwhale.' Mons. Qhauvin doesabi iniorm m haw the whales milk was obtained. t; Were soma of the Freooli seamen inphibtous, that they tod desc jatcT the briny deep with a tin ;por, taridfiia milk - these dbvneanunala ? or do the vthalesrise te54f . uui.v.v tuin jmvo uoii.uu3 iiiMT o ,ias wa- V .; - r m I ter so, taaHAey may De milked by , the seamen ? 1 1 1 ,1 A S tfrom a level ? x Be the Aectetl of AtsininVtHt;1 Av fmilk what it may; :rtha NantuekM: hl i R. r Itwoold fdef themset fe undar rrreat "tbl, tin to boob if he woulddivotre the terror il z'Jrt' itonldaddmuchthrgrad4 J-l -n plenty oemUkith their corfeJ aci svonlJ a!a?V f'4 Ml 4 4LV 4r;A 4 , vextt.r. s;JiJi as are -t, 'im lopjfi that i ti lrt iiie,S-c, ! Bicirnf I !e'jsfps&.d. .aAjvcLsind . vridA. i Lively Descnr ,4iirr theni- tA?A'iA loft the in-J ;birds hsa ls, tfees; the ."aw Young- t - ifplaces', o-an- va (various '. parts (Cariosities of j them, witbm the last W vile charged bf the iUIobe nd; fita.:atqi?awc bosses i V tlut; no.suca f miug, gcu .-- 5 pile speech rroiri tvhiclthe jlM dlliveret by A V l, l.i aj u 4 ". v.- f Jd " who wasthe Uvoritocaooiaavaioi mc jupui hfond Enq: & of the people ol V lrgtaia in icz h (jt the Presulency of the IJ. States,1 in opposition to the baak.hatefi Andrew JacHsonoy m.ii. 1 "ra.-. ftantw-rted ihenJ bv most of ruianwii rrrv uAt.oUicer icoi force sitiacienttoj pecear a strong detachmehVor AheifiJth Iifgi"' with' three officers Kmarchekj from Tra up a position on the race groundj on the, successor! U-notAlrangei see state., ' 'WSf . K ..JL.Jithepresnt;pposiU5n uri ";ciscmiy JJnk, that it was. in willing to eieci 10 11 .-11 I 1 c4i 1 reoioi vi I i U. CCt3 aricr Jr. . Garden i- piw-au. J'fVUnrf hT the IHahk that fear- fal m.unsterWhich we aretod can at any nkiment open its'ponderoas jaws, and swallow ui"' thegvcrbment'iati luoutliful, and, with i9 the bbertiesf the.' peopie ?,. Is it not " pass- w ctrnr ?' ivTtntAt nisv be!- said that the dangerous character - of : this great inonarch Had not been thed fully developed. Not so fast, rod sirsnMr, Crawford tells tis, that even in was called, Dy tne siangwuangen m the same termsofj odium ana ap- 1 r.itnl: I and 'RmAntS. v'll.-1' Dbt:es J Young--to ; Pa- ::fiT- wthcr3irs,&c. bA care welt autnen- X. ArLL i?RavEEns, wneie ik, aent. tyaid; '"':' i . ,1 tliat Jar.bV XU. CEracing Aoeoomaoi r - - uvtnil? urredec, nam;t-of ;he t-fst 4: .. 13 qcqn freiirn fam; er, Id whai upijus, the atefenisolvd thap accus' lif, ! fravinas, prepared by sci i'noj; only wun. ww U :AmnroteAheAraste, aadcbi;' IH ViraLse the affecuohs ro3 arnrthViUbieClS. we. ivs . ..i. F S.sociats ; ;Tfclfj j and rtroea Tn rlpfAnd And finnnnrt it-that Ven ; then &e prejudicial influence bt bm capital was cfanplainedibf !: Indeed the jvhole series of ac asations wfircfi tow fill jibe pages of the' ad &inistratio4 presses;: and w hich such honest Jacobs as omas H;Beiitoa and Amos Ken- dall are constantly-uistuiiog into mo puuiio, car aS'- . ill... .m tl riisna fo ;and worthy Objects. - ttefichildren"bejter! Uer.pupjls, ' better 'as-. ntetter cinzensr ieever lUhe lr, in advancer-6 cop- , ; -f ' l,m. bt theV have iust raked hem lleafwl? rtiSi hri25nuarterlT partaiir . it.ti---r;i liWrv f fnmipr ' ' !. :Vi-rLAfuarters of a cent, if under fe M with new scenery, decorations and dres- ; Jiacepancla quarter only for the J jt item to the changed .' conduidn of jLlflT, CO.. Bostonl J ,be-d from:the foregoing brief Kr"''? ttATTS.t I i ilance, istrhai InAbe first year , of the exist- COl ne not: ab( 1$1 ma utiona virtue,! satisi sgracej the ce irejant I 4 V 111 ET tM U iittUBt' ,VH1A,V1.I V w the V. CarqilUtZ tht3uitutiobali abdiVediency can exercise ISTOIZEfC ? I oo ahflaencelupbn popular elections, and when 71k uaipanioir , or the Family PhT 1 1 emagtesdito'te of all ihticinsic merit, ipay SCV I., i il. Mf i 1 .uon,iieviseo,eniargea anu c-j iide now; power, tne uaos k; permuiea u pur A is . t improved embracing a l rea- u0 the even jteocrjuf its wayunmoiested i alD.ost 7 . iit A and malignant Cholera:- ,..J n'!intownlj(. be friend- . "fv i hemistry,J'MeteorjJiJgy,and the. y tnroiptbuVas Ctmeasure 'of expejlien -restiod considered with refer-j and !of ' suitainmgiisjsnstituuonaruy, can only I twUif alaral ITheoIugy ,,By AVUltam t)eupporte4 llfur tbePfiidcncy by the samer- ecin the: fifth voLoftha Bridge y nichwiUbnder other cnconisunces,endeav- 'P1'. ,!. ;-v v. - M jt y make:ob9citi6nto tne Uanki & test t -ri by XAbbot: . rS&ts question vi ha all "oIBces-aiid finaUyila juider to carry their ! I'nf. it hpcnma neefssarv tnat toe lanif. nav i; bv the Autbox of Sayings and, J i.m refused to lend itself to fhir "electioneerioj A t. . - t A' - i - rscbetnWmastbe bat down,J thei1 will, forget I yet accurately known howimany have been jrv uog ineirwrmer bupiwi 4 i.uwu, .- sacrihced either on shore; bank of the river Cashen, to! be ready to in-S terfere on the first symptoms of the expec ted riot,. The two factions' soon appeared ypujt in thn trronndinirreat numbers. Dm remans i wic ni.i'pi.tintil the races were' over, at 3 o'clock! Then the appointed battle began in earnest on the river, strand with sticks and stones, A gentleman who vHtnessecj the contest describes it as one of the most savage and merci'ess scenes he ever witness ed or could imagine to have taken: place in a Christian country. The soldiers could do nothing to stem the torrent of !fury and blows that raaed on. every side j At least 1,000 men were engaged, for in addition. to the resident parties, numbers came iroin miles around to take part in the conflict a gainst men whom they had never seen beforq all for the pleasure of a fig !.! , j n The Cooleens, it appears, received aid from the mountains of Bally longford, and even some came to join them from the countv of Limerick! Captain Ilafson, of : . i - . t . t I i. Ennisthore, and other magistrates present t tneiincl a with the troops, caused the Riot Act to be ipoi read, but no body would listen to it. The very women were occupied supplying their friends on both sides with stones, wnicn tney earned in their aprons! The battle soon spread over such an extent of ground, that neither the soldiers nor police could possibly inter fere effectually to separate the parties. By the magistrates' orders they endeavoured to make individual prisoners, and it appears hthi: that about 20 were lodged in List.') well Ijto Bridewell, but were not permitted to fire a shot. Indeed the work of ! destruction was dm A. going on last enougn; no quarter was given, and ghastly wounds were given both to those who fell and to those who stood up. At length the Cooleens retreated to the riv er's brink, where many wete driven in,' and drowned Several attempted to escape by swimming, but were still barbarously pelted.! by the victorous Lawlors. It was lull-tide, and two sand boats on theshore, were afloat into which two numbers of the 1 defeated nartv crowded and pushed off across the ferry, but being overlaiden they gunk, and all on board perished. Four bodies were found next morning at the lerry, and twelve other, men and women, have since been 1 Trriinie ot icontpi jyVAour I pi&rertiesour tbbyour wives fand Ichildien. "Aeltake. .Recollect! that libertv piolily in its actual enjoyment, 2 iiotiuy or anptner depriving o3 Taafetbe case of Serjeant llbeful in such cases would be OrE That which was ; neces- )tax to-day, may lie found i landlord and absentee rack- yrei TOuoieraevtneicoroatic ,4lecr3 -!whica tb T. ( W p ;jTI constantse of salted fprcndonij .oftea ' prodac.x AMI ,!f f'ravjiak.ftlr.X.nrijr ta rf.m ih fi'lfJpTi r. are assoreq ttiie cholera Hatagioxat ,wha1eMlkmg-frbai-Alr. ChauViaand:ky shali i-n Hr' AIareas,werasat.a be liberally wid for Ins troubM, 5Pfe Mi ! r ''O 'li O Tt V ""v"'"' -vvw ut'tus .iuatucq - IIWI I - - ..TTir iii i mi ii " i "i 7 - ' nina ii ' j.-. ' - - jrute flafe'ia " l- ftA- " ' ; v . ; , -if. ' Aa t-i J uiA . - ;t:.', ": ;AA n . 1S' A VA;!;AA' V-put fanco this tc apipnsion i-Mak Irelao tbrfct the titife Hot on consider the interests of lived, as- well as your lnde- V . habitual departures from ize men with arbitrary pow ers permit to be inflicted ay, at no distant dav, toler- fi oihing more dangerous people to dispense with berty like the loss of do- rere is then nothing safe, ry. All is doubt, distrust 1 in tliis instance, rely on i and fatal result will be to te the connexion, contemn lgland, and despise her own 3 King, state to hirayour these dangers, call on his ko redeem the pledge he n his speech from the e of the last session, je- 4f Commons. Cull for an 4?al or supposed crimes of she is to be visited with v! Challenge ministers ( but yourselves; on God uanl tx;battalioris of trie insurgents ofi NaWrre and Alava, who were! totally defeated, artd left the ,fied covered witjr their dead and undexl. Two Carlist regiments were totally i destroyed. (Jaesada entered Pampeluna with the convoy under his care. A! : 1 i" ' " The van of Kodil' army entered Madrid on the 1 1th. These troops wilJ immediately pro ceed to the revolted provinces." I The Quodiemie has the folio win" :- t " Batons,' June i23. Zumalacajrreguy, knowing that Lorenzo had left Parhpeluna with 000 men to protect thn entrance of QbeSada, marched to meet liitn. On tle,18th, diefe was a senou action, in which Zumalacarrfegiiy took 400 prisoners, and killed or vvounded io6 men He then marc lied agains; Qiesada, i hlm he met on the 19th. Another ac;ion took; place which was still mjre disadvantageous ko the Chriatmos, who had, S00 prisoners taken.! The amount of killed and wounded on both slides is 1'JOOmen, We have not yet official accounts, but we know that the (Jarlists rf wete jevery where victorious."' ;; ! From these different accounts7we may -infer that there have been more- engagement? like those that have taken p ace during the jasi year in which much Spanish blood has heed shed without changing the face of affairs. Slcshager From Mexico. ilnielligenc9 has befenrecei vei from Vera Crux to the 7th ultimo, two days later than our previous accounts.. The blockade of Puebla still continued, but it was expected that the town would soon b compelled to gurnendr to the troops of Santa Anna. General 0ravo had returned to the capital, and Canaliao, lately denounced m the harshest terms fay Santa Anna, has been appointed Goernor of Queretiro. As to the tranquility of the Republic generally accounts differ on party asserting and; the 'other denying it The fact that the mail stages! have ceased going direct; from Vera Cruz to the capi tal, is an unfavorable indication. Aa election for Members of Congress and Senators took plabe at Vera Cruz, on Siuiclay, the 6th of July;; but ve- y mile interest was excited, and lew ft 4' he e interest was excited, and lew vote If guilty, let US! Ciltnh j With the exception of Puebla, uearly the whole and peaceably submit Republic has yielded to the power of Santa An- ut if we are traduced, ahd ; na- J i' Voii the irinlJ, tell ministers the truth eui tleftre tyrants, and strain ev- to Ite tneir oppression. Do end tf far graves with jtie dr.tn- sure, vuvou sullered tne; uuerues , Ttf, . , pountnrjl be taken away' and that I en'-d in looki mutes t ii-ell as cowards;, borne (like raek.not in Meath alone, but Id everywhere. Protest against ciods altiint look in the face the oi yti:Juntry and il our iiuenies e aOVC3AurD. if Ireland is again end itself to their electioneariDg ken op in other parts of the river. I It isnbt: ptd w Ive j itbHpd,etsi reasl stand firm and e-ta-;it,pil4h Viassins strike the blow;' m rer..-' .metic examnle. that die . Richaiond Enquirer reauy eels tnoseL serious apprenensions ut a? puunu t ii Lexieon, and mint other fecnoci t w.euiw wwii (ii ,r:' 1 ?Jlrf3a,4- jwmchttsoTiolenUv.flJfclwbe - U I s -;A m.Vni.prf o. rTTirittT'Q ' 4 lcieA that K U'cspoWl Wm.l-lI Crawford'a . t a f ' ' 11 i'::lOtA- f i . k .'X h ' ; , I -A s ': ? " ' K.. -. . t - -i ' .. H . t I I chiais to tab Preseat?ita perfect Mowl c 6 -i;', ii' w - -.it A'.., !:'A!V A-;:Af:A -j'T- 'A - A. : I f" il"; . - -.V:--: A' --i-- '"': pe i is m .a-vsN a :t; I. I Gb voo .: i 'M 'I s! TlesulU e pjv ytt veli;r e cidatioi Ut ie oppl i rfHB II- ::f li: t .i. A- '-.-aaj'. ;i a ;r; f up - A- ! - - AA f ' , 1 . Ajtii:r iti-J last accounts came from Tralee. ' Popular Outbreak at Carrkk-on-Suir, We are pained to learn by! letters fr m Car rick-oa-Suir2 that the saae feeling ct iacec Xeio York Advertiser. I Mr. Euitoi, ' I Fur several davsnast, I have observed grouos wut Wall street, very much ingat sometliirg, wbiciij tne crowd prevented peple who were passing by from seing, but which, upon closer inspection, proved to bA a basket witba litter of young pop pies of the bull dog breed in it. I did. not get near enough to ascertain the fact ptecisely, but from the stupid look Which they woreI cxiclu ded they were not quite old enough to open tfaeir eyes. I understood, however that they wete of the Hermitage or Jackson breed, and that it jwas uncertaio whether they ever would be able to see clearly, bnt a-oaM most likely be entirely de pendent upon the bid slut, who was lying byjthe ti,i nf ih. k-A-t I ITujo askini' the Drice of one of them, I was answered, "a new half Eagle of the Jackson coinage! devoid of the Liberty tap' and without LAtin nngo uponii. Aipai mw ment, a man who; 'did not know, bat who bad much the air and manner of a modern, patriot, came up and was ichioking money la .his Land, witb a very significiot air. Upon betrig enquired of what be had id his bawl, be remarked, with much exaltation, that he had Jackson bonei konrn'al de Parisii aJ proba-1 the money which was sent out by tne w .k;w m Tr.. I tnao for the henefltof tbt -demoeraey of tn hi TLvw..'u4-. iU mftntnr that it was all ictaaded for the cpm be like men j who de ified friend and humble f IENRT GRATTAN. I Brum, 21st June, 1$34. 'U.NCE. . L05DO5, June 30. French elections are (Jdo not differ from the afi Vit the first returns.-, We Dort of AHm coast of Peru, and twenty.fire milea inland from I Hiv uuim ui tee nay oi ine sarae name! hid down in our maps, as the Mortede Sama. j The sur-I rounding country is part of that hopeless wasto i which reaches along the coast from Tumbey tn : the confines of Chili, on which r.aturb in deni- I ing it rain has set the impress of eterbal stenl ity. i J ; The Cordillera cf the Andes, which -runs near- ly the whole extent of this side of Souib Ameri- ; ca, parallel with the ccasf, is distant bniy about twenty miles, and presents the sublime summits of the Tacora, and three oihcr natnefoss moun tains, covered, lor sereral thousand feet, with perpetual snow, glittering under the pure sun shine of a tropical sky. The climite fro;a our ) proximity to the Cordilleraon the one hand, add the pacific ocean on the other; is'one of the fines! in the world : seven years of almosj constant observation have given me a medium pf 63, a? the general average temperature of day and night;. Rain in the proper sense of the word,;s! unknown" in winter. We have sometimes a dnztlmg mist during the night ; but even this is ira-e, and wind, except in the slight southerly trade breeze which sets in about mid day and calms at sun4 set; is utterly unknown. A small stream dini-l fied by the name of river, des.nds fro.re the Cor dillera, and by iU careful distribution, upporLi the luxuriant vegetation which environs the town but these advantages are more than counterballan- cod by our exposure U earthquakes. . j Un the nigntoi tag 8;h ot October 1$51. at a! quarter past U o'clock, the first great "tremotto'H 'or a period ol nearly a century, look pace here4 Its approach was announced by a holioW rumb-' ling subteraneous noise, not unlike but much loud er than distant thunder. This lasted for about ten seconds, and was followed by a viulent j vertical I movement of the earth, hich continued for near- ly seventy seconds more. Many of the houses) were thrown down, the walls of others s haltered in every direction, and in some places ''pieces of buildings were detached from the middled walU, j leiviog the rest of the edifice uutnj.ir. ihis i earthquake ruined thetovvu of Anca.waS felt at the very extremity of the republic at th south as far uorih as Camana fine covering even de-i gret-8 Df latitude al.)g the coast. It was also -l felt at sea, at a distance of 100 miles froin Arica.l and at Chuqubaca, 400 miles inland, baking to j its centre not only the immense breadth of iho i main Cordillera, but the latteral cha(n of thej fotosi,on the' eastern extremity of which Chu- L quiiaca is situateJ. The great shock was follow edby two other at 1 1 P. M. and j qftlie follow- ing morning, and the earth continued sensibly j trembling for at lea3t a fotnight afterviards, up j to the 7th uf February I counted nine-j ty seven distinct shocks, and from that; day th j g-reater part jf the earthquakes -ve have had j have taken place without the noise which used 1 formerly to precede them. i On the inornmg of ihe 16th September last, j precisely atjB o'clock, another dreadiuricoiivul- ion of the earth occntrcd here, which destroyed j at least 1U00 of the 1200 hoc of thisjunforto- nate city besides coaipletmg the utter rulin of A- j rica, and uie omer soiaii vjwua.- mu cjiu quake cuaunenced m its full force without any preceding noise. It lasted forty three pecond, and the nuvement of the earth was horizontal, with two or three undolatory cscilLttyn, the most alarrning and dangerous of all, Tliose who like myself, inay have frequently', experienced similar things, will agree with me thai it is n tuae for exactness in caJcalaiioc, norcoaWJ ?ak with precision to the daratfoo of thi convuUicu in which my ijersonal safety -aiirt many way threatened, but for the fact .of bating my watch at the moment of its occurrence in- r.ty hand, and rarmIesrve'j pteance cf'i'id - t . j i A t j' ' I . ;! ! V ;-Ai:-: ; . . - :T . s - i; ': - t ,' , - !A f !" i ' i - K ,y 1 - r -A" ; f :, - AT' I'. I 1 1 t- S ' f . i ,l A' ' f,-r--' r I il , , -S. -' ? -' ff '"' ': j 'I-' 1 - .I.1 r ' '. . A'.' V-J:''--Lj- 1 t it' ' 5

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